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Starter unit p4 A classroom p5 Possessive ’s and subject and object pronouns;
board, dictionary, shelf, laptop, etc. Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives;
Object pronouns


1 p8–9 Free time p10 What are you into? p11 have got p12 Hobbies and interests
Your martial arts, computer games, Prepositions: about, of, by actor, guitar, laptop, group, etc.
Build your vocabulary: Verbs
interests watching TV, meeting friends, etc.
expressing preference Study strategy: Using a mind map
Key phrases: How to talk about

Review: Unit 1 p16  Project: Poster: About you p17

2 p18–19 Places in a town p20 A description of a p21 Is there … ?, Are there … ? p22 Describing places
City to city train station, offices, library, shops, modern city quiet, dirty, safe, etc.
Key phrases: Expressing
Study strategy: Finding quantity
Language point: there is, there are spelling rules
+ a, an, some and any
Build your vocabulary:

Review: Unit 2 p26  Cumulative review: Starter – Unit 2 p27

3 p28–29 Countries, nationalities p30 A cosmopolitan city p31 Present simple: p32 Routines
Around the and languages affirmative and negative have lunch, watch TV, do my
Build your vocabulary:
world British, Spanish, Polish, etc. homework, go to bed, etc.
Irregular plurals
Key phrases: Guessing answers Study strategy: Predicting
Language point: Adverbs of

Review: Unit 3 p36  Project: City profile p37

4 p38–39 Animals p40 The red list p41 Present continuous: p42 Verbs: animal behaviour
The wild side snake, frog, elephant, bear, etc. affirmative and negative feed, eat, dig, build, etc.
Build your vocabulary:
Key phrases: Speculating about Recognizing verbs
things you see and hear

Review: Unit 4 p46  Cumulative review: Starter – Unit 4 p47

5 p48–49 Activities in and out of p50 Boarding school p51 can for ability and p52 Food and drink
In and out of school permission salad, chips, soup, sweets, etc.
Build your vocabulary:
school maths, science, basketball, music,
Collocations Key phrases: Requesting, Study strategy: Extending
giving and refusing vocabulary
Key phrases: Time expressions permission

Review: Unit 5 p56  Project: My dream school p57

6 p58–59 Jobs p60 The history of English p61 was, were; there was, p62 Strange Town USA
Names and inventor, fire fighter, explorer, names there were named, established, discovered, etc.
places writer, etc.
Build your vocabulary: Study strategy: Multiple-choice
Key phrases: Talking about jobs Name words listening

Review: Unit 6 p66  Cumulative review: Starter – Unit 6 p67

7 p68–69 Sport p70 Video games p71 Past simple: regular p72 Describing people
Games cycling, swimming, ice-hockey, and irregular verbs tall, short, blonde, dark, etc.
Build your vocabulary:
skiing, etc.
Making nouns from verbs Study strategy: Using the
Key phrases: Comparing answers Workbook irregular verbs
Review: Unit 7 p76  Project: Trump card game p77

8 p78–79 Travel equipment p80 An adventure story p81 be going to: p82 Weather conditions
Expedition map, compass, rope, rucksack, etc. affirmative, negative and windy, stormy, rainy, sunny, etc.
Build your vocabulary:
Language point: Imperatives Describing emotions Study strategy: Nouns from

Review: Unit 8 p86  Cumulative review: Starter – Unit 8 p87

English Plus Options: p88 Extra listening and speaking; p96 Curriculum extra; p104 Culture; p112 Vocabulary puzzles
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p6 Days of the week and months p7 be: affirmative, negative and questions
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January, February, March, etc.
Key phrases: Adding emphasis


p13 Interrogative p14 Meeting people p15 An email p88 Extra listening and speaking: Identifying people
pronouns p96 Curriculum extra: Visual arts: Colour
Key phrases: Key phrases: Email
p104 Culture: Young people around the world
Greeting and introducing introduction
p112 Vocabulary puzzles: Free time
Language point: and, or, but
Language point: this, that,
these, those

p23 Comparative p24 Asking for travel p25 A description of a town p89 Extra listening and speaking: Giving personal
adjectives information information
Key phrases: Describing a
p97 Curriculum extra: Geography: Reading a map
Key phrases: Asking for travel town/city
p105 Culture: The United Kingdom
Language point: Position of p113 Vocabulary puzzles: Places in a town;
Language point: Prepositions: adjectives Describing places
by and on

p33 Present simple: p34 Talking about likes and p35 Country and language p90 Extra listening and speaking: Talking about
questions dislikes report timetables
p98 Curriculum extra: Language and literature:
Key phrases: Likes and dislikes Key phrases: Country fact-file
Non-verbal language
Language point: Punctuation p106 Culture: The English-speaking world
p114 Vocabulary puzzles: Countries and
nationalities; Routines

p43 Present continuous: p44 Phoning a friend p45 A description of a wildlife p91 Extra listening and speaking: Talking about
questions photo future arrangements
Key phrases: Talking on the
p99 Curriculum extra: Natural science: Animals
Present continuous and phone Key phrases: Describing
p107 Culture: National parks
present simple wildlife
Study strategy: Improving p115 Vocabulary puzzles: Animals; Animal behaviour
pronunciation Language point: because

p53 Countable and p54 Making, accepting and p55 An email about school p92 Extra listening and speaking: Ordering food
uncountable nouns: refusing invitations p100 Curriculum extra: Physical education:
Key phrases: Giving
a/an, the, some, any, Rules of a game
Key phrases: Invitations information about school
much, many and a lot of p108 Culture: Home schooling
Language point: Giving p116 Vocabulary puzzles: Activities in and out of
examples school; Food and drink

p63 Past simple of regular p64 Last weekend p65 An article about a town p93 Extra listening and speaking: Talking about
verbs a film or TV programme
Key phrases: Talking about Key phrases: City history
p101 Curriculum extra: Language and literature:
Past time expressions the weekend
Language point: Time Myths and legends
Key phrases: Past time expressions p109 Culture: Roman Britain
expressions p117 Vocabulary puzzles: Jobs; Regular verbs

p73 Past simple: p74 Talking about past events p75 A profile p94 Extra listening and speaking: Talking about
questions video games
Key phrases: Asking about the Key phrases: Sports biography
p102 Curriculum extra: Technology: The internet
Language point: also p110 Culture: Britain’s favourite games
p118 Vocabulary puzzles: Sport; Describing people

p83 will and won’t p84 Making and responding p85 A blog p95 Extra listening and speaking: The weather
to suggestions forecast
Key phrases: Writing a blog
p103 Curriculum extra: Natural science: Weather
Key phrases: Making and
Language point: so and climate
responding to suggestions
p111 Culture: Famous explorers
p119 Vocabulary puzzles: Travel equipment;
Weather conditions


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