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Name  ________________________________________________________ Seat Number  _______________

Certificate of English Language Competency

Practice Test #5
All items selected from actual CELC administrations from Spring 2014 to Fall 2015

Michigan State University

English Language Center

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michigan state university writing

Notes for Test of English Writing Ability

You may use this space to write notes or an outline for the essay. However, you must write the essay on the
separate, lined paper provided.

michigan state university writing

Think about it, write about it!

MSU-CELC Test of English Writing Ability

For this section of the test, a proctor has given you a special answer form.

Using a Number 2 pencil only, write as much as you can, as well as you can, in an original
composition on one of the two topics below. You have 35 minutes to complete the

1. Some schools require that students maintain high grades in order to participate in clubs or
sports teams. Do you think such rules are beneficial for students? Why or why not? Be sure
to support your answer with examples, reasons, and explanations.


2. Different people like or value different characteristics in their friends. What is the most
important characteristic of a good friend? Why is it important? Be sure to support your
answer with examples, reasons, and explanations.

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until you are told to do so.

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michigan state university listening

Listen to this!
MSU-CELC Test of English Listening Ability

This section of the test is designed to evaluate your listening ability.

You should have three things in front of you:

• a test answer sheet

• a test booklet

• a Number 2 pencil

If you are missing any of these things, raise your hand now, and a test proctor will assist you.

This section has three main parts. Part 1 has short conversations and Part 2 has longer
conversations. Part 3 contains a speech and a long conversation.

• There are 40 questions on the listening test. For each question, choose the one best

• For each question, find the letter on the answer sheet that corresponds to the answer you
have chosen. Use your pencil to completely fill in the circle for your answer.

• If you are not sure of the answer, take your best guess. Unanswered items will be scored as

• You are allowed to write in the test booklet.

Do not turn the page

until you are told to do so.

michigan state university listening

Part 1—Short conversations

For each question in your test Listen to the conversation and You will not hear the question;
booklet, you will hear a short choose the letter of the choice you will see it and read it. You
conversation. Each conversation that best answers the question will read it quietly to yourself.
has a short title to tell you what that appears in your test Use your pencil to mark your
it is about. booklet. answer on your answer sheet.

Now look at Example X, and listen to the following conversation.

A missing textbook
When did the boy last have his math book?
a. in the morning
b. in the afternoon
c. a few days ago

An email An invitation

1. What happened to the email that the man sent to 5. What does the woman decide to do?
the woman? a. stay home and study all day
a. She never received it. b. study a little and then go to the beach
b. She did not have time to read it yet. c. go to the beach now and study later
c. She deleted the message.
School discussion
Working at the restaurant
6. What advice does Lisa give her classmate?
2. Why does the man want Kathy to make a a. finish one assignment before starting another
phone call? b. begin an assignment as soon as possible
a. He needs to change a customer’s reservation. c. speak to the teacher
b. He needs to bring in another employee.
c. He wants to order extra food for tonight. Fixing an old bike

A ride home 7. What does the man do to the bicycle seat?

a. He replaces it.
3. What will Jason’s brother be doing while Jason is b. He lowers it.
playing tennis?
c. He raises it.
a. practicing with his sports team
b. picking up a friend from school Loud music
c. completing an assignment
8. How will the boy know when it is time for dinner?
Studying at the library a. His mother will call him.
b. He will watch the time.
4. Why have William and Alison NOT joined the
c. His brother will tell him.
group yet?
a. Alison did not know about the meeting.
b. They did not want to meet at the library.
c. William could not find the meeting place.
michigan state university listening

Part 2—Longer conversations

In this section you will hear Before listening to each Listen to each conversation
longer conversations. conversation, you will read 3 to and answer the questions that
5 questions. appear in your test booklet.

Taking a hike Waiting in line

9. What does the man think about the rain? 13. Why are the two people standing in a line?
a. It will make the hike more interesting. a. They want to buy concert tickets.
b. It will not be a big problem. b. They are waiting to see a show.
c. It will make them buy rain gear. c. They hope to meet their favorite band.

10. Why is the woman concerned about going on a 14. What does the man say to the woman about her
hike? interest?
a. She is worried about getting wet. a. She spends too much money on her passion.
b. She thinks they will not really enjoy the b. She is more interested in the group than he is.
scenery. c. She ought to travel more.
c. She thinks they should stay home and study.
15. What did people do at the event in Denver?
11. Why does the man want to go hiking? a. They stayed overnight.
a. He feels they need time to relax. b. They waited for three hours.
b. He thinks it will make studying easier. c. They wore monkey costumes.
c. He wants to see how the mountains look in
the clouds. 16. How has the band recently changed?
a. They have a new musical style.
12. What does the woman decide? b. They have a new member.
a. She does not want to wear rain gear. c. They have a new album out.
b. She wants them to get an early start.
c. She wants to get more exercise.

michigan state university listening

Helping around the house At the photocopy shop

17. Why is John’s older sister, Julie, NOT taking care of 20. Why is the woman visiting the copy center?
the younger brother? a. to place an order
a. She usually does it and wants a break. b. to find out the cost of an order
b. She needs to apply for a driver’s license. c. to pick up an order
c. She is doing a school assignment away from
home. 21. Why does the woman want color copies?
a. She thinks they will help her grade.
18. What does the boy finally do in the end? b. Her professor told everyone to use color
a. He refuses to help. handouts.
b. He accepts his situation. c. They cost about the same as black and white
c. He decides to help his sister. copies.

19. What does the boy feel is unfair? 22. What does the man offer to do?
a. His sister is allowed to go to the library today. a. fill out a form for her
b. His sister is treated differently than him. b. redo her copies right away
c. His sister always comes home later after c. give her the copies for free

michigan state university listening

Part 3—Extended discourse

In this section you will hear a Before listening to each passage, You will listen to each passage
speech and a long conversation. you will have time to read the twice, and then you will answer
questions. a series of questions that appear
in your test booklet.

A school hiking club 28. Where do the hikers go after leaving the school?
a. They climb a nearby hill.
23. Why were some club members unable to attend
b. They do warm-up exercises in a group.
the meeting?
c. They take a shortcut through a park.
a. They were promoting the club
somewhere else. 29. What is each person given before each trip?
b. They did not receive the text message.
a. an energy bar
c. The choir was performing at the same time.
b. a map of the route
c. a bottle of water
24. How does the number of members compare to
last year?
30. What does the club do during the Baker’s Dozen
a. It is lower. event in October?
b. It is higher.
a. collect money for the club
c. It is the same.
b. attend a regional meeting of hiking fans
c. take a long hike, then go out for a meal
25. What did the club’s previous president, Jim,
specialize in?
a. drawing maps 31. What should you do if you want to hike less than
b. publicizing the club five miles?
c. finding new hiking trails a. take a different route back to the school
b. come to the club a different week
26. Why does the woman apologize to returning
c. speak to the group leader right away
club members?
a. They must pay their membership dues at the 32. What does the woman say is the main goal
meeting. of the hikes?
b. The group will be doing the same hikes as
a. having fun outdoors
last year.
b. traveling as far as you can
c. They have heard this speech before.
c. improving your health
27. In what way is the hiking club different from other
a. Boys and girls are equally represented.
b. It meets at a local store.
c. It involves physical activity without
expensive gear.

michigan state university listening

Fishing with Dad 37. How does the father feel about his daughter
potentially working in finance?
33. Why did the girl go fishing with her father?
a. He thinks bankers have to work harder than
a. She woke up early and could not sleep. people in other careers.
b. He asked her for help. b. He thinks she can succeed, regardless of the
c. She was curious about it. challenges.
c. He thinks other parents would approve of her
34. What part of going fishing was difficult for the girl? choice.
a. finding the fish
b. feeling bored 38. How is the girl’s father different from some of her
c. getting up early friends’ parents?
a. He has not told her which career to choose.
35. How often does the father fish? b. He enjoys spending time together on the
a. frequently weekend.
b. occasionally c. He is not part of a family business.
c. rarely
39. What did the girl’s grandfather do when her father
36. Why does the father mention “Uncle John”? was young?
a. Uncle John also enjoys quiet time by himself. a. He sold boat equipment.
b. Uncle John sometimes goes fishing with him. b. He worked as a fisherman.
c. Uncle John prefers exercise to going fishing. c. He worked at a big fishing company.

40. Why did the girl’s grandfather change careers?

a. His first job was too boring.
b. His first job was too dangerous.
c. His first job did not pay well.

You have now finished the

listening test. Please wait
for further instructions.

michigan state university grammar

Grammar you can use!

MSU-CELC Test of English Grammar

• This grammar test has 40 questions.

• You have 25 minutes to answer all 40 questions. For each question, choose the one best

• For each question, find the letter on the answer sheet that corresponds to the answer you
have chosen. Use your pencil to completely fill in the circle for your answer.

• If you are not sure of the answer, take your best guess. Unanswered items will be scored as

• You are allowed to write in the test booklet.

Bob is a good student. He _____ every day.
a. to study
b. is study
c. studies
d. studying
The correct answer is c. You would mark “c” on your answer sheet.

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until you are told to do so.

michigan state university grammar

41. My friend has no good books to read this summer, 48. The storage closet is _____ we keep the mops,
so I am going to lend him _____ of mine. brooms, and cleaning rags.
a. ones a. what
b. some b. it
c. few c. where
d. any d. that

42. I need to study a lot _____ I do well on the test 49. John got lost because he didn’t know where
Friday. _____.
a. in case a. to turn
b. because b. turning
c. so that c. turn
d. such that d. turned

43. We need to leave _____ you’ve packed your bags. 50. When this book _____ in the 1800s, life was much
a. as soon as different.
b. before a. wrote
c. even though b. was writing
d. after that c. had been written
d. was written
44. Larry _____ a volleyball team next summer.
a. may have joined 51. Jesse’s mother thinks that he _____ do more
b. might join household chores.
c. joins a. should
d. was able to join b. should to
c. should have
45. I gave the child _____ pieces of chocolate. d. should have been
a. a few
b. any 52. I _____ about my math exam next week.
c. a little a. am concerning
d. much of the b. am concerned
c. concern
46. By the time I arrived, the food _____. d. will concern
a. has been eaten
b. had been eaten 53. The picture on the wall _____ straight by my
c. will be eaten
d. will have been eaten a. was not hung
b. not hang
47. Jack knows that it is best _____ our dog in the c. is not hanging
middle of the night. d. not hung
a. not to be woken
b. will not be waking 54. There are many things that the two schools have
c. not to wake
d. will not wake a. common
b. to be common
c. commonly
d. in common

michigan state university grammar

55. _____ Tom studied hard, he didn’t pass the test. 62. He failed to catch the ball, which flew past him
a. Even if into the expensive vase just as his parents _____ in
b. Although the front door.
c. However a. walk
d. Despite b. are walking
c. were walking
56. He _____ me three times this week. d. had walked
a. was visiting
b. would visit 63. For children, typing speed _____ closely
connected with their interest in computers.
c. visits
d. has visited a. seem to be
b. seems to be
57. The boy does not like apples. _____, he eats them c. that seems to be
because his mother insists on healthy snacks. d. to seem to be
a. Besides
b. Finally 64. Would you mind _____ me with this?
c. However a. to help
d. Similarly b. helping
c. help
58. Linda likes many kinds of music, _____ jazz and d. to be helping
a. includes 65. _____ wanted to go to the concert with me.
b. including a. None
c. included b. Anyone
d. to include c. No one
d. Anybody
59. Due to past problems with dishonest customers,
the store owner said he would _____ allow refunds 66. Marisa _____ her brother the moment she landed
if the original packaging had been opened. in Phoenix.
a. no longer a. texts
b. no more b. is texting
c. no greater c. has texted
d. no better d. texted

60. Jack decided to do his chores in the morning 67. Carolyn insists on _____ a nice dinner whenever
rather than _____. guests are in town.
a. was waiting a. cook
b. his waiting b. cooks
c. had been waiting c. cooking
d. waiting d. cooked

61. I’m not going to Sam’s party. I am going to the 68. I know we have a basketball game next Friday, but
game _____. I can’t remember who we’re playing _____.
a. regardless a. by
b. otherwise b. against
c. rather c. around
d. instead d. on

michigan state university grammar

69. “Monica, have you finished doing your chores?” 76. Students who _____ access the website should
“No, Mom, I _____ started yet.” contact the teacher immediately.
a. will have even a. are unable to
b. won’t have even b. are able to not
c. haven’t even c. were not able
d. hadn’t even d. have been unable

70. By the time Jill arrived, Jeff _____ for class already. 77. The children made breakfast for their mother
a. is leaving _____ a sign of their love for her.
b. will leave a. that
c. has left b. to
d. had left c. as
d. was
71. Andrew loves his new soccer team, but he misses
_____ with his old friends. 78. No one can get on the plane _____ they have
a. to play shown a photo ID.
b. was playing a. since
c. played b. although
d. playing c. whether
d. unless
72. If you _____ to the party, you would have
seen her. 79. Lenny couldn’t hold all of the pencils in his
a. had gone hands—there were too _____ of them.
b. will have gone a. much
c. would go b. many
d. were going c. most
d. more
73. I don’t remember him _____ in that class.
a. being 80. The book must be returned to the library _____
b. is being two weeks.
c. was being a. by
d. has being b. since
c. within
74. Have you heard from Stephen lately? I gave him d. from
a call last week, but haven’t heard from him since
a. now
b. then
c. this day
d. until then

75. I haven’t decided _____ I’ll go to the concert yet.

a. what
b. to
c. which You have now finished the
d. whether grammar test. Please wait
for further instructions.

michigan state university reading

Read about it!

MSU-CELC Test of English Reading Ability

This reading test has four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions.

• You have 60 minutes to answer all 40 questions. For each question, choose the one best

• For each question, find the letter on the answer sheet that corresponds to the answer you
have chosen. Use your pencil to completely fill in the circle for your answer.

• If you are not sure of the answer, take your best guess. Unanswered items will be scored as

• You are allowed to write in the test booklet.

Do not turn the page

until you are told to do so.

michigan state university reading

Reading Passage 1
This is an advertisement from the Student Recreation Center to all students in a university. Read the advertisement
carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Student sports
Are you tired of spending all your free time studying, If you want to play a team sport, you can sign up as a
going online, playing video games, or just doing complete team if you have enough people, as a partial
absolutely nothing? Did you know that the average team if you just need a few additional players, or as an
student at this school spends more time texting than individual “free agent” if you don’t have a team of your
exercising? The truth is, if the only muscles you use are for own but would like to join someone else’s partial team.
typing on a keyboard or moving a mouse, then it’s time to For partial teams and free agents, we have a message
visit the Student Recreation Center! board online that you can use to find enough people for
a complete team. If you have any trouble, visit us at the
Our Student Sports program runs both competitive Student Sports desk and we’ll be happy to help you out.
leagues for serious players and “just-for-fun” leagues
for everybody else in a variety of team and individual So why don’t you pick up your phone and send one
sports. In the competitive league, each team will compete more text: Tell your friends that the last day to sign up
three times per week for a 10-week period. The team for the spring season is March 1! But don’t wait until the
with the most victories will win a prize at the end of the last minute—if you sign up for early registration before
tenth week. In “just-for-fun” leagues, teams play only on February 21, you’ll get free tickets to our famous Beach
weekends, and there are no prizes awarded. Both types Volleyball Picnic coming up on March 15!
of leagues offer volleyball, soccer, softball, tennis, golf,
basketball, and more than a dozen other sports. It’s a Here at the Student Recreation Center, we truly believe
great opportunity to hang out with your friends, make that getting fit is fun. We hope you’ll be joining us for
new friends, and get some exercise at the same time. another great season of Student Sports!

The spring season is coming soon, and it’s easy to get

started. Stop by the Student Sports desk in the Student
Recreation Center or go online to www.studentrec. Whether you come down
to visit the center or register online, you will have to fill
out a simple form. On this form you will be asked for your
name, phone number, email address, your ability level
(beginner, intermediate, or advanced), and the times you
are free to play.

michigan state university reading

81. What is the main idea in the first paragraph? 86. What is a free agent?
a. Exercise gives you more energy in your daily a. a person who wants to join a team
life. b. a person who plays individual sports
b. Many students need more exercise and less c. a person who can only play one sport
technology. d. a person who doesn’t pay for a membership
c. You need a keyboard and a mouse to sign up.
d. The Student Recreation Center is a great place 87. What should you do if you cannot complete your
to make friends. team?
a. use the email list online
82. Which of the following is closest in meaning to b. consider playing a different sport
runs in the second paragraph?
c. encourage your friends to register early
a. finds d. ask for help at the Student Sports desk
b. completes
c. exercises 88. When do you have to sign up?
d. organizes a. immediately
b. by February 21
83. What is one difference between competitive
c. by March 1
leagues and “just-for-fun” leagues?
d. by March 15
a. how often the teams play
b. how much an individual pays to join a team 89. How can you attend the Beach Volleyball Picnic
c. what kind of sports people play for free?
d. how many players are on a team a. sign up for more than one league
b. sign up for the spring season early
84. What information should you give when you
c. register for the volleyball tournament
d. get your friends to register in time
a. where you will sign up
b. your favorite sports team 90. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
c. the level of skill you have getting fit in the last paragraph?
d. how often you practice your sport a. visiting the Recreation Center
b. hanging out with friends
85. What is the difference between partial teams and
c. improving your health
complete teams?
d. signing up for a league
a. A partial team is less serious.
b. A partial team needs more players.
c. A partial team gets fewer messages.
d. A partial team is formed only with free agents.

michigan state university reading

Reading Passage 2
Here is an email exchange between a special events coordinator and a student. Read the email messages carefully
and answer the questions that follow.

Looking for host families

Dear students and parents, Dear Alan,

Would you consider opening your home for a weekend My family might be able to host a student, but we have a
to international student musicians? We are in need of few questions first. Can we specify a boy or girl to host?
your assistance in finding temporary housing for about We’d prefer a boy, because there is an extra bed for
40 students in the International Arts Orchestra for the another person in my room, but not in my sister’s room.
last weekend in July. This is a hard-working group of Also, do the students speak English? Where are they
high school students who, through the International Arts from? Do we need to make special arrangements, or are
Society, are traveling to six different countries this summer they open to being part of our normal family life for the
performing classical and contemporary music. weekend?

Students will need a place to stay for two nights with Also, I’d like to mention another potential host family.
local families, as, unfortunately, all local hotels are full at My neighbors do not have children currently attending
this time due to the world-famous William Shakespeare school and probably didn’t receive your request, but
Festival happening in town that same weekend. The they have a guest room in their house and they might be
students will be arriving on Friday, July 28, and leaving on able to host at least one student. If you’d like to contact
Sunday, July 30. Host families will meet and pick up their my neighbor, her name is Vicky Nelson and her email is
guests after the concert on Friday evening. Saturday is a [email protected].
free day for students and a time for sightseeing or rest. On
the last day, host families will bring students to their bus Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
in the high school parking lot at 1:00 p.m. for a 1:30 p.m.
departure to their next city. Bill Gianetti

In exchange for hosting, families receive free admission for

four people to the local Friday concert. Commitments
from host families are needed as soon as possible.
Please contact Alan at the email address below to make
arrangements. Thank you for helping out! We know you
will enjoy getting to know a student from this fine student

Thank you,


[email protected]

michigan state university reading

91. Which of the following is closest in meaning to 96. Who will get free admission to the concert?
temporary in the first paragraph? a. all student musicians
a. low-cost b. musicians’ family members
b. short-term c. the first four people to reply
c. nearby d. people who host a traveler
d. appropriate
97. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
92. Why is this group of students traveling? commitments in the third paragraph?
a. They are playing music in the orchestra. a. Rooms
b. They are children of adults in the orchestra. b. Payments
c. They are helping to arrange concerts. c. Agreements
d. They are studying international arts. d. Schedules

93. Why are host families needed for the group? 98. What is the main purpose of the first email?
a. They want to meet students from other a. to get people to come to the concert
countries. b. to interest people in traveling with the group
b. The hotels in town have no rooms available. c. to arrange weekend activities in this city
c. Staying with host families is cheaper than d. to find places for travelers to stay
d. Host families can entertain students for the 99. In the second email, why does the writer, Bill, ask
weekend. about requesting a boy or a girl?
a. He wants to make friends with another boy.
94. What will members of the group do on Friday? b. He will be gone then, but his sister can help.
a. perform a concert c. The space available in his home is in
b. arrive at their hotel a boy’s room.
c. practice music d. His sister has requested hosting a girl.
d. travel to another city
100. According to Bill, who probably did NOT receive
95. What happens in the evening immediately after the request for host families?
the concert? a. his sister
a. The group will go sightseeing. b. Vicky
b. The group will meet their hosts. c. Alan’s neighbor
c. The group will get ready for the next concert. d. local parents
d. The group will travel by bus to the next city.

michigan state university reading

Reading Passage 3
The following article was in your local newspaper, and your parents want to know your opinion. Read the article
carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Toys: Playing it neutral

In the United States today, things such as toys and Some people, both adults and children, are speaking out
clothing are often divided by genders. That is, things against this trend. They say that a toy should be marketed
made for boys are usually blue and things made for girls to all children, not just to boys or just to girls. Many
are usually pink. Other colors are mixed in, of course, letters were written about this to a famous toy company
but these two colors largely define and divide gender for that makes popular plastic building bricks. The company
children. Is such a difference necessary? listened. The toy bricks are usually sold separately in
“boy” or “girl” colors, and sets come with boy characters
In the 1920s, the United States offered toys divided by as scientists or builders and girl characters as fashion
gender, but not color. There were toy stoves and baby models or hairdressers. After receiving the letters, the toy
dolls advertised for little girls, who were expected to company developed a set of toy bricks with a new girl
grow up to cook and raise families, and there were character who was a scientist. Did customers like it? The
building sets and science kits advertised for little boys set sold out in just one day. Many young girls and their
who were expected to be engineers and scientists. Few parents were very excited to buy the new set.
toys were designed for both boys and girls.
What’s next for children’s toys in the United States? Will
Fifty years later, in the 1970s, a dramatic shift took place. customers’ love of the new toy set affect what toys are
In the United States in general, there was less of a gender sold next year? Or will girls who have learned to look for
divide, as fewer women were staying home to cook and pink toys and boys who have learned to look for blue toys
clean and instead were choosing to work in jobs outside only want what they’re used to—their favorite toys in their
the home. Toy catalogs from the time reflected that usual “girl colors” or “boy colors”? We can hope that
change, as girls were shown playing with doctor kits and these color assignments disappear like the toy divisions of
boys were shown playing with toy kitchens. Color was the 1920s, but only time will tell.
not yet an issue. Fewer than 2% of toys were advertised as
“boy toys” or “girl toys.”

This change didn’t last long, however. Although women

continued working alongside men in jobs, children’s toys
soon made gender differences explicit again. In the
1990s, toys were made pink for girls and blue for boys.
There was less difference in types of toys—toy cars and
children’s bikes, for example, were now made for both
genders—but they were clearly intended to be separate:
girl toys used girl colors, while boy toys used boy colors.
This trend continues today.

michigan state university reading

101. Which of the following are examples of the word 106. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
genders found in the first paragraph? explicit in the fourth paragraph?
a. blue and pink a. clear
b. young and old b. popular
c. boy and girl c. traditional
d. baby dolls and science kits d. controversial

102. What were American toys like in the 1920s? 107. Why were letters written to the toy brick
a. Few toys were available for children. company?
b. Children’s toys reflected future careers. a. to ask them to use more colors in their
c. Boys’ toys were blue and girls’ toys were pink. building bricks
d. Toys were mostly designed by small b. to ask them to put girl characters in their toy
companies. sets
c. to ask them to sell toys separately based on
103. What was different about toy catalogs in the color
1970s? d. to ask them to avoid marketing toys for boys
a. Women started designing the catalogs. and girls
b. The catalogs were printed in color.
108. According to the article, what happened when a
c. The catalogs attracted children’s attention.
toy set was made with a girl scientist?
d. Children were shown playing in new ways.
a. Some parents were unhappy about it.
104. By the 1970s, what had changed in the United b. All the new toy sets were bought right away.
States? c. Boys were excited to buy the new toy set.
a. More women were getting jobs. d. Girls preferred the fashion model characters.
b. More companies were advertising toys.
109. What is the author’s opinion about toy colors?
c. More children were playing with gender-
specific toys. a. The author disapproves of boy colors and girl
d. More toys were for boys or girls only. colors.
b. The author likes the way toys were divided in
105. What happened to toys in the 1990s? the 1920s.
a. New types of toys were made. c. The author hopes toys will be made with more
b. More toys were made for boys than girls. boy and girl colors.
c. They were divided based on color. d. The author does not want to buy new toy sets.
d. The colors for genders switched.
110. What time period does this article focus on?
a. mostly 1920s
b. mostly 1970s
c. mostly 1990s
d. 1920s through today

michigan state university reading

Reading Passage 4
The following reading is from an article about choosing a dog as a pet. Read the article carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

Choosing a dog
Before you decide to get a dog as a pet, you have to ask It is often the case that a friendly puppy will grow up
yourself a few questions. Do you have time for it? Dogs to be the same kind of adult. Anxious, nervous puppies
are social animals. Will you be able to take care of it and will often grow into distressed adults. If possible, buy a
play with it? Do you have enough space for it to get puppy from someone who has kept it in their home. This
exercise? enables them to become used to people and household
activities. Puppies that are raised in cages tend to have
When you finally make the decision to get a dog, you more problems as they grow older.
have to think about whether you want a puppy or an
older dog. Many people think a puppy is best, but this is How old should a puppy be when you get it? Puppies
not always true. Puppies look cute, but it is impossible to are completely helpless for the first two weeks after they
be sure whether a puppy will grow into a friendly dog or are born. They really need their mothers during this time.
an aggressive dog. You also have to spend a lot of time After this, they need time to adjust to the life around
training a puppy. With an older dog, you can already see them. People used to think it was best to get a dog when
its personality, and most older dogs have already been it was three or four weeks old. Now, experts think it is
trained. Besides, many dog shelters are looking for people better to wait until the dog is two or three months old
to adopt older dogs that other people do not want. You before you bring it home.
may be able to save a dog’s life.
This risk does not exist when you opt for an older dog.
Is there any way to really tell what kind of a dog a puppy You can see what personality it has right away. Older dogs
will grow up to be? There is one technique that some do not need as much attention, and they have probably
experts use. When you are sitting down and the puppy is already adjusted to living with people and know how to
on your lap, try turning it over and petting its stomach. If behave in a house. If you are a busy person, an older dog
the puppy fights this, it will probably be more aggressive is best. But remember, don’t choose any dog without
and harder to train. If the puppy lets you do this, it spending some time getting to know it. Any decision you
probably trusts you and will listen to you more willingly. make can affect your life for a long time to come.
Still, there are no guarantees, and there is always some
risk when choosing a puppy.

michigan state university reading

111. Which of the following best describes the author’s 116. What does the article recommend considering
ideas about the decision to get a dog? when buying a puppy?
a. People should get dogs because dogs usually a. what its parents look like
make good pets. b. where it was born and raised
b. Getting a dog is a serious decision that may c. the price of the puppy
not be right for everyone. d. the age of its parents
c. People should only get a dog if they will take
the time to train it well. 117. How old should a puppy be before you bring it
d. Getting a dog is best in a social situation with home?
other pets and family. a. at least two months old
b. more than two weeks old
112. According to the author, what is one disadvantage
c. three or four weeks old
of choosing a dog when it is still a puppy?
d. old enough to feed itself
a. It cannot be trained successfully until it
becomes an adult. 118. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
b. Puppies are in demand and often not available opt for in the fifth paragraph?
at animal shelters. a. train
c. It is difficult to give a puppy all the play and b. live with
exercise it needs. c. take care of
d. It is difficult to tell how its personality will d. select
change as it gets older.
119. According to the last paragraph, what is one
113. According to the passage, how can you save a advantage of getting an older dog?
dog’s life?
a. They do not mind being left on their own.
a. by getting an adult dog b. They will be good company if you are alone.
b. by assisting a sick or injured dog c. They are already comfortable in a family
c. by training it to live with people setting.
d. by getting a dog from the street d. They will be much easier for you to begin
114. How can you tell if a puppy might grow up to be
aggressive? 120. What is the main purpose of this article?
a. It runs away when you touch it. a. to warn people about the problems of
b. It is very difficult to train as a puppy. having a dog
c. It jumps up on you when you are sitting. b. to help people learn how to choose the
d. It tries to protect its stomach. best dog
c. to explain what dog owners need to do to
115. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
take care of a dog
distressed in the fourth paragraph?
d. to explain how to prepare for a new dog in
a. quiet your home
b. upset
c. lazy
d. unusual

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