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Evaluating Measurement


Boris M. Menin

Flllldamental Constants: Evaluating Measurement Uncertainty

By Boris M. Menin

This book first published 2019

Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Copyright © 2019 by Boris M. Menin

All rights for this book reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior pennission ofthe copyright owner.

ISBN (10): 1-5275-2318-7

ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-2318-0
Any true is only one facet of the truth

Preface ....................................................................................................... ix

About the Author ....................................................................................... xi

Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

Chapter One ................................................................................................ 5

Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories
1 . 1 . The measurement tlieory basics ..................................................... 5
1.2. The similarity theory basics ........................................................... 7
1.3. The information theory basics ........................................................ 9
1.4. Basics of the theory of modeling tlie phenomena ........................ 13
1.5. Basics of group tlieory ................................................................. 21
1.6. Summary ...................................................................................... 24

Chapter Two ............................................................................................. 25

Information Measure of the Model's Discrepancy
2.1. Analysis of publications ............................................................... 25
2.2. System of base quantities ............................................................. 29
2.3. Amount of information inherent in model 34

2.4. Summary 45

Chapter Three 49

Applications of the Comparative Uncertainty Metric for the Measurements

of tlie Fundamental Physical Constants
3 . 1 . Bo1t=ann constant. 56

3.2. Plank constant 59


3.3. Avogadro constant ....................................................................... 62

3.4. Gravitational constant 66

3.5. Fundamental minimum resolutions of energy, length

and ffifoIDlation 70

3.5.1. Dose of energy 73


3.5.2. "Graininess" of space .......................................................... 74

3.5.3. "Grain" of information 76

3.5.4. Information embedded in photon 76

viii Contents

3.5.5. Maxwell demon 77


3.5.6. Universe energy associated with infOlmation...................... 8 1

3.5.7. Summary ............................................................................. 85

Chapter Four ............................................................................................. 87


Chapter Five ............................................................................................. 93

Final Remarks

References ................................................................................................ 99

The book is an attempt to apply the methods of information theory,

similarity theory, modeling theory and experimental design theory to assess
the a priori model mismatch before the actual experiment or computer
It contains rich experimental material, confitming the attractiveness of
the infOlmation-oriented method for experimental and theoretical physics,
including measurement of fundamental physical constants.
The focus is on the organic link between the original mathematical telTIlS
of information theory, similarity theory, and the theory of plarming of
experiments. So, the information-oriented approach of modeling physical
phenomena is perceived as a system of ideas that have a clear physical
The book is based on experimental and theoretical investigations carried
out by the author over 35 years, as well as development experience and
extensive research activities in modeling measurements of the fundamental
physical constants.
The introduced method is very simple and easy to digest, so appropriate
technical skills are easily acquired. But even the experience of its fOlTIlal
use cannot teach the relevance and reasonable use of it without a stencil or
even without direct mistakes occurring. To apply the infolTIlation method,
you must first understand its physical content.
The book is supplemented by a rich bibliography with internet
It may be useful for scientists, engineers working in the enterprises and
organizations of the corresponding profile, and students of universities and
colleges. Comments and suggestions about the content of the book should
be sent to the following email: [email protected].

Boris M. Menin was Director of the Laboratory of Ice Generators and

Plate Freezers in S1. Petersburg (then Leningrad) from 1977 to 1989, at
which time he emigrated from the Soviet Union to Israel. He has since
managed at Crytec Ltd. (Beer-Sheba, Israel) on the development,
production and marketing of pumpable ice generators, cold energy storage
systems, and also high accuracy instrumentation for heat and mass
processes among other matters. Dr. Menin is credited with developing an
entirely new branch of modeling: an infOlmation-oriented approach, by
which the lowest achievable absolute and relative uncertainties of measured
quantity can be calculated before the realization of experiments or amodel's
computerization. An earlier book by the same author called Information
approach for modeling physical phenomena and technological processes
(published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2017) presents a
theoretical explanation and grounding of application of information and
similarity theories for the calculation of the threshold discrepancy between
a model and researched phenomena. This current book focuses on the
methods for experimental data processing of fundamental constants
measurements and considers this aspect of physics in greater depth.

The illiterate a/the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn
-Alvin Toffler

"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is

more and more precise measurement." This worldview statement was by
Lord Kelvin in 1900, but it was shattered only five years later when Einstein
published his paper on special relativity.
In the 21st century, it can be safely asserted that absolutely all modern
achievements in the field of science are based on the successes of the theory
of measurements, on the basis of which the practical recommendations
useful in physics, engineering, biology, sociology, etc. are extracted. In
addition, this is because the application of the principles of the theory of
measurements in detelTIlining the fundamental constants allows us to verify
the consistency and correctness of the basic physical theories. Complementing
the above, quantitative predictions of the basic physical theories depend on
the numerical values of the constants involved in these theories: each new
sign can lead to the discovery of a previously unknO\vn inconsistency or,
conversely, can eliminate the existing inconsistency in our description of
the physical world. At the same time, scientists came to a clear
understanding of the limitations of our efforts to achieve very high
measurement accuracy.
The very act of the measurement process already presupposes the
existence of the physical-mathematical model describing the phenomenon
under investigation. Measurement theory focuses on the process of
measuring the experimental determination of the values by using special
hardware called measuring instruments [1]. This theory only covers the
aspects of data analysis and measurement procedures of the quantity
observed or after formulating a mathematical model. Thus, the problem that
there is uncertainty before experimental or computer simulation and caused
by the limited number of quantities recorded in the mathematical model is
generally ignored in the measurement theory.
The proposed infOlmation approach-to assess the model's noncompliance
with the physical phenomenon under study-has introduced an additional
measurement accuracy limit that is more stringent than the Heisenberg
2 Introduction

Uncertainty Principle. And it tums out that the "fuzziness" of the observed
object, strangely enough, depends on the personal philosophical prejudices
of scientists, which are based on their experience, acquired knowledge and
intuition. In other words, when modeling a physical phenomenon, one group
of scientists can choose quantities that will differ fundamentally from the
set of quantities that are taken into account by another group of scientists.
The fact is that the same data can serve as the basis for radically opposite
theories. This situation assumes an equally probable accounting of
quantities by a conscious observer when choosing a model. A possible,
though controversial, example of such an assertion is the consideration of
an electron in the fOlTIl of a particle or wave, for the description of which
various physical models and mathematical equations are used. Indeed, it is
not at all obvious that we can describe physical phenomena with the help of
one single picture or one single representation in our mind.
This book aims to introduce a fundamentally new method for the
characterization of the model uncertainty (threshold discrepancy) that is
associated with only a finite number of the registered quantities. Of course,
in addition to this uncertainty, the total measurement uncertainty includes a
posteriori uncertainties related to the internal structure of the model and its
subsequent computerization: inaccurate input data, inaccurate physical
assumptions, the limited accuracy of the solution of integral-differential
equations, etc.
The novel analysis introduced is intended to help physicists and
designers to clarify the limits of the achievable accuracy of measurements
and to detelTIline the most simple and reliable way to select a model with
the optimal number of recorded quantities calculated according to the
minimum achievable value of the model uncertainty.
The book contains five chapters. Chapter 1 gives base elements of
similarity theory, information theory, theory of plarming of experiments,
and group theory. It includes a classification of measurement inaccuracy
and postulates the theory of measurements. The basic defmitions and
explanations introduced are needed for further development of the main
principles of the infolTIlation-oriented method.
Chapter 2 contains the analysis of publications related to usage of the
concepts of "infolTIlation quantity" and "entropy" for real applications in
physics and engineering, calculating infolTIlation quantity inherent in the
physical-mathematical model, and the fOlTIlulation of a system of base
dimensional quantities (SBQ), from which a modeler chooses a number of
quantities in order to describe the researched process. Such a system must
meet a certain set of axioms that fOlTIl an Abelian group. This in tum allows
the author to employ the approach for the calculation of the total number of
FlUlCiarnental Constants: Evaluating Measmernent Uncertainty 3

dimensionless criteria in the existing International System of Uints (SI).

Mathematically, the exact expression for the calculation of the comparative
uncertainty of the developed model with a limited number of quantities
obtained by counting the amount of information contained in the model is
Chapter 3 is devoted to applications ofthe infonnation-oriented approach,
including its most attractive application which is the measurement of
fundamental physical constants. The data and calculations of the accuracy
of the Avogadro number, Boltzmarm constant, Planck constant, and
gravitational constant are presented. In addition, the puzzle of the Maxwell
demon and the amount of infonnation related to ordinary matter are
analyzed from the point of view of the infonnation approach.
Chapter 4 is expanded to discuss using comparative uncertainty instead
of relative uncertainty in order to compare the measurement results of the
main quantity of the recognized phenomenon, including the fundamental
physical constants, and to verify their true-target value. Moreover,
drawbacks and advantages of the introduced method are carefully analyzed.
Chapter 5 focuses on emphasizing that the infonnation-oriented
approach is a living topic. This is extremely important because successfully
demonstrating its use has many consequences in the measurement of
fundamental physical constants, quantum mechanics and cosmology.



Don't let your ears hear what your eyes didn't see,
and don't let your mouth say what your heart doesn'tfeel

1.1. The measurement theory basics

To begin with, the first task of the scientist studying a phenomenon is

usually to detelTIline the conditions under which the phenomenon can be
repeatedly observed in other laboratories and can be verified and confirmed.
For an accurate knowledge of the physical variable, you need to measure it.
And for its measurement, a certain device is always required (this
presupposes the existence of a physics-mathematical model already
fOlTImlated) that somehow influences this value, as a result of which it
becomes knO\vn with some degree of accuracy. In tum, the amount of
information obtained by measurement can be calculated by reducing the
uncertainty resulting from the measurement. In other words, uncertainty
about a particular situation is the total amount of potential information in
this situation [2].
For all the instructions below, it is important to indicate the difference
between the error and uncertainty. The error is in how much the
measurement corresponds to the true value. This error is rarely what
interests us. In science, we usually do not know the "true" meaning. Rather,
we are interested in the uncertainty of measurements. This is what we need
to quantify in any measurement. Uncertainty is the interval around the
measurement, in which measurements will be repeated. Uncertainty
describes the distance from the measurement result within which the true
value is likely to lie.
The introduction of measurable quantities and the creation of their units
are the basis of the measurements. However, any measurement is always
perfOlmed on a specific object, and the general definition of the measured
6 Chapter One

quantity must be formulated taking into account tbe properties of the object
and the purpose of the measurement. Essentially, the true value of the
measured quantity is introduced and detelTIlined in this way. Unfortunately,
this important preparatory stage of measurements is usually not fOlTImlated
[ I ].
The idealization necessary for constructing the model generates an
inevitable discrepancy between tbe parameters of the model and the real
property of tbe object. We will call tbis nonconformity a threshold
discrepancy. The uncertainty caused by the threshold discrepancy between
the model and the object should be less than tbe total measurement
uncertainty. If, however, this component of the error exceeds the limit of
the pelTIlissible measurement uncertainty, it is impossible to perform the
measurement with the required accuracy. This result shows that the model
is inadequate. To continue the experiment, if this is permissible for the
measurement target, the model must be redefined. If an object is a natural
object, tbe tbreshold discrepancy means that the model is not applicable and
needs to be reviewed. The preceding logic reduces to the following
postulates of measurement theory [3]:

There is a true value of the measured quantity;

In every measurement there is one true value;
The true value of the measured quantity is constant;
True value cannot be found due to the existence of an inevitable
discrepancy between the parameters of tbe model and tbe real
property oftbe object, called tbe tbreshold discrepancy.

In addition, there are other inevitable limitations to the approximation

of the true value of the measured quantity. For example, the accuracy of
measuring devices is inevitably limited. For this reason, we can fOlTImlate
the following statement: the result of any measurement always contains an
error. Thus, the accuracy of the measurement is always limited, and in
particular, it is limited by the correspondence between the model and the
phenomenon. We add that the achievable measurement accuracy is
detelTIlined by a priori infolTIlation about the measurement object.
The accepted model can be considered as corresponding to the studied
physical phenomenon, if the differences between the obtained estimates of
the mathematical expectation of the process are much smaller than the
pelTIlissible measurement error. If, however, these differences are close to
or exceed the error, then the model must be redefined, which is most easily
done by increasing the observation interval.
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 7

It is interesting to note that the definitions of some quantities seem at

first sight sufficient for high accuracy of measurements (if the errors of the
measuring device are ignored). Examples of these are the parameters of
stationary random processes, the parameters of distributions of random
variables, and the mean value of a quantity. One would think that to achieve
the required accuracy in these cases it is sufficient to increase the number
of observations during the measurement. However, in reality, the accuracy
of measurements is always limited, and in particular it is limited by the
correspondence between the model and the phenomenon, i.e., the threshold
'When the true value cannot be determined, measurement is impossible.
For example, in the last few years, much has been written about the
measurement of random variables. However, these values, as such, are not
oftrue value, and for this reason they cannot be measured [1]. It is important
to emphasize that the present study refers only to variablesfor which a true
value may exist.

1.2. The similarity theory basics

Usually in textbooks on the theory of similarity, we first introduce the

necessary concepts, including "quantity", "likeness", "dimensionality",
"homogeneity" and others. Then, Buckingham's theorem is derived and
many examples of the application of this theory are given in mechanics, heat
transfer, hydraulics, etc. In contrast to this scheme, the author strives to
focus only on tbose points that are directly related to the formulation of tbe
presented approach. This, in tum, requires the reader to undertake some
preliminary preparation and possess knowledge of the fimdamental aspects
of tbe tbeory.
The similarity theory is suitable for several reasons. 'When studying
phenomena occurring in the world around us, it is advisable to consider not
individual quantities but their combinations or complexes, which have a
certain physical meaning. The methods of the similarity tbeory, based on
the analysis of integral-differential equations and boundary conditions,
additionally determine tbe possibility of identifying tbese complexes.
FurthelTIlore, the transition from dimensional physical quantities to
dimensionless quantities reduces the number of counted values. The
specified value of the dimensionless complex can be obtained using various
combinations of dimensional quantities included in the complex. This
means that when we consider problems with new quantities, we consider
not an isolated case but a series of different events, united by some common
properties. It is important to note that the universality of the similarity
8 Chapter One

transfOlmation is determined by invariant relationships that characterize the

structure of all laws of nature, including the laws of relativistic nuclear
physics. Moreover, dimensional analysis from the point of view of a
mathematical apparatus has a group structure, and the transfOlmation
coefficients (similarity complexes) are invariants of groups. The concept of
a group is a mathematical representation of the concept of symmetry, which
is one of the most fundamental concepts of modem physics [4].
At the same time, it should be noted that the similarity theory does not
answer the question of the number of possible combinations of dimensional
characteristics included in the description of the dimensionless physical
process and the fOlTIl of these combinations. In addition, it is unclear what
criteria for several interacting parts of an object are suitable for describing
the physical process and how necessary they are for a given uncertainty in
determining the selected base quantity [5].
It is obvious that all the physical dimensional quantities appearing in the
mathematical model carmot make an infinite interval of changes in the real
world. These values lie in certain intervals, the boundaries of which can be
selected based on experience and intuition of the modeler, and an analysis
of published scientific, technical, regulatory and technological literature.
The reasons for choosing the allowable intervals for the remaining
physical characteristics included in the developed system of equations can
be explained. The rules for the transition from differential equations to
expressions in the final fonn are described in detail in [6]. In any case, for
any physical phenomena and processes, as well as for any models describing
a material object, it is necessary to choose the interval of expected changes
in the main observable or measured quantity (criterion).
Bridgman [7] showed that for all physical dimensional quantities, a
monomial formula satisfies the principle of absolute significance of relative
magnitude only if it has the power-law form:
e , e , e h
q::::J 1 ' Z '• • •' H' (1)

where q is the dimensional quantity, C1, Cz, . . . CH, are numerical values of
base quantities, and exponents T 1, Tz, . . . Th, are real numbers whose values
distinguish one type of derived quantity from another. All monomial derived
quantities have this power-law form; no other fonn represents a physical
If you know the range of variation of the exponents T 1, Tz, . . . Th of the
base quantities C1, Cz, . . CH and these exponents take, for example, an
integer value, then it is possible to calculate the total number of possible
combinations contained in a finite set that includes all dimensional
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 9

quantities. This statement will be discussed in Chapter 2.2, and necessary

calculations with respect to the SI system will be carried out.
The logical continuation of (1) is the question of the possible number of
dimensionless complexes that can be built on the basis of the selected base
quantities. This question is answered by J[-theorem that was proved by
Buckingham [8].
Buckingham's J[-theorem states that when the total relationship between
dimensional physical quantities is expressed in dimensionless fOlTIl, the
number of independent quantities that appear in it decreases from the initial
n to n-k, where k is the maximum number of initial n that are independent
of dimension. The dimensional analysis reduces the number of values that
must be specified to describe the event. This often leads to a huge
simplification. At the same time, the J[-theorem simply indicates to us the
number of dimensionless quantities that affect the value of a particular
dimensionless recognized value. It does not tell us about the fOlTIl of
dimensionless quantities. The fOlTIl should be opened by experiments or
theoretically solved problems.
There is no point in adding or subtracting quantities that have different
units. You cannot add length to the mass. The point is that all the terms of
the equation must have the same dimensions. This is called the dimensional
homogeneity requirement.
A homogeneous equation is one in which each independent additive
telTIl has the same dimensions. There are functions that are homogeneous in
their structure. The homogeneity of these functions does not depend on any
additional assumptions on the properties of the transfolTIlations. Such
functions are properly called unconditionally homogeneous. Only the
degree complexes possess the property of absolute homogeneity.
All other operations related to the theory of similarity and dimensional
analysis, and containing a choice of argument complexes and construction
of parametric criteria, are based on considerations that are not within the
scope of this study. Therefore, we have finished the discussion of the
similarity theory. Only the above definitions will be used to formulate the
proposed approach.

1.3. The information theory basics

The definition of infolTIlation comes from statistical considerations. In

this case, we define information as a result of a choice that always has a
positive value. In our approach, we do not consider infolTIlation as a result,
which can be used to make a different choice. In this case, the human
evaluation ofinformation is completely ignored.
10 Chapter One

Random events-in our case, the choice of quantities in the model at the
desire of the researcher-can be described using the concept of
"probability". The probability tlieory allows us to find (calculate) tlie
probability of one random event or a complex experience, combining a
number of independent or unrelated events. If the event is accidental, it
means there is a lack of full confidence in its implementation, which in tum
creates uncertainty in the results of experiments related to the event. Of
course, the degree of uncertainty is different for different situations.
Consider a system that represents P different events, when a particular
quantity will be equally probable. When we impose restrictions on tlie
quantities that reduce freedom of choice, these conditions exclude some of
the pre-existing features. The new number of events P' with the restrictions
should clearly be smaller tlian the original P. It should be noted that any
limitation, additional requirement or condition imposed on the possible
freedom of choice leads to a reduction in infOlmation. Therefore, we need
to get the new value of infOlmation Z' <Z:

without limitations: P equally probable outcomes, Z= KlnP;

with limitations: P' equally probable outcomes at P' <P, and

Z' = K · lnP' < Z, (2)

L1Z = Z - Z' = K · lnP - K · lnP' = K · In(PjP)' (3)

where AZis a change of infOlmation during the experiment, K is a constant,

and In is tlie natural logaritlim.
One can prove [9] that in this case, infOlmation Zhas a maximum when
all events P are equal. The use of tlie logarithm in (2) is justified by tlie fact
that we wish that the information is additive. For the first time, a logarithmic
measure of information is suggested by Hartley [10].
In information theory, the infOlmation is usually regarded as a
dimensionless quantity, and, therefore, the constantK is an abstract number,
which depends on the choice of unit system. The most convenient system is
based on binary units, which gives us:

K = ljln2 = logze (4)

Another system of units can be introduced, if we compare the

information with the thelTIlodynamic entropy and measure both values in
the same units. As it is knO\vn, the entropy has the dimension of energy
divided by the temperature. For the entropy tliere is tlie Boltzmann formula
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 11

that is very similar to (2) and contains the factor:

kb = 1.38 . 1O-z3mZkgj(sZK). (5)

This constant (kb) is known as the Boltzmann constant. When we are

interested in physical problems, such a choice of units allows us to compare
the information with entropy itself. It should be noted that tbe ratio of units
in equations (4) and (5) is equal to:


This numerical magnitude plays an important role in all applications of

information theory [9].
At the same time, entropy is directly related to the "surprise" of the
occurrence of the event. From this, it follows its infOlmation content: if the
event is more predictable, it is less informative. This means that its entropy
is lower. It remains an open question about the relationship between the
properties of infOlmation, entropy properties and the properties of its
various estimates. But we are just dealing with the estimates in most cases.
All tbis lends itself to the study of the information content of different
indexes of entropy regarding tbe controlled changes of properties and
processes, i.e., in essence, their usefulness to specific applications [11].
Our definition o finformation is very useful and practical. It corresponds
exactly to the task of the scientist, who must retrieve all the infOlmation
contained in the physical- mathematical model, regardless of the limits to
the achievable accuracy of the measuring instruments used for observation
of the object. According to tbe suggested approach, the human evaluation
of information is completely ignored. In other words, the set of 100 musical
notes played by chimpanzees will have exactly the same amount of
information as that of tbe 100 notes played by Mozart in his Piano Concerto
No.21 (Andante movement).
The following explanations are specifically intended for a possible
application of information theory to the modeling of physical phenomena
and experiments.

Let us start with a simple example. We see the position of the point x on
the segment of lengtb S (range of observation) with uncertainty Ax. We
introduce the definitions:

absolute uncertainty is L1x, (7)

relative uncertainty is rx L1x /x,
= (8)
12 Chapter One

comparative uncertainty is Ex = �x/S. (9)

The accuracy of the experiment (0 can be defined as the value inverse

to Ex:

w= 1/ Ex = SjiJ.x. (10)

This definition satisfies the condition that greater accuracy corresponds

to lower comparative uncertainty. The absolute and relative uncertainties
are familiar to physicists, but not comparative uncertainty because it is
seldom mentioned. But the comparative uncertainty value is of great
importance in the application of infonnation theory to physics and
engineering sciences [9].
If all the events are equiprobable, the amount of infmmation obtained
by observing the object AZ, according to (2) and (3), is equal to:

L1Z = kb ·In (SjLh ) = -kb ·lnEx = kb ·lnw. (11)

If the range of observation S is not defined, the infmmation obtained

during the observatiorumeasurement carmot be detennined, and the entropic
price becomes infinitely large [9].
In tum, the efficiency Q of experimental observation, on the assumption
that some perturbation is added into the system under study, may be defmed
as the ratio of the obtained infOlmation AZ to a value equal to the increase
in entropy AH accompanying observation:

Q = I1Zjl1H (12)

It follows from all the above that tbe modeling is an information process
in which infonnation about the state and behavior of the observed object is
obtained by tbe developed model. This information is the main subject of
interest of modeling theory. During the modeling process, the information
increases, while the infOlmation entropy decreases due to increased
knowledge about the object [12]. The extent of knowledge W of tbe
observed object may be expressed in the fmm:


where H is the infOlmation entropy of the object and Hmax is its maximum
value where tbe amount of knowledge can become A (0, 1). The
impossibility of reaching the boundary values A�O and A�1 is contained
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 13

within the modeling theorems. These boundaries express ideal states.

It follows from the above, a priori and a posteriori infOlmation of the
object must be known. The amount of the model information Z can be
detennined from the difference between initial Hl and residual H2 entropy:

Z = H,-H2. (14)

We intend to use all the above for defining a model's uncertainty

considered and analyzed from an information measure-based perspective.
In this case, entropy is used as a measure of uncertainty, and depends only
on the amount and the probability distribution of quantities taken into
account by the conscious observer for the development of a model.

1.4. Basics of the theory of modeling the phenomena

The key problem for modeling is one of cognition of physical reality,

which is viewed through the prism of a set of physical laws that objectively
describe the real world. In this regard, one of the main tasks of modeling is
the development of theoretical and methodological aspects and procedures
for achieving accurate knowledge of objects and processes in the surrounding
world, related to the improvement of measurement accuracy. As a
concentrated and most universal form of purposeful experience, modeling
makes it possible to verify the reliability of tbe most general and abstract
models of the real world, realizing the principle of observability. Modeling
is a method of studying objects of cognition (actually existing) in tbeir
models; the construction and study of models of objects and phenomena
(physical, chemical, biological, social) to detennine or improve their
characteristics, rationalize the methods of their construction, management,
The model is a concrete image of the object under study, in which real
or perceived properties, structures, etc. are displayed. Therefore, increasing
the accuracy of measurements is given particular importance in modeling.
In tum, the purpose of measurement is the fonnation of a certain objective
image of reality in tbe form of a symbolic symbol, namely a number. At tbe
same time, "potential measurement accuracy" does not receive enough
attention. The task of this book is to fill, if possible, this gap. In its turn, tbe
purpose of measurement is the formation of some objective image of reality
in the fonn of a representative symbol, namely a number. At the same time,
"the potential accuracy of measurements" has been given insufficient
attention. The task of this book is to fill, if possible, this gap. We will
understand by "the ultimate accuracy of measurements" the accuracy with
14 Chapter One

which a physical quantity can be measured at a given stage in the

development of science and technology, i.e., the highest accuracy achieved
at the present time. "Potential accuracy of measurements" is understood as
the maximum achievable accuracy, which has not yet been realized at the
present stage of development of science and technology.
Modeling can be defined as a translation of the physical behavior of
phenomena components and collections of components into a mathematical
representation [13]. This representation must include descriptions of the
individual components, as well as descriptions of how the components
Mathematical modeling of various physical phenomena and technological
processes is a challenge for the 2010s and beyond. The study ofany physical
phenomena or processes begins with the creation of the simplest experimental
facts. They can formulate laws governing the analyzed material object, and
write them in the fOlTIl of certain mathematical relationships. The amount
of prior knowledge, the purpose of analysis, and the expected completeness
and accuracy of the necessary decisions detelTIline the level schematic of
the test process.
A model is a physical, mathematical or otherwise logical representation
of the real system, entity, phenomenon or process. Simulation is a method
for implementing a model over time. The real system, in existence or
proposed, is regarded as fundamentally a source of data.
In general, every model of the object does not contain the wording of
the causal relationships between the elements of the object in the fOlTIl of
ready-made analytical expressions. In some cases, we have to be satisfied
with such bonds (qualitative and quantitative) which characterize the
material object only in the most general telTIlS, and express a much smaller
amount of knowledge about the internal structure of the test process. In all
cases, the model is a user-selectable abstraction in the first place because it
was built for an intuitively designated object, and also because of the
incomplete or inaccurate knowledge (conscious simplification) of the laws
of nature. From the point of view of developers, if the difference between
the results of theoretical calculations and the data obtained in the course of
experiments is less than the measurement uncertainty achieved, the chosen
physical and mathematical model is considered acceptable.
However, comprehensive testing of the model is impossible [14].
Exhaustive checking is realized only upon receipt of all results from a model
sweep for all possible variants of the input data. In practice, model
validation aims to increase confidence in the accuracy of the model.
Estimations produced by the model can be made with different levels of
detail, but there is no generally accepted or standard procedure which would
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 15

establish the minimum quantitative requirements for the design of model

testing [15].
Over last two decades, many studies have been conducted to identify
which method will demonstrate the most accurate agreement between
observation and prediction. Unfortunately, the confimmtion is only
inherently partial. Complete confirmation is logically precluded by tbe
incomplete access to the material object. At the same time, the general
strategies of matching models and a recognized object that have been
particularly popular from both a tbeoretical and applied perspective are
verification and validation (V &V) techniques [16].
In [17] the following definition is proposed: verification is the process
of detelTIlining that a computational model accurately represents the basic
mathematical model and its solution; validation is the process of detennining to
what degree a model is an accurate representation of the real world from the
perspective of the intended use of the model.
Given the above definition, we can say that the quality validation may
be useful in certain scenarios, especially when identifying possible causes
of errors in the model. However, at the moment, the validation is not able to
provide a quantitative measure of the agreement between the experimental
and computer data. This makes it difficult to use in determining at what
point tbe accuracy requirements are met [16]. We refer tbe reader to [ 1 8,
19] for a more detailed discussion of the existing developments in V&V.
However, some scholars suggest that the V&V of numerical models of
natural systems is impossible [20]. The autbors argue tbat the models can
never fully simulate reality in all conditions and, therefore, carmot be
So, the causes ofnumerous attempts to direct the use ofthe experimental
results are the limited applicability of different applied metbods (analytical
and numerical), and the difficulties witb the use of computers and tbe
methods of computational matbematics because of the lack of qualified
researchers. Decisions resulting from the correlation of experimental data
in the fOlTIl of graphs, nomograms and criteria equations allow us to judge
the quality and, to a certain extent, the proportion of the observed
parameters of the process. Nevertheless, the experimental method carmot
explain why the process is in the direction of what is observed in practice,
nor accurately substantiate the list of selected process parameters.
Experience in dealing with the problems associated with various
applications has shown that a preliminary analysis of a mathematical model
using the theory of similarity (the definition of a set ofphysical criteria, each
of which controls a specific behavior of a physical phenomenon) and tbe
subsequent application of numerical methods to implement them on a
16 Chapter One

computer allows us to obtain detailed infOlmation that carmot be obtained

by analytical methods. However, analytical methods, by contrast to
numerical methods, allow the creation of more visual solutions with which
the influence of selected factors on the result of the decision can easily be
analyzed. In addition, in practice it is considered a good result if it is
obtained with an accuracy of up to 10% or even more [21 J. Thus, research
to consider various processes is basically a synthesis based on analytical and
numerical methods.
The modem idea of combining the analytical and numerical methods is
in the computational experiment [22]. This experiment consists of several
stages. The first step is to compile equations of the problem, expressing in
quantitative fOlTIl a general idea of the physical mechanism of the process.
They are based on the analysis of the process as a particular application of
the fundamental principles of physics. In most cases they are in the fOlTIl of
differential (integral, integral-differential) equations.
Since the studied process is quite complicated and it cannot be investigated
on the basis of only one physical law, there is a need to consider various
aspects of the model and also different physical laws. Therefore, the overall
process is usually detelTIlined by the system of equations.
In addition to the basic equations, there are written boundary conditions:
a set of constant parameters characterizing the geometric and physical
properties of the system that are essential for the process as well as
conditions for uniqueness.
After the mathematical model is made, it is necessary to detelTIline the
correctness of its fOlTIlulation (the existence of a solution, its uniqueness,
whether it continuously depends on the boundary conditions). However, in
practice, for many applications it is impossible to rigorously prove theorems
of existence and uniqueness. So, there are some "illegal" mathematical
techniques used that do not have a precise mathematical justification [23].
In the second stage of the computational experiment, the selection of the
computation algorithm is realized. In a broad sense, the algorithm refers to
the exact prescription that specifies the computational process, starting from
an arbitrary initial datum and aiming to obtain results which are completely
defmed by this iintial data [24]. In a narrow sense, computational algorithms
are the sequence of arithmetic and logical operations, by which the
mathematical problem is solved [22].
A computational algorithm focused on the use of modem computers
must meet the following requirements: I ) provide a solution of the original
problem with a given accuracy after a finite number of actions; 2)
implement the decisions of the problem by taking the least possible
computer time; 3) ensure the absence of an emergency stop of computers
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 17

during the calculations; and 4) be sustainable (in the calculation process,

rounding errors should not be accumulated). For more detailed infOlmation
about this phase of the computational experiment, see [25].
In the third stage, the computer programming of a computational
algorithm is organized. A huge amount of work is devoted to this issue.
Given the specificity ofthis study, the greatest work of interest can be found
in [26].
The fourth stage involves perfOlming calculations on a computer, and
the fifth involves the analysis of the numerical results and the subsequent
refinement of the mathematical model.
From the standpoint of saving computer time and the practical value of
the information obtained, the organization and plarming of the last two
stages of the computational experiment are important. So, just before the
start of the computational experiment, the question of the scope and
methods of processing (convolution) output data should be carefully
considered. Obviously, in the study of any process, the experimenter has to
accommodate a large number of quantities, and accordingly, the solving of
the multi-criteria problem.
It should be noted that to find hidden relationships between quantities in
the case of the multi-quantity model is very difficult. So, it is valuable to
use the methods of the theory of similarity, which are in accordance with
modem ideas and can be called a theory of generalized quantities [6].
Application of this theory is advisable for several reasons mentioned in
Chapter 1 . 1 . At the moment, the similarity theory does not answer the
question about the number of possible combinations of dimensional
characteristics included in the description of the dimensionless physical
process, and the fOlTIl ofthese combinations. In addition, it is not clear what
criteria, for many interacting quantities, are suitable for the description of
the physical process and how much they are required for a given uncertainty
in the determination of the chosen main quantity [5].
So, realized in the fOlTIl of a computer program, the mathematical model
is a kind of computational experimental unit [27] that has several
advantages over the conventional technology experimental construction:

universality, because for the study of a new version ofthe computing

installation it is only necessary to introduce new background
information, whereas the technologically realized experiment will
need a lot ofraw materials and sometimes reinstalling, reconstruction
and even full-scale installation of the new design;
the possibility to obtain complete information about the effect of
process parameters on the temperature field ofthe interacting bodies.
18 Chapter One

However, the array of infOlmation provided by the computing unit has

a very large volume, making it difficult to process it.
At the same time, implementation of the full-scale experiment at the test
conditions of the process equipment would be fraught with even greater
difficulties. In order to be able to compare the numerical calculations and
the experimental data, it is necessary to hold at least the same number of
experiments, with the options as calculated by the computer. To make the
experimental data statistically significant, it is needed to organize three to
five replications in each experiment. This will lead to a further increase in
labor costs and an increase in the duration of the experiments, which, in
tum, affects the accuracy of the experimental data.
On the other hand, it is obvious that with random, haphazard use of any
sorting options, usage of the fastest computer does not provide optimal
solutions. It needs a deliberate and plarmed recognition of these options.
However, not all parameters equally affect the researched process. So, the
reduction of the number of quantities to a minimum on the basis of their
relative influence and the selection of essential process quantities is the most
important goal in the correct fOlTIlUlation of the problem. For this reason,
the active principles of the theory of experimental design [28] are most
There are various methods for global sensitivity analysis of an output
data model. Numerous statistical and probabilistic tools (regression,
smoothing, tests, statistical training, Monte Carlo, random balance, etc.) are
aimed at determining the input quantities which most affect the selected
target quantity of the model. This value may be, for example, the variance
of the output quantity. Three types of methods are distinguished: screening
(coarse sorting being the most influential among a large number of inputs),
the measure of importance (quantitative sensitivity indices) and in-depth
study of the behavior of the model (measuring the effects of inputs on their
variation range) [29]. As an example ofthe organization and usage of phases
of the sensitivity analysis, we will discuss the method of random balance
In the method ofrandom balance, linear effects and pairwise interactions
are eliminated. But, at the same time, there is an additional constraint: it is
assumed that the number of significant effects is significantly less than the
total number of effects taken into consideration.
The application of random balance in the study of any process has, in
principle, two features. The solution to any practical problem will be of
great value when the independent quantities are used as generalized criteria,
rather than individual factors of the physical dimension. The rationale for
this approach is justified in [30]. In this case, the monitoring process is less
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 19

sensitive to variations of similarity criteria, rather than to the combined

effect of variations of the parameters in the similarity criteria. Application
of the theory of similarity to solve problems by using the theory of
experiment plarming is due to the desire to reduce the number of
independent quantities, and, therefore, the number of experiments, and
dramatically reduce the amount of computational work.
Another feature is the fact that all methods of the theory of experimental
design, including the method of random balance, are used in a full-scale
natural experiment. At the same time, the methods of Monte Carlo and
random balance can be used to identify significant factors in the framework
of the developed mathematical model [31]. Such an approach from the
standpoint of mathematics does not currently have theoretical studies.
However, from an engineering point of view, by the condition of the
availability of positive experimental evaluation, which is, of course, only a
partial justification, the suggested approach to the engineering processes
seems possible.
In the method of random balance [32] there are supersaturated plans
used in which the number of trials (experiments) Il is less than the number
of the effects, but it is greater than the number of significant effects q (Il >
q). This method is used to determine the most significant factors that
characterize the object under study [33].
The application of the method of random balance is based on two
assumptions: 1) if, for the development of the experimental plan, one uses
random sampling of the rows of full factorial experiment, then the
probability of separating the dominant effects will be great enough because
ofthe small number ofthese effects; and 2) factors do not affect the response
ofthe system, i.e., they can be ranked (ranking is exponential) in descending
order of influence on �, and most of them can be attributed to background
noise. Compliance with the condition Il-q 2:0 gives a possibility of the
quantity measure of the chosen effects by regression analysis [33].
The abundance of the most detailed information obtained from
numerical studies on the basis of the developed finite-difference algorithm
is not always necessary, or rather, almost never required, to produce correct
and effective design solutions. In each case, it is necessary to clearly
understand for what purpose each version of a computer-aided calculation
should be perfonned. Detailed infonnation is sometimes hannful as it is not
subject to consolidation and synthesis. Therefore, in the development of
design solutions, it is a very important skill to carry out the required level
of aggregation of infonnation and at the right scale (i.e., its consolidation in
order to reduce the amount of infonnation considered).
20 Chapter One

From this perspective, the use of the random balance will highlight the
significant factors, the number of which is sufficient for the desired number
of design studies in the shortest possible period of time.
Here, it is appropriate to make a few observations on the further
procedure of processing the results of the numerical experiment. The
random balance is the first step in the experiment. Subsequently, there is
"movement in the area and a description of the area of the optimum"
performed [34].
Time of tennination of the shifting of effects in the random balance
method is assessed by using Fisher's criterion F [35]:


where S' {Yu} is the dispersion of the results of experience and S' {y} is the
variance calculated based on the results of several parallel experiments in
the center of the experiment ('reproducibility variance ').
Sieving effects cease if the value F calculated by the formula (15) is less
than the table value for the selected level of significance, i.e., it found that
the remaining variation of points is not different from the scattering results
related to the experimental uncertainty.
In view of the fact that the computational experiment is conducted on
models of different physical nature [36], the notion of "reproducibility
variance" appears problematic. It should be noted that, despite the positive
results of applying the methods of the experiment planning in the creation
of mathematical models of complex physical objects, there is a problem in
reducing the time and cost for the required number of experiments in the
subsequent stages of finding the optimum area.
The complexity of solving this problem is determined primarily by the
impossibility of the a priori definition of the order of the mathematical
model due to the complexity ofthe physical nature of processes [37], as well
as the fact that for every recognized object there is its O\Vll region of the
optimum. In addition, because of the essential nonlinearity of main
flUlctions of different physical processes, and the high accuracy
requirements to describe the area of the optimum, it is required to build
mathematical models of higher orders. This in turn makes it difficult and
sometimes impractical to use the obtained results in practice.
Considering all of the above, it appears to the author that the only
solution regarding a decision on the telTIlination of screening experiments
and the selection of the desired value of Fisher's factor is the calculation of
the minimum absolute and comparative uncertainties of the model, which
depends only on the number of selected quantities. The absolute uncertainty
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 21

can be used to calculate the exact Fisher's criteria, since it is the smallest
achievable uncertainty of the developed model. In addition, it does not
depend on an experimental measurement uncertainty. The purpose of this
work is to fOlTImlate a method for calculating the comparative uncertainty
inherent in any physical-mathematical model.

1.5. Basics of group theory

This section contains the minimum required explanation about concepts

and definitions of group theory needed to understand the logical chain of
reasoning in the fOlTImlation ofthe infOlmation approach for calculating the
minimum achievable comparative uncertainty.

Definition 1. The binary operation is specified on the set, if there is the

defined law that puts in line any two elements of the set and a unique
element of the same set.

Definition 2. The set Y with a binary algebraic operation defined on it is

called a group if:
• this operation is associative, i.e., (ab)e = a(be) for all elements
a, b, e ofY;
• Y contains a single element e: ae = ea = a for every element a
from Y;
• for each element a ofY, in Y there exists an inverse element
a_I: a_I a = a a_I = e.

Definition 3. A group is called Abelian (commutative) if all elements of

the group commute with each other, i.e., there is a commutative law
performed ab � ba for any elements a, b of the group Y (a, b E Y). Set
P c Y is called a subgroup of Y, if it is closed with respect to a
multiplication operation which is done on Y.

Examples of Abelian groups include the set of rational numbers, real

numbers and complex numbers, considered with respect to the operation of
addition. Non-Abelian groups are groups of substitutions of more than two
elements, or matrix groups with respect to multiplication.
Depending on the number of elements of Y (more precisely, on its
power), there are distinguished groups: finite, infinite discrete, continuous
and mixed continuous. The number of elements of a finite group is called
its order. Elements of an infinite discrete group can be enumerated using
natural series ofnumbers, or any countable set of symbols. Elements of the
22 Chapter One

continuous group are defined by a [mite number of constantly changing

parameters. The group is called compact if its parameters are located in a
limited range of values. In mixed groups, some parameters have a discrete
(for example, finite) set of values.
All the even numbers form a group with respect to the addition
operation. A set of integer numbers that are multiples of a given number n
is also a group. The set of odd numbers will not be a group for tbe addition
operation, since this operation takes us beyond the given set. All the non­
zero positive rational numbers also fOlTIl a group with respect to
multiplication. The numbers 1 and -1 when multiplied constitute a finite

Definition 4. Order of element is the smallest positive integer n such that

a" � e. It is represented by lal.

Definition 5. Order of the group Y is the number of its elements.

Order of tbe group Y is represented by IYI. If the set of elements is

infinite, it can be said that Y has infinite order and written as IYI � 00.
The groups are divided into two broad classes by the number of
elements: the finite, in which a plurality of elements is finite, and the infinite
with an infinite number of elements. Examples of finite groups are
pemmtations of a finite number of elements and the number of roots of 1
with the multiplication operation. If the set of elements of finite order is a
subgroup, then this is called the periodic part of the group. Groups having a
periodic part are also highlighted in a special class of groups.
In tbe study of tbe group theory there is highlighted the class of Abelian
groups, i.e., groups in which all elements commute with one another. The
theory of these groups is already quite well developed [38]. Abelian groups
include rational numbers, integer numbers, complex numbers for any
operation, all of the groups with one generating element, and quasi-cyclic
Let the different types of quantities be denoted by A, B, C. Then, the
following relations must be realized [39]:

a. From A and B, a new type of value is obtained as: C = A B .

(multiplicative relationship);
b. There are unnamed numbers, denoted by (I) � (AO), which when
multiplied by A do not change the dimensions of this type of
quantity. A (I) � A (single item);
Basic Knowledge about Applied Theories 23

c. A quantity must exist which corresponds to the inverse of the

quantity A, which we denote A" l such that A" l . A � (I);
d. The relation between the different types of quantities obeys the laws
of associativity and commutativity:
Associativity: A . (B . C) � (A . B) . C,
Commutativity: A . B � (B . A);
e. For all A * (1) and m E N; m * 0, the expression Am * 1 is the case;
f. The complete set consisting of an infinite number of types of
quantity has a finite generating system.

This means that there are a finite number of elements C1 , C2, . . Cn,
through which any type of quantity q can be represented as:

q::::J CT, CT,

2 '
. . .
n ' (16)

where the symbol ::J means "corresponds to dimension"; and 'II means
integer coefficients, i E [ l , OJ, 'II E A, where A is the set of integers.
The uniqueness of such a representation is not expected in advance.
Axioms "a-f' form a complete system of axioms of an Abelian group [40].
By taking into account the basic equations of the theories of electricity,
magnetism, gravity and themlOdynamics, they remain unchanged.
Now, we use the theorem that holds for an Abelian group: among !1
elements of the generating system C1 , C2, . . . en there is a subset h ::; 0 of
elements B 1 , B2, Bh, with the property that each element can be uniquely
• • •

represented in the fmm:

q::::J BP, BP,

2 '
' BPh h' (17)

where Pk are integers, k E [ l , hJ, h � !1; elements B,·B2 · . . . Bh are called the
basis of the group; and Bk are the basic types of quantities. n� Bf" is the
product of the dimensions of the main types of quantities Bk.
For the above-stated conditions, the following statement holds: the
group, which satisfies axioms a-f, has at least one basis Bl·B2 · . . . Bh' In the
case h > 2, there are infinitely many valid bases.
How to detelTIline the number of elements of a basis? In order to answer
this question, we will apply the above-mentioned theorem for the SI in
Chapter 2.2. In this case, attention must be paid to the following irrefutable
situation. One should be aware that condition (16) is a very strong
constraint. It is well knO\vn that not every physical system can be
represented as an Abelian group. Presentation of experimental results as a
24 Chapter One

fOlTIlula, in which the main parameter is represented in the fOlTIl of the

correlation function of the one-parameter selected functions, has many
limitations. However, in this study, condition (16) can be successfully
applied to the dummy system, in terms of being absent in nature, which is
based on SI. In this system, the derived quantities are always presented as
the product of the base quantities in different powers.

1.6. Summary

In this chapter, we presented an overview of the fundamental principles

that will be used in this book. At the same time, we defined mathematical
modeling of phenomena, provided motivation for its use in science and
technology, and outlined a fundamental approach to mathematical
modeling. We also outlined some important tools that will be used in more
detail later: the fundamentals of similarity theory, information theory,
experiment planning theory, and group theory.



The most important thing you cannot see with your eyes
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

2.1. Analysis of publications

The human desire to learn about the macrocosm, to understand the laws
of the invisible microcosm, to enhance the quality of everyday life, to
protect against natural disasters and prevent an ecological catastrophe on
our planet stimulates researchers and designers in a bold and ambitious
search, and generates the desire of scientists and engineers to create energy­
efficient appliances and equipment. This equipment is compact, characterized
by a high degree of computerization and robotics, and can implement
complex algoritlnns .
All of the above causes systematic research of processes and phenomena
by methods of physical and mathematical modeling. In addition, the demand
increases for a clear understanding of the results obtained using these
In recent years, new tools and methods have been developed to detect
the proximity between the researched material object and the designed
physical-mathematical model, to evaluate modeling errors, as well as to
quantify the uncertainties inherent in the numerical calculations, and for
choosing the appropriate and adequate model [41, 42, 43, 44].
Specific examples of the selection of the expedient physical­
mathematical model to describe the studied material object are presented in
the following papers.
The systematic approach is used for qualitative analysis of the
measurement procedure [45]. This procedure is considered as a system
containing different elements interacting with each other, including the
material object, and mathematical models describing it. The traditional
analysis ofthe accuracy of the measurements is supplemented by a study of
26 Chapter Two

qualitative characteristics such as reliability and complexity of the

measurement procedure. Mathematical modeling of the measurement
procedure is developed and studied. The qualitative characteristics of the
mathematical model are also investigated, including the adequacy of the
number of quantities used.
Authors of [46] developed a method for estimating the systematic error
of a model and proposed its introduction into a physical experiment for the
case of correlated measurements of unequal accuracy. They obtained
algorithms for calculating the confidence limits of the systematic error of
the mathematical model and also demonstrated their efficiency.
In [47], methods for measuring uncertainty in the form of the different
mathematical models were demonstrated. The authors discussed and
analyzed a class of models in engineering and sciences, taking into account
the relationship between input and output quantities for a system. These
models are built on the basis of knowing the underlying physical laws such
as material mechanics, and utilizing constraints such as boundary conditions.
In [48], the authors stated that the criterion for choosing a method to
estimate the values of a measure is not clearly addressed in the Guide to the
Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). This statement is true
if repeated measurements are performed. The two methods recommended
in the GUM to estimate the values of a measure are compared. Thus, a
certain criterion is fOlTIlUlated for selecting the preferable method based on
the calculation of contributions to the acquisition uncertainty.
In research [49], three criteria (robustness, fidelity and prediction­
looseness) were used to assess the credibility of mathematical or numerical
models. It is sho\Vll that these criteria are mutually antagonistic. The
recommended main strategy is to explore the trade-offs between robustness
and uncertainty, fidelity and data, and tightness of predictions.
Thus, there is no shortage of methods and techniques to identify the
matching of the physical-mathematical model and the studied natural
phenomena or processes. However, given the theme of the study, we are
interested in focusing on the works connecting infOlmation theory and
measurement theory.
One ofthe first innovative works must be considered in [9]. In this book,
Brillouin related the concept of entropy with the uncertainty of the physical
experiment results in order to detelTIline the accuracy of the experiment. For
a more detailed study of the accuracy achieved in the experiment, an
additional metric was proposed. It is called the comparative uncertainty and
it is the ratio of the absolute uncertainty of measurement of the quantity to
the magnitude of its interval of changes. It has been explained in detail that
without any knowledge about this interval, any experimental research loses
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 27

its physical meaning.

Despite numerous scientific publications that the author is aware of
related to the possibility of using the concept of "amount of infonnation"
and "entropy" in conducting field experiments and computer modeling,
examples ofthe practical use of information theory with concrete numerical
calculations in physics and engineering are few. In the context ofthis book,
a number of articles should be noted.
The first is [50] in which Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is
proposed. It is a metric of the relative quality of a statistical model for a
chosen set of data. If one has a collection of models for the data, AIC
estimates the quality of each model, relative to each of the other models.
AIC is founded on the concept of entropy in information theory: it offers a
relative estimate of the information lost when a given model is used to
represent the process that generates the data. AlC can be conceived of as a
theoretical tool for empirical modeling. 'When we wish to detennine
calculated values to represent theoretical data of an experiment, a researcher
should usually choose the model with the smallest AIC. Unfortunately, AIC
does not determine the quality of a model in an absolute sense. If all the
candidate models fit poorly, AIC will not give any indication of this.
Although AlC can be used for concrete practical cases, its application is
quite different to the approach proposed here.
In [51] an upper limit has been calculated, called the Bekenstein bound,
ofthe quantity of information contained within a given framed object which
represents the maximum amount of information required to perfectly
describe a given physical system. It was implied that the quantity of
information of a physical system must be finite ifthe space ofthe object and
its energy are finite. In infonnational terms, this bound is given by:

Y :S (2 ·rr· R · E)/(h l 2),

·c· n (18)

where Y is the information expressed in the number of bits contained in the

quantum states of the chosen object sphere; the In2 factor comes from
defining the information as the natural logarithm of the number of quantum
states; R is the radius of an object sphere that can enclose the given system;
E is the total mass-energy including any rest masses; h is the reduced Planck
constant; and c is the speed of light. The results are purely theoretical in
nature, although it is possible, judging by the numerous references to this
article, that one may find applications of the proposed fonnula in medicine
or biology.
28 Chapter Two

A study of quantum gates has been developed in [52]. The author

considered these gates as physical devices which are characterized by the
existence of random uncertainty. Reliability of quantum gates was
investigated from the perspective of infOlmation complexity. In turn, the
complexity of the gate operation was determined by the difference between
the entropies of the quantities characterizing the initial and final states. The
study stated that the gate operation may be associated with unlimited
entropy, implying the impossibility of realization of the quantum gates
function under certain conditions. The relevance of this study comes from
its conceptual approach of the use of quantities as a specific metric for
calculation of information quantity changing between input and output of
the apparatus model.
The infonnation-theory-based principles have been investigated in
relation to uncertainty of mathematical models of water-based systems [53].
In this research, the mismatch between physically-based models and
observations has been minimized by the use of intelligent data-driven
models and methods of information theory. The real successes were
achieved in developing forecast models for the Rhine and Meuse rivers in
the Netherlands. In addition to the possibility of forecasting the
uncertainties and accuracy of model predictions, the application of
information theory principles indicates that, alongside appropriate analysis
techniques, patterns in model uncertainties can be used as indicators to make
further improvements to physically-based computational models. At the
same time, there have been no attempts to apply these methodologies to
results of other physical or engineering tasks.
The design infOlmation entropy was introduced as a state that reflects
both complexity and refinement in [54]. The author argued that it can be
useful as some measure of design efficacy and design quality. The method
has been applied to the conceptual design of an unmarmed aircraft, going
through concept generation, concept selection and parameter optimization.
For the purposes of this study, it is important to note that introducing the
design infOlmation entropy as a state can be used as a quantitative
description for various aspects in the design process, both with regards to
structural information of architecture and connectivity, as well as for
parameter values, both discrete and continuous.
In [55] there has been a systematic review conducted of major
applications of information theory to physical systems, its methods in
various subfields of physics, and examples of how specific disciplines adapt
this tool. In the context of the proposed approach for practical purposes in
experimental and theoretical physics and engineering, the physics of
computation, acoustics, climate physics and chemistry have been mentioned.
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 29

However, no surveys, reviews or research studies were found with respect

to applying information theory for calculating an uncertainty of models of
the phenomenon or technological process.
The approach that uses the tools of estimation theory to fuse together
infonnation from multi-fidelity analysis, resulting in a Bayesian-based
approach to mitigating risk in complex design has been proposed [56].
Maximum entropy characterizations of model discrepancies have been used
to represent epistemic uncertainties due to modeling limitations and model
assumptions. The revolutionary methodology has been applied to multi­
disciplinary design optimization and demonstrated on a wing-sizing
problem for a high altitude, long endurance aircraft. Uncertainties have been
examined that have been explicitly maintained and propagated through the
design and synthesis process, resulting in quantified uncertainties on the
output estimates of quantities of interest. However, the proposed approach
focuses on the optimization of the predefined and computer-ready
simulation model.
For these reasons there are only a handful of different methods and
techniques used to identify the matching of physical-mathematical models
and studied physical phenomena or technological processes by the
uncertainty formulated with usage of the concepts of "infonnation quantity"
and "entropy". All the above-mentioned methodologies are focused on
identifying a posteriori uncertainty caused by the ineradicable gap between
a model and a physical system. At the same time, according to our data, in
modem literature there does not exist any physical or mathematical
relationship which could fonnulate the interaction between the level of
detailed descriptions of the material object (the number of recorded
quantities) and the lowest achievable total experimental uncertainty of the
main parameter.
Thus, it is advisable to choose the appropriate/acceptable level of detail
of the object (a finite number of registered quantities) and formulate the
requirements for the accuracy of input data and the uncertainty of the
specific target function (similarity criteria), which describes the
"likelihood" and characterizes the behavior of the observed object.

2.2. System of base quantities

De facto, the physical-mathematical model fonnulation is based on two

30 Chapter Two

1. Observation isframed by a System ofBase Quantities (SBQ).

Absolutely all physicists and engineers try to describe the observed
phenomena with the help of concepts inculcated by everyday experience,
acquired knowledge and, not infrequently, intuition. At the same time,
despite 90-year efforts, it has not been possible until now to combine
classical determinism with the probabilistic laws of quantum mechanics.
The only characteristic that unites all modem physics so far is that scientists
use SBQ, such as the SI or CGS (centimeter-gram-second system of units),
to realize their ideas. It means that the hannonic construction of modern
science is based on a simple consensus that any physical laws of micro- and
macro-physics are described by quite certain dimensional quantities: base
and derived quantities. Taking quantity as the fundamental aspect means
that it can be assigned as a standard of measurement, which is independent
of the standard that is chosen for the other fundamental quantity. The base
quantities are selected arbitrarily, while the derived quantities are chosen to
satisfy discovered physical laws or relevant definitions.
The concept of SBQ is taken from our everyday experience and is valid
only for the momentary perception of the observed phenomena. It would be
surprising if it would be possible some day to exclude from the physical
theory concepts that are the very foundation of our daily life. True, the
history of science reveals the amazing fruitfulness of human thought and
one should not lose hope. However, until we have succeeded in spreading
our ideas in this direction, we should try with greater or lesser difficulty to
squeeze the observed phenomena into the framework ofthe concept of SBQ.
Although we will always be troubled by the feeling that we are trying to put
a huge human foot into a small diamond shoe that does not suit her.
SBQ, in its essence, is some new element in scientific knowledge,
completely alien to classical concepts. It exists only because of the
consensus of the researchers, although SBQ is absent in nature. By default,
the use of the dimensional quantities contained in the SBQ to describe the
micro- and macro-cosmos implies a certain framework that limits our
So, the quantities are selected within a pre-agreed SBQ that is a set of
dimensional quantities, which are base and can generate derived quantities.
These quantities are necessary and sufficient to describe the knO\vn laws of
nature, as in the quantitative physical content [40]. This means that any
scientific knowledge and, without exception, all formulated physical laws
are discovered due to information contained in the SBQ. This is a unique
charmel (generalizing carrier of information [57]) through which
information is transmitted to the observer or the observer extracts
information about the object from the SBQ. The SBQ includes a finite
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 31

number of physical dimensional quantities, which have the potential to

characterize the world's physical properties and, in particular, observed
phenomenon qualitatively and quantitatively. So, an observation of a
material object and its modeling are framed by the SBQ. We model only
what we can imagine or observe, and the mere presence of a selected SBQ,
such as the lens, sets a specific limit on the measurement of the observed
Each quantity carries a certain amount of infOlmation about the object
under study. Since the number of elements in the SBQ is finite, the total
amount of infOlmation contained in the SBQ is finite. Thus, we conclude
that there exists the specific limit of knowledge of the surrounding reality.
This limit is not due to any existing physical laws, but to the presence of
collective human consciousness. The mere fact ofthe measurement process
presupposes the existence of a physical-mathematical model of the
researched object that has already been formulated, including equations and
boundary conditions. In this case, it is already possible to compile a list of
the registered dimensional quantities and calculate their number in advance.
Most importantly, it is also possible to calculate the entropy change between
the initial state corresponding to the maximum number of variables in the

2. The number of quantities taken into account in the physical­

mathematical model is limited.
The SBQ includes the base and derived quantities used for descriptions of
different classes of phenomena (CoP). In other words, the additional limits
of the description of the studied material object are defined by the choice of
CoP and the number of derived quantities taken into account in the
mathematical model [58]. For example, in mechanics SI uses the basis {L­
length, M- mass, T- time}, i.e., CoPSI==- LMT. Basic accounts of
electromagnetism here add the magnitude of electric current I.
ThelTIlodynamics requires the inclusion of thermodynamic temperature 6J.
For photometry it needs to add J- luminous intensity. The final base
quantity of SI is an amount of substance F.
If the SBQ and CoP are not given, then the definition of "information
about researched object" loses its force. Without the SBQ, the modeling of
the phenomenon is impossible. You can never get something out ofnothing,
not even by watching [9]. It is possible to interpret the SBQ as a basis of all
accessible knowledge that humans are able to have about their environment
at the present time.
At the same time, the uncertainty of a mathematical model with a finite
number of quantities carmot be achieved as low as desired. It is explained
32 Chapter Two

by the fact tbat tbis uncertainty relates to tbe validity of each natural or
computer-based experiment, and should be a part of tbe tbeory of
measurements. 'When this theory is used as a physical model, it becomes the
object of applying both the above restrictions. In physics, tbis leads to an
assumption of the possibility of the existence of certain uncertainties
(limited accuracy) before the mathematical model is applied.
There are fundamental objective (e.g., thermodynamic) limits for
accuracy during the experimental study. This, in tum, detelTIlines the
existence of a priori source of inaccurate knowledge on all material objects,
the information about which is received and processed by the observer.
Fundamental limits on the maximum precision with which we can
determine the physical quantities are created by Heisenberg's Uncertainty
Principle [59]. However, Planck's constant is extremely small, so tbe
uncertainty in the macro-measurements is devoid of practical meaning.
Uncertainties of position and momentum, which follow from it, lie far
beyond the achievable accuracy of the experiments.
In turn, tbe establishment of a specific SBQ (e.g., SI units) means that
we are talking about trying to restrict the set of possible quantities by a
smaller number of basic quantities and the corresponding units. Then, all
other required quantities can be found or detelTIlined based on these base
quantities, which must meet certain criteria [40] that were introduced in
Chapter 1.4. The entire information above can be represented as follows:

1 . There are r; = 7 base quantities: L is length, M is mass, T is time, I is

electric current, 8 is thelTIlodynamic temperature, J is luminous intensity,
F is tbe amount of a substance [40].

2. The dimension of any derived quantity q can only be expressed as a

unique combination of dimensions of the main base quantities to different
powers (1) [40]:

q3 L' . M'" . T' . l' . ee . p . Ff (19)

In tbis case, one should note tbat condition (19) IS a very strong
constraint. It is well knO\vn that not every physical system can be
represented as an Abelian group. The presentation of experimental results
as a fOlTIlula, where the main quantity is represented in the fOlTIl of the
correlation function of the one-quantity selected functions, has many
limitations. However, in this study, condition (1) can be successfully
applied to a system that is not in nature; for example, SI. In this system, the
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 33

derived quantities are always represented as the product of the base

quantities to different degrees.

3. I, m .. .f are exponents of the quantities and the range of each has a

maximum and minimum value; according to [60], integers are the

-3 ::; I ::; +3, -1 ::; m ::; +1, -4 ::; t ::; +4, -2 ::; i ::; +2
-4 ::; e ::; +4, -1 ::; j ::; +1, -1 ::; f ::; +1.
4. The exponents of quantities can only take integer values [60], so the
number of choices of dimensions for each quantity el, . . . ef, according to
(20), is the following:

el = 7; em = 3; e, = 9; e, = 5 ; ee = 9; ej = 3; e[ = 3 (21)

where, for example,L"3 is used in a formula of density, and 94 in the Stefan­

Bo1t=ann law.

5. The total number of dimension options of physical quantities equals

'l'0� nr e, - l

'P O =(el . em . e, . e, . ee . e; . e[ - 1) = (7 · 3 · 9 · 5 · 9 · 3 · 3 - 1)
= 76,544, (22)

where "-I" corresponds to the case where all exponents of the base
quantities in formula (19) are treated to zero dimension.

6. The value 'Po includes both required and inverse quantities (for
example,L' is the length,L·1 is the running length). The object can be judged
knowing only one of its symmetrical parts, while others structurally
duplicating this part may be regarded as information empty. Therefore, the
number of options of dimensions may be halved. This means that the total
number of dimension options of physical quantities without inverse
quantities equals 'I' � '1'°/2 � 38,272.

7. For further discussion we use the methods of the theory of similarity,

which is expedient for several reasons mentioned in Chapter 1.2. It is
important to note that the universality of similarity transfOlmations is
defmed by the invariant relationships that characterize the structure of all
34 Chapter Two

the laws of nature, including the laws of relativistic nuclear physics.

Moreover, dimensional analysis from the point of view of the mathematical
apparatus has a group structure, and conversion factors (the similarity
complexes) are invariants of the groups. The concept of the group (Chapter
1.5) is a mathematical representation of the concept of symmetry, which is
one of the most fundamental concepts of modem physics [4].

According to rr-theorem [61] (Chapter 1.2), the number /lSI of possible

dimensionless criteria with � = 7 base dimensional quantities for SI will be:

J.iSI = 'P - {" = 38,265. (23)

Applying the theory of similarity is motivated by the desire to generalize

obtained results in the future for different areas of physical applications. The
numerical value of J1SI can only increase with the deepening of knowledge
about the material world. It should be mentioned that the set of
dimensionless quantities J1SI is a fictitious system, since it does not exist in
physical reality. However, this observation is true for proper SI too. At the
same time, the object which exists in actuality may be expressed by this set.
The relationships (19)-(23) are obtained on the basis ofthe principles of
the theory of groups (Chapter 1.5) as set forth in [40]. The presented results
provide a possible use of information theory to different physical and
engineering areas with a view to fOlTImlating precise mathematical
relationships to assess the minimum comparative uncertainty (see Chapter
2.3) ofthe model that describes the studied physical phenomenon or process.
Thus, at the information processing stage of the material object
modeling, it is appropriate to consider tasks allowing the following:
improvement in the reliability and accuracy of the results of physical and
mathematical modeling; reduction in the amount and duration ofnatural and
computer simulations; mathematical fOlTIlUlation of "life-activity" of the
material object in the consolidated criteria form; and dissemination of the
obtained results on similar material objects.
All the above can be attributed to the basic task involved in the problem
of improving research efficiency and accelerating its practical

2.3. Amount of information inherent in the model

The validity of a mathematical model structure is confIrmed, to a

researcher, by the small differences between theoretical calculations and the
experimental data. In doing so, a question is overlooked: to what extent does
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 35

the chosen model correctly describe the relevant natural phenomenon or

At the beginning ofthe 20th century it was thought that the mathematical
models of physical phenomena, of course, must be correct. Therefore, any
incorrect model carmot simulate any meaningful physical phenomena. This
idea was changed many years later during the 1940s with the work of
Tikhonov, who provided the approach to stabilize the incorrect problem.
This approach is known as the inverse problem and is now being applied to
many important areas of science. In the inverse problem, we use data from
physical phenomena to detect certain characteristics, or the reasons for the
phenomena themselves.
In [62] it has been shown that by setting a priori the total value of
uncertainties of an experiment and the fOlTIlulated model, one can detelTIline
the necessary number of measurements of the chosen quantity and the
validity of the selected model. The specified approach at the decision of
inverse mathematical tasks is based on the legitimacy of a condition [63]:

PD (By, v) � LI, (24)

where y is the set of characteristics of the investigated process; v is an

experimental field of measurement; D denotes the set of possible theoretical
fields of measurements d; B is the law connecting the characteristic of
investigated objecty with d; PD (d" d,) is a measure of affinity ("distance")
between two fields; and A is an absolute uncertainty of definition of a field
Condition (24) means that the field calculated under the characteristic y
is separated from v by a distance which is less than or equal to A. In what
follows, we denote Apmm as the uncertainty in determining the dimensionless
theoretical field u, "embedded" in a physical-mathematical model and
caused only by its dimension that is the property of the model to reflect a
certain number of characteristics of researched phenomena, as well as its
external and internal connections. 'What is the possible structure of Apmm?
To answer this question, we turn to [64], in which attempts to find a more
general measure of information than the Shannon concept have been
reviewed. In addition, the need for such an alternative measure has been
demonstrated based on a historical review of the problems concerned with
the conceptualization of infolTIlation. The author has proven that an
alternative measure can be presented in the context of a modified definition
of information applicable outside of the conduit metaphor of Shannon's
approach. Several features superior to those of entropy have been shown.
For instance, unlike entropy it can be easily and consistently extended to
36 Chapter Two

continuous probability distributions, and unlike differential entropy this

extension is always positive and invariant with respect to linear
transfOlmations of the coordinates. The author has proven a theorem which
is interpreted as an assertion that the total infOlmation amount can be
separated into infonnation identifying the element of the partition, plus the
average infonnation identifying an element within subsets of the partition.
Taking into account this conclusion, we can represent Apmm as the sum of
two tenns, in which the first tenn of an alternative measure of information
defines Lfpmm' and the second term dictates the choice of Lfpmm":


where Apmm' is the uncertainty due to CoP, which is associated with the
reduction in the number of recorded base quantities compared with the
SBQ; and .dpmm" is the uncertainty due to the choice of the number of
recorded influencing quantities within the framework of the set of CaP.
The equation (25) is an expression of the fact that during modeling of
any phenomenon or technological process and equipment there is a gap
between the researched object and its theoretical representation in physical­
mathematical fOlTIl due to the conscious observer choosing only CoP and a
number of quantities based on their 0\Vll knowledge, experience and
intuition. The reality of the environment is the obvious a priori condition
for the modeling of the investigated material object. The "enclosure" of the
process or phenomenon being investigated by the boundary conditions leads
to the fact that the unknown relationships between the contents ofthe object
and the environment are "broken". In this context it is obvious that an
overall uncertainty of the model including inaccurate input data, physical
assumptions, the approximate solution ofthe integral-differential equations,
etc., will be larger than .dpmm. Thus, .dpmm is only one component of a
possible mismatch of the real object and its modeling results. In tum, .dpmm"
cannot be defined without declaration of the chosen CoP (Ap='). So,
according to its nature, .dpmm will be equal to the sum of two telTIls. 'When
comparing different models (according to a value of Ap=) describing the
same object, preference should be given to the model for which .dpmm/.dexp
is closer to 1 . The term .dexp is the estimated uncertainty in the detelTIlination
of the generalized objective function (similarity criterion) during an
experiment or computer simulation. It will always be larger than .dpmm.
Many different models may describe fundamentally the same object, where
two models are considered to be essentially the same if they are
indistinguishable from a value of .dpmm.
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 37

We fOlTIlUlate an approach for the introduction of a measure of the

information quantity about an object in the SBQ and the defmition of a
sequence of actions (algorithm) allowing a measurement of this quantity. A
certain complexity of the observed material object is offered as a measure
of the complexity of the object model. Each observer can decide only the
category of the model. Any claim can be made only with respect to the
model. Of course, the notion of "complexity" also requires definition and
there is a possibility of arbitrariness. However, the process of cognition of
a real object as a physical system, in general, is infinite. Thus, the model of
the system is a fOlTIlal structure built according to certain rules, and the
design certainly is predictable. In this case, a material object (a certain
totality) can be represented in two different ways. By merely listing its
elements when the researcher supposes that a set of values is finite, or by
specifying a system of rules (algorithm), based on which you can perform
such an enumeration. This means a totality is thus accounted for. From a
practical point of view, the most natural assertion is that the measure of
complexity of the totality is the number of elements contained therein. So,
one of the simplest ways is to find the magnitude calculated according to
the number of elements included in this description. This value is an
information quantity measure contained in the description of a physical
system. In order to calculate an infolTIlation quantity, we choose Xl, X2, ...
Xn (n E: N) base quantities. Then for a derived quantity, base quantities enter
into the fOlTIlula of dimension with exponents 'Tl , 'T2, ... 'Tn E: P, where P is
the set of rational numbers [40]. [fthe set of values Em, which can accept Tn
in various variants of fOlTIlulas of dimension for derived quantities, has the
top and bottom bounds, then Em is finite [70]. Consideration of a case TnE:
R, 'TnE: Em, EmE: R, where R is a totality of real numbers, is invalid because
it is possible'TnE: R\P, where 'Tn represents an irrational number, does not
have physical meaning. The number of elements in Em will make en. The
variant dimension number of physical quantities describing the internal
structure of a material object reaches 'Po = nen-l , where "-1" corresponds
to the occasion when all exponents of base quantities in the fOlTIlula are
treated to zero dimension.
As the infolTIlation quantity of an object is connected to its symmetry
[65], the number '1'0 can be reduced by a factor of 0) (the quantity of
equivalent parts in the researched material object): 'I' � '1'°/0). Obviously,
the equivalent parts of a symmetrical object {Em} have identical structure,
where {Em} is the totality including elements of Em totalities.
Consequently, the object can be judged, knowing only one of its
symmetrical parts, while others structurally duplicating this part may be
regarded as information empty. Knowing 'I' and using rr-theorem [61], as
38 Chapter Two

mentioned in Chapter 1.2, the number of dimensionless criteria JiSI is equal

to the number of dimensional physical parameters 'P, net amount of S base
quantities, i.e., /lSI � 'I' - Ii (23).
For further discussion we will use an analogy with a theory of signals
transmission. Imagine that you want to convert the analog signal to digital
by three operations: time sampling, quantization and coding in amplitude.
To convert the analog signal to digital, the analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) is used. At regular intervals the ADC measures the amplitude of tlie
analog signal and receives the instantaneous values or readouts of the signal,
and then it converts readouts in binary words/codes. ADC operation
parameters are detelTIlined by the theorem of Sharmon-Kotelnikov, on
which a continuous signal with limited spectrum is completely
characterized by a discrete number of values (readouts). Since any
continuous medium may be written in a discrete fOlTIl, it is a viable
probabilistic approach for the measurement of information in the case of
continuous environments. It is designed by Wiener, who proceeded from
the fact that in cybernetic systems the elementary fOlTIl of information is the
memorization of the choice of one of two equally likely possibilities, which
he called tlie solution.
For the purposes of our research, and with some practical intuition
thrO\vn in, assume that the recognized material object has a huge number of
properties (criteria, quantities) that characterize its content and interaction
with the environment. Then, we assume that each dimensionless complex
represents tlie original readout (reading [9, 66]), through which some
infolTIlation on the dimensionless researched field u (observed obj ect) can
be obtained by the observer. In other words, the researcher observing a
physical phenomenon, analyzing the process or designing the device,
selects-according to his experience, knowledge and intuition-certain
characteristics of the object. With this selecting of the object, connections
of the actual object with the environment enveloping it are destroyed. In
addition, the modeler takes into account the relatively smaller number of
quantities than the current reality due to constraints of time, and technical
and financial resources. Therefore, the "image" of the obj ect being studied
is shown in the model with a certain uncertainty, which depends primarily
on the number of quantities taken into account. In addition, the object can
be addressed by different groups of researchers, who use different
approaches for solving specific problems and, accordingly, different groups
of quantities, which differ from each otlier in quality and quantity. Thus, for
any physical or technical problem, the occurrence of a particular quantity in
the model can be considered as a random process.
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 39

It is supposed that the accounting of readouts (criteria, quantities) is

equiprobable. We want to emphasize again that the use of the concept of
"readout" in examining some object at the stage of model development is
due to the expediency of the vector (positional) ways of representing
information of the observed phenomena. 'When there are large numbers of
components (a large-dimensional vector space) it is possible to distinguish
only two states of the vector component: for example, the presence or
absence of a signal; in our case, the appearance or lack of a readout quantity
[67]. It should be noted that the approval of the equiprobable occurrence of
a readout is justified by the purpose of the research: finding the absolute
uncertainty Llp= stipulated by the level of detail of the researched object.
Indeed, any other distribution of readouts yields less information [68-70],
which leads to a larger uncertainty of the model in comparison with an
uncertainty calculated at the unifOlTIl distribution of readouts.
Then, let there be a situation wherein all quantities J1SI of SI can be taken
into account, provided the choice of these quantities is considered, a priori,
equally probable. In this case, J1SI corresponds to a certain value of entropy
and may be calculated by the following formula [9]:


where H is entropy of SI including I'SI, equally probable accounted

quantities, and kb is the Boltzmann's constant.
'When a researcher chooses the influencing factors (the conscious
limitation ofthe number of quantities that describe an object, in comparison
with the total number I'SI), entropy of the mathematical model changes a
priori. The entropy change is generally measured as follows [9]:


where AU is the entropy difference between two cases, and pr is "a priori"
and ps is "a posteriori".
"The efficiency Q of the experimental observation method can be
defined as the ratio of the information obtained to the entropy change
accompanying the observation." [9] During a thought experiment, no
distortion is brought into the real system, that is why Q= 1 . Then, one can
write it according to (27):

40 Chapter Two

where AA is the a priori infonnation quantity pertaining to the observed

Using equations (26) to (28) and imposing symbols where z' is the
number of physical quantities in the selected CoP (see Chapter 2.2) and f!
is the number of base quantities in the selected CoP leads to the following

LlA' = Q . (Hp,- Hp,) = 1 · [kb · lnl'sI - kb · In(z' - p,)] =

= kb . In [l'sI !(z , - p�],
where LfA' is the a priori amount of infOlmation pertaining to the observed
object due to the choice of the CoP.
The value LfA' is linked to the a priori absolute uncertainty ofthe model,
caused only by the choice of the CoP, Lfpmm' and S, the dimensionless
interval of observation of the main researched dimensionless quantity u,
through the following dependence [9]:

Llpmm' = S · exp (-LlA'/kb) . (30)

Substitution of (29) into (30) gives the following dependence:

Llpmm' = S · (z' - P�/I'SI ' (31)

Following the same reasoning, it can be sho\Vll that the a priori absolute
uncertainty of a model of the observed object, caused by the number of
recorded dimensionless criteria chosen in the model, Lfpmmt! takes the
following form:

Llpmm" = S · (z" - P ")/(z' - P �, (32)

where z!! is the number of physical dimensional quantities recorded in a

mathematical model; pn is the number of base physical dimensional
quantities recorded in a model; and Apmm" cannot be defined without
declaring the chosen CoP (Lfpmm').
All the above derivations can be summarized in the fOlTIl of the JlSI­
hypothesis: In model formulation, let the system of base quantities with a
total number of dimensional physical quantities be denoted by '1', where i;
of which are chosen and are independent ofdimension. In theframework of
the phenomena class (z' is the total number ofdimensional quantities and f!
is the number a/base quantities), there is a dimensionless main quantity u
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 41

that is raised to a given range of values S. Then, the absolute uncertainty

Apmm that contains u (for a given number ofphysical dimensional quantities,
zl! is recorded in a model where pI! ofwhich are the number of chosen base
quantities) can be determinedfrom the relationship:

.dpmm = 5 · [(z'- P�/f1sI - (z" - P '�/(z ' - P')l , (33)

where £ � ApmnJS is the comparative uncertainty [9].

Using equation (33), one can find the recommended uncertainty value
with the theoretical analysis ofthe physical phenomena. Moreover, equation
(33) can also inform a limit on the advisability of obtaining an increase of
the measurement accuracy in conducting pilot studies or computer
simulation. It is not a purely mathematical abstraction. Equation (33) has
physical meaning. The pSI-hypothesis lays dO\vn that, in nature, there is a
fundamental limit to the accuracy of measuring any process, which carmot
be surpassed by any improvement of instruments, measurement methods or
the model's computerization. The value of this limit is much higher and
stronger than what the Heisenberg uncertainty relation provides.
At its core, Apmm is an a priori conceptual uncertainty that is inherent to
any physical-mathematical model and is independent of the measurement
process. The uncertainty determined by the proposed principle is not the
result of measurement; it represents an intrinsic property of the model, and
it is caused only by the number of selected quantities and the chosen CoP.
Therefore, the overall uncertainty model including additional uncertainties
associated with the structure of the model and its subsequent
computerization will be much greater than Apmm.
In fact, equation (33) can be regarded as the conformity principle
(uncertainty relation) for the process of model development. No model can
produce results that contradict the relation (33). That is, any change in the
level of the detailed description ofthe observed object (z"-fl'; z'-fl) causes a
change in the minimum comparative uncertainty value ApmmlS of the model
of a specific CoP and in the achieved accuracy of each main quantity,
characterizing the internal structure of the object. In other words, the
conformity principle fundamentally establishes the accuracy limit (for a
given class of phenomena) by simultaneously defining a pair of quantities,
observed by a conscious researcher, particularly the absolute uncertainty in
the measurement of the investigated quantity and the interval of its changes.
Thus, it follows that the fuzziness (inaccurate representation) of the
object in the eyes of the researcher depends both on the chosen class of
phenomena and on the number of quantities taken into account by the
conscious observer; the latter directly depends on the knowledge, life
42 Chapter Two

experience and intuition of the researcher. Objectively, these factors,

already stated above, render it possible to consider the choice of a quantity
as a random process, with an equally probable account of a particular
It is to be noted that the relative and comparative uncertainties of the
dimensional quantity U and the dimensionless quantity u are equal:

(flUjS *) = (flUja)j(S *ja) = (flujS)

(rjR) = (flUjU) j(fluju) = (flUjU) · (ajflU) · (Uja) = 1
where S and Au are the dimensionless quantities (respectively, the range of
variations and the total absolute uncertainty in detennining the
dimensionless quantity u); S '" and A U are the dimensional quantities
(respectively, the range of variations and the total absolute uncertainty in
detennining the dimensional quantity U); a is the dimensional scale
parameter with the same dimension as that of U and S "' ; r is the relative
uncertainty of the dimensional quantity U; and R is the relative uncertainty
of the dimensionless quantity u.
Equating the derivative ofLfpnm/S (33) with respect to z'-j! to zero, gives
the following condition for achieving the minimum comparative uncertainty
for a particular CoP:

(z'- P')2 jl'S! = (z" - p'� . (35)

By using (35), one can find the values for the lowest achievable
comparative uncertainties for different CoPSI; moreover, the values of the
comparative uncertainties and the numbers of the chosen variables are
different for each CoPSI:

1 . For mechanics processes (COPSI == LMT), taking into account the

aforementioned explanations and (19), the lowest comparative uncertainty
£LMI' can be reached at the following conditions:

(z'- P') = (e, · em · e, - 1)j2 - 3 = 91, (36)

z"-P" � (z'_P�21 }lSI � 0.2164 <1 (37)

where "-1" corresponds to the case when all the base quantity exponents are
zero in formula (2); dividing by 2 indicates that there are direct and inverse
quantities, e.g., L 1 is the length, L- 1 is the run length; and 3 corresponds to
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 43

the three base quantities L, M, T.

According to (33) ELMT equals:

ELMT = (tJU/S)LMT = 91/38,265 + 0.2164/91 = 0.0048. (38)

In other words, according to (37), even one dimensionless main quantity

does not allow one to reach the lowest comparative uncertainty. Therefore,
in the frame ofthe suggested approach, the original comparative uncertainty
carmot be realized using any mechanistic model (CoPSI == LMT). Moreover,
the greater the number of mechanical parameters, the greater the embedded
uncertainty. In other words, the Cavendish method, for example, in the
frame of the suggested approach is not recommended for measurements of
the Newtonian gravitational constant.
Such statements appear to be highly controversial, and one might even
say very unprofessional, not credible and far from current reality. However,
as we shall see below, the proposed approach allows the obvious
conclusions to be made consistent with practice.

2. For electromagnetism processes (CoPSI = LMTI), taking into account

(19), the lowest comparative uncertainty can be reached at the following

' ') e,'c",'e,'e,-1 7-3·9-5-1

(z - p =
4= 2
4 = 468, (39)

z"-P" � (z'_P�21 }lSI � 5.723873, (40)

where "-1" corresponds to the case when all the base quantity exponents are
zero in formula (19); dividing by 2 indicates that there are direct and inverse
quantities, e.g., L 1 is the length, L- 1 is the run length; and 4 corresponds to
the four base quantities L, M, T, I.

Then, one can calculate the minimum achievable comparative

uncertainty £LMTi

ELMTI = (tJU/S)LMTI = 468/38,265 + 5.723873/468 = 0.0245. (41)

3. For combined heat and electromagnetism processes (CoPsI= LMT(}I),
taking into account (19), the lowest comparative uncertainty £L.m'OI can be
reached at the following conditions:

(z '- p � = (e , . em . et • ee . e, - 1)/2 - 5 = 4,247, (42)

44 Chapter Two

z"-P" � (z'-P�'I }lSI � 4,247'/38,265 " 471, (43)

where "-1" corresponds to the case when all the base quantity exponents are
zero in formula (19); dividing by 2 indicates that there are direct and inverse
quantities, e.g., L 1 is the length, L- 1 is the run length; and 5 corresponds to
the five base quantities L, M, T, 6, I.
Then, one can calculate the minimum achievable comparative
uncertainty £LMTtIJ:

ELMTe! = (LlU)LMTel = 4,247/38,265 + 471/4,247 = 0.0222. (44)

4. For heat processes (CoPSI = LMT(}), taking into account (19), the
lowest comparative uncertainty £LMI'IJ can be reached at the following

(z'- P � = (e, · em · e, · ee - 1)/2 - 4 = 846, (45)

z"-P" � (z'-P�'I }lSI � 846'/38,265 " 19, (46)

where "-1" corresponds to the case when all the base quantity exponents are
zero in formula (19); dividing by 2 indicates that there are direct and inverse
quantities, e.g., L 1 is the length, L- 1 is the run length; and 4 corresponds to
the four base quantities L, M, T, 8.
Then, one can calculate the minimum achievable comparative
uncertainty tLMTtr

ELMTe = (LlU)LMTe = 846/38,265 + 19/846 = 0.0442. (47)

Below is a summary table of comparative uncertainties and the optimal

number of dimensionless criteria considered in the model for each class of

Table I. Comparative uncertainties and optimal number of dimensionless


CoPSI Comparative uncertainty Optimal number of

LMT 0.0048 0.2 < 1
LMTF 0.0 146 ", 2
LMTI 0.0245 �6
LMT() 0.0442 '" 19
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 45

LMTIF 0.0738 � 52
LMT(}F 0.1331 '" 169
LMT(}[ 0.2220 � 471
LMT(}FI 0.6665 '" 4 249

The reader must keep in mind that the optimal number of criteria chosen
in a model corresponds to the comparative uncertainty inherent in a specific
CoP. Because the values of comparative uncertainties and the required
number of the chosen quantities are completely independent and different
for each class of a phenomena, the attained approach can become an
arbitrary metric for comparing different models that describe the same
recognized object. Let us now try to apply the aforementioned method for
the analysis of the accuracy of the fundamental constants measurement and
the detelTIlination of their minimum absolute, relative and comparative

2.4. Summary

In this chapter we have analyzed the existing literature related to

applying information theory to different cases of physics in a perspective to
calculate the uncertainty of the developed model of the recognized object.
In addition, we described an important aspect of the system of base
quantities (SBQ) and class ofphenomena (CoP) by the usage of which there
can be calculated a total number of dimensionless criteria inherent to the SI.
Taking into account the achieved results and instruments of infolTIlation
theory, we have calculated the comparative uncertainty of any model
describing a physical phenomenon. The construction of this uncertainty
allows verification of the required number of dimensionless criteria of the
different classes of phenomena.
We close by noting that while our use of the information approach will
be limited, we will extensively use the comparative uncertainty for the
below-mentioned applications. This will help us to evaluate the importance
of different effects to bolster our physical understanding, as well as organize
our numerical calculation, data collection, and design experiments.
This treatise is an attempt to show the inextricable link between the
information approach and the concept of the comparative uncertainty with
the developed physical-mathematical model by tracing it back to its physical
base. We will clarify the telTIlS used in the assessment of the comparative
uncertainty of the model, explain why and how it works, and utilize the
calculations to prove its usefulness, as well as discuss some of the
challenges and issues that typically arise in its application. The procedure is
46 Chapter Two

the same for all applications, a specific case of which will be presented in a
subsequent section.
Finally, one needs to compare the features of the application of the
theory of measurements and the measure of the similarity of the model to
the phenomenon under study on the basis of calculating the amount of
information contained in the model. The trait that unites measurement
theory and the information-oriented approach is that they study in physical
theory only what can be observed directly, excluding such things as
unobservable quantities.
One can understand the fundamental difference that exists between
measurement theory and the information-based approach. To do this, we
note that the measured variables-the simultaneous knowledge of which is
necessary in the theory of measurements in order to strictly predict the
measured value-are those whose number is precisely calculated by the
information approach in the process of model fOlTIlUlatioll. Areas of their
application are delineated by a threshold discrepancy. The uncertainty
caused by the threshold discrepancy between the model and the obj ect must
be less than the pelTIlissible uncertainty in the measurement. If the
predetelTIlined measurement uncertainty exceeds this limit, then the main
quantity cannot be measured with the required accuracy. This result shows
that the model is inadequate. To implement the experiment, the model must
be redefined.
Summarizing this idea, the information-oriented approach raises the
principle of limitation:
following basic postulate, which can be called the
the value of any physical quantity can be found only with a minimum
absolute uncertainty, depending on the chosen class of the phenomenon
and the number of quantities considered in the model.
For classical physics, quantum mechanics and technical applications,
this postulate is not trivial. Any theorist or experimenter, based on his
experience, knowledge and intuition, detelTIlines the design ofthe test bench
or theoretical model, thereby limiting (decreasing) the number of quantities
reflecting the observed phenomenon, compared with the total number of
quantities contained in the SBQ. Thus, this intangible disturbance of the
system is primordial, although much smaller in comparison with the
quantities considered by the theory of measurements and including
inaccuracy of the initial data, boundary conditions, differential and integral
equations with their subsequent computerization, etc. Therefore, any model
significantly distorts the phenomenon under investigation.
Is this information approach, although very beautiful and very clear,
somewhat arbitrary? 'Why are its concepts so contradictory to the usual
notions ofthe scientific community (by this, it is meant the equally probable
Information Measme of the Model's Discrepancy 47

accounting of quantities by a conscious observer when choosing a model)?

It tums out that equally probable interpretation is tbe only possible approach
for today. This means that today it alone allows us to explain within the
information-based approach reasonable boundaries of expedient accuracy
before carrying out any theoretical or experimental research. None of the
attempts made in any other direction have led to success: absolutely all tbe
methods now developed are aimed at reducing the a posteriori uncertainties
associated with the optimization of an already fOlTIlulated model. So, we can
say that the above fundamental postulate is justified by the fact that it is
possible to build on its basis a theory consistent with all the experimental
facts. Unlike the traditional theory of measurements, the new infOlTIlation­
oriented approach provides a theoretically substantiated and reasonable
estimate of the minimum achievable measurement absolute uncertainty of
any developed model.



Your bait offalsehood takes this carp of truth

-w. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

The physical laws express in mathematical fOlTI1 the quantitative

relationships between different physical quantities. They are set on the basis
of generalization of obtained experimental data, and reflect the objective
laws existing in nature. So, fundamentally important is that all physical laws
are an approximation to reality, since the construction of the theories is
fOlTImlated by certain models of phenomena and processes. Outside these
models, the laws do not work or work poorly. Therefore, the laws have
certain limits of applicability. In other words, physical laws give good
predictions in a specific area of experimental conditions, and the
corresponding theory explains them. A more accurate or more correct
theory has a wider range of applications. Scientists believe tbat physical
laws, at least, enable us to predict results to an arbitrary accuracy. For
example, classical mechanics, based on Newton's three laws and the law of
universal gravitation, is valid only for the motion of bodies with velocities
much lower than tbe speed of light. If tbe velocities of the bodies are
comparable to the speed of light, predictions of classical mechanics are
wrong. Special relativity has successfully coped with tbese problems. In
fact, all physical theories are limited. The correspondence principle requires
that a new theory with a broader area of applicability was limited to the old
theory within tbe limits of its applicability. Turning to tbe theory of new
concepts creates important preconditions for further development.
Among the various explanations for the admissibility of tbe possible
limits of applicability of physical laws, the following reasons are tbe most
used. The fIrst is tbe assumption that tbere is the limited detailing of
50 Chapter Three

phenomena, for which the Heisenberg inequality gives a quantitative

expression. The second reason is that the restrictions are detelTIlined by the
real nature of the macroscopic instrument or measuring system. Most
devices are presented, finally, as a solid. In principle, it could be argued that
any device has an educational effect only within its field of reality. Thus,
the research results should be expressed in telTIlS of the macroscopic. In
other words, concepts and images can be identified and are associated only
with the ordinary macroscopic views. The final argument is the point of
view of the principle of the electromagnetic nature of all modem means of
measurement and their role in determining the boundaries of experimental
and measurement capabilities, and hatmonization of the data with the
theoretical postulates. Thus, there are possible explanations, but any
quantitative approaches to numerically estimate the difference between a
model (formulated physical law) and existing reality have not been
proposed to date.
Since Newton's law of gravity in all the basic equations ofthe physical­
mathematical theories together with the quantities, there are isolated values
of physical quantities called the fundamental physical constants. These
constants are parameters in the equations that describe physical phenomena
and have the units that are necessary for dimensional consistency. For
example, in Newton's theory it is a gravitational constant G, in special
relativity it is the speed of light in a vacuum c, in general relativity they are
c and G, in the quantum (non-relativistic) mechanics it is the Planck constant

h, and in quantum electrodynamics they are c and h.

Regarding the fundamental physical constants, it should be noted that
their values are the accuracy of our knowledge of the fundamental properties
of matter. On the one hand, very often the verification of the physical
theories is detelTIlined by the accuracy of a measured physical constant. On
the other hand, the firmly established experimental data are put into the
foundations of the new physical theories.
In the study of physical constants it is noteworthy that they are measured
with very high accuracy, which is steadily growing and is itself a testament
to the development and perfection of techniques of physical
experimentation. Precision research on the measurement and specification
of the values of physical constants and meticulous work on halTIlonization
of data obtained by different methods and different groups of researchers
are both currently being carried out. However, there is an urgent need to
further improve the accuracy of measurement of fundamental physical
constants. This is explained by the desire to improve the axiomatic basis of
the SI.
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 51

The CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Science

Council) recommended values and units for the constants [71] are based on
the conventions of the current SI, and any modifications of those
conventions will have consequences for the units. One consequence of this
is that mathematics provides no infOlmation on how to incorporate units into
the analysis of physical phenomena. One role of the SI is to provide a
systematic framework for including units in equations that describe physical
The desire to reduce the value of uncertainty in the measurement of
fundamental physical constants is due to several reasons. Firstly, achieving
the accurate quantitative description of the physical universe depends on the
numerical values of the constants that appear in the theories. Secondly, the
overall consistency and validity of the basic theories of physics may be
proved by the careful examination ofthe numerical values of these constants
as determined from different experiments in different fields of physics.
To assess the accuracy achieved in the measurements of fundamental
physical constants, the concept of relative uncertainty is used. It should be
mentioned that this method for identifying the measurement accuracy does
not indicate the direction in which one can find the true value of a
fundamental physical constant. In addition, it involves an element of
subjective judgment [72]. For this reason, we offer the information-oriented
novel method of assessing the credibility of the obtained measurements
In 2018, it was expected that there would be a redefinition of the SI
based on specified values of certain fimdamental constants [73], but it has
not occurred yet. This constitutes a dramatic change with one of the
consequences being that there will no longer be a clear distinction between
base units and derived units [74]. In view ofthis change, it is timely to revise
the units in the SI and their definitions. One of the goals is to ensure that all
such units are consistent; that is, they consist of a coherent system of units.
In the current SI, various quantities are designated as dimensionless. This
means that they are considered as not having a unit or have what is called a
coherent derived unit "one". In some cases, this designation leads to
ambiguous results for these quantities. In this book, we will look at units in
SI that are considered dimensionless and other units that are not currently
included in the SI which can be added to bring it into closer correspondence
with widespread scientific use.
One of the seminal works exclusive to the problem of interpretation of
measurement accuracy, as well as methods to improve the uncertainty
assessment in the measurements of fundamental constants, is [72]. The
authors noted that precise estimates of the fundamental constants of physics
52 Chapter Three

are subject to uncertainty from various sources. Reliable estimates of

uncertainty are required (a) to compare the accuracy of different
measurements of the same quantity, (b) to evaluate the accuracy of other
quantities derived from them, (c) to help in defining and revising models,
and most importantly, (d) to assess compliance of the physical theory with
current best measurements. In order to prove their conclusions, the authors
used the Birge ratio [75] that assesses the compatibility of a set of
measurements by comparing the variability among experiments to the
reported uncertainties of the light velocity, the fine structure constant and
the gravitational constant.
Two quite different kinds of fundamental physical constants uncertainty
must be considered: first, the relevant quantities and functional relationships
between them are knO\vn, but the values of key coefficients are not knO\vn;
second, when the developer is not sure what all the relevant quantities are,
or what the functional relationships are among them. Often, uncertainty
about model form is more important than uncertainty about values of
coefficients [76].
Developers often have difficulty evaluating or even estimating the
model discrepancy from the fundamental physical constants under realistic
conditions. Many of the model structures do not quantify uncertainty
resulting from factors such as developer knowledge, intuition, experience
and environmental properties. In addition, without at least some
quantification, qualitative descriptions of uncertainty convey little useful
Actually, the act of fundamental physical constant measurement itself
already implies an existence ofthe formulated physical-mathematical model
describing the phenomenon under investigation. At the same time, most of
the research focuses on data analysis and a calculation of the fundamental
constant uncertainty value after formulating the mathematical model. But
the unavoidable uncertainty existing before the start of the experiment or
computer simulation and caused only by the finite number of quantities
recorded in the mathematical model of the fundamental physical constants
is generally ignored. Of course, in addition to this uncertainty, the overall
uncertainty of the fundamental physical constant measurement includes the
a posteriori uncertainties related to the internal structure of the model, its
subsequent computerization and the testing equipment characteristics:
inaccurate input data, inaccurate physical assumptions, the limited accuracy
of the solution of integral-differential equations, etc. Detailed definitions of
many different sources of uncertainty are given in [1].
Here, we investigate the information cost of measurements in the
modeling. Starting with the frame set in Chapter 2.3, we introduce the metric
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 53

called the comparative uncertainty of the measurement, which is

implemented in a real experiment. Thanks to the introduction of this
quantitative tool, we obtain the lower limit of the achieved absolute and
relative uncertainties associated with the act of observation, which is
characteristic of and inherent in measurement. The flexibility of our
experimental setup allows us to calculate the amount of information
retrieved from the system. This method also allows us to detelTIline how
much the developed model (before carrying out the experiment or computer
calculations) can extract information in order to achieve the lowest
threshold inconsistency in comparison with the object under study.
The true and precise values of the most fundamental physical constants
are not known at the moment. Therefore, the CODATA task group on
fundamental constants (TGFC) periodically reviews and declares
recommended values of the fundamental physical constants and their
measurement relative uncertainty. It should be mentioned that the concept
of relative uncertainty was used when considering the accuracy of the
achieved results (absolute value and absolute uncertainty of the separate
quantities and criteria) during the measurement process in different
applications. However, this method for identifying the measurement
accuracy does not indicate the direction of deviation from the true value of
the main quantity. In addition, it involves an element of subjective judgment
[74]. That is why, for the purposes of this book, along with a relative
uncertainty, this study recommends a comparative uncertainty for analyzing
published results.
If the range of observation S is not defined, the infolTIlation obtained
during the observation/measurement carmot be detelTIlined, and the entropic
price becomes infinitely large [9].
In the framework of the infolTIlation-oriented approach it seems that the
theoretical limit of the absolute and relative uncertainties depends on the
empirical value, i.e., possible interval of placing (the observed range of
variations) S of the measured physical constant. In other words, the results
will be completely different if a larger interval of changes is considered in
the measured fundamental physical constant. However, if S is not declared,
the information obtained in the measurement carmot be detelTIlined. Any
specific measurement requires a certain (finite) a priori infolTIlation about
the components of the measurement and interval of observation of the
measured quantity. These requirements are so universal that it acts as a
postulate of metrology [77]. This, the observed range of variations, depends
on the knowledge of the developer prior to undertaking the study. "If
nothing is known about the system studied, then S is determined by the
limits of the measuring devices used." [9] That is why, taking into account
54 Chapter Three

the Brillouin suggestions, there are two options of applying the conformity
principle to analyze the measurement data of the fundamental physical
The first, this principle dictates, is analyzing the data of the magnitude
of the achievable relative uncertainty at the moment, taking into account the
latest results of measurements. The extended range of changes in the
quantity under study S indicates an imperfection of the measuring devices,
which leads to a large value of the relative uncertainty. The development of
measuring technology, an increase in the accuracy ofmeasuring instruments
and the improvement in existing and newly created measurement methods
together lead to an increase in knowledge of the object under study and,
consequently, the magnitude of the achievable relative uncertainty
decreases. However, this process is not infinite and is limited by the
conformity principle. The reader should bear in mind that this conformity
principle is not a shortcoming ofthe measurement equipment or engineering
device, but of the way the human brain works. When predicting behavior of
any physical process, physicists are in fact predicting the perceivable output
of instrumentation. It is true that, according to the ,.u-hypothesis, observation
is not a measurement, but a process that creates a unique physical world
with respect to each particular observer. Thus, in this case, the range of
observation (possible interval of placing) of the fundamental physical
constant S is chosen as the difference between the maximum and minimum
values of the physical constant measured by different scientific groups
during a certain period of recent years. Only in the presence of the results
of various experiments one can speak about the possible appearance of a
measured value in a certain range. Thus, using the smallest attainable
comparative uncertainty inherent in the selected class of phenomena during
measurement of the fundamental constant, it is possible to calculate the
recommended minimum relative uncertainty that is compared with the
relative uncertainty of each published study. In what follows, this method is
denoted as IARU and includes the following steps:

1. From the published data of each experiment, the value Z, relative

uncertainty rz and standard uncertainty Uz (possible interval of
placing) of the fundamental physical constant are chosen;
2. The experimental absolute uncertainty & is calculated by
multiplying the fundamental physical constant value z and its relative
uncertainty rz attained during the experiment,
�z = z · rz;
3. The maximum Zmax and minimum Zmin values of the measured
physical constant are selected from the list of measured values Zi of
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 55

the fundamental physical constant mentioned in different studies;

4. As a possible interval for placing the observed fundamental constant
Sz, the difference between the maximum and minimum values is
calculated, Sz = Zmax - Zmin;
5. The selected comparative uncertainty OT (Table I) inherent in the
model describing the measurement of the fundamental constant is
multiplied by the possible interval of placement of the observed
fundamental constant Sz in order to obtain the absolute experimental
uncertainty value L'lURU in accordance with the IARU, L'lURU = tT . Sz;
6. To calculate the relative uncertainty rIARU in accordance with the
IARU, this absolute uncertainty f\.IARU is divided by the arithmetic
mean of the selected maximum and minimum values, rIARU = L'lURU /
((Zmn + Zmin)I2);
7. The relative uncertainty obtained rIARU is compared with the
experimental relative uncertainties ri achieved in various studies;
8. According to IARU, a comparative experimental uncertainty of each
study tIARUi is calculated by dividing the experimental absolute
uncertainty of each study f\., by the difference between the maximum
and minimum values ofthe measured fundamental constant Sz, tIARUi
= L'lz / Sz. These calculated comparative uncertainties are also
compared with the selected comparative uncertainty OT (Table I).

In the second option of applying the conformity principle to analyze the

measurement data of the fundamental physical constants, S is detelTIlined
by the limits of the measuring devices used [9]. This means that as the
observation interval in which the expected true value of the measured
fundamental physical constant is located, a standard uncertainty is selected
when measuring the physical constant in each particular experiment.
Compared with various fields of technology, experimental physics is better
for the fact that in all the research the experimenters introduce the output
data of the measurement with uncertainty bars. At the same time, it should
be remembered that the standard uncertainty of a particular measurement is
subjective, because the conscious observer may not take into account
various uncertainties. The experimenters calculate the standard uncertainty,
taking into account all measured uncertainties that they have observed.
Then, one calculates the ratio between the absolute uncertainty reached in
an experiment and the standard uncertainty, acting as a possible interval for
allocating a fundamental physical constant. So, in the framework of the
information approach, the comparative uncertainties achieved in the studies
are calculated, which in tum are compared with the theoretically achievable
comparative uncertainty inherent in the chosen class of phenomena.
56 Chapter Three

Standard uncertainty can also be calculated for quantities that are not
normally distributed. Transformation of different types of uncertainty
sources into standard uncertainty is very important. In what follows, this
method is denoted as IACU and includes the following steps:

1. From the published data of each experiment, the value z, relative

uncertainty fz and standard uncertainty Uz (possible interval of
placing) of the fundamental physical constant are chosen;
2. The experimental absolute uncertainty & is calculated by
multiplying the fundamental physical constant value z and its relative
uncertainty Iz attained during the experiment, �z = Z I.z;

3. The achieved experimental comparative uncertainty of each

published research tL4CUi is calculated by dividing the experimental
absolute uncertainty �z by the standard uncertainty Uz, tL4CUi = �z / Uz;
4. The experimental calculated comparative uncertainty tUCUi is
compared with the selected comparative uncertainty OT (Table I)
inherent in the model, which describes the measurement of the
fundamental constant.

We will apply IARU and IACU for analyzing data of the measurement
of the different fundamental physical constants.

3.1. Boltzmann constant

The analysis of the Bolt=arm constant kb plays an increasingly

important role in our physics today to ensure the correct contribution to the
next CODATA value and to the new definition of the Kelvin. This task is
more difficult and crucial when its true-target value is not knO\vn. This is
the case for any methodology intending to look at the problem from another
possible view and which, maybe, has different constraints and needs special
A detailed analysis ofthe measurements of Boltzmann's constant taken
since 1973 is available in [78, 79]. The more recent of these measurements,
taken during 201 1-2018 [78-87], were analyzed for this study. The data are
summarized in Table II. The noted scientific articles in most cases belong
to CoPS] = LMT9F [80-84, 86], and some to CoPS] = LMT9 [85, 87].
Although the authors ofthe research studies cited in these papers mentioned
all the possible sources of uncertainty, the values of absolute and relative
uncertainties can still differ by more than two times. And a similar situation
exists in the spread of the values of comparative uncertainty.
Applications of the Comparative Uncertainty Metric 57

Table II. Boltzmann's constant determinations and relative and comparative uncertainties achieved.

Boltzmann's Achieved Absolute kb possible Calculated Calculated

constant relative lUlcertainty interval of comparative comparative
Year CoP lUlcertainty placing* uncertainty uncertainty Ref
' "
k· l0'3 n' 106 �k' 1029 Uk' 1Q29 £k =�kiUk £k =�k ISk
' ' '
Ill kg/(s' K) Ill kg/(s' K) Ill kg/(s' K) IACU IAR U
2011 LMT9F 1.38065170 12.0 1.66 3.7 4.4778 4.7337 [80]
2015 LMT9F 1.38064871 2.0 2.76 2.7 1.0227 0.7889 [81]
2015 LMT9F 1.38065080 1.1 1.51 2.9 0.5237 0.4339 [82]
2017 LMT9F 1.38064879 6.0 8.28 1.6 0.5177 0.2367 [83]
2017 LMT9F 1.38064861 0.7 0.97 1.8 0.5370 0.2761 [84]
2017 LMT91 1.38064820 1.9 2.62 5.3 0.4949 0. 7495 [85]
2017 LMT9F 1.38064843 2.0 2.76 5.5 0.5020 0.7889 [86]
2017 LMT91 1.38064974 2.7 3.73 6.5 0.5735 1.0651 [87]
2018 1.38064904 3.7 0.51 1.0 0.5108 0. 1460 [78]
2018 1.38064900 3.7 0.51 1.0 0.5108 0. 1460 [791
* Data are introduced in [78, 88]
58 Chapter Three

Following the method IARU, one can argue about the order of the
desired value of the relative uncertainty of CoPS! = LMT9F, which is
usually used for obtaining measurements of Boltzmann's constant. An
estimated observation interval of k is chosen as the difference in its values
obtained from the experimental results of two projects: kmn � 1.3806S17
. 10.23 m" kg's" K' [80] and kmm � 1.3806482.10.23 m" kg's" X" [8S]. In
this case, the possible observed range Sk of k placing is equal to:


For this purpose, taking into account data of Table I, one can arrive at
the lowest comparative uncertainty £LMI'IJF using the following conditions:

(z' - P�LMTeF = eel ' em ' e, ' ee ' ef - 1)/2 - 5 = 2,546, (49)

(z" - P ") LMT(JF = (z'- P ')'!p SI = 2 " 546'/38 265 ", 169, (SO)

where "-I" corresponds to the case where all the base quantities exponents
are zero in fOlTIlula (1); 5 corresponds to the five base quantities L, M, T, 8
and F; and division by 2 indicates that there are direct and inverse quantities,
e.g., L' is the length and L" is the run length. The object can be judged based
on the knowledge of only one of its symmetrical parts, while the other parts
that structurally duplicate this one may be regarded as information empty.
Therefore, the number of options of dimensions may be reduced by 2 times.
According to (49) and (SO):

ELMTeF = (f1U/S)LMTeF = 0.1331. (S I)

Then, the lowest possible absolute uncertainty for CoPS! = LMT9F is

given by the following:

f1LMTeF = ELMTeF . Sk = 4.66 . 10-30m' · kg/(s" K). (S2)

In this case, the lowest possible relative uncertainty (rmin)LMTBF for CoPSI
ooLMT9F is the following:

Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 59

This value agrees well with the recommendation 0[3.7. 10.7 cited in [78,
Guided by the IACU method, one can calculate the achieved comparative
uncertainty in each experiment (Table II). There is not significant difference
between the comparative uncertainty calculated according to the infOlmation­
oriented approach £LMTBF � 0.1331 and the experimental magnitudes
achieved during measuring k; for example, 0.1460 [79]. The difference may
be explained by the fact that experimenters take into account a very
contrasting number of quantities in comparison to the recommendations
(see Table I). This means that further future improvements of test benches
can be recommended. That is why the infOlmation approach can be used as
an additional tool for the new defmition of the Kelvin and for revising the

3.2. Planck's constant

Planck's constant h is of great importance in modem physics. This is

explained by the following reasons [89]:

a. It defines the quanta (minimum amount) for the energy of light and
therefore also the energies of electrons in atoms. The existence of a
smallest unit of light energy is one of the foundations of quantum
b. It is a factor in the Uncertainty Principle, discovered by Werner
Heisenberg in 1927;
c. Planck's constant has enabled the construction of transistors,
integrated circuits, and chips that have revolutionized our lives.
d. For over a century, the weight of a kilogram has been determined by
a physical object, but that could change in 2019 under anew proposal
that would base it on Planck's constant.

Therefore, a huge amount of research has been dedicated to the Planck

constant measurement [90]. The most summarized data published in
scientific journals in recent years about the magnitude of the standard
uncertainty of the Planck constant and the Bo1t=ann constant
measurements are presented in [88].
The measurements taken during 201 1-2018 were analyzed for this
study. The data are summarized in Table III [78, 91-102]. At the time of
writing, it has been demonstrated that two methods have the capability of
realizing the kilogram according to its future definition with relative
standard uncertainties of a few parts in 108: the Kibble balance (CoPS! =
60 Chapter Three

LMTI) and the x-ray crystal density (XRCD) method (CoPS] = LMT9FJ.
From Table III it follows that the values of absolute and relative
uncertainties differ by more than t\vo times, despite the fact that the authors
of the presented studies calculated all possible-from their point of view­
sources ofllllcertainty. The values of absolute and relative uncertainties may
still differ by more than twice. A similar situation exists in the range of
values of comparative uncertainty.
Following the IARU method, one can argue about the order of the
desired value of the relative uncertainty (rmin)LMTI. For this purpose, we take
into account the following data: (Emin)U.1TI � 0.0245 (Table I); and an
estimated observation interval of h is chosen as the difference in its values
obtained from the experimental results of two projects: hmax =
6.626070406. 10.34 m'·kg·s·2 [98] and hmin � 6.626069216. 10.34 m'·kg·s·2
[99]. In this case, the possible observed range Sh of h placement is equal to:


Then, the lowest possible absolute uncertainty for CoPs] ooLMTI equals:

42 2
LlLMTl = ELMTl • Sh= 2 .9103 . 10- m' · kg · 5- (55)

In this case, taking into account (55), the lowest relative uncertainty
(rmin)LMlI for CoPS] ooLMTI is the following:


This value corresponds to the recommendation mentioned in [78] of

1.0. 10.8 and should be satisfactory to the existing mass standards
community. Of course, the choice of the values of ALMTI and (hmax - hmin)/2
is controversial because of their apparent subjectivity. With all of this, the
capability for prediction of the Planck constant value by usage of the
comparative uncertainty allows the improvement of our fundamental
comprehension of complex phenomena, as well as the application of this
comprehension to the solution of specific problems.
Applications of the Comparative Uncertainty Metric 61

Table III. Planck's constant determinations and relative and comparative uncertainties achieved.

Achieved Absolute kb Calculated Calculated

Planck's relative uncertainty possible comparative comparative
Year CoP constant, uncertainty interval uncertainty uncertainty
h· 1034 of Ref.
"'h' 1041 uh ' 1 041 £h' =�h/Uh £h" �"'h!Sh
fh'10' m' kg!s' m' kg!s' IACU IARU
2011 LMT9F 6.626070082 3.0 l .9878 4.0 0.4970 0.1671 [91]
2011 LMT9F 6.626069942 3.0 l .9878 4.1 0.4848 0.1671 [92]
2014 LMTI 6.626070341 1.4 0.9542 2.4 0.3976 0.0802 r931
2015 LMT9F 6.626070221 2.0 l .3252 2.6 0.5097 0. 1 1 14 [94]
2015 LMTI 6.626069364 5.7 3.7769 7.7 0.4905 0.3 174 [95]
2016 LMTI 6.626069832 3.4 2.2529 4.4 0.5120 0. 1894 r961
2017 LMT9F 6.626070134 9.1 6.0297 l .2 0.5025 0.0507 [97]
2017 LMT9F 6.626070406 l .2 7.9513 l .6 0.4970 0.0668 [98]
2017 LMTI 6.626069216 2.4 1.5903 3.1 0.5130 0.1337 r991
2017 LMTI 6.626069935 l .3 8.6139 l.8 0.4786 0.0724 r1001
2017 LMT9F 6.626070132 2.4 1.5903 3.2 0.4970 0.1337 [101]
2017 LMTI 6.626070404 5.7 3.7769 7.7 0.4905 0.3 174 r1021
2018 LMTI 6.626070151 l .0 6.6261 1.4 0.4733 0.0557 [78]
* Data are introduced in [103]
62 Chapter Three

It is obvious that such findings will cause a negative reaction on the part
of the scientific community. At the same time, an additional view of the
existing problem will, most likely, help to understand the existing situation
and identify concrete ways for its solution. Reducing the comparative
uncertainty of the Planck constant measurement obtained from different
experiments to the value of 0.0245 will serve as a convincing argument for
professionals involved in the evolution of the SI.
It is seen from the data given in Table III tbat there was a dramatic
improvement in the accuracy of the measurement of Planck's constant
during the last decade. It is authorized as true when based on a calculation
of tbe relative uncertainty. Judging tbe data by tbe comparative uncertainty
following IACU, one can see that the measurement accuracy has
significantly changed too. There is not significant difference between tbe
comparative uncertainty calculated according to the infOlmation-oriented
approach £LMTI � 0.0245 and the experimental magnitudes achieved during
measuring h; for example, 0.0557 [78]. At the same time, it must be
mentioned that the exactness of Planck's constant, as with other
fundamental physical constants, most likely carmot be infinite. Therefore,
the development of a larger number of designs and improvement of the
various experimental facilities for the measurement of Planck's constant is
an absolute must [104]. The requirements of accuracy and methodological
diversity ofthe prerequisites for the redefmition of a unit of mass and for its
realization in telTIlS of a fundamental constant nature must be continued.
The results of tbe defmitions of tbe Planck constant, obtained with
various measurements from recent years, are very consistent. This issue may
become more significant for future comparisons when the uncertainty of the
implementation experiments will become less. Current research and
development, as well as improvements in measurement methods, will
probably reduce some components of uncertainty in the future and,
therefore, will steadily increase the accuracy of measurement of the Planck

3.3. Avogadro constant

The Avogadro constant NA is the physical constant that connects

microscopic and macroscopic quantities, and is indispensable especially in
the field of chemistry. In addition, tbe Avogadro constant is closely related
to the fundamental physical constants, namely the electron relative atomic
mass, fine structure constant, Rydberg constant, and Planck constant.
During the period 201 1 to 2017, several scientific publications were
analyzed, based on the available relative and comparative uncertainty values
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 63

[92, 94, 97, 100-102, 10S-108], and the results are sunnnarized in Table
IV. In order to apply a stated approach (IARU), an estimated observation
interval of the Avogadro constant is chosen as the difference in its values
obtained from the experimental results of two projects: NAmin =
6.022140S23 S · 1 023 mol·! [102] and NAmn � 6.0221414834. 1 023 mol·!
Then, the dimensional possible observed range SN ofNA variations is
given by the following:


The choice by the author of (NAnn, - NAmin) seems subjective and

arbitrary. However, we need to emphasize that only in the presence of the
results of various experiments, one can speak about the possible occurrence
of a measured quantity in a certain range.
The true and precise value of the Avogadro constant is not knO\vn at the
moment. Therefore, the CODATA task group on fundamental constants
(TGFC) periodically reviews and declares its recommended value of the
Avogadro constant and its relative uncertainty.
Applying the present approach, one can argue about the order of the
desired value for the relative uncertainty (rmin)LMTF for COPsI=LMTF. For
this purpose, the following values are considered: (£min)LMTF � 0.0146
(Table I) and SN� 6.9.1017 moP (S7). Then, the lowest possible absolute
uncertainty is given by the following:

(Llmin)LMTF = (Emin)LMTF · SN = 2.348 . 101 5 (mol· I ). (S8)

In this case, the lowest possible relative uncertainty (rmin)LMTF is as


(rmin)LMTF = (Llmin)LMTF /((NAm,x + NAmin )/2) = 3.9 . 10-9 (S9)

This value (S9) agrees well with the recommendation mentioned in [97]
of 9. 1 . 10.9, and can be particularly relevant in the run-up to the adoption of
new definitions for SI units.
64 Chapter Three

Table IV. Avogadro constant determinations and relative and comparative uncertainties achieved.

Avogadro's Achieved Absolute NA Reached Calculated

constant relative uncertainty possible comparative comparative
Year CoP uncertainty interval of uncertainty, uncertainty,
placement, Ref.
NA· lO·23 fN' 10' "'N ' l O' " UN' 10-16 tN' =�N/UN EN" �"'N/SN
m' kg/(s' K) m' m' IACU IARU
kg/(s'K) kg/(s'K)
2011 LMTF 6.022140781 8 3.0 18 3.7 0.4883 1 .0000 r1051
201 1 LMTF 6.0221409918 3.0 18 3.6 0.5018 1 .0000 r921
2015 LMTF 6.0221407612 2.4 14 2.4 0.6022 0.8000 [94]
2016 6.0221408577 1 .2 7.2 1.5 0.4818 0.4000 r1061
2016 LMTI 6.0221414834 5.6 34 5.4 0.6245 1.8667 [107]
2017 LMTF 6.0221408415 2.4 14 2.9 0.4984 0.8000 [101]
2017 LMTF 6.0221405267 1 .2 7.2 1.4 0.5162 0.4000 r1081
2017 LMTI 6.0221409538 1 .3 7.8 1.7 0.4605 0.4333 [100]
2017 LMTI 6.0221405235 5.7 34 6.9 0.4975 1 .9000 [102]
2017 LMTI 6.0221407726 0.9 5.5 1.1 0.4982 0.3033 [97]
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 65

It seems that the theoretical limit of the absolute and relative

uncertainties depends on the empirical value, i.e., on the observed range of
variations in S. In other words, the results will be completely different if a
larger interval of changes of the Avogadro constant is considered. For
example, in the case Npmax. = 7.15 . 1023 mol-1 [109], Perrin's experiments
belong to CoPS] = LMT(}. Then, taking into account that N=ill �
6.0221405235 . 1023 mol·! [102], (£mill)LMTB � 0.0446 (Table I), the lowest
possible absolute uncertainty (Amin)pLMTB and relative uncertainty (rmin)PLMTB
would be equal to the following:



Thus, within the framework of the proposed infOlmation approach, and

with 100-year-old imperfect measurement equipment, the achievable
relative uncertainty is 7.6. 10.3 (62), which is much higher than (59)
that can be achieved by the accuracy of modem measuring instruments and
the knowledge about the true-target magnitude of the Avogadro constant.
It is seen from the data given in Table rv that there was an impressive
improvement in the accuracy of measurement of the Avogadro constant
during the last decade. It is authorized as true when based on a calculation
of the relative uncertainty (IARUJ. Judging the data by the comparative
uncertainty following IACU, one can see that the measurement accuracy has
significantly changed too. Unfortunately, there is significant difference
between the comparative uncertainty calculated according to the
information-oriented approach tLMTF = 0.0146 and the experimental
magnitudes achieved during measurement ofNA; for example, 0.3033 [97].
The difference may be explained by the fact that experimenters take into
account a very contrasting number of quantities in comparison to the
recommendations (see Table I). This means that further future improvements
of test benches can be recommended.
With all of this, the ability to predict the relative uncertainty of the
Avogadro constant by using the comparative uncertainty allows the
improvement of the fundamental comprehension of complex phenomena,
as well as the application of this comprehension to solving specific
66 Chapter Three

3.4. Gravitational constant

The importance ofhigh precision of the gravitational constant G not only

stems from pure metrological interest; it has a key role in different theories
including gravitation, cosmology, particle physics and astrophysics. At the
same time, the current spread of values of G considered as a fundamental
constant of nature, at present, is very poor compared with other physical
fundamental constants. The measurement of G is one of the most difficult
of all experiments. The constant G remains the basic physical constant with
the highest measurement relative uncertainty. At present, active efforts are
being made to disclose the sources of large discrepancies in the latest
measurements. There is a hope that the search for a more accurate G will
not stop, because science has not yet developed a solution to the riddle of
why the measurements of G do not converge. Changes to G are generally
believed to be a result of measurement discrepancies because it is very
difficult to measure, in part due to the fact that gravity is much weaker than
the other fundamental forces [1 10].
'When measuring G, it is desirable to identify and assess all relevant
quantities chosen by the conscious observer, based on his knowledge,
experience and intuition. There can be pitfalls, such as objective and
subjective uncertainties of the physical-mathematical model and the
methods of calculation associated with it. Many inferences and assumptions
can be justified on the basis of experience (and sometimes uncertainties can
be estimated), but the degree to which our assumptions correspond to the
study of G is never established. The present analysis of data of G variations
is associated with both the latest observations and the impending refonn in
fundamental metrology: the introduction of new definitions of basic SI
The measurements taken during 2000-2014 were analyzed for this
study. The data are sunnnarized in Table V [ 1 1 1-121].
Applications of the Comparative Uncertainty Metric 67

Table V. Gravitational constant determinations and relative and comparative uncertainties achieved.

Gravitational Achieved Absolute G possible Reached Calculated

constant relative uncertainty interval of comparative comparative
Year uncertainty placing' uncertainty uncertainty
G·10" rG'10' "'G' 1016 UG'1015 ",, ' �"'G lUG <Goo �"'G ISG Ref.
m} kg·1 S·2 m} kg·1 S·2 m} kg·1 S·2 IACU IARU
2000 6.6742559 1.4 0.934396 1.8 0.5191 0.0254 [l l l]
2001 6.6755927 4.0 2.670237 8.1 0.3297 0.0727 r1121
2002 6.6742298 15 10.01134 20 0.5006 0.2726 rl 131
2003 6.6738727 4.0 2.669549 5.4 0.4944 0.0727 [114]
2005 6.6723900 13 8.674107 18 0.4819 0.2362 r1151
2006 6.6742512 1.9 1.268108 2.4 0.5284 0.0343 r1161
2010 6.6723414 2.1 1 .401 1 92 2.8 0.5004 0.0382 [117]
2010 6.6734900 2.6 1.735107 3.6 0.4820 0.0472 r1 1 81
2014 6.6755420 2.4 1.602130 8.3 0.1930 0.0436 r1191
2014 6.6719199 15 10.00788 20 0.5004 0.2725 [120]
2014 6.6743513 1.9 1.268127 2.6 0.4877 0.0345 [121]
* Data are introduced in [122]
68 Chapter Three

To apply a stated approach (IARU), an estimated observation interval of

G, one can choose the difference of its value reached by the experimental
results of two projects: Gmin � 6.6719199 . 1 0-11 m3 kg·! S·2 [120] and G_
� 6.6755927.10-11 m3 kg·! S·2 [ 1 12]. Then, tbe possible observed range SG

of G variations equals:


The analyzed publications fall into two classes of phenomena: COPsr =

LMT and COPsr = LMTI for which tbe comparative uncertainties,
respectively, equal 0.0048 and 0.0245 (Table I). It should be mentioned that
within the proposed approach, to achieve the equal comparative
uncertainties of mathematical models describing the same material object
but with different CoP, a distinctive number of dimensionless complexes
used in a mathematical model or during field experiments is required. For
further discussion, we will use 0.0245 as a weaker restriction corresponding
to the infOlmation-oriented approach recommendations.
Applying the present approach (IARU), one can argue about the order of
the desired value of the relative uncertainty fLMTJ. For this purpose, we take
into account the following quantities: ELMTI � 0.0245 (Table I), and SG �
3.672 8 . 1 0.14 (63). Then, the lowest possible absolute uncertainty for CoP sr
= LMTI equals:

LlLMTl = ELMTl · SG = 8.984034 · 1O-16(m3 kg·r

• . 5 -2). (64)

In this case, the lowest possible relative uncertainty rLMTI for CoPSI ==
LMTI is as follows:

This value is in good agreement with the recommendation mentioned in

[ 1 1 1 ] of and very close to tbe 1.9. 10.5 in [121], and could be
particularly relevant in tbe run-up to the adoption of new defmitions of SI
units. Experimental application of the information approach is not difficult
at the present time. Besides, it is expected that this work will stimulate
discussion of the precise measurement ofG and its application to gravity.
It is seen from the data given in Table V that the assertions presented in
[123, 124] are fully confirmed. The fact is that there was not a dramatic
improvement in the accuracy of the measurement of the gravitational
constant during the last 15 years. This is true when based on the calculation
of tbe relative uncertainty. In addition, judging the data by the comparative
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 69

uncertainty according to the proposed approach, one can see that the
measurement accuracy has not significantly changed either. Perhaps this
situation has arisen as a result of unaccounted systematic errors in these
experiments [123, 124]. It is authorized as true too when based on a
calculation of the relative uncertainty (IARUJ. Judging the data by the
comparative uncertainty following IACU, one can see that the measurement
accuracy has not significantly changed either. At the same time, there is not
significant difference between the comparative uncertainty calculated
according to the information-oriented approach £IMTI �0.0245 and the
experimental magnitudes achieved during measurement of G; for example,
0.0345 [121]. The difference may be explained by the fact that
experimenters take into account a very contrasting number of quantities in
comparison to the recommendations (see Table I). This means that finther
future improvements of test benches can be recommended.
However, it must be mentioned that the exactness of the gravitational
constant, as with other fundamental physical constants, most likely carmot
be infinite, and, in principle, must be calculable. Therefore, the development
of a larger number of designs and an improvement of the various
experimental facilities for the measurement of the gravitational constant by
using schemes combining a torsion balance and electromagnetic equipment
(electrostatic servo control) [124] is absolutely necessary in order to obtain
closer results to the minimum comparative uncertainty ELMTJ.
One can continue to use the infOlmation method to analyze the results
of measurements of fundamental physical constants. At the same time, the
four above-presented examples are quite sufficient for the reader to become
acquainted with the recommended procedure for analyzing experimental
data using the proposed method.
One needs to note the fundamental difference between the described
method and the CODATA technique in determining the relative uncertainty
of one fundamental physical constant or another. For using CODATA
technique, tables of values that allow direct use of relative uncertainty are
constructed, using modem, advanced statistical methods and powerful
computers. This, in tum, allows for checking the consistency of the input
data and the output set of values. However, at every stage of data processing,
one needs to use his 0\Vll intuition, knowledge and experience (one's
personal philosophical leanings [125]). In the framework of the presented
approach, a theoretical and informational grounding and justification are
carried out for calculating the relative uncertainty. Detailed data description
and processing do not require considerable time. Thus, the p-hypothesis is
an exact mathematical-and thus scientific-concept.
70 Chapter Three

3.5. Fundamental minimum resolutions of energy, length

and information

In the age of the internet, the Big Bang theory and the colonization of
Mars, the pervasive computerization, concepts and methods of information
theory are widely used in a variety of areas of human activity: physics,
chemistry, biology, physiology, technology, etc. Of course, information
theory plays a fundamental role in the modeling of various processes and
phenomena. This is because modeling is an information process, in which
information about the state and behavior of the observed object is obtained
from the developed model. During the modeling process, infOlmation is
increased, and information entropy is reduced due to increased knowledge
about the object [126].
The hatmonic construction of modern science is based on separate
blocks which are still not joined together: quantum electrodynamics,
cosmology, biology, thermodynamics, chemistry, computer science,
information theory. At the same time, there have been numerous attempts
to create a picture of the objective reality covering the whole body of
knowledge. However, they do not lead to proper results. One of the main
obstacles standing in the way is, perhaps, that researchers and scientists
consider continuous space-time but there are still unresolved problems
associated with the processes of observation and measurement. Although
discrete and continuous features coexist in any natural phenomenon,
depending on the scales of observation [126], one can suppose a deeper level
of reality which exhibits some kind of discrete elementary structure.
A review paper considering many possibilities of something similar to a
discrete quantum length scale is [127]. In [128], the authors demonstrated
that in non-perturbative quantum descriptions, the existence of a minimum
uncertainty in physical time is generally avoidable when gravitational
effects are taken into account. Minimum time and length uncertainty in
rainbow gravity have been reported in [128-130]. Unfortunately, the
absolute minimum values of quantities under consideration are not
introduced in the majority of studies.
In the 1980s, a brilliantly elegant formula was developed, and the upper
limit of the amount of information (called the Bekenstein boundary) was
calculated [51]. It is contained in a body of limited volume and has the
maximum amount of information needed to fully describe this physical
system. This means that the volume of infOlmation of a physical system
must be finite if the space of the object and its energy are finite. In
informational telTIls, this bound is given by:
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 71

Y � (2 · rr · R· E)/(n · c · ln2), (66)

where Y is the information expressed in the number of bits contained in the

quantum states of the chosen object sphere; the In2 factor comes from
defining the information as the natural logarithm of the number of quantum
states; R is the radius of an object sphere that can enclose the given system;
E is the total mass-energy including any rest masses; h is the reduced Planck
constant; and c is the speed of light.
After almost 35 years of the use of Bekenstein theory, this study
proposes an infOlmation-oriented method, according to which the
infonnation quantity inherent in the model can be calculated and it dictates
the required number of quantities that should be taken into account.
The idea is to combine the Bekenstein fonnula and the infonnation­
oriented method with the help of a theoretically grounded approach for
numerically calculating the lowest possible energy, length and number of
information resolutions without going into theoretical debates and
ineffective discussions. Note that one of the constructive ways to answer
this question is to promote the hypothesis; this work is an attempt to do so.
We do this through the use of a universal metric called the comparative
Hints of graininess stem from attempts to unify the general theory of
relativity, Einstein's theory of gravity, with quantum mechanics, which
describes the work of three other forces: electromagnetism, and strong and
weak nuclear interactions. The result is a single structure, sometimes called
quantum gravity, which explains all the particles and forces ofthe universe.
Bekenstein proved in [51] that a bound of a given finite region of space
with a [mite amount of energy contains the maximum finite amount of
information required to perfectly describe a given physical system. In
informational terms, this bound is given by (66) or:

S � (2 · rr · Kb · R· E)/(n · c), (67)

where S is the entropy, and kb is the Boltzmann constant.

The results are purely theoretical in nature, although it is possible to find
application of the proposed formula in medicine or biology. Indeed, the act
of the Bekenstein modeling process already implies an existence of the
formulated physical-mathematical model describing the sphere under
investigation. In this model, the quantities are taken into account from the
This point of view is related to a more general one: any physical theory
is based on the representation of the system and concerns only this
72 Chapter Three

representation, whereas reality always remains outside and never

completely captured. Therefore, the mathematical analysis of any physical
model should be extended by an additional pragmatic status for subsequent
statements. Since the model is only an approximation of the real system,
only plausible assumptions should be put forward. Therefore, there should
be some tolerance for implausible ideas: a property that is not observed can,
in some cases, be considered true. This underlines the gap between
mathematics and physical research and is important for moving beyond
simple model analysis and the transition to real-world understanding.
It can be shown (Chapter 2.3) that an amount of information quantity
AA, about the observed modeled sphere is calculated according to the

LlA' = Q. (H'p,- H'p,) = kb . In [lisd(z' - p � 1, (68)

LlA " = Q. (H"p,- H"p,) = kb • In [(z' - P') l/(z" - P'�]' (69)

where AAe is measured in units of entropy; z!! is the number of the

dimensional physical quantities recorded in the mathematical model; pn is
the number of the dimensional base physical quantities recorded in a model;
and J.lSI is the number of possible dimensionless complexes (criteria) with �
� 7 base dimensional quantities of SI and equals (Chapter 2.2):

lis! =
(e , · em . et . e, . ee . ej . ef - 1)/2 - 7 = 38,265, (71)

where "-1" corresponds to the occasion when all exponents of base

quantities in the fonnula (19) are treated as having zero dimensions;
dividing by 2 means that there are both required and inverse quantities (for
example, the length Ll and the running length L-l), or in other words, the
object can be judged knowing only one of its symmetrical parts, while others
structurally duplicating this part may be regarded as information empty; and
7 corresponds to seven base quantities L,M,T,iJ, I,J,F.
In order to transform AA, to bits AAb, one should divide it by the
following abstract number ldn2� 9.569926· 1 0·'4 kg-m'·s·'·K! [9, 131].

LlAb = In [us,!(z " - P'� 1/ln2. (72)

Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 73

Let us speculate how we can apply it for analyzing the elementary

structure of the existing universe.

3.5.1. Dose of energy

In the case ofthe Bekenstein bound, the information quantity contained

in a sphere Y equals the information quantity AAb obtained by modeling


or, taking into account (18), (72) and (73):

(2rr' R'E)/(/j'c-ln2) = In [!lsI !(z"- ln ]/ln2. (74)


(RE)min � h'c' ln[,usv(z"-P")]/(2rr) � 5.031726·1O·27·ln[,usv(z"-P")] (75)

According to analysis of recorded quantities dimensions, the Bekenstein

model is classified by CoPSI '" LMT9, for which !lSI � 38,265 (71) and (z'­
P') � 846 (Table I). Then, we get:

(z"- P'� = (z'- P')'/Jl.SI = 846'/38,265 '" 18.704194. (76)

Taking into account (76), the achievable value of (R' E)min equals:

(RE)min � h'c' ln[,usv(z"-P")]/(2rr) � 3.83595 8 ' 1 0.26 (77)

(R' E)min can be applied to verify the lowest energy uncertainty Emin
indicating that the universe itself cannot distinguish energy levels lower
than a special limit [13 2].
The age of the universe TlUliv is about 13.7 ± 0.13 billion years or
4.308595 ' 1017 s [133]. Therefore, a radius of the universe is given by:

Runiv = Tuniv ' c = 1.291684 · 10

2 ( ).
6 m (78)

So, the minimum energy resolution Bruin is the following:

Emin � 3.835958' 10.26 / 1.291684' 10.26 ", 3 . 10.52 (m2 ·kg· s·2). (79)
74 Chapter Three

Emin is difficult to imagine and its lower value was introduced in [132]
as 10-50 1. At the same time, the value obtained in (79) is of the same order
as �10-45 ergs � l O-52 m' kg s-' provided in [134]. Emin can be used, along
with /lSI and combining the thought experiment with field studies, for
measurement of the uncertainty values of fundamental physical constants

3,5,2, "Graininess" of space

Until recently, scientists believed that the diameter of the grain of space
or the minimlUll possible length in nature is nothing more than Planck's
length (�1 .6·10-35 meters). There are numerous concepts, approaches,
methodologies and formulas proposed for identifying the boundary, or
transition zone, where space-time becomes granular Rmin Of, in other words,
a resolution limit oflength in any experiment [136].
In connection to this, attention should be paid to the undeservedly
forgotten fact that European scientists reported the results of the most
outstanding attempt to detect the quantization of space [137]. To carry out
their calculations, a group of physicists from France, Italy and Spain used
data from the European space telescope Integral, namely its capture of the
gamma-flash GRB 041219A, which occurred in 2004_ According to
calculations, the grain of space, if it exists, must influence the polarization
of transmitted rays. And the influence is more noticeable, the more intense
the radiation and the greater distance it had to go through_ GRB 041219A
was included in 1 % of the brightest gamma outbreaks among all that
scientists caught and the distance to the source was at least 300 million light­
years. It was a very fortunate case, allowing the checking of existing
performances_ It must be added that the degree of influence of the
quantization of space on transmitted light depends also on the dimensions
of the grain itself, so the parameters of a distant flash could indicate this
value or at least its order.
Scientists have already made attempts to find the grain of space,
decoding the light of distant gamma-flares_ The current observation was ten
thousand times more accurate than all the previous experiments. The
analysis showed that if the granularity of space exists at all, then it should
be at a level of 10-48 meters or less.
Following ideas introduced in Chapter 2, we have supposed that any of
our measurements has a certain intrinsic limited length about small-scale
physics and we shall calculate it as follows_ Hoof! [138] introduced S",
which is the holographic entropy bound expressed in terms of the entropy:
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 75

SHS ::; J[·c3·R2/(11 G), (80)



where YHS is the information quantity expressed in bits and corresponding

to SHS; c is the light speed, c � 299,792,458 m's" ; h�h1(2J[) is the reduced
Planck constant, h � 1.054572· 10·34m' kg s" ; G is the gravitational constant,
G � 6.67408. 10.11 m3 kg" S·2 ; R is the radius of an object sphere expressed
in meters; "",· ln2 � 9.569926' 10.24; and J[ � 3.141592.
Equating AAb (72) to (81) and using the known values of physical
quantities, we get:


1.256712 . 1093 • R2 = In [l'sd( -ln]/ln2,

z" (83)

Rmin = 3.388203 . 10-47 • {In[lls/(z''-ji'')]}'' . (84)

Taking into account (71), (76) and (84), the minimum achievable value
ofthe length discretization or the universal, global standard oflength equals:

Rmin = 9.3 . 10-47 (m ) . (85)

This Rmin � 9' 10.47 m is in excellent agreement with the result of [137].
It could be suggested that this metric of space is only a purely mathematical
concept that measures a "degree of distinguishability". In addition, maybe,
the minimal length scale is not necessarily the Planck length. The scale of
distance, just like the duration of time, turns out to be a property not of the
world but of the models we employ to describe it [139]. With the help of
these calculations, it is possible to identify a boundary or a transition zone,
where space-time becomes granular and physically non-local.

3.5.3. "Grain" of information

Taking into account (79) and (85), let us calculate a possible achievable
minimum amount of infOlmation Yq; in other words, an information
quantum bit, or "qubit" [140] which can be viewed as the basic building
block of quantum information systems [141]:
76 Chapter Three

Yq :S (2 . J[ • Rmin' Emin) /(n . dn2) = 0.79411 . 10 -7 1 (bit). (86)

On the question of "Does information exist by itself?" a completely
reasonable answer would be "Yes and no". "Yes", since we cannot deny the
availability of infOlmation and its storage, transfer, processing, etc., which
we encounter in our daily lives. We know that infOlmation is of great
importance and can significantly affect the course of events. Information
exists independently of people's consciousness [125]. On the other hand,
the answer "No" also has a rational grain. Is it possible to "touch" this
notorious infonnation? Most likely, infonnation exists objectively but not
materially in itself.
If infOlmation can be stored in the position of the smallest particle, the
activation energy for its motion will be sufficiently lowest [142]. If the
information, like some substance, is granular beyond a certain scale, it
means that there is a "base scale", a fundamental unit that cannot be broken
down into anything less. This hypothesis so far contradicts the generally
accepted opinion in the scientific community.
In [143] it was noted that information is a quantity which is both discrete
and continuous, where time and other physical phenomena might be
reconceived as simultaneously discrete and continuous with an infOlmation
theoretic formulation. Perhaps equation (86) will spur researchers to further
understanding of the concept of information. In addition, this value may
have use in the definition of qubits for quantum computation.

3.5.4. Information embedded in a photon

The radius of the particle is determined by the region in which it can

produce some effect. According to [144], the radius of a single photon in
the energy region of 2.1 GeV equals 2.8,10-15 meters. In this case, taking
into account (66), the amount of information contained in one photon is:

Y :S (2 · J[ · R·E)/(n · c · ln2) = 270(bit). (87)

In fact, the author does not offer anything so concrete. First, these are all
assumptions. Secondly, too much that is doubtful and untrustworthy has
been written. However, if you are still reading and you like this unorthodox
application of infmmation theory, then all of the above can stimulate your
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 77

3.5.5. Maxwell's demon

Over the past 20 years, both information in the form of a certain

substance and methods of infmmation theory have been the subject of
special attention by scientists, engineers and philosophers. A great number
of studies have been devoted not only to clarifying the internal content of
the concept of infmmation, but also to the application of this unique
substance in all fields of human activity: physics, chemistry, biology,
psychology, business, etc. The number of theories offered is uncountable.
Impressive practical results were obtained using infmmation theory in the
field of quantum mechanics, telecommunications, medicine, marketing and
the development of non-lethal weapons. At the same time, in theoretical and
experimental physics, the number of research papers (with a specific
quantitative result) using information theory is catastrophically small; they
can be counted on the fingers. The author, being a convinced practitioner,
has taken the courage to present, without going into endless and
unconvincing theoretical discussions, ordinary calculations (in the sense
that known and generally accepted formulas are used) to quantify the
amount of infmmation on several examples.
What do the measurements ofthe fundamental constants and Maxwell's
demon have in common? In fact, only a little. Adapting the pSI-hypothesis,
which was used in recent years to test the achievable relative uncertainty in
measuring fundamental constants, we are developing a way to better
understand specific problems that are close to the Maxwell problem.
In one of his versions, the standard Maxwell's demon is a very small
intellectual being endowed with free will, and a fairly subtle tactile and
perceptive organization to enable him to observe and influence individual
molecules of matter. In Maxwell's thought experiment, two gas chambers,
maintained at equal temperatures, are separated by an adiabatic wall with a
small hole and a gate that the demon opens and closes. Observing the speed
of individual molecules, the demon selectively opens and closes the gate to
quickly separate slow molecules, creating a clear temperature difference
between the two chambers. Thus, as the collisions with the shutter are
elastic, and moving the shutter is frictionless, no work is perfmmed by the
demon. The temperature difference that develops could be exploited by a
conventional heat engine to extract work, in violation of the second law of
Various researchers suggested different ways by which a demon could
select particles in a reversible manner. In 1929, Leo Szilard [145] argued
that the demon must consume energy in the act of measuring the particle
speeds and that this consumption will lead to a net increase in the system's
entropy. In fact, Szihird fOlTIlUlated an equivalence between energy and
78 Chapter Three

information, and calculated that kb' /J'ln2 is both the minimum amount of
work needed to store one bit of binary infOlmation and the maximum that is
liberated when this bit is erased, where 8 is the temperature of the storage
medium. Through the latest publications [146, 147-149] one must
remember [142], in which it was finally clarified that the demon's role does
not contradict the second law of thermodynamics, implying that we can, in
principle, convert information to free energy. Toyabe et al. [150] showed
that since the energy transfOlmed from the information is compensated by
the cost of the demon's energy for manipulating infmmation, the second
law of thelTIlodynamics is not violated when a general system involving
both a particle and a demon is considered. In the proposed research system,
the demon consists of macroscopic devices, such as computers. The
microscopic device receives energy due to the energy consumption of the
macroscopic device. In other words, using infOlmation as an energy transfer
medium, this transfOlmation of infOlmation into energy can be used to
transfer energy to nanomachines, even ifthey cannot be directly controlled.
In [151] it was declared that Maxwell's demon can be converted into free
energy by one bit of information obtained by measurement. The authors
implemented an electronic Maxwell's demon based on a one-electron unit
operating as a Szilard engine, where kb·/J·ln2 of heat is extracted from the
reservoir at a temperature 8 by one bit of generated infOlmation. The
information was encoded in the fOlTIl of an additional electron in the box.
The authors provided, to their knowledge, the first demonstration of
extracting nearly kb ·/J·ln2 of work for one bit of information.
After 150 years, a satisfactory additional solution ofthis paradox can be
given [5]. In order to prevent the violation of the second law of
thermodynamics, one must assume that the demon is a conscious observer
with knowledge, experience and intuition. Then, before perfolTIling any
actions, in order to know the velocity of every molecule in the box, he must
compose a mental model of the experiment, with no disturbances being
brought into the box. In tum, for the development of the model the demon
will take advantage of the already well-known SI. When modeling particle
movement, the demon may choose quantities-for example, velocity, mass,
angle ofmotion ofthe particle with respect to the shutter, and temperature­
that may substantially differ from those chosen by another demon, as
happened, for example, during the study of electrons that behave like
particles or waves. That is why SI can be characterized by equally probable
accounting of any quantity chosen by the demon. In this case, the total
number of possible dimensionless criteria !lSI of SI with the seven base
quantities L, M, T, 1,8, J and F could be calculated (23):
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 79

/lSI = 38,265,
Then, !lSI corresponds to a certain value of entropy and may be
calculated by the following formula [5]:


where H is entropy of SI including /lSI, equally probable accounted

quantities, and kb is the Boltzmann constant.
'When a demon chooses the influencing factors (the conscious limitation
of the number of quantities that describe an object, in comparison with the
total number /lSI), entropy of the mathematical model changes a priori. The
entropy change is generally measured as follows:


where AH is the entropy difference between two cases, and pr is "a priori"
and ps is "a posteriori".
"The efficiency Q of the experimental observation method can be
defined as the ratio of the information obtained to the entropy change
accompanying the observation." [9] During a demon's thought experiment,
no distortion is brought into the real system, that is why Q = 1. Then, one
can write it according to [9]:


where AA is the a priori infonnation quantity pertaining to the observed

Using equations (88}-(90) and imposing symbols where z' is the number
of physical dimensional quantities in the selected CoP and f! is the number
of base quantities in the selected CoP leads to the following equation:

where AA' is the a priori amount of infonnation pertaining to the observed

object due to the choice of the CoP.
Following the same reasoning, one can calculate the a priori amount of
information AA", caused by the number of recorded dimensionless criteria
chosen in the model. LfA" takes the following form:

LlA" = kb · In[(z' - P')/(z" - P")] , (92)

80 Chapter Three

where AAn cannot be defined without declaring the chosen CoP (AA'); z!! is
the number of physical dimensional quantities recorded in a mathematical
model; and pn is the number of base quantities recorded in a model of the
A minimal amount of information .dAE about the observed modeled box
is calculated according to the following:


where .dAE is measured in units of entropy [152]; z!! is the number of

physical dimensional quantities recorded in the mathematical model; and pn
is the number of base dimensional quantities recorded in the model.
In order to transform AAE to bits AAb, one should divide it by the
following abstract number kb·ln2� 9.569926. 10.24 kg-m'·s·'·K' [9, 153].

LlAb = In Lus,!(Z" p'�]/ln2(bits).


Taking into account that ,uS! � 38,265 and suppose z" /f' � 1 (one can

choose a larger number of dimensionless criteria, but this does not affect the
course of further reasoning and conclusions), one can calculate the
minimum boundary of the motion blur of a particle in the eyes of a demon:

LlAb = In [38,265/1]/0.6931472 '" 11(bits). (95)

In this case, the mathematical theory of infOlmation does not cover all
the wealth of infOlmation content, because it is distracted from the semantic
content side of the message. From the point of view of the infOlmation­
based approach, a phrase of 100 words taken from the newspaper,
Shakespeare, or Einstein's theory has about the same amount of
Thus, equation (95) contains a very strong hint that the demon is not
able to clearly distinguish the exact state of a large number of particles.
There are no glasses that could correct the sight of the demon. This closes
the possibility of developing a device that could distinguish between
fluctuations in individual particle velocities. Hence, it is clear that any
material physical device, in comparison with a mental thought experiment
(conscious, without a demon's material shell), will require much more
information and energy for the release of any gate movement.
Let us apply AAb (95) corresponding to the insurmountable threshold
mismatch ("cloud" of blurring) between the vision of the demon and the
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 81

actual situation in the box with the particles, i.e., amount of infOlmation
inherent in a particle. As an example, consider that the radius of the particle
is detelTIlined by the region in which it can produce some effect. According
to [144], the radius of a single photon rp in the energy region of Ep � 2.1
GeV equals 2.8.10-15 meters. In this case, the amount of infolTIlation
contained in one photon is [154]:


where Ybp is the information amount expressed in bits and corresponding to

the photon's sphere; rp is the radius of a photon expressed in meters, 2.8· 10-
15 m [144]; c is the light speed, c � 299,792,458 mls; h is the reduced Planck
constant, h � 1 .054572·10·34m'·kg·s·'; In2 � 0.693147; and IT � 3.141593.
Thus, the minimum boundary of the motion blur of the particle in tbe
eyes of the demon (in bits) is much less than the information contained in
the photon (270 bit » 1 1 bit). However, this fact does not in any way allow
us to state that the demon, after preliminary modeling, will be able to carry
in one direction particles moving at high speed, and in the other direction
particles having a low speed, thereby violating the second law of
thermodynamics. On the contrary, the demon will need infolTIlation through
a measuring device that is comparable in magnitude to the information
inherent in the particle. This, in turn, will require the perfolTIlance of work,
which will lead to an increase in entropy in the total volume of the box.
The proposed approach provides only a hint of how much information a
demon and the observed particle have before starting any action with a
system of "box-demon" or about "uncertainty" in the mind of someone
about to receive a message [155].

3.5.6. Universe energy associated with information

In cOlmection with the foregoing, there is an amazing possibility (and

for the readers, a very controversial one) of applying the results obtained in
analyzing the status of the miniature Maxwell's demon to the problems
associated with clarifying the energy ofthe observed universe.
Experiments and theories developed in theoretical physics over the past
decades have demonstrated the significant role of infolTIlation, the amount
of which physicists usually identify with entropy but which can be more
general when used to explain the emerging complexity ofthe universe. One
ofthe most attractive features ofthe Bekenstein formula [51] is that it allows
us to compose an idea of the possible connection between energy and
information contained in the universe.
82 Chapter Three

For this purpose, let us recall [51], in which it was proved that the
amount of infonnation in a physical system must be [mite if the space of an
object and its energy are [mite. In infonnational tenns, this bound is given by:

Yb <: (2 . J[ R . E) I (h . c . In 2),
• (97)

where Yb is the infOlmation expressed in the number of bits contained in the

quantum states of the chosen object sphere; the ln2 factor (approximately
0.693149) comes from defining the information as the natural logarithm of
the number of quantum states; R is the radius of an object sphere that can
enclose the given system; E is the total mass-energy, including rest masses;
h is the reduced Planck constant; and c is the speed of light.
Further, Landauer's principle [142] asserts that there is a minimum
possible amount of energy required to erase one bit of infOlmation, known
as the Landauer limit


where 8 is the temperature in Kelvins of the environment.

It is important to note that the equivalent bit energy depends on the
temperature of the described system. The average temperature of the
universe today is approximately () �2.73K [156], based on measurements of
cosmic microwave background radiation.
Therefore, with imagination and an essential assumption, in order to
transform Yb to terms of the ordinary energy YE, one should multiple it by
kb- (}- ln2:

YE �Yb · kb (} ln 2 <: ((2 · J[ · R · E) / (h · c · ln 2)) · kb (} ln 2, (99)



Using the dimensional analysis, we verify the achieved dimension of

equation (100):

dim R 3 m; dim kb 3 kg·m2·s-2·K-1; dim 8 3 K; dim h 3 m2-kg-s-1;

dim c 3 m·s·l; dim (yE I E) 3 m·k8'm2·s·2.K"I·K1(m'·kg·s·Lm·s·I)�1
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 83

So, at least from the point of view of the dimensional analysis, there is
not a fatal mistake.
Further, the age of the universe TlUliv is about 13.7 ± 0.13 billion years or
4.308595 x 1017 s [157]. Then, taking into account c � 299,792,458 mis, a
radius of the universe is:

Runiv � T iv ·
= C � 1.291684 .1026 (m). (102)

It should be noted that there is no knO\vn boundary, that is, Rmiv is an

approximate value. When people talk about the size of the observable
universe, this means the estimated distance to the most distant objects that
we can see. This does not mean that there is nothing further, it simply means
that we do not see it.
In this case, one can get the numerical relationship between energy
corresponding to the amount of information and the material energy
contained in a universe sphere:

rE I E ", (2 · J[ · R · 1(b· 0) l (h · c) � 9.6· l 029 ", 1030 (103)

Thus, we have sho\Vll that the energy represented by the information

makes a significant contribution to the total energy of the universe. Of
course, the value in (103) is a rough estimate. It is interesting to note that
1030 is much less than 10122 According to the holographic principle, the
latter huge number represents an upper bound on the infOlmation content of
the universe [158]. Since infonnation energy can make a significant
contribution to the dark energy and dark matter of the universe, scientists
need to study it more closely. Maybe this value (1030) can also be a signal
of some kind of new interaction between matter and infonnation.
Therefore, more is unkno\Vll than knO\Vll. Besides this, it is a complete
but important secret. The rest--everything on the Earth, everything that has
ever been observed with all our instruments, all nonnal energy-is a meager
part of the universe. Think about it: perhaps it is not "nonnal" at all, since
it is such a small part of the universe. But what kind of infonnation is this?
Perhaps information itself is a fundamental component of the physical
universe. Is it "ontological"; the real substance from which space, time and
matter emerge? Or is it "epistemic"; something that only represents our state
of knowledge about reality? Ultimately, information can be a key element
in the constitution of physical reality. The explicit relationship between
entropy and infonnation, using Sharmon's concept of objective quantitative
information, was formalized in [159], and this can be regarded as irrefutable
confinnation of infonnation as a physical entity.
84 Chapter Three

Such a dramatic gap of 1030 between the amounts of energy associated

with ordinary matter and the energy due to information can be associated
with initially accepted assumptions: the universe is not a sphere; the average
temperature of the universe can be much lower than the observed
temperature; and for the giant distance scale, the Landauer's limit is not
The presented results (95), (96) and (103) are simply routine calculations
by fOlTImlas known in the scientific literature. At the same time, only experts
on quantum electrodynamics or the theory of gravity can "separate the
wheat from the chaff'. However, if the Bekenstein fOlTIlula and Landauer's
limit have a physical explanation, perhaps the result of (103) can be used to
study the universe.
Additional explanation ofhow infmmation acquires energy comes from
the quantum theory of matter. In this theory, "empty space" is actually full
of temporal ("virtual") particles that are constantly being formed, possessing
certain infOlmation, and then disappear. But when we tried to calculate how
much energy this infmmation gives to the empty space, the answer turned
out to be erroneous-by a considerable margin: the number is 1030 times too
large. It is difficult to get such an answer. So, the mystery exists.
Another explanation of the significant magnitude of the energy
corresponding to the information contained in the universe is that it is a new
kind of field energy that fills the whole space. But if the information itself
is the answer, we still do not know what it is, what it interacts with or how
it exists in the universe. Thus, the mystery continues.
More speculatively, a last possibility is that Einstein's theory of gravity
requires clarification. Einstein's formula does not cause any reasonable
doubt. But now, in order to qualify the result (103), we need to clearly state
the need to improve this formula by adding a component due to the
information and that at the moment it is only possible to directly measure
the component of conventional energy. This fact would provide a way to
decide if the solution of the amount of information is a possible and
admissible part of the new gravity theory or not. Thus, there are many
questions and no answers. That is why things are still not so bad as to expect
As an alternative to dark energy and dark matter, the energy due to
information contained in the universe can serve as a "cementing"
component or a "hard disk". The huge difference between the two types of
energy (103) makes it possible to assert that the universe is isotropic-the
same in all directions-and homogeneous, without the regions of the
cosmos, which have special, peculiar characteristics. Equation (103) carmot
be an illusion caused by mathematics. Does this mean that our universe
Applications ofthe Comparative Uncertainty Metric 85

consists of infmmation, and the associated energy is responsible for the

inhibition of space and time and the accelerating expansion that we observe?
It is difficult for the matter-of-fact physicist to agree with this point of view.
Maybe there are better ideas. It is tempting to look for links and analogies,
even if they are at first considered unsuitable for discussion. Perhaps in the
future these two problems will not be as fragmented as they might seem.
FOlTImlating a problem that at first glance seems completely extravagant can
sometimes, with further reflection, acquire real significance and become
very meaningful for the further development of science.

3.5.7. Summary

Continuing the discussion of issues involving information theory that

began in Chapter 2, we have focused here on very important applications of
the comparative uncertainty concept. We have sho\Vll how its definition
affects and influences our understanding of different phenomena and
processes in the micro-world. In fact, we have sho\Vll that the constructive
and creative potential of analyzing any material object by the comparative
uncertainty is enmmous, and it is encouraging further research on the issue
of deep knowledge of natural phenomena and processes.
If the measure of the beauty of the theory is the ratio of the number of
things that it explains to how many assumptions it makes for their
explanation, then the infmmation-oriented approach seems very promising.
The pSI-hypothesis does refer to a real place of the surrounding world. It
might be applicable to experimental verification. In general, it is available
when the researcher has all the infmmation about the uncertainty interval of
the mam quantity. Moreover, the pSI-hypothesis provides new
functionalities useful for micro- and macro-physics including engineering,
astronomy and quantum electrodynamics. The comparative uncertainty can
be a peculiar metric for assessing the measurement accuracy of physical
laws and fundamental physical constants.
Obviously, the coordination of a probabilistic subatomic world with a
macroscopic everyday world is one of the greatest unsolved problems in
physics. The use ofthe }lSI-hypothesis opens up the possibility of combining
these two worlds: from Maxwell's demon to cosmology and astrophysics.
The pSI-hypothesis allows us to obtain the entropy cost associated with
the acquisition of the demon infmmation. Any demon, no matter how smart
it is, must perfmm measurements. Certainly, when creating a model for the
separation of particles, it is necessary to consider in detail the constitution
of a rational being. The possession of infmmation can indeed be regarded
as a decrease in entropy. However, in the case of mental modeling, obtaining
86 Chapter Three

information does not require the dissipation of heat and there is no threat to
the generalized form of tlie second law of thermodynamics.
Mental modeling requires us to say something about the demon itself as
a physical being. A demon can perform modeling without dissipation. This
fully corresponds to tlie position of Brillouin. He characterized tlie
infonnation as "connected" if it was embodied in states of the physical
device, but he bluntly stated that information contained only in the mind is
"free" and not "connected".
Now, the connection between entropy and information becomes more
understandable. 'When the demon leaves the system, he can be viewed as an
agent that has infOlmation about the system. Uncertainty in the description
of the system can be considered as a lack of knowledge by the demon about
the exact state of the system. If the demon has more information, the
system's entropy is smaller. However, once the demon can obtain
information without dissipation, the system's entropy decreases and the
only compensation appears to be an increase in the uncertainty of the state
of tlie demon itself.


It's easier tofool people than to convince

them that they have been fooled
-Mark Twain

Although this approach is considered to be very promIsmg,

attractive and versatile, some limitations have kept scientists away. The
main problems are as follows:

The information-based approach requires the equally probable

appearance of quantities chosen by a conscious observer. It ignores
factors such as developer knowledge, intuition, experience and
environmental properties;
The approach requires tbe knowledge or declaration of tbe observed
interval of the main observed or researched quantity. In fact, the
standard uncertainty can be used as the value of this parameter;
The method does not give any recommendations on the selection of
specific physical quantities, but only places a limit on their number.

Nevertbeless, the approach yields the universal metric by which the

model discrepancy can be calculated. A more effective solution to finding
the minimum uncertainty can be reached using the principles of information
and similarity theories. Qualitative and quantitative conclusions drawn from
the obtained relations are consistent with practice. They are as follows:
Based on the infOlmation and similarity theories, a theoretical lowest
value of the mathematical model absolute uncertainty of the measured
fundamental physical constant can be derived. A numerical evaluation of
this relationship requires tbe knowledge of the uncertainty interval of tbe
main researched quantity and the required number of quantities to be taken
into account. In order to estimate the discrepancy between the chosen model
measurement and the observed material object, a universal metric called
comparative uncertainty has been developed further. Our analytical result
for £ = Apmm/S is a surprisingly simple relationship.
88 Chapter Fom

The infonnation-oriented approach-in particular, IARU-makes it

possible to calculate with high accuracy the relative uncertainty, which is in
good agreement with the recommendations of CODATA. The principal
difference of this method, in comparison with the existing statistical and
expert methodology of CODATA (actually, all statistical methods are
umeliable-some more and some less [160]), is the fact that the information
method is theoretically justified.
Significant differences in the values of the comparative uncertainties
achieved in the experiments and calculated in accordance with the IACU
can be explained as follows. The very concept of comparative uncertainty,
within the framework of the infOlmation approach, assumes an equally
probable account of various quantities, regardless of their specific choice by
scientists when fOlTIlUlating a model for measuring a particular fundamental
constant. Based on their experience, intuition and knowledge, the
researchers build a model containing a small number of quantities, which,
in their opinion, reflects the fundamental essence of the process under
investigation. In this case, many phenomena, perhaps not significant or just
secondary, which are characterized by specific quantities are not taken into
For example, when measuring a value ofthe Planck constant by the LNE
Kibble balance (CoPS] = LMTI), located inside and shielded, temperature
(base quantity is (J) and humidity are controlled, the air density (base
quantity is FJ is calculated [102]. Thus, the possible influence of temperature
and the use of other types of gas, for example, inert gas, are neglected by
developers. In this case, we get a paradoxical situation. On one side,
different groups of scientists dealing with the problem of measuring a
certain fundamental constant and using the same method of measurement
"learn" from each other and improve the test bench to reduce uncertainties
known to them. This is clearly seen using the IARU method: when
measuring h, k, and NA, all the comparative uncertainties are very
consistent, especially for measurements made in recent years. However, on
the other side, ignoring a large number of secondary factors, which are
neglected by experimenters, leads to a significant variance in the
comparative uncertainties calculated by the IACU method.
Although the goal of our work is to obtain a primary restriction on the
measurement of fundamental physical constants, we can also ask whether it
is possible to reach this limit in a physically well-formulated model. Since
our estimation is given by optimization in comparison with the achieved
comparative uncertainty and the observation interval, it is clear that in the
practical case, the limit cannot be reached. This is due to the fact that there
is an unavoidable uncertainty of the model. It implies the initial preferences
Discussion 89

of the researcher, based on his intuition, knowledge and experience, in the

process of his formulation. The magnitude ofthis uncertainty is an indicator
of how likely it is tliat your personal philosophical inclinations will affect
the outcome of this process. 'When a person mentally builds a model, at each
stage of its construction there is some probability that the model will not
match this phenomenon with a high degree of accuracy.
The proposed methodology is an initial attempt to use a comparative
uncertainty instead of relative uncertainty in order to compare the
measurements results of fundamental physical constants and to verify their
true values. A direct way to obtain reliable results has always been open,
namely to assume that a fundamental physical constant value lies within a
chosen interval. Of course, the choice of a value of the variation of any
fundamental physical constant and its interval is controversial because of its
apparent subjectivity. With tliese metliods, our capacity to predict tlie
fundamental physical constants values by usage of the comparative
uncertainty allows for an improvement of our basic comprehension of a
complex phenomenon, as well as allowing us to apply this understanding to
the solution of specific problems. It may be tlie case that such findings will
induce a negative reaction on the part ofthe scientific community and some
readers who consider the above examples as a game of numbers. In his
defense, the author notes that eminent scientists such as Arnold
Sommerfeld, Wolfgang Pauli and others have followed a similar approach
in order to approximate values for the fundamental physical constants. The
calculated results are routine calculations from fOlTImlas knO\vn in the
scientific literature. At the same time, an additional perspective of the
existing problem will, most likely, help us to understand the situation and
identify concrete ways for its solution. Reducing the value of the
comparative uncertainty of fundamental physical constants to the lowest
achievable value will serve as a convincing argument for professionals
involved in perfecting tlie SI.
The strength and special value of tlie suggested approach is that, in
revealing features of the distribution of quantities in the model and the
pattern of the numerical calculation of comparative uncertainty of measured
fundamental physical constants, it not only allows the results to be
understood, but can also predict the future. In other words, can the proposed
method augment tlie study of the fimdamental physical constants? The
analysis of scientific data, in our opinion, can give this question quite a clear
Opportunities for rigorous analysis and in-depth knowledge are on tlie
side of CODATA scientists who conduct extensive research on the
measurement of fimdamental physical constants. The obtained data undergo
90 Chapter Fom

a comprehensive statistical and expert testing and serve as a benchmark for

conducting any research in various fields of science and technology. Why
do the real results ofthe information method allow you to go the other way?
The most important reason is that the analysis is centered on evidence built
on a theoretically grounded approach, rather than on a biased statistical
expert who is motivated by personal beliefs or preferences. In addition, the
facts necessary for scientific analysis simply appeared only in the last
decade. And the theoretically grounded approach, based on the theory of
information, was unexpectedly introduced only in 2015.
There are three non-empirical arguments that give rise to confidence in
the infOlmation-oriented method among its supporters. Recognizing that
non-empirical confirmation is a part of science, one can discuss the pros and
cons of these arguments in a certain context.
First, there seems to be only one version, based on the theory of
information and capable of consistently achieving a unification of the
estimation of the accuracy of the model of the observed physical
phenomenon; moreover, no other theory capable of fOlTIlUlating a criterion
for calculating the initial (before the experiment or computer simulation)
uncertainty of the model was found, despite enOlTIlOUS efforts. This
argument of "no alternatives" increases the confidence oftheorists that there
are no other alternative principles at all. This makes a more likely situation
in which the ,u-hypothesis is the correct approach.
Secondly, the ,u-hypothesis has grown from the theory of information­
accepted, empirically confilTIled theory, applicable to all, without exception,
knO\vn fundamental and applied sciences in a unified mathematical fOlTIl.
The theory of infolTIlation had no alternatives in the years of its fOlTIlation
and it will expand the scope of its application in the future. This "meta­
inductive" argument reinforces the "no alternatives" argument, showing
that it worked earlier in similar contexts, opposing the fact that physicists
simply do not have enough imagination to find alternatives that exist.
The third non-empirical argument is that the infolTIlation-oriented
approach unexpectedly set up interrelations for other theoretical problems,
in addition to the unification problem for which it was intended. For
example, the ,u-hypothesis makes it possible to calculate the achievable
relative uncertainty and, as a result of an unexpected discovery that has
caused a surge in research over the past 5 years, is mathematically
applicable for high-precision measurements of fundamental physical
Like any other method, the proposed hypothesis has contradictory
provisions and assumptions that are difficult to be perceived by the reader.
Moreover, we have to be very careful with the results. At the same time, the
Discussion 91

universe in which we live is a unique object, and therefore it is not clear

whether it is an accident or natural [161]. The approach does not give any
recommendations on the selection of specific physical quantities, but only
limits their number; the infonnation-based method requires the
equiprobable appearance of quantities chosen by the modeler; it fully
ignores developer knowledge, intuition and experience; and the approach
requires the knowledge or declaration of changes in the range of the
fundamental physical constants values.
For obvious practical results, this method gives a generic metric of the
influence of a number of chosen quantities on the model's discrepancy.
Such integral characteristics are of a physical nature, but most scientists do
not understand this opinion. To detennine these characteristics we need to
calculate the total number of dimensionless criteria in SI, and to declare a
specific interval of the fundamental physical constants changes. Moreover,
this metric has an inherent duality, as follows. On the one hand, it is obvious
that the choice of the class of phenomena and number of chosen quantities
is entirely detennined by the researcher. On the other hand, before the
beginning ofthe experiment, and regardless ofthe particular implementation of
the experimental setup "in hardware", against the will of the researcher, the
magnitude of the lowest achievable comparative uncertainty is already
known, provided that the changes in the interval ofthe fundamental physical
constants are defined.
An information-oriented approach leads us to the following conclusions.
If the mathematics and physics that describe the surrounding reality are
effective human creations, then we must take into account the relationship
between human consciousness and reality. In addition, the ultimate limits
of theoretical, computational, experimental and observational methods,
even using the best computers and the most complex experiments such as
the Large Hadron Collider, are limited to the ,u-hypothesis applicable to any
human activity. Undoubtedly, the current unprecedented scientific and
technological progress will continue. However, since a limit for this
progress exists, the speed of discoveries will slow do'Wll. This remark is
especially important for artificial intelligence, which seeks to create a truly
super-intelligent machine.


Sense ofhumor and self-criticism should always be present in a

presentation of one 's own theory, which differsfrom the generally
accepted opinion
-Boris Menin

We have used infOlmation and similarity theories to fOlTImlate general

principles and derived effects, which are amenable to rigorous experimental
verification of measurements of fundamental physical constants.
The main value of the results of the proposed method in the field of
modeling is that they give a universal criterion by which to compare various
models describing the observed phenomenon, in telTIlS of their ability to
achieve the lowest comparative uncertainty. Models may differ materially
by class of phenomenon, number of quantities, magnitude of the observed
changes interval ofthe main quantity, and qualitative composition of chosen
quantities. Under these conditions, the infOlmation metric (comparative
uncertainty) allows evaluating the extent to which the various models fit
together, and what is their proximity to the object under study. This requires,
on the basis of the selected class of phenomena, to calculate their
information-modeling indicators: the number of quantities, the changes
interval of the main quantity, and the comparative uncertainty. The
calculated comparative uncertainty and the minimum achievable relative
uncertainty corresponding to the selected class of phenomena are great
measures by which one can judge the discrepancy between the model and a
real system.
A measure of evaluation of the achievable accuracy of measurement of
different physical constants is suggested, and we formulated the method of
calculating the comparative uncertainty realized during the experiment.
Various applications of the infOlmation-oriented method are presented. At
the same time, the following must be noted. The }lSI-hypothesis made it
possible to establish the fact that scientists may approach, but never reach,
the comparative uncertainty corresponding to the chosen class of
phenomena. Regardless of the implementation of super-power computers,
94 Chapter Five

brilliant modem data processing methods and unique test benches,

comparative uncertainty-even with the required number of dimensionless
criteria-will be unattainable. In addition, the }lSI-hypothesis made it
possible to judge the appropriate limit of the accuracy of measurements in
each individual case.
The present analysis of published studies on the measurement of
fundamental physical constants allows us to hope that our approach will be
used to compare the accuracy achieved in various experimental settings and
by applying methods that differ from each other.
Of course, the proposed method does not claim to be the completely
universal way and does not give an answer to the question of the selection
of specific physical parameters for the best representation of the
surrounding world. However, within the above concept, we can firmly
assert that the future theory, the uniting gravity theory and quantum
electrodynamics carmot be based on the use of only three base quantities:
the meter, second and kilogram. This is because for such a class of
phenomena it is impossible to reach the minimum comparative uncertainty.
The proposed information approach has its own implications. Any
physical process, from quantum mechanics to palpitation, can be viewed by
the observer only through the idiosyncratic "lens". Its material is a
combination ofnot only mathematical equations, but also ofthe researcher's
desire, intuition, experience and knowledge. These, in tum, are framed by
SBQ, which is chosen with the consensus of the researchers. Thus, a sort of
aberration-a distortion of reality-creeps into modeling, prior to the
fOlTImlation of any physical, or even mathematical, statement. The degree
of distortion of the image in comparison with the actual process depends
essentially on the chosen class of phenomena and the number of the
"quantities created by observation". [162]
The accuracy of a model of any physical phenomena can no longer be
considered limited by the boundaries, determined by the Heisenberg
uncertainty relation. "Potential accuracy ofthe measurement" [77] is limited
by the initially known umecoverable comparative uncertainty detennined
by the }l-hypothesis and depending on the class of phenomena and the
number of quantities chosen by the strong-willed researcher. This is where
equation (33) can be considered a kind of compromise solution between
future possibilities, limitations in improving measuring devices, diversity in
mathematical calculation methods, and the increasing power of computers.
Under the umecoverable uncertainty of the model, we mean the initial
preferences of the researcher, based on his intuition, knowledge and
expenence, ill the process of its fonnulation. The magnitude of this
uncertainty is an indicator of how likely it is that one's personal
Final Remarks 95

philosophical leanings will affect the outcome of this process. Therefore,

modeling, like any infOlmation process, looks like any similar process in
nature: noisy, with random fluctuations and, in our case, an equiprobable
choice of quantities that depends on the observer. 'When a person mentally
builds a model, at each stage of construction there is some probability that
it will not match the phenomenon to a high degree of accuracy.
The quality of the scientific hypothesis should be judged not only by its
correspondence to empirical data, but also by its predictions. In this study,
information theory was used to give a theoretical explanation and grounding
of the experimental results which detelTIline the precision of different
fundamental constants. A focus on "the real" is what allows the infolTIlation
measure approach to explore new avenues in the different physical theories
and teclmologies. The approach proposed here can answer one fundamental
question-How are we seeing?-because it is based on the fundamental
subject, namely the System of Base Quantities. The information approach
allows for crafting of a meaningful picture of future results, because it is
based on the realities of the present. In this sense, when applying the results
of precision research to the limitations that constrain modern physics, it is
necessary to clearly understand the research framework and the way the
original data can be modified [161]. This can be considered as an additional
reason for speedy implementation ofthe }lSI-hypothesis, the concept of SBQ
and, in general, the infolTIlation approach for analyzing existing
experimental data on the measurement of fundamental physical constants.
The experimental physics segment is expected to be the most rewarding
application for the information method, thanks to a greater demand for high
accuracy measurements. The proposed infolTIlation approach allows for
calculating the absolute minimum uncertainty of the measurement of the
investigated quantity of the phenomenon, using formula (33). Calculation
of the recommended relative uncertainty is a useful consequence of the
formulated }l-hypothesis and is presented for application in calculation of
relative measurement uncertainty of different physical constants.
The main purpose of most measurement models is to make predictions
in verifying the true-target magnitude of the researched quantity. The
quantity that needs to be predicted is generally not experimentally
observable before the prediction, since otherwise no prediction would be
needed. Assessing the credibility of such extrapolative predictions is
challenging. In terms of validation, in CODATA's approach, the model
outputs for observed quantities are constructed using modern, advanced
statistical methods and powerful computers to determine if they are
consistent. By itself, this consistency only ensures that the model can predict
the measured physical constants under the conditions of the observations
96 Chapter Five

[163]. This limitation dramatically reduces the utility of the CODATA

effort for decision making because it implies nothing about predictions for
scenarios outside of the range of observations. The p-hypothesis proposes
and explores a predictive assessment process of the relative uncertainty that
supports extrapolative predictions for models of measurement of the
fundamental physical constants.
The [mdings ofthis study are applicable to all the models in physics and
engineering, including climate, heat- and mass-transfer, and theoretical and
experimental physics systems in which there is always a trade-off between
the model's complexity and the accuracy required. On the other side, the
proposed method is not claimed to be universally applicable, because it does
not answer the question about the selection of specific physical quantities
for the best representation of the surrounding world. The infOlmatioll­
oriented approach for estimating the model's uncertainty does not involve
any spatio-temporal or causal relationship between the quantities involved;
instead, it considers only the differences between their numbers. However,
it can be fitmly asserted that the findings presented here reveal, contrary to
what is generally believed, that the precision of physics and engineering
devices is fundamentally bounded by certain constraints and carmot be
improved to an arbitrarily high degree of accuracy. The outcome of this
study, which seems to be too good to be true, indeed turns out to be a real
It is now possible to design optimal models, which use the required
number of dimensional quantities that corresponds to the selected SBQ,
chosen according to the experimental physics considerations.
The theory of measurements and its concepts remain the correct science
today in the 21st century, and will remain faithful forever (paraphrase of
Prof. L.B. Okun [164]). The use of the }lSI-hypothesis only limits the scope
ofthe measurement theory for uncertainties exceeding the uncertainty in the
physical-mathematical model due to its finiteness. The key idea is that
although the basic principles of measurement remain valid, they need to be
applied discretely, depending on the stage of model's computerization.
Though the data in and explanations to Tables II-V appear to confirm
the predictive power of the }l-hypothesis, the author is skeptical of
considering them as "confinnation". In fact, the p-hypothesis is considered
a Black Swan [165] among the existing theories related to checking the
discrepancy bet\veen a model and the observed object, because none of the
existing methods for validating and verifying the constructed model take
into account the smallest absolute uncertainty of the model's measured
quantity, caused by the choice ofthe class ofthe phenomena and the number
of quantities created by observation.
Final Remarks 97

"Our knowledge of the world begins not with matter but with
perceptions." [125] According to the ,u-hypothesis, there are no physical
quantities independent of the observer. Instead, all physical quantities refer
to the observer. This is motivated by the fact that, according to the
information approach, different observers can take different account of the
same sequence of events. Therefore, each observer assumes to "dwell" in
his 0\Vll physical world, as detelTIlined by the context of his 0\Vll
An information-oriented approach leads us to the following conclusions.
If the mathematics and physics that describe the surrounding reality are
effective human creations, then we must take into account the relationship
between human consciousness and reality. In addition, the ultimate limits
of theoretical, computational, experimental and observational methods,
even using the best computers and the most complex experiments such as
the Large Hadron Collider, are limited by the ,u-hypothesis applicable to any
human activity. Undoubtedly, the existing unprecedented scientific and
technological progress will continue. However, since a limit for this
progress exists, the speed of discoveries will slow do\Vll. This remark is
especially important for artificial intelligence, which seeks to create a truly
super-intelligent machine.
Finally, because the values of comparative uncertainties and the required
number of chosen quantities are completely independent and different for
each class of phenomena, the attained approach can now, in principle,
become an arbitrary metric for comparing different models that describe the
same recognized object. In this way, the information measure approach will
radically alter the present understanding of the modeling process. In
conclusion, it must be said that, fortunately or unfortunately, one sees
everything in the world around him through a haze of doubts and errors,
excepting love and friendship. If you did not know about the ,u-hypothesis,
you would not come to this conclusion.

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