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le Red Pen


The Little
978- 0-15-20643

Red Pen
ren’s Books

Janet Stevens
Ha rcour t Ch ild

Susan Stevens Crummel

Teachers, Librarians, Booksellers, and Parents:

The Little Red Pen is the newest book from the award-winning sister team of Janet Stevens and Susan
Stevens Crummel. Eraser, Pencil, Stapler, Highlighter, Scissors, and Pushpin must work together to rescue the
Little Red Pen when she falls into the dreaded Pit of No Return!

The following activities will help you explore the book with children. Perform a Readers’ Theater, create your
own cast of school supply characters, solve a maze, and much more! With a little imagination, young readers
will respond with glee to Highlighter’s impassioned plea:

w i l l h e l p u s s a v e the w o
Wh o rld?
Who Said What?
Unscramble the names of the characters from The Little Red Pen in the left hand column. Then draw a line
connecting each character’s name to words that he/she says in the story.

1. E E SA R R a. “I’ve been cutting up all day. I’m getting

dull. Not good for a sharp guy like me!”

2. PAT L S E R b. “I write all day and what do I get?

Sharpened down to a nub.
Who needs a nub?”

3. SSSSIROC c. “What was the question? I forget

everything. My head is shrinking.”

4. CIENPL d. “My back is killing me! Everybody

keeps pounding on it. I could break!”

5. LIHIHGGHTRE e. “Don’t call me Pushpin. My name

is Señorita Chincheta. And I am
la última chincheta. If I get lost–
no more chinchetas. ¿Comprende?”

6. N I U H S PP f. “I’m bright, not crazy! Remember

Mr. Felt-Tip Marker? His cap was left off,
and you know where he ended up.”
Speak up!
Almost all of the office supplies have something to say in The Little Red Pen, but two important characters
don’t say a word in the entire book. Put some words in the mouths of Tank and “The Pit of No Return.”
What might they say to Little Red Pen or Pushpin?


The Pit of
No Return

Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens All rights reserved.

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Wanted: Imaginative Brain Power!
Oh, no! Another character from The Little Red Pen has fallen into “The Pit of No Return!” Draw a plan or
invention that would help the character get out of the trash can. Label the parts of your plan or invention.

Cast of Characters
Collect the following common school supplies: Also needed:
A red pen Glue or tape
A pencil (a thick kindergarten pencil works best) Pipe cleaners
A pushpin or craft stick (it may be easier to affix the Markers to color pipe cleaners to match
Pushpin character to a craft stick) body colors
An eraser
A pair of scissors
A stapler
A green highlighter

Cut out the Players (below and on the following page) along the dotted lines. Use the white tabs to affix
them to their corresponding school supply. Add colored pipe cleaners for arms. Use your characters to act
out the Readers’ Theater (script follows), dramatize the entire story, or create your own adventures of the
Little Red Pen and her friends.

The Players




Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens All rights reserved.
This page may be photocopied for free distribution




Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens All rights reserved.

This page may be photocopied for free distribution
A Readers’ Theater
to dramatize the beginning of our story . . . .
Create your own Cast of Characters (preceding pages). If your group is large, have some children act out the
story with the characters while other children read each part. If your group is smaller, have each child hold their
character while reading the play. There are seven characters and one narrator.

The Little Red Pen

by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel

LITTLE RED PEN: Let’s get to work!

PENCIL: Oh, no—she’s at it again.

STAPLER: Don’t move.

ERASER: I’m not helping anymore.


HIGHLIGHTER: Yeah, too risky.

PUSHPIN: ¡Silencio!

LITTLE RED PEN: There’s too much to do! Where are my helpers? Stapler, Scissors, Pencil,
Eraser, Pushpin, Highlighter! Are you hiding in the drawer? Get up here now!
If the papers aren’t graded, the students won’t learn. The school might close.
The walls might tumble. The floors might crumble. The sky might fall.
It might be the end of the world! Who will help me save the world?





PUSHPIN: ¡Yo no!

Text from The Little Red Pen copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens
All rights reserved. This page may be photocopied for free distribution.


STAPLER: My back is killing me! Everybody keeps pounding on it. I could break!

PENCIL: I write all day and what do I get? Sharpened down to a nub. Who needs a nub?

PUSHPIN: Don’t call me Pushpin. My name is Señorita Chincheta. And I am la última

chincheta. If I get lost–no more chinchetas. ¿Comprende?

SCISSORS: I’ve been cutting up all day. I’m getting dull. Not good for a sharp guy like me!

ERASER: What was the question? I forget everything. My head is shrinking.

HIGHLIGHTER: I’m bright, not crazy! Remember Mr. Felt-Tip Marker? His cap was left off, and you
know where he ended up.


LITTLE RED PEN: Rubbish! You can’t spend your life hiding, worrying about the Pit. There’s work to
be done, and I need help!

SCISSORS: Well, Big Bossy Ballpoint, why don’t you ask Tank? He’d be a huge help.

LITTLE RED PEN: Tank? That lazy hamster? Never! The papers must be graded. I’ll have to do it

NARRATOR: And so she did. Well, she tried. The Little Red Pen worked long into the night. In the
wee hours of the morning she could barely move across the page. She wibbled. She
wobbled. Then she fell over exhausted. The Little Red Pen began to roll . . . . right to
the edge of the desk. CLUNK!

Text from The Little Red Pen copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens
All rights reserved. This page may be photocopied for free distribution.
Find the pathway to “drop”
Little Red Pen into
“The Pit of No Return.”
Once you reach the trash can,
help her find her way
to the “exit” image.


The Pit
of No

Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens All rights reserved. This page may be photocopied for free distribution
answer key
1. Eraser c. “What was the question? I forget everything. My head is shrinking.”

2. Sta pler d. “My back is killing me! Everybody keeps pounding on it. I could break!”

3. Scissors a. “I’ve been cutting up all day. I’m getting dull. Not good for a sharp guy like me!”

4. Penci l b. “I write all day and what do I get? Sharpened down to a nub. Who needs a nub?”

5. Highlighter f. “I’m bright, not crazy! Remember Mr. Felt-Tip Marker? His cap was left off, and
you know where he ended up.”

6. Pushpi n e. “Don’t call me Pushpin. My name is Señorita Chincheta. And I am la última

chincheta. If I get lost–no more chinchetas. ¿Comprende?”



The Pit
of No

Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Janet Stevens All rights reserved.

This page may be photocopied for free distribution
about the authors
Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel

Janet Stevens and her sister, Susan Stevens Crummel, have written many bestselling and
award-winning books for children. Susan was a math teacher for 31 years before she started
writing children’s books with her sister. Janet illustrates the stories she and Susan write, as well
as her own books. She was awarded a Caldecott Honor for her book Tops & Bottoms.
Janet lives in Boulder, Colorado, and Susan lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

Also by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel:

Help Me, Mr. Mutt!

The Great Fuzz Frenzy A New York Times Bestseller
A New York Times Bestseller 978-0-15-204628-6 Jackalope
978-0-15-204626-2 978-0-15-216736-3

Cook-a-Doodle-Doo! And the Dish Ran Away

978-0-15-205658-2 with the Spoon

Available wherever fine books are sold, or by calling

HMH Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-225-3362.

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