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HP-6173 Hot Pants Weather Girl by Ray Todd

Chapter 1

There were only two television stations in the small town, and Wayne Marshal was the owner and
manager of one of them. With both stations having network affiliations, their main rating battle was for
viewers on the evening news which was mostly sponsored by local merchants. The battle for higher
ratings during the news period had been going on for years and Wayne Marshal's station had remained a
poor second in the contest.

A rather handsome man in his late forties, he'd bought the station several years ago when he left Los
Angeles where he'd been a network account executive. He'd worked hard, and tried many innovations,
but still trailed his competition in viewers during the evening news.

When he'd come out to take over the station several years ago, he brought Babs Conner along to serve
as his girl Friday, as well as his mistress. She'd been a vibrant little redhead at the time, and now in her
early thirties, Babs was a beautiful young woman and absolutely indispensable to the operation of the
station. Babs Conner had her discreet affairs with her gentlemen friends, but her body was always
available to Wayne whenever he wanted her.

As Wayne's top executive, Babs had her own suite of offices that adjoined his. Because of her sharp
and brilliant mind, the man rarely argued with the woman's decisions.

"Have you received many applicants?" asked Wayne as Babs sat in his office with him one afternoon.

"A few," she sighed. "We're auditioning two girls tomorrow."

"Are they attractive?"

"They appear to be from their photographs," she replied. "But I haven't heard their voices."

"Do you know anything else about them?" asked the man.

"If you're asking if they put out," she giggled, "I didn't ask."

"That's not what I asked," smiled the handsome man. "But it would enhance their chances of getting the

"God, Wayne," Babs laughed. "You get hornier every year."

The couple was discussing the possibility of hiring an attractive girl to do the weather on the news
broadcast. They'd recently hired a young man named Randy Witmore from San Francisco as an anchor
man, but he hadn't increased their viewing audience. Wayne had been very enthusiastic about it when
Babs suggested hiring a pretty local girl to work as weathercaster with Randy Witmore and their sports
announcer. Weather girls had proven very successful in some areas so Wayne was more than willing to
give it a try. They both fully realized that the girl would have to be attractive and have a good personality
as well as a pleasant voice, but it would be worth the trouble if they could find such a person.

"Here are some of the photos they submitted with their applications," smiled Babs, handing him a group
of pictures.

"This is a little doll," grinned Wayne, holding up a photo of a pretty dimpled blonde.

"That's Paula Weston," she answered. "We're auditioning her tomorrow. She's only seventeen and
might be a bit too young, but she's certainly attractive."

Wayne's eyes followed Babs' shapely bare legs as she walked across the room to put the photos away.
The curvaceous redhead always wore extremely short skirts without hose. Returning, she sat down in a
chair across from Wayne and was slightly amused at the way he stared excitedly between her legs as she
crossed her knees.

"What's your schedule for this afternoon?" he casually asked.

"Well," she smiled. "With that look in your eyes, I'll probably be spending it on that couch."

"That's exactly what I had in mind," grinned Wayne, walking across the room to lock the door.

When he returned, Babs had already removed her dress and was standing there in only a brief pair of
blue panties and bra that deliciously accented the creamy whiteness of her practically naked body.
Wayne had been out of town for the past two weeks on a business trip with his wife, and because they
rarely had sex together, the sight of Babs' almost nude body was practically blowing his mind.

"God," he panted, walking toward her. "I've never felt so fuckin' horny in my life. It's hell to go two
weeks without sex. How the hell can you stand it?"

"I didn't try," she giggled, sitting down on the sofa. "I have other men."

"I seem to forget that," he grinned, knowing that the pretty redhead often dated.

"But, Wayne," she whispered. "None of them can fuck as well as you."

The beautiful woman's juicy slit was tingling with anticipation as he stood in front of the couch where she
was so seductively curled. After more than ten years of sex with Wayne, she still always looked forward
to the gentle, yet lusty, way he screwed his big thick cock into her.

"You're prettier every year," he smiled, sitting down next to her on the sofa.

Taking Babs into his arms, Wayne tenderly kissed her, slipping his tongue into the soft wetness of her
sweet fresh mouth. He eased her back gently until Babs' head was resting on the end of the sofa. The
soft smooth plane of her tummy and her little dimpled navel were deliciously exposed above her brief
bikini panties. Feeling his hand brushing lightly along the bare flesh of her inner thighs, Babs parted her
legs, letting one of her legs fall over the front edge of the couch, deliciously exposing the soft mound of
her cunt beneath the stretched material of her flimsy panties.

"Oh, Wayne," she passionately sobbed when he lowered his warm lips down against her soft, naked
thigh. "You sure know how to turn me on."

Closing her eyes, the pure joy flowed through her loins as his lips kissed, nibbled and licked at the
deliciously naked flesh of her soft upper legs.

"Oh, you sweet darling," she whispered, knowing what was going to happen to her next.

Wayne slipped his fingers inside the elastic of her panties, and as she arched her hips up to help him, he
pulled the wispy garment over her sweet, smooth ass, letting them slither down over her ankles.

"Ooooooooh, darling," she whimpered when his hot wet mouth covered her quivering slit as she'd
known he would. "That's it, baby."

Feeling his thick tongue slipping up into the hot moistness of her dripping cunt, Babs began grinding her
juicy pussy up against his sucking mouth.

Spending several sweet minutes licking and sucking the delicious wetness from deep in her twat, he
worked his upper lip against her quivering clitty until the squealing woman was near climax.

"Turn over," he whispered, removing his tongue and lips from her tasty cunt.

Lying on her stomach with her face resting on her forearm, Babs could feel his mouth pushing into the
soft wiggly flesh between the smooth cheeks of her ass. She could feel his hot breath on her shitter as his
tongue teased around her sensitive little asshole. After thoroughly washing the soft flesh around her
quivering bung, he removed his mouth and once more rolled the beautiful redhead onto her back.

Again pressing his face between her lusciously naked thighs, Wayne began rhythmically tonguing her
sweet hot cunt. Babs could feel herself soaring to new heights of ecstasy and knew the talented
cocksman was intent on bringing her to a delicious climax as he always did before fucking her. Trembling
with excitement, she felt him withdraw his tongue from the hot slippery depths of her cunt and begin
flicking it back and forth against her deliciously erect clitty. Pressing her bare thighs against the cheeks
of his face, Babs grasped his head, running her fingers excitedly through his hair, not wanting him to stop
this fantastic tongue-job.

"Jesus, Wayne," she panted, writhing her steamy slit up against his juice-smeared face. "I'm almost there,
baby. Please keep suckin'."

With his tongue swirling around deep in her sopping-hot hole and his upper lip working frantically on her
clit, the man was carrying her closer and closer to an explosive climax. The man had been doing this to
her for over ten years, and each time seemed better than the last.

"Oooooooooooh, darling," she suddenly squealed. "I'm coming! I'M COMING!"

When her glorious orgasm had subsided, Wayne continued tenderly licking and sucking on her delicious

"Jesus, Babs," he whispered. "Your cunt always tastes so fucking good."

Smiling happily, Babs was luxuriating in the beautiful afterglow of her satisfying climax.

When the man finally removed his mouth from her sweet pussy, he stood up and started slowly removing
his clothes. A hot wave of desire washed through her body when Wayne dropped his shorts, revealing
his big familiar prick. It was long, thick and meaty, an organ designed for sucking and licking.

Not only did Wayne have a great cock, but he was a handsome man in his late forties with dark hair
liberally sprinkled with grey, and soft brown eyes that Babs had always thought were the most
compassionate she'd ever seen.

"Oh, you sweet darling," the girl whispered, dropping to her knees in front of him when he sat down on
the sofa. "Here's my favorite lollipop."

As her moist open lips approached his throbbing cockhead, Babs' long red hair brushed across his
naked thighs. Holding the base of his thick prick in her hand, she teasingly blew her moist hot breath
against his big sensitive knob. Opening her soft wet lips, Babs took the end of his cockhead into her
mouth, sucking gently on the tip of it. Lowering her head farther, she felt his big juicy knob sliding toward
the back of her throat. God, how she loved the taste and texture of it when his thick cock-meat was
buried in the wet magic of her mouth.
"God, I love that beautiful prick," she whispered, removing it from her mouth as she began licking her
tongue up and down the entire underside of his throbbing fuck-shaft.

Moving her face farther down, Babs pressed her wet lips up against the soft crinkly skin of his big hairy
nut-sac. Being very gentle, she sucked his nuts in and out of her soft, hot mouth.

While the beautiful woman was mouthing, licking and sucking his balls, Wayne removed her bra and
began gently squeezing and pulling on her big erect nipples. Finally lifting her face from his lusty balls,
Babs began sucking savagely on his big purple cockhead. The man was almost beside himself with the
pure joy the beautiful woman was giving him.

When he could no longer stand the wild ecstasy of her lips sucking on his screaming dick, he yanked it
out of her mouth and fell back across the couch.

"Oh, sweet, sweet Wayne," she panted, scrambling up onto the sofa with the man who was lying prone
on his back. "You're the sweetest guy in the whole fuckin' world."

Facing the man, Babs straddled his loins and lowered her smoldering twat down around the throbbing
bigness of his stiff rod.

"Oh, honey," she whispered, feeling the hot thickness of his meaty cock filling her horny cunt. "Shit, that
big dork feels neat."

Sliding and screwing her slippery slit up and down over the man's rigid fuck-pole, Babs was smiling
lovingly down at him as he gently squeezed and fondled her jiggling tits. After several minutes of pumping
and grinding her hot dripping twat around his thick boner, Babs threw her body forward over his,
rubbing her big hot boobs against the man's hairy chest. With his rigid cock stuffed deep in her
smoldering cunt, Babs squeezed her thighs around his legs, grinding her tingling clitoris down against the
hardness of his big shaft.

As the horny redhead lay on top of him, writhing her frothy twat around his deeply-embedded tool,
Wayne reached down and goosed his fingers into the soft meaty flesh between her luscious asscheeks.
Holding tightly to her cute wiggly ass, he began grinding his hips up, fucking into her with deliciously slow
strokes that soon had her squealing with delight.

"Oh, Wayne," she panted, screwing her wet slit down around the base of his driving cock. "That feels so
good ... so good."

"Jesus, Babs," he sighed. "You're the sexiest woman I've ever known."

"Wayne," whispered the totally aroused woman, "are you going to do that naughty thing to me?"

"Yes, darling," he smiled, knowing how much Babs liked him to stick his finger up her ass when she was
fucking on top.

With his cock grinding around deliciously in her cunt, Wayne slipped the tip of his finger up to the first
knuckle in her sweet hot bum-hole.

"Oh, yes!" she cried with joy. "That's what I want, honey!"

Wiggling his finger around in the slippery hotness of the woman's rectum, he was slamming his dick so
far up her cunt that Babs thought it was reaching almost up to her throat. Her breath coming in wild
gasps, she was grinding her pussy back down around his prick at the same tempo as that of his finger
ripping in and out of her writhing shitter.
From her squeals of joy, Wayne knew that she was on the verge of climaxing and he began thrusting
harder, the entire length of his thick middle finger humming in and out of her asshole with the rapidity of a
machine gun. Ramming his screaming cock harder and harder into her hot sucking cunt, he suddenly
thrust his finger even deeper into her tingling shitter.

"Oh, Christ!" she shrieked. "That did it! I'm gonna come! GONNA COME!"

Feeling her cunt muscles starting to spasm around his cock, Wayne gave two or three lusty strokes into
her exploding fuck-hole as he violently twisted his finger around in her ass.

"Eeeeeeegggghhhh!" she screamed, her climaxing cunt grasping at his plunging dick. "I'm coming, honey!

Suddenly collapsing over his body, Babs felt her cunt throbbing deliciously around the thick length of his
jizz-spewing pecker.

"Oh, shit, baby!" she squealed, feeling his thick rich cum spurting out against the sensitive walls of her
climaxing pussy. "Keep squirting, honey! I love it! I love it!"

It was pure heaven to Wayne as he shot his load up into her hot writhing fuck-hole. Clinging to the lovely
woman above him, his prick continued spewing his abundance of sperm into her until his balls were
completely emptied.

"Oh, God, darling," she panted a few minutes later. "I've never felt anything so fuckin' good in my life.
Jesus, baby, you sure get better with age."

With the beautiful redhead lying perfectly still over his body, Wayne let his cock luxuriate in the hot
wetness of her sperm-filled slit. Babs' pussy muscles were still quivering from her orgasm and Wayne
was thoroughly enjoying the delicious sensation.

"God, baby," she whispered when they finally untangled their wet, sweaty bodies. "If we could have
taped that scene, we'd sure get an audience."

"You're not shittin'," he laughed. "That was fantastic."

"What are you plans for the rest of the afternoon?" asked Babs.

"I plan to stay right in this office and fuck the hell out of you."

"Good," she giggled, stuffing his limp wet prick into her mouth. "I guess I'll have to blow it up again."

"Ummmmm," he moaned as he watched her mouth sliding down onto his cock.

Chapter 2

That evening, Paula Weston was watching the television news with her parents and little sister. The girl
had been absolutely wild about Randy Witmore ever since he joined the station as news anchorman a
few months ago. Knowing that she was auditioning tomorrow for the job as weather girl on the station,
she was almost beside herself with excitement. Paula had answered an ad in the paper, submitting a
picture of herself, and they had arranged for her to audition tomorrow. Even if Paula didn't get the job,
she would at least have the chance to meet the handsome young newscaster in person.

Her big blue eyes were glowing with excitement as she sat staring at the television set. The thought that
she might soon be sitting there with him every evening in front of the camera was blowing her
imagination. Her little sister and parents were almost as excited as she was about tomorrow's audition.

"Are you nervous, darling?" asked her mother, noting the excitement in her daughter's eyes.

"Sorta," she grinned. "I can hardly believe it."

"You'll do fine," smiled her father, proud of his beautiful blonde daughter. "You'll do just fine."

"I hope so," giggled Paula, not taking her eyes away from the screen.

"Would you like to go to a movie with us after dinner?" asked the girl's mother. "It might relax you a bit."

"No thanks," Paula smiled. "Rex is coming over for a little while this evening."

Paula had been going steady with Rex Walker, a big handsome dark-haired boy for almost a year, and
was extremely fond of him. Unlike her little fourteen-year-old sister, Jenny, who unknown to the rest of
the family had been fucking like a mink since she was twelve, Paula was a seventeen-year-old virgin.

Paula was no prude about sex, and she always loved it when Rex played and sucked on her titties. She
enjoyed fondling and rubbing the big hard bulge in the front of his pants, but the thought of having a cock
stuffed into her cunt thoroughly terrorized the girl. Rex understood how Paula felt about it, and he was
content just to feel and hold the beautiful young girl in his arms.

Whenever Paula mentioned to her little sister that she wouldn't let boys go too far with her, Jenny
thought she was a sap. The little fourteen-year-old had screwed every kid in the neighborhood, and she
considered fucking as the neatest thing in the world. She couldn't understand why her big sister thought it
was so great to be a stupid virgin when there were so many nice hard cocks around.

Watching Paula as she stared at the television set, her mother was deeply touched by the girl's beauty.
Paula usually wore jeans, but this evening she was wearing a short summer skirt that revealed the beauty
of her slim, curvaceous legs. The girl was of medium height with a stunning shape and a huge set of tits
that were almost obscenely large for her trim figure. She had a heart-shaped face with deep dimples
around her full soft mouth, and her large eyes were an unusually deep blue. Her hair was a golden
blonde that cascaded almost halfway down her back.

Later that night when her little sister and parents had left for the movie, Paula settled down in a chair,
waiting for Rex. When he finally arrived, they sat watching television and talking about Paula's audition.

"Well," smiled Rex, putting his arm around her. "I hope you don't forget all about me when you're

"Don't be silly," she giggled, feeling his hand cupping her full tit through the thin material of her blouse.
"You're the neatest guy in the world."

Removing his hand from her luscious big boob, he drew the girl's soft young body up tight against him.
With their lips locked in a deep passionate kiss, she could feel the pressure of his chest against her
nipples as his hand lightly moved up and down her back. Her little twat was soon itching with
excitement, and the moist heat between her legs seemed to be flowing through her entire body.

Feeling the hardness of his bulge pressing against her belly through their clothes, Paula suddenly had a
crazy desire to see and touch his cock. This was something she'd never done before, and the more she
thought about it, the stronger the desire became. She knew she couldn't do this because it would only
encourage him to want to fuck her, and that was something she wanted to stay away from.
With their lips welded in a warm lingering kiss, his hands were roaming all over her body, up and down
her back, over her hips and up between her bare thighs.

"Oh, Rex," she panted excitedly when he slipped his hand under her

blouse, moving it up over the flesh of her belly and chest until he

touched her boobs. "That makes me feel so naughty,"

Not wearing a bra, she quivered with joy as he grasped her big lush tits, tenderly teasing and squeezing
her erect nipples between his fingers. As he gently toyed with her sensitive titty-buds, she ground her
smoldering crotch up against his. This was something she'd never done before and it was wildly erotic to
feel his cock throbbing through their clothes against her pussy, once more giving her that wild desire to
touch his prick.

Realizing how aroused the girl seemed to be, Rex removed his hand from her luscious knockers and
slipped it up between her soft naked thighs.

"Oh, Rex," she whispered weakly when he forced his thick middle finger up through the crotch of her
little bikini panties. "Please don't touch me down there."

Paula had never allowed him to touch her between the legs, but tonight, despite her mild protests, she
had a naughty desire for him to play with her pussy.

"Please don't," she argued feebly, writhing her body up against him as she felt his blunt finger easing into
the scalding hotness of her slippery young slit.

Her entire body was quivering with excitement as the invading digit slithered farther up into the hot
slickness of her smoldering twat.

"Oh, you shouldn't," she whispered, clinging tightly to him when he began rhythmically pumping his finger
in and out between the juicy folds of her hot dripping cuntlips. "That isn't nice."

"But I'll bet it feels good," he panted excitedly.

"It does," she giggled, grinding her twat around his finger. "But we shouldn't be doing this."

Removing his finger from her slippery pussy, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties,
and when she obligingly arched her hips up, he pulled them down over her cute little ass, dropping them
onto the floor. Paula couldn't understand why she'd allowed him to do it, let alone assisting him, but
when her little virginal cunt was fully exposed, a delicious thrill raced through her loins. This was the first
time a boy had ever gazed at her twat and Paula was finding it extremely exciting.

"Oh, Rex," she sobbed when he began thrusting his finger in and out of her frothy young slit. "That feels

"How d'ya like this?" grinned the boy as he began lightly rubbing her clit.

"Oh, God!" she shrieked. "I love it! I love it!"

Knowing that the inexperienced girl was on the verge of a wild climax, he removed his finger from her
clit to postpone her orgasm, and then he plunged it deep into the clinging hotness of her dripping cunt.
Paula knew it was wrong, but it was bringing her more intense pleasure than she'd ever experienced. The
girl had occasionally fingered herself off, but it certainly hadn't compared to this. As the boy continued
his delicious thrusts, the lovely little blonde spread her thighs as far as possible, giving him complete
access to her hot dripping slit.

"Oh, baby!" she sobbed when the delicious ecstasy mounted in her flaming loins. "It's so good ... so

Because of her infrequent experiences with masturbation, Paula realized that she was rapidly
approaching an orgasm. Grasping him tightly in her arms, she covered his lips with her hot open mouth.
Their slippery tongues passionately entwined as she opened her thighs even wider so as not to obstruct
the delicious strokes of his juice-coated finger.

"Oh, God!" she panted. "Faster, honey, faster!"

The girl was now frantically grinding her loins up to meet every lusty plunge of the boy's middle finger as
her naked little ass writhed around on the cushion in wild little circles, the joy increasing throughout her
entire body.

"Oh, Rex!" she screamed, grasping at his hard cock through the material of his jeans. "I'm gonna come,
honey! Gonna come!"

"Good!" he panted, vigorously rubbing her clitty. "Let yourself go!"

"Ooooooooooh, baby!" she cried out, her entire young body trembling with the wild spasms of her
violent orgasm. "I'm coming! Coming!


It was several moments before the girl finally gained control of herself.

"Jesus," she whispered, still clinging to the boy's hard cock through his pants. "I've never felt anything so

Feeling his thick rod throbbing against her hand through his jeans, Paula once more had a wild desire to
see and touch his naked dong.

"H-Honey," she stammered. "May I see your prick?"

"What?" he gasped, unable to believe that Paula would ask such a question.

"May I see your thing?" she repeated.

"Hell, yes," was his enthusiastic reply as he stood up and quickly removed his jeans.

The beautiful girl stared excitedly at the way the outlines of his hard boner pushed out the front of his
shorts like a tent pole, and she let out an audible gasp when he dropped his shorts, revealing a cock to
her for the first time in her life. Her amazed eyes first focussed on his big shiny cockhead, and then
traveled down the thickness of his throbbing shaft to the lusty balls that were covered with a growth of
dark, crinkly hair.

Paula had a general idea of what she was going to see, but the bigness of his prick thoroughly shocked
her. Staring at it, she couldn't imagine how anything that huge could ever fit into a pussy.

"Touch it," he encouraged her, sitting down beside Paula on the sofa, his lusty boner spearing up from
between his legs.
When the timid girl made no move, Rex tenderly took her hand and wrapped her fingers around the hard
hotness of his throbbing shaft.

"God," she gasped as her trembling fingers clung to the thick meatiness of his cock. "It feels all hot and
funny, but I kinda like it."

Clinging to his tool, Paula found it wildly erotic to feel the hot blood pulsing through the extended veins
that were throbbing just beneath his tightly-stretched cock-skin. Staring at the big purple knob on the
end of his shaft, she gently ran her fingers up and down the length of his cock, thrilled with the firm
thickness of it, but best of all was the feel of the smooth velvety skin that covered his prick.

"D'ya like my cock?" he grinned, thoroughly enjoying the touch of her soft fingers on his throbbing boner.

"God, yes," she whispered. "I didn't dream that pricks were so big."

Admiring his nice big dick as she held it in her hand, Paula suddenly had a wild desire to have it stuffed
up into her cunt, but the frightening size of it terrified her.

"Paula," the boy panted excitedly. "Will you bring me off?"

"How do I do it?" she asked.

"Like this," said Rex, wrapping her fingers around his stiff rod again.

"Just slide my foreskin up and down over my cock."

After Rex guided her hand up and down over his prick a few times, Paula soon had the knack of it and
found it wildly exciting to see the young man jerking and twisting in ecstasy. Paula soon discovered that
when she occasionally changed the tempo of her strokes, it seemed to further excite him.

"Oh, honey," he panted, writhing around crazily on the couch. "That's the way! Oh, shit, that feels good!"

Grasping the base of his thick dong in her hand, Paula began instinctively teasing his sensitive cockhead
against her soft cheeks, under her chin, against her ears and even through her long blonde hair.

"Jesus!" the boy sobbed. "That feels so fucking good."

"I'm glad," smiled Paula.

The girl was thoroughly enjoying Rex's big hard cock. Looking up at his face as she resumed gently
stroking his delicious hard-on, she could see his eyes rolling up crazily at the ceiling as his panting mouth
gaped open. A feeling of power flowed through her body when she realized the intense pleasure a
woman could bring to a man. She soon found that when she rapidly stroked him, the boy began lurching
wildly, and when she slowed it down to practically nothing, he begged for more. From what Paula had
read and heard, she knew that his cock would eventually shoot out a wad of jizz and then go limp, so
she was trying to postpone this as much as possible, wanting his wonderful tool to stay nice and hard.
She would tease him up to the point where his writhing body told her he was about to climax, then she'd
let him slide slowly back, only to bring him close to it time after time again.

"Please, Paula!" he begged when she once more released his cock, knowing he was about to explode
his load. "Don't stop, honey! For God's sake, bring me off! I'm almost there-almost there!"

"I know, honey," she whispered. "But take it easy for a minute."

Writhing around on the sofa, Rex was almost out of his mind from the delicious pleasure the girl's soft
hands were giving him. Completely carried away by the joy of playing with his big hard boner, Paula
dropped to the floor in front of him. Kneeling between his outstretched legs, she could see his big lusty
balls exposed between his open thighs. The sight of the thick hair and crinkly skin of his big bloated
nut-sac made her wet little cunt tingle with excitement.

Still stroking his throbbing prick-shaft with one hand, she slowly eased the free one under his balls, and
gently cupping the underside of his big sperm-swollen bag in her palm, she began tenderly massaging his
nuts with her fingers.

"Oh, shit!" he gasped with joy. "That's it, honey! Pissin' Jesus, that feels good!"

"Does it really?" she whispered, happy that she could bring him such obvious pleasure.

Suddenly seeing the puckered ring of his asshole just beneath his massive balls, she had a crazy desire to
penetrate it with her finger, but she was afraid that he would think her obscene. Still stroking his
magnificent cock, she began lightly teasing her finger around the perimeter of his sensitive bung.

"Oh, Christ!" he gasped, feeling her lewd digit probing around his quivering shitter. "Shit, that feels good!"

"Do you really like it?" whispered Paula, brushing the very tip of her finger against his hot asshole.

"Jesus, yes!" he exploded. "Stick your finger up my ass!"


"Because I want it!" shouted the young man. "Please do it."

"Oh, you naughty boy," she giggled. "Are you serious?"

"Fuck, yes!" he cried. "Shove it in! Ram it up my ass!"

"Okay," she whispered excitedly. "You asked for it, and here it comes."

"YEOWWWWWWWW!" he bellowed when Paula gave a wild thrust and drilled the entire length of
her middle finger up to her palm in his tight hot rectum. "Holy Christ, that feels good!"

With her other hand streaking up and down his cock, Paula's invading finger twisted around deep in his
bung, rubbing deliciously against his prostate, making him writhe in ecstasy on the couch. Wild with
erotic excitement, hot pussy juices were seeping out of her aroused little slit and dripping wetly down her
bare thighs. With her skewering finger embedded deep in his quivering ass, she was pumping faster and
faster on the lurching boy's screaming cock.

"AAAAAAUUUUGGGHH!" he roared when the hot white stream of cum gushed out of his exploding
cockhead, splattering all over Paula's hair, face and tits.

Paula had been waiting for the load to squirt out, but she hadn't been prepared for the huge amount of it.
When the young man collapsed back on the sofa, she stared with unbelieving eyes as spurt after spurt
belched onto his belly from his jerking prick. With her face and upper body completely drenched with
his fuck-cream, she began massaging it into her skin. Completely aroused by the excitement of his
ejaculation, her pussy was dripping with lust.

"God, that was neat," the boy finally smiled, taking her little cum-soaked body into his arms and pressing
it against his.

"I'm glad," she whispered as their mouths melted together in a hot kiss of passion.
Clinging to the handsome boy, her pussy was burning with desire. Paula had never felt so completely
aroused in her entire life.

"Rex," she panted, tenderly squeezing his limp wet prick. "Will you finger-fuck me again, honey? Please
bring me off."

"Shit, yes," he grinned, rolling the horny girl onto her back. "That will be a pleasure."

"Oh, darling," she sobbed when the boy plunged the length of his finger up into the slick hotness of her
dripping slit. "That's it, honey! Make me come again! Make me come!"

Her entire body was glowing with ecstasy as his finger played a delicious tune on her lust-hardened
clitty. With every thrust, she was floating higher and higher on a turbulent cloud of stormy passion.

"Oh, God!" she suddenly shrieked. "I'm coming! I'M COMING!"

As she finally recovered from her glorious orgasm, she knew that the next time she was with Rex, her
virginity would come to an end. They couldn't do it tonight because her folks would soon be home, but
she was eagerly looking forward to the time when they could be alone. She hoped it would be soon.

Chapter 3

Paula was shaking with excitement when she entered the television station the next day for her audition,
but her mind was still on Rex's big hard cock. Thinking about it, she wished she'd let him fuck her last
night. The thought of having his neat hard cock stuffed up between her legs was making her virginal twat
drip with lust.

"Hi," she smiled nervously as she walked up to the pretty young lady at the reception desk.

"May I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"I'm Paula Weston," said the nervous girl. "I'm auditioning for the weather-girl job."

"Oh, yes, Paula," beamed the young lady behind the desk. "Miss Conner is expecting you. Just walk
through that door at the end of the hall."

When Paula entered the woman's office, she was startled by Babs' beauty.

"Hello, Paula," smiled the lovely redhead when the girl walked shyly in. "You're even prettier than your
picture. I'm Babs Conner. Won't you please sit down?"

After only a few minutes of light conversation, Paula was completely at ease.

"Have you ever done any work in front of a camera?" Babs finally asked her.

"No," admitted Paula. "And I'm half scared to death."

"There's nothing to be scared about," the woman assured her. "You're a beautiful young girl and I'm sure
you'll photograph well."

After another few minutes of chatter, Babs picked up the phone and asked Wayne Marshal to come in
and meet Paula.

"Mr. Marshal owns the station," she said to the girl as she put the phone down. "I'm sure you will like
That was the understatement of the year, because when Wayne Marshal entered the room, Paula was
completely overwhelmed with the older man's charm and good looks.

"You are a very lovely young lady," he smiled, extending his hand when Babs introduced them. "I'm sure
your audition will go quite well."

"Thank you," Paula blushed, excited by the way the handsome man tenderly clung to her fingers.

Paula was wearing a blouse and skirt, and the girl was conscious of the way Babs was studying her
figure as the three of them walked down to the sound studio where she was to audition.

"That's quite a pair of boobs," smiled the lovely redhead, "I'd loosen the top two buttons of your blouse
for the audition. Let the camera get a bit of your cleavage."

After Babs had introduced her to the camera crew, she handed Paula an old weather script.

"Just sit down behind that desk and read it through a few times," she suggested.

"Where's Randy Witmore?" asked Paula as she sat down behind the familiar desk that she'd seen so
many times on television.

"It's not necessary for him to be here for an audition," Babs explained.

Disappointed that she wasn't going to meet the handsome young newscaster, Paula began reading her

"Are you ready?" asked Babs a few minutes later when Paula had read the weather report several times.

"I guess so," she answered in a nervous voice.

"Okay," Babs smiled. "Just try not to be nervous. Watch the red light on camera two, and when it comes
on, start reading. Look up at the camera as much as possible when you read."

Up in the control room, the director was talking over the microphone to the crew who were all wearing

"Roll the tape," he called out. "And record the slate."

After a few moments had passed, he started the countdown and when it was completed, he flipped the
switch for camera two. When the red light flashed on, Paula began reading the weather report in a rather
tight nervous voice. The director let her read for a minute or so before he cut.

"Paula," he called down to her on the intercom. "Try to relax a little.

You're a bit uptight, dear. Just take it easy and read a little slower.

Okay, stand by for another cut."

This time she seemed much more relaxed and after a couple of minutes, he directed camera two to zoom
in tighter on the girl.

"My God," gasped the audio man who was sitting in the control room with the director. "Look at those

"Jesus," grinned the director. "Those are some melons."

He let the tape run a few more seconds before he cut and walked down onto the studio floor.

"That was much better," he smiled, walking up to the desk where Paula was sitting. "But can you show
us a little more of your boobs?"

"What?" blushed the nervous little blonde.

"Unbutton your blouse a little more," he continued. "And open it wider."

Aware of what the director wanted, Babs walked over and rearranged the front of Paula's braless
blouse. Barely covering the girl's nipples with it, she left most of her big lush tits deliciously exposed.

"That's better," smiled the director when Babs was finished with the girl. "Let's try it again."

When the tape was once more rolling, the audio man grinned. "Her voice is nice and pleasant."

"Who the fuck cares," the director laughed excitedly. "She'll get a helluva male audience with those tasty

"You're not shittin'," the audio man smiled. "She can walk into my living room any evening with my
weather report."

They shot three or four more takes before deciding the audition was over.

"Okay," smiled Wayne Marshal who'd been down on the studio floor watching the taping session.
"That's it, Paula. They're all finished."

"Was it all right?" she nervously asked.

"We'll soon see," answered Wayne, and then turning toward the control room. "Hey, Lance, play it back
on the studio monitor."

Paula was shocked when she suddenly saw herself on the screen. It made her blush to see the big
expanse of bare flesh between her tits, but she secretly liked her sexy appearance.

"What do you think?" asked Wayne, looking over at Babs.

"I think she'll work out great," she beamed. "We'll have to give her some training, but those boobs
should sure add to our newscasts."

"Do I get the job?" Paula asked excitedly as the three of them walked down the hall toward his office.

"We still have other girls to audition," he explained. "But I think the job will be yours."

After they'd discussed the subject for a few minutes in Wayne's office, Babs excused herself for an
appointment she had with an important sponsor.

"You're a very pretty little girl," smiled Wayne when Babs had gone.

"Thank you, Mr. Marshal," she smiled, pleased at the attention the man was giving her.

Seated on a sofa across from his desk, Paula's blouse was still open, showing her luscious boobs. Her
smooth upper thighs were also deliciously exposed beneath her short skirt. She was a bit embarrassed at
the way he was staring up between her legs, but she found it quite flattering, and it was rather exciting
that such an important man was interested in her. Maybe it was her imagination, but Paula felt that this
handsome older man was lusting after her.

"You have very pretty legs," he spoke after a brief interval of silence.

"I'm glad you like them," she grinned, recrossing them to give him a better view of her thighs.

Rising from behind his desk, the man walked across the room and gently grasped Paula's shoulders,
lifting the girl to her feet. Tenderly taking her beautiful young face between his hands, he casually stared
down at her delicious figure, his cock stirring wildly in his pants. Wayne had fucked plenty of lovely
young ladies in his life, but this was the sweetest, freshest youngster he'd ever seen.

The feel of his gentle hands against her face and the burning passion in his eyes sent a warm wetness
flowing in her loins. When he drew her toward him, Paula eagerly offered the man her softly parted lips.
She felt a warm glow spreading through her entire young body when his tongue slipped hotly into her
mouth. As he held her close to him, Paula could feel his cock throbbing against her belly through their

"You know I'm going to fuck you, don't you?" he whispered when their lips finally parted.

"Yes," she answered in a soft voice. "I know you are."

Why shouldn't she let this wonderful man take her virginity? After all, he wasn't a mere mortal. He was a
powerful man who owned a television station and she was now in show biz. She'd often read about how
people in this business always fucked their way to the top, and today she'd launch her career on this
handsome man's couch.

"I'm going to grind my cock all around in your sweet little cunt," he continued in a hoarse whisper. "I'm
going to fuck you deep and hard, and then I'm going to fill your cute little belly full of hot cum."

The extremely naive girl was strangely thrilled by his words, excited by his use of such obscene, but vivid
language. His lewd words seemed to stimulate the girl, adding fire to the lust that was already burning in
her dripping slit.

Paula momentarily thought about telling him she was a virgin, but decided against it because in a very
short time she wouldn't be one anyway.

"God," he whispered, slowly unbuttoning the rest of her blouse. "I'm going to fuck the shit out of your
cute little twat."

"Oh, yes," the girl panted, thrilled by his use of lewd language. "I want you to fuck the shit out of my hot

Paula was finding it highly erotic and very exciting to be using this obscene language in front of the lusting

"God, what a pair of tits," he whispered hungrily when he'd removed her blouse.

Next he unzipped her skirt and peeled it down over her curvaceous young hips. Picking the teenager's
soft little body up in his arms, Wayne carried the youngster over to the couch.

"You sweet fuckin' angel," he panted as he laid her down on the soft cushions.

Spread out almost naked on the sofa, except for her little bikini panties, Paula stared up at the handsome
man as he slowly began disrobing. She had known him for less than an hour and he was about to pluck
her cherry, and now as he dropped his shorts, Paula was more than pleased by the sight of only the
second hard cock she'd ever seen.

Lying down beside the youngster, he drew her trembling body into his arms, burying his face in the soft
deep valley between her big luscious tits. Quivering with a wanton lust, Paula could feel the hot wetness
of his lips tasting the soft flesh of her beautiful knockers. Thinking about a cock being stuffed up between
her legs for the first time in her life, Paula felt a gush of cunt juice seeping out of her aroused slit.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Marshal," she whispered when he slowly sucked one of her hard tingling nipples into his

Tossing her head back, the young girl's long blonde hair cascaded beautifully over the cushion.
Trembling with anticipation, she closed her eyes, letting the incredible good feeling of his sucking lips
flow all through her young body.

While the man was deliciously working on her erect titty-buds with his hot mouth, he dropped a hand
between her legs and slowly moved it up along her inner thighs. The still room was filled with the erotic
slurping sound of his sucking lips on her juicy nipples as his fingers teased up between her legs, getting
ever closer to her steamy crotch.

Paula felt a trickle of warm moisture dripping into her soaked panties as his finger moved closer to her

"Oh, God," she panted, finally feeling his fingers moving over the soft hairy mound beneath her wet

Spreading her thighs wider apart, Paula felt his thick masculine finger slipping up through the leg opening
of her panties, eagerly seeking the hot wetness of her slippery little slit. It felt deliciously wicked to her
when this older man's sophisticated finger parted the tendrils of her damp pussy hair and slithered up into
the scalding wetness of her juice-slickened twat.

"Ooooooooooh, Mr. Marshal," she panted, screwing her hot young cunt up around the base of his
embedded finger. "That makes me feel so naughty."

Closing her eyes, the young girl was luxuriating in ecstasy, feeling the delicious stroking motion of his
thick middle finger floating in and out through the soft slippery folds of her hot sucking cuntlips.
Screwing her frothy little slit up around his plunging finger, wave after wave of erotic pleasure flowed
through her little passion-aroused body.

"Ooooooooh, Mr. Marshal," she panted, feeling his teasing mouth sucking and pulling on her swollen
nipples as his finger continued skewering around in the hot moistness of her dripping twat. "That feels so
good- so good."

Each time he withdrew his finger from the hot depths of her cunt, he would slip it up high between her
pussy-lips, gently teasing her hard little clitty until the girl began squealing from the intense pleasure.

"Oh, God, Mr. Marshal," she finally sobbed, reaching for his thick hard dong. "Please put it in me. I can't
wait any longer."

Paula fully realized that this first time would probably be quite painful, yet she simply had to feel that
beautiful big cock in her cunt.

"Please," she repeated.

She could feel her heart pounding hard when he slipped his hand beneath the elastic waistband of her
panties and peeled the wisp of damp nylon down over her sweet soft ass and legs. With her luscious
pussy now bared naked to him, she could see the wild lust in his eyes as he stared hungrily at the juicy
slit that was peeking up wetly at him from the soft nest of golden pussy hairs.

Kneeling between her soft open thighs, Wayne clutched the base of his bloated shaft and eased his
cockhead up between the hot wetness of her slippery cuntlips. Paula had never had a prick in her twat,
yet she had absolutely no fear of this man's big throbbing boner, and she couldn't wait to feel it stuffed up
between her legs.

Completely unaware that this sexy little blonde was a virgin, he flexed his ass muscles and drove the
entire length of his thick cock all the way up into her slippery hole with one long swoop.

The cunt-splitting pain was so intense that Paula couldn't even cry out. The agony of it seemed to numb
her whole body, and then as feeling began returning, she felt nothing but pleasure as her tight little cunt
closed deliciously around his thick meaty cock.

"Ooooooooooh, Mr. Marshal," she whispered as tears of passion filled her eyes. "That feels so good."

"Oh, baby," he panted. "Are you gonna get a fucking."

"I know! I know!" she sobbed, excited by his use of obscene words.

"Tell me about it," he panted.

"You're gonna fuck that big hard cock in and out of my hot little cunt," she whispered, excited at the
sound of these lewd words coming out of her own mouth.

"And then what?" he asked excitedly.

"Your beautiful big cock is gonna fill my belly full of fuck-cream," she continued, her foul language
strangely arousing her.

"You bet it is!" he panted, partially withdrawing his thick shaft for another thrust.

"Oh, yes!" she squealed with joy when his stiff boner plowed back up into her hot little fuck-hole again.
"Fuck me good, honey! God, how my cunt loves that big hard cock!"

Slowly pumping his throbbing boner in and out of her little teenaged pussy, Wayne reached around her
hips and cupped his palms around the delicious softness of her wiggly little asscheeks. Goosing his
fingers into the soft crack between her sweet buns, he continued fucking his stiff rod into the steaming
hotness of her young pussy, each thrust bringing a more intense pleasure to her writhing body.

"Ooooooooh, Mr. Marshal!" she shrieked, half-crazed by the wild ecstasy. "I love that fuckin' cock of
yours! Oh, shit, I love it! I LOVE IT!"

In all his years of chasing pussy, Wayne Marshal had never met anyone like this hot little blonde who
was writhing so wildly beneath him. As he drove his big dick into the youngster, she was fucking back
like a savage animal. He'd never experienced anything like the way she was cursing and clawing at him
as she ground the hot wetness of her tight little cunt up around the length of his cock.

"Oh, you sweet fuckin' darling," sobbed Paula, feeling his broad chest rubbing back and forth against the
soft pliant flesh of her big-nippled tits while his thick meaty prick drilled deeply into the hot depths of her
tight sucking little cunt.
Wanting him to drive his big slippery dork even deeper into her writhing belly, Paula pulled her knees
back and locked her ankles around his back, screwing her feverish loins up to give him more penetration.

"Oh, sweet fuckin' piss!" screamed the youngster. "Give it to me good, Mr. Marshal. Fuck the shit out of

In response to her frantic urging, Wayne increased the force and tempo of his plunging cock, feeling the
hotness of her juicy cunt sucking and clinging to his pistoning boner.

"That's it, you sweet fucker!" she squealed with joy, grinding her frothy little slit up tighter around the
base of his plunging rod. "Goddamn, can you fuck, baby! Jesus, what a cock!"

The lovely girl's face was covered with a mask of fiery lust, her deliciously naked body writhing with
passion. She was no longer aware of anything except the big shaft of hard male meat that was driving in
and out of her hot sucking cunt. She could feel every ridge, vein and bump on his glorious dong as it
plowed into her simmering loins.

"Oh, fuckin' Jesus, Mr. Marshal!" she cried. "I love your cock, honey!


On the brink of her rapidly-approaching orgasm, the girl dug her bare heels into the crack of his ass to
urge him on.

"Oh, sweet darling!" squealed Paula, tearing at his bare shoulders with her nails. "I'm almost there!
Almost there!"

Feeling his own ejaculation building up deep in his balls, Wayne began drilling harder and deeper into the
deliciously hot depths of her slippery fuck-hole.

"Oh, fuck!" she screamed, pounding his back with her little fists.

"Make me come, honey, make me come!"

Giving a last vicious plunge, Wayne's big lusty cockhead spewed a torrent of thick hot jizz into her cunt,
triggering the child's wild orgasm.

"That's it, baby!" she shrieked, feeling a man's cum squishing into her belly for the first time. "I'm coming!

Later, as the exhausted girl lay in his arms, slowly recovering from her wonderful orgasm, she felt like
kicking herself in the ass for waiting so long. If she'd known how wonderful it was, she'd have started
fucking years ago.

Chapter 4

Wayne Marshal called Paula early the next morning, telling her that they'd cancelled further auditions
because he wanted her to be the weather girl.

"Really!" she squealed with joy.

"Yes," he laughed. "Could you drop by the station this afternoon so we can discuss the arrangements?"

"Gosh, yes," Paula beamed. "Am I gonna get fucked again?"

"I had that in mind," he teased. "How do you feel about it?"

"I feel like fuckin'," giggled the girl.

For the next few weeks, Paula was spending almost all of her time at the television station. There were
hours of picture-taking for promotional photos that would be used on billboards, posters and
newspapers promoting her debut as weather girl. Every photo accented her nearly naked breasts that
were exposed as much as decency would allow. They tried many hair styles and finally decided that
letting it fall straight as Paula had always worn it was the most flattering.

A speech teacher was brought in from San Francisco to work with the girl's delivery. She spent three
hours a day with the teacher, her voice and delivery improving with every lesson.

Even with her busy schedule, Wayne Marshal managed to have her in his office with him for at least an
hour each afternoon.

"Gee, Mr. Marshal," she whispered to him one day as she lay naked with him on his couch, gently
caressing the limp wet prick that had just filled her dripping cunt with thick white sperm. "I've never been
so happy in my life."

"I'm glad," he smiled, feeling his cock starting to stir again in her fingers.

"Have you decided when our newscasts will start?" she asked him.

"Yes," he answered. "It will debut on the seventh of next month. The billboards and posters are going up
day after tomorrow which will give us exactly three weeks to promote it."

"I can hardly wait," she giggled, still toying with the limp prick that was rapidly swelling between her

"Are you nervous about it?" asked Wayne.

"Not any more," she whispered. "But you're a naughty man."


"You're gettin' another hard-on," she giggled.

"Well, I'll be damned," he teased. "I think I am. What shall we do about it?"

"You can stick it in my hot little cunt," whispered the girl.

"Would you like that?"

"Shit, yes," giggled Paula. "Balling with you is my favorite hobby."

When they'd finished their second fuck of the afternoon, Paula hurried home for dinner. She didn't have
much time because Babs was picking her up at seven o'clock so they could review recent tapes of some
weather girls from other parts of the country.

"Are you going out again tonight?" asked Paula's mother when she saw how rapidly the girl was bolting
her food down.

"Yes." she answered. "Miss Conner is picking me up to review some tapes."

"My God, honey," her mother sighed. "When are you ever going to get some time for yourself?"

"I don't know," the girl admitted. "Probably not until after the broadcasts start."

"When do they start?" asked her little sister, Jenny, who'd been eating quietly.

"On the seventh of next month," Paula replied as she got up from the table.

"I'll be glad of that," sighed her mother. "You're wearing yourself out."

"Don't worry about me," called Paula, rushing out of the house when she heard Bab's horn honking.

Later that evening when her parents had gone over to visit some friends, little fourteen-year-old Jenny
slumped down in a chair. Feeling horny as usual the youngster decided to masturbate for a while.
Most of the boys in the neighborhood who usually fucked her were on their summer vacations and her
juicy little cunt was filled with nothing but frustration.

Pulling her panties off, she dropped them on the floor by the chair. Lifting her short skirt up, she leaned
her head back against the cushion and began working her finger in and out of her slit, making certain to
rub it against her hard little clitoris with every stroke. Closing her eyes, she tried to visualize that a nice
stiff dick was gliding in and out of her slippery little slit.

Writhing around in the chair, she was close to a wild climax when the doorbell rang.

"Oh, shit," she said to herself, pulling her finger out of the juicy hotness of her cunt.

"Hi, Jenny," smiled Rex Walker when she opened the door.

"Hello, Rex," she answered, her face damp and flushed from the neat finger-fuck she'd been giving

"Is Paula home?" he asked, stepping into the room.

"Nope," she answered, closing the door behind him and returning to her chair.

"Are you expecting her soon?" asked Rex, sitting down on a sofa opposite the child.

"She had to go back to the television station," explained Jenny.

"She's there almost all the time."

"I know," grinned the boy who hadn't seen Paula since the night she had jacked him off, "I haven't seen
her for two weeks."

"I wouldn't worry," smiled Jenny, walking over and sitting down next to him on the couch.

"I'm not worried," Rex sighed. "I just miss her."

"What's to miss about a dumb virgin?" giggled Jenny.

"What do you mean?" he asked, startled by the little girl's remark.

"Just what I said," she grinned. "I know my sister doesn't put out and I'll bet you're dying for a hot fuck."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jenny had always seemed to be such a sweet little girl, and
here she was, talking about fucking.
"Well," she continued, "don't you ever get horny without a piece of ass?"

"You shouldn't talk like that," he answered, rising to leave.

"Don't go," she whispered, grasping his hand and pulling the boy back down on the sofa with her. "I
wanta fuck."

"Are you crazy?" he asked, staring at the shocking child.

"Nope," she giggled. "Just horny."

"You're nuts," he exclaimed.

"You're the one that's nuts," she giggled, reaching over and touching the front of his jeans. "What have
you got against fuckin'?"

"Nothing," he snapped, trying to push her hand away. "But not with a fourteen-year-old brat."

"That's because you've never fucked a little fourteen-year-old brat," she whispered, still clinging
desperately to the soft lump in his pants. "We're pretty juicy."

"Good for you," he laughed. "But no thanks."

"How old are you, Rex?" she suddenly asked.

"Nineteen," he answered.

"How old were you the first time you ever screwed a girl?"

"Fifteen or sixteen," replied Rex.

"How old was the lucky girl?" she asked.

"Fourteen or fifteen."

"See," she giggled. "I'm not too young to fuck."

"But I'm nineteen now," he argued.

"Big deal," she laughed, pleased to feel his cock stirring in her grasp.

Rex couldn't understand what had happened to Jenny. He'd always thought she was such a nice little kid
and here she was grabbing at his cock and talking about fucking.

"Come on, Rex," she teased. "If you've been true to my dumb sister, you must be dying for a hot fuck."

"Not from you!" he snapped.

"Okay," she whispered, still rubbing his cock. "How would you like me to jack you off?"

"Shit, kid," he stared at her. "You've really flipped."

"Please let me give you a hand-job," she begged, quickly lowering his zipper and yanking his half-hard
prick out.

"When the hell did you start playing with cocks?" he stammered, secretly enjoying the feel of her soft
cool fingers around his dong.

"When I was twelve," she giggled. "I let Peter Wilson fuck me."

Rex knew that he should get the hell out of the house, but he didn't have the willpower to remove her
fingers from his rapidly-swelling cock.

"Please, Rex," she whispered. "Let's get rid of your big hot load in my cunt."


"Why not?"

"Because you're just a kid," he answered weakly as the girl skimmed his foreskin up and down over his

"Does this feel like a kid's cunt?" whispered Jenny, taking his hand and thrusting it up between her bare

The young man almost shit his pants with excitement when the tip of his finger touched the hot juiciness
of her sweet little slit. Unable to resist it, he slipped his finger up into her warm, wet pussy. The feel of
her hot, wiggly little twat soon had his cock throbbing wildly in her hand.

"Rex," she whispered as the young man began frantically finger-fucking her. "Your nice big prick would
feel a helluva lot better than your finger."

"I'm sorry, Jenny," he panted, his dick deliciously tingling from her hand-job. "My prick would split your
little cunt open."

Looking at the boy's big nineteen-year-old tool, she realized it was about twice as big as the pricks her
little boy friends had screwed her with, but she was dying to have Rex drill his rod up between her legs.

"Please," she begged. "We can stop if it hurts me."

When she saw him hesitate, the little girl quickly removed her dress and spread out on the couch. Rex
just stared at her cute naked body with her pink little cuntlips pouting up at him from the soft growth of
light brown pussy hairs that surrounded her delicious little slit. The sight of her small cone-shaped titties
with their big ripe nipples was enough to blow his mind.

"Come on," she whispered, spreading her thighs lewdly open as her haughty fingers parted her juicy little
cuntlips. "Please fuck me."

"Will you promise to tell me if it hurts?" he asked, his will to resist rapidly dissolving.

"I promise."

Removing his jeans and shorts, the boy crawled up between her widely spread thighs. Clutching his
throbbing cock in his hand, Rex guided it toward the slippery wet cuntlips that were eagerly waiting for
him. The soft fluffy pussy hairs around her sweet little twat were glistening with drops of shimmering

Nervously looking down at his lurching dong, Jenny suddenly wondered if her small twat could
accommodate anything that large. She'd been able to take the little thirteen and fourteen-year-old boys
very easily, but Rex's big tool was a whole new ball game.
"Ooooooooooh, shit," she whispered, feeling his massive cockhead pushing slowly between her
tightly-stretched twat-lips. Her distended cunt-mouth seemed to relax a bit when the big swollen knob
had finally slid through the tight slippery opening. When the head of his cock had passed through the
snug hole, his shaft slithered all the way up into the juicy depths of her little cunt.

Frantically clutching the young man in her arms, Jenny had to bite her lips to keep from screaming with
the sharp pain. Even with the intense discomfort, the youngster was excited by the feel of his long thick
cock throbbing in her cunt. No prick had ever been drilled this deep into her little quivering belly before.
Moving cautiously beneath him, she was thrilled by the feel of his thick pole rubbing against the sensitive
tissues of her widely stretched fuck-hole. Excitedly squirming her tight cunt around his gnarly shaft, her
hot inner flesh was rubbing deliciously against his glorious cock, inducing even more pleasure into the
juicy depths of her tingling little twat.

A deep ecstasy flowed through her loins as Rex began slowly drilling his big meaty shaft in and out of her
tight slippery flesh of her excited cunt.

When the discomfort had completely disappeared, Jenny found that she could enhance the pleasure by
thrusting her hips up to meet every thrust of his plunging boner.

"Oh, Rex," she whispered, feeling him drive deeper and deeper into the steamy hotness of her
juice-slickened cunt. "That feels so fuckin' good."

Rex was very much aware that she was a mere child as he stared down at her hard little tits, but her
delicious young twat was the tightest, hottest, sweetest damn thing he'd ever fucked into. Her baby-soft
lips were slightly parted and her big green eyes were glowing up at him from her flushed eager face. Rex
hadn't realized until now how cute Paula's kid sister really was.

"D'ya still think I'm too little to fuck?" she giggled up to him, slamming her cunt up to receive every one
of his lusty thrusts.

"No, honey," he panted. "You're not too little to fuck."

Excited by the hot tightness of the youngster's juicy twat, Rex was driving deeper and harder into her
delicious little hole. He could hear Jenny's sweet cunt juices squishing around his plunging dork as it
slithered through her sucking, grasping pussy flesh.

"Jesus, Rex," she whispered, screwing her dripping slit up tighter around the base of his slippery shaft.
"This feels so fuckin' good."

As the handsome young man fucked into her, Jenny couldn't understand why her older sister was so
dumb. Paula could be enjoying Rex's wonderful cock tonight if she didn't think being a virgin was so
fucking great.

"Oh, shit!" she squealed with joy at the feel of his thick meaty dick sliding smoothly against her sensitive
cuntal tissues. "It's so goddamned fuckin' good, honey!"

Wrapping her arms more tightly around him, she raised her legs higher and ground her slit up against him,
squeezing his hard cock with the muscles of her hot sucking little cunt.

"Oh, fuck, baby, fuck!" she whimpered, snaking her soft young thighs around his waist. "I love it! I love

Drilling his screaming boner deeper and deeper into the youngster's hot, tight slit, thick gobs of juice
were oozing out from between her cock-squeezing cuntlips and dribbling down over her sweet little ass.
Squealing with excitement, her cunt muscles were involuntarily sucking on the entire length of his plunging
prick. The feel of his big man-sized cock slamming up into her writhing belly was the wildest thing the
horny youngster had ever experienced.

"That's it, baby! Harder! HARDER!" she shrieked, tearing at his bare ass with her fingers, pulling him
more deeply into her.

Wanting to bring the hysterical girl off, Rex began drilling his ready-to-explode boner into her frothy cunt
with all his power.

"AAAAAAAAAAGH!" she cried out as the thick hardness of his tool slashed wildly into her fuck-hole.
"Fuck, baby! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Suddenly feeling his thick hot cum gushing into her belly, Jenny instinctively slammed her cunt up around
his spewing shaft to receive the full load of his spurting jizz. Suddenly, she too, was violently swallowed
up by her own bone-rattling climax that left her completely exhausted when the jolting ecstasy began
slowly receding.

"Shit, that was neat," Jenny whispered to him a few minutes later as she lay in his arms, slowly bringing
his cock up to another erection with her teasing fingers.

"You're sure a wild little fuck for a kid," he grinned, goosing his fingers into the soft wiggly flesh between
her asscheeks.

"And you're gettin' another hard-on," she giggled, still toying with his swelling prick.

"I know," he grinned.

Digging his fingers into the soft pliant meat between the cheeks of her ass, the smooth silkiness of her
little bare butt was really turning him on.

"Wanta fuck again?" she whispered when his thick cock was once again rigid.

"Sure," he whispered, still fingering the quivering flesh of her cute young ass. "Have you ever had a prick
drilled into your cunt from behind?"

"No," she admitted.

"Wanta try it?"

"Sure," she giggled. "How do we do it?"

Taking her hand, he led the naked youngster around to the foot of the couch.

"Just bend down and rest your elbows on the arm," he explained.

"This seems sorta dumb," she laughed, bending over with her little bare ass waving in front of him.

Standing behind her, he was hungrily staring at her sweet upturned butt that revealed her juicy pink slit
and wispy cunt hairs just below her little puckered asshole.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready," she giggled, her face resting on her forearm.

Looking down, he could see a string of his cum dripping out from between her sperm-soaked cuntlips.
Taking his stiff rod in his hand, he guided it up between her legs, rubbing the head of it against her juicy
open slit.

"Oh, Rex, please hurry," she whispered excitedly. "Ram it in."

Grasping her hips, he gave a long thrust, drilling his lusty dong all the way up into the delicious hotness of
her seething little belly.

"Oh, shit!" she squealed with joy. "WOW!"

Rex had never experienced such a tight hot little hole in his life. It seemed as if his cock had been able to
penetrate much deeper from this rear-entry position.

Firmly grasping her hips, the young man partially withdrew his thick shaft, and then slammed it back in
with a violent thrust.

"Oh, yes!" she cried out. "That's it! Bang me hard, honey! Bang me hard!"

Staring down at her cute wiggly butt, he could feel every square inch of his cock tingling with ecstasy as
it plowed in and out through her tight sucking cunt-flesh. The grasping hotness of the child's delicious
little twat was almost blowing Rex's mind. Never had he experienced such sexual joy as he was
receiving from this hot-cunted little fourteen-year-old girl.

"Fuck, baby, fuck!" she squealed with delight as his thick cock raced in and out of her grasping cunt.
"That's fuckin', honey! That's real fuckin'!"

Holding the youngster's smooth hips in his hands, Rex stared excitedly at her baby-soft ass just above
her juicy cock-filled slit. His legs trembling with excitement, he continued slamming his hard cock up into
the delicious hotness of her tight, sucking little fuck-hole.

"Oh, sweet pissin' Jesus!" screamed Jenny, feeling his thick rod pressing out against the tight, sensitive
cunt walls of her widely-stretched pussy as his glorious tool pounded deeper and deeper into her hot
guts. "It's so fucking good! So fuckin', fuckin' good!

The sound of hot wet cunt juices squishing out of Jenny's frothy slit was getting louder as Rex's big
glistening knob drilled deeper into her writhing belly.

"Faster, honey, faster!" squealed Jenny, throwing her butt back to receive every delicious plunge of the
young man's big hard cock. "It's so good, baby, so good!"

On and on they fucked, completely lost in a raging storm of lust that was carrying them both closer to
their impending climaxes.

"Fuck, baby, fuck!" she was sobbing with ecstasy. "Faster, baby, faster!"

Clutching tightly to her, Rex could feel his ejaculation building up deep in his balls. As the explosive
moment drew nearer, the boy frantically increased the speed of his thrusts.

"Oooooooooooh, honey!" Jenny suddenly shrieked. "I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come!"

Unable to control himself any longer, Rex gave a final thrust, shooting a hot stream of cum deep into the
youngster's cunt. The feel of his thick jizz gushing into her belly triggered Jenny's orgasm.

"Squirt! Squirt!" she screamed as the young man continued pumping his hot white jizz into her
sperm-drenched gash. "I'm coming, honey! Keep squirting! I'M COMING! I'M

That was a night that both of them would never forget.

Chapter 5

It was two days later when Drew Weston, Paula's father, first saw the big colored billboards of his
daughter. He was driving to work when he noticed the large sign with her picture on it, announcing Paula
Weston was to be the new weather girl on channel four. The thing that thoroughly shocked him was the
sight of his young daughter's big tits practically falling out of her low-cut gown. There was such an
expanse of bare flesh that her nipples were barely covered. Emblazoned across the bottom of the
billboard were the words: SEE MORE ON CHANNEL FOUR.

Drew Weston was a handsome, but very conservative man in his early forties, and the sight of his
daughter displaying her breasts on a billboard enraged him. After passing three more signs on his way to
work, he was in a furious rage when he walked into the office.

"Good morning, Mr. Weston," smiled Lynn, his beautiful redheaded secretary. "My, you should be so
proud of your daughter."

Drew glanced at the morning paper that Lynn was holding out to him. A big four-column picture of Paula
and her tits was staring out at him from the paper.

"It's disgusting!" he snapped, pushing the paper away.

"She's a lovely-looking girl," said Lynn, confused with the man's angry reaction. "And it's a wonderful
opportunity for her."

"That photograph is obscene," he growled.

"What's obscene about it?" asked Lynn.

"Those naked breasts," he sighed, slumping into the chair behind his desk.

"I don't see anything wrong with it," argued Lynn. "It's a very lovely photograph."

"Would you display yourself like that?" he asked.

"If I were built like her, I would," she giggled. "Then maybe you'd noticed me."

"Don't be silly," laughed the man.

"I'm not being silly," she answered. "I've worn sexy clothes around here lots of times and you haven't
paid the least bit of attention to me."

"I'm not supposed to!" he snapped. "You're my secretary."

"And I'm a woman, too," she whispered, sitting on the edge of his desk with her short skirt pulled up,
giving him a good look at her shapely legs. "Or haven't you noticed?"

"Don't be silly, Lynn." He blushed. "I'm a married man."

"So what?" giggled the attractive redhead. "It would make a girl feel a little better if you didn't treat her
like the office furniture."
"That's enough foolish talk," he smiled for the first time. "Is the Colman report ready?"

"Yes," she sighed, sliding down from his desk. "But someday I'm gonna get you into my bed. I'd like to
see what makes you tick."

"Go on," he laughed, giving her a light slap on the fanny. "Get the Colman report. There's a lot of work
to be done."

It was a long day for Drew Weston as everyone he met had a comment to make about his daughter, and
the man was weary when he finally arrived home that evening.

"Did you see this picture of Paula?" beamed his wife when she greeted him with the paper.

"Yes!" he snapped. "And so has everyone else in town."

"Isn't she lovely," smiled his wife.

"I think it's disgusting," sighed Drew.


"Look at the way her breasts are exposed."

"Oh, darling," his wife giggled. "You're just old fashioned. It's a terrific photograph."

They were interrupted when Paula came rushing down the stairs with a radiant glow on her face.

"Hi, Pops," she smiled. "Did you see my picture in the paper?"

"Yes," replied the man. "And that's what I want to talk to you about."

"Later!" she shouted back over her shoulder as she ran out through the door. "I'm having my first
rehearsal tonight and I don't want to be late."

Driving down to the station in the little Triumph her parents had given her for her seventeenth birthday,
Paula was excited about meeting Randy Witmore, the handsome newscaster, for the first time. She'd
watched him so many times on television, and now at last she was going to meet him in person.

"Well," beamed Babs Conner, leading Randy Witmore over to Paula when the girl arrived.

"This is a real pleasure, and I'm glad to say that you're even prettier than your pictures."

"Thank you, Mr. Witmore," she blushed, surprised to see that, in person, he even looked younger than
his thirty years.

"Please call me Randy," the handsome man smiled, still holding her hand. "If we're going to be working
together, I want us to be close friends."

"Okay, Randy," she answered softly.

Paula couldn't believe that she was going to be first-name friends with the dashing young newscaster.

"She's some doll," Randy said to Babs later that night when Paula had gone home.

"I saw that look in your eye," she giggled. "But keep you hands away from her. She's Wayne's property."
"But I thought you and Wayne had a thing going?" he asked in a puzzled voice.

"We have," she smiled. "He and I have been playmates for over ten years, with no strings attached."

"Then what gives between him and little Miss Tits?"

"I'm Wayne's main course," laughed Babs. "But sometimes he likes to steal a bit out of the candy jar,
and Paula is his new peppermint stick."

"God," he laughed. "I'd like to taste that little piece of candy."

"I can tell that," giggled Babs. "But if you want to keep your job, just lay off the kid until Wayne is
finished with her."

As the rehearsals continued for the next few evenings, Paula sensed that Randy Witmore was more than
casually interested in her. When they were moving around the set, he seemed to brush his body and
hands against her, but never made any specific advances. Her infatuation with the man seemed to
increase with every day that passed, yet he kept their relationship on a strictly friendly basis.

One evening when Paula had stayed later than usual to go over some notes with Babs, she ran into
Randy when she walked out to the parking lot.

"Hi," she called out when she saw him getting into his car.

"Hello, Paula," he smiled. "I thought you'd gone home a long time ago."

"I was with Babs," she replied, boldly opening the door to his car and sitting down next to him.

Glancing nervously into the rear-view mirror, Randy was relieved to see there were no other cars left in
the darkened lot. He certainly didn't want Wayne Marshal to see the pretty young girl with him.

"Are you in a big hurry?" she asked, noticing that he was a bit nervous.

"Not at all," he stammered, excited by the presence of the sexy little blonde.

"Good," sighed Paula, resting her head against the back of the seat.

"Let's just talk for a while."

"I'd like that," he smiled, aware that the girl was edging over closer to him.

"Do you think I'll make a good weather girl?" asked Paula, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure you will," whispered Randy, putting his arm around her.

"We're gonna make a helluva team."

Without saying another word, Paula turned her softly parted lips up to him, and he tenderly covered
them with his mouth as she'd known he would. It was a long, deep kiss with their tongues deliciously
entwined in their mouths.

"You kiss nice," she whispered when their clinging lips finally parted.

"So do you," he answered excitedly, his cock suddenly starting to throb in his pants.

"I'll bet you're neat in bed," she said in a husky whisper as she once more lifted her lips to his.
"Why do you say that?" he asked, completely shocked by the young girl's boldness.

"Because you look like you have a neat prick," she giggled, lightly resting her hand on the big bulge in the
front of his crotch.

"Do you like neat pricks?"

"Shit, yes," whispered Paula, slowly lowering his zipper. "I love to play with hard cocks."

Randy could hardly believe what was happening as the young girl's cool soft fingers pulled his hard, hot
rod out of his open fly.

"This is a beauty," she smiled, starting to slide his foreskin up and down over his throbbing cockhead.
"D'ya want me to bring you off?"

"Shit yes," he panted, pulling his pants down.

While he was doing this, Paula unbuttoned his shirt and opened it so his cum wouldn't splatter all over
the garment.

"Okay," she whispered, resting her face on his bare stomach as she began tenderly stroking his stiff
boner. "Just relax and enjoy it."

With her eyes only inches from the tip of his big cockhead, she could see little drops of seminal fluid
oozing out from the little slit in the end of it. Paula had never heard of sucking a man's cock, but she
suddenly had a strong desire to lick up the little droplets with her tongue, yet she was afraid that Randy
would think she were some kind of a depraved pervert.

She was still staring hungrily at the end of his juicy dick when she felt the pressure of his hand on the
back of her head. She couldn't understand what he was doing at first, but then she suddenly realized he
was gently forcing her mouth down toward his thick hard prick.

"That's it, honey," he panted when she didn't resist. "Suck me off, honey, suck me off."

"Okay," the girl whispered. "But how do I do it?"

"Haven't you ever given a guy a blow-job before?" he asked in a shocked voice.

"No, I haven't," she answered, snaking her tongue out and lightly licking the end of his knob. "But it
sounds like fun."

He couldn't believe that this hot little bitch that had boldly grabbed for his prick had never sucked a guy

"It is fun," he panted. "You'll love it."

"How do I do it?" she asked, still licking the end of his cock with her tongue.

"You just suck and sort of fuck it with your mouth instead of your cunt."

Tongue-washing his cockhead, Paula was thrilled with the rather musky taste and scent of the man's
dong. There was something extremely exciting about the texture of his hard knob against her tongue.

"Okay," she whispered, releasing his prick and sitting up in the seat.
"I'll suck on your cock if you'll play with my boobs."

"That's a fair deal," he grinned as she unfastened her blouse and removed it.

Randy Witmore could hardly believe his eyes when her luscious big tits spilled out in front of him. He'd
seen her half-exposed boobs in the dresses designed for their broadcasts, but the sight of them
completely bare was absolutely dazzling.

The soft pinkness of her big areolas was a delicious contrast to the creamy softness of her naked tits,
and her cherry-hard nipples were bursting out like huge blossoming buds.

"D'ya like my titties?" she giggled, pleased at the excited way he was staring at them.

"They're beautiful," he gasped, licking his dry hot lips.

"Wait 'til you see what else I have," she whispered, arching her hips and sliding her skirt and panties
down over her sweet young ass.

Randy just stared numbly at the soft triangle of wispy golden pubic hairs between her creamy thighs.

"See," she giggled. "Isn't that a cute little twat?"

"Christ, yes," he gulped.

"And it's horny as hell," she whispered, parting the soft wet lips with her fingers, exposing the juicy inner
flesh of her slippery little slit.

No one had ever excited Randy as much as this little teenaged nymphet. Not only was she young,
beautiful and stacked, but there was something about her sexual honesty that thoroughly turned him on.

"Okay, Randy," giggled Paula. "Take your clothes off if you want me to suck your cock, every stitch."

Stepping out into the darkness of the parking lot, he quickly disrobed by the side of the car, tossing his
clothes into the back seat. A delicious tingle rippled through the girl's horny little twat when she saw his
big massive balls dangling beneath his nice stiff cock.

"Shit, that's a fuckin' beauty," she whispered when he crawled back into the car.

Frantically clutching at the naked girl, Randy drew her soft young body into his arms, her warm flesh
burning deliciously against his bare skin.

"Oooooooooh, Randy," she giggled with delight as his fingers traveled across her erect nipples. "That
feels so neat."

Once more wrapping her fingers around his lurching prick, Paula stared with fascination at the big thick
cock she was clutching in her hand. His big shiny cockhead looked as if it were ready to explode as
she thrilled to the feel of the blood surging through the distended veins just beneath his smooth,
tightly-stretched cock-skin.

Leaning over, she darted her hot little tongue against the little slit in the end of his knob, the slit that
would soon be squirting cum into her eager mouth for the first time. Paula had no idea how a man's jizz
would taste, but she was dying to try it. Becoming more excited by the second as she clung to his shaft,
the girl began hungrily licking it as if it were an ice-cream cone. Finally dropping to her knees in front of
the car seat, she opened her mouth wide and lowered her slippery hot lips down over his deliciously big
"Oh, sweet Jesus," he moaned, looking at the beautiful mass of long blonde hair swirling over his cock.

"God, your prick tastes good," she whispered up to him between sucks and gulps.

Thrilled with the exciting taste and texture of his thick juicy dick, Paula was soon devouring it with
passion. The man was almost out of his mind with ecstasy as Paula worked her hot sucking mouth up
and down over his pleasure-crazed dick.

Randy was lurching all over the car seat as her tongue slithered deliciously against every nerve on his
spit-drenched dong. Her soft clinging lips seemed to be sucking the very core out of his pulsing dork. He
couldn't believe that this was the horny little teenager's first blow-job.

"D'ya like it, honey?" she whispered, momentarily removing her mouth from his big juicy prick. "Is it fun
to fuck your cock into my naughty mouth?"

"Christ, yes!" he panted. "But please don't stop suckin', baby!

Please don't stop!"

"Are you gonna fill my mouth with your nice hot jizz?" she teased.

"Christ, yes!" he gasped. "But for God's sake, keep suckin'!"

Her soft passionate mouth began working deeper and faster over his throbbing boner. The delicious
suction of her lips sucking and pulling on the head of his cock was driving him wild. Half-crazed with
excitement, Randy stared down at the juicy lips ovalled around his thick wet shaft, her head bobbing as
her long blonde hair flew wildly around her lovely flushed face.

"Oh, sweet pissin' shit!" he sobbed, feeling her soft hand slide beneath his balls, gently massaging them
while her middle finger instinctively probed around his sensitive asshole. "That's it, baby! That's it!"

Suddenly realizing that Randy enjoyed the way her finger was teasing his shitter, she slipped the tip of it
in and began moving her mouth up and down faster over his cock, taking the big knob deeper and
deeper into her throat. With his lusty balls swollen with sperm juice, it was more than he could take
when he felt the full length of her finger slither up into the hot depths of his slippery asshole.

"OH, GOD!" he roared, grasping Paula's long blonde hair and shoving her mouth down tighter around
his lurching cock as it exploded a torrent of jizz into her mouth. His thick white cum continued squirting
into her throat, and no matter how fast she swallowed, it was oozing out of the corners of her
cocksucking lips as they clung wetly to his spurting shaft.

"Jesus Christ!" he sobbed as Paula sucked out and swallowed the last drops from his shrinking shaft.

"Gee, that stuff tastes neat," she whispered. licking globs of cum from her lips. "Did it feel good?"

"Christ, yes," he panted. "You sure learned how to give a wild blow-job in a hurry."

"I guess I'm just a natural-born cocksucker," she giggled.

They sat quietly for the next half hour, Randy holding her soft naked body in his arms while she gently
stroked his limp wet prick back to hardness again.

"Oh, Randy," she whispered when his thick shaft was once more bone-hard in her hand. "I want that
beauty in my cunt."
Facing the man as he sat in the car seat, Paula straddled his loins and slowly lowered her hot dripping slit
down toward his throbbing dick. Still clutching the base of his big prick-shaft, she guided the head of
his cock into the hot juicy slit between her slippery pussy-lips.

The feel of Paula's hot cunt sliding down over his thick boner, and the softness of her big luscious tits
pressing against his face filled his loins with a wild lust. Opening his lips, the handsome newscaster
sucked one of her big rock-hard nipples into his mouth.

Still lowering her slippery twat down over his thick rod, taking more and more of it into her grasping
fuck-hole, Paula whispered, "Oh, honey, it feels so fuckin' hard and good."

When the length of his big stiff dong had slithered up through her tight young hole, Paula could feel his
big bloated cockhead probing up into the scalding depths of her clinging cunt.

"Shit, Randy," she whispered, rotating her cunt around his deeply buried boner. "Your hard prick feels
so fuckin' good."

Frantically grasping at the bare cheeks of her sweet young ass, Randy began bouncing her up and down
over his rigid cock. Paula was soon squealing with delight as she felt his thick meaty cock plowing in and
out against the sensitive inner flesh of her little cock-stretched twat. Looking down between her legs, the
aroused little blonde could see his juice-drenched cock plunging in and out of her hot, grasping slit. With
each thrust she could see and hear her lust-swollen cunt-lips sucking and squeezing against his
juice-slickened shaft.

"Oh, darling!" she squealed with delight as she began bouncing faster over his lurching cock. "I love it,
baby, I love it."

"Jesus, honey," he panted, watching her luscious big tits bouncing up and down in front of his face. "You
really know how to make a guy's cock hum."

"That's 'cause I love to fuck," she whispered in a husky voice. "Shit, how I love to fuck."

"Christ, Paula!" he gasped, thrusting his cock up to meet every downward plunge of her scalding pussy.
"Are you gonna get a pussy full of jizz!"

"Good!" she squealed with joy. "Fill me with it! I love it! I LOVE IT!"

Crazed with excitement, Randy was staring down at the hot juices squishing out of her cunt and running
down his glistening shaft. Watching his cock disappearing in and out of her juicy pussy, Randy was
bouncing the little blonde faster and faster over his throbbing tool.

Her eyes blazing with lust, her long blonde hair flying wildly around her damp, flushed face, Paula stared
passionately at him as they raced closer and closer to life's ultimate thrill.

"Oh, fuck, baby, fuck!" she screamed, rubbing her big soft tits against his face. "Fuck the shit out of me!"

His hard burning cock had set her sex-crazed body on fire as their mutual ecstasy mounted and
mounted, and when she suddenly felt his hot cum pouring into her steaming fuck-hole, Paula exploded
into her own screaming, lurching orgasm.

"Ooooooooooh, baby!" she screamed, frantically clinging to him as his jizz continued spurting up into her
writhing belly. "I'm coming! I'M COMING! COMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!"

Still straddling his shrinking prick, she continued writhing and shuddering until her intense orgasm began
to recede.

"Jesus, baby," she whispered, lifting her dripping cunt from his limp cock and slipping it into her mouth.
"That was the best fuck I've ever had."

The girl continued sucking deeply on his flaccid prick until she'd drawn out the last drop of his delicious

Chapter 6

The evening of the first newscast, Paula arrived early and was surprised to see Babs Conner in a rage.

"Paula!" the woman snapped at her when she walked in. "I want to see you in my office right away."

Following Babs into her office, Paula couldn't understand why the lovely redhead seemed so angry.

"Now listen to me good," hissed Babs, closing the door behind them. "I've worked hard for ten years
to build up this station, and no seventeen-year-old slut is going to ruin it."

"What do you mean?" gasped the little blonde, still confused by Babs' behavior.

"I'm talking about Randy Witmore!" snapped the woman.

"What about him?"

"That's what I want to know!" shouted Babs. "What about him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about these nightly fuck-sessions in the parking lot," Babs answered.

"That's my business," Paula defended herself.

"It's all our business, you little tramp!" hissed Babs. "I've worked too hard improving this station to let a
little seventeen-year-old bitch ruin it."

"Don't you talk to me like that!" Paula shouted. "I'll fuck whoever I please!"

"No you won't!" screamed Babs. "Not if you want to keep your job here."

"Who'll fire me?"

"Me!" yelled Babs in a shrill angry voice. "I'll fire you!"

"Mr. Marshal will tell you to go to hell if you try it," sneered Paula.

"He likes my hot little pussy too much to let you fire me."

"Bullshit," Babs laughed in a softer voice. "He wouldn't touch your hot little pussy if he knew Randy were
using it, too."

Paula just stared at the woman, wondering if she would really fire her on the night of their first broadcast.
She could suddenly see all her dreams crumbling around her.

"Listen, Paula," said Babs in a cool voice. "If Wayne were to find out that you've been dropping your
pants for Randy as well as him, he'd fire you both. That would ruin the whole newscast that we've been
trying to put together."

When Paula didn't answer, Babs continued. "I don't want to see that happen, so I want you to stay away
from Randy Witmore except when you're in front of the camera. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," answered Paula in a small voice, relieved that the woman wasn't going to fire her.

"I've already talked to Randy about it," Babs continued. "And I'm sure he'll stay away from you from
now on, and I expect you to do the same. Do you understand?


"Now go get ready for the broadcast," said Babs, turning away from the trembling girl.

Later, when the news team took their seats behind the desk for the broadcast, Paula was almost afraid
to look over at Randy. The girl had never been so nervous in her life, and when the camera's red light
flashed on, her knees were literally knocking together. She suddenly realized that thousands of people
were staring at her at that very moment. She could hear Randy reading the news in his deep resonate
voice, yet the words seemed only a distant drone to her until he announced Paula as the new weather girl.

Rising from behind her desk, the girl smiled at the camera, and then walked over to the weather charts
that were on the wall behind her. Picking up the pointer stick, she began describing the weather
formations. As soon as she began speaking, her nervousness suddenly disappeared.

It was near the end of her weathercast, when she was holding the pointer high on the chart, that she
turned to face the camera and the strap on her gown slipped. Unknown to Paula, one of her big lush
nipples was suddenly revealed to the entire television audience. The camera quickly cut to a close-up
shot of her face to hide her bare tit, but the damage had already been done.

Watching the news at home, her father jumped to his feet in a wild rage. He'd been upset about her brief
attire ever since the first billboards appeared, but this scene tonight was outrageous. How could he ever
face his friends and business associates after his young daughter had displayed her nipple to the entire

Angrily grasping the phone, he dialed the station and asked for Mr.


"Who's calling?" asked the receptionist.

"Mr. Drew Weston!" he shouted in an angry voice. "I'm Paula Weston's father!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Weston," came the receptionist's voice after two or three minutes. "Mr. Marshal is tied
up and can't take any calls this evening."

"Fine!" Drew roared into the phone. "You just tell that son-of-a-bitch that I'm on my way down to the
station, and he'd better not leave until I get there!"

When the receptionist relayed the message to Wayne Marshal, who was in Babs' office watching the
news on a monitor, he turned to the young woman.

"Jesus, Babs," he sighed. "Old man Weston's all uptight about that tit shot. He's coming down here."

"What can he do about it?" she asked, thinking what a lot of trouble the young teenager was giving her.
"He could make the girl quit," he replied. "After all, she is a minor."

"Maybe that would be the best thing for all of us," sighed Babs.

"Not on your life," he laughed. "After that shot tonight, the whole town will be watching our news

"How are you going to handle it?" she asked.

"I'm not," grinned Wayne. "You are."


"I want you to try and calm him down," he explained. "Then I'll talk to him tomorrow when he's in a
more reasonable mood."

"What will I say to him?"

"That's up to you," smiled Wayne as he started for the door. "I'm getting the hell out of this station."

Babs was quite surprised at Drew Weston's handsome appearance when the receptionist escorted him
to the woman's office a few minutes later.

"Good evening, Mr. Weston," smiled Babs. "Won't you sit down please?"

"I want to see Marshal," he half-shouted as the receptionist closed the door behind them.

"I'm sorry," smiled the lovely redhead. "He's been called away on urgent business, but I'm sure I can
help you."

"It's about my daughter, Paula," he answered, slumping into the chair in front of Babs' desk. "She's
finished as your weather girl. I'm forbidding her to work another night."


"Why!" he roared. "How can you ask, why, after that disgusting scene tonight?"

"Please, Mr. Weston," she smiled sweetly. "That was an accident and I'll assure you it won't happen

"I know it won't!" he roared. "Because Paula won't be here any more!"

"Please, Mr. Weston," she smiled at him. "Let's just talk about it calmly."

"What's there to talk about?" he asked in a quieter voice, suddenly aware of the redhead's dazzling

"Accidents do happen," she continued, "and I'm sure it won't happen again."

"It wouldn't have happened tonight if she weren't wearing so little clothes," he mumbled.

"But she has such a beautiful body," smiled Babs. "It's a shame for her to hide it."

"And it's a worse shame to boldly expose it," he argued.

"Mr. Weston," smiled Babs, getting up from behind her desk and walking around to the front of it where
the man was seated. "What have you got against a woman's flesh?"

"It's not that," he stammered, her closeness giving off the exotic scent of her delicate perfume. "It just
doesn't seem decent."

Perching herself up on the edge of the desk with her short skirt hiked up, her lovely bare thighs were
only inches from the seated man's eyes. Watching him closely, Babs was thinking how much fun it
would be to seduce this prudish, handsome man. To please her boss, Babs never wore panties in the
office, and as she sat on the desk top, she slowly crossed her bare legs, hoping Drew Weston would get
a quick look at her little red-fringed pussy.

"Most men enjoy the sight of a woman's flesh," she smiled, seeing him glance quickly at her briefly
exposed snatch. "Why don't you?"

"There's a time and place for everything," he stammered, shocked by the brief glimpse of her soft red

"When is the time and place?" she asked, uncrossing her legs and parting her thighs slightly to give him an
unobstructed view of her slit.

"Not in front of a television camera," he gulped when his eyes fell on her warm, wet cuntlips.

Drew was certain that the beautiful young woman was completely unaware that she was exposing
herself, but he still found it extremely disconcerting.

"Do you like my flesh?" she whispered softly.

"What?" he stammered.

"You're looking at my bare legs," Babs smiled. "Do you like them?"

"Yeah, I suppose so," he answered nervously, quickly averting his eyes.

"What's your first name?" she asked softly as she began gently swinging her legs back and forth.

"Drew," he answered.

"Hi, Drew," smiled the woman. "I'm Babs."

In spite of himself and his rather prudish thinking, Drew was getting a hard-on as he continued taking
quick glances at the delicate softness of her juicy slit nestled in the little triangle of fiery-red pussy hairs
between her soft creamy thighs.

"Drew," she whispered. "Do you like my bare flesh?"

"I guess so," he admitted.

"Then touch it."


"See how nice it feels," she laughed, taking his hand and pressing it against the inside of her partially open

He was completely stunned, but made no attempt to pull his hand back. The softness of her bare flesh
sent delicious tingles through his thoroughly aroused cock.

"Higher," she whispered, moving his hand up until his finger grazed against the soft puff of hair between
her legs.

Drew couldn't believe what was happening to him when she took his middle finger and inserted it up into
the moist warmth of her twat. The hot wetness of her cuntlips clinging passionately to his finger was
giving him a horrendous boner.

"Oh, Drew," she giggled, kicking off one of her shoes and pressing her bare toes against the big bulge in
front of his pants. "You've got a naughty hard-on."

Too shocked to realize what was actually happening, Drew just sat there with his finger in her cunt,
staring at the juicy pinkness of her hot little slit.

"Drew," she whispered, lying back on the desk with her parted legs hanging over the front of it.

"Will you lick my pussy?"

With her short skirt pulled up above her hips, Babs' soft naked cunt was spread out right in front of him.
The man had never tasted a snatch in his life, but he'd heard that some depraved people licked each
other's genitals. Hearing Babs ask him to suck her twat, he suddenly had a strange desire to try it. It
didn't seem very sanitary to the man, but the thought of it had his cock throbbing violently.

"Please," she whispered. "Please kiss my hot little pussy."

Unable to control the urge any longer, yet knowing it was a perverted thing to do, the prudish man
dropped to his knees before the desk and buried his face in the hot softness between the beautiful
woman's open legs. Not certain of what was expected of him, he began frantically sucking and licking
the hot wiggly flesh of her juicy open slit. He was delightfully shocked at how fresh and clean it tasted as
his tongue slashed up into her warm slippery little fuck-hole.

"Oh, Drew," she whispered excitedly. "That feels so fuckin' good, honey."

Sucking and slurping on her sweet pussy-flesh, he was thrusting his tongue as far as it would reach into
her cunt, and the feel and taste of her hot juices seeping out around his face was driving him wild. He
fully realized that he was committing a depraved act, but he no longer gave a shit.

"That's it, honey!" she squealed with joy, squeezing her soft naked thighs against his face. "That's the way
to eat pussy."

She had initially provoked the man into the act in order to salvage the newscast, but now she was
thoroughly enjoying it.

"Suck, baby, suck!" she cried, grinding her sopping hot slit up around his slavering mouth.

After licking up the sweet hot juices from deep in her cunt, Drew moved his mouth up and sucked her
quivering clit between his lips.

"Oh, baby!" squealed Babs. "That's it, honey! That's so good ... good ... GOOOOOOOOD!"

After deliciously teasing and nibbling her erect girl-cock for several moments, he drove his tongue up
into her squishy cunt once more. The feel of her warm slippery pussy-flesh against his swirling tongue
sent flames of lust burning through his entire body. With his face cradled between her soft smooth thighs,
Drew's tongue was licking hungrily around in her hot, juice-slickened pussy.

"God, Drew," she sobbed. "That feels so fucking good."

The man's face was soon lathered with her slippery cunt juices as he sucked and licked her frothy pussy.

"That's it, baby!" she cried out when he once more sucked her clitoris between his lips. "That's it! Suck!
Suck! SUCK!"

Realizing how much the beautiful woman was enjoying it, he continued nibbling on her hard little clitty as
he teased it with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh, God!" she whispered, grasping at the back of his head, forcing his mouth down tighter against her
squirming pussy. "That feels so shittin' good."

The beautiful woman was lurching so wildly on the desk that Drew could hardly keep his mouth locked
over her squirming slit. Grasping her gyrating hips, he thrust his tongue even deeper into her deliciously
hot cunt, the sweetness of her pussy juices driving him wild.

"Oh, baby," she whispered as his tongue once more glided wetly up over her quivering clit. "That's so
fuckin' good."

Completely carried away by his lust, Drew's mouth and tongue were attacking her frothy hot cunt with a
renewed fury.

"Oh, shit!" she shrieked, pounding her fists on the top of the desk.

"I'm gonna come ... gonna come!"

With his tongue swirling wildly around her hard clitty, he sucked with all his strength.

"Oh, yes, suck, baby!" she cried out. "I'm coming ... COMING ...


When her wild orgasm finally receded and Drew stood up, Babs was suddenly aware of the big boner
that was pushing out in the front of his pants.

"Oh, Drew, honey," she giggled. "We've just gotta take care of your hard-on."

The man just stood there staring at the girl's delicious little twat as she lay back on the desk with her
open legs hanging over the front of it.

"Take your clothes off," she whispered, lewdly parting her cunt-lips with her fingers. "I want that big
cock right here in my naughty little snatch."

Drew had never once been unfaithful to his wife, but he began quickly disrobing, eager to drill his cock
up into Babs' juicy hot hole. Finally dropping his shorts, his big angry-looking dick was thrusting up
proudly. Lying on her back with her ass perched on the front edge of the desk, Babs watched Drew
step between her legs and insert the tip of his knob between her open cunt-lips.

"Oh, Drew," she whispered, feeling his nice thick prick sliding deeper and deeper into her juicy cunt.

Lifting her legs, she locked the back of her knees over his shoulders, screwing her slit up tighter against
him, making certain that every inch of his hard dick was buried deep in her cock-filled cunt.
Moving slowly at first, Drew began pumping his tool in and out of her hot slippery fuck-hole, the entire
meaty length of it glistening with her slippery cunt juices. The hot tightness of the woman's frothy twat
sucked deliciously on his sensitive boner.

Excitedly pounding her bare heels into his back, Babs could feel his hard prick drilling deeper and
deeper into her aroused gash. The office was soon filled with her squeals of joy, mixed with the squishing
sound of his cock pumping in and out of her juicy pussy.

"Oh, darling," she panted. "Drill me good, baby! Christ what a beautiful fuckin' cock!"

Pleased that the gorgeous redhead was enjoying it so much, he began slamming his fuck-pole into her
cunt with more authority. As he pounded deeper and harder, the woman raised her ass higher off the
desk, offering even more of her creamy twat to his delicious assault.

"That's it, baby!" she squealed. "Bang me hard!"

Babs thoroughly enjoyed being fucked by anyone, but the sure, hard thrusts of Drew's cock was driving
her wild. It wasn't the biggest fucking prick she'd ever had in her, but it was certainly doing the job she

"Oh, yes!" she cried out. I love it! I love it! Just keep fuckin'!"

"Don't worry," he panted, increasing the tempo of his lusty strokes.

"That's what I intend to do."

"I know! I know!" she screamed. "Just keep drillin' the piss outa me!"

"Christ, baby!" he gasped, fucking into her with even more force.

"You're gonna get a real cunt full of jizz."

"Good!" she squealed with joy. "That's the stuff I love!"

Babs was in complete ecstasy, feeling his big sperm-boated balls slapping smartly against her soft wet
asscheeks every time his glorious cock drove up into her hole.

"Oh, shit, I'm gonna come ... gonna come!" she squealed, locking the back of her knees tighter around
his shoulders, offering even more of her slit up for his thrusting dong.

The woman's sweet soft ass was being lifted violently off the desk with every plunge of his shaft. The feel
of his big swollen cockhead pounding deep in her cunt and the tingling sensation of his thick hard rod
rubbing against her quivering clitty was driving Babs wild.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" she screamed when she felt his thick hot jizz spurting out of his prick. "I'm
coming, baby! Squirt me! I'M COMING ... COMING ... COMING!"

As the fucking couple reached their frantic climax on the desk, neither of them noticed Paula when she
entered the room without knocking. The girl was completely stunned to see her father fucking his big
prick into Babs Conner's wet swollen cunt. She couldn't understand what her dad was doing at the
studio in the first place.

Not wanting to be found watching them, Paula slipped out of the office, quietly closing the door behind
Chapter 7

Paula Weston was an overnight sensation, and the next morning everyone in town was talking about the
bare tit that she'd exposed on the air. Within a week, the ratings for the news had soared beyond
anyone's expectations. The girl's nipple was never exposed again, but the low-cut gowns she wore
revealed as much of her big boobs as possible. Drew took some mild kidding from his business
associates, but he was secretly proud that his daughter had become such a local celebrity.

With Paula so involved with her television career, little Jenny was taking care of Rex Walker's sex life.
At the age of nineteen, Rex realized that he shouldn't be fucking around with a little fourteen-year-old
kid, but she had such a hot little cunt he just couldn't resist her.

One afternoon when they were alone in Jenny's house, she had his fly open and was gently stroking his
cock while the boy fucked his middle finger into her dripping little snatch.

"Have you ever sucked a cock?" he suddenly asked.

"Shit, no," giggled Jenny. "Who has?"

"Lots of girls," he answered.

"It sounds dumb to me."

"It sure feels great to a guy," he continued. "Would you like to try sucking mine?"

"Shit no."

"Why not?"

"Gee," she giggled, "who wants to put a pissy-tasting prick in their mouth?"

"Most girls think a prick tastes neat," he argued. "Please try it."



"Would you lick a girl's pussy?" she suddenly asked.

"That's different," said the young man.

"No, it isn't," giggled Jenny. "We both piss outa them."

"Well, I'm not lickin' any snatch," said Rex.

"And I'm not suckin' any cock," responded Jenny in a firm voice.

"But that's different," continued Rex. "Most girls like to suck guys off."

Entering the room through the back entrance, Paula was shocked at what she saw and heard. Her little
fourteen-year-old sister was stroking Rex's cock while his middle finger was screwing around deep in
the youngster's juicy little twat. Since Randy Witmore had first taught Paula to suck him off, the girl
thoroughly enjoyed it, but she couldn't believe that a fine young man like Rex would be urging a little
fourteen-year-old child to give him a blow-job.

Standing in a darkened area of the room, Paula just watched and listened, wondering what the couple
would do. The idea of watching her little sister suck Rex off seemed strangely exciting to Paula, and she
remained perfectly still, hoping that Jenny would do it.

"Please!" argued Rex. "Just try it for a minute."

"Will you lick my pussy?" she giggled.

"Boys don't eat pussy," he argued.

"So what," she smiled. "I'll suck your cock if you'll lick my twat."

Watching them, Paula was getting hornier by the second, neither Wayne nor Randy had ever tongued
her cunt, but she suddenly found the idea rather exciting.

"Please," continued Jenny. "I'll suck your prick if you'll lick my twat."

"No thanks."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not lickin' any girl's snatch," he grinned. "So forget it."

"It's a juicy little twat," she giggled, jumping up and parting her wet little cuntlips with her fingers.

Rex's cock began throbbing more violently as he stared at the child's slit, only inches from his eyes. The
pink swollen lips of her slippery twat were surrounded by a downy soft feathering of wispy young pussy
hairs. The girl's soft inner flesh was glistening with warm moisture as a trickle of hot cunt cream bubbled
out of her slippery little fourteen-year-old hole. If there was ever a snatch that he might be tempted to
eat, this luscious-looking little cunt was it.

"Please, Rex!" the little girl begged. "Please lick my cunt!"

"Go on, Rex!" called Paula from across the room, no longer able to control her sexual excitement.
"Tongue her juicy little slit."

"Well!" shouted Jenny, turning around and angrily facing her older sister. "If it isn't the stupid virgin that
shows her tits on television."

"Go ahead, Rex," said Paula, ignoring Jenny's anger. "Lick the kid's twat."

"Why are you spying on us?" shouted the little girl.

"I'm not spying," Paula smiled. "I'd just like to watch Rex eat your hot little pussy."

"Are you crazy?" gasped Rex.

"No," she giggled. "And if you'll bring Jenny off with your tongue, I have a surprise for you."


"I might let you fuck me."

Rex couldn't believe that this beautiful virginal blonde was actually ready to let him have her cherry.

"Are you serious?" he whispered.

"Try me," she giggled. "I think you'll like it."

"See," grinned Jenny as she quickly lifted her skirt above her hips and settled back on the couch, her
sweet young ass perched on the front edge of the cushion, making her hot little cunt very available to the
boy's mouth. "Start lickin'."

"Go on," urged Paula, thoroughly aroused at the idea of watching Rex eat out her little sister. "Give the
kid a treat and you'll get a treat from me."

Filled with an intense excitement at the prospect of fucking his cock into Paula's cunt, he quickly
dropped to his knees on the floor between Jenny's outstretched legs.

"First take your clothes off," whispered Jenny excitedly.


"Because I want to watch your hard cock while you lick my cunt," the little girl explained.

"That's a good idea," agreed Paula. "I want to look at your prick, too. After all, you're gonna screw me
with it in a few minutes."

Not wanting to miss the chance of fucking the beautiful virgin, Rex quickly tore his clothes off. Once
more dropping to his knees between Jenny's widely opened thighs, he moved his mouth toward her hot,
sopping slit. Rex didn't quite know what to expect, but as he drew closer, the sweet damp scent of her
hot little pussy drifted to his nostrils. There was a wild, pungent aroma to her moist dripping snatch that
made his stiff boner throb with excitement.

"JEEPERS!" Jenny squealed with joy when his tongue first made contact with her wet pussy-flesh,
sending a delicious jolt tingling through her loins.

The new, but exciting taste of the youngster's sweet twat juices was unbelievably good, and letting out a
soft cry, Rex plunged his tongue up into the slick hotness of her delicious little cunt.

"Jesus, Rex!" squealed Jenny as his thick tongue began swirling around deep in her hot little fuck-hole.
"That feels so shittin' good!"

Grasping her squirming hips to hold her wiggly cunt still, Rex licked deeply into her frothy pussy, lapping
excitedly at the delicious juices that were flowing like nectar over his tongue. He'd never dreamed that
anything could taste as exciting as the velvety smoothness of this hot cunt flesh.

Jenny continued squealing with delight when the tip of his tongue accidentally made contact with her pink

"That's it!" she cried out. "Suck my clit! Suck my clit!"

Her tingling little girl-prick began swelling and coming out of its protective hood as the young man
continued teasing the hard little joy-button with his lips and tongue.

"Oh, God, Rex!" she cried out, grinding her wet, downy-covered slit up tighter against his slurping
mouth. "Shit that feels so fuckin' good!"

A crazed excitement was flowing through Paula's loins as she watched the pure ecstasy on her little
sister's face. Jenny's head was thrown against the back of the couch, her eyes tightly shut and her mouth
gaping wide open as her fingers dug into Rex's hair. No one had ever licked Paula's pussy, but she could
vicariously feel the intense pleasure that Jenny was enjoying.

Another wave of intense lust flooded through Paula's body when her eyes were suddenly drawn to the
big hard cock that was throbbing up from between the kneeling boy's legs. From the size and hardness
of Rex's thick boner, it was quite obvious that the taste and texture of Jenny's flaming cunt was driving
him crazy.

Staring at the young man's hard, meaty cock, Paula recalled how delicious Randy's rod had tasted.
Watching the big throbbing prick, Paula suddenly had a wild desire to stuff it into her mouth and suck the
delicious hot cock-cream from the very core of it.

Unable to control her wild lust any longer, Paula dropped to the floor behind the kneeling boy. Rolling
onto her back, she eased between his legs until she was looking up at Rex's belly, the head of his
lurching prick only an inch or two above her mouth.

Lying under him, Paula reached up and grasped his big quivering boner, lowering the shiny purple
cockhead into her eager open mouth. Closing her soft wet lips tightly around the base of his sensitive
knob, she began a deep slow suction. With her lips sucking and pulling deliciously on the end of his
prick, Paula could feel his entire body trembling with ecstasy.

Until Randy Witmore had introduced her to cocksucking, Paula hadn't dreamed that the texture and
taste of a prick could be so exciting. This was the only other dong she'd ever sucked except Randy's,
and she found the feel of Rex's dick in her mouth even more thrilling.

Excited by the wet slurping sound of Rex's mouth on her sister's dripping cunt, Paula began sucking
harder and deeper on his juicy rod while she teased his bloated nut-sac with the tip of her fingers.
Tenderly fondling his dangling nuts, she traced her fingers through his thick curly cock hair, the musky
odor of his balls sending delicious shivers racing through her loins.

Feeling Paula's mouth and fingers toying with his cock and balls as he licked up the sweet hot juices from
little Jenny's dripping cunt, Rex could feel the child writhing with ecstasy as he drove his tongue even
deeper into the wet hotness of her cute little twat.

"Jesus, Rex, honey!" squealed Jenny, writhing around crazily on the couch, trying to screw her juicy cunt
up tighter against his slavering mouth. "Jesus, baby, that feels so fuckin' neat!"

The intense joy was becoming almost more than Rex could stand as the suction of Paula's soft lips on his
prick had it throbbing with ecstasy. Still hungrily licking Jenny's delicious little slit, Rex knew it wouldn't
be long before he'd be filling Paula's mouth with his hot come.

Paula's long blonde hair was spread all over the carpet as she lay on her back beneath Rex with her lips
sucking and pulling deliciously on his throbbing boner.

Tenderly fondling his furry balls as she sucked his cock, she lightly teased the tip of her finger around the
tight ring of his asshole. From the way he shuddered, Paula could tell how much she was pleasing him,
so sucking even deeper, she eased the end of her finger into his bung.

"Wow!" he roared, momentarily removing his mouth from Jenny's slit.

"That feels wild!"

Giving a powerful thrust, Paula sank the full length of her finger up to her palm in his quivering shitter.

"AAAAAUUUUGH!" he roared, feeling her invading digit streaking up through his hot, tight rectum.
"That's the way!"

Still sucking wildly on his big juicy cock, Paula's naughty finger was soon plunging in and out of his
buttery-hot rectum with the rapidity of a machine gun.

"YEOWWWW!" he cried with delight. "That's it, baby! Finger-fuck my asshole!"

Completely crazed by the intense joy Paula was giving him, the boy was attacking Jenny's hot little cunt
with a renewed frenzy. The youngster's sweet twat juices were flowing all over his tongue as it drilled
deliciously into the hot wetness of her slippery young cunt. The tangy taste of her moist inner flesh,
coupled with the fresh scent of her soft springy twat-hair, was driving him wild.

"Eeeeeeeeggghh, Rex!" she shrieked, throwing her head against the back of the couch. "Don't stop,
honey! It's so fuckin' good! I'm gonna come ... gonna come!"

Every muscle in the youngster's body suddenly grew taut, and after two or three breathless seconds, she
exploded into a mind-blowing climax.

"Oh, Christ!" shrieked the child. "I'm coming ... COMING ...


Still sucking the delicious juices from the child's exhausted body, Rex could feel his hot jizz rushing up
through the length of his bursting shaft, and as the tip of Paula's finger hit his prostate, he flooded her
mouth with spurting cum. Paula could hardly swallow fast enough to take the torrent of delicious sperm
that was spewing into her mouth from his belching cockhead. The girl didn't release his limp wet prick
from her mouth until she'd siphoned out the very last drop of his creamy jizz.

"Shit, that was neat," whispered little Jenny as the three of them rested on the couch a few minutes later.

"Does it feel good to have your pussy licked?" asked Paula, gently stroking Rex's cock back toward
another hard-on.

"Gee, yes," she beamed. "You should try it."

"I will," whispered Paula, excited about the way Rex's cock was growing in her hands.

"But first, I want this big lug to fuck me."

"Are you really gonna let Rex pop your cherry?" asked Jenny in a surprised voice.

"I want him to fuck me," Paula answered.

Excited at the prospect of laying the beautiful virgin, Rex could almost feel his prick buried in the hot
softness of her sweet cunt.

"He's got another hard-on," giggled little Jenny when the boy's rod looked even bigger and stiffer than it
had been before Paula sucked him off.

"Good," whispered Paula, standing up and stripping herself completely naked.

"I'll be very careful," said Rex, still thinking she was a virgin as he sat the girl on his lap, facing him.

With her legs straddling his thighs, his big thick cock was standing up against her soft flat tummy. Leaning
forward, Paula rubbed her big lush tits against his face, thrilled with joy when he sucked one of her turgid
nipples into his mouth. While the boy hungrily sucked on her hard juicy tit-buds, Paula reached down
and began rubbing his throbbing boner against the soft hot flesh of her belly.

"I'll try to be very careful," he whispered, grasping her sweet young ass in his strong hands and lifting her
twat up over the head of his cock.

Trembling with excitement, he began lowering her open cuntlips down over his big bloated knob. Slowly
letting her down, Rex was a bit surprised at how easily the head of his dong was slithering into the girl's
slippery hole. Afraid of hurting her, he gently slid her dripping cunt up and down over his knob, not
wanting to put his cock all the way in at the start.

Smiling to herself, Paula wondered what the sweet boy would think if he knew how many times she'd
been fucked in the last few weeks.

"That feels so good, Rex," she whispered, rubbing her big nipples against his face as he lowered her
farther down over his prick.

Sitting beside them, little Jenny was staring at Rex's thick rod as it slowly disappeared into her big sister's
cunt. She could see that Paula's cuntlips were widely stretched, but there was no look of pain or anguish
on her beautiful face.

"Oh, yes, honey," whispered Paula. "Put it in deeper, baby."

Rex could feel the beautiful girl's tight slippery cunt squeezing deliciously around the meaty thickness of
his throbbing cock as he continued lowering her down.

"Deeper, Rex," she whispered excitedly. "Put all of it in me ... all of it!"

Trembling with excitement, he could feel his big dork sinking deeper and deeper into the hot tightness of
her squeezing twat.

"See," she mewled when his cock was buried all the way up to his balls in her hot little fuck-hole. "It's all
the way in. Now fuck the shit out of me!"

Firmly grasping the cheeks of her sweet young ass, Rex began lifting her up and down over the full length
of his shaft.

"Oh, darling," squealed Paula. "You're fucking me, honey. We're really fucking."

The intense pleasure was doubly increased when the boy began pumping the squealing girl up and down
over his rod at a faster tempo.

Excitedly watching them, little Jenny crawled down to get a better view of Rex's cock thrusting in and
out of her big sister's cunt. She could see Paula's swollen cuntlips clinging wetly to his shaft as it raced up
and down through the hot moistness of her sucking pussy. She stared at the thick stream of twat-juice
that was oozing out from between her cock-squeezing cuntlips, dripping down over his wet, glistening

"Harder, honey, harder!" screamed Paula, no longer giving a shit whether Rex thought she was a virgin
or not. "Fuck the piss out of me!"

Lifting the girl up from his cock, Rex slammed her back down on the couch and crawled up between her
"Oh, yes, honey!" cried Paula, lewdly spreading her thighs for him.

"Pour it to me, baby!"

Ramming the length of his tool up between her legs, Rex began fucking into her with wild, lusty strokes.

"Oh, yes, Rex!" Paula squealed, drawing her knees back and locking her ankles around his back. "That's
the way to do it, baby! Fuck me hard, baby! Fuck me hard!"

To the horny blonde's delight, Rex started pounding his cock into her like a crazed animal. Filled with a
screaming lust, Paula was taking every brutal thrust and begging for more.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" she was screaming. "Pound it to me. I love it!


Clawing into his shoulders with her nails, and her smooth naked legs locked desperately around his
wildly humping body, Paula could feel an intense orgasm building up in her writhing loins.

"Hang on, Rex!" she cried out. "Hold me, darling, hold me! I'm gonna come ... gonna come!"

Crazed by her screaming passion, Rex drove even deeper and harder into her smoldering cunt.

"YES! YES!" she shrieked, clinging desperately to him as he frantically drilled his dick in and out of her
climaxing fuck-hole. "I'm coming, baby, coming!"

Her glorious pleasure was further enhanced by the feel of his thick cum filling her cunt.

"Oh, sweet baby," she whispered as they slowly recovered on the couch.

"That was wonderful."

"I could see that," giggled little Jenny. "He was really giving it to you."

"By the way," Rex said, looking at Paula with a suspicious look in his eyes. "You're a real wild fuck for
someone who's never been screwed before."

"And for a guy who's never eaten pussy," she giggled, "you did one helluva job on my little sister."

The subject of her virginity was never brought up again.

Chapter 8

The night Drew Weston screwed Babs in her office brought a whole new idea of life to the man. He'd
always been quite conservative, as well as a bit prudish, but his first infidelity seemed to change all of
this. Living with his rather sexually cold wife for so many years, Drew rarely gave sex much of a thought,
but after that night with Babs, he could think of nothing but sucking and fucking. Within two days after
that evening, he laid his secretary who'd been lusting after him for years.

From then on he was fucking his secretary every afternoon in the office, but this wasn't enough to
appease his suddenly ravenous appetite for sex. He secretly lusted for every woman he saw on the
street, clearly visualizing their juicy cunts beneath their clothes. But the thing that disturbed him the most
was his rising interest in his own daughter's body.

Sitting with his wife in the evenings as they watched the news, Drew found himself drooling over Paula's
big half-naked tits. When Paula was at home, he found himself standing in the hall to get a glimpse of her
when she'd dash from the bathroom to her bedroom in her panties and bra. She'd been doing this for
years, and he'd paid no attention, but now he'd wait nervously to glimpse her partially naked body.

One Saturday morning when his wife had taken little Jenny out shopping for the day, Drew was working
in the garden when Paula came out to see if he'd like her to fix him some lunch.

"Hi, Daddy," she called out to him, seeing her father kneeling by a flowerbed.

"Hello, honey," her father smiled as she walked up to him in a short housecoat that deliciously revealed
her soft shapely legs.

"Would you like some lunch?" Paula asked, squatting down in front of him.

He was about to answer when he suddenly saw her wet little gold-fringed slit peeking out at him from
between her slightly parted thighs. Wearing nothing but the short housecoat, Paula was completely
unaware that her pussy was exposed to her dad's eyes.

"What?" he stammered, quickly averting his eyes from between her squatting legs.

"Would you like some lunch?" Paula repeated.

"Ah-a-yes," he stammered, his eyes drifting back to her juicy little cunt.

"Okay," smiled the girl, rising to her feet. "It'll be ready in about ten minutes."

When she had gone, Drew just stared numbly at the flowerbed, his thick cock throbbing wildly in his
pants. He could still vividly see that pink little snatch between his daughter's legs with twat juice glistening
like dew on her slippery pink cuntlips. Thinking about it, the man could almost feel his prick sinking into
the deliciously wet hotness of his daughter's slippery cunt. The sight of Paula's golden pussy had almost
blown his mind.

Rising unsteadily to his feet, he walked into the kitchen where Paula was preparing their lunch. With her
back turned to him as she worked by the sink, he stared at the back of her smooth young thighs beneath
her short housecoat. He was breathing hard as his cock throbbed wildly in his pants. Nothing had ever
excited him as much as the sight of Paula's naked little cunt. He realized that it was his own daughter's
pussy he was lusting over, yet daughter or not, cunts were made for fucking.

Walking up behind the girl, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around until she
was facing him.

"You're so lovely," he panted, lowering his mouth down toward her upturned face.

"Thank you, Daddy," she giggled, offering her cheek to him.

After kissing her face tenderly, he took the youngster's hand and led her to a couch in the living room.
When they were seated beside each other, he drew Paula into his arms. He had often held her since she
was a mere child, but she found the expression in his eyes a bit strange today.

Once more lowering his mouth to her cheek, he pulled her soft body up tightly against him as his lips
burned hotly against her face.

"Ooooooooooh, Daddy," she giggled. "You're sure amorous today."

Without answering, he slid his lips from her cheek, and pressing them against hers, he plunged his tongue
into the girl's mouth. Holding her tightly as he frenched her deeply, the softness of her body against his
confirmed that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"D-D-Daddy," she gasped, trying to push his face away.

Paula couldn't believe that her father could kiss her with such total passion, and she was suddenly filled
with a shocked fear.

"Please," she tried to call out, but her voice was muffled with his mouth over hers.

He finally released his hold just enough to get his hands between their bodies so he could fondle her big
full tits. As shocked as Paula was, she was vaguely excited by the way he was fondling her nipples as his
tongue sensually teased around in her mouth. Sucking back on his tongue, she unconsciously squirmed
her breasts against his persistent hands, letting her titties roll around deliciously in his grasp. She fully
realized that it was her father, yet there was something wildly erotic about the strange affair. With their
mouths welded together in a deep lingering kiss, Paula's loins were soon steaming with passion as his
fingers found her turgid nipples through the thin material of her gown.

"No, Daddy!" she panted, recovering her senses when the man finally broke the deep long kiss. "We
mustn't do this."

"Why not?"

"Because it's wrong," she whispered, trying to release herself from his arms.

"But I need you," he gasped, his fingers tearing at the buttons on the front of her housecoat.

Plagued with both passion and a sense of decency, Paula grappled with him as he tried to pull the top of
her gown down, but he was too strong and determined. Not really wanting to resist, she let him pull the
housecoat down until her big luscious tits burst free.

An impassioned breath burst out from Drew's throat when her big creamy globes spilled out in front of
his eyes. Her pink nipples were turgid and goose-bumpy from the delicious fondling he'd been giving
them. They were tingling with a desire to be teased and pinched and sucked.

"Oh, Daddy," she whispered, melting into her father's arms.

Running his hands up and down her smooth naked back, he gave her another deep kiss as she sucked
his tongue into her hot wet little mouth. Moving his hand around in front of her as his lips pressed her
head against the back of the couch, his fingers came up under her tits, squeezing and lifting the shapely
masses of firm, quivering flesh. Removing his lips from hers, his mouth descended on the big swollen
nipples that were offered up to him.

Paula was soon writhing passionately on the sofa as her father hungrily sucked on her tits while her
fingers ran through his thick head of curly hair. The man was deliciously sucking and pulling on one
nipple and then the other until Paula was sobbing with ecstasy.

"Oh, Daddy," she whispered. "I love you so much."

Dropping his hand down between her slightly parted thighs, he trailed it up under the short skirt until his
fingers touched the hot wetness of her furry little slit.

"Oooooooooh, Daddy!" she sobbed. "Please fuck me, darling. I wanta be fucked."
When her father released the girl from his arms, Paula quickly stood up and removed her housecoat.
Reclining back on the sofa with her knees and thighs parted, she gave her father his first good look at her
matured pussy. He hadn't seen Paula's cunt since it was a hairless little mound of puffy flesh until this
morning in the garden, and that had only been a quick flash.

Standing there and staring down at her lovely naked body, he could see that her soft young pussy-hairs
were as golden as the blonde tresses that cascaded down over her bare shoulders. With her knees
drawn up and her thighs generously parted, Drew could see her slippery open cuntlips, glistening with
droplets of her sweet warm juices.

"Oh, God, honey," he panted, tearing at his clothes to get them off.

Watching him undress, Paula could hardly wait to see her sweet father's hard cock, wondering if it
would be nice and big. She didn't have long to wait, because the moment he dropped his shorts, his
thick cock sprang up in all its glory. Grasping his throbbing dick in his hand, he began lewdly gliding his
foreskin back and forth as he moved toward the sofa.

Paula had felt a momentary flash of guilt when her naked father crawled up between her open legs, but
this was soon dispelled when she felt the head of his hot cock kissing her juicy twat, nudging her slippery
cuntlips apart. Squirming, the little blonde tried to screw herself onto his rod, and when he gently pushed
forward, his long thick knob eased into her, deliciously spreading the soft warm flesh of her cuntal
passage. Drew was trembling with excitement as he continued advancing his tingling boner up through
the clinging hotness of his daughter's tight little cunt.

Paula excitedly licked her moist lips, and her eyes rolled crazily back with ecstasy when she felt her
dad's hot cock filling her cunt to perfection.

"Oooooooooh," the lovely cock-filled girl sobbed, grinding her juicy slit up around the base of his deeply
buried shaft.

Her father was panting with lust as her tight juicy cunt-flesh squeezed and sucked against the entire
length of his big dick. Slowly drawing it back until only his cockhead remained embedded, he lunged
forward again, once more plunging his thick prick deep into her steamy fuck-hole.

"Ooooooooh, yes!" she squealed. "That's the way, Daddy!"

Drew began excitedly fucking into his daughter's cunt with long slow thrusts, his big cockhead pounding
against the very end of her hole. Staring down at the passion in her eyes, it was hard for Drew to
believe he was actually screwing his own pretty child.

"Oh, sweet Daddy," she whispered as the top ridge of his super-hard shaft sawed deliciously against the
sensitive tip of her erect clitty. The millions of nerve ends in her hot grasping twat were tingling with
unbelievable ecstasy as the thickness of his drilling tool stimulated them beyond her wildest dreams. She
realized how depraved it was for a father to fuck his cock into his young daughter's cunt, but she was
loving every delicious moment of it.

The biggest thrill of all was to look up at the joy on her handsome father's face, and to know it was she
who was bringing him such intense pleasure.

"Oh, Daddy," she whispered joyfully as she screwed her moist hot cunt up tighter around the thickness
of her father's juice-slickened pole. "I love you so much."

Lowering his head, Drew kissed his daughter's soft open lips, gliding his tongue into the hot moistness of
her sweet warm mouth while his hairy chest rubbed deliciously against her big firm tits.

It was an unbelievable thrill for both of them, inspired by the deep love of father and daughter for each
other. Frantically clinging to her father, Paula could feel the thick hardness of his big tool driving deeper
and faster into her dripping hot cunt. Her eyes closed in ecstasy, mouth hanging open, Paula's head
rolled crazily from side to side, her long blonde hair flying wildly around her beautifully flushed face. The
room was echoing with her squeals of delight and the erotic sounds of her hot wet cunt juices squishing
around his wet plunging cock. Grasping his handsome face in her hands, Paula once more covered his
mouth with her hot open lips, frenching her tongue deep inside.

"Oh, Daddy!" she cried out. "This is all so fuckin' wonderful!"

"Oh, my sweet little baby," he panted, his big thick dork slamming rhythmically into her slippery young

As her father fucked even deeper and harder into her, Paula unconsciously drew her knees farther back,
offering more of her wet furry slit to his delicious assault.

"That's it, Daddy!" she squealed, slamming her cunt up harder around his thrusting boner. "Fuck me
hard, Daddy, fuck me hard!"

"My sweet little fuck-baby," he gasped, looking at her through adoring eyes as his big juice-slickened
dick drilled deliciously into the farthest depths of her writhing little fuck-hole.

"Oh, Daddy!" she squealed with tears in her eyes as she enthusiastically fucked her twat back around his
plunging cock. "Is it good, Daddy? Do you like fucking your big cock into my hot little cunt?"

"I love it," he panted, pumping deeper and harder. "I love fucking your sweet little twat."

"Oh, sweet Daddy!" She shuddered in ecstasy. "I don't think I can stand much more."

Drew quickly slowed down his long hard thrusts.

"No! No!" she shrieked. "Don't stop! Keep fuckin'! KEEP FUCKINNNNGGGG MEEEEEE!"

With his massive cock slithering in and out of his young daughter's slippery slit, Drew was excitedly
staring down at the beautiful girl beneath him. The gorgeous youngster's baby-soft lips were parted in
ecstasy as her half-closed eyes looked up at him with adoration. Her luscious big nipples were quivering
deliciously as Paula's big firm tits jiggled up and down to the rhythm of his powerful thrusts.

"God, Daddy, how I love you," whispered Paula, her hot wet lips covering his mouth as his glorious
boner drove deeper into her hot young hole.

Rhythmically plunging the hard thickness of his glistening cock into his daughter's little belly, the man
could feel the thud of his sperm-bloated balls slapping against her sweet soft ass.

"Oh, Daddy, your big hot prick feels so fuckin' good!" she cried, clutching him tighter in her arms. "Oh,
God, I love you."

"And I love you, my sweet baby," he panted heatedly, his thrusting loins aflame with lust.

Their naked bodies welded together, daughter and father were fucking away at each other in a frenzy of
passion. Frantically increasing the tempo of his fuck-thrusts, the man could feel himself racing toward an
explosive climax. The thought of filling his little daughter's cunt with hot thick jizz only served to further
excite him.

"Oh, Daddy!" shrieked Paula, drawing her knees back and locking her ankles up high around his back.
"I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come!"

Her young teenaged body lurched violently every time his big shaft slammed up into her squeezing
fuck-hole. The feel of his big bloated knob pounding deep into her belly, and the tingling joy of his hard
rod rubbing deliciously against her sensitive clit was lifting her to heights of passion she'd never before

"I'm coming! I'M COMING!" she suddenly screamed, feeling her father's thick, rich cock-cream
spurting into her exploding cunt.

Her young body writhed and lurched against his nakedness as her overwhelming orgasm completely
engulfed her. Quivering with the intense ecstasy, she screwed her spasming pussy up tighter around the
base of his belching dick as it continued spewing his cum into her little sperm-drenched slit.

"Oh, God, I love you, Daddy," she whispered as delicious little sensations continued flowing through her
glowing flesh.

"And I love you, my darling baby," he smiled down at the beautiful youngster beneath him.

Later, as they lay side by side in each other's arms, Paula gently caressed the soft wetness of his prick
between her fingers. The warm stickiness of his limp cock sent a delightful quiver rippling through her
body. Leaning forward, she tenderly put his limp prick in her warm moist mouth, licking and sucking the
half-dried jizz from around his flaccid tool.

A delicious excitement rippled through her body a few moments later when she felt his cock starting to
stir and swell again in her mouth. Seeing the look of joy on her father's face, Paula had a sudden desire
to suck off his wonderful tool.

"Oh, Daddy," she whispered when his dong was suddenly fully erect again. "I just love your big hard

Opening her mouth wide, Paula slipped her moist hot lips down over his cockhead, her tongue teasing
deliciously around the sensitive nerve center on the underside of his quivering knob. Her father was soon
lurching frantically beneath her as Paula began bobbing her head up and down over his hard rod as
Randy had taught her. The feel of his dick sliding in and out between her juicy lips was driving him wild,
and the knowledge that it was his own sweet daughter who was sucking on his cock only served to
increase the intense pleasure.

"Do you like this, Daddy?" she whispered between sucks. "Do you like the way your naughty little girl is
sucking your nice hard prick?"

"God, yes," he panted. "Please keep sucking."

The feel of her father's lusty cock in her mouth was tremendously exciting for the girl, and when she'd
sucked on his knob for a long time, she began licking up and down the entire underside of his thick
boner. When her mouth reached the base, her tongue teased against the soft crinkly skin of his hairy
balls. Sucking and licking on his big bloated fuck-sac, the pretty youngster soon had it wet and glistening
from her spit. Finally removing her mouth from his big wet balls, she began teasing her tongue back up
the underside of his straining shaft again.

The man was frantically lurching on the sofa as his young daughter licked and sucked passionately on his
bursting cockhead. Having never experienced such intense joy, he was almost on the verge of hysteria
when he suddenly felt a climax building up deep in his balls.

"Paula!" he gasped. "Look out, honey! I'm gonna shoot my load!"

"Good," she giggled. "Give me a nice big mouthful."

"What?" he gasped.

"Shoot it into my mouth," she panted. "I love the taste of that stuff."

Drew was no longer able to control himself, and the moment Paula covered his cockhead with her
sucking lips again, he exploded a torrent of jizz against the back of her throat.

Thrilled by the taste of her dad's thick cock-cream, Paula sucked and swallowed until she'd drawn the
last delicious drop from deep in his balls.

Chapter 9

That started a new era in their lives, and from that day on, father and daughter fucked each other at
every opportunity. It was a sexual heaven for Paula, because with Rex Walker, Wayne Marshal and her
father all busy fucking her, the horny youngster had a cock stuffed up between her legs most of the time.

When the news team had been on the air for a month and the ratings soaring beyond their wildest hopes,
the station decided to have a little party after the broadcast. Paula invited her parents and little Jenny to
attend, as well as Rex. Drew was a bit apprehensive about seeing Babs again for the first time since he'd
screwed the woman in her office, but his wife, Anita, was anxious to attend, so he agreed to go.

Arriving before the broadcast, Anita was stunning in a black dress that accented her beautiful blonde
hair. She had the same beauty as her daughter, but it was a mature loveliness that most men admired.

Drew had more or less ignored his wife for the past few years, and she was more than pleased with the
attention she received from Randy Witmore when they were introduced. Unknown to her, the handsome
newscaster was a cocksman that was always ready to screw any broad from sixteen to sixty, but she
found his attention very flattering.

"Mrs. Weston," he beamed at her when they were introduced. "Now I can see where Paula gets her
beauty. You are a lovely looking woman, and you certainly don't look old enough to be her mother."

"Thank you, Mr. Witmore," she blushed.

"Please call me Randy," the man beamed at her. "And I hope you have a first name."

"It's Anita," she stammered, completely overwhelmed by the handsome newscaster.

"May I call you Anita?" he asked. "That's a lovely name."

"Please," smiled the radiant woman. "I'd like that."'

"Okay, Anita," he replied. "Now may I show you around the station."

"Thank you," smiled Anita. "That would be nice."

Taking her hand, he gently squeezed it as he led her down the hall. By the time the short tour was
completed, Anita was completely captivated by the man, and he was completely aware of it. Excusing
himself when it was time for the broadcast, Randy knew that he'd have the beautiful woman's pants off
before the evening was over.

Little fourteen-year-old Jenny was just as fascinated with Wayne Marshal, the owner of the station. The
older man had a penchant for young girls, and Jenny was quite flattered at the way he boldly studied her
little maturing body when they were introduced. The man's dark hair, streaked with grey, and his soft
brown eyes completely charmed the youngster. She was very conscious of the way his eyes studied her
little pointy tits under her braless T-shirt as well as the soft curve of her cute young ass in her tight jeans.
She was flattered that this handsome older man was admiring her young body so intently.

In his mind, Wayne Marshal had often had fantasies about fondling a little girl's naked body, and Jenny
was exactly what he'd dreamed about. He realized that the pretty youngster would never allow him to
touch her, but just watching her was terribly exciting to him.

When the group began filing into the studio to watch the newscast, Wayne asked Jenny if she'd like to
watch it on the monitor in his office.

"Sure," she grinned, flattered that the man wanted her company.

Entering the plush room, they sat down on a big couch that faced the television monitor.

"Would you like to be a weather girl someday?" he asked when her sister appeared on the screen.

"Maybe," giggled the girl. "But I don't have big tits like my sister."

"You will," he smiled, shocked by the youngster's bold statement.

Seeing the lust in his eyes, Jenny suddenly thought how much fun it might be to seduce the handsome
man. The thought of being screwed by him sent delicious little tingles streaking through her loins. She'd
been fucked by lots of kids as well as Rex, but being laid by this sophisticated man would be a real

"Maybe they'll grow if enough boys play with them," she giggled.

"Do you let boys play with your boobs?" he asked, feeling his cock stirring in his pants from the

"Sure," grinned the child.

"Does it feel good to you?"

"Shit, yes," Jenny smiled, suggestively running her hands up across her little boobs. "I love it."

"I'll bet the little boys enjoy playing with them," he panted, his entire body aflame with his lecherous lust.

"So do the big boys," she giggled. "Would you like to touch them?"

"Do you mean it?" gasped the man.

"Sure," she smiled, suddenly standing up in front of him. "Why don't you undress me and play with all of
my body."

"Are you serious?"

"Certainly," she whispered. "I dig having my naked body fondled."

Standing up, the man nervously grasped the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it off over the child's head.
His prick began throbbing violently when he saw her firm little nubile tits pointing out at him. He
couldn't believe the size of her big goose-bumpy areolas, capped by her swollen nipples that were just
begging to be sucked and chewed.

"Like 'em?" she giggled, thrilled at the way he was drooling over her little naked boobs.

"They're beautiful," he gasped, reaching out and gently squeezing her big turgid nipples between his
thumbs and forefingers.

"Wait'll you see my pussy," she whispered up to him, brushing her hair back and clasping her hands
behind her head.

Quickly lowering the zipper to her jeans, he eagerly pulled them down over her hips. When he'd
completely removed them, he was shaking like a leaf as he stared at the child, standing there with her
little dimpled navel deliciously revealed above her brief panties.

"You're a naughty man," she giggled. "But I like naughty men."

Slipping his trembling hands into the elastic waistband of her little bikini panties, Wayne slowly peeled
them down over her wiggly little ass, letting them slither down her shapely young legs to the floor. There
was a mischievous smile on her dimpled face and a devilish gleam in her eyes as she stood bare-ass
naked in front of the man.

Unable to believe that one of his most vivid fantasies was being realized, Wayne just stared at the cutest
fucking cunt he'd ever seen in his life. Her delicious little twat-lips were a soft shade of pink, glistening
with the slippery cunt juices that were oozing out from between them. Her slit was slightly open and he
could see a bit of her juicy inner flesh as well as her erect shiny clitty at the top of it. The feathery
growth of downy soft pussy hairs that surrounded the youngster's adorable little twat was one of the
most erotic things he'd ever seen.

"D'ya like my body?" she teased.

"My God, Jenny," he gasped, still staring at the naked youngster's snatch. "It's beautiful."

"What are you gonna do with it?" she whispered, a devilish gleam in her eyes.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked, his cock trying to burst out of his pants.

"I want you to play with it," whispered the girl. "I want you to do naughty things to me."

Dropping to his knees in front of the naked youngster, he grasped the softness of her cute ass and
wolfed one of her big nipples into his mouth. Sucking and pulling on her erect titty-bud with his lips, he
dug and goosed his fingers into the soft warm flesh between her asscheeks.

"Oh, Mr. Marshal," she giggled as he poked his finger around her little quivering asshole. "You're making
me horny."

Scooping the child up in his arms, he spread her out on the couch. Tenderly grasping her ankles as she
lay on her back, he spread the child's legs wide apart and buried his face between her soft young thighs.
Staring up, he could see her hot wet little pussy only an inch or two from his mouth. The fresh clean
scent of her twat wafted to his nostrils, filling him with a lust he hadn't felt in years. Snaking his tongue
out, he lapped up a few drops of pussy juice that was dribbling out from between her cuntlips.
"Ooooooooooh, yes," she squealed with delight when she felt his hot, wet tongue against the sensitive
flesh of her slit. "Eat me out, honey."

"In a minute," he panted, rolling the youngster over on her tummy.

Trembling with excitement, the usually sophisticated man began nervously trailing his fingertips up and
down her spine, gradually working lower until he was cupping her sweet young asscheeks in his hands.
Panting with his depraved lust, he began kneading the soft quivering flesh of her ass, once more goosing
his fingers into the soft crack between her buns.

"Oh, you naughty man," giggled Jenny, lying on her tummy with her face resting on her forearm. "That
feels neat."

Lowering his face, he began licking up along the back of her bare thighs until his mouth found the soft
crack between her ass-cheeks. Parting her buns with his thumbs, he buried his face in the soft wiggly
flesh between them.

"God, you're sweet," he panted, hungrily licking her tight little asshole.

Jenny was trembling with excitement as his thick wet tongue teased and probed around her little sensitive
shitter. There was something fantastic about the tender way he was licking her wiggly little ass.

Finally removing his face from the child's spit-soaked buttocks, he once more rolled Jenny onto her back.

"Jesus, that's a sweet little pussy," he whispered, staring hungrily at the pink slippery flesh of her open slit
that was smiling up at him from the soft nest of feathery pussy hairs that surrounded it. "It's the cutest
damn twat I've ever seen."

Not saying another word, he lowered his face into the sweet warmth of her open thighs and forced his
mouth as deep as possible into the hot wetness of the youngster's steamy cunt flesh. He'd never tasted
anything as wonderful as her tangy juices flowing over his tongue like honey. Passionately swirling his
tongue around in the slippery hotness of her velvety-slick cunt, he was thoroughly tonguing the hot flesh
of her delicious young hole. With his nose pressed into the soft mound of pussy hair, his nostrils were
filled with the delicious scent of her fourteen-year-old twat.

"Oh, Mr. Marshal!" she squealed. "That feels so fuckin' good!"

Rex was the only person who'd ever licked her slit before this, but she realized that this man was truly an
accomplished cunt-lapper. As he tongued her into a wild state of ecstasy, she was writhing her hot little
cunt up tighter against his slurping mouth. Twisting and moaning on the sofa, her pretty little face was
distorted with passion as she tore at the cushions with her fingers.

She was almost out of her mind as the man's experienced tongue wiggled into every sensitive fold of her
juicy hot cunt. With his slavering mouth and tongue working tirelessly on her sweet juicy slit, his hands
and fingers were still goosing deliciously into the soft hot flesh between her asscheeks.

"Oh, God!" she squealed. "I love it! I love it!"

The horny youngster was almost out of her mind with joy as the older man continued sucking and
tonguing her hot, open slit.

"Oh, shit!" she squealed, pounding her little clenched fists on the cushion. "It feels so fuckin' good!"

Clutching at the child's soft meaty ass, the man was thrusting his tongue deeper and deeper into the hot
depths of Jenny's tasty little slit, his upper lip working deliciously against her quivering clitoris.

"Oh, shit!" she sobbed, digging her fingers into his thick head of hair. "It's so fucking wonderful!"

Screaming and sobbing, the youngster was pinching and twisting her own tits, almost out of her mind
from the intense joy he was bringing to her.

"Suck, honey, suck!" she shrieked, frantically squeezing her nipples as the intense ecstasy mounted.
"Suck, honey! SUCK! SUCK!"

The near-hysterical child was almost lost to reality, and was aware of nothing but the delicious sensations
that were crashing through her writhing body.

"Eeeeeeegggghhhh!" she suddenly shrieked, pressing his mouth down tighter over her cunt. "I'm coming!

She almost passed out from the intense pleasure as her orgasm swallowed her.

"Jesus, that was neat," she whispered a few minutes later when the man removed his juice-smeared face
from between her thighs.

"That's the sweetest-tasting pussy in the world," he smiled at the beaming child.

"Would you like me to play with your prick?" she suddenly asked.

"God, yes," he gulped. "Will you?"

"Sure," giggled Jenny. "If you'll take your dumb clothes off."

Watching the man as he stood up to disrobe, a delicious glow coursed through the child's cunt when he
finally dropped his shorts, revealing his big lusty hard-on. Suddenly remembering how her sister had
sucked Rex off while he was licking Jenny's pussy, the youngster suddenly had a wild desire to taste Mr.
Marshal's dick.

Reaching out as the man stood in front of the sofa, Jenny wrapped her cool fingers around the thick
meaty hardness of his bloated cock. Staring at it with a hungry fascination, she began tenderly sliding
his velvety-soft foreskin up and down over his big purple cockhead. There was a hotness to his swollen
shaft of flesh that further aroused the horny youngster. Lowering her face toward his knob, a faintly
musky aroma reached her nostrils and she was strangely excited by the fascinating scent.

Holding his cock firmly in her hands, Jenny's tongue slid out, lightly touching the head of his prick.
Excited by the strange, but rather pleasant taste, she began washing her tongue around and over the big
purple knob of hard male flesh. The texture of his shiny cockhead excited her tongue as she slid it over
the rough goose bumps around the rim of his bulb. Gaining more courage by the second, she finally
opened her mouth and lowered her juicy lips down over his slippery dick.

"Jesus Christ!" panted Wayne, feeling his cock slithering into the hot wetness of her mouth.

"Am I hurting you?" she asked, removing her lips from his prick.

"Shit, no!" he gasped. "That's wonderful!"

Happy that he was enjoying it, Jenny once more lowered her mouth over the head of his stiff dong.
Although having never sucked a cock before, the youngster had jacked off enough kids to know how to
please a guy with her mouth. She began by bobbing her head up and down, masturbating with her lips.
From the way he was trembling and jerking, Jenny could tell that she was giving the man what he wanted.

She was soon taking more and more of his cock into her mouth with every plunge, and was loving every
exciting moment of it. The feel of his thick gnarly cock gliding over the top of her tongue was one of the
most erotic things she'd ever experienced. She loved the way his big meaty prick filled her mouth
nudging at the back of her throat and pressing out against her cheeks as tangy drops of seminal fluid
oozed from the tip of his cock, dripping onto her tongue. It was a new and mind-blowing experience for
the excited youngster, having never dreamed that sucking a cock could be so deliciously satisfying.

Although anxious to taste his cum gushing into her mouth, the child had jacked off enough boys to know
they enjoyed it more if she prolonged their ejaculation. When she suddenly felt his muscles tensing, she
quickly released his prick from her mouth, not wanting him to shoot his wad yet.

"Is this fun?" she whispered up to him.

"Shit yes!" he blurted.

"Am I a good little cocksucker?"

"The best."

"That's neat," the youngster giggled. "I sure enjoy doing it."

Sliding the skin up and down over his magnificent boner, she again covered his cockhead with her hot
wet lips. She began a slow deep suction that soon had him trembling with joy. With each suck of her
clinging lips, it felt to Wayne as if she were drawing his asshole right up through his shaft.

"Jesus, Jenny!" he sobbed excitedly, his fingers clutching at her long brown hair as her slippery, warm
mouth worked up and down over his lusty prick. "God, that feels good."

Her pretty little face was bobbing faster and faster as her lips sucked and pulled with more suction on his
straining prick. The man's entire body was jerking and trembling from the wild joy of her passionate
sucking. Standing in front of the child, he was unconsciously thrusting his hips back and forth, fucking his
screaming boner in and out of her mouth.

Jenny was wild with excitement, and as his hard, juicy cock rubbed deliciously against her lips, tongue
and throat, she could hardly wait to taste a man's cock-cream for the very first time. Having jacked off
so many boys, the youngster was aware that he was rapidly approaching his climax, and she was eager
to taste and feel his cum squirting into her mouth. She sucked with a wilder intensity.

Wayne could feel his impending orgasm building deep in his balls. As it grew closer and closer, he thrust
his cock forward and grabbed Jenny's head, pulling her mouth down tighter over his screaming cock.

"Aaaaaaggghhhh!" he roared, feeling his hot jizz streaking up through his screaming rod.

Although she'd anticipated the discharge, Jenny wasn't prepared for the huge amount of cum that gushed
into her mouth. It splattered deliciously against the back of her throat, and she began sucking and
swallowing frantically as spurt after spurt of the thick fluid continued spewing out of his lurching
cockhead. Frantically sucking and swallowing, Jenny was going wild over the strong slippery taste of his
rich creamy cum. When it finally stopped squirting into her mouth, Jenny continued sucking, wanting
every last drop of the delicious fluid.

It was not until his prick lay wet and limp in her mouth that Jenny finally released it. Smiling up at him,
she licked her sperm-drenched lips, not wanting to waste a single drop.
"Did you like that?" she whispered as he sat down next to her on the sofa.

"God, yes!" he gasped, still trying to recover from his wild climax.

"Good," she whispered, snuggling her soft naked little body into his arms. "Am I a good cocksucker?"

"Fantastic," he grinned, gently squeezing her hard little tit.

"Will you play with my pussy some more?" she whispered. "I still feel horny."

"So do I," sighed Wayne, plunging his thick middle finger up into the youngster's hot little slit.

"Oh, honey," she mewled as his finger screwed around in her hot little hole. "Are you gonna make me
come again?"

"Yes, darling," he smiled. "I could never get enough of your sweet little twat."

Chapter 10

Watching the broadcast from the control room with the group, Anita Weston was literally creaming over
Randy Witmore. The handsome newscaster had excited her so much that she wasn't even aware of the
warm secret glances between Babs Conners and her husband. When the news was over, Randy joined
them in the control room while Paula went down to the lobby to wait for Rex who was joining them a
little later.

After chattering for a few minutes, Babs left with Drew on the pretext of showing him around the station.
Finally left alone with Randy, Anita was filled with a strange excitement that she couldn't quite

"God, you're a beautiful woman," Randy suddenly said to Anita who was standing across the small room
from him.

"Thank you," she smiled, completely captivated by the handsome man.

Smiling, Randy walked across the room and gently placed his hands on Anita's shoulders. Still not
speaking, he grasped her waist, drawing her lovely body up tightly against his. Too startled to resist,
Anita could feel his hard cock pressing against her from within his pants. With practically no sex life for
the past several months, Anita felt a strange excitement as his thick boner throbbed against her crotch
through the thin material of their clothes.

Still not releasing the woman, Randy reached down and took her firm ass, pulling her steaming pussy up
tighter against his pounding cock. Through her thin dress, Anita could feel his hands deliciously
massaging her butt while his fingers goosed in and out of the soft quivering crevice between her firm
asscheeks. Fully realizing that what they were doing was wrong, Anita knew deep in her heart that she
would surrender to him as his big hard dick rotated persistently against her twat.

The pleasure mounted in her smoldering loins. She suddenly threw her arms around his neck and pulled
his mouth down against her hot open lips. Their mouths locked passionately together in a deep French
kiss, Anita frantically ground her hot pussy back and forth against the big hard cock-bulge in his pants.

Still clutching Anita's squirming ass, Randy lifted her and carried the woman over to a small sofa. Laying
her back on the cushions, he sat on the edge, his hand moving up along the soft flesh of her inner thighs
beneath the short dress. His stiff prick gave a sudden lurch when his fingers made contact with Anita's
juice-soaked panties. Hooking his fingers into the waistband of the flimsy little garment, he ripped them
off with one hard yank. Lifting her short skirt above her hips, Randy stared at the lovely slit, only inches
from his eyes. The slippery pussy-lips were swollen with passion, drops of hot cunt juice glistening
against the soft pink flesh.

Crazed by the delicious sight of her hot, open slit, Randy tenderly parted her bare thighs with his hands
and lowered his mouth and face into the musky warmth of her juice-drenched cunt.

"Oh, my God!" squealed Anita, feeling a hot wet tongue against her clit for the first time in her life.
"Jesus, that feels good!"

Eating pussy was something her husband had never done to her, and the first electric shock of Randy's
soft thick tongue on her clitoris almost blew Anita's mind. She was soon lurching and writhing frantically
on the sofa as the man's mouth and tongue worked hungrily on her twat.

"Oh, God, Randy!" she squealed, pounding her fists against the cushion.

"That feels so fuckin' good, baby!"

Clutching at her squirming ass, Randy sank his tongue even deeper into the hot depths of the woman's
juicy slit, his upper lip deliciously teasing her erect clitoris.

"Shit, honey!" she shrieked, biting her own wrist. "I can't stand it, baby, I can't stand it! Oh, Christ, it
feels so fuckin' good!"

Anita was hysterically grabbing and pulling on her own tits, almost out of her mind with the intense

"Suck, baby, suck!" she screamed, pinching and twisting her big swollen nipples. "Shit, honey, suck ...

Anita had lost all sense of reality, and was conscious of nothing but the electrifying sensations that were
screaming through her lusting body.

"Oh, sweet fuckin' Jesus, I'm gonna come!" she shrieked, grabbing Randy's head and pushing his mouth
down tighter against her spit-soaked cunt. "I'm coming, baby! COMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!"

Her beautiful body jerked wildly as she was consumed by the most intense orgasm she'd ever

"God, that was wonderful," she whispered up to the man as he got to his feet.

"And so are you," he smiled.

"Oh, Randy," she giggled, seeing the big bulge still in the front of his pants. "Why don't you take your
fucking clothes off and empty that big hard boner in my hot little cunt?"

While the man was disrobing, Anita quickly removed her dress and lay back on the sofa, her lovely legs
deliciously spread for him. A delicious glow seared through her loins when he dropped his shorts,
revealing his big lusty cock. Moving toward the sofa, Randy was just about to mount her when he
unconsciously glanced up at the control-room clock.

"Oh, my God!" he suddenly gasped. "The engineers will be in here in just a few seconds for the station

"What will we do?" she asked in a frightened voice.

"Everyone is probably downstairs at the party," he panted, gathering up his clothes from the floor. "Let's
slip into Wayne Marshal's office across the hall."

Clinging to their garments, the naked couple peered into the hall, and not seeing anyone, they made a
dash for Marshal's door. They were just disappearing into the room when Babs and Drew rounded a
corner on their way to the privacy of her office which adjoined Wayne's.

"My God," giggled Babs. "Wasn't that your wife with Randy?"

"It sure was," he replied in a stunned voice. "And bare-assed naked. I can't believe it!"

"Why not?" whispered Babs, gently squeezing his arm. "We're gonna be naked in a couple of minutes

"But my wife," he continued, "it doesn't seem possible."

"Come on," giggled Babs, taking his hand. "Let's go into my office and watch them through the keyhole."

A few moments later when they were in Babs' office, peering through the opening, they could see Anita's
and Randy's naked bodies standing just inside the doorway. Anita was excitedly stroking Randy's thick
boner, as she and the newscaster stared in amazement at the sofa where Wayne Marshal was noisily
sucking on little Jenny's fourteen-year-old twat.

"My God!" gasped Drew, watching the older man going down on his daughter's cunt. "Look at that old
bastard eating my kid out."

"She seems to be enjoying it," giggled Babs. "And your wife is sure having fun with Randy's big prick."

The lewd scene was really turning Babs on and she quickly lowered Drew's zipper and whipped out his
stiff hard-on.

The couple was soon quickly undressing as they took turns peeking through the keyhole.

"God," whispered Anita to Randy in the other room as they stood just inside the door watching Wayne
Marshal going down on her little daughter. "I should stop him, but I know how much she's enjoying it.
I'd never dreamed that anything could feel as good as the tongue-fucking you just gave me."

"A cock-fuck is better," he smiled down at the woman who was excitedly stroking his big thick rod.

"I'll bet it would be with this big beauty," she giggled.

"Wanta fuck?" grinned Randy.

"Shit, yes," she answered excitedly. "But where will we go?"

"Let's do it right here on the floor," suggested the man. "This carpet is soft and deep."

"How about them?" Anita whispered, glancing over at Wayne and her daughter on the sofa.

"They shouldn't mind," laughed Randy. "Anyway, they seem quite busy."

Watching through the keyhole from the other room, Drew couldn't believe it when he saw his wife lie
down on the carpet and spread her thighs for the handsome newscaster.

"Jesus Christ!" he said to Babs as he watched Randy crouch down between her legs. "Look at that. He's
gonna stick his cock in my wife's cunt."

"So what," giggled Babs as Drew moved away so she could peer through the keyhole. "You're gonna
stuff your prick into me in a second."

They took turns watching as Randy slowly drilled his big throbbing boner up into the hot depths of
Anita's juicy slit.

"Oh, Jesus," they heard Anita moan as Randy's prick slid up through her stretched cunt-flesh until it
nudged against the very end of her twat. When her long neglected cunt was filled with cock, a lovely
smile spread across Anita's face as she felt his warm lusty balls nestled into the soft meaty crevice
between her widely splayed asscheeks.

"Oh, God, I love that nice hard cock," she whispered, screwing her naked body up tighter against his,
making certain that every last inch of his delicious prick was embedded in her hot, clasping cunt.

When he partially withdrew for another plunge, Anita clenched her teeth, waiting eagerly for his second
thrust. The woman shivered with joy as his bloated shaft rubbed deliciously against her sensitive cunt

"AAAAAAGGHH!" she shrieked in ecstasy when his hard pole of thick meat drove wildly up into her
lust-filled twat.

Startled by the sudden scream, little Jenny's eyes flew open. She was completely stunned when she saw
Randy Witmore fucking his cock into her naked mother on the floor. Wayne was as equally shocked
when he removed his mouth from the youngster's little dripping pussy.

"Oh, shit!" Anita was screaming as the man's big boner sawed rhythmically in and out of her hot pussy.
"That's it, baby! That's it! Fuck me good!"

Spurred on by the woman's squeals of excitement, Randy was soon pounding his big dork savagely into
the screaming woman's hot, writhing hole.

"Let's go join the party," giggled Babs. "It looks like they're having a ball."

"Okay," grinned Drew, opening the door. "This could be quite a party."

"Look, Daddy!" squealed Jenny when she saw her naked father entering the room with Babs. "Mom's
gettin' fucked!"

"I can see that," he grinned, unable to keep his eyes away from Randy's big cock as it slammed in and
out of his wife's frothy cunt. "And she seems to be enjoying it."

"Who wouldn't?" giggled Jenny, running across the room to her father.

"Fucking is fun."

"What do you know about it?" he grinned.

"Shit," she giggled. "I've been screwed lots of times."

"What?" he asked in an astounded voice.

"Sure," she beamed, wrapping her fingers around his stiff naked cock.
"Will you fuck me?"

"Of course not," he grinned, pleased with the way little Jenny was playing with his hard prick.

"Please," she begged.

"God, no," he said in a stern voice. "Fathers don't fuck their little kids."

"Then may I jack you off?" she asked, still gently stroking his excited boner.

"Well," he smiled, looking into her pleading eyes, "I guess you can do that to me."

"Oh, good!" she cried, leading him over to the sofa.

Seeing that father and daughter were going to have their own little party, Wayne Marshal quietly left the

When Drew was spread out on his back with his stiff rod pointing up toward the ceiling, Jenny began
teasing his foreskin up and down over his bloated cockhead. Staring at his daughter's naked little body
as she deliciously stroked his stiff prick, Drew was more aroused than he'd ever been in his life. The man
was staring at the child's sweet hot pussy as she knelt next to him on the sofa with her thighs spread
open. The desire to drill his cock up into Jenny's sweet little twat was almost more than he could control
as he watched the creamy juices oozing out from between her little pink pussy-lips.

Jenny seemed to instinctively know this, and lifting her one leg, she quickly straddled her father's loins.
As if in a trance, Drew just stared at her cute dripping pussy as the youngster slowly squatted, lowering
herself down toward his big bloated cockhead. When her wet little slit grazed against the hard hotness of
his purple knob, she began trembling with anticipation.

Watching her, Drew was completely aware of what was happening, but he had no will to stop her.
Staring between the youngster's legs, Drew could think of nothing but that cute little cunt closing tight and
hot around his throbbing boner. The man still made no attempt to stop her when Jenny positioned the
open lips of her little cunt right against the smooth hardness of his big fiery cockhead. Squirming over
him, she tried to work his huge knob into her tiny pussy.

"Oooooooooh!" the child squealed with joy when the head of his cock slipped into her widely stretched
little cunt-mouth.

Then holding her breath as she slowly let herself down, she felt her dad's hard thick dick glide all the way
up into the hot tightness of her fuck-hole. Looking into the child's excited face, he smiled up at her,
waiting for her young cunt to adjust to the bigness of his dong. It was the tightest hottest little twat he'd
ever been in.

"Oh, Daddy!" she whispered. "It feels so big."

Grasping the child's hips, he began slowly working his prick up and down inside of her. Jenny's big eyes
rolled crazily as she felt her father's huge tool moving in her snug little hole.

"How does that feel?" he whispered to the youngster. "Does it hurt?"

"Sorta," she answered. "But it feels good."

With her slick, hot little cunt gripping his cock so tightly, Drew could no longer control his greedy lust.
Panting excitedly, he began fucking the kid in earnest, his long hard strokes lifting her right up off his belly.
"Oh, yes, Daddy!" she squealed with joy. "Fuck me hard!"

Propelled by the powerful thrusts of his hips as he rammed his dick into her, Jenny was bouncing like
crazy on her dad's belly. Her firm young tits were bouncing wildly as Jenny's tight little cunt-lips sucked
and squeezed on his slippery dork.

"Oh, shit, Daddy!" she cried. "I love it ... I LOVE IT!"

Half-crazed with lust, the man was drilling his hard meat into the tightest, hottest little cunt he'd ever
fucked. Nothing had ever felt like this little fourteen-year-old twat. No longer even trying to be gentle, he
was fucking up into her for all he was worth, lifting her right off his body with every vicious plunge of his
massive cock.

Jenny couldn't believe how good her dad's man-sized prick felt in her tiny cunt. It had hurt a bit at first,
but it had been a delicious hurt that was pure ecstasy. Her tight cunt-walls were tingling with rapture as
the friction of his thrusting boner increased. There was a wild gleam in her eyes and a half-crazed grin on
her face as she felt herself on the verge of an orgasm.

"Ooooooooooh, Daddy!" she squealed. "Keep pumpin', honey! I'm almost there! I'm gonna come ...


Rocking back and forth on her father's plunging cock, her horny little clit was rubbing deliciously against
the top ridge of his rigid boner. Her eyes were rolling wildly as the wrenching climax shook her entire
body. Jenny was screaming crazily as the joy of her overwhelming orgasm increased in intensity. The
child's spasming little twat was squeezing hotly on his thrusting prick as he rapidly approached his own

Feeling the jizz gushing up through his burning shaft, her father gave a final brutal thrust, firing a hot thick
load of cum into the child's writhing belly. The massive discharge of thick sperm filled her twat to
overflowing and it flowed out from between her cock-squeezing cuntlips, running down all over his belly.
After the first gush, his big jerking prick continued shooting spurt after spurt into her little cum-soaked

"Ooooooooh, Daddy," whispered Jenny, rolling off of him, a thick rivulet of jizz running out of her
swollen pussy and down her leg.

Lying next to her father on the couch, she was writhing and panting, her little butt twitching with

"Well, honey," he grinned, gently pinching one of her hard little tits, "did you enjoy Daddy's big cock?"

"Jesus, yes," she giggled, rising to a sitting position, her twat dripping cum all over the sofa. "That was

"God, honey," laughed her mother who was spread out under Randy, watching the show. "That was just

Anita hadn't even been aware that her husband and Jenny were fucking until a few minutes ago when
Randy had shot his load into her before she'd had a chance to climax. Filled with frustration as the
handsome newscaster collapsed on top of her with his cock still spurting, Anita had opened her eyes and
had seen Drew fucking his cock into their little daughter for the first time. Under other circumstances, she
would probably have been furious, but in her wild state of excitation, she found the sight extremely
erotic. On the verge of coming when Randy prematurely ejaculated, followed by the thrilling sight of
watching her little daughter being fucked, had made Anita hotter than she'd ever been in her life.

"God," she sobbed, crawling out from under Randy's exhausted body. "I need a fuck. Shit, I wish one of
you bastards had a hard-on."

"Rex does," she heard Paula's voice from the open door where she'd just entered the room with him.

"Oh, Rex!" cried Anita, crawling across the room toward the couple.

"Please fuck me, Rex! Christ, how I need a big hot cock in my cunt."

"Go ahead and fuck her," giggled Paula. "I'm gonna ball with Daddy as soon as I can suck him hard

"And I want Randy to screw me," laughed little Jenny, dropping to the floor on her knees, stuffing his
wet limp prick into her mouth.

Seeing that everyone was well occupied, Babs hurried down the hall, looking for Wayne. Smiling to
herself, she thought of all the cunts that would be stuffed with all these cocks tonight. There was no
doubt in her mind that this was going to be the greatest party the station had ever given.

The End

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