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Paradoxes to puzzle and delight

Martin Gardner

W. H. Freeman and Company
New York
aha! Gotcha is derived from The Paradox Box, a set of
filmstrips, cassettes, and Teacher’s Guides, published by
Scientific American.

Project Editor: Patricia Brewer; Production Coordinator:

Linda Jupiter; Designer: Brenn Lea Pearson; Illustration
Coordinator: Cheryl Nufer; Artists: Jim Glen (The
Paradox Box filmstrips), Ray Salmon (new aha! Gotcha
cartoons), Scott Kim (chapter-opening art), and Thomas
Prentiss (painting on Scientific American cover on page
11); Compositor: Graphic Typesetting Service; Printer
and Binder: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication


Gardner, Martin, 1914-

aha! Gotcha: paradoxes to puzzle and delight.

Bibliography: p.
1. Mathematical recreations 2. Paradox. I. Title.
QA95.G24 793.7'4 81-19543
ISBN 0-7167-1414-0 AACR2
ISBN 0-7167-1361-6 (pbk.)

Chapter-opening drawings copyright © 1981 by Scott

Copyright © 1975 by Scientific American, Inc.
Copyright © 1982 by W. H. Freeman and Company

No part of this book may be reproduced by any

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456789 DO 108987654
Preface vii 3 Geometry 55
Paradoxes about plane, solid,
and impossible shapes
1 Logic 1
Getting Around a Girl 58
Paradoxes about truth-tellers, liars,
The Great Moon Mystery 59
crocodiles, and barbers
Mirror Magic 61
The Liar Paradox 4 Cubes and Ladies 63
Buttons and Graffiti 6 Randi’s Remarkable Rugs 64
A Sentence and Its Opposite 8 The Vanishing Leprechaun 67
The Crazy Computer 9 The Great Bank Swindle 69
Infinite Regress 10 The Amazing Inside-Out Doughnut 70
The Plato-Socrates Paradox 12 The Bewildering Braid 72
Alice and the Red King 13 The Inescapable Point 74
Crocodile and Baby 14 Impossible Objects 76
The Don Quixote Paradox 15 A Pathological Curve 77
The Barber Paradox 16 The Unknown Universe 78
Astrologer, Robot, and Catalog 17 Antimatter 81
Dull Versus Interesting 18
Semantics and Set Theory 20
Metalanguages 21
Theory of Types 23 4 Probability 83
The Swami’s Prediction 24
Paradoxes about chance, wagers, and beliefs
The Unexpected Tiger 26
Newcomb’s Paradox 28 The Gambler’s Fallacy 87
Four Kittens 90
Three-Card Swindle 93
The Elevator Paradox 96
The Bewildered Girlfriends 98
Three-Shell Game 100
2 Number 31 Chuck-A-Luck 102
Puzzling Parrots 104
Paradoxes about integers, fractions,
The Wallet Game 106
and an infinite ladder
The Principle of Indifference 107
The Six-Chair Mystery 34 Pascal’s Wager 109
The Elusive Profit 35
Population Implosion 37
The Ubiquitous Number 9 38
The Bewildered Bus Driver 40 5 Statistics 111
The Missing Dollar 42
Paradoxes about gismos, clumps,
Magic Matrix 44
ravens, and grue
The Curious Will 46
The Amazing Code 48 The Deceptive “Average” 114
Hotel Infinity 50 Mother of the Year 116
The Ladder of Alephs 52 Jumping to Conclusions 117

The Small-World Paradox 119
What’s Your Sign? 120
Patterns in Pi 122
Jason and the Sun 123
Crazy Clumps 124
An Amazing Card Trick 126
The Voting Paradox 128
Miss Lonelyhearts 130
Hempel’s Ravens 133
Goodman’s Grue 135

6 Time 137
Paradoxes about motion, supertasks, time travel,
and reversed time

Carroll’s Crazy Clocks 140

The Perplexing Wheel 141
The Frustrated Skier 142
Zeno’s Paradoxes 143
The Rubber Rope 145
Supertasks 147
Mary, Tom, and Fido 148
Can Time Go Backward? 150
Time Machines 152
The Tachyon Telephone 153
Parallel Worlds 154
Time Dilation 156
Fate, Chance, and Free Will 158

References and Suggested Readings 161


These are old fond paradoxes to make fools We can learn much from paradoxes. Like good
laugh \ the alehouse. magic tricks they are so astonishing that we
Desdemona, Othello, Act 1, Scene 1 instantly want to know how they are done.
Magicians never reveal how they do what they do,
If we alter Desdemona’s remark to “These are old but mathematicians have no need to keep secrets.
and new paradoxes to make us laugh during Throughout, I have done my best to explain in
lunch time,” then it is not a bad description of this nontechnical language, and as briefly as possible,
book. The word paradox has many meanings, but why each paradox is paradoxical. If this stimulates
I use it here in a broad sense to include any result you to go on to other books and articles where
so contrary to common sense and intuition that it you can learn more, you will not only absorb a
invokes an immediate emotion of surprise. Such great deal of significant mathematics but also
paradoxes are of four main types: enjoy yourself in the process. Some easily
1. An assertion that seems false but actually is accessible readings are starred in the References
true. and Suggested Readings at the end of the book.
2. An assertion that seems true but actually is
false. N ovem ber 1981 Martin Gardner
3. A line of reasoning that seems impeccable
but which leads to a logical contradiction. (This
type of paradox is more commonly called a
4. An assertion whose truth or falsity is
Paradoxes in mathematics, like those in science,
can be much more than jokes. They can lead to
deep insights. For early Greek thinkers it was a
bothersofrie paradox that the diagonal of a unit
square could not be measured accurately, no
matter how finely graduated the ruler. This
disturbing fact opened up the vast realm of the
theory of irrational numbers. To nineteenth
century mathematicians it was enormously
paradoxical that all the members of an infinite set
could be put in one-to-one correspondence with
the members of one of its subsets, and that two
infinite sets could exist whose members could not
be put into one-to-one correspondence. These
paradoxes led to the development of modem set
theory, which in turn had a strong influence on the
philosophy of science.


a Logic

a Logic

E Logic

a Logic

a Logic


Paradoxes about truth-tellers, llan, crocodiles, and barbers

Paradoxes about truth-tellera, liara, crocodiles, and barbers

Paradoxes about truth-tellers, liars, crocodiles, and barbers

© 1981 Scott Kim

Paradoxes about truth-tellers, liars, crocodiles, and barbers

Paradoxes about truth-tellers, liars, crocodiles, and barbers

In view of the indispensable role of logic, not only The paradoxes that answer these questions all
in mathematics but in all deductive reasoning, it is have a hint of circular reasoning or self-reference
surprising to find that logic is riddled with in them. In logic the possibility of self-reference
seemingly flawless arguments that lead to flat can either destroy a theory or make it rich and
contradictions. Such arguments would be like interesting. The problem is to shape our theories
proving that 2 + 2 is 4, and then giving an so that they allow just the right possibilities to
equally good proof that 2 + 2 cannot be 4. What make the subject rich but exclude possibilities that
has gone wrong? Is it possible that fatal flaws are would lead to self-contradiction. The invention of
hidden in the very process of deductive thinking? paradoxes is the primary tool in testing whether
Giant strides in modem logic and set theory we have set the right limits for our logical ideas.
have been the direct outcome of efforts to resolve Do not imagine that all paradoxes of modem
classical paradoxes. Bertrand Russell devoted logic have been resolved. Far from it! Immanuel
many frustrating years to such puzzles before he Kant once made the reckless statement that logic
and Alfred North Whitehead collaborated on had been so completely developed in his day that
Principia Mathematica, a monumental treatise that nothing new could be said about it. Today, all the
provided a unified foundation for modem logic logic that Kant understood is but a small and
and mathematics. elementary part of modem logic. There are
Paradoxes not only can pose questions but can profound levels about which the greatest of
answer them as well. Among the questions logicians disagree, levels where paradoxical
answered by the paradoxes in this chapter are: questions have not yet been answered, and where
1. Are there situations in which it is logically many questions have yet to be formulated.
impossible to correctly predict a future event?
2. Why does set theory generally rule out
construction of sets that might include themselves
as elements?
3. When we speak about a language, why must
we distinguish between the language we are
speaking about (our object language) and the
language we are speaking in (our metalanguage)?

The Liar Paradox

Epimenides is reputed to Epimenides was a legendary Greek poet who

have said “All Cretans are
liars.” Considering that he lived in Crete in the sixth century B.C. He was the
was a Cretan, did Epimen­ original Rip Van Winkle. One myth about him
ides speak truly?
says that he once slept for 57 years.
The statement attributed to him is logically
contradictory provided we assume that liars
always lie and that people who are not liars— we
will call them truth-tellers— always tell the truth.
On this assumption, the statement “All Cretans
are liars” cannot be true because this would make
Epimenides a liar, therefore what he says would
be false. Neither can it be false because that would
imply that Cretans are truth-tellers, and
consequently what Epimenides says would be
The ancient Greeks were much puzzled as to
how a statement that seems to make perfectly
good sense could be neither true nor false without
self-contradiction. A Stoic philosopher,
Chrysippus, wrote six treatises on the “liar
paradox,” none of which survived. Philetas of
Cos, a Greek poet who was so thin that it was said
he carried lead in his shoes to keep from being
blown away, worried himself into an early grave
over it. In the New Testament, Saint Paul repeats
the paradox in his epistle to Titus:

One of themselves, even a prophet of their

own, said, the Cretians are always liars, evil
beasts, slow bellies.
This witness is true. . . .
Titus 1:12—13

We don’t know whether Paul was aware of the

paradox involved in these statements.

We are caught in the noto­ Why does this form of the paradox, in which a
rious liar paradox. Here is
its simplest form: “This sen­ sentence talks about itself, make the paradox
tence is false.” Is it true? If clearer? Because it eliminates all ambiguity over
so, it’s false! Is it false? If so,
whether a liar always lies and a truth-teller always
it’s true! Contradictory state­
ments like this are more tells the truth.
common than you think. There are endless variations. Bertrand Russell
once expressed his belief that the philosopher
George Edward Moore lied only once in his life.
When someone asked him if he always told the
truth, Moore thought a moment and said, “No.”
Forms of the liar paradox have played central
roles in several short stories. My favorite is “Told
Under Oath,” by Lord Dunsany. You can find it in
a recent anthology of his lesser-known writings,
The Ghost o f the Heaviside Layer and Other
Fantasies. In this story Dunsany meets a man who
pledges under solemn oath that the story he is
about to tell is the whole truth and nothing but the
It seems that the man met Satan at a party, and
the two struck a bargain. It was arranged that the
man, who had been the worst golfer in his club,
would always make a hole in one. After repeated
holes in one, everybody became convinced the
man was somehow cheating, and he was expelled
from the club. The story ends when Dunsany asks
what Satan got in return for his gift. “ He extorted
from me,” the man says, “ my power of ever
speaking the truth again.”

Buttons and Graffiti

Why are these statements contradictory? Each

violates the action it recommends. Other examples
abound: A bumper sticker says “Eliminate bumper
stickers.” A sign reads “Don’t read this.” A
bachelor declares that the only kind of woman he
would marry is one smart enough not to marry
him. Groucho Marx said he refused to join any
club willing to have him as a member. A gummed
label says: “Please notify us if this label has fallen
off in transit.”
Closer to the liar paradox are such self­
contradictory statements as “All knowledge is
doubtful,” and George Bernard Shaw’s assertion
that “The only Golden Rule is that there are no
golden rules.”

There was a young lady of Crewe

Whose limericks stopped at line two.

This anonymous limerick is not paradoxical, but it

prompted the sequel:

There was a young man of Verdun.

What is the paradox? Is it that your mind

automatically supplies a second line: “Whose
limericks stopped at line one.” ? Or is it the very
idea of a limerick having fewer than five lines?

Humorous guidelines for writing good English Self-reference can be amusing even when it is
have been expressed in paradoxical form. Below is not paradoxical. In the index of Finite Dimensional
a list of ten rules compiled by Harold Evans, Vector Spaces, by Paul R. Halmos, there is an
editor of London’s Sunday Times: entry: “ Hochschild, G.P., 198.” Hochschild is
nowhere mentioned in the book except in this
Don’t use no double negatives.
entry, which is on page 198.
Make each pronoun agree with their antecedent.
When dangling, watch your participles. Raymond Smullyan gave a book of logic
Don’t use commas, which aren’t necessary. puzzles the title What Is the Nam e o f This Book?
Verbs has to agree with their subjects. Two years later he did a second book, on
About those sentence fragments. paradoxes of everyday life, entitled This Book
Try to not ever split infinitives.
Needs N o Title.
It is important to use apostrophe’s correctly.
For an amusing article on self-reference, with
Always read what you have written to see you
any words out. many new examples, see Douglas Hofstadter’s
Correct spelling is esential. column in Scientific American, January 1981.

A UPI dispatch of April 24, 1970, reported that

political candidates in Oregon were allowed to put
12-word slogans under their names on the ballot.
Frank Hatch, of Eugene, who ran as a Democrat
for Congress, used this slogan: “Anyone who
thinks in 12-word slogans should not be on this
In 1909 the noted British economist Alfred
Marshall wrote: “Every short sentence about
economics is inherently false.”
Threba Johnson, of New Canaan, Connecticut,
told me that one day she pulled a wishbone with
her small son. After he won, he asked his mother
what she had wished for. She said her wish had
been that he would win. Did she win? Would she
have won if she had pulled the larger part of the
What would it mean if the Pope, speaking ex
cathedra, declared that all Popes, past, present,
and future, were not infallible?
An advertisement in a magazine says: “ Do you
want to learn how to read? Learn quickly by mail.
Write us at the address below.”

A Sentence and Its Opposite

How many words are in the Here’s another anonymous truth-value paradox.
sentence in this picture?
Five. Clearly this sentence is There are three false statements here. Can you
false. So its opposite ought identify them?
to be true. Flight?
1. 2 + 2 = 4
2. 3 x 6 = 17
3. 8/4 = 2
4. 13 - 6 = 5
5. 5 + 4 = 9
Answer: Only statements 2 and 4 are false.
— f!--------------f e r "i Wrong! The opposite sen­
tence contains just seven Therefore the assertion that there are three false
words. How can we resolve
TS/'s sentence these strange dilemmas? statements is false, which makes this assertion a
does not third false statement! Or does it?
Seven Uorc/s. v-)

The Crazy Computer

Many years ago a com­ The world’s first electronic computer designed
puter, designed for testing
the truth of statements, was
solely to solve problems in truth-value logic was
fed the liar paradox: “This built in 1947 by William Burkhart and Theodore
sentence is false.”
Kalin, then undergraduates at Harvard University.
When they asked their machine to evaluate the
liar paradox, it went into an oscillating phase,
making (as Kalin said) “a hell of a racket.”
Gordon Dickson’s story, “The Monkey Wrench,”
The poor computer went which appeared in Astounding Science Fiction
crazy, forever oscillating
(August 1951), tells how some scientists saved
between true and false.
Computer: their lives by rendering a computer inoperative.
True-false-true-false-true- Their technique was to tell the computer: “You
false . . .
must reject the statement I am now making to you
because all the statements I make are incorrect.”

Infinite Regress

The computer was having The old question about the chicken and the egg is
^ F rttit
eqqa V
"\ . ) J' as hard a time as a person
trying to answer the old rid­ the most familiar example of what logicians call an
dle: “Which came first? The infinite regress. Quaker Oats cereal used to come
chicken or the egg?”
in a box with a picture of a Quaker holding a box
The chicken? No, it had
to hatch from an egg. The of the cereal, which had on it a smaller picture of
egg? No, it had to be laid a Quaker holding a box, and so on forever, like an
by a chicken.
infinite set of Chinese boxes. Scientific American's
cover for April 1965 is shown at right. The cover
is reflected in a human eye. In the reflection a
smaller eye reflects a smaller cover, and so on.
In a barber shop, where there are facing
mirrors, you see the beginning of an infinite
regress of reflections.

Jonathan Swift described an infinite regress of
SCIENTIFIC fleas in a poem, which the mathematician
Augustus De Morgan rewrote:
VMEKIC VN Great fleas have little fleas
Upon their backs to bite ’em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so ad infinitum.
And the great fleas, themselves, in turn,
Have greater fleas to go on;
While these again have greater still,
And greater still, and so on.

Two age-old scientific questions about infinite

regresses may never be answered. Is our
expanding universe all there is, or is it part of
some even vaster system about which we as yet
know nothing? The second question goes the
other direction, toward the small. Is the electron
an ultimate particle or does it have an internal
structure of still smaller parts? Physicists now
believe that many particles are made of
combinations of quarks. Are quarks composed of
still smaller entities? Some physicists believe there
is no end to levels of structure in both directions.
Authors have used regresses in works of fiction.
The total universe of universes is like an immense
Philip Quarles, a character in Aldous Huxley’s
set of nested Chinese boxes in which there is
novel, Point Counter Point, is writing a novel
neither a smallest nor a largest box any more than
about a novelist who is writing a novel about a
there is a smallest fraction or a largest positive
novelist. . . . There are similar regresses in Andre
Gide’s novel, The Counterfeiters; in E. E.
Cummings’ play, H im ; and in such short stories as
Norman Mailer’s “The Notebook,” in which a
young writer gets an idea for a story, which is the
same story that Mailer is writing.

Scientific American cover copyright © 1965 by Scientific

American, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Plato—Socrates Paradox

Let’s think a moment about This version of the liar paradox, much discussed
what is pictured. A Cretan
speaks of Cretans. A sen­ by medieval logicians, is important because it
tence talks about itself. A proves that the source of confusion in truth-value
button speaks of buttons.
paradoxes is much deeper than self-reference. If
All these statements seem
to talk about themselves. Is sentence A is true, then B is false, and if B is false,
it self-reference that causes then A must be false. But if A is false, then B is
the trouble?
true, and if B is true, then A must be true. Now
we are back where we started and the process
No. Even the ancient keeps repeating, like a pair of Keystone cops
Greeks knew that eliminat­ chasing each other around a building. Neither
ing self-reference wasn’t
enough. Here’s a conversa­ sentence talks about itself, yet taken together they
tion that proves it: keep changing the truth-value of the other, so that
Plato: The next statement
by Socrates will be false. we are unable to say whether either sentence is
Socrates: Plato has spo­ true or false.
ken truly!
You may enjoy showing friends the following
card version of this paradox. It was devised by
P. E. B. Jourdain, an English mathematician.
Logicians have simplified
the Plato-Socrates paradox On one side of a blank card print:
to the sentences at left.
Whatever truth-value you THE SENTENCE ON THE OTHER SIDE
give to either sentence is
contradicted by the other. OF THIS CARD IS TRUE.
Neither sentence talks
about itself, yet taken On the opposite side of the same card print:
together, the liar paradox
Many people turn the card back and forth many
times before they realize they are trapped in an
endless regress in which each sentence is
alternately true and false.

Alice and the Red King

The Plato-Socrates para­ The episode in which Alice meets the Red King
dox has two infinite
regresses, like Alice and occurs in Chapter 4 of Through the Looking
the Red King in Through Glass. The King is asleep, Tweedledee tells Alice
the Looking Glass:
that the King is dreaming about her, and that she
Alice: I’m dreaming about
the Red King. But he’s has no existence except as a “sort of thing” in the
asleep and dreaming about King’s dream.
me who is dreaming about
him who is dreaming about “ If that there King was to wake,” adds
me. Oh dear! It goes on Tweedledum, “you’d go out— bang!— just like a
But this dialogue occurs in Alice’s own dream. Is
the King a “thing” in her dream, or is she a “thing”
in his? Which is real, and which is the dream?
The double dreams lead into deep philosophical
questions about reality. “ If it were not put
humorously,” Bertrand Russell once said, “we
should find it too painful.”
The chickens and eggs go back in time, with
endless chickens and eggs, but with Alice and the
Red King the regress is circular. Drawing Hands,
by Maurits Escher, illustrates this circular paradox.
Douglas Hofstadter, in his book Godelt Escher,
Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, calls these circular
paradoxes “strange loops.” His book is filled with
striking examples of strange loops in science,
mathematics, art, literature, and philosophy.

© BEELDRECHT, Amsterdam/VAGA, New York 1981.

Collection Haags Gemeentemuseum. Image appears courtesy
of the Vorpal Galleries; New York City, San Francisco, Laguna
Beach, Ca.
Crocodile and Baby

Greek philosophers liked to The crocodile has a problem. He has to both eat
tell about a crocodile that
snatched a baby from its
the baby and give it back, at the same time.
mother. The mother is very clever. Suppose, instead,
Crocodile: Will I eat your
she had said: “You’re going to give the baby
baby? Answer correctly and
I’ll give the baby back to back.” Then, the crocodile could return the baby
you unharmed. or eat it, in both cases without contradiction. If he
Mother: Oh! Oh! You’re
going to eat my baby. gives it back, the mother spoke truly, and the
crocodile has kept his word. On the other hand, if
Crocodile: Hmmm. What he is mean enough, he can eat the baby. This
shall 1do? If I give you back
makes the mother’s statement false, which frees
your baby, you will have
spoken falsely. I should the crocodile from the obligation to give the baby
have eaten it. . . . Okay, so I back.
won’t give it back.
Mother: But you must. If
you eat my baby, I spoke
correctly and you have to
give it back.

The poor crocodile was so

freaked that it let the baby
go. The mother grabbed
her child and ran.
Crocodile: Zounds! If
only she’d said I’d give the
baby back. I’d have had a
juicy meal.

The Don Quixote Paradox

The novel Don Quixote tells The hanging paradox is in Chapter 51 of the
of an island with a curious
law A guard questions
second book of D on Quixote. Sancho Panza, the
every visitor: Don’s servant, has become governor of an island
Guard: Why are you com­
where he has sworn to uphold the country’s
ing here?
If the visitor answers truly, curious law about visitors. When the visitor is
all is well. If he answers brought before him, he decides the man’s case
falsely he is hanged.
with mercy and common sense.
The paradox, although similar to the crocodile
One day a visitor answered: paradox, is clouded by the ambiguity of the
Visitor: I came here to be visitor’s statement. Is it the man’s statement about
The guards were as puzzled his intent, or is it a statement about a future event?
as the crocodile. If they do In the first sense, the man may have spoken truly
not hang the man, he has
lied and has to hang. But if about his intent, and the authorities could then
they hang him, he spoke not hang him and there would be no
truly and should not be
contradiction. But if his statement is taken in the
second sense, then whatever the authorities do
To decide the matter, the will contradict the law.
visitor was taken to the
island’s governor. After
thinking long and hard the
governor made his decision.
Governor: Whatever I
decide is sure to break the
law So I will be merciful
and let the man go free.

The Barber Paradox

The famous barber paradox Bertrand Russell proposed the barber paradox to
was proposed by Bertrand
Russell. If a barber has the
dramatize a famous paradox he had discovered
sign at the left in his win­ about sets. Some constructions seem to lead to
dow, who shaves the bar­
sets that should be members of themselves. For
example, the set of all things that are not apples
could not be an apple, so it must be a member of
itself. Consider now the set of all sets that are not
members of themselves. Is it a member of itself?
If he shaves himself, then However you answer, you are sure to contradict
he belongs to the set of yourself.
men who shave themselves.
But his sign says he never One of the most dramatic turning points in the
shaves anyone in this set. history of logic involves this paradox. Gottlob
Therefore he cannot shave
himself. Frege, an eminent German logician, had
completed the second volume of his continuing
life’s work, The Fundamentals o f Arithmetic, in
which he had thought he had developed a
If someone else shaves the consistent theory of sets that would serve as the
barber, then he’s a man foundation of all mathematics. The volume was at
who doesn’t shave himself.
the printer’s when Frege received a letter from
But his sign says that he
does shave all such men. Russell, in 1902, telling him about the paradox.
Therefore no one else can Frege’s set theory permitted the formation of the
shave the barber. It seems
as if nobody can shave the set of all sets not members of themselves. As
barber! Russell’s letter made clear, this apparently well-
formed set is self-contradictory. Frege had time
only to insert a brief appendix that begins: “A
scientist can hardly encounter anything more
undesirable than to have the foundation collapse
just as the work is finished. I was put in this
position by a letter from Mr. Bertrand Russell. . . ”
It has been said that Frege’s use of the word
“undesirable” is the greatest understatement in the
history of mathematics.
We will explore a few more paradoxes of this
type and mention various approaches to
eliminating them. One way out of this dilemma is
to decide that the description “the set of all sets
that do not contain themselves” does not name a
set. A more sweeping and radical solution would
be to insist that set theory allow no sets that are
members of themselves.

Astrologer, Robot, and Catalog

How about the astrologer These are all variations of Russell’s paradox. In
who gives advice to all
astrologers, and only those, each case the proposed definition for a set, S, is
who do not advise them­ that it contain all those objects and only those
selves? Who advises the
objects that do not stand in a certain relation, R,
to themselves. If one asks whether or not S
belongs to itself, the paradox becomes apparent.
Here are three classical variations on this theme.
1. Grelling’s paradox is named for its
Or the robot who repairs all discoverer, the German mathematician Kurt
robots who do not repair Grelling. We divide all adjectives into two sets:
themselves? Who repairs
the robot? self-descriptive and non-self-descriptive. Words
such as English, short, and polysyllabic are self-
descriptive. Words such as German, monosyllabic,
and long are non-self-descriptive. Now we ask: To
which class belongs the adjective non-self-
Or a catalog that lists all cat­ 2. Berry’s paradox gets its name from G. G.
alogs that do not list them­ Berry, an Oxford University librarian who
selves? What catalog lists
this catalog? communicated it to Russell. It concerns “the
smallest integer that cannot be expressed in less
than thirteen words.” Since this expression has 12
words, to which set does the integer it describes
belong: the set of integers that can be expressed in
English with less than 13 words, or the set of
integers that can be expressed only with 13 words
or more? Either answer leads to a contradiction.
3. The philosopher Max Black expressed the
Berry paradox in a fashion similar to the following
version: Various integers are mentioned in this
book. Fix your attention on the smallest integer
that is not referred to in any way in the book. Is
there such an integer?

Dull Versus Interesting

Some people are interest­ But this makes him or her

ing. Some are dull. very interesting. So we
have to move the dullest
person to the other list.
Dullard: Thanks.
Now someone else will be
the dullest person, and he
or she too will be interest­
ing. So eventually everyone
becomes interesting. Or do

Football Player: I’m an

all-American football star.

Musician: I can play a

guitar with my toes.

Dullard: I can’t do any­


----------- -m------- —J1-----------

-------------IM CT— N Here we have a list of all
Ml----------- 1/—1 the dull people and a list of
Dull InferesTinq
all the interesting people.
fjlr Good VlalterCronlCite Somewhere on the dull list
/Hiss Thud Indira (janJh i is the dullest person in the
{fls Humdrum Wenry Fotd H world.
e ft etc

This amusing paradox is a variation of the “proof”
that every positive integer is interesting. The
inventor, Edwin F. Bechenbach, published it as a
note entitled “ Interesting Integers,” in American
Mathematical Monthly (vol. 52, p. 211, April
Is the proof valid or fallacious? Does moving the
second dull person to the interesting list cause the
first person moved to become dull again, or does
he remain interesting? Is there a sense in which
every person is interesting because he is the
dullest person of specified sets, just as every
integer is the lowest integer of specified sets? If all
persons (or integers) are interesting, does this
make the adjective “interesting” meaningless?

Semantics and Set Theory

Paradoxes about truth The correspondence between semantic (truth-

values are called semantic
paradoxes, and those about value) paradoxes and set theory or class
sets of things, set theory paradoxes springs from the fact that every truth-
paradoxes. The two types
are closely related.
value statement can be rephrased as a statement
about sets, and vice versa. For example, “All
apples are red” means that the set of all apples is
a subset of the set of all red things. This can be
rephrased in truth-value language as the semantic
statement: “ If it is true that x is an apple, then it is
true that x is red.”
Consider the liar-paradox assertion: “This
statement is false.” It can be translated into the
following set statement: “This assertion is a
member of the set of all false assertions.” If the
statement actually does belong to the set of all
false assertions, then what it asserts is true and
therefore it cannot belong to the set of false
statements. And if the statement does not belong
to the set of all false assertions, then what it
asserts is false, and therefore it must belong to the
set of all false statements. Every semantic paradox
has its analog in set theory, and every set theory
paradox has its semantic analog.


Semantic paradoxes are The concept of metalanguages was developed by

resolved by introducing the
device of metalanguages. the Polish mathematician Alfred Tarski. At the
Statements about the world, bottom rung of the ladder are statements about
such as “apples are red” or
“apples are blue,” are made objects, such as “Mars has two moons.” Words
in an object language. like true and false cannot occur in this language.
Statements about truth
To speak about the truth or falsity of sentences in
values must be made in a
metalanguage. this language we must employ a metalanguage,
the next higher rung of the ladder. The
In this example, there can metalanguage includes all of the object language,
rt= — be no paradox because
but it is a “richer” language because it can talk
sentence A, assumed to be
Iy\; Sfa written in metalanguage, about the truth values of the object language. To
talks about the truth value use Tarski’s favorite example: “Snow is white” is a
ar€^ue of sentence B, which is
written in object language. statement in an object language. But “The
statement ‘Snow is white’ is true” is a statement in
y a metalanguage.
Can we speak of the truth and falsity of
How can we talk about the metalanguage statements? Yes, but only by going
truth values of a metalan­ up to the third rung of the ladder and speaking in
guage? We must go to a
higher metalanguage. Each a still higher metalanguage that refers to all the
rung of this infinite ladder is languages below it.
a metalanguage to the rung
Every rung of the ladder is an object language
below, and an object lan­
guage to the rung above. to the rung immediately above it. Every rung,
except the bottom one, is a metalanguage to the
rung immediately below. The ladder extends
upward as far as we like.
Examples of sentences on the first four rungs of
the ladder are:
A. The sum of the interior angles of any
triangle is 180 degrees.
B. Sentence A is true.
C. Sentence B is true.
D. Sentence C is true.
Language at level A simply states theorems
about geometrical objects. A geometry text
containing proofs of the theorems is written in a
metalanguage at level B. Books about proof
theory are written in a metalanguage at level C.
Fortunately, mathematicians seldom need to go
beyond C.

The theoretical infinity of the ladder is
amusingly discussed by Lewis Carroll in an article,
“What the Tortoise Said to Achilles.” A reprint of
the article appears in The Magic o f Lewis Carroll
by John Fisher, and in Godel, Escher, Bach, by
Douglas Hofstadter.

Theory of Types

Set paradoxes are banished The analog in set theory to Tarski’s ladder of
by a similar infinite hier­
archy. A set cannot be a metalanguages is what Bertrand Russell originally
member of itself, or of any called his “theory of types.” Leaving technicalities
set of a lower type. The
aside, the theory arranges sets in a hierarchy of
barber, astrologer, robot,
and catalog simply don’t types in such a way that it is not permissible to say
exist. that a set is a member of itself, or not a member
of itself. This eliminates self-contradictory sets.
These potentially contradictory sets are simply
ruled out of the system. There is no meaningful
way to define them if you obey the rules of the
theory of types. This corresponds to the semantic
assertion that a sentence such as the liar paradox
is simply “ not a sentence” because it violates the
formation rules of legitimate sentences.
Bertrand Russell spent many years working on
his theory of types. In his book My Philosophical
Development, Russell writes:

When The Principles of Mathematics was

finished, I settled down to a resolute attempt to
find a solution of the paradoxes. I felt this as
almost a personal challenge and I would, if
necessary, have spent the whole rest of my life on
an attempt to meet it. But for two reasons I found
this exceedingly disagreeable. In the first place,
the whole problem struck me as trivial. . . . In the
second place, try as I would, I could make no
progress. Throughout 1903 and 1904, my work
was almost wholly devoted to this matter, but
without any vestige of success.

The Swami’s Prediction

Can a swami see the future The swami wrote on the

in his crystal ball? Predic­ card. At 3 o’clock Sue took
tions of the future can lead the paper from under the
to a strange new kind of crystal ball and read it
logic paradox. aloud: “Before 3 P M you
will write NO on the card.”

One day the Swami had an Swami: You’ve tricked

argument with his teenage me. 1wrote YES, so I was
daughter Sue. wrong. But if I’d written NO,
Sue: You’re a big put-on, it would be wrong too.
Dad. You can’t really tell the There’s no way I could have
future. been right.
Swami: I most certainly Sue: I’d like a red sports
can. car, Dad, with bucket seats.
Sue: No you can’t. And 1
can prove it!

Sue wrote on a piece of

paper, folded it, and stuck it
under the crystal ball.
Sue: I’ve described an
event that will either hap­
pen or not happen before 3
o’clock. If you can predict
which it will be, you won’t
have to buy the car you
promised me for gradua­

Sue: Here’s a blank card.

If you think the event will
happen, write YES on it. If
you think it won’t, write no .
And if you’re wrong, will
you agree to buy me the
car now instead of later?
Swami: Okay, Sue, it’s a

The original form of this paradox involves a
computer that can only respond “yes” or “no.”
The computer is asked to predict whether its next
response will be “no.” Clearly, it is logically
impossible for the prediction to be correct. The
paradox can be reduced to ultimate simplicity by
saying to someone: “Will the next word you speak
be ‘no’? Please answer ‘y e s ’ or ‘no’.”
Is this the same as the liar paradox? What is the
meaning of “no” when the person replies?
Clearly, it means “ It is false that I am now saying
‘It is false’.” This in turn is the same as “This
sentence is false.” Thus the swami prediction
paradox is little more than a disguised version of
the liar paradox.
Note that just as “This sentence is true” does
not lead to paradox, neither does the question,
“Will the next word you speak be ‘yes’ ?” The
person can answer either “yes” or “ no” without
contradiction. As in the crocodile version of the
liar paradox, this corresponds to the fact that the
crocodile can either eat or return the baby, without
contradiction, if the mother says: “You will return
my baby.”

The Unexpected Tiger

Princess: You’re the king, Having proved there was

father. May I marry Michael? no tiger, Mike boldly started
King: My dear, you may if to open the doors. To his
Mike kills the tiger behind surprise, the tiger leaped
one of these five doors. from room 2. It was com­
Mike must open the doors pletely unexpected. The
in order, starting at 1. He king had kept his word. So
won’t know what room the far logicians have been un­
tiger’s in until he opens the able to agree on what
right door. It will be an is wrong with Mike’s
unexpected tiger. reasoning.
When Mike saw the doors
he said to himself:
Mike: If I open four empty
rooms I’ll know the tiger’s in
room 5. But the king said I
wouldn’t know in advance.
So the tiger can't be in
room 5.

Mike: Five is out, so the

tiger must be in one of the
other four rooms. What
happens after I open three
empty rooms? The tiger will
have to be in room 4. But
then it won’t be unex­
pected. So 4 is out too.

By the same reasoning,

Mike proved the tiger
couldn’t be in room 3, or 2,
or 1. Mike was overjoyed.
Mike: There’s no tiger
behind any door. If there
were, it wouldn’t be unex­
pected, as the king prom­
ised. And the king always
keeps his word.

The paradox of the unexpected tiger has many Suppose Mr. Smith, who you believe always
other story forms. Of unknown origin, it first speaks truly, hands you a box and says, “Open it
appeared in the early 1940s as a paradox about a and inside you will find an unexpected egg.” What
professor who announced that an “ unexpected can you deduce about the presence or absence of
examination” would be given on one day of the an egg in the box? If Smith is correct, the box
following week. He assured his students that no must contain an egg, but then you will expect the
one could deduce the day of the examination until egg and therefore Smith’s statement is false. On
the day it occurred. A student “proved” it couldn’t the other hand, if this contradiction prompts you
be on the last day of the week, or the next-to-last, to deduce that the box cannot contain an egg (in
or the day before that, and so on for all days of which case Smith spoke falsely) and you open it to
the week. Nevertheless, the professor was able to find an unexpected egg, then Smith spoke truly.
keep his word by giving the examination on, say, The consensus among logicians is that although
the third day. the king knows he can keep his word, there is no
When the Harvard University philosopher W. V. way that Mike can know it. Therefore, there is no
Quine wrote a paper about the paradox in 1953, way he can make a valid deduction about the
it took the form of a warden who scheduled an absence of the tiger in any room, including the last
unexpected hanging for a prisoner. For a one.
discussion of the paradox, and a bibliography of
23 references, see the first chapter of my book,
The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical
Most people admit that the first step in Mike’s
reasoning is correct, namely that the tiger cannot
be in the last room. But once this is admitted as a
sound deduction, the rest of Mike’s reasoning
seems to follow. For if the tiger cannot be in the
last room, then identical reasoning rules out the
next-to-last, and so on for the others.
However, even the first step of Mike’s reasoning
is faulty. Suppose he has opened all doors but the
last. Can he deduce correctly that there is no tiger
in the last room? No, because if he makes such a
deduction, he might open the door and find an
unexpected tiger! Indeed, the entire paradox holds
even if only one room is involved.

Newcomb’s Paradox

One day Omega, a This man has decided to

superbeing from outer take only box B. He rea­
space, landed on the earth. sons:
Man: I’ve watched Om
make hundreds of tests.
Every time he predicted
right. Each person who
took both boxes got only a
thousand. So I’ll take only
box B and become a mil­

Omega had advanced This woman has decided to

equipment for studying take both boxes. She rea­
human brains. He could sons:
predict with great accuracy Woman: Om has already
how any person would made his prediction and
choose between two alter­ left. Box B is not going to
natives. change. If empty, it stays
empty. If full, it stays full.
So I’ll take both boxes and
get everything that’s here

Omega tested many people Who do you think made

by using two large boxes. the best decision? Both
Biox A was transparent and arguments can’t be correct.
always held $1000. Box B Which is wrong? Why is it
was opaque. Either it was wrong? This is a new para­
empty or it held 1 million dox, and experts do not yet
dollars know how to solve it.

Omega told each subject:

Omega: You have two
choices. One is to take both
boxes and keep their con­
tents. But if I expected you
to do this, I have left B
empty. You get only $1000.

Omega: Your other choice

is to take only box B. If I
expected you to do this, I
have put a million dollars in
B. You get it all.

This is the latest and most bewildering of the
many prediction paradoxes philosophers are
currently debating. It was invented by a physicist,
William Newcomb, and is known as Newcomb’s
paradox. A Harvard University philosopher,
Robert Nozick, was the first to publish and analyze
it. His analysis draws heavily on what
mathematicians call “game theory” and “decision
The man’s decision to take only box B is easy to
understand. To make the woman’s argument
clearer, recall that Omega has gone. Box B is
either full or empty, and it is not going to change.
If full, it remains full. If empty, it remains empty.
Let’s consider the two cases.
If B is full, and the woman takes only B, she
gets a million dollars. But if she takes both boxes
she gets a million plus a thousand.
If B is empty, and she takes only B, she gets
nothing. But if she takes both boxes, she gets at
least a thousand.
In each case, therefore, the woman is richer by
a thousand dollars if she takes both boxes.
The paradox is a sort of litmus paper test of
whether a person does or does not believe in free
will. Reactions to the paradox are almost equally
divided between believers in free will, who favor
taking both boxes, and believers in determinism
who favor taking only box B. Others argue that
conditions demanded by the paradox are
contradictory regardless of whether the future is or
is not completely determined.
For a discussion of these conflicting views, see
my Mathematical Games Department in Scientific
American, July 1973, and the guest column by
Professor Nozick in the same department, March


o zero
1 ow e
3 T fire e
s •ei-ie
6 s ix
T se^ew
8 eiG-fix
s N iw e
Paradoxes about integers, fractions, and an infinite ladder
The history of mathematics has been strongly irrational numbers and transfinite numbers. They
influenced by number paradoxes that have startled have been selected not only to amuse you, but
and confounded mathematicians by violating our also to invite you to explore on your own some of
intuition. Classic instances are the discoveries of: the more significant regions of number theory into
1. Irrational numbers: V2, it, e, and an which they lead. For example, “The Ubiquitous
uncountable infinity of others. Number 9” leads into finite arithmetics. “The
2. Imaginary numbers: V - 1 and the complex Curious Will” leads into Diophantine analysis.
number system of which the imaginaries are part. Many of the paradoxes are jump-off points for
3. Numbers, such as quaternions, that violate generalized algebraic solutions that will polish your
the commutative law of multiplication, a x b = algebraic skills. The chapter closes with a
b x a tantalizing glimpse into Cantor’s paradise, a field in
4. Numbers, such as Cayley numbers, that which much exciting research is now going on.
violate the associative law of multiplication,
a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c.
5. Transfinite or infinite numbers, such as the
aleph numbers discovered by Georg Cantor,
which opened up what David Hilbert, the great
German mathematician, called a new “paradise”
for mathematicians.
The paradoxes in this chapter are about rational
numbers except for the last three, which contain

The Six-Chair Mystery

Six students made reserva­ You should have no difficulty spotting the fallacy
tions at a popular disco­
theque. At the last minute,
in this version of an old paradox about the
a seventh student joins the landlady who puts 21 guests in 20 rooms. The
paradox is resolved by realizing that the girl who
sits temporarily on the boy’s lap is, in fact, number
2. By the time the sixth student is seated, the
discotheque owner has forgotten the girl’s number
and counts her as number 7. The actual seventh
Hostess: Thank heavens, student does not get to the table at all. Number 2
those kids are finally here!
simply gets off the boy’s lap, moves around the
I’ve been holding six seats
for them. Oh no! I see table, and sits in the sixth chair.
The paradox appears to violate the theorem
that a finite set of n elements can be put in one-to-
one correspondence only with other sets that also
have n elements. We return to this theorem when
we consider infinite sets in the “ Hotel Infinity”
Hostess: No problem, paradox. “The Six-Chair Mystery” is an amusing
though. I’ll just seat the first way to illustrate the difference between finite and
student and let him hold his
girlfriend on his lap for a infinite sets.
few minutes.

Hostess: Now the third

student sits next to the first
two, and the fourth student
sits next to her. Then the
fifth one goes opposite the
boy with the girl on his lap,
and the sixth sits next to
him. That takes care of six
students, and there’s still a
vacant chair!

_ N Hostess: So— all I have

to do is tell the seventh stu­
dent to get off her boy­

friend’s lap, walk around

the table, and sit in the
vacant chair!

Isn’t that something? Seven

persons seated in six chairs,
V one to a chair!

The Elusive Profit

Dennis sold one of his George figures it differently.

paintings to George for George: By George, that
$100. artist sold his picture for
Dennis: You’ve got a bar­ $100 and bought it back for
gain, George. In ten years $80. That’s a clear profit of
that picture will be worth $20. We can forget the next
ten times as much. sale because $90 is about
what the picture is worth.

George hung the painting Gerry accepts both argu­

in his home, but later he ments.
decided he didn’t like it. He Gerry: The artist made
sold it back to Dennis for $20 when he sold his pic­
$80. ture for $100 and bought it
back for $80. Then he
made another $10 when he
paid $80 for it and sold it to
me for $90. So his total
profit is $30. What is the
real profit? $10? $20? $30?
A week later, Dennis sold
the picture to Gerry for
Dennis: You’ve got a
great bargain, Gerry. In ten
years that picture will be
worth fifty times what you
paid for it!

The artist was pleased.

Dennis: First I sold the
picture for $100. That just
covered my time and mate­
rials, so it was an even
trade. Then I bought it back
for $80 and sold it for $90,
so I’m $10 ahead.

This confusing little puzzle always provokes lively the old question about whether a tree falling in a
arguments. It may take some time to realize that forest makes a sound if there are no ears to hear
the difficulty with this problem is that it is not “well it. The answer can be yes or no depending on
defined,” and that one answer is as good (or bad) what is meant by the word sound
as any of the other answers. The first two paradoxes in Chapter 3,
It is impossible to say what the artist’s “real Geometry, provide two other entertaining
profit” is because the statement of the problem examples of problems that are basically arguments
does not establish the initial “cost” of the painting. over what is being referred to by a word.
Put aside the cost of the artist’s time spent on
making the picture and say that Dennis paid a
total of $20 for all the materials used, such as the
frame, canvas, and paint. At the end of the three
sales, the artist has obtained $110. If we define
the final profit as the difference between the cost
of his materials and the amount of money he
ultimately received, then his profit is $90.
Since we do not know what the materials cost
(we only assigned a value), we have no way of
calculating the real profit. This problem seems to
be arithmetical, but actually it is a debate over
what is meant by real profit. This paradox is like

Population Implosion

We hear a lot these days Ninny’s argument is correct if the following two
about how fast the earth’s
population is growing.
assumptions are made:
1. On the ancestral tree of every living person,
no ancestor appears more than once.
2. The same person never appears on more
than one tree.
Neither assumption can be correct in all cases. If
a couple has five children, and each of these
Mr. Ninny, president of the children has five children, the original couple will
League Against Birth Con­
trol, disagrees. He thinks
be grandparents on 25 separate trees. Moreover,
the world’s population is on any one tree, if you go back many generations,
decreasing, and soon every­ there will be an overlap of branches arising from
one will have more space
than he or she needs. the marriage of distant relatives.
Here’s his argument. The fallacy of Ninny’s argument is that it does
not take into account either the duplications on
single trees or the enormous “intersection” of the
Mr. Ninny: Every person sets of people that make up each living person’s
alive has two parents. Each
parent had two parents.
tree. In Ninny’s implosion argument, millions of
That makes four grandpar­ people are counted millions of times!
ents. And each grandparent
had two parents, so that
makes eight great-grandpar- Most people are surprised at how rapidly the
ents. The number of ances­ terms of a doubling series increase. If someone
tors doubles for each gener­
ation you go back. agrees to give another person $1 today, $2
tomorrow, $4 the next day, and so on, it is hard to
Mr. Ninny: If you go back believe that on the 20th day the donor will be
20 generations to the Mid­
giving more than a million dollars!
dle Ages, you would j^ave
1,048,576 ancestors! And Does a shortcut exist for obtaining the sum of
this applies to every person the first 20 terms in this doubling series? Yes;
alive today. So the popula­
tion of the Middle Ages double the last term, then subtract 1. The
must have been a million twentieth term is 1,048,576. The sum of the first
times what it is now!
Mr. Ninny can’t be right, 20 terms is
but where’s the flaw) in his
reasoning? (2 x 1,048,576) - 1 = 2,097,151

The trick applies to any partial sum of the terms in

this doubling series. There is a simple way of
showing this rule always works. Discovering that
simple way is a challenging puzzle you might wish
to try.

The Ubiquitous Number 9

The number 9 has many If all the digits of a number are added and then
mysterious properties. Did
you know that 9 is hidden the digits of this sum are added, and this
inside the birthdate of every procedure is continued until only one digit
famous person?
remains, this final digit is called the digital root of
the original number. The digital root is equal to
the remainder when the original number is
divided by 9, and for this reason the procedure is
often called “casting out nines.”
Take George Washington’s The fastest method of obtaining a digital root is
birthday. He was bom Feb­
to cast out nines while adding the original
ruary 22, 1732. Write that
as the single number number’s digits. For example, if the first two digits
2221732. Now rearrange are 6 and 8, which add to 14, add 1 and 4 at
these digits to make any dif­
ferent number. Subtract the once, and remember only 5. In other words,
smaller from the larger. whenever a partial sum is more than one digit,
add the two digits and carry only the sum. The
final digit will be the digital root. The digital root is
Add all the digits in the dif­ said to be equivalent to the original number
ference. In this case the modulo 9, usually abbreviated mod 9. Since 9
sum is 36. And 3 plus 6
is 9! divided by 9 has a remainder of 0, in mod 9
arithmetic 9 and 0 are equivalent.

If you do this with John

Kennedy’s birthdate (May
29, 1917), or Charles De
Gaulle’s (November 22,
1890), or that of any
famous man or woman,
you always get 9. Is there
some curious connection
between 9 and the birth-
dates of famous people?
Does this work with your

Before calculating machines existed, Many magic tricks are based on the ubiquitous
accountants often used mod 9 arithmetic to check number 9. For example, ask someone to write
the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and down the number of a dollar bill while your back
division of large numbers. If, for instance, we take is turned so that you cannot see what the person
A from B to get C, the work can be checked by is writing. The person then scrambles the digits to
taking the digital root of A from the digital root of make a different number and takes the smaller
B, and then seeing if the result matches the digital from the larger. Ask your friend to cross out any
root of C. If the original subtraction is correct, single nonzero digit in the result, then read the
there will be a match. This does not prove that the remaining digits aloud in any order. With your
original subtraction is correct, but if there is no back still turned, you should have no trouble
match, the accountant knows he or she has made naming the crossed-out digit!
a mistake. If there is a match, the result is The secret of this trick should be obvious. The
probably correct. Similar digital-root checks apply difference will have a digital root of 9. As your
to addition, multiplication, and division. friend calls out the digits, add them mentally,
Now we are in a position to understand why the casting out nines. When the person is finished,
birthdate trick works. Suppose a number N is subtract the final digit from 9, and the digit
composed of many digits. We may scramble the crossed out is the result. (If the final digit is 9, then
digits to get a new number N '. Clearly, N and N ' the crossed-out number is 9.)
have the same digital roots. Therefore, if we The birthdate and dollar bill tricks are excellent
subtract one digital root from the other, the introductions to the study of modular arithmetic
difference will be 0, which is the same as 9 (in systems.
mod 9 arithmetic). This number, 0 or 9, must be
the digital root of the difference between N and
N '. In short, take any number whatever, scramble
its digits, subtract the smaller from the larger, and
the difference will have a digital root of 0 or 9.
Because of the way the digital root is calculated,
a final result of 0 can occur only if N and N ' are
identical numbers. Thus, when they try the
procedure on their birthdates, your friends should
be sure that scrambling produces a different
number. As long as the two numbers are not the
same, the difference will have a digital root of 9.

The Bewildered Bus Driver

This bus is filled with 40 Driver: All right, let’s cut

boys. Soon they will be on out the fun and games! This
their way to camp. bus seats 40 people, so 10
of you had better get off.
And make it fast!

This bus is filled with 40 Ten passengers of unknown

girls. They are going to the sex get off. They all board
same camp. the boys’ bus and take the
ten empty seats. Soon the
two buses, each with 40
campers, are on their way.

Before starting, the bus Later, the driver of the

drivers have some coffee. girls’ bus thinks:
Driver: Hmm . . . I’m sure
there are some boys on this
bus, and some girls on the
boys’ bus. I wonder which
bus has the most passen­
gers of the wrong sex?

Meanwhile, ten boys get off It’s hard to believe, but

their bus and sneak into the regardless of the sexes of
girls’ bus. the 10 campers who go
back to the boys’ bus, the
buses will have exactly the
same proportion of the
opposite sex.

When the driver of the girls’ Why? Suppose 4 boys are

bus comes back, he notices oo oo oo oo on the girls’ bus. This leaves
O0 • o oO •o
there are too many passen­ O0 oO oo oo 4 empty seats on the boys’
•o oo •o oo bus. These empty seats
gers. oo • o oo 0o
$ o oo 0o oo have to be filled by four
oo 0o ••
•O oO oo oo girls. And the same argu­
O0 o o 0o oo ment applies to any other
o o oo oo oo
k- number of boys.

This paradox can easily be demonstrated with a your face-down cards become face-up, and this
deck of playing cards. First, the deck is divided puts them in one-to-one correspondence with the
into 26 red and 26 black cards. Let someone cut a face-up cards in the other half.
packet of cards from one of the piles. Let us say At this point, we may consider the following old
he takes 13 cards from the red pile. Placing them brainteaser. A glass of water stands next to a glass
on top of the black pile, he thoroughly shuffles the of wine. The two quantities of liquid are equal. A
pile. He is now instructed to remove the same drop of wine is transferred to the glass of water.
number of cards (in this case 13) from the pile just The water is thoroughly stirred, then a single drop
shuffled (they can be taken randomly from (the same size as the previous one) is taken from
anywhere in the pile) and to place them on the the mixture and put back in the glass of wine. Is
red pile. Finally, this restored half-deck is also there now more or less wine in the water than
shuffled. there is water in the wine?
When the two half-decks are examined, you will The quantities of the two mixtures will be the
find that the number of red cards in the black same. The answer does not change even if the
packet exactly matches the number of black cards glasses hold different quantities of liquid, or
in the red packet. The proof of this stunt is whether the mixture is thoroughly stirred.
identical to that for the numbers of boys and girls Moreover, we may transfer drops of different sizes
on the two buses. back and forth as often as we like. The only
Many card tricks are based on this principle. condition that must be met is that, at the finish,
Here is another one in which the principle is nicely each glass must hold the same amount of liquid as
concealed. Divide the deck exactly in half, turn it held at the beginning. The wine glass, for
one half face up, and shuffle the two halves instance, will then be missing a certain amount of
together. Show this mixed-up deck to your wine. The place of this missing wine will be filled
audience without saying that exactly 26 cards have by exactly the same amount of water! The proof
been turned face up. Allow someone to shuffle the of equality for this brainteaser is the same as
deck thoroughly. Hold out your hand and ask him the proof for the number of boys and girls on the
to deal 26 cards on your palm. two buses or the number of red and black cards in
“Wouldn’t it be an astonishing coincidence,” the two half decks.
you say, “if my half contains precisely the same The wine and water problem is a marvelous
number of face-up cards as your half?” example of a problem that can be solved by a
Ask him to spread his half on the desk top. As tedious algebraic proof, but which yields readily to
he does so, secretly turn over your half before you a simple logical proof if one only has the right
spread it on the desk beside his half. Count the insight.
number of face-up cards in each half. The two
numbers will be the same!
The trick is based on the same principle
involved in the bus paradox. If you had not turned
over your half, the number of face-up cards in the
other half would exactly match the face-down
cards in your half. When you turn over your half,

The Missing Dollar

A record store put 30 old What do you think hap­

rock records on sale at two pened to that missing dol­
for a dollar, and another 30 lar? Did the clerk steal it?
on sale at three for a dollar. Did a customer get the
All 60 were gone by the wrong change?
end of the day.

The 30 two-for-a-dollar
disks brought in $15. The
30 three-for-a-dollar disks
brought in $10.

The next day the store

manager put another 60
records on the counter.
Clerk: Why bother to sort
them? If 30 sell at two for a
dollar, and 30 at three for a
dollar, why not put all 60 in
one pile and sell that at five
for $2? It’s the same thing.

When the store closed, all

60 records had been sold at
five for $2. But when the
manager checked the cash,
he was surprised to find
that proceeds from the sale
were only $24, not $25.

Let’s figure out just what is going on here. As the Consider a car dealer who has six Rolls Royces
story shows, the clerk is mistaken in his hunch that and six Volkswagens. He puts them on sale at two
selling two sets of records at five for $2 is “the Rolls for $100,000 and six Volks for $50,000. If
same thing” as selling them in separate stacks at he sells all twelve cars he gets $350,000. The
two for a dollar and three for a dollar. There is no average number of cars per single sale of each
reason why the money taken in should be the type is four. The average of the two transaction
same in both these cases. In this case the prices is $75,000. Now if he were to put his entire
difference is so small— only a dollar— that it seems stock on sale at four cars for $75,000, and sold all
as if a dollar may have been overlooked or even the cars, he would get only $225,000. Moreover,
lost. a customer would surely buy four Rolls for
Consider the same problem but with slightly $75,000, leaving the dealer with a stock of eight
different parameters. Suppose the more expensive overpriced cars. So much for the clerk’s reasoning
set of records sell at three for $2, or a price of 2/3 in the original problem!
dollar per record. The less expensive records are
two for $1, or 1/2 dollar per record. The manager
combines the two stacks and sells them at five for
$3. If there are 30 records in each set, as before,
selling the sets separately brings in $35, but selling
all 60 at the combined price brings in $36. Now
the store has made an extra dollar rather than
lost one!
There is nothing wrong in trying out the clerk’s
hunch, but the numbers show he was wrong. The
error can be analyzed algebraically, but a more
extreme example is sufficient to show that you
cannot average prices and numbers of units per
transaction, in the manner described, and get
equivalent results.

Magic Matrix

Copy this 4-by-4 matrix on Are you ready? I’m going tc

a sheet of paper and num­ tell each of you what your
ber the cells from 1 to 16. total is. It. is . . . 341
I’m going to astound you Right? How do I know?
with a remarkable demon­ Was I really able to influ­
stration of psychic power! ence your selection?
I’m going to control your
selection of four numbers
on this matrix.

Draw a circle around any
number you like. This pic­
( 1 z\ o 4 ture shows a circled 7, but
you may pick any number
£■ ^45- you please. Now draw a
10I ! It vertical line through the
column that contains your
11 iw number. Then draw a hori­
zontal line through the row
v J that contains your number.

Circle any number not

already crossed out. Again,
draw lines through the
number’s column and row
Choose a third number in
the same way, and cross
out its row and column.
Finally, circle the single
number that remains.

If you followed directions,

your square will look some­
thing like this. Now, add the
four numbers you selected.

Why does the matrix force us always to choose numbers in the cells appear to be random. This
four numbers that add up to 34? The secret conceals the underlying structure of the matrix,
is ingenious and simple. At the top of each and thus makes it seem more mysterious.
column of a 4-by-4 matrix, place the numbers
1, 2, 3, 4. At the left of each row put the 4 1 5 2 0 3
numbers 0, 4, 8, 12. 1 5 2 6 3 1 4

1 2 3 4 5 9 6 10 7 5 8

0M i l 2 6 3 7 4 2 5
4 8 5 9 6 4 7
4 0 4 1 5 2 0 3
12 3 7 4 8 5 3 6

These eight numbers are called the generators of The generators sum to 30. If 6 numbers are
the magic matrix. Each cell is now given a number chosen in accordance with the procedure, they
that is the sum of its two generators, the generator will sum to 30. The forced number (or sum) can,
beside its row and the generator above its column. of course, be any number we wish.
When we have filled in all the cells, we will have a You can construct a 10-by-10 matrix that will
matrix bearing the numbers 1 to 16 in counting force the number (or sum) 100, or any other
order. interesting number such as the current year or a

person’s year of birth. Can magic matrices be
1 2 3
constructed with negative numbers in some cells?
0 1 2 3 4
Of course! In fact, a generator may be any
4 5 6 7 8
number, positive or negative, rational or irrational.
8 9 10 11 12 Can a magic matrix be constructed in which the
12 13 14 15 16 selected numbers are multiplied rather than added
to get the final number? Yes; this suggests another
Now let us see what happens when four path to explore. The basic construction is exactly
numbers are circled in accordance with the the same. The forced number, in this case,
procedure described. The procedure guarantees becomes the product of the set of generators. You
that no two circled numbers will be in the same might also wish to investigate what happens if
row or column. Each number is the sum of a complex numbers are used in the cells. For more
unique pair of generators, therefore the sum of the material on magic matrices, consult the second
four circled numbers will equal the sum of the chapter of my Scientific American B ook o f
eight generators. Since the eight generators add to Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions.
34, the four circled numbers must also add to 34.
When you understand how the matrix works,
you should be able to make a magic matrix of any
size. Consider, for example, the order-6 matrix
below, with its 12 generators. Notice that in this
case the generators were chosen so that the

The Curious Will

A wealthy lawyer owned 11 Then Ms. Zero carried out

antique cars, each worth the terms of the will. She
about $25,000. gave half of the cars, or six,
to the oldest son. The mid­
dle son got a fourth of 12,
or three. The youngest son
got a sixth of 12, or two.
Ms. Zero: 6 plus 3 plus 2
is just 11. So, one car is left
over. And that’s my car.

When the lawyer died, he Ms. Zero hopped into her

left a curious will. It asked sports car and drove off.
that his 11 cars be divided Ms. Zero: Always glad to
among his three sons. Half be of help, boys! I’ll send
of the cars were to go to the you my bill!
eldest son, a fourth to the
middle son, and a sixth to
the youngest.

Everybody was puzzled.

How can 11 cars be divided
into two equal parts? or
four? or six?

While the sons were argu­

ing about what to do, Ms.
Zero, the famous numerolo-
gist, drove up in her new
sports car.
Ms. Zero: Hello, boys.
You look as if you have a
problem. Can I help?

After the sons explained the

situation, Ms. Zero parked
her sports car next to the
11 antique cars and
hopped out.
Ms. Zero: Tell me, boys,
how many cars are here?
The boys counted 12.

This is a modem version of an old Arabian
paradox involving horses rather than cars. You can
vary the terms of the will by changing the number
of cars and dividing them up by a different set of
fractions, subject to the condition that the
borrowing of one car permits carrying out the
terms of the will with one car left over to be
returned to the lender.
For example, there could be 17 cars and a will
that says these cars are to be divided into halves,
thirds, and ninths. If there are n cars, and the
three fractions are 1/a, 1/b, and 1/c, the paradox
holds only if the equation

n 1 1 1
------7 — — *"77"*—
n+ 1 a b c

has a solution in positive integers. See if you can

elaborate on the problem by increasing the
number of heirs, as well as increasing the number
of cars to be borrowed in order to carry out the
The resolution of the paradox lies, of course, in
the fact that the fractions decreed by the original
will have a sum that is less than 1. If the will were
carried out by actually cutting up the cars, 11/12
of a car would be left over. Ms. Zero provides a
way of distributing that 11/12 to the sons. Thus,
the oldest gets 6/12 of a car more than he would
have gotten before, the middle son gets 3/12
more, and the youngest son gets 2/12 more.
These three fractions add to 11/12, and since
each son now gets an integral number of cars, no
cutting is necessary.

The Amazing Code

Dr. Zeta is a scientist from Using his powerful pocket

Helix, a galaxy in another computer, Dr. Zeta scanned
space-time dimension. One the encyclopedia quickly,
day Dr. Zeta visited the translating its entire content
earth to gather information into one gigantic number.
about humans. His host By putting a decimal point
was an American scientist in front of the number, he
named Herman. made it a decimal fraction.

Herman: Why don’t you Dr. Zeta then placed a mark

take back a set of the Ency­ on his rod, dividing it accu­
clopedia Britannica? It’s a rately into lengths a and b
great summary of all our so that the fraction a/b was
knowledge. equivalent to the decimal
Dr. Zeta: Splendid idea, fraction of his code.
Herman. Unfortunately, I
can’t carry anything with
that much mass.

Dr. Zeta: However, I can Dr. Zeta: When I get back

encode the entire encyclo­ to my planet, one of our
pedia on this metal rod. computers will measure a
One mark on the rod will and b exactly, then com­
do the trick. pute the fraction a/b. This
Herman: Are you joking? decimal fraction will be
How can one little mark decoded, and the computer
carry so much information? will print your encyclopedia
for us!

Dr. Zeta: Elementary, my

dear Herman. There are
a~OOI less than a thousand differ­
• —07.7
) +-+023 ent letters and symbols in
your encyclopedia. I will
)++0X9 assign a number from 1
through 999 to each letter
- 211 Separates W o rd s or symbol, adding zeros on
the left if needed so that
each number used will have
three digits.

Herman: I don’t under­

stand. How would you
code the word cat?
Dr. Zeta: It’s simple. We
use the sort of code I just
showed you. Cat might be
coded 003001020.

If you are not already familiar with ciphers, you
may enjoy coding and decoding some simple
messages in a number code similar to the one
used here. Codes illustrate the importance of one-
to-one correspondence, and the mapping of one
structure onto an isomorphic structure. Such
codes are actually used in advanced proof theory.
There is a famous proof by Kurt Godel that every
deductive system complicated enough to contain
the integers has theorems that cannot be proved
true or false within the system. Godel’s proof is
based on a number code that translates every
theorem of a deductive system into a unique and
very large integer.
Coding an entire encyclopedia by placing one
mark on a rod works only in theory, not in
practice. The difficulty is that the precision needed
for marking such a rod is impossible to achieve.
The mark would have to be enormously smaller
than an electron, and the measurements of the
two lengths would have to be precise on the same
scale. If we assume that two lengths can be
measured accurately enough to yield Dr. Zeta’s
fraction, then of course his procedure would work.

Switching to Irrational numbers, mathematicians

believe that the decimal expansion of tt (pi) is as
“unpattemed” as any typical infinite sequence of
random digits. If this is true, it means that
somewhere in the expansion, any finite sequence
of digits is certain to appear. In other words, at
some spot in the decimal expansion of is a
sequence that codes the Encyclopedia Britannica
as Dr. Zeta did or, indeed, a sequence that codes
any other work that has been printed or that could
be printed!
There also are strongly patterned irrational
numbers that contain every finite sequence of
digits. An example is the number
.123456789101112131415. . . , formed by
writing the counting numbers in counting order.

Hotel Infinity

Before Dr. Zeta left, he told Dr. Zeta: Easily, my dear

a fantastic story. Herman. The manager just
Dr. Zeta: Hotel Infinity is moved everyone to a room
an enormous hotel at the with a number twice as
center of our galaxy. It has large as before.
an infinite number of rooms
that extend through a black
hole into a higher dimen­
sion. The room numbers
start at 1 and go on forever.

Dr. Zeta: One day, when Herman: Of course! That

every room was occupied, a put everybody in a room
UFO pilot, on his way to with an even number. This
another galaxy, arrived. left all the odd-number
rooms— an infinity of
them— vacant for the bub­
ble gummers!

Dr. Zeta: Even though

there was no vacancy, the
hotel manager found a
room for the pilot. He just
moved the occupants of
each room to the room with
a number that was one
higher. This left Room 1
vacant for the pilot.

Dr. Zeta: The next day,

five couples on their honey­
moons showed up. Could
Hotel Infinity take care of
them? Yes, the manager
simply moved everybody to
a room with a number that
was five higher. This left
rooms 1 through 5 vacant
for the five couples.

Dr. Zeta: On the weekend

an infinite number of bub­
ble gum salespeople came
to the hotel for a conven­
Herman: I can understand
how Hotel Infinity could
take care of any finite num­
ber of new arrivals. But
how could it find room for
an infinite number?

No finite set can be put into one-to-one
correspondence with one of its proper subsets.
This is not true of infinite sets. They seem to
violate the old rule that a whole is greater than
any of its proper parts. Indeed, an infinite set can
be defined as one that can be put in one-to-one
correspondence with a proper subset of itself.
The manager of Hotel Infinity first showed how
the set of all counting numbers can be put in one-
to-one correspondence with one of its proper
subsets so as to leave one element left over, or five
elements left over. Clearly, this procedure can be
varied so that an infinite subset can be taken from
the entire set, leaving any desired finite number of
Another way to dramatize this kind of
subtraction is to imagine two infinitely long
measuring rods lying side by side on a desk, their
zero ends flush and at the center of the desk. Both
rods are marked and numbered in centimeters.
They extend infinitely far to the right, with all
numbers in one-to-one correspondence: 0-0 ,
1-1, 2-2, and so on. Now imagine sliding one rod
n centimeters to the right. After this operation all
marks on the rod that was moved will still be in
one-to-one correspondence with marks on the
stationary rod. If the rod were moved 3
centimeters, the marks will correspond as 0-3,
1-4, 2 - 5 , . . . . The n centimeters that project
represent a difference in lengths between the two
rods. Both rods remain, however, infinitely long.
Since we can make n, the difference, any value
we please, it is clear that subtracting from infinity is
an ambiguous operation.
The hotel manager’s final maneuver opened up
an infinite number of rooms. This shows how
infinity can be taken from infinity yet leave infinity.
By putting every counting number in one-to-one
correspondence with every even counting
number, an infinite set of whole numbers—
namely all the odd ones— is left over.

The Ladder of Alephs

Hotel Infinity is only one of The cardinal number of a set is the number of the
many paradoxes about infi­
nite numbers. There are elements in the set. For example, the cardinal
many infinities! The number number of the set containing the letters of the
of counting numbers is only
word cat is 3. Any finite set has a finite cardinal
the lowest infinity in an
endless hierarchy. The sec­ number. Georg Cantor discovered that some
ond infinite number is the infinite sets were “larger” than other infinite sets.
number of points in the
entire universe, and the He used the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet,
third infinite number is very aleph (X), to denote the cardinal number of an
much larger than that!
infinite set. Subscripts specify which “infinity.”
The cardinal number of the set of counting
The German mathematician
Georg Cantor, who discov­ numbers Cantor called K0 (aleph-null). The set of
ered this ladder of infinities, even numbers and the set of odd integers both
called his strange new num­
bers aleph-null, aleph-one, have cardinal number K0. Thus K0 + N0 = No-
aleph-two, and so on. The Hotel Infinity paradox showed that in some
sense we can have K0 - No = N0! What crazy

The set of real numbers forms a larger infinite
set, which Cantor believed to have cardinal
number (aleph-one), the first transfinite cardinal
number greater than K0. His famous “diagonal
proof” showed that the set of real numbers cannot
be put in one-to-one correspondence with the set
of integers. He also showed that the set of real
numbers corresponds to the number of points on
a line segment, on an infinite line, on a square, on
an infinite plane, in a cube, in an infinite space,
and so on for hypercubes and higher spaces.
When 2 is raised to the power of an aleph,
Cantor proved that it generates a higher aleph that
cannot be put in one-to-one correspondence with
the aleph in the exponent. Thus the ladder of
alephs continues upward forever.
The cardinality of the set of real numbers is
known as c, or the “power of the continuum.” Try
as he would, Cantor was unable to prove that c is
the same as aleph-one. Many decades later the
work of Kurt Godel and of Paul Cohen
established that this question cannot be decided
by using the axioms of standard set theory. As a
result, set theory is now divided into Cantorian
and non-Cantorian branches. Cantorian set
theory assumes that c = Non-Cantorian set
theory assumes an infinity of transfinite numbers
between K0 and c.
The famous “continuum hypothesis,” as
Cantor’s conjecture came to be known, was
resolved by showing it to be undecidable. The
situation is similar to what happened after the
discovery that Euclid’s parallel postulate could not
be proved. The postulate could be replaced by
other possibilities, thus dividing geometry into
Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.


) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paradoxes about plane, solid, and impossible shapes

To most people the word geometry means The reflection transformation, in which an
Euclidean plane geometry— the study of asymmetric figure like the capital letter B is
properties of rigid plane figures. In this chapter we changed to its mirror image, is emphasized in this
take the word in the broader sense proposed chapter not only because it underlies so many
more than a century ago by Felix Klein. It is the fascinating paradoxes, but also because it is so
study of properties of figures, in a space of any important in modem geometry and modem
dimensions, that are invariant with respect to any science. Mirror symmetry plays a fundamental role
defined group of transformations. in chemistry, especially organic chemistry in which
Klein’s concept of geometry is one of the most almost all carbon molecues are asymmetric, with
seminal and unifying concepts of modem left-handed and right-handed forms. It is also of
mathematics. In Euclidean plane and solid major importance in crystallography, in biology
geometry the transformations that are permitted and genetics, and in particle physics.
consist of translations (moving from one place to Although some of the paradoxes may seem at
another), mirror reflections, rotations, and first to be little more than recreational curiosities,
dilations (magnifying or diminishing). More you will see that each can lead you smoothly into
extreme transformations define affine geometry, significant areas of mathematics such as group
projective geometry, topology, and finally set theory, logic, sequences, infinite series, and limits.
theory, in which a figure can be broken up into Too often students of geometry become so
points that may be rearranged. concerned with ruler and compass constructions
According to Jean Piaget, the Swiss and the step-by-step proving of theorems that
psychologist, children actually learn to grasp they miss the exciting relationships between
geometrical properties in reverse of the above geometry and other branches of mathematics, and
order! Very young children, for instance, find it the endless and beautiful applications of geometry
easier to distinguish between a pile of red marbles to astronomy, physics, and other sciences.
and a pile of blue marbles (set theory), or between
a closed rubber band and one cut open
(topology), than to distinguish between a
pentagon and a hexagon (Euclidean geometry).
Topology is a strange branch of geometry that
studies properties invariant with respect to
continuous deformations. Think of an object as
made of rubber which can be twisted and
distorted any way you like provided you don’t
break off parts and stick them back again. One­
sidedness, for example, is a topological property
of a Moebius strip because, if you imagine it made
of rubber, no amount of twisting and stretching
can alter its one-sided property. Many paradoxes
in this chapter— braiding a bracelet, turning a
torus inside out, a fixed-point theorem, and
others— deal with topological properties.

Getting Around a Girl

Marvin: Oh Myrtle! Are This ancient paradox is usually given in the form
you hiding behind that tree?
of a hunter and a squirrel. The squirrel is sitting on
a stump. As the hunter circles the stump, the
squirrel keeps turning so that the squirrel is always
facing the hunter. After the hunter has circled the
stump, has he gone around the squirrel?
The question cannot be answered, of course,
unless there is agreement on what is meant by the
As Marvin circled the tree, word around. Many words that are part of
Myrtle did the same thing.
everyday speech do not have precise definitions.
By keeping her nose
against the tree as she William James, in his classic philosophic work,
sidled around it, she kept Pragmatism, has an amusing discussion of the
out of sight.
hunter and squirrel paradox. He presents it as a
model of a disagreement that is purely semantic.
The difficulties vanish as soon as the disagreeing
parties realize they are only arguing over how to
After going once around define a word. If people were only more aware of
the tree, they were back the importance of precise definitions of terms,
where they started. Has the
boy gone around Myrtle? many bitter arguments would turn out to be
Marvin: Of course! I almost as trivial as this one.
walked around the tree so I
must have gone around
Myrtle: Nonsense! Even if
the tree weren’t there, he’d
never see my back. How
can you go around any­
thing without seeing all

The Great Moon Mystery

The moon always keeps the Like the previous paradox, this one is another
same face turned toward
the earth. After it has made example of a semantic argument. What exactly is
one revolution around the meant by the phrase rotated on its own axis?
earth, has it rotated on its
own axis?
Relative to an observer on the earth, the moon
does not seem to rotate. Relative to an observer
outside the earth-moon system, it does.
It is hard to believe, but intelligent persons have
taken this simple paradox with utmost seriousness.
Father: As an astronomer, Augustus De Morgan, in the first volume of his
I say yes. If you watched
Budget o f Paradoxes, reviews several nineteenth
from Mars, you’d see the
moon turn once on its axis century pamphlets attacking the notion that the
each time it circled the moon rotates. Henry Perigal, a London amateur
astronomer, was indefatigable in his arguments.
According to an obituary, his “main astronomical
aim in life” was to convince others that the moon
does not rotate. Perigal wrote booklets, built
Daughter: How can it models, and even composed poems to prove his
rotate, father? If it did, we’d point, “bearing with heroic cheerfulness the
see different sides, but all
we ever see is the same old continual disappointment of finding none of them
side. of any avail.”
Does the moon rotate? Did
the boy go around the girl? A marvelous little paradox, closely related to the
Are these genuine para­ moon question, can be discussed at this point.
doxes, or just arguments
over the meaning of a
Draw two touching circles of equal size to
word? represent two disks. One disk is to be rolled
around the other without slipping, keeping the
rims in contact. How many times will the rolling
disk have rotated after it has completed one
revolution around the fixed disk?
Most people will answer one. Let them try it
with two coins of the same size, and they may be
surprised to discover that the rolling coin actually
rotates twice!

Or does it? As in the earth-moon paradox, it The rotation of astronomical bodies sets up
depends on the frame of reference of the inertial effects, which can be detected by such
observer. Relative to its initial point of contact with devices as the Foucault pendulum. Such a
the fixed coin, the revolving coin rotates once. pendulum on the moon would show that the
Relative to you, looking down on the coins, it moon does indeed rotate as it swings around the
rotates twice. This, too, has been the topic of earth. Does this change the argument to one
furious controversy. When Scientific American independent of the observer’s frame of reference?
published the problem originally in 1867, it Surprisingly, in light of general relativity it does
produced a flood of letters from readers who took not. You can assume that the moon does not
sharply opposing sides. rotate at all, but that the entire universe (regardless
Readers were quick to perceive the relation of of whether its space-time structure is independent
the coin paradox to the earth-moon paradox. of the matter it contains) rotates around the moon.
Those who argued that the rolling coin rotates This rotating universe creates gravity fields that
only once also argued that the moon does not produce the same effects as the inertial fields
rotate at all. “ If you swing a cat around your generated by a rotating moon in a fixed cosmos!
head,” wrote one reader, “would his head, eyes Of course, it is much more convenient to think of
and vertebrae each revolve on its own axis. . . ? the universe as the fixed frame. But strictly
Would he die at the ninth turn?” speaking, the question of whether any object
The volume of mail swelled to such proportions “really” rotates or is fixed is, in relativity theory, a
that in April 1868, the editors announced they meaningless question. Only the relative motion is
were dropping the topic but would continue it in a “real.”
new monthly magazine The Wheel devoted
entirely to the “great question.” At least one issue
of this magazine appeared, featuring pictures of
elaborate devices that readers had made and sent
to the editors to prove their case.

Mirror Magic

Mirrors are puzzling. Timo­ If you stand with your side

thy and Rebecca are guests to a mirror, your left-right
at a party where everybody axis is perpendicular to the
wears a name tag. glass. Now, your head stays
up, your front stays front,
and you are reversed from
left to right.

Rebecca: What a strange When you face a mirror,

mirror, Tim! Look—it your head stays up, your
reverses my name but left stays left, and you are
doesn’t change yours at all! reversed from front to back.
Because your image’s left
hand is opposite where it
would normally be if you
stepped behind the glass
and turned around, we say
that the mirror has reversed
left and right.
Isn’t it mysterious that mir­ Why does this mirror
rors seem to reverse only reverse only CARBON and
left and right? Why doesn’t not DIOXIDE? It doesn’t! The
a mirror also reverse up letters of DIOXIDE are
and down? reversed too, but their sym­
metry makes them look the
same after they are

Actually, a mirror reverses Can you guess what hap­

only along lines perpendic­ pens when two mirrors are
ular to its surface. Because placed at right angles? They
these three balls are on a create an unreversed
line at right angles to the image. Rebecca is seeing
glass, their order is reversed herself the way others see
in the reflection. her!

If you stand on a mirror

floor, your up-down coor­
dinate axis is perpendicular
to the glass. So your front
stays front, your left stays
left, and you are reversed
from top to bottom.

Because each letter of TIMOTHY has a vertical axis The two sides of your face have been switched
of symmetry, the mirror image of the name because each side is reflected twice, once by each
appears unchanged. In REBECCA only the A has a mirror.
vertical axis of symmetry. As a result, the A is Your face will probably look strange to you.
unchanged, but all the other letters are mirror- That’s because the face you see in ordinary
reversed. mirrors is always reversed. Although faces have a
Why does a mirror reverse left and right, but vertical axis of symmetry, left and right sides are
not up and down? Similar to the paradoxes about seldom perfect mirror images of each other. When
the moon and the coins, this paradox also poses a you see your face unreflected, these slight
semantic question that cannot be answered differences between left and right sides cause your
without agreement on the meanings of such words image to appear strangely different, even though
as left, right, and reverse. For a more detailed you cannot say exactly why. Yet this is the face by
analysis of exactly what a mirror does, see the first which you are known to the world! What is more,
three chapters of my Ambidextrous Universe. This the mirror image of your face looks equally
book contains a great deal of material on mirror- strange to those who know you well.
reflection symmetry and the role it plays in science A good way to check your understanding of
and everyday life. how the double mirror works is to ask yourself
Unlike the letters of TIMOTHY, those in DIOXIDE what you will see if you turn the two mirrors so
all have a horizontal axis of symmetry. that the touching edges are horizontal rather than
Consequently, when a mirror is held above the vertical. The double reflection will now turn your
word, all its letters appear unaltered in the face upside down! Is this inverted face a mirror-
reflection. In the word CARBON, c, B, and O reversed image? No, it is still unreversed. If you
appear the same in the mirror because they, too, wink your left eye, your upside-down image will
have horizontal axes of symmetry. But A, R, and N, again wink the eye on the other side.
lacking such axes, are turned upside-down and These mirror tricks are excellent introductions to
are mirror-reversed. the study of symmetry and reflections in
What English words are unchanged by this kind transformation geometry. The paradoxes can all
of mirror reflection? The first step is to examine all be explained by applying elementary
capital letters and list those that have a horizontal transformation theory.
axis of symmetry. They are B, c, D, E, H, I, K, o, X.
With these letters we can form many words of four
or more letters: CHOICE, COOKBOOK, ECHO,
h u n d red s o f others.
You can see an unreversed image of your face
by holding two pocket mirrors at right angles and
looking into the comer (the angle of the abutted
mirrors must be adjusted until you see a single
image of your face.) If you wink your left eye,
your mirror image will not wink its right eye, as
expected, but will wink the eye on the other side.

Cubes and Ladies

How many cubes do you These optical illusions are all instances of a
count here? Are there 6?
Are there 7? fluctuating interpretation of what you see. In the
first illusion, your mind sees the flat pattern as a
perspective drawing of a set of cubes; however,
this drawing can be seen in two different ways.
Each interpretation is equally good, so the mind
switches back and forth between them.
The same description is true of the picture of
Is this a drawing of a young the young woman or the old lady. It is impossible
woman? Or do you see an
not to see one or the other, and the mind jumps
old hag?
back and forth between the two interpretations.
In the third illusion, there are three
interpretations. For most people, seeing this
illusion as a block with a cubical hole is the most
difficult, because cubical holes in blocks are
seldom seen. But if you keep looking and try to
What do you observe here? imagine the small cube as a hole instead of a
A small cube in the comer solid, you will eventually see the picture that way.
of a room? A small cube
stuck on the outside of a Learning to “see” this diagram in the three
large block? Or a large possible ways is closely related to the ability to
block with a cubical hole in
one comer? interpret geometrical drawings. In geometry
“seeing” a diagram incorrectly can be a major
source of confusion.

Randi’s Remarkable Rugs

Mr. Randi, the world This classic paradox is so startling and hard to
famous magician, owns a
rug that is 13 decimeters by
explain that it is worth taking time to draw the
13 decimeters. He wants to square on graph paper, cut out the four pieces,
change it to an 8-by-21 rug.
and rearrange them to make the rectangle. Unless
Mr. Randi took the rug to
Omar, a rug dealer. the pieces are very large, and drawn and cut with
extreme precision, you will not notice the tiny
overlap along the rectangle’s main diagonal. It is
this failure of the pieces to fit properly along the
Randi: Omar, my friend, I diagonal that accounts for the missing square unit
want you to cut this rug into of area. If you doubt the existence of this overlap,
four pieces, then sew them
together to make an 8-by- one way to prove it is to calculate the slope of the
21 rug. rectangle’s diagonal and compare it with the
Omar: I’m sorry, Mr.
Randi. You’re a great magi­ slopes of the pieces.
cian but your arithmetic is What happens if the rectangle is drawn on the
terrible: 13-by-13 is 169, 8-
graph paper, the pieces cut, and then formed into
by-21 is 168. It won’t work.
the square? You might wish to investigate this.
Randi: My dear Omar. Four lengths are involved in this paradox: 5, 8,
The great Randi is never 13, and 21. You may recognize these numbers as
wrong. Kindly cut the rug
into four pieces like this.
four terms in a famous sequence. Can you give
the recursive rule for the terms? The sequence is
the Fibonacci sequence in which each term is the
sum of the two preceding terms: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, 3 4 , . . . .
Variants of the paradox are based on other sets
of four consecutive terms in the Fibonacci
Omar did as he was told.
Then Mr. Randi arranged sequence. In every case you will find that the
the pieces, and Omar rectangle has a different area from the square, but
sewed them together to
make an 8-by-21 rug. sometimes the rectangle gains an extra square
Omar: I can’t believe it! unit, sometimes it loses. The next step is the
The area has shrunk from
169 to 168! What hap­ discovery that when there is a loss it is because of
pened to that missing a rhombus-shaped overlap along the rectangle’s
square decimeter?
diagonal, and where there is a gain it is because of
a rhombus-shaped gap.

Given the four terms of the Fibonacci sequence We can substitute for x whatever loss or gain we
on which a variant is based, can one predict desire, and for b whatever length we wish for the
whether there will be a loss or gain? The paradox side of the square. Solving the two simultaneous
illustrates one of the fundamental properties of the equations then provides values for a and c,
Fibonacci sequence. If any number in the though they may not be rational numbers.
sequence is squared, it equals the product of the Can the square be cut in such a way that when
two numbers on either side of it, plus or minus 1. the four pieces are rearranged, the rectangle will
Expressed algebraically, have precisely the same area as the square?
To answer this, let x = 0 in the second of the
tr? = U n- 1 ’ tn + l) — 1
above two equations, and solve for b in terms of
The left side of the above equation clearly gives a. The only positive solution is
the area of the square, and the right side clearly L (1 + V 5 ) a
gives the area of the rectangle. The plus and
b = ---- 2----
minus signs alternate throughout the sequence.
Every Fibonacci number located at an odd The expression (1 -I- V5)/2 is the famous
position in the series (for example, 2, 5, or 13 in golden ratio, or phi, written <|>. This is an irrational
the Fibonacci series above) has a square that is 1 number equal to 1.618033. . . . In other words,
greater than the product of the two adjacent the only Fibonacci sequence in which the square
numbers in the even positions on either side. of a term exactly equals the product of its two
Conversely, every number located in an even adjacent numbers is
position (for example, 3, 8, or 21 in the Fibonacci
1, <f>, cf)2, <|>3, <|>4, . . .
series above) has a square that is 1 less than the
product of its two adjacent numbers in the odd With some manipulation of radicals we could
positions on either side. Once you know this, it is prove that the above sequence is a true Fibonacci
easy to predict whether the rectangle of a sequence by showing it is equivalent to
particular square pattern will gain or lose a unit of
1, cf>, cf> + 1, 2cf> + 1, 3cf) + 2 ,. . .
The Fibonacci sequence starts with 1, 1, but a Only by cutting the square with lengths that are
“generalized Fibonacci sequence” can start with consecutive numbers in the above sequence can
any pair of numbers. You can explore variants of we produce a variant of the paradox for which
the paradox based on other Fibonacci sequences. the areas of the square and the rectangle are
For example, the sequence 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 26, identical. For more on the golden ratio, and its
. . . gives losses and gains of 4 square units. The relation to the square-rectangle paradox, see the
sequence 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, . . . gives losses and chapter on <|>in my Second Scientific American
gains of 5 square units. Book o f Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions.
Let a, b, c stand for any three consecutive terms
in a generalized Fibonacci sequence, and x for the
loss or gain. Two formulas hold:

a + b = c
b2 = ac ± x

A few months later, Mr. How can two identical squares have different
Randi returned with a rug
12 decimeters by 12 deci­
areas? In Randi’s second rug paradox, the loss of
meters. area appears as an actual hole. Unlike the
Randi: Omar, old pal, my
previous paradox, there is an accurate fitting along
electric heater overturned
and burned this beautiful the sloping line in both patterns. What happens to
carpet. By cutting and sew­ that missing square unit?
ing, it will be easy to get rid
of the hole. To find the answer, make two copies of the
square without the hole. The larger the patterns
Omar was doubtful, but he the better. One square should then be cut
followed Mr. Randi’s accurately, the pieces rearranged to make the
instructions. After the pieces
were sewn together, the rug hole, and this second pattern placed on top of the
was still 12-by-12 but the first. If the top and sides are flush, you discover
hole had vanished!
that the second pattern is not a true square. It is a
rectangle that is higher than the square by a length
of 1/12 decimeter. This 12-by-l/12 strip along the
bottom has the same area as the hole.
Omar: Please, Mr. Randi, That explains where the missing square unit
how did you do it? Where goes. But why does the square grow in height?
did that square decimeter
The secret is that the vertex on the hypotenuse of
come from to fill the hole?
the triangular piece is not on a lattice point.
Knowing this you can construct variants of the
square in which the loss or gain of area is more
than 1 square unit.
The paradox is known as a Curry square after
its inventor, Paul Curry, an amateur New York
magician. It has numerous variations, including
triangular forms. If you want to know more about
Curry squares and triangles, see Chapter 8 of my
Mathematics, Magic and Mystery and Chapter 11
of my New Mathematical Diversions from
Scientific American.

The Vanishing Leprechaun

The funniest versions of these paradoxes are rectangles, and one of the fifteen leprechauns
those in which a drawing of a person is caused to disappears without a trace! Which one vanished?
disappear. Consider, for example, The Vanishing Where did he go? When he comes back, where
Leprechaun Puzzle, drawn by Pat Patterson of has he been?
Toronto, copyrighted and sold by the Elliott If you would like to obtain a deluxe version
Company of Toronto. The puzzle is reproduced of this paradox, printed in color on cardboard 19
below. To avoid damaging the book, photocopy it, inches long, write for the current price to W. A.
then cut the border and along the dotted lines to Elliott Company, 212 Adelaide Street West,
make three rectangles. Switch the two top Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 1W7.

© Copyright 1968, W. A. Elliott Co., Toronto, Canada.

Vanishing-person paradoxes have been used for Count the lines. There are only nine! It is
more than a century as advertising premiums. In meaningless to ask which of the original ten lines
the 1880s, the American puzzle inventor Sam vanished. What has happened is that the ten lines
Loyd issued a circular version in which a Chinese have been broken into 18 parts, and those parts
warrior seems to vanish when a disk is rotated. rearranged to make a new set of nine lines. Each
Many other versions, both straight and circular, of the nine lines is, of course, longer by 1/9 than
have been printed since. each of the ten lines. When we slide the lower
The best way to explain the paradox is to rule part back up again, a tenth line appears, and now
ten lines on a card like this: the lines are shorter by 1/10 than they were
Exactly the same thing happens with the
leprechauns. When there are 15 leprechauns,
each is shorter by 1/15 than when there are 14.
We cannot pick out a leprechaun that vanishes
when we change the pieces, because the set of 14
is a set of completely different leprechauns. Each
is longer by 1/14 than before. For a lengthy
Cut the card along the dotted line, and then discussion of this paradox, and others related to it,
slide the lower part down and left. see Chapter 7 of my Mathematics, Magic and
The principle behind this paradox is also the
basis of an old counterfeiting method. It is possible
to cut 9 bills into 18 parts (following the pattern of
the lines) and to rearrange them to make 10 bills.
However, the new bills are easy to detect because
their numbers will not match. The two numbers on
all U.S. bills are placed on opposite ends, one
high and one low, precisely to foil this
counterfeiting scheme. In 1968, a man in London
was sentenced to eight years in prison for using
the scheme on British 5-pound notes.

The Great Bank Swindle

Believe it or not, these par­ Vanishing-area paradoxes operate by stealing tiny

adoxes have something in
common with the method bits of area from many spots. Randi’s first rug,
used by an unscrupulous after its pieces are rearranged, has an
computer programmer to
imperceptible overlap along the rectangle’s main
steal from a large bank.
diagonal. Randi’s second rug, after it is cut and
reformed, shrinks in height by a trifle amount.
After a leprechaun disappears, each leprechaun is
slightly taller than the previous figures. After $500
Thief: Man, am I a genius! appears in the thief’s account, some of the
I’ll be ripping off $500 a customers’ accounts were credited a penny less
month, and it’s so easy! I’ve
just told our computer to interest than they should have been.
round down every cus­
tomer’s account instead of
rounding up or down to the
nearest penny.

Thief: Each customer will

lose about half a penny
every month. That’s too
small for anyone to notice.
But the bank has a hundred
thousand customers, so the
total loss is $500. Each
month the computer will
deposit it to my secret
account, and the books will
always balance!

The Amazing Inside-Out Doughnut

Topology is called rubber- It is true that a torus can be turned inside out
sheet geometry because it
studies properties that do
through a hole, but this will not interlink the two
not change when a figure is rubber bands. The reason is that when the torus is
stretched or distorted.
reversed, the bands change places! After the
reversal, the small band has been stretched to the
larger one and the large band has shrunk to the
smaller, so that the bands are as unlinked as
before. The key to the paradox lies in the fact that
A torus is a fascinating sur­ the artist deliberately drew the second picture to
face shaped like a dough­
show what we would expect to see, rather than
nut. Would you believe that
a torus made of thin rubber, what actually happens.
with a big hole in it, can be A rubber model of a torus, such as an inner
turned inside out through
the hole? It can be done tube, is very difficult to turn inside out through a
but it’s very difficult. hole because the rubber has to be stretched so
radically. But it is easily done with a cloth model.
Fold a square piece of cloth in half and sew
Before the torus is reversed, opposite edges together to make a tube. Now fold
suppose we glue a small the cloth the other way and sew the opposite
rubber band around its
inside and a larger rubber ends of the tube together to make a torus. It will
band around its outside. be square-shaped when flattened. For ease in
The two bands are not
interlocked. reversing, the “ hole” is a slot cut horizontally in
the outer layer of cloth.
Turning this cloth torus inside out through the
slotted hole is easy. After the reversal, the torus
This is how the torus should has the same shape as before, except now the slot
look after it has been is vertical, and the grain of the cloth has also been
reversed. But now the two
elastic bands are linked! It’s turned 90 degrees. In other words, lines that
impossible to link two previously circled the torus one way now circle it
bands without cutting and
gluing, so something is
the other way. To see how this turning of the
wrong. But what? “grain” explains the switch of the two elastic
bands, you can use two felt-tip pens to ink a ring
of one color around the torus one way, and a ring
of another color around the torus the other way.
After turning the torus inside out, you will see that
the rings have exchanged positions.

It is not easy to visualize exactly how the torus is
distorted during the reversal process. A series of
drawings, showing all stages of the reversal, can
be found in “Topology” by Albert Tucker and
Herbert Bailey in Scientific American, January
1950, and on p. 179 of Mathematics, Life Science
There are many other torus paradoxes. For
example, if a torus without a hole is linked to a
torus with a hole, can the one with the hole
“swallow” the other torus so that it is completely
inside? The answer is yes, and you will see how it
is done if you consult my Scientific American
column of March 1977. More paradoxes involving
toruses are in my columns of December 1972 (on
knotted toruses) and December 1979.

The Bewildering Braid

Wendy is shopping for a It looks impossible, but

leather bracelet. Luke braided the bracelet
in 30 seconds, and without
cutting a single thong!
Here’s how he started.

Inside Luke’s shop she sees

two bracelets, each made of
3 leather thongs. One is
braided, the other is not.
Wendy: How much is that
braided one?

Luke: Five dollars, ma’am.

But you’re too late. I’ve just
sold it.
Wendy: Oh dear! Do you
have another?

Luke: Yes, I have this one.

Wendy: But it’s not
Luke: I’ll be happy to
braid it for you, ma’am.

The astonishing thing about the bracelet is that the Most people will see this bracelet as just another
six-crossing braid can be formed even though the topological curiosity, but it is much more than
ends of the strands are permanently attached to that. Emil Artin, a famous German mathematician
each other. In other words, the braided bracelet is who settled in the United States, developed a
topologically equivalent to the unbraided one. The theory of braiding in which he applied group
picture below shows one procedure for forming theory. Thus, the “elements” of the group are
the braid. By repeating it, with longer strands, one “weaving patterns,” the “operation” consists of
can extend the braid to any multiple of six following one pattern with another, and the
crossings. To make an actual bracelet or a braided “inverse” of a weaving pattern is its mirror image.
belt from a piece of stiff leather, first soak it in Braids provide an excellent jumping-off point for
warm water to make the leather pliable. discovering groups and transformations. (A good
introduction to braid theory is Artin’s article “The
Theory of Braids” in The Mathematics Teacher,
May 1959.)

Braids of this sort can be made with more than

three strands. More information can be found in J.
A. H. Shepperd’s “Braids Which Can Be Plaited
with Their Threads Tied Together at Each End”
(Proceedings o f the Royal Society, A , vol. 265
(1962), pp. 229-244). See also the chapter,
“Group Theory and Braids,” in my New
Mathematical Diversions from Scientific American.

The Inescapable Point

Pat hiked up a narrow trail But Ms. Klein was right.

that leads to a mountain Ms. Klein: When you
top. He started at 7:00 that started up the mountain,
moming and arrived at the suppose you had a double
summit at 7:00 that night. who started down at the
same time. No matter what
your double’s schedule,
somewhere along the trail,
the two of you are sure to

After a night of meditation Ms. Klein: We can’t say

on the summit, Pat started where you’ll meet, but we
back down the trail at 7:00 know it will be somewhere.
in the moming. You and your double will
be there at the same time.
So there has to be a point
on the trail that you pass at
the same instant on your up
and down trips.

At 7:00 that evening, when

he reached the bottom, Pat
happened to meet Ms.
Klein, his topology teacher.
Ms. Klein: Hello, Pat. Did
you know that coming
down today you passed a
certain spot at precisely the
same time as you did yes­
terday on your way up?
Pat: You must be putting
me on. It can’t be! I walked
at different speeds. I even
stopped to eat and rest.

If for each point on the path we pair Pat’s arrival
time going up with his arrival time going down we
get a correspondence between times. At least one
of these times must be matched up with itself.
Thus the story about Pat illustrates a very simple
example of what topologists call a fixed-point
theorem. The proof is an “existence proof.” It
does no more than establish the existence of at
least one fixed point. It provides no help in
locating the fixed point. Fixed-point theorems are
extremely important in the application of topology
to many branches of mathematics and science.
A famous fixed-point theorem can be
demonstrated with a shallow box and a piece of
paper that exactly covers the bottom of the box.
Imagine that every point on the paper is paired
with a point directly beneath it on the bottom of
the box. Pick up the paper, crumple it into a ball,
and drop it back in the box. Topologists have
proved that no matter how the paper is crumpled,
or where it falls in the box, there must be at least
one point on the paper that is directly above its
corresponding point on the box! See “A Fixed
Point Theorem” in What is Mathematics? by
Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins.
This theorem, first proved by the Dutch
mathematician L. E. J. Brouwer in 1912, has
many curious applications. For example, it
establishes that at every instant there is at least
one spot on the earth where no wind is blowing.
One can also prove that on the earth there are
always at least two antipodal points (points joined
by a straight line through the earth’s center) that
have exactly the same temperature and barometric
pressure. A similar theorem can also be used to
prove that if a sphere is completely covered with
hair it is impossible to comb all the hairs flat. (One
can comb flat all the hairs on a doughnut.) For a
good introduction to such theorems see “Fixed-
Point Theorems,” by Marvin Shinbrot, in Scientific
American, January 1966.

Impossible Objects

If Pat was surprised by that The stairway, the weapon, and the crate are called
point, he’d be even more
surprised by this stairway.
“impossible objects” or “ undecidable figures.” The
He can walk around it for­ impossible stairway was invented by the British
ever, always climbing up,
geneticist Lionel S. Penrose and his
but always coming back to
where he started! mathematician son Roger Penrose, who first
published it in 1958. It is often called the Penrose
staircase. The Dutch artist M. C. Escher was
fascinated by it. He made effective use of it in one
Are there two or three of his lithographs, Ascending and Descending.
prongs on the knight’s The impossible figure of two or three prongs is
of unknown origin. It began circulating among
engineers and others about 1964. Mad Magazine,
March 1965, had a cover that showed Alfred E.
Neuman balancing one of these objects on his
index finger.
The crazy crate, also of unknown origin,
Could you build a model of
appears in another Escher picture, Belvedere. All
this crazy crate? three objects show how easily we can be tricked
into thinking that a geometrical diagram represents
a genuine structure when the structure is logically
contradictory and therefore cannot exist. The
objects are visual analogs of such undecidable
sentences as “This sentence is false” discussed in
Chapter 1.
For more examples of undecidable figures see
the chapter on optical illusions in my
Mathematical Circus and the books of the
Japanese graphic artist Mitsumasa Anno,
especially A n n o’s Alphabet and Annos Unique

A Pathological Curve

The snowflake curve is The snowflake curve is one of the prettiest of an

another paradoxical figure,
infinite class of curves called pathological because
but it is not impossible. We
start constructing it with the of their paradoxical properties. If the construction
shape of this Christmas of the snowflake is continued ad infinitum, its
tree— an equilateral trian­
gle. length at the limit is infinite, yet it encloses a finite
area! Put another way, the successive lengths of
the curve, at each step, form a divergent series,
but the successive areas enclosed by the curve
By drawing a shaded equi­ form a series that converges on an area 8/5 of the
lateral triangle on the cen­ original triangle. Moreover, it is impossible to
tral third of each side of the
light one, this little angel define a tangent for any point on the limit curve.
produces a six-pointed star. The snowflake curve is a good way to
consolidate the concept of limit. Can you show
that if the starting triangle has an area of 1, the
curve’s limiting area is 8/5?
Here are some related constructions:
He repeats the construction
1. Construct the anti-snowflake by drawing the
by drawing still smaller tri­ triangles inward instead of outward, and erasing
angles on the sides of the
the base lines. The first step produces three
star. The curve is getting
longer and starting to look diamonds meeting at a point like three propeller
like a snowflake. blades. Is this also a curve that is infinite in length
at the limit? Does it also enclose a finite area?
2. What happens when you use other regular
polygons as the basis of construction?
3. Investigate the effect of constructing more
The next repetition makes
the curve still longer and than one polygon on each side.
prettier. 4. Are there 3-dimensional analogs of the
snowflake and its cousins? For example, if
tetrahedrons are constructed on the faces of
tetrahedrons, will the limit solid have an infinite
surface area? Will it bound a finite volume?
For a paradoxical curve discovered by William
Gosper, called the “flowsnake,” see my column on
Continuing in this way, the
curve becomes as long as pathological curves in Scientific American,
one likes. It can be drawn December 1976. Another remarkable curve,
on a postage stamp, yet
made as long as the dis­ discovered by Benoit Mandelbrot, was depicted
tance from earth to the far­ on the cover of Scientific American, April 1978,
thest star!
and discussed in my column for the same issue.
See Mandelbrot’s book The Fractal Geometry o f
Nature for more on pathological curves related to
the snowflake.

The Unknown Universe

If a spaceship blasted off The Flatlander lives on a

and kept going in a straight surface of two dimensions.
line, would it get farther If his universe is an infinite
and farther from the earth? plane, he can travel on it
Maybe not, suggested Ein­ forever in any direction.
stein. It might come back to

To understand Einstein’s But if his surface is closed

paradox, first consider this like that of a sphere, it too
poor Pointlander. He lives becomes finite and
on a single point. His uni­ unbounded. He too will
verse has no dimensions. return to where he started if
he travels along a straight
line path in any direction.

The Linelander who lives You and I are Solidlanders

on a line of one dimension who live in a 3-dimensional
is like the worm on this space. Perhaps it is infinite
rope. If the rope is infinite, in all directions.
he can travel forever in
either direction.

However, if the rope is Or, as Einstein thought, it

closed like a circle, it may curve through a higher
becomes a line that is space to form another finite
unbounded, yet finite in but unbounded universe. A
length. If the worm crawls spaceship speeding through
either way, it will return to such a universe, along the
its starting point. straightest possible path,
would eventually return

When a Flatlander circles a Astronomers do not yet know whether the space
sphere, it is like walking
around an untwisted band.
of our universe is closed, as Einstein suggested, or
If he has a heart on one open. It all depends on how much matter is in the
side, it stays on the same
universe. According to the general theory of
relativity, the presence of matter in space causes
space to “curve,” and the amount of curvature
increases as the proportion of matter increases.
Most cosmologists today believe there is not
But if a Flatlander goes enough matter to produce a curvature great
around a Moebius band, enough to close space. However, the issue is still
something strange happens.
The twist flips him over so open because the nature and density of matter in
that he returns with his the universe are not yet known. The universe may
heart on the other side!
contain enough “ hidden matter” to close itself. (At
the moment, neutrinos are suspected of having
positive rest mass rather than having a rest mass
of zero as was formerly believed).

If our space is closed, it

There is no evidence that the space of our
could be twisted the way a universe twists like a Moebius strip, but
Moebius strip twists. An cosmologists like to invent different models of the
astronaut who made a
round trip through such a cosmos, and in some of these models, space has a
space would come back twist. In understanding how a Flatlander would get
mirror-reversed by going once around a Moebius
strip, it is important to realize that the strip has
zero thickness. A paper model of a Moebius
surface is really a solid, because the paper has
thickness. We must assume that the true Moebius
surface has no thickness.
A plane figure drawn on a Moebius strip is like
a figure drawn with ink that soaks through the
paper so that it is on both “sides,” not a figure that
slides along one side only. It is “embedded” in the
surface. When it makes one trip around the strip,
it arrives at its starting point in reversed form. Of
course, a second trip around the strip brings it
back to unreflected form. In the same way, if an
astronaut made a round trip through a twisted
cosmos, he would return reversed, but a second
trip would straighten him out again.

If you are intrigued by the paradoxical
properties of the Moebius strip, you may wish to
investigate two other surfaces equally paradoxical:
the Klein bottle and the projective plane. Both are
one-sided, but unlike the Moebius surface they
have no edges. Both are closed like the surface of
a sphere. The Klein bottle is closely related to the
Moebius strip because it can be cut in half to
make two Moebius strips that are mirror images of
one another. A Flatlander embedded in either a
Klein bottle or a projective plane can mirror-reflect
himself by making a trip around the surface (see
Chapter 2 of my Sixth B ook o f Mathematical
Games from Scientific American). The classic
book about life in two dimensions is Edwin A.
Abbott’s Flatland. A sequel, Sphereland, was
written by Dionys Burger.
You might also enjoy a story by H. G. Wells
called “The Plattner Story” (in his collection 28
Science Fiction Stories). This science fiction tale is
about a man who gets himself reversed in outer
space and returns with his heart on the wrong


A reversed astronaut would Every fundamental particle has an antiparticle that

feel normal, but the world
around him would seem is the same as the particle except that its electric
mirror-reflected. Printing charge (if it has one) is reversed, as well as other
would go the wrong way.
properties. Many physicists believe that an
Cars would be on the
wrong side of the road. antiparticle is simply a particle whose internal
structure is mirror-reflected. Matter made of
antiparticles is called antimatter.
When a particle meets an antiparticle, there is
Many physicists believe that mutual annihilation. Our galaxy is made entirely
reflected matter would of matter, so whenever an antiparticle is created,
become antimatter, which is
annihilated when it contacts either in the laboratory or in the interior of stars, it
ordinary matter. If so, our lasts only for a microsecond before it is destroyed
reversed astronaut could
never get back to the earth. by meeting its opposite particle.
As soon as his reversed Most cosmologists believe that the universe
spaceship touched our
atmosphere, it would
consists only of matter, but a few have argued for
explode! the possibility that it may contain galaxies of
Does our universe contain antimatter. Light from such galaxies would be
galaxies of antimatter? Are indistinguishable from light from galaxies made of
there vast universes of anti­
matter outside our own? matter, so it is difficult to know. Some cosmologists
Cosmologists today can have speculated that immediately after the Big
only guess at the answers.
Bang, which presumably started the universe
evolving, matter and antimatter may have
separated to form two universes: a “cosmon” and
an “anticosmon,” which repelled each other and
separated at great speed.
The notion that the universe is divided into
these two parts, each a kind of mirror image of the
other, has played a role in many science fiction
stories and in Vladimir Nabokov’s romantic novel
Ada. You can find more about antimatter and
related topics by reading Chen Ning Yang,
Elementary Particles; Hannes Alfven,
Worlds-Antiworlds; and my Ambidextrous

Probability theory has become so essential in Although ultimately there may be only one kind
every branch of science, not only in the physical of probability, it is customary these days to
sciences but also in the biological and social distinguish at least three main types:
sciences, that it is safe to predict that in the years 1. Classical or a priori probability. Here we
to come it will be emphasized more and more in assume that each outcome is equally likely. If an
the teaching of mathematics in elementary grades. event is found to have n equally likely outcomes,
Bishop Joseph Butler and others before him and you want to know the probability that a
(Cicero, to mention one) have said that probability certain subset k of those outcomes will take place,
is the very guide of life. From moming until night the answer is the fraction kin. For example, a
we live by making thousands of unconscious little rolling die, if the die is fairly made, has six faces
bets about probable outcomes. If quantum each equally likely to show on top. What is the
mechanics is the final word in physics, pure probability you will roll an even number? Of the
chance underlies all of nature’s fundamental laws. six equiprobable cases (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) three are
More than most branches of mathematics, even (2,4,6), therefore the probability of rolling an
probability swarms with results that are strongly even number is 3/6 = 1/2. Put another way, the
counterintuitive, with problems for which the odds are even. It is a fair bet.
correct solution seems utterly contrary to 2. Frequency or statistical probability. This
common sense. If you walked up to an elevator concerns events that do not seem, a priori, to be
door, you might expect the chances to be equally probable. The best we can do is repeat or
fifty-fifty that the first time the elevator stops it will observe the event many times and note the
be on its way up. Paradoxically, this is generally frequency with which certain outcomes occur. An
false. In a family with four children you might example would be a die loaded in a manner that
expect that the most likely situation would be two cannot be easily determined by inspection. So
children of each sex, but this is also false. you roll it hundreds of times. By keeping records
The simple ideas of probability introduced here you conclude that the probability of rolling, say, a
will help you understand why the bets that appear 6 is about 7/10 instead of the familiar 1/6 for a fair
favorable in chuck-a-luck are actually unfavorable. die.
More generally, these ideas are useful in 3. Inductive probability. This is the degree of
understanding why amazing coincidences really credibility a scientist assigns to a law or theory.
are not so amazing, but we leave that to the next Insufficient knowledge of nature precludes a
chapter. classical solution, and experiments or observations
The paradoxes in this chapter have been are too infrequent and vague to permit accurate
selected because they are easy to understand and frequency estimates. For example, a scientist
because many of them can be modeled with such considers all the relevant evidence based on the
readily accessible materials as coins and playing scientific knowledge of his time and concludes it is
cards. Wherever possible, a paradox has been more likely than not that black holes exist in the
explained by listing all the equally possible cases universe. Such probability estimates, necessarily
even though the problem can be solved in shorter imprecise, constantly change as new evidence is
ways using probability theory. By solving them the found that bears on the hypothesis.
longer way, you gain an insight into the problem’s
structure that is not obtainable otherwise.

Our last two paradoxes touch on inductive
probability, as do the last two paradoxes of the
next chapter. If you read more about such
paradoxes, you will find yourself plunging into
some of the deepest waters of modem probability
theory and the philosophy of science.

The Gambler’s Fallacy

Mr. and Mrs. Jones have The probability of Mr. and

five children, all girls. Mrs. Jones having a sixth
Mrs. Jones: I do hope girl is the same as that of her
our next child isn’t another first child having been a
girl. girl. The probability of the
Mr. Jones: My dear, after next roulette number being
five females, it’s bound to red is the same as that of
be a boy. the previous number having
Is Mr. Jones right? been red. The probability
of a two on the next throw
of the die is still one-sixth.

Many gamblers think they To make this clearer, sup­

can win at roulette by wait­ pose Mr. Jones tosses five
ing until there is a long run heads in a row with a fair
of red numbers, then bet­ coin. The chances of toss­
ting on black. Will such a ing heads again is exactly
system work? the same as before: fifty-
fifty. The coin has no mem­
ory of what it did on pre­
vious flips.

Edgar Allan Poe argued

that if you roll five twos in a
row, your chances of getting
a two on the next roll are
less than one-sixth. Was he

If you answered yes to any

of these questions, you
have fallen into a trap called
the “gambler’s fallacy.” In
every case the next event is
completely independent of
all previous events.

If the outcome of event A influences event B, then have two passengers with a bomb. Of course
B is said to be “dependent” on A. For example, carrying his own bomb would have no effect on
the probability of your wearing a raincoat the probability that another passenger had a
tomorrow clearly depends on the probability of bomb, any more than the flip of one penny can
rain tomorrow, or (more directly) on how you be influenced by the flip of another penny.
estimate that probability. Events that in ordinary The most popular of all roulette systems, known
language are said “to have nothing to do with as the d’Alembert system, is based squarely on
each other” are called “independent” events. The the “gambler’s fallacy” of not recognizing the
probability of your wearing a raincoat tomorrow is independence of independent events. The player
independent of the probability that the President bets on red or black (or makes any other even-
of the United States has eggs tomorrow for money bet), following it with a larger bet after
breakfast. each loss and a smaller bet after each win. The
Most people find it difficult to believe that the assumption is that if the little ivory ball allows him
probability of an independent event is not to win, it will somehow “remember” that and be
somehow influenced by its proximity to other less likely to let him win the next time. And if the
independent events of the same sort. During ball causes him to lose, it will feel sorry for him
World War I, for example, soldiers on the front and be more likely to help him on the next spin of
looked for fresh shell holes to hide in. They were the wheel.
convinced that old shell holes were risky because The fact that each spin of a fair roulette wheel is
they believed it would be high time for new shells independent of all previous spins provides a very
to land in the same spot. Because it seems simple proof that no roulette system can give a
unlikely that two shells would fall on the same player an advantage over the house. The word
spot, one right after the other, they reasoned that odds can be used with two meanings. The odds
a fresh shell hole would remain safe for quite that a fair coin will fall heads up are even or 1 to 1
some time. (or 5 to 5). But a bookie, mindful of his need to
A story was told many years ago about a man turn a profit, might pay off $4 for your bet of $5
who traveled a lot in airplanes. Fearful that a on heads. He says, “The odds on heads are 4 to
passenger might someday take aboard a 5.” He would be offering you less than correct
concealed bomb, he always carried in his odds. In his Complete Guide to Gambling, John
briefcase an unloaded bomb of his own. He knew Scame puts it this way:
it was unlikely that a plane would have one
When you make a bet at less than the correct
passenger with a bomb, so he reasoned it would odds, which you always do in any organized
be very much more unlikely that a plane would gambling operation, you are paying the operator
a percentage charge for the privilege of making a
bet. Your chance of winning has what
mathematicians call a “minus expectation.” When
you use a system, you make a series of bets, each
of which has a minus expectation. There is no
way of adding minuses to get a plus. . . .

Edgar Allan Poe’s howler about dice occurs in
the postscript to his detective story, “The Mystery
of Marie Roget.” A die, like a penny, a roulette
wheel, or any other randomizing device, produces
a series of independent events that are not
influenced in any way by the device’s previous
If you are inclined to believe in some form of
the gambler’s fallacy, test it by simulating an actual
game in which you play a system based on the
fallacy. For example, toss a penny repeatedly,
betting a poker chip, at even odds, only after runs
of three showings of the same side. Always bet on
the coin’s opposite side. In other words, after three
heads, bet tails, and after three tails bet heads. At
the end of, say, 50 such bets it is unlikely you will
have exactly the same number of chips you began
with, but it should be close. The probability of
being ahead or behind is, of course, equal.

Four Kittens

It’s easy to go wrong calcu­ Mrs. Katz: Or maybe just

lating probabilities. Here one is a girl.
are two cats that have been
hanging out together.

Mr. Katz: Love, how Mr. Katz: It’s not so hard

many kittens are in our new to figure out. There’s a fifty-
litter? fifty chance each kitten is a
Mrs. Katz: Can’t you boy or girl. So it’s obvious
count? Four, you big dope. that the most likely out­
Mr. Katz: How many come is two boys and two
boys? girls Have you named
Mrs. Katz: It’s hard to tell. them yet?
I don’t know yet.

Mr. Katz: It’s not very Has Mr. Katz reasoned cor­
likely that all four are boys rectly? Let’s check out his
theory. Using “B” for a boy
and “G” for a girl, list all 16
of the equally possible

Mrs. Katz: And it’s not Only 2 of the 16 cases

likely they’re all girls. r <@> show all kittens of the same
sex. So the probability of
^D D P — GBBB this happening is 2/16 or
G rB B Q -
1/8. Mr. Katz was right in
B B B Q -
& B & B thinking that this outcome
BBGG- & & G r& had a low probability.
B C rB B &&BB
BG B& Ct U B lt

| - - j

Mr. Katz: Maybe just one Now let’s check the 2-2
is a boy. split that Mr. Katz thought
the most likely. It happens
b b b b QE>BB six times. So the probability
G rU G fE r-l is 6/16 or 3/8. This is surely
GrBG-Gr higher than 1/8. Mr. Katz
b g b b
BGBG GtGi B Gr may be right.
—t^GrGr GGGB

But we have one more pos­ That four children in a family are more likely to
sibility to consider: a 3-1
split. Because this occurs in consist of three of one sex and one of another,
eight cases, the probability than to consist of two boys and two girls, is
is 8/16 or 1/2. This is even
surprising to most people. It is easily tested by
higher than the 2-2 split.
Could we have made a mis­ repeatedly tossing four pennies. Keep a record of
take? each toss. After a hundred tosses, approximately
50 should show a 3—1 split compared to about 33
that show a 2 -2 split.
If our probabilities are cor­ You may be curious about the probabilities of
rect, they should add to 1.
the different sex distributions in families of five
They do. This tells us it is
certain that one of the three and six children. These can be found by listing all
splits will occur. Mr. Katz’s combinations, but this is tedious. You might find it
guess was wrong. The most
likely split is not 2-2, but easier to use shorter methods found in books on
3-1. probability.
A similar problem, with an equally counter­
intuitive answer, concerns the most likely way
that the four suits are distributed in a bridge hand.
The least likely, of course, is to hold 13 cards
of one suit. (The odds against this happening
to you are 158,753,389,899 to 1.) But what
distribution of suits is most likely to occur?
Even seasoned bridge players often guess the
answer to be 4, 3, 3, 3. This is incorrect. The most
probable hand is a 4, 4, 3, 2 distribution. You can
expect to get a hand of this sort about once every
five deals compared to once every nine or ten
deals for a 4, 3, 3, 3 hand. Even a 5, 3, 3, 2 hand
is likely to occur about once in every six deals. For
a chart giving the probabilities of all possible suit
distributions, see Oswald Jacoby, How to Figure
the Odds.

Every now and then you see a newspaper story
about someone getting a perfect bridge hand. The
odds against this are so astronomical that the story
is almost certainly a hoax, or someone at the table
was a practical joker who secretly arranged the
cards, or perhaps a new deck was opened and
someone accidently gave it two perfect riffle
shuffles. A perfect shuffle is one that divides the
deck exactly in half, then interlaces alternate cards.
New decks come with the four suits separated.
Two perfect shuffles, followed by any kind of cut,
will set a deck for dealing fou r perfect bridge

Three-Card Swindle

In many gambling games, If the game is fair, how is it

trusting your intuition about that the banker so quickly
probability can be disas­ rakes in your money? It’s
trous. A simple betting because his argument is
game with three cards and phony. The actual odds are
a hat proves it. two to one in his favor!

The mirror reflection makes The catch is that there are

it easy to see how the cards three, not two, equally
are made. The first card has likely cases. The drawn
a spade on both sides. The card can be spade-
last card has a diamond on diamond, or diamond-
both sides. The middle card diamond with side A on
has a spade on one side top, or diamond-diamond
and a diamond on the with side B on top. The
other. bottom matches the top in
two cases. Therefore, in the
long run the banker wins
two out of three games.
The banker shakes the
cards in a hat and lets you
pick one and put it on the
table. He then bets even
money that the underside
suit is the same as the top.
Suppose the top of your
chosen card is a diamond.

To con you into thinking it a

fair game, the banker tells
you that your card cannot
be the spade-spade card.
Therefore it is either the
spade-diamond card, or
the diamond-diamond
card. One has a diamond
on the bottom, the other a
spade, so you and he have
equal chances of winning.

This card-betting game was designed by Warren Here’s a related paradox. What is the probability
Weaver, the distinguished mathematician who is that if you toss three coins, all of them fall alike?
one of the co-founders of information theory. He At least two of the three must be alike. The third
introduced it in the article “Probability” in coin will either match that pair or be different.
Scientific American, October 1950. Since the chances are fifty-fifty it will fall either
One way of explaining the game’s true odds is way, the chances are even that it will match.
given above. Here is another. Two cards each Therefore the probability all three coins are alike
have matching colors. If you take a card at seems to be 1/2.
random from the hat, the probability is 2/3, or 2 We can show this reasoning to be wrong by
out of 3, that you will get one of those two cards. listing the eight possible cases:
Therefore, the probability is 2/3 that the underside
of the selected card will match its top.
The card game is a variation of what is known
as Bertrand’s box paradox, after J. Bertrand, a
French mathematician who presented it in a book
on probability in 1889. Bertrand imagined three Observe that only two of the cases show all
boxes. One contains two gold coins, one contains three coins the same. The correct probability,
two silver coins, and one has a gold coin and a therefore is 2/8 = 1/4.
silver coin. A box is picked at random. Clearly the
probability is 2/3 that this box contains matching
Suppose, however, that we take one coin from
the chosen box and observe that it is gold. This
tells us that the box cannot be the silver-silver
box. Therefore it must be the gold-gold or the
gold-silver box. Since each of these two boxes is
equally likely to have been chosen, it seems as if
the probability we have taken a box of matching
coins has gone down to 1/2. The same argument
would apply if our sample coin had been silver.
How can looking at one coin in the box alter
the probability of that box holding matching coins?
Clearly it cannot.

Another bewildering little paradox, again arising Which argument is correct? To settle the matter,
from a failure to consider all possible cases, we make an exhaustive list of not four but six
involves a boy with one marble and a girl with two possible cases. The equally possible orderings of
marbles. They roll their marbles toward a stake in marbles, listing the nearest marble first, are:
the ground. The person whose marble is closest to
the stake wins. Assume that the boy and the girl
are equally skillful and that measurements are
accurate enough to eliminate ties. What is the girl’s
probability of winning?
Argument 1: The girl has two marbles to roll,
against the boy’s one, therefore her probability of
winning is 2/3. In four of the six cases the girl wins. This confirms
Argument 2: Call the girl’s marbles A and B, the original argument that her chances are 4/6 =
and the boy’s marble C. There are four possible 2/3.
1. Both A and B are closer to the stake than C.
2. Only A is nearer than C.
3. Only B is nearer than C.
4. C is nearer than A and B.
In three of the four cases the girl wins, therefore
her winning chances are 3/4.

The Elevator Paradox

People who ride elevators A simple diagram clears up

are often puzzled by the mystery. For Mr. High,
another strange probability only elevators in the dark
paradox. We’ll assume that region of their shafts are
elevators in this building going down. This region is
move independently and small compared to the light
average the same waiting region, so the probability is
time on each floor. much higher that an eleva­
tor is below his floor and
coming up. The same argu­
ment works in reverse for
Miss Low.
Mr. High has an office on a
floor near the top. He’s very
Mr. High: Confound it!
The first elevator to stop
here is going up. It happens
all the time.

Mr. High: Maybe they’re

making elevators in the
basement and taking them
off the roof in helicopters.

Miss Low works on a floor

near the bottom. Every day
she eats lunch in a restau­
rant on the top floor. She,
too, is annoyed.
Miss Low: I can’t under­
stand it. Whenever I want
an elevator, the first one to
arrive is usually going

Miss Low: They must be

bringing elevators to the
roof, then sending them
down to be stored in the

The elevator paradox first appeared in the book
Puzzle-Math by the physicist George Gamow and
his friend Marvin Stem. In explaining the paradox
with one elevator, Gamow and Stem made a
small mistake. They stated that the probabilities
“of course remain the same” if there are two or
more elevators.
Donald Knuth, a Stanford University computer
scientist, was the first to realize that this is not true.
Writing on “The Gamow-Stem Elevator Problem”
in The Journal o f Recreational Mathematics (July
1969), Knuth showed that as the number of
elevators increases, the probability that the first
elevator to stop on any floor is going up
approaches 1/2, and the probability it is going
down also approaches 1/2.
This situation, in a way, is even more
paradoxical than before. It means that if you wait
on a floor near the top and fix your attention on
any given elevator door, the probability is always
high that the next time that elevator arrives it will
be going up. But the chance that the next elevator
to stop on the floor will be going up, regardless of
the shaft it is in, is a different matter. This
probability approaches 1/2 as the number of
elevators approaches infinity. The same is true of
down elevators stopping on a floor near the
We assume, of course, that elevators travel
independently of one another, with constant
speeds, and have the same average waiting time
on each floor. If there are just a few elevators, the
changes in probability are slight, but if there are
20 or more, the probability gets very close to 1/2
for all floors except the top and bottom ones.

The Bewildered Girlfriends

Have you heard about the s ---------------------------------- N This curious state of affairs
________ llext Train_________
boy who never could is like that of the elevators.
decide which girlfriend to Eastbound Ulestbound Although all trains run at
visit? One girl lived east, the l l :oo IZ'.Ot 10-minute intervals, the
a : io /*://
other west. Each day he 11 l o i i :z i schedule is such that a
went to his subway station a : 30 I t -31 westbound train always
I t :40 l l : 41
at random times and took a:sro llm 5l arrives and leaves 1 minute
the first train. after an eastbound train.

Both eastbound and west­ To catch a westbound train,

PexT Train bound trains ran at 10-min­ the boy must arrive during
ute intervals. one of the 1-minute inter­
Eastbound Uestbound vals shaded on the clock.
IZ.00 IZ-OI To catch an eastbound train
11.10 /*.:// he must arrive during one
IZ‘ 10 ll:ZI of the 9-minute intervals
shown in white. The proba­
bility of going west is one-
tenth, and the probability of
going east is nine-tenths.
One night the east girl said:
Easty: I’m so happy
you’re able to visit me nine
out of ten days on the aver­

Another night the west girl

got very angry.
Westy: Why is it that I see
you only about once every
ten days?

In this paradox the waiting times between trains Here is a simple proof that the correct answer is
are fixed by the schedule. In a sequence of three flips. Pennies have no memories of past
random events, the “average waiting time” behavior, so wherever you draw the line, the
between events is obtained by adding n waiting average waiting time to the next head must be
times and dividing by n. For example, the boy’s two. The same applies to the average waiting time
average waiting time for an eastbound train is 4V2 if we “time reverse” the process and count
minutes, and his average waiting time for a backward. Consequently, the average run between
westbound train is half a minute. heads is twice 2, or 4, if both heads are counted.
Many other paradoxes involve waiting times. Since we have defined a run as including one
You may enjoy tackling this one. In flipping a coin, head but not the other, the length of the run is
the average waiting time for a head (or a tail) is 4 - 1 = 3 .
two flips. This means that if you take a long list of The comparable problem with a roulette wheel
coin flips and count the waiting times from each is even more startling. A roulette wheel has 38
head to the next, the average “run” between numbers including 0 and 00. Thus the average
heads (not counting the first head, but including waiting time for a given number, say 7, is 38
the next one) is two flips. spins. But if you take a long list of roulette results,
Suppose you have a long vertical list of the and pick a spot on it at random, the average run
outcome of many penny flips. Randomly select a that it selects, from one 7 to the next, is not 38 but
spot between any two adjacent flips (perhaps by (2 x 38) - 1 = 75.
closing your eyes and drawing a horizontal line
across the list). Find the nearest head above the
line and the nearest head below, then count the
run from one head to the other. If you do this
many times, what will be the average run between
Intuitively, the answer seems to be two flips.
Actually it is three. The reason is the same as the
reason why the boy usually catches the eastbound
train. Some runs between heads will be short, and
some long. Your randomly drawn line is like the
boy who arrives on the subway platform at
random times. It is more likely to strike inside a
long run than a short one.

Three-Shell Game

Operator: Step right up, After Mr. Mark has selected a shell, at least one of
folks. See if you can guess
which shell the pea is the remaining two shells is certain to be empty.
under. Double your money Since the operator knows where he put the pea,
if you win.
After playing the game a
he can always turn over an empty shell. Therefore
while, Mr. Mark decided he his act of doing so adds no useful information for
couldn’t win more than
Mr. Mark to revise his estimate of the probability
once out of three.
that he has picked the right shell.
You can demonstrate this with an ace of spades
Operator: Don’t leave, and the two red aces. Mix the cards and deal
Mac. I’ll give you a break.
them face down in a row. Allow someone to put a
Pick any shell. I’ll turn over
an empty one. Then the finger on a card. What is the probability he or she
pea has to be under one of has picked the ace of spades? Clearly it is 1/3.
the other two, so your
chances of winning go way Suppose, now, you peek at your two cards and
up. turn over a red ace. You can argue, like the shell
game operator, as follows. Only two cards are face
down. The ace of spades is as likely to be one of
Poor Mr. Mark went broke them as the other. Therefore the probability that
fast. He didn’t realize that the ace of spades has been picked seems to have
turning an empty shell had
no effect on his chances. gone up to 1/2. Actually, it remains 1/3. Because
Do you see why? you can always turn over a red ace, turning it adds
no new information that affects the probability.
You can puzzle your friends with the following
variation. Instead of peeking at the two unselected
cards to make sure you turn a red ace, allow the
person whose finger is on a card to turn over one
of them. If it should be the ace of spades, the deal
is declared void and the game is repeated until the
reversed card is a red ace. Does this procedure
raise the probability of picking the ace of spades?
Oddly enough, it raises it to 1/2. We can see
why by taking a sample case. Call the positions of
the cards 1,2,3. Let’s assume the person puts a
finger on card 2, then turns over card 3 and it is a
red ace.

There are six equally possible ways the six cards
can be dealt:

1. A ♦ A<? AO

2. A * AO av
3.A O A♦ AV
4.A O A<? A *

5. A 9 A * AO

6 . A<? AO A *

If the third card (reversed) had been the ace of

spades, the deal would have been declared void,
therefore cases 4 and 6 never enter into the
problem. We rule them out as possible cases. Of
the remaining four (1,2,3,5), card 2 (on which the
finger rests) is the ace of spades in two cases.
Therefore the probability card 2 is the ace of
spades is indeed 2/4 = 1/2.
The result is the same regardless of which card
the person chooses, and which card is exposed as
the red ace. Had Mr. Mark been allowed to pick
the shell to be turned over, and had it been
empty, his chances of being right would have
gone from 1/3 to 1/2.


The next time you go to a With customers thinking this

carnival, stay away from way, it’s no wonder casino
chuck-a-luck! Many people operators become million­
are tricked into playing it aires! Why does chuck-a-
because they think they luck give the house a strong
can’t lose. percentage?

The chuck-a-luck cage con­

tains three dice, which are
shaken by turning the cage.
A player bets on any num­
ber from 1 to 6 and is paid
whatever he bets for each
die that shows his number.
Players often reason:

Mr. Mark: If the game

had one die, my number
would show once in six
games. If it had two dice, it
would show in two out of
six games. With three dice,
it must show in three out of
six games, and that’s even

Mr. Mark: But my odds

are better than that! If I bet
a dollar on, say, 5, and 5
shows on two dice, I win
$2. If it shows on all three, I
win $3. The game must be
in my favor!

Chuck-a-luck is played in many casinos When all three dice are different, he pays back
throughout the United States and abroad. In a total of 120 x $6 = $720. When doublets
England, back in the early 1800s, it was called show he pays out a total of 90 x $2 = $180 for
Sweat-cloth. In more recent times it has been the singlet, and 90 x $3 = $270 for the
known as Bird Cage. In British and Australian doublets. When triplets show he pays out 6 x $4
pubs it is usually played with three dice, each = $24. This is a total payoff of $1194, giving him
carrying symbols of a spade, a diamond, a heart, a profit of $102. Dividing $102 by $1296 gives
a club, a crown, and an anchor, and is called the house percentage of 7 .8 + percent. This
Crown and Anchor. means that for every dollar a player wagers, he
At carnivals, the operator often shouts as a can expect in the long run to lose about 7.8 cents.
come-on, “Three winners and three losers every What are the chances of winning on a single
time!” This gives the strong impression of a fair throw? If the three dice are colored red, green,
game. The game actually would be fair if the dice and blue, there are 36 ways the red die can show
always showed three different numbers. After each a 1 while the other dice come up as they please.
turn of the cage, the operator would collect $3 Continuing our count there are 30 ways the red
from the three losers (assuming bets of a dollar die can show something other than 1, while the
each), and pay out $3 to the three winners. green die shows a 1 and the blue die comes up as
Fortunately for the operator, the same number it pleases. Finally, if the blue die shows a 1 and
often shows on two or three dice. If it shows on the red and green dice can show anything except
two dice, he takes in $4 and pays out $3, making a 1, there are 25 cases. Thus, in 91 cases out of
$1 profit. If it shows on all three dice, he takes in 216 at least one die shows a 1. So the probability
$5 and pays out $3, making a profit of $2. These of winning on 1 is 91/216, or considerably less
doublets and triplets provide the house its than 1/2, and the same is true for any other
percentage. number.
Calculating the house percentage by formulas is
a tricky business. The safest way is to make a full
listing of the 216 ways three dice can fall. You will
find that only 120 of them show all three dice
different, 90 show doublets, and 6 show all three
dice alike. Assume that the game is played 216
times, with the 216 possible outcomes. For each
game six people each bet a dollar on each of the
six numbers. The operator will collect a total of
216 x $6 = $1296 in bets.

Puzzling Parrots

A lady owned two parrots. You can model the parrot problem by having
One day a visitor asked:
Visitor: Is one bird a someone toss two coins, one a penny, the other a
male? nickel, then make certain statements about the
Owner: Yes.
result. The tosser can adopt one of several
What is the probability both
birds are males? It’s one- procedures:
third. 1. If both coins are heads he says: “At least one
coin is a head.” If both are tails, he says: “At least
one coin is a tail.” If the coins are different, he
Suppose the visitor asks: says: “At least one coin is a — picking heads or
Visitor: Is the dark bird a
tails at random. What is the probability that both
Owner: Yes. coins show whatever side was called? Answer: 1/2.
Now the probability both 2. The tosser has agreed in advance to call out
birds are males goes up to
one-half. This doesn’t make “At least one coin is heads” only when this is the
sense. Why does asking case. If no coin is heads, he says nothing and
about the dark bird change
the probability? tosses again. What is the probability both coins are
heads? Answer: 1/3 (because now the possibility
This paradox can easily be of tails—tails is eliminated.)
explained by listing all the 3. The tosser agrees in advance to call out how
possible cases. When the
visitor knows that one bird the penny fell, regardless of whether it is heads or
is a male, there are just three tails. What is the probability that the coins match?
cases to consider. Only one
is male-male, so the prob­ Answer: 1/2.
ability that both are males is 4. The tosser agrees in advance to call out “At
one-third. (We assume
least one coin is heads” only when the penny is
equal likelihood that each
parrot is male or female.) heads. What is the probability both are heads?
But when the visitor knows Answer: 1/2.
that the dark bird is male, The parrot paradox is sometimes given in such
there are now just two cases
to consider. Only one is an ambiguous way that it is not possible to answer
male—male, so the probabil­ it. For example, suppose you meet a stranger who
ity both are male is one-
says: “ I have two children. At least one is a boy.”
What is the probability both children are boys?

This is not a precisely defined problem because (Simplifying a problem by reducing its number of
you know nothing about the circumstances that elements is often an excellent way to understand
prompted the man to make his statement. He its structure.) The four-card deck is shuffled and
might just as likely have said “At least one is a dealt to two players. There are six equally
girl,” picking the sex at random if his children are probable two-card hands:
different sexes, and naming the sex if both are the
same. If that was his procedure, the probability of A4 A<?

both being boys is 1/2. The situation corresponds A♦ J 0

to No. 1 above. A * 2♦
In our parrot problem, ambiguity is eliminated A<? J 0
by having the customer ask the question. The first
A 2+
question, “ Is at least one bird a male?”
J 0 2#
corresponds to No. 2 above. The second
question, “ Is the dark bird a male?” corresponds
Five of the six hands permit a player to say “ I
to No. 4.
have an ace,” but in only one of the five hands is
An even more astounding paradox, closely
there a second ace. Consequently the probability
related to the two parrots, is known as the
of the second ace is 1/5.
paradox of the second ace. Assume you are
There are just three hands that permit the player
playing bridge. After the cards are dealt you look
to declare “ I have the ace of spades.” Only one of
over your hand and announce: “1 have an ace.”
the three has a second ace. Therefore the
What is the probability you have a second ace? It
probability of the second ace is 1/3.
is exactly 5359/14498, which is less than 1/2.
Note that the ace to be named must be agreed
Suppose now, that all of you agree on a
upon in advance, as well as the person who, in
particular ace, say the ace of spades. The play
each case, makes the announcement that he or
continues until you are dealt a hand that enables
she holds an ace. If these assumptions are not
you to declare: “I have the ace of spades.” What is
explicitly made, the problem is not precisely
the probability you have a second ace? It is now
11686/20825, or slightly better than 1/2! Why
should naming the ace alter the odds?
The computation of chances for the entire deck
is long and tedious, but the structure of the
paradox can be understood easily by reducing the
deck to four cards, say the ace of spades, ace of
hearts, two of clubs, and jack of diamonds.

The Wallet Game

Professor Smith is having This charming paradox comes from the French
lunch with two math stu­
dents. mathematician Maurice Kraitchik. In his book
Professor Smith: Let me Mathematical Recreations he gives it with neckties
show you a new game. Put
instead of wallets:
your wallets on the table.
We’ll count the money in
Each of two persons claims to have the finer
each. Whoever has the
smallest amount wins all the necktie. They call in a third person who must
money in the other wallet. make a decision. The winner must give his
necktie to the loser as consolation. Each of the
Joe: Hmm. If I have more contestants reasons as follows: “I know what my
than Jill, she’ll win just what tie is worth. I may lose it, but I may also win a
I have. But if she has more, better one, so the game is to my advantage.”
I’ll win more than I have. How can the game be to the advantage of both?
So I’ll win more than I can
lose. The game must be in
If we define the situation precisely by making
my favor.
certain assumptions, it is a fair game. Of course, if
we have information that one player habitually
carries less money (or wears a cheaper necktie)
than the other, then we know it is not a fair game.
Jill: If I have more than
Joe, he’ll win just what I If no such information is available, we may
have. But if he has more, assume that each player has a random amount of
I’ll win, and I’ll win more
than I have. The game’s in money from zero to any specified amount, say
my favor. $100. If we construct a payoff matrix on this
assumption, as Kraitchik does in his book, we see
that the game is “symmetrical” and does not favor
either player.
Unfortunately, this does not tell us what is
How can a game be favora­
ble to both players? It can’t. wrong with the reasoning of the two players. We
Does this paradox arise have been unable to find a way to make this clear
because each player
wrongly assumes his in any simple manner. Kraitchik is no help, and so
chances of winning or los­ far as we know, there is no other reference on the
ing are equal?

The Principle of Indifference

Is there life on Titan, the The “principle of insufficient reason,” which the
largest moon of Saturn?
economist John Maynard Keynes renamed the
“principle of indifference” in his famous Treatise
on Probability, can be stated as follows: If we have
no good reasons for supposing something to be
true or false, we assign even odds to the
probability of each truth value.
The principle has had a long and notorious
Will there be an atomic history, with applications in such diverse fields as
war? science, ethics, statistics, economics, philosophy,
and psychic research. If not properly used, it leads
to absurd paradoxes and outright logical
contradictions. The French astronomer and
mathematician Laplace once used the principle as
a basis for calculating that the probability of the
sun rising tomorrow is 1,826,214 to 1!
If you answer questions like Let’s see how contradictions arise if the principle
these by saying that yes and is carelessly applied to our questions about Titan
no are equally probable,
you are foolishly applying and atomic war. What is the probability there is
what is called the “principle some form of life on Titan? We apply the principle
of indifference.” Careless
of indifference and answer 1/2. What is the
use of this principle has
caught many mathemati­ probability of no simple plant life on Titan? Again,
cians, scientists, and even
we answer 1/2. O f no one-celled animal life?
great philosophers in webs
of absurdity. Again, 1/2. What is the probability there is neither
simple plant life nor simple animal life on Titan?
By the laws of probability we must multiply 1/2 by
1/2 and answer 1/4. This means that the
probability of some form of life on Titan has now
risen to 1 - 1/4 = 3/4, contradicting our former
estimate of 1/2.
What is the probability of an atomic war before
the year 2000? By the principle of indifference we
reply 1/2. What is the probability of no atom
bomb dropped on the United States? Answer: 1/2.
Of no atom bomb on Russia? Answer: 1/2. Of no
atom bomb on France? Answer: 1/2. If we apply
this reasoning to ten different countries, the
probability of no atom bomb falling on any of
them is the tenth power of 1/2, or 1/1024.
Subtracting this from 1 gives us the probability
that an atom bomb will fall on one of the ten
countries— a probability of 1023/1024.
In both of the above examples the principle of The principle has legitimate applications in
indifference is aided by an additional assumption probability, but only when the symmetries of a
in yielding such absurd results. We have tacitly situation provide objective grounds for assuming
assumed the independence of events that clearly probabilities to be equal. For example, a penny is
are not independent. In light of the theory of geometrically symmetrical in the sense that you
evolution, the probability of intelligent life on can pass a plane of symmetry edgewise through
Titan is dependent on the existence there of lower the coin. It is physically symmetrical in having a
forms of life. Given the world situation as it is, the uniform density; that is, it is not weighted on one
probability of an atom bomb falling on, say, the side. The forces that act upon it in the air— gravity,
United States is not independent of the probability friction, air pressure, and so on— are symmetrical,
of such a bomb falling on Russia. not favoring one side over the other. We are
Another good example of careless use of the justified, therefore, in assuming that heads and
principle of indifference is the paradox of the tails have equal probability. Similar symmetries
unknown cube. Suppose you are told that a cube, apply to the six sides of a cubical die, or the 38
hidden in a closet, has a side that is between 2 slots of a roulette wheel. In each of these cases
and 4 feet. You have no reason to assume the side extensive experiments in gambling casinos around
is less than 3 or more than 3, so your best guess the world have shown the correctness and the
of the cube’s side is 3. Now consider the cube’s limitations of these symmetry assumptions. In
volume. It must be between 23 = 8 and 43 = 64 cases where such symmetries are not known, or
cubic feet. You have no reason to think the may not even exist, an application of the principle
volume is less than 36 or more than 36, so you of indifference often leads to absurd results.
guess the volume to be 36 cubic feet. In other
words, your best estimate is a cube with a side of
3 and a volume of 36, which would be a queer
sort of cube! Put another way, if you apply the
principle of indifference to the cube’s side, you get
a cube of side 3 and volume 27. Apply it to the
volume, and you get a cube of volume 36 and a
side equal to the cube root of 36, or about 3.30
The cube paradox is a good model for showing
the kind of trouble a scientist or statistician can get
into when he or she obtains minimum and
maximum values for a quantity, then assumes that
the actual value is most likely to be halfway
between. Many other examples of such paradoxes
are given in Keynes’ book.

Pascal’s Wager

Blaise Pascal, a famous sev­ Blaise Pascal was one of the founders of
enteenth century French
mathematician, applied the probability theory. In the first picture he is pointing
principle of indifference to to a famous pattern of numbers called “Pascal’s
Christian faith.
triangle.” Pascal did not invent the triangle (it goes
back to the early Middle Ages), but he was the
first to make a thorough investigation of it. The
pattern has elegant combinatorial properties that
make it a useful tool in answering elementary
Pascal: A person cannot problems in probability. (See the chapter on
decide whether to accept or
Pascal’s triangle in Harold Jacobs, Mathematics: A
reject the doctrines of the
church. They may be true. Human Endeavor.)
They may be false. It is like Pascal’s argument for becoming a Christian, or
the flip of a coin. The odds
are even. But what are the “Pascal’s wager” as it is usually called, is given in
payoffs? Thought 233 of his Pensees. The wager suggests
many provocative questions. For instance:
1. Is the principle of indifference legitimately
Pascal: Suppose you applied in Pascal’s argument?
reject the church. If the
2. How would you answer this objection by the
church is false, you lose
nothing. But if the church is French philosopher Denis Diderot? There are
true, you face infinite suffer­ many other great religions, such as Islam, that also
ing in hell.
make salvation conditional on acceptance of the
religion. Does Pascal’s wager apply to all of them?
If so, should one become a member of each?
3. What do you think of William James’
Pascal: Suppose you watered-down version of the wager? In his essay
accept the church. If the
“The Will to Believe,” James argued that a
church is false, you gain
nothing. But if it is true, you decision to believe in God (James was not
win eternal bliss in heaven. concerned with an afterlife or a particular church)
is a good bet because there is no evidence one
way or another concerning G od’s existence,
therefore one should make whatever decision
makes him the happiest throughout his life.
Pascal was sure that the 4. What do you think of this argument by
payoffs of this decision
H. G. Wells? We do not know whether the world
game are infinitely in favor
of a bet that the church is will or will not survive an atomic holocaust. But
true. Philosophers have you should live and behave as if you are sure it
been debating Pascal’s
wager ever since. What’s will survive because, as Wells put it, “if at the end
your opinion? your cheerfulness is not justified, at any rate you
will have been cheerful.”


Paradoxes about gismos, clumps, ravens, and grue

Statistics— which concerns the obtaining, One’s first reaction is total disbelief. Next, one
organizing, and analyzing of numerical makes an empirical test at a party of some 40
information— is increasingly important in today’s guests, or by checking 40 names at random in a
highly complex world. Average citizens are so Who’s Who. The third step, if you have any
bombarded by data, from the state of the curiosity about the mathematics behind this
economy to the effectiveness of brands of paradox, is to learn enough about it to understand
toothpaste, that unless they have some knowledge why things turn out this way. It is in just this way
of elementary statistics they are incapable of that these paradoxes provide marvelous stepping
making intelligent decisions. It would be hard to stones to significant mathematics.
find a science in which statistical studies do not Instructions are given for some card tricks in
play vital roles, not to mention the indispensability which seemingly miraculous coincidences are the
of statistics in dozens of other fields— insurance, natural outcome of simple mathematical laws. The
public health, advertising— and almost every type voting paradox is one of the most famous of many
of business. strongly counterintuitive theorems studied in
In no sense is this chapter an introduction to decision theory, a new branch of mathematics
statistics. Taken alone, it will not teach you the concerned with making rational decisions on the
basics of the field. What it does try to do is offer a basis of statistical information. A story about Miss
sampling of colorful paradoxes that will stimulate Lonelyhearts dramatizes another astonishing, little-
your interest in learning more about the known paradox.
underlying mathematics. The chapter concludes with two of the most
The chapter opens with a story that introduces widely debated paradoxes in the philosophy of
those three famous fundamental measures: the science: the notorious paradox of the raven and a
mean, the median, and the mode. This is followed paradox about a strange property called “grue.”
by some outlandish examples of the misuse of Both point up the importance of statistics in
data— the great art of “lying” with statistics— that evaluating the degree of credibility of scientific
will alert you to some common pitfalls. hypotheses.
Faced with today’s explosion of interest in
astrology and all things paranormal, few people
are aware of how a lack of statistical sophistication
makes it easy for them to be impressed by
surprising coincidences, which in the light of
probability theory and statistics are not at all
Consider, for example, the notorious birthday
paradox. Among any randomly selected group of
23 people, the chances are slightly better than 1/2
that at least two will have birthdates of the same
month and day! If there are 40 people the
chances of such a coincidence rise to about 9/10.

The Deceptive “Average”

Gismo Products has a small Mr. Gismo: Here’s what

factory where supergismos we pay out each week. I get
are manufactured. Mr Gismo # 4Q00
$4800, my brother gets
Mr Gismo's B ro th e r & Z 0 00 $2000, my six relatives
6 R e la t iv e s (*500/v*)$: 30oo
5Foremen (*4oo/b)k) 1 2 0 oo each make $500, the five
loW orKers (tito/uk)'# 7 .o oo__ foremen each make $400,
WiJljocT and the ten workers each
get $200. That makes a
weekly total of $13,800 for
23 people, right?

The management consists Sam: Okay, okay. You’re

of Mr. Gismo, his brother, right. The average is $600 a
and six relatives. The work week. But you still misled
force consists of five fore­ me.
men and ten workers. Busi­
ness is good, and the fac­
tory needs a new worker.

Mr. Gismo is interviewing Mr. Gismo: I disagree.

Sam for the job. You just didn’t understand. I
Mr. Gismo: We pay very could have listed the sala­
well here. The average sal­ ries in order and told you
ary is $600 a week. During that the middle salary is
your training period you’ll $400, but that isn’t the
get $150 a week, but that average. It’s the median.
will soon increase.

After working a few days, Sam: Where does the

Sam asked to see the boss. $200 a week come in?
Sam: You misled me! I’ve Mr. Gismo: That’s called
checked with the other the mode. It’s the salary that
workers and not one is get­ most people are making.
ting more than $200 a
week. How can the average
salary be $600 a week?

Mr. Gismo: Now, Sam, Mr. Gismo: The trouble

don’t get excited. The aver­ with you, my boy, is that
age salary is $600. I’ll prove you don’t know the differ­
it to you. ence between average,
median, and mode.
Sam: Well, I know now.
And. . . I quit!

Statistical statements can be extremely paradoxical One more example: To attract retail businesses,
and at times downright deceptive. The story about the Chamber of Commerce boasts that the town’s
Mr. Gismo’s factory brings out a common source average per capita income is very high. Most
of misunderstanding about the differences people would take this to imply that a majority of
between the mean, the median, and the mode. the town’s citizens are in high-income brackets.
The word average is usually an abbreviation for But if one billionaire happens to live in the town,
“arithmetic mean.” It is a valuable statistical the other residents could all have low incomes and
measure. If, however, there are a few extreme the “average” per capita income would still be
values, such as the high salaries of the top two high.
men in Mr. Gismo’s factory, the “average” salary The reporting of statistics is made even more
can convey a false impression. confusing by the fact that the word average is
It is easy to find similar situations in which a sometimes used, not for an arithmetic mean, but
statement about the “average” is equally for the median or the mode. The median is the
misleading. For example, a newspaper reports that value in the middle of a list of values arranged in
a man has drowned in a river that has an average order of magnitude. If there is an odd number of
depth of only 2 feet. Is this surprising? Not when items on the list, the median is simply the middle
you learn that he drowned in one of the few value. If there is an even number, the median is
spots where the depth is more than 10 feet. customarily taken as the arithmetic mean of the
A corporation may report that its policies are two values in the middle.
democratically controlled by stockholders because The median is a more useful measure to Sam
its fifty stockholders have altogether 600 votes, or than the arithmetic mean, but even the median
an average of 12 votes per person. If, however, gives a distorted picture of the firm’s salaries. What
forty-five stockholders have only 4 votes each, Sam really needed to know was the mode— the
and five persons have 84 votes each, the average value that appears most often on a list. In this
is still 12 votes per person, but five people have case, the mode is the salary paid to more people
complete control of the corporation. in the firm than any other salary. It is sometimes
called the “typical case” because it occurs more
often than any other. In our last example, a
“typical” family in a town— one that represents
the income mode— may be very poor, even
though the town’s average income, due to a small
number of very wealthy people, is very high.

Mother of the Year

Later in the year Sam’s wife Another common misconception about an

received an award from the
town’s mayor. She had
“average” is that actual instances of the average
been named the mother of must exist. After seeing this episode, in which we
the year.
learn that there is no average family of 2l/z
children, you should have no difficulty thinking of
other instances in which the average value is not
represented by any individual case. Can you, for
example, toss a die and obtain the average
number of spots a tossed die shows in the long
Here are some other questions to ask yourself
to sharpen your understanding of the arithmetic
mean, median, and mode.
1. If the editor wants a photograph of a
“typical” family, in the sense of the mode, can the
photographer always find such a family? (Yes, the
The editor was pleased with typical case obviously exists).
the photograph. 2. Is it possible that there is more than one
Editor: Good work, Bas-
com. 1have a new assign­
mode? For example, could a family of two
ment. Get me a picture of children and a family of three children each be
the average-sized family in examples of a mode? (Yes, if the town had 1,476
this town.
families with two children, and 1,476 families with
three children, and all other families had more or
less children, then the town would have two types
of families, each a legitimate mode.)
Bascom was unable to do
this. Why? Because not a 3. If the editor wants a photograph of a median
single family in town was family, can he always find one? (Usually, but not
average! The computed
average number of children always. As we saw above, if there is an even
was 2V2. number of families in a town, and the two middle
families are not alike in the number of children,
then the median need not be an integer.)

Jumping to Conclusions

Statistics show that most car A research study showed

accidents occur when cars that children with big feet
travel at moderate speeds, could spell better than
and that very few accidents those with small feet. Does
occur at speeds of more this mean that the size of
than 150 kilometers per one’s foot is a measure of
hour. Does this mean it is one’s ability to spell?
safer to drive at higher

Not at all. Statistical rela­ It does not. The study

tionships often have noth­ included growing children.
ing to do with cause and All it showed was that older
effect. Most people drive at children, who, of course,
moderate speeds, so natu­ have bigger feet, spell better
rally most accidents occur at than younger ones.
moderate speeds.

If statistics showed that

more people died of tuber­
culosis in Arizona than in
any other state, would that
mean that Arizona’s climate
favored getting TB?

Quite the contrary.

Arizona’s climate is so help­
ful to TB victims that thou­
sands of them go there.
Naturally this would raise
the average number of TB

These three episodes underscore the importance 5. A recent study showed that most great
of not jumping to conclusions about cause and mathematicians were eldest sons. Does this mean
effect when you hear of a statistical correlation. that first-born sons are more likely to have
Here are a few more instances: mathematical ability than sons bom later? No, it
1. It is often said that most car accidents occur simply reflects the surprising fact that most sons
near the home. Does this mean that travel on are eldest sons.
highways, many miles from home, is safer than The last example suggests some interesting
driving around town? No. The statistics simply experiments. Survey your male friends to see if
reflect the fact that a car is more often driven near more than half are eldest sons. Do the same with
one’s home than on distant highways. your female friends to see what proportion are
2. A study showed that a certain state ranked eldest daughters.
high both in the proportion of people who drink Or a thought experiment. Consider a
milk and in the proportion of people who die of population in which 100 families each have two
cancer. Does this indicate that drinking milk causes children. What fraction of the boys (or girls) will
cancer? No. The state also ranked high in the be eldest sons (or daughters)? (Answer: 3/4).
proportion of people who are elderly. Since Compute the fraction in a population of 100
cancer is commonly an affliction of the aged, this families, each with three children. (Answer: 7/12.)
is what raised the proportion of cancer deaths. It goes without saying that in families of only one
3. A study showed that in a certain city there child, that child will be the eldest.
was a sharp rise both in deaths from heart failure The exact percentage of eldest children of one
and in the consumption of beer. Could it be that sex obviously will vary with the sizes of families in
beer drinking increases the probability of a heart the population under consideration, but for all
attack? No. The increase in both cases was the populations it is over 1/2 and for most populations
result of a rapid rise in population. By the same the figure is well over 1/2.
reasoning, heart attacks could be attributed to These examples may stimulate you to look for
hundreds of other things: increased consumption other instances of statistical statements that are
of coffee, increased chewing of gum, increased easily misinterpreted with respect to cause and
playing of bridge, increased television watching. effect. Modem advertising, especially television
4. A study showed that at the same time a commercials, is a rich source of such misleading
certain European city had a large increase in assertions.
population, there was a large increase in the
number of stork nests in the city. Does this support
the belief that storks bring babies? No, it reflected
the fact that as the number of buildings increased,
there were more places in the city where storks
could nest.

The Small-World Paradox

Many people these days Most people are very surprised when they meet a
believe that coincidences
are caused by stars or other
stranger, especially if far from home, and discover
occult forces. that they have a friend in common. A group of
social scientists at MIT, led by Ithiel de Sola Pool,
made a study of this “small-world paradox.” They
found that if two people in the United States are
selected at random, on the average each person
will know about 1000 people. This gives a
For example, suppose two probability of about 1 in 100,000 that they will
strangers meet on an air­ know each other. The probability rises sharply to
Jim: So you’re from about 1 in 100 that they have one friend in
Boston! My old friend Lucy common. The probability that they are connected
Jones is an attorney there.
Tom: What a small world! by a chain of two intermediates (as in the dialog
She’s my wife’s best friend! at left) is actually better than 99 in 100! In other
Is this sort of thing an words, if Brown and Smith are two persons in the
unlikely coincidence? Statis­
ticians have proved it is not. United States picked at random, the chances are
almost certain that Brown will know someone who
knows someone who knows Smith.
Psychologist Stanley Milgram approached the
small-world problem by selecting a random group
of “starting persons.” Each was given a document
to transmit to a “target person” (unknown to the
starting person) who lived in a distant state. This
was to be done by mailing the document to a
friend (someone known on a first-name basis)
who seemed most likely to know the target
person, and the friend in turn would mail it to
another friend, until finally it reached someone
who knew the target person. Milgram found that
the number of intermediate links, before the docu­
ment reached the target person, varied from 2 to 10,
with the median at 5. When people were asked
how many intermediate links would probably
be necessary, most of them guessed about 100.
Milgram’s study shows how tightly people are
joined by a network of mutual friends. Thus, it is
not surprising that two strangers, meeting far from
home, will have a mutual acquaintance. The
network also explains other unusual statistical
phenomena, such as the speed with which gossip,
sensational news, confidential information, and
jokes are transmitted.
What's Your Sign?

These four people are You might think so, but actually it will happen
meeting for the first time.
Would it be a remarkable about four times out of ten. Assume that each of
coincidence if at least two the four people could have been bom, with equal
have the same astrological
probability, under any 1 of the 12 signs of the
zodiac. What is the probability that at least two of
the people will have the same sign?
Let’s model the problem with a deck of cards.
Remove all the kings. The deck will then consist of
12 values for each of the four suits. Let each suit
represent a person, and each value represent a
zodiac sign. If we select at random a card from
each suit, what is the probability that at least two
cards will match in value? This will be the same as
the probability that at least two of the four
strangers will have identical astrological signs.
The simplest way to solve this problem is to
calculate the probability that no two card values
are alike. Subtracting this from 1 will give the
probability we seek.
If we consider two suits, say hearts and spades,
the probability of no match is 11/12 because there
is only one chance in 12 that a heart and a spade
will have the same value. The probability that a
club will differ in value from the other two cards is
10/12, and the probability that a diamond will
differ from the other three cards is 9/12. The
product of these three fractions gives us the
probability that none of the four cards match. It is
55/96. Subtracting this from 1 gives 41/96, or a
probability of about 4/10 that at least two of the
four persons will have the same sign. This is
almost 1/2, so such a coincidence is not surprising.

This is a variation of the well-known birthdate 3. What is the smallest number of people for
paradox. If 23 people meet at random, the whom the probability is better than 1/2 that at
probability is a trifle better than 1/2 that at least least two are bom on the same day of the week?
two will be bom on the same day of the same (Answer: 4. The probability of a match is 223/343
month. The calculation proceeds as before, except or about 0.65.)
that now we have 22 fractions to be multiplied: 4. What is the smallest number of people for
whom the probability is better than 1/2 that at
364 363 362 343
least one of them has the same birthdate as
365 X 365 X 365 X X 365
yours? (Answer: 253. It is not 183, as it would be
The probability is 1 minus the product, or if everyone had a birthdate unlike anyone else.)
0.5073 + , a trifle better than 1/2. Confirming this
figure is easy with a pocket calculator. The
probability of a matching birthdate rises rapidly if
there are more than 23 persons. Among 30
people the probability is about 7/10 that at least
two will have identical birthdates. Among 100
persons the odds are higher than 3 million to 1.
Some questions you might think about:
1. How many presidents of the United States
have the same birthdate? How many have the
same date of death? How do these results
compare with theoretical expectation?
2. What is the smallest number of people for
whom the probability is better than 1/2 that at
least two are bom in the same month? (Answer: 5.
The probability of a match is 89/144 or about

Patterns in Pi

The digits of tt seem The digits of tt are not random in the sense of
random, but look what
being randomly generated, but they are “random”
happens starting at the
710,100th decimal digit in the sense that they are patternless.
Seven 3’s in a row! Mathematicians have subjected the decimal
expansion of tt to all sorts of tests to discover any
“order” in the digits, but without success. In this
sense tt is as disordered as digits obtained by a
spinner that can stop at any digit from 0 to 9.
The actual odds against a run of seven 3’s in tt,

starting at any given random spot in its decimal

expansion, are high. The odds are 9,999,995 to 1
against such a run. Therefore, that this run occurs
in the first 710,106 decimal digits of tt may at first
seem surprising. But if we are searching tt for any
sort of unusual pattern of 7 digits, the probability
of finding such a pattern goes up. Scores of other
patterns would have been equally surprising:
4444444, or 8888888, or 1212121, or 1234567,
or 7654321. Since we do not know in advance
what sort of pattern we are looking for, it is a good
bet that we can discover some kind of unusual
pattern. The only limit is our ingenuity in
searching for such patterns. As Aristotle once put
it, the improbable is extremely probable.

Jason and the Sun

This man has written the These two amusing coincidences underscore the
initial letters of the months,
j for January, F for Febru­
truth of Aristotle’s dictum. Another way to
ary, and so on. Is the word demonstrate the probability of the improbable is
j a s o n a coincidence?
with a spinner that randomly selects a letter of the
alphabet. If you pick a word of, say, three letters
and bet that it will appear as a consecutive
sequence of letters obtained by 100 spins, it
would be an unfavorable bet. But if you bet on
Here are the first letters of the appearance of just any 3-letter dictionary
the nine planets according word, it would be a favorable bet.
to their distances from the
sun. M for Mercury, V for You can use such a spinner to select letters,
Venus, and so on. Is the writing them down one at a time and seeing how
word S U N another coinci­
dence? long it takes until three consecutive letters form a
recognizable 3-letter word. Try for 4- and 5-letter
words. It is surprising how often such words occur.
A dramatic and weird touch can be added by
considering ways in which each word that you get
can be related to current events. “ Eva,” for
instance, may be the name of someone you know,
or the word “ hat” may remind you of someone
who lost a hat. Watch for combinations (FBI, IBM,
USA), abbreviations (Fla, Dec, Fri), and initials
(FDR, JFK). Connecting such “words” with events
is so easy that you can easily see how someone
might believe occult influences are at work in the
formation of these words!
The experiment explains why so many remark­
able coincidences occur in one’s lifetime. When
they happen, there is a strong tendency to believe
that mysterious forces are at work. To a statistician,
such coincidences are extremely probable. There
are millions and millions of ways that a coincidence
of some sort can arise in the multitude of events
that occur every day. Since the nature of the
coincidence is not specified in advance, it is like
the unspecified pattern of digits in tt or the
unspecified word that turns up when letters are
picked at random. When the coincidence takes
place, it always seems too improbable to have
occurred by chance. What we forget is that for
every such coincidence, billions of other possible
coincidences that might have occurred didn’t.
Crazy Clumps

Even a shuffled deck of The tendency of random events to “clump” in

cards will contain coinci­
various ways is a well-recognized phenomenon,
dences. For instance,
almost always there will be and entire books have been written about what
a clump of six or seven statisticians call clumping theory. The run of seven
cards of the same color.
3’s in ttis an example of random clumping. If you
keep flipping a penny, or spinning a roulette wheel
and recording the colors and numbers, you will
find similar examples of long runs turning up with
Stars clump in groups surprising frequency.
called constellations. Beans A striking experiment in clumping was
tossed on a surface tend to
form little clumps. There is discovered by A. D. Moore, an engineer at the
an old saying: “Bad luck University of Michigan. Moore calls it the
comes in threes.”
“nonpareil mosaic” because it uses large
quantities of nonpareils, a sugar candy
manufactured in the shape of tiny colored
spheres. Obtain enough red and enough green
nonpareils so that you can fill a glass bottle with
equal amounts of each. Shake the bottle until the
two colors are thoroughly mixed.
Inspect the sides of the bottle. You would expect
to see a homogeneous mix of colors, but instead
you see a beautiful mosaic made up of irregular
large red clumps interspersed with equally large
green clumps. The pattern is so unexpected that
even mathematicians, when they first see it,
believe that some sort of electrostatic effect is
causing spheres of like color to stick to one
another. Actually, nothing but chance is operating.
The mosaic is the normal result of random
If this seems hard to believe, try this simple
experiment. On a sheet of graph paper, outline a
20-by-20 square. Take each cell in turn and color
it red or green, choosing the color by flipping a
coin. When the 400-cell square is fully colored,
you will see the same kind of mosaic that
appeared on the sides of the bottle.

Nonmathematical factors often do enter into
dumping. If cars were spaced at random along a
freeway and observed from a helicopter, they
would appear in clumps, but their actual clumping
is much greater than can be explained by chance
because drivers tend not to pass cars moving at
about the same speed as they are moving and to
speed up when there are long open spaces ahead.
The positions of towns on a map, the sequences
of rainy days, patches of clover and crabgrass on a
lawn, and endless other things provide instances
of clumping that exceed what is caused by chance.

An Amazing Card Trick

Here’s an astonishing card This remarkable card trick is an example of how a

paradox related to clumping
theory. First arrange a deck
concealed mathematical structure will enter into
so that the colors alternate. clumping and produce a result that seems
miraculous. Magicians know it as the Gilbreath
principle after Norman Gilbreath, a mathematician
and amateur magician, who discovered it in 1958.
Since then, hundreds of clever card tricks have
been based on it.
Then cut the deck into two Here is an informal proof by mathematical
parts, making sure the bot­ induction of why it works. The deck is cut so that
tom cards are opposite
colors. the bottom cards of each half are different. After
the first card falls from a thumb to the table, the
bottom cards of the two halves will be the same
color, and opposite the color of the card that fell. It
makes no difference, therefore, which of these two
cards falls next. In either case, a card of opposite
Now shuffle one half into color will fall on top of the first card, producing a
the other with one thor­ pair on the table that do not match. The situation
ough riffle shuffle.
is now exactly the same as before. The bottom
cards of the two halves do not match. Whichever
card falls, both the remaining bottom cards will be
the same color, so irrespective of which card falls
next, a second pair of nonmatching cards goes to
the table. And so on for all the rest of the cards in
the deck.
Take the cards from the top
in pairs. In spite of the shuf­
fle, every pair will be red
and black!

A good way to present the trick to friends is For the ultimate generalization, arrange two
secretly to prearrange the deck so that the colors decks so the order of cards in one deck exactly
alternate. Ask someone to deal cards from the top matches the order of cards in the other. Put one
of the deck onto a pile until the pile contains deck on top of the other. Deal off the top to form
about 26 cards. (This is a way of making sure that a pile of about 52 cards. Shuffle the two “decks,”
the bottom cards of the two portions do not then divide the 104 cards exactly in half. Each half
match.) Let him riffle shuffle the two halves will be a complete deck!
together. Hold this “shuffled” deck under a table
so that no one, including yourself, can see the
cards. Tell your audience you can “feel” the colors
with your fingers, and that you will take the cards
from the deck in pairs so that each pair is a red
and black card. All you need do, of course, is
simply take the pairs from the top of the deck.
Can this remarkable principle be generalized to
produce other magic tricks? Try the following
procedure. Arrange the deck in a sequence of
suits, such as SHCD, SHCD, SHCD, and so on.
Deal from the top to form a pile of about 26 cards
(the exact number does not matter!). This dealing
automatically reverses the order of the cards. Now
riffle shuffle the two halves together. Take the
cards from the top in quadruplets. Each set of four
will contain one card of each suit!
For another surprise, arrange the deck in four
sets of 13 cards each, with the cards of each set in
the order of Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack,
queen, king, without regard to suits. Follow the
same procedure of dealing and shuffling as
before. Take the cards from the top in sets of 13.
Each will contain one card of each value!

The Voting Paradox

Suppose three persons— Mr. Clark: Two-thirds of

Abel, Bums, and Clark— the voters like me better
are running for president. than Abel!

'3 A B ]
•4 B C A 1
\ y, C A B

A poll shows that 2/3 of the

voters prefer A to B, and
2/3 prefer B to C. Will
most voters prefer A to C?

Not necessarily! If voters

rank the candidates as
shown, a startling paradox
arises. Let’s let the candi­
dates explain it.

Mr. Abel: Two-thirds of

the voters like me better
than Bums

r N Miss Bums: Two-thirds of

the voters like me better
than Clark.

A )/P\
A & c
k B c A
%C A B \J
This paradox, which goes back to the eighteenth Mathematician Paul Halmos proposed letting A ,
century, is a famous example of a nontransitive B, and C stand for apple, blueberry, and cherry
relation that can arise when people make pairwise pie. A restaurant offers only two of them at one
choices. The concept of transitivity applies to such time. Matrix rows show how a customer ranks the
relations as “taller than,” “greater than,” “less pies with respect to taste, freshness, and size of
than,” “equals,” “earlier than,” and “ heavier than.” slice. It is perfectly rational for such a customer to
In general, when a relation R that holds for xRy prefer apple to blueberry, blueberry to cherry, and
and yRz also holds for xRz, the relation is said to cherry to apple!
be transitive. For more on nontransitive paradoxes see the
The voting paradox boggles the mind because following articles in Scientific American: my
we expect the relation prefers always to be Mathematical Games column (October 1974),
transitive. If someone prefers A to B, and B to C, “The Choice of Voting Systems” by Richard G.
we naturally expect him or her to prefer A to C. Niemi and William H. Riker (June 1976), and
The paradox shows that this is not always the Lynn Steen’s Mathematical Games column on
case. A majority of voters prefer candidate A to B, voting systems (October 1980).
a majority prefer B to C, and a majority prefer C
to A. The situation is nontransitive! The paradox is
sometimes called the Arrow paradox after the
Nobel-Prize-winning economist Kenneth J. Arrow,
who showed from this and other logical
considerations that a perfect democratic voting
system is in principle impossible.
The paradox can arise in any situation in which
a decision must be made between three
alternatives that are ranked pairwise with respect
to three properties. Suppose A, B, and C are
three men who have proposed marriage to the
same woman. The rows of a matrix can be
interpreted to show how she ranks the three men
with three traits, such as intelligence, good looks,
and income. Taken by pairs, the woman may find
that she prefers A to B, B to C, and C to A!

Miss Lonelyhearts

Miss Lonelyhearts, a statisti­ Room

Her statistics for the West
cian, is tired of sitting home 0 © i group were similar. The
alone. proportion of mustached
Miss Lonelyhearts: I
- O ' 0 a swingers was 84/126. This
wish 1knew some men who a 0 was greater than 81/126 for
weren’t married. 1think I’ll 0 the cleanshaven swingers.
- B - - 0 0
join a group for single peo­
ple. 0 0

-© ♦ -ft

Miss Lonelyhearts joined Miss Lonelyhearts: How

two such groups. One eve­ simple! At both parties, I’ll
ning both groups had par­ have a better chance to
ties at Club Paradox. One meet a swinger if I look for
group met in the East men with mustaches.
Room, the other in the
West Room.

Miss Lonelyhearts: Some By the time Miss Lonely­

men have mustaches and hearts got to Club Paradox,
some don’t. Some men are the two groups had decided
swingers and some are to combine. Everybody had
squares. I’d like to meet a moved to the North Room.
swinger tonight. Should I
look for a man with a mus­

^ EastRoom ^ Miss Lonelyhearts made a Miss Lonelyhearts: What

Q 1 ; L statistical study of the men
in the East group. She
shall I do now? If a mus­
tached man is my best bet
Q '&T i 0 0 0
found that the proportion of
mustached swingers was
in each group, he should
still be the best bet. But I’d
0 ® '0~ 5/11 or 35/77. The propor­ better check out the com­
1 0 tion of cleanshaven swing­ bined party to make sure.
0 " @ 'Q ' ers was smaller. It was 3/7
or 33/77.

Miss Lonelyhearts: So— f NorTk Room When she finished her new
when I attend the East -0- spy 0 0 0 chart, she was flabber­
Room party, I’ll go after the -0 '0 - -0- 0 © Q gasted. The proportions
men with mustaches! 0 o Q had changed places1Now
0 0 0 her best bet was a man
0 0 0 without a mustache1
-0- -0- -0 0 □ 0
0 0 0
-Q ts'Hb ms 1

Miss Lonelyhearts: I had The curious paradox is easily modeled with
to change my tactics, and
they worked! But I still don’t playing cards. Red cards stand for swingers, black
understand it! cards for squares. A large X on the back of a card
symbolizes a mustache. N o X on the back
indicates no mustache.
Put an X on the back of five red cards and six
black cards. To these cards add three red and four
black that do not have X’s. Thus there are 18
cards altogether. They represent the men in the
East Room party.
Shuffle the 18 cards and spread them backs up.
If you wish to maximize your chances of drawing a
red card, should you pick one with an X or one
without an X? It is easy to calculate the odds, as
shown in the pictures, to see that your chance of
picking a red card is best if you take an X card.
The men in the West Room party are modeled
in the same way. Put X’s on the backs of six red
cards and three black cards. To these cards add
nine red and five black without X’s. There are 23
cards in all. Shuffle and spread backs up. Again, it
is easy to show that if you wish to draw a red card,
your success is maximized by taking an X card.
Now combine the two sets into a deck of 41
cards. Shuffle and spread. It is hard to believe, but
if you perform the calculations correctly you will
find that, if you wish to draw a red card, your
chances now are higher if you select a card
without an X!

Paradoxes like this can arise when statisticians However, when the same data were examined
analyze such data as the result of drug testing. For to determine in which departments the
example, let the cards stand for the persons who discrimination occurred, it turned out, in essence,
participated in two research tests. Let X indicate a that in each department women had a greater
person given the drug, no X indicates a person chance of being accepted than men! How can this
given a placebo. Red cards are persons who be explained? The paradox arose because a far
improved, black cards are persons who did not. higher percentage of women sought graduate
Each test, separately analyzed, will indicate that work in difficult subjects that had high rejection
the drug had a more favorable effect than the rates. Taken major by major, a woman’s chance to
placebo. But when the results of both tests are do graduate work was better than a man’s. Only
combined, the analysis indicates that the placebo when all the data were combined did the bias
had the more favorable effect! The paradox shows swing the other way. Was the university
how difficult it is to design tests for which the exonerated by uncovering the source of the
statistical results are always trustworthy. paradox? Perhaps, but one wonders if a scheme
An instance of this paradox occurred at the might be devised to make it more difficult to do
University of California, Berkeley, in 1973, in graduate work in those subjects women tend to
connection with a study of possible sex bias in choose.
graduate school admissions. About 44 percent of
men applying for graduate work were admitted,
whereas only 35 percent of women were
admitted. Since the qualifications of the men and
women were roughly the same, this seemed a
clear case of sex bias.

Hempel’s Ravens

A famous paradox about Scientist: Aha! I’ve found

black crows shows that Miss a non-black object— a yel­
Lonelyhearts is in good com­ low caterpillar. It’s definitely
pany. Even the experts are not a crow, therefore it con­
still trying to understand it. firms the law. “All non­
black objects are not
crows.” So it must also con­
firm the equivalent law “All
crows are black.”

If only three or four crows It is easy to find millions of

are observed to be black, non-black objects that are
the scientific law that says: not crows. Are they, too,
“All crows are black” is confirming instances of the
weakly confirmed. If mil­ law: “All crows are black” ?
lions of crows are seen to
be black, it is strongly con­

Crow: Caw, caw! I’m a Professor Carl Hempel,

non-black crow. As long as who invented this famous
they never find me, they’ll paradox, believes that a
never know their law is purple cow actually does
false. slightly increase the proba­
bility that all crows are
black. Other philosophers
disagree What’s your opin­

What about a yellow cater­

pillar? Could it be a con­
firming instance of the law?

To answer this, let’s first

state the law in a different
but logically equivalent
form: “All non-black objects
are not crows.”

This is the most notorious of many paradoxes Yet if we do not have such additional
about confirmation theory that have been knowledge, finding a non-raven that is non-black
discovered in recent times. “The prospect of being does, in a theoretical sense, count as a confirming
able to investigate ornithological theories without instance of the hypothesis that ravens are black.
going out in the rain,” remarks Nelson Goodman Opponents of Hempel like to point out that
(see the next paradox), “is so attractive that we finding, say, a yellow caterpillar or a purple cow,
know there must be a catch to it.” by the same reasoning, must also be a confirming
The problem is to find the catch. Hempel’s instance of the law, “all ravens are white.” How
belief is that observing a non-black object that is can the same object confirm “all ravens are black”
not a raven actually does confirm “all ravens are and “all ravens are white” simultaneously? The
black,” but only to an infinitesimal degree. literature on Hempel’s paradox is enormous; the
Consider the testing of a hypothesis about a small paradox has a central role in the debate about
number of objects, such as ten playing cards that confirmation of knowledge, which is the subject of
are face down on a table. The hypothesis is that the Scientific American article “Confirmation” by
all the black cards are spades. We start turning the Wesley C. Salmon (May 1973).
cards face up, one by one. Clearly, each time we
turn over a black spade we have found a
confirming instance.
Now we express the same hypothesis in
different words: “All non-spade cards are red.”
Each card we turn that is not a spade, and that
also is red, certainly confirms the theory as first
stated. Indeed, if the first card is a black spade and
all the other nine cards are red non-spades, we
know the hypothesis is true.
The reason why this procedure seems strange
when we apply it to non-ravens that are not black,
says Hempel, is that the class of objects on earth
that are not ravens is so enormously large
compared to the number of ravens that the degree
to which a non-raven that is not black confirms
our hypothesis is negligible. Moreover, if we look
around a room for non-ravens, already knowing
there are no ravens in the room, we should not be
surprised to find no non-black ravens in the room.

Goodman’s Grue

Another famous paradox of The Hempel and Goodman paradoxes show how
confirmation theory is
little we understand the precise way in which
based on the fact that many
objects change color at statistics enters into the scientific method. We do
some point in time. Green know that without this invaluable tool, science
apples ripen to red, hair
turns white in old age, silver could not continue its eternal quest for the laws
tarnishes. that control our mysterious universe.

Nelson Goodman calls an

object “grue” if it fulfills two
conditions. First, it is green
until the end of this century.
Second, it is blue after that.

Now consider two different

laws: “All emeralds are
green,” and “all emeralds
are grue.” Which law is best

Strangely enough, both are

equally confirmed! Every
observation ever made of
an emerald is a confirming
instance of each law, and
no one has ever observed a
counterinstance! It is not
easy to explain exactly why
one law is accepted and the
other is not.

© 1981 Scott Kim

Paradoxes about motion, supertasks, time travel,

and reversed time
From the smallest subatomic particle to the largest The bicycle wheel paradox involves the cycloid
galaxy, the universe is in a constant state of curve, a splendid introduction to curves more
change, its incredible patterns altering every complicated than the conic-section curves.
microsecond in the inexorable “flow” of time. The frustrated skier dramatizes the power of
(1 put “flow” inside quotation marks because it is simple algebra to prove an unexpected result.
really the universe that flows. To say that time Zeno’s paradoxes, the rubber rope, supertasks,
flows is as meaningless as saying length extends.) and the trotting dog all introduce the concept of
It is hard to imagine an actual world without limit, so essential to the understanding of calculus
time. An object that existed only for zero seconds and all higher mathematics. Their resolution relies
would not exist at all. Or could it? In any case, the on Georg Cantor’s theory of infinite sets, which we
flow of the universe is uniform enough to permit encountered in Chapter 2.
measurements, and with measurements come The worm on the rope is solved by using a
numbers and equations. Pure mathematics may famous series, the harmonic series.
be thought of as “timeless,” but in applied The paradoxes about backward time, tachyons,
mathematics, from simple algebra to calculus and and time travel introduce fundamental concepts
beyond, vast areas deal with problems in which essential to the understanding of relativity theory.
time is a fundamental variable. The trick for avoiding time-travel paradoxes,
This chapter brings together a variety of famous by assuming forking paths and parallel worlds,
paradoxes about time and motion. Some of them, will introduce you to a strange approach in
such as Zeno’s paradoxes, were hotly debated by quantum mechanics called the “many-worlds
the ancient Greeks. Others such as the “dilation” interpretation.”
of time in relativity theory, and the infinity The final paradox about the conflict between
machines that perform “supertasks,” are products determinism and indeterminism offers a brief
of this century. All of them should whet your glimpse into one of the great perennial problems
appetite for paradoxes and for mathematics as of philosophy.
Here are some of the ways in which the
paradoxes can serve as jumpoff points into serious
mathematics and science:

Carroll’s Crazy Clocks

Which clock keeps the best Lewis Carroll was the pen name of Charles L.
time? A clock that loses a
minute a day or one that Dodgson, who taught mathematics at Christ
doesn’t run at all? Church, one of the colleges of Oxford University,
England. His account of the two clocks can be
found in The Complete Works o f Lewis Carroll
and in many other collections of Carroll’s writings.
How did Carroll determine how often the slow-
running clock is correct? Since the clock loses a
Lewis Carroll argued this minute a day, it will be correct again after losing
way: 12 hours, which it does in 720 days.
Carroll: The clock that
loses a minute a day is cor­
rect once every 2 years.
The stopped clock is correct
twice every 24 hours. So
the stopped clock keeps the
best time. Do you agree?

Alice is puzzled.
Alice: I know the stopped
clock is right whenever it’s 8
o’clock. But how do I know
when it’s exactly 8?

Carroll: That’s easy to

answer, my dear. You just
stand by the stopped clock
with a pistol in your hand.

Carroll: Keep your eyes

on the clock. At the precise
instant the clock is correct,
fire the pistol. Everyone
who hears the shot will
know it is exactly 8.

The Perplexing Wheel

Lewis Carroll’s clock para­ When the speeds of the tops and bottoms of
dox is just a nonsense joke,
but here is one that isn’t. rolling wheels are compared, it is, of course, their
Did you know that the tops ground speeds that one has in mind. One of the
of bicycle wheels move
best ways to explain this paradox is to consider
faster than the bottoms?
the curve called the cycloid. The cycloid curve is
generated by any point on the rim of a wheel as
the wheel rolls along a straight line. When the
point is touching the ground, its speed is zero. As
That’s why the spokes in the wheel rolls, the point’s speed accelerates,
the upper half are blurred reaching its maximum when it is the top of the
when a bicycle goes by.
wheel. It then decelerates until it returns to zero
speed when it touches the ground again. On
wheels with flanges, such as the wheels of trains, a
point on the flange actually moves backward in a
tiny loop below the level of the track.
The cycloid has many beautiful mathematical
Let’s look at two positions and mechanical properties that are discussed in
of the wheel as it moves Chapter 13, “The Cycloid: Helen of Geometry” in
along. Point A near the top
my Sixth B ook o f Mathematical Games from
has gone much farther than
point B near the bottom. Scientific American. The chapter explains how to
Speed is distance traveled draw a cycloid by rolling a coffee can.
per unit time, therefore
point A has gone much Constructing this curve and working out its
faster than point B. Right? equation can give better appreciation of its
elegance and its unusual properties.

The Frustrated Skier

Skier: What a great day At first you may think that this paradox depends
for skiing! I sure wish this
lift moved faster than 5
on the distance up and down the slope. This
kilometers per hour. variable, however, is not relevant to the problem.
If the skier wants to raise his The skier goes a certain distance up the slope at a
average speed to 10 kilom­
eters per hour for the round certain speed. He wants to come down at a speed
trip up and down the slope, that will double his average speed for the round
how fast must he ski down?
trip. But in order to do this, he must go twice the
original distance in the same length of time it took
15 kilometers per hour? him to go up. Clearly, to do this he must come
60? 100? It’s hard to down the slope in no time at all. Since this is
believe, but the only way
he can raise his average to impossible, there is no way that he can raise his
10 is by skiing down in zero average speed from 5 to 10 kilometers per hour.
This is easily proved by elementary algebra.

Zeno’s Paradoxes

The ancient Greeks Zeno devised a famous par­

invented many paradoxes adox about Achilles. The
about time and motion. warrior wants to catch a tur­
One of the most famous is tle 1 kilometer away.
Zeno’s argument about a

Zeno’s runner reasoned: When Achilles gets to the

Runner: Before I get to spot where the turtle had
the finish line, I must pass been, the turtle has moved
the halfway point. Then I ahead about 10 meters.
must reach the 3/4 mark,
which is half the remaining

Runner: And before I run But when Achilles goes the

the final quarter, 1have to 10 meters, the turtle has
reach another halfway moved ahead again.
mark. These halfway marks Turtle: You’ll never catch
never end. I’ll never get me, old pal. Whenever you
there! reach the spot where 1last
was, I’ll always be ahead by
some distance, even if it’s
less than a hair!

Suppose the runner takes 1 Zeno knew, of course, that

minute to go each half-seg­ Achilles could catch the tur­
ment. This time-distance tle. He was simply showing
graph shows how he gets the paradoxical conse­
closer and closer to the goal quence of viewing time and
but never reaches it. Could space as made up of an
his argument be right? infinite number of discrete
points that follow one
another like beads on a

No, because the runner

does not take a minute for
each half-segment. Each
segment is run in half the
time it takes for the preced­
ing one. He’ll reach the
goal in just 2 minutes even
though he must pass an
infinity of halfway points.

In both of these paradoxes we must think of the Cantor’s theory allows one to treat infinite sets
runners as being equivalent to points moving with of points in space, or events in time, as completed
uniform speed along a straight line. Zeno knew wholes rather than simply a collection of isolated
that a point moving from A to B does indeed get individual points and events. At the heart of
there. Zeno’s paradoxes were designed to bring Zeno’s paradoxes is the impossibility of viewing
out the difficulty encountered when one tries to segments of space and time as made up of an
explain motion by breaking a line into distinct infinity of members that nevertheless are as
points that lie “ next” to one another, and time into discrete and separate from one another as
distinct instants that follow “after” one another. footsteps in the snow. The resolution of his
Merely to show, as we did, that the runner does paradoxes demands a theory like Cantor’s, which
reach B because the time required to run each unites our intuitive notion of individual points and
new half-segment is half the time required to run events with a systematic theory of infinite sets.
the previous one, would not have satisfied Zeno.
He would have replied that just as there is always
another halfway point on the line to be reached,
so there is always another halfway instant of time
to be reached. In brief, the argument Zeno
applied to the line can also be applied to the time
sequence. The time gets closer and closer to 2
minutes, but there always remains an infinity of
instants yet to go. The same is true of the paradox
of Achilles and the turtle. At every step in the
infinite process, there always remains an infinity of
“next” steps to be made in both space and time.
Many philosophers of science agree with
Bertrand Russell’s famous discussion of Zeno’s
paradoxes in the sixth lecture of his book Our
Knowledge o f the External World. Russell argues
that Zeno’s paradoxes were not effectively
answered until Georg Cantor developed his theory
of infinite sets.

The Rubber Rope

r N Here’s a new paradox that The key to this problem is understanding that the
Zeno didn’t think of. A
worm is at one end of a rope stretches uniformly like a rubber band. This
rubber rope. The rope is 1 means that the worm is carried forward with the
kilometer long.
i km
A good way to solve the puzzle is to measure
the worm’s progress after each second as a
v J fraction of the rope’s length after that second.
When the sum of these fractions is 1, the worm
The worm crawls along the has come to the end of its rope.
rope at a steady pace of 1 There are 100,000 centimeters in a kilometer,
centimeter per second.
After the first second, the so at the end of the first second the worm has
rope stretches like a rubber traveled (1/100,000)th of the rope’s length. After
band to 2 kilometers. After
the next second the worm crawls forward another
the next second, it stretches
to 3 kilometers, and so on. centimeter. This distance covers an additional
Will the worm ever reach (1/200,000)th of the rope’s new length of 2
K J the end of its rope?
kilometers. After the third second the worm has
s N Your intuition tells you that gone an additional (1/300,000)th of the rope’s
the worm will never reach length of 3 kilometers, and so on. After k seconds
the end. But it does! How
long does it take?
the worm’s progress, expressed as a fraction of the
entire rope, is

1 A 1 1 1 ... !\
100,000 \ l + 2 + 3 + 4 + + Jc/
The series inside the parentheses is known as
the harmonic series. Notice that the sum of the
terms from 1/2 through 1/4— that is, the sum of
1/3 and 1/4— exceeds 2 x 1 / 4 = 1/2. Similarly,
the sum of the terms from 1/4 out through 1/8
exceeds 4 x 1 / 8 = 1/2. Thus the sum of the
series from 1/1 out through l/2fcalways exceeds
k x 1/2 = k!2, as you can see by bunching the
terms. First take the sum of two terms, then the
sum of the next four, then the next eight, and so
on. The partial sum of the harmonic series can be
made as large as one desires.

The worm will reach the end of the rope before Regardless of the problem’s parameters, which
2200,000 seconds. A more refined estimate is e 100000 are the initial length of the rope, the worm’s
seconds, where e is the basis of the natural speed, and how much the rope stretches after
logarithms (e is an irrational number slightly larger each unit of time, the worm always reaches the
than 2.7). This gives both the elapsed time in rope’s end in a finite time. Good problems arise
seconds and the rope’s length in kilometers. by altering the way the rope stretches. For
For the precise formula for determining a partial example, what happens if the rope stretches in a
sum of the harmonic series, see “Partial Sums of geometric progression, say by doubling its length
the Harmonic Series” by R. P. Boas, Jr., and J. M. after each second? In this case, the worm never
Wrench, Jr., in American Mathematical Monthly gets to the rope’s end.
(vol. 78, October 1971, pp. 864-870). The final
length of the rope proves to be enormously longer
than the diameter of the known universe, and the
time it takes the worm to reach the end vastly
exceeds the estimated age of the universe. Of
course, the problem is about an idealized worm
that represents a point on an idealized rope. A real
worm would die after barely getting started on the
trip, and a real rope would have to stretch so thin
that it would consist of molecules separated by
inconceivably vast spaces.


Philosophers are now argu­ Philosophers of science are not yet agreed on how
ing about a new class of
time paradoxes called to clear up paradoxes involving “supertasks”—
supertasks. One of the sim­ tasks performed by what are called “infinity
plest involves a lamp. A
pushbutton turns it on and
machines.” The lamp paradox is known as the
off. Thomson lamp after James F. Thomson who first
wrote about it. Everyone agrees that a Thomson
lamp cannot be constructed, but that’s not the
point. The point is whether the lamp is logically
The lamp is turned on for 1 conceivable if certain assumptions are made.
minute, then off for 1/2 Some argue that the lamp is a meaningful
minute, on for 1/4 minute,
and so on. This series ends “thought experiment.” Others contend that it is
in just 2 minutes. After it nonsense.
ends, will the lamp be on or
The paradox is disturbing because there seems
to be no logical reason why the lamp, like Zeno’s
runner, cannot complete an infinite sequence of
ons and offs. If Zeno’s runner can cover an infinity
Every odd push of the but­ of halfway points in 2 minutes, why cannot the
S'/ O/ OA'
:Q ' ~9: '9 ' '9 ' ton turns the lamp on. lamp’s idealized switch be turned an infinity of
^ if A Every even push turns it off.
t f f f If the lamp is on at the fin­
times to end the sequence in exactly 2 minutes?
But if the lamp can do this, it seems to prove that
I Z 3 4 5 6 7.. ish, it means the last count­
ing number is odd. If off at
^ + I there is a “last” counting number, which is absurd.
the finish, the last number is
9Q 0| 90 even. But there is no last The philosopher Max Black has given the same
counting number. The lamp paradox in the form of an infinity machine that
must be on or off, but there
is no way to know which! transfers a marble from tray A to tray B in 1
minute, then in 1/2 minute it puts the marble back
on tray A, and in the next 1/4 minute it puts the
marble on B, and so on in the same time-halving
series as before. This series converges and ends
precisely after 2 minutes. Where is the marble? If it
is on either tray, it implies that the last counting
number is odd or even. Since there is no last
counting number, both possibilities seem to be
eliminated. But if the marble is not on a tray,
where is it?
If you are interested in supertasks, you will find
the basic papers reprinted in Z en o ’s Paradoxes, a
collection of essays edited by Wesley C. Salmon,
and the paradoxes analyzed at length in Adolf
Griinbaum’s M odem Science and Z en o ’s

Mary, Tom, and Fido

Here’s a supertask per­ Mary: Fido trots at 8

formed by a dog. At the kilometers per hour, so in a
start, Fido is with his master quarter of an hour he’s
Tom. Mary is 1 kilometer gone a quarter of that dis­
away. tance, or 2 kilometers.
Tom: By golly, you’re
right! I don’t even need this

Tom and Mary walk toward Suppose that Tom, Mary,

each other at 2 kilometers and Fido start at the middle
per hour. Fido, who loves of the same path. Tom and
them equally, trots back Mary walk backward at the
and forth between them at same rate as before, while
8 kilometers per hour. Fido trots back and forth
Assume that he makes each between them. When Tom
turn instantaneously. and Mary reach the ends of
the path, where is Fido?

Fido’s path is easy to follow It seems impossible, but the

on this time-distance dog can be anywhere
graph. When Tom and between Tom and Mary! If
Mary meet at the center, is you don’t believe it, put
Fido facing Tom or Mary? Fido at any spot between
them and start the event
forward in time. At the fin­
ish, all three will be together
at the center.

That question is as impossi­

ble to answer as whether
the lamp is on or off. But
we can help Tom figure out
how far the dog has run.
Tom: Dam it, Mary, I’ve
got to sum a complicated
series of zigs and zags.

Mary: No you don’t, you

dummy. We each walk 2
kilometers per hour, so we
each go half a kilometer in
15 minutes. Since we
started 1 kilometer apart,
we met at the end of 15

The first problem, in which Mary and Tom walk For a more detailed discussion of this paradox,
toward each other while Fido trots back and forth see Wesley Salmon’s analysis in the Mathematical
between them, is a classic problem that has many Games department of Scientific American,
different story lines. Sometimes it is a bird that December 1971. This problem and the previous
flies back and forth between two approaching paradoxes about supertasks and runners are
locomotives, sometimes a fly that buzzes back and descriptive introductions to the concept of limit as
forth between two approaching bicycles. well as applications of summing a geometric
A story is told about the eminent Hungarian series.
mathematician, John Von Neumann. Someone Fido’s zigzag path is similar to the path of a
gave him a version of this problem. Von bouncing ball. Here is a simple bouncing ball
Neumann thought a moment before he supplied problem. Suppose an ideal ball is dropped from a
the correct answer. The person who presented the height of 1 meter. It always bounces to one-half its
problem congratulated him. “Most people,” he previous height. If each bounce takes a second,
said, “think they have to solve it the hard way by the ball will bounce forever. But, like Zeno’s
summing an infinite series of path segments.” Von runner, the lamp, the marble machine, and Fido,
Neumann looked surprised. “But that’s what I each segment of the ball’s path is covered in less
did,” he said. time than the previous one. In this case each
Which way is Fido facing by the time Mary and successive bounce takes 1/V2 times the length of
Tom meet? This is similar to asking whether the the previous bounce. The time sequences also
Thomson lamp is on or off, or whether the marble converge to a limit, which means that the ball
is in tray A or B. It seems as if the dog must be stops bouncing after a finite time, even though it
facing either Tom or Mary, but in each case the makes (in theory) an infinite number of bounces.
answer implies that the last counting number, The ball travels a distance of 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + •*
applied to the infinite sequence of zigs and zags, is + 1/n = 2 meters.
either odd or even. Suppose the ball always bounces to one-third
When we time-reverse the process by starting its previous height. How far does it travel before it
with Mary, Tom, and Fido in the center of the comes to rest?
path, and move Mary and Tom backward while
Fido runs back and forth as before, another
paradox arises. Our intuition tells us that if a well-
defined procedure is time-reversed, in the sense
that all the motions go the other way, we must
end exactly as we started. The curious thing about
this case is that the procedure is no longer well-
defined when it is time-reversed. When the event
goes forward in time, it ends with Fido exactly at
the center. But when the same event is run
backward, Fido’s position at the finish cannot be
determined. The dog can be at any point along
the path.

Can Time Go Backward?

When certain motions are We cannot see the future,

reversed, such as a person but we can look into the
walking backward or a car past. When you see a star a
going backward, it almost thousand light-years away,
seems as if time has been you are seeing it the way it
reversed. looked a thousand years

This familiar song. But seeing the past is not

the same as entering it. Will
it ever be possible to get
into a time machine and
actually visit the past or

. . . sounds funny when it is

played backward.

Most events in life are

impossible to reverse.

Time is like an arrow that

always points in the same
direction. Even when a
song is played backward,
the notes still follow one
another in forward time.

Consider what kinds of events can be “time- In recent years physicists and cosmologists have
reversed” in the sense of reversing the direction of been speculating about the possibility of events
motion, and what kinds cannot. A good way to going the “other way” in other universes. And
make the distinction clear is to suppose that an there is an interpretation of quantum mechanics,
event is being photographed by a motion picture by Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman, in which
camera. Later, the picture is shown on a screen, antiparticles are regarded as particles momentarily
but the film is run backward. What sort of events going backward in time! You can read about these
will seem to violate natural law when run fantastic speculations in the last four chapters of
backward? What sort will not? the second edition of my Ambidextrous Universe.
For example, a motion picture of a car moving
backward does not appear impossible. Perhaps
the driver is simply backing up his car. But a
motion picture of a diver coming feet first out of
the water and going back up to a diving board is
immediately recognized as a sign that a film has
been reversed. The same is true of a motion
picture that shows a broken egg coming together
again on the floor and hopping up to a person’s
hands. Such an event could never happen in the
actual world.
Even when an event is “time-reversed” by
changing the direction of motion, like playing a
record backward, the event is still going forward in
time. Arrows normally move in the direction they
are pointing. Suppose you saw an arrow travel
backward through the sky and end in an archer’s
bow. It would reach the bow at a later time than
when it was in midair. Sir Arthur Eddington once
compared time to a symbolic arrow that always
points in the same direction. Events in our
universe seem relentlessly to go from past to
future, never from future to past.

Time Machines

Professor Brown has just Hundreds of science fiction stories, motion

gone back 30 years in time.
He is looking at himself pictures, and television shows have been written
when he was a baby. about time travel to the past or future. The classic
Brown: Suppose I killed
this baby. Then there would story of this type is The Time Machine by H. G.
be no one to grow up and Wells.
become Professor Brown!
Would 1suddenly vanish?
Is time travel logically possible or does the
notion lead to contradictions? It is clear from the
paradoxes that if we assume there is one single
Now Professor Brown has universe, moving forward in time, any attempt to
traveled 30 years into the enter the past can lead to a logical absurdity.
future. He is carving his
name on an oak tree out­ Consider the first paradox, in which a time traveler
side his laboratory. enters his own past and sees himself as a baby. If
he kills the baby, he will both exist and not exist. If
the baby, which grew up to become Professor
Brown, is killed, then where does Professor Brown
come from?
The professor returned to The second paradox is more subtle. There is no
the present, and a few contradiction about Professor Brown going
years later decided to chop
down the oak tree. When forward in time and carving his name on the tree.
he finished, he became very The contradiction arises after he has returned to
the present— that is, after he has gone backward
in time. By chopping down the tree, he eliminates
it from the future. So we have a contradiction
again. At a certain time in the future, the tree both
exists and does not exist.
Brown: Hmmm. Three
years ago I went 30 years
into the future and carved
my name on this tree. What
will happen, 27 years from
now, when I arrive from the
past? There won’t be any
tree. Where did that tree
come from that 1carved my
name on?

The Tachyon Telephone

In recent years physicists This episode proves it is not necessary for a

have speculated about sub­
atomic particles called tach- person to move back in time to generate a
yons. Tachyons move faster paradox. If any sort of message or object is sent
than light. According to rel­
ativity theory, if tachyons back in time, contradictions can arise. For
exist they must also move example, Professor Brown might say to himself on
backward in time.
Monday: “Next Friday I will put my necktie in this
time machine and send it back to Tuesday, which
is tomorrow.” Sure enough, on Tuesday he finds
Professor Brown thinks he his tie in the machine. Suppose he then bums the
has invented a tachyon tele­ tie. When Friday arrives, there will be no tie to
phone for communicating
with his friend, Dr. Gamma, send back. Once more, the tie seems to both exist
in another galaxy. and not exist on Friday. It existed when Professor
Brown sent it back to Tuesday, but now it is Friday
again and there is no tie to send back!
Tachyons, however, are taken quite seriously by
many physicists. (See “Particles That G o Faster
Dr. Brown is telling his stu­ Than Light” by Gerald Feinberg, Scientific
dents about an experiment: American, February 1970.) According to relativity
Brown: Tomorrow at noon
I will ring Dr. Gamma on theory, the speed of light is an upper limit for
my tachyon phone. I’ll ask ordinary particles. Physicists have speculated,
him to hang up, count the
however, on the possible existence of particles,
number of helicopters out­
side his window, then call which Feinberg named tachyons, that always
me back with the number. move much faster than light. For tachyons, the
Assistant: It won’t work,
sir. speed of light is a lower limit. Relativity theory
makes it necessary to assume that such particles, if
Brown: And why not,
young lady? they exist, must move backward in time like the
Assistant: Because tach­ lady in the familiar limerick:
yons go back in time. Dr.
Gamma will get your call an
There was a young lady named Bright
hour before noon. His
return call will go back Who traveled much faster than light.
another hour, so you’ll get She set out one day
your answer 2 hours before In her relative way,
you ask the question! That’s And returned on the previous night.
not possible.
The telephone paradox does not prove that
tachyons cannot exist, but it does show that if they
do, there is no way they could be used for
communication. If there were, we would have the
logical contradiction explained above. For more
on this paradox and its implications for tachyon
research, see G. A. Benford, D. L. Book, and W.
A. Newcomb, “The Tachyon Antitelephone,”
(Physical Review, D, vol. 2, July 15, 1970).
Parallel Worlds

Science fiction writers have This forking universe theory

thought of a fantastic way has a lot of strange possibil­
to avoid time travel para­ ities. Suppose you go back
doxes. They imagine that one year and shake hands
whenever a time traveler with yourself:
enters the past, the universe Feemster: Hi, Feemster.
splits into two identical Feemster: Glad to meet
halves, each in a different you, Feemster.

Here’s how it works. Sup­ Any time later, either of you

pose you go back to 1930 could hop in the time
and shoot Hitler. As soon as machine again and go back
this happens, the universe to meet two duplicates of
divides into parallel worlds yourself. Now there are
or timelines. three Feemsters. By repeat­
ing this, hundreds of
Feemsters could be created.

Universe 1goes on with Hit­

ler alive. Universe II goes
on with Hitler dead.

If you return to the present

of Universe II you’ll find old
newspapers telling how Hit­
ler was killed. The world
you left, in which Hitler was
not killed, is a world to
which you can never return.

The pictures describe one fantastic method of every possible combination of possible events. As
permitting backward time travel without Frederic Brown described the vision in his science
encountering logical contradictions. Science fiction fiction novel, What Mad Universe:
writers were the first to think of it, and scores of
If there are infinite universes, then all possible
science fiction stories have been based on it. The combinations must exist. Then, somewhere,
trick is to assume that whenever a person or thing everything must be true. . . . There is a universe
enters the past, the universe splits into parallel in which Huckleberry Finn is a real person, doing
worlds. If this occurs, there is no longer a the exact things Mark Twain described him as
doing. There are, in fact, an infinite number of
contradiction between Professor Brown both
universes in which a Huckleberry Finn is doing
existing and not existing, or between the tree every possible variation of what Mark Twain might
existing and not existing. If there are parallel have described him as doing. . . . And infinite
worlds, Brown (or the tree) may exist in one but universes in which the states of existence are such
not the other. that we would have no words or thoughts to
describe them or to imagine them.
Amazingly, there is an interpretation of quantum
mechanics based on this concept of forking
universes. Called the “many-worlds theory,” there
is an entire book about it: The Many-Worlds
Interpretation o f Quantum Mechanics, edited by
Bryce S. DeWitt and Neill Graham. According to
this wild theory, first advanced in 1957 by Hugh
Everett HI, the universe branches at every
microsecond into countless parallel worlds, each a
possible combination of microevents that could
occur at that instant. This leads to an incredible
vision of an infinity of universes that represent

Time Dilation

Traveling into the past cre­ This kind of time travel

ates such wild paradoxes does not lead to paradox,
that no scientist takes it seri­ but the astronauts are now
ously. But travel into the trapped in earth’s future.
future is another matter. They cannot come back.
Suppose a spaceship leaves
earth and travels at almost
the speed of light.

The faster a spaceship trav­

els, the slower its time goes.
Time would seem normal to
astronauts in the ship, but
to us they would seem like

The spaceship goes to

another galaxy and returns.
For astronauts on the ship,
the trip seems to last only
five years. But when the
ship lands back on earth,
thousands of earth years
will have gone by!

Contradictions arise only from travel into the past, The reason we do not observe these effects in
not into the future. After all, we are all time everyday life is that they become significant only
travelers moving into the future whether we like it at velocities close to the speed of light, conven­
or not. When you go to sleep at night you expect tionally symbolized by c, which is about 186,000
to wake up in the near future. A person could be miles per second. The simple formula relating
placed in suspended animation and be revived, the length of time, T, measured by earthbound
say, a thousand years later. Many science fiction clocks, compared to the interval T', measured
novels and stories have been based on this kind of by clocks on a spaceship traveling at a constant
“time travel,” notably When the Sleeper Wakes by velocity v with respect to the earth is
H. G. Wells.
As our cartoon panels show, a quite different
way of traveling into the future is provided by
Einstein’s theory of relativity. According to the
special theory of relativity, the faster an object Substitute any commonly encountered velocity
moves, the slower its time goes relative to a for v in the expression under the radical sign and
stationary observer. For example, if a spaceship you will get a value for this expression so close to
has a speed close to that of light, time on the ship 1 that T and T will be essentially equal. But if you
is much slower than time on earth. On the ship, give v a value of .5c or .75c or .9c (velocities that
astronauts would not be aware of anything are reached by high-speed subatomic particles),
unusual. Their clocks would seem to run normally, the time dilation becomes large enough to
their hearts would beat at the usual rate, and so measure in the laboratory. Such measurements
on. But if there were any way that people on earth provide strong confirmations of the special theory
could observe them, they would seem to be of relativity.
moving so slowly that they would appear like
statues. If the astronauts in turn could observe life
on earth, events would seem to be moving so
rapidly that an earth year would go by in just a
few hours.

Fate, Chance, and Free Will

Although physicists are Scientists, philosophers, and ordinary people

learning more and more
about time, its essence divide sharply over the question of whether the
remains a dark mystery. future is completely determined by the past. A
One of the biggest ques­
determinist believes that the total state of the
tions is whether the future
is completely determined. universe at any given moment fully determines the
total state of the universe at any future moment.
This was Einstein’s personal belief. One of the
greatest of all philosophers who espoused
Determinist: Q uesera, determinism was Benedict de Spinoza, and
sera. Whatever will be, will Einstein considered himself a Spinozist. This was
be. Life is like a movie. We
one reason why Einstein could never accept
are the creatures on the
screen. We think we have quantum theory as being final, because in
free wills. Actually, we are quantum theory chance plays a fundamental role
just acting out predeter­
mined events. in determining events on the microlevel. “I do not
believe God plays dice with the universe,” was
how Einstein once expressed it.
Indeterminist: The An indeterminist believes that the future of the
future is only partly deter­ universe is determined only in part by its present
mined. We can change
things by using our will.
state. He need not believe in free will. He may
History has genuine sur­ believe no more than that the role of chance on
prises. the microlevel prevents the future from being
completely determined. In addition, he may also
believe that living creatures, and especially
humans, possess “free will” that gives them the
power to alter significantly the future in ways that
could not be predicted even by a superbeing who
knew everything there was to know about the
universe’s present state. Charles Peirce and
William James were two eminent American
philosophers who championed the indeterminist

These profound philosophical questions are
intimately bound up with the nature of time and
with what is meant when we say that one event
“causes” another. N o one doubts that
mathematics can be applied to our measurements
of the universe in such a way that many events
can be predicted with almost perfect accuracy: the
time of the next solar eclipse, for example. And no
one denies that other events, such as the next fall
of a die or what the weather will be next week,
cannot in practice be predicted precisely because
the causal factors are too complex.
The big question is whether the basic laws of
the universe are completely deterministic, or
whether genuine novelty is created by pure
chance on the microlevel, or by the free will of
living creatures on the macrolevel, or perhaps by
both. These questions were debated by the
ancient Greeks, and scientists, philosophers, and
everyone else have been debating them ever

References and Suggested Readings

Suggested readings are preceded by ★.

1 Logic
General References Newcomb’s Paradox
Carroll, Lewis. The Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures Brams, Steven. “A Problem of Prediction.” Chapter 8
in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. in Paradoxes in Politics: An Introduction to the
Martin Gardner, ed. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Nonobvious in Political Science. New York: Free
Bramhall House, 1960. Press, 1976.
k Dunsany, Lord. The Ghost of the Heaviside Layer and ★ Gardner, Martin. “Free Will Revisited ” Mathematical
Other Fantasies. Philadelphia: Owlslick Press, Games Department, Scientific American, July
1980. 1973.
Fisher, John. The Magic of Lewis Carroll. New York: ★ Nozick, Robert. “Newcomb’s Problem and Two
Simon and Schuster, 1973. Principles of Choice.” In Essays in Honor of Carl
k Hofstadter, Douglas R. Godel, Escher, Bach: An G. Hempel. Nicholas Rescher, ed. Atlantic
Eternal Golden Braid. New York: Basic Books, Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1970.
1979. ★ Nozick, Robert. “Reflections on Newcomb’s Problem.”
k Quine, W. V. “Paradox.” Scientific American, April Mathematical Games Department, Scientific
1962. American, March 1974.
Russell, Bertrand. Principia Mathematica, Part 8.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Russell, Bertrand. My Philosophical Development
Reprint: Winchester, Mass.: Allen Unwin, 1975.
k Smullyan, Raymond. What Is the Name of This Book?
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978.
k Smullyan, Raymond. This Book Needs No Title.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980.
k van Heijenoort, Jean. “Logical Paradoxes.” In The
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Paul Edwards, ed.
New York: Macmillan, 1967.
The Liar Paradox
Martin, Robert L., ed. The Paradox of the Liar. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1970.
Tarski, Alfred. “Truth and Proof.” Scientific American,
June 1969.
Infinite Regress
Gardner, Martin. “Infinite Regress.” Chapter 22 in Sixth
Book of Mathematical Games from Scientific
American. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and
Company, 1971.
Prediction Paradoxes
★ Gardner, Martin. “Mr. Apollinax Visits New York.”
Chapter 11 in New Mathematical Diversions from
Scientific American. New York: Simon & Schuster,
★ Gardner, Martin. “The Paradox of the Unexpected
Hanging.” Chapter 1 in The Unexpected Hanging
and Other Mathematical Diversions. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1968.

2 Number 3 Geometry
General References General References
Beiler, Albert H. Recreations in the Theory of ★ Anno, Mitsumasa. Annofs Alphabet: An Adventure in
Numbers. New York: Dover, 1964. Imagination. New York: T. Y. Crowell, 1975.
Dantzig, Tobias. Number: The Language of Science, ★ Anno, Mitsumasa. The Unique World of Mitsumasa
4th ed. New York: Free Press, 1967. Anno. New York: Philomel Books, 1980.
Gardner, Martin, ed. Scientific American Book of ★ Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland: A Romance of Many
Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. New York: Dimensions. 1884. Various reprints available.
Simon & Schuster, 1963. Burger, Dionys. Sphereland. Comelie J. Rheinboldt,
Northrop, Eugene. Riddles in Mathematics: A Book of trans. New York: T. Y. Crowell, 1965.
Paradoxes. Huntington, N.Y.: Krieger, 1975. Courant, Richard, and Herbert Robbins. What Is
Mathematics? Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Magic Tricks
Barr, George. Entertaining with Number Tricks. New
Coxeter, H. S. M. Introduction to Geometry. New York:
York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.
Wiley, 1961.
★ Fulves, Karl. Self-Working Card Tricks. New York,
Dover, 1976. ★ Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery.
New York: Dover, 1956.
★ Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery.
Gardner, Martin. Sixth Book of Mathematical Games
New York, Dover, 1956.
from Scientific American. San Francisco: W. H.
Transfinite Numbers Freeman and Company, 1971.
Cohen, Paul, and Reuben Hersh. “Non-Cantorian Set Gardner, Martin. New Mathematical Diversions from
Theory.” Scientific American, December 1967. Scientific American. New York: Simon & Schuster,
★ Gardner, Martin. “The Orders of Infinity.” Mathematical 1971.
Games Department, Scientific American, March Gardner, Martin. Mathematical Circus. New York:
1971. Vintage Books, 1981.
★ Gardner, Martin. “Aleph-Null and Aleph-One.” Chapter Gardner, Martin, ed. Second Scientific American Book
3 in Mathematical Carnival. New York: Knopf, for Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. New
1975. York: Simon & Schuster, 1965.
★ Kasner, Edward, and James Newman. “Beyond the Jacobs, Harold. Geometry. San Francisco: W. H.
Googol.” Chapter 2 in Mathematics and the Freeman and Company, 1974.
Imagination. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940. Mandelbrot, Benoit. The Fractal Geometry of Nature.
San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company,
Ogilvy, C. Stanley. Excursions in Geometry. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1969.
Wells, H. G. 2 8 Science Fiction Stories. New York:
Dover, 1952.
Mirror Symmetry
★ Kim, Scott. Inversions. New York: McGraw-Hill, Byte
Books, 1981.
Lockwood, S. H., and R. H. Macmillan. Geometric
Symmetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1978.
Weyl, Hermann. Symmetry. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1952.
Arnold, Bradford. Intuitive Concepts in Elementary
Topology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
Barr, Stephen. Experiments in Topology. New York:
T. Y. Crowell, 1972.

4 Probability
★ Tucker, Albert, and Herbert Bailey, Jr. “Topology.” General References
Scientific American, January 1950. Jacobs, Harold. Mathematics: A Human Endeavor, 2nd
ed. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company,
Alfven, Hannes. Worlds-Antxworlds: Antimatter in
Kraitchik, Maurice. Mathematical Recreations, 2nd ed.
Cosmology. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and
New York: Dover, 1953.
Company, 1966.
Mosteller, Frederick. Fifty Challenging Problems in
★ Gardner, Martin. The Ambidextrous Universe: Mirror
Probability. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1965.
Asymmetry and Time-Reversed Worlds, 2nd ed.
Thorp, Edward. Elementary Probability. New York:
New York: Scribner’s, 1979.
Yang, Chen Ning. Elementary Particles: A Short History Wiley, 1966.
★ Weaver, Warren. Lady Luck: The Theory of
of Some Discoveries in Atomic Physics.
Probability. New York: Doubleday, 1963.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962.
★ Epstein, Richard. The Theory of Gambling and
Statistical Logic. New York: Academic Press, 1967.
Jacoby, Oswald. How to Figure the Odds. New York:
Doubleday, 1947.
Scame, John. Scam es Complete Guide to Gambling.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961.
Pascal’s Wager
Cargile, James. “Pascal’s Wager.” Philosophy, vol. 41,
July 1966.
James, William. Chapters 1 and 3 in The Will to
Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy.
London: Longmans Green, 1903.
Turner, Merle. “Deciding for God— The Bayesian
Support of Pascal’s Wager.” Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research, vol. 29, September

5 Statistics 6 Time
General References General References
★ Huff, Darrel. How to Lie with Statistics. New York: Brown, Frederic. What Mad Universe. Mattituck, N.Y.:
Norton, 1954. Amereon Ltd., 1976 (reprint of 1949 ed).
Levinson, Horace. Chance, Luck and Statistics. New DeWitt, Bryce S., and Neill Graham, eds. TheMany-
York: Dover, 1963. Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.
Moroney, M. J. Facts from Figures. New York: Penguin, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973.
1956. Gale, Richard, ed. The Philosophy of Time: A
Mosteller, F. R., Robert E. Rourke, and G. B. Thomas, Collection of Essays: Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:
Jr. Probability and Statistics. Reading, Mass.: Humanities Press, 1978.
Addison-Wesley, 1961. Gardner, Martin. Sixth Book of Mathematical Games
from Scientific American. San Francisco: W. H.
The Small-World Paradox
Freeman and Company, 1971.
★ Gardner, Martin. “Why the Long Arm of Coincidence
Gold, Thomas, ed. The Nature of Time. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Is Usually Not as Long as It Seems.” Mathematical
Cornell University Press, 1967.
Games Department, Scientific American, October
Priestley, J. B. Man and Time. New York: Doubleday,
★ Milgram, Stanley. “The Small World Problem.”
★ Whitrow, G. J. The Natural Philosophy of Time. New
Psychology Today, May 1967.
York: Harper & Row, 1961.
Birthdate Paradox
Zeno’s Paradoxes and Supertasks
Goldberg, Samuel. “A Direct Attack on a Birthday
Griinbaum, Adolf. Modem Science and Zenos
Problem.” Mathematics Magazine, vol. 49, May
Paradoxes. New York: Wesleyan University Press,
1976, pp. 130-132.
Mosteller, Frederick. “Understanding the Birthday
★ Salmon, Wesley C., ed. Zeno's Paradoxes. New York:
Problem.” The Mathematics Teacher, May 1962,
Bobbs-Merrill, 1969.
pp. 322-325.
The Direction of Time
Nontransitive Paradoxes
★ Davies, P. C. W. The Physics of Time Asymmetry.
Black, Duncan. The Theory of Committees and
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.
Elections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
★ Gardner, Martin. The Ambidextrous Universe: Mirror
Asymmetry and Time-Reversed Worlds, 2nd ed.
★ Gardner, Martin. “On the Paradoxical Situations That
New York: Scribner’s, 1979.
Arise from Nontransitive Relations.” Mathematical
Games Department, Scientific American, October Time Travel
1974. Edwards, Malcolm. “Time Travel.” In The Science
Fiction Encyclopedia. Peter Nicholls, ed. New York:
Hempel’s Ravens
Doubleday, 1979.
★ Salmon, Wesley. “Confirmation.” Scientific American,
★ Gardner, Martin. “On the Contradictions of Time
May 1973.
Travel.” Mathematical Games Department,
Schlesinger, G. “Hempel’s Paradox.” Chapter 1 in
Scientific American, May 1974.
Confirmation and Confirmability. Oxford: Oxford
Van Doren Stem, Philip, ed. Travelers in Time. New
University Press, 1974.
York: Doubleday, 1947.
Goodman’s Grue
Goodman, Nelson. Fact, Fiction, and Forecast. New
York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
Hesse, Mary. “Ramifications of ‘Grue’.” British Journal
for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 20, May 1959,
pp. 13-25.


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