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The Firestorm Advanced campaign takes the Firestorm campaign for Age of Sigmar and
adds some advanced rules to the map. It assumes that the players have the Firestorm box,
though only the map and tokens are used. The Secret Objective cards are in play, but the
other cards are not used.
Starting the Campaign
Up to four factions may exist on the map. If you have more than four players, assign
players to a faction and they fight for their faction as a single entity.
The four factions will start play in each of the four corners on the map.
The starting location gains the Lords Tower domain item. The territory upgrades will be
detailed below.
The players then each draw a Secret Objective card from the Firestorm box. This can
result in rewards later in the campaign if achieved.
Alliances and Breaking the Rules of Matched Play Allegiances
This is a narrative campaign and some changing of the matched play paradigm is present.
If your factions involve multiple players, it can occur that sometimes your faction has
mixed allegiances present.
For example, if there were five players in a campaign, and three are stormcast, one is
seraphon, and one is death, a combination may be for the three stormcast to be in one
faction, and the seraphon and death players to be in another.
How that is ultimately set up is up to your group, but in cases such as this, the seraphon
and death players would be able to take seraphon and death units in their forces as if they
were allies.
Mixed allegiance forces such as this must choose a primary allegiance though (Order,
Chaos, Death, Destruction) for purposes of their banner special rules.


Modified Firestorm Rules

This system uses a different ruleset than that written in Firestorm. Unless otherwise
noted, the only things used from the original are the Times of War found for each
territory and the Secret Objective cards.
Muster Points were intentionally not used to keep things simple.
Strategy Points have been turned into Command Points to use the Command Point
system. Very few players will possess the Firestorm book or have access to the Strategy
Point items and this will likely be ignored so, integrating this into a Command Point
system ensures its use and gives strategic weight to building some buildings.
Mortal Realm of Aqshy
The rules for playing battles in Aqshy will be in effect. These include all of the Aqshy
spells, and the special realm effects that can be rolled for at the beginning of the game.


Army Banners
Each faction begins play with one Army Banner that starts in their originating territory.
An Army Banner represents an entire army that the faction can field, with the players’
forces being a part of that banner. Army Banner’s on the table can represent any point
value that the players wish when playing their games, though the default is 2,000 points.
Defeated Army Banners
During a campaign turn, if an Army Banner is defeated, some negative consequences will
be had by the owning player or players. In the case of a banner owned by multiple
players, calculate the overall status of the banner by summing up the victories and defeats
by the players.
For example, if a banner was owned by one player, then the result of that player’s game
would determine what happened to the banner.
If the banner was owned by two players, sum the results of the battles fought by that
If the banner had two major defeats, then the banner would count as an overall result of a
major defeat. If the banner had a major and minor defeat, take the lesser of the two
results (the minor defeat). If the banner had a major victory and a minor defeat, it would
count as a minor victory. If the banner had a major victory and a major defeat, that would
count as a draw.
Draw or Minor Defeat – a banner that suffers a minor defeat will be forced to retreat one
territory away into a territory that they own. If the banner cannot move into a friendly
territory that the army owns, then the banner is scattered.
Major Defeat – a banner that suffers a major defeat must roll a D6. On the result of a 4+,
it will be forced to retreat as if they suffered a Minor Defeat. If the result is a 1-3, the
banner is scattered.
Annihilated – a banner that is tabled (that is, all of its models are destroyed) is said to be
annihilated. A banner that is annihilated will always be scattered.


Scattered Army Banners

Army Banners that are scattered are removed from the map and placed at their Lord’s
Tower territory or to a territory that they own that has a Stronghold built upon
(whichever is closest to the banner where it was defeated. If equally distant to multiple
options, the player may choose)
Multiple Banners
The larger the realm, the more resources are available to support multiple armies. So
long as a player controls their Lord’s Tower, they may always field at a minimum one
banner. Afterward, for every four territories possessed by a faction, an additional banner
may be fielded. New banners originate from their Lord’s Tower.
If a player or faction ever loses territory to be taken below four territories, then they must
remove a banner of their choice from the realm.
Only one banner may ever sit within a single territory at a time.
Once multiple banners come into play, any Named Characters (like Nagash) and player
army commanders are only present in the banner that they are in. Characters cannot
swap banners unless the two banners are adjacent and the player actively declares
characters are swapping before the turn begins.
Adjacent Banners
Banners that are adjacent to a territory that contains a friendly banner are said to support
each other. Any banner that is in battle may be reinforced by a friendly adjacent banner,
so long as that banner is also not engaged in battle.
Reinforced banners receive an additional +250 points. This bonus does not stack with
multiple banners or garrisons.

Players start each turn by rolling initiative. Any ties are re-rolled until there is a set order
amongst the players from turn to turn.
Each player or faction then records the orders that they will give their banner(s).


Starting from the player or faction that rolled highest, players reveal their orders and
proceed to move their banners.
Banners that are in a territory that are attacked by another player or faction before they
have moved will default to a Hold order if they have given their force an order to move or
Named Characters
Named Characters are special characters like Nagash or Archaon. They follow the
normal rules of Age of Sigmar and can be included in your forces. If they are slain in
battle, they will roll to determine if they are truly dead the same as your normal characters
do (meaning on the roll of a “1” they are permanently removed from the campaign)


Move – Your banner may move one territory. If this causes your banner to enter a
territory that is either unclaimed or is claimed but has no opposing banner or enemy
garrison upon it, the territory is now owned by your force.
If the territory is occupied by an opposing garrison or enemy banner, a battle will be
fought for that territory.
Territories that are conquered lose any Mustering Grounds, Barracks, or War Lodges
(effectively losing their garrisons) but keep any other upgrades.
Forced March – Your banner may move up to two territories following the same rules for
Move. Additionally, after a Forced March, if your banner is in combat then it is Fatigued.
During the battle, all units within the banner that Forced Marched are at -1 to hit. This
status is removed at the beginning of the next campaign turn.
Fortify – If your banner is in a territory with no stronghold, it may fortify its position. It
may not move, but if it is attacked the controlling player may set up to three linear
obstacles of no more than 12” long each after forces have been deployed. These count as
Hold – The banner does nothing this turn.

When fighting battles, generate the battle using the Open War deck or the Open War
Scenario generator by default. Optionally if
you and your opponent have a Battleplan
that you’d like to use, feel free to use that


Build Points
Build Points are gained after
each battle that is fought.
Win or lose, the players each
gain D3 Build Points. The
winner of the battle may re-
roll this value. Build Points
can be spent immediately or
banked for use after a future
This means that actively
avoiding battles will result in
a lack of Build Points.
A garrison comes with certain upgrades. It counts as a 1500 point standing force of
troops that cannot move from the territory that it is stationed in. Garrison buildings
cannot stack (you will always only have the points granted by a single garrison in the
If both a banner and a garrison exist in the same territory, the army banner receives +250
points as if it were reinforced by an adjacent allied banner.
Spending Build Points
After all battles have been fought, players may spend some or all of their Build Points.
Build Points may be used to add items to any territory currently possessed by the player.
Items marked with an asterisk may not share the same territory as something else with an
Lord’s Towers may not share the same territory with anything else.


Domain Item Description Effects

Lord’s Tower** The capital territory of your realm. Generate D3 Command Points
A monument of your leadership that before each game. Shattered
unites the people of your realm. Banners may reform here. Counts
as a Stronghold if attacked. Players
start with one of these and cannot
build any additional.
Mustering A place where you train your Cost: 1 Build Point. Provides the
Ground warriors from raw recruits into battle territory that it is built in a Garrison
hardened soldiers. of 1500 points.
Barracks A camp that houses your soldiers Cost: 2 Build Points. Replaces
and protects them from the Mustering Ground. Provides a
elements. 1500-point garrison. One unit or
character may be upgraded with an
ability after a battle. Regardless of
how many barracks you have, only
one upgrade after a game may occur.
War Lodge A series of camps and structures that Cost: 3 Build Points. Replaces a
stretch beyond the horizon. Barracks. Provides a garrison of
2000 points and two units or
characters may be upgraded with an
ability after a battle (domain-wide).
Up to two units maximum may be
upgraded if you possess a War
Fortified Camp A minor settlement in these frontier Cost: 2 Build Points.
Walled The walls of this fortified settlement Cost: 4 Build Points. Replaces a
Settlement acts as a bastion against the Fortified Camp. Provides 1
wilderness. Command Point. The territory that
the settlement is built upon is worth
an extra 2 Glory Points. You may
benefit from a maximum of two
Walled Settlements.
Stronghold The fortified walls of this stronghold Cost: 3 Build Points. Replaces a
overlook the surrounding territory. Fortified Camp. Scattered banners
may rally at a Stronghold. Battles
fought in a territory with a
stronghold may be Siege battles (see
Appendix A)


Forge* Your smiths labor here to provide Cost: 2 Build Points. You may only
your forces with arms and armor. ever benefit from one Forge.
Provides a bonus Build Point per
Foundry* This is an industrial complex choked Cost: 3 Build Points. Replaces a
with fire and steam. Forge. You may only benefit from a
single forge or foundry. Provides a
bonus 2 Build Points per turn.
Additionally, once per game a unit
of your choice may either add +1 to
their Saves or +1 to their hit rolls for
a single set of rolls.
Arcane The wizards of your faction gather Cost: 1 Build Point. You may only
Sanctum* here to research their craft and create benefit from a single Arcane
items of power. Sanctum. May give an extra artefact
of power to a HERO in your army.
Shrine* A monument to your pantheon Cost: 3 Build Points. You may only
stands, a testament of your benefit from a single shrine or
dominance of the lands. temple. Upon building the shrine,
the controlling player gains 1 Glory
Point. This may only ever be
granted once, no matter how many
shrines are built throughout the
Temple* A magnificent holy place erected to Cost: 3 Build Points. Replaces the
the majesty of your pantheon and Shrine. You may only benefit from
echoes the glory of your empire. a single temple. Upon building the
temple, the controlling player gains
2 Glory Points. This may only ever
be granted once, no matter how
many temples are built throughout
the campaign.

A temple provides your army a

permanent 150 point increase while
in your territory.
Prismatikon An ancient weapon of terrible and Gained by controlling the Eyes of
destructive power. the Prismatikon territory. Once per
battle as a Command Ability your
general may pick an enemy unit
anywhere on the battlefield. That


unit suffers D3/D6/2D6 mortal

wounds if it is the 1st/2nd/or 3rd and
beyond battle round.
Caverns of Deep beneath the earth of the Gained by controlling the Caverns
Fulminax Broken Claw mountains lies a titanic of Fulminax territory. A unit in
elemental beast bound by your army may add +1 to all wound
ensorcelled chains. rolls during the battle.
Infinity Gears This arcane machinery holds the Gained by holding the Infinity
secret to gazing beyond the fates. Gears territory. As long as this
territory is held, battles won are
worth an extra glory point.
Scepter of Formed from living primordial Gained by forging it by owning the
Flame realmstone, this staff blazes with Titanworks and the Caverns of
white fire and resonates with the Fulminax and the Black Iron
furious powers of Aqshy. Peninsula by spending a build point.

At the start of the battle pick a

melee weapon that the army general
can use (cannot be a mount attack).
You can add +1 to hit and wound
rolls for the weapon and its damage
increases by 1.


Players and factions will be fighting to earn Glory Points. Glory Points are what are used
to determine an overall victor.
The first player or faction to score 30 Glory Points wins the campaign.
Glory Points are earned in the following ways:
• Every territory that you hold is worth 1 Glory Point. The exception are the special
territories, which are worth 2 Glory Points each.
• Every Draw or Minor Victory that you achieve is worth 1 Glory Point.
• Every Major Victory is worth 2 Glory Points.
• Scepters of Flame are worth 5 Glory Points. You may only construct one.
• Certain Build Events grant Glory Points. These will be noted for the event.
• Certain territories generate bonus Glory Points. These will be noted in the
Firestorm rules for each territory.


Path to Glory
Path to Glory advancements can be used after battles in the campaign provided a barracks
exists in your domain. Legacy armies that have acquired Path to Glory advancements
may start the campaign with their advancements.
Units and Characters are eligible for an upgrade provided they survived the battle. Units
and Characters roll on the Unit experience chart. Your army commander rolls on the
Champion chart should they get an upgrade.
After a battle, you may upgrade one unit or character that survived. If you won, you may
upgrade a different unit or character.
Units and Characters may only ever have one upgrade, though these may be changed out
after battle by nominating them for upgrade and rolling. Your army commander can have
any number of upgrades.
Your army commander for each of your banners should stay persistent throughout the
Death and Dying
After the battle, units that are destroyed lose their upgraded ability on the D6 roll of a 1-3.
If your army commander is slain during the battle, roll a D6. On the roll of a “1” he is
permanently killed, and all upgrades that he may have accumulated are lost forever. On
the roll of a 2+ he has escaped death (for now).
Note: if you own multiple banners, your army commander will vary from banner to
banner (and thus
you can have
characters that
use the champion
upgrade table)


Terrain Generation
There are a number of ways that terrain can be generated for battles. The easiest is to
have a player set up the terrain and the other player may pick table sides. Another way is
to have a neutral third party set up the terrain. Last, players can generate D3 pieces of
terrain per 2x2 tile and alternate placing terrain.

Faction Bonuses
Each of the four grand alliances receives a special campaign bonus. In the instance where
your faction is composed of multiple alliances, one of the grand alliances for the entire
faction must be chosen and adhered to.
• Order – The soldiers of the God King Sigmar and of the pantheon that he has
assembled are disciplined and well trained. When given an order to Fortify, an
Order banner will also generate an additional 150 points for any battles that they
fought while under the Fortify order.
• Chaos – The warriors of the fell gods are brutal and unforgiving. Chaos banners
may Raze any territory that they are on. If an enemy banner or garrison is present,
they must first win a battle before Razing the territory. A Razed territory loses any
upgrades built upon it.
• Death – The dead are not easy to scatter, for grave sites are everywhere across the
realms, and a cunning general of the undead need merely tap into these raw
resources to assemble another force. Scattered Death banners may also choose to
reform at the closest Mustering Grounds that they possess in addition to a
Stronghold or their Lord’s Tower.
• Destruction – Such is the speed of the forces of Destruction, that an army on the
march is truly a terror to behold. Destruction banners may move an additional
territory when they Forced March.


Modified Event Rules

Command Points
• Starting Command Points are generated from the territory upgrades in this
campaign, not from battalion count.
• When firing into a melee combat with units not engaged in the melee combat,
randomize all hits against all of the units involved.
• Water features such as rivers or lakes will halve the movement characteristic and
charge values of models unless they can Fly.
Sudden Death Victory Conditions
These can be found on page 9 of the General’s Handbook 2018.
Armies that inflict 20 or more mortal wounds in one turn give up a Sudden Death victory
Armies that successfully summon more than 20% of their starting points value in extra
models will give up a Sudden Death victory condition to their opponent. Example in a
2000-point game, a player summoning *more than* 400 points would hand their
opponent a sudden death victory condition.
If a player has already given up a sudden death victory condition to their opponent, and
the other player generates one, these cancel each other out and neither sudden death
condition is applicable.
For example, if both armies can generate 20 or more mortal wounds, or if an army that
can generate more than 20 mortal wounds faces an army that summons more than 20% of
its points, there would be no sudden death. This is purely for armies that are made that
do not produce a lot of mortal wounds and will not be summoning a great number of free
models.Designer Note: Sudden Death was included in this ruleset as a means to
encourage more casual and “for fun” list building and to give casual lists a fair opportunity
to have good games against lists that are more power-oriented.


The walls of a fortress can provide haven for those within. Assaulting a fortress requires a
good deal of men, for taking the walls is never an easy task and many lives will be lost
undertaking the assault.
These rules were written to provide a more historical-based set of siege rules as opposed
to what was given by the Chaos Dreadhold book. The rules listed here override some of
the rules given for the terrain pieces within that book, and where a change has been made
it shall be noted, otherwise you can feel free to use the other pieces of the terrain scrolls in
that book.
The layout of the castle is up to the defender ultimately. He may make it take up as much
or as little space as he wishes, though the attacking force always has a deployment zone of
two full realm of battle tiles.


Siege Battleplan (All Out Assault)

During a siege, the defending force will always set up their entire force first. Their forces
may be deployed within the walls or 3” outside of the walls on the other side of the gate.
They may also deploy units within the keeps and towers and along the battlements of the
The attacker then deploys
their army in their
deployment territory. The
attacking army should have
24” from the fortress gate to
their forces and little terrain
will be placed unless
specifically desired by the
defender (the point of a
fortress also being able to see the enemy approach and not giving them much cover if they
assault the fortress walls, and a lot of space is required for that)
The Objective & Victory
After both sides have set up their forces, the defender may set up a single objective
anywhere inside the fortress that he wishes, to include inside of a keep. Indeed, in a level-
three stronghold, the well-fortified keep will house the objective, whereas in a level one or
two fortress the objective will be behind walls or along a battlement.
If at any time the enemy commander, his lieutenant (opposing player chooses one of his
heroes to be a lieutenant), or any of their UNITS ends the Battleshock phase within ½”
of the objective, and there are no friendly defending MODELS within ½” of the
objective, then the attacking army wins the siege.
The battle goes until either the enemy claims the objective, or one army completely
destroys the other.
Sieges & Summoning
Enemy wizards may never summon troops within the walls of a fortress if they are outside
of the walls as the walls will typically be warded against such things.


The following rule section amends the Chaos

Dreadhold battletome and either extends or
replaces certain rules as given below.
Not every battle will take place using a Chaos
Stronghold, and as Games Workshop releases
new fortress rules, this section will be errata’d.
There are four main components of siege
terrain: The Gate, Towers, Wall Sections, and
Inner Bastions or Keeps.

Also known as “Skull Keeps”. Towers have 15 wounds, a save of 1+, and are impervious
to weapons that do not have at least a rending value of -2.
Garrison: Towers can house a garrison.
Capacity: Towers can house 10 infantry-sized models, or 5 ogre-sized models per level of
the tower. Towers cannot contain models that have the MONSTER keyword.
Warmachines can garrison a building but must be set on top of the tower’s battlements.
Access Points: Towers require access points to enter and exit from. Units do not just
evaporate into a tower and evaporate out of one. It is possible to block a unit within a
tower by having models surround its access points.
Attacking a Tower: Enemy units can launch an attack against a tower simply by charging
the tower’s access points in the combat phase. Up to ten models per side may fight in the
melee phase.
Destroying a Tower: Towers that are destroyed should be replaced with a rubble pile.
Any unit(s) within the tower when it is destroyed must have a D6 rolled per model
within. On the roll of a 4+, the model suffers a MORTAL WOUND. If it survives it may
be placed up to 3” away from the rubble pile so long as it is also 3” away from an enemy
unit. Models that cannot do so are destroyed. Tower rubble is impassable terrain.


Also known as “Overlord Bastions”. Keeps hold the same rules as Towers, with the
exception that they have 20 wounds and the capacity increases to 20 models per level.
In melee combat, up to 20 models may participate per side.

Also known as “Malefic Gates”. Gates are often the weakest point on a fortress and thus
usually the focal point of any attack.
Gates have 10 wounds, a 1+ save, and are impervious to attacks that do not have a rend
value of -2 or greater. This includes weapons that do mortal wounds but do not have a
rend value of -2 or greater (the exception being the siege equipment).
Man the Gates!, Arcane Blast are both in effect (Refer to the gate warscroll)
Opening and Closing the Gate
The side that controls the fortress may open or close the gate in their HERO phase. The
opposing side must find another way into the fortress, usually accomplished by battering
the gate down through force or sorcery (or both). A gate can only be opened/closed
once per turn.

Fortress Walls
Walls make up a good portion of a fortress’s defenses. The battlements provide cover for
troops on top, and are difficult to control without powerful siege equipment.
Walls have 12 wounds and are impervious to weapons that do not have a rend value of -2
or greater.
Battlements – Models that are on the battlements are treated as if they were Garrisoning
while they control the wall section.
Destroying Battlements – When a wall section is brought to six wounds remaining, the
bonuses for Battlements is lost as the piece of scenery is now too damaged to provide that


Assaulting a Wall – An all-out assault on a wall section is deadly business. All units can
scale the wall and attack it either through grappling hooks or ladders by simply declaring a
charge against the wall section and rolling high enough to reach the wall. However,
fighting from a ladder against an opponent trying to kill you who is safe atop a battlement
makes things a bit more difficult.
Attackers are at -1 to hit (a 6 always hits) until they have successfully taken the wall.
The side that inflicts more damage during a melee phase is declared the winner and
controls the wall section.
Note: flying models that attack a wall do not suffer the above penalties when attacking
defenders atop a wall or battlement.
Damaging a Wall – Like towers, wall sections can be destroyed. Once a wall is destroyed,
all models on that section suffer a MORTAL WOUND on the roll of a 4+ and the wall
section should be replaced with a pile of rubble that now counts as Dangerous Terrain.
Models moving over it must roll a D6, and on a 1 they suffer a MORTAL WOUND.
Wall and Wall Section – A wall section is an individual piece of scenery. Multiple wall
sections compose a wall. The entire wall is defined as the point between one tower and
another. Taking a wall means taking the wall sections that make up that wall.



Scenario Siege Points

Before a game begins, each side will be given Siege Points which can be spent on
upgrades for their forces or for the fortress itself. The initial number of Siege Points given
to each side is equal to the level of the stronghold.
Defender Siege Points (1 Siege Point for one item, unless otherwise noted)
• Reinforced Gate – gives +D3 wounds to a gate section per point spent
• Rocks – may be bought for an entire wall – increases the Wall of Death roll from a
1 to a 1-2 as the defenders drop large boulders down on the climbing attackers
(refer to the Wall Section rules in Chaos Dreadhold for Wall of Death)
• Boiling Oil – bought for a gate section. During the HERO phase may be dumped.
Any units within 3” of the gate suffer D6 MORTAL WOUNDS. Boiling oil may
be used every turn.
• Artillery – defender may place a faction-based artillery piece on top of a tower


Attacker Siege Points (1 Siege Point for one item, unless otherwise noted)
• Log Ram – given to a unit – in the melee phase does D6 MORTAL WOUNDS to
a gate section. The player using the log ram may roll 2D6 and choose the highest
• Battering Ram – given to a unit – the unit cannot run and must have at least five
models to push the battering ram. In the melee phase does D6 MORTAL
WOUNDS to a gate section. Its roof provides cover for the unit pushing it and
offers a 4+ special save against MORTAL WOUNDS.
• Mantlets – given to a unit – the unit may deploy 2D6” closer to the fortress and
while behind the mantlet it provides cover. Mantlets may be pushed forward on
wheels. The unit cannot run.
• Siege Tower – given to a unit – unit deploys 2D6” closer to the fortress and the
unit may not run – requires at least ten models remaining in the unit to push – has
8 wounds and a 4+ save. Provides cover for the unit pushing it. Siege Towers that
are in contact with the walls allow the unit within to ignore the penalty for
assaulting walls (the defender receiving a cover bonus, and the defender being -2
to hit). Units inside of a siege tower that is destroyed suffer the same fate as being
inside a tower that is destroyed.
• Reinforced Battering Ram – identical to a Battering Ram except that the save is
increased to a 3+. This item costs 2 siege points.
• Reinforced Siege Tower – identical to a Siege Tower except that its save is
increased to a 3+ save. This item costs 2 siege points.
• Siege Artillery – the player may place a piece of artillery from his faction
• Explosives – one unit may be given explosives. If the unit charges a fortress
section, it may deploy the explosives. The explosives do D6 mortal wounds to the
section. This is a one-use item. Units with explosives that are hit by ranged attacks
and killed will cause their unit to suffer an additional Mortal Wound as they


Fighting in a Siege
A siege was not a quick affair, though in the interests of time this ruleset provides a
structure to resolve the actions of a siege fairly quickly but also leaves open the possibility
for players to explore playing out the entire siege from front to back.
When a siege is begun on a fortress or on a city with walls, the attacker sets the pace of the
siege while the defenders wait behind their walls. The attacker can instantly start with the
All-Out Assault scenario, as given at the beginning of this appendix.
However, sometimes patience is the better plan, and to simulate this the Attacker may
opt to wait and perform other actions which can benefit them. The Defender may also
perform actions if the final assault is not ordered, and such the siege moves from phase to
phase until time runs out and the attacker orders the final assault.
Time is not infinite however, and the attacker has a limited number of turns to order the
final assault. To represent this, at the beginning of every Siege Turn, roll a D6. On the
roll of a 6, the Final Assault must be declared. Add +1 to this roll for every turn that has
passed up to that point in the siege.
Beginning the Siege
The attacking player rolls a D6 to start the siege. ON the roll of a 1-3, the defenders have
spotted the attackers from a distance and send forth messengers to call for help. Play out
Scenario 1 – Send for Help! If the defenders win this, they may subtract one from the
Siege Turn dice to determine if time has run out. Additionally, they may choose to Bring
Reinforcements as an option.
If the attacking player rolls a 4-6 then they have caught the defenders off guard. Play
Scenario 2 – A Forlorn Hope.
Siege Turns
A siege turn is nothing more than a decision that the attacker or defender may make. The
attacker decides if they are performing the final assault or not, and the defender chooses
an option as well if the attacker is waiting.


Each option is laid out in detail below, and for brevity you may choose to roll on a chart to
determine its outcome, OR you can choose to fight it out in a Battleplan if you have the
time to do so.


Besieged Player’s Options

If the attacker decides to not call for the final assault then the besieged player may pick
one of the following options below.
Send For Help
You may elect to send messengers for help to summon allies to help lift the siege. To do
this, a messenger must break through enemy lines.
Play out Siege Battleplan 1: Messenger. If the Messenger breaks through then the
morale of the besieged troops is elevated and they receive a +1 to their Bravery during any
further scenarios. If successful, the Besieged Player will then be allowed to play out the
battleplan Bring Reinforcements.
Alternatively the Besieged Player may roll a D6, and on a 4+ this scenario will be
considered to have been successful.
You elect to open fire with your archers and with the artillery on your fortress. Choose
either archers or artillery bombardment option (artillery bombardment is only available
for level-three strongholds)
Bowfire – In the final assault scenario one unit (not a warmachine) in the besieging army
suffers 2D6 hits which wound on a 4+ with a rend of -1.
Artillery – Roll 6D6. For every 6 that is rolled, the enemy loses a point from his army in
the Final Assault. Duardin and Chaos Duardin need to score a 5+.
Sally Out
You open your gates and send forth a small elite force out to attack a vital part of the
besieging force’s army. You may target the opponent’s War Machines, Siege Equipment,
or Ammunition and Supplies. From there play out Siege Battleplan 7 – Sally Out.
Alternatively, you may roll a D6 and on the roll of a 4+ this mission is declared a success.
If you succeed then one of the following things happens depending on what you were
Heavy War Machines – The besieging army can no longer use the Bombardment option.


Siege Equipment – The besieging player loses D3 Siege Points, to a minimum of zero.
Ammunition and Supplies – The besieging player pays double points for his
Warmachines in the final assault representing the difficulty in finding replacement
machines and ammunition!
Bring Reinforcements
If Send For Help scenario was successful, the Besieged Player may opt to play out this
scenario, Battleplan 4 – Reinforcements. For each unit breaking through, the Besieged
Player may add D3 points to their force for the Final Assault, to a maximum of 5D3
points. These points may be used on any unit within the faction of the player.
Alternatively, the player may roll D6 and subtract 1 from the result to determine the
results of this Battleplan.
Construct Siege Equipment
You can choose to construct more Siege Points in preparation of the Final Assault. Doing
this adds an additional Siege Point to the total you may spend in the Final Assault.
Repair Defenses
This option allows you to repair any breaches in the defenses that may have occurred up
to this point. You may completely repair a tower, wall, or gate before the beginning of the
Final Assault.
All damage is
Duardin or
Duardin can
repair two
items if this
result is
chosen if they
roll a 4+.


Besieging Player’s Options

As noted above, before the Besieging player chooses an option, they must roll a D6. If the
result is a 6, they must call for the Final Assault. Add +1 to the roll for every siege-turn
that has been completed up to this point.
The player may also choose to call the Final Assault regardless. Calling the Final Assault
will set the final scenario in motion. Otherwise, the player may choose from one of the
options below.
You bombard the enemy’s stronghold with your siege artillery to weaken or bring it down
before a final assault. In the Final Assault scenario every wall section and tower of the
castle (but not the gate) suffers D3 MORTAL WOUNDS. Duardin and Chaos Duardin
roll D3 + 1 MORTAL WOUNDS.
This is a dangerous scenario but one which if you are successful can bring an entire wall
crashing down! Play Siege Battleplan 8 – Undermine. If you are victorious then one
entire wall in the Final Assault will suffer 2D6 MORTAL WOUNDS (Duardin and
Chaos Duardin may re-roll this result). The besieging player chooses the wall, but may
not choose the wall where the Gate is located.
Alternately roll a D6, and on the result of a 5+ the scenario is determined to be successful.
Starve Out
In this scenario, you will attempt to intercept supplies and starve the defending force out.
Play Siege Scenario 6 – Starve Out. Alternately you may roll a D6 and on a 4+ the
scenario is determined to be successful.
If you are victorious then the besieged player loses D3 models from every unit (not
heroes, warmachines, or monsters) in his force during the Final Assault. Duardin or
Chaos Duardin lose D3 – 1 models, and Ogors lose D6 models.
Test the Defense
You throw a part of your forces against a weak point in the fortress or some outlying
building. If you do this, play Siege Scenario 3 – Test the Defenses. Alternatively, the


scenario is successful if you roll a 5+. If you are victorious then the gates of the
stronghold will be destroyed before the start of the Final Assault.
You send forth spies and infiltrators within the stronghold to destroy supplies and storage
rooms. If you do this, play out Siege Scenario 5 – Infiltrate. Alternatively, on the roll of a
4+ this scenario is considered successful.
If victorious, then the defender pays double siege points for any of their equipment in the
Final Assault.
Construct Siege Equipment
You construct more Siege equipment, adding an additional Siege Point to your total for
the Final Assault.



Designer Note: If a side does not have enough points to fill out the battleplan, deploy what points the
side has

Siege Scenario 1 – Send for Help!

This scenario is an encounter between messengers riding off to summon aid and their
escort who have been dispatched by the defenders of the fortress, and they are facing the
vanguard of the besieging force who are determined to prevent them from getting word
The messenger’s goal is to cross the table and leave by the opposing edge. If a messenger
manages to do this, the defending player is declared the victor. The besieger’s goal is to
prevent any messengers from escaping off the table.
The outcome of this battleplan decides whether or not reinforcements arrive to help the
defending side in a later part of the siege.
Terrain and the Battlefield
Set up the battlefield however you and your opponent wish. The exception to this is that
there may be no impassable terrain features placed at all.
The forces are small, composed of few models. The two forces are created at 500 points
Besieging player may field one hero of no greater than 3 points, up to one flyer or flying
unit, up to two units that are mounted, and up to three infantry units.


The besieged player fields one hero (the messenger) of no greater than 3 points. He may
field an additional messenger which is pulled from one of the units as is a standard
trooper model. He may field up to two extra decoy messengers that are also standard
trooper models. The remainder of the force has no restriction.


Special Battleplan Rules

No special deployment rules may be used in this battleplan.
The besieged force deploys first and the besieged player chooses the center of one table
edge as his entry point. A 12” wide area in the center of the opposite edge will be his exit
point. The messengers and escort are deployed together within 12” of their entry point.
The besiegers deploy next, and can be deployed anywhere on the table that is more than
12” from the messengers and their escorts.
First Turn?
The besieged player goes first.
Scenario Duration
The game lasts until one messenger makes it off of the exit point or all messengers are
Quick Results
If no time is had to play out this scenario then the besieging player rolls a D6. On the roll
of a 4+ he has stopped the messengers. Otherwise, the messengers succeed in their
mission and escape off of the table.


Siege Scenario 2 – Forlorn Hope

This scenario is an encounter between a scouting patrol and the enemy invaders clashing!
While most fortresses are situated in areas where they get a commanding view of the
surrounding areas, there will obviously be blind spots in the terrain, and any good
commander will have constant scouting forces moving about the area searching out those
areas to prevent an unseen attack.
The scouting patrol in this scenario acts as a forlorn hope to delay the besieging army for
a few hours while the garrison can be alerted and preparations made for the impending
The patrol’s objective is to delay the enemy vanguard while a courier rushes back to the
stronghold to give warning of the impending attack. The besieging force’s objective is to
drive off or smash through this patrol.
The Battlefield
The besieged player sets up the terrain and then chooses a key feature of the battlefield.
This is the place chosen to hold at all costs. The key feature must be placed in the center
of the battlefield.
No terrain feature may be within 8” of this key feature. No impassable terrain may be
The scenario is designed for small armies of up to 750 per side. Each side may field one
hero of no greater than 150 points.
Battleplan Special Rules
Only the besieged player may use any special deployment rules. Additionally, all of the
besieged force is immune to Battleshock for this game.
The besieged player deploys first within his own zone, which is 12” from the center of the
table and 12” from the side edges. One unit MUST be deployed within 6” of the key


feature. The besieging player deploys on the opposite end of the table 12” from the
center and 12” from the side edges.


First Turn?
The besiegers go first.
Scenario Duration and Victory
The scenario lasts only four turns. The besieged must hold the key position for four turns
to win. This is the length of time it takes for their courier to get back to the stronghold.
At this point the besieged side’s patrol must fall back or be destroyed.
If a unit from the besieged force is within 6” of the key feature at the end of the fourth
turn, the besieged side wins, otherwise the game ends in a victory for the besieging side.
If the besieged side is victorious, the defenders lose 5 points from their forces as they were
caught outside of the gates and destroyed.
Quick Results
If no time is had to play out this scenario then the besieging player rolls a D6. On the roll
of a 4+ he has destroyed the enemy patrol. Otherwise, the courier makes it back to the


Siege Scenario 3 – Testing the Defenses

The besieging army is looking to maximize their advantage by surrounding the enemy as
soon as possible. This takes some time, and in the meantime an aggressive commander
may wish to find a weak spot in the fortresses defenses by launching a small assault while
scouts monitor the walls and structures for weak points, be it from years of neglect or
perhaps a gate lying open letting in people.
The besiegers attempt to attack these weak points quickly before the defenders can patch
up their defenses!
Even if the fortress itself has no weaknesses, an initial foray against the defenders will test
their heart. This scenario is an encounter between the garrison of the stronghold and an
advance party of the besiegers.
The defending player’s objective is to hold out for as long as they can, inflicting as many
casualties as they can. The attacker’s objective is to destroy the gate of the stronghold or
wipe out the garrison.
The Battlefield
The battlefield has the entirety of the fortress deployed. No terrain should be set up
within 24” of the walls. The besieged player may set up the castle however he wishes, but
the configuration should remain the same throughout the campaign.
The besieged player may buy up to 500 Points worth of troops. He may have one hero
and starts this scenario with 1 Siege Point that he may spend on defenses.
The attacking player has 1000 Points worth of troops. He may field one hero, up to one
war machine, and as many units as he wishes. He may spend up to 1 Siege Point on siege
equipment for this scenario.
The defending player deploys first within his own deployment zone which is anywhere
within his walls or within 3” outside of his walls. The attacking player may deploy


anywhere more than 24” from the castle. Only the defending player may use special
deployment rules allowed by their units.


First Turn?
The defending force has the first turn.
Scenario Duration and Victory
The game lasts for five turns. After this, the attacking player falls back and reviews the
data that he has pulled while organizing the main siege line’s construction.
If the attackers break the fortress gate or wipe out all of the defenders then the game ends
with the attackers winning. If the gate is still standing at the end of the fifth turn and there
are any defending troops left to defend it, then the besieged force is victorious.
Quick Results
The attacker may roll a D6 and on the roll of a 5+ his forces are victorious.



Siege Scenario 4 – Reinforcements

If the defending player was successfully in sending a messenger for help, then this
scenario recreates the battle between the force that was sent to reinforce the stronghold
and the besiegers battle lines. Note that this scenario can only occur one time during a
The objective of the relief force is to break through the enemy battle lines to the sieged
stronghold to bring in badly needed soldiers and supplies.
The objective the attacking force is to prevent these troops from getting through their
lines to reinforce the enemy.
The Battlefield
This battle takes place somewhere in the countryside near the fortress. Set up the table in
any agreeable fashion to reflect an area near the main fortress but not with the fortress on
the table.
The besieging player has 1000 Points for this battle. There are no restrictions except that
laid down by the campaign guidelines for forces.
The besieged player has 1500 Points for this battle. The force is designed to be fast and
not stationary. You must include at least one unit of mounted troops. Additionally, the
only war machines that can be taken are those that are able to move quickly with a move
characteristic of at least 5” or more. Stationary war machines such as cannons, stone
throwers, mortars, bolt throwers, repeating bolt throwers, etc, may not be fielded.
Use a standard deployment setup for this game.
Who has First Turn?
The besiegers have first turn, well-informed as they were of the approaching enemy.
Duration and Victory
The battle lasts for six turns. Any UNITS that the besieged player can get off the
opposing table edge counts for 100 points of reinforcements during the final battle.


Quick Results
The defender rolls 6D6. Any roll of a 6 represents 100 points added.


Siege Scenario 5 – Infiltrate

The attacking commander decides to send his spies into the walls of the enemy
stronghold to scope out any information, bring back data on the well-being of the enemy,
sabotage the defenses by burning buildings, spread false rumors and despair, poison the
water supply, or even open the gates to let in the invading army!
These agents can enter a fortress in a number of ways, from climbing through the sewers
or climbing over the walls at night. The defenders must stop spies infiltrating their
defenses in any way that they can.
This battleplan is between the enemy agents that have managed to get inside and the
guards who are guarding rations and supply stores.
The agent’s objective is to sabotage the food and ammunition and supply stores. They do
this by torching the warehouse and are hoping to escape in the confusion.
The guards’ task is to guard the warehouse and stop enemy agents from setting fire to
their supplies.

The Battlefield
This battle takes place on a 4x4 section with as many buildings as you can get on the table.
One table edge should be walls. Buildings should be at least 3” apart from each other.
The besieged side then declares which of the larger buildings will be the warehouse.

Neither side may choose any models with more than 1 wound on their profile. The
attacking side chooses six rank and file members to act as Agents. All six of these agents
are equipped with flaming torches and explosives.
The defender may field twelve sentries. These are rank and file members as well.

The defender deploys his sentries first anywhere on the table. The spies are deployed on


top of the walls. If they are deployed on the same wall as sentries they are considered to
start the game locked in hand to hand combat.
Who has First Turn?
The agents have the first turn.

Duration and Victory

The scenario lasts until all of the spies are dead, or the warehouse is ablaze. If the
warehouse is set on fire, the besiegers win. If the agents are all slain, the defenders win.
Special Rules
Night Visibility – the action takes place at night and the maximum range of all missile
weapons is 12”.
If a spy makes it into contact with the warehouse, roll a D6 during their next HERO
phase. On the roll of a 5+ the building catches on fire and the game is over. This roll is
made once per HERO phase so long as enemy spies are touching the building and not
engaged with the sentries in melee combat. For every additional spy touching the
building add +1 to the roll.
Quick Results
The attacking player rolls a D6. On the roll of a 4+ they succeed in setting fire to the


Siege Scenario 6 – Starve Out

This scenario is an encounter between a supply column determined to break through
enemy siege lines to resupply the stronghold.
Often the bloodless way of resolving a siege is to simply let the defenders starve behind
their walls. The enemy lines surrounding the fortress are thin at points and it is one of
these thin areas where the supply column will be striking.
The besieged force leading the supply caravan’s goal is to make sure that the wagon gets
safely through the enemy roadblock.
The besieger’s objective is to prevent the wagon from getting across the table and leaving
by his table edge. If the supply wagon leaves the table then the supplies have broken
through the roadblock and reach the stronghold.

The Battlefield


This battle takes place near a country lane near the stronghold which leads to a secret
gateway into the stronghold. This gateway was overlooked by the attackers who do not
know the area well. There are open fields on either side of the road which could be used
by the wagon as a last resort, but the going will be much slower.

The besieging force may take up to 500 points, which includes any hero up to 3 points.
The besieged player also has 500 points, which may include a hero of up to 3 points.
Additionally, they include a Wagon with a movement value of 8” on the road and D6” + 2
off the road. The wagon has five wounds and a 4+ save.

The besiegers deploy first within their deployment zone which is 12” from the center of
the table and 12” from the side edges. At least one unit must be placed so that it is
blocking the road. The besieged player then deploys, no closer than 24” to the unit
blocking the road.


Who has First Turn?

The besieging force has seen the wagon approaching so may go first.

Duration and Victory

The game lasts until the wagon exits the table via the besieging player’s table edge, or all
of the escorts are slain. If the wagon gets off the table then the besieged player wins.
Otherwise the besieger wins.
Quick Results
The besieged player rolls a D6. On the result of a 4+ the wagon makes it off the table.


Siege Scenario 7 – Sally Out

This scenario recreates a sudden attack by the defenders as they open up their gates and
send forth an elite attack force against a vital target of the besieger’s force to weaken their
pressure against the stronghold.
These forces sallying forth will often be the most courageous and powerful of the troops
within the stronghold, and will often (but not always) be heavy mounted cavalry, as they
require speed to achieve their objective, and speed to get back to the stronghold alive!
The objective of the besieged force is to destroy the enemy’s siege engines or supplies.
The besieger must prevent the destruction of their siege engines and supplies and defeat
the sallying force!

The Battlefield
The battle takes place with the castle and its surroundings, to include the trenches and
camps of the besieger. The besieger should set up the table as he will always set up his
table when the castle is present, in whatever configuration that he wishes (but should
remain constant throughout the siege). There should be no terrain within 24” of the

Both players choose a 1000 Point force. Any warmachines that the besieged player takes
must be placed atop a tower on the fortress. The besieged player should also have at least
one unit of mounted troops.

The besieging player sets up first in his deployment zone, which is the opposing end of
the fortress at least 30” from the gate. He then places an objective marker representing
his supplies, war machines, a siege tower, etc at the edge of his deployment zone 30” from
the gate. This is the objective of the sallying force. This objective does not move during
the game.


The besieged player then deploys his entire force inside of the castle and the gates are
Who has First Turn?
The besieged force goes first.

Duration and Victory

The scenario lasts for five turns. The objective must be destroyed before the end of the
last turn. To destroy the objective, the besieged player must move a unit of at least three
models into base contact with the objective. For each melee phase that the besieged force
stays in base contact with the target they roll a dice in the Battleshock phase. On the roll
of a 4+ they succeed in destroying it. One dice for each unit is rolled.
If the objective is destroyed, the besieged win. Otherwise the besiegers win.
Quick Results
The besieged player rolls a D6. On the result of a 4+ the objective is destroyed.


Siege Scenario 8 – Undermine

This scenario is an encounter between besieging sappers that have dug under the ground
in an attempt to undermine the fortress walls, and shock troops who have broken through
by means of a counter-mine.
The besieged force must defeat the enemy sappers and capture the mine so that it can be
blocked off. The besieger’s vanguard must defeat the counter mining attack and
complete the mining operation!


The Battlefield
This battle is around and underneath a tower which has been subjected to the besieger’s
undermining. A field of about 3’x3’ or so is needed. The terrain is nothing more than
boulders scattered out which count as impassable terrain that the mining teams must go

Both players choose a force of 500 Points. The besieging player chooses a hero and up to
three warscrolls of infantry, which cannot contain any command elements.

The besieged player chooses a hero and up to three units of infantry as well, which also
cannot contain any command elements.

The besiegers deploy first on their own side of the table within 12”. The besieged deploy
next anywhere they wish so long as they are not within 12” of the enemy.
Who has First Turn?
The besieged force goes first, taking the miners by surprise.

Duration and Victory

The scenario lasts four turns. If the besiegers win, the mining continues and the wall
collapses. Calculate victory points based on units that are completely slain.
Quick Results
The besieged player rolls a D6. On the result of a 4+ the mining is stopped.


Errata and FAQ

Q: Command Points cannot be given via battalions like normal games. Can we still buy
command points for 50 points per the core rules?
A: Yes
Rules Amendment: For summoning and sudden death. Additionally, if the summoning
player started the game at a disadvantage in points (for example, had 2000 points and
their opponent had 2,250 points) then they may add that difference in points to the
amount they may summon before sudden death considerations are used.
At 2000 points they normally may summon 400 points without sudden death. However
in a 2,250 point vs 2000 point game, the 2000 point player would be able to summon 650
points (20% + the 250 point difference).
In a point mismatch game, both players would use 20% of the lowest point value army
before sudden death considerations were used.
Example: 2,250 point army would use 20% of 2000 points allowed to summon.


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