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5​th ​Grade Wonders Unit 1 Week 1 

Essential Question: How do we get the things we need?  

Spelling Words  Weekly Skills 
Short Vowels  
1. jut   
2. nick  * Vocabulary- Context Clues 
3. tenth   - When reading a story and you come across a word you do not know 
4. shrug   use the other words and phrases in the sentence to help you figure 
5. stuff   out the unfamiliar word. 
6. sense    
7. damp   * Comprehension strategy- Reread 
8. cot  - The first time you read a story you may find that some details and 
9. fling   events are confusing. A good idea to understand better is to reread 
10. notch   the specific text that is not clear to your understanding. 
  * Comprehension skill- Sequence 
High Frequency  - Sequence is the order in which the plot events happen in a story. 
Words:  Look for clue words such as beginning, middle, end, first, then, after, 
11. able  and finally. 
12. above    
13. across  * Genre- Realistic Fiction 
14. after  - Tells about characters, settings, and events that are like people, 
15. again   places, and events in real life. It has descriptive details and usually 
includes illustrations.  

Vocabulary Words 
1. loan- money that is borrowed 
2. profit- the amount of money left after all business costs have been paid  
3. prosper- one who does well and becomes successful 
4. risk- the chance of loss or harm 
5. savings- money set aside for the future 
6. scarce- something that is difficult to get or find 
7. wages- payments received for work done  
8. afford- ​have enough money to pay for it. 

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