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Compliance Category – C
Timing Code - 6



Specific 324 leads up 50 Hz machines that were manufactured between 2001 through 2014 with wet tie connection
ring blocking and backset blocking.

This TIL provides recommendations to the specific 324 LU 50Hz units for blocking modifications on the end winding to
prevent copper failure in the end windings.

Compliance Category
M - Maintenance Identifies maintenance guidelines or best practices for reliable equipment
C - Compliance Required Identifies the need for action to correct a condition that, if left uncorrected,
may result in reduced equipment reliability or efficiency. Compliance may be
required within a specific operating time.
A - Alert Failure to comply with the TIL could result in equipment damage or facility
damage. Compliance is mandated within a specific operating time.
S – Safety Failure to comply with this TIL could result in personal injury. Compliance is
mandated within a specific operating time.

Timing Code
1 Prior to Unit Startup / Prior to Continued Operation (forced outage condition)
2 At First Opportunity (next shutdown)
3 Prior to Operation of Affected System
4 At First Exposure of Component
5 At Scheduled Component Part Repair or Replacement
6 Next Scheduled Outage

© 2015 General Electric Company

The proprietary information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service
relationship with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation
of the plant is in your control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any
responsibility for liability based on claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as
result of applying this information regardless of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or
is in other respects responsible for any alleged injury or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information.
This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power & Water PGS Engineering. All rights
TIL 1966

Connection rings are part of generator end winding assembly (Figure 1) and are used to connect circuits in the
generator to transfer electrical power from the generator core to the grid. For a 324 generator, the connection rings can
consists of either 21 or 27 individual segments that are blocked and tied to resist not only the fault forces, but also the
running resonant vibrations at 1x or 2x the line frequencies.

Figure 1: Overview of Partial 324 End Winding Assembly

GE has utilized different types of blocking methods (e.g. dry ties, consolidated dry ties and wet ties) and blocking
schemes to support the connection ring structure for long term operation with reduced preventive maintenance. The
most recent blocking method currently in use by GE on conformable end windings is the wet tie method which has
proven to date to be the most robust method of blocking the connection rings.

Due to recent events within the 324 fleet, GE has determined that some units with wet ties, backset blocks and specific
end winding configurations are thermally constrained within the connection ring structure. This lack of thermal
compliance in the end windings can either lead to repeated dusting of the backset block or in limited cases can lead to
copper failure at either the phase strap bends or backset bends.

Analysis has shown that the presence of the backset blocks in the generator end winding has the potential to add strain
at the backset bends which can fatigue the copper and cause pre-mature failure of the backset. Removing the backset
blocks relieves this strain at the backset bends and increases the thermal compliance of the end winding. GE has also
developed an optional comprehensive blocking upgrade and modification package that can also be implemented on
the end windings on pro-active basis to further increase the thermal compliance of the end winding and reduce dusting
in the end winding.

Maintain inspection outage interval per GEK 103566 and follow the recommended actions during the next MAJOR

1. Test and record the winding resistance of each phase of the generator stator. All resistance values should
agree within 1% of each other.

2. The backset blocks (see Fig. 2) should be removed (not replaced or repaired) if found loose or dusted.

© 2015 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power & Water PGS Engineering. All rights
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TIL 1966

Figure 2: Illustration of a Dusted Backset Block

3. Perform an inertance/bump test in accordance with GE procedures following backset block removal. If
resonance frequencies are found outside of GE specifications, GE Generator Product Services should be
contacted for recommendations.

This TIL will be considered complete after completing the recommended actions 1 through 3 noted above.

 Compliance Category: C
 Timing Code: 6

Manpower Skills
This repair can be completed by a winder under the direction of a generator specialist.

Contact your GE Customer Service Manager for assistance in ordering defined parts kits.

Special Tooling
Standard inspection tools for the outage

Reference Documents
Any questions regarding this TIL should be directed to GE Generator Product Service through local GE Customer Service

Previous Modifications

Scope of Work
The repairs take approximately 4 days.

Contact your local GE Service Representative for assistance or for additional information.

Contact your local GE Customer Service Manager in order to update GE unit record sheets or to submit as-built
drawings for changes incurred by this TIL.

© 2015 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power & Water PGS Engineering. All rights
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TIL 1966
Compliance with this TIL must be entered in local records. GE requests that the customer notify GE upon compliance of
this TIL.
Complete the following TIL Compliance Record and FAX or Email it to:
TIL Compliance
FAX: (678) 844-3451
Email: [email protected]
TIL COMPLIANCE RECORD For Internal Records Only #
Site Name: Customer Name:
Customer Contact Information GE Contact Information
Contact Name: Contact Name:
Address: Address:

Email: Email:
Phone: Phone:
Turbine Serial Number(s):


100% TIL Completed:


Unit Numbers: Part Description: Part Number MLI Number


NOTE: If there are any redlined drawings that pertain to this TIL implementation, please FAX or Email the drawings
along with this TIL Compliance Record.
FAX this form to: TIL Compliance
FAX: (678) 844-3451
Email: [email protected]

© 2015 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power & Water PGS Engineering. All rights
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