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January | February 2019

Celebrate 60 Years

Clay x 3: Ariane Leiter, Maria Teresa Rode, and The Empathy of Patience:
Catherine Schmid-Maybach Michael F. Rohde Tapestries
Through January 20 January 25 to March 17

Left to right: Ariane Leiter, Flat White Black Top; Maria Teresa Rode, Flying Dragon; and
Catherine Schmid-Maybach, Walking About (detail).

Ariane Leiter, Maria Teresa Rode, and Catherine Schmid-Maybach are

California ceramic artists who live in Atascadero, Ojai, and San Francisco
respectively. While technical engagement with the media of clay links their
practice as artists, their artworks explore different aspects of sculptural
form and surface. Michael F. Rohde, Reality (detail), hand dyed yarns
Ariane Leiter’s sculptural work reflects a meditation on the long history of It only took seeing three of Michael F. Rohde’s
the hand-made vessel. The traces of her fingers and hands imbue the work tapestries at the San Luis Obispo Museum of
with a quality that is both quietly sensual and rippling with life. Art’s 2013 exhibition of Tapestry Weavers West,
Maria Teresa Rode’s work is informed by her engagement with human to know that if SLOMA could possibly give him
cultural expression. In both her sculpture and her large format wall tiles, a solo exhibition someday, that our Museum
she employs images, patterning, and brilliant glaze coloring, subtly visitors could have the special privilege of seeing
orchestrated to create unexpected forms and richly detailed compositions. this world class weaver’s subliminal texture and
Catherine Schmid-Maybach creates sculptural slabs that are layered with his masterful interaction of light and color for
what appears to be etched, black and white photographic imagery. These themselves.
overlaid images suggest places in the American west, and the histories of Serendipity came into play and the stars aligned,
individuals that inhabited these places. not only to bring Empathy of Patience to SLOMA’s
Although the aesthetics of the three artists are different, their artwork Gray Wing January 25—March 17, 2019, but
reflects the deep roots of ceramic sculpture in modern and contemporary also to spare his collection from the destructive
California art. Mark Dean Johnson, Gallery Director at San Francisco State Woolsey Fire that threatened Rohde’s studio and
University and friend of the artists, helped design the installation. u home in Thousand Oaks this past November. u

Explore the cosmic language of music with Los Osos
native Shawn Myers. Accompanied by Ian McArdle on
keyboard and Anthony Donatelli on the saxophone.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 7 PM. Tickets $20. u
Meet ceramist Ariane Leiter at an Art at High Noon talk and interactive demo on Thursday, January 3 at 12 PM.
Tour Clay x 3, Light From A Dark Room, and Banners on Friday, January 4 from 6 to 9 PM in conjunction with
Art After Dark. Members-only enjoy a preview with SLOMA’s curatorial staff from 5 to 6 PM.
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art • 1010 Broad Street • San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 • 805-543-8562 •
Light From A Dark Room: Marta Peluso Central Coast Printmakers: Banners
Through January 27 Through January 27
Light From A Dark Room
reflects the evolution of
Marta Peluso’s art over
time and includes new
as well as older images
that have been revisited,
reprinted, or combined
with other imagery.
Peluso’s interest lies
primarily in straight, Paul LaRiviere, Scarab (detail), linocut
black-and-white imagery Banners: Prints and Patterns is a collaborative exhibition
with an emphasis on featuring contemporary prints made by members of the
Marta Peluso, The Kiss (detail) environmental portraiture Central Coast Printmakers Group. A series of repeating eight-
and social landscape. Like photographers Garry Winogrand by-eight inch linocuts created six-foot-long banners. u
and Diane Arbus, she believes there is nothing as mysterious
as a fact clearly seen. Insights
Marta Peluso taught photography at Cal Poly and Cuesta and February 1 to March 31
was the Cuesta College Art Gallery Director for 16 years. She
also served as Executive Director of Arts Obispo for 5 years. Insights is a juried exhibition presented
by The Painters Group. Over 70 paintings
Meet Marta and learn about her photographic process at an
were submitted; 20 were ultimately
ARTalk on Sunday, January 13 at 2 PM. u
selected for exhibition.
On the difficult selection process, juror
S. Kay Burnett: Emails From Paris Joanne Beaule Ruggles says, “I elected
February 1 to March 31 to include the widest range of artistic
S. Kay Burnett got approaches possible in this compact
the opportunity to gallery space, while at the same time
work and live in Paris limiting the number of pieces juried into
for six months during the show so that viewers could really see
1996. Email was a those works to their best advantage. In
Flo Bartell, Metaphor selecting art, I looked for that rare and
fairly new means for
communicating and magical combination of technical skill, an original idea, and an
she used it to send a authentic voice in expressing that idea.” u
S. Kay Burnett, Bastille Day Fireworks series of newsletters
she entitled “Emails NYBAK WING
From Paris.” When she began pursuing art and storytelling
full-time, Burnett decided to draw on her time in Paris to tell a AWAKEN is a partnership
visual story as well as a written one: a story about two times between SLOMA and the
in her life, first as a writer, and now as an artist. County Office of Education
celebrating art and community
Burnett hopes the encaustic paintings and sculptures will Nature: What does it expressed through the artistic
evoke nostaglic memories for viewers and encourage them to
find their own joie de vivre. u
mean to middle school creations of our county’s
students? students. In February, middle
Meet the Artists on Friday, school students will exhibit
POP-UP GALLERY February 1, 6–9 PM their artwork in SLOMA’s Nybak
Thanks to the generosity Closing reception, Wing.The final AWAKEN
of Copeland Properties, February 17, 3–5 PM exhibition will feature elementary
the Museum of Art school students in May.
continues to have its “SLOMA thanks the teachers, the media, art patrons and
POP-UP Gallery at 959 Higuera in San Luis Obispo through businesses who help make this possible.” says Karen Kile,
January, and maybe longer­—depending on its availability. executive director. “AWAKEN sparks the creative spirit in a
“Copelands has donated this wonderful space since July self-selected group of school students, changing their lives
2017­, giving SLOMA an additional opportunity to showcase for the better, giving them a voice, perhaps instilling more
paintings, sculpture, photography, original prints, and fine self confidence, feelings of citizenship, and in other ways
craft by many more local artists thanks to Phantom Projects we may never know,” she added. u
by the Sculptors Group,” said Karen Kile, executive director.
During January all purchases from the POP-UP Gallery will
benefit the artists and SLOMA’s Building Fund. u
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Workshops led by professional teaching artists. Sign up online at or call (805) 543-8562.

Layers: Encaustic Mixed Media Methods & Materials

with Michelle Belto
February 8–10, 9 AM–4 PM
Registration $425 members, $450 general. Materials included. Only a few spots left!
This new encaustic workshop is designed to assist students working in mixed media
encaustic to utilize the natural layering, texture, and luminosity of wax by going beyond simple
collage to include innovative materials and processes. “Minute critiques,” class discussions,
demonstrations, detailed handouts and one-on-one discussions. Maximum 10 students. u

The Art of Tapestry Weaving with Tricia Goldberg

February 22–24, 9:30 AM–4:30 PM
Registration $295 members, $325 general. ($20 materials fee payable to instructor.)
Weave with sumptuous fine wool yarns and learn tapestry techniques including hatching, slits,
and patterns for combining colors. Begin with warping a small loom and choosing or creating
a custom design. All skill levels welcome! Tricia will have simple line designs available for
beginning students to use. Experienced students may like to work ahead of time and come with
an idea or drawing to use in their tapestry design. u
Truly Beginning Drawing with Lury Norris
March 9 & 10, 9 AM–4 PM
Registration $130 members, $145 general. Includes all materials.
Have you always wanted to draw, but felt like you couldn’t draw a straight line? Then this is the
class for you! You will learn, step by step, how to tap into your natural ability to see and use visual
strategies like an artist, enabling you to really “draw it like you see it.” Class will include helpful
exercises and step-by-step instructions through drawing using objects and photo images. u

Life Drawing Basics with Lury Norris

April 13 & 14, 10 AM–3 PM
Registration $130 members, $145 general. Includes all materials & model fees.
In this workshop, students will be introduced to several different techniques for depicting the human
body in their own style using dry media. Working in studio and with a live model, students will learn
model etiquette for artists, how to approach drawing from a model, how to handle longer and shorter
poses, and any other questions that may arise. Age 18+. u

Painted Petals and Watercolor Wings

with Jeannie Vodden
May 17–19, 9 AM–4 PM
Registration $300 members, $325 general.
Who doesn’t love bright little birds and sunlit flowers? This will be the focus of Jeannie Vodden’s
watercolor workshop as she shares her secrets to painting luminous, lifelike watercolors using
a limited palette of only 3 colors. Follow along with Jeannie as she demonstrates the steps
and techniques used in painting her magical paintings. This workshop will include watercolor
demonstrations, plenty of painting time, individual attention and gentle critiques. u

Atmospheric Watercolors
with Frank Eber
November 8—10, 9 AM–4 PM
Registration $350 members, $385 general.
Bring your painting skills to a higher level. Learn how to paint luminous watercolors by
manipulating tonal values, color, and edge. In this class, Frank will share advanced painting
techniques to create atmosphere, balance, and unity in your work. Topics will include
design and composition, color and lighting, positives and negatives, simplification of shape,
and atmospheric effects. The techniques you will learn in Frank’s workshop transcend the
watercolor medium. Separate yourself from the watercolor crowd and experience firsthand why
his courses are so popular!
This workshop will sell out so sign up early! u

SLOMA.ORG Page 3 • Jan | Feb 2019 • Art News • San Luis Obispo Museum of Art

artrageous After School Art Classes

BRAINS-ON: The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art aligns its youth art education curriculum to the California
State Framework for the Visual and Performing Arts. Class sizes are limited to 15 students or fewer and taught
by experienced teaching artists. Subject matter is designed to help students build higher level thinking skills, with
opportunities for students to analyze and make judgements in the field of visual arts.
For complete information on all the After School Art Classes offered by SLOMA go to
LOCATIONS: SLOMA teaches children at the Museum of Art as well as at the following satellite locations: Ocean
View Elementary in Arroyo Grande and San Gabriel Elementary in Atascadero.
ENROLLMENT AND SCHOLARSHIPS: It is the Museum of Art’s policy to keep its classes as affordable as
possible. Quality, age-appropriate art materials are provided for the diverse, process-oriented instruction.
Full and partial scholarships are given to all children in need. To ask is to receive; no child is ever turned away.
Families are simply asked to pay what they can afford.


San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 3:15–4:45 pm San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 3:15–4:45 pm
Mondays, 5 – 6 year olds: Experimenting with Paint with Mondays, 5 – 6 year olds: Line & Shapes in Space: 2D &
teaching artist Susan Connors 3D with teaching artist Brian Williams
Tuesdays, 7 – 8 year olds: Portrait Painting Styles with Tuesdays, 7 – 8 year olds: Discover Impressionism,
teaching artist Jami Ray Cubism, Pointillism and Fauve Expression with teaching
Wednesdays, 9 – 12 year olds: Artists as Printmakers artist Jami Ray
with teaching artist Tisha Smith Wednesdays, 9 – 12 year olds: Drawing With Yarn with
Ocean View Elementary, Arroyo Grande, 3–4:30 pm teaching artist Kathy Friend
Tuesdays, Grades 3 – 6: Landscapes with Mood with Ocean View Elementary, Arroyo Grande, 3–4:30 pm
teaching artist Susan Connors Tuesdays, Grades 3 – 6: Imaginary Animals with teaching
artist Susan Connors
San Gabriel Elementary, Atascadero, 3–4:30 pm
Thursdays, Grades 3 – 6: Real to Abstract: Acrylic San Gabriel Elementary, Atascadero, 3–4:30 pm
Painting with teaching artist Jami Ray Thursdays, Grades 3 – 6: Portrait Painting Styles with
teaching artist Jami Ray

Spring Break Art Camps

for kids & teens
April 22–26, 2019
Children 5 to 12 years old enjoy five days of classes, 9 am to Noon,
led by two different teaching artists, each exploring a different
artistic subjects such as painting from nature, Japanese paper arts,
portrait drawing, mythical masks, and animal sculptures. Students
sign up by age groups: 5 to 6 year olds, 7 to 8 year olds and 9
to 12 year olds. After a 10:30 recess, the young students switch
classrooms for their second art subject. Come dressed to create art
and have fun.
Teenagers attend 1 to 4 pm, in afternoon camps specifically
designed to promote individual expression and understanding
of specific processes. The students works collaboratively and
individually, with time for brainstorming ideas. Students are
encouraged to build on fundamentals while exploring more
advanced techniques.
Camp descriptions will be online by mid-February. For more
information or to register early, please email [email protected]. u
Page 4 • Jan | Feb 2019 • Art News • San Luis Obispo Museum of Art 805-543-8562
First Thursdays: Noon to 1 PM Suggested donation: $5 members, $7 non-members with
Art at High Noon features art history lectures a complimentary beverage.
and artist talks within an hour lunch break— January 21, 7 PM
offering a free and fun dose of artistic inspiration. Garbage Warrior
Thursday, January 3: Ceramist Ariane Leiter 86 minutes, English, 2011. Director Oliver Hodge.
gives an interactive demonstration in clay. Imagine a home that heats itself,
Thursday, February 7: Stay tuned for information regarding provides its own water, and grows its
this Art at High Noon. u own food. Garbage Warrior follows
architect Mike Reynolds and his
CALLS FOR ARTISTS environmentally conscious “Earthship”
houses and explores his struggle with
It’s All About The Light the government to change building
Deadline March 1, 2019. Nationwide juried exhibition of code laws. Built almost entirely from
photography highlighting the radiation or reflection of light as discarded materials, his houses are
its primary subject, hosted by Photo Society in SLOMA’s Gray extremely self-reliant on top of being
Wing. For details, download the entry form at u virtually 100% recycled. His structures
have been embraced in third-world
Brushstrokes 2019 countries hit by natural disasters. u
Deadline May 15, 2019. A non-themed biennial exhibition
in SLOMA’s Gray Wing representing a wide range of artistic February 18, 7 PM
expression in painting. On view September and October Threads (Added special introduction by Ruta Saliklis)
2019. Juror: Jerry McLaughlin. For details, download the entry 35 minutes, English, 2017. Director Cathy Stevulak.
form at u Torn from her family, her paintings,
and her beloved Calcutta after the
ARTIST GROUPS partition of India, artist Surayia
Rahman finds a new life in
The Painters Group Bangladesh teaching impoverished
Jan 20, 2 PM: Painting Critique at SLOMA. Bring one or two mothers to embroider her
paintings for peer commentary, or come without work. storytelling designs. An inspirational
Feb 1, 6—9 PM: Insights opening reception during Art After example of the power of art and
Dark. Awards announced at 7 PM. the impact of empowering women
Feb 16, 2 PM: General Meeting at SLOMA to view all Insights and girls around the world, Threads
entries. u — Charlotte Berney takes us on an intimate journey into
the heart of an artist and celebrates
CC Sculptors Group an unconventional path to dignity
No scheduled activities in January. CCSG will continue its and independence. u
exhibitions at the Pop-Up Gallery in February with Phantom
Project 17. Watch for more info soon. u — Carl Berney
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art Mission Statement
CC Craftmakers Provide and promote diverse visual arts experiences for people of all
CCC is searching for an artist interested in hosting an “open ages and backgrounds through exhibition, education, creation, and
house“ afternoon or evening in their studio. Contact Kate collaboration; and preserve the Museum’s permanent collection as
an artistic legacy of the California Central Coast.
Froman at her new email. u — ­ [email protected].
Museum of Art Museum of Art Staff:
CC Photographic Society Board of Directors: Jeff Al-Mashat, Associate Director
Jan 8, 7 PM: The Flower Show: Ralph George loves Meets the 4th Tuesday of Audrey Bigelow, Donor Relations Mgr.
photographing flowers and will show some of his favorites, as every month at 5:30 PM. Courtney Davis, Gallery Assistant
well as post-processing techniques and artistic filter effects. Public welcome. Erica Ellis, Community Engagement
Feb 12, 7 PM: Show & Tell: Bring up to 10 images to share on David Coburn, President Manager
a flash drive; at least 300 dpi. Potential submissions for the Chuck Crotser, 1st VP Neil Jones, Facility Manager
upcoming CCPS exhibition encouraged. u — BeJae Blake Bob Mourenza 2nd VP Karen Kile, Executive Director
Betsy Kiser, Treasurer José Lemus, PM Life Drawing
CC Printmakers Tom Butler Beth Mott, Youth Education Coordinator
Be sure to visit Banners in the McMeen Gallery through Roger Carmody Lury Norris, AM Life Drawing
January 27. u — Robert “Rosey” & Barbara Rosenthal Brittany Darrow Andrew Roof, Gallery Assistant
Lindsey Harn Ruta Saliklis, Curator & Director
Digital Arts Robyn Letters of Exhibitions
Are you interested in meeting with fellow art-tech enthusiasts? Theresa Perry Wendy R. Walter, Gallery Sales
Typically the group meets on the first Mondays at 5:30 PM at Ben Taylor Manager & Registrar
SLOMA. To get on the mailing list, email [email protected] with Steve Travers Mary Waters, Weekend Receptionist
“Digital” in the subject line. u Wyatt Lemons

SLOMA.ORG San Luis Obispo Museum of Art • Art News • Jan | Feb 2019 • Page 5

Shown left to right: Ben Taylor,

Thomas Butler, Theresa Perry,
David Coburn, Betsy Kiser,
Roger Carmody, Lindsey Harn,
Bob Mourenza, Brittany Darrow,
Chuck Crotser, Steve Travers.
Not shown Robyn Letters and
Wyatt Lemons.

SLOMA recently added six new members to its 2018–2019 Board of Directors, announced David Coburn, Board President.
Elected to two-year terms are Thomas Butler, Superintendent of the Atascadero Unifed School District; Brittany Darrow, Wine
Club Manager at Chamisal Vineyards; Lindsey Harn, Realtor with Richardson Properties; Wyatt Lemons, Small Business
Consultant with Bank of America; Ben Taylor, Orchard Manager & Viticulturist with Talley Farms; and Steve Travers, retired
banker. Continuing board members are David Coburn, President, and retired marketing executive; Roger Carmody, CPA with
Carmody, Meach & Choo, LLP; Chuck Crotser, 1st VP and registered architect; Betsy Kiser, Treasurer and retired Head of San
Luis Obispo City Parks & Rec Department; Robin Letters, Principal at Opinion Studies; Bob Mourenza, 2nd VP and artist; and
Theresa Perry, artist. The Board of Directors meets monthly at SLOMA on the fourth Tuesday, beginning at 5:30 PM. u


January 10 & February 14, 6 to 9 PM
Take a break from the norm and enjoy an evening of board games at SLOMA!
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, the Museum of Art will host a game night in the galleries. Choose
from a rotating selection of tabletop games from Whiz Kids Out-Of-This-World Toys. From party games
to worker placement and deck builders, we’ll have a board game for any level of gamer. Have a favorite
you want to bring? Please do! We love learning new board games.
Museum Game Night coincides with the Downtown Farmers’ Market. Grab some BBQ and then head up
Broad Street to the Museum. We will have beer and non-alcoholic options available for purchase.
No outside alcohol permitted. Please bring your ID. Let's Roll! u

1010 Broad Street,

on the west end of Mission Plaza
PO Box 813, San Luis Obispo,
CA 93406
Open 11 AM – 5 PM
Closed Tuesdays
Free admission
E-mail: [email protected]
All painters invited. 9 AM–Noon with a critique during lunch.
Contacts: Debby Veldkamp 805-801-3617 or Joan Suttle at
[email protected]. Rain cancels.
Jan 3: Butterfly trees, Pismo Beach. Park on street or inside the
State Park campground at the far end near trees.
Jan 10: Montaña de Oro, Los Osos. Park at or below Spooner
Ranch house.
Jan 17: Morro Rock. Meet at large dirt parking area near Rock.
Jan 24: Dalidio farmlands, Dalidio Road behind shopping mall.
Jan 31: Debby Veldkamp’s home, 240 O’Connor Way, SLO.
Feb 7: The Elfin Forest, 1103 Santa Lucia Ave, Los Osos.
Feb 14: Museum of Natural History, Morro Bay.
Feb 21: Mountain Brook, 1775 Calle Joaquin, SLO. Park on far
side of lot overlooking valley. Views of hills of SLO.
Feb 28: Froom Ranch, SLO. Park next to Home Depot. u

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