Cbse Assignments Class - X Biology For Sa-1

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(Two marks questions)

1. What is emulsification? Name the organ where fat is emulsified in the alimentary canal of human

2. Why do fishes die when taken out of water?

3. What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?

4. Name the organ/glands where the following enzymes are secreted in human digestive system?

( a) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) lipase (d) amylase

6. Name the parts of the body responsible for excretion in (i)amoeba (ii) earthworm

7. Which gland secretes a hormone when the blood sugar rises? Name a digestive enzyme released by this gland?

8. Write the function of testosterone and estrogens?

9. We suddenly withdraw our hand when a pin pricks. Name the type of response involved in this action. Draw a
flow chart also.

10. Why is cigarette smoking injurious to health?

11. What will happen if intake of iodine in our diet is low?

(3 marks questions)

11. Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in the small intestine?

12. Draw the structure of neuron and label nucleus, cell body and axon on it?

13. What substances are contained in the gastric juice? What are their functions?

14. Differentiate between artery & vein (Any 3 point)

15 Draw a labeled diagram showing the human respiratory system.

16. Explain the mechanism of gaseous exchange between tissue and blood.

17. How is movement of leaves of sensitive plant different from the movement of shoot towards light?

18. Define tropism. What are different types of tropism?

19. Compare and contrast nervous and hormonal mechanism for control and coordination in animals?

20. How is reflex arc formed? Show it diagrammatically.

21. When a sportsman runs he gets muscular cramps , Why ?

(5 marks questions)

22. (a) Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal and label on it: oesophagus, gall bladder, liver and pancreas.

(b) Explain the statement bile does not contain any enzyme but it is essential for digestion

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23. (a) Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label on it: aorta, pulmonary arteries, vena cava, left

(b) Why is double circulation of blood necessary in human beings?

24. (a) Draw the diagram of cross section of a leaf and label the following parts in it (i)chloroplast (ii) guard cell
(iii)lower epidermis (iv) upper epidermis

(b) Name the two stages of photosynthesis.

25. (a) Draw the structure of nephron and label the following on it: glomerulus, bowmans capsule, collecting
duct, renal artery

(b)What happens to glucose that enters the nephron along with filterate?

26.(a) Describe the mechanism of breathing in human beings.

(b) Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (Any two points).

27. (a) Give reason for the following:

(i) Pituitary is often termed as master gland of the body.

(ii) Pancreas is categorized as heterocrine gland.

(iii) Adrenals are known as glands of emergency.

(b) (i) Which plant harmone regulate plant growth movement i.e. tropism?

(ii) Which plant harmone promotes the dormancy in seeds and bud and thus inhibits growth?

28. (a) What are cranial and spinal nerves?

(b) Draw a diagram of the human brain and label the following parts (i) cerebrum (ii) meningies (iii) medulla
oblongata (iv) cerebellum

29:-Answer the following:-

a. Name the endocrine gland associated with brain.

b. Which gland secretes digestive enzyme as well as hormone?

c. Name the endocrine gland associated with kidney.

b. Which endocrine gland is present in males but absent in females.

c. Dwarfism results due to less activity of which gland.

30 . Write the function of following:

(a) Thyroxin (b) insulin (c) adrenaline (d) growth hormone (e) testosterone

31. (a) How does amoeba get its nutrition? Explain with the help of labeled diagram.

(b) Write the function of epiglottis.

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