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Terry M J Cakebread

Biography: Since 2004 Terry Cakebread has been the Vice President (North America) of

LUSAS and is in charge of American Operations involving training, sales and support to

clients. He has a BSc Honours Degree in Civil Engineering from Southampton University

and is a Chartered Civil Engineer and a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE)

in the UK. He has delivered many lectures on Finite Element Analysis and the benefits that it

brings to those involved in structural design and load rating.


This paper describes and illustrates how advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software

has been used to model joints, bearings and seismic systems on a variety of projects

worldwide. Reference will be made to the software program, LUSAS1, which has been

developed progressively over the last 30 years and become one of the leading FE software

products for structural and bridge engineering analysis in use today.

The paper will illustrate the different ways that bearings can be modeled and cover:

The relevance of using different finite element joint models in differing situations

Different ways to model lift off behavior (smooth contact or elastic-plastic joints)

The use of more advanced joints for modeling lead rubber bearings or

friction/pendulum bearings

It will discuss why dampers and other seismic systems are employed and cover the

methods of modeling them.

It will also show some more detailed bearing models including carrying out bearing

repairs in situ and ways of modeling detailed bearing models with full contact


Keywords: Finite, Element, Analysis, Global, Modeling, Local, Modeling, Joints, Bearings,

Seismic, Systems


Finite element analysis first really came into use in the 1960s where analysis was carried out

on mainframe computers. It has come a long way since then. On todays range of PCs and

laptops engineers want to be able to model and predict with a fair degree of accuracy the

response of structures that incorporate increasingly sophisticated joints and bearings to ensure

that they articulate properly under a range of static and dynamic loading. Traditionally

bearings and joints were not modeled well, meaning that often basic assumptions were made

about their behavior. As a result the finite element boundary conditions that were used were

often poorly defined leading to incorrect results. To give one example, consider the case of

lift-off from a bearing occurring for part of a structure that was ignored in the modeling. A

better solution would be to remove the bearing support if the reaction was negative. This

would then allow for lift off but this solution would mean that in a subsequent loadcase, if

the support took load, it would no longer be there. A better solution in this case would be to

use a full nonlinear joint which allows for lift off and re-contact as necessary.

A range of basic and advanced joint models are described in this paper. Modeling of the

response of a structure can be done by using global modeling with assigned joint properties.

Localized modeling of the joint or bearing itself can also be carried out either to derive joint

properties for use in a global analysis or to investigate local effects.


Finite element analysis provides researchers and practicing engineers with the tools to

accurately model the behavior of test specimens and real structures in the field. Finite

element models can be calibrated or fine-tuned against either measured or experimental data

to enable more accurate predictions of response to be made for a wide range of anticipated or

unexpected situations.


Linear and Nonlinear Joints

In their simplest form joint elements can be used to connect two or more nodes in a finite

element model with springs having translational and rotational stiffness. They may have

initial gaps, contact properties, an associated mass and damping, and other nonlinear behavior.

Joint material models are used in conjunction with joint elements to define the material

properties for linear and nonlinear joint models. Linear joint models can be defined by a

spring stiffness that corresponds to each local freedom or by specifying a set of general

properties for spring stiffness, mass, coefficient of linear expansion and damping factor.

Nonlinear joint models2 typically provided in finite element software, and as shown in Fig. 1,

allow for elasto-plastic uniform tension and compression with isotropic hardening where

equal tension and compression yield conditions are assumed; elasto-plastic general joints

with isotropic hardening for unequal tension and compression yield conditions; smooth

contact with an initial gap and frictional contact with an initial gap. Both smooth contact and

frictional contact joints can be used for lift-off or hook contact by using appropriate

stiffnesses, gap and yield force.

Seismic Isolators

These more complex joint models exist to control the damage impact of seismic activity on

structures. These joint types may be summarised as being used for seismic isolation, energy

dissipation, or to model an active control system. Various types of isolator are available, as

shown in Fig. 2, including High Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRB) the most commonly

used elastomeric bearings; Lead Rubber Bearings (LRB) with plastic yield and biaxial

hysteretic behavior as modeled using the Bouc-Wen3 model; and Sliding/Frictional Pendulum

Systems (FPS) with pressure and velocity dependent friction coefficient and biaxial hysteretic

behavior. The idealised behavior of an FPS bearing is shown but in reality this follows the

hysteric behavior of lead rubber bearings. Hysteresis is that highly nonlinear phenomenon

that occurs in systems that possess memory and, as a result, all isolator types shown are

incorporated into LUSAS as nonlinear joint models.

Viscous Dampers

Visco-elastic dampers can be modeled using the four parameter solid model shown in Fig. 3

which comprises 3 springs and a dashpot. If only K1 exists then this becomes the Kelvin-

Voigt or Kelvin Model. If all springs are absent it then reverts to a simple dash-pot damping

model. If K1 does not exist and K2 and/or K3 exist it becomes a Maxwell model.


Halving/Hanger Joints

Halving/hanger joints, as used with drop-in concrete or steel spans, are a fairly simple joint to

model in the global sense. The global steel truss bridge model, as shown in Fig. 4,

incorporates a joint-supported drop-in span. In these cases, normally all that is required is that

the joint acts as a support when the load on the joint is downward, then when the load is lifted

it allows the bridge to articulate upwards. It can also be used to restrict horizontal movement

when it locks up but this is often not modeled. Normally only a check is carried out to ensure

that the movement does not exceed the travel allowed for the joint.

Multiple Opening and Closing Joints

To model lift-off and frictional sliding nonlinear contact joint elements are used. The

foundation, stop-block and shear-key interfaces of a massive reinforced concrete caisson as

used in a dock closure system in the UK (see Fig. 5) were assessed in order to guarantee its

safety under seismic loading. Additional joint elements were used to provide hydrodynamic

mass and damping actions on the walls and base-interface respectively. Thin shell elements

modeled the caisson cell walls and thick-shell elements modeled the base. Ground

acceleration history for a UK hard site provided the seismic input with increments of 0.005

second being used for each time step. Hydrostatic pressure and self-weight were applied as

initial static loads. Hydrodynamic forces from the water enclosed in the cells were simulated

by locating joint elements at each node on each wall and assigning directional masses

calculated using the Westergaard4 model. Acceleration histories were applied to the

foundation to drive the ensuing dynamic analysis. Values of frictional damping at the contact

interface of 3%; structural damping of 5%; and interface damping of 2% to simulate the

effect of the fluid between the base and the dock floor were used in the analyses. The analysis

clearly showed the caisson had adequate structural capacity to withstand a seismic event and

that the seals could accommodate the displacements expected.

Viscous Damping

Nonlinear joint elements modelled the elastomeric bearings and seismic dampers of a 1108m

long, multi-span bridge structure in the Mediterranean region, as shown in Fig. 6, and

enabled design forces to be expected in the case of an earthquake to be assessed to Eurocode

EC8. This prestressed reinforced concrete road bridge comprised both straight and curved

sections with an expansion joint midway along its length. In LUSAS, engineering thick beam

elements defined at the respective centroid of each structural component modelled the

reinforced concrete deck. Connection between deck and elastomeric bearings and between

the top of the piers and elastomeric bearings was made using nominally stiff members of

negligible mass. These represented rigid links between the centroids of components and were

defined with negligible mass so as not to contribute to the dynamic behavior of the bridge.

Two longitudinal dampers were located at the 1st abutment and transverse dampers, located

at every 3rd pier along the bridge, required an additional stiff member arrangement.

Eigenvalue analyses on both bridge structures found that 225 structural modes were required

to meet the 95% mass participation factor value prior to carrying out a subsequent spectral

response analyses using EC8 design spectra. Three nonlinear transient dynamic analyses were

performed on each bridge using combinations of acceleration time-history dataset pairs in the

longitudinal and transverse directions, as used by the bridge designers. Fig. 7 shows a typical

transverse force time history plot produced. Good correlation of results was achieved for both

the spectral response and transient dynamics analyses, verifying the modeling techniques

used by the original designers and the viscous damping capabilities of LUSAS.


Concrete Deck Half-Joints

Half-joints, initially introduced into concrete bridge decks as a means of simplifying design

and construction operations are known to be vulnerable to concrete and reinforcement

deterioration from chloride attack in the event of deck expansion joint failure, and also cause

concern because they are not easily accessible for inspection or maintenance. In addition, on

older structures, the half-joints as designed may not be code-compliant with todays standards

and may require assessment for increased modern vehicle loadings. The Kingston Bridge in

Glasgow, UK, is one such bridge with half-joints that attracted investigation.5 The bridge

carries an average of around 180,000 vehicles per day, and is one of the busiest in Europe.

The post-tensioned, table-top spans and reinforced concrete box girder suspended spans of

the approach ramps include numerous half-joints designed in accordance with late 1960s

standards. These are shown schematically in Fig. 8. Dimensions of half-joint nibs vary but

are generally in the order of 24 (600mm) deep x 18 (450mm) wide. An assessment showed

that some of the half-joints were not compliant with modern codes and so, in light of a

potential inadequacy, a destructive load test was undertaken on a typical half-joint on a ramp

that was being demolished and replaced as part of other work taking place on the structure.

The data obtained demonstrated significant capacity for the half-joint above that predicted by

the assessment codes. The load test results where then used to calibrate a LUSAS nonlinear

finite element model of the tested half-joint using a multi-crack concrete model. Once proved,

various derivative models were used to reassess all half-joints in the Kingston Bridge

Complex, showing actual capacities were significantly higher than those calculated from the

assessment codes and sufficient to sustain the assessment loading.

Deriving Joint Properties For Global Analysis.

When joint properties cannot be easily defined localized joints models may be used to derive

suitable modeling values for use in a global seismic analysis, as carried out for the concrete

encased riveted steel frame structure of the Cathedral Building in San Francisco6. The

particular beam /column connections of the structure result in it being classified by FEMA7 as

a Partially Restrained moment frame. FEMA-356 does not provide explicit guidance on

appropriate moment-rotation properties for the minor axis joints in the transverse direction,

where the beams frame into the webs of the columns. With this arrangement, a moment at the

end of the beam will impose a twist on the column web before it is transferred to the column

flanges. This adds flexibility to the joint and also provides an additional inelastic mechanism

(web yield) which can affect the overall response of the joint. In order to determine the nature

of this effect, a series of finite element models of typical minor axis joints were developed in

LUSAS. Triangular thick shell elements with quadratic formulation were used to construct

these models and nonlinearity was incorporated by way of Von-Mises yield criteria. The

effect of the concrete encasement in preventing inward movement of the column flanges was

incorporated in the model by way of compression-only strut elements. These models were

used to determine nonlinear moment-rotation curves representing the isolated effect of web

flexibility. The moment-rotation curves were then incorporated in the definition of the overall

moment-rotation of the minor axis joints determined using the FEMA procedure.

Beam / Column Moment Connection Research

Research work carried out by Jon Lindsey of HNTB at the University of Kansas into the

potential use of alternative moment-resisting connections8 shows very clearly the benefit in

using FE analysis alongside experimental testing. The projects aim was to make design

recommendations to allow structural designers to increase the economy of steel moment-

resisting frames. Several different configurations of an extended end-plate moment

connection were analyzed that typically included wide-flange steel shape sizes intended for

use in multi-storey structures in moderate to high seismic zones. Both exterior (one-sided)

and interior (two-sided, cruciform) connections, underwent assessment. Loading was applied

using displacement-controlled loadcurves - a means of loading each connection model by

applying a predefined increasing displacement to the end of the beam member. These

displacement parameters were based on prescribed inter-storey drift increments. The single-

cycle loadcurve was proportioned such that the model would experience significant yielding

at the peak displacements of the cycle. By using nonlinear solid modeling with slideline

surface contact (to be explained later in this paper) excellent correlation was achieved

between the results predicted by LUSAS and measurements obtained from detailed

experimental testing. Stress time history plots, of the type as seen in Fig. 9, showed the

formation of stress concentration zones and areas of yield. Load versus total displacement

(Fig. 10) and time history data was graphed to record the correlation of the experimental


Collapse Analysis of Bridge Bearings

Even back in 1995 bearings were being analysed using finite element analysis. Then, UK

Consultant Hyder had to carry out collapse analysis of fabricated steel trestle bridge

bearings, as used on the M5 road bridge at Avonmouth, and predict their ultimate strength

both with and without strengthening modifications. Initial FE models assessed the

performance of both shell and solid element idealisations. Final all-solid models similar in

nature to Fig. 11 included geometric, material and contact nonlinear effects. With

experimental data (load-strain measurements) being supplied very close agreement between

measured and calculated values of ultimate load could be seen. The analysis also clearly

showed that the failure mode was plastic collapse with elastic buckling occurring at a much

higher load. Results were used by Hyder to help determine which bearings would require

strengthening for increased bridge capacity.


Two other ways to model the interaction of structural parts or components concern the use of

constraint equations, which constrain the movement movement of a geometric or nodal

freedom in a particular way, and slidelines - also known as slidesurfaces - which model the

interaction between contacting lines and surfaces.

Constraint Equations

Constraint equations allow linear relationships between nodal freedoms to be set up.

Constraint equations can be used to allow plane surfaces to remain plane while they may

translate and/or rotate in space. Similarly straight lines can be constrained to remain straight,

and different parts of a model can be connected so as to behave as if connected by rigid links.

These geometric constraints are only valid for small displacements. Principal constraint types

are: Displacement Control, Geometric, Cyclic , and Tied Mesh


Slidelines/slidesurfaces can be used to tie dissimilar finite element meshes together and to

model contact and impact problems in both 2D and 3D. They can be used as an alternative to

joint elements or constraint equations and have advantages when there is no prior knowledge

of the contact point. The properties of a slideline such as the contact stiffness, friction

coefficient, temperature dependency etc are used to model the contact interaction between

master and slave features. Fig. 12 shows an example that includes both tied slidelines (to join

the dissimilar meshes) and frictional slidelines to model the contact between the components.

The former avoids the need for stepped mesh refinements between different mesh densities.

Fig. 13 shows a simplified contact application for a floating pontoon restrained by cables to

two anchor blocks sitting on the sea bed. For this, only a frictional slideline is required.


When measured or experimental data is available, as was the case in the beam/column

connection and bridge bearing examples described previously, results predicted by finite

element analysis can be readily correlated. Once verified, fine-tuning of a model can be done

or more advanced what-if modeling can take place safe in the knowledge that the base

model is accurate. However, comparing predictions made using the range of analytical joint

models developed for use by finite element analysis software against measured data is often

more difficult, and sometimes this is because the manufacturers of various bearings and

dampers are reluctant to put their detailed behavior into the public domain. If manufacturers

were to make public relevant data relating to the behavior of their bearings it would

particularly help engineers in carrying out structural assessments of existing structures where

the articulation and damping properties of such devices may be unknown.


With the advanced finite element analysis tools available today it is possible to model all

different types of joint and bearing conditions. These can be used in conjunction with line

beam models when global modeling is carried out or they can be modeled in detail using

plane stress or solid localized models. Often, because of the very nature of the problems to be

solved it will require nonlinear analysis. Verification of finite element modeling results for a

structure against measured or test data is useful when additional modeling is to be carried out.

Bearing and damper manufacturers need to give more information to designers to enable

them to model the structural systems that use their devices easier.


1. LUSAS Finite Element Analysis, LUSAS, Kingston upon Thames, UK.

2. Advanced Nonlinear Joints, Software Development Report SDR/LUSAS/381, LUSAS,

Kingston upon Thames, UK, 2008

3. Wen, Y.K. Equivalent linearization for hysteretic systems under random excitations.

ASME J. Appl. Mech. 47, 150-154, 1980.

4. Westergaard, H.M. Water pressure on dams earthquakes, ASCE, 1933.

5. Boothman, D., Leckie, S., MacGregor, I., Brodie, A., Assessment of Concrete Half-Joints

using Non-linear Analysis, Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering, UK, Volume 161,

Issue BE3. Pages 141-150

6. Chambers J.D., Kelly T.E., Dreyer R.C., Fully Integrated Performance Based Design and

Retrofit of Existing Buildings: A Case Study, 2007 NZSEE Conference, New Zealand.

7. FEMA, 2000, Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings,

FEMA356, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington DC.

8. Lindsay, J.K. Moment-Rotation Behavior of Extended End-Plate Connections Under

Cyclic Loading, Ph.D. Thesis, UK. 2008


List of Figures:

Fig. 1Elasto-Plastic, Smooth Contact and Frictional Contact Joint Models

Fig. 2-Seismic Isolator Types

Fig. 3 Four parameter solid model for visco-elastic bearings

Fig. 4 Truss Bridge with Drop-in Central Span

Fig. 5 Dock Caisson under Construction

Fig. 6 Global Model of Viscous Damped Road Bridge

Fig. 7 Typical Longitudinal Force / Time History Plot for a Selected Pier

Fig. 8 Schematic Half-joint Geometry for Kingston Bridge Approach Ramps

Fig. 9 Stress Concentration Zones in a Bolted Beam / Column Connection

Fig. 10 Load / Displacement Curve for First Yield Cycle of Beam / Column Connection

Fig. 11 Buckling Stress Concentration in a Half-Model of Trestle-Type Bridge Bearing

Fig. 12 Slideline Types

Fig. 13 Example Slideline Application

+ : tension F F
- : compression
+ strain hardening
stif f ness

Tensile Y ield Force K - elastic spring - lif t-of f stif f ness

stif f ness

Lif t-of f
= 2 - 1 f orce

Compressiv e Y ield f orce = 2 - 1

Gap = 2 - 1

strain hardening K - contact spring
stif f ness stif f ness

Elasto-plastic Smooth contact

Fy or Fz
Fo Fo

Gap Kcy or Kcz - contact spring - coef f . of

stif f ness f riction
xy = y2 - y1

xx = x2 - x1 xz = z2 - z1 Fx

K - contact
spring stif f ness


Frictional Contact

Fig. 1Elasto-Plastic, Smooth Contact and Frictional Contact Joint Models.


Rubber cd
Plate Displacement

Xg Bouc-Wen
Elastomeric Bearing

High Damping Rubber Bearing, Hysteretic Behavior and Schematic Representation

Force - post-yield

Lead Core
K - elastic Xg
Lead Rubber Bearing spring stiffness

Lead Rubber Bearing, Hysteretic Behavior and Schematic Representation

Bearing Material

Spherical Sliding N b



Friction Pendulum Bearing Xg

Friction Pendulum Bearing, Hysteretic Behaviour and Schematic Representation

Fig. 2-Seismic Isolator Types

K3 Cd

F K1 F

d1 d-d1

Fig. 3 Four parameter solid model for visco-elastic bearings

Fig. 4 Truss Bridge with Drop-in Central Span

Fig. 5 Dock Caisson under Construction

Fig. 6 Global Model of Viscous Damped Road Bridge

Fig. 7 Typical Transverse Force / Time History Plot for Selected Pier

Table-top span Table-top span Table-top span

Suspended span Suspended span

Columns Half-joint detail

Bearing strip Upper nib of half-joint

Table-top span Suspended span

Lower nib

Lower nib of half-joint Diaphragm
A (omitting upper nib)

Fig. 8-Schematic Half-joint Geometry for Kingston Bridge Approach Ramps

Fig. 9 Stress Concentration Zones in a Bolted Beam / Column Connection

Fig. 10 Load / Displacement Curve for First Yield Cycle of Beam / Column Connection

Fig. 11 Buckling Stress Concentration in a Half-Model of Trestle-Type Bridge Bearing

Tied slidelines Friction slidelines

Fig. 12 Slideline Types

Friction slidelines

Fig. 13 Example Slideline Application


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