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2:19-mj-07211-EIL # 1 Page 1 of 9

Thursday, 17 October, 2019 03:07:06 PM
Clerk, U.S. District Court, ILCD
AO 91 (Rev . 11/1 I J Criminal Complaint


for the
Central District ofTllinois

United States of America )

V. )
) Case No.
) 19-MJ-7 ~J)

L the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or about the date(s) of Nov 4, 2018, Jul 12 & Sep 30, 2019 in the county of Champaign in the
Central District of ____lll_in_o_is_ __ _ , the defendant(s) violated:

Code Section Offense Description

18 U.S.C. §§ 2252 and 2252A Transportation, receipt, and possession of child pornography

This criminal complaint is based on these facts:

See attached affidavit of Sergeant Patrick Simons, Champaign Police Department

2f Continued on the attached sheet. s/Sgt. Patrick Simmons

Complainant 's signature

Sgt. Patrick Simons, CPD

Printed name and title

Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.


Date: 10/16/2019
J .JuJge ·s signature

City and state: Urbana , Illinois Eric I. Long , U.S. Magistrate Judge
Primed name and title

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Patrick Simons, Sergeant Champaign Police Department, being duly sworn ort

oath states as follows:

1. I am a sergeant with the Champaign Police Department, located in

Champaign, Illinois, and have been employed there from September, 2007 to present. I

have over twelve years in law enforcement with the Champaign Police Department. I

have been assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division High Tech Crimes Unit of the

Champaign Police Department for over eight years. I have received extensive training in

criminal investigations, computer crime investigations, computer forensic exams, cell

phone forensic exams, and child pornography investigations. In addition, I am a certified

computer · forensic examiner having obtained the following Computer Forensic

Certifications; Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE), Magnet Certified

Forensics Examiner (MCFE), Encase Certified Forensic Examiner (EnCE). I am a certified

cell phone examiner having obtained the following cell phone certifications; Cellebrite

Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME). I have conducted numerous investigations, state

and federal, involving computer crimes, and child pornography resulting in arrests and

seizures. I have also been involved in the execution of numerous search warrants.

2. This affidavit is based upon information I have gained from my

investigation, my training and experience, as well as information provided by other law

enforcement agents involved in this and other computer crime investigations. Since this

affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of securing an arrest warrant, I have

not included each and every fact known to me concerning this investigation. I have set

forth only the facts that I believe are necessary to establish probable cause to believe that
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Milton FORSBERG committed violations of Title 18 United States Code, Sections 2252

and 2252A.

Statutory Authority

3. This investigation concerns alleged violations of 18 U.S.C. § 2252A, relating

to material involving the sexual exploitation of minors.

a. Child Pornography Trafficking (18 U.S.C. § 2252): This investigation

concerns alleged violations of 18 U.S.C. § 2252, which generally prohibits a
person from knowingly transporting, shipping, receiving, distributing,
reproducing for distribution, or possessing any visual depiction of minors
engaging in sexually explicit conduct when such visual depiction was either
mailed or shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce by any
means, including by computer, or when such visual depiction was
produced using materials that had traveled in interstate or foreign
commerce. It is also a crime to attempt to commit this offense.

b. Child Pornography Trafficking (18 U.S.C. § 2252A): This investigation

also concerns alleged violations of 18 U.S.C. § 2252A, which generally
prohibits a person from knowingly mailing, transporting, shipping,
receiving, distributing, reproducing for distribution, or possessing any
child pornography, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2256(8), when such child
pornography was either mailed or shipped or transported in interstate or
foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, or when such
child pornography was produced using materials that had traveled in
interstate or foreign commerce. It is also a crime to attempt to commit this


4. On February 1, 2019, I began an investigation into a Cyber Tip provided to

me by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Internet Crimes Against Children

(ICAC) Task Force, of which I am a member. The ICAC provided information obtained

by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children from the software company

Adobe Systems Incorporated, headquartered in San Jose, California. Adobe Systems

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Incorporated reported that suspected child pornography was located in an account that

was hosted with their service.

5. The Cyber Tip detailed that seven images were uploaded from a user

account that contained the following information:

Email Address: [email protected] (Verified)

Screen/User Name: Milton Forsberg
Address: [800 block] W Charles St
City: Champaign
State/Region: Illinois
Post code/ ZIP: 61820-5801
Country United States
Payment Type: Credit Card
Card Type: (VISA)
Cardholder's Name: Milton Forsberg
Token Number: ************6564
Expiration Date: 07/2016

6. The name Milton Forsberg, commonly known as "Milt," was immediately

familiar to me based on my involvement in a local amateur radio club. Milt Forsberg has

the amateur radio call sign "K9QZI" as assigned by the Federal Communication

Commission. Milt Forsberg has also been an active board member for many years and

was the current treasurer at the time of this Cyber Tip report. Law enforcement conducted

open source searches for [email protected] and located images of Milt standing next to the

Illinois Vanity Ham Radio registration plate "K9QZI."

7. I viewed the seven files that Adobe Systems Incorporated reported as

uploaded to their servers and contained suspected child pornography:

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a. file_IMG_6819.JPG - A nude male sitting on a chair with his legs spread

and his penis erect. The male appears to be fourteen to sixteen years old.

b. file_IMG_6827.JPG - A male naked from the waist down lying on his back.

His legs are spread and he is manipulating his erect penis. This male

appears to be fourteen to sixteen years old.

c. file_IMG_6886.JPG - A nude male is sitting on a counter and is holding his

erect penis in his hand. The male appears to have semen on his chest. The

male appears to be fourteen to seventeen years old.

d. file_IMG_7038.JPG -- A shirtless male is sitting in a chair with an erect penis

protruding from his boxers. The male appears to be fourteen to seventeen

years old.

e. file_IMG_7117.JPG - A nude male is lying on his back with legs spread,

exposing his semi-erect penis. The male appears to be fourteen to seventeen

years old.

£. file_IMG_7166.JPG - A male is standing at a urinal with pants around his

knees, exposing his erect penis. The male appears to be fourteen to

seventeen years old.

8. The images file_IMG_6819.JPG, file_IMG_6827.JPG and file_IMG_6886.JPG

were uploaded from the Internet Protocol (IP) Address on November 4,

2018, 04:22:44 UTC (2322 CST). This IP Address resolved back to AT&T Internet services.

An administrative subpoena was obtained for the account on March 22, 2019. On April 6,

2019, AT&T Internet Services provided account information that listed the address on the

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800 block of West Charles Street Champaign, IL. The customer name is listed as Milton

Forsberg and email as [email protected].

9. The images file_IMG_7038.JPG, file_IMG_7117.JPG, file_IMG_7166.JPG,

file_IMG_7203.JPG were uploaded from the Internet Protocol (IP) Address 70.225.160158

on November 11, 2018, 05:21:06 UTC (2321 CST). This IP Address resolved back to AT&T

Internet services. An administrative subpoena was obtained for the account on March 22,

2019. On April 6, 2019, AT&T Internet Services provided account information that listed

the address 100 block of Flora Drive Champaign, IL. The customer name is listed as a

female, B.A.

10. On September 26, 2019, the Champaign Police Department received a

certified letter from the Boy Scouts of America National Council. This letter served as

mandated notification of abuse to the Illinois State Police and to the Champaign Police

Department. The letter details that Attorney Andrew Van Arsdale of California

represents a victim who alleged he was sexually abused as a child by "Milt Forsberg."

The alleged incident occurred in Champaign in 1965 when the victim was thirteen years


11. I know that Milt Forsberg has been involved in Boy Scouts for over forty

years. He continues to assist local Boy Scout troops obtain Radio Merit Badges and also

with an annual event called Jamboree-on-the-Air, where Boy Scouts make amateur radio

contacts across the nation.

12. On September 27, 2019, Champaign Circuit Judge Roger Webber

authorized the search of Forsberg's residence on West Charles Street in Champaign,

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Illinois. On September 30, 2019, myself and other officers with the ~hampaign police

department executed the warrant at Forsberg' s residence.

13. Forsberg was present and the sole occupant of the residence. Based on my

observations, Forsberg appears to live alone.

14. At the foot of Forsberg's bed, in his bedroom, I observed multiple printed

sexually explicit images. The images are printed on high quality glossy 8 x 10 paper and

at least three images depict prepubescent male children. In one photo, a male child

approximately ten to twelve years old, is wearing only a red shirt and socks. His genitals

are visible and are the focal point of the image; the child is seated and appears to be

looking at picture of adult pornography. In another photo, a male child, approximately

4-5 years old, is completely nude and urinating near a body of water and looking at his

genitals. Forsberg attempted to conceal these pictures with his cane while the officers

began to search the premises.

15. Forsberg denied any sexual attraction to mmors and denied any

inappropriate contact with minors. When confronted with the images located on the

premises, Forsberg stated that he printed the image (of the male in the red shirt and socks)

because he thought it was funny. He stated that he did not intentionally look at images

of underage boys.

16. Law enforcement seized nine hard drives, three computer processing units,

four iPads, two cellular telephones and hundreds of external storage devices such as USB

thumb drives and disks. Forsberg offered the pin code for his iPad, Serial No.

DMPSN6EYG5W2. An initial forensic examination of these device showed that Forsberg

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browsed Internet websites and located images of child pornography, downloading them

to his iPad. For example, I noted the following:

a. 33 tabs open to Russian language websites that resolve to pages of

http:/ /, a website I know, based on my training and experience,

to be a photo sharing website that is commonly used to share images of

child sexual exploitation.

b. The web history shows website addresses that are indicative of the user

searching the message boards of these Russian websites for key words such

as "naked boy" and "nude boy."

c. I located a registration confirmation email for the website sent on

2/27/2019, to [email protected], confirming his username as "K9QZI."

d. I noted that on 7/12/2019, at 10:09:05 PM(UTC-5), the user of Forsberg's

iPad went to the following page: http:/ /

e. I also located images stored on Forsberg' s iPad in the Hidden Photo Album

at or about the time Forsberg browsed this website 7/12/2019:

1. IMG_2050.JPG- A nude male, approximately ten years old, standing

naked in a shower stall and being sprayed with a detachable shower


11. IMG_2051 .JPG- Four nude males, under the age of ten, standing in the

common are of a shower room.

m. IMG_2052.JPG- Four nude males, under the age of ten, being sprayed in

the shower with a detachable shower head.

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iv. IMG_2053.JPG- Two males, approximately twelve years old, shirtless

and laying on their backs. One male, who is under a sheet, has his hand

down the pants of the second male.

17. I located in excess of one hundred images of minor males between the ages

of eight to fourteen years old, mostly nude and posed in a lewd and lascivious manner.

I also located at least one image from the Adobe Cyber Tip located on this device.

18. Law enforcement found a photography dark room in Forsberg' s basement

with boxes of photographs, including photographs Forsberg admitted he took at a nudist

colony. Forsberg stated he took the pictures under a press pass from the Champaign

News Gazette. The images from the nudist colony were organized in a manner where he

separated the photos of adults from the photos of children. There were six photographs

located in the lid of the Kodak photograph paper box that depicted nude juvenile females

between the ages of ten to sixteen.


s/Sgt. Patrick Simmons

Patrick Simons, Detective

Champaign Police Department

Sworn and subscribed to before me this 16th day of October, 2019.

s/ERIC I. LONG ---

C ERIC I. ~ g i s t r a t e Judge
United States District Court

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