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HM 1101 Food Production Foundation - I 1.0 HM 1102 Food Production Practical - I 0.5
HM 1103 Food & Beverage Service HM 1104 Food & Beverage Practical – I 0.5
Foundation - I 1.0 HM 1110 Computer Practical 0.5
HM 1109 Application of Computers 1.0 HM 1112 Communication Practical 0.5
HM 1115 Food Science & Nutrition 1.0 GA 1001 P.T. & Games 0.5
HM 1111 Communication 1.0
HM 1116 Introduction to Hospitality Industry 1.0


HM 2101 Food Production Foundation - II 1.0 HM 2102 Food Production Practical - II 0.5
HM 2103 Food & Beverage Service HM 2104 Food & Beverage Practical – II 0.5
Foundation - II 1.0 HM 2106 Accommodation Operation Practical – I 0.5
HM 2105 Foundation Course in Accommodation 1.0 HM 2112 Business Communication Practical 0.5
HM 2117 Basic Accounting 1.0 GA 2001 P.T. & Games 0.5
HM 2118 Hotel Information System 1.0
HM 2111 Business Communication 1.0


HM 3101 Food Production Operation – I 1.0 HM 3102 Food Production Practical - III 0.5
HM 3103 Food & Beverage Service Operation - I 1.0 HM 3104 Food & Beverage Practical - III 0.5
HM 3105 Accommodation Operation - I 1.0 HM 3106 Accommodation Operation Practical – II 0.5
HM 3107 Foundation Course in Front Office 1.0 HM 3108 Front Office Practical - I 0.5
HM 3117 Hotel Accounting 1.0 GA 3001 P.T. & Games 0.5
HM 3118 Food & Beverage Control 1.0


HM 4101 Food Production Operation – II 1.0 HM 4102 Food Production Practical - IV 0.5
HM 4103 Food & Beverage Service Operation - II 1.0 HM 4104 Food & Beverage Practical - IV 0.5
HM 4105 Accommodation Operation - II 1.0 HM 4106 Accommodation Operation
HM 4107 Front Office Operation – I 1.0 Practical – III 0.5
HM 4117 Financial Management 1.0 HM 4108 Front Office Practical - II 0.5
HM 4118 Food & Beverage Management 1.0 GA 3001 P.T. & Games 0.5

HM 5101 Advanced Food Production 1.0 HM 5102 Food Production Practical - V 0.5
HM 5103 Advanced Food & Beverage Service 1.0 HM 5104 Food & Beverage Practical - V 0.5
HM 5105 Accommodation Management 1.0 HM 5106 Accommodation Operation Practical - IV 0.5
HM 5107 Front Office Operation – II 1.0 HM 5108 Front Office Practical - III 0.5
HM 5115 Facility Planning 1.0
HM 5116 Introduction to Management 1.0


HM 6111 Industrial Exposure Training 8.0


HM 7111 Research Project Design & HM 7140 Project - I: Core Subject (FP/F&BS/HK/FO)
Methodology 1.0 Related 0.5
HM 7112 Human Resource Management 1.0 HM 7120 Personality Development Practical 0.5
HM 7113 Hospitality Marketing 1.0
HM 7114 Introduction to Tourism & Travel 1.0
HM7130 Professional Elective (Group – I) 1.0
HM7170 Open Elective 1.0


HM7121 to HM7130

HM 7121 Front Office Management 1.0

HM 7122 Laundry Management 1.0
HM 7123 Conference, Convention, Trade Show &
Event Management 1.0
HM 7124 Club/Resort Management 1.0
HM 7125 Fast Food Chain Management 1.0
HM 7126 Time Share/Condominium Management 1.0
HM 7127 Indian Classical Cuisine 1.0
HM 7128 International Food – French/Italy 1.0
HM 7129 Butter sculpture, ice-carving, Sugar
craft & icing decorations 1.0
HM 7130 Food Photography & Food Journalism 1.0


HM 7161 Conversational French 1.0

HM 7162 Conversational German 1.0
HM 7163 Conversational Spanish 1.0
HM 7164 Business Statistics 1.0
HM 7165 General Psychology 1.0
HM 7166 Introduction to Sociology 1.0
HM 7167 Global Market 1.0
HM 7168 Micro Economics 1.0
HM 7169 World History since year 1500 1.0
HM 7170 Introduction to Linguistics 1.0

HM 8115 Business Law 1.0 HM 8150 Project – II: Hospitality Industry Related 2.0
HM 8116 Organisational Behaviour 1.0
HM 8117 Environment Issue 1.0
HM 8118 Food Safety 1.0
HM 8121
HM 8130 Professional Elective (Group – II) 1.0


HM 8121 to HM 8130

HM 8121 Strategic Management 1.0

HM 8122 Indian Heritage 1.0
HM 8123 Quantitative Analysis Techniques 1.0
HM 8124 Applied Research in Hospitality 1.0
HM 8125 Business Ethics 1.0
HM 8126 Sales management in Hospitality 1.0
HM 8127 Tourism Geography & Cross-Cultural
International Management 1.0
HM 8128 Entrepreneurship Development 1.0
HM 8129 Internet, intranet and web-based
applications in Hospitality 1.0
HM 8130 Health & Nutrition 1.0


Introduction to the Art of Cookery:

Culinary History: Development of the culinary art from the middle ages to modern cookery,
modern hotel kitchen, Nouvelle Cuisine, Indian regional cuisine in detail, Popular international
cuisine (an introduction). French. Italian, Chinese, Characteristics, Menu terms, Names of the
Dishes popular spices used etc.

Aims and Objectives: of cooking food, importance of cooking food, with reference to the
catering industry. Principles of a balanced and a healthy diet, action of heat on food.

Methods of Cooking:
Classifications, principles, equipment required, methods of cooking-boiling, roasting, poaching,
braising, grilling, baking, roasting, broiling, stewing, sautéing, blanching steaming, micro
waving etc.

Basic Preparations:
Mise-en-place of all the basic preparations, stocks, egg preparations

Kitchen Equipment:
Different types of the kitchen equipment, different types of special equipment, heat
generating, refrigeration, kitchen machinery, storage tables, hand tools, weighing and
measuring, pot wash, diagrams, uses, maintenance, criteria for selection.

Food Commodities:
Classification with examples and uses in cookery
Cereals, pulses, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, eggs, foundation ingredients – their
characteristics and their uses in cookery.

Kitchen Hygiene:
Personal hygiene, their importance, food handling & storage care, sanitation practices
Attitude towards work in the kitchen., Fumigation

Practices in food handling & storage

Conversion Tables:
American, British Measures & its equivalents

The Food and Beverage Service Industry:

Introduction to the Food & Beverage industry, Types of catering establishments, Introduction
to Food and Beverage operations.

Food and Beverage Service Areas in a Hotel:

Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Room service, Bars, Banquets, Discotheque, Stillroom, Grill room,
Snack bar, Night clubs

Food and Beverage Service Equipments:

Usage of equipments, criterion for selection, requirements, quantity and types, Furniture,
Linen, China ware, silverware and glass ware, Disposables, Special equipments and other
equipments, Care and maintenance

Food and Beverage Service Personnel:

Food and beverage service organization (job description & job specifications of F & B service
staff), Attitudes and attributes of a Food and Beverage service personnel
Basic etiquette for catering staff, Inter-departmental relationship

Food and Beverage Service Methods:

Table service: silver service/ English, family, American, butler/ French, Russian
Self-service: buffet and cafeteria, Specialised service: Gueridon, tray, trolley, lounge, room,
etc, Single point service: take away vending, kiosks, food courts and bars, automats

Food & Beverage Terminology related to the inputs of the I Semester


Introduction to Computers:
What is a computer, Block diagram, Components of a computer system, Generation of
computers, Programming languages, Generation of languages, Storage devices, Floppy discs,

Operating Systems:
Introduction, Functions, Types, Components, Case studies- DOS, Windows

Introduction to DBMS:
Data, Data types, Advantages, Introduction to FOXPRO, Creating a database, Searching,
Sorting, Indexing, Writing simple programmes, Overview of MS Access

Word Processing, Spread Sheets and Presentations:

What is word Processing?, Features of MS Word, Editing commands ,Mail Merge
“If”’ statement, Preparing sample work sheets, Different Graphs

Power Point:
Features, preparing a presentation, preparing an organizational chart

Introduction to the Internet:

What is the Internet (network, network of networks, WWW, search engines, E-mails, websites,
Introduction to E-commerce

Introduction: Food and its relation to health, objectives in the study of nutrition

Major Nutrients: their characteristics, functions, Metabolism, food sources, deficiencies,

carbo hydrates, liquids, proteins, vitamins and minerals

Classification of Raw Materials into Food Groups: cereals, pulses, milk and milk products,
milk borne diseases, Pasteurization, and boiling preservation of milk, eggs, meat varieties,
preservatives, cooking poultry, white and red meat, fish, cooking, disease produced by fish,
fruit and vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, sweet foods and sweetening agents, spices and
condiments, emulsions – colloids, flavor & Browning’s

Factors Influencing Food Intake and Habits, physiologic factors that determine food
intake, environmental and behavioral factors influencing food acceptance

Food Processing: Definition, objectives, types of cooking, effect of factors like heat, acid,
alkali, on food constituents.

Evaluation of Food: Objectives, sensory assessment of food quality methods, introduction to

proximate analysis of food constituents, Theological aspects of food.
Water: Definition, dietary sources (visible , Invisible) functions of water, role of water in
maintaining health.( water balance)

Balanced Diet / Menu Planning: Definition, importance of balanced diet, RDA for various
nutrients, space, gender, psychological state, planning & nutritionally balanced meals based
upon the three food groups stem, factors affecting meal planning, critical evaluation few meals
served at the institutes,/ hotels based on the principals of the meal planning, calculation of
nutritive value of dishes/ meals


1. Clinical dietetics & nutrition – F.P. Anita

2. Food science chemistry & experimental foods – Dr. M. Swaminathan
3. Normal and therapeutic nutrition – H. Robinson
4. Microbiology – Anna .K Joshna
5. Food and nutrition – Dr. M. Swaminathan
6. Nutritive value of Indian Foods – G. Gopalan
7. A textbook of bio-chemistry- A.V.S.S Rama Rao
8. Catering management: an integrated approach – Mohinseth , Surjeet Mulhan
9. Food facts and principles – Shakunthala Mania
10. Food science – Sumathi Mudambi
11. Nutritive value of Indian Foods – Indian council of medical research
12. Fundamentals of food & nutrition, Mudambi &Raj Gopal IV Edition 2001
13. Principles of Food Technology – by P J Fellows
14. Hand book of analysis & quality control by fruits & vegetables by Rangana S (Tata Mc.
Graw Hill)
15. Sensory Evolution by Amerina ( Academic Press)
16. Principles of Food science by Borgstrom and Macmillon
17. Food science by Potter & Hotchkiss.

Language and Communication

1. Need, purpose, nature, models
2. Process of communication and various factors of communication
3. Barriers to communication and overcoming these barriers
4. Non-verbal communication, signs, symbols and body language, language as a sign
system, eye-contact, facial expressions and posture
5. Communication in Hospitality organization and its effects on performance

Remedial English
1. Common errors and their correction in English usage with emphasis on concord, tense
sequence, use of prepositions, phrasal verbs, reference and dictionary skills.
2. Linkers and cohesive device
3. Expressing the same idea/thought unit in different ways

Skill of Written English

1. Note making and developing notes into drafts – rewriting of drafts. The use of cohesive
2. Correspondence: Letters to editor and write ups concerning event management
(publicity materials, handouts, posters and information, flow charts)
3. Writing bio-data, applications, complaint
4. Precise writing

Oral Skills (Listening and Speaking) For Effective Communication

1. Note taking, preparing summaries and abstracts for oral presentation
2. Restaurant and Hotel English, polite and effective enquiries and responses
3. Addressing a group, essential qualities of a good speaker and listener
4. Audience analysis, defining purpose of a speech, organizing the ideas and delivering the
5. Pronunciations, stress, accent, common phonetic difficulties, use of telephone.

Hospitality Industry – A Profile

Meaning & definition, historical evolution and development, hospitality as an industry,
complimentary role with other industries, contribution to Indian and global economy.
Hospitality Products and Services
Hospitality accommodation, food and beverage facilities, ancillary services, support services,
Hospitality Organizations.
Hospitality Distribution Channels
Meaning and definition, functions and levels of distribution channels, Major hospitality
distribution channels – travel agents, tour operators, consortia and reservation system, global
distribution system (GDS), Internet.

Current Scenario
Major players in the industry – India and worldwide, present trends in industry, emerging
markets, role of support services and infrastructure, impact of international and national
events, present scenario and future projections of HR issues and technology in industry.

Suggested Text Books and References:

1. Hotels for Tourism Developments, Dr. J.M.S. Negi
Metropolitan Book Co. (P) Ltd., New Delhi
2. Dynamics of Tourism, R.N. Kaul
Sterling Publishing Pvt Ltd., New Delhi
3. International Tourism, A.K. Bhatia
Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
4. Hotel Front Office Management, JamesA Bardi
Van Nostrand Reinholdn, New York
5. Marketing Management, Philip Kotler
Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
6. Marketing Leadership in hospitality, Robet Lewis & Richard Chambers VNR


Kitchen Organization Layout and Hierarchy:

Kitchen layout and functions, receiving area, storage area, cold butchery, and vegetable mise
en place area, cold kitchen, hot kitchen, garde manger, bakery and confectionery, The classical
and new kitchen brigade, duties and responsibilities and job description of the kitchen

Basic Preparations:
Mise-en-place of all the basic preparations soups, sauces, roux, aspic, glaze, bouquet garni,
mirepoix, d‘uxelle, pastes masala, batters, doughs, marinades and gravies. Classification of
soups, principles, garnishes, accompaniments, International soups. Importance of sauces,
mother sauce, thickening agents used in a sauce, rectification of faulty sauces, other popular

International and Indian menus, preparations, traditional / classical items, Power breakfast &
Brunch concept.

Basic Bakery and Confectionery:

Principles of baking, uses of different types of oven, role of ingredients used and menu
examples, ingredient proportions, various mixes, methods and temperature variations.

Food Commodities:
Classification using basic food chart with examples and uses in cookery Seafood, freshwater
fish, meat cookery introduction.

Introduction to Indian Cuisine:

History, characteristics, different ingredients used, regional differences, equipments used,
cooking methods, religious influences.

Basic culinary terms - Indian and Western / International


Types of Meals:
Breakfast - Introduction, Types, Service Methods, a la carte and TDH set ups, Brunch, Lunch,
Hi Tea, Dinner, Supper, Elevens and others.

Introduction, Types-Ala Carte & Table D hote, Menu Planning, considerations and constraints
Menu Terms, Menu Design Classical French Menu, Classical Foods & its Accompaniments with
Cover, Indian regional dishes, accompaniments and service.

Control Methods:
Billing Methods - Duplicate & Triplicate System, KOT & BOT, Computerized K.O.T., Necessity
and functions of a control system, F&B Control cycle & monitoring.

Non - Alcoholic Beverages:

Classification, Hot Beverages - Types, Production, Service, Cold Beverages - Types,
Production, Service.

Food & Beverage Terminology related to the inputs of 2nd semester


Meaning and definition, Importance of Housekeeping, Responsibility of the Housekeeping
department, A career in the Housekeeping department

Housekeeping Department:
Organizational framework of the Department (Large/Medium/Small Hotel), Role of Key
Personnel in Housekeeping, Job Description and Job Specification of staff in the department,
Attributes and Qualities of the Housekeeping staff - skills of a good Housekeeper, Inter
departmental Co-ordination with more emphasis on Front office and the, Maintenance
department, Facilities planning and Design of Housekeeping Department and relevant sub

Housekeeping Procedures:
Briefing, Debriefing, Gate pass, Indenting from stores Inventory of Housekeeping Items,
House keeping control desk, Importance, Role, Co-ordination, check list, key control, Handling
Lost and Found, Forms, Formats and registers used in the Control Desk, Paging systems and
methods, Handling of Guest queries, problem, request General operations of control desk,
Role of control desk during Emergency.

The Hotel Guest Room:

Layout of guestroom (Types), Layout of corridor and floor pantry, Types of guest rooms,
Furniture/ Fixtures/ Fittings/ Soft Furnishings/ Accessories/ Guest Supplies/ Amenities in a
guest room (to be dealt in brief only).

Cleaning Science:
Characteristics of a good cleaning agent, PH scale and cleaning agent with their application,
Types of cleaning agent, cleaning products (Domestic and Industrial).

Cleaning Equipment:
Types of Equipment, Operating Principles of Equipment, Characteristics of Good equipment
(Mechanical/Manual), Storage, Upkeep, Maintenance of equipment.

Care and Cleaning Of Different Surfaces:

Metal, Glass, Leather, Rexene, Ceramic, Wood Wall and floor covering, Stain Removal.

Glossary of Terms (with reference to 2nd semester syllabus)


Accounting Theory:
Business Transaction and Basic Terminology, Need To Study Accounting, Accounting functions,
Purpose of Accounting Records, Accounting Principles - Concepts and Conventions.

Account Records:
Principles of Double Entry System, Journal Entries, Ledger, Subsidiary Books - Cash, Sales &
Purchase books, Bank Reconciliation statement.

Financial Statements:
Basic Financial Statements, Trial Balance, Preparation of Final Accounts, Basic Adjustments to
final Accounts, Methods of Presenting Final Accounts Practical Problem.

Depreciation Reserves and Provisions:

Meaning, basic Methods.

Computer Applications:
Preparation of Records and Financial Statements.

Reference Books:
1. Comprehensive Accountancy, S.A. Siddiqui
2. A Complete Course in Accounting Volume I, N.D. Kapoor
3. Double-Entry Bookkeeping, R.C. Chawla & C. Juneja
4. Introduction to Accountancy, T.S. Grewal

Management Information System (Mis):

Concepts, MIS Designs and functions, Managing multi processor environments, MIS Security
issues, MIS performance evaluation.

Hotel Information System:

The HIS concept, HIS Terminology, HIS In – House, HIS Hardware, HIS Software Modules.

Computer Based Reservation System:

Global distribution system, Inter sell agencies, Central reservation Systems (CRS), Affiliate
and non-affiliate Systems, Property Level Reservation Systems, New Developments,
Reservation through the Internet.

Rooms Management Applications:

Rooms Management Module.

Guest Accounting Module:

Types of Accounts, Posting entries to Accounts, Night audit routine, Account settlement,
Generation of reports.

Property Management System Interfaces:

Point of sale Systems (POS), Cash Accounting Systems (CAS), CAS / PMS Advantages and
concerns, Electronic Locking Systems, Energy Management Systems, Auxiliary Guest
Services, Guest Operated Devices, ln room Vending Systems, Guest Information Systems.

Food & Beverage Applications:

POS order - Entry units, Key Boards and Monitors, Touch Screen Terminals, Immediate
Character Recognition (ICR) Terminal, Wireless Terminals, POSD Printers, Guest check
Printers, Receipt Printers, Workstation Printers, POS software, Consolidated reports.

Food & Beverage Management Applications:

Recipe Management, Sales Analysis, Menu Management Integrated food service software,
Management reports from automated beverage Systems.

Accounting Applications:
Account Receivable Module, Account payable module, Payroll module, Inventory module,
Purchasing module, Financial-reporting module.

Selecting and Implementing Computer Systems:

Analyzing current information needs Collection Information of computer Systems, Establishing
system requirements, Proposals from vendors, Contract negotiations, Installation factors.

Reference Books:
1. Hotel Front Office Management, James Bardi, VNR
2. Hotel Information System, Michael Kasavana, CBI - VNR
3. Effective Front Office Operations, Michael Kasavana, CBI - VNR

I. Business communication
1. Need, purpose, nature, models
2. Channels of Business communication
3. Selection of channel

II. Organizational communication

1. Upward, downward, lateral, purpose, functions
2. Written communications, memos, circulars, notices, advertisements, press notes
3. Communicating with outside world: Business letters of different types, e-mail writing
and manners
4. Communicating within groups, nature, purpose, merits, demerits
5. Role of wit and humor

III. Handling meetings

1. Types of meetings
2. Structuring a meeting: agenda and minutes
3. Conducting a meeting


Regional Cuisine:
A detailed study on North and South Indian Regional cuisine: Goa , Kashmir, Kerala, Andhra
Pradesh, Karnatka, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Bengal- Ingredient used , Traditional Preparation
Methods, Utensils and accompaniments.

Quantity Food Production:

Introduction of large scale commercial cooking, contact catering, Industrial catering,
Institutional catering, Layout of large quantity kitchen, staff hierarchy, production workflow.

Banquet Menus:
Planning, indenting, costing, forecasting, recipes, pre-preparation and cooking techniques

Banqueting Preparations:
Type of banquets, themes, production, menu preparation, Low calorie food, advantages,
disadvantages, menu examples, preparation.

Out Door Catering:

Concept, principles, limitations, menus, planning, checklist and precautions

Cook Chill Systems:

Purpose of chilling food, cook chill process, finishing kitchens, distribution of cook chill and
types of container to preserve food.

Cook Freeze System:

Preparation of food for freezing, storage of frozen food, transport of frozen food, reheating of
frozen and cooked food. Advantage of cook freezes over cook chill.

Principles of storages types of stores, layout of dry and cold room, staff hierarchy, guidelines
for efficient storage, control procedures, inventory procedures, EOQ, Reorder level, Bin Cards,
form and formats, functions of store manager.

Cuts of Meat and Meat Cooking:

Cuts of beef, pork, lamb, chicken, SPS, menu example, methods of cooking each cuts – cold
cuts, ham, bacon, common types of ham, preparation, menu examples, selection, storage

Food Commodities:
Classification with examples and usage in cookery: Pressed meat, smoked meat, classification
of milk and milk product including cheese, and classification of international cheese

Power Breakfast, Brunches and lunches, Hi tea, cocktails, snacks, theme menus, food festivals,
other new non conventional catering concepts. Air line and cruise liner meal planning.

Room Service:
Introduction, general principles, pitfall to be avoided, Cycle of service, scheduling and staffing,
Room service Menu Planning, Forms and formats, order taking, thumb rules, suggestive
selling, breakfast cards, Layout and setup of common meals, use of technology for better room
service, Time Management, Lead time from order taking to clearance.

International Cuisines, Classical Dishes/Menu/Service:

Mediterranean, Middle East, Oriental, Italian, Polynesian, Mexican, Far East, Scandinavian,
American, German, French, Spanish, Kosher.

Kitchen Stewarding and Ancillary Areas:

Introduction, Staffing, equipment and layout, Kitchen stewarding Operations, Inventory/Record

Alcoholic Beverages:
Introduction, definitions and classification wines, classification, Viticulture & viticulture method,
Vinfication- Still, sparkling, Aromatized & Fortified wines, vine diseases, wines- France, Italy,
Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Australia, India & California, Food and Wine Harmony, Wine
glasses and equipment, Storage and service of wine.

Introduction, Ingredient used, Production, Types and brands, Indian and International, Service,
Bottled, canned and draught beers.

Other Fermented and Brewed Beverages:

Sake, Cider, Perry, Alcohol Free Wines.

Food and Beverage Terminology related to the inputs of the 3rd semester

Upkeep of Public Area:

Cleaning Process, Cleaning and up keeping of public areas (Lobby, Cloak rooms, Restaurant
bar, Banquet Halls, Administration offices, Lifts and Elevators, back areas, Front areas,

Safety Awareness and First Aid:

Concept and Importance, Safety: Accidents, Fires (Cause, Procedure, Accident report form),
Security: Security of guest/staff/public areas/ Rooms/ Back Office areas, First Aid : Concept
and emergency Procedures( Heart attack, fits, Burns, Fainting, Fractures, sealds, Artificial
Respiration )

Safeguarding Assets:
Concerns for safety and security in Housekeeping operations, Concept of safeguarding assets,
Theft: Employee, guests, external persons, security in hotel guest rooms.

Pest control:
Types of pests, Control procedures

Housekeeping Supervision:
Importance of inspection, Check list for inspection, Typical areas usually neglected where
special attention is required, self supervision techniques for cleaning staff, Degree of
discretion/ delegation to cleaning staff.

Linen / Uniform/ Tailor Rooms:

Layout, Types of linen, sizes and Linen exchange procedure, Selection of linen, storage
facilities and conditions, Par Stock : Factors affecting par stock, calculation of par stock,
Discard Management, Linen Inventory System, Uniform Designing: importance, types,
characteristics, selection, par stock, Function of Tailor room.

Cleaning of Guest Rooms:

Daily cleaning of (Occupied/ Departure/ Vacant/ Under Repair/ VIP Room, weekly cleaning/
spring cleaning, Evening service, Systems & Procedures involved, Forms and formats, Guest
room cleaning – Replenishment of Guest supplies and amenities.

Glossary of terms (with reference to 3rd semester syllabus)


The Hospitality Industry:

History and development of Hotel Industry, Types of hotel, Defining the term Hotel, Classifying
hotels, levels of service.

Front office Organization:

Front office operations, organizational chart, staffing, scheduling, work shift, job specification &
job description of front office personnel.

Front office Operations:

The guest cycle, Front office Systems, Front office Forms, The front desk, Front office
Equipments, Telecommunication, Property Management System.

The Accommodation Product:

Need for Hotel Product Brochures, Tariff cards, Types of Guest room and suites, executive floor
or club floor concept.

Types of room rates, basis for charging room rates, Meal Plans- types, need s and use of such
plans, Types of guests – FIT, Business Travelers, GIT , Special Interest Tourist, domestic,

Uniform System of Accounts

Introduction, departmental income & expense statement (All schedule including long – form)

Departmental Accounting
Meaning and purpose, methods, allocation and apportionment of expenses

Understanding Balance Sheet Statement

Meaning and purpose, assets and liabilities, identification of assets and liabilities

Visitors Tabular Ledger

Meaning & Purpose, very basic of audit, Night audit in Hotels .

Fundamental, marginal costing techniques, basic standard costing techniques, standards for
material & labour variance only.

Reference Books: -

1. Hotel Accounting, earnest B. Horwarth & Luis Toth

2. Hospitality Management Accounting, Michael M Coltman
3. Uniform System of Accounts, Educational Institute of American Hotel & Lodging
Association, USA
4. Hospitality Accounting, Richard Kotas & Michael Conlan, International Thomson
Business Press
5. Hotel & Catering costing & Budgets, R.D. Boardman, Heinemann

F & B Control Overview:

Introduction, Objectives of F & B Control, Problems in F & B Control, Methodology of F&B
Control, Personnel Management in F&B Control

Cost & Sales Concept:

Defining of cost, Elements of cost, Classification of cost, Sales defined, Ways of expressing
sales concepts, cost/volume/profit Relationships (Break-even Analysis)

Budgetary Control:
Introduction, Objective, Kind of Budget, Budgetary Control Process, Stages in the preparation
of Budgets, Budgeting for F&B Operations.

Food Control:
Food Purchasing Control, Food receiving Control, Food storing and issuing control, Food
production control, Food cost control, Food sales control, Standard yield, Standard portion
sizes, standard recipes

Beverage Control:
Beverage purchasing control, Beverage receiving control, Beverage Storing and issuing control,
Beverage production control, Beverage cost control, Beverage sales control.

Labour Control:
Labour cost considerations, Organizational plan, Job Analysis, Forecasting and scheduling of
personnel, Standards of performance, Payroll Analysis.

Fraud in F&B Control:

Frauds in purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing, preparing and selling stages of F&B Control,
prevention of frauds

Inventory control:
Importance, Objectives, methods, levels & techniques, perpetual inventory, monthly inventory,
pricing of commodity, comparison of physical & perpetual inventory.

Reference Book:
1. Food & Beverage Management by Bernard Davis & Sally Stone Pub. By- Butterworth
– Heinemann Ltd. UK
2. Food & Beverage Control by Richard Kotas& Bernard Davis Pub. By- International
Text Book Company Ltd., Glasssgow
3. Principle of Food, Beverage and Labour Cost Control by Paul R. Dittmer, Pub. By-
John Wiley and Sons
4. Food and Beverage Operation Cost control and system Management – Charles
Levinson, Prentice Hall .


Menu Planning:
Introduction, Types of menus, French classical menus, International menus, Menu terms,
Factor that affects menu planning,

Accompaniments, Garnishing & Salads:

For all French classical menu, Classical vegetable accompaniments, Classical potato
Classical Garnishes: Indian, Asian & Western foods, Accompaniments for popular dishes,
Classification of salads, Types, Dressing, Example, Parts of salads, Principles & Vegetable
Based, Sea foods, Pulses, Cereals etc.

Food Styling:
General principles, Modern and special innovative garnishes, Accompaniments, Decorations
And Concept development

Basic Bakery and Confectionary:

Types of dough, Types of cake batter, Cookies, Classical breakfast rolls, Example of bakery
And Confectionary products, Name & Description

Convenience Food & Fast Foods:

Characteristics, Types – Indian & Western, Menu examples, Equipment used, Differences,
Role of convenience foods in fast food operation, Advantages & Disadvantages of convenience
Food, Labour & Co9st saving aspects

Rechauffe Cookery:

Food Commodities:
Classification with examples and use in cookery, Nuts & Oil seeds, Fats & Oil classification,
sweetening agents, Brighteners, Gels & Modified starches used in bakery.

Sandwiches, Rolls, Burgers, Pizzas, Hot dogs, Foot longs:

Types, Operations, Selection of spreads, Fillings, Classical sandwiches, Smoreboard, Canapés,
Presentation styles and appropriate garnishes and accompaniments.

Introduction to spirits (Whisky, Brandy, Vodka, Gin & Tequila), Spirits-Types, Production,
Brand Indian and International & Service, Other alcoholic beverage – Absinithe, Ouza Aquavit,
Arra fenni, Grappa, Calvados etc.

Types, Production, Brands & Service- Indian and International

Introduction, Bar stock maintainence, Types, Layout, Equipments used, Control methods &
License staffing, Job description, Job specification, Bar planning & Designing & Bar menus,
Costing, Corkage.

Introduction, History, Types & preparation, Classical cocktail & recipes, Costing, Innovative
Cocktails & Mocktails, Cocktail bar, Equipment, Garnishes, Decorative accessories, Terms
To alcoholic beverages, Interaction with guest, Suggestive selling.

Types, Production, Brands, Storage & Service.

Guerdion Service:
Introduction, History, Types, Staffing, Equipments used, Ingredients used, Common
Flamberg dishes, Carving, Salad making etc., Trolley service – Beverages, Starters, Hightea,
Desserts etc.

Food & Beverage Terminology related to the inputs of the 4th semester

Interior Decoration:
Important , Defination&Types, Classification, Principle of Design-Harmony, Rhythem, Balance,
Proportion,Emphasis, Elements of design: Line, Forms, Colour Schemes.

Colour Wheel, Imporntance&Characteristics, Classification of colour, Colour Schemes.

Classification , Types & Importance , Applications.

Furniture Arrangements:
Principles, Types of joints, Selection.

Floor & Wall Covering:

Types and Characteristics, Carpets: Selection, types, Characteristics, Care & Maintenance.
Window, Curtains And Blinds

Soft Furnishing And Accessories:

Types, Use and care of soft furnishing, Types of accessories-Functional&decorative.

Flower Arrangement:
Concept & Importance, Types & Shapes, Principles, Tools, Equipments& Accessories.

Refurbishment And Redecoration:

Decoration, Factors, Procedure and task involved, Snagging list.

Glossary Of Terms (with reference to 4th semester syllabas)


Reservation methods, Reservation inquiring, Group Reservation, The Reservation record,
Reservation confirmation, Reservation maintenance Reservation reports, Reservation

Pre-registration activities, registration activity, The registration record
Room & rate assignment- FITs, groups, crew, Indian & foreign, method of payment, issuing the
Key, fulfilling special requests, creative options, change of room, over-booking cases.

Front Office Responsibilities:

Front office communication, interdepartmental communication, guest services, guest relations,
dealing emergencies: medical, death, theft, robbery, firebomb threats etc.

Front Office Security Functions:

Role of front office in hotel security, check in: use of metal detectors, validation, scanty
baggage Handling keys control: ELS (electronic cards), handling grand master/ masterkey, lost
& found & damaged use of key cards, guest& staffs movement & access control, protection of
funds, safe deposit boxes.

Financial Management:
Meaning objective of Financial Management, profit maximization approach vs., wealth
maximization approach.

Financial Statement:
Meaning and objective of different type of financial management system, financial analysis and
tool of analysis. Trends and common size analysis.

Ratio Analysis:
Meaning and objective, classification, probability ratio, financial ratio, turnover ratio.

Meaning, over-capitalization.

Source of Finance:
Short-term mid-term finances, role of commercial banks, long-term financing and financial

Corporate Share Capital & Corporate Debt:

Different forms of securities, their advantages and disadvantages, debt capital in various

Working Capital:
Concept, sources, management of working capital

Meaning and importance, types of budget, step in budgeting, cash budget, basic capital
- Payback record, ARR, NPV & Index

Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement:

Meaning, Uses, Preparations

Depreciation Polices:
Meaning, Causes, objectives, Determination.

F & B Management-Overview:
Introduction, objective of F & B management, responsibilities of F & B management,
constraints to F & B management.

Menu Management:
Introduction, types of menu, menu planning considerations and constrains, menu costing and
costing and pricing, merchandising, menu engineering. Menu fatigue, menu as a in-house
marketing tool.

Material Management:
Introduction concept.

F & B Management in Fast Food and Popular Catering:

Introduction, basic policies-financial, marketing and catering. Control & performance

F & B Management UN Hotels and Quality Restaurants:

Introduction, basic policies-financial, marketing and catering, control & performance

F & B Management in Function Catering:

Introduction, basic policies-financial, marketing and catering, control & performance

F & B Management in Industrial\Institutional Catering:

Introduction, basic policies-financial, marketing and catering, control & performance

F & B Management in Hospital Catering:

Introduction, basic policies-financial, marketing and catering, control & performance


Popular International Cuisine:

Features, Regional classification, Ingredients, methods of cooking, courses of the menu,
Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Italian, Spanish, Lebanese (Mediterannean), Menu examples
(Japanese cuisine-only Theory).

Grade Manger:
Definition, Functions, Importance of Garde manger and Butchery, layout, Staff organization,
Storage points, SPS of meat products, Yields test calculations and portioning.

Buffet preparations
Principles of Buffet, Presentation, Types, Themes, Buffet Setups, typical dishes, smorgasbord.

Cold Cuts:
Farcis, terrines, pates, galantines, ballotines, mousses, quenelles -types, preparation, menu
examples. Cold sauces, dips, chaudfroid, aspics, methods of preparations, examples,
chacutiere, sausages, types, preparation, popular sausages, SPS, cooking methods, casings,
storage, problems.

Advanced Bakery Preparation:

Sugar craft, chocolate confectionary, cold puddings and sweets.

Kitchen Management:
Workflow, layout, stewarding, staffing, stores management, indenting, production planning,
New product development, use of Internet and other latest technologies in food production.

Restaurant Planning:
Introduction, Planning & Operating various F & B Outlets and support / ancillary areas, Factors
- Concept, Menu, Space& Lighting, Colors and Market, Restaurant Design team.

Restaurant Problems and Guest / Situation Handling Thumb Rules

Other Catering Operations:
Off- Premises Catering, Hospital Catering, Industrial & Institutional Catering, Airline & Railway
catering, Home Delivery, Take away.

Afternoon & High Teas:

Introduction, Menu, Cover & Service

Introduction, Types, Buffet Sectors, Equipments Used, Factors, Space requirements &
Checklist, Buffet Presentation, menu planning, staff requirement, Buffet Management.

Function Catering:
Introduction, Types of Function, Function Administration & Organization, Booking Procedure,
Menus, Function contracts, Seating Arrangements.

Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses:

Catering outlets visa- -vis competition parameters, decision making on basis of the analysis.

Traditional Indian Service:

North Indian, South Indian (wedding & functions), Thali service (Lay-out & sequence) and
other regional cuisines for special occasions.

Table Cheeses:
Introduction, Types, Production, Brands & Service, Storage.

Food & Beverage Terminology related to the inputs of 5th semester


Housekeeping Budgeting:
Concept & Importance, The Budget process, Operational and capital budget, Housekeeping
Room cost, Housekeeping Expenses

Laundry Management:
In-house Laundry v/s contract Laundry: merits & demerits, Layout, Laundry Flow process,
Equipment - Washing machine, Hydro extractor, Tumbler, Calendar/ Flat work Iron, Hot
Head/Steam press, Cooler press, Pressing tables, Stains and Stain removal, Laundry
detergents, Care of fabrics of different types, typical fabrics used in hotels.

Contract Cleaning:
General, Complete program, Special, Periodic, Pricing a contract.

Planning Trends in Housekeeping:

Planning Guest rooms, Bathrooms, Suites, Lounges, landscaping,
Planning for the provision of Leisure facilities for the guest, Boutique hotel concept.

Planning and Organizing In the House Keeping Department:

Area Inventory list, Frequency schedules, Performance Standards, Productivity Standards,
Inventory Levels, Standard Operating Procedures & Manuals, Job Allocation, Manpower
planning, Duty roster.

Special Provisions for Handicapped Guests:

Guest room - added features and modifications,
Public Areas: Wash - rooms, restaurants, main entrance etc. added features and

Situation Handling / Service Design for Typical Market Segment

(Safety, security & comfort):
Airlines crew guest rooms, Single lady guests Children, Typical house-keeping complaints /
situations handling, Inter-departmental coordination especially with Room service,
Maintenance, Telephone, Security and front desk.

Energy Conservation Methods & Eco Friendly Concepts in Housekeeping

Glossary of Terms (with reference to 5th semester syllabus)


Lobby and Bell Desk Operation:

Role of lobby managers, Role of guest relation executive, Function of bell desk, Layout and
equipment used, Function of Hospitality desk / Concierge desk, Handling VIPs, Staff
Organization, Duty rota and Work schedule, Luggage handling procedure, Bell desk forms and
formats, Car valet operations.

Front Office Cash / Checkout and Settlement:

Role of the Front desk cashier, Importance of front office cash, Duties and responsibilities of
front desk cashier, Checkout and account settlement, Checkout options, Unpaid account

Front Office Accounting:

Accounting fundamentals, Hotel credit management (including credit cards), Foreign currency
awareness and handling procedures, The guest folio, Tracking transactions - account
allowance, Internet control - Transcript, cash sheet, cash banks.

The Night Audit:

Function of night audit, Operating model non-automated. Semi automated, The night audit
process, Verifying the night audit.

Guest Complaint Handling / Problem Solving:

Process, thumb rules, Common complaints / problems / situations handling, Role of emotions
in situation handling.

Credit Control:
Meaning, objective, hotel credit policy regarding guaranteed bookings/corporate account
Credit card users, Control measures at the time of: reservation, check-in, during stay,
checkout, after departure, Prevention of Skippers: on arrival/during stay/on departure day.

The role of facilities in the hospitality industry, Cost associated with hospitality Facilities, The
cost of development and construction, Cost of operation, Cost of renovation and
modernization, Impact of facility design on facility management, Components, Layouts and
materials, Methods and types of construction, Paints and varnishes.

Managing Maintenance: Types of maintenance, Maintenance management systems.

Facility Systems:
Water and Waste Water Systems:
Water usage in the lodging industry, Water systems, Water quality, Water heating, Swimming
pool water systems, Water conservation.

Electrical Systems:
Fuses and circuit breakers, Distribution panels and wiring, Electric motors, Controls and drive
elements, Electronic equipment, Reading electrical utility meters, Checking the bill for electrical
energy, AC and DC system of supply, Power in ac single and three phase.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems:

Guest room hvac system types, Centralized systems, Decentralized systems, Guestroom hvac
maintenance, Refrigeration cycle, Cooling systems operations and maintenance, Factors
influencing building comfort.

Lighting Systems:
Basic definitions, Light sources, Natural lights, Artificial light, Lighting system design, Design
factors, Lighting system maintenance, Cleaning fixtures and lamps, Replacing lamps, Affects of
maintenance on light outputs.

Safety and Security Systems:

Safety and the hospitality industry, Fire safety, Fire prevention, Fire detection, Fire
notification, Fire suppression, Fire control.

Basic Fuels: Types, Calorific value, Definition, Comparison, Cost calculation.

Energy Management:
Background, Energy pricing, Energy cost control and building systems, Reducing guest room
energy costs, Reducing food and beverage production and service energy costs, Reducing
boiler and chilling energy costs, Energy management and conservation systems.

Building and Exterior Facilities:

Roof, Exterior walls, Windows and doors, Structural frame, Foundation elevators, Storm water
drainage systems, Utilities, Landscaping and grounds.

Parking Areas:
Parking lots, Structural features, Layout considerations, Maintenance, Parking garages,
Accessibility requirements for parking areas, Valet parking.

Lodging Planning and Design:

Development process, Feasibility studies, Space allocation programme, Operational criteria,
Budget, Preliminary schedule, Site design, Hotel design, Guest rooms and suites, Lobby, Food
and beverage outlets, Function areas, Recreational facilities, Back of the house areas.
Food Service Planning and Designs:
Concept development, Feasibility, Regulations, Planning, Layout, Receiving areas, Storage
areas, Kitchen, Office space, Sample blue print.

Reference Books:
1. Hospitality Facilities management and Design, By: David M. Stipanuk, Harold Roffmann
Published: Educational Institute, AHMA.
2. How things work-The Universal Encyclopedia of Machines, Volume 1&2.
3. The Management of Maintenance and Engineering Systems in the Hospitality Industry
By: Frank D. Borsenik & Alan T. Stutts, Published: John Willey & Sons Inc. NY.
4. Air Conditioning Engineering, By: W.P.Jones, Published: English Language Book
Society/Edword Arnold.
5. Building Construction, By: Sushil Kumar, Published: Standard Publishers Distributors,
6. The Complete Guide to DIY and Home maintenance, By: Mike Lawrence, Published:
Orbis Publishing, Uk.

Concept of Management
Nature, management Vs administration, levels of Management, characteristics of management,
the process of management, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and

Management Thought Journey from Inception till Today

Brief history and change in conceptual orientation from times of F. W. Taylor & Henry Fayol to
modern day management.

Meaning, nature and importance of planning, type of plans, characteristics of planning
advantages and disadvantages of planning, steps in planning, planning premises, forecasting,
Components of planning: objectives, strategies, policies, procedures, methods, rules,
programmes and budgets.

Meaning, nature and importance of organisation, principles of organisation, organisation charts
and manuals-formal and informal organisation, types of organisation, functional, line and staff
and committee, span of management, delegation, centralization and decentralization,

Meaning, manpower planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, training, promotion,
performance appraisal, job design, job evaluation and merit rating, human resource

Meaning, nature of directing, characteristics of directing, principles of directing, importance of
directing techniques of directing orders, chain of command, authority-responsibility-
accountability relationship, supervision.

Leadership theories in brief, different styles of leadership and their relevance with reference to
context and conditions / situations.

Meaning, nature and importance of motivation, benefits of motivation, theories of motivation,
Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy, Herzberg’s hygiene-motivation theory, Vroom‘s expectancy,
theory-Mc Gregory‘s theory X and theory Y, Morale-incentives.

Meaning and nature of communication, types of communication: upward/downward,
verbal/non-verbal, formal/informal, barriers to communication, communication process.

Need for co-ordination, principles and techniques of co-ordination.

Meaning, control process, need for control, control techniques, budgetary and non-budgetary
control, marketing control-production control-quality control, financial control-information
control- PERT & CPM, concept of strategic control, control & accountability & pressure to

Decision Making:
Types of decisions, step-by-step decision-making process, review of decision.
Reference Books:
1. Management - Stoner & Freeman
2. Essentials of Management - Koontz & O donnel
3. Management and Organisation - M. Louis Allen
4. Management Theory and Practice - Earnest Dale
5. Management tasks - Peter F Drucker
6. Management Process - Davar R
7. Fundamentals of Management - J. S. Chandran
8. Principles of management - P. N. Reddy
9. Essentials of Management - Chatterji
10. Personnel Management & Industrial Relations - Verma & Agarwal


1. “Twenty Two Weeks” Training is compulsory as a part of your curriculum in any of the
star hotels.
2. Training is not a matter of choice but a matter of one’s ability and the frame one fits
into. The training and placement cell of the department would provide students an
opportunity to learn in a reputed organization. However if one wish to arrange the
training on his/her own an application in written may be given to the coordinator
training and placement well in advance so that the student next in merit list may be
considered for the suitable unit.
3. After the confirmation of training from the hotel to the department; under any
circumstances student will not be permitted to go for the change.
4. Students will have to undergo training in all four operational areas during the training.
Also a vocational training can be arranged at the end of seventh semester in the area of
their interest.
5. At the end of successful completion of training students would be submitting [a) -
Training Report, b) - Project Report, c)- Log Book and d)- Performance Appraisal Form)]
duly signed and complete in all respect.
6. There would be a viva and exam conducted by the expert committee. In case if the
student is unable to clear it with a minimum aggregate of fifty percent or leaves the
training in between or does any code of misconduct during training, the training would
be considered to be null and void. Thus he/She concerned would have to re do the
training after eighth semester and would be able to get his / her pass certificate
/degree there after only.

The Break Up of Units in Training would be as such:

Training Report: 1.5 Units
Project report: 1.5 Units
Log Book: 1.0 Unit
Performance Appraisal Form By Hotel: 2.0 Units
Post Training Test: 2.0 Units.

* Students will be required to give a presentation based on training report & project Report.
Also a viva would be conducted on the above said.


Meaning & definition, Scope and Purpose of doing research, Areas of research, Research
procedure, Application of research, Problems of concluding research.

Project Theme:
Identifying theme of project, Selection of title, Description of universe, Executive summary,
Statement of research problem and research objectives, Rationale for conducting study.

Research Design & Data Collection Method:

Primary research, secondary research, Research approached – Observations, Experiment,
Survey, Research instrument – Questionnaire, Mechanical.

Sampling Plan:
Sampling unit, Sample size, Sample selection process, Sampling media.

Field Work:
Planning, organizing and supervising fieldwork

Data Analysis:
Classification, Tabulation, Analysis and Interpretation.

Report Writing:
Report format, Executive summary, Literature review, Findings, Conclusion &
Recommendations, Bibliography.

Reference Books:
1. Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Hospitality & Travel marketing, Alastair M. Morrison, Delmar Publisher Inc.
3. Marketing Research, Harper W. Boyd, Richard D Irwin, INC, All India Traveller Book
Seller, Delhi.
4. Hoe to complete your research project successfully, Judith Bell., UBS Publisher
Distributors, Delhi
5. How to research and write a thesis in hospitality & tourism, James M. Paynter, John
Wiley & Sons, NY, USA
6. Travel Tourism & Hospitality Research, Ritchie Goeldner, John Wiley

Evolution, Role and Status of Human Resource Management in India:

Structure and Function of Human Resource Management – Systems View of HRM

Manpower Planning:
Concept, Organisation and Practice, Manpower Planning Techniques, Short –Term and Long-
Term Process, Tests and Interviews, Placement and Induction.

Performance Appraisal:
Purpose, Factors Affecting Performance Appraisal, Methods and systems of Performance
Appraisal, Counseling.

Training and Development:

Need and Importance, Assessment of Training Needs, Training And Development of Various
Categories of Personnel.

Career Planning and Development:

Career Counseling, Promotion and Transfers, Retirement and other Separation Process.

Wages and Salary Administration:

Development Sound Compensation Structure, Direct & Indirect costs, Fringe benefits, CTC
(Cost to company) concept and its implication, Regulatory Provisions, Incentives

Grievance Handling and Discipline:

Development of grievance handling Systems, Collective Bargaining, Managing Conflicts

Laws / Acts / Statutory mechanism in Indian context related to HRM issues

especially hospitality sector

Reference Books:
1. Arun Monappa & Saiyuddain : Personal Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Pramod Verma : Personal Management in Indian Organisations
3. Edwin b. Flippo : Personnel Management, McGraw Hill

Basic Introduction to Marketing:

Meaning, nature and scope, deference between marketing and selling

Hotel Marketing:
Changing role of Hotel marketing, Features of Hospitality marketing, Customer expectation
from Hospitality services, Value chain linkage in hotel industry, Classification of Hotel industry

Market Segmentation:
Organizational customer segment, Travel Market, Corporate meeting, marketing, incentive
markets, Convention market.

Services Marketing:
Basic difference between goods and services and their marketing, Marketing Mix in services
marketing (7 Ps), Types of services

Front Office & accommodation, food and beverage, Value added products, recreation & health,
Shops, car rental service

Services pricing policy, Approaches, Methods, Factors influencing pricing policy

Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity, Communication process in services
promotion, Public relation in hotel industry

Place (Distribution):
Agents & brokers, Electronic channels

Role of employees in service delivery, Recruitment, selection and training of employees,
Relationship marketing

Physical Evidence:
Employee dress, Aesthetics, Tangible Equipment.

Process of service delivery, Steps in service delivery, Level of customer involvement

Consumer Behavior in Hotel Industry:

Customers expectations, Post purchase evaluation, Types of service expectation, factor
influencing customer expectation and perception of service, Managing the customer mix,
Customer delight approach.

Marketing Strategies for Hotel Industry:

New service development, Blue printing, mapping the service system, A strategic program for
the marketing of service.

TQM in Service Marketing:

Measures, features application in hospitality industry

Hospitality Marketing:
Indian scenario – Issues / solutions / future prospects
Reference Books:

1. Services marketing – Zeital Valerire – A and Mary Jo Baiter, Publisher McGraw Hill
2. Delivery quality service: Zeithmal, pasasuraman and bitner Publisher, New York, Free
3. Services marketing – The Indian experience by Ravi Shankar publisher, south Asia
publication, Delhi.
4. Services marketing – S.M Jha Publisher, Himalaya publications
5. Marketing for hospitality industry – Roberts
6. service marketing – Wood ruffe Helen publisher Macmillan
7. Strategic hotel and motel marketing – hart & troy
8. Service marketing – Love, Lock, Christopher II
9. Marketing leadership in Hospitality by Robert Lewis and Richrd Chambers
10. Foundation and practices marketing of Services – Strategies for Success, Harsh V.
11. Professional managers Library, Global Business Press

Tourism Phenomenon:
Concept, Definition, Historical evolution and development

Transport Systems:
Air transport, Railways, Road, Sea and waterways – Indian and international examples

Travel Agencies:
History and development of travel agencies, Role and functions of Indian and international
travel agencies.

Tourism Organization and Associations:

Role and function of a) World tourism organization, b) ASTA, UFTAA, PATA, IATA etc, Basic
concept for international tourism

Tourism Industry:
Major & minor components, Types of tourism resources of sports, cultural, historical, nature
based, sports and adventure – tourism

Types of Tours:
Importance of tour operations, major national and international tour operators, importance and
role of tourist guides

Travel Formalities and Regulations:

Passports, function, types, issuing authority, procedure for obtaining passport etc, VISAS:
functions, type, issuing authority, procedure for obtaining VISA, Other travel legislations

Foreign Exchange:
Countries and currencies, procedure for obtaining foreign exchange, foreign exchange
counters, customs formalities, immigration etc

Reference Books:
1. Hotels for tourism development – Dr. Jagmohan Negi, Metropolitan
2. Profile of Indian tourism – Shalinin Singh
3. Tourism today – Ratandeep Singh
4. Dynamics of tourism – Pushpinder S. Gill
5. Introduction to tourism – Seth P.N. Sterling
6. Tourism, past, present and future – Bukhart
7. Tourism principles and policies – A.K. Bhatia, Sterling
8. Travel agents and tourism – Merrisen James
9. Tourism and cultural heritage of India – Acharaya Ram
10. Culture and art of India – Mukherjee. A
11. International tourism, Francois Vellas & Lionel Bickerel, Macmillan Business
12. Tourism – The State of Art, edited by Seaton, Wood etc, John Wiley

Introduction and concept, Differential rates, Booking horizons, Forecasting bookings, Reacting
variations in demand in order to maximize yield, Statistical representations – threshold curves,
Displacement, Concept and usage of revenue management

Accommodation Management Aspects:

Tariff decisions, Cost and pricing – Hubbart formula, marginal or contribution pricing, Market
Inclusive / non inclusive rates
Control – verification, night audit, computerized control systems, occupancy and revenue
Budgeting – Forecasting room availability / room revenue, expenses
Staffing – Personnel Management and maintenance

Hotel Sales:
Selling concept, Selling models, plan, sales call, closing the call
Internal / In-house sales promotion, merchandising
Direct sales travel agents, tour operators, hotel booking agencies, Internet, tourist information
center, direct mail, personal calls and telephone selling letters.


The Indian Contract Act:

Definition of Contract-essential elements of a valid contract-classification of contracts-void able
contract-void contract-illegal agreement-express contract-implied contract executed contract-
executor contract.
Offer definition-essentials of a valid offer when does an offer comes to an end. Acceptance –
essentials of valid acceptance-communication of offer acceptance revocation – when complete.
Consideration-definition-rules as to consideration stranger to consideration –when contract
made without consideration valid – minor’s agreement – liabilities for necessaries.
Contract with person of unsound mind. Mistake of law- mistake of fact- their effect – bilateral
and unilateral mistakes – misrepresentation – fraud- undue influence- coercion – their effects
consideration or object – when unlawful agreement oppose to public policy attempted
performance or tender essentials of a valid tender time as the essence of contract.
By performance- by impossibility – lapse of time – by cooperation of law – by breach of

Licenses and Permits for Hotels and Catering Establishment:

Procedure for procurements, Byelaws of Hotels and Restaurant under municipal cooperation –
Renewal suspension and termination of licenses

Food Legislation:
Principles of Food Laws- acts regarding prevention of food adulteration, definition, authorities
under the acts, procedure of taking a sample purchase right, warranties, guest control order or
food services order enforce from time to time. Essential commodities, ISI, egmark

Liquor Legislation:
Types of licenses, drinking in the licensed premises and different types of permits

Industrial Legislation:
Factories Act, Payment of wages act, Industrial Dispute Act, Apprentices Act, Provident Fund
Act, Trade union Act. (Each act to be discussed in brief with particular reference to Hotel

Shop and Establishment Act:

Introduction, definition – adult, family, commercial, establishment, employer, employee,
exemption, registration, daily and weekly working hour, overtime, annual leave with wages.

Law of Tenancy:
Rent control Act, distinction between guest and tenant, innkeeper, guest relationship,
innkeeper’s lien, byelaws as affecting catering establishments (To be discussed in detail)

Consumer Protection Act:

Consumer protection councils, procedure for redressal of grievances.

Environment Protection Act:

Powers of central Govt., prevention and control of environment pollution

Laws Relating to Hygiene, Sanitation and Adulteration:

What is food adulteration – laws for prevention of it in India – ISI standard, prevention of food
adulteration act, AGMARK
Reference Books:
1. Mercantile law – N.D. Kapoor
2. Mercantile Law – S.P. Lyengar
3. Principles of Business Law- Aswathappa. K
4. Business Law – M.C. Kuchal
5. Bare Acts of respective legislation
6. Shops and establishment Act

Definition, relevance and scope.

Foundation of Individual Behavior:

Environment, personal, organizational and psychological factors, Personality, perception,
attitudes, learning

Nature, important theories – Maslow, Herzberg, equity and expectancy

Foundation of Group Behavior:

Group dynamics, group formation, group tasks, group decision-making

Nature and theories-trait theory, behavioral and fielders contingency theories

Interpersonal communication, barriers and ways of overcoming the barriers, organizational
communication, informal communication.

Reasons and ways of overcoming conflict

Structure- behavioral implication of different structures

Organisational Change:
Resistance to change and ways of overcoming the resistance

Organisational Culture:
How created and sustained.

Reference Books:
1. Stephen P Robbins; Essential of Organisational Behaviour, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of
2. New Strom and Davis; Organisational Behaviour – Human Behavior works, New York Mc
Graw Hill
3. Fred Lechans; Organisational Behaviour, New York Mc Graw Hill
4. Aswathappa K; Organisational Behavior, Mumbai, Himalaya Publishing House
5. B.P.Singh; Organisational Behaviour, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
6. Umaskharan; Organisational Behaviour, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Arun Monappa; Personnel Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill
8. Subha Rao P; Human Resource Management, Mumbai, Himalaya Publishing

Introduction and Development of Environmental Message to Staff: raise awareness,

build commitment, provide support, reward efforts, celebrate success

Business Partner: Coordination

Guests: participation

Community: - sponsorship, urban beautification, and alternate energy sources

Waste Management:
Why manage waste, recycling, and Non- hazardous energy separation

Energy and Waste Conversion:

Introduction, Energy efficiency action plan, Assessing current performance, Energy conversion
measures, Guidelines for major use areas, making decision about investments, Evaluation of
new technology

Water and the environment, improving water quality, case studies

Product Purchase:
Principles of responsible purchasing, Implementation of eco friendly purchasing, Products:”
recycled paper, future product.

Indoor Air Quality:

Potential source of air pollution, improving indoor air quality, cost

External Air Emission:

Sources, effect, Hotel and Air Pollution

Introduction, problems of noise, problem for tacking noise.

Hazardous Material:
Definition, sources, Hazards, Dealing with hazardous materials

What are ecotel, case studies India, abroad

Buildings of the Future:

Building Materials- cement, bricks, wall panels, Paints, smart buildings, current technology

Reference Book:
Environmental Management for Hotels, Butterworth & Heinemann

Food safety, Food Hazards & Risks, Contaminants and Food Hygiene

Food Microbiology:
General characteristic of micro organisms based on their occurrence and structure, factors
affecting their growth in food (intrinsic and extrinsic) , common food borne micro organisms-
Bacteria,(spores/capsules) ,Fungi, Viruses, Parasites, those that bring about food spoilage,
micro organism that bring about useful change in food, fermentation, vinegar, anti biotic, food
poisoning, Food infections.

Food Preservation:
Physical agents in food preservation, Chemical agents in food preservation, use of low
temperature in food preservation, preservation by drying, and preservation of meat, fish & egg
using different methods

Food Adulteration and Additives:

Definition of adulterated food, common adulterants in different foods, detection of food
adulterants, classification of additive & its role.

Food Standards:
The need for food laws, Prevention of food adulteration act standards, fruit product order
standards, Agmark standards, Indian standard institution, international – codex, Alimentations,
ISO , Regulatory Agencies, WTO, Consumer protection Act.

Quality Assurance:
HACCP, Need, Origin, Principles, terminology, steps/stages, benefits

Food Borne diseases:

Types, (Infections and intoxications), common diseases caused by food borne pathogens,
preventive measures

Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Sector:

General principle of food Hygiene, general hygiene practices for commodities, equipment, work
area and personnel, cleaning and disinfections
(Methods and agents commonly used in the hospitality Industry), safety aspects of processing
mater (uses & standards), waste water & water disposal

1. Modern Food Microbiology by Jay J.
2. Food Microbiology by Frazier and West Hoff
3. Food safety by Bhat & Rao
4. Safe Food Handling by Jacob M.
5. Food Processing by Hobbs Betty
6. PFA Rules
7. HACCP – A practical approach- sara Mortimore & Carol Wallace Chapman & Hall

Historical Perspective:
Indian History, Scope and Objective, Evolution of Culture – Ancient, Medieval and Modern

Great Scriptures:
Upanishads, Sankya, Darshans, Ramayana, Mahabaratha, Bhagvadgeetha, Buddhism,
Tripitakas, Jainism, Puranas

Great Philosophers:
Adishankaracharaya, Mdvacharya, Ramanujacharya, Basavanna, Ramkrishana, Paramahamsa,
Swamy Vivekanand, Arabindo

Indian Performing Arts:

Bharathanatyam, Kuchupudi,Kathak,Odissi, Kathakali, Mohiniattam
Folk theater and performance and its role in promoting Indian tourism- Karnataka and
Hindustani classical music

Indian Painting:
Colourful Mosaic, evolution of Indian painting, Ajanta & Ellora paintings, Contribution of Mysore
School of painting, Rajaravi Varma and his contribution to Indian painting, M.F.Hussein : a

Bhakti Movement:
A new Era, Kanakadassa,Purandaradasa, Thagaraja, Jayadeva and Kabir

Art, Sculpture and Craft:

Indian sculptures, Scopes, Early Chalukyan style special reference to Badami cave temple,
Aihole and pattadakal sculptures, Konark temples, Indo-Sarcenic architecture, Churches of
India, Handicrafts, Puppetry, Toys, Jewellery, Textiles.

Literary Heritage:
Sanskrit, Pali, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, Urdu

Reference Books:
1. S. Radhakrishanan – Indian Philosophy
2. R. Shamashastry- History of Dharmasastras
3. D.P. Chattopadhyaya – What is living and what is dead in Indian Philosophy
4. Anand K. Kumaraswamy – Indian and South East Asian Architecture
5. V. Brodov – Indian Philosophy in Modern Times
6. Swamy Vivekananda- His disciples from the East and West
7. V.P. Varma – Modern Indian Political thought
8. Ram Acharya – Tourism and Cultural Heritage of India, RBSA Publications Jaipur

India the Subcontinent:

Rivers of India, major physical divisions, climate, rain, monsoons, seasonal incidence- floods,
droughts, famine- causes and effects, season for different travel centers/ circuits, rich natural
ambience, cultural heritage, growth of fusion of Indian culture, Indian people caste, tribes &
religions, development of Tourism in India with reference to geography.

International Tourism:
UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, USA, Newzeland, Australia, Gulf
Countries, Indian Oceanic Island, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Japan, South
American Countries and other famous destinations, over-view and world’s continents,
longitude& latitude of map-reading skills, time & climate zones, currencies around the world,
exploring earth’s countries, major cities and airports around the world, relationship between
geography and tourism.

Season and Off-Season in Tourism:

Causes of seasons and off seasons of different destinations, major tourist flow pattern between
countries worldwide and domestically, elements of transport routes & networks, about leading
tourism organization in the world.

Important Religion and Philosophies:

Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism etc.

Cultural Values:
Religion society, language, non verbal gestures, dining etiquettes, social and business
practices, greetings, dos and don’t’ts, preferences of Japanese, Americans, Chinese,
Australians, Kiwis, Scandinavians, Britishers, Germans, Russians & CIS, Africans, Middle
Easterners, French, Italians, Portugese, Spanish, South Americans (Latin Americans),
Caribbean, Orientals from Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia etc.

Reference Books:
1. Cross cultural communication for tourism &Hospitality Industry by Helen Fitz Gerald,
Hospitality Press, Melbourne
2. Tourism Today- Geographical Analysis, Douglas & Pare,Longman Publishers
3. Tourism Past, Present & future, Burkart & Medik, Heinman
4. Towards Geography of Tourism,D.G. Pearce
5. Regional Geography of India , R.L. Singh
6. Recreational Tourism- A social science perspective, Ryan Chris, Routledge, London
7. Tourism Development, A.K. Bhati, Sterling publication, Delhi
8. The Geography of Travel & Tourism, Brian G.Boniface & Chris Cooper, Butterworth
9. International Tourism, Francois Vellas & Lionel Becherel, Macmillan Business
10. Tourism The State of the art, A.V. Seation & C.L. Jenkins & Smith, John Wiley,NY

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