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Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

e-Mail: [email protected]



Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of Technology-Driven Lessons

Module Outcomes:
 Explained the role of ICT in assessment in learning,
 designed and create electronic assessment portfolio,
 explored various digital online and offline assessment practices in school
 described the current trends in technology-based assessment practices in schools and
 selected appropriate assessment tools
Assessment, learning, and teaching are closely connected and interwoven because it provides information that
can determine effective instruction. In the process of conceptualizing a plan on how to teach, as the learning outcomes
are put in place, the next step to consider is how these are to be evaluated. This is an important part of instruction
because data gathered in this phase of instruction will inform the teacher whether the students have learned or that the
teacher has a reconsider a better approach in teaching.
Although the conventional ways of assessment still work, the role that ICT plays in the present teaching and
learning context has changed the course of direction that a teacher can pursue. The use of technology plays a vital role
in assisting teachers how to access students' learning. It involves digital devices or online applications that can be used in
constructing, delivering, and reporting learners' performance

Lesson 1: ICT and Assessment of Learning

Lesson Outcomes:
 Explained the concepts of the roles of ICT in assessment and
 evaluated assessment tools using rubrics.

Assessment is very important in student learning. There are many approaches to assessment in learning with an
emphasis on the process of learning along with the product of learning. The ultimate measure of students' competence
is performance. Development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)has thrown open numerous
possibilities for assessing student learning and providing immediate feedback.
Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about student's learning.
Types of Assessment
1.Formative Assessment - provides feedback and information during the instructional process, while learning is taking
place, and while learning is occurring.
2.Summative Assessment - takes place after the learning has been completed and provides information and feedback
that sums up the teaching and learning process.
3.Diagnostic Assessment - can help you identify your students' current knowledge of a subject, their skills set and
capabilities, and to clarify misconceptions before teaching takes place. Knowing students' strengths and weaknesses can
help you better plan what to teach and how to teach it.
4. Authentic Assessment - describes the multiple forms of assessment that reflect student learning, achievement,
motivation, and attitudes on instructionally relevant classroom activities. Educational assessment seeks to determine
how well students are learning and is an integral part of the quest for improved education. It provides feedback to
students, educators, parents, policy makers, and the public about the effectiveness of educational services.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
e-Mail: [email protected]

The Role of ICT in Assessment in Learning

There are new technologies created to provide students with higher level thinking skills, particularly the aspects
of creative and critical thinking and opportunity to teach and assess the skills. The use of ICT in assessment is very
helpful to teachers because student’s information and results of examination can be recorded and stored and can easily
be retrieved. With the use of ICT, the teachers can right away give feedback to students on the results of assessment.
Feedback from the computer during the use of test material improves student performance in later use of the same test
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
e-Mail: [email protected]
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
e-Mail: [email protected]

In your own words, what is assessment and its importance to the teaching and learning processes?

State the differences of the 4 types of assessment based on your own understanding.

In what particular field are you going to integrate ICT in giving assessment? Cite and example.

Prepared by:
“Assessment is always a part of learning! ”
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
e-Mail: [email protected]

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