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A Synthesis on the Areas of

Human Resource Management

Contents Page

Module 1: Overview of Human Resource Management (HRM) 1

Module 2: Organizational Design 3
Module 3: HR Planning, Recruitment, Selection and Staffing 5

Module 4: HR Information System and Research 7

Module 5: Job Evaluation and Job Pricing 9

Module 6: Employee Compensation, Benefits and Assistance 11

Module 7: Employee and Labor Relations 13

Module 8: Performance Management, Training and Development 15

Module 9: Organizational Development and Quality Management 17

Submitted to
Dr. Desiderio N. Noveno, Jr.
Graduate School,
University of the Immaculate Conception,
Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Course
Human Resource Management in Education (PhDEL 608)
Doctor of Philosophy
Major in Educational Leadership

October, 2016

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 1
Overview of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Several authors defined Human Resource Management (HRM) differently.

According to Michael Armstrong, HRM is a function with strategic and forward

looking orientation aimed at helping management do its personnel job more

effectively. It is not just the typical records keeping, organizing socials and

firefighting to head off trouble in the organization. HRM also involves advising on

policies and procedures or doing expert and professional service in the various

areas of human resource management.

Another definition of Human Resource Management is based on the

general managers view that HRM involves all management decisions and actions

that affect the nature of relationship between employees and organization.

Employees are the human resources of the organization. They are the most

versatile resources available to the industry. Human resources is the only resource

in the industry that cannot be regarded as company-owned because it is a

resource which has a will of its own. It has to be treated with due regard for human

values. It is the organizations greatest resource. One quote says that: the

organizations quality of product and services are only as good as the people

who produce, market and support them. The nature of the employees in an

organization may change when certain circumstances changed in the

Take care of our customers, organization. Employees may organize a strike,

because if we dont, others decrease in productivity, migrate or transfer from other
industries or organizations. Human resources needs to

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

be managed, therefore, HRM function comes in which involves tasks of recruiting,

selecting, developing, utilizing, and rewarding employees. According to Ken

Blanchard and Terry Waghom, HRM involves getting the right people into the

right jobs at the right time.

Industrial peace and productivity is the main focus of HRM. To achieve this,

HRM must keep the balance of satisfying the organization and employees. HRM

must support the organizational goals while keeping the individual employee

aspirations toward productivity. In supporting the organizational goals, HRM faces

bigger issues in organization which involves: (1) leadership development, (2) team

building, (3) change management, (4) culture management, (5) total quality

management. On the other hand, HRM function involves tasks in maintaining the

quality of work-life of the employees which can be measured by (1) competitive

compensation and benefits, (2) safe and healthy environment, (3) job security, (4)

growth and development opportunities and (5) participation.

Human Resource Management plays a very significant function in the

organization. This function must be handled by a human resource professional

with leadership and management qualities needed to perform the role of the

department. The HR Manager must have the ability to communicate effectively,

have positive outlook towards people, high self-confidence level, mature and

pragmatic, aggressive but not offensive, hardworking and courageous, sense of

justice and fairness, pleasing personality, well-organized, with good planning

ability and have a sense of urgency. These are some of the human skills which HR

Manager must possess.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 2
Organizational Design

Dr. Roger K. Allen, the founder of the Center of Organizational Design

defined ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN as the step-by-step methodology which

identifies dysfunctional aspects of work flow, procedures, structures and systems,

realigns them to fit current business realities and goals and then develops plans to

implement the new changes.

Designing the organization will start by defining its vision and mission. The

mission and vision statement provides a strategic roadmap for organizations

journey. Most established companies develop organizational mission statements

and vision statements, which serve as foundational guides in the establishment of

company objectives. The VISION is the picture of the organization in the future,

when the goals are achieved and when the mission are accomplished. It is the

statement of the organizations reason for being. The MISSION are the steps,

actions or strategies which are meant for the realization of the organizations vision.

The mission statement must be S.M.A.R.T. which means it should be Specific,

Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bounded.

Organizing the right people in the right place is an essential component of

developing a sound organizational design. The ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE

is the strategic arrangement of the positions in the organization showing the inter-

relationships of the component parts. The company has to change its structure

constantly as it can cover gaps in the organization and it can use the full potential

of different organizational units.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

An organizational culture develops around the organizational structure.

Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs,

which governs how people behave in organizations. A company with a strong

organizational culture can effectively change its culture because its employees are

responsive to their organizational structure. For example, if employees are highly

committed to a work-team structure and their teams desire to shift the culture to

focus on new products or services, they might follow the team. They will have to

adjust to new ways that the company will organize itself and position itself in the

market to be successful. Employees that are highly committed and culturally

aligned member will work towards the attainment of the organizations vision.

However, because of certain factors, an organization may have employees who

are less committed and less aligned members. They are pulling the organization

backward towards its vision.

The organizational design is a strategic mission for Human Resources. The

design of the organization has to be developed with the contribution of Human

Resources. Thus, HR manager has to cooperate closely with the top management

and it has to analyze the entire organization as it delivers right proposals for the

adjustments. HR runs systems for modeling the organizational structure; HR acts

as the change agent; HR has access to employee opinion surveys. HR can

definitely deliver value added in the process of designing a new organizational


The quality of our students,

depends on the quality we

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 3
HR Planning, Recruitment, Selection and Staffing

Human resources is important in working out the organizations mission

which will result to the attainment of the organizations vision. In the education

sector, our services cannot be on its best quality without adequate number of well

trained, qualified and experienced human resources --- the faculty and staff.

Therefore, staffing process which covers recruitment, selection and placement of

personnel or human resources among others, should be handled with all

seriousness in the interest of the individual and organization.

Human Resource Planning is the process that links the human resource

needs of an organization to its strategic plan to ensure that staffing is sufficient,

qualified, and competent enough to achieve the organization's objectives. HR

planning must be based on the designed structure of the organization. It also

involves determining the number of the needed employees and their and their

qualification, as well. The job description and specification must also be

determined during the HR Planning.

Recruitment is the process of searching for and obtaining sufficient number

and quality of potential job seekers or applicants to enable the organization to

select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs. It is pertinent to note that

the process of recruitment must begin with a clear specification or understanding

of manpower needs. It should consider the qualification requirement which must

be met. For instance, a qualified Program Head in Information Technology

Education programs must be a full-pledged master degree holder in the field of IT.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

HR may benefit from planning an internal search for candidates before

announcing the openings to the public.

Selection is a process of gathering information for the purposes of

evaluating and deciding who should be employed or hired for the short and long-

term interests of the individual and the organization. In other words, it is the

process of getting the best of most qualified candidates from the pool of job

seekers adjudged to have potential for job performance.

Human resources department can plan to anticipate what new positions and

skills the organization will need to remain competitive. The decisions of putting the

right man to the right job at the right time is a very crucial function of HR. The

recruitment and selection process must be done in proper way. The Staffing

process does not end after the best fit for the job is already selected. Orientation,

placement, training and development will follow. HR can also plan to improve the

talent and functions of those positions effectively.

Strong leadership companies have

the ability to create new jobs for
the community and to improve
human life.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 4
HR Information System and Research

The modern Human Resources Organization and the effective HR

Management is based on strong, simple and effective HR Processes. The HR

Processes are always divided into the functional areas and the HR Managers are

responsible for the research, design, development and re-design of the HR

Processes as the HR Strategy can be implemented. The modern HR Processes

are grouped into logical HR areas as they provide the value added to the internal

and external clients. The main HR Process Areas are: (1) recruitment and staffing,

(2) compensation and benefits, (3) training and development, (4) career

development, (5) talent management, (6) leadership development and (7) HR


Because of these several business processes in Human Resource

Department, the field of information technology conducted researches and

developed several information systems to make these processes more efficient.

Human Resource Information Management System (HRMIS) is a

systematic way of storing data and information for each individual employee to aid

planning, decision making, and submitting of returns and reports to the external


Many companies have taken the steps to transform the ways by which HR

tasks are performed in attempts to keep up with rising employee counts and the

evolution of technology. In the past, companies were used to tracking data on

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

paper and spreadsheets. By moving to HRIS, companies are able to keep more

accurate and up-to-the minute records, allowing them to better prepare for future

growth and to make highly informed decisions on the fly.

HRMIS has advantage and disadvantages. One of the most frequently

mentioned advantages of an HRMIS is that you enter information only once for

many HR-related employee tasks. And, similarly, you need to update only one

place when employee information changes. Furthermore, different parts of the

system can talk to each other allowing more meaningful reporting and analysis

capabilities, including internal evaluations and audits and preparation of data for

outsiders. HRMIS improved accuracy is likely assuming data are entered and

manipulated correctly. On the other hand, security is one of the biggest worries.

Systems must be designed to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive and

confidential data and also the unintended publication of such information. This

typically required many compartments and many levels of authority for access,

all of which have to be monitored and maintained. Then there is the cost factor.

Especially for smaller companies, this can pose a problem. With any system, there

are acquisition costs and maintenance costs. With larger installations, theres

probably the cost of hiring an IT specialist to manage the system.

Today, what drives the progress

and world evolution is
technology, and the advancement
of technology is an essential part
of any business that wants to

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 5
Job Evaluation and Job Pricing

Are some jobs in an organization more valuable than others?

This is actually the purpose of evaluating jobs. HR managers can use job

evaluation methods to help determine the value of jobs in their organizations.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Job Evaluation is the evaluation

or rating of job to determine their position in job hierarchy. The evaluation may be

achievement through assignment of points or the use of some other systematic

rating method for essential job requirements such as skill, experience and


By using a job evaluation process in the organization, the relative content

and value of positions are assessed and equitable, understandable and

competitive compensation are determined. Job content is evaluated based on work

type, skills and knowledge required, value is evaluated based on each job's

contribution to company goals.

After determining the content and value of each job through job evaluation

process, the wage and salary differentials can be established. The content and

value is determined mainly on the basis of Job Description and Job

Specification. Job Evaluation helps to determine wages and salary grades for all

jobs. Employees need to be compensated depending on the grades of jobs they

perform. Remuneration must be based on the relative worth of each job. Ignoring

this basic principle results in inequitable compensation and attendant ill effects on

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

employees morale. Although job evaluation process evaluates positions and not

the people who hold them but a perception of inequity may de-motivate an

employee. By openly involving your team in the process, you may prevent

negative feelings toward it that could, in turn, affect morale and performance.

The completion of job evaluation does not signal the end of the wage and

salary determination process. The next step is job pricing setting an amount

for the job and its not as simple as it may sound.

Job pricing can be defined as the process to determine the pay/salary

values depending on the job that the employees are performing in the organization.

Job pricing takes into account the job description and the relative industry and

regional values and analyze the data to decide on to an appropriate pay/salary

value. For example, a manager's salary across industry would be at a certain level

in different organizations. But it may vary in different countries or regions within the

same country.


Job Evaluation (2011, August 15) Retrieved from

You dont get paid for the hour.

You get paid for the value you
bring to that hour.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 6
Employee Compensation, Benefits and Assistance

Compensation is payment to an employee in return for their contribution to

the organization, that is, for doing their job. The most common forms of

compensation are wages and salaries. It is usually provided as basic and variable

pay. Base pay is based on the role in the organization and the market for the

expertise required to conduct that role. Variable pay is based on the performance

of the person in that role, for example, for how well that person achieved his or her

goals for the year. Incentive plans, for example, bonus plans, are a form of variable

pay. Some people might consider bonuses as a benefit, rather than a form of


Employee benefits are optional, non-wage compensation provided to

employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. These types of benefits

may include group insurance (health, dental, vision, life etc.), disability income

protection, retirement benefits, daycare, tuition reimbursement, sick leave,

vacation (paid and non-paid), funding of education, as well as flexible and

alternative work arrangements. Benefits are forms of value, other than payment,

that are provided to the employee in return for their contribution to the organization,

that is, for doing their job. Worker's compensation is really a worker's right, rather

than a benefit.

An Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) is an employee

benefit program that helps employee assist with personal problems and/or work-

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

related problems that may impact their job performance, health, mentally and

emotionally well-being.

Most employees dont just work for the love of their job. Most people also

want a decent salary and other incentives that will reward them for their hard work.

These remuneration packages need to be created, managed and distributed

efficiently. This is where HR professionals get involved. Without these, nobody

would get that just been paid feeling at the end of the month and Christmas

bonuses would certainly be a thing of the past.

The right compensation and benefits schemes ensure that hard-working

employees are rewarded fairly and in the most cost-effective way for the company.

This in turn then motivates employees to sustain their performance. This will also

attract new people to the company. Salary and incentive packages are one of the

main reasons why people apply for specific jobs. Also, the more attractive

compensation and benefit schemes tend to generate more interest in new



Human Resources, Compensation, Benefits and Rewards (2011, May 26)

Retrieved from

If you pick the right people and

give them the opportunity to
spread their wings and put
compensation as a carrier behind
it, you almost dont have to
manage them. ---Jack Welch

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 7
Employee and Labor Relations

Labor relations is the relationship and interaction between employers and

employees in industry and organizations. It is the aspect or quality that holds

together the social partners, labor and capital, in the attainment of their mutual goal

just and equitable pay and treatment and fair return of investments. Most

commonly, however, labor relations refers to dealings between management and

a workforce that is already unionized, or has the potential to become unionized.

Human Resource Management plays an important role in employee and

labor relations. The overall goal for HR is to make sure that employees are in the

right position, are in a good and safe environment, have all the rules and training

needed to be capable of working, and can speak to HR when needed.

An HR officer has the pleasure of dealing with any kind of employee or labor

issue, such as employee welfare, offering advice on work situations to employees

and management, educating the employees on the rules of the company, providing

employees clear notice of job descriptions, salary and benefits, and ensuring the

employees are completing the proper training. Training information should be

communicated to the employee and manager. HR can be viewed as being a

reference for the employees.

Labor Relations consist of giving advice and help to employees regarding

work rules, employment laws, legal issues and any work contract situation. HR

should train all employees on employment laws and have them available in all

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

locations. If there is some type of issue regarding the employee or employment

laws, HR will be the department to handle this.

On the other hand, the good employee relations is the key to trust, working

together effectively and achieving mutually beneficial results. Employee relations

holds everything together. It is not a simple selling process, but more the

establishment of an environment where there is trust and confidence about the

motives of management when they talk about subjects and initiatives - an

environment within which employees feel valued for their contribution and


Employee Relations is key to the success of engagement

initiatives. Employee Relations is critical in Labor Relations in keeping the

relationship between management and bargaining unit employees strongly in

place can make a decisive difference when employees are voting to accept a

negotiated package or go on strike. It will determine the effectiveness of our

organizations partnership with peers. Our acceptance is not based simply on how

smart we are, but how smart we are in projecting our smartness and the way in

which we are committed to their (functional peers) interests and working with them.

Treat employees like they make a

difference and they will

---Jim Goodnight

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 8
Performance Management, Training and Development

Performance management is a process by which managers and

employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employees work

objectives and overall contribution to the organization. More than just an annual

performance review, performance management is the continuous process of

setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and

feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals.

The fundamental goal of performance management is to promote and improve

employee effectiveness.

During the process, the management involves its employees, as individuals

and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the

accomplishment of their mission and goals. Employee performance management

process includes: (1) planning work and setting expectations, (2)

continually monitoring performance, (3) developing the capacity to perform, (4)

periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and (5) rewarding good


After the performance management process, employee training and

development activities must be planned which are intended to improve the

performance. Since the point of both training and development is to improve

performance, it makes sense to use them together, so that the performance

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

management process ends up telling you what kinds of will be most effective in

any given situation.

In order to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace, the organization

must invest in the training and development of employees. Human resource

development focuses on both training employees for their current jobs and

developing skills for their future roles and responsibilities.

HR professionals play an essential role in creating a culture in organization

where every employee takes trainings and employee development activities

seriously. Invite all your employees on a common platform and highlight the

importance of trainings and how such initiatives would help employees grow both

professionally as well as personally. It is the responsibility of a human resource

professional to motivate the employees to participate in employee development

activities. Make them believe that the future of the organization lies in their

shoulders only. Make them feel important. Encourage them to upgrade their

existing knowledge from time to time to become indispensable resources for the



Understanding Performance Management Process and Practices (2008, August

22) Retrieved from:

If you think hiring someone,

training them and having them
leave is expensive, try hiring
them, not training them and
having them stay

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Module 9
Organization Development and Quality Management

Organizational Development is the process of helping organizations

improve through change in policies, power, leadership control or job redesign. The

main focus is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness within the organization.

Organizational climate, organizational culture, and organizational

strategy are the three main sections of organizational development theory.

Organizational development is a continuous process based on managing future

change based on diagnosis, planning, and evaluation.

Organizational climate has a big impact on the organizational development

process. Organizational climate refers to the overall mood of the company due to

employee attitudes and beliefs. The mood or personality of the company can

drastically affect employee satisfaction, motivation, and productivity. The elements

of organizational climate that can be cultivated and changed if needed are

leadership roles, conflict resolution, etc. The second key idea of organizational

development has to do with organizational culture, which deals with the norms,

values, and behaviors of the employees. Organizations can have cultures that are

family-oriented and supportive, high-risk and entrepreneur-like, or competitive.

Certain types of cultures work best for certain organizations. The third section of

organizational development deals with organizational strategies. These strategies

are the core of the development process as they help companies promote change.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

Organizational development is a way of keeping the organization as healthy

as possible. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a new approach to organizational

development, based on the simple assumption that every community has

something that works well and those strengths can be the starting point for creating

positive change. Appreciative Inquiry focuses on possibilities, not problems. That

sounds easy but it requires an important shift from our usual, problem-centered

approach to bringing about change. Appreciative Inquiry helps us discover what

works, so that we can do more of it. It is the new approach in Organizational

Development which can be considered instead of the problem-solving approach

which focuses first on the problem.

Appreciation can make a day,

even change a life.

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education




Date of Birth : 07 September 1984 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (PhDEL)
Currently Enrolled
Address : Brgy. San Francisco, University of the Immaculate Conception, Davao City
Panabo City


Graduated 2010
Phone : 0932 853 3644 (Sun) University of the Immaculate Conception, Davao City
Email : [email protected]
Employer : Northlink Technological College ENGINEERING (BSCpE)
Graduated 2006
University of Mindanao, Tagum City


organized perfectionist loyal

introspective introvert
trustworthy logical determined

Teaching | Cooking | Arts and Graphic Designs intuitive

PhDEL 608: Human Resource Management in Education

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