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Class 12 - Physics
Sample Paper 01

Maximum Marks: 45
Time Allowed: 90 minutes

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains three sections.

2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any20 questions.
4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

Section A
1. If a charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal charges Q such that the system is in
equilibrium, then the value of q is :



2. Across each of two capacitors of capacitance 1 F and 4 F, a potential difference of 10 V is applied.
Then positive plate of one is connected to the negative plate of the other, and negative plate of one is
connected to the positive plate of the other. After contact:
a. charge on each is zero
b. charge on each is the same but non-zero
c. none of these
d. charge on each is different but non-zero
3. 3 identical bulbs are connected in series and these together dissipate a power P. If now the bulbs are
connected in parallel, then the power dissipated will be:
b. 9P
c. 3P
4. If = surface charge density, = electric permittivity, the dimensions of are same as
a. pressure
b. electric force
c. electric charge
d. electric field intensity
5. Identical charges (-q) are placed at each corner of a cube of side b. Then, the electrostatic potential
energy of charge (+q) placed at the centre of the cube will be:


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6. A set of n equal resistors, of value R each, are connected in series to a battery of emf and internal
resistance R. The current drawn is I. Now, the n resistors are connected in parallel to the same battery.
Then the current drawn from battery becomes 10 I. The value of n is:
a. 10
b. 11
c. 20
d. 9
7. Coils and are stationary. connected in series with a galvanometer while is connected to
a battery through a tapping key. If the tapping key is pressed and released the galvaometer
a. shows deflection while current in is changing
b. does not move
c. oscillates
d. shows deflection while is stationary
8. Lines of force, due to earth's horizontal magnetic field, are
a. curved lines
b. concentric circles
c. elliptical
d. parallel and straight
9. The direction of induced e.m.f. is given by
a. Biot-Savart's law
b. Fleming's left hand rule
c. Fleming's right hand rule
d. Gauss law
10. An ideal coil of 10 H is joined in series with a resistance of 5 and battery of 5 V, 2 s after joining the
current flowing (in ampere) in the circuit will be
a. e-1
b. (1 - e)
c. e
d. (1 - e-1)
11. A circular loop of area 0.01 m2 carrying a current of 10 A, is held perpendicular to a magnetic field of
intensity 0.1 T. The torque acting on the loop is
a. 0.01 Nm
b. 0.8 Nm
c. zero
d. 0.001 Nm
12. Domestic electrical wiring has three wires:
a. Positive, negative and earth
b. Positive, negative and live
c. Positive, negative and neutral

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d. Live, neutral and earth

13. A coil of cross-sectional area 400 cm2 having 30 turns is making 1800 rev/min in a magnetic field of 1 T.
The peak value of the induced emf is:
a. 2.26 V
b. 226 V
c. 0.6 V
d. 0.4 V
14. The primary winding of a transformer has 50 turns and its secondary has 500 turns. If the primary is
connected to a.c. supply of 20 V-50 Hz, then secondary will have an
a. 200 V - 50 Hz
b. 2 V - 5 Hz
c. 200 V - 500 Hz
d. 2 V - 50 Hz
15. A solid sphere of radius R is uniformly charged so that volume charge density is p. The electric field at a
distance r(r < R) is




16. In series combination of capacitors, potential drops across the individual capacitors is
a. inverse ratio of charges stored
b. direct ratio of capacitors
c. none of these
d. inverse ratio of capacitors
17. A galvanometer having 30 divisions has a current sensitivity of 20 A/div. It has a resistance of 25 ohm.
How will you convert it into an ammeter measuring upto 1 ampere. Find the shunt to be used.
a. 0.30
b. 0.15
c. 0.015
d. 0.030
18. If the resistance of 100 , the inductance of 0.5 H, and capacitance of 10 10-6 F are connected in
series through 50 Hertz AC supply, the impedance will be:
a. 18.7
b. 189.7
c. 101.3
d. 1.87
19. The susceptibility of ferromagnetic material is:
a. inversely proportional to square of temperature
b. inversely proportional to temperature
c. independent of temperature
d. directly proportional to temperature
20. If the potential of a capacitor having capacity 8 pF is increased from 10 V to 20 V, then increase in its
energy will be:
a. 12 10-4 J

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b. 4 10-6 J
c. 12 10-6 J
d. 4 10-4 J
21. Careful measurement of the electric field at the surface of a black box indicates that the net outward
flux through the surface of the box is . What is the net charge inside the box?
a. 0.04
b. 0.06
c. 0.05
d. 0.07
22. In a circuit, the current lags behind the voltage by a phase difference of . The circuit contains which
of the following?
a. R and C
b. only C
c. only L
d. only R
23. A small coil of radius r is placed at the centre of a large coil of radius R, where R >> r. The two coils are
coplanar. The mutual induction of the coils is proportional to


24. At a certain place, the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is and the angle of dip is
45°. The total intensity of the field at that place will be
a. 2B0

c. B0

25. A proton and an -particle moving with the same velocity enter into a uniform magnetic field, acting
normal to the plane of their motion. The ratio of the radii of the circular paths described by the proton
and -particle is:
a. 4 : 1
b. 1 : 16
c. 1 : 2
d. 1 : 4
Section B
26. Biot-Savart law indicates that the moving electrons (velocity v) produce a magnetic field B such that
a. B v
b. B v
c. it obeys inverse cube law
d. it is along the line joining the electron and point of observation
27. A copper plate of thickness b is placed inside a parallel plate capacitor of plate distance d and area A as
shown in the figure. The capacitance of a capacitor is

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28. Two concentric conducing thin spherical shells A and B having radii rA and rB (rB > rA) are charged to
QA and QB (|QB| > |QA|). The electric field along a line passing through the centre is




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29. An electric bulb marked 40 W and 200 V is used in a circuit of supply voltage 100 V. Its power would be:
a. 20 W
b. 100 W
c. 10 W
d. 40 W
30. The electric fan works on the principle of :
a. Both electric motor and dynamo
b. None of these
c. Electric motor
d. Electric dynamo
31. A diamagnetic material in a magnetic field moves
a. perpendicular to the field
b. from stronger to weaker parts
c. none of these
d. from weaker to stronger parts
32. A 100 mH coil carries a current of 1 A. Energy stored in the form of magnetic field is
d. 1 J
33. Kirchhoff’s second law is a consequence of____________
a. Law of conservation of energy
b. Law of conservation of angular momentum
c. Law of conservation of momentum
d. Law of conservation of charge
34. Find the charge on 2 F.

a. 17 C
b. 18 C
c. 5 C
d. 15 C

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35. Internal resistance is 0.5 each. If in C, the negative is connected to B, the current will be:

a. A
b. A
c. A
d. A
36. An inductor L having resistance R and a capacitor of capacitance C are connected to an alternating
source of e.m.f. The quality factor of the circuit is
a. ( L/C R)1/2
b. L/R
c. ( 1/ L C R)1/2
d. R/ L C
37. For MRI, a patient is slowly pushed in a time of 10 s within the coils of the magnet where magnetic field
is B = 2.0 T. If the patient's trunk is 0.8 m in circumference, the induced emf around the patient's trunk
a. 10.18 10-3V
b. 10.18 10-2V
c. 1.51 10-2V
d. 9.66 102V
38. A magnet is placed with its north pole towards north of the earth. Predict the position of the neutral
a. From weaker to stronger parts.
b. From stronger to weaker parts.
c. Perpendicular to the field.
d. Equal to the field.
39. A coil of inductance 0.50 H and resistance 100 is connected to a 240 V, 50 Hz ac supply. Maximum
current in the coil and time lag between the voltage maximum and the current maximum are
a. 1.62 A, 3.82 ms
b. 2.82 A, 3.82 ms
c. 1.82 A, 3.2 ms
d. 5.22 A, 2.82 ms
40. A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile device to make electrical measurements of E.M.F. because
the method involves:
a. cells
b. potential gradients
c. a combination of cells, galvanometer and resistances
d. a condition of no current flow through the galvanometer
41. You are given several identical resistors each of resistance R = 10 and each capable of carrying a
maximum current 1 A. It is required to make a suitable combination of these resistors to produce a
resistance of 5 , which can carry a current of 4 A. The minimum number of such resistors required is:

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a. 10
b. 8
c. 20
d. 4
42. The number of electrons for one coulomb of charge is
a. 6.25 1019
b. 6.25 1023
c. 6.25 1021
d. 6.25 1018
43. A circular coil A has a radius a and the current flowing in it is I. Another circular coil B has a radius 2a
and if 2l is the current flowing through it, then the magnetic fields at the centre of the circular coils are
in the ratio of:
a. 3 : 1
b. 4 : 1
c. 1 : 1
d. 2 : 1
44. Susceptibility is positive for
A. paramagnetic substances
B. ferromagnetic substances
C. non-magnetic substances
D. diamagnetic substances
a. C and D
b. A and B
c. D and A
d. B and C
45. Assertion (A): Positive charge always moves from a higher potential point to a lower potential point.
Reason (R): Electric potential is a vector quantity.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
46. Assertion: Diamagnetic materials can exhibit magnetism.
Reason: Diamagnetic materials have permanent magnetic dipole moment.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false and R is also false
47. Assertion (A): Acceleration of a magnet falling through a long solenoid decrease.
Reason (R): The induced current produced in a circuit always flows in such a direction that it opposes
the change to the cause that produced it.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
48. Assertion: The resistance offered by an inductor in a DC circuit is always constant.
Reason: The resistance of the inductor in steady-state is zero.

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a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false and R is also false
49. Assertion (A): No two electric lines of force can intersect each other.
Reason (R): Tangent at any point of the electric line of force gives the direction of an electric field.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
Section C
50. A capacitor C1 is charged to a voltage 100 V and a 4 capacitor C2 is charged to a voltage 50 V.
The capacitors are then connected in parallel. What is the loss of energy due to parallel connection?
b. 0.17× J
c. 1.7 J
d. 1.7× J
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51. At any point on S on an electric field line,
a. the binormal to the line is in the direction of at that point
b. the tangent to the line is in the direction of at that point
c. the curvature is in the direction of at that point
d. the perpendicular to the line is in the direction of at that point

Question No. 52 to 55 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
Resistance is a measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit. Resistance is measured
in ohms. Also Resistivity, the electrical resistance of a conductor of unit cross-sectional area, and unit
length. ... A characteristic property of each material, resistivity is useful in comparing various materials
on the basis of their ability to conduct electric currents.

52. Resistivity is independent of:

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a. nature of material
b. dimensions of material
c. none of these
d. temperature
53. As compare to short wires, long wires have ________ resistance.
a. zero
b. more
c. same
d. less
54. As compare to thin wires, thick wires have ________ resistance.
a. same
b. less
c. more
d. zero
55. The resistance of a wire depends upon:
a. wire's nature
b. cross-sectional area
c. all of these
d. length of wire

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Class 12 - Physics
Sample Paper 01


Section A
1. (c)
Explanation: Two equal charges of Q each are placed at the points A and B at a distance r apart and the
charge q, at the centre C of the line joining the two equal charges as shown in the figure.

Let us first consider the equilibrium of the charge Q placed at point A. Let FB and FC be the forces on it
due to the charges at the points B and C. For the equilibrium of charge Q at the point A, the net force on
it must be zero i.e.
FB + FC = 0

or Q + 4 q = 0
or q =
It follows that the forces due to charges at the points A and B on the charge q are equal and opposite
and hence it will also be in equilibrium.
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2. (d) charge on each is different but non-zero
Explanation: Charge on each capacitor becomes zero when two capacitors of equal capacitances are
charged and then connected to opposite terminals. But capacitances of the two capacitors are given to
be different.
3. (b) 9P
Explanation: When the bulbs are connected in series,
P =
When the bulbs are connected in parallel,
= 9P

4. (d) electric field intensity

Explanation: The relation between E, and E is E =

5. (c)

Explanation: Half diagonal of the tube,

P.E. of the charge + q at the centre due to eight charges (each = -q) at the corners of the cube is

6. (a) 10

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Explanation: I = ...(i)
10 I = ...(ii)

From (i) and (ii), we get

n = 10
7. (a) shows deflection while current in is changing
Explanation: flux will be changed when current in C2 is changing. Hence current will be induced in
coil C1.
8. (d) parallel and straight
Explanation: Due to the earth's horizontal magnetic field, the lines of force are straight and parallel.
9. (c) Fleming's right hand rule
Explanation: Fleming's right hand rule
10. (d) (1 - e-1)
Explanation: At t = 2, the current in R-L circuit will be

I =

11. (a) 0.01 Nm

Explanation: = NIBA sin
= 1 10 0.1 0.01 sin 90o = 0.01 Nm
12. (d) Live, neutral and earth
Explanation: Domestic electrical wiring has three wires live (red), neutral (black) and earth (green).
13. (b) 226 V
= 226 V
14. (a) 200 V - 50 Hz
The frequency remains unchanged.
15. (a)
Explanation: Electric field inside a uniformly charged sphere (r < R),
E =

But q = R3
E =
16. (d) inverse ratio of capacitors
Explanation: When capacitors are connected in series, they have equal charge but the potential
difference across them is given by and so on.

17. (c) 0.015
Explanation: The value of each division is 20μA. The range of the galvanometer

To convert it into an ammeter of range I = 1A, a shunt S is connected in parallel to it.

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18. (b) 189.7


= 189.72
19. (b) inversely proportional to temperature
Explanation: Susceptibility of a ferromagnetic material varies inversely with temperature.
20. (a) 12 10-4 J

= 4 10-6 300 J = 12 10-4 J

21. (d) 0.07
Explanation: Net outward flux through the surface of the box, ϕ = 8.0 103 N m2/C
= Permittivity of free space = 8.854 10-12 N-1C2 m-2
For a body containing net charge q, flux is given by the relation,

So, = 0.07 μC
Therefore, the net charge inside the box is 0.07 μC.
22. (c) only L
Explanation: When a circuit inductance only, then the current lags behind the voltage by the phase
difference of .
23. (c)

Explanation: Magnetic field at the centre of a large coil, as, r << R

Magnetic flux linkage,


24. (b)

25. (c) 1 : 2
Explanation: Radius,
For same v and B,

= 1 : 2
Section B
26. (a) B v
Explanation: The Biot-Savart law states how the value of the magnetic field at a specific point in space
from one short segment of current-carrying conductor depends on each factor that influences the field.
The magnitude of is ;

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where is a proportionality constant, 'r' is the magnitude of position vector from charge to that point
at which we have to find the magnetic field and is the angle between and .


Where is the direction of which is in the direction of cross product of and . Or we can say that
to both and .
where is a proportionality constant, V' is the magnitude of position vector from charge to that point at
which we have to find the magnetic field and <f) is the angle between v and F.
Where h is the direction of B which is in the direction of cross product of v and F. Or we can say that
to both and v and F.

27. (c)
Explanation: Electric field inside the copper plate is zero. It exists only in the region of thickness d - b.

28. (c)

Explanation: Inside the inner spherical shell A, E = 0. At. r = rA, the field is constant. As QB is -ve and
|QB| > |QA|, the field in the space between A and B decreases with the increase in the value of x and
becomes constant at the surface of B. Outside the shell B, the field E decrease from a negative value to
zero. Hence, this option is correct.
29. (c) 10 W
Explanation: Let P = actual power used
W = power specified = 40 W
VA = Applied voltage = 100 V
VS = Specified voltage = 200 V

30. (c) Electric motor

Explanation: Electric motor
31. (b) from stronger to weaker parts
Explanation: When a diamagnetic substance is placed in the magnetic field produced by a magnet, its
atoms acquire a small magnetic dipole moment in a direction opposite to that of the magnet. As a

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result, the diamagnetic substance moves slowly from stronger part of the magnetic field to the weaker
part i.e. it is feebly repelled by the magnet.
32. (c)
Explanation: Here, L = 100 mH = H and I = 1 A
The energy stored is given by
33. (a) Law of conservation of energy
Explanation: If a charge moves around a closed loop in a circuit, it must gain as much energy as it
loses.Hence, the gain in electrical energy by the charge = corresponding losses in energy through
34. (d) 15 C


Let the potential of point a be zero and that of point b be V. Applying charge conservation on the given
1(10 - V) + 2(V - 0) + 5(V - 10) = 0
8V - 60 = 0
= 7.5 V
Charge on 2 pF capacitor =
35. (a) A

Explanation: I =
36. (b) L/R
Explanation: The quality factor of an LCR-circuit is given by

37. (a) 10.18 10-3V

Explanation: Change in magnetic field in 10s = 2.0 T
Circumference of patient's trunk,
= 0.8m (given)

Area of cross-section,

38. (b) From stronger to weaker parts.

Explanation: From stronger to weaker parts.
39. (c) 1.82 A, 3.2 ms

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Explanation: L = 0.5H

V = 240 volt
f = 50Hz
Peak voltage,
Angular frequency,
Maximum current in circuit,


40. (d) a condition of no current flow through the galvanometer

Explanation: Reading of the potentiometer is accurate because it does not draw any current from the
battery at the balance point.
41. (b) 8
Explanation: To carry a current of 4 A, we need four paths, each carrying 1 A current, let the
resistance of each path be r. As four such resistances are connected in parallel, or r = 20 . So
we should connect the 10 resistances in each path.
Total number of resistances = 4 2 = 8
42. (d) 6.25 1018
Explanation: n =

= 6.25 1018
43. (c) 1 : 1


44. (b) A and B

Explanation: Susceptibility is positive both for paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances.
45. (c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: If two points P and Q in an electric field are separated by an infinitesimal distance x
and have a potential difference V
between them, E = . Here, negative sign implies that has got a direction opposite to the

potential gradient, i . e, in the direction of , the potential decreases, i. e, positive charge always moves
from a higher potential point to a lower potential point.
46. (d) A is false and R is also false
Explanation: A is false and R is also false
47. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
48. (d) A is false and R is also false
Explanation: Resistance offered by an inductor is a DC circuit at t = 0 is infinity, which decreases to
zero at steady state.
49. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

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Explanation: If the two electric lines of force can intersect each other then at the point of intersection,
we can draw two tangents to the two lines of force. This would mean two directions of electric field
intensity at the point of intersection, which is not possible.
Section C
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50. (b) 0.17× J
Explanation: Initial energy ,is given by :-

The common potential after they are connected in parallel. Thus ,Potential is:-

Hence the final energy is ,

So, change in energy is U = - = 0.17 × J

51. (b) the tangent to the line is in the direction of at that point
Explanation: When a tangent is drawn at any point on field line then that tangent gives the direction
of electric field at that point

52. (b) dimensions of material

Explanation: dimensions of material
53. (b) more
Explanation: more
54. (b) less
Explanation: less
55. (c) all of these
Explanation: all of these

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