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eum ano cet ‘Mss ovens court Tax rorrceosunss [To be filed under seal unless orderedotherwise] CLERK COMMOA PLEAS COURT LICKING ¢6. ont IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEASHI4 PA ~8 A i LICKING COUNTY, OHIO GARY R. WALTERS| cleRK INRE: Appointment of Special Prosecutor(s) [Relating to investigation/prosecution of certain complaints against Kim Beem] Case/Docket No. MOTION Pursuant to R.C. 305.14 and/or R.C. 2941.63 the board of county commissioners and the| prosecuting attorney move the Court to appoint the Office of the Ohio Attorney General as Special Licking County Prosecuting Attomey (with the matter to be currently assigned to} Assistant Attorney General Christopher L. Kinsler, $.Ct. # 0074289; and, Assistant Attorney| (General Matthew J. Donahue, $.Ct. # 0079278), to handle the investigation of a complaint filed by an employee of the Licking County Sheriff's Office against one Kimberly Beem. Because of certain allegations that Ms, Beem has made against the Office of the Licking} County Prosecuting Attorney in the past, there would be an appearance of impropriety for this Office to lead an investigation into Ms. Beem’s alleged conduct. To avoid that appearance off impropriety, the Prosecuting Attorney has decided to honor a request by the Ohio Attorney General's Office to allow them to handle all aspects of the investigation, and if they deem ie| appropriate, any criminal charges/prosecutions. [To be filed under seal unless ordered otherwise] exon an ct Dison sven count DINSION ‘axonectosunes [Yo be filed under seal unless ordered otherwise] For the foregoing reasons, the State prays its Application for Appointment of the Office ofthe Ohio Attomey General as Special Licking County Prosecuting Attomey be granted. The staff ofthat Office will serve without compensation from Licking County. Reaneth W. Oswalt (#0037208) Licking County Prosecutor County Gonfzsissioner [To be filed under seal unless ordered otherwise} Oswalt, Kenneth From: Matthew J. Donahue Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 10:23 AM To: Oswalt, Kenneth ce Fred R, Moore; Jonathan W, Jenkins; Scott Fitch; Christopher L. Kinsler Subject BCT Investigation in re Beem Dear Prosecutor Oswalt, Pursuant to our conversation today, due to recent developments in the investigation, could you please petition the court to appoint the Ohio Attorney General's Office as special prosecutors 10 speciy include Christopher L. Kinsler Sup. C- Number 0074289 and Matthew J. Donahue Sup. Ct. Number 0079278. The reason for this requests that matter apparently is now ata point that requir a prosecutor to review and approval potential cout orders and subpoenas. The appointment would of course be withauit compensation by Licking County. Matt Matthew J. Donahue Section Chief ‘Special Prosecutions Section Office of Ohio Attomey General Mike DeWine Office number: 614-752-4578 Fax number: 866-910-2107 ‘Matthew, [email protected] confidentiality Notice: his message I intended fr use onl by the Incvdual or ent to whom a whic tis addressed and may contain coe evo, confidotiat and/or otherwise exempt ftom disclosure under applicable la. the rer ofthis message Is oot stad scelen, ofthe employos or agent responsibi Toc delivering the message to the intended rocplont, you are Nereby rere that any ccseminaton,dstution or opying ofthis commuctcation is striilyprohibited.#f you have ecelved ths communication In error, please ratify me immediately by telephone.

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