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A Grammar of

Mandarin Chinese

Hua Lin

Languages of the World/Materials 344

Published by LINCOM EUROPA 2001.
Table of Contents

All correspondence concerning Languages of the World/Materials
should be addressed to:
1.2.1 The Northern Dialect 7
1.2.2 Yue II
1.2.3 Mitt 14
1.2.4 Kejia 17
Fret adstr. 3
D-81543 Muenchen
NCOM. [email protected] 2.1.1 Consonants 25
http://home.t-online.defhome/LINCOM.EUROPA 2.1.2 Vowels 26 2.2 THE SYLLABLE 27
2.2.1 The Initial And the Final 29
FAX +49 89 6226 9404 2.2.2 Phonotactic Constraints
2.3.1 Consonants 37
2.3.2 Vowels 39
All rights reserved, including the rights of translation into any foreign language, 2.3.3 Pinyin and IPA 41
No part of this book may be reproduced in any way without the permission of 2.4 THE TONES 44

the publisher. 2.4.1 Basic Tones 44

2.4.2 Neutral Tone 48

Edited by Ulrich J. LUders CHAPTER 3. MORPHOLOGY... 52


Printed in E.C. 52
3. 1.1 Monosyllabicity
3.1.2 Free and Bound 54
Printed on chlorine-free paper 3.2 THE WORD 55
3.3.1 Affixation 56
3.3.2 Compounding 62
3.3.3 Reduplication 69
3.3.4 Abbreviations 78
3.3.5 Disyllabicity 82
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data
3.4.! Lucky and Taboo Expressions 85
A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die 3.5 WORD STRESS 86
Deutsche Bibliothek ( ) 3.5.1 Meaningful Stress 87
3.6.1 Sound Route 89
3.6.2 Meaning Route 90
3.6.3 Sound and Meaning Combined 91
ISBN 3 89586 642 3 3.6.4 From Cantonese 92

4.1 Nounis 96
Published by LINCOM EUROPA 2001.
Table of Contents

All correspondence concerning Languages of the World/Materials
should be addressed to:
1.2.1 The Northern Dialect 7
1.2.2 Yue II
1.2.3 Mitt 14
1.2.4 Kejia 17
Fret adstr. 3
D-81543 Muenchen
NCOM. [email protected] 2.1.1 Consonants 25
http://home.t-online.defhome/LINCOM.EUROPA 2.1.2 Vowels 26 2.2 THE SYLLABLE 27
2.2.1 The Initial And the Final 29
FAX +49 89 6226 9404 2.2.2 Phonotactic Constraints
2.3.1 Consonants 37
2.3.2 Vowels 39
All rights reserved, including the rights of translation into any foreign language, 2.3.3 Pinyin and IPA 41
No part of this book may be reproduced in any way without the permission of 2.4 THE TONES 44

the publisher. 2.4.1 Basic Tones 44

2.4.2 Neutral Tone 48

Edited by Ulrich J. LUders CHAPTER 3. MORPHOLOGY... 52


Printed in E.C. 52
3. 1.1 Monosyllabicity
3.1.2 Free and Bound 54
Printed on chlorine-free paper 3.2 THE WORD 55
3.3.1 Affixation 56
3.3.2 Compounding 62
3.3.3 Reduplication 69
3.3.4 Abbreviations 78
3.3.5 Disyllabicity 82
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data
3.4.! Lucky and Taboo Expressions 85
A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die 3.5 WORD STRESS 86
Deutsche Bibliothek ( ) 3.5.1 Meaningful Stress 87
3.6.1 Sound Route 89
3.6.2 Meaning Route 90
3.6.3 Sound and Meaning Combined 91
ISBN 3 89586 642 3 3.6.4 From Cantonese 92

4.1 Nounis 96
4,1.1 Types of Nouns 96 5.5.1 Yes-or-No Questions 176
4.1.2 Syntactic Properties 97 5.5.2 Wh-Questions 179
4.2 VERBS 99 5.5.3 Choice and Counterfactual Questions 181
42.1 Types of Verbs 99 5.6 COMPLEX SENTENCES 182
4.2.2 Syntactic Properties 100 5.6.1 Coordinate Complex Sentences 183
4.3 ADJECTIV ES 103 5.6.2 Endocentric Complex Sentences 186
4.3.1 Types of Adjectives 103
4.3.2 Syntactic Properties 104
4.4.1 Types of Numbers 105
4.4.2 Syntactic Properties 106
4.5.1 Types of Classifiers 107
4.5.2 Syntactic Properties 108
4.6 PRONOUNS 108
4.6.1 Types of Pronouns 108
4.6.2 Syntactic Properties 110
4.7 ADVERBS 111
4.7.1 Types of Adverbs 111
4.7.2 Syntactic Properties 112
4.8.1 Types of Prepositions 112
4.8.2 Syntactic Properties 113
4.9.1 Types of Conjunctions 114
4.9.2 Syntactic Properties 115
4.10.1 Types of Auxiliary Particles 117
4.10.2 Syntactic Properties 117
5.2 PHRASES 126
5.2.1 Noun Phrases 127
5.2.2 Verb Phrases 132
5.2.3 Adjective Phrases 143
5.2.4 Prepositional Phrase 146
5.3.1 Subjects 151
5.3.2 Predicates 153
5.3.3 Objects 154
5.3.4 Attributives 156
5.3.5 Adverbials 157
5.3.6 Complements 158
5.3.7 Functional Usage of Various Words and Phrases 163
5.4.1 The Perfective Aspect 169
5.4.2 The Experiential Aspect 171
5.4.3 The Progressive Aspect 173
5.4.4 Negation 174
4,1.1 Types of Nouns 96 5.5.1 Yes-or-No Questions 176
4.1.2 Syntactic Properties 97 5.5.2 Wh-Questions 179
4.2 VERBS 99 5.5.3 Choice and Counterfactual Questions 181
42.1 Types of Verbs 99 5.6 COMPLEX SENTENCES 182
4.2.2 Syntactic Properties 100 5.6.1 Coordinate Complex Sentences 183
4.3 ADJECTIV ES 103 5.6.2 Endocentric Complex Sentences 186
4.3.1 Types of Adjectives 103
4.3.2 Syntactic Properties 104
4.4.1 Types of Numbers 105
4.4.2 Syntactic Properties 106
4.5.1 Types of Classifiers 107
4.5.2 Syntactic Properties 108
4.6 PRONOUNS 108
4.6.1 Types of Pronouns 108
4.6.2 Syntactic Properties 110
4.7 ADVERBS 111
4.7.1 Types of Adverbs 111
4.7.2 Syntactic Properties 112
4.8.1 Types of Prepositions 112
4.8.2 Syntactic Properties 113
4.9.1 Types of Conjunctions 114
4.9.2 Syntactic Properties 115
4.10.1 Types of Auxiliary Particles 117
4.10.2 Syntactic Properties 117
5.2 PHRASES 126
5.2.1 Noun Phrases 127
5.2.2 Verb Phrases 132
5.2.3 Adjective Phrases 143
5.2.4 Prepositional Phrase 146
5.3.1 Subjects 151
5.3.2 Predicates 153
5.3.3 Objects 154
5.3.4 Attributives 156
5.3.5 Adverbials 157
5.3.6 Complements 158
5.3.7 Functional Usage of Various Words and Phrases 163
5.4.1 The Perfective Aspect 169
5.4.2 The Experiential Aspect 171
5.4.3 The Progressive Aspect 173
5.4.4 Negation 174
To my del -ova 1mother, Liu Sui
ltrMAti*ob47,4;MO 7

first thought of writing a book about the linguistics of Mandarin Chinese some ten years ago
while teaching a course on this subject at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
I found that in preparing for my lectures there were no published works in English specifically
on the major aspects of Mandarin from a descriptive, linguistic perspective, rather, just a few
grammar books on the prescriptive, pedagogical elements of Mandarin. There were excellent
works such as Chinese (1988) by Jerry Norman and Languages of China (1987) by Robert
Ramsey. Both of these books focus on the major Chinese dialects and more, rather than aspects
of Mandarin. The well-known classics such as A Grammar of Spoken Chinese (1968) by Yuen
Ren Chao and Mandarin Chinese: A Functional Reference Grammar (1980 by Charles Li and
Sandra Thompson deal primarily with the syntax, rather than the phonology of Mandarin. In
China, there are a good number of grammar books on Mandarin, but all are in Chinese and
written in a descriptive framework somewhat unfamiliar to linguists in the West. Additionally,
I was presented with the problem of approaching the Mandarin aspects from a more or less
current theoretical perspective. Thus, after teaching the course for nearly ten years while all the
time hoping that such a book would come along, decided in 1999 that I should write one such
book myself. Hence the birth of the current book.

This book may be used by both beginners and professionals. It can be used as a textbook for
Mandarin linguistics, or by professionals as a reference book on the major aspects of the
language. There are parts in which some long standing theoretical issues are dealt with; and
there are parts in which putative solutions are proposed which, I hope, will provoke debate or
lead researchers into further studies.

In the course of writing this book, I received generous help and support from many individuals.
While it is not possible to mention everyone here, I will take this opportunity to express my
gratitude to a few. My thanks are due first of all to my colleagues, Drs. Thomas M. Hess,
Daniel J. Bryant and Edward E. Owen, to my student Mr. Darryl Sterk and my graduate
students Miss Lei Hong and Ms. Lili Ma. Each read at least three chapters of the book, and
provided most valuable comments. I am particularly indebted to Professor Hess, who gave a
final careful perusal of the whole book and not only provided valuable comments but also
corrected typographic errors and inconsistencies. I am also grateful to my many students, who,
during my ten years of teaching Chinese linguistics, have contributed much to my knowledge
of the field through their own research and through our discussion and debate in and out of
class. Finally, I thank my dear mother. As a mother of two children myself, holding a full-time
academic appointment, I could not have found the time to write this book if my seventy-five
year old mother had not taken on the domestic chores and cared for my five-year-old daughter.

Needless to say, all errors in this book are entirely mine.

January 17, 2001


Chapter 1. Introduction
Mandarin Chinese claims the largest number of speakers among all languages of the
world. According to Ethnologue: Languages of the World (Grimes 2000), Mandarin has 885
million speakers, surpassing English, the most widely-spoken language, by 63 million. Of
Mandarin speakers, eighty-seven percent live in China; the rest are found in countries and regions
such as Taiwan (4.3 million), Indonesia (0.46 million), Malaysia (0.42 million), and Singapore
(0.2 million). 1 It is the standard dialect of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan and is one
of the official languages of Singapore. 2
The term 'Mandarin Chinese' is not a monosemy, but has at least three references. In a
broader sense, it refers to the native dialect of approximately two-thirds of China's population,
most of whom reside north of the Yantze River. Also known as the Northern Dialect, Mandarin
Chinese in this sense refers to one of the seven major Chinese dialects that include Yue
(Cantonese), Min (Fukien), Kejia
(Hakka), Wu (Shanghainese), Xiang
and Gan. (See the map of China on
the left.) This Northern version of the
Chinese language is by no means
homogenous internally. While
practically all its sub-dialects are
mutually intelligible, regional
1. N. Dialect differences are often more
2. Wu
3. Min conspicuous than those among the
4. Kejia various dialects of English in
5. Yue
6. Xiang England and North America. The
7. Gan differences lie chiefly in the sound
systems. The Mandarin dialect
spoken in the city of Jinan in the northern coastal province of Shandong, for instance, has
distinctive phonetic and phonological qualities different from those in the dialect of Chengdu,
Sichuan Province, in Southwest China. Even within the same province, say, Shandong, Mandarin
dialects can vary considerably phonetically and phonologically. Take tonal difference for an
example. The dialect of Pingdu (K. R. Yu 1992) and Zichuan (Meng and Luo 1994) have only
three tones, as opposed to the four tones found in most other Mandarin dialects of the province.
Even the dialects with the same categories of tones may differ in the values of these tones. A
word with a Yin Ping, 3 for instance, is high-level in Beijing, but low-dipping in Jinan (Z. Y. Qian
1963 and Qian et al. 1998).

All figures are from Grimes (2000).
Other official languages in Singapore are English, Malay and Tamil.
See the coming subsection for information about this tone.

More narrowly, the term Mandarin Chinese means any one of the individual Mandarin
dialects such as those of Jinan and Chengdu mentioned above. This second reference is, however,
not a much used one, that being the third reference--Mandarin as Standard Chinese. Mandarin as
Standard Chinese is officially defined in the People's Republic of China as 'the modern Han 4
people's common language, taking the Beijing sound system as its pronunciation standards, the
vocabulary from the Northern Dialect as its foundation, and the grammar from the model modern
writings in the vernacular as its grammar standards' (Y. Chen 1974, p.1). 5 It is the dialect used in
all the major media systems in China, comparable to BBC English in the United Kingdom, and is
used extensively in school teaching in China. It is widely spoken in non-Mandarin areas as a
second or an additional dialect (or language) in the country.
Widely referred to as Mandarin in the West, Modern Standard Chinese has more than one
name in the Chinese language. It has been officially designated and popularly accepted as
P}t8nghu3 , literally, Common Language, in the People's Republic of China (often
referred to as Mainland China). There, it is also frequently called H3ny} , the Language of
the Han People, although the latter term can be ambiguous since it can refer to Chinese dialects
other than Mandarin. Outside the mainland, it is referred to as Gu9y} , National Language,
in Taiwan, and before 1997, in Hong Kong. In Singapore, it is referred to as Hu1y} , the
Language of the Hua People, the word Hua being an archaic term for Chinese. In schools where
Chinese is taught in and outside China, Zh8ngw5n , the Language of China, is extensively
used. Historically, what is known as P}t8nghu3 today corresponds more or less to Gu`nhu3 ,
the Official Language, used to refer to the Beijing-dialect-based lingua franca used before
modern times. This book is devoted to this standard dialectMandarin as Standard Chinese

1.1 A Brief History

To gain a better perspective of and to better understand MSC, it is useful to first have a
look at Chinese dialects in general and the history of these dialects. Theoretically speaking, all the
modern Chinese vernaculars except Min are descendents of what have come to be known as
Middle Chinese (MC); Min has been found to have inherited directly certain features of Old
Chinese (around 1700-200 BC) 6 not found in other modern dialects. Although the periodization
of the history of the Chinese language is far from resolved (see M. Chan 1999 for details), MC
roughly refers to the period of Chinese history around the time when the famous dictionary

Han, otherwise known as Chinese, is the largest ethnic group in China, constituting 93 percent (figure from Microsoft Bookshelf
1996 Basic Edition) of the population. See the term H3ny} in the next paragraph.
This standard definition appears in numerous books on P}t8nghu3 published in China. Chen's is only one of them.
Refer to P. H. Ting (1993).

Qieyun was published in 601 AD (P. H. Ting 1993, and L. Wang 1958). 7 Due to the non-phonetic
nature of the Chinese writing system, much information about MC, especially about its sound
system, remains unknown. However, from Qieyun and other literary works, and from historical
comparative studies of today's dialects, linguists have been able to identify a number of important
characteristics of the MC system. First, MC had primarily monosyllabic words. Second, its closed
syllables 8 ended in one of the six consonants /-p, -t, -k, -m, -n, -/, namely three stops and three
nasals. A third important feature of MC is that it had three sets of syllable-initial obstruents (stops
and affricates 9 ), two voiceless sets and one voiced set. The two voiceless sets are an aspirated set
and an unaspirated one. Take the bilabial stops for an example. During MC time, there were three
contrastive bilabial stops: a voiceless aspirated /p-/, a voiceless unaspirated /p-/, and a voiced /b-
/, which roughly correspond to the stops in pit, spit, and bit, respectively, in English. The
following are the three sets of the initial obstruents of MC:

stops affricates

[-vc, +asp] p t k kw ts chr chy

[-vc, -asp] p t k k ts ch chy
[+vc] b d g gw dz dzr dzy

A fourth known fact about MC is that it had four tones. Although the exact values (e.g.,
high, low, rising or falling) of these tones are still a mystery, we know that these four tones were
named P^ng , Sh2ng , Q] , and R] and that the Ru 10 tone syllables all ended in one of
the three stops /-p/, /-t/, or /-k/ (e.g., lyp 'stand', byt 'separate', and muk 'tree'). Strictly
speaking, the Ru tone is not exactly a tonal category, but a category made up of syllables with a
common segmental featureending in a stop. Here one may pause and think of this intriguing
question: if MC had four tones, what was the case prior to MC? Or, has the Chinese language
always been a tonal language since its inception? The answers to these questions have not been
decisively achieved, although the generally held position is that the Chinese language has not
always been tonal. One important clue for this conjecture comes from the observation that some
relatives of the Chinese language, such as the Tibetan dialect of Amdo, are atonal (Baxter 1992).

In view of sound changes, MC is dated around AD 420-900 while Old Chinese around 1700-200 BC (P. H. Ting
Closed syllables are those that end in a consonant (e.g., pat), as opposed to open syllables, which end in a vowel
(e.g., me).
Stops are consonants that are typified by a complete blockage of airflow and a sudden release from it. Affricates
start out like a stop with an airflow blockage but continue into a fricative sound that does not have complete air
Tone marking on names of tones will be largely omitted in regular paragraphs.

The clue thereby gives rise to the question: did Amdo Tibetan lose its tones or did Chinese
generate tones? A number of scholars have been able to argue for the emergence of tones in
Chinese (e.g., T. L. Mei 1970, and Pulleyblank 1962a, 1962b, and 1986). According to these
scholars, tones were developed in Chinese when a group of syllables ending in the glottal stop /-
/ began to be spoken with a higher or rising pitch, and those ending in another consonant, /-h/,
began to be spoken with a lower or falling pitch. When these final consonants disappeared due to
a historical attrition of the Chinese syllables, the pitch differences remained, thereby giving rise to
genuine tonal contrast. Across languages, tonogenesis has been found to be fairly common
(Haudricourt 1954, P. Ramsey 2000 and Svantesson 2000), and there is phonetic research which
supports the possibility that tones can develop from syllable-final consonants (Hombert 1978). If
tones developed from a non-tonal state, the exact time when these tones were developed remains
controversial (M. Chan 1989). Some believe that they were developed after the Old Chinese
period of time (e.g., Pulleyblank 1986); others believe in a much earlier time (e.g., S. Z. Zhang
If tonogenesis which led to the beginning of tones in Chinese is still an unresolved issue,
linguists of Chinese generally agree that another type of tonogenesis, a very important one as far
as understanding today's dialects is concerned, did occur in the language, and it happened more
recently in history. It was established that some time between the MC of the seventh century and
the emergence of the early vernaculars of the thirteenth century, the four MC tones went through
a split. Each of them was split into two tones, a higher-pitched one and a lower-pitched one. What
this means is that if there was a level tone with the value of 33 11 in MC, after the split, some
syllables with this level tone were pronounced with a high tone of, say, 44 in value, and others
with a low tone, say, 22 in value. Or, if at that time there was a rising tone 24, after the split, two
tones 35 and 13 emerged. 12 The result of the split was that now in the Chinese language, there
were eight rather than four tones. Traditionally, the Chinese term y%n and y1ng have been
used for the higher and lower tones respectively. Combining y%n and y1ng with P^ng, Sh2ng, Q],
and R], we now have the following eight tones:

(1.2) Y%n Y1ng

P^ng 1. Y%n P^ng 2. Y1n P^ng

Sh2ng 3. Y%n Sh2ng 4. Y1ng Sh2ng

Q] 5. Y%n Q] 6. Y1ng Q]

R] 7. Y%n R] 8. Y1ng R]

Such tonal values are given in Y. R. Chao' scale of five pitch levels. See Figure (2.27) in the next chapter for a diagram of the
It should be emphasized that all values here are hypothetical since we do not know for sure what values MC tones had. The
values are just used here to exemplify what may have happened during the split. Furthermore, the original processes may have
been much more complex than what is exemplified here.

Similar to tonogenesis that brought tones into Chinese, this tonal development was caused
by certain consonants, albeit this time by syllable-initial consonants. As mentioned previously,
MC of the seventh century had two series of voiceless obstruents and a series of voiced ones at
the syllable-initial position. Later, the syllables with the voiceless obstruents (e.g., /p-,p-,t-,t-/)
began to be pronounced with a higher pitch, while those with the voiced (e.g., /b-,d-/) began to be
pronounced with a lower pitch. At this time, the pitch difference was still part of a segmental or
consonantal difference, and not a genuine tonal difference. The language then went through
another significant change in which the voiced obstruents began to disappear by becoming
devoiced, merging with the two voiceless series. But what did not disappear with them was the
lower pitch they effected. Thus, what started out as segmental difference became genuine tonal
difference, and there were now eight rather than four tones.
In addition to the reduction in the number of syllable-initial consonants in Chinese, at
around the same time, the language also experienced reduction in its syllable-final consonants
such as /-p, -t, -k/. The reduction processes were in fact part of a continuous process of syllable
simplification that may have started during Old Chinese or earlier and has continued in the
Chinese dialects to the present. Here it should be noted that neither reduction processes
consistently occurs in all Chinese dialects, nor have all the eight tones from the tone split
remained intact in all Chinese dialecta. As well, the syllable simplification in time caused more
changes that went along varied courses in Chinese dialects. It is exactly such difference that has
helped shape dialect variations in Chinese, which will be elaborated on below.

1.2 The Chinese Dialects

Before turning to the Chinese dialects, it is important to address a controversial issue that
concerns the definition of the term 'dialect'. Traditionally, the various versions of the Chinese
language have always been regarded as dialects of the same language by language specialists in
China. However, more recently, some linguists outside of China began to criticize this traditional
approach, and began to refer to the Chinese dialects as languages. The controversy stems from the
observation that the seven Chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible. According to standard
linguistic theories in the West, when two language forms are mutually intelligible, they are
dialects; otherwise, they are languages. Since the seven versions of Chinese are not mutually
intelligible, they should be regarded as individual languages rather than dialects. As Steibergs
(1987) remarked, 'we often speak of Chinese as if it were a single language, even though it is
actually a number of separate, mutually unintelligible languages..., each with a host of dialects
However, it seems that the mutual intelligibility criterion was based on languages such as
those found in Europe, and because of such an origin, it is simplistic to apply to Chinese. It is true
that what are traditionally considered dialects of Chinese are no more intelligible among each
other than, say, English is to a German, or French is to an Italian, yet the differences among the
Chinese dialects are not analogous to those among the European languages. First, the
unintelligibility among the Chinese dialects is caused mainly by differences in their sounds and
sound structures. Although phonologically the Chinese dialects vary enough to mar mutual

understanding, they share more or less the same word structures and fairly identical syntactic
ones. In the European case, the languages such as French and Italian are not only significantly
different phonologically, but they also have quite distinctive word and sentence systems. Thus, to
consider the Chinese dialects as different languages ignores other and perhaps more important
aspects of language and it is no wonder that it should appear quite counterintuitive to native
speakers of the Chinese dialects.
In the second case, when making dialect versus language judgement, other non-language-
specific factors also need to be considered. In the Chinese case, these factors include history,
culture, and identity. Although the Chinese people today cannot communicate with each other if
they do not speak the same dialect, they have shared a more or less common and continuous
history that goes back several millenniums. The Wu-speaking people, for instance, do not have a
history distinctive enough to establish them as an ethnic or national group separate from, say, the
Yue-speaking people. Along with history and nationality, the Han (or Chinese) people as a whole
have also shared a common cultural heritage, and it is no wonder that they all identify themselves
as members of the same ethnic group of Chinese regardless of what versions of Chinese they
speak. The situation is very different in Europe where groups with different languages often have
their own sufficiently distinctive history and cultural heritage.
Third, all Chinese dialects are able to share one and the same writing system. Even though
a written text is based on Mandarin in vocabulary and syntax, literate Chinese of all dialects can
understand it, in spite of the fact that they may be pronouncing the words in their own dialects.
Such sharing of a writing system has not only helped foster a common identity and a sense of
culture and linguistic unity. By comparison, imagine using a common writing system in Europe!
Although it may be true that the unique non-phonetic, logographic nature of the Chinese writing
system is somewhat responsible for the sharing capability, it would be unthinkable to have a text
written in English in a logographic writing system and be readily read by a German. It seems
therefore that considering all the factors, the Chinese language is best left to be regarded as one
with dialects rather than as several individual languages.
There is another issue that needs to be mentioned before the discussion of the Chinese
dialects. Although we have been considering major Chinese dialects, dialect division within the
Chinese language has never been an easy task. Different theories exist. Most approach the
problem from the perspective of the historical lineage using the standard historical comparative
method. Others divide them based on the degree of mutual intelligibility calculated from the
similarities and differences among various aspects of the dialects. 13 In spite of these different
approaches, the most widely held position nowadays is that the Chinese language has seven

One very interesting study in the latter fashion is recently done by the well-known linguist of Chinese, Professor
Chin Chuan Cheng (1996), who quantified the differences in vocabulary, tone, initial consonants, and final rhymes of
various Chinese dialects and came up with a fascinating scheme of dialect division.

major dialects, 14 a position that will be followed here.

In the remainder of this section, the Chinese dialects will be reviewed. Due to a shortage
of space, the review will be brief and selective. It will address only five important ones 15 of the
seven: Mandarin (as the Northern Dialect), Yue (Cantonese), Min, Kejia (Hakka), and Wu. As
these dialects are differentiated among one another especially phonologically, this brief
discussion will focus on their sound systems, particularly their consonantal systems. Further,
focus will be on features that make each dialect stand out from the rest, and where applicable,
reference will be made to aspects of MC and their development in the dialect under concern.
Because all these dialects comprise sub-dialects which may vary considerably, the well-
established approach of focusing on the typical and representative sub-dialect will be adopted

1.2.1 The Northern Dialect

In the previous discussion of the
historical development of the Chinese language,
it was mentioned that the four MC tones were
later developed into eight. What then happened
to the eight tones in Mandarin or b6if`nghu3
, the Northern Dialect? In contrast to
other Chinese dialects, Mandarin as the
Northern Dialect has moved furthest away from
MC in tonal development. Typically, the eight
tones merged into four: Yin Ping, Yang Ping,
Shang and Qu, which have traditionally been
referred to as, respectively, the First, Second,
Third and Fourth Tones of Mandarin. While almost all Mandarin dialects have these four tonal
categories, the value of each tone can vary greatly from one dialect to another. Take Beijing,
Jinan and Xi'an for example: 17

They are Mandarin (as the Northern Dialect), Yue (Cantonese), Min, Kejia (Hakka), Wu, Xiang and Gan.
Important in the sense that they are more influential in the country and outside of it, or better understood today.
In a few Mandarin dialects, the number can be more or less than four (see W. S-Y. Wang 1991 for details).
The data are from H3ny} F`ngy1n C^hu* (1995) 'Dictionary of a Collection of Chinese Words' (See
the third item in References).

1st Tone 2nd Tone 3rd Tone 4th Tone

Beijing 55 35 214 51
Jinan 213 42 55 21
Xi'an 21 24 53 55

All three are Mandarin dialects, yet their tonal values vary. For instance, the First Tone is
high-level in Beijing, low-dipping in Jinan, and low-falling in Xi'an. Consistently missing from
almost all Mandarin dialects is the Ru tone, which, as mentioned earlier, was not strictly a tonal
category but one that includes all the MC syllables that end in either /-p/, /-t/ or /-k/.
A second important development that sets Mandarin apart from most other Chinese
dialects is the completeness of the syllable simplification processes as described earlier in Section
1.1. Of the six syllable-final consonants of MC, only two nasals have survived: /-n/ and //. The
other four have disappeared. The MC words such as lap 'pull', byt 'separate', muk 'tree', and sam
'three' are no longer pronounced as such in Mandarin, and in their place are la, py, mu, and san,
respectively. 18 The final stops disappeared, and the final bilabial nasal merged with another nasal.
Earlier we mentioned that all the MC Ru-tone syllables ended in one of the three stops /-p,-t,-k/,
and that the Ru tones no longer exit in Mandarin. It is now clear why there is no longer the Ru
tone in this dialect: it has gone with the disappearance of the final stops. The MC syllables that
used to bear the Ru tone can now be found in the other three tonal categories in Mandarin. Such
merging process has traditionally been called r] p3i s`n sh4ng : assigning Ru syllables
to the other three tones.
Syllable-initially, Mandarin has also undergone significant change; all the MC voiced
obstruents have disappeared, becoming devoiced and merged with either their aspirated voiceless
counterparts or the unaspirated ones. Thus, instead of the MC forms such as tung 'through' with
an aspirated voiceless initial and dung 'boy' with a voiced initial, the voiced initial d- in the latter
lost its voicing quality and became t- in Mandarin. This resulted in the two words becoming
homophones of each other, sharing the same phonetic form: tung 19 in the dialect. Besides
merging with an aspirated voiceless initial, some MC voiced initials merged with their
unaspirated voiceless counterparts. For instance, the MC words 'sad' and 'double' were puay and
buay respectively in form, but the voiced initial b- later became unaspirated and voiceless, and as
a result, the two words are united into one formpey in today's Mandarin. With regard to tones,
the devoiced MC obstruents became aspirated in the Ping tone, but unaspirated in other tones. 20

The phonetic transcriptions are in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).
Tones are ignored here, as are those in the following example.
A few Mandarin dialects do not obey this rule. See S. Q. Qiao (1983), and Yang et al (1971) for details.

A third development in Mandarin is a direct result of the syllable simplification. In fact,

the effect of syllable simplification in Mandarin goes far beyond the reduction of the number of
syllables in the dialect. One immediate and quite significant result is that many words which used
to be different in form are now homophones. The effect can be simply illustrated with the bilabial
stops /p-, p-, b/ using hypothetical words. Suppose in MC, there were the following eighteen
words, each with a different form.

(1.4) -p -t -k -m -n
p- pa pap pat pak pam pan
p- pa pap pat pak pam pan
b- ba bap bat bak bam ban

After the disappearance or devoicing of the voiced initial b-, the forms in the bottom row
would disappear, and the eighteen words would now share twelve forms. Then after the dropping
of the three final stops /-p,-t,-k/, only six forms were left, shared by the eighteen words. Finally,
after the merging of the final /-m/ with /-n/, there were only four forms (shown below in the
shaded boxes) left to be shared by the eighteen words:

(1.5) -p -t -k -m -n
p- pa pap pat pak pam pan
p- pa pap pat pak pam pan
b- ba bap bat bak bam ban

Of course, what has been illustrated here is simplistic and extreme. The reality is more
complicated and perhaps less dramatic. Yet, it serves the purpose of illustrating the extensiveness
of homophones resulting from the impact of the syllable simplification in Mandarin. One survey
(B. Y. Yin 1984) finds that among the 1200-1300 syllable types of Mandarin, 21 only 297, or
about a quarter of them, are syllables with just one meaning attached. The rest are all associated
with two or more meanings. Examine the following.

(1.6) ji3ng 'fall, descend'

ji3ng 'craftsman'
ji3ng 'soya sauce'
ji3ng 'crimson'
ji3ng 'pasty, thick'

ji3ng 'army general'

ji3ng 'stubborn'

Mandarin has about 400 syllables if tonal difference is disregarded, but about 1300 if tonal difference is considered a difference in syllable.

The above is an example of a group of homophones from today's Mandarin given in

Pinyin; all have the same pronunciation, tone included. Now let us look at a fourth development
in Mandarin. The change that started out with syllable simplification did not stop at the
production of homophones. Indeed, one should not normally expect one change in a language to
have no further effect, as chain reactions are common in language evolution. In the case of
Mandarin, it is at least partially due to the great number of homophones in the language that
another significant historical development was effectedthe disyllabification of words. Earlier,
we mentioned that MC had predominantly single-syllable words. However, when the syllable
simplification was producing a great number of homophones, the dialect had to make some
adjustment to avoid ambiguity. One logical measure would be to enlarge the word in size, and
that was exactly what happened. Today in Mandarin disyllabic words prevail (see Chapter 2 for
further details), thereby greatly reducing the number of homophones at the word level. The
following illustrates how enlarging word size can solve ambiguity in Mandarin, using examples
from (1.6):

Monosyllabic Disyllabic

a. ji3ng ji3nglu- 'fall, descend'

b. ji3ng g8ngji3ng 'craftsman'
c. ji3ng ji3ngy9u 'soya sauce'
d. ji3ng ji3ngs7 'crimson'
e. ji3ng ji3nghu 'pasty, thick'
f. ji3ng ji3ngl&ng 'army general'
g. ji3ng ji3ng 'stubborn'

By the disyllabification process of compounding, the first six words become two syllables
in size, their original meanings intact. The resultant two-syllable words are no longer
homophones of one another in spite of their sharing the common form ji3ng. Disyllabification has
not wiped out the monosyllabic homophones; it has merely demoted them from the level of the
word to the level of the morpheme in the dialect. 22
Finally, there is an important feature in Mandarin that distinguishes it from the southern
dialects: there is a set of palatal consonants /t-, t-,-/ (j, q and x in Pinyin), which were
mainly evolved from the MC velar consonant /k-, k-, g-, x/. For instance, the MC ka 'family' is
tya in Mandarin, where the velar k- has evolved into the palatal t-. We will return to this point
in the next section on the Yue dialect.

This does not mean, however, that there are no longer homophones at the two-syllable word level. However, the number of
homophones at this level is no longer 'abnormal' compared with that in other languages. For more information, refer to Chapter 2.

1.2.2 Yue
Other than Mandarin, the most well-known Chinese dialect in the West is the Yue dialect
, better known as Cantonese.
However, the popular term 'Cantonese'
suffers the same vagueness as 'Mandarin'
by having at least three references: first
Yue, the term parallel to the Northern
Dialect and referring to the Chinese dialect
spoken as in Hong Kong, the adjacent
Province of Guangdong, and part of the
Province of Guangxi; second, any of the
sub-dialects of Yue (e.g., Siye dialect and
Kaiping dialect); third, the Guangzhou
(Canton) dialect, the representative dialect
of Yue, spoken in the capital city of
Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. What is
examined in this section is primarily the Guangzhou dialect.
Guangzhou is well-known for having as many as nine tones while most Chinese dialects
have less than that. How then are the nine tones related to the eight tones that were derived from
the four MC tones? Now examine the following table:

Tone Category Value Examples

1. Yin Ping 53\55 i 'teacher'

2. Yang Ping 21 i 'time'
3. Yin Shang 35 i 'history'
4. Yang Shang 13 i 'market'
5. Yin Qu 33 i 'try'
6. Yang Qu 22 i 'be'
7a. Yin Ru (upper) 5 ik 'know'
7b. Yin Ru (lower) 3 ip 'wade'
8. Yang Ru 2 ik 'food'

The tone evolution in Guangzhou was much simpler than in the case of Mandarin: all
eight MC derivatives have remained, although the Yin Ru tone is split into two, resulting in a

total of nine tones. 23 Note that Tone Number 7 is split into two.
A second feature of the Guangzhou dialect is that it has preserved the higher-versus-
lower-pitch difference between the Yin and Yang tones. As seen in the above illustration, all the
Yin tones are higher-pitched than their Yang counterparts. As well, the set of syllable-final stops
has been preserved, which, as shown in the last section, disappeared in Mandarin. In fact, not only
has Guangzhou preserved all these stops, but it has also kept the final bilabial nasal consonant /-
m/, which is also lost in Mandarin. The following are examples of Guangzhou words ending in
these consonants. Compare them with their Beijing cognates given alongside: 24

Guangzhou Beijing

lap6 li 'stand'
lt li 'chestnut'
lak8 ley 'rib'
lam2 lin 'forest'

ta:p7a t a 'insert'

ta:t7a t a 'observe'

ta:k8 tsey 'thief'

ta:m1 tsan 'participate'

Guangzhou, like Mandarin, has lost the MC voiced initials, which are merged with their
voiceless counterparts. As to which merges with the aspirated and which with the unaspirated set,
Guangzhou is similar to Mandarin; that is, those in the Ping-toned syllables became aspirated and
those in other tones became unaspirated (F. K. Li 1939). However, there are exceptions in which
Guangzhou differs from Mandarin. For instance, the MC word buay 'double' with a voiced
initial is puy with an aspirated voiceless initial in Guangzhou, but pey with an unaspirated
voiceless initial in Beijing.
The palatalization of MC velars, which is a typical feature of Mandarin, has not occurred
in Guangzhou. Compare the following examples from Guangzhou and Beijing:

In the discussion of the Chinese dialects in this chapter, the tonal data are taken from the 1995 H3ny} F`ngy1n
C^hu* 'Dictionary of a Collection of Chinese Words' with slight adaptation (See the third item in
References). Unless otherwise noted, all word data in this chapter, except those for Mandarin, are taken with slight
adaptation from the 1962 H3ny} F`ngy%n Z*hu* 'Dictionary of a Collection of the Chinese Characters.'
(See the second item in References.) The Mandarin examples are provided by the author based on the IPA system
given in the second chapter.
The numbers in superscript are the tonal numbers as assigned to the eight derivatives of the MC tones (cf. (1.2) and

Guangzhou Beijing

ka1 tya 'family'

ka:w5 tyaw 'education'

kiw2 tyaw 'bridge'

key2 ti 'ride'

ha ya 'shrimp'
hat8 ya 'blind'

Moreover, Guangzhou has a vowel-length contrast not found in most other dialects:

(1.11) la:m2 'blue' pa:y6 'fail'

lam2 'forest' pay6 'barnyard grass'

ka:1 'soup' ma:u6 'looks'

ka1 'plough' mau6 'luxuriant'

ta:k7a 'duty' ka:m1 'jail'

tak7a 'standard' kam1 'gold'

For instance, the two words la:m2 'blue' and lam2 'forest' are differentiated from each other
simply by the length of the vowel [a], which is long in the former but short in the latter. By
comparison, vowel length variation does not create this kind of meaning contrast in Mandarin.
Still another feature of Guangzhou is that it does not have the so-called syllable medials or
ji7y%n [y] or [w], the glides that are found between an initial consonant and the following
vowel of a syllable, as found in such Mandarin syllables:

(1.12) pyn 'side'

wy 'break'
tya 'family'

The [w] sound does occur after the velar initials /k-,k-,-/, yet it has been generally
considered a secondary feature of these initials rather than a separate member of the phoneme.
That is, in addition to these velars /k-,k,/, the language has /k
-, k
-/ (see Norman 1988)
in its phonemic inventory. Finally, Guangzhou has the following consonants:

(1.13) place Labial alveolar alveo- velar labiovelar glottal

Manner palatal
Stop [+asp] p t k k

[-asp] p t k k
affricate [+asp] t
[-asp] t
fricative f  h
nasal m n  

liquid l

1.2.3 Min
The Min dialect is another conservative dialect of Chinese. Traditionally, it has been
divided into two branches, Minnan or Southern
Min, and Minbei or Northern Min. The
representative dialect of the former is Xiamen
(Amoy), and that of the latter Fuzhou. This
view of Min division has been challenged by
several researchers. Some uphold an East-West
division (see Norman 1991). The sub-grouping
of the Min dialects is complicated by the fact
that it is very heterogeneous, and some of its
dialects are so different that they are mutually
unintelligible. Min is better known in the West
as Fukienese, after the name of the Min-
speaking Province of Fujian (Fukien or
Hokkian, in an earlier non-Pinyin spelling based on non-Mandarin pronunciation). Yet the term
Fukienese is ambiguous since it can mean the Min dialect as a whole or one of its sub-dialects
such as Fuzhou. Another often-heard name related to the dialect is Taiwanese, which is a
Southern Min dialect fairly similar to Xiamen, and is widely spoken in Taiwan. Other than Fujian
and Taiwan, another major Min-speaking area is the Province of Hainan, a large island off the
South China coast. In the present discussion of Min, we will focus on Xiamen.
Xiamen has seven tones. As the following examples show, a merging process occurred,
resulting in that Tone Number 4 is missing. In particular, the two Shang tones merged into one
category, while the other six tonal categories from Ping, Qu and Ru remained intact:

Tone Category Value Examples

1. Yin Ping 55 i 'clothes'

2. Yangping 24 i 'move'
3. Shang 51 i 'chair'
5. Yin Qu 11 i 'meaning'
6. Yang Qu 33 i 'easy'
7. Yin Ru 32 it 'second'
8. Yang Ru 5 k 'translate'

As discussed previously, the presence of the Ru tone indicates that some syllables in this
dialect have final stops. That is indeed the case. Like the Yue dialect of Guangzhou, all three MC
final stops are found in Xiamen. Moreover, the MC bilabial nasal that disappeared in Mandarin
and remained in Guangzhou is found in Xiamen. The following are examples of these syllables
from Xiamen. Compare them with their Beijing cognates:

Xiamen Beijing

sip8 i 'exercise'
sit7 i 'breath'
s k i 'analyze'
sim1 in 'heart'
tap ta 'answer'
tat ta 'reach'
tak8 t w 'muddy'
tam tan 'talk'

Today, many of the final MC stops in Xiamen have been weakened into a glottal stop.
Compare the Xiamen syllables with their Guangzhou cognates:

Xiamen Guangzhou

a8 kap7a 'small box'

8 7b
tsa ta:t 'hand hay cutter'

to7 tk7b 'table'


The three words, which end in /-p/, /-t/, or /-k/ in Guangzhou, are now all neutralized to a
common final glottal stop /-/ in Xiamen. Syllable-initially, the MC voiced obstruents were also
devoiced, as was the case in Mandarin and Guangzhou. However, unlike those, in which the
obstruents went two separate ways, some becoming aspirated and others unaspirated depending
on their tonal categories, these devoiced obstruents tend to become unaspirated in Xiamen: 25

MC Xiamen Guangzhou Beijing

b- pa2 pa2 pa 'climb'

b- p 2 pow2 pu 'grape'
d- tay2 tay2 ty 'platform'
d- tay t y6 ty 'pocket'
6 6
d- to tow taw 'road'
dz- tsa8 ta:t7b t a 'hand hay cutter'

These examples illustrated that the MC voiced initials, when devoiced, became aspirated
in Guangzhou and Beijing in Ping-tone syllables, as the first three examples illustrate, and
became unaspirated in syllables with other tones, as the last three cases indicate. However, all
became consistently unaspirated in Xiamen regardless of their tonal categories.
Historically, the Min areas were, for a long time, quite isolated from the rest of the vast
Chinese-speaking land, and because of this isolation, the Min dialects inherited features from Old
Chinese that were later unaffected when these features were transformed in other Chinese
dialects. For instance, Xiamen has retained the old dental stops /t-/ and /t-/, which in MC were
palatalized into /ty-, ty-,dy/, and later changed into affricates in most other Chinese dialects:

Xiamen Guangzhou Beijing

ti k7 tuk7 t u 'build'
tu1 t_2 t u 'spider'
ti ti2 t

At about the time of the Tang period, a labial-dental /f-/ (q%ngch{n y%n ) was
developed in Chinese from the MC bilabial stops. However, such a change did not happen in Min.

See Norman (1991) for a non-traditional view as well as for further details about Min.

Xiamen Guangzhou Beijing

p 2 f 2 fa 'house'
5 5
pun fan fn 'manure'

p 2 fu2 f 'a surname'

pu3 fu3 fu 'axe'

A number of other features distinguish Min from the other dialects. It has a great number
of nasal vowels; before oral vowels, the nasal initials /m-/ and /-/ become denasalized and are
pronounced as voiced stops /b-/ and /g-/ respectively; many of its words have two or more
readings, a colloquial one and another which appears more frequently in written form. Finally, the
typical Min dialect of Xiamen has the following consonants:

(1.20) place Labial dental alveolar velar glottal

Stop [+asp] p t k
[-asp] p t k ()
affricate [+asp] ts
[-asp] ts
fricative s h
nasal m (b) n  (g)
liquid l

1.2.4 Kejia
Min is the most heterogeneous dialect, Yue has dialects with the largest number of tones,
and Mandarin has the most homophones. The remarkable feature about the Kejia (Hakka) dialect
is that it is scattered over a large
geographic area. Although some degree of
higher concentration of Kejia speakers is found
around the city of Meixian in the northeast
corner of Guangdong, small areas of Kejia are
found throughout South China, including
Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi and
Taiwan. According to J. H. Yuan (1989),
ancestors of Kejia speakers migrated from the
north; there were five large-scale migrations
mostly due to wars. These northern migrants, or
'guests' as the name 'Kejia' means, arriving in

the unknown 'barbaric' south, tended to seek out isolated mountainous areas to live both for
defence and to preserve their own cultural traditions.
In spite of its separate origin, the Kejia dialect shares a number of important
characteristics with Min and Yue. According to Norman, the three dialects form a Southern
group, distinct from other Chinese dialects, and can be traced back to a common Old South
Chinese origin. The typical and representative Kejia dialect of Meixian, for instance, has the Ru
tone, which is characteristic of dialects of the Southern group. There are six tones in Meixian,
which are given below. Note that Tones Numbers 4 and 6 are missing.

Tone Category Value Examples

1. Yin Ping 44 pa 'father'

2. Yang Ping 11 pa 'climb'
3. Shang 31 pa 'handle'
5. Qu 52 pa 'afraid'
7. Yin Ru 1 pat 'eight'
8. Yang Ru 5 pat 'pull'

Although Meixian has preserved the Ru tones, not all eight tones have remained. Like
most other Chinese dialects, tone merging processes occurred, the result of which is that there is
only one tonal category left for Shang and one left for Qu tones. The fact that both the Ru tone
categories have survived means that the dialect has preserved at least some of the three final /-p,-
t,-k/ stops. In fact, all the six syllable-final consonants of MC are found in Meixian, just like
Guangzhou and Xiamen. The following shows such cases and compares them with the Mandarin
ones, where the final stops have disappeared and the final bilabial nasal has merged with the
alveolar nasal.

Meixian Beijing

lip8 li 'stand'
lat8 la 'spicy hot'
l k lw 'to fall'
liam lyn 'honest'

tat8 ta 'to reach'

tiap ty 'butterfly'

tuk8 tu 'poison'
tim tyn 'electricity'

One historical development Meixian shares with the other three dialects discussed is that
the MC-voiced-initial obstruents, shown in the bottom row of (1.1), have disappeared by merging
with their voiceless counterparts. However, Meixian differs from the others in that these syllables
with voiced obstruents almost all became their aspirated voiceless counterparts, as an observant
reader may have discovered from the above illustrations. The last four examples given all have
voiceless aspirated initial /t-/ corresponding to its unaspirated counterpart /t-/ in Mandarin.
Lack of velar palatalization is another feature Meixian shared with the other dialects of the
Southern group. Compare the following Meixian and Mandarin examples: 26

Meixian Beijing

ka1 tya 'family'

kaw5 tyaw 'education'

kiaw2 tyaw 'bridge'

ki2 ti 'ride'

ha2 ya 'shrimp'
hat7 ya 'blind'

Finally, a table of Meixian consonants is given below:

(1.24) place Labial dental alveolar palatal velar glottal

Stop [+asp] p t k
[-asp] p t k ()
affricate [+asp] ts
[-asp] ts
fricative [+vc] f s h
[-vc] v
nasal m n  
liquid l

1.2.5 Wu
If there is a division between dialects of the North and South, the Wu dialect is one
that falls somewhere in between; it shares some features with the Northern Dialect and others
with the Southern ones. Needless to say, like all the other dialects, it also has its unique

See also (1.10).

characteristics. One most important feature that

separates Wu from the dialects mentioned
above is its preservation of the MC-voiced
initials. Wu has by and large kept the three-way
distinction of the obstruents as given earlier in
(1.1). Now observe the following examples
from Suzhou, the representative dialect of Wu
and compare them with their Guangzhou and
Beijing cognates:

Suzhou Guangzhou Beijing

bo2 pa2 pa 'climb'

8 8
da ta:t ta 'reach'

go6 ku6 ku 'common'

zo ta t a 'tea'
w 8
d8 k at t_ 'to dig'

In all cases, the initial consonants in Suzhou are voiced, as opposed to those in Guangzhou
and Beijing where they are either voiceless aspirated or voiceless unaspirated. The last example is
particularly interesting. Although the Suzhou initial has preserved the original voicing quality, it
nevertheless has undergone the velar palatalization process just like Mandarin and unlike
Guangzhou where the velar remains a velar. Suzhou's syllable-final consonants are another
interesting aspect in view of their historical development from the six MC-final consonants. It
resembles the Northern Dialect in having two syllable-final nasals /-n, and /, having lost the
bilabial one /-m/. However, while Mandarin has lost all the /-p,-t,-k/ stops, Suzhou has retained
the stops, albeit in a different fashion. Now look at the following:

Suzhou Guangzhou Beijing

li8 lap6 li 'stand'

8 8
da ta:t ta 'reach'

o7 k7b  'vicious'

a8 kap7a ia 'small box'

za8 ta:t7b t a 'hand hay cutter'

tso7 tk7b t w 'table'


All the /-p,-t,-k/ stops have disappeared, but they have not gone without a trace, as they
did in Mandarin. Rather, they have neutralized into one sound, a glottal stop /-/. It is generally
believed that the syllable-simplification process involving the three MC stops has an intermediate
stage. They first become a glottal stop and then disappear altogether, namely,

(1.27) {-p,-t,-k} 

In some dialects such as Xiamen, the glottal stop exists alongside the more conservative /-
p,-t,-k/ stops, providing evidence for the theory of lexical diffusion which argues that
phonological change may be gradual and occur gradually across lexical items (W. Wang 1969
and 1973). The retention of this vestige of the final stops means that Suzhou has the Ru tone in its
tonal categories. In all, it has seven tones which are given below. Note that Shang has only one
category, and therefore Tone Number 4 is missing:

Tone Category Value Examples

1. Yin Ping 44 pu 'arrange'

2. Yang Ping 24 bu 'grape'
3. Shang 52 pu 'general'
5. Yin Qu 412 pu 'cloth'
6. Yang Qu 31 bu 'step'
7. Yin Ru 4 po 'pounce on'
8. Yang Ru 23 bo 'servant'

While we have mostly focused on the consonantal systems of the dialects so far, Wu
dialect has a unique feature in its vowel system. There are many more single vowels and fewer
diphthongs in Wu than in other dialects. Examine the examples below:

Suzhou Guangzhou Beijing

l2 la:m5 lan 'blue'

I yin5 in 'swollow'
3 3
sI _n _n 'select'

ts5 t 5 tswey 'guilt'

6 6
d t twey 'line'

t5 tay5 t'ay 'manner'


The abundance of single vowels and the paucity of diphthongs accounts for the fact that in
many syllables, a Wu dialect has a single vowel, whereas dialects such as Mandarin and
Guangzhou have diphthongs or a vowel followed by a nasal, as shown above. The extensive
appearance of single-vowel syllables may explain why to the ears of a native Mandarin speaker, a
Suzhou or Shanghai speaker often seems to speak fast. Finally, Suzhou has many more
consonants than most other Chinese dialects due primarily to the presence of the voiced stops,
affricates, and fricatives, shown below in the table of Suzhou consonants:

(1.30) place Labial dental alveolar palatal velar glottal

Stop [+asp] p t k
[-asp] p t k 
[+vc] b d g
affricate [+asp] ts t
[-asp] ts t
[+vc] d
fricative [+vc] f s  h
[-vc] v z  
nasal m n  
liquid l
glide y
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 23

Chapter 2. Phonetics and Phonology

The study of the sound system of language normally starts with phonetics followed by
phonology. However, it is widely acknowledged that the two are not mutually exclusive: The
quality of phonological modeling crucially depends on the understanding of phonetic details,
whereas phonetic description is often more insightful when done within a more explanatory
framework of phonological constraints, rules and/or parameters. In this chapter, we will not
attempt to separate the two, but each will be resorted to as required by the description and
explanation of certain aspects of the Mandarin sounds and their patterns.
The theoretical framework used in this chapter will be Generative Phonology, a major
influential phonological framework developed in the twentieth century. Within this framework, a
sound (or in proper linguistic terms, a phone or a segment) is a bundle of binary features which
encode such information as the position where the sound is produced (where the stricture is) by
the speech organs and the manner in which the sound is uttered. Phonological processes are
captured in terms of change in the configuration of the feature bundles in certain contexts. This
theory of the sound patterns of language has gone through a great deal of change within the past
two decades. An example of such change is that the place features, which used to be binary in
standard Generative Phonology (Chomsky and Halle 1968), are now unitary features. The
arrangement of features has also been completely revolutionized. To denote a segment, say [p],
the features used to be placed, unordered, in a two-dimensional feature matrix such as this,

(2.1) +consonantal

but they are now organized into a three-dimensional tree structure which branches out into several
levels from a root node carrying the crucial information as to whether the segment is a consonant
or a vowel. The same information given in (2.1) would be organized roughly as (2.2): 1

This is a much simplified feature geometry tree, though adequate to illustrate here the difference between the old
and new treatment of features. Interested readers may read Broe (1992) and Halle (1992) for details.
24 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(2.2) |


Phonological processes used to be described by rules in the form of 'A becomes B in the
environment of C', but now may be indicated by lines linking among the nodes of features. The
following dotted line represents a phonological process whereby the second segment assimilates
the place feature of the first.

(2.3) Place Place

| |

This newer version of Generative Phonology is more complex and abstract. The
understanding of it entails a great deal of background knowledge of the various aspects of the
theory. Because the scope of this descriptive grammar does not allow a full introduction of this
new theory, for ease of comprehension on the part of the general reader, we will now and then
adhere to more traditional ways of describing phonetics and phonological processes. The newer
theory will be used where necessary, especially where the older theory is silent about the issues
involved or is entirely inadequate.
This chapter addresses four aspects of the sound system of Mandarin: sounds, syllables,
segmental processes and tone. The section on sounds will include the consonants, vowels, and
glides. The section on the syllable will address such topics as the initials and finals, phonotactic
constraints, syllable weight, etc. The third section discusses the phonological processes that occur
between adjacent segments within a syllable. This section will also address the phonological
versus phonetic representation of phonemes and allophones in the Pinyin transcription system.
The section on tone consists of two parts, one devoted to the four basic tones and the other to the
neutral tone.

2.1 The Sounds

A description of the phonetics and phonology of a language cannot be done without
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 25

resorting to the linguistic tool called the phonetic features. Each sound or segment 2 is identified
by a unique set of distinctive features organized in a tree structure. Features can be contrastive in
one language, but not in another. Some of the most important distinctive features for the
description of Mandarin include 1) major features such as [consonantal], [vocalic],
[aspiration], and [nasal]; 2) place features: [LABIAL], [CORONAL], and [DOSAL]; and 3)
vowel features: [high], [back], and [round]. 3

2.1.1 Consonants
The phonetic features that distinguish consonants from vowels are [consonantal] and
[vocalic]. While consonants are [+consonantal, -vocalic], vowels are exactly the opposite: [-
consonantal, +vocalic]. There is a third group of phonemes called glides or semi-vowels that have
negative values for both features: [-consonantal, -vocalic]. Strictly speaking, Mandarin has 20
phonemic consonants. 4 Traditionally, the [-consonantal] glides are grouped with the consonants.
As the glides [w, y, ] are not phonemic in Mandarin, we have chosen not to include them here,
but will deal with them at a later point in this chapter.

(2.4) place Labial dental alveolar alveo- palatal velar

Manner palatal
Stop [+asp] p t k
[-asp] p t k
affricate [+asp] ts t
[-asp] ts t
fricative [+asp] f s  x
approximant nasal m n 
liquid l

Two major parameters are used in phonetics to differentiate sounds in language: place of
articulation and manner of articulation. An important feature in the dimension of manner of
articulation in Mandarin is [aspiration] ([asp] for short), denoted here by a superscript

In autosegmental phonology, the segment does not have to be a fully specified pronounceable segment, but a partial
one, a theory that will not be expounded here.
These vowel features are terminal features of [LAB] ([round]) and [DOR] ([high] and [back]). See Broe (1992) for
The three palatal obstruents [t, t, ], which normally appear in a Mandarin table of consonants, are excluded
here because they are not, strictly speaking, phonemic. They will appear later in a more inclusive table in the section
on variations of phonemes (Section 2.3).
26 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

diacritic 5 '', that divides the obstruents (stops, affricates and fricatives) into two groups: those
that are aspirated and those that are not. In physical terms, aspirated consonants involve a strong
puff of air coming out of the lungs, whereas unaspirated consonants do not have this trait.
Regarding the difference between the alveopalatal fricatives [] and [], there has been
controversy. Textbooks and grammar books published in the People's Republic of China (e.g.,
Wang and Pang 1996, p. 156) distinguish the two in terms of [voicing]; namely [] is voiceless
while [] is voiced. However, that would mean the positing of a voicing feature which is
otherwise unwarranted for the Mandarin obstruents. One way to avoid this theoretical inadequacy
is to assume that [aspiration] is the feature which distinguishes the language's fricatives as with
the other obstruents. This is the position held by many linguists outside China, and is adopted in
the table above. It is interesting to note that [aspiration] as a distinctive feature is often hard to
comprehend by speakers of a language making a distinction among its obstruents in terms of
voicing rather than aspiration. For instance, to a speaker of English, the aspiration distinction in
Mandarin sounds indistinguishable from the voicing distinction in English. The reverse situation
is true for native-Mandarin-speaking learners of English.
From the point of view of place of articulation, the consonants can be classified into three
major groups: [LABIAL] (or [LAB] for short) which include the labials, [CORONAL] (or [COR]
for short) which include the dentals, the alveolars and the alveopalatals, and [DOSAL] (or
[DOR]) which include the rest. The [COR] alveopalatals [t, t, , ] are a special case. These
sounds are similar to English [t, d , , ] (the initial consonants in church, judge, ship and genre,
respectively) in place and manner of articulation, but are different from their English counterparts
in that they are pronounced without the protruding of the lips but instead with the additional
feature of curling the tip of the tongue toward the front of the hard palate. The latter characteristic
makes them [retroflex] sounds. Mandarin spoken as a second dialect in non-Mandarin-speaking
areas, particularly in the Southeast provinces of China, normally does not have this [retroflex]
feature. Taiwan Mandarin, for one, clearly lacks this feature.

2.1.2 Vowels
Mandarin has a relatively small set of phonemic vowels, compared with some other
Chinese dialects (e.g., Shanghai). There are six phonemic vowels 6 which are given below:

(2.5) front central back

unround round unround round
high i _ u
low a

Another very common way of transcribing aspiration is the use of the 'prime' sign, with which the aspirated [p]
would be [p'].
The vowels after the sibilants [ts, ts, s, t, t, , ] are dealt with later in this chapter.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 27

Three features are sufficient in distinguishing the phonemic vowels in Mandarin:

[backness] (front/back), [height] (high/low) and [roundness] (round/unround). Unlike many other
Chinese dialects, Mandarin has two high front vowels, [i] and [_]. While [i] is a very common
vowel similar to the English vowel in beat, [_], which is pronounced with the tongue positioned
as in [i] and the lips positioned as in [u], is not as common. Not only is it often absent from other
dialects of Chinese, but it is also occasionally absent from Mandarin as spoken in Taiwan. Thus,
one sometimes hears n&p5ngy0u '(literally) you friend' in place of the targeted n|p5ngy0u
'girl friend' in Taiwan Mandarin.
The mid-vowel /
/ is often substituted for the English schwa [ ] by an English-as-a-
second-language (ESL) learner whose mother tongue is Mandarin. Both are non-rounded mid-
vowels, but the Mandarin one is tenser and further back in the oral cavity. The low vowel /a/ is
fairly similar to the English vowel [a] in father, the mid vowel /o/ to that in boat, and the back
vowel /u/ to that in boot. All five vowels have contextual variations, a topic to which we will
return shortly.

2.2 The Syllable

One of the most remarkable phonological characteristics of Mandarin (and the Chinese
language in general) is the salience of its syllable. The following quote from Jerry Norman (1988)
is typical of linguists of Chinese:

'There is a sense that Chinese is also phonologically monosyllabic. In

almost all descriptions of Chinese, the syllable is taken as a kind of self-contained
entity which forms the basis of phonological description... In historical
comparison, [the syllable] is the largest relevant unit; another important feature of
Chinese dialects (and perhaps of other monosyllabic languages as well) is that any
one dialect contains a fixed number of possible syllables. Even when new terms
are borrowed from foreign languages, they are interpreted in terms of the existing
set of syllables... A further consideration is that most phonological processes affect
the syllable without reference to its lower level constituents.' (p: 138)

What is also remarkable about the Mandarin syllable is that there is a very limited number
of them, just a little more than 400the official figure from the PRC is 405when tonal
difference is disregarded. These 405 syllables are given in the Table of Beijing Sounds and
Syllables below:
(2.6) Standard Table of Beijing Sounds and Syllables

Open-Mouth Close-Teeth Round-Lip Tense-Lip

(A) (B) (C) (D)

a o e -i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iou ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai uei uan uen uang ueng e an n

b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu

p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu

m ma mo mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu

f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu

d da de dai dei dao dou dan dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun

t ta te tai tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun

n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan n ne

l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun l le

z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun

c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun

s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun

zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang

ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang

sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang

r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru ruo rui ruan run

j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun

q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun

x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun

g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang

k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang

h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang

a o e er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun


Even when tonal difference is considered as a difference in syllable type, there are only about
1200 types. This number is remarkably small in contrast to that in English, which has more than
8,000 syllable types according to one source (De Francis 1984). One consequence of this paucity
of syllable types is that in Mandarin there are a great many homophones, especially at the
morpheme level. We will return to this topic of homophones in the next chapter.

2.2.1 The Initial And the Final

The Chinese syllable has been the substance of scholarly studies for centuries in China. As
particularly evident in such rhyme dictionaries as Qieyun (Lu Fayan, A. D. 601), a Chinese
syllable is traditionally seen as having two parts: the initial (sh4ngm} ) and final (y]nm}
). 7 The initial is usually the single consonant found at the beginning of a syllable while the
final everything that follows. The initial may be empty, or a 'zero initial' (l^ngsh4ngm} )
in which case, the initial consonant is absent, and the syllable begins with a vowel 8 which is still
considered to be part of the final.
The division of a syllable into just two parts seems to be psychologically real in the
subconscious linguistic knowledge of native Mandarin speakers. Studies (e.g., S. Wang 1993)
have shown that Chinese who have not learned an alphabetical system such as Pinyin or the
writing system of English cannot further segment a Chinese syllable final into its component
sounds 9 suggesting the integrity of the Chinese final. This bipartitional approach to syllable
segmentation is still largely used in the dialect studies of Chinese in the People's Republic of
China. There, in almost all books of dialect studiesa great number of which have been
produced during the last ten years, one can find lists of all the initials and all the finals of the
dialects under study.
Scholars of the Chinese language perhaps would have been content with the initial-final
partition of the Chinese syllable, had not Western linguistics been brought to China by such
pioneering modern linguistic researchers as Yuen Ren Chao (or in Pinyin, Yuanren Zhao) early in
the Twentieth Century. Today, many grammar books published in the People's Republic of China
reflect the influence of modern linguistics from the West. One example is that in many grammar
books, the Mandarin syllable is described in finer details, which we have distilled in the following

Qieyun also indicates the existence of tone over the syllable. We will address tone later in this chapter.
The vowel may change into a glide. See the sections on vowels.
Samuel Wang found that some native speakers of Taiwanese, a subdialect of Min (or Fukienese) could not even
segment a Taiwanese syllable into its initial and final. However, given the existence of many secret languages,
language games and speech errors which move finals around, it is indisputable that initial-final segmentation is
psychologically real.
30 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese


Initial Final

(C) (G) V ({C, G})

Where G is a contextual variation of a high vowel, and

C in the Final is a nasal consonant.

Among the symbols, '' represents a syllable, C a consonant, V a vowel, and G a glide
(which is a contextual variation of a high vowel). The use of the braces indicates that all but the
nucleus vowel V is optional in a syllable; the use of the curly brackets means that only one of the
members enclosed can appear at a time. The above schema, if spelt out, yields the following 12
syllable structures in Mandarin. For consistency, all examples given are first-toned monosyllabic
words: 10

(2.7) Syllable Types Examples

IPA Pinyin
CGVC py n bian 'side'
CGVG w y shuai 'break'
 feng 'wind'
CVG xey hei 'black'
CGV tya jia 'family'
CV ta ta // 'he/she/it'
GVC y n yan 'smoke'
GVG w y wai 'not straight'
GV ya ya 'duck'
VC an an 'peace'
VG aw ao 'convex'
V u wu 'house'

The three parts which form the final of a syllable have been referred to as the 'head'
y]nt9u , (or 'medial' ji7y%n ), the 'middle' y]nf} and the 'tail' y]nw6I

Please refer to (2.16) for the use of phonetic symbols for glides (e.g., [y]) in this chapter.

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 31

respectively. The head is a high vowel variation of a glide [y], [w] or []. 11 The middle is any one
of the vowels when a glide is not present. When it is, the middle is a non-high vowel. The tail has
four forms: a glide [y] or [w], or a nasal [n] or [].
Depending on what sound starts them, the finals have traditionally been classified into
four groups: 1) the 'open-mouth finals' (k`ik0uh[ ) which begin with a non-high vowel
(i.e., [a], [o] or [
] ), 2) the close-teeth finals' (q^ch&h[ ) which begin with the high front
unround vowel [i], 3). the 'close-mouth (lip-rounding) finals' (h5k0uh[ ) which begin with
the high back rounded vowel [u], and 4) the 'tense-lip finals' (cu8k0uh[ ) which begin
with the high front rounded vowel [_]. The columns of the Standard Table of Beijing Sounds and
Syllables, given in (, are normally arranged based on this four-way division. Mandarin finals have
also been classified into simple finals, complex finals, and nasal finals. A simple final contains
only one vowel. A complex final consists of a diphthong (two-vowel sequence 12 ) or a triphthong
(three-vowel sequence). A nasal final ends in a nasal consonant. In Pinyin, the Mandarin finals
are given below:

(2.8) Type of Open- Close- Close- Tense-Lip

Finals Mouth Teeth Mouth
i u
Simple a ia ua
o uo
e ie e
ai uai
Complex ei uei(ui)
ao iao
ou iou(iu)
an ian uan an
Nasal en in uen(un) n
ang iang uang
eng ing ueng
ong iong

As shown above, a number of finals contain diphthongs. A noteworthy property of these

two-vowel sequences is that, compared with similar strings in English, they are much more fused.
A final with them often sounds more like single vowels (or monophthongs) to the ears of a native
English speaker. For instance, the <ai> in 'Shanghai' is said with a lot less transition from the
vowel to the glide than the similar [ay] in 'bye' in English. Thus, a native English speaker, when
saying the word 'Shanghai', sounds to be exaggerating the <ai> to a native Mandarin speaker.

These glides are sometimes represented by [j], [w], [ ] respectively in previous works on Mandarin phonetics.
One of the vowels appears in the form of a glide (see later in this chapter for details).

32 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

Another notable matter in the above table is that there is a special final that is not included in it:
<er>. The reasons for the omission are: One, it does not belong to any of the groups in the table.
Two, morphemes/words that take <er> as their syllable final are so few as to be marginal. Three,
it can only occur aloneneither with an initial consonant nor with a prevocalic glide.
The traditional initial-final division of the Mandarin syllable resembles the well-cited
analysis of syllable structure in modern linguistics, as given below:


onset rhyme

nucleus coda

In this analysis, a syllable is first partitioned into an 'onset' and a 'rhyme' (also spelt 'rime').
The rhyme is further divided into a 'nucleus' vowel (or the 'peak') and a 'coda'the final
consonant or consonants of the syllable. Initially, one may think that 'onset' and 'rhyme' can be
regarded as being the same as 'initial' and 'final'. However, they are not quite identifiable as will
be seen in what follows.
Several questions about the constituents of the Mandarin syllable can be raised within the
syllable analysis in (2.9). One of the most well-known is where the prevocalic glide goes. This
question has never been raised within the traditional initial-final framework, in which the glide is
clearly indicated to be part of the final. There are at least two schools of theory regarding this
issue. One treats the prevocalic glide as a secondary feature of the onset (S. Duanmu 1990), the
other, the more traditional, considers it part of the nucleus. To understand this controversy, we
need to digress a little to see another important characteristic of Mandarin syllables: that they all
weigh the same.
It is clear from the table in (2.8) that Mandarin syllables may contain from 1 to 4 sounds,
and there are altogether twelve patterns for their combination. However, these facts should not be
construed as meaning that Mandarin syllables vary in weight. The truth is that, unlike many other
languages in which the numbers of Cs and Vs (or Gs) in a syllable matter in the weight of the
syllable, the weight of the Mandarin syllable remains constant across syllable types within a
specific context of utterance. Thus, the metrics in Mandarin poetry do not normally count the
number of sounds in a syllable, although they require the tone (a topic which will be addressed
later) to be more or less of a certain type in a given environment.
During the last decade, linguists have tried to capture the same-weight phenomenon in
more formal terms. One way of doing this is to say that within the syllable, there is a fixed
number of timing slots. For instance, [w y] 'break', [ya] 'duck' and [u] 'house' would all have
three timing slots within the syllable:

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 33


Depending on the theory one adheres to, the timing of a syllable can be analyzed and
represented in several ways. What is shown above is one which uses a 'place holder' symbolized
by 'X', to encode one timing unit within a syllable. With just three timing units, a question
emerges immediately: how should the connection be made between these timing units and the
actual Cs, Vs and Gs in Mandarin? The following illustrates the problem more visually:

/|\ /|\ /|\

w y ya u

If the first timing slot 'X' is in the onset position, and the second and third in the rhyme
position, 13 where should the medial glide (e.g., [w] in [w y]) go? Is it part of the timing of the
onset, the first slot, or part of the timing of the rhyme in the second slot? As mentioned earlier,
one theory holds that the medial glide is part of the first slot. To be more specific, it is a
secondary feature of the onset. Or, if the initial consonant is absent, it is the onset itself. If the
medial glide is [y], then the onset has a secondary feature of palatalization ([+high, -back]), and if
it is [w], the onset has a secondary feature of [+round]. For example, the onset in the syllable
[py n] 'side' would be [py], and the onset in [w y] 'break' would be [w]. The two syllables
would be analyzed thus:

/|\ /|\
||| |||
py n  w y

With the medial glide taken care of in this manner, the rest of the components in the
syllable all fit into the syllable structure. This theory seems to have neatly solved the problem of
the position of the prevocalic glide. Yet, it has done so at a high price. Such uniform treatment of
the medial glide leaves unexplained a number of observations about the language. In secret

Not all theories assume a multi-level representation of the syllable as shown in (2.9). Some assume a 'flat' structure
without the intermediate level of onset/rhyme division. The difference is not crucial in our discussion, so it will be
ignored here.

34 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

language, language play and speech errors in Mandarin, it is very common to see exchange or
substitution of rhymes that are complete with the medial glide. In these language processes, the
medial glide behaves quite obviously as a part of the rhyme. Also, to a native speaker, treating the
medial glide as a mere secondary feature of the onset is quite counter-intuitive. Both the [y] and
the [w] in the above two examples, for instance, require a fair amount of time to utter. They are
by no means uttered simultaneously with the onset consonant, as a secondary feature is expected
to be. It seems that the fault of this theory stems from a Procrustean bed or what a Chinese saying
describes as 'cutting the feet to fit the shoes': trying to fit the language data into a theory rather
than developing a theory based on the data. In brief, even though we know that the Mandarin
syllable weighs the same across categories, how the weight is distributed across the phonemes in
the syllable remains an outstanding problem.

2.2.2 Phonotactic Constraints

The twenty consonants in the table given in (2.4) do not occur in all positions within the
syllable. Except [] and [], all occur at the beginning of the syllable. The [DOR] nasal
consonant [] occurs only at the end of a syllable in Standard Mandarin, although it can be an
important syllable-initial consonant in other dialects spoken in the greater Mandarin area (e.g.,
Jinan of Shandong Province). Another consonant that only occurs syllable-finally in Mandarin is
the retroflex approximant [], which only combines with the mid-vowel [
] to yield the form
] (Pinyin <er> mentioned previously in our discussion of Mandarin finals) for a very few
lexical items; and it often appears as a sub-syllabic suffix 14 with a diminutive meaning. In fact,
while all vowels (and glides) appear syllable finally, there are very few consonants that can occur
at the end of a syllable. In addition to [] and [], there is the [COR] nasal [n]. This latter nasal
consonant stands out from the rest of the consonants in that it is the only one that appears both at
the beginning and end of a syllable (e.g., n1n 'male'). Within the syllable, there is another
important feature in Mandarin: there are no consonant clusters; that is, two consonants never
occur adjacent to each other in a syllable. Immediately following an initial consonant, there can
be a vowel which, if followed by another vowel, is a high vowel that has become a glide. Both
high and low vowels can begin and end a syllable, but when there are more than two vowels in
the syllable, one of them is always a high vowel. A glide which is the [-consonantal] variation of
the high vowel may begin or end the syllable. 15 Syllabic Consonants

We have learned that if a syllable has an initial consonant, that consonant always has to
combine with a vowel to form a syllable. That is, a syllable has to have a vowel as seen in (2.6).
However, there is a group of Mandarin consonants which can form the peak of a syllable and
behave just like a vowel. These consonants are called syllabic consonants. Mandarin has two sets

Mandarin, as all Chinese dialects, has no sub-syllabic suffix except for this one. We will address this matter further
in the next chapter.
We will explain the vowel and glide correspondence in the next section.

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 35

of such consonants: the dentals [ts, ts, s] (Pinyin <c, z, s>) and the alveopalatals [t, t, , ]
(Pinyin <ch, zh, sh, r>. These consonants can form syllables on their own by being prolonged and
voiced. The voiced part gives these consonants the vowel-like and syllabic quality. The
representation of such syllables has always been challenging. One way of doing it is just to use
the consonant symbol with or without the diacritic '' underneath it to show that that consonant is
syllabic. For instance, in Cantonese, a syllable with a nasal syllabic consonant is normally
represented with just the consonant itself (e.g., [
] for the Cantonese name Ng). Another way of
doing it is to use a vowel symbol after the consonant (e.g., [ts ], [t ], and sometimes [tsz 16 ]).
This is actually a very common practice among linguists of Chinese (e.g., C. C. Cheng 1973 and
Lin and Wang 1992). They normally use the IPA symbol [ ] for the vowel after the dentals, and
[ ] for the vowel after the alveopalatal retroflexes. Both vowels, according to Lin and Wang, are
apical (tongue-tip) vowels. However, for the Mandarin syllables with syllabic consonants, there
are four reasons that a vowel symbol should not be used. 17 The first is that using a vowel symbol
gives the misleading indication that the consonant onset and the following vowel are two
individual, unrelated sounds, and thus misses the fact that the voiced part of the syllable is just a
continuation of the previous consonant. Secondly, the approach fails to explain why the vowel
cannot take any other consonants as its onset. Thirdly, it fails to explain why the vowel cannot
take a coda (a final consonant), while all the other vowels can. Fourthly, it fails to explain why
the vowel cannot stand alone to form a syllable while all other vowels in Mandarin can. Lastly,
when liaison occurs between a syllable and a following one with [a] (See Section 2.3), the added
consonant initial of [a] is clearly a derivative of the preceding consonantsharing at least its
place of articulationif the consonant is a syllabic one. Otherwise, the initial consonants of the
two syllables have nothing to do with each other. Thus, in a tree-structure analysis, these syllables
should be represented as follows:

/\ /\ /\ /\
|/ |/ |/ |/
 ts t t
'to spray' 'capital' 'to eat' 'to know' Syllable Gaps

Not all Mandarin consonants combine with all vowels to form a syllable, as the Standard
Table of Beijing Sounds and Syllables (see () shows. The missing combinations create two types
of gaps in syllable types. One type of gap is created when a natural class of consonants does not
combine with a certain final. For instance, the whole class of labial obstruents <b, p, m, f> fails to

This last symbol [z], of course, is not a conventional vowel symbol, but it has been used by linguists of Chinese
for the purpose in discussion.
See Section 2.3.3 for more discussion.

36 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

combine with the 'open-mouth' final <ong>, even though all the rest of the classes of consonants
do combine with it. There are also gaps in which a natural class of consonants does not combine
with a group of finals beginning with a certain vowel. For instance, all labial obstruents <b, p, m,
f> fail to combine with finals beginning with the high-front-rounded vowel <_>. The other type
of gaps, on the other hand, are created when a certain consonant fails to combine with certain
final even though all the rest of the consonants within the same natural class do combine with that
final. An example of such a syllable gap is <bou> which does not exist even though <pou, mou,
fou> do. Another example is the absence of <shong>: The retroflex <sh> cannot combine with
<ong> while the rest of the retroflex consonants can: <zhong, chong, rong>. 18 Presumably, the
second type of gaps may be more of an accident than the first, and therefore, may potentially
enter the syllable set more easily.
Synchronically speaking, however, syllable gaps are seldom, if ever, filled in Mandarin;
the set of Mandarin syllables (as given in the Table of Mandarin Sounds) is closed. Syllables that
do not exist today are ill-formed and rejected by native speakers. The relative uniqueness of this
situation is better understood if we consider the accidental gaps in, say, English. In this language,
a native speaker will accept a gap such as 'blick' as being a well-formed syllable, even though it is
not in usethere is no meaning attached to it. The same is not true for the gaps in Mandarin. If
not in use, it is not normally accepted. The closedness of the syllable set in Mandarin is
manifested in the transliteration of foreign words, as mentioned earlier in the quote from Norman
(1988). Foreign syllables (and sounds) are not allowed into the system, but are normally rendered
into syllables that are members of the closed set. Diachronically speaking, when a two-syllable
word contracts into a single-syllable one, the output syllable is usually among the synchronically
acceptable set and not the phonological combination of the two original syllables.

2.3 The Processes

One important characteristic of Mandarin (as well as other Chinese dialects) is that
segmental phonological processes (i.e., processes not involving tone) almost always occur within
the syllable. One rare exception is an assimilatory segment addition process whereby a following
single-vowel syllable [a] copies, in its onset position, the last segment from the preceding
syllable. Examples of this process are given below in (2.15). The addition is shown in the IPA
illustration. These examples show that the last segment of the previous syllable is invariably a
high vowel (or its glide variant 19 ) or one of the two nasal finals. This last segment is copied in the
following syllable of the interjective particle [a] in the neutral tone: 20

See S. Wang (1994) for a discussion of phonotactic gaps in Chinese.
By the Glide-Formation Rule given later in (2.17), a high vowel becomes a glide when adjacent to a non-high
See the section on Mandarin neutral tone in this chapter.

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 37

IPA Pinyin

a. xwey ya hu* a '(pronoun) can!'

b. tuy
a q] a 'Go!'
c. xaw wa h2o a 'Good!'
d. i a x^ng a 'Will do!'
e. kan na k3n a 'Look!'
f. t
 a ch% a 'Eat!'
g. tstsa z* a Words!

Similar cross-syllable processes are quite rare. For instance, the alveolar nasal [n] is not
copied in the second syllable even though that syllable starts with a low vowel [a] (e.g., mi1n' 2o
'cotton-padded coat', but not mi1n n2o), 21 indicating the unity and independence of the
syllables in Mandarin. Interestingly, two reviewers of this book, both native American English
speakers who are competent users of Mandarin-as-a-second-language, expressed difficulties with
such lack of liaison between syllables in their Mandarin. One avoided using such terms as
m&n-n1n-y} 'Min dialect' since he would produce m&n-n1n-n| 'Min girl'
instead. The other has been heard to say hu`-n^ng when he meant to say hu`n-y^ng
'welcome.' In both cases, the speakers applied English liaison rule to their production of
Mandarin. 22

2.3.1 Consonants
In sharp contrast to the single phonological process across syllable boundaries, there are
many such processes within the syllable. Mandarin phonemic vowels and consonants may have
allophones: variants brought about by some contextual difference. In the Table of Consonants
(2.4), we listed twenty consonants. However, all are phonemessounds that have minimal pairs
to show that they are in contrast. Before we proceed to the Mandarin segmental phonological
processes, an explanation of the concept of minimal pairs is in order here. Let us see an example
from English. We know that the consonants [p] and [b] in English are phonemes because there are
minimal pairs such as [p t] 'pet' and [b t] 'bet' to show that they are in contrastive distribution.
The only significant difference between the two is that [p] is voiceless while [b] is voiced. The
feature [voicing], therefore, is a contrastive feature in English. On the other hand, the aspirated

By Pinyin spelling conventions, if the non-initial syllable of a word begins with a vowel, that syllable is separated
from the preceding one by an apostrophe (e.g., mi1n'2o 'cotton-padded coat', and x%'`n 'Xi'an, a city in
Northwest China').
Note that in both cases, the liaison occurred between a previous consonant and a following vowel. In phonetic
terms, y} and y^ng begin with a vowel; the use of <y> in both is based on Pinyin spelling convention.

38 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

[p] and the unaspirated [p] are variations of the same [p] and not two individual phonemes in
English, even though both forms exist: [p] in [pt] 'pit' and [p] in [spt] 'spit'. The crucial
difference is that here [p] and [p] are not in contrastive distribution, but in complementary
distribution: the unaspirated stop occurs only after the sibilant [s] while the other occurs in
syllable-initial position. In this case, the feature [aspiration] which differentiates the two is
therefore not a contrastive feature.
Complementary distribution is one of the most important pieces of information used to
determine whether or not two or more sounds go together as allophones of the same phoneme.
Sometimes, however, complementary distribution alone is not sufficient. Consider the set of
palatal consonants listed in (2.6), the Standard Table of Beijing Sounds and Syllables. These three
sounds [t, t, ] are heard only before high, front vowels (i.e., [i] and [_]). On the other hand,
there are three series of obstruents that are never heard before these two vowels, the dentals [ts,
ts, s], the alveopalatals [t, t, ], and the velars [k, k, x]; therefore, the palatals are in
complementary distribution with all three. The question is to which one of these obstruent series
should the palatals be assigned as allophonic variants?
One might be inclined to let the historical development of the palatals decide the matter.
Most cases of these palatals have evolved from velars at an earlier time. The [x]-[] and [k]-[t]
correspondences 23 are clear comparing Cantonese [hakaw] 'shrimp dumpling' with Mandarin
[ya-tyaw] 'shrimp dumpling'. One could, therefore, conclude that the palatals should be
considered variants of the velars (i.e., [k] [t], [k] [t], [x] []). However, some of
today's Mandarin palatals have developed from the dental series; and there is no way for modern
Mandarin speakers to distinguish a palatal of the velar origin from one with a dental originat
least not without philological study which is irrelevant for a synchronic study.
A better criterion for a decision on the allophonic membership of palatals rests on the
concept of phonetic similarity. Presumably contemporary speakers of Mandarin feel palatals to
sound more like alveopalatals than like either dentals or velars. One bit of evidence for this
assumption is the fact that native Mandarin speakers are often heard replacing the English
alveopalatals with the Mandarin palatals before high front vowels: [d ip] 'jeep' becomes [tip];
[tiz] 'cheese' becomes [tiz]; and [ip] 'sheep' becomes [ip]. The evidence suggests that the
native Mandarin speakers cannot produce the alveopalatals before a high front vowel or glide. On
the other hand, the same is not true for velars and dentals. Both seem to induce fewer problems
for the Mandarin speakers. The velar-initial English words [ki] 'key', and [gis] 'geese', and the
alveolar-initial English word [sik] 'seek', for instance, are usually mastered without much
problem. Thus, evidence from the ESL learning by native Mandarin speakers suggests that
synchronically, the alveopalatals are the underlying phonemes from which the palatals are
derived. If this is indeed the case, the phonological process of palatalization can be written as

The Mandarin consonant [x] in contemporary Cantonese is a glottal fricative [h].

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 39

(2.15) The Synchronic Palatalization Rule

alveopalatals [+high, -back]/ [+vocalic, +high, -back]

Having given this tentative synchronic rule, we should mention that it is perhaps not
unreasonable to assume that the phonemic origin of the palatals simply does not exist
synchronically. The complementary distribution of the palatals versus the dentals, the
alveopalatals, and the velars does not have synchronic significance, but is just a result of the
historical development which palatalized some velars and dentals.
The following table gives a summary of all the consonants and glides in Mandarin. Non-
phonemic ones are enclosed in braces (cf. (2.4)).

(2.16) place Labial dental alveolar alveo-palatal palatal velar

Stop [+asp] p t k
[-asp] p t k
affricate [+asp] ts t (t)
[-asp] ts t (t)
fricative [+asp] f s  () x
approximant nasal m n 
liquid l
glide (w) (y)( )

2.3.2 Vowels
While it is evident that in Mandarin, there are only three outstanding allophones (the
palatals) in consonants, there are more contextual variants in vowels. In fact, all six of the
phonemic vowels have variations. A high vowel, for example, when occurring before or after
another vowel (which is, incidentally, always [-high] in Mandarin), assumes the form of a glide;
namely, [i] becomes [y], [u] becomes [w], and [_] becomes []. The processes can be captured by
the following two mirror image rules. The first says that a high vowel becomes a corresponding
glide if appearing before another vowel, and the second that a high vowel becomes a
corresponding glide if appearing after a vowel.

(2.17) Glide Formation Rules

a. [+vocalic, +high] [-vocalic] / [+vocalic]

b. [+vocalic, +high] [-vocalic] / [+vocalic]

40 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

Non-high vowels [
] and [a] also have variations. However, the variation does not involve
categorical change; their allophones remain vowels regardless of environment. The mid vowel [
has three context-induced allophones: [e, , ] whose distribution is given below:

(2.18) a. /
/ [e] / ______ i
b. /
/ [ ] / [+high,-back]______
c. /
/ [ ] / ______ [+nas]

The rules say /

/ appears as [e] before the high-front-unrounded vowel [i] (see (a)), as [ ]
after [i] or [_] and before the syllable boundary, denoted by '' (see (b)), as [ ] before the nasals
(see (c)), and as [
] elsewhere. The following are examples that show the operation of these rules:

IPA Pinyin

[e] pey bei 'cup'

[ ] y ye 'leaf'
py bie 'turtle'
yue 'approximate'
[ ] n en 'gratitude'
t  deng 'light'
] l
le 'happy'
ge 'song'
24 po 'slope'

The low vowel [a], on the other hand, has just two context-induced allophones: [ ] and
[]. Their distribution is illustrated below:

(2.20) a. /a/ [ ] / [+high, -back] ______ n

b. /a/ [ ] / ______ i
c. /a/ [] / ______ 

Many native speakers of Mandarin insert a high vowel [u] between the labial consonants [p, p, m, f] and [
After glide formation, the syllables become [pw
], [pw
], [mw
], and [fw
] respectively (Pinyin <bo>, <po>,
<mo>, and <fo>).

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 41

These rules spelt out in plain English are that the low vowel /a/ is raised to [ ] between the
high front vowels [i] and [_] and the alveolar nasal [n], or before the high vowel [i], but is
backened before the velar nasal []. Elsewhere, it remains as an [a]. Examples of these allophones
are given below:

IPA Pinyin

[ ] y n yan 'smoke'
t n quan 'circle'
[ ] w y wai 'not straight'
[] f fang 'square'
[a] fan fan 'turn over'
ma ma 'mother'

To summarize, all the Mandarin vowels, phonemic or phonetic (in braces), are given in the table

(2.22) front central back

unround round unround round
high i u
mid (e) ( )
( )
low a ()

2.3.3 Pinyin and IPA

Pinyin, literally 'spell sounds', is a Latin-letter-based alphabetic system that was initially
developed in the 1950s in the People's Republic of China to replace Chinese characters. No
sooner had the system been officially promulgated in 1958 than that purpose was abandoned.
Thereafter Pinyin began to be used as a phonetic aid for the promotion of P}t8nghu3 ,
literally, Common Language, the official name for Standard Mandarin. 25 Because it was
developed as a writing system, Pinyin is not exactly a purely phonemic system. Rather, some
symbols are phonemically oriented whereas others embody phonetic details.
Most consonant symbols are faithful representation of the phonemes of the language.
There are three notable exceptions. As discussed in the last section, the palatal consonants [t,

See Chapter 1 for a description of the various names for Mandarin.

42 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

t, ] are not underlying phonemes, but allophones that appear only before high front vowels.
They should, therefore, be missing from an inventory of phonemes in Mandarin. In Pinyin, they
are treated as separate individual sounds from those from which they are derived and are
represented by the symbols <j, q, x> respectively. Such treatment of these allophones is not
without good reasons. As discussed previously, the phonemic origin of these allophones is still
largely a mystery. This raises the question of which set of symbols to use for the representation of
the palatals, those for the dentals, the alveopalatals or the velars? For instance, how should <ji>
'chicken' be written? Should it be written as <zi>, <zhi>, or <gi>? Besides, as mentioned earlier,
it is perhaps not unreasonable to assume that the phonemic origin of the palatals simply does not
exist synchronically. If this assumption is valid, it makes sense to represent these palatal sounds
separately even from a phonemic point of view. In terms of dialect division, the palatalization
serves to identify dialects of the north which have this feature from dialects of the south which
generally lack it. Without representing the palatals separately, this important distinction between
Mandarin in the North and Non-Mandarin Chinese dialects in the South would not be represented.
Compared with the consonant symbols, the vowel symbols of Pinyin are more faithful
representations of phonemes in Mandarin. In (2.5), we saw that Mandarin has six phonemic
vowels [a,o,
,i,u,_], and in Section 2.3.2, we learned, in addition, that two non-high vowels have
allophones, and the high vowels have glide counterparts. Pinyin has six vowel symbols <a, o, e, i,
u _> and two glide symbols. They cover all the phonemic vowels, but not all the allophones. In
particular, we have Pinyin <a> to stand for the allophones [ ] between [i] and [n], [ ] before [i],
[] before [], and [a] elsewhere. For the phonemic vowel /
/, Pinyin has [e] before the high
vowel [i], [ ] after the high vowel [i] and before the syllable boundary, [ ] before the alveolar
and velar nasals, and [
] elsewhere. For the three glides [w, y, ] which are de-vocalicized high
vowels, Pinyin has just two symbols: <y> and <w>. The former, <y>, is also the symbol for the
de-vocalicized high front umlaut vowel [] when used in conjunction with a following <u>
symbol (e.g., <yuan> [ n] 'circle').
In addition to not completely matching phonemic or phonetic information at the individual
sound level, Pinyin differs somewhat from a strictly linguistic representation of the syllable. From
(2.6) in the section on syllables, we learned that a syllable never has two high vowels adjacent to
each other. Whenever two vowels appear together, one must be a non-high vowel, or whenever
two high vowels are present, they would flank a [-high] vowel. In Pinyin representation, when the
initial position is not empty (i.e., not a zero initial), the syllable final [yow] is <iu> (e.g., l%u 'to
flee'), and the syllable final [wey] is <ui> (e.g., tu% 'to push'). In both cases, the middle non-
high vowel is omitted. When there is a zero initial, however, this vowel is shown (e.g., y0u
'friend' and w6i 'tail'). Also shown is the glide formation of the initial high vowels. At the
syllable level, another piece of information that is not codified in Pinyin concerns the umlaut
vowel [_]. Where the information is predictable from context, the diacritic is not shown in Pinyin.
After the palatals <j, q, x>, for instance, the <_> is simply <u> (e.g., j[ 'orange', q[ 'region',
and x[ 'need'). When [_] begins the syllable, it is represented with a <y> followed by <u>
(e.g., y[ 'stupid', yu1n 'circle', yu7 'moon'). In fact, <_> is spelt only after the initials <l>

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 43

and <n> (e.g., n|, 'woman,' l\ 'green', and l\e 'omit').

At the syllable level, Pinyin representation does not correspond to the phonemic
information in yet another area: the representation of the syllables formed by only one syllabic
consonant. As mentioned in Section, Mandarin has seven syllabic consonants: the sibilants
alveolars and alveopalatals [ts, ts, s, t, t, , ]. These consonants provide substance for both
the initial consonant and the peak vowel positions in the syllable structure. Pinyin uses the
symbol <i> to represent the voiced part of the syllable, so that these seven syllables are
represented with both a consonant and a vowel symbol: <zhi, chi, shi, ri, zi, ci, si>. Such
representation does not create problems for native speakers of Mandarin learning Pinyin, but may
cause trouble for Chinese-as-a-second-language learners who may mistake the vocalic part of the
syllable for the high front unround vowel [i] found in t% 'to kick' and m& 'rice'.
Some people may argue that the vocalic part in the syllables of syllabic consonants is
actually a vowel that is in complementary distribution with the high front vowel [i], and therefore,
the use of the <i> in both cases is justified. This usage signifies that the vowel of the syllabic
consonant is just an allophone to the underlying vowel [i]. Such a relation, however, cannot be
established. We learned previously in Section 2.3.1, that the dentals, alveopalatals, and velars are
in complementary distribution with the palatals. The complementary distribution is quite clear
cut, and there is no reason to believe that the complementary distribution has just one exception:
the syllables with a single high front vowel [i]. Additionally, some dentals before high front
vowels became palatals historically. Treating the vowel in the syllabic-consonant syllables as
underlyingly a high front vowel would leave unanswered the question why these consonants have
not become palatals. A third argument against assuming the vocalic part of these syllables to be
the high front vowel is that the vowel part in the dental syllables and those in the alveopalatal
syllables do not have the same value 26 ; it is not clear if they are the same vowel.
Since the oldest system of romanization for Chinese was introduced by Sir Thomas Wade
in 1859 and developed by Herbert Giles in his 1912 dictionary, some half a dozen alphabetic
systems have been developed and used for writing and teaching Chinese. In addition to varied
choices of symbols for certain sounds, one major difference among them lies in how they treat
phonemic and phonetic information. In particular, an allophone represented separately from its
phoneme in one system may not be so in another. For instance, in the Wade-Giles system, the
palatals [t, t, ] are treated as if they are allophones of the alveopalatals 27 since both sets
share the same set of symbols as the retroflex [t,t,]; namely <ch, ch', sh> respectively. In
Pinyin, on the other hand, symbols for the former are <j, q, x,> while those for the latter <zh, ch,
sh>. Another example is that the Wade-Giles system does not distinguish between the aspirated
affricates [t,t] in the primary symbols; both are <ch>, although they are distinguished by a
secondary symbol, an apostrophe: <ch, ch'>. In Pinyin, they are represented distinctively in
primary symbols as <zh> and <ch>. In sum, segmental phonology sometimes is and sometimes is
not encoded in the alphabetic systems of Chinese.

They do not rhyme with each other. Neither do they rhyme with [i].
Incidentally, this is the position mentioned in (16).

44 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

2.4 The Tones

In the last section, we looked at segmental processes in Mandarin. Now let us turn to the
supersegmentals, in particular, the tones of Mandarin. That Mandarin is a tone language is one of
its most well-known features. But what is a tone? How does it work in language? In particular,
what are tones like in Mandarin? These are among the questions that will be explored in this
The understanding of tone relies on knowledge of another linguistic entity called pitch.
Acoustically, pitch can be measured in terms of fundamental frequency (F0). Phonetically, the
production of pitch involves the tensing of the laryngeal muscles. All languages manipulate pitch
to encode meaning. However, while all languages do so at the phrase or sentential level which is
called intonation, only some languages use pitch variation at the word/morpheme level.
Languages that vary pitch at the word/morpheme level are said to be tone languages. A very
simple example of the linguistic use of pitch at the word level can be found in Nupe, a language
spoken in Nigeria. In this language, the syllable ba means 'to count' if said with a low pitch, but it
means 'to be sour' if said with a high pitch.

2.4.1 Basic Tones

Not all tone languages use pitch in the same simple way as the Nupe example suggests.
Pitch at the word or morpheme level is used in a more complex way in Mandarin, as it is in many
Asian languages. In Mandarin, it is not just a matter of the height of the pitch varying to yield
different level tones, but rather the pitch may go upward or downward to produce different
contour tones. Several linguistic analyses have been developed in the past to describe tones. Some
are more theoretically accomplished, more precise and insightful, while others are less so. One of
the most used but less theoretical descriptions of tones was the Scale of Five Pitch Levels,
developed by the late Yuen Ren Chao, the most well-known linguist of Chinese. On this Scale,
the four basic Mandarin tones can be represented as here:

(2.23) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Tone Tone Tone Tone


What the Scale does is to divide the pitch range of a person engaging in normal speech into five
levels, with Level 5 representing the highest pitch, and Level 1 the lowest. Traditionally, tones in
Mandarin are each given a number for ease of reference. The First Tone, the only level tone of the
language, starts at the highest point on the Scale and continues at that same pitch for a designated
period of time. The Second Tone, a rising tone, starts somewhere in the middle of the pitch range
and rises upward to the highest point. In the production of the Third Tone, the speaker attempts to

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 45

start at the lowest pitch, continues at that low pitch for a little while, and then raises it somewhat
before finishing. In producing this tone, the speaker may unintentionally start a little higher than
the intended low pitch target due to the physiological constraints which make it hard for the
speaker to reach the low target right away. Traditional descriptions which assume the third tone's
value to begin with a falling pitch have failed to consider this. The Fourth Tone is falling and
covers all the pitch range. It starts at the highest pitch level and drops to the lowest. Based on the
measurement on Chao's Scale, the First Tone can be said to have the value of (55), indicating that
the tone starts at the pitch level of 5 on the Scale and finishes at the same level. For the same
reason, the rest of the four tones can be said to have the value of (35), (113) and (51). The four
Mandarin tones as given here are the citation tones. That is, they are tones produced in isolation
or in a final position where no other tones follow. In Pinyin, these four tones are represented by
diacritics over the vowel, or if there are more than one vowel, over the lowest one. These four
diacritics are shown below over the syllable <ba>.


1st Tone b` 'eight'

2nd Tone b1 'pull out'
3rd Tone b2 'target'
4th Tone b3 'father'

In connected speech, these basic Mandarin tones often undergo context-induced

modifications called tone sandhi. The best-known tone sandhi processes in the language involve
the Third Tone (113). This tone, which is also phonetically the longest of the four in citation form
(L Feng 1985), becomes a high rising tone similar to the second tone 28 (35) when appearing
before another Third Tone 29 . However, it becomes a low level tone (11), a 'half third' in Chao's
terminology, when appearing before other basic tones. In other words, the Third Tone never takes
on the citation form if there is another tone following it. The Fourth Tone also undergoes sandhi.
This tone, when followed by another tone, is modified into (53) from the citation form of (51) 30 .
Similarly, the Second Tone has been found to alter its shape in connected speech. It becomes high

It is not conclusive at the present time whether the modified Third Tone is completely identical to the Second Tone
in value. According to Shen (1990), for instance, the second Third Tone is higher when following an inherently
rising tone (i.e., a Second Tone) than a rising tone generated by the Third Tone Sandhi (p. 285), which indicates that
the two rising tones are not quite the same.
Tone sandhi as presented in this section is always true on an isolated two-syllable sequence. However, when the
string gets longer and involves more than two syllables, the picture becomes more complex. Such complexity has
given rise to sentence phonology, which will be briefly discussed later in this chapter.
Traditionally, the Fourth Tone was found to undergo this change only before another Fourth, but this
understanding was based on imprecise auditory impression. Shih's (1986) Bell Laboratory report indicated that the
Fourth Tone never reaches the low target when followed.

46 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

level when sandwiched by the First or the Second in front and another tone after it. The only tone
that, for a long time, was not found to undergo modification is the First Tone. Is there really a
linguistic gap here? Recent studies by H. Lin (1992, 1996, and 1998) have suggested otherwise.
In these studies, we found that the perceived absence of modification on the First Tone is
a result of the limitation of the theoretical tools used in the description of tones. Traditional
phonological analyses of tones have looked exclusively at the direction along which the pitch
moves: upward, downward or just steadily ahead. Theoretically, they ignored treating the timing
along which the movement occurs. We suggest an analysis that takes the timing into account. In
this analysis, each Mandarin tone is represented by three tonemes, each toneme representing,
relatively speaking, one third of the time used to utter the tone in citation. Using the tools
developed in the non-linear phonological theory in which tones are represented by a sequence of
level tonemes, the four Mandarin tones are represented in citation as HHH, MHH, LLM and
HML. The symbols 'H, M, L' represent high level, mid level and low level tonemes respectively.
This representation of the four Mandarin tones takes into account the fact that, phonologically
speaking, all Mandarin tones (or syllables) have the same relative length 31 . One important fact
about tones in Mandarin is that the citation form is about twenty-two percent longer than the same
tone in non-final position (L. Feng 1985) 32 . This figure, translated into relative toneme
representation, can be construed as the shortening of a non-final tone by the deletion of the last
toneme. In this way, the four Mandarin tones should have the shapes of HH, MH, LL, HM,
respectively, when not appearing alone or in final position. As we will show below, this treatment
can explain the previously mentioned Half-Third Sandhi, Fourth Tone Sandhi and Second Tone
Sandhi by making the following stipulation:

In connected speech, within the metrical foot of two syllables, a toneme at
the edge of a basic tone is deleted if (a) adjacent to another tone, and (b) not in a
final tone.

One advantage of treating the timing dimension in Mandarin tonal analysis is that it yields
an explanation as to why the First Tone does not undergo sandhi change. We find that it is not
that the First Tone does not change, but that the change is not detectable in traditional theory of
tonal representation. The First Tone, just like the other tones, is modified in its length when
another tone follows: Just as the Fourth Tone loses the last toneme to change from HML to HM
(i.e., from 51 to 53), the First Tone changes from HHH to HH. But because the traditional tonal
theories do not encode length, this tonal change in the First Tone is not treatable and the fact that
the First Tone undergoes the same change as the Fourth Tone (and the Second and Third) is

Acoustically, the Third Tone is the longest, then followed by the Second, the First and the Fourth. However, the
difference is insignificant at the rule-governed phonological level.
Feng's findings are that, in non-final position, the average tone lasts 235 milliseconds while in final position, it
lasts 301 milliseconds (p. 177).

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 47

Another advantage is that now we can pinpoint the reason why a Third Tone has to change
when another Third Tone follows. The reason that emerges from our theory is dissimilation, a
very common process found in the world's languages. When a Third Tone is followed by another
Third, by (2.25), it loses its last toneme. As a result, there appears a series of more than two low
tonemes (i.e., LL LLM), a sequence that is perhaps physiologically hard to produce. Adjustment
thus has to ensue, and the result is that the tail of the first tone is raised.
The following summarizes our theory of Mandarin basic tone with reference to Chao's

(2.26) 1st Tone 2nd Tone 3rd Tone 4th Tone

HHH MHH HHH HML (In citation)
HH MH HH HM (Non-final)

In other words, all the four basic tones have sandhi processes which can be captured, first
of all, in the following rules (which are essentially the same ruledeletion of a final toneme).
Note that the symbol 'X' stands for any toneme, H, M, or L.

(2.27) In Citation In Normal Speech

a. 1st Tone Sandhi: T T T T

/|\ /|\ /\ /|\
b. 2nd Tone Sandhi: T T T T
/|\ /|\ /\ /|\
c. 3rd Tone Sandhi: T T T T
/|\ /|\ /\ /|\
d. 4th Tone Sandhi: T T T T
/|\ /|\ /\ /|\

In fast speech, the Second Tone goes further by losing the left toneme when it is, at the
same time, preceded by another tone 33 (Y. R. Chao 1968).

Chao only detected the high level Second Tone when the preceding tone is a First or a Second tone. However,
there is reason to believe that the same is true when the preceding tone is a Third or a Fourth. On the one hand, the

48 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(2.28) In Normal Speech In Fast Speech

b'. 2nd Tone Sandhi: T T T T T T

(continued) /|\ /\ /|\ /|\ | /|\

The Third Tone, if followed by another Third, now gives rise to a problemthe output
contains a string of more than two low tonemes. A repair mechanism is therefore activated
whereby an edge tomeme is raised (See Footnote 28) to break the monotony:

(2.29) c'. 3rd Tone Sandhi: T T T T T T

/|\ /|\ /\ /|\ /\ /|\

2.4.2 Neutral Tone

That Mandarin does not favor a sequence of low tones is also found to be significant in the
case of the neutral tone. But before we get to the low tone issue, let us become acquainted with
the Mandarin neutral tone. This is unfortunately not an easy and straightforward task due to the
fact that there is still a great deal of controversy concerning what exactly the neutral tone is. In
this section, we will attempt to present briefly the crucial issues and work out a coherent
description of the neutral tone.
That the neutral tone is short and weak is well recognized. It is somehow derived from the
four basic tones; it is called the neutral tone because, in unstressed positions, any of the four basic
tones can lose their inherent tone and be 'neutralized' into this short and weak tone. This tone
neutralization process has been active for quite a long time: Many lexical items in the language
mostly function words which almost never appear in stressed positionshave become fossilized
Neutral tones, their tonal origin hard to trace from a synchronic perspective. Among words with
neutral tones whose tonal origin is traceable, some neutral tones are compulsory while others are
optional due to a number of factors unclear at the present time (See Lin 2001 for an explanation).
Phonetically, the neutral tone has been found to have not just one value but a number of
values depending on which basic tone it follows. By auditory impression, its phonetic values have
been found to be the following (S. Q. Qi 1956, T. Lin 1962, Y. R. Chao 1968 and Z. J. Wu 1985):

(2.30) Basic Tone+Neutral Tone


fact that the medial tone is the shortest is well-documented (e.g., Chao 1968, Yan and Lin 1988, and Shen 1990b),
and on the other, the characteristic of a level tone may have been concealed by transition from the lower offset of the
preceding Third or Fourth tone.

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 49


After the First, Second and Third Tone, it is relatively high, that is, (3) or (4) on Chao's
scale, and after the Fourth it is low or (1) on it. Furthermore, the neutral tone has been found to be
contoured in experimental studies using phonetic/acoustic instruments (Dreher and Lee 1966):

(2.31) Basic Tone+Neutral Tone


It falls after the First, Second and Fourth tones but rises after the Third. If these are its
phonetic values, what is the phonologicalthe phonemic or underlyingvalue of the neutral
tone? One of the best known positions is that the neutral tone does not have an underlying value,
but derives its surface tone from the preceding tone. This position fails to capture the native
speaker's intuition that the neutral tone is generally low after the First, Second and the Fourth, but
high after the Third. The well-known linguist Chin Chuan Cheng (1973) once remarked:

'The refined acoustic details [about the neutral tone] perhaps do not
necessarily represent the native speaker's knowledge. The speaker's aim perhaps is
to produce the neutral tone low after the first, second, and fourth tones and higher
after the third tone.' (p. 56)

A closer look at the measurements acquired in Dreher and Lee's study suggests the same
dichotomy, in that the neutral tone goes low (and falls) after the First, Second and Fourth Tones,
but high (and rises) after the Third. All these considerations point to a classic case of what is
called complementary distribution, in which one of the variants is the underlying formthe basic
form. It would not take long for any linguist to determine that the low tone after the First, Second
and Fourth is the underlying one since the environment in which it occurs is more complicated
and less predictable.
Interestingly, our theory that the neutral tone is fundamentally a low tone solves yet
another problem. If we take the position of the traditional belief that the neutral tone is toneless
on its own but derives its tonal shape from the basic tone before it, a problem arises when more
than one neutral tone appears after the basic tone. Although phonetically we know the values of
the neutral tone after the four basic tones, the question is what value should we assign to the
neutral tone that does not follow a full tone but another neutral tone? Such neutral tones are found
in Mandarin phrases such as these: 34

Refer to the chapters on morphology and syntax for an explanation of the grammatical markers PERF and DE(a).

50 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(2.32) a. tu% shang qu le de r5n

push up go PERF DE(a) person 'person pushed up'
b. t1i shang qu le de r5n
carry up go PERF DE(a) person 'person carried up'
c. z0u shang qu le de r5n
walk up go PERF DE(a) person 'person who has ascended'
d. s-ng shang qu le de r5n
send up go PERF DE(a) person 'person sent up'

All four phrases begin with a monosyllabic word, one that carries the First (a), the Second
(b), the Third (c) and the Fourth Tone (d) respectively. All of the four syllables between the first
word and the last (r5n 'person') are in the neutral tone. Phonetically, except for the first neutral
tone, all the other three are strictly low tones. The question here is where these three neutral tones
get their low tonal values now that they are not adjacent to a basic tone? What we have argued so
far boils down to the following conclusion: that the Mandarin Neutral tone is fundamentally a low
tone. In the notation of current theoretical phonology, the low neutral tone can be represented as

(2.33) The Underlying Representation of the Mandarin Neutral Tone


Now that we have pinpointed the basic value of the Neutral tone, we can look at the
neutral tone after the Third Tone to see what causes the low neutral tone to become high after the
Third Tone. Let us juxtapose the two tones:

(2.34) 3rd Tone Neutral Tone

| |

Here we find the same low tone sequence as found in the case of the Third Tone Sandhi.
We learned earlier that Mandarin avoids sequences of low tonemes, and that the low tone
sequence created by juxtaposing two Third Tones triggers some repair process that raises the tail
of the preceding Third Tone. If the language does not like sequences of low tonemes when the
Third Tone is concerned, there is no reason to expect it to allow the low tone sequence shown
above in (2.34). The only difference between the Third Tone Sandhi in (2.29) and the case here
lies in that the repair affects the first syllable in that case, but the second in this one. The
difference in the repair, however, should not be difficult to understand, since in both cases, it is
the prosodically weaker (and therefore less stable) tone that undergoes the change.

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 51

In brief, we believe that the Mandarin neutral tone, which is induced by the lack of stress,
is essentially a short low tone. It dissimilates after the Third Tone by rising in pitch. Interestingly,
we can now account for the varied surface values of the neutral tone in a consistent manner. They
are all the result of tone spreading, which can be elucidated by a line linking the preceding
toneme and the neutral tone, as shown below:

(2.35) a. 1st Tone Neutral Tone 1st Tone Neutral Tone

| | | |
nd nd
b. 2 Tone Neutral Tone 2 Tone Neutral Tone
| | | |
rd rd
c. 3 Tone Neutral Tone 3 Tone Neutral Tone
| | | |
th th
d. 4 Tone Neutral Tone 4 Tone Neutral Tone
| | | |

After spreading, the resultant neutral tone after the First, Second and the Four Tones
becomes HL, HL, and MLfalling tones, respectively, but an LM, a rising tone, after the Third.
These correspond to the results of the instrumental study by Dreher and Lee (1966) mentioned

52 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

Chapter 3 Morphology

Up to this point, we have been looking at the sounds, syllables and tone in Mandarin
without considering the meaningful function of these units. In this chapter, we will look at the
smallest unit that has a meaning and how meaningful units are combined to build words. It should
be noted that Mandarin is different from the other six major Chinese dialects primarily in the
areas of phonetics and phonology. When it comes to morphologywords and word structures,
the difference among them is drastically reduced. Thus, what is said about Mandarin morphology
in this chapter is largely applicable to other Chinese dialects as well. Since from here on, we are
not dealing specifically with individual sounds and their component features, we will use Pinyin
for the presentation of Mandarin dataunless otherwise noted.

3.1 The Morpheme

In linguistic terms, the smallest meaningful unit in language is called a morpheme. A word
may contain one or more morphemes. For instance, the English word book has one morpheme,
but books two, one meaning 'book', and the other 'plural'. What is a Mandarin morpheme like?
What are its general characteristics?

3.1.1 Monosyllabicity
One most remarkable characteristic about Mandarin is that virtually all native Mandarin
morphemes (i.e., morphemes that are not borrowed from a foreign language) are of the form hu`
'flower', xu5 'study', h9ng 'red' or n5ng 'can', namely, containing just one syllable.
The uniqueness of this characteristic is better understood when we look at languages such as
English where polysyllabic morphemes (e.g., Philadelphia, 1 Victoria, coffee, etc.) abound.
Normally, not only is a native Mandarin morpheme no larger than a syllable, but it is also no
smaller than a syllable either. Except for one case: the diminutive retroflex -r, subsyllabic
morphemes like the plural suffix -s in English do not exist in Mandarin. Due to this limitation on
its morpheme size, Mandarin or Chinese in general has been called a monosyllabic language 2 .
Although Mandarin does not really have subsyllabic morphemes, it does have a sizable
number of morphemes larger than one syllable. The majority of these morphemes, however, are
transliterations of foreign words. An example of such a foreign word is ji`n1d3 for
'Canada'. The Mandarin version is a single morpheme with three syllables, (which, incidentally, is
the case in the English original as well). With the ever-growing contact between China and the
rest of the world, and with the recent development in technology in the West, loan words,
especially ones from English, have greatly increased in Mandarin. Polysyllabic morphemes have,

It should be noted that although the word was originally formed by more than one Greek morpheme, it consists of
one morpheme in today's English.
There is a general misconception that Chinese is monosyllabic at the word level. Although Chinese words were
mostly monosyllabic at one time in history, one only has to check a Chinese word dictionary (c^di2n ) to realize
that the majority of Chinese words today consist of more than one syllable.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 53

as a result, greatly expanded in number. 3

However, not all borrowed polysyllabic morphemes have entered the Chinese vocabulary
during recent times. A few disyllabic morphemes such as p{tao 'grape' and b8li 'glass'
are loans from a much earlier time. Some, like the two just given, were borrowed so early that
most native speakers today are not aware of their foreign origin. Besides foreign words, there are
a number of native Mandarin morphemes with two syllables (see F. G. Liu 1997 for details of
such words). These are mostly morphemes of onomatopoeia, 4

(3.1) a. g[l[ 'rumble'

b. g`b` 'crack'
c. j%g[ 'mutter'
d. j%zh` 'chirp'
e. p[t8ng 'splash'

morphemes whose syllables alliterate,

(3.2) a. c`ngc] 'hurried'

b. c4nc% 'uneven'
c. ch9uch{ 'hesitate'
d. f2ngf{ 'as if'
e. f4nfu 'instruct'
f. hu2ngh[ 'in a trance'
g. k2nk6 'bumpy'
h. l^ngl* 'clever'
i. q%qi`o 'odd; fishy'
j. qi[qi`n 'swing'
k. t1ngt[ 'brusque'
l. t2nt7 'perturbed'
m. t1ot3i 'die out'
n. y9uy] 'hesitate'
o. zh%zh[ 'spider'

or morphemes whose syllables rhyme:

See Section 3.6 for more examples of such loan words.
The tone in the second syllable of the following words can alternatively be the neutral tone.
54 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.3) a. c9ngr9ng 'calm'

b. g`l1 'nook'
c. g2nl2n 'Chinese olive'
d. h{lu 'bottle gourd'
e. l`odao 'nagging'
f. l2ba 'trumpet'
g. l3ngdang 'dissolute'
h. lu8suo 'long-winded'
i. lu-tuo 'camel'
j. m^l^ blurred
k. p1ihu1i hesitate
l. q%ngting dragonfly
m. zh`ngl1ng cockroach

A few disyllabic morphemes do not belong to any of the above categories.

(3.4) a. bi`nf{ 'bat'

b. h{di5 'butterfly'
c. k4d0u 'tadpole'
d. l`j% 'garbage' 5
e. m2y& 'ant'
f. x%shu3i 'cricket'
g. y%ngwu 'parrot'
h. yu`nyang 'Mandarin duck'

3.1.2 Free and Bound

Linguistics classifies morphemes into two types: free morphemes and bound morphemes.
The distinction between these two is not clear-cut. Definitions of them vary among scholars. In
this book, we define the bound morpheme as synonymous with the term 'affix' (suffixes, prefix or
infix). Namely, it is a morpheme that can never stand alone; neither can it serve as a stem or root
to which another affix can be attached to form another word. A free morpheme, on the other hand,
is one that can at least perform one such function. Examples of free morphemes in English are
found in such words as earthquake and blackboard, each with two free morphemes. The first
morpheme in the following words is free while the second is not: cleverly, houses, and worked.
The order is reversed in the following words: reform, debug, and dislike. Mandarin morphemes,
in addition to being mostly monosyllabic, have the characteristic of being mostly free; there are

In Taiwan Mandarin, the word l`j% is pronounced l7s7, in which case, it belongs to the rhyming group given
in (3.3).
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 55

proportionally very few morphemes that cannot serve as a stem. We will give a more detailed
account of the bound morphemes in Mandarin later in this chapter.

3.2 The Word

Another meaningful unit in morphology is the word. Whereas a morpheme is atomic
cannot be further analyzed into more meaningful units, a word may contain one or more
morphemes. Furthermore, morphemes are the smallest building blocks of words, but words are
the smallest building blocks of phrases and sentences. However, the concept of 'word' is not
precisely definable. For instance, what makes 'blackboard' a word but not 'black bench'? When it
comes to Mandarin, the concept becomes even more tangled. Given that most Mandarin
morphemes are free, one question that often comes up is: do the free morphemes in a given case
form a word or a phrase or even a sentence? Adding to the problem is the fact that ordinary,
especially uneducated, Chinese do not seem to have a clear grasp of the concept of 'word'. What
they have instead seems to be the unit of the syllable. It is not surprising at all to hear a Chinese
parse a Chinese sentence into its component syllables rather than words. In answering the
question 'how many component parts are there in w0 xu5x^ zh8ngw5n 'I study
Chinese', an ordinary Chinese may give the wrong answer of 'five' rather than the correct answer
of 'three'. The sentence, as one can see, has five syllables. 6
While it is not an easy task to define the concept of word, the difficulty has never kept
linguists and non-linguists alike from taking 'word' as a working unit with which to make
morphological generalizations. At this unit level, one thing we are certain about is that most
Mandarin words are made up of two syllables. Since a Mandarin morpheme normally contains
one syllable, it follows that most Mandarin words contain two morphemes. According to one
statistical analysis (Frequency Dictionary of Modern Chinese by Wang et al. (1996)), among the
31,159 words surveyed, 22,941 or 74% are disyllabic words, and only 12% are monosyllabic
words. The other 14% are words of more than two syllables. In short, just as Mandarin is
monosyllabic at the morpheme level, the language is characteristically disyllabic at the word

3.3 Word Structure 7

The relationship between word and morpheme is that a word can contain one or more
morphemes. A word with one morpheme is a simplex word whereas one with two or more a
complex word. The following diagram shows the relationships among the syllable, morpheme and
word in Mandarin.

(3.5) Monomorphemic Simplex word Monosyllabic

Polymorphemic Complex word Polysyllabic

In writing, each syllable corresponds to a z* 'character.'
Where necessary, the morpheme boundary in this chapter is marked by a hyphen '-'.
56 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

For example, the sentence t` x&hu`n ch% p{tao 'He/she likes to eat grapes'
has four words but five morphemes. Among them, t` 'he/she/it' and ch% 'eat' are simplex words
that are monomorphemic and monosyllabic. P{tao 'grape' is another simplex word, but it contains
two syllables. The word x&hu`n 'to like', on the other hand, is a complex word containing two
monosyllabic morphemes: x& 'to like' and hu`n 'to be happy.' As previously mentioned, all
Mandarin morphemes are no smaller than a syllable. A complex word is therefore always more
than one syllable. There is, however, one exception which involves words with the diminutive
suffix r (see the last chapter and the next section for details). As this suffix does not add another
syllable to the word or morpheme it attaches to, the resultant word can be morphologically
complex but with just one syllable. This is expressed by the dotted line in the above diagram
When a word is complex, there emerge the questions of what the component morphemes
are, free or bound, and in what fashion they are combined. If a complex word contains only free
morphemes, it is often a compound, whereas if it contains a bound morpheme, it is a word built
by the morphological process of affixation. Compounding and affixation are two of the most
common word-formation processes in language. Other less common ones include reduplication
and abbreviation. Let us see how these processes work in Mandarin.

3.3.1 Affixation
Affixation is a process whereby a new word is built by adding a suffix or prefix to a root
which is either a free morpheme or a word in itself. The English adverb slowly is built by
suffixation through which a bound morpheme ly is attached to the root, the adjective slow.
Although affixation is primarily a matter of suffixation and prefixation, some languages also have
infixes. However, we will not deal with infixes, as their existence is very marginal. There are only
two notable cases: the morphemes bu (as in su`nbul%ud%u 'very sour') and li (as
in h{lih{t[ 'very confused'). Another case that seems to bear some resemblance to
infixation concerns the two morphemes (see (3.20)) b] 'not' and de 'can (i.e., possible).'
Take a verb-complement compound such as d2p- (morphemes: beat-broken) 'break' for an
example. Either bu or de can be placed between its two morphemes to yield d2bup- 'cannot be
broken,' and d2dep- 'can be broken,' respectively. However, it is not clear whether the output
after the insertion of de or bu is still a word. If it is not, the insertion is not morphological
infixation, but falls within the area of syntactic concatenation. Because of this uncertainty and
because it is a very marginal case of insertion, we will adhere to the claim that Mandarin does not
have infixation.
We mentioned previously that Mandarin does not have a great number of bound
morphemes, which means that Mandarin also lacks many affixes or affixation processes.
Historically speaking, Mandarin affixes or bound morphemes are derived from free morphemes
through certain grammaticalization processes. As the stages of their evolution vary, some may
exhibit more characteristics of an affix than others. Because of this, confusion may occur as to
what the definition of an affix is. In fact, there is a large gray area in the middle of a continuum
the extremities of which are 'true affixes' on the one hand and morphemes that have just begun to
acquire some kind of a grammatical meaning on the other. The existence of this gray area means
that before we proceed further, we need to define the term 'true affix.' In addition to never being
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 57

able to stand alone or serve as a stem in morphology, true affixes in Mandarin are morphemes that
have completely lost their original meanings. One such affix in Mandarin is zi . This suffix
used to mean 'child' or 'offspring' as a free morpheme in, say, old Chinese, but is now meaningless
in words such as zhu8zi 'table.' True affixes in Mandarin normally serve either a
grammatical function (e.g., building a noun) or a prosodic one aiming at building a word of two
syllables (refer to Section 3.3.5 for details). If they are suffixes, they are invariably in the neutral
tone. In the following, we will review a few true affixes most commonly used in Mandarin,
beginning with suffixes. Suffixes
The most productive suffix is perhaps the so-called diminutive r , mentioned a few
times previously. When attached to a root, this suffix adds to it a sense of smallness, intimacy,
familiarity, colloquialism and/or casualness. One unique feature about this suffix is that once it is
attached to the syllable, the quality of the nucleus vowel in the syllable changes as well, and the
exact outcome of the change varies with the original vowel. Phonetically, it may be hard to
vertically separate the root from this suffix; the two may be 'fused' in some fashion. In
phonological terms, this may mean that the suffix, rather than being a complete segment in form,
can be construed as having merely the form of a feature ([retroflex]) that is linked to the vocalic
part of the syllable. Examples of words with the suffix -r are:

(3.6) Morphemes

a. w1n-r to play-r 'to play'

b. hu`-r flower-r 'flower'
c. (xi2o) h1i-r child-r 'kid'
d. sh]y7-r leaf-r 'leaf'
e. q*shu&-r soda pop-r 'soda pop'
f. y{-r fish-r 'fish'
g. (xiao) g0u-r () dog-r 'puppy'
h. p2o-r to run-r 'to run'
i. h-u-r back-r 'back'
j. zh[t^-r pig feet-r 'pig feet'

Grammatically, -r may serve the function of converting a verb (a-c) or an adjective (d-e)
into a noun (See examples below). The r suffix is often optional, which is the case in the
examples in (3.6), but sometimes, especially in Beijing Mandarin, it is compulsory, as it is in the
examples given below:
58 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.7) Morphemes

a. k-u-r to button-r 'button'

b. hu3-r to paint-r 'painting'
c. g3i-r to cover-r 'cover'
d. k-ng-r empty-r 'space'
e. li3ng-r bright-r 'light'

While -r is the most productive, the most commonly-seen suffix in Mandarin is perhaps
the nominal suffix -zi. G. S. Gao (1990) made a survey in a dictionary of 3994 words and found
502 or about thirteen percent of the disyllabic words in it have this suffix. Similar to the English
suffix -ly which, in most cases, converts the stem into an adverb, -zi serves the grammatical
function of transforming the root it attaches to into a noun. As the following examples show, the
stem itself may be a noun (a), a verb (b) or an adjective (c). And like any true suffix in the
language, it is always in the neutral tone. The following is a list of words with this suffix:

(3.8) Morphemes

a. i. b^-zi nose-zi 'nose'

ii. zhu8-zi table-zi 'table'
iii. y3n-zi swallow-zi 'swallow'
iv. t^-zi (animal) foot-zi '(animal) feet'
v. sh3n-zi fan-zi 'fan'
vi. b7i-zi quilt-zi 'quilt'
b. i. l2o-zi old-zi 'father'
ii. xi2o-zi small-zi 'bloke; chap'
iii. p3ng-zi fat-zi 'fat person'
iv. l9ngzi deaf-zi 'deaf person'
v. sh2zi stupid-zi 'stupid person'
c. i. pi3n-zi to cheat-zi 'swindler'
ii. ji`zi to clamp-zi 'clamp'
iii. sh[zi to comb-zi 'comb'
This suffix should not be confused with the free morpheme z& 'seed' in words such as
y{z& 'roe (literally, fish seed)' and li1nz& 'lotus seed.' Although the former is
historically derived from the latter, they are now two different morphemes. One clue of the
difference is that as a suffix, the syllable is always in the neutral tone, but as a free morpheme, it
never is.
Another important suffix is the plural men . Although it means the same as the
English plural -s, this suffix is not at all as productive as its English counterpart. The only place it
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 59

is used consistently is with pronouns. When added to a singular pronoun w0 'I', n& 'you', or
t` 'he/she/it', it converts the latter into w0-men 'we', n&-men 'you (plural)' or t`-men 'they',
respectively. When it comes to nouns, this suffix has a limited usage; it is normally only attached
to nouns which refer to people; thus, many other nouns, though countable, cannot take this suffix.
Even with nouns referring to people, -men is not allowed if the noun already has a number or
quantifier modifying it. For instance, xu5sh4ngmen 'students' is fine, but *s`ng7
xu5sh4ngmen 'three students' and *h6ndu8 xu5sh4ngmen 'many
students' are not. The correct forms are, respectively, s`ng7 xu5sh4ng and h6ndu8 xu5sh4ng
without men. Moreover, plurality in nouns often does not have to be shown overtly by linguistic
means. Without the presence of the plural -men, a noun may still be plural. For instance, in the
sentence h1izi l1i le 'the child/children has/have arrived', the subject h1izi can be
interpreted as 'child' or as 'children', its exact interpretation derived from the context in which the
sentence is uttered.
There are a few other true suffixes that are less common. For example, -tou appears in
the examples given below. This suffix can also serve as a nominalizer by transforming a verb or
an adjective into a noun, as shown in (b) below:

(3.9) Morphemes
a. i. sh^tou stone-tou 'stone'
ii. f}tou axe-tou 'axe'
iii. m]tou wood-tou 'wood'
iv. y`tou little girl; 'little girl;
girl servant girl servant'
b. i. k}tou bitter-tou 'suffering'
ii. ti1ntou sweet-tou 'happiness'
iii. p3ntou to long for-tou 'good prospects'
iv. xi2ngtou to think-tou 'hope'
v. p%ntou to have illicit 'paramour'
The morpheme ba is yet another nominal suffix without much of a meaning as in
zu&ba 'mouth', w6iba 'tail', g`nba 'dried up', y2ba 'mute', and ji4ba
'stutter'. While genuine suffixes like those mentioned above are not large in number, there are a
host of morphemes which seem to be on their way to becoming bona fide suffixes. These
morphemes still bear some characteristics of a free morpheme: they may still carry their own tone
and/or retain their own meaning to a greater or lesser extent.
One such example is the agent suffix zh6 , which is attached to a verb or an adjective
to denote the person(s) or thing(s) that is the logical subject of the verb or adjective. It serves a
60 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

similar function as the English er/-or in such words as writer, worker and actor, but is not nearly
as productive as the latter; it can only be combined with a limited set of verbs and adjectives. In
colloquial speech, its original third tone is obscured, although it can still be clearly identified.
However, we can explain the identification as the result of the third tone and the neutral tone
sharing the same low tone forms in an unstressed position. 8 The merger of the two forms makes it
almost impossible to decide if the tone of -zhe is a third or a neutral one. Examples of this suffix
are xu5zhe 'scholar', zu-zhe 'author', c`nji`zhe 'participant', qi1ngzhe
'strong person', ru-zhe 'weak person', qi1nzhe 'the former', and h-uzhe 'the
latter'. If -zhe has almost reached the end of the grammaticalization process to become a true
suffix, there are morphemes which are behind it on this path. Two good examples of such
morphemes are hu3 'transform' and xu5 'study.' The former which serves similar functions
as the English suffix -ize as in modernize yields a verb when combined with a stem. Examples are
given below:

(3.10) Morphemes
a. l\hu3 green-ize 'to forest'
b. y1nghu3 foreign-ize 'Westernize'
c. t9nghu3 same-ize 'assimilate'
d. m6ihu3 beautiful-ize 'beautify'
e. ch0uhu3 ugly-ize 'defame'
f. ji2nhu3 simple-ize 'simplify'
g. l2ohu3 old-ize 'to age'
h. sh4nhu3 deep-ize 'deepen'
i. g8ngy7hu3 industry-ize 'industrialize'
j. xi3nd3ihu3 modern-ize 'modernize'
k. x*j\hu3 drama-ize 'dramatize'
Another similar example is -xu5. There may be a slight difference between -hu3 and -xu5
in terms of the degree of grammaticalization. The morpheme hu3 seems less free; one does not
find it often in the initial position of a compound in which it means 'transform'. The suffix xu5, on
the other hand, still appears in the initial position of many compounds. To name a few: xu5xi3o
'school', xu5sh4ng 'student', xu5wen 'scholarship' and xu5l* 'diploma'.
Meanwhile, xu5 has appeared in so many words denoting an area of scholarly study that it has
now become fairly productive as a morpheme in words of academic disciplines, and has begun to
show characteristics of a suffix. The following are examples in which it appears as such a quasi-

See the sections on the third tone and the neutral tone in the last chapter for further details.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 61

(3.11) Morphemes
a. w5nxu5 literature-study 'literature'
b. sh]xu5 number-study 'math'
c. l*xu5 force-study 'mechanics'
d. zh5xu5 philosophy-study 'philosophy'
e. k4xu5 science-study 'science'
f. y}y1nxu5 language-study 'linguistics'
g. q*x*angxu5 weather-study 'meteorology'
h. sh4ngw]xu5 biology-study 'biology'
i. sh7hu*xu5 society-study 'sociology' Prefixes
If Mandarin has a small number of true suffixes, it has even fewer true prefixes. In fact,
there is only one prefix that is, in a sense, productive: the ordinal-number prefix d*- . This
prefix is added to a cardinal number to derive an ordinal one, similar to the suffix -th in English.
For instance, the numbers y% 'one', sh^y% 'eleven' and ji}sh^ji} 'ninety-nine', when
prefixed with d*- become d*-y% 'first', d*-sh^y% 'eleventh' and d*-ji}sh^ji} 'ninety-ninth',
respectively. Another prefix that works with numbers is ch[- which is used mostly with the
numbers 1 to 15 to denote the first fifteen days of a month, particularly the first month of the
Chinese lunar year (e.g., ch[y% 'the first day of the month'). A prefix that is more or less common
is l2o- which either has a vague sense of seniority, familiarity, affection or colloquialism, or
serves as a meaningless word-formative prefix similar to -zi. This affix is synchronically a
different morpheme from the free morpheme l2o which means 'old' (e.g., l2or5n 'old man,'
and l2o p5ngy0u 'old friend'). Examples of words with l2o- are given below. Note that
unlike genuine suffixes, prefixes in Mandarin keep their inherent tones. 9
(3.12) Morphemes
a. l2oh} old-tiger 'tiger'
b. l2osh} old-mouse 'mouse'
c. l2ob2n old-board 'boss'
d. l2osh% old-teacher 'teacher'
e. l2ob2ix*ng old-hundred-surname 'common people'
f. l2oc[ old-careless 'uneducated person'
g. l2oye old-grandpa 'maternal grandpa'
h. l2opo old-older female 'wife'
i. l2ow3i old-foreign 'foreigner'

See the last section of this chapter for relationship between stress and neutral tone.
62 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

Other much less used prefixes are `- , which is another word-formative morpheme
without much meaning. Sometimes giving a sense of affection and familiarity, `- appears in `y^
'auntie', `f4i 'Teddy boy', or before single-syllable personal or family names: `f`
'Fa (name)', `b2o 'Bao (name)' and single-syllable vocative expressions: `g4
'older brother'. However, because its use before names and vocative expressions is a common
practice in many Southern dialects (such as Cantonese), this prefix sounds foreign in Mandarin.
Compared with compounding, which we will explore in the next section, affixation is a
much less used process in word formation in Mandarin. This paucity of affixation is, in a sense,
responsible for Mandarin's lack of such morphological processes as verb conjugation and noun
declension which are common in European languages. A Chinese verb z0u 'walk', for
instance, remains z0u in all types of sentences and phrases regardless of their tense, aspect, mood,
Historically, the fact that Chinese lacks conjugation and declension earned the language
very low esteem among pre-modern language specialists in the West. These scholars considered
Chinese a primitive language and some even went so far as to blame the lack of development in
science and technology on the so-called primitiveness of the language (Ramsey 1987). Others
questioned the ability of the Chinese people to reason in a hypothetical way simply because the
language does not have a morphological way of making counterfactual expressions. R{gu0 w0 q]
'(word for word) if I go' can mean both the factual 'if I go' or the counterfactual 'if I had
gone'. If the Chinese cannot express the counterfactual such as 'if I had gone', so too must they be
incapable of hypothetical thinking. Of course, one important factor that this scholar misses is that
the morphological process of verb conjugation is only one of the many capacities of a human
language. 10 What is expressed by one grammatical device in one language doesn't necessarily
have to be expressed the same way in another.

3.3.2 Compounding
If one has to name only one morphological process in Mandarin, it will be, without any
question, compounding. Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Mandarin is a
language of compounded words. Just as the great majority of the words in Mandarin are of two
syllables, virtually all Mandarin compounds, with a relatively small number of exceptions, are
disyllabic. Compounds sometimes mean the composite whole of the parts in them (3.13)a). Often
their meanings are at least related to the meanings of the parts (3.13)b). However, occasionally,
the meanings of the parts have nothing to do with the meaning of the whole (3.13)c):

See Steven Pinker (1995) for a discussion of this.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 63

(3.13) Morphemes

a. i. m2imai buy-sell 'trade'

ii. shu8m^ng talk-clear 'clarify'
b. i. sh&zh8ng beginning-end 'always'
ii. h2od2i good-bad 'in any case'
c. i. d8ngxi east-west 'thing'
ii. m2hu horse-tiger 'careless'

By the very nature of compoundingconjoining free morphemes, these two-syllable

compounds invariably constitute two morphemes. These two morphemes may, in turn, be related
in a number of manners which will be the topic of exploration in the following sections. Coordinative Compounds

Morphemes of a Mandarin compound may be coordinate. When they are, usually they are
also of the same parts of speech (as shown below); namely, two nouns (a), two verbs (b), two
adjectives(c), and in rare cases, two adverbs (d).

(3.14) Morphemes

a i. p5ngy0u friend-friend 'friend'

ii. sh4ngy%n sound-sound 'sound'
iii. y1ch& teeth-teeth 'teeth'
iv. g}r-u bone-flesh 'blood relative'
b. i. b3og3o report-report 'report'
ii. ji6f3ng untie-loosen 'liberate'
iii. xi[xi to rest-to rest 'rest'
iv. ji4ji3n receive-see 'receive'
c. i. gu2ngd3 wide-big 'vast; extensive'
ii. f4ngf] plenty-rich 'rich'
iii. q^gu3i odd-strange 'strange'
iv. m6il* beautiful-pretty 'beautiful'
d. i. g`ngc1i just now-just now 'just now'
ii. z2ow2n early-late 'sooner or later'

The following coordinate compounds show that the meanings of the two morphemes may
be the same (a), similar or related (b), or opposite or contrastive (c):
64 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.15) Morphemes
a. i. p5ngy0u friend-friend 'friend'
x*j] opera-opera 'opera'
ii. b3og3o report-report 'report'
sh4ngch2n produce-produce 'produce'
iii. meili beautiful-pretty 'beautiful'
qiguai odd-strange 'strange'
b. i. r5nm^n human-people 'people'
sh]m] tree-wood 'tree'
y%y3o medicine-drug 'medicine'
ii. 3ih] love-protect 'treasure'
zh3nd-u fight-struggle 'fight'
iii. gu2ngd3 wide-big 'vast'
f4ngf] plenty-rich 'rich'
c. i. m1od]n lance-shield 'contradiction'
f]m} father-mother 'parents'
sh&zh8ng beginning-end 'always'
ii. k`igu`n turn on-turn off 'switch'
h[x% exhale-inhale 'breath'
ch[r] go out-go in 'difference'
iii. sh4nqi2n deep-shallow 'depth'
h2ohu3i good-bad 'quality' Endocentric Compounds

The two morphemes in a compound may have a modifier-modifiee (head) grammatical
relation, in which case, the modifier always precedes the modified, as shown in the following:
(3.16) Morphemes
a. i. hu0ch4 fire-vehicle 'train'
ii.. di3nn2o electrical-brain 'computer'
iii. d3r5n big-person 'adult'
iv. r7x%n hot-heart 'warm-hearted(ness)'
v. l{nchu1n wheel-boat 'ship'
b. i. b&zh^ pen-straight 'perfectly straight'
ii. f6nh9ng powder-red 'pink'
iii. b%ngl6ng ice-cold 'ice-cold'
c. i. qi1nj*n front-march 'march forward'
ii. w4ixi3o slight-laugh 'smile'
iii. f]y*n repeat-print 'photo-copy'
The (a) cases in the above contain a head which is a noun, its modifier being an adjective
or noun. These compounds are mostly nouns. The modifier in the (b) cases is invariably a noun,
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 65

its head being all adjectives. The resultant compounds are adjectives just as the heads. The words
in (c) are verbal compoundsthe results are verbs. They contain an adverb which modifies the
head verb. Verb-Object Compounds

The two morphemes in a compound may have a verb-object relation, and, as in a sentence
with a normal word order, the verb always precedes the object.

(3.17) Morphemes

a. i. f3ngx%n put-heart 'feel at ease'

ii. l&sh* manage-affairs 'member of a council'
iii. sh%w3ng lose-hope 'disappointed'
iv. b3om^ng report-name 'register'
v. sh`ngx%n hurt-heart 'sorrow'
b. i. ch%f3n eat-meal 'dine'
ii. g5m*ng remove-life 'revolution'
iv. shu*ji3o sleep(v.)-sleep(n.) 'to sleep'
v. di[li2n lose-face 'lose face'

In the above examples, the (b) cases can have other words between the two component
morphemes whereas those in (a) cannot (see Z. W. Lu 1957 and T. Q. Xu 1997 for more details of
such compounds). One can say, for instance,

(3.18) a. ch% le y%d]n f3n

eat-PERF -one-CLS-meal 'ate a meal'
b. g5 le y%ch2ng m*ng
remove-PERF-one-CLS-life 'made a revolution'
c. shu* y%hu*r ji3o
sleep(v.)-a moment-sleep(n.) 'sleep for a moment'
d. di[ le li2n
lose-PERF-face 'lost face'

In (3.18), the line below the sample sentence in Pinyin gives a word for word translation.
The translation of the whole verb phrase is found on the right-hand-side column. When the two
morphemes (which are underlined) are separated as they are here, they, of course, are no longer
compounds, but separate words.

For a clear definition of the grammatical marker le, please refer to the next two chapters.
66 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese Verb-Complement Compound

The two morphemes in a compound can be of a verb-complement relation, with the
complement following the verb, just as it would be in a normal sentence.

(3.19) Morphemes

a. d2p- beat-broken 'break'

b. g2ish3n change-good 'improve'
c. ji4l] tear off-expose 'expose'
d. shu8m^ng say-clear 'clarify'
e. ti3og`o jump-high 'high jump'
f. tu%f`n push-upside down 'overturn'
g. l^k`i separate-open 'leave'
h. zhu`j&n grasp-tight 'firmly grasp'

These compounds are mostly verbs, although occasionally they are nouns (b). Some of
these compounds (c) can have the negative morpheme b] or its opposite de 'can (possible)'
between the two component morphemes, as illustrated below: (See Section 3.3.1 for further
information on these two morphemes.)


a. tu%def`n 'can overturn'

'cannot overturn'
b. l^dek`i 'can leave'
'cannot leave'
c. zhu`dej&n 'can firmly grasp'
'cannot firmly grasp' Subject-Predicate Compounds

A compound can contain a 'subject' followed by a 'predicate,' in which case, it resembles a
sentence in structure, as shown below. The 'subject' in the examples in (a) is followed by a
'predicate verb', but that in (b) is followed by a 'predicate adjective':
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 67

(3.21) Morphemes

a. i. d*zh7n earth-quake 'earthquake'

ii. t9ut5ng head-ache 'headache'
iii. 6rm^ng ear-ring 'tinnitus'
b. i. k0uh9ng lip-red 'lipstick'
ii. ni1nq%ng year-light 'young'
iii. zu&ch1ng mouth-long 'big-mouthed'

Mandarin adjectives, as will be explained in more detail in the next chapter, are a type of
verb. Syntactically, they can serve as a predicate without being preceded by a linking verb. Noun-Classifier Compounds

Finally, the two morphemes in a compound 12 can be in a noun-classifier (CLS) 13 sequence.
Compounds of this type are relatively small in number. The following are some examples:

(3.22) Morphemes

a. f1ngji`n room-CLS 'room'

b. zh&zh`ng paper-CLS 'paper'
c. b]p% fabric-CLS 'fabric'
d. ch4li3ng vehicle-CLS 'vehicle'
e. chu1nzh% boat-CLS 'boat'
f. x*nji3n letter-CLS 'mail' Multisyllabic Compounds

Not all compounds are made up of two syllables; a small percentage contains three or
more syllables. Some of the three-syllable compounds contain two morphemes, as is the case in
(3.23d), in which the first two syllables form one morpheme. More often, however, three-syllable
compounds contain three morphemes. When they do, they have a more complicated internal
structure than two-syllable compounds. Now examine the following few examples of three-
syllable compounds:

This type of compound falls into a more general group in which the second element complements the first. Other
members of this group include words such as xi9ngm`o 'panda' with a morpheme structure of 'bear-cat' (Qian
1995). However the 'bear-cat' type of word are rare.
See next chapter for a description of Mandarin classifiers.
68 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.23) Morphemes
a. di3nb%ngxi`ng electric-ice-box 'refrigerator'
b. z*x^ngch4 self-run-vehicle 'bicycle'
c. ku3ic`ndi3n fast-food-restaurant 'fast food restaurant'
d. p3op3ot1ng bubble sugar 'gum'
e. g`og4nxi5 high-heel-shoe 'high-heeled shoes'

The first example above has three morphemes 'electric, ' 'ice,' and 'box,' yet the last two
obviously form a constituent which as a whole is modified by the first. Using square brackets, the
internal structure of this compound can be represented as [di3n-[b%ng-xi`ng]]. On the other hand,
the three morphemes in the example in (c) are obviously arranged in the following manner:
[[ku3i-c`n]-di3n], in which the first two morphemes form an immediate constituent before it
modifies the last one. Newer Compounds

So far, we have seen compounds with various kinds of internal structures. The ease with
which two morphemes can be juxtaposed perhaps explains, at least partially, why the language
consists predominantly of compounded words. In fact, not only are existing words predominantly
compounds, new words and expressions seem to be entering Mandarin mostly in the shape of
compounds. The following are a few examples of words relating to computer technology that
have fairly recentlyduring the last two decades or sobeen created based on their English
equivalents. All seem to have gained currency.

(3.24) Morphemes
a. bi`n-ch5ng compile-order 'programming'
b. f{-j% service-machine 'server'
c. gu`ng-bi`o light-indicator 'cursor'
d. gu`ng-p1n light-disc 'CD-ROM'
e. m5i-t& media-body 'media'
f. n7i-c{n inside-save 'memory'
g. ru2n-ji3n soft-piece 'software'
h. sh}-bi`o mouse-indicator 'mouse cursor'
i. w2ng-y7 web-page 'web page'
j. w4i-j% micro-machine 'personal computer'
k. w5n-b6n text-notebook 'file'
l. xi3z2i down-load 'download'
m. x[n* false-simulate 'virtual'
n. ji`oh] interact-mutual 'interactive'
o. zhu8mi3n table-surface 'desktop'
In sum, compounds are by far the most common words in Mandarin; two free morphemes
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 69

may combine in almost all sorts of possible phrasal structures to yield compounds. Such freedom
in constructing compounds blurs the borderline between Mandarin words, phrases and even
sentences. Indeed, there exists a very interesting interface between Mandarin morphology and
syntax that will be addressed in the next chapter.

3.3.3 Reduplication
There is a group of Mandarin words which, at a first glance, looks quite different from
compounds or words of affixation. Some of these are made up of two identical syllables and
morphemes: for example, r5nr5n 'everyone', z0uzou 'take a walk', d3d3 (de)
/ 'quite big', g4ge 'older brother', and g`ngg`ng 'just now'. These words are
said to be formed through the morphological process of reduplication. Taking a free morpheme or
a word as the base, reduplication operates to double it in size. The resultant word may acquire
some additional meaning. Take r5n for example. Alone, it is a word meaning 'person', but
when reduplicated, it becomes another word meaning 'every person' or 'everyone'. Thus, this kind
of noun reduplication serves the same purpose as attaching the word 'every' to the front of a
countable noun in English. Noun and Classifier Reduplication

Mandarin reduplication operating on words of different parts of speech may serve
different functions. We have seen that with the noun, it may have a repetitive meaning. Not all
nouns can be reduplicated in Mandarin. In fact, noun reduplication is not synchronically a
productive process. 14 Other than r5nr5n, it is found in a limited number of expressions: 15 ti`nti`n
'every day', ji`ji` 'every family', h]h] 'every household', r*r* 'every day',
y7y7 'every night', ni1nni1n 'every year', yu7yu7 'every month', sh*sh*
'every matter', ch]ch] 'every place', etc. Some of these reduplicated expressions are often
compounded to form a four-syllable word: r*r*y7y7 'day and night' and
ni1nni1nyu7yu7 'year after year and month after month', ji`ji`h]h] 'every
household', sh*sh*ch]ch] 'every case and every place', and ti1oti1oku3ngku3ng
'rules and regulations' (See Section for details).
Compared with nouns, more monosyllabic classifiers (CLS) can be reduplicated.
Examples are give below:

We have excluded here nouns that are kinship terms which will be addressed separately in a short while.
The number of reduplicated words varies from dialect to dialect. Xi'an Mandarin, for instance, seems to have many
more reduplicated nouns than Beijing Mandarin. Furthermore, what can be reduplicated in one dialect may not be in
70 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.25) Reduplicated Noun Phrase with CLS

a. ji3nji3n 'every piece' y*ji3n sh*qing 'a matter'

b. l*l* 'every grain' y^l* m& 'a grain of rice'
c. k4k4 'every tree' y*k4 sh] 'a tree'
d. g7g7 'every one' y^g7 r5n 'a person'
e. ti1oti1o 'every (fish/pants)' y*ti1o y{ 'a fish'
f. zh`ngzh`ng 'every y*zh`ng hu3 'a picture'
g. ji3ji3 'every plane' y^ji3 f4ij% 'a plane'

Yet, just as there are a limited number of nouns that can be reduplicated, not all classifiers
have reduplicated forms. For instance, one never says w7iw7i even though w7i performs
similar function as g7 when used between a number and, say, the noun p5ngy0u 'friend': Y^g7
p5ngy0u means the same as y^w7i p5ngy0u, but the classifier g7 in the former is freely
reduplicated while w7i in the latter is not. Regular noun reduplication can be seen as a special
case of classifier reduplication, since some of them share the classifier quality of being preceded
directly by a number. Let us test some of these nouns in (3.25) with the number y% 16
before it:

(3.26) No CLS With CLS

a. y* ti`n * y*g7 ti`n 'one day'

b. y^ h] * y^g7 h] 'one household'
c. y* n1n * y*g7 n1n 'one man'
d. ? y* n| * y*g7 n| 'one woman'
e. y^ r* * y^g7 r* 'one day'
f. y^ y7 * y^g7 y7 'one night'
g. y* ni1n ? y*g7 ni1n 'one year'
h. y* ji` y*g7 ji` 'one family'
i. ? y* r5n y*g7 r5n 'one person'
j. * y^ yu7 y^g7 yu7 'one month'

In the above examples, except for the last case which involves yu7, none of these nouns
has to have a classifier between it and a preceding number. In some cases, the use of a classifier is

The tone on the number y% 'one' has two sandhi formsvariations that appear in certain contexts. Before the
fourth tone, it rises, assuming the shape of the second tone (i.e., y^), but before the other three basic tones, it falls just
like the fourth tone (i.e., y*).
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 71

even forbidden. (See (a)-(f) in (3.26)).

Regular noun reduplication as described previously is not the same as reduplication in a
special group of nouns: the kinship terms such as m` in m`ma 'mother.' The reduplication in
kinship terms is different for at least two reasons. One, it does not add any meaningit does not
have a repetitive meaning: the reduplicated form means the same as the base. Two, the second
syllable carries the neutral tone. However, kinship-term reduplication does bear one important
similarity to the regular noun reduplication. It is not productive; only certain kinship terms can be
in reduplicated forms, examples of which are given below: 17

(3.27) Reduplicated
a. g4ge 'older brother'
b. ji6jie 'older sister'
c. d*di 'younger brother'
d. m7imei 'younger sister'
e. y5ye 'paternal grandpa'
f. n2inai 'paternal grandma'
g. sh[shu 'uncle (younger brother of father)'
h. ji]jiu 'uncle (brother of mother)'
i. s2osao 'sister-in-law (wife of older brother)'
j. sh6nshen 'aunt (wife of younger brother of father)'
k. l2olao 'maternal grandma'
l. b3ba 'father'
m. m`ma 'mother'
n. b9bo 'uncle (older brother of father)'
o. g[gu 'aunt (sister of father)'
p. p9po 'mother-in-law (husband's mother)'
q. g8nggong 'father-in-law (husband's father)'

Some kinship terms can only be in the reduplicated forms; their base forms are
meaningless. For example, l2o in l2olao 'maternal grandma' is meaningless alone 18 . Another
example is n2i in n2inai 'paternal grandma.' On its own, the single-syllable form may mean
'milk' or 'breast' but not 'grandma' or anything related to it. Thus, as a base for n2inai, the form is
meaningless. Other kinship terms are more often used in reduplicated forms than base forms (e.g.,
y5ye 'paternal grandpa.')
A third group of nouns that are often reduplicated are the proper nouns of personal names

Notice that not all two-syllable kinship terms are in reduplicated forms (e.g., d3b`i 'uncle (older brother of
father)' which is a compound).
That is, it does not have the meaning of 'maternal grandma' at all.
72 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

which are used vocatively. It is a very common practice for parents to address their children by a
name in reduplicated form. Often, this reduplicated name is built out of the last syllable of the
child's personal name. If the child's name is zh`ng li3ng 19 , parents may call the child
li3ngliang, usually with the second tone neutralized.
Finally, there are reduplicated nouns which do not fall into any of the above categories but
share the characteristics of kinship terms: they have a neutral tone on the second syllable and
mean the same as their base. Examples are b2obao 'little treasure (referring to a child), 20
w1wa 'little child', x%ngxing , 'gorilla', and x%ngxing , 'star.' Like regular noun
reduplication, it is not synchronically a productive morphological process. Verb and Adjective Reduplication

In contrast to noun reduplication, verb reduplication is a very productive process: all verbs
can normally double in size to yield a reduplicated form. As with the vocative names and kinship
terms, the second syllable in verb reduplication is unstressed and carries the neutral tone. Verb
reduplication has an attenuative meaning (see the next chapter for details). The difference in
meaning between the base and its reduplicated form can be seen from the examples below:

(3.28) Base Reduplicated

a. z0u 'walk' z0uzou 'take a walk'

b. xi2ng 'think' xi2ngxiang 'give a thought'
c. p`i 'pat' p`ipai 'give a pat'
d. t%ng 'listen' t%ngting 'listen a bit'
e. k3n 'look' k3nkan 'have a look'
f. chu% 'blow' chu%chui 'give (it) a blow'
g. f5ng 'sew' f5ngfeng 'sew a bit'
h. ch2o 'stir-fry' ch2ochao 'stir-fry a bit'
i. qi`o 'knock' qi`oqiao 'give a knock'
j. sh* 'try' sh*shi 'give (it) a try'
Another very productive type of reduplication is adjective reduplication. When
reduplicated, an adjective gains intensive meaning; the reduplicated form gives a more vivid
description than does the base. As with verbs, most single-syllable 21 adjectives can be
reduplicated. Yet, different from verbs, the second syllable in adjective reduplication bears its
inherent tone. The following are a few examples:

Unlike many European languages, in Chinese, the family name precedes the personal name.
B2obao can be used as a vocative or name for a baby as well, in which case it is a different word from the
one cited here.
Both two-syllable verbs and adjectives can also be reduplicated, a topic that will be addressed in Section
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 73

(3.29) Base Reduplicated

a. h9ng 'red' h9ngh9ng (de) 'quite red'

b. d3 'big' d3d3 (de) 'quite big'
c. p3ng 'fat' p3ngp3ng (de) 'quite fat'
d. ti1n 'sweet' ti1nti1n (de) 'quite sweet'
e. xi2o small xi2oxi2o (de) quite small

In some cases, especially when the adjectives are used adverbially, the second syllable
bears a high level tone. The morpheme h2o 'good', for example, has two reduplicated forms,
h2oh2o (de) 22
/ and h2oh`o (de), both acceptable, although the latter may be heard more
in the area of Beijing.
So far, we have examined reduplication on single-syllable basesmonomorphemic
nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Other than these, reduplication is rarely heard in any other parts of
speech. One may occasionally encounter reduplicated adverbs: for example, g`ngg`ng 'just
now,' t8ngt8ng 'completely' and j&nj&n 'merely', but they are too few in number to have
any significance in Mandarin word formation. Two Syllable Reduplication

Up to now, we may have left the reader with the impression that only single-syllable
morphemes get reduplicated in Mandarin. The truth is, rather, that two-syllable verbs and
adjectives can be reduplicated as well. As can be expected, as the size of the base word increases,
so does the complexity of the reduplication. The monosyllabic nature of the language means that
only one morpheme is involved in monosyllabic reduplication. 23 Yet a two-syllable base may
bear one or two morphemes. What's more, with one syllable, say, X, the only possibility is XX,
but with two, say, XY, there are the possibilities of XXYY and XYXY. Both of these logical
possibilities exist in Mandarin. In verb reduplication with an attenuative meaning, for instance,
the two-syllable base is normally bimorphemic, and it doubles in the fashion of XYXY:

(3.30) Base Reduplicated

a. d2s2o 'to clean' d2s2o-d2s2o
b. p3ndu3n 'to judge' p3ndu3n-p3ndu3n
c. h]nong 'to deceive' h]nong-h]nong
d. sh{xi 'to familiarize' sh{xi-sh{xi
e. li3nx^ 'to practice' li3nx^-li3nx^

While some adjectives do not have to use de to modify nouns, reduplicative adjectives use it obligatorily when
modifying nouns and verbs. See the next chapter for details.
With just one marginal exception -r. See the previous chapter for details.
74 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

On the other hand, in adjective reduplication with an intensive meaning, the base adjective
is reduplicated syllable by syllable: XY XXYY:

(3.31) Base Reduplicated

a. g`nj*ng 'clean' g`n-g`n-j*ng-j*ng

b. l2oshi 'honest' l2o-l2o-shi-shi
c. ti1nm* 'sweet' ti1n-ti1n-m*-m*
d. h5m] 'harmonious' h5-h5-m] -m]
e. g`ox*ng 'happy' g`o-g`o-x*ng-x*ng

Some words which can serve both as a verb and an adjective then have two reduplicated
forms: XXYY and XYXY, depending on which part of speech it has in a sentence. The word
g`ox*ng in the above, for example, can be a verb and an adjective, and when it is a verb, it
doubles as a complete unit, as shown in (a) below, but when it is an adjective, it doubles syllable
by syllable, as indicated in (b).

(3.32) a. r3ng t` g`ox*ngg`ox*ng.

let he/she be-happy-a-bit Let him be happy once.
b. t` g`og`ox*ngx*ng de hu^ le ji`.
he/she happy return PERF home. He/she returned happily.

A question one may ask here is: if the disyllabic adjective is made up of only one
morpheme as in lu8suo 'long-winded,' does it still reduplicate syllable by syllable? The
reason for this question is that if it is, the single morpheme is, in a sense, broken in half. This is
exactly what happens. Lu8suo, when reduplicated, becomes lu8luosu8su8. 24
So far we have presented disyllabic adjective reduplication as if in all cases, it yields the
form XXYY. In fact, there is a small group of two-syllable adjectives which reduplicate like
verbs. Members of this group can be easily identified by their internal morphemic structure. They
are all compounds which contain a noun or a verb followed by an adjective. Examples and their
reduplicative forms are given below:

The tone pattern has changed from that of the base, a topic which goes beyond the scope of the present discussion,
and therefore will not be pursued here.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 75

(3.33) Base Morphemes Reduplicated

a. b&zh^ pen-straight b&zh^b&zh^

b. xu6b1i snow-white xu6b1ixu6b1i
c. b%ngli1ng ice-cold b%ngli1ngb%ngli1ng
d. q%h4i paint-dark q%h4iq%h4i
e. b*l\ jade-green b*l\b*l\
f. g}nyu1n roll-round g}nyu1ng}nyu1n

Finally, there exist in Mandarin a few two-syllable nouns that can be reduplicated:
n1nn1nn|n| 'every man and woman' from n1nn| 'men and women', l2ol2osh3osh3o 'every
old and young' from l2osh3o 'old and young,' and f`ngmi3n 'side,' f`angf`ngmi3nmi3n 'all
sides.' These reduplicated forms turn a form of XY into XXYY. Note that the bases here are
n1nn| and l2osh3o, and not n1n, n|, l2o, or sh3o individually. This is because none of n1nn1n,
n|n|, l2ol2o, or sh3osh3o can stand alone. If they could, the derived four-syllable word would
have been compounded rather than reduplicated. They would be the same as the word p9pom`ma
'womanish', which is compounded from the reduplicated forms of p9po 'mother-in-law
(husband's mother)' and m`ma 'mother', as p9m` is meaningless 25 on its own. Another example
of such a compound is ti1oti1oku3ngku3ng 'rules and regulations', which is formed by
conjoining two reduplicated words ti1oti1o 'rules' and ku3ngku3ng 'frames', but is not from the
meaningless ti1oku3ng. The following cases are unclear as to whether they are reduplications or
compounds. R*r*y7y7 'day and night' and ni1nni1nyu7yu7 'year after year
and month after month' can be regarded either as reduplication on two syllable words r*y7 'day
and night' and ni1nyu7 'time', or as compounds from reduplicated words r*r* 'every day', y7y7
'every night', ni1nni1n 'every year', and yu7yu7 'every month.' Simplex or Complex?

We know from the previous discussion that a Mandarin word is either a simplex or a
complex. With regard to reduplication, we may ask to which of the two categories a reduplicated
word belongs. If a reduplicated word is complex, we may ask further if it is compounded or
affixed. While we will devote the next section to the latter question, let us deal with the
complexity of reduplication first. There are three logical possibilities. 1) All reduplicated words
are simplex; 2) all are complex; 3) some are simplex and others are complex.
The first answer can be quickly eliminated since there is copious evidence that there are
reduplicated words with more than one morpheme in them. Take regular noun reduplication for

The form p9m` can be a word in some northern Mandarin dialects. For instance, in Wendeng of Yantai
District, Shandong Province, it means 'mother-in-law (husband's mother)'.
76 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

an example (See also Section The word ni1n 'year' has a morpheme meaning 'every'
added to it when it is reduplicated: ni1nni1n 'every year.' Even though the reduplicate cannot be
vertically segmented into two morphemes, the repetition of the base morpheme encodes the
meaning of 'every.' The two morphemes can be non-linearly represented as such: (The symbol
represents a syllable.)

(3.34) ni1n 'year'

/ \
[ ] 'every'

The diagram shows that the meaning 'year' is contained in the base ni1n, whereas the
meaning 'every' is encoded in the two-syllable template. Similarly, there are verbs and adjectives
which, after reduplication, acquire some additional meaning that can be construed as a morpheme.
The two morphemes in each case can be represented as follows: 26

(3.35) z0u 'walk' d3 'big'

/ \ / \
[ ] 'take a (walk)' [ ] 'very'

If reduplicated words are not all simplex, can we maintain that they are all complex? Our
answer is again 'no.' Observe the following:

(3.36) n2i ??? l2o ???

/ \ / \
[ ] 'paternal grandma' [ ] 'maternal grandma'

The words n2inai 'paternal grandma' and l2olao 'maternal grandama' are only meaningful
at the reduplicated level. At the base level, n2i may mean 'milk' or 'breast' but not 'paternal
grandma,' and l2o may mean 'old' but has nothing to do with 'maternal grandma.' In other words,
the base forms in these reduplicated words are meaningless, and consequently do not constitute
morphemes. It seems that reduplicated words like these are best regarded as simplex words since
it is not the case that morphemes are strung together to form new words.
Incidentally, the above type of reduplicated words should, as far as the complex-simplex
dichotomy is concerned, be differentiated from reduplicated words such as g4ge 'older
brother,' ji6jie 'older sister,' d*di 'younger brother,' m6imei 'younger sister,' etc.
The morphemic structure of these words can be represented as the following:

Theoretically speaking, the template for the verbs should also come with a tonal stipulation which requires the
second syllable to be in the neutral tone. However, due to the complexity of the issues involved, we will not deal
with this question here.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 77

(3.37) ji6 older sister

/ \
[ ] ???

The crucial difference here is that the base forms of these morphemes are meaningful
since they can appear in other words with the same meaning (e.g., d3g4 'big older brother,'
d3ji6 'big older sister,' xi2od* 'little younger brother,' xi2om7i 'little younger
sister,' etc.). What may be confusing here is the fact that the reduplication does not add any
meaning to that of the base form. This fact, however, should not be a sufficient reason to rule
these words out of the complex set, because it is also true that certain affixation and compounding
processes do not produce extra meaning. For example, as previously mentioned, the suffixation of
zi does not add any meaning to the morphemes such as zhu8 'table,' t% 'ladder,' q{n
'skirt;' zhu8zi, t%zi, q{nzi mean the same as their respective base morphemes. These words
nonetheless are still complex words. The reduplication as shown in (3.37) can be regarded as a
word-formative morpheme performing a similar, albeit grammatical, function as the suffix zi: it
transforms a meaningful morpheme into a well-formed word. In this regard, the representation in
(3.37) can be modified as followswith the functional meaning of the reduplication specified:

(3.38) ji6 older sister

/ \
[ ] (forming a word) Affixation or Compounding?

If many reduplicated words are complex words, there emerges a question whether
Mandarin reduplication is a special case of affixation or compounding. The question arises since
there has been a consensus among linguists in general that reduplication is not really a separate
word formation process, but a special type of affixation process. Originating from Marantz's 1982
paper, Re: Reduplication, 27 this approach to reduplication maintains that normal affixation
provides the complete affix, while in reduplication, what is attached is a skeletal tier that contains
merely information on whether the phonemes in the affix are vowels or consonants. After such a
skeletal affix is attached, the Cs and Vs then acquire their other featural information from the
base. The following examples from the Philippine language Ilokano illustrate the theory 28 :

The development of the theory was made possible after the advent of the autosegmental phonology (Goldsmith
1976) which allows features to stand alone on separate tiers that are linked together in a three dimensional manner,
rather than being all bundled together within the same feature matrix. See the beginning of the last chapter for a few
more details.
What is presented here is far less complex than reduplication in this language, but is sufficient for the purpose of
illustrating the theory in question.
78 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.39) Progressive

a. ag-bas-basa 'read'
b. ag-tak-takter 'standing'

In this language, the progressive of the verb is marked by reduplication of the base. In the
reduplication-as-affixation theory, what happens here is a prefixation process, and the prefix is a
mere CVC skeletal tier:

(3.40) CVC + basa

CVC + takter

Then Cs and Vs acquire their other features by copying them from the base segment by
segment from left to right. The whole operation is illustrated below:

Base Affixation Copying Association


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
basa basa basa basa basa basa

It seems that the theory of reduplication-as-affixation process does work for cases like this
one from Ilokano. However, when it comes to Mandarin reduplication, it becomes difficult to say
if reduplication is universally an affixation process. There are at least two reasons for this doubt.
First, Mandarin reduplication in all cases involves total reduplicationthe base is duplicated in
its entirety. It is thus impossible to decide which part, the first or the second, is the affix. Decision
between the two would be totally arbitrary. Second, it is hard to rule out that Mandarin
reduplication is not done by compounding. We learned previously that by far the most influential
word formation process in Mandarin is compounding. Affixation, by contrast, is quite rare.
Therefore, in this language, it would seem more reasonable and natural to have compounding
reduplication rather than affixational reduplication. Notice that the fact that the second syllable in
many reduplicated words carries the neutral tone should not constitute an argument for the
reduplication-as-affixation theory; it should not sufficiently prove that the second syllable in them
is a suffix. This is because many two-syllable compounds also have the second tone neutralized.

3.3.4 Abbreviations
Mandarin has a unique way of composing new words. It resembles how acronyms are
coined in English. But differing from English acronyms, which are often the combinations of the
first letters (or rather, the individual sounds they represent) of the words in a phrase, these
Mandarin words are composed of selected syllables of the words in an expression. Here follow
some examples in which the italicized syllables are the ones which show up in the 'acronyms.'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 79

(3.42) Originals

a. b6ij%ng d3xu5 'Beijing University'

b. b6ij%ng sh%f3n d3xu5 'Beijing Normal University'
c. ch[j^ zh8ngxu5 'junior high school'
d. w3ish* b3ng8ngsh* 'foreign affairs office'
e. zh8nggu9 g-ngch2nd2ng 'Communist Party of China'
f. ji`l*fun^y3 zh8u 'State of California'
g. y3zh8u 'Asian, African and
f4izh8u Latin America'
h. k4xu5 j*sh] 'science and technology'
i. ji`ot8ng di3nx]n 'transportation and
ji`odi3n electronics'
j. sh7hu* k4xu5 yu3n 'Social Science
sh7k4yu3n Academy (of China)'
k. zh8ngy`ng y1nji[ yu3n 'Academia Sinica
zh8ngy1nyu3n (Taipei)'
The 'acronyms' normally take the first syllable of each word in the phrase and put them
together creating a new word. In some cases, where the use of the first syllables might cause
confusion and ambiguity, other syllables are used.

(3.43) Originals

a. w3iji`o b]zh2ng 'Minister of Foreign Affairs'

b. xi`ngg2ng 3om5n 'Hong Kong and Macao'
In (3.43), the morpheme b] 'ministry' modifies the morpheme zh2ng 'head, director' in the
second word, but using b] in the acronym would yield a non-word *w3ib] which being a
80 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

homophone to the word meaning 'outside' would create ambiguity. Another rule that seems to
govern such abbreviation is that a two-syllable abbreviation is preferred over one with more
syllables, as the following cases indicate:

(3.44) Originals

a. r5m^n d3ibi2o d3hu* 'People's Assembly'

b. zh8nggu9 r5nm^n 'People's Political
zh7ngzh* xi5sh`ng hu*y* Consultation
zh7ngxi5 Assembly of China'
Another type of 'acronyms' is that in which a common element is omitted. Examples of
this type are given below.

(3.45) Originals

a. f1ngch2n d*ch2n 'real estate'

f1ngd*ch2n '(literally) house & land property'
b. zh8ngxu5 xi2oxu5 'primary and secondary school'
In addition to the 'acronyms', abbreviations can be created by taking a common element
from the words in an expression such as the second morpheme and adding a referential number to
its front as the first morpheme. The following are examples of such abbreviations.

(3.46) Originals
a. sh3ngy*yu3n 'Upper House'
xi3y*yu3n 'Lower House'
li2ngyu3n 'two houses'
b. zh-ngy*yu3n 'House of Commons '
c`ny*yu3n 'Senate'
li2ngyu3n 'two houses'
c. xu5x^h2o 'study well'
g8ngzu-h2o 'work well'
sh4nt&h2o 'keep good health'
'three virtues'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 81

d. p5i h4ji} 'accompany in dancing'

p5i ti3ow} 'accompany in drinking'
p5i shu*ji3o 'accompany in sleeping'
s`np5i 29
'a bar girl who provides
all the three 'services' of
drinking, dancing, and
sleeping company to
her customers'

The abbreviations presented so far have somehow gained currency among Mandarin
speakers. They have done so either through government endorsement and promotion or through
popular acceptance and usage. They cannot be created and used at will. One cannot even use
analogies to create what seem to be obvious abbreviations. For instance, although we have b6id3
for b6ij%ng d3xu5 'Beijing University' (3.42)a), it is unusual to use q%ngd3 for q%nghu1 d3xu5
'Qinghua University' in mainland China. The normal abbreviation for the latter is
simply q%nghu1, in spite of the fact that the two universities are both located in the capital of
Beijing, and are often named together. Incidentally, a university with the same name 30 in Taiwan
can be abbreviated to q%ngd3. One explanation for the rejection of q%ngd3 in mainland China is
that the abbreviation can potentially cause confusion between q%nghu1 d3xu5 and such
universities as q%ngh2i d3xu5 'Qinghai University,' which is in the capital of the
Qinghai Province, and q%ngd2o d3xu5 'Qingdao University,' which is situated in the
coast city of Qingdao, Shandong Province. Q%nghu1 d3xu5 in Taiwan, by contrast, does not have
such 'competitions,' and thus similar confusion does not arise within its territory if q%ngd3 is used.
Another explanation is that b6ij%ng names a well-known geographic place while q%nghu1 does
not. Therefore, q%nghu1 d3xu5 'Qinghua University' along with other well-known
Chinese universities such as n1nk`i d3xu5 'Nankai University' and f]d3n d3xu5 'Fudan
University' are not usually abbreviated to q%ngd3, n1nd3 or f]d3 respectively. 31
Words that are accepted in one region but not another also show that abbreviations cannot
be coined at will. Again, let us see Taiwan Mandarin. The word g8ngg-ngq*ch4 'bus'
is abbreviated to g8ngch4 , and the phrase sh[c3i h5 shu&gu0 'vegetables and
fruits' to the word sh[gu0 . These abbreviations are not at all accepted in Northern Mandarin
where sh[gu0 does not exist and g8ngch4 means g8ngji`de ch4 'public vehicle' rather
than g8ngg-ngq*ch4 'bus'.

3.3.5 Disyllabicity

This is a very new term that has been in popular existence for a decade or so.
It originated in Beijing before moving to Taiwan with the Nationalist government in the late 1940s.
82 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

In Section 3.3 so far, we have presented all the major word-formation processes in
Mandarin. One insight we have gained concerning these processes is that the Mandarin word has
a strong preference for a phonological form of two syllables. Indeed, word formation in Mandarin
seems to interact with phonology producing forms that fit into a two-syllable template. Evidence
for this claim is quite compelling. Almost all types of word-formation processes in Mandarin put
together morphemes for no other purpose but to create a two-syllable form. Let us first have a
look at affixation. The word-formative suffix zi in (3.8), for example, has no meaning
whatsoever: it does not add any meaning to the root. Zhu8 means 'table' just as much as zhu8zi
does. The same is true with the prefix l2o- in l2oh} 'tiger.' The single-syllable h} means exactly
the same as l2oh}. Other affixes that are likewise used include the prefix `- as in `f` 'Fa (name)',
`b2o 'Bao (name)', and `g4 'older brother', suffixes -ba as in zu&ba 'mouth', w6iba 'tail' and y2ba
'mute', and tou as in sh^tou 'stone', f}tou 'axe', m]tou 'wood'. In all cases, the addition of the
affix serves no other purpose than to enlarge the base into two syllables.
Adding what we may call a 'dummy affix' is only one of the many ways of disyllabifying
words in Mandarin. Another way is compounding. Besides compounds in which the morphemes
are put together more or less for a semantic reason, or at least such was the case at the time when
the compounds were first coined, there are template-driven creations that contain two morphemes
of identical or similar meaning. Mandarin is full of compounds like these. A few examples (See
also(3.14)) are given below:

(3.47) Morphemes

a. p5ngy0u friend-friend 'friend'

b. b3og3o report-report 'report'
c. sh4ngy%n sound-sound 'sound'
d. y1ch& teeth-teeth 'teeth'
e. x*j] opera-opera 'opera'
f. sh4ngch2n produce-produce 'produce'
g. zh3ndo] fight-struggle 'fight'
h. b`ngzh] help-help 'help'
i. f4ngf] plenty-rich 'rich'
j. q^gu3i odd-strange 'strange'
k. m6il* beautiful-pretty 'beautiful'
l. g`ngc1i just now-just now 'just now'

When two morphemes of (near) identical meaning are concatenated, the only purpose for
their concatenation must be of a non-semantic nature. In our case, the reason is clearly to reach a
two-syllable target.
That words are formed for the purpose of fitting into a two-syllable template seems to be
even more strongly corroborated by Mandarin reduplication. As discussed in Section, not

Note that the rejection of n1nd3 could also be caused by the existence of n1ij%ng d3xu5 'Naijing University,' which
can be abbreviated to n1nd3.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 83

only can reduplication double a one-syllable morpheme in size to yield a word meaning exactly
the same as its base morpheme, but the same type of reduplication may also work on a
meaningless single syllable to yield a well-formed two-syllable word (e.g., n2in2inai 'fraternal
grandma' and l2ol2olao 'maternal grandma'). The sole purpose of the morphological process in
question is indisputably to disyllabify the words.
In abbreviations, it seems two-syllable forms are used whenever possible. For example,
the abbreviated form for r5m^n d3ibi2o d3hu* 'General Assembly of the People's Representatives'
is not the seemingly more logical r5d3id3, in which all first syllables in the three words are used,
but r5nd3 in which only the first syllables of the first and the third words are used. The result, as
one can clearly see, is a two-syllable word.
That Mandarin has a preference for two-syllable units is shown not just in words, but in
other aspects as well. It is compellingly exemplified in vocative forms. In addressing someone
under normal circumstances, a single syllable is never used, but always two. If a man's name
contains two syllables, say Wang Ming, the acceptable address for him is 1) Wang Ming as a
whole, 2) a reduplicated Mingmingperhaps used by his parents if he is young, 3) a form that
has another single syllable attached to the front of the surname or personal name: Lao Wang 'Old
Wang ', Xiao Wang 'Little Wang ', or A Ming 'Ming'. Following are some examples of names of
more than two syllables.

(3.48) Acceptable Unacceptable

2-syllable name: Wang Ming Wang Ming *Wang

Mingming *Ming
A Ming
Lao Wang
Xiao Wang
2-syllable name: Wang Hongming Hongming *Wang
Mingming *Ming
A Ming *Hong
A Hong
Lao Wang
Xiao Wang
four syllable name: Huangfu Hongming Huangfu *Huang
Hongming *Fu
A Ming *Ming
A Hong *Hong

What the above shows is that no matter how many syllables are there in a person's name,
the acceptable form that is used to address the person is invariably a disyllabic form. Incidentally,
a two-syllable preference seems to exist in sentences as well. For instance, to utter the expression
'the apple is red', one always has to add a monosyllable h6n 'very' before the morpheme h9ng
'red', and the resultant sentence becomes p^ngguo h6n h9ng 'literally: the apple is
very red'. The morpheme h6n and the adjective h9ng form a two-syllable immediate constituent
84 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

of an adjectival phrase so that the adjective does not appear sort of 'unsupported' in its
monosyllabic form. Another example comes from answers, shown below, to the question n&
du8d3? 'How old are you?'

(3.49) a. sh^b`. c. b` su*.

eighteen eight year
'Eighteen.' 'Eight year old.'

b. *b`.

If the answer is a two-syllable word, the word can be used alone (a); if it is a one-syllable
word, the word cannot stand alone (b), but has to be supported by another word su* 'year' (c). To
better understand the disyllabic tendency of Mandarin words, it is helpful to go back briefly in
history, which brings us to the next topic in Mandarin morphology, homophones. In brief, word
formation in Mandarin, in addition to serving the purpose of conjoining morphemes to yield
another word with a different meaning, also works, in a great many cases, simply to conform to a
phonological requirement of two syllables. The two purposes do not have to be mutually
exclusive; both can be served at the same time. That the vast majority of Chinese words are of
two syllables should lend support to this claim. The dual purpose of the Mandarin word-formation
process can be represented as follows:

(3.50) Mandarin Word Formation

For meaning For Form

3.4 Homophones
Anyone who is reasonably familiar with Mandarin will know that the language has a
remarkable number of homophones. What is less known is that they are the result of a long period
of historical simplification of Mandarin syllables. 32 Middle Chinese of the seventh century had
six syllable final consonants {-p, -t, -k, -m, -n, -M} which were reduced to three {-m, -n, -M} in
Early Mandarin of the fourteenth century, and then to two {-n, -M} still later. Besides the
reduction in syllable-final consonants, Mandarin has experienced a loss of syllable initials. These
syllable simplification processes in turn led to the emergence of a great number of single-syllable
homophones in the language. An example of such homophones is given earlier in (1.6), which
showed seven words with the same pronunciation, tone included. One survey (B. Y. Yin 1984)
finds that among the 1300 syllable types of Mandarin, only 297, or about a quarter of them, are

See Section 1.2.1 for more information on syllable simplification and homophones in Mandarin.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 85

syllables with just one meaning attached. The rest are all associated with more than one meaning.
Since today's words in Mandarin are mostly of two syllables, homophones are mostly at the
morpheme rather than the word level. In fact, the Mandarin disyllabification process was quite
likely influenced by a need to reduce ambiguity raised by a huge number of homophones. Middle
Chinese still had words predominantly of a single syllable. To avoid or amend the homophone-
induced ambiguity at the word level, one logical measure would be to enlarge the word in size.
That seems to have been exactly what has happened. (See (1.7) for an illustration). By the
disyllabification process of compounding, monosyllabic homophones become two syllables in
size, their original meanings intact. It is clear that the resultant two-syllable words are no longer
homophones of one another in spite of their sharing a common form (e.g., ji3ng in (1.7)). It
should be pointed out that disyllabification has not wiped out the monosyllabic homophones; it
has merely moved them from the level of the word to the level of the morpheme. 33

3.4.1 Lucky and Taboo Expressions

Morphemic homophones have been the basis of many interesting language usages, games
and cultural activities. Many so-called lucky words and taboo expressions came into being as a
result of being homophones to certain other words in the language. One of the most well-known
taboo expression involves the number four s* . This word acquired a negative connotation
because it is a near homophone of the word s& 'death'. Another famous taboo word is sh[
'book'. Books are not supposed to be read in certain businesses or in gambling places because the
word sh[ 'book' has acquired the symbolic meaning of losing since it has the same pronunciation
as sh[ 'to lose'.
Conversely, many lucky words are derived through being homophones of words with a
good or positive meaning. A lucky word which is often seen during Chinese New Year's
celebrations is y{ 'fish'; many New Year posters have pictures of fish in them. The auspicious
connotation is derived from the word's being homophonous with another y{ which means
'surplus.' A tradition in some parts in Northern China is to serve dates and peanuts or to use them
as decorations at weddings. The word z2o 'date' is a homophone to z2o 'early' while the
word peanut hu`sh4ng has two syllables in it: hu` which is a homophone of hu` 'variety'
and sh4ng which is a homophone of sh4ng 'propagate'. The idea is that the newlyweds will have
both male and female children (hu`zhe sh4ng ) and will have them early (z2o sh4ng
It should be noted that in Mandarin, lucky or taboo expressions do not have to be
completely homophones with their originals. These expressions can sometimes simply rhyme
with their originals. The number b` 'eight' is a lucky one because it rhymes with f` which
means 'get rich and prosperous'. In certain cases, even total rhyming is unnecessary; the only

This does not mean, however, that there are no longer homophones at the two-syllable word level. However, the
number of homophones at this level is no longer 'abnormal' compared with that in other languages.
86 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

requirement is for the vowels to be somehow 'in harmony'. The word j{ 'orange' (the fruit), for
instance, is a lucky one simply because its vowel shares the same vowel features of [+high] and [-
back] as found in the vowel in j^ 'auspicious'. In fact, it would be a mistake to expect all lucky
and taboo expressions completely to match their originals in form. For one thing, these
expressions may have existed for a long time during which the sound may have changed so that
what used to match no longer does today. Furthermore, these expressions may have entered
Mandarin from one of the several other Chinese dialects. Given that what are homophones in one
dialect may not be so in another, they may match their analogues in their original dialect, but not
in Mandarin. 34

3.5 Word Stress

In this section, we will examine a phonological aspect at the word level: word stress. It
should be mentioned here that our inquiry into word stress is limited to words of two syllables,
one of which may be afforded some kind of prominence over the other. The non-prominent
syllable may manifest itself as being completely unstressed or just as lacking full prominence.
Although not everyone knows that Mandarin has stress patterns on syllables in addition to
tone, linguists of Chinese all recognize the existence of word stress in the language. Exactly what
the stress pattern is, however, has been a much-debated issue. Given that the vast majority of
Mandarin words are composed of two syllables, the question of word stress mostly centers around
which of the two syllables bears stress. There are thus two possibilities: 1) left stress: the first of
the two syllables is stressed, and 2) right stress: the second syllable is. There are also two
possibilities as to how left and right stress exist in the language: either both are present, in which
case some words bear left stress, and others bear right stress. Or, there is just one type of stress:
right or left. The traditional view is the former, namely, one of a mixed stress. In this view, a two-
syllable word may have either left or right stress. In particular, when a two-syllable word has a
neutral tone, it has left stress, 35 whereas when it has no neutral tone, it has right stress. This
tradition is traced back to Y. R. Chao (1968), in which he says, 'a two-syllable compound ... will
have a slightly greater stress on the second syllable unless it is in the neutral tone (p. 29).' Such a
position obviously contains a paradox. A fact concerning the neutral tone is that it is derived
through a lack of stress. Given this, Chao's remark amounts to saying that there is stress where
one does not find an unstressed syllable.
In fact, regarding all words without the neutral tone as being right heavy leads to several
problems. For one, the set of neutral-toned words is not a stable one. Historically, there has been
an increase in the number of neutral-toned words in colloquial speech in Mandarin (W. M. Li
1981, and C. Y. Chen 1994 and 1998). 36 For another, we know that neutral tone is induced by
being in an unstressed position for an extended period of time. If non-neutral-toned words were

And by the same token, different dialects may have different lucky and taboo expressions.
This is because all the neutral tones fall on the second syllable and never the first.
The reader should be reminded that the Standard Mandarin discussed here does not include the Taiwan Mandarin
or the Mandarin spoken as a second dialect in the Southern areas of China. Mandarin spoken in those areas may have
distinctively different stress tendencies.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 87

always right heavy, how can any of them become neutral-toned words in the first place? Another
problem with the traditional position is that Mandarin does not have any words that have a neutral
tone on the first syllable, not even when the first syllable is a prefix. In contrast with prefixes, all
Mandarin true suffixes 37 are in the neutral tone. If normal Mandarin words lack stress on the first
syllable, why hasn't the neutral tone emerged on any of the first syllables? Or, why have all the
neutral tones been found on second syllables? The primary phonetic cue that the traditional theory
of word stress relies on is syllable duration. It seems that the second syllable is slightly longer in
duration than the first. However, this is only true when the two syllables are uttered in isolation.
In connected speech, the longer duration of the second syllable has not been found; rather, the
first syllable has been heard slightly longer (Wang and Wang 1993).
One thing we have to bear in mind is that Mandarin word stress may vary with geographic
location. What we have been arguing for is a stress pattern in the Standard Mandarin of the north,
particularly that of Beijing Mandarin. Out of this geographic area, the pattern may change. For
instance, Taiwan Mandarin is not obviously left heavy, which perhaps explains why Taiwan
Mandarin does not have as many neutral-toned words. It seems that Taiwan Mandarin has been
influenced by the local dialect of Taiwanese, a version of the Min dialect, which has been found
to be a right heavy Chinese dialect (Yue-Hashimoto 1987). Native Mandarin speakers, after living
in southern provinces such as Guangdong for a few years, tend to lose their neutral tone on the
neutral-toned words. Words such as f]qin 'father' and x%gua 'watermelon', each with a
neutral tone on the second syllable in Beijing Mandarin, may become, respectively, f]q%n and
x%gu` in which the neutral tone disappears and in its place is heard the original tone of the
syllable (H. Lin 1994 and 2001).

3.5.1 Meaningful Stress

We have argued for the left prominence in a two-syllable Mandarin word. Empirically,
such prominence may or may not produce neutral tone on the second syllable. The determining
factors include whether the word concerned is in the colloquial vocabulary. Another factor is
whether the word contrasts with another that bears a neutral tone. Now observe (3.51) below and
compare examples in (i)s with those in (ii)s. The former are identical to the latter except that the
former do not have neutral tones on the second syllable while the latter cases do. There exist a
sizable number of contrastive pairs such as these in the language. Among the pairs, the (i) type is
not likely to lose stress completely on the second syllable and becomes a neutral-toned word since
that would create merging of the two forms in (i) and (ii), and thereby create ambiguity.
Incidentally, word stress can serve the function of differentiating words from phrases as well. For
instance, the sequence r7 h{ with both syllables stressed is a phrase which means 'hot kettle'
whereas the same sequence r7hu with no stress on the second syllable is a word meaning

Refer to Section 3.3.1 for a description of the Mandarin suffixes.
88 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.51) a. i. sh^z3i 'indeed'

ii. sh^zai 'honest'
b. i. sh4ngq* 'get angry'
ii. sh4ngqi 'vitality'
c. i. li1nz& 'lotus seed'
ii. li1nzi 'screen'
d. i. du*t9u 'correct'
ii. du*tou 'rival; enemy'
e. i. d3y* 'gist'
ii. d3yi 'careless'
f. i. d*d3o 'underground tunnel'
ii. d*dao 'genuine'
g. i. d8ngx% 'east and west'
ii. d8ngxi 'thing'
h. i. sh*f4i 'good and bad'
ii. sh*fei 'dispute'
i. i. bi`np1i 'lay out'
ii. bi`npai 'fabricate'
j. i. x%ongd* 'brothers'
ii. x%ongdi 'younger brother'
k. i. s[nz& '(name of a historical military strategist)'
ii. s[nzi 'fraternal grandson'

3.6 Transliteration of Foreign Words

Historically speaking, the Chinese language has not borrowed extensively from foreign
languagesunlike English or Japanese. Other than names of people and places, there had been,
until fairly recently, only a handful of loan words, most of which were of two syllables. Examples
are given below:
(3.52) a. `np5i 'ampere'
b. h}p- 'amber'
c. ji`l{n 'gallon'
d. k2ob7i 'copy'
e. l}b] 'ruble'
f. lu9j* 'logic'
g. m9d4ng 'modern'
h. m9tu9 'motorcycle'
i. n^ngm5ng 'lemon'
j. sh`f` 'sofa'
k. t2nk7 'tank'
l. xu6ji` 'cigar'
m. y8um- 'humor'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 89

The following are examples of older loan words of three syllables (a), four syllables (b),
and five syllables (c).

(3.53) a. i. qi2ok7l* 'chocolate'

ii. b1il1nd* 'brandy'
iii. f2x%s% 'fascism'
iv. m5ngt3iq^ 'montage'
v. f1nsh*l^n 'Vaseline'
b. i. w5idu8l*y3 'Victoria'
ii. 3ol^np&k7 'Olympic'
iii. `s%p%l^n 'Aspirin'
iv. xi4s%d^l& 'hysterical'
c. i. b]'6rsh^w5ik7 'Bolshevik'
ii. ji`l*f}n^y3 'California'

The restrained borrowing from foreign languages seems to have changed in the past two
decades, during which there has been an influx of foreign words. With the rapid development of
science and technology and China's recent opening up to the world, new words have been
entering the language at an unprecedented rate. Almost all of the words given in (3.54), (3.55),
(3.56), and (3.57) in the next section are recent borrowings.

3.6.1 Sound Route

Generally speaking, a foreign word may enter Mandarin via three major routes: sound,
meaning, or a combination of the two. Within the sound route, we may further distinguish
between a pure sound route and a sound route with suggestive meaning. Through the pure sound
route, a word is mapped by a 'sound-alike' syllable or syllables in Mandarin, and the result of the
mapping carries no obvious additional, 'suggestive' meaning. In addition to those given in (3.52)
above, other such examples that have entered Mandarin more recently are illustrated below:

(3.54) a. d^s%k4 'disco'

b. hu1'6rz% 'waltz'
c. k2l`'8uk3i OK 'karaoke'
d. m3id`ngl1o 'MacDonald's (Restaurant)'
e. y%m7i 'e-mail'

The last loan word y%m7i 'email' has entered Mandarin so recently that its chance of
staying in Mandarin vocabulary is yet unclear. Besides pure sound transliteration, syllables are
often carefully chosen and sequences of them carefully arranged so that the results are
homophonous with expressions that provide further meaning. The best example is perhaps the
transliteration for the word 'Coca Cola.' Made up of four syllables resembling the four original
syllables, the Mandarin word k6k0uk6l7 is more than just a sound transliteration. The string
consisting of the first two syllables is a homophone to the word 'delicious' whereas the one
consisting of the second two syllables is a homophone to the word 'enjoyable.' Therefore, the
transliteration, in addition to meaning 'Coca Cola' carries the suggestive meaning of 'delicious and
90 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

enjoyable.' Another interesting example is 'mini-skirt.' The transliteration for 'mini-' is m^n&,
literally, 'charm-you.' Some perceived qualities of the miniskirt are thus indicated in the Mandarin
transliteration. The following gives more examples of such borrowed words:

(3.55) Components Gloss

of Components
a. k6ngd5j% 'Kentucky k6ngd5 (pure sound)
Fried Chicken' j% chicken 38
b. b2ish*k6l7 'Pepsi Cola' b2ish* thousand matters
k6l7 enjoyable
c. h4ik7 'hacker' h4i black
k7 guest
d. w6ig4 Viagra 39 w6i great
g4 big brother

3.6.2 Meaning Route

Compared with the sound-route borrowings, many more foreign words enter Mandarin
through semantic translation. In these cases, no attempts are made at sound matching, but native
Mandarin morphemes are chosen and strung together to provide the meanings of the foreign
words. Many stock market terms are translated this way. To quote a few examples:

(3.56) Morphemes

a. xi9ngsh* bear-market 'bear market'

b. ni{sh* bull-market 'bull market'
c. p^ngc`ng level-warehouse 'short squeeze'
d. b}c`ng mend-warehouse 'short covering'
e. du8t9u multiple-head 'over-bought'

The Chinese character for this syllable is not the one for 'chicken,' and in characters the word gives the appearance
of a pure sound transliteration. However, it is clear that the j% is suggestive of j% 'chicken' here.
This is among the most recent borrowings from English. Its destiny in Mandarin is still unclear. In any event, it is
not even clear if the product itself will continue to exist since it has only gotten into the market recently. Only history
will tell if it is a lasting product and if the loan word that is associated with it is going to stay.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 91

f. k8ngt9u empty-head 'over-sold'

g. l*du8 profit-much 'bull'
h. l*k8ng profit-empty 'bear'
i. f2nt1n reverse-spring 'rebound'
j. f2nzhu2n reverse-turn 'rollback'
k. t[p- charge-broken 'break out; surmount'
l. ji`og4 'delivery'

The following are more such examples, but they are from information technology:

(3.57) Morphemes

a. di3nn2o electrical-brain 'computer'

b. ru2nji3n/ / soft-piece/ 'software'/
hard-piece 'hardware'
c. m5it& medium-body 'media'
d. w2nglu- net-net 'network'
e. w2ngy7 net-page 'web page'
f. z3ixi3n be at-line 'online'
g. w4iru2n micro-soft 'Microsoft'
h. b7if7n double-piece 'backup'
i. qu4sh6ng miss-save 'default'
j. sh3ngw2ng go onto-net 'go online'
k. j*su3nj% compute-machine 'computer'
l. j*su3nq* compute-ware 'calculator'
m. h]li1nw2ng interconnection-net 'World Wide Web'
n. q[d-ngq* drive-ware 'driver'
o. qi`nni1nch9ng thousand-year-bug 'millennium bug'

The patterns through which foreign words are borrowed into Mandarin are far more
complex than what we have illustrated so far. Among meaning translations, one can distinguish
between 1) the faithful and 2) the inventive. The examples given above fall more or less into the
former category. An example of the latter category is ni{z2if{ which is the translation for
'jeans,' but literally means 'cowboy uniform.'

3.6.3 Sound and Meaning Combined

Often, loan words may not arrive directly through a phonetic or semantic route
exclusively but via a combination of various channels. The example of 'mini-skirt' we gave
previously has the first part 'mini-' translated through a sound route plus suggestive meaning, but
the second part through a semantic route. The morpheme 'skirt' is mapped onto the native
Mandarin morpheme for 'skirt,' q{n. The following contain more examples of words of such
92 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(3.58) Morphemes

a. i. ji}b` alcohol-bar 'bar'

ii. d2d% take-taxi 'take a taxi'
iii. b7ngd% jump-disco 'disco dancing (slang)'
iv. d3b`/ / big-bus/ 'big -sized bus'
zh8ngb`/ /
middle-bus/ 'medium-sized bus'

xi2ob` small-bus 'small-sized bus'
b. i. b`n| bar-woman 'bar girl'
ii. p^ji} beer-alcohol 'beer'
iii. s`ngn1y] sauna-bath 'sauna'
iv. 3iz%b*ng AIDS-disease 'AIDS'
v. l`d%ngw} Latin-dance 'Latin dance'
vi. b`l5iw} ballet-dance 'ballet'
vii. y%nt7w2ng inter(net)-net 'internet'
viii. m^n&q{n charm-you-skirt 'miniskirt'
ix. b%b*j% BB beeper-machine 'beeper'
x. t%x]sh`n T T-shirt-shirt 'T-shirt'
xi. h3nb2ob`o hamburger-wrap 'hamburger'

In the (a) examples in the above, the first part is a semantic translation whereas the second
a phonetic one. The reverse is true for the examples in (b). The cases in (a.ii-iv) need further
explanation. The phonetic part in these, d% and b` are short for d^sh* 'taxi' (a.ii), d^s%k4 'disco'
(a.iii), and b`sh* 'bus' (a.iv), respectively. The full versions are themselves pure phonetic
translations of the original English words. When conjoined with another single-syllable
morpheme to form a word, they are all reduced to their initial syllables. The results are disyllabic
words (evidence again for the preference for two-syllable words in the language (cf. Section
3.3.5) which include a semantic part (a local morpheme) and a truncated phonetic part.

3.6.4 From Cantonese

During the past two decades or so, although many foreign words, mostly of English
origin, have entered Mandarin directly, it is not uncommon to see borrowings coming indirectly
via another dialect. In fact, both d^sh* 'taxi' and b`sh* 'bus' mentioned earlier are borrowed from
Cantonese (tikRi and pasi, respectively 40 ) which, earlier, borrowed them from English. One
interesting observation regarding these two loan words is that rather than borrowing them in their
entirety, the Mandarin speakers chose to use only part of them in combination with a native
Mandarin morpheme. The forms d^sh* and b`sh*, although maybe seen on signs and posters on
the Beijing streets, are not used in spoken language. Another example of a daily Mandarin word
part of which is borrowed by way of Cantonese is t%x]sh`n 'T-shirt' (3.58). In this word, t%x]

The Cantonese transcriptions in this book are from the second edition of the 'Hanyu Fanyin Zihui (Dictionary of
Dialectual Pronunciations of Chinese Charaters)' (1989).
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 93

comes from Cantonese tiRt which was borrowed earlier from English by a sound route while the
second part sh`n is a native Mandarin word which means 'shirt.'
Another interesting loan word of such origin is an earlier borrowing via Cantonese:
ji3nqi1o 'Cambridge'. The word is transliterated by a combination of sound and meaning
routes, ji3n being phonetic and qi1o semantic. One interesting question concerns the resemblance
of ji3n with Cam in 'Cambridge:' how the former comes to represent phonetically the latter. While
the phonetic correspondence between a loan word and its origin is not always faithful, this
particular mismatch stems from the fact that the Mandarin syllable ji3n is kim in Cantonese
meaning 'sword.' ('Cambridge' in Cantonese is kimk'iu.) In fact, in all the above mentioned
examples of loan words from Cantonese, the original Cantonese transliterations bear, not
surprisingly, a much better phonetic resemblance to their English origins.
Sometimes, two loan morphemes may be juxtaposed to form a compound to encode a new
borrowing. For instance, the word zh`p^ 'draft beer (literally, beer that comes in a jar)' is
coined by attaching a new translation for 'jar'zh` to an earlier borrowing p^ 'beer (as in p^ji}
shown in (3.58)).' Finally, it should be noted that in writing, loan words are almost always written
in characters. However, in recent decades, English letters have simply been adopted for some new
loans. For instance, the English letters 'O' and 'K' are used in k2l`'8uk3i 'karaoke': OK; the
English letter 'B' in b%b*ji 'beeper': BB (3.58) and the English letter 'T' in t%x]sh`n 'T-shirt'
(3.58): T (or sometimes, ) . There are also words such as CD and GRE (Graduate
Record Examinations) that are most often simply written in their English letters.
94 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

Chapter 4. Parts of Speech

As mentioned earlier, words are the smallest building blocks of sentences. Analogous with
words in English, Mandarin words can be classified into various parts of speech, but unlike
English, where there are morphological markings to help identify parts of speech, Mandarin has
few such devices. For instance, the English suffix '-ly', in most cases, gives the clue that the word
in which it is found is an adverb, while the suffix '-ize,' in all cases, identifies a verb. In the
majority of cases in Mandarin, however, a word remains unchanged in form no matter how or
where it is used. Now consider the following English sentences:

(4.1) a. The existence of parts of speech is universal.

b. Do parts of speech exist in Chinese?
c. The existing parts of speech are not the same as those used in ancient times.

We know that the three underlined words existence, exist, and existing are different words
that serve different grammatical functions. Based purely on their morphological markings, we
know that in (a), we have a noun, in (b) a verb, and in (c) a gerund used adjectivally. Now
consider their Mandarin counterparts: 1

(4.2) a. c^l7i de c{nz3i sh* p}bi3n de.

parts of speech DE(a) exist be universal DE
b. h3ny} zh8ng c{nz3i c^l7i ma?

Chinese inside exist parts of speech MA
c. xi3nz3i c{nz3i de c^l7i h5 g}sh^hou de b]t9ng.

now exist DE(a) parts of speech with ancient-time DE(a) not-the-same

The three English words given previously have just one equivalent in Mandarin, c{nz3i
, which is used as a noun (a), a verb (b) and an adjective (c). If we look at the word c{nz3i
out of context, how can we decide what parts of speech it belongs to? Given its different usage in
the above three sentences, does the form constitute one word or three? Ever since the
introduction of Western linguistics into China in the early part of the twentieth century, Chinese

In this chapter, the Mandarin words in the illustrations are given in Pinyin, Chinese characters, and English
translation, and where necessary, Mandarin phrases and sentences are provided with English word-for-word glosses
as well. In these glosses, the English words are strung together with a hyphen, if they correspond to a single
Mandarin word. The English translations are placed within single quotes '...'.
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 95

linguists have been grappling with these thorny issues. There is one thing they are agreed upon,
and that is there are parts of speech in the language, in spite of the near absence of the tell-tale
morphology. The major issue linguists have been concerned with asks the question, 'What can be
done to determine parts of speech, or, what criteria or theoretical framework can be established
for their identification in the absence of morphological information?'
Several theories have been advanced ranging from relying on the content meaning of the
words, to their grammatical meanings, and to their syntactic properties. Earlier, many Chinese
linguists believed that the only information that can be used to determine parts of speech comes
from the meanings of individual words. For instance, we know t3iyang 'the sun' is a noun
since it is the name of the object, but ch% 'eat' is a verb since it denotes the action of consuming
food (L. Wang 1957). Linguists began to realize that meaning, at best, is an unreliable measure
for the purpose. The following examples support this claim:

(4.3) (A) (B)

a. g3ir 'cover (n.)' g3i 'cover (v.)'
b. h9ngs7 'red color (n.)' h9ng 'red (adj.)'
c. shu*mi1n 'sleep (n.)' shu*ji3o 'sleep (v.)'
d. zh3nzh4ng 'war' d2zh3ng 'fight (v.)'
e. y^g3i 'unanimously' y^zh* 'unanimous'

There are eight pairs of words above. Words of each pair share the same meaning.
However, the words in Column (A) are nouns except the last one, an adverb, while the ones in
Column (B) are either a verb or an adjective. In Mandarin, there are numerous pairs of words
such as these. These pairs of words clearly show that word meaning alone is not enough to test
for word membership in a particular part of speech.
Today, most Chinese linguists believe that the most reliable test for parts of speech in
Mandarin comes from the syntactic qualities and functions of each word. For instance, c{nz3i
'exist' mentioned earlier is judged to be a verban existential verbbecause like all other verbs
in Mandarin (except y0u 'have'), 2 it can be negated by the morpheme b] 'not'. This quality
of negation separates c{nz3i from nouns all of which cannot be negated by b] (e.g., *b{ 3iq^ng
). Although many adjectives can be negated by b], c{nz3i is differentiated from adjectives
by its grammatical quality of not being able to be modified by h6n 'very' as most adjectives
can (e.g., *h6n c{nz3i). Functionally, c{nz3i is separated from nouns because it can serve as a
predicate of a sentence, but not as a subject or object. Nouns, on the other hand, do just the

There are a few other exceptions such as y^ng 'win', b*ng 'become ill', and s& 'death', and resultative
compounded verbs such as d2p- 'break' and k3nji3n 'see', which are also not normally negated by b]
'not', but may be negated by m5i 'not'.
Normally, the morpheme b] 'not' has the fourth tone (51); however, it goes through a dissimilatory sandhi process
whereby it changes into a second tone if followed by another fourth tone.
96 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

While grammatical tests such as those mentioned above are generally sufficient, other
types of information may also be useful to provide secondary support for the identification. The
most used secondary support is meaning. Meaning can be content meaning or grammatical
meaning. An example of content meaning is 'verbs denote actions', as opposed to 'verbs can serve
as predicates of sentences,' which constitutes syntactic information. In fact, larger grouping of
words into such categories as nouns and verbs is done with the help of the meaning information.
By the meaning criteria of nouns being names and verbs denoting actions, a fair number of words
can be safely classified.
In short, grammarians working on Mandarin have come to rely mostly on grammatical
information and only secondarily on meaning information in their efforts to sort out words. In
what follows, a review of Mandarin parts of speech will reflect such an approach. Generally
speaking, Mandarin words can be divided into two major classes: content words and function
words. The content words can be further divided into nouns, verbs, adjectives, numbers,
classifiers, pronouns and adverbs, while the function words are prepositions, conjunctions,
auxiliaries, and interjections. Unlike the content words most of which can stand alone and form
an open class to which new words can be added, the function words form closed sets and cannot
be used alone without the 'support' of content words.

4.1 Nouns
Nouns often can be separated from the rest of the words by their meanings. For instance,
the word g0u 'dog', by its meaning, is clearly a noun and not a verb or an adverb. However, the
identification of Mandarin nouns is not always so straightforward. Often it has to be tested with
grammatical or formal tools. One of them is the presence of certain affixes. For instance, we
know a word is a noun if it has an affix such as zi 4 as in ji2nzi 'scissors,' -tou as in f}tou
'axe', and l2o- as in l2opo 'wife.' However, as mentioned above, morphology and
meaning can only serve as a secondary function to the identification of parts of speech and the
major tests have to come from the syntactic qualities of each part of speech. Before considering
these qualities of nouns, examine the following examples of nouns.

4.1.1 Types of Nouns

Nouns name many different kinds of entities, such as people, animals, professions,
qualities, and abstract concepts. Based on meaning, Mandarin nouns can be divided into several
groups: common versus proper, collective, abstract, time, location, direction, and countable
versus uncountable. A noun may belong to one or more of these groups, unless the groups are in
contrast (e.g., countable and uncountable). The following are examples of each group:

See previous chapter for a description of affixes.
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 97

(4.4) a. common nouns xu5sh4ng 'student'

shu& 'water'
b. proper nouns zh8nggu9 'China'
k7l^nd]n 'Clinton'
c. abstract nouns h5p^ng 'peace'
d3od5 'morals'
d. collective nouns r5nl7i 'mankind'
ch4li3ng 'vehicle'
e. time nouns ni1n 'year'
x%ngq%y% 'Monday'
f. place nouns ch{f1ng 'kitchen'
t3ip^ngy1ng 'Pacific Ocean'
g. locality nouns sh3ng/xi3 'up/down'
qi1nmi3n 'in front'
h. countable nouns xu5sh4ng 'student'
p^qi{ 'ball'
i. uncountable nouns 3iq^ng 'love'
sh`zi 'sand'

4.1.2 Syntactic Properties

As mentioned previously, no Mandarin nouns can be negated by the morpheme b] 'not,'
neither can they normally be modified by an adverb. All examples are ill-formed because in each
case, a noun is preceded by an adverb.

(4.5) a. * h6n t2iyang ???

very sun
b. * d8u sh[ ???
all book
c. * g`ng k]zi ???
just-now pants
d. * h1i 3iq^ng ???
still love

Certain time nouns can serve as predicates, in which case they can be modified by certain
adverbs. For instance, the time noun x%ngq%y% 'Monday' serves as the predicate in the
sentence j%nti`n x%ngq%y% 'today is Monday'. In this case, it can be modified by an
98 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

adverb such as c1i '(denoting the meaning of earlier than expected)' 5 : j%nti`n c1i x%ngq%y%
'today is only Monday.'
Nouns can be modified by number-CLS phrases, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, adjectival (or
attributive) phrases (or clauses), and other nouns. 6 The following provide an example of each
type of combination. The first line in each case is the example in Pinyin and characters, the
second line gives the word-for-word translation, and the third line is the translation of the first.
This format will be used to illustrate phrases and sentences throughout the remaining sections on
syntax unless otherwise noted.

(4.6) a. s`nti1o g0u 'three dogs'

three-CLS dog
b. h9ng k]zi 'red pants'
red pants
c. g8ngzu- sh^ji`n 'working time'
work (v.) time
d. n& m`ma 'your mother'
you mother
e. t` k3n de di3ny&ng 'the movie that he has seen'
he see DE movie
f. di3nsh* ji5m] 'television program'
television program

Finally, nouns that refer to people can take the plural morpheme men as a suffix.
However, this suffix is not used if the noun is modified by other quantifiers within the noun
phrase (henceforth NP) or sentence, for example, h1izi 'child' and h1izimen 'children'.
Compare the examples in (i) with those in (ii): 8

Incidentally, the adverb c1i, when modifying a verb, denotes 'later than expected.' For instance, j%nti`n c1i k`ish&
'It is not until today that (it) started.' (Note: k`ish& means 'start.')
See the sections on NPs and attributives for further accounts of noun modifiers.
For editorial convenience, only 'he' will be used in this chapter to gloss t` 'he/she/it,' the third person singular
morpheme in Mandarin, unless the complete gloss is absolutely necessary.
The star '*' is conventionally used in syntactic studies to mean 'unacceptable' to a native speaker.
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 99

(4.7) a. i. li2ngg7 h1izi 'two children'

two-CLS child
ii.* li2ngg7 h1izimen ???
two-CLS child-men
b. i. h6n du8 h1izi 'many children'
very many child
ii.* h6n du8 h1izimen ???
very many child-men
c. i. t` de h1izi h6n du8. 'He has many children.'
he DE(a) child very many
ii.* t` de h1izimen h6n du8. ???
he DE(a) child-men very many

The noun h1izi 'child' alone legitimately takes the suffix men. In the grammatically
correct (i) cases, this noun does not take the suffix, but is modified by a quantifier either within
the NP (a and b) or the sentence (c). In the second examples (ii), however, it takes both a
quantifier AND the suffix men, and is thus ungrammatical. Functionally, nouns serve primarily
as a subject or object, although sometimes they also serve as an attributive. Sometimes nouns may
act as a predicate, and together with a number-CLS phrase, a noun may also serve as an adverbial.
Details of nouns serving these grammatical functions can be found later in the section on NPs.

4.2 Verbs

4.2.1 Types of Verbs

Mandarin verbs are very complex. The classification of verbs relies mostly on their
syntactic properties. There are action versus stative verbs, transitive versus intransitive verbs,
auxiliary verbs, linking verbs, direction verbs, reduplicated verbs and verbs that are followed by a
verbal phrase. Here are examples of these types of verbs:

(4.8) a. action verbs z0u 'walk'

xi3o 'laugh'
bi3nl]n 'debate'
b`ngzh] 'help'
b. stative 3i 'love'
x%w3ng 'hope'
7 'be hungry'
k]n 'be sleepy'
100 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

c. transitive verbs ch% 'eat'

k3n 'watch'
xu5x^ 'study'
q*ngzh] 'celebrate'
d. intransitive verbs p2o 'run'
k[ 'cry'
q]sh* 'pass away'
ch[lai 'come out'
e. take a verbal object k`ish& (g8ngzu-) () 'begin to (work)'
j*x] (xu5x^) () 'continue to (study)'
ji`y&(xi[g2i) () 'to (revise)'
zh}zh`ng(t^ngzh&) () 'to insist on (stopping)'
f. auxiliary verbs n5ngg-u 'can (ability)'
k6y& 'may (permission)'
d6 'have to'
y%ngg`i 'should'
g. directional verbs l1i/q] 'to come/go'
j*n/ch[ 'to enter/exit'
sh3ngqu 'to go up'
hu^lai 'to come back'
h. linking verbs sh* 'to be'
ji3o (zh`ngs`n) () 'to be called'
ch5ngw5i 'to become
d6ngyu 'to be equal to'

4.2.2 Syntactic Properties

Verbs have several special syntactic properties. First, all verbs can be negated by the
negative morpheme b] 'not,' except the verb y0u 'have,' which can only be negated by m5i
'not,' to form m5iy0u 'have not.' In addition to b] 'not,' many verbs can also be negated by
m5i 'not.' Second, verbs can be arranged to yield an A-not-A question form. One type of question
formation which yields a 'yes-or-no' question involves the repetition of the main verb of the
sentence and the insertion of the morpheme b] 'not' between the two identical parts (A-not-A):
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 101

(4.9) a. t` ch% p^nggu0. 'He eats apples'.

he eat apple
b. t` ch%b]ch% p^nggu0 'Does he eat apples?'
he eat-not-eat apple

Third, verbs can usually be reduplicated (see the last chapter for details of verb reduplication).
Fourth, verbs can stand alone as answers to questions. Fifth, most verbs can take aspect particles
such as zhe , le , and guo (their meanings and functions will be explained later). Sixth,
verbs can normally be modified by adverbs. The main grammatical function of verbs is
predicating. Some verbs can also serve as a complement. While the above mentioned qualities are
shared by most verbs, syntactic properties may vary with verb types. Below, these selected verb
types will be considered individually. Action and Stative

Action verbs account for the majority of the verbs in Mandarin. All the previously
mentioned verb qualities are true for action verbs except for those action verbs which cannot be
modified by degree adverbs such as h6n 'very.' The following expressions are all ungrammatical:

(4.10) a. * h6n z0u ???

very walk
c. * zu* xi3o ???
most laugh
c. * t3i bi3nl]n ???
too argue
d. * g7ng b`ngzh] ???
more help(v.)

Contrary to action verbs, stative verbs can normally be modified by degree adverbs. Compare the
above table with the following:

(4.11) a. h6n 3i 'love very much'

very love
b. zu* 7 'be most hungry'
most hungry
c. t3i x%w3ng 'hope very much'
too hope
d. g7ng k]n 'be more sleepy'

See Section 5.3.6 for more examples of directional verbs and their usage.
102 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

more sleepy
Also, unlike action verbs which can be the main verb of an imperative sentence, stative verbs
cannot. For instance, one can say, z0u! ! 'Walk!' but cannot say 3i! ! 'Love!' where the word
is used as a verb. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

By linguistic definition, transitive verbs are those that can take objects, while intransitive verbs do
not. In Mandarin the case is somewhat different. There are nouns after intransitive verbs that are
considered the non-patient 10 objects of these verbs. Here are some examples:

(4.12) a. i. q] zh8nggu9

go China 'go to China'

ii. x& l^ny]

wash shower 'take a shower'

iii. sh3ng xu5xi3o

go school 'go to school'

iv. chu% di3nsh3n

blow electric-fan 'be blown by an electric fan'

b. i. ch[xi3n y*k4 x%ng

appear one-CLS star 'a star appears'

ii. xi3lai y^g7 r5n

down-come one-CLS person 'a person comes down'

iii. hu3i le y^g7 j%d3n

rot PERF one-CLS egg 'an egg became rotten' Auxiliary Verbs

Although verbs normally constitute an open class to which new verbs can be added, the
set of auxiliary verbs is closed. This is one of the reasons that there has been controversy around
their being treated as verbs (Li and Thompson 1981). As space does not allow a presentation of
the arguments here, we will simply follow the tradition of treating them as verbs. Interested
readers should refer to McCawley (1992) for cogent arguments for their verbhood. Relatively
small in number, auxiliary verbs express primarily the meaning of willingness or possibility. The
following are some examples:

(4.13) a. n5ngg-u 'can (ability)'

b. k6n 'be willing'
c. yu2ny* 'be willing'

They are not the objects upon which the action of the verb is directed.
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 103

d. d6i 'have to'

e. k6y& 'may (permission)'
f. y%ngg`i 'should'
g. y%ngd`ng 'should'
h. g2n 'dare to'

Other properties that set auxiliary verbs apart from other verbs include the following: they
cannot be reduplicated, for instance, one cannot say *n5ngg-un5ngg-u , *d6id6i ;
they cannot be followed by aspect particles such as zhe, le, and guo (e.g., *n5ngg-uguo); and
their objects cannot be nouns or pronouns, but are usually verbs, verb phrases or clauses.

4.3 Adjectives

4.3.1 Types of Adjectives

Based on meaning, Mandarin adjectives are classified into several groups, the most
common of which include shape (a), color (b), quality (c), and state (d):

(4.14) a. d3 'big'
yu1n 'round'
b&zh^ 'very straight'
b. h9ng 'red'
b*l\ 'green as jade'
hu1ngh[h[ 'kind of yellow'
c. ru2n 'soft'
ti1n 'sweet'
y9ngg2n 'brave'
d. j*ng 'quiet'
ku3i 'fast'
q%ngs8ng 'relaxing'

As previously discussed, morphological forms do not normally identify Mandarin parts of

speech. However, there are some exceptions, for instance, the words in (a) in (4.15) below are
clearly adjectives by the fact that they each contain a reduplicative suffix. Not only are these
adjectives recognizable among other words, but they can also be singled out from the rest of the
adjectives. This latter distinction is important, since as a group, these suffixed adjectives share
some unique syntactic qualities. Two other types of adjectives are also syntactically unique and
can be identified from others by their forms. Now examine (b) and (c) in (4.15).
Morphologically, the (b) type of adjectives are all disyllabic compounds in which the first
morpheme, often a noun, modifies the second which is an adjective. The (c) type contains four
104 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

syllables, but only one is the main element, which is an adjective. The rest do not have much
meaning other than acting like a four-syllable building affix of an onomatopoetic nature. To make
up for the four syllables, the first syllable of the main adjective may sometimes be repeated, as the
first two examples in (c) show. The result often intensifies the meaning of the adjectival
component or cause it to sound more vivid:
(4.15) a. p3ngh[h[ 'plump'
ti1nz%z% 'pleasantly sweet'
h9ngt8ngt8ng 'bright red'
l7h4h4 'jubilant'
b. b*l\ 'green as jade'
g}nyu1n 'round as a ball'
b&zh^ 'very straight'
xu6b1i 'snow white'
c. h{lih{t[ 'very muddled'
g}lig}gu3i 'very strange'
h4ibuli[qi[ 'swarthy'
b7nleb`j% 'kind of stupid'
h4igul8ngd8ng 'pitch dark'

4.3.2 Syntactic Properties

In the previous section, some major classes of adjectives have been listed, and here it may
be asked what their syntactic properties are. As a whole group, adjectives in Mandarin have a
unique characteristic: they are, in many ways, just like stative verbs and because of this, have
been regarded as a special type of verb (Y. R. Chao 1968). Like verbs, they all can serve as the
predicate, and when they do, they do not need to be preceded by a linking verb, unlike English
adjectives. Like stative verbs, they can normally be modified by degree adverbs, be reduplicated,
(although the structure of reduplication is differentsee the last chapter for details on adjective
reduplication), and stand alone as answers to questions. The major difference between adjectives
and most verbs is that adjectives cannot take objects.
Although adjectives can normally be modified by degree adverbs, there are three
exceptions. The three special types mentioned earlierthe Suffixed type, the Noun/Verb-as-
Modifier type, and the Four-Syllable-Building typecannot be modified by adverbs. Within
these adjectives, the non-adjective part already binds the adjective with some kind of scope or
degree so that the use of a degree adverb would either be redundant or contradictory. For
instance, the following strings, each of which contains the adverb h6n 'very' and an adjective from
the table in (4.15) are ill-formed:
(4.16) a. * h6n h9ngt8ngt8ng ?
b. * h6n g}nyu1n ?
c. * h6n h{lih{t[ ?
When serving as attributives, adjectives sometimes do not require the adjectival auxiliary particle
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 105

de to immediately follow it, for example, the de in d3 de p^nggu0 'big apple' does not have to be
present for the expression to be grammatical. Yet the use of this particle is compulsory with these
three special types of adjectives. Among the three, the ones with the reduplicative suffix and the
four-syllable type are also different from the rest of the adjectives in that they cannot be
reduplicated, as reduplication never occurs on a base of more than two syllables (H. Lin 1990).

4.4 Numbers

4.4.1 Types of Numbers

There are several types of numbers in Mandarin: cardinal, ordinal and approximate.
Cardinal can be further divided into whole, fraction, decimal and multiple. Examples of these
numbers are: Whole Numbers

First, look at the numbers zero to ten:

(4.17) l^ng y% 5r s`n s* w} li] q% b` ji} sh^

'zero' 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five' 'six' 'seven' 'eight' 'nine' 'ten'

Between ten and one hundred, all the numbers are combinations of the numbers given
above (i.e., one to ten). For instance, 'eleven' is sh^y% , literally, 'ten-one;' 'sixty' is li]sh^
, literally, 'six-ten;' and 'sixty-nine' is li]sh^ji} , literally, 'six-ten-nine.' Some further
umber units are:

(4.18) y* w3n qi`n b2i

'100 million' 'ten thousand' 'thousand' 'hundred'

A number such as 1,234,567 is read as y*-b2i-7r-sh^-s`n-w3n-s*-qi`n-w}-b3i-li]-sh^-q% 11

. One difference between Mandarin and English (or European)
number systems is that Mandarin has a four-digit recursive system while English has a three-digit
one. After three digits, English begins a new round using a combination of 'ten,' or 'hundred' with
'thousand' (e.g., ten thousand, one hundred thousand, etc.), but Mandarin begins a new round after
four digits at the unit of w3n 'ten thousand' (i.e., sh^w3n, b2iw3n, and q%anw3n). At the
seventh digit, English uses a new unit 'million,' but Mandarin does not use a new unit until it
reaches the ninth unit, y* 'hundred million.' This difference means that if the Mandarin system
were used for writing numbers, rather than writing the numbers ten thousand and one hundred
million as 10,000 and 100,000,000 respectively, they would be written as 1,0000 y^w3n and

Hyphens are used here for easy reading of the syllable/word segmentation.
106 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

1,0000,0000 y^y*, respectively. Fractions, Decimals, Multiples and Ordinal Numbers

Fraction is expressed by X f4nzh% Y, where Y is the numerator while X the
denominator. Thus is 7rf4nzh%y% . Decimal numbers are quite simple and
straightforward. They are expressed the same way as in English: '1.2' is expressed as y%di3n'7r
where di2n 12 means 'point, dot.' Multiple is expressed by adding the morpheme b7i
'multiple' to an ordinal number: s`n b7i 'three times,' 7rf4nzh%y% b7i ' time,' y%di3n'7r b7i '1.2
times,' etc. Ordinal numbers are formed with a prefix d*- and a whole number: d*y% 'first,'
d*'7rsh^ '20th,' etc. Another prefix which is used to count the first ten to fifteen days of the month
in an ordinal way is ch[- , for instance, the fifth day of the month is ch[w}. Approximate Numbers

Examples of approximate numbers are:

(4.19) a. j& 'several'

b. x}du8 'many'
c. du8sh] 'most'
d. y&sh3ng 'above (a number)'
e. y&xi3 'below (a number)'
f. sh3ngxi3 'approximate (literally up or down)'
g. zu0y-u 'approximate (literally left or right)'
h. du8 'more than'

4.4.2 Syntactic Properties

One syntactic property of numbers is that they cannot be reduplicated. In addition, the
most important syntactic role numbers play is to quantify nouns. When they do that, a classifier 13
is required to follow right afterunlike numbers in English where they can immediately precede
the noun. For instance, the English NP 'one person' is structurally 'one-CLS person': y^g7 r5n
in Mandarin. The following section discusses Mandarin classifiers.

4.5 Classifiers
Classifiers are a relatively recent development in the Chinese language. Numbers that
used to modify nouns directly now require an intervening classifier. Their usage over the years
has become a grammatical one, and therefore, they have largely lost their content meanings.
Except for the generic classifier g7 , all classifiers are restricted to being used in combination
with certain nouns rather than others.

In Beijng Mandarin, di2n often carries the r suffix.
We will deal more with classifiers in the next section.
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 107

4.5.1 Types of Classifiers

Functionally and structurally, classifiers can be roughly divided into two classes: those
that precede and modifier nouns and those that follow and complement verbs in a number-CLS
phrase. Among the two, nominal classifiers can be further divided into singular (a), collective (b)
and approximate (c) classifiers. A special type of nominal classifier are measure words (d) which
differ from other classifiers in that their meanings are clearly definable:

(4.20) Classifier Usage Examples

a. g7 y^g7 j%d3n 'an egg'

ti1o li2ngti1o l9ng 'two dragons'
w7i s`nw7i l2osh% 'three teachers'
zh`ng s*zh`ng zhu8zi 'four tables'
b. shu`ng w}shu`ng ku3izi 'five pairs of chopsticks'
f] li]f] y2nj*ng 'six pairs of glasses'
q{n y*q{n y`zi 'a flock of ducks'
b`ng y*b`ng r5n 'a bunch of people'
c. di2n y*di2n shu&gu0 'a few apples'
xi4 y*xi4 shu*gu0 'some apples'
d. j%n q%j%n xi`ngji`o 'seven jin 14 of bananas'
m} b`m} d* 'eight mu 15 of land'
sh4ng ji}sh4ng y9u 'nine liters of oil'
m& sh^m& b] 'ten meters of fabric'

The following examples contain classifiers that complement verbs in a number-CLS


(4.21) Classifier Usage Examples

xi3 k3n y^xi3 'have a look'

c* sh* y^c* 'give it a try'
t3ng p2o s`nt3ng 'pay three visits'
zh7ng gu- y^zh7n ''in a short while'

Functions normally performed by classifiers may sometimes be performed by nouns and

One j%n is equal to half a kilogram.
One m} is equal to 0.1647 acre.
108 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

verbs. For instance, in (a) below, nouns are used as classifiers, and in (b) verbs are:

(4.22) a. y*w[ r5n one-house person 'a room full of people'

li2ngb4i shu& two-cup water 'two cups of water'
b. s`nf4ng x*n three-seal(v) letter 'three letters'
s*k}n ch1i four-bind(v) firewood 'four bundles of firewood'

4.5.2 Syntactic Properties

The previous table may give the impression that the approximate classifiers, like the rest,
can be combined with whole numbers other than y% 'one.' This is, however, not true, as
approximate classifiers only follow the number y% 'one.' In addition, the verbal classifiers work
mostly with the number y% as well. When they do, the resulting number-CLS phrase can act as the
complement of the verb, and its addition to the verb has the same function as the reduplication of
the verb (see the last chapter for more information on reduplication). A phrase such as k3n y^xi3
'have a look' means the same as k3nkan where the verb is reduplicated. In fact, the
reduplicated verb can be expanded into k3ny^kanwith the number y% 'one' inserted in
betweenbut still means the same. After the expansion, the result resembles the phrase k3n y^xi3
in which a verb is followed by a verbal classifier phrase. Finally, as discussed in the last chapter,
monosyllabic classifiers can be reduplicated and when they are, they acquire the additional
meaning of 'every' (e.g., g7g7 'every person/thing, etc., and ti1oti1o 'every
dog/fish/pants 16 , etc.').

4.6 Pronouns
A pronoun is a substitute for and coreferential with another expression, its antecedent,
which can be a word, a phrase, a sentence or a group of sentences.

4.6.1 Types of Pronouns

Pronouns are of various types, just as their antecedents vary in meaning and grammatical
function. Generally speaking, Mandarin pronouns can be divided into three classes based on their
grammatical meanings: personal, demonstrative, and interrogative. The following are examples of
personal pronouns. The examples in (g) and (h) are different from (a) and (d) respectively in that
the former pair normally refers to both the speaker(s) and the listener(s) whereas the latter pair
refers to the speaker(s) only:

(4.23) a. w0 'I'
b. n& 'you (sg.)'
c. t` // 'he/she/it'
d. w0men 'we'

Pants in Mandarin are considered singular.
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 109

e. n&men 'you (pl.)'

f. t`men 'they'
g. z1n 'I (inclusive)'
h. z1nmen 'we (inclusive)'
i. n^n 'you (sg. & pl.; polite form)'
j. r5njia 'someone; that person; I'
k. d3ji` 'everyone'
l. z*j& 'self'

The following is a list of Mandarin demonstrative pronouns:

(4.24) a. zh7 'this'

n3 'that'
b. zh7r/zh7l& / 'here'
n3r/n3l& / 'there'
c. zh7hu&r 'this moment; now'
n7hu&r 'that moment; then'
d. zh7y3ng 'this way'
n3y3ng 'that way'
zh7mey3ng 'this way'
n3mey3ng 'that way'
e. zh7mexi4 'this much/many'
n3mexi4 'that much/many'

Each of the examples in (b) contains two forms. The former is typically used in the
Beijing area, while the latter covers a wide geographic area. In all cases above, there is either zh7
'this' or n3 'that,' which can be alternatively pronounced as zh7i and n7i respectively (e.g.,
zh7iy3ng 'this way' and n7iy3ng 'that way'). Furthermore, the third example in (d) can also be said
as z7nmey3ng; both mean exactly the same as the first example in (d).
Now consider the interrogative pronouns:

(4.25) a. shu^ 'who'

sh5nme 'what'
b. n2r/n2l& / 'where'

This syllable, being a contextual derivative, is not considered a basic syllable and therefore is not listed in the table
of Mandarin syllables given in Chapter 1.
110 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

c. n2hu&r 'when'
d. z6ny3ng 'how'
z6nme 'how'
z6nmey3ng 'how'
e. j& 'how many'
du8 'how much/many'
du8sh2o 'how much/many'

As shown above, the interrogative pronouns may refer to person (a), place (b), time (c),
manner (d) and quantity (e). The pronoun shu^ 'who' can be pronounced alternatively as sh5i,
a syllable which does not otherwise occur in Mandarin. The pronoun in (c) n2hu&r 'when' is not
the most common expression for 'when,' that being the phrase sh5nme sh^hou which is
composed of the pronoun sh5nme 'what' in (a) and the noun sh^hou 'time.'

4.6.2 Syntactic Properties

Pronouns are content words, but unlike other content words such as nouns and verbs,
pronouns are a closed set. New additions are not expected in the foreseeable future. Further,
unlike most other content words, Mandarin pronouns can never be reduplicated. And unlike other
content words, Mandarin pronouns cannot normally be modified. One cannot say, for instance,
*l2o w0 'old I,' *sh2 n& 'silly you,' or *h9ngde zh7 'red this.' However, Mandarin
personal pronouns and the interrogative pronouns denoting people (i.e., shu^ 'who') can modify
nouns usually with the auxiliary particle de 'DE(a)' (e.g., t`de g0u 'his dog' or shu^de g0u
'whose dog'). When they combine with de 'DE(a)', they resemble the possessive case of the
English pronouns: 18 (Note especially Column B)

(4.26) (A) (B)

a. w0 'I' w0de 'my'
b. n& 'you (sg.)' n&de 'your'
c. t` 'he/she/it' t`de // 'his/her/its'
d. w0men 'we' w0mende 'our'
e. n&men 'you (pl.)' n&mende 'your'
f. t`men 'they' t`mende 'their'
g. shu^ 'who' shu^de 'whose'

Other remarkable features about Mandarin personal pronouns concern its third-person
pronouns, the first-person inclusive pronouns, and the absence of case marking. The language has
a single form t` for all the three singular third-person pronouns 'he', 'she,' and 'it.' This

Further classification of the modifiers before NPs can be found in Wu (1994; 1996).
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 111

characteristic results in much difficulty for many native Mandarin speakers learning to use the
three English pronouns. The inclusive pronouns z1n 'I' and z1nmen 'we,' on the other hand, are
strange to a native English speaker. Although the normal w0 'I' and w0men 'we' can be inclusive
in certain contexts, z1n and z1nmen explicitly include both the speaker(s) and the listener(s).
Unlike a language such as English, in which pronouns may vary in forms whether they serve as
subjects or objects, Mandarin pronouns remain unchanged in form in all functions (i.e., w0 'I;
me'). In other words, there is no case marking in Mandarin.

4.7 Adverbs

4.7.1 Types of Adverbs

Adverbs are function words as opposed to content words discussed so far in this chapter.
As function words, adverbs do not normally stand alone, but have to appear with the verbs or
adjectives they modify. Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives in terms of their degree (a),
appoximation (b), time (c), frequency (d), mood (e), modality (f) and estimation (g):

(4.27) a. h6n 'very'

zu* 'most'
f4ich1ng 'quite'
y9uq^ 'especially'
b. d8u 'all; both'
qu1n 'all'
j&nj&n 'only'
t8ngt8ng 'completely'
y^g3i 'totally'
c. c1i 'just now; only'
ji] 'right away'
c5ngj%ng 'once'
g`ngg`ng 'just now'
y&j%ng 'already'
d. z3i 'again'
h1i 'also'
ch1ngch1ng 'often'
ji3nji3n 'gradually'
e. ji2nzh^ 'almost'
ji[j*ng 'after all'
x*ngku% 'luckily'
f2nzh7ng 'anyway'
112 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

f. h]xi`ng 'mutually'
q%nz* 'in person'
j*nl* 'do one's best'
r4ngr1n 'still'
g. y6x} 'perhaps'
d3yu4 'approximately'
d3g3i 'approximately'

4.7.2 Syntactic Properties

As a whole, adverbs form a closed set. They are normally used to modify verbs and
adjectives but not nouns or number-classifier units, unless the latter are used as predicates. For
instance, in j%nti`n c1i x%ngq%y% 'today is only Monday,' the adverb of time c1i 'only'
modifies the noun x%ngq%y% 'Monday' which is the predicate. As modifiers, adverbs are unlike
adjectives in that they are not normally modified by other expressions, and are not normally
reduplicated except for a few rare idiosyncratic cases such as g`ngg`ng 'just now,' j&nj&n
'only,' and t8ngt8ng 'completely.' Mandarin adverbs are sometimes easily confused with
adjectives, especially if only meaning is used for the identification. For instance, the words y^zh*
and y^g3i both share the meaning of 'one and all,' but the former is an adjective while the
latter an adverb. There are three major differences between the two: First, adjectives modify
nouns while very few adverbs do, and when they do, the nouns have to be predicates. Among the
two words quoted, the former can be identified as an adjective because it can be used to modify a
noun such as ju5y* 'decision:' y^zh* de ju5y* 'unanimous decision', but not *y^g3i de ju5y*.
Second, adjectives can form A-not-A interrogative structure while adverbs cannot. For instance,
y^zh* can be turned into y^zh*-bu-y^zh* 'is it uniform?' but y^g3i cannot be turned into *y^g3i-bu-
y^g3i. Third, adjectives can stand alone to answer questions while adverbs normally cannotone
exception being y6x} 'perhaps'.

4.8 Prepositions

4.8.1 Types of Prepositions

Mandarin prepositions as a closed set are fairly limited in number. However, most are
frequently used words. Based on meaning, they can be divided into several groups: direction (a),
time (b), reason (c), basis (d), concerning (e), passiveness (f), comparison (g) and so forth:

(4.28) a. ch1o 'toward'

xi3ng 'toward'
w2ng 'toward'
y1nzhe 'along'
b. z3i 'at; on'
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 113

c9ng 'from'
y{ 'from; at'
z*(c9ng) () 'from'
c. w7i 'for'
y9uy{ 'because'
y%nw5i 'because'
w7ile 'for'
d. 3n(zh3o) () 'according to'
zh3o 'according to'
(g4n)j] () 'based on'
y& 'based on'
e. du* 'to (someone)'
zh*y{ 'as to'
gu`ny{ 'about'
f. b7i 'by 19 '
r3ng 'by'
g. b& 'compare;than'
ch{(le) () 'except for'

4.8.2 Syntactic Properties

One unique syntactic property of Mandarin propositions is that they cannot stand alone,
but have to combine with a prepositional objecttypically a noun, a pronoun or a nominal
phraseto form prepositional phrases (henceforth PPs) before they can be used as a major
constituent in a sentence. 20 Just as some bound morphemes that are historically derived from free
morphemes via certain grammaticalization processes, most Mandarin prepositions were originally
verbs that have since been grammaticalized to become prepositions. Because of this historical
link, sometimes prepositions may be confused with verbs. It is thus important to identify the
major properties that are not shared by both. First, prepositions, as already indicated, cannot stand
alone as a predicate, while verbs can. For instance, although the two words share a similar
meaning of spatial direction, q] 'go' is a verb in t`men q] zh8nggu9 'they go to
China,' whereas w2ng 'to' isn't since *t`men w2ng zh8nggu9 is syntactically unacceptable.
Second, verbs can be reduplicated while prepositions cannot. Third, verbs can take aspect
auxiliary particles such as zhe, le, and guo, while prepositions cannot (compare the grammatical
q] le zh8nggu9 'have gone to China' with the ungrammatical *w2ng le zh8nggu9). Fourth, verbs
can form a A-not-A question while prepositions cannot (compare the grammatical n& q]b{q]

See the section on prepositions for details.
Exceptions include b7i in (4.28).
114 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

zh8nggu9 'are you going to China?' with the ungrammatical *n& w2ngbuw2ng zh8nggu9).
Furthermore, just as in morphology some morphemes have become affixes more
completely than others, in the grammaticalization of verbs, some verbs have become function
words more completely than others. Evidence for such uneven pace in development comes from
the existence of the so-called coverbswords that can be both a preposition and a verb.
McCawley (1992), for example, clearly identified a group of coverbs as being more like
prepositions than others. Examples of coverbs are z3i 'at; to be at,' g6i 'give; to,' and b&
'compare; than.' Observe the following examples, where the words are verbs in (i)s but
prepositions in (ii)s.

(4.29) a. i. t`men z3i xu5xi3o.

they be-at school

'They are at school.'
ii. t`men z3i xu5xi3o xu5x^.

they at school study

'They study at school.'
b. i. w0 g6i t` y*b6n sh[.

I give he one-CLS book

'I give him a book.'
ii. w0 g6i t` m2i le y*b6n sh[.

I give he buy PERF one-CLS book

'I bought a book for him.'
c. i. w0 li2 b& g`od%.

I two compare high-low

'We two compare height (or who is superior).'
ii. w0 b& t` g`o.

I than he tall
'I am taller than him.'

4.9 Conjunctions

4.9.1 Types of Conjunctions

Conjunctions conjoin words, phrases or sentences. Some function alone; others work
together. The following are examples of stand-alone conjunctions:
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 115

(4.30) a. h5 'and'
b. y} 'and; with'
c. g4n 'and; with'
d. t9ng 'and; with'
e. y&j^ 'and'
f. hu-zh6 'or'
g. y&zh* 'consequently'
h. c9ng'5r 'thus; thereby'
i. y{sh* 'hence; consequently'

Not all conjunctions conjoin all types of parts of speech. Some conjoin primarily nouns;
some verbs; and some other parts of speech. For instance, g4n and y} (both meaning 'and,'
although the former is more colloquial than the latter (S. X. L_ 1996)) normally conjoin nouns,
while 5r 'but, and' and 5rqi7 'and' conjoin verbs. Many conjunctions work in pairs, which
can be called complex conjunctions. Examples are given below: (See also the section on complex
sentences in this chapter.)

(4.31) 1st Part 2nd Part

a. j* y-u 'both ... and ...'
b. b{d3n 5rqi7 'not only ... but also ...'
c. n*ngk6 y6b] 'would rather ... and not ...'
d. y{q^ (A) b]r{ (B) 'better (B) than (A)'
e. y%nw5i su0y& 'because ... therefore ...'
f. zh&y0u c1i 'only if ... then ...'
g. r{gu0 ji] 'if ... then ...'
h. su%r1n d3nsh* 'although ... but'
i. j*sh& y6 'even though ... still ...'
j. w{l]n d8u 'no matter what ...still ...'

4.9.2 Syntactic Properties

Mandarin conjunctions are function words and as such, share all the common properties of
function words, including being a closed set and having grammatical rather than content meaning.
They cannot be reduplicated, cannot be uttered alone. In some ways, conjunctions resemble
adverbs, but unlike them, conjunctions do not modify other than conjoin. In addition, the position
of conjunctions may vary as they can appear before or after the subject, whereas adverbs normally
can only appear after the subject and before the verb (or adjective) they modify. There are words
that function both as a conjunction and an adverbwhich may be called conjunctive adverbs. For
instance, c1i and ji] are both adverbs on their own (see (c) in (4.27)), but they can conjoin
116 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

clauses together with another conjunction (see (f) and (g) in (4.31)). However, when they serve as
conjunctions, they still keep the property of adverbs by only appearing after the subject. As
adverbs, they cannot be omitted unlike conjunctions which can be omitted sometimes. The
following illustrate these possibilities and constrictions, taking ji] as an example.

(4.32) a. t`men m^ngti`n ji] q].

they tomorrow right-away go

'They will go as early as tomorrow.'
b. zh&y3o n& q], t`men ji] q].

if you go they then go

'If you go, they will then go.'
c. n& zh&y3o q], t`men ji] q].

if you go they then go

'If you go, they will then go.'
d. * zh&y3o n& q], ji] t`men q].

if you go then they go

e. n& q], t`men ji] q].

you go they then go

'If you go, they will then go.'
f. * zh&y3o n& q], t`men q].

if you go they go

In (a), ji] is used as an adverb only, but in (b) it is used as a conjunction along with
zh&y3o . The sentence in (c) contrasts with the one in (b) in that in the former, the
conjunction zh&y3o appears after the subject while in the latter before the subject. Either way, the
sentence is grammatical and remains the same in meaning. The sentence in (d) shows that the
same freedom of position is not found with the adverb/conjunction ji], for there, its position
before the subject renders the sentence ungrammatical. In (e), the pure conjunction zh&y3o is
omitted, but the sentence is still grammatical and its meaning intact. By contrast, the
conjunction/adverb ji]'s omission in (f) renders the sentence ungrammaticalthe conjunction
zh&y3o cannot appear on its own, but has to be supported by ji].
Some Mandarin conjunctions may also be confused with prepositions. Here again, we see
words that can serve as both. Alone, one cannot say if they are prepositions or conjunctions. Their
identity in parts of speech has to be judged from the context. Take the word h5 for an example:
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 117

(4.33) a. w0 h5 t`men q]. 'They and I go.'

I and they go
b. w0 h5 t`men shu8. 'I will speak with them.'
I with they speak

In (a), h5 is a conjunction linking two pronouns w0 'I' and t`men 'they,' both of which
serve as the subject of the sentence. Its coordinate linking function is attested to by switching the
two pronouns while keeping the meaning intact. On the other hand, h5 is a preposition in (b)
where if the two pronouns change places, the meaning of the sentence would be very different;
that is, the subject would be changed from 'I' to 'they' and the prepositional object the other way

4.10 Auxiliary Particles

4.10.1 Types of Auxiliary Particles

Mandarin auxiliary particles are perhaps among the hardest to define. They refer to a
group of monosyllabic morphemes which are enclitic to some kind of a phrase or sentence. Bound
and almost all in neutral tone, they resemble true suffixes, yet unlike true suffixes, which are
bound within morphology, Mandarin particles operate at the phrase or sentence level. Three types
of particles can be identified based on their grammatical function: aspectual (a), structural (b) and
sentential (c):

(4.34) Main identification

a. zhe PROG 'progressive aspect'

le PERF 'perfective aspect'
guo EXP 'experiential aspect'
b. de DE(a) 'attributive particle'
de DE(ad) 'adverbial particle'
de DE(comp) 'complement particle'
c. a A 'exclamation particle'
ba BA 'suggestion particle'
ma MA 'simple interrogative'
le LE 'new situation particle'
ne NE '(various functions)'

4.10.2 Syntactic Properties

The three types of Mandarin particles have distinctive syntactical properties. The
aspectual particles are attached to verbs or adjectives and designate primarily the relation of the
118 Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese

verb or adjective to the passage of time in terms of duration, completion, or experience. The
structural particles are attached to a modifying phrase or clause to designate the subordinate
relation of the phrase or clause to the word or phrase it modifies. The sentential particles,
attached to the end of a sentence, perform a wide variety of functions indicating mood; forming
an interrogative; expressing estimation or doubt; or introducing a new situation. Examples of
sentences with the aspectual particles of zhe (a), le (b) and guo (c) follow. Further discussion of
these particles is found later in the section on Aspects.

(4.35) a. t`men ch% zhe f3n ne.

they eat PROG food NE

'They are eating.'
b. t`men ch% le fan le.

they eat PERF food LE.

'They have eaten.'
c. t`men ch% guo h3nb2ob`o.

they eat EXP hamburger

'They have eaten hamburgers (before).'
Structural particles are found in the following sentences. Those in (a) illustrate attributive
particles, those in (b) adverbial particles, and those in (c) complement particles.

(4.36) a. t` x&hu`n zh8nggu9 de di3ny&ng

he like China DE(a) movie

'He likes Chinese movies.'
zh7xi4 sh* q] zh8nggu9 de ren.

these be go China DE(a) people

'These are people who go to China.'
b. t`men g`ox*ng de hu^ ji` le.

they happy DE(ad) return home LE.

'They happily returned home.'
t`men ku3il7 de ti3o zhe w}.

they happy DE(ad) to-dance PROG dance.

'They are dancing happily.'
c. t` w1n de h6n l7i.

he play DE(comp) very tired

'He is very tired from playing.'
t`men xi3o de d]zi t5ng.

they laugh DE(comp) stomach ache

'They have got a stomachache from laughing.'

Finally, the following sentences contain some major sentential particles in Mandarin:
Hua Lin Agrammar of Mandarin Chinese 119

(4.37) a. i. ch1ngch5ng du8 m6i a.

long-wall how beautiful A

'How beautiful the Great Wall is!'
ii. sh^ji`n gu- de zh4n ku3i a.

time pass DE(comp) really quick A

'How fast time goes!'
b. i. ch1ngch5ng m6i ma?

great-wall beautiful MA
'Is the Great Wall beautiful?'
ii. sh^ji`n gu- de ku3i ma

time pass DE(comp) quick MA

'Does the time pass fast?'
c. i. w0men z0u ba.

we go BA
'Let's go, (shall we)?'
ii. n& d3g3i h6n m1ng ba?

you perhaps very busy BA

'You must be very busy, (aren't you)?'
120 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

Chapter 5. Syntax

For any language, even a 'concise' overview of its syntax is never easy to describe.
Anyone attempting a description of Mandarin syntax faces even more daunting challenges than
usual. The biggest problem is the choice of a theoretical perspective from which a description can
be approached. Currently there exits a large number of syntactic frameworks, which, as far as
Mandarin syntax is concerned, can be grouped into two major camps, the Chinese and the
Western. The Chinese camp centers in the People's Republic of China, where the main concern
has been with the Chinese language with no or little interest in languages of the rest of the world.
The goal of this school is to find an optimal grammar for Chinese and to establish a grammatical
framework within which Chinese grammar can be best explored. The following paragraph
illustrates such an orientation:

'Since the publication of M2sh* W5nt8ng , 121 much effort

in the grammatical studies of Chinese has not only been put into
seeking and describing its grammatical facts and revealing and
explaining its grammatical rules, but also into a continuous search
for methods and theory that are suitable for its research. (Y. Li
1997:16) 122

This camp tends to be suspicious of applying Western syntactic theories to Chinese

grammar, in spite of the fact that its origin can be traced back to the structuralism of the early
twentieth centuries in the West (C. L. Chen 1996). The suspicion is not without good reasons. To
begin with, Chinese almost completely lacks grammatical devices such as verb inflection and
noun declension, 123 which are used in most Western languages to encode a great variety of
grammatical meanings. Grammatical theories produced in the West have almost always started
out with inflectional languages, and their applicability to the Chinese language is yet to be fully
tested. It is perhaps not totally irrational to assume that if Chomsky, the father of Generative
Grammar, the most influential syntactic framework of the twentieth century, had been a native
Chinese speaker, the outlook of modern grammatical studies in the west would have been quite
different. The theoretical orientation of the Chinese camp is more relaxed, and indeed, there has
been, until fairly recently, a trend in China against the practice of theorizing. Although the
argument is that theorizing is largely dangerous and could lead to losing sight of the language
itself, this position appears to stem more from political sentiment rather than scientific caution. In
contrast to the

This is the first grammar book of Chinese. First published in the late nineteenth century, it was
reprinted in 1983 by the Commercial Press of China.
The original text is in Chinese.
See X. L. Dai (1993) for some exceptional cases.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 121

nonchalant attitude toward theory, this school's requirement for data citation is very rigid. 124
Language examples have to be real in the sense that they have appeared in published materials,
preferably in works of famous and well-respected authors. Since the later 1970's, after the 'Great
Proletariat Cultural Revolution' (1966-1976), scholarly research on Chinese grammar has
flourished in China. Although at the same time, Western grammatical theories began to seep onto
the Chinese scene, some fundamental traditions have remained unchanged. For instance, the
grammarians are still completely focused on Chinese grammar (see S. X. L_1982, J. M. Lu 1993,
F. Y. Xing 1996, T. Q. Xu 1991, B. Zhang et al.1989, D. X. Zhu 1982b and 1985 among many
In the West, syntacticians of the Chinese language tend to be theory-driven and typically
place their work in a more global context. The ultimate goal is to unravel the mystery of human
language, and as such they aim not just to understand the Chinese language, but also to contribute,
with this understanding, to the general theory, or 'linguistic universals,' of human language. Most
of these syntacticians of Chinese work within the various offshoots of Generative Grammar (see
Cole et al 1999, Y. J. He 1996, J. Huang 1982, A. Li 1990, Li and Thompson 1981, H. H. Pan
1997, J. Tang 1990). Empirical data in this school no longer mean those from printed materials,
but what a native speaker accepts as grammatical. The past two decades have witnessed a rapid
development in syntactic theorizing in this school. The theories produced have become finer and
more insightful, and many previously thorny syntactic issues have been resolved.
The different orientation of the two camps has produced different results. Because the
focus is exclusively on Chinese, the Chinese camp has produced grammars that are more tailored
to the Chinese language, with terms, categories and structural relations that may not be found in
theories of the West. They tend to be more complete, consistent and coherent. However, because
of the narrower focus, these grammars lack explanatory power. They have yet to gain from the
results of grammatical theories that take into account human language as a whole. By comparison,
the highly-theoretical camp in the West with its various sub-camps (e.g., Government Binding,
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical-Functional Grammar and so forth) has not
produced a Chinese grammar that is relatively complete and generally accepted, in spite of the
fact that a large number of published articles have appeared addressing various aspects of
Chinese grammar.
The significance of this is that our current understanding of Chinese grammar is
piecemeal and limited. It is perhaps not unreasonable to compare this situation to that in the
classic story of the Four Blind Men and An Elephant. We know a fair amount about various
pieces seen from diverse perspectives, but we have yet to see the complete picture, the whole
elephant, the true nature of Chinese grammar. Because of such limitations and the limitations of
space, the present discussion of Mandarin syntax will be relatively sketchy and will follow a
more or less traditional and less theoretical path. Where appropriate, new findings from recent
Mandarin syntactic studies will be incorporated. There are six subsections in this chapter. In the
first section, some more

The attitude originates from the structuralism and behaviorism which reigned supreme in
linguistic and psychological studies in the West through the early part of the twentieth century.
122 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

important typological characteristics of Mandarin syntax are discussed. The remaining sections
address specific aspects of Mandarin syntax.

5.1 General Characteristics

Typologically speaking, Mandarin syntax has a number of salient features. In contrast to
languages such as English, it stands out as a language without a great number of affixational
morphological processes. 125 What this means in syntax is that there are few overt syntactic
expressions of tenses, subject-verb agreement, case, gender or number markings as in inflectional
languages. For example, the verb q] 'to go' remains q] if the action happened yesterday,
happens today or will happen tomorrow. It remains q] in form when the subject is of the third
person and singlar, or the first person and plural. Another good example is the variations of the
English linking verb 'be'am, is, are, was and werewhich has just one Mandarin equivalent,
sh* . Besides verbs, a Mandarin noun or pronoun does not undergo any change whether it is
used as a subject or object, for instance, w0 'I' stays w0 in form whether it is a subject 'I' or an
object 'me.' The lack of affixitional morphology also means that counterfactual or subjunctive-
mood sentences are not expressed with explicit grammatical devices. English expressions such as
'Can you?' and 'Could you?' correspond to the same form in Mandarin, and 'if I am you' would be
just as acceptable in Chinese grammar as 'if I were you.'
If Mandarin does not provide meanings for tense and politeness grammatically, how then
are these meanings expressed? The answer is that they may be expressed lexically or by word
order, or they may not be expressed linguistically at all but simply be derived from common
knowledge or context. For instance, there is no ambiguity if one says 'if I am you', since common
knowledge dictates that 'I am not you'. Lexically, q] 'to go' can be modified by a time noun
zu9ti`n 'yesterday' to specify that the action took place yesterday. Word order is one of the
most powerful devises used in Mandarin. For instance, purely by word order, the following
sh]nk0uli[r 'Chinese doggerel' (H. Lin, in press) suggests that the citizens of the
provinces mentioned differ as to how spicy hot they can take their food. Look especially at the
last three syllables. 126 The order suggested here is that the Hunaners take the hottest food;
Hubei'ers come next, followed by Sichuaners. 127 The very subtle differences in meaning are
expressed by a mere rearrangement of the last three words, b] 'not,' p3 'be afraid' and l3
'spicy hot.' This example illustrates that an utterly important syntactic device in Mandarin is
word order.

Refer to Chapter 3 for further information on Chinese morphology.
What is provided below is the sh]nk0uli[r in Pinyin and characters, its word-for-word
gloss and its translation.
Unfortunately, the subtle differences are not well shown in the English translations, especially
with regard to the meanings of the first two clauses, which are indistinguishable in English.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 123

(5.1) s*chu`n r5n b{ p3 l3;

h{b6i r5n l3 b{ p3;
h{n1n r5n p3 b{ l3.

Sichuan person not fear spicy-hot

Hubei person spicy-hot not fear
Hunan person fear not spicy-hot.

'Sichuaners do not fear [their food] being spicy hot;

[Their food] being spicy hot is no fearful matter to Hubeiners;
Hunaners fear that [their food] is not spicy hot.'

If word order is meaningful, there must be elaborate rules that govern word order in
Mandarin. This is, of course, exactly the case. First it may be said that Mandarin today, just like
English, is basically an SVO language, in which the subject (S) precedes the verb (V), which in
turns precedes the object (O) (Sun and Givon 1985). However, this basic word order can change
in certain constructions, such as the b2 construction (see X. Q. Wu 1996 refer to Section, and it can interact with pragmatics and discourse (M. L. Hu 1991 and 1992). Another
important word order rule in Mandarin is that the modifier precedes the headthe element being
modified. 128 For instance, the English noun phrase the person who is wearing a hat, in which the
modifying attributive clause appears after its antecedent is translated into Mandarin as follows:

(5.2) d3i m3ozi de n3g7 r5n

wear hat DE(a) 129 that person

in which all words in the determiner n3g7 and the attributive clause d3i m3ozi de go before the
head r5n 'person'. In addition, modifiers for verbs normally precede verbs. For instance, the
modifier m3nm3n de 'slowly' is placed before the verb z0u 'walk' it modifies in
m3nm3n de z0u 'walk slowly'. Such positioning of the modifiers has led to Mandarin being
classified as a 'head-final' language. According to Y. R. Chao (1968) and Li and Thompson
(1975), Mandarin word order can mark definiteness and indefiniteness. The former tends to
occupy a preverbal position and the latter a post-verbal one. Word order is also responsible for
another feature of Mandarin which differentiates it from English. When naming temporal or
special entities,

More specifically, the head is defined as 'the lexical category around which the phrasal
category is built and that is invariably present in the phrase' (Hildebrand 1987:448).
This is an auxiliary particle among whose functions it is to mark the end of the relative clause.
Refer to the section on particles in this chapter for further explanation.
124 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

the order is from the global to the specific. For instance, the English expression '5 o'clock PM,
Monday, the 1st of October, 2000' is rendered in Mandarin as '2000 ni1n 10 yu7 1 r* x%ngq%y%
xi3w} w}di2n, 2000 ', namely: '2000 year 10th month 1st day
Monday afternoon 5 o'clock'. The same concept applies in naming place parameters, for example,
addresses. In English the word order goes from the most specific, usually a house or apartment
number, to the most general, the name of the country in which the residence is found. Mandarin
is exactly the opposite. It starts with the name of the country, the province, the city and
eventually to the number of the apartment or building.
Typologically, Mandarin has also been classified as a 'topic prominent' language (see Li
and Thompson 1981 for details), as opposed to a 'subject prominent' language such as English.
Typically a Mandarin sentence can be segmented into two parts a 'topic' and a 'comment'.
Appearing at the beginning of a sentence, the topic is 'what a sentence is about...[It] sets a spatial,
temporal or individual framework within which the main predication holds' (Li and Thompson
1981:86). The topic can be the subject of the sentence, but does not have to be. In fact, a sentence
can have both a topic and a subject, and a topic can be the object, or something entirely different.
In addition, the topic is either definite, the quality normally marked by the use of the in English,
or the focal point of the sentence. Examine the following sentences:

(5.3) a. w0 k3n gu- n3b6n sh[.

I look EXP that-CLS book
'I have read that book.'
b. n3b6n sh[ w0 k3n gu-.

that-CLS book I look EXP
'I have read that book.'
c. w0 n3b6n sh[ k3n gu-.

I that-CLS book look EXP
'I have read that book.'

The sentence in (a) is a regular SVO sentence where the topic is the subject and the rest of
the sentence the comment. In (b), however, the topic is not the subject of the sentence, but
logically speaking, the object of the sentence. Being raised to the topic position, the logical object
becomes the sentence's focal point. The subject of the verb is the pronoun w0 'I', yet along with
the following words, it forms the comment of the sentence. The sentence in (c) also has the
logical object raised to the preverbal position, but short of being raised to the initial position, it is
not the topic and therefore not the focal point of the sentence. Now examine a topic from a
different source:
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 125

(5.4) t` h5 w0 gu`nx* h6n h2o.

he and me relationship very good
'He and I have a good relationship.'

In this sentence, the subject is gu`nx* 'relation', while the topic is the noun phrase t`
h5 w0 'he and I', which, logically, speaking, is not any part of the following clause, the
comment of the sentence. Finally, a quite striking quality of Mandarin which has been largely
ignored in Western linguistics is the language's great reliance on contextpragmatics and
discourserather than merely syntactic structures to derive meaning. Consider the following two
sentences. Pay attention to their English translations:

(5.5) a. r{gu0 t` q], w0 y6 q].

if he go I also go
i. 'If he goes, I will also.'
ii. 'If he had gone, I would have also.'
b. y{ ch% le.

fish eat PERF
i. 'The fish has eaten.'
ii. 'The fish has been eaten.'

Each sentence in the above has two English equivalents. In (a), the English translations
express the difference between factual and counterfactual conditions by using verb inflection.
However, as stated earlier, Mandarin lacks such verb inflection and does not express the
counterfactual overtly. In (b), the difference between active and passive voices is explicitly
encoded in the English translations, yet it is not marked structurally at all in Mandarin. How then
do the Chinese speaker decide on the right meaning in such sentences, since it is clear that
syntactically it is not possible? In view of language typology, Chinese is a language that is
among the most economical and least redundant in the use of overt grammatical devices (F. Y.
Xing 1997). Yet, there is no more ambiguity in Chinese than there is in any other language. The
explanation lies in the fact that language is almost never used without a context, which provides a
great deal of information for the precise interpretation of a linguistic utterance. It just happens
that Chinese takes greater advantage of such information than languages that have more linguistic
It has been mentioned previously that syntactic studies in China have focused almost
exclusively on Chinese, and that the application of Western linguistic theories to Chinese has
experienced resistance. Recently in China, that resistance has led to a great number of studies
exploring the optimal theoretical approaches to understanding Chinese sentences. Invariably
these studies criticize the preoccupation of Western linguistics on the structural or formal aspect
126 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

of the
Chinese syntax and argue that to understand fully Mandarin syntax, more understanding of super-
syntactic structures such as meaning, pragmatics and discourse is necessary (M. L. Hu 1992,
Mou 1994, R. Xie 1994, C. K. Yang 1995 and L. Zhang 1997). A number of new theories have
been advanced, the most influential ones have been Three Plain Theory (Y. S. Hu 1981 and 1994,
Y. S. Hu et al. 1985 and 1992, and B. Zhang et al. 1989) and Two Triangle Theory (F. Y. Xing
1986, 1992 and 1996). 130
The Three Plain Theory contends that to understand Chinese sentences, it is necessary to
approach them at once from three perspectivesformal, semantic and pragmatic. The formal
perspective is what in Western linguistics is referred to as syntax; the semantic perspective
explores the meaning of the formal structures; the pragmatic perspective generalizes the
pragmatic values and information carried by the formal structures (Mou 1994). The Two Triangle
Theory is similar to the Three Plain Theory in that one of the two triangles, the small one, as it is
called, corresponds roughly to the three plains mentioned above, covering y}bi2o 'sentence
surface', y}l& 'sentence interior' and y]zh^ 'sentence value'. Y}bi2o refers to overt
syntactic devices; y}l& refers to internal meaning and relations carried by the overt devices out of
context; y]zh^ refers to pragmatic values that the formal devices exhibit in certain contexts. On
the other hand, the big triangle is formed by Mandarin as the Standard Chinese, other Chinese
dialects and the history of the Chinese language. All six realms of the two 'triangles' are
necessary for the understanding of Mandarin sentences, according to advocates of this theory.
The current scene of the studies of Chinese sentences in China is very encouraging and holds
much promise for ground-breaking results. However, at the moment, these theories are sketchy
and tentative and need to be further substantiated and validated.

5.2 Phrases
Sentence phrases are called c^z} 'word group' or du2ny} 'phrase' in Chinese. In
the People's Republic of China, phrases have been classified primarily according to their internal
structures. If its components are strung together in a parallel fashion, for instance, the phrase is a
coordinate phrase (li1nh5 c^z} ). On the other hand, a phrase in which one component is
subordinate to another may fall into the group of endocentric phrases (pi`nzh7ng c^z} ).
In contrast, in the Generative Grammar of the West, syntactic phrases are primarily classified
into syntactic categories, such as verb phrase (VP), noun phrase (NP), adjectival phrase (AP) and
prepositional phrase (PP). In other words, the latter classification is concerned with what the
phrase is and how it functions as a whole regardless of its internal structure. The difference
between the two approaches can result in different grammars. For instance, an AP in Generative
Grammar can be a coordinate phrase if it contains a string of parallel, conjoined words (e.g.,
su`nde h5 ti1nde 'sweet and sour'), but it can also be an endocentric phrase when one
component modifies another (e.g., h6n ti1n 'very sweet'). Conversely, a coordinate phrase in
Mandarin grammar may be a VP, an NP, or an AP. The following illustrates the difference:

In Chinese, they are s`ng7 p^ngmi3n and li2ngg7 s`nji2o , respectively.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 127

(5.6) Coordinate Endocentric

VP ch3ngg4 ti3ow} ku3il7 de ch3ngg4

sing dance happy DE(ad) sing
'sing and dance' 'happily sing'
NP zh8nggu9 h5 ji`n1d3 m6il* de zh8nggu9

China and Canada beautiful DE(a) China
'China and Canada' 'beautiful China'
AP g`nj*ng pi3oli3ng h6n g`nj*ng

clean beautiful very clean
'clean and beautiful' 'very clean'

The difference in the two approaches also means different treatment of words versus
phrases. In the Chinese tradition, phrases and words are treated as two separate categories; an
endocentric or a coordinate phrase must contain at least two words; a word does not constitute a
phrase. In the Western tradition, however, individual words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives are
but special cases of NPs, VPs and APs. In he works, the word works alone constitutes a VP.
The attention to the internal structure of phrases in Mandarin is not without reasons.
Unlike many Western languages in which phrase structures are considerably different from
sentence structures, the two bear a great deal of resemblance in Mandarin. According to the late
well-known Chinese syntactician De Xi Zhu (1982a, 1982b and 1985), the principles in the
construction of sentences in Mandarin are about the same as those in the construction of
Mandarin phrases. Sentences are but stand-alone phrases and sentence structures are well
described if the internal structures of phrases are clearly worked out. 131 In fact, the description of
phrases has been found to play a kind of pivotal role because not only do phrases resemble
sentences in structure, but they also share many structural similarities with word structures. In the
remainder of this section, the major types of Mandarin phrases are examined using a combined
framework of both the Western and Chinese traditions.

5.2.1 Noun Phrases

Like nouns, Mandarin NPs name people, animals, professions, qualities and abstract
concepts. Functionally, they serve mainly as the subject, the object (including the prepositional
object) and the attributive. Structurally, there are at least two types of NPs: coordinate and
endocentric. While coordinate NPs are relatively simple in their internal structure, the
endocentric can be very complex.

See X. L. Dai (1993) for a different view.
128 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese Coordinate NP
Nouns in language can normally be conjoined to form NPs. Typical examples of
coordinate NPs in English are apples and pears and today or yesterday. Structurally, the nouns in
a coordinate NP weigh the same and are usually freely exchangeable in position, unless the
semantics requires them to be in certain temporal, spatial, logical or other orders. Mandarin
nouns can be conjoined in a number of different manners and unlike in English, they can be
conjoined in many cases without the use of conjunctions. For instance, the English phrase father
and mother can be either b3ba m`ma without a conjunction or b3ba h5 m`ma (5.7) with a
conjunction. 132

(5.7) a. b3ba m`ma

b3ba h5 m`ma

'father and mother'
b. g4ge ji6jie d*di m7imei


g4geji6jied*di h5 m7imei

'older brother, older sister, younger brother and younger sister'

Needless to say, coordinate NPs can be composed of other NPs. The following is an
example of a coordinate NP containing two endocentric NPs.

(5.8) h2o r5n y} hu3i r5n

good person and bad person
'good people and bad people'

As mentioned above, words in NPs are often connected by conjunctions. Some of the

In written forms, when nouns are conjoined to form an NP, they are normally separated by a
comma in English, but in Mandarin, they are either directly conjoined or are separated by the
Mandarin-specific pause mark ''.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 129

most commonly used NP conjunctions are. 133

(5.9) a. h5 b3ba h5 m`ma

'and' 'father and mother'
b. y} m6in| y} y6sh-u

'and' 'beauty and beast'
c. t9ng l2osh% t9ng xu5sh4ng

'and' 'teacher and student'
d. hu-zh6 b3ba hu-zh6 m`ma

'or' 'father or mother'
e. h1ish* m7in| h1ish* y6sh-u

'or' 'beauty or beast'

It should be noted that Mandarin coordinate NPs do not uniformly have to contain nouns.
Sometimes a coordinate NP can be formed with a combination of nouns and pronouns. For
instance, the coordinate NP w0 h5 m`ma 'mother and I ' is formed with a pronoun w0 'I' and a
noun m`ma 'mother.' Very rarely, and perhaps only in written Chinese, a noun and a verb can be
conjoined to form a coordinate NP. For instance, one work by the famous Chinese writer Lu Xun
is entitled w5nxu5 y} ch[ h3n 'literature and perspire.' Endocentric NP
In a coordinate NP, the component parts are either nouns or NPs. 134 In a simple
endocentric NP, there are normally two parts with one modifying the otherthe head. In the
English language, an NP head is almost always a nominal element--a noun, for instance. In
Mandarin, however, the head can be a verb (a) or an adjective (b):

(5.10) a. t`de f4nxi b. t`de w6id3

he DE(a) analyze he DE(a) great
'his analysis' 'his greatness'

See the section on conjunctions in the last chapter.
This, however, is not always true. The fact that a verb or a VP can serve as a subject of a
Mandarin sentence makes it possible for it to form a coordinative NP with another noun,
especially in literary forms (e.g., w5nxu5 y} ch[h3n 'literally, 'literature and
perspire.' See the next section on VPs for more discussion.
130 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

The modifying part, or the attributive, can be of various types, including a noun or an
NP, an adjective or an AP, a verb or a VP, a number/demonstrative pronoun-and-classifier
sequence, a pronoun, a clause, an onomatopoetic expression, or a combination of these
categories: 136

(5.11) a. f4nxi de ji5gu0

analyze DE(a) result
'the result of the analysis'
b. d8ngd8ng de qi`om5n sh4ng

knock knock DE(a) knock-door sound
'the knock on the door'
c. h2o r5n

good person
'good person'
d. w0 k3nji3n de n3g7 r5n

I see DE(a) that-CLS person
'that person I saw'
e. w0 k3nji3n de chu`n xu4zi de n3g7 r5n

I see DE(a) wear boot DE(a) that-CLS person
'the person I saw who wore boots'

Note that a verbal element or an onomatopoetic expression can serve as an attributive on

its own in Mandarin, as shown in (a) and (b) in the above, whereas they normally cannot in
English. Furthermore, no matter what it is composed of, the attributive always goes before the
head unlike in English in which it can be either before or after the head (see the English
An endocentric NP is often marked by the presence of the auxiliary particle de 'DE(a),'
although the use of this particle is not always compulsory. When not compulsory, using de places
an emphasis on the attributive. For instance, the cases in (B) below emphasize that it is a new
pair of shoes rather than an old pair (a), and that the raincoat is made of plastic rather than other
materials (b). Their counterparts in (A) without de do not carry this emphatic meaning.

See M. Wu (1994 and 1996) for detailed discussions of NPs as attributives.
See later in this section for the ordering of these elements.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 131

(5.12) (A) (B)

a. x%nxi5 x%n de xi5

new-shoe new DE(a) shoe
'new shoes' 'new shoes'
b. s]li3o y}y% s]li3o de y}y%

plastic rain-coat plastic DE(a) rain-coat
'plastic raincoat' 'plastic raincoat'

The use of de can sometimes avoid confusion between the coordinate and endocentric
NPs, as shown in (a) below, and distinguish between a compounded word and a phrase, as is
shown in (b) below. In these cases, its use is compulsory. Compare Columns (A) and (B):

(5.13) (A) (B)

a. b3ba m`ma b3ba de m`ma

father mother father DE(a) mother
'father and mother' 'mother of father'
b. hu1nggu` hu1ng de gu`

yellow-melon yellow DE(a) melon
'cucumber' 'yellow melon'

Other contexts where de is compulsory include when the attributive is a verb, a pronoun,
a phrase or a clause, and when the head is a verb or an adjective. In rare occasions where the
attributive is a pronoun, the use of de may be optional (e.g., w0 ji6jie versus w0de ji6jie, both
meaning the same, 'my sister'), although it is not always the case (e.g., w0de sh[ 'my book' is
acceptable, but not w0 sh[). As mentioned previously, the attributive of an endocentric NP can
contain a combination of various types of components which follow a rule-governed order.
Generally speaking, they are arranged in the following order, from 1 to 5:
132 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.14) 1. possessive noun or pronoun

2. demonstrative pronoun-number-CLS 137 phrase, or
demonstrative pronoun-CLS /number-CLS phrase
3. verb, VP or clause
4. adjective or AP
5. noun or NP

Based on this order, the endocentric NP 'the teacher's three thick grammar books, which
he wrote himself,' is rendered in Mandarin as follows. The numbers 1-5 corresponds to those in

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

l2osh% de n3 s`n b6n t` z*j& xi6 de h-uh-u de y}f2 sh[

teacher DE(a) that three CLS he self write DE(a) thick DE(a) grammar book

In this example, (a) is a possessive noun, which ranks first in the order given in (5.14); (b)
is a demonstrative pronoun-number-CLS phrase, that ranks second; (c) is an attributive clause,
that ranks the third; (d) is an adjective that ranks, the fourth; (e) is a noun that comes last. It
should be noted that what is presented here is a simplified general order; in reality, the ordering is
much more complicated. Other orderings are syntactically possible although they may have
semantic consequences. 138

5.2.2 Verb Phrases

In view of the constituent structure, at least four types of VPs exist: coordinate,
endocentric, verb-object (VO) and verb-complement (VC). We will now look at the coordinate
types. Coordinate VP
Just as a coordinate NP normally contains two or more conjoined nouns, a coordinate VP
contains such verbs. Also, as in coordinate NPs, conjunctions are often not used, particularly
when the constituents frequently occur together (e.g., di3och1 y1nji[ 'investigate and
study'). One difference between the coordinate NPs and VPs lies in that they do not share the
same set of conjunctions. For instance, the noun conjunctions g4n and y} (both meaning
'and,' although

CLS here means both classifiers and measure words. See the section on classifiers for details.
Refer to M. Wu (1994 and 1996) for details.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 133

the former is more colloquial than the latter (S. X. L_ 1996)), normally conjoin nouns, while 5r
'but, and' and 5rqi7 'and' combine verbs (as well as adjectives). But examine the

(5.16) a. t`men ti`nti`n k3n di3nsh*w1n di3nni2o.

they everyday watch TV play computer
'They watch TV and play on computer everyday.'
b. * t`men ti`nti`n k3n di3nsh* y} w1n di3nni2o.

they everyday watch TV and play computer
c. k3n di3nsh* y} w1n di3nni2o sh* t`men de l7q].

watch TV and play computer be they DE(a) hobby.
'Watching TV and playing on computer are their hobbies.'

These are contexts where a coordinate VP can be formed by a noun conjunction, as shown
in (c). Such context is normally a nominal one (e.g., a subject position), that is, when the same
VP is used as a predicate of the sentence. Note also that in (a), where no conjunction is used
between the VPs, the sentence is accepted, but it is not in (b) where the noun conjunction y} 'and'
is added between the VPs. In (c), where the conjoined VP is used as a subject (rather than a
predicate) of the sentence, the nominal conjunction is allowed. In addition to conjunctions,
coordinate VPs can also be formed by conjunctive adverbs, 139 such as y-u ... y-u ...
'both...and,' as shown below. Needless to say, coordinate NPs cannot be conjoined by adverbs.

(5.17) t`men y-u k3n di3nsh* y-u w1n di3nni2o.

they both watch TV and play computer
'They watch TV and play on computer.' Endocentric VP
Like their NP counterparts, endocentric VPs are composed of two parts: the modifying or
the adverbial component, and the head or the lexical category around which the VP is built. The
head is typically a verb, while the adverbial component can be (1) an adjective, (2) an adverb, (3)
a noun denoting place or time, (4) a number-CLS phrase, (5) onomatopoeia, (6) a verb, (7) a
phrase or (8) a combination of any of these above-mentioned components. To a native English
speaker, this set of possible adverbials may seem rather large. Adjectives, for instance, are rarely,
if ever,

See the section on conjunctions in the last chapter.
134 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

used adverbially in English. 140 In Mandarin, however, adjectives play a very important role in
modifying verbs and VPs. The following are examples of adjectives used adverbially. Compare
the (i)s where the adjective is used as attributives with the (ii)s where the same adjective is used

(5.18) a. i. xi1ngx* de ji6sh*

minute DE(ad) explain
'explain in detail'
ii. xi1ngx* de gu%z5

minute DE(a) regulation
'detailed regulation'
b. i. r7li7 de hu`ny^ng

warm DE(ad) welcome
'welcome warmly'
ii. r7li7 de zh2ngsh4ng

warm DE(a) applause
'warm applause'

Another type of adverbial unusual to the English speakers is the verb. For instance, the
verbs gu`nx%n 'care,' j*x] 'continue,' and zh]y* 'pay attention' appear as
adverbials in the following context:

(5.19) a. gu`nx%n de x{nw7n

care DE(ad) inquire
'inquire with concern'
b. j*x] de f`zh2n

continue DE(ad) develop
'continue to develop'
c. zh]y* de t%ng

pay-attention DE(ad) listen
'listen attentively'

Occasionally, adjectives are used adverbially, particularly in colloquial English (e.g., It is real
good.), although prescriptive grammars consider such use improper.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 135

Various phrases can also serve as adverbials, for instance, the adverbial in (a) in the
following is an endocentric VP, the one in (b) a VO VP, the one in (c) a PP and the one in (d) an
endocentric NP:

(5.20) a. f4ich1ng gu`nx%n de x{nw7n

very care DE(ad) inquire
'inquire with great concern'
b. b{g] y^qi7 de zhu%g2n

no-care everything DE(ad) chase
'chase without any care'
c. w2ng zh8nggu9 f4i

to China fly
'fly to China'
d. h1izi q* de shu8

child air DE(ad) speak
'speak like a child'

Examples of other types of adverbials are (a), the adverbial as onomatopoeia, (b), as a
time noun, and (c) as a reduplicated number-CLS phrase:

(5.21) a. d8ngd8ng de qi`o

knock-knock DE(ad) knock
'knock with a knocking sound'
b. sh^'7r di2n ch%f3n

12 o'clock eat-food
'eat at 12 o'clock'
c. y%sh1o y%sh1o de ch%

one-spoon one-spoon DE(ad) eat
'eat one spoonful at a time'

When the modifying part is made up of more than one type of adverbials, there is a
general rule for the order of them, although the rule is much less rigid than the rule governing the
order of attributives in an endocentric NP (5.14). Often the rule can be superseded by semantic
and pragmatic considerations. The ordering rule for adverbials is:
136 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.22) 1. time adverbial (noun, NP or PP)

2. place adverbial (noun, NP or PP)
3. adverbial of scope, mood, frequency, etc. (adverb)
4. model adverbial (adjective, AP, verb, VP)
5. adverbial of direction, target, etc. (PP)
6. adverbial of condition, manner etc. (adjective, verb, adverb, onomatopoeia,
number-CLS phrase, etc.)

An illustration in which the order is followed is:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

zu9ti`n z3i xu5xi3o y-u r7nzh4n de g6i xu5sh4ng y%y% ji6sh*

yesterday at school again careful DE(ad) to student one-one explain

The above is an endocentric VP meaning 'explained one after another once again
yesterday carefully to the students.' In it, (a) is a time noun occupying the top position in the
order, (b) is a PP occupying the second place, (c) is a frequency adverb in the third position, (d)
is an adjective in the fourth position, (e) is a PP of the target found in the fifth position, and (f) an
adverb of manner that comes last in the ranking scheme.
Similar to the de 'DE(a)' in endocentric NPs, an auxiliary particle de 'DE(ad)' signals the
modifying-modified relationship of the two parts in an endocentric VP. And like the former, de
'DE(ad)' is not always compulsory, and when not compulsory, its use places emphasis on the
adverbial. For instance, the (B) in (a) below emphasizes that it is in a detailed manner that the
explanation is done, and in (b) it emphasizes that the welcoming action is done in a warm rather
than any other manner. (B)s' counterparts in (A) without de 'DE(ad)' do not carry this emphatic

(5.24) (A) (B)

a. xi1ngx* ji6sh* xi1ngx* de ji6sh*

detailed explain detailed DE(ad) explain
'explain in detail' 'explain in detail'
b. r7li7 hu`ny^ng r7li7 de hu`ny^ng

warm welcome warm DE(ad) welcome
'warmly welcome' 'warmly welcome'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 137

In fact, not only are there times when the auxiliary particle de 'DE(ad)' is not used, but as
de 'DE(a)' in NPs, it can be prohibited in certain contexts. See the following:

(5.25) (A) (B)

a. * w2nsh3ng de ch% w2nsh3ng ch%

evening DE(ad) eat evening eat
??? 'eat in the evening'
b. * z3i xu5xi3o de xi6 z3i xu5xi3o xi6

at school DE(ad) write at school write
??? 'write at school'
c. * y-u de ch% y-u ch%

again DE(ad) eat again eat
??? 'eat again'
d. * m3n de ch% m3n ch%

slow DE(ad) eat slow eat
??? 'eat slowly'
e. * zh7me de z0u zh7me z0u

this-way DE(ad) walk this-way walk
??? 'walk this way'

The above examples in (B) without the use of de 'DE(ad)' are all grammatical, but their
counterparts in (A) in which the particle is used are not. These examples show that de 'DE(ad)' is
prohibited in these contexts. Specifically, the contexts are when the adverbial is a time noun (a),
PP (b), monosyllabic adverb (c), monosyllabic adjective (d), or pronoun (e). Needless to say,
there are also contexts where the use of the adverbial de is compulsory. These contexts are: (1)
the preceding adverbial is a verb or certain disyllabic adjective; (2) it is a reduplicative verb, or
reduplicative disyllabic adjective; or (3) it is a certain phrase other than PP and non-reduplicative
number-CLS phrase. Now observe the following:

(5.26) (A) (B)

a. * gu`nx%n x{nw7n gu`nx%n de x{nw7n

very care inquire very care DE(ad) inquire
??? 'inquire with great concern'
138 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

b. * b7ngb7ngti3oti3o p2o b7ngb7ngti3oti3o de p2o

jumping run jumping DE(ad) run
??? 'run in a bouncing and vivacious
c. * l2ol2osh^sh^ shu8 l2ol2osh^sh^ de shu8

honest speak honest DE(ad) speak
??? 'speak honestly'
d. * y1ns] shu8 y1ns] de shu8

serious speak serious DE(ad) speak
??? 'speak seriously'
e. * h6n m3n p2o h6n m3n de p2o

very slow run very slow DE(ad) run
??? 'run very slowly'
f. * y0u zh*x] qi2nj*n y0u zh*x] de qi2nj*n

have order go forward have order DE(ad) go forward
??? 'forge forward with order'

In (a) in the above, the adverbial is a verb, in (b), a reduplicative VP, in (c), a
reduplicative adjective, in (d) a disyllabic adjective, in (e), an endocentric AP, and in (f), a VO
VP. The cases in (A) all lack the adverbial particle de, and are ungrammatical, whereas their
counterparts in (B) contain the particle and are grammatical. This contrast indicates that the
absence of the adverbial de has resulted in the (A) cases being ungrammatical, and that the use of
the particle in these cases is obligatory. Verb-Object VP
As its name implies, a Verb-Object VP (VO VP) contains two parts, the verb and its
object. In such a Mandarin phrase, the verb is normally a transitive verb. There are at least two
types of transitive verbs as far as the requirement of an object is concerned. Examples of the two
types of verbs are:

(5.27) (A) (B)

a. 3i ch%

'love' 'eat'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 139

b. x*ng shu8

'have the surname of' 'say'
c. ch5ngw5i k3n

'become' 'look'
d. c2iq} xu5x^

'take' 'study'

Column (A) contains transitive verbs that must take an object, whereas Column (B) contain
transitive verbs whose objects can be omitted. While all transitive verbs can take objects, there
exist intransitive verbs in Mandarin that can also take the so-called non-patient objects. Some
examples follow. In each case, the verb is intransitive, yet an object (albeit a non-patient object)
is attached to the verb.

(5.28) a. q] zh8nggu9

go China
'go to China'
b. xi3 hu0ch4

go-down train
'get off the train'
c. ch[xi3n y*k4 x%ng

appear one-CLS star

'a star appears'
d. s& le y%t9u ni{

die PERF one-CLS bull

'a bull died'
Although the objects in the VO VPs are mostly nouns and pronouns, they can also be
verbs, as shown in (a) and (b), adjectives (c), and clauses (d):

(5.29) a. xi2ng t%ng

want listen
'want to listen'
b. x&hu`n k3n
140 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

like watch
'like to watch'
c. 3i g`nj*ng

love clean
'love cleanliness'
d. p3 t` xi3ohu3 w0

be-afraid he laugh-at me
'be afraid that he laughs at me'

Some transitive verbs take one object, but there are others, such as g6i 'give' and g3os]
'tell' that take two, a direct object preceded by an indirect one:

(5.30) a. g6i w0 x*nx%n

give I confidence
'give me confidence'
b. g3os] n& y%ji3n sh*

tell you one-CLS thing
'tell you something' Verb-Complement VP
A Verb-Complement VP (VC VP) typically contains two parts, the verb and its
complement. The complement can be an adjective, an adverb, a verb, or a phrase. An auxiliary
particle, de 'DE(comp),' is sometimes used between the verb and the complement. Similar to
the other two structural auxiliary particles, de 'DE(comp)' is obligatory with some complements,
prohibited by others, and optional in still others. Unlike the other two structural auxiliary
particles, de 'DE(comp)' sometimes clearly has its own meaning 'can.' Consequently, its presence
is often governed by a semantic rather than structural requirement. The exact distribution of this
particle is a very complex matter, but two clear cases where the complement de is prohibited are:
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 141

(5.31) (A) (B)

a. * h7n de j^ le. h7n j^ le.

hate DE(comp) extremely PERF hate extremely PERF

??? 'hate extremely'
b. * k3n de s`nbi3n k3n s`nbi3n

watch DE(comp) three-time watch three-time

??? 'watch three times'

In the above table, the cases in (A) are ungrammatical whereas these in (B) are. In the
cases of (a), the complement is the adverb j^ 'extremely,' which prohibits the use of the
complement de 'DE(comp)'. The examples in (b) illustrate that no number-CLS-phrase
complement co-occur with de 'DE(comp)'. The following are cares where the complement de
'DE(comp)' must be present:

(5.32) (A) (B)

a. * gu`nx%n h6n gu`nx%n de h6n

care very care DE(comp) very

??? 'care very much'
b. * g3n f4ich1ng h2o g3n de f4ich1ng h2o

do very good do DE(comp) very good

??? 'well done'
c. b`n j*nq] b`n de j*nq]

move enter move DE(comp) enter

'move in' 'can move in'
d. b] b`n j*nq] b`n b{ j*nq]

not move enter move not-possible enter

'not move in' 'cannot move in'

In contrast to the degree adverb j^ 'extremely,' which precludes the use of the complement
de, another degree adverb h6n 'very' does exactly the opposite. When it is used as a verb
complement, it has to follow a complement de, or the phrase would be ungrammatical, as
142 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

illustrated in (a) in the above. APs are another case requiring the use of a complement de, as
shown in (b). The examples in (c) demonstrate that the complement de sometimes carries its
own content meaning 'possible' in addition to its grammatical function of ushering in a
complement. When used as such, it indicates that the situation described by the complement is a
possible result of the action denoted by the verb. The examples in (c) and (d) show that the
complement de has an antonym b] 'not,' which means 'not possible' in a VC construction.
Incidentally, both de 'DE(comp); possible' and b] 'cannot' can act as an infix inserted into certain
VC compounds 141 (e.g., k3nji3n 'see' k3ndeji3n 'can see' or k3nb{ji3n
'cannot see'), as discussed in the section on affixes in the last chapter. Serial-Verb VP
In Mandarin, there is a very special type of VP that does not fit into any of those
described so far. Named here as Serial-Verb VP (SV VP), it consists of at least two verbs or VPs
that are placed in sequence without any overt marking to indicate their grammatical relationship.
Although in some ways, SV VPs resemble coordinate VPs, they can often be differentiated from
each other. First, even though SV VPs contain a series of verbs just like the coordinate VPs, their
verbs have to be in a certain order to express a certain meaning. Related to this point is the
second observation that the components are of more or less equal importance in a coordinate VP,
while the last component in a SV VP often carries the most weight. Finally, coordinate VPs
sometimes use conjunctions between the components, but SV VPs never do. The following are
examples of such VPs:

(5.33) a. q] f3ngu2n ch%f3n

go restaurant eat
'go to eat in a restaurant'
b. z0u gu-q] g4n t`men w-sh0u

walk over with them shake-hand

'go over to shake hands with them'
c. zu- f4ij% q] zh8nggu9

take airplane go China

'go to China by air'

There exits controversy in treating these morphemes as infixes here, since strictly speaking,
infixes go inside roots and not between morphemes of a single word.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 143

d. y0u hu* b] n5ng hu^ ji`

have meeting not can go home

'have meeting and therefore cannot go home'

In each of the examples given above, there are two VPs. Sometimes, the actions of the
two VPs follow a temporal, spatial and/or logical order. For example, in (a) and (b) in the above,
'go to a restaurant' and 'walk over' temporally precede 'eat' and 'shake hands,' respectively. Often
in addition to satisfying temporal, spatial or logical requirements, the order of the VPs may signal
that the last VP is the core VP, while the preceding ones serve some kind of an adverbial function
by indicating the purpose, manner, reason, time, place, etc. of the core VP. In (c), the first VP
indicates the manner in which the action of the second verb is carried out (i.e., by air), and in (d),
the first VP provides a reason for the second VP. Not only can all the verbs in such VPs be in the
active voice, but they can also be in the passive voice as well. The first VPs in (a)-(c) in the
following are in the passive voice, as is the second in (d).

(5.34) a. b7i t`men ji3o q] d2 le y^d]n

by them call go beat PERF one- CLS

'be called over and beaten by them'
b. b7i d^r5n d2i q} gu`n le q&l1i

by enemy catch go close PERF up

'be captured by the enemy and locked up'
c. b7i l2osh% tu%ji3n sh3ng d3xu5

by teacher recommend attend university

'be recommended by teacher to go to college'
d. f3n le f2 b7i j&ngch1 d2ib} le

break PERF law by police arrest LE

'broke the law and was arrested by police'

5.2.3 Adjective Phrases

Like adjectives, APs function mostly as attributives modifying NPs. There are three types:
coordinate, endocentric, and adjective-complement (AC) APs. Coordinate AP
Coordinate APs share the same characteristics of coordinate NPs and VPs in that their
basic elements, the adjectives, can often be strung together without having any intervening
144 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

conjunctions. However, it seems much more common for APs than for either NPs or VPs not to
require a conjunction. Normally, these conjunctionless APs have two two-syllable adjectives that
are customarily conjoined. A few examples of such APs follow:

(5.35) a. m6igu`n d3f`ng

beautiful natural-and-good-taste
'beautiful, natural and good-taste'
b. r7q^ng y0uh2o

warm friendly
'warm and friendly'
c. qi`nx[ j&nsh7n

modest careful
'modest and careful'
d. zh8ngh-u l2oshi

loyal-and-tolerant honest
'loyal, tolerant and honest'
e. g`nj*ng zh6ngq^

clean tidy
'clean and tidy'
f. w4nnu2n sh[sh*

warm comfortable
'warm and comfortable'
g. gu`nghu% c3nl3n

brilliant magnificent
'brilliant and magnificent'

APs and VPs share more or less a common set of conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs
which include 5r 'but, and,' 5rqi7 'and,' and y-u ... y-u ... 'both...and,' which were
discussed previously when addressing coordinate VPs. In addition, APs also share conjunctions
with coordinate NPs. These include h5 'and,' y} 'and,' h1ish* 'or (interrogative),' and
hu-zh6 'or.'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 145

(5.36) a. d3 5r yu1n

big and round 'big and round'

b. y-u d3 y-u yu1n

both big and round 'both big and round'

c. d3 y} xi2o

big and small 'big and small?'

d. d3 h1ish* xi2o ? ?

big or small 'big or small?'

In (a) and (b), the conjunctions are verbal ones, while in (c) and (d), they are nominal. Endocentric AP
Endocentric APs are composed of an adverbial element and an adjective, with the former
always preceding and modifying the latter, the head of the phrase. Modifying adverbials in APs
are less complicated than those in VPs. As the following examples indicate, they are typically
adverbs (a), demonstrative pronouns (b), or PPs (c).

(5.37) a. i. h6n d3

very big 'very big'

ii. d8u pi3oli3ng

all beautiful 'all beautiful'

iii. f4%ch1ng (de) d3 ()

very (DE(ad)) big 'very big'

b. i. zh7me d3

this big 'this big'

ii. n3me pi3oli3ng

that beautiful 'that beautiful'

c. i. b& w0 d3

than I big 'older than I'

ii. g4n w0 y^y3ng g`o

with me same tall 'as tall as I'

Following an adverbial, the structural particle de 'DE(ad)' is sometimes used, although its
usage is seldom obligatory, and is mostly restricted to certain disyllabic adverbs, such as
f4%ch1ng 'very,' as indicated by the (b) example above. On the other hand, de 'DE(ad)'
normally is not used when the adverbials are demonstrative pronouns, PPs, or monosyllabic
146 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese Adjective-Complement AP
Like verbs, adjectives can take a complement. The result is an Adjective-Complement AP
(AC AP), and as in the case of the VC VPs, the complement can be an adjective, an adverb, a
verb or a phrase. Furthermore, the use of the complement particle de 'DE(comp)' in such an AP
can be optional, obligatory or prohibited.
Now examine (5.38) below. In (a), the complement is a degree adverb, and this particular
degree adverb prohibits the use of the complement de. In (b), the complement is a number- CLS
phrase, and as a rule, such a phrase is not allowed to use the complement de. In both cases, these
complements behave just as they do following a verb in a VC VP, preventing the appearance of
the relevant auxiliary particle. In (c), the complement is an adjective, in (d), a verb, and in (e) a
clause. In all three cases, the use of de 'DE(comp)' is obligatory:

(5.38) (A) (B)

a. * m6i de j^ le. m6i j^ le.

beautiful DE(comp) extremely LE beautiful extremely LE

??? 'extremely beautiful '
b. * m3n de y*di2n m3n y*di2n

slow DE(comp) one-bit slow one-bit

??? 'slow down a bit'
c. * 7 ku3i 7 de ku3i

hungry quick hungry DE(comp) quick

??? 'become hungry quickly'
d. * t5ng m3o h3n t5ng de m3o h3n

pain ooze sweat pain DE(comp) ooze sweat

??? 'so painful that (someone)'s sweating.'
e. * l6ng y1ch& d2ch3n l6ng de y1ch& d2ch3n

cold teeth shiver cold DE(comp) teeth shiver

??? 'so cold that (someone)'s teeth are

5.2.4 Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrases normally are made up of a preposition and a prepositional object.
The object is typically a nominal elementa noun, an NP or a pronoun.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 147 With Nominal Objects

(5.39) a. i. w2ng zh8nggu9

to China
'to China'
ii. g4nj] f2l\

according-to law
'according to the law'
b. i. gu`ny{ t`men

about they
'about them'
ii. ch{le n&

except you
'except you'
c. i. z3i zh8nggu9 f3ngu2n (ch%)
at China restaurant (eat)
'eat at a Chinese restaurant'
ii. w7ile z*y9u h5 m^nzh}

for freedom and democracy
'for freedom and democracy'

The two PPs in (a) both have nouns as the prepositional objects, those in (b) have
pronouns, and those in (c) NPs; all are nominal elements. Note that Mandarin prepositional
objects can be verbal elements as well. This topic is discussed below.
148 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese With Verbal Objects

(5.40) a. i. z*c9ng k`ixu5

from start-school
'from the start of the school term'
ii. w7ile y2ngji`

for support-a-family
'in order to support a family'
b. i. ch{le pi3oli3ng

except beautiful
'except being beautiful'
ii. y9uy{ j&nzh`ng

because tense
' because of being tense'
c. i. w7ile n5ng ti1nb2o d]zi

for can fill belly
'for keeping (oneself) fed'
ii. y%nw7i sh^f4n nu2nhuo

because very warm
'because of being very warm'

These examples illustrate that the prepositional object can be a verb (a), an adjective (b),
a VPin this case, an extended VO VP (c-i), or an APin this case, an endocentric one (c-ii). Ba PP
While most prepositions in Mandarin have inherent content meaning, there are a few
which only serve a grammatical function. One of them is b2 . Simply put, a PP with b2
introduces a logical object of a verb and brings that object immediately before the verb (see X. Q.
Wu 1996). Now compare the following two sentences:
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 149

(5.41) a. t`men ch% le f3n.

they eat PERF meal

'They ate.'
b. t`men b2 f3n ch% le.

they BA meal eat PERF

'They ate.'

As indicated by the English translations, the two sentences in the above mean exactly the
same thing. The difference lies in their structures: (a) is a normal sentence with a normal word
orderthe object after the verb; (b) comprises a b2 PP, which transposes the object to the
preverbal position. While the b2 structure may or may not be used in rendering the meanings of
these examples, there are contexts where its use is imperative and others where it is forbidden. A
case where it is obligatory is given below:

(5.42) a. t`men b2 y%fu x& de h6n g`nj*ng.

they BA clothes wash DE(comp) very clean

'They washed the clothes very clean.'
b. * t`men x& y%fu de h6n g`nj*ng.

they wash clothes DE(comp) very clean


Here, sentence (b)as opposed to (a)is ungrammatical because it includes a verbal

complement. Verbal complements require that an object precedes its verb. In the sentences below,
howevercontrary to those above, a b2 PP is not allowed because the transitive verb would then
be clause final. Such 'exposed' transitive verbs are avoided in Mandarin.

(5.43) a. i. t`men x& y%fu

they wash clothes

'They wash clothes.'
ii. * t`men b2 y%fu x&

they BA clothes wash


b. i. t`men ch% f3n.

150 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

they eat meal

'They eat the meal.'
ii. * t`men b2 f3n ch%.

they BA meal eat

??? Bei PP
Passive voice in Mandarin is sometimes expressed with a b7i PP. Like the English PP
headed by by in sentences such as It is eaten by the dog, the Mandarin b7i PP is used to indicate
the 'doer' of the action of the verb in a sentence. Just as the b2 PP in Mandarin, b7i PP always
precedes the verb in question. Now examine the following sentences:

(5.44) a. t`men ch% le f3n.

they eat PERF meal

'They ate.'
b. f3n b7i t`men ch% le.

meal BEI they eat PERF

'The food was eaten by them.'

The (a) sentence in the above is closely related to the (b) sentence in meaning; both share
the same agentthe doer, the same patientthe receiver of the action, and the same verb.
However, they differ in that (a) is a sentence with active voice while (b) is passive. The passive
voice in (b) is overtly indicated by the use of the b7i PP. It is interesting to note that the verb in a
sentence with b7i PP cannot be 'exposed' either, just as it is with a b2 structure:

(5.45) a. i. t`men x& y%fu

they wash clothes

'They wash clothes.'
ii. * y%fu b7i t`men x&

clothes BEI they wash

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 151

b. i. t`men ch% f3n.

they eat meal

'They eat the meal.'
ii. * f3n b7i t`men ch%.

meal BEI they eat


In both (a) and (b) above, the use of the passive voice in the second examples has left the
transitive verbs without anything following, and consequently, the sentences in these examples
are ruled ungrammatical. The b7i PP does, however, differ from b2 (and most, if not all, other
Mandarin prepositions) in one respect. Just as in English, so too in Mandarin, speakers may omit
mention of the agent, the 'doer', in passive sentences. In such cases, b7i is still required but its
prepositional objectthe 'doer'is lacking; and b7i stands immediately before the verb.

(5.46) a. f3n b7i ch% le.

meal BEI eat PERF

'The food was eaten.'
b. y%fu b7i x& w1n le

clothes BEI wash finish PERF

'The clothes have been washed.'

In both (a) and (b), b7i precedes the main verb directly, and is not followed by any
prepositional object.

5.3 Functional Components

So far, the building blocks of Mandarin sentences, the words in terms of their parts of
speech, and the phrases in terms of how they are structured have been described. In this section,
we will look at Mandarin sentences from another perspective; their functional components such
as subjects, predicates, objects, attributives, adverbials and complements will be discussed. We
will try to determine which building block is used to serve which function, or vice versa.

5.3.1 Subjects
Most Mandarin sentences contain two parts: the subject and the predicate with the subject
normally preceding the predicate. In a language like English, the subject is almost always a
nominal or nominalized constituent, such as a noun, a pronoun or a gerund. In Mandarin,
however, verbal (including adjectival) constituents can serve as subjects as well as nominal
constituents. Examples in which nominal subjects are found are:
152 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.47) a. t`men ch% le f3n.

they eat PERF meal

'They ate the meal.'
b. zh8nggu9 z3i y3zh8u.

China is-at Asia

'China is in Asia.'
c. s* sh* 7r de li2ng b7i.

four is two DE(ad) two double

'Four is twice two.'
In (a), the subject is a pronoun, in (b), a proper noun, and in (c), a number. The following
are sentences with verbal subjects:

(5.48) a. z[ y*ji`n w[zi x[y3o 7rb2i yu1n.

rent one-CLS room need 200 dollar

'Rent for one room requires $200.'
b. xu5x^ g8ngzu- d8u zh-ngy3o.

study work both important

'Studying and working are both important.'
c. k2o de h2o m5i y-ng.

take-exam DE(comp) good no use

'It is no use to do well in the exam.'
d. z2osh3ng q] n5ng k3ndao r*ch[.

morning go can see sunrise

'Going in the morning, (one) can see the sunrise.'
e. n1 hu^q] t%ng hu* y&ngx&ang bi5r5n.

take back listen will affect others

'Taking it back to listen will affect other people.'

The subjects in the above are, respectively, VO VP (a), coordinate VP (b), VC VP (c),
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 153

endocentric VP (d), and SV VP (e). 142 Examples of APs as subjects are given below:

(5.49) a. g`nj*ng zh6ngji5 r3ng r5n sh[fu.

clean tidy make person comfortable

'Being clean and tidy gives people comfort.'
b. t3i g`nj*ng y6 b] h2o.

too clean also not good

'Being too clean is also not good.'
c. m3n y*di2n b{ y3oj&n.

slow one-bit not matter

'Being a bit slow does not matter.'

The subject APs in the above are coordinate AP (a), endocentric AP (b), and AC AP

5.3.2 Predicates
Mandarin predicates are usually composed of verbs, VPs, adjectives or APs.

(5.50) a. d8ngti`n l6ng de h6n.

winter cold DE(comp) ver

'The winter is very cold.'
b. t`men ch% le f3n.

they eat PERF meal

'They ate the meal.'

In (a), the predicate is an AP, or to be more specific, an AC AP, whereas in (b) it is a VP,
or specifically a VO VP. It should be noted that in Mandarin, adjectives or APs do not have to
follow a linking verb to serve as predicates, in contrast to their counterparts in languages such as
English in which they can never stand alone as predicates. Just as subjects in Mandarin do not
always consist of typical subject materials such as nominal elements, predicates in Mandarin do
not always contain verbal elements. Sentences in which the predicates are notfor English
speakersof the most intuitive sort are:

For a description of these VPs, refer to Section 5.2.2.
For a description of these APs, refer to Section 5.2.3.
154 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.51) a. j%nti`n x%ngq%y%.

today Monday
'Today is Monday.'
b. ti`nq* z6nmey3ng?

weather how
'How is the weather?'
c. w0 sh^b`.

I eighteen
'I am eighteen.'
d. zh7ku3i sh0ubi2o 7rb2i yu1n.

this-CLS watch 200 dollar

'This watch is $200.'

In none of the above sentences is the predicate the typical material for a predicate. Rather,
it is a noun in (a), an interrogative pronoun in (b), a number in (c), and a number-CLS phrase in
(d). A linking verb is not used in any of these examples, as would be required in English.

5.3.3 Objects
The lack of case marking (e.g., the difference between I and me) in Mandarin means that
what can be used as subjects can also be used as objects. Typically, the object is a nominal

(5.52) a. w9 q] k3n t`men.

I go see they
'I go to visit them.'
b. w0 q] zh8nggu9.

I go China
'I go to China.'
c. 7r ji` 7r d6ngy{ s*.

two plus two equal four

'Two plus two equals four.'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 155

The objects, which are underlined, are the same words as those in (5.47) where they were
used as subjects. All are nominal kinds of words, yet just as in the case of the subjects where non-
nominal constituents can be used, objects in Mandarin can be served by verbal elements as well.

(5.53) a. t`men x[y3o z[ y*ji`n w[zi.

they need rent one-CLS room

'They need to rent a room.'
b. t`men x&hu`n xu5x^ g8ngzu-.

they like work study

'They like to study and work.'
c. w0 x%w3ng k2o de h2o.

I wish take-exam DE(comp) good

'I hope to do well in the exam.'
d. w0 d2su3n z2osh3ng q].

I plan morning go
'I plan to go in the morning.'
e. w0 y`oqi{ n1 hu^q] t%ng.

I request take back listen

'I request to take it back to listen to.'

These VPs are the same as those we saw earlier in (5.48); that is, they are a VO VP (a), a
coordinate VP (b), a VC VP (c), an endocentric VP (d), and a SV VP (e). In the previous
examples, these VPs were used as subjects whereas here they serve as the objects of the
sentences. As well, APs can serve as objects:

(5.54) a. w0 x&hu`n g`nj*ng zh6ngji5.

I like clean tidy

'I like to be clean and tidy.'
b. t` b] x[y3o t3i g`nj*ng.

he not need too clean

'He does not need to be too clean.'
156 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

c. w0 sh*t{ m3n y*di2n

I try slow one-bit

'I try to slow down a bit.'

The coordinate (a), endocentric (b) and AC (c) APs in the above examples are the same as
those we saw earlier in (5.49) where they were used as subjects.

5.3.4 Attributives
Subjects and objects of a sentence often contain attributivesthe part that modifies the
core component of the subject or object. Attributives in Mandarin always go before the head they
modify. As discussed earlier, we learned that APs are typical candidates for attributives.
However, more categories than APs can serve as attributives in Mandarin. They include pronouns,
PPs, number-CLS phrases, and VPs. Examine the following examples:

(5.55) a. f4ich1ng m^ngli3ng de ji3osh*

very bright DE(a) classroom
'very bright classroom'
b. l2osh% de sh[

teacher DE(a) book
'the teacher's book'
c. w0 h5 l*li de l2osh%

I and Lili DE(a) teacher
'my and Lili's teacher'
d. s`ng7 l2osh%

three-CLS teacher
'three teachers'

In (a), the attributive is an endocentric AP, and in (b), it is a noun. The attributive in (c) is
a coordinate NP which contains a pronoun and a noun. The attributive in (d) is a number-CLS
phrase. All are fairly intuitive types of attributives. What is not as intuitive involves VPs. The
following illustrate VP attributives:
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 157

(5.56) a. z[ f1ngzi de qi1n

rent house DE(a) money

'money for renting the house'
b. k2o de h2o de xu5sh4ng

take-exam DE(comp) good DE(a) student

'students who did well in the exam'
c. z2osh3ng q] de r5n

morning go person
'the people who go in the morning'
d. xu5x^ g8ngzu- de sh^ji`n

study work DE(a) time

'study and work time'
e. n1 hu^q] t%ng de y%ny]e

take back listen DE(a) music

'the music that is taken (back) to listen to'

The VPs in the above are, respectively, VO VP in (a), VC VP in (b), endocentric VP in

(c), coordinate VP in (d) and SV VP in (e).

5.3.5 Adverbials
Adverbials are used to modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs or sentences and normally
precede the elements they modify. The most typical candidates for adverbials are adverbs and
PPs, although adjectives, nouns, verbs, pronouns and their phrases can also be the candidates.
The following contain examples of adverbials formed by various words and phrases:

(5.57) a. t`men h6n t%nghu3.

they very obedient

'They are very obedient.'
b. t`men w2ng sh`nsh3ng p1.

they toward mountain-top climb

'They climb to the mountain top.'
158 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

c. t`men sh]nl* de d3od1 b6ij%ng.

they smooth DE(ad) arrive Beijing

'They arrived in Beijing smoothly.'
d. t`men n3me ji`o'3o.

they that conceited

'They are that conceited.'

In (a), the adverbial is an adverb which modifies the verb t%ng 'listen'; in (b), it is a PP
modifying the verb p1 'to climb'; in (c), it is an adjective modifying the verb d3od1
'arrive'; in (d), it is a demonstrative pronoun modifying the adjective ji`o'3o 'conceited.'
Rarely adverbials are formed with verbs, and when they are, the auxiliary particle de 'DE(ad)' is
always used:

(5.58) a. w0 hu^b* de shu8.

I evade DE(ad) say

'I said evadingly.'
b. t` xu1ny3o de zh3n z3i n3l&.

he show-off DE(ad) stand at there

'He stands there showing off.'

In the above, hu^b* 'avoid' and xu1ny3o 'show off' are both verbs, and used
here as adverbials modifying the following verb.

5.3.6 Complements
Complements in Mandarin follow the predicate verbs or adjectives of a sentence to
provide additional information regarding the verbs or adjectives. Specifically, the additional
information may be about the result, direction, degree, quantity, or possibility of the preceding
verb or adjective. The candidates for complements include adjectives, verbs, adverbs, PPs and
clauses. The following provide examples of resultative complements:

(5.59) a. w0 k3n q%ngchu le.

I look clear LE
'I have seen (it) clearly.'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 159

b. t`men ch% b2o f3n le.

they eat full meal LE

'They have had enough to eat.'
c. t` l6ng de y2ch& d2ch3n.

he cold DE(comp) teeth shiver

'He is so cold that his teeth are chattering.'

Resultative complements denote the result of an action or the change of a state. In (a), the
predicate verb k3n 'look' is followed by a complement that constitutes an adjective q%ngchu
'clear,' which indicates that the act of looking ends in successfully seeing. Sometimes the
complement can be followed by the object of the verb, as in (b) where the presence of the
complement signifies that 'they eat to the point of being full.' In (c), the complement takes what
we may call a complement (i.e., DE(comp)); structurally it is a clause complete with a subject and
a predicate.
Besides indicating results, complements may give information about the direction of the
verb or adjective. Unlike resultative complements that can be composed of various types of
words or phrases, the directional set usually consists of directional verbs such as l1i 'come'
and q] 'go.' The following table presents simple and compounded directional verbs that can
occur as complements.

(5.60) l1i 'come' q] 'go'

sh3ng 'go up' sh3ngl1i 'come up' sh3ng q] 'go up'
xi3 'go down' xi3l1i 'come down' xi3 q] 'go down'
j*n 'enter' j*nl1i 'come in' j*n q] 'go in'
ch[ 'exit' ch[l1i 'come out' ch[q] 'go out'
hu^ 'return' hu^l1i 'come back' hu^ q] 'go back'
gu- 'come over' gu-l1i 'come over' gu- q] 'go over'
q& 'rise' q&l1i 'rise'

In this table, there are altogether nine simple directional verbs, seven in the left-most
column and two in the first row. They combine to yield thirteen compounded directional verbs.
All these verbs can be used as directional complements.

(5.61) a. t`men g`ngg`ng p1 sh3ngq].

they just climb go-up

'They have just climbed up.'
160 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

b. t` n1 l1i y*b6n sh[.

he bring come one-CLS book

'He brought a book.'
c. q*ch4 k`i gu-l1i le.

car drive come-over LE

'The car drove over (here).'
d. t`men z0u le j*nq].

they walk PERF go-in

'They walked inside.'
Resultative complements and directional ones are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the
directional verbs used in the above may perform a resultative function. For instance, in (a),
sh3ngq] 'go up' is achieved through p1 'climb,' and in (b), the fact that the book is now
here is the result of n1 'to take;' without the action of n1 , the book would not l1i 'to come.'
Meanings of directional verbs are sometimes extended and become more abstract. Used
as complements, they then no longer denote merely change over tangible spatial parameters, but
something more abstract:

(5.62) a. t%ngd3o xi`oxi, t` k[ q&l1i.

hear news he cry PERF rise

'Upon hearing the news, he began to cry.'
b. n3g7 ni1nq%ng g4sh0u g`ngg`ng h9ng q&l1i.

that- CLS young singer just red rise

'That young singer has just become popular.'
c. t`men d2su3n zh] xi3q].

they plan live go-down

'They plan to continue to live (there).'
d. t` g`ng s[x&ng gu-l1i, y-u h[n gu-q] le.

he just wake come-over, again faint go-over LE

'He had just come to, then he fainted again.'

The meaning of the verb q&l1i 'rise' which denotes the movement from a lower point
to a higher one is extended to mean the start of action in (a), and the change of a state in (b). In
(c), the directional verb xi3q] 'go down' is extended to mean 'carrying on' or 'continuation'.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 161

In (d), the meaning of gu-l1i 'come over' and gu-q] 'go over' are extended in the sense
that waking up from fainting is deemed as coming back, while fainting itself is considered as
going away.
Some resultative and directional complements become complements of possibility/ability
if they take the complement de. In fact, in a possibility/ability complement, the complement de is
no longer a mere functional word, but one with a content meaning, 'possible; able', and it has a
negative variation b] 'not.' Now look at the following sentences:

(5.63) a. zh7g7 j]zi w0 k3n d0ng le.

this-CLS sentence I read understand LE

'I understood this sentence.'
b. zh7g7 j]zi w0 k3n de d0ng.

this-CLS sentence I read DE(comp) understand

'I can understand this sentence.'
c. zh7g7 j]zi w0 k3n b] d0ng.

this-CLS sentence I read not understand

'I cannot understand this sentence.'

The sentence in (a) is one with a resultative complement formed by an adjective d0ng
'understand.' When the complement de is inserted between the complement and the preceding
verb, the complement takes on the meaning of 'ability to understand' (b). The opposite meaning
of 'unable to understand' is expressed by substituting de with the negative morpheme b].
In addition to results, directions, and ability, complements can indicate degrees of an
action or state denoted by an adjective or a verb. These complements are always preceded by the
complement de, and they can be formed by degree adverbs, adjectives, interrogative pronouns
and various phrases. Examples of degree complements are:

(5.64) a. t`men ch3ng de h6n h2o.

they sing DE(comp) very good

'They sing very well.'
b. t`men ch3ng de h2o de du8.

they sing DE(comp) good DE(comp) more

'They sing much better.'
162 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

c. t`men ch3ng de z7nmey3ng?

they sing DE(comp) how

'How (well) do they sing?'
d. w7nt^ ji2nd`n de h6n.

problem simple DE(comp) very

'The problem is very simple.'

The degree complement is an endocentric AP (a), an AC AP (b), an interrogative pronoun

(c), or an adverb (d). The predicate is a verb ((a), (b), and (c)), or an adjective (d). When the
predicate is a transitive verb that has an object, that verb must either be reduplicated or have the
object moved in front of it. For instance, if an object is added to the first sentence in (5.64), it
would either look like (a) below where the verb is reduplicated or (b) where the object g4
'song' is moved before the verb. In any event, the object and the degree complement cannot both
follow the predicate verb.

(5.65) a. t`men ch3ng g4 ch3ng de h6n h2o.

they sing song sing DE(comp) very good

'They sing very well.'
b. t`men g4 ch3ng de h6n h2o.

they song sing DE(comp) very good

'They sing very well.'

Complements can also denote quantity of duration and frequency:

(5.66) a. t`men d6ng le li2ngg7 zh8ngt9u.

they wait PERF two-CLS hour

'They waited for two hours.'
b. n3du8 hu` h9ng le y^g7 x%ngq%.

that-CLS flower red PERF one-CLS week

'That flower was red for a week.
c. t`men q] le y^c* zh8nggu9.

they go PERF one-time China

'They have been to China once.'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 163

d. t` b2 f3n r7 le s`nhu^.

he BA food hot PERF three-time

'He heated up the food three times.'

Quantity complements are normally composed of number-CLS phrases, as in (c) and (d),
or of endocentric NP in which the attributive component is a number-CLS phrase, as in (a) and (b).

5.3.7 Functional Usage of Various Words and Phrases Nominals
Both nouns and NPs serve primarily as a subject or an object, although sometimes they
also serve as an attributive. In rare cases they can serve as a predicate, or an adverbial.

(5.67) a. b3ba m`ma xu5 y%ngy}.

father mother study English

'The parents study English.'
b. y%ngy}e h5 w}d3o ji5m]

music and dance program

'music and dance programs'
c. j%nti`n x%ngq%y%

today Monday
'today is Monday.'
d. t` y^ge r5n xu5x^.

he one-CLS person study

'He studies alone.'

In (a), the NP b3ba m`ma 'father and mother' appears as a subject, whereas the
noun y%ngy} 'English' as an object. In (b), the underlined NP is an attributive element of the
larger NP, in (c), the underlined noun is a predicate, and in (d), the underlined NP serves as an
adverbial. Note the absence of a linking verb between the subject and the NP predicate in (c),
which structure is not found in English.
Pronouns are another type of nominal element. Mandarin pronouns can serve as all major
syntactic components of a sentence including the subject (a), attributive and predicate (b), object
(c), adverbial (d) and complement (e):
164 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.68) a. t` ch% p^nggu0.

he eat apple
'He eats apple.'
b. t`de w5nzh`ng z6nmey3ng?

he DE article how
'How is his article?'
c. t` zh%d3o du8sh2o?

he know how much

'How much does he know?'
d. zh7g7 j]zi zh7me f`nyi.

this CLS sentence this-way translate

'This sentence (should) be translated this way.'
e. t` f`nyi de z6nmey3ng?

he translate DE how
'How (well) did he translate (it)?'

Among these functions, all three types of pronounspersonal, demonstrative, and

interrogativecan serve as subjects, objects and attributives, but only some demonstrative and
interrogative pronouns can serve as adverbials, and only the interrogative pronoun z6nmey3ng
'how' can be used as a predicate or a complement. Verbs and VPs

The primary function of verbs or VPs is to serve as predicates of a sentence, although
they can also serve other functions, such as subjects, as shown in (a) and (b), and objects, as
shown in (c) and (d):

(5.69) a. z[ y*ji`n w[zi x[y3o 7rb2i yu1n.

rent one-CLS room need 200 dollar

'Rent for one room requires $200.'
b. k2o de h2o m5i y-ng.

take-exam DE(comp) good no use

'It is no use to do well in the exam.'
c. t`men x[y3o z[ y*ji`n w[zi.
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 165

they need rent one-CLS room

'They need to rent a room.'
d. w0 x%w3ng k2o de h2o.

I wish take-exam DE(comp) good

'I hope to do well in the exam.' Adjectives and APs

The major function of an adjective or AP is of course to serve as an attributive, modifying
primarily nouns. However, Mandarin adjectives can serve as almost all the different functional
components of a sentence. In particular, some can be subjects, objects, predicates, complements,
adverbials as well as attributives. The following gives an example each of these functions using
the adjective g`nj*ng 'clean' and zh6ngji5 'tidy' as examples.

(5.70) a. g`nj*ng r3ng r5n ju5de sh[fu.

clean let person feel comfortable

'Being clean makes a person feel comfortable.'
b. f1ngzi h6n g`nj*ng.

house very clean

'The house is very clean.'
c. t` x&hu`n g`nj*ng he zh6ngji5.

he like clean and tidy

'He likes to be clean and tidy.'
d. y%fu x& g`nj*ng le.

clothes wash clean PERF.

'The clothes have been washed clean.'
e. t` g`ng`nj*ngj*ng de sh3ngxu5 q] le.

he clean DE go-school go PERF.

'He went to school, clean.'

The adjective g`nj*ng 'clean' or its reduplicated form is used as a subject (a), a predicate
(b), an object (c), a verb complement (d) and an adverbial (e). Needless to say, not all adjectives
perform all of these functions; rather, many perform only a sub-set of them. For instance, many
monosyllabic adjectives cannot serve as adverbials. Disyllabic adjectives, on the other hand, are
166 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

mostly in reduplicated forms when serving as adverbials. PPs
A PP serves mostly as an adverbial (a-c), but sometimes it is also a complement (d) or
attributive (e) of a Mandarin sentence:

(5.71) a. di3ny&ng c9ng sh^di2n k`ish&.

movie from 10-o'clock start

'The movie starts at 10 o'clock.'
b. y9uy{ sh4ngb*ng, t` m5i sh3ngb`n.

because being-sick he didn't go-to-work

'Because he is sick, he did not go to work.'
c. 3nzh3o gu%d*ng, t` w}di2n xi3b`n.

according-to regulation he five-o'clock go-off-work

'According to regulations, he goes off work at five o'clock.'
d. t`men shu* z3i d*shang.

they sleep on floor

'They sleep on the floor.'
e. w0 ji7 le y*b6n gu`ny{ zh8nggu9 de sh[.

I borrow LE one-CLS about China DE book

'I have borrowed some books about China.' Adverbs
The main function of adverbs is to act as adverbials of sentences.

(5.72) a. p^nggu0 h6n h2och%.

apple very delicious

'Apples are very delicious.'
b. n& li2 d8u q].

you two both go

'You both go.'
c. t`men c1i l1i.

Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 167

they just-now come

'They have just arrived.'
d. t`men ch1ngch1ng q] zh8nggu9.

they often go China

'They often go to China.'
e. t`men ji2nzh^ f4ng le.

they almost mad PERF

'They have almost gone mad.'
f. w0men h]xi`ng xu5xi.

we mutually learn
'We learn from each other.'
g. xi3nz3i d3yu4 s`ndi2n.

now approximately three-o'clock

'It is about three o'clock now.'

In all the sentences, the underlined adverbs serve as an adverbial of some kind. Both the
adverbs in (a) and (e) modify an adjective. The former is part of an AP modifying an adjective;
the latter modifies a predicate adjective. The adverb in (g) modifies a number-CLS phrase, while
those in the rest of the sentences modify a verb. In addition to being adverbials, a small number
of adverbs can serve as complements as well:

(5.73) a. f1ngzi d3 de h6n.

house big DE very

'The house is very big.'
b. w0 m2i qu1n le c1ili3o.

I buy all PERF material

'I have bought all the materials.'
c. zh7ge di3ny&ng h2o j^ le.

this-CLS movie good extremely LE

'This movie is extremely good.'

In (a), the underlined adverb is the complement of the resultative structure which contains
characteristically an adjective followed by the resultative de, which in turn is followed by a
168 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

complement. In (b), the adverb serves as the complement of the verb m2i 'buy,' and in (c), the
adverb is the complement of the adjective h2o 'good.' Numbers
Normally, numbers can perform the functions of a subject, predicate, adverbial,
complement or object:

(5.74) a. s*sh^ sh* shu`ngsh].

forty be double-number
'Forty is an even number.'
b. t` sh^b`.

he eighteen
'He is eighteen.'
c. s`n ji` 7r d5 w}.

three plus two get five

'Three plus two equals five.'
d. ta ch[y% l1i.

he first day of the month come

'He comes the first day of the month.'
e. t` p2o d*y%.

he run first
'He is first in the race.'

In (a), the subject is a whole number, so is the predicate in (b) and the object in (c). In (d),
an ordinal number serves as the time adverbial modifying the verb and in (e) another ordinal
number acts as the complement of the verb.

5.4 Aspects and Negation

In languages such as English, verbs change their forms to denote tense and aspect with or
without a time noun or adverb. In contrast, Mandarin tense is not marked by verb-form changes,
but is expressed by time words such as zu9ti`n 'yesterday,' j%nt%an 'today,' and
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 169

g`ngc1i 'just now'. Mandarin aspects are expressed with three auxiliary particles: 144 the
progressive particle zhe , the perfective particle le , and the experiential particle guo , and
two adverbs: zh7ng(z3i) () and ji`ng(y3o) (). In this section, these aspect markers and
how they denote aspects in Mandarin will be examined.

5.4.1 The Perfective Aspect

In English, the perfective aspect is expressed with the verb complex have V-ed as in, I
have arrived. In Mandarin, it is expressed with the auxiliary particle le, that is suffixed to the
verb or adjective. Consider the following sentences:

(5.75) a. w0 d3o le.

I arrive PERF
'I have arrived.'
b. w0 ch% le f3n le.

I eat PERF meal LE
'I have eaten.'
c. t`men q] le zh8nggu9.

they go PERF China
'They have gone to China.'
d. w0 l7i le.

I tired PERF
'I am tired./I have become tired.'

Complements of duration and frequency have an inherent meaning of completion; that is,
the action or the state denoted by the predicate verb or adjectives 'has occurred' within the time
frame denoted by the complement. Because of this quality, these complements are often used in
conjunction with le (a and b), although when they co-occur with a time noun which points to a
future time, le is not used (c):

Recent studies by Ross (1995) and Z. S. Zhang (1996) have found that the three aspect
markers are not always purely aspectual but may mark tense in certain contexts. Space here does
not allow a probe into the issues involved. Interested readers are referred to these two authors for
170 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.76) a. t` d6ng le li2ngg7 zh8ngt9u.

he wait PERF three-CLS hour

'He waited for 2 hours.'
b. t` b2 f3n r7 le s`nhu^.

he BA food hot PERF three-time

'He heated up the food three times.'
c. t` m^ngti`n d6ng li2ngg7 zh8ngt9u.

he tomorrow wait three-CLS hour

'He will wait for two hours tomorrow.'
d. t` m^ngti`n b2 f3n r7 s`nhu^.

he tomorrow BA food hot three-time

'He will heat up the food three times tomorrow.'

If the verb takes a simple resultative complement, the perfective le has to follow the

(5.77) a. w0 k3n q%ngchu le.

I look clear PERF

'I have seen (it) clearly.'
b. t`men ch% b2o le f3n.

they eat full PERF meal

'They have had enough to eat.'

The presence of the durational complement in (a) or the frequency complement in (b)
normally also requires the use of le (or guo). Without le (or guo), these sentences would not
normally be grammatical. However, when these complements appear in imperative sentences, le
is not used:

(5.78) a. k3n q%ngchu!


look clear
'See clearly!'
b. d6ng li2ngg7 zh8ngt9u!
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 171

wait two-CLS hour

'Wait for two hours!'
c. b2 f3n r7 s`nhu^!

BA food hot three-time

'Heat the food three times!'

When the verb has an object, it has to follow le, that is, the object cannot intervene
between the verb and its object. However, le can be omitted if it co-occurs with the sentential
particle le. When it is omitted, the perfective meaning is carried by the sentential particle in
addition to its functional meaning at the sentence level.

(5.79) a. w0 ch% (le) f3n le.

I eat (PERF) meal LE

'I have eaten.'
b. t`men q] (le) zh8nggu9 le.

they go (PERF) China LE

'They have gone to China.'

5.4.2 The Experiential Aspect

Mandarin has an aspect marker that does not have a formal counterpart in English. This is
the so-called experiential particle guo. Suffixed to the predicate verb or adjective, this particle
denotes that an action or a state has been experienced.

(5.80) a. t`men q] guo zh8nggu9.

they go EXP China

'They have been to China.'
b. t`men ch% guo l*zh%.

they eat EXP litchi

'They have had litchi.'

While both the perfective le and experiential guo can encode an event or state that has
happened or existed, guo has the additional meaning that the action or state has been experienced.
Now compare the following with the above two sentences:

(5.81) a. t`men q] le zh8nggu9.

172 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

they go PERF China
'They went/have gone to China.'
b. t`men ch% le l*zh%.

they eat PERF litchi
'They ate/have eaten litchi.'

The sentence (a) in (5.80) is identical to (a) in (5.81) except for the post-verbal aspectual
particle. The former (a) with guo stresses the fact that 'they have had the experience of visiting
China, whereas the latter (a) with le expresses that the act of going to China is completed. The (b)
sentences in them are likewise related, that is, the former (b) with guo means that 'they have had
the experience of eating litchi', whereas the latter (b) with le states that the action of eating has
been completed. The sentences with guo do not normally indicate whether the action has just
been completed or was done a while ago. Thus, understandably, guo is often used in conjunction
with the experiential adverb c5ngj%ng 'once; at one time,' which is not normally used with
the perfective le. Examine the following grammatical examples:

(5.82) a. t`men c5ngj%ng q] guo zh8nggu9.

they once go EXP China

'They have been to China.'
b. t`men c5ngj%ng ch% guo l*zh%.

they once eat EXP litchi

'They have had litchi.'

Now compare them with the ungrammatical examples in (5.83):

(5.83) a. * t`men c5ngj%ng q] le zh8nggu9.

they once go PERF China

b. * t`men c5ngj%ng ch% le l*zh%.

they once eat PERF litchi


Like the perfective particle le, the experiential particle guo must precede the object by
immediately following the verb (a), but it must follow a simply resultative complement (b):
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 173

(5.84) a. t`men ch% guo l*zh%.

they eat EXP litchi
'They have had litchi.'
b. w0 k3n q%ngchu guo.

I look clear EXP
'I have had the experience of seeing (it) clearly.'

Yet, unlike the perfective particle le, which can precede a directional complement, guo
must follow it.

(5.85) a. t`men z0u le j*nq].

they walk PERF enter
'They walked inside.'
b. t`men z0u j*nq] guo.

they walk enter EXP
'They have had the experience of going inside.'
c. * t`men z0u guo j*nq].

they walk EXP enter

5.4.3 The Progressive Aspect

English has a progressive aspect which is expressed by the verb complex be V-ing as in
He is eating. Mandarin also marks this aspect grammatically, and the devices used are a post-
verbal particle zhe and a pre-verbal adverb zh7ngz3i (or, simply, zh7ng or z3i). The particle and
the adverb may be used separately or simultaneously, and may be used together with a sentential
particle ne as well. 145

See Section 4.1.10 for a description of Mandarin particles.
174 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.86) a. t`men zh7ngz3i ch% f3n.

they PROG eat meal

'They are eating their meal.'
b. t`men ch% zhe f3n ne.

they eat PROG meal NE

'They are eating their meal.'
c. t`men zh7ngz3i ch% zhe f3n ne.

they PROG eat PROG meal NE

'They are eating their meal.'

In addition to verbs or activities that can last for a designated period of time, the
Mandarin progressive markers can work with stative verbs and adjectives as well.

(5.87) a. t`men zh7ng 7 zhe d]zi ne.

they PROG hungry PROG stomach NE

'They are hungry.'
b. shu& r7 zhe ne.

water hot PROG NE

'The water is (currently) hot.'
c. n3 sh^hou, t` zh7ng 3i zhe n3ge y%sh4ng ne.

that time he PROG love PROG that-CLS doctor NE

'At that time, he was in love with that doctor.'
d. t`men chu`n zhe x%n y%fu.

they wear PROG new clothes

'They are wearing new clothes.'

In (a) and (b) above, zhe follows an adjective, and in (c), it follows a stative verb.

5.4.4 Negation
Previously, we discussed various components of a Mandarin sentence and demonstrated
their structures and usage with a large number of sentence examples. In this section, how these
sentences or their predicates are negated will be discussed. There are two basic negative
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 175

morphemes in Mandarin: b] , and m5i . The verb sh* 'to be' is always negated by b],
whereas the existential verb y0u 'have; there is' is always negated by m5i. The two basic
negative morphemes can also combine with the two verbs to form complex negative forms b{sh*
or m5iy0u. Each of these four negative forms is used differently from the others. Now look at
negation by b].

(5.88) a. w0 b] x&hu`n t`men.

I not like they
'I don't like them.'
b. n3ge xu5sheng b{ y-ngg8ng.

that student not hardworking
'That student is not hardworking.'

In (a), b] negates a predicative verb while in (b), it negates a predictive adjective. Both
predicates denote some kind of current state. In contrast to b], m5i or m5iy0u normally negates a
predicate that denotes a past action or experience, and when they do, they are often used
alongside the experiential aspect marker, guo.

(5.89) a. w0 m5i(y0u) x&hu`n gu- t`men.

I not like EXP they
'I have not/never liked them.'
b. n3ge xu5sheng m5i(y0u) y-ngg8ng gu-.

that student not hardworking EXP
'That student has not/never been hardworking.'

In comparison, m5i(y0u) cannot be used alongside the perfective particle le, because
m5i(y0u) is the negative form of le. Semantically, the situation described by either one can be
true, but not both. Thus, the following sentences in which both are found are ungrammatical:

(5.90) a. * w0 m5i(y0u) x&hu`n le t`men.

I not like PEEF they
176 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

b. * n3ge xu5sheng m5i(y0u) y-ngg8ng le.

that student not hardworking PERF

Compared with the other negative forms which negate primarily predicates, the extended
form b{sh* normally negates a sentence:

(5.91) a. w0 b{sh* b] x&hu`n t`men.

I not not like they
'It is not the case that I don't like them.'
b. w0 b{sh* m5i(y0u) x&hu`n gu- t`men.

I not not like EXP they
'It is not the case that I have not/never liked them.'

5.5 Interrogative Sentences

There are four types of interrogative sentences in Mandarin: yes-or-no questions that
require either a positive or a negative answer; wh-questions that are signaled by an interrogative
pronoun; choice questions that require a selection, and counterfactual questions that express
doubt, incredulity, or impossibility.

5.5.1 Yes-or-No Questions

This type of interrogative sentence is similar to the English yes-or-no questions (e.g., Do
you like apples?-Yes, I do./No, I don't.) in that they require a simple answer, either positive or
negative. Such Mandarin questions are formed in two ways, one of which is by adding an
interrogative sentential particle ma at the end of a normal sentence:

(5.92) a. n& x&hu`n p^nggu0 ma?

you like apple MA
'Do you like apples?'
b. n& 7 ma?

you hungry MA
'Are you hungry?'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 177

c. t`men q] guo zh8nggu9 ma?

they go EXP China ma
'Have they been to China?'
d. n& ch% le ma?
you eat PERF MA
'Have you eaten?'
e. t`men zh7ngz3i ch% zhe f3n ma?

they PROG eat PROG meal MA
'Are they eating their meal?'

The answers to these questions are often not formed as easily as their English
counterparts which is either 'yes' or 'no' with or without a short statement following. The positive
answer in Mandarin is often formed by the main verb or adjective of the predicate. For example,
the positive answers to the above questions are formed as:

(5.93) a. (w0) x&hu`n.

(I) like
'Yes, I do.'
b. (w0) 7.
(I) hungry
'Yes, I am.'
c. (t`men) q] guo.
(they) go EXP
'Yes, they have.'
d. (w0) ch% le.
I eat PERF
'Yes, I have eaten.'
e. sh*de.

Negative answers are formed by the same verb or adjective preceded by the negative
morpheme b] or m5i. For instance, the negative answers to questions in (a) to (c) in the above are:
178 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.94) a. (w0) b] x&hu`n.

(I) not like

'No, I don't.'
b. (w0) b{ 7.

(I) not hungry

'No, I am not.'
c. (t`men) m5i q] guo.

(they) not go EXP

'No, they have not.'

Another way of asking the same questions is either to reduplicate the verb and, at the
same time, insert a negative morpheme b] or m5i between the two identical verbs, or, in some
cases, insert a sh*-b{-sh* 'be-not-be' before the verb. For instance, the same questions in (5.92)
can be formed as follows:

(5.95) a. n& x&hu`nb]x&hu`n p^nggu0?

you like-not-like apple

'Do you like apples?'
b. n& 7b{7?

you hungry-not-hungry
'Are you hungry?'
c. t`men q]-m5i-q] guo zh8nggu9?

they go-not-go EXP China

'Have they been to China?'
d. n& ch%-m5i-ch%?

you eat-not-eat
'Have you eaten?'
e. t`men sh*-b{-sh* zh7ngz3i ch% zhe f3n?

they be-not-be PROG eat PROG meal

'Are they eating their meals?'

Although the same questions can be asked in two different forms, answers to them are the
same, as given in (5.93) and (5.94).
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 179

5.5.2 Wh-Questions
In this type of question, one always finds an interrogative pronoun (henceforth, a wh-
word), such as shu^ 'who,' w7ish5nme 'why,' n2l& 'where,' sh5nme 'what,' and so forth. Examples
are given below:

(5.96) a. shu^ x&hu`n p^nggu0?

who like apple
'Who likes apple?'
b. l2osh% x&hu`n sh5nme?

teacher like what
'What does the teacher like?'
c. p^nggu0 z3i n2l&?

apple be-at where
'Where is the apple?'
d. l2osh% x&hu`n sh5nme p^nggu0?

teacher like what apple
'What apples does the teacher like?'
e. l2osh% sh5nme sh^hou ch% p^nggu0?

teacher what time eat apple
'When does the teacher have an apple?'
f. p^nggu0 de w7id3o z6nmey3ng?

apple de(a) taste how
'How does the apple taste?'
g. l2osh% w7ish5nme x&hu`n p^nggu0?

teacher why like apple
'Why does the teacher like apples?'

Unlike English, in which the wh-words are almost always at the beginning of a wh-
question, Mandarin questions with such morphemes always have them where 'they should be',
namely, they remain in their logical positions as their non-interrogative counterparts would be in
a regular statement, and there is no so-called movement (or preposing) of the wh-word. Compare
the underlined words in (a) to (f) above with those in (a) to (f) below. Note that the statements
can be potential answers to the questions.
180 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.97) a. l2osh% x&hu`n p^nggu0.

teacher like apple
'The teacher likes apples.'
b. l2osh% x&hu`n p^nggu0.

teacher like apple
'The teacher likes apples.'
c. p^nggu0 z3i ku`ng l&.

apple be-at basket inside
'Apples are in the basket.'
d. l2osh% x&hu`n h9ng p^nggu0.

teacher like red apple
'The teacher likes red apples.'
e. l2osh% z2osh3ng ch% p^nggu0.

teacher morning eat apple
'The teacher has an apple in the morning.'
f. p^nggu0 de w7id3o h6n ti1n.

apple de(a) taste very sweet
'The apples are very sweet.'

Structurally, the Mandarin wh-questions resemble English echo questions, such as the
second question in the following dialogues:

(5.98) a. A: Where did you go?

B: I went to the moon.
A: You went where?
b. A: When did you get up.
B: I got up at midnight.
A: You got up when?
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 181

c. A: How did you open it?

B: I opened it with a knife.
A: You opened it with what?
d. A: Which one did you give to him?
B: I gave the pink one to him.
C: You gave which one to him?

Unlike English echo questions, the Mandarin wh-questions do not normally carry an
incredulous tone.

5.5.3 Choice and Counterfactual Questions

There is a type of Mandarin question which presents two or more choices, connected by
the conjunctions (sh*) ... h1ish*... ...... '...or...' The following are examples. Structurally,
the choices can be NPs (a), VPs (b), or S-barsclauses (c).

(5.99) a. n2inai x&hu`n h9ngde h1ish* l\de?

grandma like red or green
'Does grandma like the red one or the green one?'
b. b3ba q] zh8nggu9 h1ish* q] x%nji`p8?

dad go China or go Singapore
'Does dad go to China or Singapore?'
c. sh* n& l1i h1ish* w0 q]?

you come or I go
'Do you come or do I go?'

The answer to such a question is, as can be expected, one of the choices presented:

(5.100) a. (n2inai x&hu`n) h9ngde.

(grandma like) red
'(Grandma likes) red.'
b. (b3ba) q] x%nji`p8?

(dad) go Singapore
'(Dad) goes to Singapore.'
182 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

c. w0 q].

I go
'I go.'

Still another type of Mandarin question is called a counterfactual question. These are
questions which express the kind of doubt as expressed in Isn't it true that...? They are formed by
using b{sh* before the predicate and the sentential question particle ma at the end of the question.

(5.101) a. n& b{sh* ch% gu- f3n le ma?

you BUSHI eat EXP meal MA
'Haven't you already eaten?'
b. w0 b{sh* t^x&ng gu- n& ma?

I BUSHI remind EXP you MA
'Didn't I remind you?'

Another type of counterfactual question which expresses doubt, incredulity or

impossibility is formed by using n1nd3o before the predicate and optionally ma or b]ch5ng
at the end of the sentence,:

(5.102) a. n& m5i ch%f3n, n1nd3o b{ 7 (ma) ?

you not eat, NANDAO not hungry MA
'You haven't eaten. Aren't you hungry?'
b. w0 z3i g8ngzu-, n1nd3o n& k3nb{ji3n?

I be-at work, NANDAO you can't-see
'I am working. Can't you see?'
c. n& b] xi2o le, n1nd3o y3o w0 w7i n& b]ch5ng?

you not young LE NANDAO need me feed you BUCHENG
'You are not young. Do you (actually) need me to feed you?'

5.6 Complex Sentences

A complex sentence in Mandarin is made up of independent clauses. Although its clauses
often resemble sentences, it constitutes one sentence. In the first place, it has one overall sentence
intonation; second, it has a clear and distinctive pause at the end, and third, its clauses, albeit
independent, are closely and logically related. Syntactically, these clauses are related by the
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 183

ordering of the clauses or by the use of conjunctions. Unlike English in which complex sentences
without the use of conjunctions are quite rare, such sentences are quite common in Mandarin.
The following are some examples:

(5.103) a. ji] de b{ q], x%n de b] l1i.

old DE(a) not go, new DE(a) not come
'The new will not arrive if the old does not go.'
b. ti`n h4i le, s]sh7 de r5n shu*ji3o le.

sky dark LE dormitory DE(a) person sleep LE
'It is dark now, and people in the dormitory have fallen asleep.'

Nevertheless, the use of conjunctions in a Mandarin complex sentence is more common.

The following are just a few examples:

(5.104) a. ti`n y&j%ng h4i le, t`men h1i m5i sh3ngchu1ng.

sky already dark LE they still not go-to-bed
'It is already dark, but they still have not gone to bed.'
b. su%r1n y5ye l2o le, d3nsh* t` h6n ji3nk`ng.

although grandpa old PERF but he very healthy
'Although grandpa is now old, he is very healthy.'

In (a), the conjunction h1i 'still' connects the two constituent clauses into a logical
sequence. In (b), the complex conjunction su%r1n ... d3nsh* ... ...... 'although ... still...'
connects the conditional clause y5ye l2o le with the main clause t` h6n ji3nk`ng
. Generally speaking, Mandarin complex sentences can be divided into two major groups,
the coordinate and the endocentric. In a coordinate complex sentence, the clauses share the same
status. One is not more prominent than another, does not explain another and does not modify
another. In an endocentric complex clause on the other hand, one or more clauses are subordinate
to another within the same sentence. Let us first look at coordinate complex sentences.

5.6.1 Coordinate Complex Sentences

There are essentially four types of coordinate complex sentences in Mandarin,
compounding, successive, progressive and selective. As in a compounded word, the partsthe
clausesin a Mandarin compounding complex sentence are of equal status. The meaning of
these parts can be of a similar orientation or contrastive. The clauses are often connected by
coordinate conjunctions.
184 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

(5.105) a. xu5x^ h2o, sh4nt& h2o, g8ngzu- h2o.

study well body well work well
'Study well; keep healthy, and work well.'
b. w0 y*bi`n ji2ng, t`men y*bi`n j*l].

I (simultaneously) talk they simultaneously make notes
'They made notes while I talked.'
c. b{sh* n& b] h2o, 5rsh* w0 m5i shu8 q%ngqu.

not you not good but I not say clear
'It is not that you are at fault, but that I did not explain clearly.'
d. sh*ch2ng sh3ng, youde m3i ch% de, y8ude m3i chu`n de.

market in some sell eat DE(a) some sell wear DE(a)
'In the market, some sell food; others sell clothing.'

The above are compounding coordinate complex sentences. In (a) and (d), the clauses are
strung together without the use of any conjunctions, whereas in (b) and (c), a complex
conjunction is used in each. As in the compounding type, successive types of coordinate complex
sentences may be introduced with or without the use of conjunctions. However, different from
the compounding type, sentence order ensures the temporal, spatial and logical sequence of
events in a successive coordinate complex sentence when no conjunctions are used. Typical
conjunctions are such as y% ... ji] ... ...... 'as soon as ... then ...'

(5.106) a. w0 ji3o t`, t` m5i t%ngji3.

I call he he not hear
'I called him, he did not hear me.'
b. l2osh% sh0uxi`n t^w7n, r1nh-u w0me hu^d1.

teacher first question then we answer
'The teacher asked a question first, then we answered.'
c. hu1j* y2nyu1n y^ sh3ngt1i,
gu`nzh-ng bi3n xi2o le q&l1i.

funny actor as-soon-as go-on stage audience then laugh PERF begin
'As soon as the comedian got onto the stage, the audience began to laugh.'

The progressive type is usually constructed using conjunctions such as b{d3n ... 5rqi7 ...
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 185

...... 'not only... but also', and y6 'also'.

(5.107) a. t` b{d3n hu* y%ngy}, 5rqi7 hu* d5y}.

he not-only know English but also know German
'He not only knows English, but also knows German.'
b. n& b{ q], w0 y6 b{ q].

you not go I also not go
'If you do not go, I won't go either.'
c. b]gu`ng n& q], w0 y6 q].

not-only you go, I also go
'Not only will you go, but I will, too.'

Complex sentences of the selective coordinate type state a few choices of events among
which one is to be selected. Examine the following sentences:

(5.108) a. hu-zhe n& l1i, hu-zhe w0 q].

or you come or I go
'Either you come, or I go.'
b. n& y3ome q], y3ome b{ q], ku3i ju5d*ng.

you or go, or not go, quick decide
'You either go or you don't. Make a decision quickly.'

One important quality about Mandarin complex coordinate sentences concerns the so-
called verb gapping (refer to J. Huang 1992 and Tsai 1994 for details). In English, if the clauses
of a coordinate complex sentence share the same verb, the verb can be omitted in the non-initial
clauses. For instance, in You prefer apples; I (prefer) oranges, the second verb prefer can be
omitted. Such verb-gapping process is not allowed in Mandarin. Now examine again the
sentences of (b) and (c) in (5.107), repeated here, with the verbs underscored in both the Mandarin
sentences and their English translations:

(5.109) a. n& b{ q], w0 y6 b{ q].

you not go I also not go
'If you do not go I won't (go) either.'
186 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

b. b]gu`ng n& q], w0 y6 q].

not-only you go I also go
'Not only will you go, but I will (go), too.'

In both cases, the second verb in the English translation can be omitted, but in Mandarin
the sentences would be ungrammatical if it were.

5.6.2 Endocentric Complex Sentences

Clauses in a Mandarin endocentric complex sentence are related in a variety of ways, but
one (or more) of them must be subordinate to another which serves as the main clause of the
complex sentence. The subordinate clauses are usually adverbial clauses that modify the verb of
the main clause in various manners. It may denote its time, condition, reason, consequence, and
so forth, and its position is almost always before the main clauseunlike their English
counterparts. The clauses in endocentric complex sentences are often connected by subordinate
conjunctions, but sometimes they can be connected by adverbs or time nouns. The following
complex sentences contain adverbial clauses of time:

(5.110) a. ti`n h4i y&h-u, t`men hu^ ji` le.

sky dark after, they go home PERF
'When it got dark, they went home.'
b. hu^ ji` y&qi1n, ti`n y&j%ng h4i le.

return home before sky already dark PERF
'It had already turned dark before (someone) went home.'

In both sentences above, there is a time noun, y&h-u 'after' in (a) and y&qi1n
'before' in (b), which connects the two clauses like a conjunction. Note that they appear at the end
of the adverbial clauses rather than at the beginning, unlike their English counterparts. Besides a
time noun, an adverbial clause of time is often connected to the main clause by an adverb, such as
c1i '(not till) then,' y6 'still,' or ji] 'already,' found in the main clause:

(5.111) a. w0 d6ng le y^g7 xi2osh^, t` c1i l1i.

I wait PERF one-CLS hour he then come
'I waited for one (long) hour before he came.'
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 187

b. w0 d6ng le y^ ti`n, t` y6 m5i l1i.

I wait PERF one day he also not come
'I waited for a whole day, but he didn't come.'
c. w0 d6ng le y^hu*r, t` ji] l1i le.

I wait PERF one moment he already come
'I waited for only a moment before he came.'

Sometimes, an adverbial clause of time is linked to the main clause without any type of
overt connectors:

(5.112) a. w0 d6ng le y^g7 xi2osh^, t` l1i le.

I wait PERF one-CLS hour he come PERF
'I waited for one hour before he came.'
b. w0 d6ng le y^ ti`n, t` m5i l1i.

I wait PERF one day he not come
'I waited for one day, and he didn't come.'

In both sentences, the first clause is subordinate, denoting the time of the verb in the main
clause that follows, but in neither clause is an overt conjunctive word found. Now let us see
another type of adverbial clause:

(5.113) a. zh&y3o n& q], t`men ji] q].

if you go they then go
'If you go, they will then go.'
b. zh&y0u n& q], t`men c1i q].

only-if you go they then go
'Only if you go will they go.'
c. ch{f4i n& q], f0uz5 t` b{ q].

unless you go or he not go
'Unless you go, he won't go.'

The subordinate clause in each sentence above is an adverbial clause of condition. In

188 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin, such a clause always appears before the main clause. The two clauses in each are
connected with a complex conjunction, one part of which is found in the subordinate clause (e.g.,
zh&y3o 'if' in (a)), and the other in the main (e.g., c1i 'then' in (a)). Now let us see a third
type of adverbial clause:

(5.114) a. y%nw7i xi3y}, su0y& w0men m5i q].

because it-rains therefore we not go
'Because it rained, we did not go.'
b. y9uy{ t` y-ngg8ng, y%n5r j*nb] ku3i.

because he hard-working therefore progress fast
'Because he is hardworking, he makes quick progress.'

In each sentence here, there is a subordinate clause of reason, which is linked to the
succeeding main clause by a conjunction. The conjunction in such sentences normally has two
parts, one in the subordinate clause and the other in the main clause. Notice that in the English
versions of these sentences, the second part is not used. In the Chinese version, on the other hand,
the first part is sometimes omitted. For instance, (b) in the above can omit y9uy{ 'because'
and be alternatively said as:

(5.115) t` y-ngg8ng, y%n5r j*nb] ku3i.

he hard-working therefore progress fast
'Because he is hardworking, he makes fast progress.'

Adverbial clauses sometimes denote purpose, as they do in the following sentences:

(5.116) a. w7ile w0 sh3ngxu5, b3ba q] m3i c3i.

in-order-that I go to school father go sell vegetables
'In order for me to go to school, father went to sell vegetables.'
b. n& y3o du8 du3nli2n, y*bi3n sh4ngt& h2o.

you want much exercise so-that body good
'You must exercise a lot, so as to be healthy.'

Both subordinate clauses in the above begin with a conjunction: w7ile 'for, in order
that' in (a) and y*bi3n 'in order to/that' in (b). Depending on the conjunctions used, the
subordinate clause may be before the main one (a) or after (b).
Adverbial clauses can denote concession as well:
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 189

(5.117) a. j*ngu2n t` b{ du*, n& y6 d6 f{c9ng.

although he not right you have to obey
'Although he is wrong, you have to obey.'
b. n2p3 sh3ng d`o sh`n, w0 d8u b{ p3.

even-if go-up knife mountain I also not afraid
'Even if I have to go through great danger/obstacles, I will not be afraid.'

The conjunction in both sentences has two parts, j*ngu2n 'although' or n2p3
'even if' in the subordinate clause, which normally occupies the initial position, and y6 'also' or
d8u 'both; all' before the main verb in the main clause.
Finally, look at a special type of endocentric complex sentence:

(5.118) a. shu^ du*, w0men ji] f{c9ng shu^.

who right we then obey who
'We obey anyone that is right.'
b. n2'5r y0u shu&, n2'5r ji] y0u sh4ngm*ng.

where have water where then have life
'Wherever there is water, there is life.'
c. n& sh5nme sh^hou 7, w0 ji] sh5nme sh^hou zu- f3n.

you what time hungry I then what time make food
'Whenever you are hungry, I will cook.'
d. n& z6nme shu8, w0 ji] z6nme zu-.

you how say I then how do
'I will follow whatever you say.'
e. n& ch% sh5nme, w0 ji] sh5nme.

you eat what I then make what
'Whatever you eat, I cook.'
190 Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese

f. w0 zu- sh5nme, n& ch% sh5nme.

I make what you then eat what
'Whatever I cook, you eat.'

One remarkable feature about these complex sentences is that two identical wh-words are
found in each, one in the main clause, and the other in the preceding subordinate. The double
appearance of the wh-word serves a similar function as the suffix ever does in the wh-word
found in the subordinate clauses in similar English complex sentences. The initial position marks
the subordinateness of the clause. Thus meaning of the sentence will change if the two clauses
switch position. For example, the sentences in (e) and (f) contain the same two clauses, but the
subordinate in (e) is the main clause in (f) purely because it is in the initial position in (e) but in
the final position in (f).
Hua Lin A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese 191

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