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Mark Ervin V. Alarca

Al Vincent P. Bago
Airicson C. Orticio

An undergraduate thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Criminal Justice,

Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree Bachelor of Science in Criminology with Contribution No. ____________.
Prepared under the supervision of Ms. Alexis R. Alcantara.


As developed by Travis Hirschi (1969), social control theory argues that drug

abuse and other associated forms of deviance are caused by the lack of social controls

that motivate conformity. The theories of deviance and drug abuse clearly explains

that one of many causes of drug abuse is by the failure of conventional culture to keep

the individual away from drugs instead of being inspired by the draw of drug

subcultures. Besides, it gives voice to those who have little attachment in the

traditional culture are also vulnerable to the influence of drug culture. Hence, people

are suggested to form “bonds” comprising of conventional people, beliefs,

institutions, and activities and once in a while investing for them in order to avoid

risking the security of their investments along with being a law abiding citizen.

Comprehensive community-based approaches have emerged as the most

viable way of reducing the risk of illegal drug use. As such, these prevention

strategies have received substantial support from both the public and private sectors.

This support is based on the observation that community-based approaches hold a

great deal of promise because they endeavor to address the social context and

environmental conditions that contribute to and sustain illegal drugs problems in a

community. It is expected that the implementation of community-based drug

treatment will enable people with drug-related problems to have improved access to a

range of quality services from education, information and drug counseling, to

assistance in stopping or reducing drug use and avoiding the harmful health and social

consequences of drug use (Gorman and Molina, 1997).

In the 2016 Survey, it shows that 4.8 million Filipinos aged 10-69 years old

used illegal drugs at least once of their lives (DDB, 2016). This number shows how

rampant illegal drug trade in the country and an easy access to drugs as well as the

factors of poverty, family, peer influences and environment condition. Different

prevention programs addressed many type of drug abuse problems in the country in

variety approach to provide maximum effectiveness.

The current administration recently continues to its relentless war against

illegal drugs together with the different government agencies in coordination to

barangay levels and strategize plan to help them in eradicating dangerous drugs (De

Venecia, 2016). Revitalizing the Barangay Anti-Drugs Abuse Council, which is

created as the grassroots program of the Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG) aimed at organizing barangay officials and other stakeholders as

first line of defense in combating drug related crimes. BADAC’s were deputized and

empowered to implement strategic policies on drug prevention and control at the same

time given the political and police powers of the barangay to administer the affairs of

the community to accelerate efforts against the proliferation of illegal drugs. Different

anti-drugs abuse council provides different functions indicators which can be either

city, municipal, provincial and national level (DILG, M.C. 2015-63).

Local barangay leaders such as the Barangay Captains play a pivotal role in

the implementation of the programs in accordance to illegal drugs at barangay level.

In the Philippines, the people who have authority or control of political power are the

ones who are capable of mobilizing people at the grassroots level. Local leaders are

expected to make decisions for them in this hierarchical society. As such, it is in this

context that the roles of the barangay leaders become very important (Dela Peña,


This research aims to describe and explain drug cleared status of Tagaytay

City for the development of illegal drugs programs and strategies. The information

obtained in this study is needed to disseminate to government authorities, police

services and NGOs to assist them in developing a drug awareness and prevention

programs in other city.

Statement of the Problem

In general, this study was conducted to explain and describe the phenomena of

declaring Tagaytay City as a drug-cleared City in the province of Cavite.

Specifically, this sought answers to the following research problems:

1. What is the socio-economic profile of the BADAC member-respondents in the

study area in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender;

1.3. Civil status;


1.4. Years in service; and

1.5. Educational attainment?

2. What is the level of awareness and knowledge of the BADAC members in terms


2.1. Attendance to seminars/ trainings on drug education and information

dissemination programs;

2.2. Topics/ skills learned from seminars/trainings;

2.3. Activate and allocate responsibilities for barangay anti- drug related

activities; and

2.4. Submit consolidated information report to CADAC and local police unit

concerned for the formulation and validation of anti- drug related programs.

3. What is the status of implementation of BADAC in the different barangays in the

study area?

4. What are the parameters for declaring a drug cleared city?

Objectives of the Study

The following statements are the specific objectives of the study:

1. Determine the socio-economic profile of the barangay captains in the study

area in terms of:


1.2. Gender;

1.3.Civil status;

1.4. Years in service; and

1.5. Educational attainment.


2. Determine the level of awareness and knowledge of the BADAC members in

terms of:

2.1. Attendance to seminars/ trainings on drug education and information

dissemination programs;

2.2. Topics/ skills learned from seminars/trainings;

2.3. Activate and allocate responsibilities for barangay anti- drug related

activities; and

2.4. Submit consolidated information report to CADAC and local police unit

concerned for the formulation and validation of anti- drug related programs;

3. Identify the status of implementation of BADAC in the different barangays in the

study area.

4. Identify the parameters of status in drug-cleared city.

Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study will be greatly benefitted by the following:

Tagaytay Police Force would conceive other ways to improve present drug

prevention programs and make it more strong and efficient in community safety,

community information and community mobilization.

The Community particularly those who are vulnerable to drugs will become

aware and will encouraged to get involved in the activities concerned with the

prevention and control of drug problems.

It can inspire the other BADAC committee to participates in whatever little

way possible to help the community in generating full understanding of the problem

and boost their knowledge to become efficient in the programs implementing.


Provides the Barangays an enhance and effective strategy to take away and

suppress the dangerous drugs and its users by different programs.

Finally, this research could be used by Future Researchers the findings of

this study can serve as basis and references if they are planning to conduct similar


Time and Place of the Study

The study will be conducted in the 34 barangays of Tagaytay City, Cavite

from October 2018 to May2019.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study covered the 34 barangays of Tagaytay City, Cavite and the

BADAC members as the respondent. This study does not focus on drug related issues

such as drug testing programs in schools and workplaces. Also, the program

operations by BADAC are not included due to confidentiality.

Pertinent data will be obtained from the researcher’s formulated survey

questionnaires and answers from the interview of respondents. The questions do not

include any personal and sensitive information and other questions that are not related

to the topic.

Definition of Terms

For purposes of clearer and better understanding, the following terms were

operationally defined.

Barangay. Refers to the recipient of the anti-drugs abuse council and headed

by a Chairperson.

Board. Refers to group of people under Dangerous Drug Board.

Community. Group of people living in the same place or having a particular

characteristic in common.

Dangerous Drugs. Substance affecting the central nervous system which

taken into the human body brings about physical, emotional or behavioural changes in

a person taking it.

Demand Reduction. The Drug Demand Reduction pillar is geared towards

reducing the consumers demand for drugs and other substances.

Drug Abuse. Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use

of a substance in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods

which are harmful to themselves or others.

Drug Cleared Barangay. Classified as previously drug affected and subjected

to drug clearing operation and declared free from any illegal drug activities pursuant

to the parameters set forth by the Board.

Drug Dependence. World Health Organization defined, it is a cluster of

variable intensity, in which the use of psychoactive drug takes on a high priority

thereby involving among others, a strong desire or sense of compulsion to take the

substances and the difficulties in controlling substances, taking behaviour in terms of

its onset, termination or levels of use.

Pusher. Any person who sells, trades, administers, dispenses, delivers or gives

away to another on any terms or distributes, dispatches in transit or transport

dangerous drugs or who act as a broker in any of such transactions, in violation of the

RA 9165.

Supply Reduction. Supply reduction strategies are directed toward enforcing

the prohibition of illegal drugs and regulating and enforcing access to legal drugs and

substances, particularly those that are high of probability for abuse, including

pharmaceuticals and other precursors and essential chemicals.


Conceptual Framework
1. Socio-economic profile of
the BADAC member-
respondents in the study
area in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender

1.3. Civil status;

1.4. Years in service; and

1.5. Educational attainment  Assess the profile

of respondents
2. Level of awareness and Improve and maintenance
knowledge of the BADAC of drug cleared city with
members in terms of: BADAC as community-
 Assess the level of based approach for drug
2.1. Attendance to seminars/ awareness and prevention programs in
trainings on drug education and knowledge of the different barangays of
information dissemination
BADAC members Tagaytay.

2.2. Topics/ skills learned from


2.3. Activate and allocate

responsibilities for barangay
anti- drug related activities; and

2.4. Submit consolidated

information report to CADAC
and local police unit concerned
for the formulation and
validation of anti- drug related


Figure 1. The paradigm showing the variables of the study


The first step is input that depicts the independent variables relative to the

profile of the BADAC members and their awareness and knowledge about their duties

and anti-drug related activities. The process represents the intervening variables in

terms of assessed profile of the respondents and assessment of the level of awareness

and knowledge of BADAC members. The output indicates the dependent variables in

the form to improve and maintain the functions of BADAC as community-based

approach for drug prevention programs in different barangays of Tagaytay. The

feedback explains the result of dependent variables and the effect of it in relation to

the independent variables. Each step has a direct relationship with each other, hence,

provides a sequential process to be conducted.



This chapter presents related studies and literature from different sources

which provided the researchers with necessary background and knowledge of the

research problem. It also serves as the foundation to the present study.

Community Based Approach

As cited in Guidance for community-based treatment and care service for drug

users in Southeast Asia, there is strategic approach currently undertaken to combat

illicit drug use, known as the community-based approach that will respond with effort

for the country as a whole. Supply reduction, demand reduction and law enforcement

with community as an element are the strategic approach to be provided (United

Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2008). According to World Health Organization

Pyramid of Mental health Services (2012), the core goal of community-based

approach is to ensure a holistic approach to treatment and care of drug users. There

are complexities of drug problems as the community-based approach explained, by

not sending drug users away and out of sight, helps the community to understand the

process and that will help reduce stigma and discrimination against drug users.

In accordance with the study of criminology, social control theory contends

that crime and delinquency occur when an individual’s ties to the conventional order

or normative standards are weak or largely nonexistent (Bartol and Bartol, 2011). In

order to maintain the society order there must be a law, rules and regulation that is

controlling because it contends that all people from the time we are born are basically

bad apples. It goes on to retain that those who end up participating in deviant or

criminal behavior have a weak bond to societal controls. The higher the individual’s

investment in the dominant culture, the more the individual would risk by engaging in

the deviance of drug culture and once people invest in these, they avoid risking the

security of their investments by staying out of trouble with the law.

Likewise, conflict theory argues that social class, power, income, and

neighborhood all affect the degree that tend to be less ordered and community-

oriented. Economics and politics to which a community is afflicted by drug epidemic

(Pamela Black, 2011).Enforcement of anti-drug related programs are difficult to

community with high incidence of drug distribution become the primary causal

factors in the spread of drug abuse. As the people attempting to mentally escape from

their problems demand for drugs rises, with drug dealing becoming a source of

income for communities the supply also increase. The lack of community solidarity

against these intrusions by the drug culture and as well as the lack of effective

political power resulting to these communities to sustain the opportunity for drug

dealing, drug abuse, and crime.

In addition, social cognitive theory is another approach in the development of

drug education programs. Albert Bandura advocated that the core principle and

foundation of this theory should be implemented to help them reach their full range of

effectiveness and understanding of drug education programs. This principles are:

knowledge about the risks of drug use and benefits; self-efficacy or having confidence

in one’s own ability to motivate and achieve goals; setting standards of oneself;

perceived facilitators techniques and impediments that might prevent one from

achieving his or her goals. All of this principles play a key role in facilitating behavior

change (Sharma, 2005).

Therapeutic Community program which is practice nowadays, its main

objective is the "resocialization" of the individual with help of the community and

active components of treatment including other residents, staff, and the social context.

The individual’s social and psychological deficits are viewed as the factors of

addiction thus, treatment focuses on developing personal accountability and

responsibility as well as socially productive lives. Community based treatment is

designed to help residents examine damaging beliefs, self-concept and destructive

patterns of behavior and adopt new, more harmonious and constructive ways to

interact with others (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010).

Furthermore, Andrew Morral, (2004) analyzed that community-based drug

treatment programs is considered as the most thorough examination ever of the

effectiveness of commonly available treatment approach because it can help troubled

teens reduce substance abuse and improve their psychological health.

Harker, et al (2008) mentioned that law enforcement agents support and

community mobilization is needed to counter the sale of illegal drugs and strengthen

the supply reduction program. The interventions should be ideally centered on

reducing youth’s access to drugs and modifying societal norms that promote

indulgence in these substances are within the level of society or community. Cujpers

(2003) stated that, there are universal prevention delivered in community settings as;

mass media campaigns, community interventions, prevention in the workplace,

community mobilizing committees.

Barangay Anti-Drugs Abuse Council

The Philippine National Anti-Drug Strategy 2002 has recently been updated,

and the Philippine National Anti-Drug Plan of Action (NADPA) 2015-2020

published. In the foreword, its purpose is defined as to redefine the tasks of all

National government agencies, government-owned and controlled corporations, local


government units, non-government organizations, community-based organizations,

private organizations and other organizations involved in the anti-drug campaign. The

guide for community-based assessment, treatment and care services for drug users in

the Philippines is an important step in the implementation of strategy of NADPA that

will support the goal of the treatment and rehabilitation component of this strategy.

The government enacted the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs act of 2002

otherwise known as the Republic Act 9165, which repealed the outmoded Dangerous

Drugs Act of 1972 of Republic act 6425. The new law provides stiffer penalties,

maximum imposition of sentence for illegal drug possession and pushing depending

upon the volume of the drug seized but, at the same time seeks to protect the

country’s youth.

Dangerous Drugs Board under the office of the President functioning as the

policy making and coordinating agency in controlling dangerous drugs and by its

implementing arms Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) as the sole and

dedicated entity tasked for the implementation of the Republic Act No. 9165.

Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No.2015-063, revitalizing the

BADAC and their role in drug clearing operations prior to the campaign,

“Mamamayan, Sugpuin ang Illigal na Droga” (MASID).The overall support and

efforts of barangay officials to address peace and order, particularly to curb illegal

drugs and other substances are their principal responsibilities.

All Barangays in every local government unit shall establish its BADAC

within its territorial jurisdiction which shall render assistance to the coordinating law

enforcement agencies in the eradication of illegal drugs. The composition of BADAC

is led by the Chairperson which is the Punong Barangay, Assisted by Vice-


chairperson seated by the Chairman of Peace and Order, together with its members

coming from Chairperson of Women and Family, SK Chairman, Public School

Principal or Representative, Executive Officer, Representative of Non-Government

Organization and Representative of a Faith-based Organization and with supervision

of the adviser headed by the City/Municipal Chief of Police or Representative. They

are appointed to refer suspected users to the body’s city or municipality anti-drug

abuse council counterpart. Composed of two committees, first is for the Advocacy

includes the drug prevention programs and seminars for drug education and second is

Operation this includes the rehabilitation, identification of drug affected houses and

involved during conduct of inventory after raid by PDEA and PNP(B.R. No. 03 s.


Pursuant to Section 3 of MC No. 2015-063, Powers and functions of BADAC

involves: (1) plan, strategize, implement and evaluate programs on drug abuse

prevention in the barangay; (2) organize the BADAC auxiliary team; (3) equip

barangay Tanods and BADAC auxiliary team a basic knowledge against street level

illegal drug trade thru seminars or trainings; (4) coordinate and collaborate with other

agencies implementing programs and projects on drug abuse prevention at the

barangay level; (5) conduct an information education drive; (6) conduct regular and

consultative meetings at least once a month; (7) strengthen the family in the barangay

by promoting family affairs and parental care and guidance; (8) determine and

maintain a record of the names and other personal information; (9) identify drug

affected house clusters, work places, streets, puroks and sitios; (10) conduct an

inventory of drug personalities; (11) refer suspected drug users to the C/MADAC and

other agencies for corresponding counseling or rehabilitation; (12) refer drug users

and dependents who voluntarily surrender to appropriate officer; (13) conduct


periodic monitoring of those undertaking community based drug treatment and

rehabilitation; (14) empower the community in reporting drug related cases through

an award/commendation system; (15) extend assistance to law enforcement agencies

during the conduct of drug operation; (16) create a favorable policy environment by

enacting local ordinances and other legislative measures; (17) set quarterly targets to

reduce the level of drug affectation and ultimately achieved drug-cleared status and

maintain the status; (18) submit a monthly report to the C/MADAC; (19) monitor

disposition and progress of drug-related cases filed; (20) ensure safety of the

community and extend such other necessary assistance; and (21) perform other related


Classification of Barangays

As stipulated, drug-cleared barangay are classified as previously drug affected

and subjected to drug clearing operation and declared free from any illegal drug

activities pursuant to the parameters set by Dangerous drugs board. Another

classification is drug unaffected barangay are the area that has not ever been plagued

or beset by any illegal drug activities, while drug affected barangay are the area that

has reported presence of drug user, pusher, manufacturer, cultivation or other drug

personality, drug den, clandestine drug laboratory and facilities related to production

of illegal drugs, with three sub-classification: (1) seriously affected; (2) moderately

affected; and (3) slightly affected. The Drug-Free barangay defined as place where no

illegal drugs are used or available (B.R. No. 03 s. 2017).

In line with, Section 11 of B.R. No.03 s. 2017, provides that the oversight

committee after assessment and validation vital to the compliance with the

parameters, shall issue a certification declaring drug-cleared status of the barangay the

certificate shall be attested by Chairman of city anti-drugs abuse council and certified

by the Chief of Police and validated by PDEA Regional Director. The barangay with

the status of drug-cleared has the responsibility to maintain the said status.

Drug-Cleared Area in Cavite

As the intensified campaign against illegal drugs of the local government in

coordination with partner agencies, all the effort was paid off after the declaration of

the first ever drug-cleared status in the City of Tagaytay and first time in the Cavite

province on third quarter of the 2018. Tagaytay with 34 barangay managed to

eradicate drugs despite of being one of the tourist destination for vacation during

summer that the volume of people escalate. According to Supt Elmer J. Decena,

Tagaytay City police chief (2018), the recognition as one of the drug-cleared city will

inspired them to be aggressive and dedicated in maintaining the said status against

those who might take advantage of committing any drug offense.

The Municipality of Mendez-Nuñez with 24 barangays and Magallanes with

16 barangays was also certified cleared as the absent of drug users, clandestine

laboratories and drug trade were confirmed and certified by the PDEA unit (Pino,



This chapter describes how the present study will be conducted. It provides

processes involved in arriving at the research findings and conclusion. It includes the

research design, participants of the study, sources of data, research instrument, data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data used in this study.

Research Design

Descriptive research method was used in presenting and analyzing the topics

or issues from the data gathered. Ethridge (2004) defined descriptive research may be

characterised as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is. Thus,

this studydescribes and explained the factors that might affect in the declaring of a

drug cleared status of City of Tagaytay, Cavite.

Sources of Data

Two major sources of data were considered in this study, primary sources and

secondary sources.

Participants of the Study

There were two sets of participants in this study. The first set was BADAC

officials from 34 Barangays of Tagaytay, Cavite. On the other hand, the second set of

participants was the residents within each barangay that is familiar in the

implementation of anti-drugs programs.


Sampling Technique

Purposive and convenience random sampling techniques were used in

selecting the BADAC officials and residents of Tagaytay. Purposive sampling is a

non-probability sampling method and it occurs when researcher relies on his or her

own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study. In

this sampling procedure, researchers often believe that they can obtain a

representative sample by using a sound judgment, which will result in saving time and

money (Black, 2010) .While, convenience random sampling is a specific type of non-

probability sampling that relies on data collection from population members who are

conveniently available to participate in the study (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill,

2012). Thus, these techniques can be very useful; where members of the target

population meet certain practical criteria, such as easy accessibility, geographical

proximity, availability at a given time, or the willingness to participate are included

for the purpose of the study. The sample was selected because of their convenient

accessibility and proximity to the researchers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared the instruments used through reading of the

questionnaire of other studies just to obtain some ideas. A letter of request was given

to the Mayor of Tagaytay for the permission to conduct the study. Upon approval

signing of consent form followed the facilitation the voluntary participation of the

participants.The data was divided into three parts. First and second part of the

questionnaire pertains to BADAC member-respondents using a survey to determine

their socio-economic profile and level of awareness and knowledge. The third part

was to assess the implementation of BADAC in the different barangays by using a


checklist in the program of BADAC. The data collected were subjected for statistical

treatment and analysis.The following data were gathered:

A. Socio-economic Profile of the Respondents

1. Age;

2. Gender;

3. Civil Status;

4. Years in service;

5. Educational Attainment;

B. Level of awareness and knowledge of their BADAC

1. Attendance to seminars/ trainings on drug education and information

dissemination programs;

2. Topics/ skills learned from seminars/trainings;

3. Activate and allocate responsibilities for barangay anti- drug related

activities; and

4. Submit consolidated information report to CADAC and local police unit

concerned for the formulation and validation of anti- drug related programs.

C. Checklist included:

1. Conduct a basic drug prevention and control seminars to all stakeholders in

your barangay?

2. Conduct an advocacy and/or preventive education programs?

3. Presence of campaign material about illegal drugs?

4. Implement sustainable support projects such as sports, religious and social

activities in your barangay?

5. Give an emphasis to the role of parents and children in the anti-drug


6. Implement sustainable livelihood projects as a reintegration program to former

drug pushers and users?

7 . Conduct counseling activities for the community and persons related to

illegal drug activities?

8. Organize house clusters with designated cluster leader in each barangay?

Research Instrument

To gather the needed data the following were employed.


This was the primary source of data. It contains questions that answer stated in

the problem. The socio-economic profile of the respondents will be answered and

checked according to their preferences.

The secondary source of data has been gathered through reading a previous

researches, articles and searching through World Wide Web.

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