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Updates on National Regulation,

Implementation Status, and

Import/Export Statistics


Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
The Environmental Management Bureau
(EMB) – Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR)
 Formulate, implement and enforce environmental
policies, rules and regulations;
 Advise the DENR Secretary on matters relating to
environmental management;
 Issue permits/clearances under the different
environmental laws and monitor compliance to
the said laws ;
 Act as Focal Point or Authority to the various
Multilateral Environmental
Agreements/Conventions i.e., Stockholm,
Rotterdam, Basel, SAICM, among others Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Philippine Environmental Laws
Presidential Decree (PD) 1586: The Philippine
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System

Republic Act (RA) 8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act

of 1999

RA 9003: The Philippine Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000

RA 9275: The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

RA 6969: Toxic Substances and Hazardous and

Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
RA6969: Toxic Substances and Hazardous and
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Republic Act 6969
Toxic Substances and Hazardous and
Nuclear Wastes Control Act

The Act directs the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
to establish rules, regulations, and programs
for controlling chemical substances and
hazardous wastes in the Philippines.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 29,
Series of 1992
(Implementing Rules and Regulations of
RA 6969)

 Chemical Management (Title II)

 Hazardous Waste Management (Title III)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DENR Administrative Order No. 29, Series of 1992:

Title II: Management of Chemicals and

Toxic Substances (Sections 14 to 23)

 provides for the regulation of all

chemical substances that may pose
threat to public health and the
environment whether through import,
manufacture, sale, use, distribution,
and disposal

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DENR Administrative Order No. 29, Series of 1992:

Title III: Hazardous Waste Management

(Sections 24 to 31)

 provides for the regulation of all

hazardous wastes from generation,
transport, storage, re-use/recycling,
treatment and disposal

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Title II

Requirements and Procedures

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Title II: Management of Chemicals and Toxic Substances

Main Features

 Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical

Substances (PICCS)

 Pre-Manufacture and Pre-Importation Notification


 Priority Chemical List (PCL)

 Chemical Control Order (CCO)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Title II: Management of Chemicals and Toxic Substances

 Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical

Substances (PICCS)
 46,967 chemicals and substances
 Pre-Manufacture and Pre-Importation Notification
 Priority Chemical List (PCL)
 DAO 2005-27 (48 chemicals & substances)
 DAO 98-58 (28 chemicals & substances)
 Chemical Control Order (CCO)
 Six (6) DAOs has been issued since 1997
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Title III
Requirements and Procedures

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Policy on Hazardous Wastes

 Management of hazardous waste in a manner

not to cause pollution of the environment and
harm to public health and natural resources.

 Make the waste generators responsible for

management and disposal of hazardous wastes
and financially responsible for the cost of
proper storage, treatment, and disposal of
hazardous wastes they generate.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Title III – Hazardous Waste

DAO 2004-36: Procedural

Manual on Hazardous Waste

DAO 2013-22: Revised

Procedures and Standards for
the Management of Hazardous

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
What are Hazardous Wastes?
 substances that are without any safe commercial,
industrial, agricultural or economic usage and are
shipped, transported or brought from the country of
origin for dumping or disposal into or in transit
through any part of the territory of the Philippines

 by-products, side-products, process residues, spent

reaction media, contaminated plant or equipment
or other substances from manufacturing operations
and as consumer discards of manufactured
products which present unreasonable risk and/or
injury to health and safety and to the environment
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources





Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
A. Wastes with cyanide A101
B. Acid wastes B201 to B299
C. Alkali wastes C101 to C399
D. Wastes with Inorganic Chemicals D401 to D499
E. Reactive Chemical Wastes E501 to E599
F. Inks/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Resins/Latex/ F601 to F699
Adhesives/Organic Sludge
G. Waste Organic Solvents G703 to G704
H. Organic Wastes H802
I. Oil I101-I104
J. Containers J201
K. Stabilized Waste K301 to K303
L. Organic Chemicals L401 to L404
M. Miscellaneous Wastes M501 to M507

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
M. Miscellaneous Wastes
Pathological or infectious wastes M501
Asbestos wastes M502
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs M503
Pesticides M504
POPs Wastes M505
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) M506
Special Wastes M507

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22
A. Waste with Cyanide A. Waste with Cyanide
A101. Waste containing cyanide with A101. Waste containing cyanide with
a concentration>200 ppm in a concentration>70 mg/L in liquid
liquid waste waste
D. Wastes with inorganic chemicals D. Wastes with inorganic chemicals
D402. Arsenic and its compounds D402. Arsenic and its compounds
Includes all wastes with a total Includes all wastes with a
As concentration>5 mg/L
total As concentration>1 mg/L based
based on analysis of an
extract on analysis of an extract
D403. Barium and its compounds D403. Barium and its compounds
Includes all wastes with a total Includes all wastes with a
Ba concentration>100 mg/L total BA concentration>70 mg/L
based on analysis of an based on analysis of an extract

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22
D404. Cadmium and its compounds D404. Cadmium and its compounds
Includes all wastes with a total Includes all wastes with a total
Cd concentration>5 mg/L based Cd concentration>0.3 mg/L
on analysis of an extract based on analysis of an extract
D406. Lead compounds D406. Lead compounds
Includes all wastes with a total Includes all wastes with a total
Pb concentration>5 mg/L based Pb concentration>1 mg/L based
on analysis of an extract on analysis of an extract
D407. Mercury and mercury D407. Mercury and mercury
compounds compounds
Includes all wastes with a total Includes all wastes with a total
Hg concentration>0.2 mg/L Hg concentration>0.1 mg/L
based on analysis of an extract. based on analysis of an extract.
These also include These also include
organomercury compounds. organomercury compounds.
Refer to CCO. Refer to CCO.
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes

DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22

D408. Fluoride and its compounds
Includes all wastes with a total F
concentration>100 mg/L based on
analysis of an extract

*TCLP limits for arsenic, barium,

cadmium, chromium, fluoride,
lead, mercury and selenium are
correlated with the 2007
Philippine National Standards for
Drinking Water.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22
F. F. Inks/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Resins/
Inks/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Latex Latex/ Adhesives/Organic
/ Adhesives/Organic sludge sludge
Classes: Classes:
 Aqueous based Solvent based
 Solvent based Inorganic pigments
 Inorganic pigments Ink formulation
 Ink formulation Other mixed
 Other mixed Resinous materials
Waste resins generated, but
not limited to, water purification

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22
H. Putrescible/Organic Wastes H. Organic Wastes
 Animal/abattoir waste
 Grease trap wastes from industrial or  Grease trap wastes
commercial premises Includes all grease trap wastes
Includes all establishments that generated from establishments such
generate an average of 50kg per day as industrial, commercial and
institutional facilities
I. Oil I. Oil
Waste oils Used or Waste oils
Includes all wastes from Includes all used or waste oils
establishments that generate, generated from establishments such
transport or treat more than 200L of as industrial, commercial and
waste oil per day except vegetable oil institutional facilities including transport
and waste tallow facilities either land, air or water
Includes vegetable oil and waste tallow

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes
DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22
J.Containers J.Containers
 Containers previously  Containers previously containing
containing toxic chemical toxic chemical substances
substances Waste containers that used to
Waste containers that used to contain hazardous wastes and
hold the toxic chemical toxic chemical substances
substances listed in Classes A,
D, E, and L, sub-categories
M504 and M505, and the
chemicals listed in the Priority
Chemical List

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes

DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22

M. Miscellaneous Wastes M. Miscellaneous Wastes
 Pathogenic or infectious wastes  Pathological or infectious wastes
Includes pathological wastes Includes healthcare wastes from
(tissues, organs, fetuses, bloods hospitals, medical centers and
and body fluids), infectious clinics containing pathological,
wastes and sharps pathogenic and infectious
wastes, sharps, and others

 Friable asbestos wastes  All asbestos wastes (refer to

Wastes containing friable CCO)
Waste blue and brown asbestos
fibers. Refer to CCO.
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes

DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22

 Waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE)
Include all waste electrical and
electronic equipment that contain
hazardous components such as lead,
cadmium, mercury, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphenyls
(PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl
ethers (PBDEs) that includes its
peripherals i.e., ink cartridges, toners,

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Classification of Hazardous Wastes

DAO 2004-36 DAO 2013-22

 Special Wastes
Household hazardous wastes such as
paints, thinners, household batteries,
lead-acid batteries, spray canisters and
the like that are consolidated by
Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs)
These include wastes from residential
and commercial sources that comprise
of consumer electronics, white goods
(i.e. refrigerators, washing machines, air
conditioners, etc.) batteries, oil and
busted fluorescent lamps

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators

Hazardous Waste Type Large Medium Generator Small Generator

Waste Generator kg/yr kg/yr
Number kg/yr

A101 Wastes with Cyanide

L403 ODS
L404 PCB Wastes
M502 Asbestos Wastes >10,000a 10,000-5,000 <5,000
M501 Pathological or Infectious
M503 Pharmaceuticals and Drugs

D401-D499 Waste with Inorganic

E501-E599 Reactive Chemical Waste

F601-F699 Inks/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Resi
ns/Latex/Adhesives/ Organic
>20,000b <10,000
G703-G704 Waste Organic Solvents 20,000-10,000
K301-K303 Stabilized Waste
L401-L402 Other Organic Chemicals
M504-M506 Miscellaneous Waste

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators
Hazardous Waste Type Large Medium Generator Small Generator
Waste Generator kg/yr kg/yr
Number kg/yr

B201-B299 Acid Wastes

C301-C399 Alkali wastes
I101-I104 Used or Waste Oil 36,000-18,000

>36,000c <18,000

J201 Empty Chemical Containers

H802 Grease wastes >500,000d 500,000-250,000 <250,000

M507 Busted lamps >100 pcs/yr 100-50 pcs/yr <50 pcs/yr

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Compliance Requirements of Waste Generators

Compliance Requirements

Category Storage Contingen

Registrati Designati Storage Manifest
Reporting and cy Training
on on of PCO Time Limit System
Labeling Planning

Large quantity
Yes Full time Quarterly Yes 6 months Yes Yes Yes

Yes Full time Yes 1 year Yes Yes Yes
quantity Semi-
generators Annual

Yes Full-time Yes 1 year Yes Yes Yes

Small quantity Annual

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 Determine if wastes are hazardous waste
 Register as Waste Generator
 Continue to own and be responsible for the
wastes generated until the wastes have been
certified as treated, recycled or disposed of
 Submit Quarterly Hazardous Waste Generators
 Responsible for storage and labeling of wastes
 Submit Emergency Preparedness and Response
 Conduct Personnel training Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Register as Waste Transporter

Submit Emergency Preparedness

and Response Program
Conduct Personnel training

Ensure that its transport

vehicles have warning signs,
markings and other requirements
on transporting hazardous
Use of Manifest
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
R.A. 6969 Hazardous Wastes Tracking System
Manifest (1 copy) Manifest (1 copy)
Transporter #1 Transporter #2

If applicable

EMB Regional Office

Manifest (2 copies)
(2 copies)

TSD Facility

Certificate of
(2 copies)
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Use of the On-line Manifest System

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Category Description
Facilities that conduct onsite treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes
A generated within the facility that employs or utilizes technologies from Categories
B to E
Facilities that commercially treat industrial hazardous wastes using thermal
technologies either burn or non-burn
B.1 Burn technologies such as plasma arc, pyrolysis, gasification, rotary or
fluidized bed incinerator, cement kiln, etc.
B.2 Non-burn technologies such as autoclave, microwave, sterilization, hydroclave,
irradiation, etc.

Landfills that only accept hazardous wastes for final disposal

C.1 Facilities that accept only inert or treated hazardous wastes for final disposal
C in a dedicated cell
C.2 Facilities that accept hazardous wastes for final disposal such as solidified,
encapsulated wastes, etc. under Class K of this procedural manual

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Category Description

Facilities that recycle or reprocess hazardous waste, which are not generated
or produced at the facility
D.1 Facilities include those that recover valuable materials, i.e.
used or waste oil, solvents, acids, alkalis, metals, etc.
D.2 Facilities include those that use hazardous wastes as
input materials or alternative fuel for industrial processes
D.3 Facilities include those that remediate contaminated soil thru physical,
chemical or biological treatment.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Category Description

Facilities that accept and treat hazardous wastes, which are not generated or produced at the
facility using immobilization, encapsulation, polymerization, or similar processes.
Facilities include those that receive hazardous wastes outside the premises and transform
physical or chemical characteristics of the hazardous wastes by physico-chemical or thermal
treatment to dispose them into facilities in Category C:
E.1 Facilities to solidify organic sludge, ashes, and other hazardous wastes

E E.2Facilities to solidify inorganic sludge, ash, and other inorganic hazardous wastes
E.3 Physico-chemical treatment facilities including neutralization, oxidation, and reduction of
waste acid, waste alkali, or waste solution containing cyanide or chromium
E.4 Facilities that chemically treat POPs
E.5 Facilities that chemically treat infectious or pathogenic wastes
E.6 Facilities that decontaminate containers that used to contain chemicals and hazardous

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Category Description

Facilities that store hazardous wastes, which were not generated from the facility
awaiting transport for treatment, disposal, or export such as:
F F.1 Material Recovery Facilities
F.2 Buildings that store containers, vessels, or tanks containing hazardous wastes
F.3 Built tanks that store liquid hazardous wastes

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC), Permit to
Operate and Discharge Permit
 Environmental Guarantee Fund (commercial insurance,
surety bond, trust fund, or a combination thereof)
 Pollution Control Officer
 Process flow and detailed description
 Wastes acceptance criteria and procedure
 Storage Management Plan Long-term plan
 Contingency and Emergency Plan
 Valid contract with a registered Transporter(s)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
In summary, the improvements made
in DAO 2013-22 are:

1. Additional terminologies related to emergency

response and preparedness were identified and

2. The classification of hazardous wastes is updated

to include, among others, Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE), vegetable oil, and
special wastes under RA 9003.

3. Waste generators are classified into small,

medium and large generators depending on the
volume and type of wastes generated.
In summary, the improvements made
in DAO 2013-22 are:

4. The use of an on-line manifest system is

introduced to strengthen tracking and monitoring
of hazardous wastes.

4. Categories of Treatment, Storage and Disposal

(TSD) facilities are updated to include Materials
Recovery Facilities (MRFs).

6. Minimum considerations for siting and post-

closure of TSD facilities are included.
In summary, the improvements made
in DAO 2013-22 are:

7. Chapters on Contingency Program, Personnel

Training and Monitoring are added.

8. Requirements for storage and labeling are revised

and enhanced.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division 43
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

 ratified by the Philippine Senate on 21 October 1993

thus the Philippines became a signatory and a
contracting party

 entered into force on 01 January 1994

 the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources -Environmental Management Bureau is
the Focal Point and Competent Authority to the

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DENR Administrative Order No. 28, Series of 1994:
 Allows the importation of the following recyclable materials:
 scrap metals (lead acid batteries & metal bearing sludge)
 solid plastic materials

 electronic assemblies and scraps

 Used oil

 Fly ash

 All importation must follow the requirements and procedures of

the Basel Convention
 Notification and Consent between Parties
 Wastes to be Imported must have a definite receiving
facility with the essential environmental permits and
clearances Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation Data (2011-2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Importation of Electronic
Assemblies and Scraps (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Data on Export (2011)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Data on Export (2011)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Data on Export (2012)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Data on Export (2013)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Management of Hazardous Wastes


 Generators, Transporters and Treatment,

Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facilities must
register with EMB and have the necessary
environmental permits.

 Transport of hazardous waste from the

generator premises to the TSD facility is
covered by a Permit-to-Transport and
accompanied by a manifest.
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Management of Hazardous Wastes

 Import of hazardous wastes intended for

disposal is prohibited. Import of recyclable
materials containing hazardous substances
intended for recycling and recovery may be
allowed subject to the requirements of EMB
and the Basel Convention.

 Export of hazardous wastes shall comply with

the requirements of EMB and the Basel

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
“Heterogeneous Scrap Plastic
illegally shipped from Canada to
the Philippines”

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Chronology of Events
01 June – 10 July 2013 • Five (5) Import Clearances were issued by EMB for
forty (40) container vans declared as scrap plastics
for recycling.
08 August 2013 • Compliance inspection was conducted by EMB
Hazardous Waste Management staff at the facility of
the importer

• It was noted that the imported scrap materials are

mixed with other waste such as papers and metals
manually sorted by the workers. and requested BOC
to put on “ALERT” the succeeding shipments .

(photodocumentation on the next slide)

05 September 2013 • Issuance Notice of Violation (NOV), technical

conference was held 07 September 2014
19 November 2013 • Payment of Administrative fine of PhP50,000
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Chronology of Events: (continuation)
22-27 November 2013 • EMB issued ten (10) Import Clearances to the
importer for the other fifty (50) container vans of scrap

• BOC issued an Alert Order

10 February 2014 • Inspection conducted by EMB team and BOC headed
by Deputy Commmissioner Ariel Nepomuceno.

(photodocumentation on the next slide)

10 March 2014 • The Environment Canada was informed regarding the
issue and requested to order the exporter to retrieve the
wastes back to Canada.
17 July 2014 • Letter of the DENR Secretary was sent to the Minister
of Environment Canada as agreed on the previous
meeting of the DFA-Office.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Photos taken during the joint inspection at MICT

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Chronology of Events: (continuation)
22 August 2014 Inter Agency meeting attended by:
(Office of American Affairs, • DENR-EMB
• DFA- Office of Legal Affairs
• ICTSI (Port Operator)
08 September 2014 • Reply letter (17 July 2014 DENR letter)
from Environment Canada through Mr.
Michael Martin in behalf of the Minister
was received with no direct answer to
the request for assistance

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 Both exporter and the importer have violated
pertinent provisions of Republic Act No.
6969 and its implementing rules and
regulations, as well as the Basel Convention
on the Transboundary Movement of
Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 In particular, the following violations were

 DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 28, series of

1994 (Interim Guidelines for the Importation of
Recyclable Materials Containing Hazardous

Limiting condition as provided in Annex A, Category 2

of DAO 1994-28 which allows importation of solid
plastic materials with the condition that “no
importation of heterogeneous and assorted scrap
plastic materials shall be allowed”. Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000)

Section 1. Prohibited Acts, Par. l) – Importation of

toxic wastes misrepresented as recyclable or
with recyclable content.

 The above cited violations are also considered

Illegal Traffic pursuant to Article 9 of the Basel
Convention considering that there was
misrepresentation or fraud committed by the
exporter .
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 It is provided in Section 10.2.3 of DAO 2013-
22 that “It is the responsibility of the
exporter to retrieve/return the waste when
denied entry by the Government of the

 DENR’s position is to ship back the waste to

Canada at the expense of the exporter.

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Schedule of Activities
As agreed during the 29 October 2014 Interagency
meeting presided by Atty. Jonas R. Leones (EMB
Director, the following are the next steps:

Procedural Meeting 04 November 2014/ Environmental

9:30 AM Management Bureau
Inspection/Sampling 07 November 2014/ Bureau of Customs
10:00 AM Port Area, Manila
Presentation of 11 November 2014/ Environmental
Findings 9:30 AM Management Bureau

*representative(s) from the Embassy of Canada will be invited in the conduct of

next step activities by Dir. Elena Maningat of DFA-OAA
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Schedule of Activities

Time Activity/Venue
0730H X-Ray Scanning (Container Yard)
0945H • Entry Briefing of Interagency Members
MICP District Office Conference Room
1000H • Opening and Disinfection of Container Vans
(ZCSU 821145, 819370, 842595)
- Bureau of Quarantine staff (DOH)
- Plantex was used as Disinfectant
1030H • Pulling-out of one (1) bail from ZCSU 819370
• WACS proper (sorting/segregation)
1400H • Lunch at MICP District Office Conference

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Editha Tan BOC-Deputy Commissioner
Ariel Nepomuceno BOC-Deputy Commissioner
Gerry Macatangay BOC
Yasmin Mapa BOC-RCMG
Willie Tolentino ESS-BOC
Nicocmedes Enad ESS-BOC-DOF
Frank Javier BOC-PIAD
Jay Crisostomo BOC-PIAD
Randy Vizconde BOC-Enforcement Group
Angelica Pago DOF
Arvin Jo DOF
Lucille Karen Isberto DOF
Rupert Bustamante III Dep. Coll. Ops – MICP
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Porfirio Gabiola Law Division-MICP
Annie Lesszrel Embassy of Canada
Geraldine Bucad Embassy of Canada
Richard Osea DFA-OAA
Reichel Quiñones DFA-OAA
Sonia Mendoza Office of Sen. Legarda
Christopher Ilad NSWMC
Cynthia Evardone NSWMC
Juvinia Serafin NSWMC
Salvacion Solis NSWMC
Belly Cabeso NSWMC
Geri-Geronimo Sañez EMB
Solon Rativo EMB
Irvin Cadavona EMB
Dennis John Cabanatan EMB

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources


Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
WACS (Sorting, Segregation &

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Result of WACS (ZCSU 819370)

Waste Material(s) No. of Bags Weight (kg) %

Recyclable Mixed 26 181.15 33.25
Recyclable Mixed 3 12.80 2.35
Electronic Waste (E- 1 1.30 0.24
Glass (Bottles & cullets) 1 1.25 0.23
Residuals 46 348.38 63.94
TOTAL 77 544.88 100.00

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Status of Activities

Procedural 04 November Environmental

Meeting 2014/ Management Bureau COMPLETED
9:30 AM (EMB) (As scheduled)
Inspection/Sa 07 November Bureau of Customs COMPLETED
mpling 2014/ Port Area, Manila (moved to 10 November 2014
10:00 AM per BOC’s advise)
Presentation 11 November Environmental
of Findings 2014/ Management Bureau COMPLETED
9:30 AM (EMB) (As scheduled)

 12 November- DENR letter to DFA that the WACS

has already been conducted and another letter to
DFA-OOAA requesting their Office to transmit the
WACs Report to the Embassy of Canada
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Projects of the EMB-DENR

 GEF/UNIDO Non-Com POPs Project

 GEF/World Bank Integrated POPs

Project (IPOPs Project)

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DAO 2013-22

Revised Procedures and Standards for the

Management of Hazardous Wastes
(Revising DAO 2004-36)
DENR-DOE Joint Administrative
Order on Lighting Industry
Waste Management Guidelines

Salient Points
 Requiring producers to set up EPR System Operator,
which is non for profit organization
 Requiring producers to pay the Lamp Waste
Management (LWM) Fee to the System Operator based
on sales and disclosed in their commercial
 Proof of LWM payment/system membership will be part
of the Pre-Importation Requirements of EMB
 Obliging the submission of Lighting Industry Waste
Management Plan as part of EMB’s accreditation
process and defines the level of activity of the EPR
System Operator
 EPR System Operator to have shared enforcement
functions with EMB

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Technical Guidelines on the
Environmentally Sound Management
of Waste Electrical and Electronic
Contents of the proposed
WEEE Guidelines
 Introduction
 Definition of Terms
 Scope and Coverage
 Environmentally Sound Management
 Environmental and Health Hazard
 Suitability of Wastes for the Operation
 Waste Avoidance
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Contents of the proposed
WEEE Guidelines (cont.)
 Responsibilities of Parties
 Registration of Producers to the PCSO
 Establishment and General Requirements
of the PCSO
 Contents of the WEEE Management Plan
 Submission and Approval Process of the
WEEE Management Plan
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Contents of the proposed
WEEE Guidelines (cont.)
 Enforcement Requirements
 Steering Committee
 TSD Facilities

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Guidelines on Contaminated Sites

 Provide Guidelines for the Inventory and

Hazard Ranking of Contaminated Sites

 Provide Guidelines for the conduct of Site

Assessment, Site Remediation and Site
Controls for contaminated sites
Ratification Dossier for the
Minamata Convention

Ratification Dossier comprising of the


a)Legal assessment of the existing legal

instruments for mercury in the Philippines
b)Technical study considering the implications
and benefits of ratification
c)Concise plan of priority areas and actions
related to mercury management in the

Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz

Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

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