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Empowering Children to become Global

Olympiad Champions

ISFO Practice Book 1


Curriculum and Content

Sanjay K Singh

Subject Matter Experts Graphic Designer

Niharika Verma Md. Farhan
Abhishek Singh
Amit Kumar Singh
Sapna Srivastava

The Math Olympiad series is an initiative of International Society for Olympiad (ISFO)
International Society for Olympiad acknowledges the contribution of all its authors, content writers and
designers in the creation of this book.

Copyright International Society for Olympiad

All rights reserved with the publisher. No part of the work may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
The publisher apologizes to its readers for any errors or omissions and would be grateful for notification of
corrections that should be incorporated in the future reprints.

First published 2016

Revised edition 2017

Published by:
International Society for Olympiad
193, Ganpati Enclave, Jharsa Road, Gurgaon (India),

2 Grade 6

Our education system effectively provides an introduction to the concepts

of math and science and helps us understand the underlying concepts.
But in its overly generalized approach, which aims to enlighten and test
all students of varying caliber and interests, it leaves the exploration of
application of all these concepts completely on the students.

This workbook is designed to enable students to explore math effectively.

Designed in accordance with the requirements of the Math Olympiads,
the workbook is an efficient tool to achieve comprehensive success at
the ISFO - Math Olympiad and other talent examinations.

The main aim of this workbook is to assist students in developing and

improving their ability to solve problems of varying levels.

This book consists of two sets of questions: Section-A (Groundwork)

and Section-B (Thought Provoking). Questions in section A is of
basic level aiming to strengthen the basic concepts and section B has
been designed to have questions of higher difficulty level, aiming to
instill the application of the basic concepts.

Answer keys have been provided to accelerate the learning process.

ISFO Practice Book 3


Chapter 1 : Whole Numbers ... 5

Chapter 2 : Fractions ... 11

Chapter 3 : Ratio and Proportion ... 18

Chapter 4 : Percentage ... 23

Chapter 5 : Speed and Time ... 28

Chapter 6 : Algebra ... 35

Chapter 7 : Lines and Angles ... 40

Chapter 8 : Area and Perimeter ... 48

Chapter 9 : Graphs ... 57

ANSWERS ... 64

Sample Paper ... 67

4 Grade 6

Some Facts:
The numbers used for counting are called natural numbers.
The value of nothing is represented by the number zero.
Natural numbers together with the number zero are called whole numbers.
The sum of two whole numbers is always whole number.

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. There are 26,955 pupils in a school. The number in nearest thousand is

(A) 26,000 (B) 26,900 (C) 27,000 (D) 30,000

2. The sum of 6 numbers is 96. The average of these 6 numbers is

(A) 15 (B) 16 (C) 19 (D) 25

3. Which of the following can be divided by 3 with a remainder of 1?

(A) 170 (B) 187 (C) 189 (D) 215

4. Ekta and Chetna shared ` 91. For every ` 4 that Ekta received, Chetna received ` 9.
How much money did Chetna receive?

(A) ` 60 (B) ` 61 (C) ` 62 (D) ` 63

ISFO Practice Book 5

5. Ankit bought 12 similar pencils. If each pencil cost 5 paise less, he would be able to
buy 4 more pencils. How much did Ankit pay for the 12 pencils?
(A) ` 2.40 (B) ` 3.40 (C) ` 2.60 (D) ` 3.60
Study the statement carefully and answer the questions 6 and 7.
Lovely bought a cap and a pair of shorts for ` 28. Rakesh bought a similar cap and a
T-shirt for ` 64. Karan bought 4 similar caps, 2 pairs of similar shorts and a T-shirt for
` 130.

6. What was the cost of each cap?

(A) ` 10 (B) ` 11 (C) ` 15 (D) ` 20
7. What was the total cost of a pair of shorts and a T-shirt?
(A) ` 64 (B) ` 68 (C) ` 72 (D) ` 76
8. 2 balls are rolling towards each other from the opposite ends of a straight tube that is
420 cm long. Ball A travels 50 cm while ball B travels 30 cm in the 1st second. Both
balls travel 2 cm less than the previous distance in each subsequent second. How long
does it take for the two balls to meet?
(A) 4 second (B) 6 second (C) 8 second (D) 12 second
9. 2 boxes, X and Y, contained some beads. If 30 beads were transferred from box X to
box Y, both boxes would have the same number of beads. If 18 beads were transferred
from box Y to box X, box X would have 4 times as many beads as box Y. How many
beads were there in box X at first?
(A) 90 (B) 100 (C) 110 (D) 120
10. Lucky and Ajay are given some money each week. If Lucky and Ajay each spend
` 40 and ` 10 respectively in a day, Lucky will still have ` 700 when Ajay has spent all
his money. If Lucky and Ajay each spend ` 10 and ` 40 a day, Lucky will still have
` 1075 when Ajay has spent all his money. How much money is given to Lucky each
(A) ` 900 (B) ` 1000 (C) ` 1100 (D) ` 1200
11. Ghazali has 7 stacks of chairs with 20 chairs in each stock. He places each chair equally
spaced apart to form the perimeter of a rectangle. The number of chairs along its
length is twice the number of chairs along its breadth. How many chairs are there on
each side of the rectangle?

6 Grade 6
(A) 48 chairs along the length and 24 chairs along the breadth

(B) 24 chairs along the length and 48 chairs along the breadth

(C) 24 chairs along the length and 24 chairs along the breadth

(D) 48 chairs along the length and 48 chairs along the breadth

12. Multiply the second largest factor and the third largest factor of 15,120 by 10 and
6 respectively. Then, add the two results. How many times larger is the answer
compared to the original number?

(A) 5 (B) 6

(C) 7 (D) 9

13. Happy Candy Shop is having a special promotion for the month of June.

Happy Deal!
For every 5 sweet wrappers you collect,
you may exchange it for another sweet.

If you have 29 wrappers, how many sweets can you exchange for in total?

(A) 5 (B) 6

C) 7 (D) 9

14. Tina and Divya have a total of ` 260. If Divya buys a calculator. Tina will have 4 times
as much money as Divya. If Tina buys the same calculator, both of them will have the
same amount of money. How much does Tina have?

(A) ` 160 (B) ` 170

(C) ` 180 (D) ` 190

15. Naman is 4 times as old as his sister now. In 20 years time, Namans age will be 14
years less than twice his sisters age. How old is Naman now?

(A) 10 years (B) 11 years

(C) 12 years D) 13 years

ISFO Practice Book 7

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

Study the below table and answer the questions 16 and 17.

The charges of three catering companies are shown below.

Company Cost per day Cost per person

A ` 95 ` 15
B Nil ` 22
C ` 50 ` 18

16. Which company will charge the lowest price if Zack wants to cater for 80 people for
2 days?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) None of these

17. Companies A and C would charge the same amount for Lisas 3-day event. How many
people did she want to cater for?

(A) 25 (B) 35 (C) 45 (D) 55

18. Three containers P, Q and R had 162 buttons altogether. Some buttons were
transferred from container P to container Q and the number of buttons in container Q
became thrice of its original number. Then, some buttons were transferred from
container Q to container R and the number of buttons in container R became thrice its
original number. As a result, the number of buttons in the 3 containers were equal.

How many buttons were there in container P at first?

(A) 111 (B) 112 (C) 113 (D) 114

19. In a tennis match, each player plays with every other player once only. If there are
5 players, how many games will be played?

(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12

8 Grade 6
20. There were 10 questions in a mathematics quiz. Cindy answered all 10 questions and
scored 29 points. If 5 points were awarded for each correct answer and 2 points were
deducted for each incorrect answer, how many questions did Cindy answer correctly?

(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9

21. Mira and Bharat had a total of 1134 marbles. After each of them gave away some
marbles, the number of marbles Mira had left was 4 times the number of marbles she
had given away. The number of marbles Bharat had left was three times the number of
marbles he had given away. If they had a total of 897 marbles left, how many marbles
did Bharat have at first?

(A) 201 (B) 202 (C) 203 (D) 204

22. The sum of four numbers is 430. The first number is 5 less than the second number. The
third number is twice the second number. The fourth number is equal to the sum of the
first, second and third numbers. Find each of four numbers respectively.

(A) 50, 55, 110, 215 (B) 60, 65, 120, 225

(C) 55, 65, 90, 115 (D) 40, 55, 110, 215

23. The number of science club members in a school is between 34 and 60. If the teacher
groups them into groups of 6, there will be a remainder of 2 pupils. If they are put into
groups of 8, there will be a remainder of 4 pupils. How many members are there in the

(A) 40 (B) 44 (C) 48 (D) 52

24. 12 stacks of 34 coins were used to form the perimeter of a square which had the same
number of coins on each side. The coins were arranged side-by-side and were equally
spaced. How many coins were there on each side of the square?
(A) 101 (B) 102 (C) 103 (D) 104
25. Amanda, Bella and Carrie have some money each. If Amanda gives 4 to Bella, both of
them will have an equal amount of money. If Bella gives ` 4 to Amanda, Amanda will
have thrice the amount of money Bella has. The amount of money Carrie has is equal
to the sum of money that Amanda and Bella have. How much money do the three girls
have altogether?

(A) ` 62 (B) `64 (C) ` 66 (D) ` 68

ISFO Practice Book 9

26. Jake was born in the 20th century. Jakes age in the year 2010 is the sum of all the digits
of his year of birth. How old is Jake in the year 2010?
(A) 20 (B) 22 (C) 24 (D) 26
27. There are 27 cars and motorcycles in a parking. If there are 84 wheels altogether, how
many cars are there?
(A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D) 16

28. XYZ Company paid ` 23600 in salaries to 17 male and some female employees. Each
female employee received ` 500 more than each male employee. There were 14 more
male employees than female employees. Find the difference between the total amount
of money received by the female employees and that received by the male employees.

(A) ` 11970 (B) ` 12970 (C) ` 13970 (D) ` 14970

29. A school bus can either seat 40 children or 30 adults. Given that there are already 24
children and 8 adults seated in the bus, how many more adults can be seated in the
(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2
30. Rakesh and Dheeraj are given some money each. Dheeraj spends all his money. If
Rakesh spends twice as much as Dheeraj, he will have ` 240 left. If Rakesh spends half
of what Dheeraj spends, he will have ` 720 left. How much money is given to Rakesh
and Dheeraj respectively?
(A) 880,320 (B) 320,880 (C) 770,430 (D) 430,770

10 Grade 6

Some Facts:
A fraction is number representing a part of a whole. The whole can be a group of
objects or a single object.
A fraction can be represented on the number line. Every fraction has a
corresponding point on the number line.
Fractions in which the numerator is less than the denominator are called proper
Fractions in which the numerator is equal to or bigger than the denominator are
called improper fractions.
A combination of a whole number and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction.
It is the combination of a whole and a part.

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. Which of the following fraction is the smallest?

2 4 6 8
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 11 13 15

2. Which of the following fraction is greater than ?

7 6 12 16
(A) (B) (C) (D)
15 10 20 20

ISFO Practice Book 11

3. How many sixths are there in 3 ?
(A) 4 (B) 10 (C) 18 (D) 19
Study the given table carefully and answer the questions 4 and 5.
The table shows the length of 3 rods.

Rod A Rod B Rod C

3 7 3
1 m m m
4 12 4

4. Find the total length of rod A and rod B.

1 1 2 2
(A) 1 m (B) 2 m (C) 2 m (D) 3 m
3 3 3 3
5. Find the total length of the 3 rods.

2 1 3 4
(A) 3 m (B) 3 m (C) 3 m (D) 3 m
12 12 12 12

3 1
6. What fraction when added to 1 gives 3 ?
8 2

7 5 3 1
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
8 8 8 8

7. The average age of Simon and his mother is 45 years. Given that Simon is as old as
his mother, what is Simons age now?
(A) 18 (B) 21 (C) 24 (D) 27

8. The mass of a container is 39 kg when it is filled with water. Its mass is 29.85 kg
when it is filled with water. What is the mass of the container when it is empty?
(A) 1.6 kg (B) 2.0 kg (C) 2.4 kg (D) 2.8 kg

12 Grade 6
9. Johny needs to sell ` 315 worth of tickets for a school concert. He sold 4 adult tickets
and 3 child tickets. Each adult ticket costs 1 times as much as a child ticket. If the
value of the tickets Johny had left is of the original amount, what is the cost of a
child ticket?
(A) ` 10 (B) ` 15 (C) ` 20 (D) ` 25

2 7
10. The cost of a blender is the cost of a slow cooker. The slow cooker costs that of an
5 8
oven. The oven costs ` 99 more than the slow cooker. How much does the blender cost?
(A) ` 277.20 (B) ` 275.20 (C) ` 265.20 (D) ` 255.20

11. Amy, Ben and Diana bought a present for their father. Amy paid of the total amountt
Ben and Diana paid. Ben paid of the total amount Amy and Diana paid. Diana paid
`132 more than the amount Amy paid. How much did the present cost?

(A) ` 160 (B) ` 200 (C) ` 240 (D) ` 280

12. Maria earned ` 600 less than Gloria. Gloria saved of her salary while Maria saved
of hers. Both girls spent the rest of their money. If Gloria spent twice as much ass
Maria, how much did Gloria earn?
(A) ` 2000 (B) ` 2400 (C) ` 2800 (D) ` 3200

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 13 and 14.

In a garden, there were as many red flowers as yellow flowers. The number of pink
flowers was of the number of red flowers.

ISFO Practice Book 13

13. If there were 72 pink flowers, how many flowers were there in the garden altogether?

(A) 242 (B) 442 (C) 882 (D) 1082

14. What fraction of the flowers were yellow?

1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 4 7 9

1 3
15. Ajay jogged 1 km on Friday. He jogged km more on Saturday than on Friday. On
10 5
Sunday, he jogged 1 km more than on Saturday. What was the total distance Ajay
jogged on the 3 days?

1 1 1 1
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
2 2 2 2

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. The graph below shows the height of ladders A, B and C. The total height of the
3 ladders is

(A) 7 m
2 3
1 m
3 5
(B) 7 m 2 m
4 8

1 1
(C) 16 m 3 m
4 4

5 A B C
(D) 7 m

14 Grade 6
17. The capacity of an empty tank is 40 litres. Water from 3 pails shown below can be
emptied into the tank to fill it exactly. Which of the 3 pails can be used?

1 1 3 1 2
13 l 13 l 13 l 13 l 13 l
2 10 5 3 5
Pail P Pail Q Pail R Pail S Pail T

(A) Pail R, Q and T (B) Pail P, Q and T

(C) Pail R, S and T (D) Pail P, S and T

3 1
18. What fraction when subtracted from 1 gives ?
5 4

1 3 5 7
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 1
20 20 20 20

19. Find the difference between and 0.075 in fraction.

2 4 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 3 3
20. A tray containing 3 dozen eggs is 1 kg in mass. Given that the empty tray is 100 g, find
the average mass of an egg in kg.

1 1
(A) kg (B) kg
80 40

3 3
(C) kg (D) kg
100 40
21. The total number of pupils in class A and class B is 75. The total number of pupils in
class B and class C is 51. The number of pupils in class C is as many as that in class
A. How many pupils are there in class B?
(A) 28 (B) 35
(C) 42 (D) 49

ISFO Practice Book 15

22. A jug contained 4 l of pure orange juice. of the juice was removed and replaced by
an equal amount of lemon juice. The content was thoroughly mixed and of the
mixture was removed and replaced by an equal amount of lemon juice. What fraction
of the final mixture was lemon juice?

3 3 3
(A) 1 l (B) 2 l (C) 3 l (D) None of these
4 4 4
23. On monday, 800 more children than adults watched a movie. On tuesday, the number
of children that watched the same movie decreased by while the number of adults
that watched the same movie increased by . 1875 people watched the movie on
Tuesday. How many children watched the movie on monday?
(A) 1300 (B) 1350 (C) 1375 (D) 1390

1 3
24. Raphael had ` 40 less than Sam. When he spent of his money and Sam spent of
8 4
his money, Raphael had ` 80 more than Sam. How much money did Sam have left?
(A) ` 42 (B) ` 44 (C) ` 46 (D) ` 48

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 25 and 26.

Jaya and Pari had ` 1524 altogether. Pari had ` 244 more than Jaya. Pari spent ass
much as Jaya and was left with twice as much money as Jaya.
25. How much did Pari have at first?
(A) ` 884 (B) ` 882 (C) ` 880 (D) ` 878
26. How much did Jaya spend?
(A) ` 110 (B) ` 220 (C) ` 330 (D) ` 440

16 Grade 6
Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 27 and 28.

3 4
There were 170 people in a hall. of the males were boys and of the females were
5 9
girls. There were a total of 82 adults.
27. The number of girls are
(A) 44 (B) 40 (C) 36 (D) 32
28. The number of men are
(A) 32 (B) 36 (C) 40 (D) 44

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 29 and 30.

1 1
Sapna and Dipti have 596 altogether. of Diptis money is 10 more than of Sapnass
5 8
29. How much money does Sapna have?
(A) ` 328 (B) ` 332 (C) ` 336 (D) ` 328
30. What fraction of Sapnas money is Diptis money?

57 59 61 65
(A) ` (B) ` (C) ` (D) `
84 84 84 84

ISFO Practice Book 17


Some Facts:
Comparison between the quantities can be made by using division.
To calculate ratio, the two quantities have to be measured using the same unit. If
not, they should be converted to the same unit before ratio is taken.
Two ratios are said to be equivalent if the fractions corresponding to them are
If the ratios between quantity A and quantity B is equal to the ratio between
quantity C and quantity D, then the four quantities A, B, C and D, are said to be in
proportion. Proportion is denoted by the signs ' or = .

Sec on - A: Groundwork

Study the given statement and answer the questions 1 to 3.

If A : B = 8 : 13, then

1. Find the value of B, if A = 64.

(A) 102 (B) 109 (C) 104 (D) 117
2. Find the value of A, if B = 26.
(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 20 (D) 24
3. Find the value of A, if the sum of A and B is 105.
(A) 60 (B) 55 (C) 45 (D) 40

18 Grade 6
Study the given statement and answer the questions 4 to 6.
If A : B : C = 9 : 4 : 6, then

4. Find the value of A, if B = 16.

(A) 36 (B) 32 (C) 28 (D) 24
5. Find the value of B, if the sum of A, B and C is 171.
(A) 24 (B) 28 (C) 32 (D) 36
6. Find the value of C, if the difference of A and B is 55.
(A) 77 (B) 66 (C) 55 (D) 44

Study the given statement and answer the questions 7 to 9.

On a shelf, the ratio of the number of cookies to the number of puffs is 3 : 8.

7. If there are 6 pieces of cookies, how many puffs are there?

(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 16
8. If there are 32 puffs, how many cookies are there?
(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 22
9. If there are 20 more puffs than cookies, how many cookies and puffs are there alto-
(A) 40 (B) 42 (C) 44 (D) 46

Study the given statement and answer the questions 10 to 12.

The length of the sides of a triangle are in the ratio 4 : 7 : 9.
10. If the length of the longest side is 45 cm, find the length of the shortest side.
(A) 14 cm (B) 16 cm (C) 18 cm (D) 20 cm
11. If the total length of all the sides is 200 cm, find the length of the longest side.
(A) 100 cm (B) 90 cm (C) 80 cm (D) 60 cm
12. If the difference between the length of the longest side and the length of the shortest
side is 35 cm, find the length of the shortest side.
(A) 24 cm (B) 26 cm (C) 28 cm (D) 30 cm

ISFO Practice Book 19

Study the given statement and answer the questions 13 to 15.
If A : B = 1 : 2 and B : C = 4 : 5, then

13. The ratio of A : C is

(A) 1 : 2 (B) 4 : 5 (C) 2 : 5 (D) 1 : 5
14. The ratio of A : B : C is
(A) 2 : 4 : 5 (B) 1 : 2 : 3 (C) 1 : 4 : 3 (D) 5 : 4 : 2
15. If A is 6 less than B, then the value of C is
(A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 15

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. There are 5 times as many blue pens as red pens in a bookshop. What is the ratio of the
number of blue pens to the total number of pens?
(A) 1 : 5 (B) 1 : 6 (C) 5 : 1 (D) 5 : 6
17. Express 14 days as a ratio of 21 days in its simplest form.
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 3 (C) 5 : 6 (D) 13 : 15
18. The perimeter of a rectangle is 56 cm. The ratio of its length to its breadth is 5 : 2. Find
the length of the rectangle.
(A) 18 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 22 cm (D) 24 cm
19. Alan, Bobby and Caleb shared a sum of money in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. If the sum of Bobbys
money and Calebs money was ` 175 more than Alans, what was the sum of money
shared by the three boys?
(A) ` 75 (B) ` 125 (C) ` 315 (D) ` 350
20. The pupils at a camp are divided equally into team A and team B. The ratio of the
number of boys to the number of girls in team A is 2 : 1 and in team B is 4 : 11. What is
the ratio of the total number of boys to the total number of girls?
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 7 : 8 (C) 8 : 11 (D) 8 : 13

20 Grade 6
21. The ratio of the number of sweets Jason has to the number of sweets Mathew has is
3 : 5. If Jason and Mathew have 32 sweets altogether, how many sweets does Jason
(A) 3 sweets (B) 6 sweets (C) 9 sweets (D) 12 sweets
22. The ratio of the perimeter of square A to the perimeter of square B is 1 : 4. If the
perimeter of square B is 64 cm, find the difference between the area of the two squares.
(A) 120 cm2 (B) 160 cm2 (C) 200 cm2 (D) 240 cm2

23. The figure below is not drawn to scale. The area of X is of the area of the whole
rectangle. The ratio of area of Y to the area of Z is 5 : 4. What is the ratio of the area of
X to the area of Y to the area of Z?
(A) 3 : 5 : 4 Z

(B) 5 : 4 : 3 Y
(C) 3 : 4 : 5 X
(D) None of these
24. A square and a rectangle overlap each other as shown in the figure below. The ratio of
the area of the shaded part to the area of the square is 1 : 3. Find the ratio of the area
of the unshaded parts to the area of the shaded part.
(A) 1 : 3
(B) 1 : 5 9cm

(C) 5 : 1 9cm

(D) 3 : 1

25. Jeffreys age is half of Pamelas age. In 5 years time, the ratio of Jeffreys age to Pamelas
age will be 2 : 3. How old is Pamela now?
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10
26. The ratio of the number of apples to the number of peaches in a box was 7 : 4. When 20
apples were replaced by 20 peaches, the ratio of the number of apples to the number
of peaches became 1 : 2. How many apples were there at first?
(A) 44 apples (B) 42 apples (C) 40 apples (D) 38 apples

ISFO Practice Book 21

27. Seven years ago, the ratio of Samuels age to Georges age was 2 : 1. The ratio of their
ages is 5 : 3 this year. What will be the ratio of their ages in seven years time?
(A) 3 : 2 (B) 2 : 3 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 : 1
28. The diagram below is not drawn to scale. The sum of the area of circle A and circle B is
of the area of circle C.
The fraction of each circle is shaded as follows:
1 C
of circle A is shaded.

of circle B is shaded. B
2 A
of circle C is shaded.
Find the ratio of the area of circle A to the area of circle B.
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 4 : 1
29. The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 10. When 3 is added to the
numerator and 2 is added to the denominator. The ratio of the numerator to the
denominator is 2 : 3. Find the fraction.
3 1 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1
5 5 7 11
30. A, B and C represents three numbers respectively. The ratio of A to (B + C) is 1 : 3. The
ratio of (A + B) to C is 4 : 1. Find the ratio of A : B : C.
(A) 5 : 7 : 4 (B) 4 : 7 : 5 (C) 4 : 11 : 5 (D) 5 : 11 : 4

22 Grade 6

Some Facts:
Percent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100.
Percentages are helpful in comparison. The increase or decrease in a certain
quantity can be expressed as percentage increase or decrease.
Percentage increase/decrease = 100

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. Express 250 m as a percentage of 5 km.

(A) 20% (B) 15% (C) 10% (D) 5%
2. Express 15 minutes as a percentage of 3 hours.

1 1 1 1
(A) 6 % (B) 7 % (C) 8 % (D) 9 %
3 3 3 3
3. Raju bought a dining set for ` 2400. He made a downpayment of 15 % and paid the
balance in 12 monthly instalments. How much was the downpayment?
(A) ` 340 (B) ` 345 (C) ` 355 (D) ` 360

ISFO Practice Book 23

Study the given information below and answer the questions 4 and 5.
The table below shows the amount of money that Mrs. Charu spent on 3 items at the

Seafood Detergent Poultry

` 21 ` 12 ` 17

4. How many more percent of the money was spent on seafood than on detergent?
(A) 20% (B) 18% (C) 16% (D) 14%
5. What percentage of Mrs. Charus money was spent on poultry?
(A) 28% (B) 30% (C) 32% (D) 34%

Study the given information below and answer the questions 6 and 7.

Aminah, Belle and Sapna shared a box of chocolates in the ratio 18 : 20 : 12.

6. What percentage of the chocolates in the box belonged to Sapna?

(A) 22% (B) 24% (C) 26% (D) 28%
7. Express Aminahs share as a percentage of Belles share.
(A) 60% (B) 70% (C) 80% (D) 90%

Study the given information below and answer the questions 8 and 9.
Mark donated 20% of his money to charity. He gave 50% of the remainder to his wife
and t he rest was shared equally among his 4 children. Each child received ` 5000.

8. How much money did Mark have at first?

(A) ` 45,000 (B) ` 50,000
(C) ` 55,000 (D) ` 60,000
9. How much money did he donate to charity?
(A) ` 16 000 (B) ` 14,000
(C) ` 12 000 (D) ` 10,000

24 Grade 6
Study the given information below and answer the questions 10 and 11.
The length of a rectangular pool is 60% longer than its breadth. The perimeter of the
pool is 156 m.

10. The length of the pool is

(A) 52 m (B) 48 m (C) 44 m (D) 40 m
11. The breadth of the pool is
(A) 36 m (B) 34 m (C) 32 m (D) 30 m

Study the given information below and answer the questions 12 and 13.
Rahman is paid 16% more for working on a saturday than on a weekday. He is paid 25%
more on a sunday than on a saturday. His pay for working on a weekday is ` 50.

12. How much will he earn for working 3 sundays?

(A) ` 219.50 (B) ` 217.50 (C) ` 215.50 (D) ` 213.50
13. How much will he earn for working 1 whole week?
(A) ` 360.50 (B) ` 365.50 (C) ` 375.50 (D) ` 380.50
14. Mathew had 10 out of 50 sums incorrect in a mathematics quiz. What percentage of
the sums did he get correct?
(A) 10% (B) 20% (C) 80% (D) 90%
15. The pie chart below shows the proportion of pupils participating in various sports.
What percentage of the pupils participates in soccer?

Basketball 8%


(A) 17% (B) 42% (C) 82% (D) 92%

ISFO Practice Book 25

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. The number of beads that Liza has is 75% of the number of beads that Jimmy has and
of the number of beads that Vimla has. If Jimmy has 180 beads, how many beads
does Vimla have?
(A) 235 (B) 225 (C) 245 (D) 255
17. There are 600 jellybeans in a container. 25% of them are red, 40% of them are yellow
and the rest are green. How many yellow jellybeans less than green jellybeans are
(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 90 (D) 210
18. ABCD is a rectangle. AE + FB = EF and AE = FB. What percentage of the rectangle is
(A) 47.5
(B) 37.5
(C) 27.5
(D) 17.5 E F

19. A rectangle measures 50 cm by 30 cm. If both the length and the breadth of the rect-
angle are increased by 30% each, what is the total percentage increase in the area of
the rectangle?
(A) 61% (B) 65% (C) 69% (D) 73%

Study the given information below and answer the questions 20 and 21.
Jane has 40% more stamps than Emily. Gareth has 20% of the number of stamps Jane
20. What is the ratio of the number of stamps Emily has to the number of stamps Gareth
(A) 7 : 25 (B) 25 : 7 (C) 3 : 25 (D) 25 : 3

26 Grade 6
21. If Jane has 84 more stamps than Gareth, find the total number of stamps Jane and
Emily have.
(A) 120 (B) 140 (C) 160 (D) 180
22. Basket A contains 200 pens and 700 pencils. Basket B contains 1000 pens and 800
pencils. How many pens and pencils must be transferred in total from basket B to
basket A such that 80% of the items in basket A are pencils and 75% of the items in
basket B are pens?
(A) 400 (B) 500 (C) 600 (D) 700
23. The figure below consists of 2 overlapping rectangles P and Q. The ratio of the area of
rectangle P to that of rectangle Q is 5 : 6. 20% of rectangle P is shaded. What percent-
age of the figure is not shaded?
(A) 70%
(B) 80%
(C) 90%
(D) 100%
24. The figure below consists of 2 overlapping trapeziums R and S. The ratio of the area of
trapezium R to that of trapezium S is 2 : 5. 30% of trapezium R is shaded. What percent-
age of the figure is not shaded?
(A) 56% S
(B) 88% R
(C) 92%
(D) 98%
25. A music player cost the same at shop E and shop F. During a weekend sale, shop E
offered a 4% discount on saturday and a further 5% discount on sunday. Shop F offered
a 10% discount on both days. If the music player costs ` 6 more in shop E than in shop
F after the final reductions, find the original price of the music player.
(A) ` 200 (B) ` 300
(C) ` 400 (D) ` 500

ISFO Practice Book 27

Study the given information below and answer the questions 26 to 28.

In a group of 120 pupils, 75% like soccer, like badminton and 10 do not like either
26. How many pupils like both sports?
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40
27. How many only like soccer?
(A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 50 (D) 60
28. How many only like badminton?
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25

Study the given information below and answer the questions 29 and 30.
Ismail received a 5% commission for the first 100 comic books he sold and 8% for every
subsequent comic book sold. Each comic book cost ` 12.
29. How much commission did Ismail receive for selling 150 comic books?
(A) 150 (B) 160 (C) 170 (D) 180
30. If Ismail received ` 194.40 in commission, how many comic books did he sell?
(A) 120 (B) 180 (C) 240 (D) 260

28 Grade 6

Some Facts:
Distance Distance
Speed = Time = Speed
Distance = speed time 1 km/hr = m/s
1 m/s = km/hr

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. A marathon runner ran a total distance of 35 km in 4 hours. What was the average
speed of the runner?

2 5
(A) 8.57 km/h (B) 8 km/h (C) 8 km/h (D) 8.75 km/h
3 7
2. Sonny drove from Jaipur to Delhi which is 260 km away. How long will he take if his
average speed was 78 km/h?
(A) 3 h 10 min (B) 3 h 20 min (C) 3 h 30 min (D) 3 h 33 min
3. A train travelled 120 km at an average speed of 90 km/h. Find the time taken for the
journey in hours and minutes.
(A) 1 h 5 min (B) 1 h 10 min (C) 1 h 15 min (D) 1 h 20 min

ISFO Practice Book 29

4. Tina ran 100 m in 20 minutes. Find her average speed in m/min.
(A) 5 m/min (B) 4 m/min (C) 3 m/min (D) 2 m/min
5. Jenny jogged from her home to a park 3 km away at a speed of 6 km/h. She continued
jogging to the swimming pool which was 4 km away from the park at a speed of
5 km/h. How long did she take to jog from her home to the swimming pool?
(A) 1 h 11 min (B) 1 h 13 min (C) 1 h 17 min (D) 1 h 18 min

6. If Wayne walked of the distance from his home to the school and cycled the remain-
ing distance, he would take 11 minutes for the whole journey. If he cycled the entire
distance, he would take 4 minutes. How long will Wayne take if he walked the entire
distance to school?
(A) 22 min (B) 26 min (C) 30 min (D) 32 min
7. 5 speed cameras were placed at a distance of 50 km apart from each other along a
highway. The table shows the time at which a car travelling along the highway was
photographed by each camera.
Speed Camera Time
1 08 : 45
2 09 : 10
3 09 : 50
4 10 : 20
5 10 : 55

Between which two speed cameras did the car travel at an average speed of more than
100 km/h?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 3 and 4 (D) 4 and 5
8. James started jogging at 6.30 a.m. He jogged for 8 km. He took 15 min to jog the first
3 km and then finished the remaining distance at an average speed of 15 km/h. At
what time did he complete the jog?
(A) 6 : 55 a.m. (B) 7 : 00 a.m.
(C) 7 : 05 a.m. (D) 7 : 10 a.m.

30 Grade 6
Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 9 and 10.
At 9 : 30 p.m, train X left station A and travelled towards station B at a speed of
80 km/h. Half an hour later, train Y left station B and travelled towards station A at a
speed of 90 km/h.

9. How far has train X travelled when train Y left station B?

(A) 30 km (B) 40 km (C) 50 km (D) 60 km
10. If the distance between station A and station B is 720 km, at what time would the two
trains pass each other?
(A) 1 a.m. (B) 2 a.m. (C) 3 a.m. (D) 4 a.m.
11. At 8 a.m., a bus left alpha town and travelled towards beta town at an average speed
of 70 km/h. At the same time, a van left Beta town and travelled towards Alpha town at
an average speed of 55 km/h. At 10 a.m., the two vehicles were 35 km apart. If the two
vehicles had already passed each other before 10 a.m., find the distance between the
two towns.
(A) 215 km (B) 210 km (C) 205 km (D) 200 km

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 12 and 13.

Tim drove from sky city to rainbow city. After travelling of the journey at an average
speed of 72 km/h for 45 min, he stopped at cloud city to have a snack for hour. He
then carried on with his journey, increasing his speed by 18 km/h. He reached rainbow
city at 1 : 15 p.m.
12. What was the distance between cloud city and rainbow city?
(A) 108 km (B) 81 km (C) 57 km (D) 55 km
13. What was the time when Tim left sky city?
(A) 10 : 36 a.m. (B) 10 : 48 a.m. (C) 11 : 00 a.m. (D) 11 : 12 a.m.

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 14 and 15.
Towns X and Y are 60 km apart. At 10 a.m., Michael left town X and cycled towards
town Y at 12 km/h. At the same time, Paul left town Y and cycled towards town X along
the same path at 18 km/h.

ISFO Practice Book 31

14. At what time did they pass by each other?
(A) 11 : 00 (B) 12 : 00 (C) 13 : 00 (D) 14 : 00
15. How far was Michael from town Y when Paul reached town X?
(A) 20 km (B) 18 km (C) 16 km (D) 14 km

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. Terry and Joe left Point X and cycled in opposite directions in a straight line. After 5 h,
they were 352 km apart. Terrys average speed was 4.8 km/h faster than Joes average
speed. What was Joes speed?
(A) 28.8 km/h (B) 30.8 km/h (C) 32.8 km/h (D) 34.8 km/h
17. A 200 m track and a 400 m track are located side by side, touching at A. Paul and Bala
started running from A at 10 a.m. with average speeds of 2 km/h and 20 km/h respec-
tively. At what time would they pass each other at point A again?
(A) 10 : 00 a.m. Bala
(B) 08 : 06 a.m.
(C) 10 : 06 a.m.
(D) 11 : 06 a.m. 200 m
track 400 m
18. A bus left argon lake for boron lake at 8 : 45 a.m. while a car left half an hour later. The
car overtook the bus at 11 : 15 a.m. and arrived at boron lake at 12 : 15 p.m. At what
time did the bus reach boron lake?
(A) 11 : 00 p.m. (B) 11 : 30 p.m.
(C) 12 : 00 p.m. (D) 12 : 30 p.m.
19. A 400 m long train travelling at 120 km/h enters a tunnel that is 2 km long. How long
does it take for the train to pass through the tunnel, from the moment the front of the
train enters the tunnel to the moment the rear of the train emerges from the tunnel?
(A) 0.8 min (B) 1 min
(C) 1.2 min (D) 1.4 min

32 Grade 6
20. Daniel took 45 minutes to jog 18 times around a park. If one round of the park was
450 m, his average speed is
(A) 160 m/min (B) 180 m/min (C) 200 m/min (D) 220 m/min
21. At 8 : 45 a.m., a car left sunny town travelling at a speed of 60 km/h. 45 min later, a
motorcycle left sunny town. After travelling 195 km, the motorcycle caught up with the
car. The motorcycle continued to travel at this speed before stopping for a 30 minute
lunch break at 1 : 45 p.m. How far apart will the two vehicles be at 3 : 30 p.m.?
(A) 24 km (B) 26 km (C) 28 km (D) 30 km
22. Jill took 12 minutes to complete a 3 km race while Mary took 15 minutes.
The difference in their speeds is
(A) 50 m/min (B) 48 m/min (C) 46 m/min (D) 44 m/min
23. The table shows the time taken by 3 boys to complete a lap of 1.2 km at the pool.

Raju Ken Tom

5 min ? 4.8 min

If the average speed of the boys was 240 m/min, find the time taken by Ken to
complete the lap.
(A) 4.0 min (B) 4.4 min (C) 4.8 min (D) 5.2 min

24. The ratio of a motorbikes speed to a cars speed was 2 : 3. The motorbike took 2 h to
travel from town A to town B. How long would it take for the car to cover the same
(A) 55 min (B) 50 min (C) 45 min (D) 40 min

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 25 and 26.
Rahman set off from city W at 11 : 30 a.m. for city X which was 180 km away. He arrived
at city X at 2 : 30 p.m.
25. What was Rahmans average speed?
(A) 55 km/h (B) 60 km/h (C) 65 km/h (D) 70 km/h

ISFO Practice Book 33

26. On his return journey from city X to city W, he increased his speed by 50%. How long did
he take for his return journey?
1 1
(A) 2 h (B) 1 h (C) 1 h (D) 1 h
2 4
Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 27 and 28.
Jack and Ben both set off from Jaipur for Delhi at the same time. After driving for 5 h at
an average speed of 48 km/h, Jack completed the journey but Ben had only covered
of the journey.
27. At what speed was Ben driving?
(A) 12 km/h (B) 16 km/h (C) 20 km/h (D) 24 km/h
28. How long did Ben take to cover the whole journey?
(A) 15 h (B) 16 h (C) 14 h (D) 13 h

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 29 and 30.
In a cross-country marathon, Jumad covered the first of the journey at an average
speed of 40 km/h. He then decreased his speed by 20% for the last 240 km of the
29. What was the total distance covered by Jumad?
(A) 800 km (B) 900 km (C) 1100 km (D) 1200 km
30. How long did Jumad take to complete the whole journey?

1 1 1 1
(A) 31 h (B) 31 h (C) 31 h (D) 31 h
2 3 4 5

34 Grade 6

Some Facts:
An unknown quantity which takes various numerical value is called variable.
An unknown quantity can be represented by a variable. Usually, a variable is any
letter from the English alphabet that represents an unknown quantity.
A quantity whose value does not vary is called a constant.
An expression consisting of variables, constants and mathematical operators is
called an algebraic expression.
Mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
can be easily performed on variables.

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. James mass is x kg. Kathy is 3 times as heavy as James. What is Kathys mass?

(A) (3 + x) kg (B) (3 x) kg (C) 3x kg (D) kg
2. Donna bought a mango for p rupees and 4 oranges for 90 paisa . She paid the cashier
`10. How much change did she receive?

(A) ` (9.10 p) (B) ` (9.20 p) (C) ` (9.30 p) (D) ` (9.40 p)

3. Which of the following is correct for the equation 3k 8 + 2k 1 = ?
(A) 5k 10 (B) 5k 9 (C) 5k + 9 (D) 5k + 10

ISFO Practice Book 35

4. The values of the 18b 7b 26, when b = 8, is
(A) 62 (B) 64 (C) 66 (D) 68
5. Which of the following is correct for the equation 18h + 13 10h = ?
(A) 8h - 13 (B) 8h - 11 (C) 8h + 11 (D) 8h + 13

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 6 and 7.
Mrs. Baany bought n chickens at ` 9 each and 6 ducks for ` 3n.
6. Total cost of the chickens and the ducks in terms of n is
(A) ` 12n (B) ` 12 (C) `(12 + n) (D) ` (12 n)
7. How much cheaper were the ducks than the chickens in terms of n?
(A) ` n (B) ` 3n (C) ` 6n (D) ` 4n

Study the given figure carefully and answer the questions 8 to 10.
The figure below shows 2 rulers.
Ruler A Ruler B
3y cm 5y cm
8. The total length of the rulers in terms of y is
(A) 8 cm (B) 2y cm (C) 8y cm (D) 16 cm
9. The difference in their lengths in terms of y is
(A) 2y cm (B) y cm (C) (2 - y) cm (D) 8y cm
10. If ruler A is 6 cm, how long is ruler B?
(A) 2 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 8 cm

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 11 to 13.
The average length of 4 ribbons is y cm.
11. Express the total length of the ribbons in terms of y.
(A) (4 + y) cm (B) 4y cm (C) 16 cm (D) 8y cm
12. If y = 24, find the total length of the ribbons.
(A) 96 cm (B) 48 cm (C) 52 cm (D) 28 cm

36 Grade 6
13. If the total length of 3 of the ribbons is 75 cm, find the length of the fourth ribbon in
terms of y.
(A) (4y + 75) cm (B) (3y + 75) cm
(C) (3y 75) cm (D) (4y 75) cm
14. The figure shown below is a square.
Find the perimeter of the square in terms of x. x cm
(A) (4 + x) cm (B) 4x cm
(C) 8x cm (D) (8 + x) cm
15. Harry is x years old. Leonard is 5 years older than Harry. What will be their total age in
12 years time?
(A) (2x + 29) years (B) (2x + 39) years
(C) (3x + 29) years (D) (4x + 29) years

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. Kelvin is k years old. In 7 years time, his father will be twice as old as he. How old will
his father be, in terms of k, in 7 years time?
k 7 2k 7
(A) years old (B) years old
2 2
(C) (2k + 7) years old (D) 2(k + 7) years old
17. The sum of 3 consecutive numbers is 6u. The smallest number is
(A) 2u 1 (B) 2u (C) 2u + 1 (D) 2u + 2
18. Wayne paid ` 6.60 for 6 erasers and some sharpeners. Each eraser cost y cents and
each sharpener cost (y 50) paise. If y = 90, how many sharpeners did Wayne buy?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
19. The average mass of 7 watermelons is w kg. If the total mass of 3 watermelons is 8 kg,
what is the average mass of the remaining watermelons in terms of w?

7w 8 7w 8 8w 7 8w 7
(A) kg (B) kg (C) kg (D) kg
4 4 4 4

ISFO Practice Book 37

Observe the given figure carefully and answer the questions 20 and 21.
The figure below shows the outline of a plot of land.
20. The perimeter of the plot of land is
(A) (10x + 36)m
(4x 8)m
(B) (10x + 24)m
(C) (10 x+ 4)m
(D) (10x + 8)m (x + 10)m
21. If the cost of fencing is `14 perimeter, then the total cost of fencing is
(A) ` 756 (B) ` 576 (C) ` 765 (D) ` 657
22. 5 hotdogs and 8 hamburgers cost ` 49. If 1 hotdog and 1 hamburger cost `p, find the
cost of 3 hamburgers.
(A) ` (49 p) (B) ` (49 3p) (C) ` (49 + 5p) (D) ` (49 5p)

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 23 and 24.
In January, Susan withdrew 1/3 of her savings from the bank. This amount was ` 640. In
February, she deposited 1/4 of her salary into the bank and her savings become ` z.

23. Susans salary for the month of February in terms of z is

(A) ` (4z 5120) (B) ` (4z 5012) (C) ` (4z + 5012) (D) ` (4z + 5120)
24. If z = ` 1804, then the Susans salary for the month of February is
(A) ` 2069 (B) ` 2096 (C) ` 2036 (D) ` 2063

Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 25 and 26.
The charges for using a mobile phone are as follows:

Fixed charge: ` 21 per month

Per minute usage: 2 paise
Per text message sent: 2 paise

25. Last month, Gary used the phone for q hours and sent 10 text messages. Find the
amount he had to pay in paise, in terms of q.
(A) (2130 + 120q) paise (B) (2130 + 140q) paise
(C) (2120 + 120q) paise (D) (2130 + 110q) paise

38 Grade 6
26. If q = 4.2, how much did he have to pay in dollars?
(A) ` 22.34 (B) ` 23.34 (C) ` 24.34 (D) ` 26.34
27. If |4w - 8| is a multiple of 12, find the next 3 multiples of 12 after (4w - 8) in terms of w.
(A) 4w + 4, 4w + 16, 4w + 28 (B) 4w + 4, 4w + 16, 4w + 32
(C) 4w + 4, 4w + 8, 4w + 16 (D) 4w + 4, 4w + 28, 4w + 48
Study the given statement carefully and answer the questions 28 and 29.
The table below shows the price list of the items available in a bookshop.

Item Price per item

Ruler w paise
Pen (12w + 40) paise
Marker (22w 15) paise
Calculator `w

28. Helmi bought 2 rulers, a pen, a marker and a calculator. Find the amount he spent in
terms of w in cents.
(A) (136w + 25) paise (B) (136w + 45) paise
(C) (134w + 25) paise (D) (136w + 35) paise
29. Ailing paid ` 86.45 for 2 calculators, 3 markers and some pens. If w = 25, how many
pens did she buy?
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8
30. Raihan had ` (50 + 8s). Samad had ` 9 s more than Raihan. Raihan was given ` s and
Samad was given twice as much.
How much do they now have altogether?
(A) ` (90 + 28s) (B) ` (100 + 28s) (C) ` (110 + 28s) (D) ` (100 + 38s)

ISFO Practice Book 39


Some Facts:
The angle whose measure is equal to 180 is called a straight angle.
The angle whose measure is greater than 180 and less than 360 is called a reflex
Two angles sum of whose measures is 90 are called complementary angles.
Two angles sum of whose measures is 180 are called supplementary angles.
Angles with a common vertex and a common arm are called adjacent angles.
A pair of adjacent angles whose noncommon arms are opposite rays is called a
linear pair.
Two angles that are not adjacent but have a common vertex are called vertically
opposite angles. Vertically opposite angles are opposite to each other and are equal.

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. In the figure, XY and PR are straight lines. Find x in the figure shown.

120 x

(A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 50

40 Grade 6
2. In the figure, PQR is an equilateral triangle, the value of a is

60 P


(A) 195 (B) 200 (C) 240 (D) 280

3. ABCD is a rectangle and EBC is a triangle. The value of BEC is

120 52


(A) 60o (B) 68 (C) 58o (D) 50o

4. ABCD is a rhombus, ADE is an isosceles triangle and BDE is a straight line. The value of
ADE is

144 D

(A) 142 (B) 152 (C) 162 (D) 172

5. EFGH is a square. EJL and FKL are straight lines. The value of EJG is
25 L
80 K
(A) 105 (B) 104o (C) 110o (D) 114o

ISFO Practice Book 41

6. PQRV is a square, VSTU is a rectangle and PRT is a straight line. The value of PTV is
(A) 19 P U
(B) 21o
(C) 23o Q
(D) 25


7. JKLM is a parallelogram and NM = NL. The value of JNL is

(A) 112
(B) 116
J 28 L
(C) 120
(D) 124

8. PQRS is a parallelogram. QP = QT and PUT is a straight line. The value of SPQ is

(A) 128 P S
(B) 132
(C) 136
(D) 140 U R

9. FGHJ is a trapezium and GF = GK. The value of JKL is


84 L

(A) 20 (B) 25 (C) 30 (D)35

42 Grade 6
10. PQRS is a trapezium and PQ = PT. The value of PSR is
(A) 120
(B) 125 P 65
(C) 130
(D) 135


11. GMH, GNJ and HJKL are straight lines. MN || HL. The value of MNJ is
(A) 59 G

(B) 61 25
(C) 63
(D) 65
H 36
12. PQS, RSTU and PVU are straight lines. QV || RU, QS = QT = QV and VT = VU. The value
of PVQ is P
(A) 65
(B) 67 Q V
(C) 69
(D) 71 R U
13. ABCG is a rhombus. ACDE is a rectangle and CGE is a diagonal of the rectangle. The
value of ABC is A E

(A) 80


(B) 100 B G
(C) 120
(D) 140

ISFO Practice Book 43

14. EFG is a right-angled triangle. JFGH is a parallelogram and EJG is a straight line. The
value of EGH is E
(A) 12
(B) 24
(C) 36
(D) 48 J H

15. PQRS is a parallelogram and PSV is a straight line. The value of TUR is
(A) 118 P S
(B) 120
(C) 122
(D) 124 Q U R

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. In the figure, ABC is a straight line and BC is parallel to DE. The value of FDE is
(A) 15 C
(B) 55 40
A 85
(C) 70 F
(D) 85
17. In the figure, KLMN is a rhombus, JLM is an isosceles triangle and NMJ is a straight
line. The value of JLM is K L
(A) 20 (B) 25
(C) 40 (D) 80

44 Grade 6
18. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle. ABCD is a rectangle and EOF is a straight
line. The lines EO and AO touch the circle. The value of AEO is
(A) 50 E

(B) 65 A B
O 50
(C) 90
(D) 130 D F C
19. The figure, not drawn to scale, shows a circle with centre O and a trapezium ABCD. The
value of p is
(A) 107o
(B) 117o O
(C) 127 74
(D) 137
20. WXYZ is a square, not drawn to scale. The ratio of a to b is 1 : 2. The value of
c is
(A) 30
a b
(B) 60
(C) 90
(D) 120 c

21. In the figure, not drawn to scale, AB is parallel to CD and AC is parallel to EF. The sum
of x and y is

y D
A 65
100 x
(A) 105 (B) 115 (C) 135 (D) 155

ISFO Practice Book 45

Study the given figure carefully and answer the questions 22 and 23.
In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle and EFGD is a parallelogram. CGH is a straight line.
DEF 42, DCG 47 and CBG 77.
F 77

42 47
22. The value of C G D is
(A) 61 (B) 91 (C) 101 (D) 111
23. The value of B G H is
(A) 120 (B) 110 (C) 105 (D) 95

Study the given figure carefully and answer the questions 24 to 26.
In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram and EFGH is a trapezium. AJ is a straight line.
ADC 49, AJG 129 and FEH 70.

70 J

24. The value of D A J is

(A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 80
25. The value of B K E is
(A) 131 (B) 129 (C) 127 (D) 125
26. The value of D L E is
(A) 60 (B) 70 (C) 80 (D) 90

46 Grade 6
Study the given figure carefully and answer the questions 27 and 28.
ABC is an isosceles, right-angled triangle. AC is parallel to DE. HOG and EOF are straight
lines BHO 20, FOG 28 and EDG 88.

27. The value of D E F is
(A) 35 (B) 37
(C) 39 (D) 41 H
20 F
28. The value of D G H is 28
(A) 57 (B) 47 E G
(C) 37 (D) 27

Study the given figure carefully and answer the questions 29 and 30.
The figure, not drawn to scale, is made up of a square ABCD and two rhombuses ATCP
and DRBV. Given that BVD 135 and AT = BR, find
29. The value of A D B is
(A) 35 (B) 45 W S
(C) 55 (D) 65 V
30. The value of A Q D is C B

(A) 105 (B) 115

(C) 125 (D) 135

ISFO Practice Book 47


Some Facts:
Perimeter of a closed figure is the distance around it, whereas area is the region
enclosed by closed figure.
Perimeter of a regular polygon = number of sides length of one side.
Perimeter of a rectangle of length 'l' units and breadth 'b' units = 2(l + b).
Area of a rectangle of length 'l' units and breadth 'b' units = l b.
Perimeter of a square with side s units = 4 s
Area of a square with side s units = s s

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. The perimeter of the given figure is

13 cm

17 cm 21 cm

7 cm

(A) 68 cm (B) 70 cm (C) 72 cm (D) 66 cm

48 Grade 6
2. The perimeter of the given figure is

(A) 72 cm
(B) 70 cm
(C) 68 cm
(D) 66 cm

3. The perimeter of the given figure is

(A) 90 cm (B) 92 cm (C) 96 cm (D) 98 cm

4. The area of the given figure is
(A) 1260 cm.sq
(B) 1262 cm.sq
(C) 1264 cm.sq
(D) 1266 cm.sq
5. The area of the given figure is
(A) 142 cm.sq
(B) 146 cm.sq
(C) 148 cm.sq
(D) 150 cm.sq

ISFO Practice Book 49

6. The shaded area of the given figure is
(A) 70 cm.sq
(B) 72 cm.sq
(C) 74 cm.sq
(D) 76 cm.sq
7. The area of rectangle A is 96 cm2. The perimeter of the whole figure is
(A) 48 cm
(B) 50 cm
(C) 52 cm
(D) 54 cm

8. The area of the shaded triangle is

(A) 65.5 cm2
(B) 67.5 cm2
(C) 69.5 cm2
(D) 71.5 cm2

9. The perimeter of the unshaded part of the figure below is _______.

(A) 104 cm (B) 106 cm (C) 108 cm (D) 110 cm

50 Grade 6
10. A rectangular floor measuring 21 m by 8.5 m, is laid with ceramic tiles at a cost of
` 54 per m2. The cost of laying the floor with ceramic tiles is
(A) ` 5510 (B) ` 5508
(C) ` 5506 (D) ` 5505
11. The area of following figure is
(A) 151.5 cm2
(B) 153.5 cm2
(C) 155.5 cm2
(D) 157.5 cm2

12. The figure below is made up of a square and two rectangles.

The length of rectangle A is twice that of square B.
The area of rectangle C is

(A) 18 cm2 (B) 24 cm2 (C) 30 cm2 (D) 36 cm2

13. The figure consists of a right-angled triangle and a rectangle.
If the area of the whole figure is 94 cm2, the perimeter of the figure is

(A) 47.5 cm
(B) 43.5 cm
(C) 41.5 cm
(D) 39.5 cm

ISFO Practice Book 51

14. The figure consists of rectangles A and B. The perimeter of rectangle A is 6 cm less
than that of the whole figure. If the perimeter of the whole figure is 32 cm, the length
x is

(A) 1 cm
(B) 2 cm
(C) 3 cm
(D) 4 cm

15. In the figure below, the length of the three squares is in whole numbers and they are of
different sizes. What is the greatest possible area of the figure?
(A) 38 cm2
(B) 36 cm2
(C) 34 cm2
(D) 32 cm2

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

16. In the figure below, rectangles ABCD and PQRS are equal in size. Find the area of the
shaded part.

(A) 45 cm2
(B) 36 cm2
(C) 27 cm2
(D) 18 cm2

52 Grade 6
17. The perimeter of rectangle EFGH is 36 cm. If EX is 4, the shaded area of rectangle EFGH
(A) 27 cm2
(B) 39 cm2
(C) 51 cm2
(D) 61 cm2
18. Area of triangle ABC is
(A) 64 cm2
(B) 32 cm2
(C) 48 cm2
(D) 40 cm2

19. A square and a rectangle have a total area of 126 cm2. The area of the square is 40 %
of the area of the rectangle. The length of one side of square is
(A) 6 cm (B) 3 cm (C) 4 cm (D) 5 cm
20. The rectangle is divided into 7 equal parts. Its breadth is 2/3 of its length. The area of
the shaded part is
(A) 168 cm2
(B) 164 cm2
(C) 160 cm2
(D) 156 cm2

21. ABCD is a rectangular piece of wood. Two pieces, one in the shape of a square and the
other in the shape of a triangle, are cut off. The area of the remaining part is
(A) 98 cm2
(B) 96 cm2
(C) 94 cm2
(D) 92 cm2

ISFO Practice Book 53

22. In triangle ABC, AB = BC. The area of the shaded part is
(A) 125 cm2
(B) 130 cm2
(C) 135 cm2
(D) 140 cm2

23. The area of the shaded part of rectangle ABCD is 1/7 of the area of the unshaded part.
The length of ED is
(A) 21 cm
(B) 24 cm
(C) 27 cm
(D) 30 cm
24. ABCD is a rectangle and its length is twice as long as its breadth. The area of the
shaded triangle is
(A) 21 cm2
(B) 24 cm2
(C) 27 cm2
(D) 30 cm2

25. In the figure below, the perimeter of the shaded rectangle is 32 cm.
The area of the unshaded portion is
(A) 216 cm2
(B) 246 cm2
(C) 276 cm2
(D) 306 cm2

54 Grade 6
26. A rectangular swimming pool is 50 m long and 30 m wide. It is filled with water by 2
pipes. 1 pipe supplies 64 m3 of water per hour while the other pipe supplies 56 m3 of
water per hour. How many hours will it take to fill the pool to a depth of 2 m?
(A) 20 hours (B) 25 hours (C) 26 hours (D) 27 hours
27. In the figure shown,
The ratio of the area of the shaded part to that of the whole figure is

(A) 7 : 16 (B) 16 : 7 (C) 15 : 7 (D) 7 : 15

28. The area of the shaded part is

(A) 61 cm2 (B) 63 cm2 (C) 65 cm2 (D) 67 cm2

29. What is the area of the shaded portion shown?
(A) 546 cm2
(B) 548 cm2
(C) 550 cm2
(D) 556 cm2

ISFO Practice Book 55

30. In the given figure, the shaded area is 1 times the unshaded area. The area of the
whole figure is
(A) 700 cm2
(B) 780 cm2
(C) 800 cm2
(D) 880 cm2

56 Grade 6

Some Facts:
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, each sector shows the relative
size of each value.
A graph drawn using rectangular bars to show how large each value is.
The bars can be horizontal or vertical.
A line chart or line graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series
of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments.

Sec on - A: Groundwork

1. The pie chart below shows the number of different types of DVDs on a shelf. There are
660 DVDs altogether. If a = 66, how many classical DVDs are there?

Rock Classical
88 Jazz

(A) 66 (B) 143

(C) 264 (D) 517

ISFO Practice Book 57

Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 2 and 3.
The pie chart shows how Simon divides a sum of money among his family members.

Parents son
Wife 10%


2. If Simon gave his wife ` 10 000, how much did his sons receive?
(A) ` 12 000 (B) ` 13 000 (C) ` 14 000 (D) ` 16 000
3. Simons 4 daughters shared the money in the ratio 3 : 6 : 5 : 2. Find the difference
between the largest share and the smallest share.
(A) ` 1200 (B) ` 1100 (C) ` 1000 (D) ` 900

Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 4 to 7.

The pie chart below shows the different types of fruits that Mrs. Tay keeps in her


30 Kiwi

4. What percentage of the fruits are apples?

(A) 20% (B) 30% (C) 40% (D) 50%

58 Grade 6
5. How many fruits are there altogether?
(A) 120 (B) 90 (C) 75 (D) 60
6. How many pears are there?
(A) 24 (B) 22 (C) 20 (D) 18
7. What fraction of the fruits are oranges?

1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7 6 5 4
Observe the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 8 to 11.
Madam Yong received a sum of money from her 5 children monthly as shown in the pie
chart below.

Jane 1/5

8. How much money did they give altogether?

(A) ` 1200 (B) ` 1000
(C) ` 800 (D) ` 600
9. How much more money was given by Sarah than Rick?
(A) ` 70 (B) ` 60
(C) ` 50 (D) ` 40
10. What percentage of the sum of money was given by Matt?
(A) 32% (B) 30%
(C) 28% (D) 26%

ISFO Practice Book 59

11. Find the ratio of Amelias contribution to Janes contribution.
(A) 5 : 7 (B) 5 : 6 (C) 5 : 8 (D) 5 : 9

Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 12 to 15.
The bar graph below shows the time that 5 boys spent reading for a week.

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
12. Express in minutes the time that Muthu spent on reading.
(A) 630 min (B) 620 min (C) 610 min (D) 600 min
13. What was the average time in hours that each boy spent on reading?
(A) 15.4 h (B) 15.6 h (C) 15.3 h (D) 15.1 h
14. Express as a ratio the time that Mark spent on reading to the time that Ahmad spent on
(A) 1 : 5 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 3 : 2 (D) 2 : 3

15. If each boy needed 3 hours to read a book, how many books did Suhairi read?
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3

Sec on - B: Thought Provoking

Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 16 to 19.
The line graph below shows the number of shoppers at a furniture mall from monday to

60 Grade 6


Number of Shoppers



Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

16. The percentage increase in the number of shoppers from monday to tuesday is
(A) 200% (B) 175 % (C) 150 % (D) 125 %
17. The ratio of the number of shoppers on wednesday to that on thursday is
(A) 3 : 10 (B) 7 : 10 (C) 10 : 7 (D) 10 : 3
18. What was the average daily number of shoppers from monday to friday?
(A) 650 (B) 700 (C) 725 (D) 750
19. If 40% of the shoppers on Monday spent ` 12 each and the rest spent ` 9 each, how
much was collected on that day?
(A) ` 2150 (B) ` 2350 (C) ` 2550 (D) ` 2550
Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 20 to 23.
The pie chart below shows the monthly expenses of Mrs. Lee.

1/10 Saving

ISFO Practice Book 61

20. What percentage of the expenses was for rent?
(A) 18% (B) 20% (C) 23% (D) 25%
21. What was the total monthly expenses of Mrs. Lee?
(A) ` 500 (B) ` 600 (C) ` 700 (D) ` 800
22. How much did she spend on her medical bill?
(A) ` 50 (B) ` 60 (C) ` 70 (D) ` 80
23. How much did she spend on food?
(A) ` 240 (B) ` 230 (C) ` 220 (D) ` 210

Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 24 to 27.
The pie chart below shows the tourists of various nationalities who visited India in

Swedish Dutch

24. How many percent of the tourists were Swedish?

(A) 950 (B) 1050 (C) 1150 (D) 1250
25. If there were 100 Japanese, how many Australians were there?
(A) 5% (B) 10% (C) 15% (D) 20%
26. If the Dutch tourists paid a total of 400 for admission fees, how much did the
Americans pay altogether?
(A) ` 18750 (B) ` 17750 (C) ` 15750 (D) ` 13750
27. What fraction of the tourists were Australians?
1 1 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 5 5 10

62 Grade 6
28. The pie chart shows the amount of hours Albert spends on various activities in a day
while he is awake.
What activity does Albert spend as much time on as reading? School
(A) Watching TV 1/6
(B) Sports Homework
(C) Homework TV
(D) School Reading

Study the pie chart carefully and answer the questions 29 and 30.
The pie chart shows the number of coins and notes Andrea has in her coin bank.

coins 10
50-paise notes 15
coins 9

10-paise 5-paise
coins notes

29. Complete the table using the information given in the pie chart.
(A) 6, 10 Types of coins Number of coins
10-paise coins
(B) 8, 12
20-paise coins 10
(C) 4, 12
50-paise coins 9
(D) 2, 6 ` 2- coins 15
` 5- coins

30. What is the total amount of money in Andreas piggy bank?

(A) ` 80.10 (B) ` 82.10 (C) ` 84.10 (D) ` 87.10

ISFO Practice Book 63


Chapter 1 : Whole Numbers

1 (C) 7 (C) 13 (C) 19 (C) 25 (B)

2 (B) 8 (B) 14 (A) 20 (C) 26 (C)
3 (B) 9 (C) 15 (C) 21 (D) 27 (C)
4 (D) 10 (C) 16 (A) 22 (A) 28 (C)
5 (A) 11 (A) 17 (C) 23 (B) 29 (B)
6 (A) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24 (C) 30 (A)

Chapter 2 : Fractions

1 (A) 7 (A) 13 (C) 19 (B) 25 (A)

2 (D) 8 (C) 14 (C) 20 (B) 26 (B)
3 (D) 9 (C) 15 (C) 21 (B) 27 (B)
4 (B) 10 (A) 16 (D) 22 (A) 28 (A)
5 (B) 11 (C) 17 (B) 23 (B) 29 (C)
6 (D) 12 (B) 18 (D) 24 (C) 30 (D)

Chapter 3 : Ratio and Proportion

1 (C) 7 (D) 13 (C) 19 (C) 25 (D)

2 (B) 8 (A) 14 (A) 20 (B) 26 (B)
3 (D) 9 (C) 15 (D) 21 (D) 27 (A)
4 (A) 10 (D) 16 (D) 22 (D) 28 (B)
5 (D) 11 (B) 17 (B) 23 (A) 29 (D)
6 (B) 12 (C) 18 (B) 24 (C) 30 (D)

Chapter 4 : Percentage

1 (D) 7 (D) 13 (D) 19 (C) 25 (D)

2 (C) 8 (B) 14 (C) 20 (B) 26 (C)
3 (D) 9 (D) 15 (A) 21 (D) 27 (D)
4 (B) 10 (B) 16 (B) 22 (C) 28 (C)
5 (D) 11 (D) 17 (A) 23 (C) 29 (A)
6 (B) 12 (B) 18 (B) 24 (B) 30 (C)

64 Grade 6
Chapter 5 : Speed and Time

1 (D) 7 (A) 13 (B) 19 (C) 25 (B)

2 (B) 8 (C) 14 (B) 20 (B) 26 (A)
3 (D) 9 (B) 15 (A) 21 (A) 27 (B)
4 (A) 10 (B) 16 (C) 22 (A) 28 (A)
5 (D) 11 (A) 17 (C) 23 (D) 29 (D)
6 (D) 12 (A) 18 (D) 24 (B) 30 (A)

Chapter 6 : Algebra

1 (C) 7 (C) 13 (D) 19 (B) 25 (A)

2 (A) 8 (C) 14 (B) 20 (C) 26 (D)
3 (B) 9 (A) 15 (A) 21 (A) 27 (A)
4 (A) 10 (C) 16 (D) 22 (D) 28 (A)
5 (D) 11 (B) 17 (A) 23 (A) 29 (C)
6 (A) 12 (A) 18 (A) 24 (B) 30 (B)

Chapter 7 : Lines and Angles

1 (A) 7 (D) 13 (C) 19 (C) 25 (A)

2 (C) 8 (A) 14 (D) 20 (B) 26 (B)
3 (B) 9 (B) 15 (C) 21 (A) 27 (B)
4 (C) 10 (B) 16 (A) 22 (B) 28 (D)
5 (A) 11 (B) 17 (C) 23 (A) 29 (B)
6 (A) 12 (D) 18 (B) 24 (D) 30 (D)

Chapter 8 : Area and Perimeter

1 (A) 7 (A) 13 (C) 19 (A) 25 (A)

2 (C) 8 (B) 14 (C) 20 (A) 26 (B)
3 (D) 9 (A) 15 (A) 21 (B) 27 (A)
4 (A) 10 (B) 16 (A) 22 (D) 28 (C)
5 (A) 11 (A) 17 (D) 23 (B) 29 (A)
6 (D) 12 (B) 18 (A) 24 (A) 30 (B)

ISFO Practice Book 65

Chapter 9 : Graphs

1 (B) 7 (D) 13 (B) 19 (C) 25 (B)

2 (D) 8 (B) 14 (D) 20 (D) 26 (A)
3 (C) 9 (D) 15 (A) 21 (B) 27 (D)
4 (C) 10 (D) 16 (A) 22 (B) 28 (C)
5 (A) 11 (B) 17 (B) 23 (A) 29 (A)
6 (A) 12 (A) 18 (D) 24 (D) 30 (D)

66 Grade 6
Level - 1

Sample Paper



Roll No.:

Students Name:

Maximum Time: 60 Minutes Maximum Marks: 80


1. Please DO NOT OPEN the contest booklet until the proctor has given permission to start.
2. The question paper comprises of 3 sections: Mathematical Reasoning (20-Questions), Everyday Mathematics
(10-Questions) and Logical Reasoning (10-Questions)
3. All questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking. For each correct answer 2 marks will be rewarded.
4. No electronic devices capable of storing and displaying visual information are allowed during the course of the exam.
5. Use of calculator is strictly prohibited in the exam.
6. Fill your Name, Roll No. and Grade and School in the answer sheet.
7. There is only ONE correct answer of each question.
8. To mark your choice of answers by darkening the circles in the Answer Sheet, use a HB Pencil or a Blue/Black Ball
Point Pen only.
9. Shade your answer clearly as per the example shown below:

ISFO Practice Book 67


1. 13 years ago, Sachin was 6n years old. How old was Sachin 3n years ago?
(A) 3n years (B) (3n + 11) years (C) (3n + 13) years (D) (3n + 15) years
2. In a sequence 2001, 2002, 2003, each term after the third is found by subtracting the previous
term from the sum of the two terms that proceeds. What is the 2004 th term in the sequence?
(A) 2004 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) 4003
3. How many ordered triplets (a, b, c) of non-zero real numbers have the property that each number is
the product of the other two?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 8
4. 72% of the number of male members is equal to 90% of the number of female members in a club. If
there are 70 more male members than female members, how many members is there altogether in
the club?
(A) 620 (B) 630 (C) 640 (D) 650
5. If AB BC, AB = 6 cm and BC = 6 cm, then ABC is
(A) A right triangle but not isosceles
(B) An isosceles right triangle
(C) Isosceles but not a right angle
(D) Neither isosceles not right angle
6. The following figures are formed by joining six unit squares, which of the following has smallest surface

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

7. In the figure, XYZ is an equilateral triangle and XZQ is an isosceles triangle. The sum ofYZQ and YXP is
(A) 95O
(B) 105O
(C) 85O
(D) 115O

68 Grade 6
1 1
8. Bags A, B and C contained some sand. of the sand in bag A was transferred to bag B. Then, of the
3 3
sand in bag B was transferred to bag C. Lastly of the sand in bag C was transferred to bag A. In the
end, there was 12 kg of sand in each bag. What was the mass of sand in bag B at first?
(A) 15 kg (B) 18 kg (C) 20 kg (D) 22 kg
9. In the figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle. AB = AC. DG BC, DEFG and BHG are straight lines. Find the
value of x + y.
(A) 100O
(B) 110O
(C) 120O
(D) 130O
10. Two regular hexagons of perimeter 36 cm each joined as shown in figure. The perimeter of the figure is
(A) 72 cm (B) 66 cm

(C) 60 cm (D) 54 cm
11. Jyoti and Bunti had a certain number of stamps each. If Jyoti gave 90 stamps to Bunti, they would have
the same number of stamps. If Bunti gave 10 stamps to Jyoti, she would have 5 times as many stamps
as Bunti. How many stamps did Jyoti have at first?
(A) 220 (B) 230 (C) 240 (D) 250
12. Arun spent all of his money in 5 stores. In each store, he spent Rs.4 more than one-half of what he had
when he went in. How many rupees did Arun have when he entered the first store?
(A) 248 (B) 120 (C) 252 (D) 250
13. The figure is made up of 2 circles. The radius of the bigger circle is double that of the smaller circle. Find
the area of the shaded portion of the figure.
(A) 378 cm2
(B) 375 cm2
(C) 380 cm2
(D) 382 cm2
14. When 265 is divided by a number A, the remainder is 7. When 660 is divided by A, the remainder is 58.
When 970 is divided by A, the remainder is 24. What is the possible value of A?
(A) 258 (B) 130 (C) 87 (D) None of these
15. Find the number of zeroes in the expression 15 32 25 22 40 75 98 112 125.
(A) 12 (B) 9 (C) 14 (D) 7
16. 4 men can check exam papers in 8 days working 5 hours regularly. What are the total hours when 2
men will check the double of the papers in 20 days?
(A) 2hrs (B) 4hrs (C) 8hrs (D) 10hrs

ISFO Practice Book 69

17. On a 26 question test, 5 points were deducted for each wrong answer and 8 points were added for
right answers. If all the questions were answered how many were correct if the score was zero.
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 13 (D) 12
18. How many 4-digit numbers contain number two?
(A) 1168 (B) 2368 (C) 2768 (D) 3168
19. In the figure, not drawn to scale, ABCD is a rhombus and QAD is a straight line.
Find p + q + r.
(A) 126
(B) 132
(C) 138
(D) None of these

20. The length of rectangle ABCD is 2 times its breadth. AP : PB = 1 : 2, BQ : QC = 2 : 1, DR : RC = 3 : 2
and AS = SD. The ratio of the area of the shaded portion to that of the unshaded portion is _______.
(A) 29 : 34
(B) 43 : 47
(C) 2 : 3
(D) 1 : 4


21. Lalit travelled at an average speed of 60 km/h for the first 3 hrs of the journey. He then reduced his
average speed by 2 km/h and drove for another 3 hrs before he reached his destination. Find his
average speed for the whole journey.
(A) 55 km/h (B) 57 km/h (C) 59 km/h (D) 61 km/h
22. Chairs in a hall are to be arranged in rows. If you put 8 chairs in a row, there will be 4 chairs left. If you
put 9 chairs in a row, there will be 5 chairs short. The number of chairs in the hall is
(A) 72 (B) 76 (C) 80 (D) 84
23. Virat had 252 red balls and some white balls. The ratio of red balls to white balls was 7 : 13. He gave
away some of his white balls. As a result, the ratio of red balls top remaining white balls becomes 7 :
8. Number of balls gave away by Virat was
(A) 180 (B) 210 (C) 240 (D) 270
24. A child likes to exchange stickers with his friend for every sticker he gives same one he gets 5 stickers
back. If he starts the exchange with one sticker. How many stickers will have after 30 exchanges?
(A) 105 (B) 109 (C) 113 (D) 117

70 Grade 6
2 1 1
25. of the students in a class are girls and others are boys. In a test of the girls and of boys failed.
5 4 6
8 students in the class failed the fraction of class failed is

1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 10 18 20
26. Five traffic lights blink after every 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 seconds. If they blink simultaneously at some
point of time. All lights will blink simultaneously again after
(A) 100 seconds (B) 200 seconds (C) 300 seconds (D) 400 seconds
27. A man travelled 1/3 of his journey in the first hour and 1/5 of the journey in the second hour. He
completed the remaining 63 Km in the third hour. The average speed of the journey
(A) 45 Km/h (B) 55 Km/h (C) 135 Km/h (D) 155 Km/h
28. A train 150 m long in running with speed of 68 km/h. In what time will it pass a man who is running at
8 km/h in the same direction in which train is going?
(A) 3 sec (B) 6 sec (C) 9 sec (D) 15 sec

2 1
29. Mrs. Lim made 4k cookies. She gave of it to her children and of the remainder to her friend. How
5 4
many cookies did she have left?

9k 9 7k 13
(A) (B) k (C) (D) 4k
5 20 5 20
30. Towns A and B were 663 km apart. Jim left town A at 9:50 p.m. and travelled towards town B at a
steady speed of 49 km/h. At the same time, William left town B and travelled towards town A at a
steady speed. At 1:50 a.m. the following day the two men were still 255 km apart. Jim and William met
on the way at ________ .
(A) 2.30 a.m. (B) 3.20 a.m. (C) 4.10 a.m. (D) 4.20 a.m.


31. Solid A has __________ face(s) than solid B.

(A) 1 more
(B) 1 less
(C) 2 less
(D) 2 more
32. In a class, three-fourth of the boys play football, one half play cricket, one fourth of those who play
cricket do not play football, which of the following statements is definitely true?
(A) One-third of the boys play neither cricket nor football.
(B) Two-third of the boys play only football.
(C) One-eighth of the boys play neither cricket nor football.
(D) One-fourth of the boys play neither cricket nor football.

ISFO Practice Book 71

33. How many triangles are in the given figure?
(A) 16 (B) 22
(C) 28 (D) 23
34. In a certain code ABOVE is written as CAQUG. How is BELOW written in the code?
(A) DCNMY (B) DDMNY (C) DDNNY (D) None of these
35. Introducing a girl, Ramprasad said, Her mother is the only daughter of my mother-in-law How is
Ramprasad related to the girl?
(A) Husband (B) Brother (C) Father (D) None of these
36. Kapil walks 10 kilometres towards North. From there, he walks 6 kilometers towards South. Then, he
walks 3 kilometres towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting
(A) 5 Kilometres West (B) 5 Kilometres North-east
(C) 7 Kilometres East (D) 7 Kilometres West
37. The addition below is incorrect. It can be corrected by changing one digit a, whichever it occurs, to
another digit b. The sum of digits a and b is

7 4 2 5 8 6
8 2 9 4 3 0
12 1 2 0 1 6

(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 9

38. If the second half of the letters of the word TRANSPORTATIONAL are reversed and placed before first
half of the letters, which letter will be the third to the right of the thirteenth letter from right?
(A) N (B) R (C) A (D) L
39. M, N, O and P are all different individuals; M is the daughter of N; N is the son of O; O is the father of
P; Among the following statements, which one is true?
(A) M is the daughter of P
(B) If B is the daughter of N, then M and B are sisters
(C) If C is the granddaughter of O, then C and M are sisters
(D) P and N are bothers.
40. A number is 101. 102. 103. 104. ... 150. What is reminder when divided by 3?
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) None of these

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