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IBM Sales and Distribution Chemicals and petroleum

Solution Brief

Turnaround optimization
for chemicals and
Gain insight for more effective asset turnarounds

The production losses and costs associated with turnarounds can

Highlights be significant, at times significantly higher than expected. Most chemi-
cals and petroleum companies therefore have started initiatives to
● View effects of planned turnarounds on improve the way they plan and execute turnarounds. IBM has a
key metrics vision and solution for turnarounds that gives decision makers in
● Gain insight into turnaround prepared- chemicals and petroleum companies access to analyses and information
ness and benchmark performance for earlier detection of problems and more efficient executing of turn-
across assets and projects
arounds. The result is an improved bottom line: higher production and
● Better manage frequency and duration lower cost.
of future turnarounds, and estimate
their effects on key metrics
Use information to optimize turnarounds
● Understand asset interdependencies Chemicals and petroleum companies must regularly shut down pro-
and optimize turnarounds across assets
duction for preventive and corrective maintenance of their assets, and
for modification and expansion of the assets. Turnarounds may be
planned or unplanned; driven by inspection or certification require-
ments; or caused by vendor overhauls or capital projects. In all cases,
turnarounds represent a departure from the business as usual. The
turnaround optimization solution for chemicals and petroleum
from IBM combines custom analyses, best practices and powerful
technology-based solutions, enabling your organization to improve the
way turnarounds are managed.

The solution utilizes structured information in enterprise resource

planning (ERP) and other planning systems, and also unstructured
information and knowledge residing with maintenance engineers, to
identify problems that may delay the turnarounds, as well as to opti-
mize turnaround frequency and duration with respect to production
losses and costs. The functionality complements those found in typical
CMMS and planning systems, and the solution may be extended with
asset management functionality and connectivity of enterprise asset
management solutions such as IBM® Maximo®.
Develop an integrated view
At the heart of this solution are three components that enable decision
making, risk analysis and execution planning with an integrated view of
the turnaround:

● The turnaround performance monitor © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

● The turnaround performance analyzer IBM Corporation
● The turnaround optimizer Route 100
Somers, NY 10589

The turnaround performance monitor allows your company to stan- Produced in the United States of America
November 2009
dardize the way you set up, monitor and benchmark turnarounds All Rights Reserved
across facilities. This allows you to evaluate possible performance
IBM, the IBM logo,, and Maximo are trademarks
problems prior to turnaround execution, and measure the performance
or registered trademarks of International Business Machines
of turnaround projects against a set of predefined measurements. The Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If
planned metrics are then benchmarked against the actual metrics these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their
first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol
enabling turnaround teams to understand and estimate the effect of
(® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common
performance on production and cost, and evaluate the effect of correc- law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information
tive measures, as well as changes to the plan. was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or
common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of
IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and
While “gut feelings” have always played a role in turnarounds, the trademark information” at
turnaround performance analyzer helps you use facts to plan turn-
Other product, company or service names may be
around frequency and duration scenarios that result in the lowest pro- trademarks or service marks of others.
duction loss, and best efficiency targets. The turnaround analyzer also
helps identify which assets within the system should be replaced, bol-
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stered or monitored more closely in order to avoid unplanned

The turnaround optimizer helps synchronize turnaround plans across

assets. Understanding and managing dependencies helps avoid situa-
tions where facilities recently shut down for a turnaround must be shut
down again due to its interconnection with another asset. The turn-
around optimizer contains tools for developing test and evaluation sce-
narios and simulations to help determine the optimal path forward, and
then facilitates the definition of work/job packages that support opti-
mal execution of the turnaround.

Gain business insight

With the turnaround optimization solution, chemicals and petroleum
companies can gain deep business insight to replace or augment tradi-
tional turnaround decision-making processes. The result is an
improved bottom line; lower cost turnarounds; more production rev-
enue realized; and improved asset value and operations going forward.

For more information

To learn more about the turnaround optimization solution for chemi-
cals and petroleum, please contact your IBM representative or
IBM Business Partner, or visit:


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