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4/24/2018 Gmail - Public Records Request dated March 13, 2018

Kim Beem <[email protected]>

Public Records Request dated March 13, 2018

3 messages

Carnes, Carolyn <[email protected]> Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 10:03 AM

To: Kim Beem <[email protected]>
Cc: "Snyder, Ann" <[email protected]>, "Wright, Richard" <[email protected]>

Ms. Beem:

Pursuant to your email of March 13, 2018, directed to the Licking County Domestic Relations Court requesting copies of
personnel files for Magistrates Snyder, Rickrich and George, please find enclosed redacted copies of the personnel files
for Magistrate Ann Snyder and Magistrate C. William Rickrich.

Please be advised that the Domestic Relations Court does not maintain a personnel file for Magistrate George, as he is
an employee of the general division of the Licking County Common Pleas Court. Therefore, a public records request
must be submitted to that division directly in order to obtain his information.

Carolyn J. Carnes
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Chief - Civil Division
Licking County Prosecutor's Office
Telephone: (740) 670-5255
Facsimile: (740) 670-5241
Email: [email protected]

The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended by the Licking County Prosecutor's Office for the
use of the named individual or entity to which it is directed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and
exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, anyone other than the
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the Licking County Prosecutor's Office at (740) 670-5255, so that our address record can be corrected.


Kim Beem <[email protected]> Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 11:37 AM

To: "Carnes, Carolyn" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Snyder, Ann" <[email protected]>, "Wright, Richard" <[email protected]>, "Hayes, Bill"
<[email protected]>, "Marcelain, Tom" <[email protected]>, "Branstool, David" <[email protected]>,
[email protected], "Tasha Ruth,SCO" <[email protected]>, [email protected]

Ms. Carnes:

According to Judge Marcelain, magistrates are sworn in to both divisions so there would be no reason that a personnel
file would not be available through Domestic Court for Magistrate George. I know for a fact that he handled (poorly, I
might add) a CPO full hearing which Ohio law requires to be handled by Domestic Division. Licking County has chosen
to circumvent the Ohio Revised Code with respect to CPO's and CSPO's with this unusual approach that Judge
Marcelain refers to as one stop shopping. It also should be noted that although Judge Marcelain has indicated that
magistrates are appointed to both General and Domestic divisions, the documents you provided show that Magistrates
Snyder and Rickrich are assigned to Domestic Court.

As the prosecutor's office provides legal advice to the Licking County Courts, a directive may be appropriate regarding the
questionable practices of the Licking County Courts. Based on your assertion about Magistrate George, his rulings
4/24/2018 Gmail - Public Records Request dated March 13, 2018

regarding CPO's should be null and void and I shall treat it accordingly due to the lack of jurisdiction.

Kim Beem
[Quoted text hidden]

Tom Marcelain Explanation on LC circumventing ORC.pdf


Kim Beem <[email protected]> Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 3:49 PM

To: "Carnes, Carolyn" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Hayes, Bill" <[email protected]>, "Marcelain, Tom" <[email protected]>, "Branstool, David"
<[email protected]>, Richard Wright <[email protected]>, [email protected]

Ms. Carnes:

If all magistrates have been appointed to both general and domestic divisions, as claimed by Judge Marcelain, why did
your response regarding Magistrates Snyder and Rickrich only include appointments made by former Judge Steiner to
Domestic Court? How would it be possible that you accurately fulfilled the public records request and that Judge
Marcelain's assertion is accurate? It's unfortunate that I continue to have to pursue this but since neither the Prosecutor's
office nor the judges are willing to acknowledge the real issue of Licking County not following the Ohio Revised Code.
Noting this failure is simply my lay opinion of a plain and unambiguous reading of the code. As you may know, former
Justices Stratton and McGee-Brown asserted Licking County was not following the law on other issues and Justice
O'Connell questioned the approach of Licking County. Those oral arguments are now sealed but I am quite certain
Fairfield County APA Reamer can provide you with an former Justice Pfeifer said to Reamer at the time,
he was hammered pretty good.

Let's make this easy, just admit that what the County is doing is wrong and fix it - sort of like the integrity piece Prosecutor
Hayes used as a campaign promise.

Kim Beem
[Quoted text hidden]


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