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A Quick Look at What Pre-schoolers Can Do: (physical skills)

This bulleted list of pre-schoolers’ physical skills is lifted from the Physical Domain
component of the Philippine Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS). This set of
standards was based on a study commissioned by UNICEF and the Child Welfare Council (CWC).
This is now adopted for use by the Early Childhood Care and Development Council.
Gross Motor: 36-48 months

 Hops 1 to 3 steps on preferred foot

 Skips (with alternating feet)
 Jumps and turns
 Stands on one leg without falling for at least 5 seconds
 Throws a ball overhead with control of direction
 Throws a ball overhead with control of speed
 Kicks a ball with control of speed
Fine-motor skills:
36-48 Months

 Consistently turns pages of a picture or story book one page at a time, looking at
pictures with interest
 Purposefully copies diagonal lines
 Purposefully bisects a cross
 Purposefully copies square
 Purposefully copies a triangle
 Cuts with scissors following a line
49-60 Months

 Copies simple pattern of different basic shapes

 Draws a human figure (head, eyes, mouth, trunk, arms, legs, etc.) without prompts
 Draws a house without prompts using geometric forms
 Colors with strokes staying within the lines
Personal Care and Hygiene (Self-Help Skills)
36-48 Months

 Pours from pitcher without spillage

 Feeds self-using spoon without spillage
 Dresses without assistance, except for buttons and tying laces
 Puts on socks independently
49-60 Months

 Feeds self-using fingers without spillage

 Prepares own food
 Dresses without assistance, including buttoning and tying
 Wipes/cleans him/herself after a bowel movement
 Brushes teeth after meals without having to be hold
 Washes and dries face independently without having to be hold
 Take a bath independently without having to be hold
Based on our daily monitoring of a pre-schooler child namely Joemar M. Yanson at the
age of 4 years old we’ve notice the following:

When he was playing he liked to run, jumped and turned. He stands on one leg without
falling for atleast 3 to 4 seconds.
When he was reviewing his lesson with his mother, He can copies a simple pattern of
different basic shapes, and he can also colors with stroke but not totally staying within the lines.
After he prepared his clothes, he knows how to shoes but he doesn’t know how to put
the socks in his feet and he can’t dressed himself without anyone’s assistance.
While his mother was preparing his food He knows to feed himself using his finger. And
after he ate he will get his toothbrush and put a toothpaste then he will brush his teeth without
having to be told. Cleans himself after a bowel movement and he can also take a bath

General observation:
Based on our observation, we’ve noticed that the child is on his pre-operational stage,
which means that at this stage child can make mental representations and his able to pretend,
the child has an ability to determine things that represents something else.

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