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Practical Research 1  A method, procedure or perspective for

Lesson 3 – Characteristics, Processes and Ethics of deciding not to act and for analyzing complex
Research problems and issues.
 Functions of Ethics:
Characteristics of Research: 1. Norms promote the aims of research such
1. Empirical – Research is based on observations and as knowledge, truth and evidence of error.
experimentations of theories. It takes into account 2. Ethical standards promote the values that
the direct experiences that fuse the researcher’s are essential to collaborative work such as
speculation with reality. Most researches are based trust, accountability, mutual respect and
on real-life situations. fairness.
2. Systematic – Research follows orderly and 3. Ethical norms ensure that researchers can
sequential procedures, based on valid procedures be held accountable to the public.
and principles. Researchers are advised to refer to 4. Ethical norms in research, is research that
the research guidelines provided or prescribed by helps build public support quality and
the school. integrity of research.
3. Controlled – In research, all variables, except those
that are tested/experimented on, are kept constant. Some Ethical Principles:
4. Employs hypothesis – The hypothesis guides the a. Informed Consent – In order to safeguard the
investigation process. Research refers to a search for rights of the participants in your study, secure
facts, answers to questions and solutions to informed consent. Inform your participants
problems. about the criteria set for choosing them as
5. Analytical – There is critical analysis of all data used informants and the schedule of one-on-one
so that there is no error in the researcher’s interview at the convenient time they are
interpretations. available. Participation to the study will be
6. Objective – The term also refers to the research as completely voluntary.
unbiased and logical. All findings are logically based b. Honesty – Honest report data, results, methods
in empirical data, which as earlier mentioned, are and procedures and publication status. Do not
based on real life situations. fabricate, falsify and misinterpret the data.
7. Original Work – Requires effort to get at the c. Objectivity – Strive to avoid bias in
researcher’s own investigation and produce the data experimental design, data analysis, data
needed to complete the study. interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions,
grant writing, expert testimony and other
Types of Research: aspects of research.
1. Library Research – done primarily in the library d. Integrity – Keep your promises and agreements;
where answers to specific questions or problems act with sincerity; strive for consistency of
are available thought and action.
2. Field Research – done in the natural setting such as e. Carefulness – Avoid careless errors and
barangay, school or factory negligence; carefully and critically examine your
3. Laboratory Research – conducted in an artificial or work and the work of peers. Keep good records
controlled conditions by doing the study in a of research activities.
thoroughly specified and equipped area f. Openness – Share data, results, ideas, tools and
resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas.
Ethics and Research g. Respect for Intellectual Property – Honor
Ethics patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets
 Refers to the norms for conduct that distinguish and other forms of intellectual property. Do not
between acceptable and unacceptable behavior use published or unpublished data, methods or
 Direct networks among people because they results without permission. Give credit where
recognize some common ethical norms but credit is due. Never plagiarize, fabricate and
interpret, apply and balance them in different falsify.
ways in the light of their own values and h. Confidentiality - Protect confidential
experiences. (Resmik, 2015) communications, such as papers or grants
submitted for publication, personnel records,
trade or military secrets and patient records.
i. Responsible Publication – Publish in order to
advance research and scholarship, not to
advance your own career. Avoid wasteful and
duplicative publication.
j. Respect for Colleagues – Respect your
colleagues and treat them fairly. Don’t outsmart
others. Respect their opinions.

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