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Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………

A) Underline the correct answer.

1) Melvin ( wants , want , wanted ) to buy a dictionary yesterday.

2) The two sisters ( goes , go , went ) to the shopping mall.

3) Khalid and his cousins ( build , builds , built ) the sandcastle.

4) Patty jumped over the drain and ( falls , fall , fell ) down.

5) Rachel ( hangs , hang , hung ) the picture on the wall just now.

6) Sarah and Sonia ( shares , share , shared ) a chocolate ice-cream.

7) Frank’s grandfather ( walk , walks , walked ) slowly to the car.

8) My neighbours ( worked , work , works ) hard to catch the


9) The hungry dog ( eats , eat , ate ) its meal happily last night.

10) You ( needed , needs , need ) a laptop to finish your project.

B) Circle the wrong verbs and rewrite the sentence.

1) Jacqueline liked to read storybooks. She also enjoy swimming.


2) Eric and Elin walks and plays at the playground every evening.


3) Yesterday, my father paint the wall. My mother helps him.


4) Michael marries a lady last week. They love each other.


5) Alex carry the heavy box while his sister push a trolley.


Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

C) Fill in the blanks.

1) Ali …………….………… (eat) a piece of cake and some cookies.

2) Sheila’s dog …………………………. (bark) loudly yesterday.

3) My uncle and his family ……………………..…… (travel) for the holidays.

4) My mechanic is very clever. He ……………………….. (fix) my truck yesterday.

5) Ryan and his brothers ………..……………… (collect) seashells at the beach.

6) The girl …………………………… (cry) because her heart was broken.

7) Jim …………………….. (laugh) so much that his stomach ……………………….

(start) hurting.

8) My mother …………………………… (listen) to her sister’s advice.

9) Daddy ……………………….. (arrive) home safely late last night.

10) I …………………………… (run) to school with my best friend.

11) We ………………………..… (enjoy) watching the sunset in the evening.

12) Lynn is happy because I ……………………… (promise) to play with her.

13) The sun ………..………….. (set) in the west. It is a beautiful sight.

14) The actress …………………… (smile) and …………………….. (walk) away from

the stage after her performance last night.

15) My leader …………………………. (push) her car to the side of the road.

16) The man …………………….….. (wake) up early in the morning.

17) The boy ……………………………… (repair) the engine half an hour ago.

18) Teenagers ………………………………. (love) to use mobile phones. They

either ……………………………… (watch) videos or play games.

19) She ………………………. (bake) a cake and some muffins yesterday afternoon.

20) My headmaster ……………………… (talk) a lot about hygiene during the

school assembly.
Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

D) Circle the correct answer.

1) Billy ………………… a bus during the last school holidays.

A drives B drive C drove

2) Jason ………………… brunch for his family.

A prepared B prepares C prepare

3) The trained elephant ………………… in the circus ring.

A perform B performed C performs

4) The female gymnast ………………… herself very well on the pole.

A balances B balance C balanced

5) Zoe ………………… up her room everyday. She is a neat lady.

A tidy B tidies C tidied

6) Nobody in the class ………………… how the money was stolen.

A knew B know C knows

7) One of my friends ………………… watching the clouds.

A dislike B dislikes C disliked

8) Josephine ………………… the bathing towels and cloths neatly.

A folds B fold C folded

9) Last weekend, Barry ………………… the car porch. He did it well.

A sweeps B swept C sweep

10) The teacher ………………… the tables and chairs by himself.

A arranged B arrange C arranges

11) The couple ………………… well during the graduation ceremony yesterday.

A dances B dance C danced

12) Kimberly ………………… the back door since she came home late.

A close B closed C closes

Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

E) Fill in the table with the correct form of irregular verbs.

a) leave k) break

b) sweep l) spend

c) run m) put

d) lead n) buy

e) feel o) slide

f) see p) drive

g) bring q) understand

h) write r) cut

i) sling s) shut

j) blow t) take

F) Write the correct forms of irregular verbs.

1. Sheila ……………………….. (run) away from home yesterday.

2. “I ……………………… (see) a monkey climbing up the tree,” Shirley said.

3. Mother …….……………….. (spend) a lot of money on clothes this morning.

4. The wind was so strong that it ………………...… (blow) the roof away.

5. Daddy ………………………. (drive) his new car to work last Monday.

6. The boy …………………………. (leave) the room angrily an hour ago.

7. My sister …………………… (put) fresh fruits in the basket but

accidentally …………………… (cut) herself with the knife.

8. A toddler …………………. (fall) into the dirty drain yesterday.

9. The little boy ………………………… (blow) all the candles on his cake.

10. My leader ……………… (lead) a group of children by herself last week.

Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

G) Circle the suitable answer.

1. The little girl ( flew , ran ) away from the stage.

2. Aunt Diana ( left , broke ) for work early this morning.

3. “How much did you spend?” “I ( blew , spent ) all of it.”

4. Justin ( felt , cried ) happy because his friends gave him presents.

5. “I’m so sorry. I ( blew , broke ) your favourite cup,” Kate said.

6. Remembering what Dad said, I ( put , threw ) one spoon of

sugar into his coffee.

7. When I was cutting the vegetables, my sister ( drove ,

took ) my mobile phone.

8. The strong typhoon ( blew , felt ) the trees and I ( ran ,

saw ) an accident on the road.

9. Jacqueline proudly ( bought , drove ) her new vehicle to the

office this morning.

10. “She ( led , saw ) the choir very well during the assembly,”

Headmaster said.

Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

Answer Keys

A) Underline the correct answer.

1) Melvin ( wants , want , wanted ) to buy a dictionary yesterday.

2) The two sisters ( goes , go , went ) to the shopping mall.

3) Khalid and his cousins ( build , builds , built ) the sandcastle.

4) Patty jumped over the drain and ( falls , fall , fell ) down.

5) Rachel ( hangs , hang , hung ) the picture on the wall just now.

6) Sarah and Sonia ( shares , share , shared ) a chocolate ice-cream.

7) Frank’s grandfather ( walk , walks , walked ) slowly to the car.

8) My neighbours ( worked , work , works ) hard to catch the


9) The hungry dog ( eats , eat , ate ) its meal happily last night.

10) You ( needed , needs , need ) a laptop to finish your project.

B) Circle the wrong verbs and rewrite the sentence.

1) Jacqueline liked to read storybooks. She also enjoy swimming.

Jacqueline likes to read storybooks. She also enjoys swimming.

2) Eric and Elin walks and plays at the playground every evening.

Eric and Elin walk and play at the playground every evening.

3) Yesterday, my father paint the wall. My mother helps him.

Yesterday, my father painted the wall. My mother helped him.

4) Michael marries a lady last week. They love each other.

Michael married a lady last week. They loved each other.

5) Alex carry the heavy box while his sister push a trolley.

Alex carries the heavy box while his sister pushes a trolley.

Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

C) Fill in the blanks.

1) Ali eats (eat) a piece of cake and some cookies.

2) Sheila’s dog barked (bark) loudly yesterday.

3) My uncle and his family travel (travel) for the holidays.

4) My mechanic is very clever. He fixed (fix) my truck yesterday.

5) Ryan and his brothers collect (collect) seashells at the beach.

6) The girl cried (cry) because her heart was broken.

7) Jim laughs (laugh) so much that his stomach starts (start)


8) My mother listens (listen) to her sister’s advice.

9) Daddy arrived (arrive) home safely late last night.

10) I run (run) to school with my best friend.

11) We enjoy (enjoy) watching the sunset in the evening.

12) Lynn is happy because I promise (promise) to play with her.

13) The sun sets (set) in the west. It is a beautiful sight.

14) The actress smiled (smile) and walked (walk) away from

the stage after her performance last night.

15) My leader pushes (push) her car to the side of the road.

16) The man wakes (wake) up early in the morning.

17) The boy repaired (repair) the engine half an hour ago.

18) Teenagers love (love) to use mobile phones. They either watch

(watch) videos or play games.

19) She baked (bake) a cake and some muffins yesterday afternoon.

20) My headmaster talks (talk) a lot about hygiene during the

school assembly.
Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

D) Circle the correct answer.

1) Billy ………………… a bus during the last school holidays.

A drives B drive C drove

2) Jason ………………… brunch for his family.

A prepared B prepares C prepare

3) The trained elephant ………………… in the circus ring.

A perform B performed C performs

4) The female gymnast ………………… herself very well on the pole.

A balances B balance C balanced

5) Zoe ………………… up her room everyday. She is a neat lady.

A tidy B tidies C tidied

6) Nobody in the class ………………… how the money was stolen.

A knew B know C knows

7) One of my friends ………………… watching the clouds.

A dislike B dislikes C disliked

8) Josephine ………………… the bathing towels and cloths neatly.

A folds B fold C folded

9) Last weekend, Barry ………………… the car porch. He did it well.

A sweeps B swept C sweep

10) The teacher ………………… the tables and chairs by himself.

A arranged B arrange C arranges

11) The couple ………………… well during the graduation ceremony yesterday.

A dances B dance C danced

12) Kimberly ………………… the back door since she came home late.

A close B closed C closes

Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

E) Fill in the table with the correct form of irregular verbs.

a) leave left k) break broke

b) sweep swept l) spend spent

c) run ran m) put put

d) lead led n) buy bought

e) feel felt o) slide slid

f) see saw p) drive drove

g) bring brought q) understand understood

h) write wrote r) cut cut

i) sling slung s) shut shut

j) blow blew t) take took

F) Write the correct forms of irregular verbs.

1. Sheila ran (run) away from home yesterday.

2. “I saw (see) a monkey climbing up the tree,” Shirley said.

3. Mother spent (spend) a lot of money on clothes this morning.

4. The wind was so strong that it blew (blow) the roof away.

5. Daddy drove (drive) his new car to work last Monday.

6. The boy left (leave) the room angrily an hour ago.

7. My sister put (put) fresh fruits in the basket but

accidentally cut (cut) herself with the knife.

8. A toddler fell (fall) into the dirty drain yesterday.

9. The little boy blew (blow) all the candles on his cake.

10. My leader led (lead) a group of children by herself last week.

Verbs Quiz (Simple Present & Simple Past Tense)

G) Circle the suitable answer.

1. The little girl ( flew , ran ) away from the stage.

2. Aunt Diana ( left , broke ) for work early this morning.

3. “How much did you spend?” “I ( blew , spent ) all of it.”

4. Justin ( felt , cried ) happy because his friends gave him presents.

5. “I’m so sorry. I ( blew , broke ) your favourite cup,” Kate said.

6. Remembering what Dad said, I ( put , threw ) one spoon of

sugar into his coffee.

7. When I was cutting the vegetables, my sister ( drove ,

took ) my mobile phone.

8. The strong typhoon ( blew , felt ) the trees and I ( ran ,

saw ) an accident on the road.

9. Jacqueline proudly ( bought , drove ) her new vehicle to the

office this morning.

10. “She ( led , saw ) the choir very well during the assembly,”

Headmaster said.


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