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Quarter: FOURTH
Theme: Types of Sentences According to Purpose

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine
Literature as a means of responding to the demands of the global village;
various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and
polite oral language, stance, and behaviour; and use of imperatives,
prepositions, verbs, and WH-questions.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and
Standard responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to
comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives,
prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behaviour
in various information-sharing formats.
C. Learning EN7GS-IV-f-6: Formulate meaningful expressions
Competencies EN7OL-IV-f-3.10: Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally
giving information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in
personal or factual recounts.
II. CONTENT: Types of Sentences According to Purpose
A. References Grade 07 Learner’s Material
B. Book References Exploring Life through Afro-Asian Literature; pp. 183-187
C. Other Learning
References “Learn the Four Sentences Type”
“Types of Sentences”

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Presentation of the Good morning class!
Lesson/ Review of Good morning ma’am!
the previous lesson May we all stand for the opening prayer to
be led by the assigned prayer leader.
Ok! Before you get seated please check the
arrangement of chairs and pick the litters
you can see around you.

Today class, we are going to discuss new

concepts, but before that let’s have a short
recall on the things we have discussed last
meeting specifically on asking questions.

What are the types of questions that you

know? Ma’am we have the WH-questions,
tag questions and yes-no questions.
Right! What are our WH-question words?
Our wh-question words are who,
where, why, when, how, what and
Ok. Can you give me an example using any
of our WH-question words?
For example ma’am: What is your
That’s right! How about an example of your
yes-no questions?
Are you happy?
Right, How about an example of a tag
Peter likes cake, doesn’t he?
Very good! Now class, Why do we ask

To know and to inquire about

something ma’am.
B. Establishing a Very good! Today we are going to learn
purpose for the more kinds of sentences that we will be able
lesson to use when expressing ourselves. So we are
expected to:
 Formulate meaningful expressions
through a guided discussion;
 Use correct and appropriate
multimedia resources when orally
giving information, instructions,
making explanations and narrating
events in personal or factual
C. Presenting Elicitation:
examples/instances Now class, we will play a game called Mood
of the new lesson Swings 2019. Do you want to play?
Yes ma’am!
Then listen carefully to the mechanics of the

Mood Swings 2019

There will be eight rounds for this game, for
each round there will be two 2 volunteers.

I have here envelopes. The envelopes

contain sentences. What you’re going to do
is to read properly the sentences according to
the suggested emotion and idea.

The one who will correctly read the sentence

with the appropriate emotion will be the
winner and will have the chance to pick
his/her prize either from the box of edible or
nonedible things.

Your delivery will be judged according to

the response of your classmates through
“Today is a brand
new day!”

“How are you


“Which comes
first, the chicken
or the egg?”

“Today is

“Please help me
carry my things.”

“Wow! That was


“School year
2018-2019 is
about to end.”

“Close the door.”

(Students will judge the best delivery by

clapping.) (Volunteers will read the
Ok class, now may I ask everybody to read
the sentences properly.
(Students read the sentences.)

What is being expressed by this sentence?

How are you today? This sentence asks question.
What is being expressed by this sentence? This sentence states something with
a strong emotion.
Today is a brand new day!

What is being expressed by this sentence? This sentence also asks question
Which comes first the
chicken or the egg?

What is being expressed by this sentence? This sentence states a fact.

Today is Monday.

What is being expressed by this sentence? The sentence expresses a request.

Please help me carry my

What is being expressed by this sentence? This sentence expresses

Wow! That was amazing!

What is being expressed by this sentence? The sentence expresses a fact.

School year 2018-2019 is

about to end.

What is being expressed by this sentence? The sentence expresses a command

Close the door.

Very good! At this point, I would like you to

classify these sentences according to the idea
they expressed.
(Students classify the sentences)
Generalization: Explanation:
Now let us identify what kind of sentences
are these.
The sentences that ask questions
 How are you today?
 Which comes first, the
chicken or the egg?

What clue gave you an idea that these

sentences ask questions?
Ma’am the punctuation mark that
was used in the sentences gave us
the clue.
Ok! And what is this punctuation mark?

Question mark ma’am.

Right! Therefore, what kind of sentence asks
a question and ends with a question mark?
Interrogative sentence ma’am.
Correct! Now who can give me examples of
an interrogative sentence?
(Students’ answers vary)
Now we move on to the second type of
sentence. The sentences that state fact or
information are:
 Today is Monday.
 School year 2018-2019 is
about to end.

That’s right! What punctuation mark is used

Period ma’am.
Ok, so what type of sentence states a fact or
declares something and ends with a period?
Declarative sentence ma’am.
Very good! Now who can give me examples
of a declarative sentence?
(Students’ answers vary)

Let’s proceed to the next type.

The sentences that express
command and request are:
 Please help me carry my
 Close the door.
What do you call the sentences that express
command or request class?
Imperative sentences ma’am.
What punctuation mark is used in an
imperative sentence?
The punctuation mark being used
ma’am is period.
Very good! Basically class, imperative
sentence tells someone what to do. Do you
Yes ma’am.
Who can give me examples of an imperative
(Students’ answers vary)
Let’s move on to the last type of sentence.
The sentences that express strong
emotion are:
 Today is a brand new day!
 Wow! That was amazing!
What gave you the clue that these sentences
express strong emotion?
The punctuation mark ma’am
And what is this punctuation mark?
Exclamation point ma’am.
What do you call then a sentence that
expresses a strong emotion and ends with an
exclamation point?
Exclamatory sentence ma’am.
Right! Now, who can give me examples of
an exclamatory sentence?
(Students’ answers vary)

Okay. So, we are now done discussing the

types of sentences. Do you have any
questions or clarifications? Feel free to ask.

D. Discussing new Controlled Practice:

concepts and Like/Unlike
practicing skills # 1
Let’s check your mastery of the lesson. You
are given 5 seconds to read each sentence
and then tell whether it is true or false. If it’s
true, raise the like sign, if it’s false raise the
unlike sign.

1. “Ouch! That hurts” is an example

of an exclamatory sentence.

2. A declarative sentence asks


3. “What is your name?” is an

example of an interrogative

4. “Kindly pick the litters around

you” is an example of an
imperative sentence.

5. Interrogative sentence is used to

ask information and it ends with a

6. “I am beautiful” is an example of a
declarative sentence.

7. Exclamatory sentence expresses

strong emotions of pain, joy, and
8. Imperative sentence tells someone
to do something.

9. Exclamatory sentence ends with a

question mark.

10. Interrogative sentence seeks


E. Developing Skills work:

mastery He Says, She says What?

Now class, we will do the activity called He

Says, She Says What? In this activity, I will
post pictures showing different images or
scenario. What you’re going to do is to
follow the instruction I will be giving for
each photo.

1. Describe the flowers using
declarative sentence.

2. Inquire about the doll using

interrogative sentence.

3. Request somebody to help you clean

your backyard using imperative

4. Express what the child feels using

exclamatory sentence.

5. Describe the image using declarative

F. Evaluating Now class, I want you to go to your home
Learning groups.

Group 1- The Earth Warriors

Group 2- The Book Lovers
Group 3- The Brave Challengers
Group 4- The Leaders

Goal Use of the four types of

sentences according to
purpose when narrating
events, making
explanations, giving
information and

Role You are an

a teacher, a
counsellor, and
the SSG
Audience Grade 7 students
Situation  Group 1- You’re
and you’re going
to share to the
grade 7 students
the causes and
effects of climate
through a video.
 Group 2- As a
teacher, you
noticed that
many students
have been
neglectful of
their studies
because of
addiction to
gadgets. You
will discuss to
them good study
habits and the
negative effects
of addiction to
 Group 3- There
is an alarming
incident of
violence among
children that is
connected to the
Momo challenge
game. As a
you’re tasked to
discuss to the
students on how
they can properly
manage and
handle this
 Group 4- Your
school is about
to celebrate the
High School
days, one of the
most awaited
activities is the
concert. Make an
about the
concert based on
the poster.
Performance  Group 1- Role
play focusing on
exclamatory and
 Group 2- Rap
song focusing on
declarative and
 Group 3- Advise
students how to
deal with the
Momo challenge.
Focusing on
declarative and
 Group 4- Poster
focusing on
declarative and
Standards Criteria: (Please see
Correct usage 5 pts.
of the target
Mechanics and 5 pts.
organization of
Content 5 pts.
Total: 15 pts.

(Students present their outputs)

(Processing of presentations)

All your ideas are truly encouraging and
inspiring. You were able to open the minds
of everybody in this classroom. Also, you
have creatively integrated the 4 types of
sentences in your presentations.

G. Additional Agreement:
activities for
application or What part of the discussion or activities did
remediation you find meaningful and relevant? Share this
in a paragraph form using the 4 types of
sentences according to purpose. Write it on a
½ sheet of paper.

Content 5
Organization and 5
Language use 5
Total: 15

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/ discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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