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Soup Kitchen
About Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI) A Community Outreach Effort

Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI) is a project-oriented Soup kitchens can be found in many of the world's cities. They exist to
voluntary charitable organisation dedicated towards addressing the provide basic meals to those who go hungry, not because they are lazy or
welfare and needs of women, children and the elderly. For 50 years are looking for handouts, but because they simply cannot get enough food
PERTIWI has played a vital role in providing various forms of assistance. or proper nutrition. Those in need may include children, their parents and
This included lobbying for women's rights in Malaysia, educating, the elderly. Malaysia's economic success and prosperity has ensured that
nurturing and empowering women, while maintaining their traditional hunger is not a matter of not having any food at all, but whether those in
family role. Some of PERTIWI's social missions and welfare activities need are getting enough food on a regular basis and whether we care
include the provision of literacy skills and education awareness seminars, enough to provide food to them.
provision of medical aid to remote villages, sponsorships for educating
foster children, and the provision of skills training for single mothers, PERTIWI Soup Kitchen project was established to provide regular meals at
among other programmes. PERTIWI's activities are run by a central various locations around Kuala Lumpur on a regular basis. This community
committee and by groups of volunteers from all walks of society. To help outreach effort was established and continues to be managed by
extend its reach into the community, PERTIWI commenced its mobile Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI), one of Malaysia's longest
soup kitchen project in 2010 to provide free meals and other assistance running NGOs, with the support of corporate and individual sponsors.
to the homeless and urban poor community in Kuala Lumpur.

Soup kitchens provide an important way to give back to the community How You Can Help
by offering healthy meals to those who are in need. This project works There are three ways you can help:
towards the following objectives: 1) The public or corporations can contribute by donating funds to
• To distribute basic pre-packaged healthy meals and clean water pay for the cost of the meals provided. To make a financial
4 nights a week in the inner-city neighbourhoods where various contribution to this project, kindly make contributions in favour of
recipient groups are located. 'PERTIWI', RHB Account Number 2-14035-10201591. All
• To raise awareness on the number of homeless and urban poor in donations are tax-exempted pursuant to Section 44(6) Income Tax
our city. Act 1967.
• To encourage corporate and media sponsorship, and regular 2) Soup kitchens attract public interest because the experience of
volunteer participation to feed the hungry. feeding someone who is hungry is immediately rewarding. If you
are able to contribute your time on a regular basis, even once a
PERTIWI Soup Kitchen provides a humanitarian food-aid service to the month, you may be interested in becoming a volunteer.
homeless and urban poor irrespective of race or religion. By interacting
3) You can also help by telling people about this important
with various destitute inner-city communities on a regular basis,
community project.
additional support has been given to assist those who are ready to

become more independent. Meanwhile, our mobile medical service
For further information, please call Datuk Munirah Hamid 012-2363639
under PERTIWI Health Services helps those who seek basic treatment for

common ailments.
Or email us at [email protected]

Distribution Locations and Frequency
Or view our work on Facebook page PERTIWI Soup Kitchen
Distribution Locations: Medan Tuanku, Pusat Transit Gelandangan Jalan
Pahang and Anjung Singgah every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and
Friday from 9:00PM to 11:00PM.

We also distribute lunch packs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from
noon to 2:00PM at Medan Tuanku and Pusat Transit Gelandangan Jalan

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