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Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


About the Ki t
In the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer, Rosie overcomes a fear of failure to create
a helicopter (first propelled by cheddar cheese spray and then by sturdier stuff). Rosies
process mirrors the problem solving, planning, designing, testing, failing, and redesigning
process of Engineers.

This activity takes your readers through the engineering process by adapting the blades of
a paper helicopter. Not familiar with STEM or Engineering programming or instruction? No
worries. This event kit includes step-by-step instructions. It even provides sample
dialogue. The kit contains everything you will need except for some common office supplies.

This kit was created by Carolyn DeCristofano, science educator and consultant with Blue
Heron STEM Education, Curious City DPW, the creator of book-based programming kits for
schools and libraries, and author Andrea Beaty. CCSS and NGSS Standards alignments are
located at the end of this kit.

About the Book
Rosi e Revere, Engi neer
By Andrea Beaty
Illustrated by David Roberts
Published by Abrams Books for Young
ISBN-13: 9781419708459
Hardcover, $16.95
Grades: K-4
New York Times Best Seller
2013 Parents' Choice Award - GOLD
2014 Amelia Bloomer Project List
Bill Martin Jr. Award Nominee

Told through Beatys rhymes and Robertss
playful art, this tale of creativity and
persistence will delight readers five and (way)
up. Science Magazine

Rosie may seem quiet during the day, but at night shes a brilliant inventor of gizmos and
gadgets who dreams of becoming a great engineer. When her great-great-aunt Rose (Rosie
the Riveter) comes for a visit and mentions her one unfinished goalto flyRosie sets to
work building a contraption to make her aunts dream come true. But when her contraption
doesnt fly but rather hovers for a moment and then crashes, Rosie deems the invention a
failure. On the contrary, Aunt Rose insists that Rosies contraption was a raging success.
Rosie realizes that you can only truly fail if you quit.

"Comically detailed mixed-media illustrations that keep the mood light and emphasize
Rosies creativity at every turn." Publishers Weekly

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer is an absolutely wonderful kids picture book about a young girl
who loves to inventWritten in delightful verse and filled with sneaky histories of women in
aviation, its perfect inspirational material for young makers. BoingBoing

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


About the Author & I llustrator
Andrea Beaty is the author of Secrets of the Ci cada Summer, Attack of the Fl uffy
Bunni es, When Gi ants Come to Pl ay, and I ggy Peck, Archi tect. She lives just
outside Chicago. Learn more about Andrea at

David Roberts has illustrated many childrens books, including I ggy Peck, Archi tect,
Happy Bi rthday Madame Chapeau, and Dear Tabby. He lives in London.


Prepare - One Month i n Advance of the Event

1. Locate a copy or copies of the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea
Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams Books for Young Readers).

2. If you are doing an event for the public, copy and post the Event Poster in this kit,
hand it out in your community, and include it in a display. List the event in
newsletters and online calendars with copy such as:

Do you like to imagine, experiment, and make amazing things? Join us for a
reading of the bestselling picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer and to
try your hand at making a Rosie-Copter fly. You may just discover you are
an engineer in the making. All ages welcome, but best for ages 7-11.

3. Create a display of household and playroom detritus. Add a label with the following:
From Household Trash to Engineers Treasure! How could you use some of these
objects in an invention?

4. Decide whether or not you will serve a snack. One cannot resist the temptation to
suggest serving spray cheddar cheese. (Caution: Beware of the child who tries to
use it for take off!)

5. Do you want to brush up on a grade-level description of engineering? We suggest
searching for the NASA for Kids: Intro to Engineering page at

Prepare - One Week or More i n Advance of the Event

1. Gather:
___ Scissors (enough for each anticipated participant)
___ Paperclips of the same size (enough for each anticipated participant
plus a handful more.)
___ Rolls of clear tape
___ Hole punchers to share
___ Staplers to share
___ Scrap paper to share
___ Pencils (enough for every two anticipated participants)
___ Other design and craft supplies of your choice

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


2. Print the Rosie-Copter Templates on regular paper or cardstock. You will need one
template for each anticipated participant plus extras for further experimentation or
as take-home goodies.

3. Depending on your time and setting, decide how much you will prep the Rosie-
Copter Templates. At a timed public event, we suggest:

___ Cut out the Rosie-Copter Template.
___ Cut along the dotted lines to make the Copter blades.
___ Fold back along the double line to make the cockpit.
___ Secure the fold with a paperclip (straight up and down and centered).

4. Print out Rosie Revere, Engineer Notebook sheets. You will need one for every
anticipated participant.

5. Print out a few Rosie Revere, Engineer Design Department sheets to decorate the
table where your design supplies will sit.

6. Print out a Rosie Revere, Engineer Guide to Engineers for display or distribution.

7. Print out the Rosie-Copter Sheet (with instructions) for children to take home to
continue their experiments

8. Review the Engineering Activity. The text in bold italic is suggested dialogue to
have with children. Some people like these prompts and some dont. They are there
in case you will find them useful!

9. We suggest referencing and rereading the final pages of the book during the book
discussion part of the activity. You may want to mark those pages.

10. (Optional) Select nonfiction books on engineering for a display to encourage
reference and circulation.

Don' t Have Ti me for the Ful l Acti vi ty? Simply print out the Rosie-Copter Sheet
(with instructions) for families to take home.

Preparati on for the Day of the Event

1. Lay out your Rosie Revere, Engineer Design Department table with scissors,
paperclips, clear tape, hole punchers, staplers, scrap paper, other supplies, and your
Rosie Revere, Engineer Design Department signs. If you plan to allow multiple
rounds of design, place additional Rosie-Copter Templates on this table as well.
(There is no need to prep them with the fold or cut.)

2. Place the Rosie-Copter Sheet (with instructions) for children to take home to
continue their experiments.

3. Place your Rosie-Copter Templates, Rosie Revere, Engineer Notebook sheets, and
pencils within reach for distribution.

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


4. Place your Rosie Revere, Engineer Guide to Engineers for display or distribution.

5. (Optional) Lay out your snack and nonfiction books on engineering.


Read and Di scuss the Book s Depi cti on of Engi neeri ng

Note: The text in bold italic is suggested dialogue to have with children. Some people like
these prompts and some dont. They are there in case you will find them useful!

1. Read the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer aloud.

2. Revisit the books treatment of failure. Show the two-page spread of the heli-o-
cheese-copter in the air and then turn the page to show it after the crash.
Why di d Rosi e thi nk her hel i -o-cheese-copter fai l ed?

3. Revisit the aunts redefinition of failure as success. Why di dn t Great-Great-
Aunt-Rosi e thi nk Rosi e fai l ed? Show the spread of Great-Great-Aunt Rose
hugging Rosie. Reread the page beginning with You did it!

4. Explore what it means to be an engineer. Reread the spread with Rosie
brainstorming new ideas. Begin with Your brilliant first flop and read to the end
of the next page ending with bold dreams of a great engineer.
What do you thi nk an engi neer i s?

5. Elicit definitions of an engineer and share this definition from NASA. (Source: NASA
for Kids: Intro to Engineering at Engi neers
are peopl e who desi gn and bui l d the thi ngs we use every day. What di d
Rosi e bui l d?

6. Engi neers sol ve probl ems. What probl em was Rosi e tryi ng to sol ve?
Elicit the response that she was trying to build a gizmo to help her aunt fly.

7. Engi neers come up wi th i deas and make pl ans. Show the spread with Rosie
in bed thinking. Point out the helicopter toy and its red helicopter blades. What
has to happen for the hel i copter to fl y? Turn to the picture book spread of
the heli-o-cheese-copter in the air. Elicit the answer that the blades have to spin.

8. Engi neers experi ment or try thi ngs. What di d Rosi e experi ment wi th as
hel i copter bl ades? Elicit the response that she used a can of cheddar cheese

9. Engi neers make mi stakes. Show the spread where Rosie crashes.

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


10. Fai l ure or mi stakes al l ow engi neers to i mprove thei r pl an. How di d
Rosi e i mprove her pl an? Turn to the end spread where Rosie is putting on new
helicopter blades. Compare and contrast the picture of the heli-o-cheese-copter in
the air with the new design to see what has changed. Elicit the observation that
she has changed the helicopter blades.

Invi te Readers to be Engi neers

1. Show your Rosie-Copter Prototype. I have here a model of the Rosi e-Copter.

2. Let me show you how the Rosi e-Copter fl i es. Stand, extend your arm as
high as it will go, and drop the Rosie-Copter.

3. Introduce the challenge. Now, I woul d l i ke i t i f Rosi e di d not crash l and.
The faster she l ands the more damage she wi l l do to her Rosi e-Copter
and hersel f. The sl ower she l ands, the safer she wi l l be. Let s see i f
we can make Rosi e safer by maki ng her Copter go sl ower. I want YOU
to engi neer a better, sl ower Copter. I want you to change thi s Copter
to try and make i t go sl ower.

4. Distribute the Rosie-Copter templates.

5. As my group of engi neers, we need to bui l d and try out her fi rst i dea
so we can see i t i n acti on. Demonstrate folding one blade forward and one
blade back (or the whole assembly if you have not prepped it fully).

6. Invite children to observe the Rosie-Copter. Ready to try out the Rosi e-
Copter? I woul d l i ke everyone to hol d thei r Rosi e-Copters i n thei r
ri ght hands and then put those hands as far up i n the ai r as you can.

I m goi ng to do a 3-2-1, Drop countdown. When I cal l out, Drop!
l et go of your copter and watch i t careful l y as i t drops. See what you
can noti ce. Then pi ck up the copter and wai t for my next i nstructi on.

Ready? 3-2-1Drop! Allow children to drop and pick up their copters.

Wow! That was fast. Maybe we shoul d try i t agai n so you can have
another l ook. Ready? 3-2-1Drop! Again, allow children to drop and pick up
their copters.

Let s do i t one more ti me. Get ready to tel l me what you noti ce! Don t
forget to pi ck up your copter and wai t for my next i nstructi on. Ready?

7. Once children have picked up the copters, settle them down and ask them to sit so
you can talk about what happened.

Wel l , what di d you noti ce? Prompt students to recall that the copter spun, the
blades went up, the copter crashed, and it all happened fast.

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


That s Rosi e s probl em the copter fel l so fast i t l anded hard; i t crash
l anded. I wonder how we mi ght make i t go sl ower so i t l ands more
softl y. I bet some of you al ready have i deas. Anyone?

Children might be shybut usually there will be one or two children who want to
volunteer their ideas. This may warm up the group.

8. Introduce this challenges design constraints. Those are al l i nteresti ng i deas.
Before we try anythi ng, though, I thi nk there s a l i ttl e more you need
to know about.

Engi neers someti mes cannot do everythi ng they want to do. They have
rul es or constrai nts. The constrai nts may be that they onl y have
certai n materi al s or they onl y have a l i ttl e bi t of money to work wi th.
These constrai nts l eave them wi th rul es to work wi thi n.

I am goi ng to gi ve you a rul e for thi s fi rst round of engi neeri ng. You
can onl y make changes to the bl ades of Rosi e s Copter. Not the
cockpi t [point to space below the blades] or the wei ght on the cockpi t [point
to the paperclip].

Create Engi neer Teams

1. Pair children with each other or with an adult. Now that we have our teams, I
need one team member to vol unteer to keep track of thei r engi neeri ng
experi ments i n the Rosi e Revere, Engi neer Notebook. Hand out Rosie
Revere, Engineer Notebook sheets and pencil to each team

2. Have the children mark one of the Copters. You each have a Copter, yes? I
need one team member to wri te a #1 on thei r Copter bl ade. Thi s
Copter wi l l be your Desi gn #1. I t wi l l not change. You are responsi bl e
for keepi ng Desi gn #1 from any changes. Understand?

3. Have the children mark their experimental Copter. Now I want you to put the #
2 on the other Copter. Thi s Copter wi l l be the second try for Rosi e.
You are goi ng to change thi s Copter s bl ades i n some way. You are
goi ng to make a change to the Copter bl ades that you thi nk wi l l make
i t fal l sl ower.

What ki nds of changes coul d you make to the bl ades? Some answers could
be: They could be made longer, they could be made shorter, they could be made a
different shape, or they could be folded.

4. Bring the teams to the Rosie Revere, Engineer Design Department. I want you to
l ook over what materi al s you have to work wi th here i n the Rosi e
Revere, Engi neer Desi gn Department. I then woul d l i ke you to si t
down as a team to deci de what change you are goi ng to make to your
Copter bl ades.

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


Get Engi neeri ng

1. Once teams are seated, invite pairs to record their idea in the notebook. I f your
i dea i s to make the bl ades of your Copter #2 shorter, take out your
Rosi e Revere Engi neer Notebook and wri te bl ades shorter under
Desi gn Change.

2. Explain what will happen next. Once you have brai nstormed what you wi l l
change, make a note about what you wi l l change, and thengo ahead
make your change!

3. What do you thi nk I wi l l ask you to do after you make the changes to
your Copter bl ades? Elicit the answer that you would like them to test it
against the Design #1 Copter. Demonstrate making a change to the blades on one
and then holding both arms up and dropping them at the same time.

Ask children to say whether the new copter was successful, reminding them that the
idea is to make the new design go slower than Rosies first design.

4. And shoul d you j ust charge ahead and make another desi gn? Elicit a
discussion about repeating this test, observation, agreeing on the results, and
recording them under Results section of the Rosie Revere Engineer Notebook. In
an informal program, you may not have the opportunity to control this.

5. Elicit questions and then circulate to make sure teams understand their challenge.

6. Decide whether to offer teams a chance to redesign with additional templates or
stop at this point. Some teams might have time for redesign while others are still
working on their first improvement of Rosies copter.

Meeti ng of Engi neers

1. Bring the group back together. I woul d l i ke al l the bri l l i ant engi neers i n thi s
room to gather for a meeti ng to share thei r desi gns and resul ts.

2. Elicit results from the group. Ask each design team: What change di d you make
to Rosi e s fi rst desi gn? What happened? Di d your copter fal l sl ower
than Rosi e s, faster, or about the same speed?

Whether or not your desi gn worked to make the copter go sl ower, you
sti l l have good i nformati on that wi l l hel p al l the engi neers i n the room.

3. Invite similar designs to the front of the room for a demonstration of their copters
#1 and #2. Watch the copters made accordi ng to thi s desi gn careful l y.
How are they the same? How are they di fferent? Count down to a
demonstration. Elicit responses. Invite children to take notes in their Rosie Revere,
Engineer Notebooks of anything that interests them.

4. Repeat the demonstration with just the Copter #2 Designs and not Rosies Copter
#1. Watch careful l y. I s there one that fal l s sl ower than the rest?
Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


5. Discuss the results. Are there reasons for di fferent resul ts? Elicit the
question of whether the height of the person makes a difference.

6. Discuss outcomes. I f you redesi gn your Copter, woul d you use thi s
desi gn feature?

Repeat and Concl ude

1. Repeat these demonstrations with different ideas until you have heard from each
team or have reached your time limit.

2. If time, send your engineers back for another round of design. Regardless, make
sure each engineer gets a Rosie-Copter Sheet (with the instructions) for home use.

3. Conclude with encouragement to keep experimenting and with a quote from the
book. I hope you wi l l keep experi menti ng, fai l i ng, l earni ng, and
experi menti ng as al l good engi neers do. As Rosi e says, Li fe mi ght
have i ts fai l ures, but thi s was not i t. The onl y true fai l ure can come i f
you qui t.

Ali gnment wi th the Standards

NGSS Engi neeri ng Desi gn

Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to
change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or
improved object or tool.

Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object
helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.

Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the
strengths and weaknesses of how each performs.

Common Core ELA

With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Grade 1
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central
message or lesson.

Rosi e Revere, Engi neer

A STEM Event Kit for Libraries, Bookstores, Classrooms K-4, and Families
Activities created for the picture book Rosi e Revere, Engi neer by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts (Abrams
Books for Young Readers) All illustrations 2013 by David Roberts. All rights reserved. www. AndreaBeaty. com


Grade 2
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.
Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.

Grade 3
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to
the text as the basis for the answers.
Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how
their actions contribute to the sequence of events

Grade 4
Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific
details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).

Common Core Math

Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several
measurable attributes of a single object.

Grade 1
Measurement and Data
Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.
Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third

Grade 2
Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers,
yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length
difference in terms of a standard length unit.

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