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_______________________________________ Core ________


“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of

junk.” Albert Einstein

Automatic Parachute Opener

Rube Goldberg (1883-1970) was a Pulitzer Prize
winning cartoonist, sculptor, and author.

Reuben Lucius Goldberg (Rube Goldberg) was born in San

Francisco on July 4th, 1883. After graduating University of
California Berkeley with a degree in engineering, Rube went on
to work as an engineer for the City of San Francisco Water and
Sewers Department.

After six months Rube shifted gears and

left the Sewers Department to become an
office boy in the sports department of a
San Francisco newspaper. While there he
began to submit drawings and cartoons to
the editor until he was finally published.
Rube soon moved from San Francisco to
New York to work for the Evening Mail
drawing daily cartoons. This led to
syndication and a national presence – and
the rest is history.

A founding member of the National Cartoonist Society, a

political cartoonist and a Pulitzer Prize winner, Rube was a
beloved national figure as well as an often-quoted radio and
television personality during his sixty-year professional career.

Best known for his “inventions”, Rube’s early years as an

engineer informed his most acclaimed work. A Rube Goldberg
contraption – an elaborate set of arms, wheels, gears, handles,
cups, and rods, put in motion by balls, canary cages, pails,
boots, bathtubs, paddles, and live animals – takes a simple
task and makes it extraordinarily complicated. He had solutions
for How To Get The Cotton Out Of An Aspirin Bottle, imagined
a Self-Operating Napkin, and created a Simple Alarm Clock –
to name just a few of his hilariously depicted drawings.
How to Keep Shop

 Windows Clean

Passing man (A) slips on banana peel (B) causing him to fall on rake (C). As
handle of rake rises it throws horseshoe (D) onto rope (E) which sags, thereby
tilting sprinkling can (F). Water (G) saturates mop (H). Pickle terrier (I) thinks it is
raining, gets up to run into house and upsets sign (J) throwing it against non-
tipping cigar ash receiver (K) which causes it to swing back and forth and swish the
mop against window pane, wiping it clean. If man breaks his neck by fall move
away before cop arrives.

Simplified Pencil Sharpener

Open window (A) and fly kite (B). String (C) lifts small door (D) allowing moths
(E) to escape and eat red flannel shirt (F). As weight of shirt becomes less, shoe
(G) steps on switch (H) which heats electric iron (I) and burns hole in pants (J).
Smoke (K) enters hole in tree (L), smoking out opossum (M) which jumps into
basket (N), pulling rope (O) and lifting cage (P), allowing woodpecker (Q) to
chew wood from pencil (R), exposing lead. Emergency knife (S) is always handy
in case opossum or the woodpecker gets sick and can't work.
Rube Goldberg Project Instructions
Design, Build, and Present an Incredible Contraption of Your Own.

1. A Rube Goldberg machine is a device used to perform a certain task. It is your job
to create a 5 – step (minimum) simple machine device to perform any task that
you wish.

2. Like an architect, you must make a "blueprint" drawing of your Rube Goldberg
machine listing all five (5) steps with the proper names of the different simple

3. You must build your device and bring it to class. Your project must fit through
the door. The working device should include at least three different simple
machines (wedge, fixed or moveable pulley, pendulum, 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree
lever, inclined plane, screw, wheel and axle, or gears).

4. You must present your device in class using the proper terms to identify the
different simple machines. You will then physically demonstrate your device to
the class.
5. All machines must meet safety requirements:
 You may not launch, shoot or catapult anything harmful or dangerous
from the device toward people, the walls, or the ceiling.

 You MAY NOT use a mouse or rat trap.

 Any and all messes created by your machine will be cleaned up by you!

 No hazards/danger can be involved.

 No violence can be involved.

 No open flames.

 No animals can be used.

6. You must complete the Project Reflection Paper.

This project is not as difficult as one may first think. This is a great project that can be very
inexpensive if you use materials around the house. Building toys like Lego, Tinker Toys, or
construction kits may help you with the construction of this device.

Your own imagination and creativity are all you need to build a super Rube Goldberg machine.
But if you're having trouble getting started, here are a few tips to help you.
1. Decide on a goal for your machine. The goal is the last step of your machine. It may be
something useful, like how to turn off the alarm clock, or something wacky, such as how to
swat a fly.

Task Ideas:
Fold a napkin, Open a pop can, Screw a lid on a plastic jar, Raise a flag, Turn on a
radio, Set off a party popper, Blow up a balloon, Prepare a bowl of cereal, Turn on a
light, Turn a page in a book, Smash a grape, Pour a drink in a cup, Put toothpaste on a
toothbrush, Put a golf ball into a hole, Turn on a flashlight, Pop a balloon.

• The above are only ideas. Any other ideas must be cleared with your teacher first!
It's OK to be unique and creative!

2. Gather a few things from around the house, in your toy box, junk drawer, or garage. Balls,
marbles, dominoes, string, toy cars, magnets, cardboard or tubes, etc. Don't worry, you can
collect more later.

3. Now play with the things! What can the car bump into or knock down? Can the string pull
something up? What can push the ball down the cardboard ramp? Try it out!

4. Get a piece of paper and start writing down any idea that pops into your head. This is called
brainstorming. No matter how crazy the idea seems, just write it down for later. Even if you
don't use it, it may help you think of more things.

5. Once you get a few good ideas for your machine, make a list, in order, of the steps, or draw a
simple picture of the steps.

6. Plan on making quite a few changes to your machine as you build it. It may look different from
your original drawing. Try not to get frustrated, this is part of learning what works best.

7. If you get stuck at a certain step of your machine, why not try to work your way backwards?
Start at the last step, and connect the part to it that triggers it. Or take a break away from the
machine. Sometimes you'll come back with a fresh solution to the problem.

8. Maybe you've overlooked the most important element of an outstanding Rube Goldberg
machine: WACKINESS! Rube saw the humor in every situation. His ludicrous cartoons were a
satire on the American public for their complicated methods for solving a problem. GO
CRAZY! A true Rube Goldberg machine would be boring without some common household
items (old toys, toilet plunger, egg beater, typewriter...)

9. Still having trouble? Look up the inspiration for this project and all things related to Rube
Goldberg: his original "invention cartoons". While you may not open your garage door by
pouring water on a daisy seed and waiting for the flower to start a chain reaction, you'll laugh at
his originality and will surely get some ideas.
Examples of Common Items Typically Used

Work Shop/Garage Office/School

Kitchen Items Kids Items Other Items
Items Items
plastic jars wood scraps toys rubber bands sand
lids PVC pipe old trophies paper clips water
juice cans tools pet cage parts scissors clay
utensils wire aquarium tubing binder clips play-doh
bowls chain building blocks pens caulk
food containers tape (all kinds) balls pencils dough
plastic bags old parts of junk gloves paper yarn
plastic silverware nails pucks cardboard boxes
canned food screws, nuts, bolts shoes books
fridge magnets belts rackets glue
pots & pans hose golf tees stapler/staples
beans string stuffed animals old telephone parts
rice old yard tools action figures old computer parts
brooms old camping gear marbles erasers
funnels old car parts dominoes thumb tacks
Sketch your Rube Goldberg Machine below and letter each step in order. Describe
the action of each step on the lines and label the simple machine used for each.

Name of Machine_______________________________________________
What is the ultimate goal for your machine?_________________________

Step: Simple
Self Reflection of my Project

1. How did you come up with the idea for your project?

2. What do you see as the strengths of your device?

3. What was particularly important to you while you were completing your

4. What things did you struggle with while you were completing your project?

5. What was the most important thing you learned from completing this project?

6. What was the best thing that happened while you were working on this project?

7. What were some reactions your received from those who saw your project?

8. What advice would you give to someone just beginning this project?

9. What would your do differently, knowing what you now know about the project?

10. If you were given two weeks to improve on your project, what modifications or
extensions would you make?

Rube Goldberg Project Grading Sheet

Possible Points
Points Earned

Drawing is complete and neat, with the simple machines 20

and steps labeled

Student gives machine a creative name 5

Student uses at least three (3) different simple machines 10

Student correctly identifies simple machines 10
Machine works to completion without intervention 5
Student describes construction of device in a
knowledgeable manner

Device construction shows quality construction 10

Device is unique and creative in design 10

Device is completed on time 10

Student speaks clearly and presentation is focused 5

Student completes Project Reflection Paper 5

Comments: 100

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