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11 On the move
LANGUAGE have to/don’t have to ■ travel and transport

11A Getting to work

1 A What forms of transport can you see in pictures a–d? What other forms of transport can you think of?

a b c d

B How do you usually travel to these places? Tell a partner.

• your work or place of study • your English class • the supermarket
A I always go to my English class by bus. B Really? I drive.

Go to Vocabulary practice: travel and transport, page 155

2 A Read the introduction to the text. Complete the three definitions with the correct words.
1 (verb): to travel to work 3 (noun): people who are travelling
2 (noun): the journey to work to work
B Read the rest of the text. Which forms of transport does it mention?

THE WORLD’S hris Roberts is a doctor with Australia’s Royal Flying
Doctor Service. He spends about 90 minutes every
day in a plane and he often has to fly to some
of the most remote places in Australia – places where
there are no airports. ‘I love flying to work,’ he says,
‘but we have to look out for kangaroos when we land,
Do you have a long journey especially at night.’

to work? Do you have to sit nger Bojesen is a journalist in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her
in traffic for hours or fight journey to work is a 30-minute bike ride. In Copenhagen,
with thousands of other 45% of people travel to work by bike. There are cycle lanes
commuters for a place on the and special traffic lights for cyclists, so they don’t have to
underground? It doesn’t have wait with all the cars and buses. And it’s very safe. ‘I love
to be stressful to commute.
my commute,’ says Inger. ‘It’s really fast and it’s free!’

Here are three of the world’s ohn Douglas is an engineer at a power station on
coolest commutes. beautiful Lake Manapouri in New Zealand. There are no
roads to the power station, so John has to drive to the
ferry port and then he and his co-workers have to travel
across the lake by boat. It’s called the ‘Z’ boat because
‘zzzz’ is the sound of workers sleeping during the journey!
‘It’s a great way to start the day,’ says John.

3 Read the text again. Who do you think says the following about his/her commute: Chris, Inger or John?
1 It’s a really quiet commute and the scenery is beautiful.
2 Sometimes I see some interesting animals during my journey.
3 I love doing some exercise on my way to work.
4 I take two different forms of transport to get to work.
5 I can also go to work by car or bus if I want.
6 I travel at different times of the day.


200 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 62; photocopiable activity 11A Vocabulary

On the move 11

UNIT 11 OVERVIEW: This unit looks at travel and transport. Sts read about some interesting commutes to
work and talk about their own journey to work. They then read a text about two complete strangers who
went on a three-week trip together and talk about things they would like to do in the future. They read about
a very long road trip and plan their own ‘holiday of a lifetime’. Finally, sts watch/listen to people checking
into a hotel and then practise their own conversations for arriving at a hotel.

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Speaking
have to/don’t have to; Travel and transport; have to; sentence stress Reading for detail; Arriving at a hotel;
be going to holiday activities adverbs of probability checking information

11A Getting to work

Sts read about some interesting journeys to work, using unusual forms of transport. They practise talking about signs and
end by discussing their own journeys to work.

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Communication

have to/don’t Travel and transport (bike, boat, bus, car, coach, ferry, foot, have to Talking about
have to helicopter, motorbike, plane, scooter, ship, taxi, train, tram, travel and
underground, van) transport

WARMER Answers
Ask: Do you like travelling? Where was the last place you 1 commute  2 commute  3 commuters
visited? Elicit a few answers, and ask more questions to
encourage sts to say more, e.g. Who did you go with? What did B Sts read the rest of the text and note down the forms of
you do there? Would you recommend it as a place to visit? Ask: transport it mentions. Check the answers.
What form of transport did you use to get there? Elicit answers
and ask: Do you like travelling by (train)? Why/Why not? Answers
plane, bike, car, ferry, boat
1 A Sts work in pairs to identify the forms of transport in
the pictures and think of other forms of transport. Check
answers for the four photos, then build up a list on the 3 Sts read the text again and decide who might say each of
board of other forms of transport sts have thought of. the sentences. Check answers.
Check that sts understand them all.
Answers 1 John  2 Chris  3 Inger  4 John  5 Inger  6 Chris
The photos show travelling by bus, train, boat/ferry and taxi.
3 x PRACTICE  SB page 94, exercise 3
B Sts work in pairs to discuss how they travel to the
different places. Ask some sts to tell the class something 1 Do exercise 3 as normal. To check answers, divide the
about their partner. class into three groups: Chris, Inger, John. Read out each
sentence and ask each group: Might you say this? Why?
Go to Vocabulary practice: travel and transport, SB page 2 Sts cover the text and look at the sentences again. They
155/TB page 323. work in pairs and try to remember what the text said in
Sts will find more language presentation and practice for relation to each of the sentences. They can look at the
travel and transport here. Do these exercises with the class, text again to check.
or set them for homework, before continuing with exercise
2A of lesson 11A. 3 Sts work in their pairs. They choose a picture from
exercise 1A and think of something that one of the
Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study people in it might say about their journey to work.
vocabulary practice of travel and transport. Ask pairs in turn to say their sentences to the class.
Encourage sts to speak with feeling, so they sound
2 A Sts read the introduction and complete the definitions. enthusiastic or fed up about their commute. Other sts
Check answers and model pronunciation of the words. can try to identify the correct picture.
have to/don’t have to ■ travel and transport LANGUAGE 11A
4 A Complete the sentences and question with words from the text.
1 We look out for kangaroos when we land.
2 Cyclists wait with all the cars.
3 John drive to the ferry port.
4 you sit in traffic for hours?
B Complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box and check.
After have to or has to, we use the form of the verb.

Grammar have to/don’t have to

We use have to/has to to say that We use don’t have to/doesn’t have to to
something is necessary: say that something isn’t necessary:
We have to go there by plane. You don’t have to go to work by car.
She has to drive to work. It doesn’t have to be stressful to commute.
Do you have to get the train to work?

Go to Grammar practice: have to/don’t have to, page 132

5 A 11.3 Pronunciation: have to/has to Listen and repeat.
1 I don’t have to go by boat. 3 He has to go by bike.
2 Do you have to work today? 4 She has to get up early.

B 11.4 Say the sentences. Listen, check and repeat.

1 You have to go to work on the underground. 4 He doesn’t have to go to school on Sundays.
2 We don’t have to work today. 5 Do you have to go home by bus?
3 She has to wear a uniform. 6 Does she have to drive to work?

6 A Look at the signs and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box with have to/don’t have to.

pay turn off leave

1 You your phone. 2 You to go in. 3 You your dog outside.

B In pairs, explain what the signs mean. Use have to and don’t have to.
a b c

day part
0th birth
Sara’s 3 th March
7.30 pm n Bar
tu d e n t’ s Unio
S ts!
No prese

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 165, Student B page 174

7 A Ask and answer questions about your partner’s commute to work or place of study.
How do you get to work? I have to drive because there aren’t any buses.

B Work with a different partner. Tell him/her about your first partner’s journey.
Ana works at the airport. She goes there on the underground. It’s usually very busy and she has to stand.

Personal Best Write a paragraph about your favourite form of transport and why you like it. 95

202 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 62;

00; photocopiable activity 11A Grammar
4 A Sts complete the sentences with words from the text on B Sts work in pairs and explain what the signs mean,
page 94. Check answers. using have to and don’t have to. Check answers with the
1 have to Suggested answers
2 don’t have to a You have to stop.
3 has to b You have to go/turn left.
4 Do, have to c You don’t have to bring presents.

B Sts look at the sentences in exercise 4A again and Go to Communication practice

complete the rule. They could work in pairs for this. Check Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All ‘Student
the answer. A’ sts should go to SB page 165. All ‘Student B’ sts should
go to SB page 174. Go to TB page 343 for the teacher
Answer notes. Do the activity, then continue with exercise 7A of
infinitive lesson 11A.
7 A Elicit one or two questions with have to that sts could
Grammar ask about their partner’s commute, e.g. Do you have to
Read the Grammar box with sts about have to/don’t leave home early? Do you have to drive? Do you have to
have to. Point out that the form of have changes buy your ticket in advance? Allow sts time to prepare their
according to the person (I have, he/she has, etc), but questions individually. Sts then work in pairs to ask and
the verb after to is always in the infinitive form. Explain answer questions about their commute to work or school.
that have to is used when something is necessary, and B Sts work in new pairs and give details of their first
don’t/doesn’t have to is used when something isn’t partner’s journey. Remind them to use has to/doesn’t have
necessary. Ask questions to check concept. to. Ask who learned about an interesting journey to work.
Concept check questions: Ask sts to tell the class about any interesting journeys their
I have to go by train – do I choose to do this? (no – it’s classmates have.
necessary – I have no choice). I don’t have to drive – is
it necessary? (no). Can I choose to use a different form
of transport? (yes). She have to walk to work – correct? PERSONAL BEST
(no – she has to walk). He don’t have to travel very far – Sts can practise talking about travel and transport further.
correct? (no – he doesn’t have to). They write a paragraph about their favourite form of
transport and why they like it. Sts can compare their
Go to Grammar practice: have to/don’t have to, SB page paragraphs in pairs. Discuss with the class which forms of
132/TB page 277. transport most people like and dislike.
Sts will find more language reference, presentation
With weaker sts, write the following gapped sentences on the
and practice for have to/don’t have to here. Do these
exercises with the class, or set them for homework, before
continuing with exercise 5A of lesson 11A. I like travelling by ... because ...
I don’t like travelling by ... because ...
Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study
grammar practice of have to/don’t have to. I would love to travel by ... because ...
Sts complete the sentences with their own ideas. They can
5 A 11.3   Allow sts time to read through the sentences. compare their sentences in pairs. Discuss with the class which
Play audio track 11.3. See the SB page opposite for audio forms of transport sts would like to try and why.
script. Sts listen to the pronunciation of have to. Play the
audio track again for sts to repeat.
B 11.4   Sts work in pairs to practise saying the
sentences. Play audio track 11.4 for sts to listen, check and
repeat. See the SB page opposite for audio script.
6 A Read through the verbs in the box with the class and
pre-teach if necessary. Sts look at the signs and complete
the sentences with the correct verb forms. Allow sts time
to compare their answers in pairs, then check answers
with the class.

1 have to turn off
2 don’t have to pay
3 don’t have to leave

7 SKILLS READING reading for detail ■ adverbs of probability

11B Looking for Elizabeth Gallagher

1 A Imagine you can go on a trip to anywhere in the world for three weeks. Write down the
countries you’d like to visit.
B In pairs, compare your lists. Say one thing you’d like to do in each country.

2 Read the text about Jordan Axani and Elizabeth Gallagher. What was unusual about their trip?

Skill reading for detail

When you read a text, first look at the pictures and title, then skim the text to understand the main ideas.
After that, read the questions carefully. Underline any key words. Find the part of the text with the
information you need and read it slowly and carefully. The questions may repeat key words from the text
or they may express the ideas in a slightly different way.

3 Read the Skill box. Answer the questions.

1 When did Jordan and his girlfriend’s relationship end?
2 What did Jordan do about their holiday when their relationship ended?
3 What happened when Jordan put an advert on Reddit?
4 How was Jordan and Elizabeth’s relationship at the end of the trip?
5 What did Jordan do after the trip?

4 Match the questions to the paragraphs. Then write the answers.

1 How old is Jordan? 2
2 How long was the around-the-world trip?
3 How many people responded to Jordan’s advert?
4 Where did Jordan and Elizabeth spend Christmas Day?
5 Which city was Jordan and Elizabeth’s favourite?

5 Read the Text builder. Complete the table with the adverbs in the box.

Text builder adverbs of probability

We use adverbs of probability to say how certain we feel about something.

Maybe and perhaps usually come at the beginning of a clause:
Maybe one day there will be a film about their adventures.
Other adverbs of probability usually come before the main verb, but after the verb be:
Things definitely felt a little strange at first. Prague was possibly their favourite place.

definitely maybe perhaps possibly probably certainly

It’s certain It’s almost certain It’s not certain

6 A Look at the list of activities below. Tick ( ) the ones you’d definitely like to do, put a
question mark (?) next to the ones you’d possibly like to do and a cross (X) next to the ones
you definitely wouldn’t like to do.
ride an elephant fly in a helicopter play an instrument
climb a volcano appear on TV run a marathon
write a book learn a new skill do a parachute jump
B Compare your ideas in pairs.
A I’d definitely like to ride an elephant. B Really? I definitely wouldn’t like to do that! I’d like to climb a volcano.


204 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 63; photocopiable activity 11B Skills
11B Looking for Elizabeth Gallagher
Sts read about a man who decided to find a replacement travel companion for a trip after his relationship with his
girlfriend ended. They then discuss things they would like to do in the future.

Reading Skill Text builder

A text about a man who was left with travel tickets in his girlfriend’s name after they Reading for detail Adverbs of
broke up, so decided to find someone with the same name to be his travel companion probability

WARMER 4 Sts match the questions to the paragraphs, then answer

Ask: What makes a good travel companion? What kind of the questions. Check the answers.
person should they be? Elicit a few answers, then ask: Do you
need to know someone well to go travelling with them? Could Answers
you enjoy travelling with a stranger? Why/Why not? Elicit a 1 28 – paragraph 2  2  three weeks – paragraph 2
range of answers. 3 1,200 – paragraph 3  4  Vienna – paragraph 4
5 Prague – paragraph 4
1 A Sts work individually to write down the countries they
would most like to visit. Monitor, and help with the names Text builder
of countries if necessary.
Read the Text builder box with sts about adverbs of
B Sts compare their answers in pairs and explain what probability. Explain that we use adverbs of probability
they would like to do in each place. Ask some sts to tell the to express how certain or uncertain we feel about
class about one of the countries their partner would like to something. Explain that it can be about things that are
visit and why. in the present, past or future, e.g. That’s possibly his
new girlfriend (present), It was definitely my favourite
2 Read out the question, then ask sts to read the text and place (past), Maybe we’ll go on holiday together (future).
find the answer. Remind them that when they read a
Point out the position of maybe and perhaps at the
text for the first time, they should look at the pictures
beginning of sentences, and point out the position of
and title to get an idea of what it is about, then skim it
the other adverbs before a main verb but after be. Ask
to understand the main ideas. You could set a time limit
questions to check concept.
for this exercise, to encourage sts to skim the text quickly.
Check the answer. Concept check questions:
What do adverbs of probability tell us? (how certain
Answer someone is about something). Maybe and perhaps –
They didn’t know each other before they set out. same meaning? (yes). Where do they usually go in a
sentence? (at the beginning). Which is more certain –
definitely or possibly? (definitely). I saw definitely Max
Skill at the concert – correct? (no – I definitely saw Max). His
Read the Skill box with sts about reading for detail. train was probably late – correct? (yes).
Point out that they need to read each question very
carefully to find out exactly what information they 5 Sts complete the table with the adverbs. They could
are looking for in the text. They need to then find the work in pairs for this. Check answers, and check that sts
correct part of the text and read it very carefully to find understand all the adverbs.
the answer. Point out that the correct answer may not
use the same words as the question, so they need to Answers
think about the meaning of the words, and not assume It’s certain: definitely, certainly
that an answer is correct just because it uses a word It’s almost certain: probably
that is in the question. It’s not certain: maybe, perhaps, possibly

3 Sts read the text again and answer the questions. Check 6 A Allow sts time to read through the list of activities.
the answers. Explain any words that they don’t understand. Sts then
add a tick, question mark or cross to each ambition.
1 A month before their holiday started
B Ask two confident sts to read out the example answer.
Point out that we use Really? to express surprise. Sts work
2 He contacted the airline about Elizabeth’s ticket. / He
in pairs to compare their ideas. Ask some pairs to tell the
decided to find a woman with the same name as his
girlfriend. class which of their partner’s answers they found the most
3 Eighteen Canadian women called Elizabeth Gallagher surprising.
contacted him.
4 They were like brother and sister.
5 He started to write a book.

reading for detail ■ adverbs of probability READING SKILLS 11B

LOOKING FOR 2 That’s exactly what happened to 28-year-old

Jordan Axani from Canada. He booked a three-

week-long holiday with his girlfriend, but their
relationship ended a month before the holiday
started. Jordan didn’t want to cancel his holiday
but he didn’t want to go alone. The airline told

Jordan that it was impossible to change the
names on the tickets, so he decided to find a
woman with a Canadian passport and with
the same name as his ex-girlfriend: Elizabeth
1 It’s like a story from a film: a couple
3 Jordan put an advert on the website Reddit and
plans a romantic trip around the world,
about 1,200 women contacted him. Of those
but then they break up. The boyfriend
1,200 women, eighteen had the name Elizabeth
doesn’t want to go on the trip by himself,
Gallagher and a Canadian passport. Jordan chose
but he can’t change the names on the
a 23-year-old student from Nova Scotia to come
tickets. He has to go alone … or he has to
with him on the trip.
find another woman with the same name
as his ex-girlfriend. So he starts looking 4 Jordan and Elizabeth had an amazing trip; they
for one … saw some beautiful places and met some great
people. They went to New York, Paris, Venice and
Bangkok. They spent Christmas Day in Vienna
and New Year in Hong Kong. Prague was possibly
their favourite place. Did they become friends?
Yes, they did. Elizabeth thought that things
definitely felt a little strange at first, but, after a
while, they were like brother and sister. Elizabeth
had a boyfriend back in Canada, so she and
Jordan probably got on better because of this.
5 So, what’s next for Jordan and Elizabeth?
Elizabeth went back to her life in Nova Scotia.
But Jordan is writing a book and – who knows –
maybe one day there really will be a Hollywood
film about their adventures together.

Personal Best Imagine you are Jordan or Elizabeth. Write an email to a friend at home telling him/her about your trip. 97

206 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 63

Sts can practise talking about travel further. They imagine
they are Jordan or Elizabeth and write an email to a friend
about their trip. Sts can compare their emails in pairs.
Weaker sts can work in pairs and write down three things that
Jordan possibly said to his friends after his trip, and three
things Elizabeth said. They can compare their sentences in
small groups.

Ask sts to cover the text on page 97. Write the following
gapped sentences on the board:
1 Jordan and his girlfriend ___ a romantic trip.
2 Jordan didn’t want to ___ on the trip by himself.
3 Jordan ___ a three-week-long holiday with his girlfriend.
4 Jordan didn’t want to ___ his holiday.
5 Jordan and Elizabeth ___ an amazing trip.
Point out that the sentences all include the words trip or
holiday, and the missing words are all verbs that go with these
nouns. Sts work in pairs and try to complete the sentences
from memory. They can look at the text again to check their
answers. Check the answers, and check that sts understand
all the verbs. Point out to sts that it is important to learn verbs
that collocate with nouns.

1 planned  2 go  3 booked  4 cancel  5 had

Ask: What would be the advantages and disadvantages of going
on a trip with someone you don’t know? Elicit a few ideas, then
put sts into pairs and ask them to think of three advantages
and three disadvantages. Elicit sts’ ideas and have a brief
class discussion. Ask: Would you answer an advert looking
for someone with your name? Why/Why not? Elicit a range of

11 LANGUAGE be going to and future time expressions ■ holiday activities

11C Road trip

1 A Complete the questions about holidays with the verbs in the box.

visit go (×3) relax stay

1 Do you prefer to to the beach or to the mountains?

2 Do you prefer to in a hotel or on a campsite?
3 Do you prefer to sightseeing or by the pool?
4 Do you prefer to a castle or shopping for gifts?
B Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Go to Vocabulary practice: holiday activities, page 156

2 Read the text. What is the connection between the two pictures?


The best road trip

In the early 1940s, Sullivan Richardson, a journalist from
Detroit, got into his white Chrysler car with two friends
and drove 14,000 miles from North America to the very
bottom of South America.
It’s one of the greatest adventures by car of all time. There
were no roads for a lot of their journey. The three men
drove over mountains and through deserts and jungles.
At night, they camped next to the car. People said the journey was
impossible, but after nine months and one day, they finally reached their destination in Chile.
It was the trip of a lifetime! Now, more than 75 years later, friends Jack Reid and Ben Davis
are going to do a similar journey along the longest road in the world – the Pan-American
Highway, but in a campervan!

3 11.6 Listen to an interview with Jack and Ben. Complete the chart with information about
the trip.

Sullivan Richardson’s trip Jack and Ben’s trip

Starting point Detroit 1

Length of journey nine months 2

Where / stay? camped next to the car 3

Sightseeing? no 4

4 A 11.6 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 We’re going to from Arizona.
2 We aren’t going to all the way to Chile.
3 Where are you going to ?
4 Are you going to the same places as Sullivan?
5 We’re going to a volcano in Guatemala.
6 We’re going to trekking in Costa Rica.
B Choose the correct options to complete the rules. Then read the Grammar box and check.
1 We use be going to to talk about the present / future.
2 After be going to, we use the -ing / infinitive form of the verb.


208 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 64; photocopiable activity 11C Vocabulary
11C Road trip
Sts read about an extremely long road trip, and read a conversation about holiday plans. They then plan their own
‘holiday of a lifetime’.

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Communication

be going to Holiday activities (go on holiday for a long time, go sightseeing, go Sentence stress Talking about your
and future time surfing, go to the beach, go to the mountains, go trekking, have a perfect holiday
expressions good time, relax on the beach, relax by the pool, stay in a hotel, stay
in an apartment, stay on a campsite, stay with friends, visit a castle)

WARMER Go to Vocabulary practice: holiday activities, SB page

156/TB page 325.
Tell sts you are going to write a word on the board, and they Sts will find more language presentation and practice for
must write down the first word that comes into their head holiday activities here. Do these exercises with the class, or
when they see the word. Tell them not to think about it, but set them for homework, before continuing with exercise 2
just to write the first word they think of. Write the word of lesson 11C.
holiday on the board. Ask sts in turn to tell the class the word
that they wrote. Write the words on the board. Discuss as Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study
a class what the words show about how people feel about vocabulary practice of holiday activities.
2 Focus on the two photos and elicit what they show. Sts
1 A Allow sts time to read the questions. Pre-teach beach, read the text to find out the connection between the two
mountains, campsite, sightseeing, pool, castle and gifts if photos. Check the answer.
necessary. Sts complete the questions with the correct
verbs. Check answers. Answer
They’re both of the same journey but one journey was 75
Answers years ago.
1 go  2 stay  3  go, relax  4  visit, go
3 11.6   Read through the chart with the class. Play audio

B Allow sts time to prepare their answers to the questions track 11.6. See TB page 364 for audio script. Sts listen and
individually. They then ask and answer in pairs. Ask some complete the chart with the correct information. Check
sts to tell the class something they learned about their answers.
1 Arizona  2  eight weeks  3  camp in a (camper) van 
3 x PRACTICE  SB page 98, exercise 1A/B 4 yes
1 Do exercises 1A/B as normal. To check answers for
exercise 1B, ask about each activity in turn: Who prefers 4 A 11.6   Allow sts time to read the gapped sentences.
going to the beach? Sts put their hand up if their partner Pre-teach volcano if necessary. Play audio track 11.6 again.
prefers this activity. Ask one or two sts to tell the class Sts listen and complete the sentences. Check answers with
why their partner prefers this activity. the class.
2 Books closed. Write the nouns from questions 1–4 in
exercise 1A on the board: beach, mountains, etc. Sts Answers
work in pairs to remember which verb goes with each 1 leave  2 travel  3 stay  4 visit  5 climb  6 go
noun. Sts can look at their books again to check.
3 Put sts into small groups and ask them to imagine they B Sts look at the sentences in exercise 4A again and
are on holiday together. Tell them they need to decide choose the correct options to complete the rules. Check
on their plans for today. They must plan their whole answers.
day, and they can do three activities in total. Remind
them of phrases for making suggestions, e.g. Why Answers
don’t we …? Let’s … .Tell them they must discuss all the 1 future  2 infinitive
activities before they decide. Ask groups to report back
on their plans for their day.

be going to and future time expressions ■ holiday activities LANGUAGE 11C
Grammar be going to and future time expressions

We use be going to + the infinitive form of the verb to talk about future intentions:
I’m going to visit the beaches in Brazil. We aren’t going to travel all the way to Chile.
We’re going to drive 14,000 miles. Where are you going to stay?
She isn’t going to go by bus. Is your friend going to come with you?
Look! We use future time expressions with be going to.
She’s going to get a new job next year.

Go to Grammar practice: be going to and future time expressions, page 133

5 A 11.8 Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen to the sentences. Listen again and repeat.
1 She’s going to travel by train.
2 We aren’t going to go to the beach.
3 Are you going to stay with friends?
B 11.9 Say the sentences. Listen, check and repeat.
1 I’m going to visit the castle. 4 He isn’t going to relax by the pool.
2 You aren’t going to come with me. 5 Are you going to visit South America?
3 We’re going to travel by boat. 6 Is she going to stay in a hotel?

6 A Complete the conversation with the verbs in the box and the words in brackets. Use
be going to.

stay visit do go (×2) take come watch

Nuria Where 1 (you) on holiday this year?

Mona Cape Town in South Africa, with Tim.
Nuria Really? I went last year – it’s amazing! What 2
(you) there?
Mona 3 (we) Robben Island and 4
(we) trekking up Table Mountain. 5 (I) a rugby
match, but 6 (Tim) with me – he’s not interested
in sport. I think 7 (he) some photos of the city.
Nuria It sounds great. Where 8 (you)?
Mona We’re not sure yet. Do you know any good hotels?

B Act out the conversation in pairs.

Communication practice: Student A page 166, Student B page 175

7 A In pairs, plan your own ‘holiday of a lifetime’. Make notes about your plans.

Which country? One place or different places? (forest, city, coast, etc.)
Travel to your destination? (plane, ferry, car, etc.)
Length of stay? (one week, two weeks, one month, etc.)
Accommodation? (hotel, apartment, campsite, etc.)
Places to visit? (museums, castles, shops, etc.)
Activities? (sports, trekking, surfing, etc.)

B Work with a different partner. Talk about your holiday plans. Ask him/her for more information.
A We’re going to go to China on holiday. We’re going to stay there for two weeks and we’re going
to visit a lot of different places.
B That sounds interesting. Which places are you going to visit?

Personal Best You are going to go on a road trip. Write an email to a friend about your plans for the trip. 99

210 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 64; photocopiable activities 11C Grammar
Grammar Go to Communication practice
Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All ‘Student
Read the Grammar box with sts about be going to and A’ sts should go to SB page 166. All ‘Student B’ sts should
future time expressions. Explain that we use be going go to SB page 175. Go to TB page 345 for the teacher
to to talk about our future plans or intentions. Explain notes. Do the activity, then continue with exercise 7A of
that the form of be changes according to the person, lesson 11C.
but the rest of the form stays the same: I’m going to, he’s
going to, etc. Elicit that be going to is always followed 7 A Allow sts time to read through the notes. Explain
by an infinitive. Point out that we add not to form destination and accommodation if necessary. Sts work in
negatives: I’m not going to ..., she isn’t going to ... . Point pairs to plan their holiday of a lifetime. Monitor and help
out the word order in the question form. Ask questions while sts are working.
to check concept. B Put sts into new pairs to talk about their holiday plans.
Concept check questions: Encourage them to ask questions to find out more about
I’m going to visit New York – is this my intention? (yes). their partner’s trip. Ask some sts to tell the class something
Is it a plan I have for the future? (yes). What part of the about their partner’s trip. Discuss as a class whose trip
verb follows ‘be going to’? (an infinitive). We not going sounds exciting.
to visit Cuba – correct? (no – we aren’t going to). I don’t
going to stay very long – correct? (no – I’m not going to). PERSONAL BEST
What you are going to do? – correct? (no – What are you
going to do?). Sts can practise talking about travel further. They imagine
they are going to go on a road trip across North or South
Go to Grammar practice: be going to and future time America and write an email to a friend about their plans.
expressions, SB page 133/TB page 279. Encourage them to talk about things they are going to do.
Sts will find more language reference, presentation Sts can compare their emails in pairs and discuss whose trip
and practice for be going to and future time expressions sounds like fun.
here. Do these exercises with the class, or set them for With weaker sts, write the following sentence beginnings on
homework, before continuing with exercise 5A of lesson the board:
This evening I’m going to ...
Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study Next weekend I’m going to ...
grammar practice of be going to and future time
expressions. On my next holiday, I’m going to ...
Sts complete the sentences with their own ideas. They can
5 A 11.8   Play audio track 11.8. See the SB page opposite then compare their sentences in pairs. Ask some sts to tell the
for audio script. Sts listen and notice the pronunciation of class something their partner is going to do.
be going to. Focus on the sentence stress and point out the
stress on the go- of going to and then the main verb, but
not on the to. Point out also the stress on the negative verb
aren’t. Play the audio again for sts to listen and repeat.
B 11.9   Sts work in pairs and practise saying the
sentences, focusing on the sentence stress. Play audio
track 11.9 for sts to listen, check and repeat. See the SB
page opposite for audio script.
6 A Sts read the conversation and complete it with the
correct forms of be going to and the correct verbs. Check
answers with the class.

1 are you going to go
2 are you going to do
3 We’re going to visit
4 we’re going to go
5 I’m going to watch
6 Tim isn’t going to come
7 he’s going to take
8 are you going to stay

B Sts work in pairs to practise the conversation.

Encourage them to swap roles and practise again, and to
focus on trying to sound natural and fluent. You could
model and drill some of the questions and sentences with
be going to first, to help sts to become more confident
about saying them.

SKILLS SPEAKING arriving at a hotel ■ checking information

11D At a hotel
Curve 1 A Look at the reasons why people stay in hotels. Can you think of more?
• You’re on holiday.
• You have a very early flight at an airport.
• You’re on a business trip.
B In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 What do you enjoy about staying in hotels?
2 Is there anything that you don’t like about hotels? What?
3 When did you last stay in a hotel? Describe your experience.

2 11.10 Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. Tick ( ) the
types of room that Ethan and Penny have.

Standard room Deluxe room


3 11.10 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 Ethan’s going to book a hotel room in New York.

2 He has a meeting there.
3 He books a room for three nights.
4 Breakfast is included in the price.
5 There’s a discount for all the rooms.
6 Penny spells her first name for the receptionist.
7 Her room’s on the seventh floor.

Conversation builder arriving at a hotel

Hotel receptionist: Hotel guest:

Welcome to the … Hotel. I booked a room under/in the name of …
(Are you) Checking in? I have a reservation under/in the name of …
Could you spell your surname, please? Which floor did you say?
Could/Can I have your identification/ID/credit card, please? What’s the Wi-Fi password?
Can you sign this form, please?
Here’s your room key/passport/credit card.

4 A Read the Conversation builder. Order the sentences from 1–9 to make a conversation.
a Here you are. Here’s my passport. f Great. Can I have your credit card, please?
b Sure. g Yes. I booked a room under the name of
c OK. Here’s your room key. Room number Lucia Espinosa.
1203, on the twelfth floor. h No, the twelfth floor.
d Thank you. Could I have your ID, please? i Welcome to Park Road Hotel. Checking in?
e Thanks. Which floor did you say? The tenth?
B In pairs, act out the conversation. If you want, use your own names and change the other details.


212 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 65

11D At a hotel
Curve Sts watch or listen to people making a hotel reservation and arriving at a hotel. They then practise arriving at
a hotel and talking to the receptionist.

Speaking Skill Conversation builder

Sts watch a video or listen to a conversation in which Checking information Arriving at a hotel
people make a hotel reservation and arrive at a hotel.

WARMER Conversation builder

Ask: How often do you stay in hotels? Do you stay in them for Read the Conversation builder box with sts about
work, or when you are on holiday? Elicit a few answers from arriving at a hotel. Point out the phrasal verb to check in
individual sts. Ask: What is important in a good hotel? Elicit a meaning to arrive at a hotel and collect your keys, and
range of answers from individual sts. point out the phrase Here’s your ... which we use when
we give something to someone. Point out the phrase a
1 A Sts make a list of as many reasons as they can why room/reservation under/in the name of ... . Point out the
people stay in hotels. Get feedback and elicit all the pronunciation of Wi-Fi /ˈwaɪfaɪ/. Ask questions to check
reasons they can think of. concept.
B Sts discuss the questions in pairs. Get feedback on their Concept check questions:
discussions and invite sts who have had very good or bad What does ‘checking in’ mean? (arriving at a hotel and
experiences to share them with the class. collecting your keys). When do we use the phrase ‘Here’s
your ...’ ? (when we are giving something to someone).
2 11.10   All the D lessons in this level which focus on I have a reservation for the name of Smith – is this
speaking skills are accompanied by video (i.e. an episode correct? (no – under/in the name of …). What do you
of Learning Curve). In this lesson, Ethan and Penny stay need in order to use the internet in a hotel? (the Wi-Fi
in a hotel for a business meeting. Allow sts time to look password/code).
at the table. Check they understand standard and deluxe.
Pre-teach make a reservation and social media. Play video/
audio track 11.10. See TB page 364 for video/audio script.
4 A Sts order the sentences to make a conversation. Check
Sts watch/listen and complete the table. Check answers.
1 i  2 g  3 d  4 a  5 f  6 b  7 c  8 e  9 h
Ethan: standard room
Penny: deluxe room
B Sts act out the conversation in pairs. They can swap
3 11.10   Sts read the sentences. Play video/audio track roles and practise again. Ask some pairs to perform the
11.10 again. Sts watch/listen and decide if the sentences conversation for the class.
are true or false. You could ask stronger sts to correct the
false sentences. Check answers. Play the video/audio track 3 x PRACTICE  SB page 100, exercise 4A/B
again for sts to hear why each sentence is true or false.
1 Do exercise 4A as normal. To check the answers, give
the first line of the conversation and tell a student this
is their line. Ask them to say their line, then elicit the
1 F (it’s in a small town 300 miles from New York)
second line and give this to a second student. Continue
2 F (he books a room for two nights)
building up the conversation, with students each saying
3 T
their line and then adding on another line, until the
4 F (you have to pay for breakfast)
conversation is complete.
5 F (there is a discount for deluxe rooms)
6 F (she spells her surname) 2 Do exercise 4B as normal, then ask sts to close their
7 T books. Read out the first line of the conversation. Sts
try to remember the next line. Give them the next line
and try to elicit the following line. Continue in this
way, eliciting each line in turn.
3 Sts work in pairs. They choose a role (hotel
receptionist/guest) and write down a maximum of
two words to remind them of each of their lines. They
then practise the conversation again with books closed,
using their notes as prompts. Encourage them to speak
at a natural speed, in a natural, fluent way.

arriving at a hotel ■ checking information SPEAKING SKILLS
5 11.11 Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Who
enjoyed their stay at the hotel? Who didn’t enjoy it?

6 11.11 Watch or listen again. Choose the correct options to

complete the sentences.
1 Penny says she’d like to check in / check out / change rooms.
2 Penny’s stay was horrible / comfortable / lovely.
3 Ethan paid more than / less than / the same as Penny.
4 The Wi-Fi in Ethan’s room was awful / quite good / very good.

7 A Read the Skill box. Complete the mini-conversations 1–4 with a phrase to
check the information.

Skill checking information

If you aren’t sure if information is correct, you can check it with the person who said it.
You’re going on May 11. Is that correct? He’s over eighteen. Is that correct?
Did you say one room for one night? Did you say the fourth floor?
That’s with the discount, right? Breakfast is at seven, right?

1 A I’d like to book a double room for two nights.

B You want a double room. ?
2 A I’d like a standard room for three nights. Arriving on 19 April.
B two nights from 19 April?
3 A The price for a deluxe room is $100 a night.
B The price includes breakfast, ?
4 A There’s a 20 percent discount for advance bookings.
B a 20 percent discount?

B 11.12 Listen and check. Pay attention to the intonation. Then act out the conversations
in pairs.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 166, Student B page 175

8 A PREPARE In pairs, look at the diagram and discuss what you could say at each stage. You
can make notes.

Receptionist Guest

Greet the guest. Ask if he/she is checking in. Give details of your reservation.

Ask the guest for his/her documents. Give the documents.

Give the guest his/her room Take the key. Ask about breakfast, Wi-Fi,
key and say what floor. and anything else that you want to know.

Give the information. Thank the receptionist.

B PRACTISE Repeat the conversation until you can say it without looking at the diagram or your
notes. Check any information that you aren’t sure about.
C PERSONAL BEST Work with another pair. Listen to their conversation. Did they check any
information? What was good about their conversation?

Personal Best
Challenge! Ethan is checking into a hotel in your town/city. Write the conversation. 101

214 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 65

Go to Communication practice
5 11.11   Read out the question. Pre-teach a code, a
Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All ‘Student
password, a rate (= the amount you pay for something)
A’ sts should go to SB page 166. All ‘Student B’ sts should
and air conditioning. Play video/audio track 11.11. See
go to SB page 175. Go to TB page 345 for the teacher
below for video/audio script. Sts watch/listen and answer
notes. Do the activity, then continue with exercise 8 of
the questions. Check answers.
lesson 11D.

11.11   Audio script

8 Sts follow the steps to have a conversation at a hotel.
E = Ethan, R = Receptionist, P = Penny A PREPARE   Allow sts time to plan their conversations
and make notes. Encourage them to make just brief notes,
R: Hello. How can I help you? rather than writing full sentences.
P: I would like to check out, please.
R: Did you enjoy your stay? B PRACTISE   Sts work in pairs and practise their
P: Yes. It was comfortable and my room was very nice. Thank conversation. Remind them to use formal or informal
you. phrases to check information, and encourage them to use
R: Here’s your bill. a range of phrases from the Conversation builder box.
P: Thanks. Wow! $189 is a great rate for a deluxe room. Ethan, Encourage them to practise their conversation until they
how was your room? can say it without looking at the diagram. They can then
E: $189 for a standard room too! And my Wi-Fi was awful and swap roles and practise again.
the air conditioning didn’t work very well. And the hotel didn’t C PERSONAL BEST   Sts work in groups of four to perform
have any more rooms available, so I couldn’t change rooms. their conversations to each other and give feedback on
P: Oh! I had the same rate for the deluxe room because I used how well they checked information, and what things they
the discount code! Poor you. did well.
E: Welcome to the Lucky Penny hotel!
Sts can practise conversations at a hotel further. They imagine
Penny enjoyed the hotel. Ethan didn’t enjoy it.
Ethan is checking into a hotel in their town or city, and write a
new conversation. They can practise their new conversations
6 11.11   Sts read through the sentences. Play video/audio in pairs.
track 11.11 again. Sts watch/listen and choose the correct
options to complete the sentences. Check answers. Weaker sts could work in pairs. With books closed, they
imagine they are checking into a hotel in an English-speaking
Answers country. Ask them to remember and write down three things
1 check out
they might say to the receptionist, and three things the hotel
2 comfortable
receptionist might say to them. They can open their books to
3 the same as
check their answers.
4 awful
Skill Put sts into groups of three. Two sts role play another
conversation at a hotel, using the diagram in exercise 8. The
Read through the Skill box with the class on checking
third student uses their phone to film the other two. Sts can
information and point out the different level of
swap roles and practise again. Watching themselves on film
formality with the different phrases. Elicit when you
will help sts to evaluate how confident and fluent they sound,
might use formal language, e.g. talking to a business
and how well they can check information.
customer, and elicit when you might use informal
language, e.g. talking to a friend.

7 A Sts read the two conversations and complete them with

the correct phrases.
B 11.12   Play audio track 11.12. See the SB page
opposite for audio script. Sts listen and check their
answers. Sts then act out the conversations in pairs.
Encourage them to use intonation to sound more polite
when they use the more formal phrases, and more friendly
when they use the informal phrases.

1 Is that correct
2 Did you say
3 right
4 Did you say


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