Department of Budget and Management: Republic of The Philippines

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RLEUER No. 2018- 10

November 8, 2018

TO : All Heads of Departments/Agencies/State Universities and

Colleges (SUCs) and including Commissions/Offices under the
Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy Group (CFAG), and Government-
Owned or —Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and Local
Government Unit (LGU)-Implementing Agency Receiving
Budgetary Support from the National Government; Budget
Officers; Heads of Finance/Accounting Units, and All Others

SUBJECT : Additional Guidelines for the Preparation of the Annual

Budget Execution Plans Covering the FY 2019 Budget


Government entities receiving budgetary support from the national

government annually submit their respective Budget Execution Documents
(BEDs) for review/evaluation and consolidation by the Department of Budget
and Management (DBM). Such BEDs, formulated based on the National
Expenditure Program (NEP) for a budget year, contain the agency plans,
spending schedules, and physical targets. These BEDs, when updated based
on the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for the budget year, serve as one of
the bases for the determination of the national government disbursement
program. The Development Budget Coordination Committee approves the
consolidated disbursement program levels for purposes of scheduling the
release of disbursement authorization documents as well as for the
assessment of the overall disbursement performance.

The national government is adopting the annual cash-based appropriations

(ACBA) starting FY 2019. Under the ACBA, obligation and implementation of
programs, activities, and projects is limited to just one year. In order to
effectively facilitate the timely delivery of planned results, the configuration of
the BEDs should be consistent with and supportive of the budgetary
innovations being implemented, to ensure release of funds and enable prompt
implementation of programs and projects.


2.1 To align the BEDs with the information presented and being required
for the Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFAR5);
2.2 To require agencies to furnish the DBM copies of the procurement
documents being submitted to the Government Procurement Policy
Board (GPPB), and the DBM Procurement Service (PS), to ensure
consistency of the information reflected in the BEDs with the
procurement schedules/specifications; and

2.3 To reiterate the submission of the BEDs prescribed under DBM CL No.
2016-9 dated October 27, 2016, as amended under DBM CL No. 2017-
12 dated October 19, 2017, including the schedule for departments/
agencies' encoding of BEDS at the Unified Reporting System (URS) to
minimize network clogging and other system related issues.


This Circular shall cover all departments, bureaus, agencies, and operating
units (OUs) of the national government including commissions/offices under
the Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy Group (CFAG), State Universities and
Colleges (SUC5) and other recipients (i.e., GOCC and LGUs) of national
government budgetary support for the implementation of programs/projects!


4.1 All entities covered in this Circular shall comply with the general
guidelines prescribed under DBM CL No. 2016-9 dated October 27,
2016, as amended under DBM CL No. 2017-12 dated October 19,
2017, with the required BEDs based on the NEP for the FY 2019
Budget Year, without waiting for the approval of the FY 2019 GAA:

BEDs Data Elements Purpose

BED No. I Estimated obligation program for the Series as the oeraIl financial
Financial Plan (FP) budget year broken down by quarter, plan of the
and current year obligations (actual department/agency/OU
obligation as of September 30 and
estimated obligation for October to
BED NO. 2 Physical targets for the budget year Seres as the orall physical
Physical Plan (PP) broken down by quarter, and current plan of the
year accom plishments (actual department/agency/OU
accomplishment as of September 30
and projected accomplishment for
October to December)
BED No. 3 Projected monthly disbursement Basis of the issuance of
Monthly requirements for the budget year by disbursement authorities
Disbursement type of disbursement authority (e.g.,
Program (MDP) NCA, CDC, NCAA and TRA)

BED No. 4 Projected Monthly procurements in Basis of the PS in projecting

Annual Procurement terms of quantity and cash inentory requirements,
Plan for Common requirements. This shall be scheduling of procurement
Use Supplies and categorized into items aai!able at actiAties, and oerall
Equipment (APP- Procurement SenAce (PS) stores management of the central
CSE) and those items not asilable at PS procurement of common-use

Sen.e as Agency
Procurement Request (APR)
4.2 In preparing the BEDs, agencies are strictly reminded:

4.2.1 To ensure that their plans contain the projected budget

requirements of programs, activities and projects that can be
obligated and implemented within the period January to
December of FY 2019;

4.2.2 To observe the process flow (involving agency central/regional

offices and operating units) as prescribed under CL No. 20 16-9
relative to the preparation, consolidation and submission of
BEDs, including departmentlagency/OU with no regional offices
or with decentralized set-ups in terms of direct budgetary
releases from DBM; and

4.2.3 To classify budgetary items into a) "For Comprehensive Release

(FOR)" or b) 'For Later Release (FLR)" consistent with the
provisions of CL No. 2016-9. The agency's complete list of
budgetary items classified into FCR and FLR shall be
submitted together with the hard copies of the duly signed

4.3 To facilitate program/project implementation including the conduct of

pre-procurement activities short of award and the prompt completion of
procurement timelines, all concerned are reminded to ensure the
consistency of the information reflected in the BEDs with the
procurement schedules/specifications, being submitted to the GPPB,
and the DBM PS. All covered entities shall also provide the
respective DBM operations' bureau, a signed copy of each of the

4.3.1 BED number 4 (Annual Procurement Plan for Common Use

Supplies and Equipment [APP-CSE]) shall be submitted to the
DBM Procurement Service (PS), on or before November 30 of
the present calendar year, in accordance with PS guidelines for
the purpose;

4.3.2 Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) ; and

4.3.3 Annual Procurement Plan (non-CSE) in the format prescribed

under GPPB Circular No. 07-201 5, as required under Section 7
of R.A. No. 9184 and its revised Implementing Rules and

4.4 Relative to the conduct of early procurement based on the NEP

provisions, pending the enactment of the FY 2019 GAA:

4.4.1 The requirement of Multi-Year Obligational Authorities (MYOA5)

for purposes of entering into multi-year contracts as prescribed
under existing DBM issuances shall continue to be observed;

4.4.2 Agency-specific funds for the purchase of motor vehicles for FY

2019 as reflected in the FY 2019 NEP are included in the items
classified as FOR. This classification shall be adopted only for
agency procurement of vehicles, which remain consistent and
the same as the specifications and costs included in the
confirmation letters to the agency during the budget preparation.
Considering that DBM evaluation and approval of these vehicles
have already been completed during the annual budget
preparation process and consequently proposed to be
appropriated under the agency budget, issuance of Authority to
Purchase Motor Vehicles by the DBM shall not be required in
2019. This shall facilitate the speedy and timely vehicle
procurement for government operations.

4.5 In terms of timelines, all concerned are reminded of the following:

4.5.1 Agencies shall submit and confirm the BEDs, consistent with the
NEP, to DBM in accordance with the following deadlines,
subject to their encoding access schedule prescribed in CL
2017-1 2:

Deadline of Submission
Partic ulars
Non-regionalized Regionalized
DepartmentslAgencies DepartmentslAgencies
Agency Submission
November 15 of the current year November 29 of the current year
of BEDs
Three (3) working days after Five (5) working days after
D8M Evaluation November 15 of the current year November 29 of the current year

Agency Three (3) working days after Three (3) working days after
Confirmation DBM Evaluation DBM Evaluation

4.5.2 Upon approval of the GAA of the budget year and in case there
are changes made by Congress from the National Expenditure
Program (NEP), i.e., decrease, increase or other modifications
for existing programs and projects or introduction of new items,
departments/agencies/OUs shall identify affected Program!
Activities/Projects (PAPs) and targets to be adjusted. All
Departments/agencies/OUs shall submit their GAA-consistent
BEDs, highlighting any adjustment made in PAPs/targets/plans,
using the same BED forms to DBM within seven (7) working
days after approval of the GAA.

4.5.3 Only hard copies of the two sets of BEDs (for BED Nos. 1, 2,
and 3), i.e., based on (a) the NEP as well as on (b) the GAA, as
generated from the URS, duly signed by the
DepartmentlAgency/Ou Head or Authorized Representative
shall be recognized as compliant with the submission

4.6 For purposes of the qualification for the grant of the Performance..
Based Bonus for FY 2018, relative to the requirement of "50% value of
planned procurement", all are reminded of the following clarification
made under item 4.5 of DBM CL No. 2018-8 dated July 30, 2018:
• . an agency should ensure that at least 50% of the volume or number
of the planned procurement for FY 2019 should undergo early
procurement, after strategizing those activities and projects it needs to
implement in the first semester and those procurement activities it
deems difficult or risky.., in relation to this, each agency shall submit a
Certification of Compliance to the Government Procurement Policy


This Circular shall only apply for the period and purpose specified herein.


Failure of the officials and employees concerned to comply with provisions of

this Circular shall subject them to penalties imposed under Section 43,
Chapter 5, Book VI of EO No. 292, the revised Administrative Code of the


All provisions of existing circular and other issuances inconsistent with this
Circular are hereby modified/repealed only for purposes of implementation of
this Circular.


Except as expressly repealed, or by necessary implication, modified by this

Circular, the existing provisions of DBM CL No. 2016-9 dated October 27,
2016, as amended under DBM CL No. 2017-12 dated October 19, 2017.
regarding the BEDs, shall remain in full force and effect.


If any provision of this Circular as now or later amended or its application to

any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other
provisions that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.

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Cases not covered in this Circular shall be referred to the DBM for resolution.


This Circular shall take effect immediately.

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