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Please read this before using this recommended guide!

The following pages are being uploaded to the OSSAA webpage STRICTLY AS A GUIDE TO SOLO

In 1999 there was a desire to have a required list of solo and ensemble literature, similar to the PML that
large groups are required to perform. Many hours were spent creating the following document to
provide “graded lists” of literature for every instrument and voice part. The theory was a student who
made a superior rating on a solo would be required to move up the list the next year, to a more
challenging solo. After 2 years of debating the issue, the music advisory committee voted NOT to
continue with the solo/ensemble required list because there was simply too much music written to confine
a person to perform from such a limited list. In 2001 the music advisor committee voted NOT to proceed
with the required list, but rather use it as “Recommended Literature” for each instrument or voice part.
Any reference to “required lists” or “no exceptions” in this document need to be ignored, as it has not
been updated since 2001.

If you have any questions as to the rules and regulations governing solo and ensemble events, please refer
back to the OSSAA Rules and Regulation Manual for the current year, or contact the music
administrator at the OSSAA.

1. Pianos - It is recommended that you use digital pianos when accoustic pianos are not available or if it is most cost effective to use a digital piano.
Specifications (set the volume at 75 to 80 %)
a) 88 keys
b) Full weighted hammer action
c) Stereo sampling
d) Sustain - damper pedal
e) Built-in amplification
2. Eligibility
Any soloist-ensemble which meets the eligibility requirements outlined in the OSSAA General Rules for Non-Athletic Activities, and complies
with the specific regulations of this section, may be entered in the solo-ensemble competition. All solo-ensembles must be enrolled in grades 7
through 12 and will compete for ratings in a single classification for senior high school and a single classification for junior high school. Senior
high school solo-ensemble contestants must qualify at a district contest with a Superior rating before they can enter the state contest. Ninth grade
students may enter either junior high or high school competition but must qualify in high school competition to be eligible to participate in the state
contest. There is no state contest for junior high school entries.
3. Cancellations
Should be reported to the contest manager by mail or phone before the date of the contest. In cases of cancellations the day of the contest, the
contest manager should be notified, before the scheduled performance time.
4. Emergency substitution.
In emergency situations, the director may substitute another eligible student for an ensemble member after the entry has been submitted provided
the substitute meets other OSSAA rules and regulations.
5 Limitations:
a) All solo contestants and members of ensembles must be members of a band, orchestra or vocal organization currently eligible to compete.
Instrumental contestants must be entered by the instrumental director and vocal contestants must be entered by the vocal director. EXCEPTION:
Students in a block schedule, enrolled first semester, and not the second semester, may still participate. Classifical Guitar entries may be entered
by a Certified Music Teacher employed by the school to teach classical guitar. This teacher must be present with his/her students at all OSSAA
contests entered.
b. Where there is no organized band, orchestra or vocal organization in the school, students may enter solo competition provided they are certified
by the principal and the music membership fee has been paid.
c. Senior high school ensemble membership is limited to not more than one half from junior high school. Junior high school ensemble
membership must be from grades 7, 8 and 9. Sixth grade students may not compete as soloists or as sixth grade students may not compete as
soloists or as members of ensembles.
d) A vocal contestant may enter once as a soloist and in not more than four ensembles. There can be no duplication of music or personnel in like
ensembles with like number of members.
e) An instrumental contestant may enter in more than one solo event on a different instrument provided the instruments are not related. Related
instruments are defined as: saxophones, A, Bb, Eb soprano clarinet, marimba, xylophone, or any keyboard instrument. A contestant cannot
participate in two or more ensembles that are alike. A student may not enter more than four string ensembles.
f) Duets are approved as an ensemble only for all junior high competition and for high school vocal and high school string competition. High
school students may perform an approved Brass or Woodwind, Sonata.
g) Directors are encouraged to limit the number of events one pianist may accompany. Recommend 20, do not recommend more than 40.
h) Instrumental ensemble maximum size is 18 members.
Vocal ensemble maximum size is 12 members.
j) Mixed Wind & Percussion Ensemble 774 Limit: one entry per school (Permitted only if the school does not have a band of 19 or more eligible
members). Suggest performing music from the OSSAA Prescribed List.
6. Selection of Music:
a) One selection of the contestant's choice is required; however, the suitability of the selection may be a factor in the final rating. Directors not
familiar with the level and type of music normally performed by high school students may use the OSSAA High School Recommended List
as a guide. Exception: Brass, Woodwind, and String Sonatas --- String Ensembles that use a student piano player as part of the ensemble , ---
Drum Set, and Classical Guitar Solos must perform from the OSSAA High School Recommended List.

Criteria For Classification of High School Solos and Ensembles from the OSSAA High Recommended List.
All listed selections have been placed into one of three classifications based upon specific criteria to determine the degree of difficulty of the selection.

The classifications are A, B, and C. Standard Repertoire is the same as Class A.

Class A: This category generally contains music of a grade 5 or 6 level. Music in this classification is of a high technical and musical demand
requiring musical interpretation and skill from advanced performers. Extremes in range, technical difficulty, key rhtyhm, tempo and style
could be present in these selections.
Class B: This category generally contains music of a grade 3 or 4 level. Music in this classification involves increasing demands of techniques,
range, key, rhythm, tempo and style. Introduction to increased interpretation, special techniques and concepts previously learned in the
fundamental music program is included.
Class C: This category generally contains music of a grade 1 or 2 level. Music in this classification contains easier keys, meter, ranges, rhythms,
tempos and styles.

b) Unaccompanied solos will be disqualified unless so conceived by the composer. This does not apply to ensembles. It is not necessary that the
accompanist be a high school student. Exception: Brass, Woodwind, and String Sonatas must be accompanied by a high school student if both
performers are to be adjudicated.. Taped accompaniment will be acceptable for instrumental and vocal solos only.
c) Piano accompaniment for vocal ensembles is to be left to the discretion of the director. EXCEPTION: If the music states "for rehearsal only" or
(any statement indicating the selection is to be sung unaccompanied) the selection must be sung unaccompanied.
d) When two like instrumental ensembles are entered from the same school there can be no duplication of personnel or music. Note: It is not
considered a duplication of personnel if a student participates in two ensembles on unrelated instrument. Related instruments are defined as:
saxophones, Bb, a and Eb soprano clarinets, marimba, xylophone, or any keyboard instrument.
e) Vocal solo-ensemble music may be transposed to a different key at the option of the director or teacher.
f) A soloist shall not replay or sing any selection he/she has used at district or state the previous year.
g) An ensemble member shall not replay or sing any selection he/she has used a district or state the previous year.
h) Music for a solo or ensemble may be an original composition.
i) Any soloist receiving an Superior (I) or Excellent (II) rating is urged to perform the same classification or higher (if there is a higher class) the
following year.
j) Soloist receiving Good (III), Fair (IV) or Poor (V) are urged to perform a solo from the same classification or lower the following year..

7. Performance Regulations:
a) District Contest: Performance time for instrumental solo-ensembles shall not exceed six minutes. Vocal solo-ensembles are permitted a
maximum of five minutes.
b) State Contest: Performance time for instrumental solo-ensembles shall not exceed eight minutes. Vocal solo-ensembles are permitted a
maximum of five minutes. Cadenzas and repeats are optional if their inclusion would exceed the allotted time for performance, extended
accompaniment interludes or introductions may be shortened.
c) Each soloist and a member of, or the director of, an ensemble shall supply the judge with a conductor's score with the measures numbered. The
judge is instructed not to permit performance to begin until he/she has received such a score. See Section VII-Copyright Regulation in the
OSSAA Manual. The contest chairman would then schedule a new performance time if a performance time is available. (Judges are only
allowed to make lightly on the score in pencil and the marks must be brief).
d) All solos must be performed from memory except Sonatas from the OSSAA Recommended List. Judges are obligated to reduce the final rating
of a soloist one division if the selection has not been memorized.
e) All vocal ensembles must be performed from memory. Judges are obligated to reduce the final rating of a soloist one division if the selection has
not been memorized.
f) All instrumental ensembles may be performed with the music.
g) Vocal ensembles are not to be directed by the teacher. A student may direct providing he/she is a performing member of the group and direct
from within rather than in front of the group. Judges are obligated to reduce the final rating of an ensemble one division if this rule is violated.
8. Refund Policy
No refunds will be made for the withdrawal of any entry.
9. Audience Rights
All OSSAA solo-ensemble and concert events are open to the public. It is not appropriate to ask that any performance room be cleared prior to or
during a performance.

Must Be Memorized (or rating lowered one division). Exception: Sonatas from the OSSAA Recommended List
Underlined Events must perform Music From the OSSAA Recomended List

Note: Use only the numbers in the event code to enter OSSAA contest.
The information printed within the box below is not in effect at this time. It is printed here to help familiarize you with how the High School
State Solo/Ensemble List may be used in the future. There is not a list for Middle School and Junior High Solos and Ensembles. The Permission
Request Form is not in effect at this time. High School Solos and Ensembles are only recommended with the exception that the Events with the Event
Code and Event Underlined (Junior High and High School) must perform Music from the OSSAA Recommended List. (Brass, Woodwind and String
Sonatas; Drum Set and Guitar Solos; plus all Piano String ensembles).
No alphabetical letter following the event code, indicates events where the music is to be used with NO EXCEPTIONS.
PA following the event code is the abbreviation for Permission Allowed: A list is available but you may transfer music from another current OSSAA
list or send in a Permission Request Form.
PR following the event code is the abbreviation for Permission Required: A list is not available but you may transfer music from another current
OSSAA list or send in a Permission Request Form.

Must Be Memorized (or rating lowered one division)
Underlined Events must perform Music From the OSSAA Recommended List

Event Event Event

101 Cornet Or Trumpet 201 Flute 301 Violin
102 Trombone 202 PA Piccolo 302 Viola
104 French Horn 203 Bb Clarinet 303 Cello
105 Tuba Eb and Bb 204 PA Eb Clarinet 304 String Bass
107 Euphonium 205 Bb Bass Clarinet 307 PA Harp
116 PR Misc. Brass 206 PR Bb Contra Bass Clar. 308 PA Classical Guitar
207 Oboe
PERCUSSION 208 PR English Horn
500C Snare Drum C= Concert 209 Basoon
500P Snare Drum B= Parade 210 Alto Saxophone
501 Marimba And Xylophone 211 PA Baritone Saxophone VOCAL
502 Vibraphone 212 Tenor Saxophone 401 Soprano
503 Timpani 214 PA Eb Alto Clarinet 402 Alto
504 PA Drum Set 215 PR Eb Contra-Alto Clar. 404 Tenor
505 PA Multiple Percussion 216 PR Misc. Woodwind 405 Baritone or Bass
516 PR Misc. Percussion Solo 407 PA Boy's Unchanged or Changing Voice

Vocal Ensembles are not to be directed and must be Memorized
Underlined Events must perform Music from the OSSAA Recommended List
Event Event Event
624 PA Brass Sonata 740 Flute Quartet 824 PA String Sonata
630 Trumpet Trio 741 Bb Clarinet Quartet 820 PA Two Like Strings
631 Trombone Trio 742 Mixed Clarinet Quartet 823.1 PA Violin & Viola
632 PA Brass Trio 743 Saxophone Quartet 823.2 PA Violin & Cello
640 Trumpet Quartet 744 Woodwind Quartet 823.4 PA Violin & Bass
641 Trombone Quartet 750 Woodwind Quintet 824.5 PA Cello & Bass
642 French Horn Quartet 761 PA Clarinet Choir 830 PA String Trio
643 Brass Quartet 770 PR Misc. Woodwind Trios and 831 PA Any Three Other Strings
Quartets (3 to 6 members)
650 Brass Quintet 771 PA Misc. Woodwind Ensembles 832 PA Piano String Trio (Piano, Violin and Cello)
(7 to 18 members)
660 Brass Sextet 772 PA Flute Choir 833 PA Piano String Mixed Trio (Piano and Any Two Other Strings)
661 PA Brass Choir (5 to 18) (No Perc.) 773 PA Saxophone Choir 840 PA Two Violins, Viola and Cello
774 Mixed Wind & Percussion 841 PA Any Other Four Strings
Ensemble (5 to 18 members)
Permitted only if the school
does not have 19 or more
eligible members (One entry per
662 Brass Choir with Percussion VOCAL 842 PA Piano String Quartet (Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello)
(5 to 18) Two Part ( 2 to 12 voices)
670 PR Misc. Brass Ensemble ( 3 to 6) 920 SS, SA, or AA 843 PA Piano String Mixed Quartet (Piano and Any Three Strings)
(No Percussion)
671 Misc. Brass Ensembles 922 PA ST, SB, AT, AB 850 PA String-Piano Quintet
(Like Instruments only) (7 to 18) (Any 5 like or unlike strings unaccompanied or any 4 like or
(No Percussion) unlike strings plus piano)
924 PA TT, TB, BB 860 PA String-Piano Sextet (Any 6 like or unlike strings
PERCUSSION unaccompanied or any 5 like or unlike strings plus piano)
Three Part ( 3 to 12 voices)
530 PA Drum Trio 930 SSA 861 PA String Choir
531 PA Keyboard Mallet Ensem. Four or More Parts 870 Misc. String Duet, Trio, Quartet
(4 to 12 voices)
940 SSAA
540 PA Drum Quartet 941 TTBB 871 PA Misc. String Ensemble ) 5 to 18 members)
561 PA Misc. Percussion Ensem. 942 SATB
(3 to 18 members)

WOODWINDS Barbershop 4 part (No exceptions)

724 PA Woodwind Sonata 943 Barbershop Quartet
730 Flute Trio 944 Barbershop Quartet
(Treble Voices)
731 Bb Clarinet Trio Madrigal Group
732 PA Woodwind Trio 950 Madrigal Group (4 or more parts)
7 to 12 voices


Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries

Event Event Event
620 Tumpet Duet 520 Drum Duet 720 Flute Duet
621 Trumpet-Trombone Duet 521 Keyboard Malllet Duet 721 Bb Soprano Clarinet Duet
Euphonium Duet,
or Euphonium-Trombone
622 Trombone Duet 570 Misc. Percussion Ensemble 722 PA Saxophone Duet
Euphonium Duet 2 to 18 members
or Euphonium-Trombone
623 French Horn Duet 723 Flute-Clarinet Duet
670 PR Mics. Brass Ensem 2 to 6 members 770 PR Misc. Woodwind Duet, Trio & Quartet
(No Percussion)


Selections designated by POP are no longer available from the publisher.

Selections designated by TOP are temporarily out of print.

No exceptions, indicates the selection is to be selected only from the selections listed.
Transfer from another current OSSAA list, indicates a selection may be transferred from another current OSSAA list.

In case of multi-movement selections, where instructions are not specified, perform two contrasting movements.



No Exceptions Continued

Trumpet Standard Repertoire 101S Trumpet Class A-B-C 101

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
101S1 Aria con Variazoni Handel/Fitzgerald CPP/B 101C9 Menuet in G from “Anna Bach/Dishinger T001 MMP
101S2 Concerto for Trumpet in Bb – Haydn/Goeyens Any standard Magdalene Bach Notebook”
Play 1, (start 4 before B) or 3 edition 101C10 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishinger T008 MMP
101S3 The Southern Cross Clark WB
101S4 Trumpet Concerto, Play 1 or 3 Hummel Any standard TROMBONE 102
101S5 Concert Etude Goedicke MCA/HL No Exceptions
101S6 The Debutante Clark/ed. Brandenburg WB
Trombone Standard Repertoire 102S
Trumpet Class A-B-C 101
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 102S1 Concertino No. 4 (Mvts.1 and David Hunt CF/Int
101A1 Concerto (play 1 or III) Hummel CPP/B/RK/ 2 or 2 and 3)
HL 102S2 Sonata in f minor Teleman/Ostrander Int
101A2 Adagio and Allegro from Handel/Fitzgerald TP 102S3 Morceau Symphonique Guilmont/Falagverra WB
Sonata in E 102S4 Hasse Suite Hasse/Gower Rub
101A3 Concert Etude Goedicke MCA/HL 102S5 Sonata No. 3 in a minor (Play Marcello Ken
101A4 Concertino No.3 Andrieu EM all)
101A5 Concerto in Eb Play I, (start 4 Haydn/Goeyen CF/Int/HL/K 102S6 Romance (May play alternate Weber Kal
before B) or III al/BH notes)
101A6 Suite (Play I, II & IV) Gibbons Gal 102S7 Concerto(Cut L to R) Rimsky-Korsakov Kal/Int
101A7 Concert Aria Mozart/Voxman Rub 102S8 6 Sonatas (Play 1 Sonatao, no Gailliard/Fussi-Brown Int
101A8 Andante et Allegro Ropartz EM cuts)
101A9 Sonata in g minor Purcell/Forst EM 102S9 Annie Laurie Pryor/Smith Lud
101A10 Belwin Master Solos, Snell CPP/B 102S10
(Advanced, Vol. 1, any 1
except 8) Trombone Class A-B-C 102
101B1 Rubank Book of Trumpet Rub
Solos, (Intermediate Level,
Play any one) Sel ID Title Composer Pub
102A1 Sonata No. 3 in a minor (Play Marcello Ken
101B2 Belwin Master Solos, (Int. Snell CPP/B
Vol. 1, Play any one) all)
102A2 Andante et Allegro Barat CB/CF/SMC
101B3 Suite in F Purcell/Maganini EM
101B4 Honor and Arms from Handel/Ostrander/Clark EM 102A3 Romance (May play alaternate Weber Kal
101B5 Serenade Haydn/Dishinger T080 MMP 102A4 Concerto (cut L to R) Rimsky-Korsakov Kal/Int
101B6 Gavotte from Symphony No.4 Boyce/Vedeski T003 MMP 102A5 Sonata Francaise DeLong Ken
101B7 Suite in Bb (Play Mvts 1, 2 & Corelli/Maganini EM 102A6 Rondo Mozart/Dishinger TB71 MMP
3 or 4, 5, & 6) 102A7 Concert and Contest Voxman Rub
Collection (1 from pgs 12, 16,
101B8 Italian Suite (Mvt. III, plus I Fitzgerald TP
or IV) 20 or 22)
102A8 The Ballad of Enob Mort Uber SMC
101B9 Carnival of Venice (Air Davis Rub
Varie) 102A9 Short Suite, unaccompanied Raph CF
(Recital Pieces for Trombone,
101B10 Contempora Suite Young CCP/B
101C1 Medici Masterworks Solos Dishinger T014 MMP No fanfares. Perform 4 mvts.)
102A10 Thoughts of Love Pryor 02312
Vol. 1 (Play any one)
101C2 Presto from Divertimento #12 Mozart/Dishinger T021 MMP GS/CF
102B1 For He That Is Mighty Bach/Figert Ken
101C3 Solo Sounds for Trumpet, CCP/B
Level 1-3, Vol. 1, Any one
101C4 Classic Festival Solos, (Vol. CCP/B
2, any one)
101C5 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post T002 MMP
101C6 Altair VanderCook Rub
101C7 Antares VanderCook Rub
101C8 Rubank Book of Trumpet Rub
Solos, (Easy Level, Play any

Trombone Class A-B-C 102 French Horn A-B-C 104
Continued Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
102B2 Scene de Concert Denmark Lud 104B7 Scherzo for Horn and Piano Schmalz PhP
102B3 Concert Piece Nelhybel Eck 104B8 Vocalise (Concert & Contest Rachmaninoff Rub
102B4 Achilles Endresen Rub Collection)
102B5 Allegretto Mozart/Dishinger TB65 MMP 104B9 On Russian Hill Valenti Ken
102B6 Serenade Haydn/Dishinger TB72 MMP 104B10 Suite No. 1 (Play 3 cont. Levy Cor
102B7 Polka Caprice Cimera CPP/B mvts.)
102B8 Air de Lia Debussy/Maganini EM 104C1 Soloist Folio (pg. 2,8,14 or ed.Endreson Rub
102B9 Lyric Interlude Johnson Rub 18)
102B10 “Aire” from Suite No.3 in D Bach/Fote Ken 104C2 Little Rondo Burkhardt SMC
102C1 Winter’s Willow Vaughan TB63 MMP 104C3 Allerseelen (Concert & Strauss Rub/HL
Williams/Dishinger Contest Collection)
102C2 Entrance of the Noblemen Hughes/Pelz SF 104C4 A Winter’s Willow Vaughan FH61 MMP
102C3 Etude Chopin/Dishinger TB22 MMP Williams/Dishinger
102C4 Two Arias Mozart/Wienandt SMC 104C5 Cavatina Bakaleinikoff CPP/B
102C5 Gavotte from Harpsichord Purcell/Vedeski TB04 MMP 104C6 Sento Nel Cor (8 Bel Canto Scarlatti SP,Inc
Suite #5 Songs for Solo Winds)
102C6 Belwin Master Solos, (Easy) Snell CPP/B 104C7 Sebben, Crudele (8 Bel Canto Caldara SP,Inc
P. 9,13 or 16 Songs for Solo Winds)
102C7 Did Your Mother Come From Tanner CPP/B 104C8 Rondo from Divertimento No. Mozart/Dishinger FH19 MMP
Ireland 11
102C8 Presto Mozart/Dishinger TB16 MMP 104C9 Classic Festival Solos, Vol. 2 ed.Lamb CPP/B
102C9 March from Suite No.5 Purcell/Dishinger TB24 MMP (Play 5,6,7,8,9 or 10)
102C10 The King’s Jester Harris Lud 104C10 Solo Sounds, Levels 1-3, Vol. CPP/B
1 (Play 1 from pgs 5-16,
except pg 13)
No Exceptions TUBA 105
No Exceptions
French Horn Standard Repertoire 104S
Tuba Standard Repertoire 105S
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
104S1 Concerto #1 Op.11 (Play 1 Strauss CF/HL/ Sel ID Title Composer Pub
or last Mvt.) Int/Kal 105S1 Air & Bourree Bach/Bell CF
104S2 Concerto in Bb, Op. 91 (Play Gliere/Polekh Int 105S2 Sonata For Tuba (2 cont. Hindemith Sch
one Mvt.) mvts.)
104S3 Concerto #1 (1st mvt.) Mozart GS/Int/ 105S3 Adagio and Allegro Teleman SMC
SMC 105S4 Sonata (Play 1st and 2nd Beversdorf SMC
104S4 Concerto#2 (1st mvt.) Mozart GS Mvts.)
104S5 Villanelle Dukas Int 105S5 Fantasy for Tuba Arnold BH
104S6 Concert Piece Op. 94 Saint-Saens Int 105S6 Introduction and Allegro Senaille/Catilenet Pet
(Observe Cuts) Spiritoso
104S7 Rondo from: Horn Quintet, Mozart GS 105S7 Suite for One Unaccompanied Hartley TP
K. 407 (POP) st Tuba (Play mvts. 1 & 4 plus 2
104S8 Sonata No. 1 (1 mvt.) Hindemith Schott or 3)
104S9 Adagio and Allegro
st Shumann Pet 105S8 Andante and Rondo Capuzzi/Catelinet Pet
104S10 Concerto No. 1 (1 mvt.) Haydn CF 105S9 Andante, Op. 64 Tcherepnin Pet

French Horn Class A-B-C 104 Tuba Class 1A-2A-3A 105

Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 105A1 Ricercar (unacc.) Gabrieli/Morris SP,Inc
104A1 Sonata
st in g minor Purcell EM 105A2 Scene de Concert Denmark Lud
104A2 1 mvt. of either Concerto 2 Mozart GS/HL/ 105A3 Tuba Suite (Play 2 cont. Jacob BH
or 4 (from Four Horn Int/SMC mvts.from 1,2,3,4,6 or 8)
Concertos and Concert 105A4 Suite for Tuba Haddad SP,Inc
Rondo) (Concert & Contest 105A5 Concert Piece #1 Vaughn WJ
Collection) 105A6 Sonatina (Mvt. I) Sear Cor
104A3 Concerto No. 4 (Romanza & Mozart GS/Int/ 105A7 His Majesty the Tuba Dowling CPP/B
Rondo)(from Four Horn SMC/HL 105A8 Barbarossa Barnhouse/Buchtel Bar
Concertos & Concert 105A9 Six Studies in English Folk- V. Williams/Wagner ECS
Rondo)(Concert & Contest Song (Play VI plus any 2 from
Collection) I-V)
104A4 Concerto (Play 1 and 2 or 3 Vivaldi/Sabatini FH6/Cor 105A10 Introduction and Dance Barat/Smith SMC
and 4) 105B1 Auld Lang Syne DeLamater Rub
104A5 Sonata for Horn and Piano Heiden AMP 105B2 Tarantelle Walters Lud
104A6 Sonata (Mvt. 1 and 2) Adler RK 105B3 A Touch of Tuba Dedrick Ken
104A7 Villanelle (Play with valves) Dukas Int 105B4 March of the Marionettes Gounod/Walters Rub
104A8 Caprice (Cut from 118 to 151) Custer Ken 105B5 Soloist Folio for Eb of BBb Rubank Rub
104A9 Concert Piece Op. 94 Saint-Saens Int (Play 1 pgs. 3-12)
(Observe Cuts) 105B6 Gavotte from Symphony No.4 Boyce/Vedeski TAT3 MMP
104A10 4 Sketches (Play 1 and 4 or 2 Uber EM 105B7 Colossus VanderCook Rub
and 3) 105B8 Classic Festival Solos (pgs ed.Lamb CPP/B
104B1 Romanza from Concerto #3 Mozart/Voxman Ken/Rub 13,14 or 16)
104B2 Romance (Concert & Contest Saint-Saens Rub/HL 105B9 Scherzo Pomposo Walters Rub
Collection) 105B10 The Lancer Bonheur/Walters Rub
104B3 Rigaudon Rameau EM
104B4 Classic Festival Solos (pg. ed.Lamb CPP/B
5,6,12,13,14&15 or 16)
104B5 Andante and Rondeau Mozart/Merriman Bar
104B6 Andante Cantabile from Fifth Tchaikovsky/Seredy CF

Continued Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

105C1 Gavotte Bach/Swanson CPP/B 107C10 In the Hall of the Mountain Grieg/Holmes Rub
105C2 Bouree Handel/Swanson CPP/B King (T or B)
105C3 Dancing Song Liadov/Dishinger TAT17
105C4 Old Time Theme and Barnes TAT10
Variations MMP CLASS A-B-C
105C5 Gavotte from Harpsichord Purcell/Vedeski TAT5 MMP
Suite No. 5 Any Brass Instrument (e.g. Fluegel Horn, Bass Trumpet, Bass
105C6 Forty Fathoms Walters Rub Trombone, Eb Trumpet, etc) not provided for in other contests.
105C7 Classic Festival Solos, Vol. 2 ed.Lamb CPP/B
(Play one from pgs 5, 8 or 9)
105C8 Presto from Divertimento Mozart/Dishinger TAT16
No.12 MMP
105C9 The Nervous Turkey Rag Barnes TAT9 MMP
105C10 Solo Sounds for Tuba, Vol. 1, Belwin CPP/B
lv.1-3 (Play one from pgs 4-


No Exceptions

Euphonium/Baritone Horn Standard Repertoire 107S

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

107S1 Adagio and Allegro (T or B) Marcello/Merriman SMC
107S2 Introduction and Dance (B) Barat SMC
107S3 Sonata for Unaccompanied Clinard SP, Inc.
Euphonium or Trombone
107S4 Beautiful Colarado DeLuca CF
107S5 Morceau Symphonique Guilmant WB
107S6 Concerto in Bb Mozart/Fote Ken
107S7 Andante and Rondo Capuzzi/Catelinet Pet
107S8 Introduction and Ploonaise Denmark Lud
107S9 Adagio and Allegro Handel/Fitzgerald TP

Euphonium/Baritone Horn Class A-B-C 107

Sel ID Title Composer Pub
107A1 Aria and Rondo (T or B) Fiocco/Frackenpohl Ken
107A2 Anne Laurie: Air Varie Pryor/Smith Lud
107A3 Song of the Pines Irons SMC
107A4 Twilight Serenade Schoonenbeek DeHaske
107A5 Variations on a Theme of Davis SMC
Robert Schumann
107A6 Concerto in B Flat, K191 Mozart/Forte Ken
107A7 Andante and Rondo Capuzzi Pet
107A8 La Mandolinata Bellstedt/Simon SMC
107A9 Introduction and Polonaise Denmark Lud
107A10 Allegro Spiritoso Senaille/Falcone SMC
107B1 My Johann Grieg/Corwell Ken
107B2 Toreador’s Song from Bizet/Holmes Rub
107B3 Gavotte from Symphony No. Boyce/Vedeski HH08 MMP
107B4 Thunder, Lightning and Handel/Ostrander Ken
Whistling Wind (T or B)
107B5 Let’s Beguine Edelson C&E
107B6 Classical Festival Solos, Vol. Purcell/Vincent CPP/B
2 (Play pg 15 or 16)
107B7 Why Do the Nations So Handel/Swayzee Franton
Furiously Rage Together?
107B8 Amazing Grace Haack SMC
107B9 Sonatina Mozart/Ernst Ken
107B10 Lyric Interlude Johnson Rub
107C1 Little Purcell Suite (Play All) Purcell/Dishinger HH73 MMP
107C2 Forty Fathoms (T or B) Walters Rub
107C3 Timepiece Niehaus Ken
107C4 Gavotte from Harpsichord Purcell/Vedeski HH04 MMP
107C5 The Jolly Peasant (T or B) Schumann/Holmes Rub
107C6 Bourree Handel/Dishinger HH74 MMP
107C7 Master Solos Intermediate Campbell HL
Level for Baritone (T or B)
(Play either Vittoria or
Sarabande & Minuet)
107C8 Sparkles (T or B) Harris Lud
107C9 Air in Eb Major (T or B) Mozart/Stouffer Ken

No Exceptions Continued

Flute Standard Repertoire 201S Flute Class A-B-C-201

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

201S1 Concerto in D (Play 1st or 3rd Hadyn SMC 201C6 Pavane Pour Infante deFunte Ravel/Dishinger MMP
Mvt.) 201C7 Solo Sounds for Flute Level Lamb CPP/B
201S2 Suite in a minor (Play Teleman SMC/GS 1-3, Vol. 1 (Play one from
Overture or Nos. II and III) 5,6,9,13, or 15)
201S3 Concertino, Op. 107 Chaminade SMC/GS 201C8 Soloist Folio (Play one page Voxman Rub
201S4 Sonate (Play Mvts. 1 and 2 or Hindemith Sch from 6,8,11,13,14, or 15)
Mvt. 3) 201C9 Solo Pieces for the Beginning McCaskill-Gilliam Mel Bay
201S5 Poem (Omit pages 4 &5 ms. Griffes/Barrere GS Flutist (Play one page from 4,
85-195 9, 10, 11, 12, or 14)
201S6 Sonata (Mvt. 1) Poulence/Rampal Chester 201C10 Four American Folk Songs Weekley/Arganbright NAK
201S7 Morceau de Concours Faure Brn (Play any 2 mvts.)
201S8 Syrinx Bedussy Jopert (TP)
201S9 Fantasie Georges Hue Mas
201S10 Serenade Hanson CF PICCOLO 202
No Exceptions
Flute Class A-B-C 201
Piccolo Standard Repertoire 202S
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
201A1 Concerti in G st
Major or D Mozart Int/GS/CF/ Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Major (Play 1 Mvt of SMC 202S1 Concerto in C Major FVI No. Vivaldi-Felix Int.
EITHER, no cadenza) 4, Pg 78 or 79
201A2 Concerto in G Major Pergolesi Int/BH 202S2 Parable for Solo Piccolo Persichetti TP
201A3 Danse De La Chevre Honegger GS (Parable XII)
201A4 12 MethodicalstSonatas (Play 1 Teleman Baren 202S3 Polka from “The Golden Age” Shostakovich EM
sonata: Play 1 mvt. plus 2 202S4 Concerto in A minor Vivaldi Int.
others, one being fast) 202S5 Piccolo Concerto (Mvt. 2 &3) Niverd/Cassanova TP
201A5 7 Sonatas and Largo (Play 2 Handel CB/Kal Vol. Billaudot
cont. mvts.) 1/SMC
201A6 Flute Music by French ed.Moyse GS
Composers (pgs. 14,18,22,30 Piccolo Class A-B-C 202
or 38/no cuts)
201A7 Sonatina (Play mvts 1 & 2 or Heiden AMP Sel ID Title Composer Pub
2 & 3) 202A1 Gigue LeClair,I’aine’/Barve GS
201A8 Sonata No. 1 in b minor, (Mvt Bach Int/ 202A2 Fantasia on Mexican Airs (I & Lax-Trott Alry
1 & 2 or 2 & 3) or Sonata No. Baren/Chester II or II & III)
5 in e minor (Mvts 1 & 2 or 3 /GS 202A3 The Fearless Whistler (Play Isaacson Alry
& 4) or Sonata No. 6 in E any 4 mvts)
Major ((Mvts 1 & 2 or 3 & 4) 202A4 Concerti in C Major or Vivaldi M&M
201A9 Sonata in a minor (Play Mvts. C.P.E. Bach/Wummer Int. Concerto in a minor (Play I &
1 & 2 or 2 & 3) II or II & III)
(Unaccompanied) 202A5 Nightingale Polka Koehler/Dole CB
201A10 Concerto in G (Mvts 1 & 2 Quantz CB/Int 202A6 Concerto for Flute in D Major Telemann Int
OR 2 & 3) (Mvt. 1 cut bars 5 (Any two cont. mvts.)(POP)
to 20 & 58 to 63) 202A7 Parable for Solo Piccolo Persichetti TP
201B1 Concert and Contest Voxman Rubank 202A8 Twelve Fantasias (Play any Telemann Int
Collection (pieces beginning one)
on pgs. 3,6,8,10,12,14,15, OR 202A9 Le Petit Berger DeBussy/Voxman SMC
24) 202A10 Polka from the “Golden Age” Shostakovich EM
201B2 Solo Sounds for Flute, Vol. 1 ed.Lamb CPP/B 202B1 Sonata in G (play all) Finger BH
(Levels 3-5) (Play one from 202B2 Air and Dance Corelli EM
pgs. 3,8,10 OR 12) 202B3 Sonata in F Major (C or Db) Telemann/Voxman Rub
201B3 Canon in D Pachelbel/Dishinger F088 MMP 202B4 Largo Vivaldi SMC
201B4 Carmen Entr’acte from Act III Bizet EM 202B5 The Little Hornpipe Lombardo Alry
201B5 Summer Music (Mvts 1 & 2 Bennett Nov 202B6 Anne McGinty’s Book of 99 McGinity SPR
or 3) Irish Dance Tunes (Play any 3
201B6 Solos for Flute (pgs. Peck CF mvts.)
2,8,20,22,24,27,28,36,38,43,4 202B7 Top O’ The Evening, An Irish Trott Alry
5 or 48) Suite (Play any 3 mvts.)
201B7 Madrigal Gaubert Little Piper/ 202B8 Pearls of Old Masters, Vol. 1 Bettoney CB
CPP/B (Play one from pgs. 1,3,4,8,9
201B8 14 Pieces (Play any 3) Koechlin Sal or 10)
201B9 Suite in 3 Mvts. (Play Mvts. 1 Corelli/Dishinger F093 MMP 202B9 24 Short Concert Pieces Cavally SMC
and 2) (pp.6,24 & 25 or 40)
201B10 Belwin Master Solos Vol. 1, ed.Snell CPP/B 202B10 6/8 Dances (Mvts. 1 and 2 or Isaacson Alry
Int. (Play 1 from pgs. 4,6 2 and 3)
or10) 202C1 Rigaudon from Pieces De Rameau/Dishinger F006 MMP
201C1 Puppet Parade Edelson C&E Clavecin
201C2 Forty Little Pieces in Moyse GS/HL 202C2 March of the Tin Soldiers Pierne/Buchtel NAK
Progressive Order (Select 2
from Nos. 22,27,28,31 or 40)
201C3 Rondo Mozart/Dishinger F014 MMP
201C4 Allegro Handel/Dishinger F008 MMP
201C5 Rubank Book of Flute Solos, Voxman HL
Easy Level, (Play one from
pgs. 3,9,10,12, or 13)

Continued Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
202C3 Rain from Winter Vivaldi/Felix EM 203C2 Clarinet Solos for the Young Bordner SMC
Concerto/The Seasons Player, Book 1 (any one, play
202C4 40 Little Pieces Moyse GS repeats)
(23,24,29,30,31,32,38, or 40) 203C3 The Lonely Clown Edelson C&E
202C5 Gavotte Boyce/Dishinger F002 MMP 203C4 Etude Op.10 No. 3 Chopin/Dishinger C022 MMP
202C6 Rondo from Divertimento #11 Mozart/Dishinger MMP 203C5 Andante and Rondo Fox Pro/
202C7 Solo Sounds for Flute Level ed.Lamb CPP/B CPP/B
1-3, Vol. 1 203C6 Masterworks Solo, Vol. 1 Dishinger C011 MMP
202C8 Soloist Folio (6, 8, 11, or 12) Voxman Rub (Play any solo)
202C9 Solos Pieces for the McCaskill/Gilliam Mel Bay 203C7 Presto from Divertimento #12 Mozart/Dishinger C016 MMP
Beginning Flutist (8, 12, or 203C8 Timepiece Niehaus Ken
14) 203C9 Jolly Coppersmith Peters/Joliff Rub
202C10 Pearls of the Old Masters, Bettoney CB 203C10 Belwin Masterwork Solos, Snell CPP/B
Vol. 1 (Play pg.2 or pg.5) Vol. 1 Easy (Play one of the
following combinations: pp. 5
&13, 8 & 9, 12 & 14 or 14 &
CLARINET 203 15)
No Exceptions
Bb Clarinet Standard Repertoire 203S Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

203S1 Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Poulenc Chester
Eb Clarinet Class A-B-C 204
(Any mvt.) (MMB)
203S2 Fantasie Caprice, Op. 118 Lafebvre SMC/Int/GS Sel ID Title Composer Pub
203S3 Concert in A Major, K 622 Mozart/Bellison CF/Rub/Int 204A1 Rigaudon Lacome/Andraud SMC
(Play Mvt. 1 (cut 8-12) OR 204A2 Luisa Di Montfort, Scene and Bergson CB
Mvt. 3 (cut 4 to 10 after 8) Air (POP)
203S4 Concerto No. 1 (Mvt. 1 or 3) vonWeber CB/CF/Rub 204A3 Fantaisie Concertante Lecail/Voxman Rub
203S5 Concerto No. 2 (Mvt 1 or 3) vonWeber CB/CF/Rub/ 204A4 Praeludium Ostransky Rub
Kal/EAM 204A5 Saxonia Rimmer HE/
203S6 Clarinet Sonata (Mvt. 1 and 2) Hindemith Sch G&M
203S7 Variations for Clarinet and Rossini/Neufeld WIM 204A6 Solo voor Es Clarinet Forestier/VanLeeuwan HE/
Piano (Molenaar) G&M
203S8 Concerto Op. 26 vonWeber CB/CF/Rub 204A7 3e Fantaisie (Play: Andte, Escudie HE/
203S9 Clarinet Quintet K 581 (Mvt. Mozart BH Mod. Var.I or Var. II & G&M
1) Finale)
203S10 Petite Piece Quet SMC 204A8 Gigue Aubert/Clark EM
204A9 12 Concert Etudes for Clarinet Owen WIM
(Play 1,2,5,7,9 or 11 or 2 cont.
Bb Clarinet Class A-B-C 203 etudes from 3,4,6 or 10)
204A10 Classic Festival Solos (Eb Seven CPP/B
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Alto Clarient)(Play pp. 114-
203A1 Sonatina for Clarinet and Heiden AMP 115)
Piano (Mvts. II & III) 204B1 Andante and Allegro Marcello/Voxman Rub
203A2 Belwin Master Solos, Vol. 1 ed.Snell CPP/B 204B2 Sicilienne (Pub. for Eb Alto Faure/Davis WIM
Adv. (Play pgs. 3-5, or 8 and Clarinet)
9) 204B3 Classic Festival Solos (pub. ed.Lamb CPP/B
203A3 Klarinetten Konzert No. 3 Stamitz/Wojciechowski Pet for Eb Alto Clarinet)(Play
(Mvts. I and II) pgs. 10 and 11 or 12 and 13)
203A4 Variations for Clarinet and Rossini/Neufeld WIM 204B4 March Variations Reed EBM/HL
Piano 204B5 Hoe Down Reed EBM/HL
203A5 Clarinet Quintet, K. 581 (Mvt. Mozart/Thurston BH 204B6 Sarabande and Gigue Corelli/Voxman Rub
I) 204B7 Arietta and Scherzo Koepke Rub
203A6 First Concertino Guihaud/Voxman Rub/ 204B8 Lyric Piece (pub. for Eb Alto) Ostransky Rub
CF/Int/GS 204C1 Romance Melancolle Pala HE/
203A7 Five Bagatelles (3 cont. mvts, Finzi BH G&M
must play 1 or V) 204C2 Musette from Anna Bach/Dishinger AC08 MMP
203A8 Concertino vonWeber BH/ Magdalena Bach Notebook
Rub 204C3 Classic Festival Solos, Vol. 2, ed.Lamb CPP/B
203A9 Scene and Air from Luisa di Bergson/Voxman Rub pub. For Eb Alto Clarinet
Monfort (Play pg. 5,7,8&9 (play high
203A10 Rhapsody (unacc) Osborne Pet notes) or 16)
203B1 Emily’s Caprice Niehaus Ken 204C4 Classic Festival Solos, pub. ed.Lamb CPP/B
203B2 Six Studies in English Folk Vaughan-Williams Gal for Eb Alto Clarinet (Play pg.
Song (VI plus any two 9,10, or 11)
studies) 204C5 Eight Bel Canto Songs (Play Phillips SP,Inc
203B3 Ten Pieces for Clarinet and Moyse GS any one)
Piano (any 2 cont. pieces) 204C6 Petite Suite White SF
203B4 Suite in C minor (2 cont. Vivaldi/Maganini EM 204C7 Concert Album for Alto Maganini EM
mvts. From I,III, IV or V) Clarinet (pg. 8)
203B5 Aria and Menuetto Mozart/Ayres Bar
203B6 Solo Sounds for Clarinet, Vol. ed.Lamb CPP/B
1 Levels 3-5 (pp.2,6,8,12 or
203B7 Suite by Schumann Schumann/Heim Ken
203B8 Chansonette Barret-Pazemis Rub
203B9 Air and Dance Corelli/Maganini EM/GS
203B10 Serenade Espagnole Bizet/Smim EM
203C1 Little Purcell Suite Purcell/Dishinger C0140 MMP

No Exceptions No Exceptions

Bb Bass Clarinet Standard Repertoire 205S Oboe Standard Repertoire 207S

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer PubS
205S1 Sonata (Mvts. 1 & 2 or 3 & 4) Fasch M&M
205S2 Concerto, K. 191 (1 Mvt) Mozart/Dahm EM 207S1 Concerto for Oboe (Two cont. Cimerosa/Benjamin BH
205S3 Sonata in a minor Marcello/Hite SMC
205S4 Sonata No. 6 (Mvts. 3 & 4) Vivaldi/Ayres Bar 207S2 Concerto in C Major (Any Mozart BH
205S5 Prelude and Fughetta Brown WIM
205S6 6 Sonatas for Bass Clarinet Gailliard/Marx M&M 207S3 Concerto in d minor, Op. 9, Albinoni Int
and Piano (Sonata IV
No. 2 (Play one mvt.)
Allemanda plus 2 other mvts. 207S4 Concerto in c minor (Play Marcello G&M/
or Sonata V Adagio plus 2
Mvts. 1 & 2 or 2 & 3) HE/Int/
other mvts. or Sonata VI Pet
Larghetto plus Alla Breve) 207S5 Concerto in Eb Bellini/Peters SMC
205S7 Deepwood Bennet CF 207S6 First Concertino Guihaud Rub
205S8 Andante and Allegro Desportes SMC 207S7 Suite for Oboe and Pianoforte Piston 788 ECS
205S9 Adagio from “Concerto No. Spohr/Ayres Bar
(Mvts. 1 & 5 and one other
1” mvt.)
205S10 Serenade Basque Hoffman CPP/B
207S8 Variations on a Theme of Rimsky Korsakov/Marx M&M
Michael Glinka
Bb Bass Clarinet Class A-B-C 205 207S9 Six Metamorphases after Ovid Britten BH
(Play #1 “Pan” plus one other)
207S10 Legend Pastorale Godard/G.W. SMC
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
205A1 Sonata in a minor Marcello/Hite SMC
205A2 Sonata No. 6 (Mvts. 3 & 4) Vivaldi Bar Oboe Class A-B-C 207
205A3 Prelude and Fughetta Brown WIM
205A4 Ballade Bozza SMC Sel ID Title Composer Pub
205A5 Undercurrent Long Rub/
207A1 Concerto in g minor (Mvts. 1 Handel/Voxman Rub
HL & 2 or 1 & 4)
205A6 Lamento (Nocturne) Bassi/Voxman Rub/
207A2 Oboe Quartet, K. 370 (Any Mozart/Hodgson Pet
HL mvt.)
205A7 Concertino Hounsell Hounsell 207A3 Musette (Pastorale) Lenom SMC
205A8 Sonata in G minor Eccles CPP/B 207A4 Sonata in F Donizetti Pet
205A9 Allegro Moderato from the Schubert/Davis WIM nd
207A5 Sonata (2 mvt. start at Hindemith EAM
“Arpeggione Sonata”
205A10 Vignette Koepke Rub 207A6 Variations on a Theme of Rimsky Korsakov/Marx M&M
205B1 Concert and Contest Voxman Rub
Michael Glinka
Collection (pp. 8 & 9 or 10 & 207A7 Sonata in a minor (Mvt 1 & 2 Telemann/Andraud SMC
11 or 14 & 15 or 23)
or 3 & 4)
205B2 Andante and Bouree Handel/Ayres Bar 207A8 Six Metamorphases after Ovid Britten BH
205B3 Gloucester LaPlante SP,Inc.
(Play #1 “Pan” plus one other)
205B4 The Buffoon Koepke Rub 207A9 Rondo Yamauchi PhP
205B5 Autumn Song Ostransky Rub
207A10 Suite in c minor (Mvts. 1, 2 & Vivaldi/Maganini EM
205B6 Marche Comique Ostransky Rub 3 or 1, 2 & 5)
205B7 Largo and Allegro Boni/Voxman Rub 207B1 Gavotte and Gigue Corelli/Maganini EM
205B8 Romance and Troika from Prokofieff/Hummel Rub/ 207B2 Gavotte from Symphony No. Boyce/Vedeski OB02MMP
“Lt. Kije Suite” HL 4
205B9 Asleep in the Deep (POP) Petrie/Walters Rub
207B3 Pavane Ravel/Hurrell Rub
205B10 The Smuggler Beresford JTL 207B4 Largo e Allegretto (POP) Marcello/Rothwell Chester
205C1 Egotistical Elephant Hartzell SP,Inc.
207B5 Lamento Bassi/Voxman Rub
205C2 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishinger BC15 MMP 207B6 Sonata No. 1(Play first Handel Pet/JS
205C3 Largo and Bouree (No Handel/Merriman Bar
Adagio & Allegro)
repeats) 207B7 Suite in c minor (mvts I and Vivaldi/Maganini EM
205C4 In Cellar Cool Fischer/Leondard CPP/B
205C5 Classic Festival Solos (Play ed.Lamb CPP/B 207B8 Sonatine Ernest OB09 MMP
pg.5, 8, 10, or 12)
207B9 The Winter’s Passed Barlow CF
205C6 The Foggy Dew Hummel Rub 207B10 Partita No. 4 in g minor Telemann Sch
205C7 Reverie Mendelssohn/Dishinger MMP 207C1 Concert and Contest Voxman Rub
205C8 Bouree and Menuet Hasse/Ayres Bar Collection (Play any one)
205C9 Presto from Divertimento No. Mozart/Dishinger BC12 MMP 207C2 Andante Cantabile Tschaikowsky/Tustin Bar
207C3 Siciliana Pergolesi/Johnson Rub/
205C10 Dusty Rag Nix/Ferreira CPP/B HL
207C4 Menuet in G from Anna Bach/Dishinger OB01 MMP
Magdalena Bach Notebook
207C5 Eight Bel Canto Songs Phillips SP,Inc
(Choose 1)
207C6 Serenade Mozart/Buchtel NAK
207C7 March from Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishinger OB24 MMP
207C8 4 American Folk Songs Weekley/Arganbright NAK
(Choose 2)
Bb CONTRA BASS CLARINET 206 207C9 Suite Classique (Play any one) Smith EM
207C10 A Winter’s Willow (Country Vaughan- OB56 MMP
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List Song) Williams/Dishinger


Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

No Exceptions Continued

Bassoon Standard Repertoire 209S

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

209S1 Romance in Eb Major, Op. 3 Weissenborn Int 210S7 Sonata Op. 19 (Play mvts. Creston SP,Inc.
209S2 Sonata in f minor (Any two Telemann Int 1&2 or 2&3)
mvts.) 210S8 Duo for Alto Saxophone and Hartley TP
209S3 Capriccio, Op. 14 Weissenborn CB Piano
209S4 Concerto for Bassoon, Op. 75 Weber/Voxman Rub/Int./CF/ 210S9 An Abstract Ward SMC
209S5 1st Concerto in Bb (Mvt. 1 & Mozart/Guetter EM/Rub
2 or 2 & 3) Alto Saxophone Class A-B-C 210
209S6 Sonate Hindemith Schott
209S7 Sonata in e minor (Play mvts. Marcello Int. Sel ID Title Composer Pub
1, 2 & 4) 210A1 Scherzo and Blues Hounsell Hounsell
209S8 Concerto for Bassoon and Kozeluh/Eifert EV 210A2 Aria Bozza LeDuc
Orchestra (Play 2 cont. mvts.) 210A3 Sonata (Mvts 1,2&4) Eccles/Rascher TP
209S9 Concerto (Play mvts. 1 & 2 or Rosetti Simrock 210A4 Sicilienne and Allegro Bach/Ramsay AS27 MMP
2 & 3) 210A5 Dorian Elegy Frackenpohl Ken
209S10 Sonata for Bassoon and Piano Besozzi/Waterhouse OX 210A6 Chanson et Passepied Rueff LeDuc
(Play 2 cont. mvts.) 210A7 Sonata No. 6 in g minor Vivaldi/Marx M&M
210A8 Scherzo DeSchrijver De
Bassoon Class A-B-C 209 210A9 Andante and Allegro Chailleux/Voxman Rub
210A10 Three Romances (Play mvts I Schumann/Hemke SMC
Sel ID Title Composer Pub & II)
209A1 Premier Solo Bordeau/Voxman Rub 210B1 Suite in 3 Movements (Play I Corelli/Dishinger AS121
209A2 Sonata in c minor K.P.E. Bach/Ostrander EM & II) MMP
209A3 Duetto in g minor Schaffrath Sch 210B2 Solo De L’Arlesienne (cut Bizet/Hummel Rub/
209A4 Sonata No. 3 (both editions Galliard Int/Sch from 23 to 46-no repeats in HL
acceptable) Minuetto)
209A5 Concerto in F Major Hummel Int. 210B3 Jota Hounsell Hounsell
209A6 10 Bassoon Concerti (play 2 Vivaldi/Schoenbach GS 210B4 Essay In Blue Edmondson Ken
cont. mvts. from any one) 210B5 First Ballade Gee Ken
209A7 Two Sonatas (Play either one) Mozart Kal 210B6 Mozart Sonatina (Play mvt. II Ernst Ken
209A8 Concerto in C Major Vivaldi Sch plus I or III)
209A9 Concert Piece Phillips CF 210B7 Sonata V (Play mvts I&II or Handel/Ramsey AS10 MMP
209A10 Sonata for Bassoon and Piano Wilder Margun III&IV)
209B1 Tarantella Milde Kal 210B8 Medici Masterworks Solos, Vivaldi/Mauk AS12 MMP
209B2 Romanze Weissenborn/Voxman Rub Vol.2 (Play Andante and
209B3 Gloucester LaPlante SP,Inc. Allegro)
209B4 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishinger BA06 MMP 210B9 Rondino, On a theme by Kreisler/Leeson Fol/CF
209B5 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishinger BA22 MMP Beethoven
209B6 Allegretto Mozart/Dishinger BA68 MMP 210B10 Belwin Master Solos, Vol.I- Snell CPP/B
209B7 Solos (play any two) Braun/Capek Sch Intermediate (Play 1 from pgs.
209B8 Sonata Allegro, Op. 7 Thomas BA13 MMP 2, 6-8, or 14-16)
209B9 Concertino for Bassoon Hounsell Hounsell 210C1 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dishinger AS07 MMP
209B10 Allegro Spiritoso Senaille SMC Op.3, No. 4
209C1 Egotistical Elephant Hartzell SP,Inc. 210C2 Belwin Master Solos, Easy Snell CPP/B
209C2 Polovetsian Dances Borodin/Buchtel NAK (pp.
th 4 & 5, 10 & 11 or 2 &
209C3 The Sailor’s Song Couperin/Dishinger BA46 MMP 4 mvt of pg 14)
209C4 Classic Festival Solos (play 1 ed.Lamb CPP/B 210C3 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishinger AS20 MMP
from 5, 8, 9, 10, 12 or 16) 210C4 Little Purcell Suite (Play all) Purcell/Dishinger AS161
209C5 March from Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishinger BA27 MMP MMP
209C6 Allegro from Concerto Handel/Dishinger BA07 MMP 210C5 Medici Masterworks Solos, Dishinger AS11 MMP
Grosso, Op.3, No.4 Vol. 1 (Play any one)
209C7 Allegro from Trio No.3 Druschetzky/Dishinger BA71 MMP 210C6 Alto Saxophone Solos, Level CPP/B
209C8 May Song Op.52, No.4 Beethoven/Dishinger BA16 MMP 2 (Play 1 of pgs. 7, 8, 9, 11,
209C9 Beloved from Afar Beethoven/Dishinger BA17 MMP 12 or 13)
209C10 A Winter’s Willow Vaughan- BA66 MMP 210C7 Sarabande from Concerto in f Handel/Barr Lud
Williams/Dishinger minor
210C8 Gavotte from Symphony No. Boyce/Vedeski AS03 MMP
ALTO SAXOPHONE 210 210C9 Gavotte Purcell/Vedeski AS04 MMP
No Exceptions 210C10 Aria and Scherzo Fox CPP/B

Alto Saxophone Standard Repertoire 210S

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

210S1 Petite Suite (All) Hartley IP (FM)
210S2 Concertino Da Camera (Play Ibert Leduc
one mvt.)
210S3 Sonata No. III (Play two cont. Handel/Rascher Chap
210S4 Sonata No. 5 (Play mvts. 1 & Platti/Hervig Rub
210S5 Sonata (Play Mvts. 1, 2 & 4 or Eccles/Rasher TP
2,3,&4 or 1, 3 & 4)
210S6 Serenade for Solo Alto Bencriscutto SP,Inc.
Saxophone and Piano (Play

No Exceptions Continued

Baritone Saxophone Class Standard Repertoire 211S Tenor Saxophone Standard Repertoire 212S

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

211S1 Sonata (play mvts. 2 & 3) Anderson SMC 212S7 Sonata Introduction and Tartini/Maganini EM
211S2 Recitative and Rondino Koepke Rub Allegro Assai
211S3 Septieme Solo de Concert Singelee Roncorp 212S8 Sonata (Play mvts. 1&2 OR Anderson SMC
211S4 Sonata for Baritone Hartley DP 1&4)
Saxophone (Play 2 cont.
Tenor Saxophone Class A-B-C 212

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

Baritone Saxophone Class A-B-C 211 212A1 Suite in c minor (Mvt. 1 plus Vivaldi EM
2 others)
212A2 Concert and Contest Handel/Voxman Rub
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Collection (Play Adagio and
211A1 Solos for the Alto Sax Player Schumann-Bach/Teal GS Allegro)
(Play Fantasy Piece or 212A3 Introduction & Allegro Assai Tartini/Maganini EM
Sicilienne & Allegro) 212A4 Sonata in g minor (Play Mvt. Bach/Harle UE
211A2 Gigue Aubert/Maganini EM II plus I OR III)
211A3 Undercurrent (Theme and Long Rub 212A5 Concerto in g minor (First Bennett CF
Variations) mvt.)
211A4 Variations on a Theme of Davis SMC 212A6 Aria and Rondo Fiocco/Frackenpohl Ken
Robert Schumann 212A7 15 Entertaining Etudes Blatt EM
211A5 Rondoletto Schmidt WIM (Unaccompanied) (Play any 3
211A6 Belwin Master Solos, Adv. Fiocco/Snell CPP/B cont. etudes)
(play Allegro by Fiocco) 212A8 Solo de Concert Singelee/Voxman Rub
211A7 Sonata Breve (Passacaglia and Brown WIM 212A9 Sicilienne & Allegro from Bach/Ramsay MMP
Vivace) Sonata No. 2
211A8 Ritual and Celebration Spears SMC 212A10 Estilian Caprice Paul Rub
211A9 Recitative and Rondino Koepke Rub 212B1 Suite in F Major (Mvts Purcell EM
211A10 Program Solos (Sarabande Leclair/Teal TP I,II&IV)
and Allegro) 212B2 Romance and Troika Prokofieff/Hummel Rub/HL
211B1 Three Pieces (Play all) Schumann/Davis WIM 212B3 Serenade Haydn/Dishinger TS144 MMP
211B2 Solo de L’Arlesienne (Cut:72- Bizet/Hummel Rub 212B4 Largo and Allegro Boni Rub
104) 212B5 Night Piece Ostransky Rub
211B3 Allegro from Concerto Geminiiani/Dishinger BS122 212B6 Suite in 3 Movements (Play 1 Corelli/Dishinger TS128 MMP
Grosso, Op. 3, No. 2 MMP & 2)
211B4 Russian Sailor’s Dance (POP) Gliere/Hurrell Rub 212B7 Pastorale and Bourree German/Voxman Rub/HL
211B5 Serenade Haydon/Dishinger BS119 212B8 Adagio and Menuetto Mozart/Voxman Rub
MMP 212B9 Adagio and Giga Loeillet/Merriman Bar
211B6 Rondo Mozart/Dishinger BS71 MMP 212B10 Sonata in F Major (mvts. Vivaldi/Ramsay SP,Inc.
211B7 Allegro from Trio No. 18 Druschetzky/Dishinger BS110 1&2) from Seven Solos for
MMP Tenor Saxophone and Piano
211B8 Melancholy Whitney JS 212C1 Medici Masterworks Solos, Dishinger TS09 MMP
211B9 Andante and Allegro Marcello/Voxman Rub Vol. 1 (Play any one)
211B10 Larghetto Mozart/Dishinger BS102 212C2 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishinger TS18 MMP
MMP 212C3 Gavotte from Symphony No. Boyce/Dishinger TS03 MMP
211C1 Medici Masterworks Solos, Dishinger BS09 MMP 4
Vol. 1 (Play any one) 212C4 Little Purcell Suite (Play all) Purcell/Dishinger MMP
211C2 Berceuse Jarnafelt/Leonard CPP/B 212C5 Concert and Contest Mozart/Voxman Rub
211C3 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishinger BS17/MMP Collection (Play Contradance)
211C4 Vivace Telemann/Coggins CPP/B 212C6 A Winter’s Willow (A Vaughan- TS122 MMP
211C5 Dudelsack Seybold/Dishinger BS116 Country Song) Williams/Dishinger
MMP 212C7 Indespensable Folio for Tenor Endresen Rub
211C6 Gavotte from Harpsichord Purcell/Vedeski BS04 MMP Saxophone (Play one:
Suite No. 5 1,3,4,5,7 OR 8)
211C7 Belwin Master Solos, Easy Snell CPP/B 212C8 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post TS02 MMP
(play Two German Dances or 212C9 Prelude and Chorale on Svaty’ Nelhybel AP
p. 13 OR p.4) Vaclave
211C8 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post BS03 MMP 212C10 Lyric Suite (Play all) Grieg/Dishinger TS145 MMP
211C9 Menuetto Mozart/Voxman Rub
211C10 Gavotte from Symphony No. Boyce/Vedeski BS02 MMP Eb ALTO CLARINET 214
4 Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
Eb Alto Clarinet Standard Repertoire 214S
TENOR SAXOPHONE 212 Sel ID Title Composer Pub
No Exceptions 214S1 Pavane (Eb Alto Sax) Ravel CB
214S2 Siciliano (From Concert Bach EM
Tenor Saxophone Standard Repertoire 212S Album)
214S3 Allegro, Concerto Grosso, Op. Handel/Dishinger AC07 MMP
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 3, No. 4
214S4 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishinger MMP
212S1 Adagio and Allegro Handel/Gee SMC
212S2 Two Bourees or Allegro Bach-Saint Saens/Teal GS 214S5 Rhapsody (Unacc. For Bb Osborne Pet
Appassionata (Solos for the
Tenor Sax Player) 214S6 Scene and Air from “Luisa di Bergson/Lesinsky CF
212S3 Sonata in c minor (Play three Teleman/Voxman Rub
212S4 Berceuse Barat Rub
212S5 Rhapsody Presser TP
212S6 Andante at Bolero Demersseman Roncorp

Eb Alto Clarinet Class A-B-C 214

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

214A1 Variations On A Whaling Schmidt WIM
Song (Play all)
214A2 Classic Festival Solos (pgs 14 Severn CPP/B
214A3 Classic Festival Solos, Vol. 2 ed.Lamb CPP/B
(pgs. 10&11 OR 12&13)
214A4 Gigue Aubert EM
214A5 Bach for Eb Alto Clarinet Bach/Schmidt WIM
(Allegro from Viola da
Gamba Sonata No. 1)
214A6 Hornpipe and Allegro Galliard/Gee SMC
214A7 Serenata Reed EBM/HL
214A8 Adagio Mozart/Voxman Rub
214A9 Rhapsody (Unacc for Bb Osborne Pet
214A10 Concerto Petite Ostransky Rub
214B1 Gavotte and Hornpipe (no Purcell/Dioshinger AC06 MMP
repeats, take D.S.)
214B2 Allegro in f minor Handel/Barr Lud
214B3 Sarabande from 5 Dances for Reed EBM/HL
5 Clarinets (POP)
214B4 Scene Rustical (POP) Johnson Rub
214B5 Sicilienne Faure/Judy Rub
214B6 Prelude to Midnight Dallin CPP/B
214B7 Gypsy Song Solomon SMC
214B8 Concert Album (Any one: Corelli EM
pp.5,9,10,11,13, OR 14)
214B9 Classic Festival Solos, Vol. 2 ed.Lamb CPP/B
(pgs. 8&9 OR 16)
214B10 Classic Festival Solos (p. 8 ed.Lamb CPP/B
OR 10)
214C1 Classic Festival Solos, Vol. 2 ed.Lamb CPP/B
(pgs. 5,6, OR 7)
214C2 Gavotte from Symphony No. Boyce/Vedeski AC02 MMP
214C3 Gavotte from Harpsichord Purcell/Vedeski AC04 MMP
Suite No. 5
214C4 Classic Festival Solos (Play ed.Lamb CPP/B
pg. 7 OR 9)
214C5 Kije’s Wedding Prokofiev/Porter CPP/B
214C6 Prelude No. 7 Shostakovich/Davis WIM
214C7 Eight Bel Canto Songs for Phillips SP,Inc
Solo Winds (Play any one)
214C8 Menuetto Mozart/Voxman Rub
214C9 Lamento Duparc/Davis WIM
214C10 Nina Pergolesi/Ephross SMC

Eb Contra Bass Clarinet 215

Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Miscellaneous Woodwind Solos 216

Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Any Woodwind Instrument (e.g. Soprano Saxophone, Alto or

Bass Flute, etc) not provided for in other events.

No Exceptions No Exceptions
Violin Standard Repertoire 301S Violin Class A-B-C-301

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

301S1 Six Sonatas (Play two cont. Handel Any 301C4 Easy Pieces (any 2) Purcell/Nagy UE
mvts.) standard 301C5 Pavane Pour un Infante Ravel/Dishinger SV110
edition Defunte MMP
301S2 La Folia Corelli CF/GS/ 301C6 Suzuki Violin School Bk. No. Suzuski S-CCB
Pet/ 3 (play any one)
Suzuki Bk 6 301C7 Badinerie Bach/Dishinger SV114
301S3 Symphonie Espagnole, Op. 21 Lalo Int/Pet/GS MMP
(Play one mvt.) 301C8 Little Suite (play any 2 mvts.) Adler S.15B71
301S4 Sonata in g minor (Play two Eccles Int/S-CCB Lud
cont. mvts.) Suzuki Bk 8 301C9 A Winter’s Willow Vaughan SV34 MMP
301S5 Concerto No. 1 in a minor OR Bach Int/GS Williams/Dishinger
Concerto No. 2 in E Major 301C10 Concertino
st Op. 11 OR Op. 15 Kuchler Bos
(Mvt 1 OR 3) (1 mvt. of either)
301S6 Two Romances (Any one) Beethoven Int/GS
301S7 Concerto in e minor, Op. 64 Mendelssohn 50253670
(Mvt. 3 only with cut from GS/Int. VIOLA 302
ms. 150-182) No Exceptions
301S8 Concerto 3, 4 OR 5 (Mvt. 3 Mozart Int/GS/ Viola Standard Repertoire 302S
only, no cadenzas, cut all Suzuki Bk 9
piano solo sections)
301S9 Six Sonatas and Partitas Bach/Galamin or Joachim Int. Sel ID Title Composer Pub
(Sonata “1 Adagio OR Fuga; 302S1 Concerto in b minor (play one Handel/Casedesus TP/S-
partia #1-2 cont. mvts. No mvt.) CCB/Sukuki
repeats; Sonata #2 Allegro; Bk 6
Partia #2 – 2 cont. mvts. No 302S2 Concerto No. 1 Accolay/Doty GS
repeats; Partia #3 Preludio) 302S3 Six Suites (play 2 cont. mvts. Bach/Lifschey GS
301S10 Concerto in g minor (Mvt. 1 Bruch GS/Int. of Suites I,II OR III)
only, cut all piano interludes) 302S4 Concerto in G Major (Play Telemann Int/
any 2 cont. mvts.) Suzuki
302S5 Concerto in D, Op. 1 (Mvt. 1 Stamitz Int/Pet
Violin Class A-B-C 301 only)
302S6 Travermusik (Entire work) Hindemith Sch/
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
301A1 Praeludium and Allegro Kreisler F1042 CF/ 302S7 Romance Bruch Sch
302S8 Suite Hebraique (Any 2 Bloch GS
301A2 Szonatina (Play all) Bartok 433-EMB mvts.)
302S9 Concerto in c minor (Mvt. 1 Bach, J.C. Suzuki Bk
301A3 Sonata D Major (2 cont. Leclair Int
mvts.) only) 5/Sal
301A4 F.A.E. Sonata (1,3 OR 4, no Brahms/Dietrich N4006Pet
repeats) Schumann Viola Class A-B-C 302
301A5 Concerto in e minor, Op. 64 Mendelssohn 50253670
(Play mvt. 1 with cadenza or GS/Int. Sel ID Title Composer Pub
mvt. 3) (Make appropriate 302A1 Concerto
st in D Major, Op. 1 Stamitz Int
cuts to fit time frame) (1 mvt. only)
301A6 Concerto No. 2 in G Major Haydn Pet 302A2 Concerto in e minor (play two Vivaldi/Primrose Int
(1 mvt. incl cadenza) cont mvts.) st
301A7 Concerto No. 1 in a minor Accolay Int/GS 302A3 Concerto in c minor (play 1 Bach Sal
301A8 Czardas Monti CF mvt.)
301A9 Violin Concerto Op. 48 (Play Kabalevsky MCA/HL/Int 302A4 Concerto in G Major (play Telemann Int/HE
mvt. 1 OR 2 OR 3) . two cont. mvts.)
301A10 Six Sonatas and Partitas Bach/Galamin or 2525/ 302A5 Divertimento Haydn/Piatigorsky 164-0001
(Unaccompanied) (Play any 2 Joachum 516 Int. EV
mvts. from any Sonata or 302A6 Concerto in D Major Hoffmeister KO4336 Kal
Partita) 302A7 Five Old French Dances (any Marais Chester/Mus
301B1 Allegro (Suzuki Book 6) Fiocco S-CCB three mvts.) ic Sales
301B2 Suzuki Violin School No. 4 Suzuki S-CCB 302A8 Sonata in e minor Marcello KO4313 Kal
(Play 1,2,3,4 or 5) 302A9 Pavanne Ravel/Maganini EM
301B3 Concerto in g minor (mvt. 1 Vivaldi S-CCB 302A10 Sonata in A Major (play Vivaldi KO4324
or 3) (Suzuki Bk. 5) Adagio plus another mvt.) CPP/B
301B4 Orange Blossom Special Rouse/Jelesnik MCA/HL 302B1 Sonata in d minor (one slow Pepusch Sch/
301B5 Fun With Solos (Play one Avsharian Childrens and one fast mvt: no repeats) EAM
from pgs. 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, Music Series 302B2 Arioso from Cantata No. 156 Bach/Isaac CF
17 OR 18-19) 302B3 Concert and Contest Whistler/Hummel Rub
301B6 Two Sonatas (play two cont. Mozart/Woehl Pet Collection for Viola (play any
mvts. from either sonata) (No one)
cadenza in mvt. I) 302B4 Rondo from Rondo in D Mozart/Dishinger SVA99
301B7 Arioso Bach/Isaac B2495 CF MMP
301B8 Adoration Borowski/Perlman B3358 CF 302B5 Berceuse Boisdeffre KO9803
301B9 Masques (Play any 3 mvts.) Persichetti EV CPP/B
301B10 Concerto in e minor (Play Nardini 3053 Int
mvt. 1 OR 3)
301C1 Fun With Solos (Play one Avsharian Child MS
from pgs. 2,4 OR 6)
301C2 First Solos from the Classics Applebaum GS
(Play any one)
301C3 Six Easy Pieces (any two) Elgar Bos


Class A-B-C 302 Class A-B-C 303

Continued Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
302B6 Andante C.P.E.Bach/Dishinger SVA15 303A9 Concerto No. 1 in a minor, Saint-Saens/Rose 1212 Int
MMP Op. 33
302B7 Suzuki Viola School, Vol. 4 Suzuki S-CCB 303A10 Tarantella, Op. 33 Popper Int
(any mvt. from 1,2,3 or 4) 303B1 Cellist Favorite Festival Collier CF
302B8 Concert Albums for One ed.Simon EM Album (play one from: Pgs.
Instrument and Piano (play 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14 OR 22)
one from pg. 3,5,8,9 OR 14) 303B2 Suzuki Cello School, Vol. 5 Suzuki S-CCB
302B9 Rondo Beethoven Sch (Play No. 1, two cont. mvts;
302B10 Album of Classical Pieces, trans.Klengel CPP/B or Nos. 2,3, OR 4)
Vol. 1 303B3 Sonata in g minor (play mvts. Eccles/Moffat 770 Int
302C1 Suzuki Viola School, Vol. 2 Suzuki S-CCB 1 & 2)
(play one from: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 303B4 Tarantella, Op. 23 Squire CF
9, 10, 11 or 12) 303B5 Largo from “Xerxes” Handel/Dishinger SC03 MMP
302C2 Grandfather’s Clock Work/Applebaum S100040 303B6 Sonata in C or G (Two cont. Marcello/Starker Int
CPP/B mvts. from one Sonata)
302C3 On The Lake Brahms/Dishinger SVA68 303B7 Suzuki CellostSchool, Vol. 4 Suzuki S-CCB
MMP (play no.1, 1 mvt; or No. 2
302C4 A Winter’s Willow Vaughan Williams SVA13 either mvt; or all of No.3 or 4)
MMP 303B8 Intermediate Bach for the Bach/Krane JS
302C5 Viola Player’s Solo Album Errante SP,Inc. Cello (play any mvt.)
(play any one: 2 through 10) 303B9 Sonata in D Major (for Cello Telemann KO4704-
302C6 Marche from Book IV for Couperin/Dishinger SVA28 and basso continuo) (Play Kal/
Clavier MMP mvts. 3 & 4) CPP/B
302C7 Menuet from Three Piano Marpurg/Dishinger SVA70 303B10 Solos for the Cello Player Deri GS
Pieces MMP (play eihter:
302C8 Suzuki Viola School, Vol. 3 Suzuki S-CCB 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,12,14 OR 17)
(any one) 303C1 Sonata Op. 5, No. 3 (play the Paxton Sch
302C9 Celebrated Gavotte Martini NAK Allegro Moderato)
302C10 Highland Heather Siennicki NAK 303C2 Bach for the Cello Player Bach/Krane GS
(play any one)
303C3 Sonatina in G Beethoven/Applebaum CPP/B
CELLO 303 303C4 Alte Meister for Junge Spieler Such CPP/B/Sch
No Exceptions (Play any piece)
303C5 Little Purcell Suite Purcell/Dishinger SC69 MMP
303C6 Neapolitan Dance Marcello BMC
Cello Standard Repertoire 303S 303C7 Fast Forward (play two cont. Colledge/Nelson BH
from No.
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 4,6,9,10,12,13,17,18,20 OR
303S1 Six Suites Bach/Galliard GS 21)
(Unaccompanied)(two cont. 303C8 Suzuki Cello School, Vol. 2 Suzuki S-CCB
mvts. from one suite) (play one from 5,6,7,8,9,11,12
303S2 Allegro Appassionato, Op. 43 Saint Saens/Malkin CF OR 13)
303S3 Prayer from “From Jewish Bloch/Kindler CF 303C9 Hungarian Children’s Songs Stevens PS/TP
Life, No. 1” (any 2)
303S4 Sonata in d minor Op. 6, No. Corelli/Lindner Int. 303C10 To A Wild Rose, Op. 51 MacDowell/Aller Rub
8 (two cont. mvts.) st
303S5 Concerto in B Major (play 1 Boccherini Kal/CPP/B
303S6 Concerto in C Major (Play 1
Haydn Int STRING BASS 304
Mvt.) No Exceptions
303S7 Kol Nidre, Op. 47 Bruch,ed. Rose Int.
303S8 Elegy, Op. 24 Faure,ed.Rose Int.
303S9 Fantasy Piece Op. 73 Shumann Int. String Bass Standard Repertoire 304S
(Fantasiestucke – any 2 mvts.,
no repeats) Standard Repertoire – 304A
303S10 Sonata in d minor (Mvts. 1 & Corelli,ed.Lindner Int.
2 OR 1 & 4 – no repeats)
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
304S1 Chanson Triste Koussevitzky Int
304S2 Gavotte Loirenzitti Leduc
Cello Class A-B-C 303 304S3 Ayres and Dances (Play two) Zimmerman Ply
304S4 Bassoon Concerto Mozart/Sankey Leduc
304S5 Allegro et Finale Bozza Leduc
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 304S6 Sonata in g st
minor Eccles/Zimmerman Int
303A1 Concerto in D Major Haydn 771-Int 304S7 Concerto (1 Mvt. only) Capuzzi/Baines BH
303A2 Unaccompanied Suites (play Bach/Becker or Peters Int./Pet Capuzzi/Baines
any prelude with another mvt. Edition 304S8 Romance Prokofiev/Frost EM
from the same suite)
303A3 Concerto in d minor (play 1 Lalo Int./Pet
303A4 Sonata No. 1 in A Major (play Boccherini K09107-
mvts. 1 & 2) Kal/CPP/B
303A5 Gavotte Op. 23, No. 2 Popper/Buechner B2709 CF
303A6 Playera Granados/Munzer CF
303A7 Sonata in G Major (play any Sammartini/Rose Int
two cont. mvts.)
303A8 Concerto in G Major (play Bach Int
mvt. 1 OR 3)

String Bass Class A-B-C 304 Non Pedal Harp Class A-B-C 307NP
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
304A1 Three Sonatas (Play one slow Scarlatti GS 307NPA3 Largo from “Wedding Handel Lyon-Healy
& one fast mvt.)
st Music”
304A2 Concerto (1 mvt. only) Capuzzi/Baines BH 307NPA4 Traditional Irish Music Irish/Smith Lyra
304A3 Sonata No. 3, 4, or 5 Vivaldi/Drew GS Vol. I (Brian Boru’s
304A4 Song Without Words Mendelssohn/Drew CPP/B March)
304A5 Sonata in a minor (play 2 Telemann/Sankey 2308 Int 307NPA5 Amarantes (No. III) Andres Musicales
cont. mvts.) Hortensia
304A6 Six Sonatas (play two cont. Marcello/Drew GS 307NPA6 A Moorish Garden from Gustavson Gustavson
mvts. from any Sonata) “Magic Road”
304A7 Solos for the Double Bass Zimmerman 50330830 307NPA7 Pedals on Vacation Braun Lyra
Player (play one from No. GS 307NPA8 Six Pieces (Valse Favorite) Mozart/Etcheverry Choudens
1,3,8,12 or 13) 307NPA9 Pieces Classiques No. 4 Beethoven Billaudot
304A8 Fantasy Pieces “Romanza & Nielsen/Drew CPP/B from “Danse Villageoise”
Humeresque” 307NPA10 Imaginations (Theme & Davidson Sumark
304A9 Aria from Suite No. 3 Bach Int Variations) Press
304A10 Die Meistersinger Wagner/Isaac CF 307NPB1 Water Spirit (Pavane) Faure/Robertson Folk Mote
304B1 A Deep Song Walton Yorke 307NPB2 Air from “Water Music” Handel/Owens Lyon-Healy
Edition fro3m Wedding Music
304B2 Sonata in c minor (play any Corelli/Zimmermann Int 307NPB3 Wind Shadows II (Bridget O’Carolan/Robertson HL
two mvts.) Cruise)
304B3 Menuet in G Major Bach/Zimmermann CF 307NPB4 Ground in F Purcell/Thomson Salvi
304B4 Introduction and Dance Scarmolin Lud 307NPB5 Harp Solos, Vol. II McDonald/Wood MW
304B5 The Bass Project Repertoire arr.Robinson BP,Inc. (Processional)
Bk. IV (play two from p. 9, 307NPB6 Carolan’s Dream from Conollan/Robertson Folk Note
10, 14, or 15) “Wind Shadows”
304B6 Three Waltzes Dragonetti ECS 307NPB7 Danse pour a D1auphine Pratt Saro
304B7 Russian Sailor’s Dance Gliere/Isaac B3374-CF (Little Fountain)
304B8 Elephant’s Gavotte Walter ECS 307NPB8 Baroque Sampler (Sheep Bach/Jaeger Paradise
304B9 Solos for the Double Bass Zimmerman 50330830- May Safely Graze)
Player (play one from No. 2, GS 307NPB9 Pieces Classiques, Vol. II Telemann/Billaudot TP
4, 5, 6, 7 or 16) (Menuet)
304B10 20 Progressive Solos for Applebaum EL02733 307NPB10 Harp Solos Vol. III McDonald/Wood Music
String Instruments (play one CPP/B (Alpine Waltz) Works
from pgs. 18, 20, 22, 23 or 28) 307NPC1 Water Spirit (Chanter) Irish/Robertson Folk Mote
304C1 20 Progressive Solos for arr.Applebaum CPP/B 307NPC2 Early German Pieces Mozart/Lawrence Lyra
String Instruments (play one (Minuet)
from pgs. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 or 14) 307NPC3 Lullaby from “Short Pieces Schubert/Grandjany CF
304C2 Three Moravian Folk Songs arr.Schofield BH from the Masters”
from “Amazing Solos Double 307NPC4 Danses pour la Dauphine Pratt Saro
Bass” (Soaring)
304C3 Micro Jazz (any three) Norton BH 307NPC5 Skye Boat Song from arr.Robertson Folk Note
304C4 Six for Bass (play any 3) Tuthill FEMA “Wind Shadows”
304C5 5 Simple Pieces for Double Carroll Gal 307NPC6 Capriccio from “Playing Haydn/Klein Klein
Bass the Masters” Bk. 1
304C6 Sarabande and Minuet (play Handel CPP/B 307NPC7 Imaginations (Summer Davidson Sumark
any two) Breeze) Press
304C7 The Bass Project Repertoire, arr.Robinson BP,Inc. 307NPC8 Harp Solos Vol. I McDonald/Wood Music
Book II (play any two from (Reverie) Works
pgs. 5, 6, 8, 12 or 14) 307NPC9 The Soldier’s Joy from Dilling TP
304C8 Neopolitan Dance Muller NAK “Old Tunes for New
304C9 Our Soldiers March Schiemuller CF Harpists”
304C10 Double Bass Solo (play any Hartley OX 307NPC10 Beginner’s Harp Book II Irish/Schlomovitz Salvi
two from: 1, 2, 7, 15, 19, 27, (The Foggy Dew)
29 or 30)

No Exceptions
Harpists may enter either the non-pedal harp or pedal harp
division. They may not play in both.

NP-Non-Pedal Harp Division

Non-Pedal Harp Standard Repertoire 307NPS

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

307NPS1 Sonatina in Classic Style Pratt/Milligan Lyon-Healy
(Medieval to Moder II)

Non-Pedal Harp Class A-B-C 307NP

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

307NPA1 Wind Shadows II Robertson HL
307NPA2 The Legend OR Morning Woods Woods
Calm from “The Harp of Music
Brandis Whiere”

No Exceptions No Exceptions
Harpists may enter either the non-pedal harp or pedal harp division. All classical guitar entries must perform from this list to
They may not play in both. enter & perform at an OSSAA Contest.

P-Pedal Harp Division

Harp Standard Repertoire 307PS Classical Guitar Class A-B-C 308

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

307PS1 Aria and Rigaudon Kirchoff/Grandjany GS
(Music for the Harp)
307PS2 First Arabesque Debussy/Grandjany IMS
307PS3 Petite Suite (Fire Dance) Watkins UMP 308A1 Classical Rertoire Bk. 2 de Murcia/Duncan 00699208
307PS4 Canon in D Pachelbel/Woods HL (Prelude and Allegro) HL
308A2 Canarios Sanz/Pujol Eschig AMP
308A3 Queen Elizabeth’s Galliard Dowland/Greene Providence
308A4 Prelude for Lute (700 Years Bach/Blain
Harp Class A-B-C 307P of Music for the Classical
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 308A5 Serenade Arnold Patersons
307PA1 Interlude from Britten BH CF
“Ceremony of Carols”
308A6 Prelude No. 4 Villa-Lobos Eschig AMP
307PA2 Chanson dans la nuite Salzedo GS/Lyra 308A7 Fantasia (His Panae Citharae Muldarra/Pujol Sch
from “Method for the
Ars Viva)
Harp” 308A8 Marieta (World’s Favorite Tarrega Ashley
307PA3 Music for the Harp (Play Kirchoff-Grandjany GS
Solos for Classic Guitar)
Aria and Rigaudon) 308A9 Segovia 20 Studies for the Sor HL
307PA4 Passacaille Handel/Beon Lyra
Guitar (1-10 any one)
307PA5 Variations on a Theme of Glinka Lyra 308A10 Romance Anon/Barreiro Wil
Mozart (Theme,
308B1 Rondo (Parkening Method Rameau Sherry-
Variation I and V) Vol. I) Brener
307PA6 Theme and Variations Hayen/Salzedo CF 308B2 Kemps Jig (Parkening Method Neusiedler Sherry-
307PA7 Revery Vaughn WIM Vol. I) Brener
307PA8 Paraphrase on Liszt’s 2 Salzedo Lyon & 308B3 Classical Repertoire Bk. I Logy/Duncan 00699204
Hungarian Rapsody Healy
(Capriccio) HL
307PA9 The Minstrel’s Adieu Thomas/Ashdown Ashdown 308B4 Six Lute Pieces of the Anon/Blain HP
(Theme, Var I and IV)
Renaissance (Any two) (700
307PA10 Cannon in D Pachelbel/McDonald Music Years of Music for the Classic
307PB1 Pavane and Variations Cabezon/Zabaleta Sch 308B5 Eight Lessons for Guitar Aguado/Papas TP
from “Spanish Masters”
(lesson 8)
307PB2 Etudes for the Harp Bach/Grandjany CF 308B6 Etude in A from “Solo Guitar Carcassi/Noad MacMillian
Playing” Vol. 1
307PB3 Confidence Hasselmans Durand 308B7 Classical Repertoire Bk.I Milan/Duncan 00699204
307PB4 Harp Solos Vol. IV McDonald/Wood Music (Pavana in C)
(Sonatina in Classical Works 308B8 World’s Favorite Solos for Tarrege Ashley
Style) Classic Guitar (Lagrima)
307PB5 Automme Grandjany Durand
308B9 Greensleeves (POP) Aaron Waterloo
307PB6 Tango from “Suite of 8 Salzedo Lyra 308B10 Bouree (700 Years of Music Bach/Blain HP
for the Classic Guitar)
307PB7 Solos for the Harp Player Corelli/Salzedo GS/HL 308C1 Classical Repertoire Bk. 1 Carulli/Duncan 00688204
(Waltz in G) HL
307PB8 Six Sonatinas (Sonatina Dussek BH 308C2 World’s Fav. Solos for Giuliani/Vinson Ashley
Classic Guitar (Allegretto in a
307PB9 Romance without Words Godefroid/McDonald Music minor)
308C3 Solo Guitar Playing (Pavan) Milan/Noad MacMillan
307PB10 Le bon petit roi d’Yvetot Grandjany Durand 308C4 First Lesson for Guitar (play Sagreras Ricordi
307PC1 Romantic Music (I Foster/Thompson Pagani any one of Nos.
Dream of Jeannie) 61,65,67,70,72,74,81 OR 84-
307PC2 Petite Berceuse Hasselmans Lyra 86)
307PC3 Feuillets D’album Renie/Grandjany Marks
308C5 Very Easy Pieces (POP) (play Bobri CCP/B
(Angelus) any two)
307PC4 Solos for the Harp Player Corelli/Owens GS
308C6 Eight Lessons for Guitar (play Aguado/Papas TP
(Gavotte) lesson 3)
307PC5 Promenade Damase Pet
308C7 Classical Repertoire Bk. 1 Carulli/Duncan 00699204
307PC6 Suite of Eight Dances Salzedo Lyra (English Dance) HL
308C8 Solo Guitar Playing (Orlando Dowland/Noad MacMillan
307PC7 Petite Etude Schumann/Miller CF Sleepeth)
307PC8 Haiku for the Harp (The McDonald/Wood MW
308C9 Classical Repertoire Bk. 1 Carcassi/Duncan 00699204
Old Pond) (Andante) HL
307PC9 Purcell for the Harp Purcell/Owens GS/HL 308C10 Gigue Weiss/Feggelen Ber
307PC10 Ebbing Tide Thomson Pagani

SOPRANO 401 Soprano Class A-B-C 401
No Exceptions Continued
Soprano Standard Repertoire 401S

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

401S1 Voi che sapete (Sing Solo Contralto) Mozart OX 401B14 Sebben, crudele (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, Caldara Alf/GS
401S2 The Black Swan (20th Century Art Songs) Menotti 50331200 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium High)
GS 401B15 Listen As the Snowflakes Fall (Selected Artman HMP
401S3 Vergin tutto amor (Italian Songs-Alf 24, Durante Alf/GS Solos for Contest Set II)
26, OR 28; GS 24-Medium High) 401C1 Silver Moonbeams (The Art Song) Bartok AM41526
401S4 Va godendo (Handel 45 Arias, Vol. I) Handel 1693 Int Music Sales
401S5 Litanei Collection-200 Songs Vol. I (High) Schubert 2010 Int 401C2 Shenandoah (Selected Solos for Contest Grier/Everso PP224 HMP
401S6 Widmung (Schumann Collection-50 Schumann GS High Voice) n
Selected Songs) 401C3 Longing for Spring (Pathways of Song, Mozart VF2002 WB
401S7 Beau Soir (Anthology of French Songs) Debussy 50326040 Vol. I – High)
GS 401C4 Now Is The Month of Maying (Reliquary Morley 50326140
401S8 Apres un reve (After a Dream) (Faure: 30 Faure Int/HL/GS of English Songs) GS
Songs-high; 50 Art Songs from Modern 401C5 The Ash Grove (Arnold Book of Old Quilter VAB-287
Rep) Songs) BH
401S9 I Hate Music Bernstein WB 401C6 Come to the Fair (First Book of Soprano Martin 50482064
401S10 Secrets of the Old (Barber: Collected Barber GS Songs II) HL
Songs) 401C7 Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head (Songs of JJ Niles 50481076
Niles) GS
Soprano Class A-B-C 401 401C8 Let Us Break Bread Together (Songs for arr.Wagner PP105 Loren
all Seasons)
401C9 Green Grow the Lilacs (Selected Solos for arr.Martin PP323 HMP
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Contest, Set II - High)
401A1 Vittoria, mio core! (Italian Songs-Alf 24, Carissimi Alf/GS 401C10 Skye boat Song (Selected Solos for MacLeod PP323 HMP
26, or 28; GS 24-Med. High) Contest, Set II - High)
401A2 Si mes vers avaient des ailes (First Book of Hahn 50481173 401C11 Dance Song (Pathways of Song Vol. I - arr.LaForge VF2002 WB
Soprano Solos) GS High)
401A3 Pur dicesti , O bocca bella (Italian Songs- Lotti Alf/GS 401C12 Little Road to Bethlehem (Christmas Song Head VAB202 BH
Alf 24, 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium High) Album-Vol. I)
401A4 Bel Piacere (First Book of Soprano Solos) Handel 50481173 401C13 The Sandman (Pathways of Song-High, arr.LaForge VF202 WB
GS Vol. I)
401A5 Un Moto di gioja (Mozart Songs) Mozart K06322 kal 401C14 Pretty Month of May (Arnold Book of Old French VAB 27 BH
401A6 Er, der Herrlichste von allen (Soprano Schumann VAB-40 BH Songs) Melody
Songs) 401C15 Amazing Grace (Spirituals for Solo Althouse 11696 Alf
401A7 El Majo Discreto (First Book of Soprano Grandos 50481173 Singers)
Solos) GS
401A8 Solvejg’s Song (First Book of Soprano Grieg 50483064
Solos, Part II or Soprano Songs) HL/17876 ALTO 402
BH No Exceptions
401A9 Lachein und Weinen (First Book of Schubert 50482064
Soprano Solos, Part II) HL
Alto Standard Repertoire 402S
401A10 The Crucifixion (First Book of Soprano Barber 50481173
Solos) GS Sel ID Title Composer Pub
402S1 The Black Swan (20th Century Art Songs) Menotti 50285030
401A11 The Sleep that Flits on Baby’s Eyes from Carpenter 50272410
“Gitanjali” GS GS
402S2 Voi che sapete (Sing Solo Contralto) Mozart OX
401A12 If I But Had A Little Coat (Christmas Song Walton VAB-218
Album, Vol. 2) BH 402S3 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion Handel HL
401A13 I Love All Graceful Things (First Book of Thiman 50481173 (including the recitative;) (Messiah; The
Soprano Solos) GS Oratorio Anthology - Alto/Mezzo Soprano)
401A14 O Bid Your Faithful Ariel Fly (Soprano Linley VAB-40 BH 402S4 Pur dicesti, O bocca bella - Italian Songs Lotti Alf/GS
(Alf 24, 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low)
401A15 Domine Deus (Sing Solo Soprano) Vivaldi 345780-6 402S5 402S Schubert Int.
402S6 Gia il sole dal Gange Italian Songs (Alf 24, Scarlatti Alf/GS
401B1 The Lass from the Low Country (Songs of Niles 50481076 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium High)
402S7 O Del Mio Dolce Ardor Italian Songs-Alf Gluck Alf/GS
JJ Niles) GS
401B2 Nymphs and Shepherds (Mezzo-Soprano Purcell VAB 41BH 24, 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low)
402S8 Wie Melodien zieht es mir (Favorite Brahms HL
401B3 My Lord, What a Morning (Spirituals for Althouse 11696 Alf German Art Songs - Low Voice)
402S9 Beau Soir (Favorite French Art Songs - Debussy HL
Solo Singers)
401B4 Petit Noel (First Book of Soprano Solos- Louis 50482064 Low Voice)
Part II) HL 402S10 Must the winter come so soon? (from: Barber HL
401B5 Star Vicino (Mezzo-Soprano Songs or Alf Rosa VAB “Vanessa” - Contemporary Art Songs)
26, 28; Med. High) 41BH/Alf
401B6 A Pastoral (Young Singer-Soprano) Carey CFRB81 CF Alto Class A-B-C 402
401B7 Star Candles (Christmas Song Album, Vol. Head VAB218 BH
2) Sel ID Title Composer Pub
401B8 Alma de Core (Italian Songs) (Alf- Caldara Alf/GS 402A1 Ici Bas (First book of Mezzo-Soprano Faure 50481174
24,26,28 ro GS 24-Medium High) Solos) GS
401B9 The Birds (Christmas Song Album-Vol. 1) Britten VAB202 BH 402A2 The Water Mill Sing Solo Contralto Vaughan 345779-2
401B10 Lied de Mignon (First Book of Soprano Schubert 504811 GS (Single copy available) Williams OX
401B11 Lullaby (First Book of Soprano Solos) Scott 50481173
401B12 Minnelied (First Book of Soprano Solos) Mendelssoh 50481173
n GS
401B13 The Cabin (Fifteen American Art Songs) Bowles 50482085

Alto Class A-B-C 402 Tenor 404
Continued No Exceptions
Tenor Standard Repertoire 404S
Sel Id Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
402A3 Die Mainacht (Sing Solo Contralto) Brahms 0193457792 404S1 Simple Song (An Album of Songs) Bernstein BH
OX 404S2 If With All Your Hearts (Elijah or single Mendelssoh GS
402A4 Lullaby (single sheet) Menotti 50285580 copy) n
GS 404S3 Ching-a-ring Chaw (Old American Songs) Copland BH
402A5 Un’ombra di pace (Italian Arias of the Bononcini 4977 Alf 404S4 Bright is the Ring (Songs of Travel) Vaughan BH
Baroque & Clasical Eras) (medium) Williams
402A6 Serenade (Contralto Songs) Gounod VAB42 BH 404S5 Nina (Italian Songs) (Alf 24,26,28; GS 24 Pergolesi Alf/GS
402A7 O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion Handel 50323760 Medium High)
(Messiah) GS/CF 404S6 An Chloe (Collection of Mozart Lieder) Mozart AL002289
402A8 The Cherry Tree (First Book of Mezzo- Gibbs 50481174 Alf/Pet
Soprano Solos) GS 404S7 Beau Soir (Anthology of French Songs) Debussy GS
402A9 Bist du bei mir (The Art Song) Bach AM41526 404S8 I’ll Sail Upon the Dog Star (A Fool’s Purcell Int.
Music Sales Preferment) (Purcell 40 Songs Vol. 3
Pathways High)
Vol. II Low 404S9 Sure on This Shining Night (Medium Barber GS
VF0133 WB High)
402A10 Silent Noon (First Book of Mezzo Soprano Vaughan 50481174 404S10 Whither (Wohin)(Tenor Songs) Schubert BH
Solos) Williams GS
402A11 Where Corals Lie (Contralto Songs) Elgar VAB42 BH
402A12 Vergin, Tutto Amor - Italian Songs - (Alf Durante Alf/GS Tenor Class A-B-C 404
24, 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low)
402A13 Gott Im Fruhling (First Book of Mezzo Schubert 50482065 Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Soprano Solos- Part II) HL 404A1 Pur dicesti, o bocca bella (Italian Songs) Lotti 3402 Alf/GS
402A14 Consolati, e spera (Italian Arias of Baroque Scarlatti 4977 Alf (Alf 24, 26, 28; GS 24-Medium High)
& Classical Eras) (medium) 404A2 Se tu m’ami (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, 26, or Perisotti Alf/GS
402A15 Litany (Contralto Songs) Schubert VAB 42BH 28; GS 24-Medium High)
402B1 American Lullaby (First Book of Mezzo Rich 50481174 404A3 Amarilli mia bella (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, Caccini Alf/GS
Soprano Solos) GS 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium High)
402B2 Cloud Shadows (First Book of Mezzo Rogers 50481174 404A4 Bist Du Bei Mir (Sing Solo Tenor) Bach ISBN345778
Soprano/Alto Solos-Part 1) GS -4 OX
402B3 Evensong (First Book of Mezzo Soprano Lehman 50481174 404A5 Vergin, Tutto amor (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, Durante Alf/GS
Solos) GS 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium High)
402B4 Verdant Meadows (Contralto Songs) Handel VAB-42BH 404A6 Lovliest of Trees (15 Am. Art Songs) Duke/Arvin 50482085
402B5 A Pastoral Song (The Art Song) Haydn AM41526 HL
Music Sales 404A7 Sure on this Shining Night (15 Am. Art Barber 50482085
402B6 Spring is at the Door (First Book of Mezzo Handel 50482065 Songs) HL
Soprano/Alto Solos-Part II) HL 404A8 Songs of J. J. Niles “Rovin Gambler Don’t Niles 50481076
402B7 O Rest in the Lord (First Book of Mezzo Mendelssoh 50481174 You Lose Your Place” HL
Soprano Solos) n GS 404A9 Do Not Go My Love (15 Am. Art Songs) Hageman 50482085
402B8 Preguntale a las estrellas (First Book of Kilenyi 50481174GS HL
Mezzo Soprano Solos) 404A10 Ave Maria (1st Book of Tenor Solos, Part Saint-Saen 50482066
402B9 Sebben Crudele (Italian Songs) ( Alf 24, Caldara Afl/GS II) HL
26, or 28; GS 24 Medium Low) 404A11 In Time of Silver Rain (Four Songs) Berger Broude
402B10 Rend’il Sereno Al Ciglio (First Book of Kilenyi 50482065 404A12 Gambler Don’t Lose Your Place (Songs of Niles 50481076
Mezzo Sop/Alto Solos-Part II) GS J. J. Niles) HL
402B11 Volksliedchen (First Book of Mezzo Schumann 50481174 404A13 Der Lindenbaum (200 Songs, Vol. 1, High) Schubert 2019 Int
Soprano Solos) GS 404A14 Die Post (200 Songs, Vol. 1, High) Schubert 2010 Int
402B12 I Will Give Thanks (Songs for all Seasons) Wagner PP106 404A15 The Greatest of These is Love Clausen 2047M-MF
Lorenz 404B1 Caro mio ben (Italian Songs) ( Alf 24, 26, Giordani Alf/GS
402B13 Heidenroselun (Mezzo Soprano Songs) Schubert VAB-41 BH or 28; GS 24-Medium High)
402B14 Longing (57 Classic Period Songs) Beethoven EL02653 404B2 The Water Is Wide (Five Folk Songs) Zaninelli IA68 SP,Inc.
CPP/B 404B3 The Sally Gardens (Folksong Arr. Vol. 1 Britten BH
402B15 The Little Rose (First Book of Mezzo- Roy 50481174 British Isles-High)
Soprano Solos) GS 404B4 Sebben Crudele (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, 26, Caldara Alf/GS
402C1 Weigenlied (Pathways of Songs-Vol. I, OR Mozart VF0132 WB or 28 Alf: 24 GS, -Medium High)
57 Classic Period Songs) EL2652 404B5 Where’er You Walk (Sing Solo Tenor or Handel OX/HL
CPP/B 1st Bk of Tenor Solos Part II)
402C2 A Time for All Things (Songs for all arr.Wagner PP106 404B6 Sonntag (First Book of Tenor Solos, Part Brahms HL
Seasons) Lorenz II)
402C3 Christopher Robin Is Saying His Prayers Fraser/Simso 50481174 404B7 Long Time Ago (Old American Songs Bk Copeland 229 BH
(First Book of Mezzo-Soprano Solos) n GS 1)
402C4 Who Am I? (Album of Songs) Bernstein VAB237 BH 404B8 The Black Dress (Songs of J. J. Niles) Niles 50481076
402C5 My Master Hath A Garden Thompson 113 ECS HL
402C6 A Prayer (57 Classic Period Songs-Med Beethoven ELL02653 404B9 I Wonder As I Wander (Songs of J. J. Niles 50481076
Low) CPP/B Niles) HL
402C7 I Know Where I’m Goin’ (Selected Songs arr.Wagner HMP 404B10 She’s Like a Swallow (Sing Solo Tenor) Vaughan 345778-4
for Contest II-Low Voice) Williams OX
402C8 Never Land (Album of Songs) Bernstein VAB237 BH 404B11 Non posso disperar (Italian Songs) DeLuca/Bon GS/Alf
402C9 Come Again, Sweet Love (55 Art Songs) Dowland SUM082-S- oncini
CCB 404B12 A Pastoral (55 Art Songs) Carey 082 S-CCB
402C10 Huachitorito (Little Bull) (Songs of arr.Jones 9268 BH 404B13 The Holy Boy (Christmas Song Album, Ireland VAB-218
Christmas) (Sing verses 1 & 3) Vol. 2) BH
402C11 Ash Grove (Arnold Book of Old Songs) arr.Quilter VAB 27BH 404B14 O Rest in the Lord (Solo Singer) Mendelssoh NAK
402C12 The Silver Swan (55 Art Songs) Gibbons SUM082-S- n
402C13 Celebrons la Naissance (Songs of arr.Jones 9268 BH
Christmas) (sing verses 1 & 4)
402C14 Il est ne’le divine infant! (Songs of arr.Jones 9268 BH
402C15 Panis Angelicus (Pathways of Song Vol. I arr.LaForge VF0132 WB
- Low)

Tenor Class A-B-C 404 Baritone or Bass Class A-B-C 405
Continued Continued

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

404B15 Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair Niles 504810767 405A13 Vittoria, mio core (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, Carissimi Alf/GS
(Songs of J. J. Niles) HL 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low)
404C1 Cockles and Mussels (Standard Vocal Rep. arr.Arden/W RB46 CF 405A14 The Roadside Fire (1st Bk of Vaughn 50482067
I. Low) ille Baritone/Bass Solos, Part 2) Williams HL
404C2 Boats of Mine (IA5006-High or IA5002- Miller SP,Inc. 405A15 Love Leads To Battle (Bass Songs) Buononcini BH
Med) 405B1 Where e’re You Walk Handel 50281490
404C3 Bid Me To Live (55 Art Songs) Laioes/Spaet 082 S-CCB GS
h 405B2 Goin’ Home arr.Blahnik 162-AP
404C4 Dedication (55 Art Songs) Franz/Spaeth 082 S-CCB 405B3 Shenandoah arr.Dougherty 50285010
404C5 Now Is the Month of Maying (55 Art Morely/Spae 082 S-CCB HL
Songs) th 405B4 Hark, Hark the Lark (Songs for Bass) Schubert CF
404C6 Go ‘Way from My Window (Songs of J. J. Niles 50481076 405B5 The Wild Mountain Thyme (Solo Songs) Scott SVB00101
Niles) HL CPP/B
404C7 Love Has Eyes (55 Art Songs) Bishop/Spae S-CCB 405B6 Sing Me A Chantey with a Yo-Heave-Ho Wellesley SF
st th 405B7 Let Me Fly (Songs for Bass) arr.Van Camp CF
404C8 On Richmond Hill There Lives a Lass (1 Hook 50482066 405B8 Down Among the Dead Men (Bass Dyer BH
Bk fo Tenor Solos Part 2) HL Songs)
404C9 All Day On The Prairie (First Book of Guion GS 405B9 I Thank You God for Most This Amazing Steffen AP
Tenor Solos) 405B10 Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (1st Bk Arr.Arne 50482067
404C10 Passing By (Standard Vocal Rep Bk 1) Purcell CF of Baritone/Bass Solos, Part 2) HL
404C11 All Through The Night (First Book of arr.Nicholl GS 405B11 Papageno’s Aria (Sing Solo Baritone) Mozart 345777-6-
Tenor Solos) OX
404C12 Ol’ Jim (First Book of Tenor Solos) Edwards GS 405B12 Caro mio ben (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, 26, Giordani Alf/GS
404C13 Simple Gifts (Old American Songs-Set 1 Copland 229BH or 28; GS 24-Medium Low)
or avail separately) 405B13 Barbara Allen (Arnold Book of Old arr.Quilter VAB27 BH
404C14 Linden Lea (First Bk of Tenor Solos, Part Vaughn 504882066 Songs)
2) Williams HL 405B14 Whither Must I Wonder (Songs of Vaughan VAB78 BH
404C15 Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen arr.Burleigh 50482066 Travel) Williams
(First Bk of Tenor Solos, Part 2) HL 405B15 L’Amour De Moi (1st Bk of Tiersot 50482067
Baritone/Bass Solos, Part 2) HL
405C1 Deep River arr.Burleigh CPP/B
BARITONE OR BASS 405 405C2 The Lone Wild Bird (Medium) arr.Johnson 11-0726
No Exceptions Aug
405C3 Acushla, My Darling (The Youthful Prentice 411-40042
Baritone) TP
Baritone or Bass Standard Repertoire 405A 405C4 Bois Epais (1st Bk of Baritone/Bass Lully 50482067
Solos, Part 2) st HL
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 405C5 Jesus, Fount of Consolation (1 Bk of Bach 50482067
405S1 Amarilli mia bella (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, Cacinni Alf/GS Baritone/Bass Solos, Part 2) HL
26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low) 405C6 Sweet Betsy From Pike (Five Folk Songs, arr.Zaninelli SP,Inc.
405S2 Bright is the Ring (Songs of Travel) Vaughan BH Vol. II)
Williams 405C7 Du Bist Wie Eine Blume (1st Bk of Liszt 50482067
405S3 Nina (Italian Songs) (Alf 24, 26, or 28; GS Pergolesi Alf/GS Baritone/Bass Solos, Part 2) HL
24-Medium Low) 405C8 I Love The Sea (The Youthful Baritone) Becker 411-40042
405S4 An Chloe (Collection) Mozart Pet TP
405S5 Sure On This Shining Night (Collected Barber GS 405C9 The Sundown Sea (Solo Songs) Moore SVB00101
Songs) CPP/B
405S6 Gia il sole dal Gange (Italian Songs) (Alf Scarlatti Alf/GS 405C10 Beautiful Dreamer (Songs for Bass) Foster CF
24, 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low) 405C11 Cheer Up, Chillun (The Youthful Lacey 411-40042
405S7 Ici bas (30 Songs) Faure Int. Baritone) TP
405S8 Non Piu andrai (“Now Your Days of Mozart/ed. 50282920GS 405C12 All Through the Night (Songs for Bass) arr.Van Camp CF
Philandering are over” from the opera “The Spicker 405C13 Song of The Sea (Solo Songs) Hannisian SVB00101
Marriage of Figaro”) CPP/B
405S9 The Grenadiers (Bass Songs) Schumann BH 405C14 Linden Lea (single copy) Vaughan BH
405C15 We Be Three Poor Mariners (Songs of arr.Willan FHM
Baritone or Bass Class A-B-C 405 the British Isles)

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

405A1 Love That’s True Will Live Forever Handel BH BOY'S UNCHANGED OR
(Bass Songs) CHANGING VOICE 407
405A2 Vergin, tutto amor (Italian Songs) (Alf Durante Alf/GS Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
24, 26, or 28; GS 24-Medium Low)
405A3 Within This Sacred Dwelling (Bass Mozart BH/OD (TP)
Songs) Boy's Unchanged or Changing Voice Class A-B-C 407
405A4 Ching-A-Ring Chaw (Old American Copeland BH
Songs Set II)
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
405A5 Pilgrim’s Song (1st Bk of Baritone/Bass Tchaikovsky 50482067
Solos, Part 2) HL 407A1 I’m From Over the Mountain (Five Irish Arr.Ferguso 143 BH
405A6 Now Shines The Fullest Glory of Heaven Haydn CF Songs) n
(Songs for Bass) 407A2 I Love All Graceful Things (1st Bk of Thiman GS
405A7 The Two Grenadiers (Bass Songs) Schumann BH Soprano Solos)
407A3 Stan’ Still Jordan (Album of Negro arr.Burleigh FC01432
405A8 Abendempfindung (Bass Songs) Mozart BH
405A9 Der Lindenbaum (Bass Songs) Schubert VAB45 BH Spirituals) CPP/B
405A10 Bist du bei mir (Pathways of Song, Vol. Bach VF0133 WB
405A11 Non Piu Andrai Mozart 50282920
405A12 I Attempt from Love’s Sickness to Fly Purcell GS
(Songs for Bass)

Boy's Unchanged or Changing Voice Class A-B-C 407

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

407A4 Sea Fever (High) Ireland 1-5180-7
407A5 Take Care of this House Bernstein SGB2707
407A6 Song of the Flea (Bass Songs) Beethoven VAB45
407A7 Where Corals Lie (Contralto Songs) Elgar BH
407A8 Life is a Dream (57 Classic Period Songs) Haydn EL 02652
407A9 An Chloe (57 Classic Period Songs) Mozart EL 02652
407A10 El Majo Discreto (1st Bk of Soprano Granados 50481173
Solos) GS
407B1 In Praise of Laziness (57 Classic Period Haydn EL 02652
Songs) CPP/B
407B2 Where e’er You Walk (Tenor Songs) Handel BH
407B3 Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Arr.Burleigh FC01432
(Album of Negro Spirituals) CPP/B
407B4 Trade Winds (Key of Eb) Keel SGB47 BH
407B5 Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes (Folk Jonson/Willa FHM
Songs of the British Isles) n
407B6 The Kiss (Der Kuss) (57 Classic Period Beethoven EL 02652
Songs) CPP/B
407B7 Farewell, My Own True Love (Solo Songs arr.Walter SVB00101
for Young Voices)
407B8 The Path to the Moon Theman OCUB6114
407B9 Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray (Album of Arr.Burleigh FCO 1432
Negro Spirituals) CPP/B
407B10 The Water Is Wide (Five Folk Songs) Zaninelli SP,Inc.
407C1 Dearest Maiden, Hear My Song (57 Haydn EL02652
Classic Period Songs) CPP/B
407C2 Turtle Dove (Solo Singer) Tkach NAK
407C3 You Gentlemen of England (Reliquary of Anon. 50326140
English Songs) GS
407C4 A Poor Beggar’s Daughter (Folk Songs of Willan FHM
the British Isles)
407C5 Longing for Spring (57 Classic Period Mozart VF2002 WB
Songs/Pathways of Song, Vol. I) / ELO2653
407C6 De Gospel Train (Album of Negro arr.Burleigh FC01432
Spirituals) CPP/B
407C7 Country Joy (57 Classic Period Songs) Haydn EL02653
407C8 Bendemeers Stream (Rich & Rare) (Med Arr.Poulshc SB01048
High) ok CPP/B
407C9 Carmen, Carmela (Song of the Americas) arr.Jones 9269 BH
407C10 The Little Birch Tree Arr.Goetze 6139 BH


CONCERT DRUM 500-C Parade Drum Class A-B-C 500P

No Exceptions Continued
Must be performed on concert drum
Standard Repertoire 500C
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
500CS1 Six Unaccompanied Solos for Snare Drum Colgrass Alf 500-PC1 Easy Rudimental Solos for Snare Drum Funnell Ken
(play 1 plus 2 or 3) (play both)
500CS2 Three Dances for Solo Snare Drum Benson Chap 500-PC2 Early Bird Haas Drumit
500CS3 Soliloquy Schinstine SMC 500-PC3 America’s N.A.R.D. Drum Solos (Choose Lud
500CS4 Tabula Rasa (with optional cut) Collins Newtone any two pgs. 3-8)
500CS5 Theme and Variations (Play Theme and 2 Heslink Mus.Perc. 500-PC4 Marsch Frisch Roy PE10 MMP
variations) 500-PC5 Southern Special (pgs. 6,7,8,14,21,22,24 Schinstine SMC
500CS6 American Suite (Play mvts. 4 & 5) Gauthreaux Meredith OR 25/play one)
500CS7 Recital Suite for Solo Snare Drum (Play 1 Schinstine Ken
OR 3)
Concert Snare Drum Class A-B-C 500-C No Exceptions

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Marimba-Xylophone Standard Repertoire 501S

500-CA1 Solo Suite for Snare Drum (Play 1 OR III) McCormick BH
500-CA2 Toccata for Snare Drum Vereen Lud
500-CA3 Modulatory Complexities Hufford SMC Sel ID Title Composer Pub
500-CA4 Recital Suite for Solo Snare Drum (Play I Schinstine Ken 501S1 Concertino for Marimba (play one Mvt.) Creston GS
or III) (Piano accomp)
500-CA5 Theme and Variations for Snare Drum Heslink Mus. Perc. 501S2 Fantasy on Japanese Wood Prints Hovhaness Pet
500-CB1 12 Progressive Solos for Snare Drum (Pgs. Goldenberg Chap (Xylophone) (Piano accomp.)
12-13 OR pgs. 18-19) 501S3 Concertino (play 1 & 2 or 2 & 3) Mayuzumi Pet
500-CB2 Six Concert Solos (Play 2 cont.) Frock SMC (Marimba)
500-CB3 More Contest Solos for the Young Snare Houllif Ken 501S4 Suite Mexicana (Marimba) Larson SMC
Drummer (No. 8,9,10 OR 12/play one) 501S5 Estudio No. 2 Houllif Permus
500-CB4 50 Contemporary Snare Drum Etudes Lepak Windsor 501S6 Xylophone Rags of George Hamilton Green/Eyles Meredith
(Play 1 from #15, 22 OR 29) Green (Xyl. Or Mar. w/acc) 2 mallets (Play
500-CB5 22 Progressive Studies, Etudes and Duets Eyler Mus.Perc. pgs. 12-13 OR pgs. 22-23)
for Snare Drum (pgs. 4-14/play one) 501S7 Violin Concerto in a minor (Play I or II, 2 Bach/Golden Chap/HL
500-CC1 Rondino Roy PE01 MMP mallets) berg
500-CC2 Contest Solos for the Young Snare Houllif Ken
Drummer (play 2 cont.) Marimba-Xylophone Class A-B-C 501
500-CC3 50 Contemporary Snare Drum Etudes, #9 Lepak Windsor
500-CC4 More Contest Solos for the Young Snare Houllif Ken
Drummer (No.4,5,6 OR 7/play one) Sel ID Title Composer Pub
500-CC5 Solo Album (pg: 4 OR 5/play one) Coffin Bar 501A1 Yellow After The Rain (4 Mallets) Peters Mitch P.
501A2 Sonata for Xylophone (2&3 mallets/Mar.or Pitfield 66161 Pet
Xyl.) Play 1 mvt & any one of the other 3
PARADE DRUM 500P 501A3 Carmen Suite (Mar. w/piano) Maxey SMC
No Exceptions 501A4 Xylophone Rags of George Hamilton Green/Eyles Meredith
Green (Xyl. Or Mar. W/Acc) 2 mallets
(play pgs. 12-13 OR pgs. 22-23)
Must be performed on parade drum 501A5 Czardas, Op.24 No.4 MacDowell/ PE15 MMP
Parade Snare Drum Standard Repertoire 500-PS 501A6 Violin Concerto in a minor (play I or III) Bach/Golden Chap
(2 mallets) berg
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 501A7 Estudio No.6 (4 mallets) Houllif Permus
500PS1 2040’s Sortie Abel Lud 501A8 Mexican Murals (4 mallets) (play Mvt. 1 Brown CPP/B
500PS2 Tornado Markovich Creative plus either 2 OR 3)
500PS3 Speed Trap Spede Permus 501A9 Rain Dance (4 mallets) Gomez/Rife SMC
500PS4 Corps - Dailly Yours Funnell Ken 501A10 Rosewood Blues (4 mallets) DeLancey Mitch P
500PS5 Stamina Markovich Creative 501B1 Two Chorales (4 mallets) Larson SMC
500PS6 No Speed Limit Kristensen Matrix 501B2 Norwegian Dance (2 mallets) Grieg/Roy PE18 MMP
500PS7 Prestidigitation Roy Bar 501B3 Masterpieces for Marimba (2 mallets) McMillan CPP/B
500PS8 Throwin’ Down Keown Matrix (Play pgs. 10-11, 16-17 OR 27)
501B4 Soloist Folio for Marimba or Xylophone (2 Arr.Quick Rub
OR 4 mallets/ pgs. 2,3,4,6,7,8 or 9, play
Parade Snare Drum Class A-B-C 500-P one)
501B5 Raggedy Ragtime Rags (Play any one) Eyles Meredith
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 501B6 Caprice Valsant (2 mallets) st Green CF
500-PA1 Tornado Markovich Creative 501B7 Concerto in a minor, Op.3 No.6 (Play 1 Vivaldi/Moo Permus
500-PA2 Speed Trap Spede Permus mvt.) re
501B8 Three Pieces for Three Mallets Peters Mitch P
500-PA3 “Excel”eration Haas Drumit
500-PA4 14 Modern Contest Solos (play any one) Pratt CPP/B
500-PA5 Modern Rudimental Swing Solos Wilcoxon Lud
(pp:27,28,39,42 OR 47/play one)
500-PB1 Championship Corps Style Contest Solos Wanamaker Alf
(Any one)
500-PB2 Watching the Time Go By Eyler Permus
500-PB3 The Solo Snare Drummer, Vol. I (pgs: Pratt/Schinst Permus
2,5,7,9,10 OR 12-27/play one) ine/Moore
500-PB4 Intermediate Rudimental Solos for Snare Funnell Ken
Drum (play one)
500-PB5 7/8 Stomp Eyler Permus

Marimba-Xylophone Class A-B-C 501 Vibraphone Class A-B-C 502
Continued Continued

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

501B9 Southern Special Marimba Solos (Play Schinstine SMC 502B10 Solos for Marimba, Xylophone, or Vibes Jolliff CPP/B
either pgs. 24-25/4 mallets or pgs. 30-31/2 (play one, from pgs. 28-31, 33-34, 36-42
mallets) Or 44-62)
501B10 An Elfin Round, Op.7 No.6 MacDowell/ PE32 MMP 502C1 Southern Special Marimba Solos (2 Schinstine SMC
Roy mallets) (play p. 5,6, or 7 or 3 mallets play
501C1 The Solo Marimbist, Vol. I (pgs. 3 or 8-9, Pimentel/Mo Permus p. 9)
3 mallets or pgs. 20, 25-26, 4 mallets/play ore 502C2 Primary Handbook for Mallets (2 mallets) Whaley Meredith
any one) (play p. 40 Reading and p. 41 Sarabande) Music
501C2 Primary Handbook for Mallets (2 mallets) Whaley Meredith 502C3 The Solo Vibist (3 mallets/play any 3, pp: Brown Permus
p. 40-Reading and p. 412 Sarabande) 5-9)
501C3 Marteau-Andante Cantabile (2 mallets Bach/Meiste Lud 502C4 Masterpieces for Marimba (2 mallets) McMillan CPP/B
piano accomp.) r (play p. 3 or 4-omit rolls)
501C4 Masterpieces for Marimba (2 mallets/play McMillan CPP/B 502C5 Contest Solos for the Young Mallet Player Houllif Ken
either p.3 or 4) (play no. 1 & 2 or any one No. 3-8)
501C5 Simple Solos for Mallets (2 mallets/play Brown Ken 502C6 Solos for Marimba, Xylophone, or Vibes Arr.Jolliff CPP/B
either No. 6,8 or 10) (2 or 3 mallets/any one pp. 5-7, 11 or 16)
501C6 Modern School for Xylophone, Marimba Goldenberg Chop 502C7 More Contest Solos for the Young Mallet Houllif Ken
& Vibraphone-2 mallets (Play p.28) Player (any one No. 1-5)
501C7 Grand Ballroom Waltz OR Mallet Magic Schinstine Ken 502C8 Simple Solos for Mallets (2 mallets, play 1 Brown Ken
(play either) (2 mallets) from pp. 6,8 or 10 (Omit rolls)
501C8 Prelude and Chorale on Svaty Vaclave Nylhybel AP 502C9 Solos for the Percussion Player (Play Finkel GS
501C9 Southern Special Marimba Solos (2 Schinstine SMC p.2)(4 mallets)
mallets/play 1 from pgs. 5,6, or 7 or 3 502C10 Modern School for Marimba, Xylophone Goldenberg HL
mallets/play p. 9) & Vibraphone (2 mallets) play p. 28 –
501C10 Contest Solos for the Young Mallet Player Houllif Ken Omit rolls)
(Play 1 & 2 or any one from pgs. 3-8)
VIBRAPHONE 502 No Exceptions
No Exceptions
Timpani Standard Repertoire 503S
Vibraphone Standard Repertoire 502S
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 505S1 Eight Pieces (Play one) Carter AMP
502S1 Marie Larrick Permus
505S2 Sonata (play three mvts.) Jones Hinricksen/P
502S2 Wallflower Snowbird Carrillon Gibson Alf et
502S3 Solo 6 (unaccompanied) Burton Creative 505S3 Dunbar’s Delight (4 timp. Plus 2 susp. Erickson Sonic Arts
502S4 All Alone by the Vibraphone Feldman Wynn cym.) Editions
502S5 Just Flippin (POP) Krals CPP/B 505S4 Classic African Aiello Hamar
502S6 Vibe Songs (4 mallets, play any one) Molenhof CPP/B
505S5 Soundings Igelsrud Ken
502S7 Mirror From Another (play any one) Friedman CPP/B 505S6 Theme and Variations Floyd Studio
505S7 Ballad for the Dance (4 timp) Goodman Mills
Vibraphone Class A-B-C 502 505S8 The Solo Timpanist Vol. 1 (Play any two Firth CF
pp; 4, 15, 21, 39, 43, or 45
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 505S9 Sonata for Timpani (4 timp) Play 1 plus Beck BMC
502A1 Vibe Songs (play any one) (4 mallets) Molenhof CPP/B either II or III
502A2 Recital for Vibraharp (play any one except Davis Bar 505S10 Four Pieces for Timpani (4 timp) Mvts: 1 Bergamo Music Perc
pgs. 6 & 7) (4 mallets) & II or 1 & IV
502A3 Music of the Day (4 mallets/play either Molenhof Ken
pgs. 8-11 or 12-14) Timpani Class A-B-C 503
502A4 Trilogy (4 mallets) (Play 1 or 3) Huesgen Meredith
502A5 Green Mountains (4 mallets) Smith Etiole Sel ID Title Composer Pub
502A6 Solos for the Vibraphone (4 mallets) (play Finkel GS 503A1 Cortege (play III only or I & II together) Grimo SMC
one of: pgs. 4, 26,30,32 or 34) 503A2 Variations for Solo Kettledrums (play Williams Music Perc
502A7 Mirror From Another (Any one) Friedman CPP/B theme, Var. I & Var. V)
502A8 John Brown’s Body (2 mallets) with piano Smith/Radd Etiole 503A3 Sonata for Timpani (4 timp)(play 1 plus Beck BMC
acc. either II or III)
502A9 Csardas (2 & 3 mallets) with piano acc. Monti/Moor Permus 503A4 Sonatina No.1 for solo Timpani (5 timpani Udell Mus.Perc.
e plus concert and pedal bass drums)(play
502A10 First Arabesque (2 mallets) Debussy/Mil Lud mvts. 1 & 3)
ler 503A5 Sonatina for Timpani (4 timp) (play mvts. Ridout 19744 BH
502B1 Music of the Day (4 mallets/play pgs. 4 & Molenhof Ken 1 & 3 and choice of either second mvts.)
5) 503A6 Air and Dance Peters SMC
502B2 Mallets in Wonderland (4 mallets/pg. 8 or Feldman Ken 503A7 Four Pieces for Timpani (4 timp) (Mvts: Bergamo Mus.Perc.
9) I&II or I&IV)
502B3 Ave Maria (3 mallets) Schubert/Ed Rub 503A8 Sonata for Three Unaccompanied Timpani Ramey Mus.Perc.
wards 503A9 The Solo Timpanist, Vol. I (play any two, Firth CF
502B4 Musical Studies for the Intermediate Whaley Meredith pp: 4, 15,21,39,43 or 45)
Mallet Player (2 mallets/play pgs. 20-21 or 503A10 Suite for Timpani Mancini Ken
26-27) (Omit tech ex. & rolls) 503B1 Fanfare and Scherzo (4 timp & 2 toms) Curnow PE21 MMP
502B5 Freckles and Flowers Brown Ken
502B6 Clair de Lune (3 mallets) Debussy/Mil Lud
502B7 Mallets in Mind (Play p. 3 or p. 10) Brown Ken
502B8 Southern Special Marimba Solos (play p. 9 Schinstine SMC
& p. 13)
502B9 Solos for the Vibraphone Player (4 Finkel GS
mallets/pgs. 15 or 24)

Timpani Class A-B-C 503 MULTIPLE PERCUSSION 505
Continued No Exceptions

Multiple Percussion Class A-B-C 505

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

503B2 Variations on the Westminster Clock Latimer PP 504B9 Festival Rock Reehl Reehl
Theme for Four Timpani 504B10 Give it Time (play #4,9 or 10) Morey Ken
503B3 Introduction and Allegro (3 timp) Goodman CPP/B 504C1 Elementary Drum Set Solo No. 1 or Reehl Reehl
503B4 Alpine Slide Beck Ken Answer Me (Play either)
503B5 Sonatina (play version for 3 timp)(Mvt I- Tcherepnin BH 504C2 Doug It or Drum It (play either) Hayek HMS
IV/Must have accomp) 504C3 Drum Set Etudes, Book I (Play one from: Holmquist NAK
503B6 Musical Studies for the Intermediate Whaley JR 1,2,10,14,17 or 24)
Timpanist (play p.21,38,40,43 or 45) 504C4 Drum Set Tunes (play one, pp. 10-11; 13- Schinstine/H Mel Bay
503B7 Flamingo Forge (3 timp) Roy PE29 MMP 14; 16-17 or 15 & 19) oey
503B8 Timpani: The Solo Collection (play one Brown CPP/B 504C5 Drum Solos and Fill-ins for the Reed Columbia
from: pp. 17, 22-23, 26-27 or 28-29) Progressive Drummer, Book I (p. 3 plus
503B9 Mountain Noise (4 timp) Haas Drumit either pp. 4 or 5)
503B10 Mazatlan (3 timp) Roy PE 30 MMP 504C6 Drum’N Reggae Cincotta SC
503C1 Classical Timpani March with accomp. Noak Mus.Perc. 504C7 Give it Time #2 “Theme and Variations Morey Ken
(Timpani Tune) #1”
503C2 Five Timpani Solos (2 timp)(play any one) Brazauskas NAK 504C8 Give it Time #1 “Just Warming up the Morey Ken
503C3 Triton (2 timp) Roy PE02 MMP Chops”
503C4 Tune-Up (accomp) Feldstein CPP/B 504C9 Outset Haas Drumit
503C5 Grand Teton Beck Ken 505A1 French Suite Kraft NMW
503C6 Mirth: Solo for 2 Timpani Haas Drumit 505A2 Inspirations Diabolique Tagawa WIM
503C7 Double Cross (2 timp) Roy PE12 MMP 505A3 Spanish Dance Davis Creative
503C8 Basic Timpani Technic (2 timp)(play 1 McMillan Pro 505A4 The Love of L’Histoire DeLancey Mitch P.
from pp. 22,24 or 28) 505A5 Toccata for Solo Percussionist D’Angelo Mus.Perc.
503C9 Tymp Tunes (2 timp)(play pp.2 & 3 or pp. Schinstine SMC 505A6 Morris Dance Kraft WIM
10 & 11) 505A7 Multi Percussion Suite No. 1 Davis Bar
503C10 Musical Studies for the Intermediate Whaley JR 505A8 English Suite (Any two: Allemande, Kraft AM
Timpanist (2 timp)(play pp.3,8 or 9) Courante or Sarabande)
505A9 Motion Glassock Ken
505A10 Studies in Solo Percussion (play Corrente Arr.Goldenb Chap/HL
DRUM SET 504 II) erg
No Exceptions 505B1 English Suite (Play prelude & Gigue) Kraft AM
Required Selections 505B2 Introduction & Waltz Peters Mitch P
505B3 Volume Two for Multi-Percussion (POP) Buggert MMC
Drum Set entries must perform music from this list to enter and (Play pp: 6,7 & 8 or 13-16)
perform OSSAA Contests. 505B4 Studies In Solo Percussion (play either pp: Goldenberg HL
16-17, 26-28 or 36-39)
505B5 Advanced Percussion Solos Book 1 (play Burns/Feldst CPP/B
Drum Set Standard Repertoire 504S one from pp. 12-13, 6-8 or 9-11) ein
505B6 Theme and Variations Bernard Mitch P
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 505B7 Solo Album (play pp: 25-27) Coffin Bar
504S1 Sounds of the Loop (pgs. 19-26 from “Off Morello Creative 505B8 Energy Suite (play 1 & III) Spears Bar
the Record”) 505B9 Etude for Latin Instruments Schinstine Creative
504S2 Samba-ly and Just for the Funk of It (Play Houllif Ken 505B10 Gesture for Latin Percussionist (POP) Combs MMC
both selections) 505C1 Solo Album (play either pp: 10-11, 12-13, Coffin Bar
14-15 or 16-17)
505C2 English Suite (play part 5-Bouree I and Kraft AM
Drum Set Class A-B-C 504 part 6-Bourree II)
505C3 Studies in Solo Percussion (play one, pp: Goldenberg HL
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 6-7, 12-13, 20-21 22 or 29)
504A1 Chrysoprase IV Weinberg SMC 505C4 Multitudes (any one, pp: 10-29) Brown Ken
504A2 Drum Set Etudes Book II and III (play any Holmquist NAK 505C5 Volume Two for Multi-Percussion, (POP) Youhass MMC
two etudes) (play pp: 5, Solo No. 2)
504A3 Philly and Ain’t It Rich (play both Houllif Ken 505C6 Multiple Percussion Music (Play pp. 12 & Feldstein Alf
selections) 13 or 14 & 15)
504A4 Samba-ly and Just For The Funk Of It Houllif Ken 505C7 Etude II Peters Mitch P
(play both selections) 505C8 A Trifle For Timothy Kraft NMW
504A5 Drum Set Suite (play any 2 mvts.) Fink Fink 505C9 2-4-1 Kraft WIM
504A6 Whose Kit is This? Heslip Ken 505C10 Prologue & Jubilo Spears SMC
504A7 “See You Later In 4” (21st Century Perc Houghton CPP/B
Solo Recital Series Bk II)
504A8 Yeomen-Concerto for Drum Set (Play Mvt Haas Drumit
504A9 Advanced Techniques for the Modern Chapin Chapin MISCELLANEOUS PERCUSSION SOLOS 516
Drummer, Vol. I (pp 36, 39 & 42) Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
504A10 Rondo for Drum Set Snider Bar
504B1 Off the Record (pp: 28-30) Morello/Dah Jomor
Miscellaneous Percussion Solo Class A-B-C 516
504B2 “Burned” (21st Century Perc Solo Recital Houghton/Ni CPP/B
Series Bk I) shigomi For percussion instruments not provided for in other events.
504B3 Drum Set Etudes Book I (Play any 2 Nos. Holmquist NAK
22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34 or 35)
504B4 All Set Morey Ken
504B5 Rock for Admiral Shunk Snider Bar
504B6 Bop n’ Drums and Tribute to Swing (play Cincotta SC
both selections)
504B7 Advanced Techniques for the Modern Chapin Chapin
Drummer (p. 8 and 22)
504B8 Yeomen-Concerto for Drum Set #1 Haas Drumit

Selections designated as POP are no longer available from the publisher.

Selections designated a TOP are temporarily out of print.

No exceptions, indicates the selection is to be selected only from the selections listed.

Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List, indicates a selection may be transferred from another current OSSAA list.

In case of multi-movement selections, where cuts are not specified, perform two contrasting movements.



Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
(Drums, Drums and Hand Cymbals, and/or Drum Sets Only) Keyboard Mallet Ensemble Class A-B-C 531
Drum Trio Class A-B-C 530 Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
530A1 Montemalaga (Sn.Dr., TomToms, Cym, Delancey Mitch P. 531A6 Pizzicato Polka (3 or 4 players-Xylo; 2 or 3 Strauss/Schi SMC
B.Dr.) Mar.) nstne
530A2 3 Part Stomp Christian Christian 531A7 Rainbows (Perc. Ens. 4 players)(1 and 2 or Gomez SMC
530A3 Suite for Drums (3 Parade drums) Smith CF 2 and 3)
530A4 Overture in Wood Mathiesen SP,Inc. 531A8 Rondo (Mvt. 4) from Eine Kleine Mozart/Janic Permus
530A5 March Time Eyler Pioneer Nachmusik ki
Perc. 531A9 La Danza (4 to 8 players) Rossini/Gri SMC
530A6 Divertimento Planchart Mus.Perc. mo
530A7 Dawn Patrol (3 Snare Drums) Heney Bar 531A10 Amparito Roca (5 players) Texidor/Jean Permus
530A8 Trio for Percussion Benson Mus.Perc. ne
530A9 Three Dances McKenzie Mus.Perc. 531B1 Entertainer Rag Joplin/Moor Permus
530A10 Episodes Beck Wimbledon e
530B1 Three by Three (Sn., Bs., Timp. and Browne Lud 531B2 Mississippi Rag (Flute Qt.) Krell/Fracke Ken
Triangle) npohl
530B2 Ticonderoga (2 parade Dr. & Bass) Harr Rub/HL 531B3 Four of a Kind (Flute Qt.) Scarmolin Bar
530B3 Ritual Dance Cincotta Cincotta 531B4 Black and White Rag (4 players) Botsford/Mc Ken
530B4 Snare Forward (3 Concert Dr.) Hankins CF Leod
530B5 Triple Threat (2 Parade Dr. and Tenor Dr.) Ceroli WIM 531B5 Traumerei (5 players-Xylo, Vibes, 2 or 3 Schumann/S SMC
530B6 Mancos (3 Snare Drums) Lefever Ken Mar.) chinstine
530B7 We Three (3 Snares Drums) Buggert Rub 531B6 Canzonetta (4 players- 2 Mar.) Mendelssoh Permus
530B8 The Bedford Three (Sn. Dr. Trio) Salvo TP n/Jeanne
530B9 Scherzo Goodman CPP/B 531B7 Bouree (4 players, Xylo or Mar) Handel/Moo Permus
530B10 Sultans of Swat (Snare Dr., Tenor Dr., Houllif Ken re
Bass Dr.) 531B8 Quartet Repetoire for Flute (play one from Voxman Rub
530C1 Southern Special, pg. 28 (Three’s a Schinstine SMC Nos. 3,10 or 12)
Crowd)(3 Parade or Concert Dr.) 531B9 Fuga Giocosa (Mar.Trio) Paine/Roy MMP
530C2 Sonora (3 Concert Dr.) Lefever Ken 531B10 The Can-Can (4 players-2 mar.) Offenbach/J Permus
530C3 Man vs. Bongo Brown Ken eanne
530C4 Bandelier (3 Snare Dr.) Lefever Ken 531C1 Quartet Repertoire for Flute (Play one from Voxman Rub/HL
530C5 The Firecracker (Snare Dr., Tenor Dr., Erickson EJE Nos. 5,7,9 or 11)
Timp.) 531C2 Cielito Lindo (4 players 2 Mar.) arr.Jeanne Permus
530C6 Concord (Snare Dr. Trio) Udell Udell 531C3 La Spagnola (3-5 players-2 or 3 Mar.) Chjiara/Jean Permus
530C7 The Chase Brown Ken ne
530C8 Sixteenths for Snares Lefever SMC 531C4 Chanson Triste (Flute Qt) Tschaikowsk Rub/HL
530C9 Stew for Three (3 Snare Drums) Barnett Columbia y/Johnson
530C10 Tea for 3 Bellson SMC 531C5 Five Pieces (Album for the Young) (Flute Schumann/D WIM
Qt.) (1,3 or 5) avis
531C6 Deep River (4 or 5 players) Moore Permus
KEYBOARD MALLET ENSEMBLE 531 531C7 Gavotte from Sym. No. 4 (Clarinet Qt.) Boyce/Dishi MMP
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List nger
531C8 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP
(Trios and above) (Clarinet trio) ger
Keyboard Mallet Ensemble Class A-B-C 531 531C9 Hymns for Marimba Quartet (4 players 2- arr.Jeanne Permus
Mar.) (Play any two pages without page
Sel ID Title Composer Pub turn)
531A1 Timepiece (quartet Xylo, Vibe, 2 Mar.) Houllif Permus 531C10 “Air” from the Water Music (4 players – 2 Handel/Jean Permus
531A2 Trio Sonata No. 1 (Mvts. I or II or 1 & III) Haydn/Moor Permus Mar.) ne
531A3 Finale from Quartet in F Major Dvorak/Moo Permus
531A4 Prelude and Dance (9 Players) Xylo/Bell, LoPresti Mus.Perc.
Chimes, 2 Vibes, 4 Mar.)
531A5 The Music Box (5 players-Bells, Vibes, Liadow/O’F Permus
Xylo/2 Mar.) allon

No Exceptions
(Drums, Drums and Hand Cymbals, and/or Drum Sets for 4 players)

Drum Quartet Class A-B-C 540 Miscellaneous Percussion Ensemble Class A-B-C 561

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

540A1 Discussion Rauschenber WIM 561A10 For Four Percussionists (Players need not Keezer Ken
g rotate instruments between mvts.)
540A2 Air Express (2 Parade Dr., Cym. And Bass Heney CF 561B1 Blue Samba (10 players-opt. Elc. Bs.) Houliff SMC
Dr.) 561B2 The Winding River (6 players) O’Connor Bar
540A3 4 Stories (4 complete Drum Sets) Bellson WIM 561B3 Rondo for Five Del Borgo Ken
540A4 4 Part Stomp Christian Christian 561B4 Scherzo for Percussion (7 players) Schinstine SMC
540A5 Polyphonies Spears SMC 561B5 Scenario for Percussion (6 players) Del Borgo Ken
540A6 Chief Judge Collins Creative 561B6 One O’Clock Samba (8 players) Glassock SMC
540A7 ...and Four to Go! (Snare Dr.; 4 Tom- Roy MMP 561B7 Percussive Panorama (7 players) Hall Lud
Toms; 3 Timp; Bass Dr.)(Play all 3 mvts.) 561B8 The William Tell Overture (6 players) Rosini/Houll Ken
540A8 4/4 for Four (Bongos, Timbales/Bass Dr., 3 Cirone Columbia if
Tom-Toms, 4 Timp) 561B9 Percussion Suite Number One (5 players) Bellson WIM
540A9 The Percussive Rondo Schmidt WIM 561B10 Blue Percussion (6 players) Tiiilles Creative
540B1 Fancy Four (Parade Dr., Tenor Dr., and 2 Markovich Creative 561C1 Echo Echo (4 to 9 players) Gomez SMC
Rud. Bass Dr.) 561C2 Viva Percussion (5 players) Schinstine Ken
540B2 Rhythms I et II (Play No. II) Delecluse Leduc 561C3 Jazz Miniature (6 players) Beck Columbia
540B3 Dimensions Del Borgo Ken 561C4 March of the Toys (6 players) Christian Creative
540B4 Collisions Spears Bar 561C5 A Touch of Beethoven (8 plus piano) Christian Christian/Ma
540B5 Percussionista Festiva Cincotta Cincotta lcolm)
540B6 Introduction and Allegro McClaren WJ 561C6 Ancient Voices, Distant Storms (5 players) Varner SMC
540B7 Fire (Sn. Dr./Sus. Cym; Timbales/High O’Gorman Bar 561C7 Centralization (5 players) Schinstine SMC
Hat; 3 Tom-Toms; Bs. Dr./Sus.Cym.) 561C8 Scamper (5 players) Spears Bar
540B8 Prologue and Fight Spears SMC 561C9 Hungarian Dance (5 players) Roy MMP
540B9 The Fall Guys (B.D & Cym together) Hayek HMS 561C10 The Clown (6 players) Kabalevsky/ SMC
540B10 Accent on Rhythm Schinstine SMC Ukena
540C1 Ride Rhythm No. 16 Erickson EJE
540C2 Rhythms I et II (play No. I) Delecluse Leduc
540C3 Four-Way Split (2 Sn. Dr., Tom-Tom, Bs. Houllif Ken
540C4 Ashland High Abel Lud
540C5 Rockreations (4 Snare Dr. 2/accessories) Schinstine Columbia
540C6 Waltzing Rhythms Lefever SMC
540C7 Suite of Five (Mvts I&V) Jackoboice Lud
540C8 San Luis (2 Concert Dr., Cym and Bass Lefever Ken
540C9 Turnaround Schinstine SMC
540C10 Triplets by Four Lefever SMC


No Exceptions
Ensemble - 3 to 18 Members

These may be combinations of drums, keyboard mallet

instruments and misc. percussion instruments. Mallet parts can
be doubled. However, other parts may not be doubled or split
unless recommended by the composer in the printed score.
String bass, guitar, piano and celesta may be used and will be
considered in the adjudication of the ensemble generl effect but
the players of these instruments will not be counted in numbering
the members of the ensemble.

Miscellaneous Percussion Ensemble Class A-B-C 561

Sel ID Title Composer Pub
561A1 Encore in Jazz Firth CF
561A2 Perspectives (8 players) Weiner SMC
561A3 Three Brothers (9 players) Colgrass Mus.Perc.
561A4 Windstone Suite (8 players)(Play any two Spears Bar
561A5 Sabre Dance (7 players) Khachaturia Permus
561A6 Samba for Mallets (6 or more-Elec. Bs. Osterling Lud
561A7 Phase Dance (7 players) Metheny/Ho Sierra
561A8 A Time For Jazz (8 players) Spears SMC
561A9 Antiphon (10 players-Double Perc. Choir) Combs SMC


No Exceptions
Selections performed from the 624 list are treated as an
Ensemble and may be performed with the music.
Class A only
Selection must come from this list to enter and perform.
This event is for piano and one brass instrument. Both participants must be students
and both will be judged. Exceptions: Brass may perform as a solo if the pianist is not Trumpet Trio Class A-B-C 630
a student. Use correct entry code for each brass instrument. Example: Trumpet Solo is Continued
101; 102 is Trombone Solo; Sel ID would be the same for all

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

624A1 Sonata en Bb (Tpt)(play 3 cont. mvts.) Loeillet TP 630C8 Brightonshire Hornpipe Arr.Engebret Macie
624A2 Sonata for Trumpet, Op. 29 (Mvt. 1 or 3) Tuthill WB son
624A3 Sonata in F Major (Tpt)(Play 2 cont. mvts.) Benda EM 630C9 Triple Play Frank Rub
624A4 Sonata for Trombone and Piano (Mvt II, McKay WB 630C10 Fanfare and Air Ostling CPP/B
plus I or III)
624A5 Sonata in F (Bari. Or Trb) Corelli/Ostra EM
624A6 Sonate forstHorn and Piano (Mvt. I or III) Heiden AMP No Exceptions
624A7 Sonata (1 mvt.) Fr. Horn Op. 17 Beethoven CB
624A8 Sonata No. 5 in C Major for Tuba Marcello SMC
Trombone Trio Class A-B-C 631
624A9 Sonata for Tuba and Piano (Mvt. I) Hartley TP
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
624A10 Sonata-3 (Mvts. 1 & 2)(Trpt., Tromb., Handel SMC
Bar.) 631A1 Suite from “The Mount of Olives” (Any 2 Beethoven/O EM
cont. mvts.) strander
631A2 Czech Suite (No repeats) Blahnik AP
TRUMPET TRIO 630 631A3 Manhattan Vignettes (Play No. 1 and any Uber EM
No Exceptions one from 4-5; 6, or 7)
631A4 Polka Dots Buchtel Bar
Class A-B-C 630 631A5 Suite for Three Trombones Handel/Ostr EM
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 631A6 The Earle of Oxford’s March Byrd/Dishin MMP
630A1 Trumpets of Spain Nagel CPP/B ger
630A2 Trio No. 1 (Play both mvts.) Demachi/Dis MMP 631A7 Suite for Three Trombones (Any three) Mozart/Ostr EM
hinger ander
630A3 Pascalle for 3 Trumpets Harmon WIM 631A8 Petits Chansons Gretchaninof JTL
630A4 Cortege Marcello/Wi SMC f/Lester
631A9 Five Trios, Vol. III (Play Nos. 13, 17 and Druschetsky/ MMP
630A5 Three Trios, Op. 4 (Any 2) Rozelli/Dish MMP 18) Dishinger
631A10 Trio for Trombones Beethoven/S Ken
630A6 Suite for 3 Trumpets (Play 2,4 & 5) Kelly OX mith
630A7 Invention Abaco/Moor WIM
631B1 Gavotte en Rondeau Lully/Post MMP
e 631B2 Elena Polka Kiefer/Holm Bar
630A8 Czech Suite Blahnik AP
630A9 Suite for Three Brass (Play All) Ostrander EM 631B3 March of the Roman Gladiators Lombardo Ken
630A10 Sixteenth Century Italian Music (all mvts) Seicento/Cla EM 631B4 Silver Lakes Johnson Rub
rk 631B5 Lift Thine Eyes Mendelssoh SMC
630B1 Trumpet Tune Teleman/Sto Ken n/Collins
631B6 Slippery Gentlemen Walters Rub
630B2 Suscepit Israel Bach/Moore WIM 631B7 Suscepit Israel Bach/Schmi WIM
630B3 Three Dances Mattheson/V SMC
oxman/Bloc 631B8 The Cavaliers Johnson Rub
631B9 Three Swingsters Scarmolin Lud
630B4 Suite for Three Trumpets (Any 2 mvts.) Uber Ken 631B10 Gavotte from Sym. No. 4 Boyce/Vede MMP
630B5 The Earle of Oxford’s March Byrd/Dishin MMP
ger 631C1 Melodic Trios for Trombones (Play one Uber Ken
630B6 Presto from Divertimento No. 12 Mozart/Dish MMP
from 1,6,8,11,15 or 20)
inger 631C2 Menuet in G Bach/Dishin MMP
630B7 Baroque Suite (Play III&IV) Handel/Dish MMP ger
inger 631C3 Three Cadets Harris Lud
630B8 Nobody’s Gigge Farnaby/Dis MMP 631C4 Sailor’s Worksong Arr.Engebret Macie
630B9 Marche from Suite No. 5 for Clavier Purcell/Dishi MMP 631C5 Dancing Song Liadov/Dishi MMP
630B10 Suite for Three Brass (Play Carissimi) Ostrander EM 631C6 A-Rovin’ Arr.Engebret Macie\
630C1 Four Trios (Play 1 or 3) Solomon SMC
630C2 Ensemble Time (Any 2) (1,3,5,6 or 7) Whistler/Hu Rub 631C7 The Longhorns Hurrell Rub
631C8 Presto Mozart/Dish MMP
630C3 Minka Minka Frank Rub inger
630C4 St. Catherines Rigaudon Barrett/Dishi MMP
631C9 Manchester Hornpipe Arr.Engebret Macie
nger son
630C5 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi MMP 631C10 Song Lesson (Pgs. 4 & 5) (Trios for Brass) Cherubini/M CPP/B
nger arcellus
630C6 Sailor’s Worksong Arr.Engebret Macie
630C7 Holiday for Trumpets Lombardo Ken

Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
Trumpet, French horn, Trombone Trumpet Quartet Class A-B-C 640
Brass Trio Class A-B-C 632
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
632A1 Fugue and Fugue II Handel/Bach MMP 640B6 Dancing Song Liadov/Dishi MMP
/Ramm nger
632A2 Suite for Brass Trio (mvts. 1 and 2 OR 1 Handel/Rose WIM 640B7 The Game Kabalevsky/ JTL
and 4) nthal Lester
632A3 Chamber Music for Three Brass Schmidt WIM 640B8 Fanfare de Chase Rossini M&M
632A4 Three Trios (Play all 3) Rozelli/Dish MMP 640B9 Adagio and Allegro Westrich FM/WJ
inger 640B10 And the Life of the World to Come Mozart/Kais Ken
632A5 The Brass Abacus Schmidt WIM ershot
632A6 Triangles (Play 1 & 2 or 2 & 3) Uber Ken 640C1 Quartets for Brass, Vol. I Easy- Marcellus CPP/B
632A7 Aria and Allegro Running SP,Inc. Intermediate (Any 2 selections)
632A8 Suite of Miniatures I, II, V Boerlin Sp,Inc. 640C2 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP
632A9 Trio Allein Gott in der Hoch’ se Ehr’ Bach/Dishin MMP Notebook ger
ger 640C3 Madrigal Palestrina/M WIM
632A10 Brass Trio Schmalz PhP oore
632B1 Suite (any mvt.) Carissimi/Os EM 640C4 Fiesta Mexicana (Any 2) McKay CF
trander 640C5 In Playful Mood Busch CF
632B2 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishin MMP 640C6 Quartet Repertoire (play #6 or #8) Dieterich Rub
ger 640C7 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dish MMP
632B3 Suite for Brass Trio Handel/Frac Ken inger
kenpohl 640C8 “Rigaudon” from Pieces De Clavecin, Rameau/Dis MMP
632B4 Miniatures Coe OX 1724 hinger
632B5 Sonata No. 4 (Mvt. I and II or II and III) Pergolesi/Sc WIM 640C9 Contrasts Morley/Scha CPP/B
hmidt ffer
632B6 Canzona Koepke Rub 640C10 Two Renaissance Madrigals Pilkington/di Ken
632B7 Advent Music III (Play I & II or II & III) Thomas BT11 MMP Lasso/Kaiser
632B8 His Humor Farnaby/Dis MMP shot
632B9 Three Choral Preludes (Play 1 & 2) Brahms/Frac Ken TROMBONE QUARTET 641
632B10 Fanfare Prelude Koepke Rub No Exceptions
632C1 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi MMP Trombone Quartet Class A-B-C 641
nger Sel ID Title Composer Pub
632C2 Petits Chanson (any two mvts.) Gretchaninof JTL 641A1 Sacred Music for Four Trombones (Mvts. Rosenthal WIM
/Lester 1 & 2 or 3 & 4)
632C3 Allegro from Concert Grosso Handel/Dish MMP 641A2 Mark’s IV Severson/Mc NAK
inger Dunn
632C4 Motet (Cantate Domino) deLasso/Sch WIM 641A3 Excerpts from “The Damnation of Faust” Berlioz/Ostr EM
midt ander
632C5 “Rigaudon” from Pieces de Clavecin Rameau/Dis MMP 641A4 Goin’ Home Dvorak/Blah AP
hinger nik
632C6 The St. Catherine Rigaudon Barrett/Dishi MMP 641A5 Russian Sailor’s Dance Gliere/Siek Bar
nger mann
632C7 Marche from Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi MMP 641A6 Encore! Prague Trombones (Play 1,4,8 and Blahnik AP
nger 13)
632C8 English Madrigal Suite (any one) Decker Ken 641A7 Bartok for Trombone Bartok/Siek Bar
632C9 Three Renaissance Songs Cummings EM mann
632C10 Menuet in G Bach/Dishin MMP 641A8 Bluesleeves Willis Virgo
ger 641A9 Amazing Grace Siekmann Bar
641A10 T-Bone Party Haddad SP,Inc.
TRUMPET QUARTET 640 641B1 In Dulci Jubilo Smith WJ
641B2 Scarborough Fair Reichenbach Virgo
No Exceptions 641B3 Presto from Divertimento No. 12 Mozart/Dish MMP
Trumpet Quartet Class A-B-C 640 inger
641B4 Ave Maria Schmidt WIM
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 641B5 Annie Laurie Scott/Guentz Bar
640A1 Fugue in C minor Bach/Decker Ken el
640A2 Canonical Trilogy Tull WIM 641B6 Colloquy Conley Ken
640A3 Variants with Solo Cadenzas for tpt quartet Schmidt WIM 641B7 Danny Brook Ostransky Rub
640A4 Rondo Mozart/John Rub 641B8 Cragged Pass Johnson Rub
son 641B9 New Prague Trombones (Set I- Blahnik AP
640A5 Six Pieces (play nos. 1,2 & 4) Tcherepnin/ EM No.3,7,10,11)
Maganini 641B10 Americana Suite No. 1 (any two cont. Dishinger MMP
640A6 Uno Continuo Solomon SMC mvts.)
640A7 Fugue from the Spirit Helpeth Bach/Dishin MMP 641C1 Ensemble Time (Play No. 7 and 16) Whistler/Hu Rub
ger mmel
640A8 Americana Suite (Play all) arr.Dishinge MMP 641C2 Madrigal Marenzio/Di MMP
r shinger
640A9 The Rushin’ Trumpeters Gillis CPP/B 641C3 Quartets for All (Bass Clef Wind Stoutmaire- CPP/B
640A10 Sinfonia (play No. I&III) Torelli SP,Inc. Instruments) (pgs. 6-7, 10-11, 14-15 or 18- Henderson
640B1 Intrada Schein/Schm WIM 19)
idt 641C4 Rondo from Divertimento #11 Mozart/Dish MMP
640B2 Festival Days Guentzel Bar inger
640B3 Three Elizabethan Madrigals (play two) arr.Kaisersh Ken
640B4 English Madrigal Suite (any two) arr.Dishinge MMP
640B5 Canzona from Canzoni A 4 Voci Maschera/Di MMP

Trombone Quartet Class A-B-C 641 BRASS QUARTET 643
Continued No Exceptions

2 Trumpets, Horn, & Trombone or Euphonium

Brass Quartet Class A-B-C 643
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
641C5 Trumpet Voluntary Purcell/Ostli CPP/B 643A2 Baroque Suite Ostrander EM
ng 643A3 Chorus of the Jugglers Berlioz/Ostr EM
641C6 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP ander
Notebook ger 643A4 Short Suite (play any 3 mvts.) Raymond WIM
641C7 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Vede MMP 643A5 Motet II, Op. 74, No. 2 Brahms/Fitz MMP
ski gerald
641C8 Londonderry Air arr.McDunn- NAK 643A6 King Henry’s Cakewalk Ridgway RK
Christensen 643A7 Sellinger’s Round Byrd/Weinb SMC
641C9 “Amazing” Variations Braatz PEL erg
641C10 Trombone Symphony (Any one except 13) Long Rub 643A8 Two Bach Fugues XI, VII (Play both) Bach/Teuber SP,Inc.
643A9 Sonata De Camera Vivaldi/Mag EM
FRENCH HORN QUARTET 642 643A10 Fugue in a minor Czernohorsk WIM
No Exceptions y/Brown
643B1 Gavotte Elgar/Dishin MMP
French Horn Quartet Class A-B-C 642 ger
643B2 Stratford Point Spears Bar
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 643B3 Canzona Maschera/Di MMP
642A1 American Suite No. 1 (play all mvts.) Dishinger MMP shinger
642A2 Te Deum Laudamus Purcell/Dishi MMP 643B4 Sonata No. V (Play IV plus either 1 or III) Handel/Dish MMP
nger inger
642A3 Baroque Suite (Play Tambourin, Air Handel/Ram MMP 643B5 Ricecar Gabrieli/Smi EM
Tendre and Allegro) eau/Lully/Di th
shinger 643B6 Schumannesque Schumann/L JTL
642A4 Rowland Byrd/Dishin MMP ester
ger 643B7 Duke Street Variants Braatz PEL
642A5 Introduction and Scherzo Koepke Rub 643B8 Etude No. 1 Murphy WIM
642A6 Kyrie from Mass in F Major Bach/Dishin MMP 643B9 Exaltations Matthews WJ
ger 643B10 Chorale Prelude Schmutz Lud
642A7 Ricecar on the Eighttone (1595) Gabrielli/Ra MMP 643C1 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Vede MMP
mm ski
642A8 Motet-Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren Bach/Dishin MMP 643C2 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP
ger Notebook ger
642A9 Four Little Pieces for Horn Quartet (Play Mayer SMC 643C3 Pageantry McKay Bar
mvts. 1&2) 643C4 Massive Brass Dispersion Engebretson Macie
642A10 English Madrigal Suite (any two mvts.) Dishinger MMP 643C5 Early Classics for Brass (Any 2 cont. Hering CF
642B1 Aeolian Suite Ostransky Rub selections)
642B2 Ricecar Sopra Pour Une Plaisir Gabrieli/Ra MMP 643C6 Tarentella (Italian Folk Dance) Arr.Engebret Macie
mm son
642B3 Suite for Four Horns (Canzonetta) McKay Bar 643C7 Gavotte from Sym. #4 Boyce/Dishi MMP
642B4 German Horn Quartets, Vol. 2 (play one Rosenthal WIM nger
from Nos. 29, 31, 38 OR 34-do not 643C8 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dish MMP
transpose, play as written) inger
642B5 German Horn Quartets, Vol. 1 (play No. 2 Rosenthal WIM 643C9 Jesu Dulcis Memoria DeVictoris/F SMC
plus one of following No. 4,5, 9 or 13) itzgerald
642B6 Madonna mia gentil Marenzio/Di MMP 643C10 His Humour Farnaby/Dis MMP
shinger hinger
642B7 Schumannesque Schumann/L JTL
642B8 Chanson-To Yonder Lovely Grove Janequin/Dis MMP BRASS QUINTET 650
hinger No Exceptions
642B9 Gavotte from Sym. No. 4, Vol. 1 Boyce/Vede MMP
2 Trumpets, Horn, Trombone & Tuba
642B10 In A Minor Mood Soloman SMC Brass Quintet Class A-B-C 650
642C1 German Horn Quartets, Vol. 1 (play any Rosenthal WIM Sel ID Title Composer Pub
one from nos. 6,8 or 10) 650A1 Alleluia Mozart/Frac Ken
642C2 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP kenpohl
Notebook ger 650A2 Pollywog’s Lake Talk Ulman/Dishi MMP
642C3 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post MMP nger
642C4 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi MMP 650A3 Ragtime Suite (Any one) Frankenpohl HL
nger 650A4 Scherzo Cheetham WIM
642C5 Allegro Haydn/Jense FM(WJ) 650A5 Sonata in C Major (Play 2 cont. mvts.) Albonini/Hic Lud
n kman
642C6 March Moderne Ployhar CPP/B 650A6 Two Lyric Pieces (POP) Converse Rub
642C7 Horn Symphony (Any two cont. from Nos. Holmes Rub 650A7 Poketa Sechrist/Luh PEL
1-11) ring
642C8 German Horn Quartets, Vol. 2 (Play any Rosenthal WIM 650A8 Can Can Offenbach/F Ken
two from Nos. 32, 35, 36, 37 or 39) rankenpohl
642C9 Rondo from Divertimento No. 11 Mozart/Dish MMP
642C10 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP
Notebook ger

643A1 The Nonpareil Joplin/Frack Ken


Brass Quintet Class A-B-C 650 Brass Sextet Class A-B-C
Continued Continued
SelI D Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
650A9 Bring to the Lord the Honor Due His Name Bach/Krame Ken 660C4 When Johnny Comes Marching Home Hounsell CH
r 660C5 Little Suite Raphling EM
650A10 Sinfonietta for Brass Quintet (Play 1 & 2 Niehaus Ken 660C6 Coventry Carol Christensen Ken
or 2 & 3) 660C7 Three Marches of American Hodgson HE
650B1 Greensleeves Uber EM Revolutionary Days (Any 2)
650B2 Alleluia for Brass Quintet Mozart/Coo TMI 660C8 Album of Brass Sextets (Any 2 cont. Cacavas SMC
per mvts.)
650B3 Paduana VI and Gagliarda VI Posch/Fitzge MMP 660C9 Chorale and March Beethoven/L Rub
rald otzenhiser
650B4 Six Pieces (Play 4 cont. mvts.) Pezel/King RK 660C10 March and Fanfare Purcell/Barn Lud
650B5 Fugue in g minor Bach/Decker Ken es
650B6 Alleluia Tulerant Palestrina/L Pel
650B7 O Sacred Head Now Wounded Hassler/Albr Live Oak
echt House
650B8 Just for Show Niehaus Ken
650B9 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd MMP
650B10 Contrapunctus I Bach/Ramm MMP
650C1 Four Sketches (Mvt. 1 plus one other) Matthews WJ
650C2 Marching Song Solomon SMC BRASS CHOIR 661
650C3 Aria and Minuet Scarlatti/Joh Rub Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
650C4 Gavotte from Symphony #4 Boyce/Dishi MMP (5 to 18 performers, any combination)
650C5 Festival Repertoire (any one) Rub
650C6 The Last Goodbye Solomon SMC
Brass Choir Class A-B-C 661
650C7 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dish MMP
inger Instrumentation as specified in music. No percussion allowed
650C8 When Johnny Comes Marching Home Hounsell PEL
650C9 A Trilogy of Moravian Chorales Hounsell PEL
650C10 “Rigaudon” from Pieces de Clavecin Rameau/Dis MMP Sel ID Title Composer Pub
hinger 661A1 Canzon duodecimi toni Gabrieli/Kin RK
661A2 Sonata Pian’e Forte Gabrieli/Jon Chester/RK
No Exceptions 661A3 Alleluia from Anthem VIB Handel SP,Inc.
661A4 Sonata #12 from Hora Decima Pezel/Dishin MMP
2 Trumpets, Horn, & Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba 661A5 Gettysburg Uber EM
661A6 Two Ricerceri for Brass Instruments Osborne RK
661A7 Three Brass Cats Hazell (Chester)M
Brass Sextet Class A-B-C 660 MB
661A8 Sonata from Sonata e Conzoni Librosesto Buonamente RK
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 661A9 Grand Intrada Nelhybel (JB)EAM
660A1 Dance of the Tumblers Rimsky- KSM 661A10 Three Pieces from Water Music (I&II) Handel RK
Korsakov/Si 661B1 When I Can Read My Title Clear Gustafson SP,Inc.
ekman 661B2 Two Hymns for Brass Choir Uber SP,Inc.
660A2 Sonatina Kabalevsky Lud 661B3 Susato Suite (Play no. 6 plus any other Susato/Iveso MMB
660A3 Finale from Serenade in d minor, Op. 44 Dvorak/Luhr PEL two) n
ing 661B4 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme Bach/Haislip TM
660A4 Excerpt from a “Maritana” Wallace/Gue Bar 661B5 Magnificat Pachelbel/H TM
ntzel aislip
660A5 Joseph in Egypt Mehul/Finch CF 661B6 I Follow Lo the Footing Morley/Ram MMP
660A6 Russian Sailor’s Dance Gliere/Siek Bar m
mann 661B7 Antique Suite (Any 3) Horvit SP,Inc.
660A7 Six Pieces Pezel/King RK 661B8 In Dulce Jubilo Scheidt/Olso Great Works
660A8 Fantasy Sketch Schmutz CF n Pub.
660A9 Prelude and Fugue Mendelssoh Lud 661B9 Lord, I Only Have Thee Schutz/Perry MMP
n 661C1 The Brass Choir (Any 2 cont. tempos) Purcell CPP/B
660A10 8 Artistic Brass Sextets (Play Purcell Palmer/Fark MP 661C2 Ballets in Brass (Any 2 mvts.) Uber Ken
Suite) as 661C3 Junior Brass Choir Collection (play 1 from Findlay (CB)CF
660B1 Coronation March Myerbeer/H PEL No. 12, 14, 17 or 18)
ounsell 661C4 Phillis I Fain Would Die Now Morley/Ram MMP
660B2 Second Fantasy McKay Bar m
660B3 Two Intradas Franck Rub 661C5 Three Chorales for Brass Choir (Any 2) Whear Lud
660B4 March from Fidelio Beethoven/H Bar 661C6 Shenandoah Maganini EM
olmes 661C7 Invocation Schuetky/Wi SMC
660B5 Beachcomber’s Dance Uber EM enandt
660B6 Fantasia on One Note Purcell/Mag EM 661C8 Two Pieces Holborne/Ki RK
anini ng
660B7 Exaltabo Te, Domine Palestrina/W WIM 661C9 Conventry Carol arr.Christens Kenx
ise en
660B8 Suite for Brass Sextet Ostransky Rub 661C10 Saints Bound for Heaven Gustafson SP,Inc.
660B9 Chorale and Fugato Smith WJ
660B10 Beata es, Virgo Maria Gabrieli/Ols Great
on Works,Pub
660C1 Two Western Songs Milford Great Works
660C2 Bartok for Brass (Any 2) Bartok/Siek Bar
660C3 Christ Rising Again Byrd/Moore WIM

5 to 18 performers, (any combination)
No Exceptions

Brass Choir With Percussion Class A-B-C 662

Instrumentation as specified in music.

Sel ID Title Composer Pub
662A1 Suite for Brass Tyra SMC
662A2 Fanfare from Music for the Royal Handel/Dish MMP
Fireworks inger
662A3 Fanfare: 1964 Henderson WIM
662A4 Trois Chansons de Vincennes Schmidt WIM
662A5 Sky Signs (Play #1 plus one other) Uber EM
662A6 Fanfare for the Common Man Copland BH
662A7 Ellen Bayne Friederich/D MMP
662A8 Four Songs (Any 3) Schmidt WIM
662A9 Prelude for Brass Choir and Percussion Olsson MMP
662A10 Variations on an Advent Hymn (two mvts.) Tull WIM
662B1 Fanfare for Brass and Percussion Fisher SP,Inc.
662B2 Slavic March Nelhybel GM
662B3 Prelude and Allegro Smith WJ
662B4 Commemorative Fanfare Cheetham SP,Inc.
662B5 Prelude and Fanfare Purcell/Gord SMC
662B6 Chorale, March and Fugato Schmidt WIM
662B7 Introduction and Scherzo Niehaus HL
662B8 Two Military Marches Beethoven/D MMP
662B9 Prelude No. 14 Shostakovic WIM


2 to 6 performers
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

This event is for 2 to 5 brasses not otherwise provided for in

other events. (The number following the decimal point should
equal the number in the ensemble.) Note: Duets are for Middle
School and Junior High only.

The 670.2 equals 2 performers.

The 670.3 equals 3 performers.
The 670.4 equals 4 performers.
The 670.5 equals 5 performers
The 670.6 equals 6 performers


7 to 18 performers
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

This event is for 5 to 18 like brass instruments. (Trumpet Choir,

Trombone Choir, Horn Choir, Tuba choir, Euphonium Choir.)


5 to 18 performers
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Limit: one entry per school (Permitted only if the school does not
have a band of 19 or more eligible members). Suggest
performing music from the OSSAA band list.



No Exceptions
Woodwind Sonata 724
Selections performed from the 724 list are treated as an
Ensemble and may be performed with the music.
Class A only
Selection must come from this list to enter and perform.
This event is for piano and one woodwind instrument. Both participnts must be
students and both will be judged. Exceptions: Woodwind performer may perform Flute Trio Class A-B-C-730
as a solo if the pianist is not a student. Use correct entry code for each woodwind Continued
instrument. Example: Clarinet Solo is 203, Flute Solo is 202, Sel ID is the same for all.

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

724A1 Sonata in Bb Op. 12 (Play 1 or 3) (Three Lefevre OX 730B1 Scherzino Anderson/W Rub
Sonatas Op. 12) alter
724A2 Sonata
rd for Clarinet and Piano (Either 1 or Wanhal M&M 730B2 Five Pieces for 3 Flutes (Any 3 mvts.) Mozart UE
3 mvt.) 730B3 Invention Abaco/Schm WIM
724A3 Sonata in c minor (POP) (Play Adagio and Telemann/V Rub idt
2 other mvts.) oxman 730B4 The Entertainer Joplin/Walte Rub
724A4 Sonata No. 1 for Clarinet and Piano Brahms/Cav SMC/Hen rs
ally 730B5 Four Bagatelles (2 cont. mvts.) Beethoven/H SP, Inc.
724A5 Sonata for Clarinet (Mvt. III) Hindemith Sschott awkins
(EAM) 730B6 Platinum Promenade(Play D.C.) Spears Bar
724A6 Sonata I Poulenc MMB 730B7 3 Portraits for 3 Flutes Gurlitt JTL/Schott
724A7 Sonata No. 4 for Flute (Play I & 3 or 2 & Mozart/Cava SMC 730B8 Sonatina IV (Any 2 mvts.) Mozart/McL Rub
3) lly eod
724A8 Sonata No. 2 (Mvts. 1 & 2 or st3 & 4) Wilder Margun 730B9 Terzetto (Trio) No. 1 Pranzer/Vox SMC
724A9 Sonata for Flute and Piano (1 mvt) (POP) Beethoven Kal man
724A10 Sonata (Undine) Op. 167 (Intermezzo Reinecke/Ga GS 730B10 Four Seasons (Any 2 mvts.) McKay Bar
only) lway 730C1 Chamber Music for Three Flutes (Any 1) Voxman Rub
724A11 Sonata for Flute and Piano Vol. 1 or 2 Handel BMC 730C2 Habanera from “Carmen” Bizet/Christe Ken
(Any sonata) nsen
724A12 Sonata in F Major Handel EM 730C3 A Rovin’ Engenbretso Macie
724A13 Sonata in G for Oboe and Piano (Play 1, 3, Boni MMB n
& 4) 730C4 Advent Music I, Op. 8, No. 1 Thomas MMP
724A14 Sonata for Bassoon (Play any one mvt.) Fasch M&M 730C5 Rock-A-Bye Englebretson Macie
724A15 Baroque Sonata for Bassoon and Piano Laszio & BH 730C6 Sarabanda (3 mvt. from Sonata) Vivaldi/Row Ken
(Vol I) (Any one) Oliver e
724A16 Six Sonatas Vol. I & II (Any one) Galliard/Mar M&M 730C7 Fantasia on Nettleton Engebretson Macie
z 730C8 Minuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP
724A17 Sonata for Eb Alto Saxophone and Piano Jacobi Brn Notebook ger
(Any one mvt.) 730C9 Minuet and Finale Haydn/Merri Bar
724A18 Sonata for Alto Sax and Piano (All) Eccles/Rasc TP man
her 730C10 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Vede MMP
724A19 Sonata No. 5 (No repeats) Platti/Hervig Rub ski
724A20 Sonata No. 3 for Alto Saxophone and Handel/Rasc HL
Piano her CLARINET TRIO 731
724A21 Sonata Op. 19 for Alto Sax and Piano Creston SP, Inc
724A22 Sonata No. 4 for Alto Sax and Piano Bach/Mule Leduc No Exceptions
Clarinet Trio Class A-B-C 731
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
FLUTE TRIO 730 731A1 Allegro from Sonata K 279 Mozart/McL Ken
No Exceptions 731A2 Three-Part Inventions #7 & 8 Bach/Luhrin PEL
Flute Trio Class A-B-C 730 g
731A3 Sonata Hook/Rocho HE/G&M
Sel ID Title Composer Pub n
730A1 Grand Trio Op. 87 (Cuts allowed) Beethoven SMC 731A4 Sonatina III (Mvts. 1, 2, and 3) Mozart/McL Ken
730A2 Spanish Rondo Ostransky Rub eod
730A3 Dance of the Reed Pipes Tchaikovsky SMC/CF 731A5 Adagio Religioso Vogt/Voxma Rub
730A4 Sonata 7 ( No. 1) Boismortier/ BH n
Rawski 731A6 Woodwind Revels Endresen Rub
730A5 3 Grand Trios (Play 2 cont. mvts. From 1 Kuhlau TP 731A7 Trio Voor 3 Clarinetten Clementi- HE/G&M/U
trio) Kuhlau/Terv V
730A6 6 Trios for 3 Flutes (Play No. 2 or 4) Hook/Voxm Rub oort
an 731A8 Six Trios for 3 Flutes (or 3 Clarinets) (Play Hook Rub
730A7 Terzetto No. 5 Pranzer/Vox SMC any 1)
man 731A9 Sonata a Tre’ (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Albinoni/Lu PEL
730A8 Sonata in G, Op. 2 #5 (2 cont. mvts.) Ruge Piper Press bring
730A9 Sonata a Tre’ (2 C & 1 Alto flute) Albinoni/Lu PEL 731A10 Danse Des Mirlitons Tschaikowsk Rub
hring y/Davis
730A10 Sonatina in the Old Style(Play Mvt. 2 Van CF 731B1 Madrigal for Three Bb Clarinets Isaac/Schmi WIM
AND either 1 or 3) Leeuwen dt

Clarinet Trio Class A-B-C 731 Woodwind Trio Class A-B-C 732
Continued Continued

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
731B2 Chamber Music for 3 Clarinets (Vol 2) Voxman Rub 732C5 Chamber Music for 3 Woodwinds, Vol. 2 Voxman Rub
Pg. 32 or pg. 36) (Play one from pgs. 4, 8, 11, 14, 16, 24 or
731B3 Menuetto and Finale Beethoven/V Rub 26)
oxman 732C6 Chamber Music for 3 Woodwinds, Vol. 1: Voxman Rub
731B5 Sonatina I (Any 2 mvts.) Mozart/McL Ken (Play 1 from pgs. 6, 12, 14, 17 or 30)
eod 732C7 Dance of the Slovaks (POP) Bartok/Dishi SPR/CPP/B
731B6 Allegro from Op. 133, No. 5 Hook/Voxm SMC nger
an/Block 732C8 The Ash Grove Weller Alry
731B7 His Humour from the Fitz William Farnaby/Dis MMP 732C9 Chamber Music for 3 Woodwinds, Vol. 1: Voxman Rub
Virginal Book hinger (Play any 2 from pgs. 2, 3, 4, 10 or 11)
731B8 Platinum Promenade Spears Bar 732C10 Baroque Suite (Any 1) Arr. MMP
731B9 Bouree Handel/Bran CF Dishinger
731B10 8 Clarinet Trios of the 18th Century (Any Weston Sch FLUTE QUARTET 740
731C1 “Rigaudon” from Pieces de Clavecin, 1724 Rameau/Dis MMP No Exceptions
hinger Flute Quartet Class A-B-C 740
731C2 Menuetto Haydn/Trox CPP/B
ell Sel ID Title Composer Pub
731C3 Gavotte Purcell/Vede MMP 740A1 Grand Quartet, Op. 92 (Mvt. 2 plus 1 or 4) Kohler SMC
ski 740A2 Epigrams McGinty Alry
731C4 Chamber Music for 3 Clarinets Vol. 1 (pgs. Voxman Rub 740A3 Jewish Folksong Suite (Mvt. 1 & 2 or 2 & Isaacson Alry
12, 28, 31 or 40) (Play any 1) 3)
731C5 Volkslied Variationen Hilliard Macie 740A4 Sinfonica (Mvt. 1 or 2) Reicha CB
731C6 Andantino Sor/Dishinge MMP 740A5 Italian Medley McLeod Ken
r 740A6 Canon and Gigue Pachelbel/W Rub
731C7 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dish MMP alker
inger 740A7 Divertimento for Flute Quartet (Any 4 Haydn/Frack SP, Inc.
731C8 Menuet from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dish MMP mvts.) enpohl
inger 740A8 Polka for 4 Braatz PEL
731C9 Menuet in G Bach/Dishin MMP 740A9 Four Miniatures Leeuwin SMC
ger 740A10 Divertimento for Four Flutes (Any 4) Cohen WIM
731C10 Menuet from Three Piano Pieces Marpurg/Dis 740B1 Black and White Rag Botsford/Mc Ken
hinger Leod
740B2 Habanera Bizet/Christi Ken
740B3 An Elizabethan Suite (3 C & 1 alto flute) Morgan EMC
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 740B4 Lovely Fields So Gentle Gluck/Ephro SMC
Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, ss
(or Bassoon) 740B5 Tioga Waltz Foster/Bolan Alry
Woodwind Trio Class A-B-C 732 740B6 Sonatina Giocosa McKay Bar
740B7 Sanguinity Scarlatti/Mo Ken
Sel ID Title Composer Pub rgan
732A1 Scherzo (With repeats) Tustin Bar
740B8 Sarabanda and Govotta Corelli/John Rub
732A2 Fuga XIII Bach/Schmi WIM son
740B9 Fugue for Flute Quartet Hounsell PEL
732A3 Trio No. 1 (Any mvt.) Demachi/Dis MMP 740B10 Elegie Jongen SMC
hinger 740C1 Aria and Minuet Scarlatti/Joh Rub
732A4 Trio in F, Op. 32 Kummer/Vo Rub nson
xman 740C2 Two Folk Songs by Bartok Bartok/McG Ken
732A5 Tarantella Tustin Bar
732A6 Prelude and Fugue Schmidt WIM 740C3 Quartet Repertoire (Play 1 from Nos. 1, 2, Voxman Rub
732A7 Fugue Czernohotsk MMP
9 or 12)
y/Dishinger 740C4 Four of a Kind Scarmolin Bar
732A8 Trio (Fl. Cl. Bsn) Peters Pet
740C5 Four Flutes or More (Any 1) Parry-Parker OX
732A9 Divertimento Hounsell/Lu PEL 740C6 Andante Grazioso McLeod Ken
740C7 Ambage McGinty Alry
732A10 Trio (2 cont. mvts.) Maxwell WIM 740C8 Chanson Triste Tschaikowsk Rub
732B1 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd/Dishin MMP
ger 740C9 Londonderry Air Arr. Ken
732B2 Badinage Koepke Rub Lombardo
732B3 Alleluja (Fl.Cl.Bsn) Mozart/Elka HE 740C10 Suite Pastoral McKay Bar
732B4 Fantasia For Three Gibbons/Cla EM
732B5 Sonatina in G (Fl.Cl.Bsn.) Haydn/Lyon MMB
732B6 7 Pieces (2 cont. mvts.) Hovey BH
732B7 Czech Suite (No repeats or D.S.) Blahnik AP
732B8 The Entertainer Joplin/Halfer Ken
732B9 Minuet from Sym. in D Haydn/Luhri PEL
732B10 Three Sinfonias (Play all 3) Rossi/Ephro SMC

732C1 The St. Catherine Rigaudon Barrett/Dishi MMP

732C3 Ode to Joy Beethoven/H Ken
732C4 Chamber Music for 3 Woodwinds, Vol. 2 Voxman Rub
(Play any 2 from pgs. 2, 3, 15, 22 or 27)

No Exceptions

NOTE: (Music from 742 list may be used if it is published for Clarinet Quartet Class A-B-C 742
Bb clarinet also.) Continued

Bb Clarinet Quartet Class A-B-C 741 Bb, Bb, Alto, Bass Clarinet
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
741A1 Celebration Suite, Op. 41 (Play all) Heim Ken 742B2 Andante Op. 60, No. 2 Bohne/Vox Rub
741A2 Allegro con Spirito Kuhlau/Tusti Bar man
n 742B3 On the Boulevard McKay Bar
741A3 Black and White Rag Botsford/Mc Ken 742B4 Ensemble Classics, Bk. 2 (Play pg. 28 or Voxman Rub
Leod any 2 from pgs: 2, 6, 12, 17, or 20)
741A4 Fugue in g minor Bach/Crabb Sp, Inc 742B5 Chase of the Centaurs Walker Bar
741A5 Petit Quartet (Cuts allowed) Crosse BH 742B6 Andante from Bb Major Quartet Dittersdorf/ Lud
741A6 Last Spring Grieg/Donat WIM Barr
elli 742B7 Caprice for Clarinets Grundman BH
741A7 Five pieces (Omit No. 2) McKay JTL 742B8 Menuetto Mozart/Vos SMC
741A8 Suite for 4 Equal Clarinets (Mvt. 2 plus 1 Smith Bar man/Block
or 3) 742B9 Fugue for Clarinet Quartet Hounsell PEL
741A9 Sarabanda and Gavotta Corelli/John Rub 742B10 Etude Op. 32, No. 2 Jensen/Rubi JTL
son n
741A10 Sonata V (Mvts. 2, 3, & 4) Handel/Dish MMP 742C1 Six Antiphonal Choruses (Any 2) Schubert/Sc WIM
inger hmidt
741B1 Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd MMP 742C2 Two Tone Poems MacDowell/ Bar
741B2 Sounds of the Sea Roden Bar McKay
741B3 Serenade (mvts. 4 AND 5) Mozart/Luri WIM 742C3 Woodland Sketches MacDowell/ Lud
e Harris
741B4 Polonaise and Finale Mozart/Merr Bar 742C4 Six Discussions (Round Dance) Cazden JS
iman 742C5 An Der Wiege Grieg/Donat WIM
741B5 Andante and Minuetto Schmidt/Vo Rub elli
xman 742C6 Ensemble Classics, Bk. 2 (Play pg 2, 12 or Voxman Rub
741B6 Rowland Byrd MMP 17)
741B7 Valse Scherzo Walker Bar 742C7 Galway Pipers Hurrell Rub
741B8 Italian Medley McLeod Ken 742C8 Minuet and March Beethoven/A Bar
741B9 Suite in Three Mvts. (Play mvts. 1 & 2) Corelli/Dishi MMP yres
nger 742C9 Sailor’s Song Couperin/Di MMP
741B10 Andante and Fughetta Bach Bar shinger
741C1 Six Fughettas (Play any 2) Von Sch 742C10 Sarabande and Finale (Play only Liadow/Vox Rub
Weber/Horto Sarabande) man
741C2 Gavotte Boyce MMP
741C3 Americana Suite (Any Mvt.) Arr. MMP
741C4 Clarinet Symphony (Play any 1 from # 1-# Holmes Rub No Exceptions
741C5 Little Minuet Knighton BH
741C6 Bouree Handel/Barr CPP/B Saxophone Quartet Class A-B-C 743
741C7 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Handel/Dish MMP
inger Sel ID Title Composer Pub
741C8 Madrigal, Modonna mia gentil Marenzio/Di MMP 743A1 Pollywog’s Lake Talk (AATB) Ulman MMP
shinger 743A2 Scherzo (AATB) Mielenz/Vox Rub
741C9 Bach Chorales (Any 2) Bach/Johnso Rub man
n 743A3 Fantazia (SATB) Gibbons/He SMC
741C10 March from Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi MMP mke
nger 743A4 Fantasie (SATB) Teleman/Les JTL
CLARINET QUARTET 742 743A5 Maple Leaf Rag Joplin/McLe Ken
No Exceptions 743A6 Mississippi Rag Krell/Franke Ken
Bb, Bb, Alto, Bass Clarinet Quartet Class A-B-C 742 743A7 Fugue on a Theme by Corelli (SATB) Bach/Schmi WIM
743A8 Rondo Caprice Lancen Molnaar
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
742A1 American Sketch McKay Bar 743A9 Serenade Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K 525 Mozart/Nava Roncorp
742A2 Fuga IX Art of the Fugue Bach/Rosent WIM rre
hal 743A10 Prelude and Polka (SATB) Dvorak/Ron Roncorp
742A3 Sonata II, Op. 14, No. 2 Clementi/Lu PEL kin
hring 743B1 Prelude II (SATB) Gershwin/Pe Roncorp
742A4 Fugue A La Gigue Bach/Auslen WIM rconte
743B2 Quartet de L’Arlesienne (AATB) Bizet/Johnso Rub
742A5 Allegro Breve Summers WIM n
743B3 Elegy (AATB) (Play all) Schwartz JTL
742A6 Allegro from Quartet in C, K. 157 Mozart/Vox Rub
742A7 Square Dance Raphling EM
742A8 Allegro Con Brio String Quartet, Op. 18, Beethoven/ CF
No. 1 Wilson
742A9 Andante, Op. 16 Godard/Don WIM
742A10 Sonata IV, Op. 16, No. 1 Clementi/Lu PEL
742B1 Andante and Fughetta Bach/Ayres Bar

Saxophone Quartet Class A-B-C 743 WOODWIND QUINTET 750
Continued No Exceptions
Flute, oboe, horn, clarinet, bassoon,
(Bass clarinet may substitute for bassoon if absolutely necessary.)

Woodwind Quintet Class A-B-C 750

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
743B4 Irish Suite (AATB) (Play all) Del Borgo Ken 744C5 Ricecare in the Twelfth Mode Gabrieli/Me MMP
743B5 Canzona (AATB) Maschere/Di MMP yer
shinger 744C6 Serenade for Heidi Guenthere CPP/B
743B6 Three Slavonic Dances (AATB) (Play all) Dvorak/Blah AP 744C7 Scarf Dance Chaminade/ CPP.B
nik Guenther
743B7 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche (AATB) Byrd/Dishin MMP 744C8 Pomponette Durand/Leo CPP/B
ger nard
743B8 Two Miniatures (AATB) Blackwell/Bl AP 744C9 Hornpipe for a Gay Dolphin Filippi HE
ahnik 744C10 Idyl (POP) Leonard CPP/B
743B9 Rialto Ripples (SATB) Gershwin/Pe Roncorp
rconti 750A1 Quintet #2 Op. 88 #2 (Mvts. 1, 3 & 4 or 1, Reicha WIM
743B10 A Study In Contrasts Nestico Ken 2 & 3)
743C1 Tarentella (AATB) Engebretson Macie 750A2 Dance and Interlude Pruvis Ken
743C2 Beau Soir (SATB) Debussy/Sch WIM 750A3 Pollywog’s Lake Talk Ulman/Dishi MMP
midt nger
743C3 Suite (SAAT) (Play all) Gretchaninof JTL 750A4 Poketa Sechrist/Luh PEL
f/Lester ring
743C4 Largo and Finale from New World Sym. Dvorak/Blah AP 750A5 Intermezzo Popkin Alry
(AATB) nik 750A6 Allegro Siennicki/Hi Lud
743C5 Noel Nouvelet (AATB) Engebretson Macie te
743C6 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite Purcell/Vede MMP 750A7 Two Joplin Rags (Both) Joplin/Frack SP, Inc
ski enpohl
743C7 Gymnopedie #1 (SATB) Satie/Greenb WIM 750A8 Quintet in Eb (2 cont. mvts.) Beethoven TP
erg 750A9 3 for 5 (Mvts. 1 & 2 or 2 & 3) White SP, Inc
743C8 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP 750A10 Sonata No. V in Four Mvts. (Play Mvts. 2 Handel/Dish MMP
Notebook (AATB) ger & 4) inger
743C9 Sarabande and Air (AATB) Handel/John Rub 750B1 Allegretto Schubert/Ho Bar
son lmes
743C10 Gavotte in Rondeau (AATB) Lully/Post MMP 750B2 Rondo in F Beethoven/T CB
WOODWIND QUARTET 744 750B3 Horn Pipe Handel/Chri Ken
No Exceptions 750B4 Menuetto from Symphony No. 2 Haydn/Holm Bar
Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon 750B5 Gigue Mattheson/R MMP
750B6 Prelude and Fugue in g minor Bach/Rosent WIM
Woodwind Quartet Class A-B-C 744 hal
750B7 Shenandoah Arr. Brown Bar
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 750B8 Prelude XXII, Vol. 1 (POP) Bach/Kessle Rub
744A1 3 Liturgical Preludes Schmidt WIM r
744A2 3 Show Tunes Parfry Ken 750B9 Contrapunctus I Bach/Dishin MMP
744A3 Fugue Op. 56, No. 2 Reger/Brow WIM ger
n 750B10 Quintetto in Bb Major (Any 2) Brennsteiner MMP
744A4 Will-O-the-Wisp Scarmolin Bar /Thomas
744A5 Divertimento Mozart/Gee CPP/B 750C1 Three Nautical Characters (Any 2) McKay Bar
744A6 Alegro Con Brio No. 4 Hayden/Hah CF 750C2 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Op. 3, No. 4 Handel/Dish MMP
n inger
744A7 Whimsico Suite (Mvt. 1 & 2, plus 3 or 4) Hounsell PEL 750C3 Sailor’s Song Couperin/Di MMP
744A8 Serenade for Woodwinds Kantor JTL shinger
744A9 Fugue No. 14 Bach/Luhrin PEL 750C4 Rigaudon from Pieces De Clavecin, 1724 Rameau/Dis MMP
g hinger
744A10 Divertimento (Flute, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon Haydn/Sher MMP 750C5 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post MMP
is allowed) (any 3) man 750C6 Two Welsh Folk Songs Milford Great Works
744B1 Fugue for Woodwind Quartet Hounsell/Lu PEL 750C7 Menuetto and Trio (Ens. Rep. No. 2) Haydn/Vox Rub
hring man
744B2 Enchanted Forest Buchtel NAK 750C8 A Winter’s Willow Vaughan MMP
744B3 3 Nautical Characters (all) McKay Bar Williams
744B4 Three Slavonic Dances (any 2) Dvorak/Blah AP 750C9 Romance in Bb Christensen Ken
nik 750C10 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin MMP
744B5 Four Miniatures (Any 2 mvts.) Kingman WIM Notebook ger
744B6 Scherzino Karganov/Pa Ken
744B7 Fugue No. 4 (POP) Bach/McKa Bar
744B8 Danse Grotesque Scarmolin Bar
744B9 Lullaby for Alexandra Datshkovsky SMC
744B10 Bouree Bach/Rice/Y Alry
744C1 Ensemble Time (Any two EXCEPT 11,12, Whistler/Hu Rub
13) mmel
744C2 Largo and Finale Dvorak/Blah AP
744C3 Songs for Manàna Guenthere CPP/B
744C4 Petite Fugue Handel/Ostli CPP/B
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Instrument as specified in music – 5 to 18 clarinets; any Instrumentatation: 7 tro 18 Performers, French Horns Permitted, No
combination, percussion.
(Substitute bassoon or string bass for contra bass clarinet if none
No percussion allowed. No percussion allowed.
Clarinet Choir A-B-C-761 Miscellaneous Woodwind Ensemble 771
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
761A1 Canzona per Sonare No. 2 Gabrieli/Ayr Bar
es 771A1 Aria and Fughetta Frackenpohl SP, Inc
761A2 Rondo from Serenade #10 Mozart/Pilli WIM
771A2 Fugue No. IV (Max 16 players) (POP) Bach/McKa Bar
n y
761A3 Andante from Sinfonia in Bb Major Bach/Heim Ken
771A3 Finale Sym. No. 93 (Choir) Haydn/Livin SP, Inc
761A4 Capriccio Schwarz Rub gston
761A5 Mississippi Rag Kroll/Franke Ken 771A4 Gavotte (Choir) Hirsch SP, Inc
npohl 771A5 Pavanne Ravel/Thorn SP, Inc
761A9 Divertimento I Haydn/Hind SMC ton
771A6 Feld-Parthie in F Haydn/Wast BH
761A10 Pavane Op. 50 Faure/Lester JTL/WIM all
761B1 Menuetto Mozart/John Rub
771A7 A Pleasantry Overture for Woodwinds Vierne/Rhoa SP, Inc
son ds
761B2 Prelude in F Major Bach/Schmi WIM
771A8 Sinfoniette for Woodwind Octet, Op. 48 Novacek/Dis WIM
dt hinger
761B3 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Bach/del Ken
771B1 Two Elegiac Melodies Grief/Dawso SP, Inc
Borgo n
761B4 Polonaise and Passipieds Telemann/Jo Rub
771B2 Bouree (POP) Bach/Gee SP, Inc
hnson 771B3 Three Pieces from “Rosamunde” (Any 2 Schubert/Car OX
761B5 Sarabande and Allegro Handel/Vox Rub cont. mvts.) (POP) ter
man 771B4 Prelude in c minor Vierne/Rhoa SP, Inc
761B6 Adagio Cantabile from Sonata No. 8 Beethoven/J Rub ds
771B5 Musette McKay Bar
761B7 Four Early American Spirituals (Play 1 & Tamiami WIM 771B6 Menuetto and Trio Schubert/Ho SP, Inc
2 or 3 & 4)
761B8 Bear Dance Bartok/Schm WIM 771B7 A Folk-Song Suite for Woodwinds (POP) Bissell BH
771C1 The Water Music (POP) Handel/Jenki Chester
761B9 Concerto in Eb Major No. 34 Vivaldi/Pete CPP/B ns
771C2 Play Woodwind (No. 1, 2 or 3) (POP) Arr. OX
761B10 Psalm Eighteen Marcello/He Ken Benoy/Harri
761C1 Three Pieces for Clarinet Choir-Ave Mozart/Tho MMP 771C3 Galliard Arbeau/Gee SP, Inc
Verum Corpus (Play 3 or 1 & 3) mas 771C4 Smokey Joe Jenkins Chester
761C2 Lord Randall Oliver EM 771C5 Pavane Byrd, Gee SP, Inc
761C3 Motet Op. 29, No.1 (pg. 3 in Clarinet Choir Brahms/Vox Rub 771C6 10 Masterworks (Choir) (Play 2 or 4 or 5 Arr. Pelz SP, Inc
Repertoire) man
& 6)
761C4 Chorus from the Magic Flute (p. 6) Mozart/Tho CC03MMP
761C5 3rd Movement, Symphony No. 94 Haydn/Johns Rub
761C6 Fugue in d minor Bach/Dishin MMP
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
761C7 Theme from Concerto No. 21 (2 mvt.) Mozart/Morr CPP/B
(POP) is Instrumentation as specified in music: 5 to 18 flutes, any
761C8 Valse a la Scherzo (Clarinet Choir Walters Rub
Repertoire) combination.
761C9 Menuet and Trio Op. 78 (POP) Schubert/Joh Rub
761C10 Woodland Sketches (Mvts. 1 & 2) MacDowell/ Ken Flute Choir Class A-B-C 772
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
772A1 Madrigals (C flute only) Adler SMC
772A2 Procession of the Sardar (no percussion) Ippolitov- SMC
MISCELLANEOUS WOODWIND DUETS, 770.2, 3, or 4 Ivanov/Thur
772A3 Canon in D Pachelbel/W SMC
Duets are allowed only in Junior High and Middle School ebb
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 772A4 Prelude and Fugue in e minor Bach/Webb Alry

(The number following the decimal point should equal the

number in the ensemble.)

Flute Choir Class A-B-C 772 Saxophone Choir Class A-B-C 773
Continued Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer {ib
772A5 Symphony No. 1 Boyce/Behn Alry 773B1 Alleluia Tulerunt Palestrina/L PEL
ke uhring
772A6 Sonata Pian’e Forte Gabriel/Ephr SMC 773B2 Danza Espanol No. 1 (with repeats) Grannados/L JTL
uss ester
772A7 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Mozart/Mc Alry 773B3 Serenade Moss JTL
Wayne 773B4 Four Early American Spirituals (Any 2) Schmidt WIM
772A8 The Cascades Joplin/Inglef Alry 773B5 Grave W.F. MMP
ield Bach/Dishin
772A9 Fugue (2 choirs) Berlioz/Rear Alry ger
ick 773B6 Kyrie Palestrina/Le JTL
772A10 Miniature Overture from Nutcracker Tchaikovsky Alry ster
/Axtell 773B7 Allerseelen Strauss/John Rub
772B1 Alleluja from Exutate Jubilate Mozart/Axte Alry son/Johnson
ll 773B8 Happy Scherzo Dishinger MMP
772B2 Apollo March Bruckner/Th SMC 773B9 Belte Poiche T’assenti Venosa/Sch WIM
urston midt
772B3 Sugar Plum and Mistletoe Isaacson Alry 773B10 The Swan Palmgren/Le JTL
772B4 8 Madrigals (Any 4) Cavally SMC ster
772B5 The Savoyards Sullivan/Eph SMC 773C1 Bear Dance Bartok WIM
ross 773C2 Sarabande and Courante Corelli/John Rub
772B6 Air from the Suite in D Bach/Christe SMC son
nsen 773C3 Pizza Party Walters Rub
772B7 Tambourin Gossec/Axte Alry 773C4 Alle Breve (AATTB) Bach/Dishin MMP
ll ger
772B8 School Days Lombardo Alry 773C5 The Four Note Pavan (SAATB) Ferrabosco/S WIM
772B9 Variations on a Theme of Paganini Avey Alry chmidt
772B10 Scarborough Fair Rice/Young Alry 773C6 Eight Russian Folk Songs (Any 2) Liadov/Sch WIM
772C1 Prelude Zaninelli Alf (SAATB) midt
772C2 Three Gymnopedies (C flutes) Satie/McGin Alry 773C7 Der Freischutz (POP) Weber Rub
try 773C8 Christ Rising Again (SAATTB) Byrd/Schmi WIM
772C3 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Watts/Rise/ Alry dt
Young 773C9 Fugue in d minor (AATTB) Bach/Dishin MMP
772C4 Bouree Bach/Young Alry ger
772C5 Cantique De Jean Racine Faure/Wye Alry 773C19 Menuetto (AATTB) Pugnani/Dis MMP
772C6 12 Canons (Play any 3) Brahms/Ken Lud hinger
772C7 Pie Jesu Faure/Behnk Alry
772C8 Allegro Maestoso from the Water Music Handel/Bada Alry
772C9 Spanish Love Song Pearce Alry
772C10 Londonderry Air Grainer/Web Alry 5 to 18 performers
b Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Limit: one entry per school (Permitted only if the school does not
have a band of 19 or more eligible members). Suggest
SAXOPHONE CHOIR 773 performing music from the OSSAA band list.
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Instrumentation as specified in music - 5 to 18 saxophones, any

No percussion allowed.

Saxophone Choir Class A-B-C 773

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

773A1 Fugue XXII (Sax Quintet) Bach/Schmi WIM
773A2 Poketa Sechrist/Luh PEL
773A3 Mvt. II “Menuetto” from Serenade in d Dvorak/Luhr PEL
minor ing
773A4 “Fugue” from Prelude and Fugue No. 10 Bach/Dishin MMP
773A5 Jesu, Meine Freunde (SAATB) Bach/Brown WIM
773A6 Little Fugue in g minor Bach/Schmi WIM
773A7 Octet in Eb, Mvt. 1 Hummel/Gai AP
773A8 Arabesque Debissy/Sch WIM
773A9 “Rondo” from Serenade #10 Mozart/Sch WIM
773A10 Organ Fugues (I & II) Mendelssoh WIM



No Exceptions

Selections performed from the 824 list are treated as an

Ensemble and may be performed with the music.
Required Selection – Class A only.
This event is for piano and one string instrument. Both participnts must be
students and both will be judged. Exception: String performers may enter as a solo String Sonata 824
if the pianist is not a student. Use correct entry code for each string instrument. Continued
Example: Violin – 301 is Violin Solo; 302 is a Viola Solo; Sel ID would be the
same for all.
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
824A1 300 Years of Violin Music (Late Baroque) Szeredi/Ver EMB8960 824A38 Sonata in e minor for Double Bass and Telemann/Sa 2298-Int
(Any one except Nardini) mes BH Piano nkey
824A2 300 Years of Violin Music (Italian Szeredi/Ver EMB8988 824A39 Sonatina (Any two mvts.) Pitfield Yorke/Gal
Baroque) (Italian Baroque) mes BH 824A40 Sonata in G Major Eccles/Zim 1712 Int
824A3 10 Sonatas (1,2,4 or 5) (1 or last mvt.) Beethoven Int. merman
824A4 Sonata in A (Mvt. 2 or 4 ) Frank 3281-Int
824A5 Sonatina in G, Op. 100 (2 cont. mvts.) Dvorak K03449 Kal
Sonata in d minor, Op. 108 (1 or 4
Brahams L792-CF TWO VIOLINS 820.1
mvt.) Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
824A7 Sonata in F Major Mendelssoh 6075 Pet Two Violins Class A-B-C 820.1
st rd
824A8 Sonata in Bb K 454 or K 378 (1 or 3 Mozart Int./GS Sel ID Title Composer Pub
mvt.) 820.1A1 Double Concerto in d minor Shostakovic Int.
824A9 12 Sonate per violino e bass continuo, Bibslfi EMB12129 h
(Vol. I) (Play any two mvts. From 2, 3, 4, 5 BH 820.1A2 Sonatas in Canon Form, 6, Op. 5 for 2 Telemann 4394 Pet
or 6) vlns. (Sonatas, I, II, IV or VI)
824A10 12 Sonate per violino e bass continuo Op. Corelli EMB12050 820.1A3 44 Violin Duets (Play any 3 from Vol. 1: Bartok BH
5 (Play any two mvts. From 1, 2, or 3) BH Nos. 21-25, Vol. II; Nos. 26-44)
824A11 Sonate (Any two mvts.) Majorelle TP 820.1A4 2 Duets, Op. 5 (2 cont. mvts.) Boccherini 1206 Int.
824A12 Sonata Op. 147 Shostakovitc 50335600 st rd
820.1A5 Double Concerto in a minor (1 or 3 Vivaldi 1865 Int.
h GS mvt.)
824A13 Sonata in d minor, Op. 5, No. 8 (2 cont. Corelli 728 Int st rd
820.1A6 Double Concerto in d minor (1 or 3 Bach Int./Suzuki
mvts.) mvt.) Bk 4 & 5
824A14 3 Viola da Gamba Sonatas (Any sonata, 2 Bach 881-Int 820.1A7 Drei Balletti, Op. 3 (Any 1 ballet) Albinoni Sch
cont. mvts.) 820.1A8 Sonatas, Op. 2 (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-Play 2 Handel Sch
824A15 Sonata in g minor (Any two mvts.) (POP) Handel/Dart Sch cont. mvts. of any one)
824A16 Viola Sonata in d minor (Any mvt.) (POP) Glinka Rub 820.1A9 Sonata in D Major for Violin and Piano Tartini 646-Int
824A17 Sonata No. 4 in D Major (Any 2 cont. Handel Gal (All)
mvts.) (Imported) 820.1A10 Seven Joplin Rags (Any two) Joplin/Chan LD168,SP,In
824A18 Three Sonatinas K, 439B: Sonatina in F Mozart/Cour HE dler c.
Major, No.1; Sonatina in E-flat Major, te 820.1B1 Canzona, Op. 1 Thomas TV02-MMP
No.2; Sonatina in G Major, No. 3 (Any 2 820.1B2 Violin Masters duet repertoire Album (Any Whistler/Hu Rub
mvts) (POP) of the following duets) mmel
824A19 Sonata Op. 93 (chaoudens) (1 mvt only) Marteli C405 Pet (Play one from:)
(POP) A. Allegro from the Sonata in A Corelli
824A20 Sonata in B Major (POP) Purcell/Forb OX B. Adante from the Duo Sonata in G Tartini
es C. Concerto Grosse in d minor Vivaldi
824A21 Sonate in D (Any two mvts.) Telemann TP D.Dudziarz (the Country Fiddler) Wieniawski
824A22 Sonata in D Major Op. 78 (Any mvt.) Brahms 2499 Int E. Duettino in F Dancia
824A23 Deusieme Sonate Op. 117 (Any mvt.) Faure 514-00500 F. Duo Brillante Rode
TP G. Duo Celebre Pleyel
824A24 5 Sonatas for Piano & Violincello (Any Beethoven/S 50256440GS H. Duo Perpetuo Fiorillo
mvt.) chultz I. Duo Symphonique Campognoli
824A25 Sonata (Any mvt.) Heiden 61192-624- J. Rondo Elegante Kreutzer
Peer TP 820.1B3 Bach Easy Violin Duets (Play one from 3, Bach/Heinri Pet
824A26 Sonata No. 1 in C minor Opus 32 (mvt. 1) Saint-Saens 2888-Int 10, 11 or 13) chshofen
824A27 Sonata Opus 40 (Any mvt) Shostakovic 4445-Kal. 820.1B4 Sonata in b minor (2 cont. mvts.) Purcell EM/K0646K
h AL
824A28 Two Sonatas in C Major and G Major Marcello/Sta 2490-Int 820.1B5 12 Sonatas, Op. 2 (Any one) Corelli Int
(either one) (any two mvts) rker 820.1B6 24 Duets (Any duet) Mancinelli/ MMP
824A29 Violincello Kompositionen (any one mvt. Mendelssoh 1735 Pet Dishinger
of any sonata) n/Chanbly 820.1B7 12 Little Duets, Op. 38 (Any one) Mazas/Schra 50254360-
824A30 Sonata in Bb Major (Two cont. mvts.) Romberg B3350-CF dieck 70-GS
824A31 3 Viola da Gamba Sonatas (Any sonata, 2 Bach Int./PET/Kal 820.1B8 Home Concert Series (Any two duets) Suzuki SB
cont. mvts.) /B&H 820.1B9 44 Violin Duets (Any one duet) Bartok BH
824A32 3 Sonatas for Double Bass and Piano (One Zimmerman SF 820.1B10 Mandoline Debussy EM
Slow and One Fast mvt. from any Sonata) n/Drew
824A33 Six Sonatas for String Bass & Piano (Two Vivaldi/Dre 1894-GS
mvts. From any sonata) w
824A34 Sonata in g minor (POP) Handel/Sliwi Marks
824A35 Sonata for Double Bass and Piano Hindemith 4043 SC
824A36 6 Sonatas for Double Bass and Piano Marcello/Dr 50262690
ew GS
824A37 3 Sonatas for Double Bass and Piano Scarlatti/Dre 50262450
w GS

Two Violin Class A-B-C 820.1 Two Violas Class A-B-C 820.2
Continued Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
820.1C1 12 Easy Duets K.V. 487 (Any two) Mozart 4518 Pet 820.2C5 Rounds, Canons and Catches for String Garofalo Meredith
820.1C2 Bach Easy Violin Duets (Play one from 1, Bach/Heinri Pet Orch. and Ensembles (Any 2 from pgs. 15-
2, 4, 5, 6, or 9) chshofer 22)
820.1C3 Pairs for Violins (Play one: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 or Nelson SAB73 BH 820.2C6 Duets for Strings, Vol. 2 (Any 2) Applebaum EL 02019-
8) CPP/B
820.1C4 Selected Duets, Vol. I Whistler/Hu Rub 820.2C7 1st solos for the Viola Player (and Duets) Doktor 50331330-
mmel (Any mvt. from pp. 13-23) GS
(Play one from:)
A. Allegro from the Fifth Duo Pleyel
B. Allegro from the Fourth Duo Pleyel TWO CELLOS 820.3
C. Andante – Caprice DeBeriot Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
D. Au Printemps Viotti
E. Ballet-Melodie Mazas
F. Duo De Concert Wohlfahrt
Two Cellos Class A-B-C 820.3
G. La Farfelletta Campognoli
H. Marche-Processionnel Dancla Sel ID Title Composer Pub
I. Menuet from the First Duo Pleyel 820.3A1 5 Duos for 2 Cellos (#1 or #5) Stevens 6028 Pet
820.1C5 Polytekniks (Easy Violin Duets) (Play 2, 3, Waterfiel Faber 820.3A2 Six Duos Op. 49, Vol. II (Any one duo) Offenbach Sto4647-Sch
4, 6, or 13) 820.3A3 Six Canonic Sonatas (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Telemann/Ti H1444Pet
820.1C6 Two in One (Play one from: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Nelson SAB69 BH cciati
14 or 16) 820.3A4 Sonata in C Major (Any mvt.) Boccherini 1448 Int
820.1C7 Duets for Violin-Second parts to Selections Suzuki SB 820.3A5 Sonata in C Major (Any mvt.) Schetky/Tho TC04MMP
from Violin School, Vols. 1, 2, 3 (Duets mas
12, 13, 14, 15, or 16) 820.3A6 Concerto for two Cellos in g minor, Vol. 6 Vivaldi/Suzu SB
820.1C8 Nine Duets (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) Hartmann/Di DL43 MMP st
(1 mvt.) ki
shinger 820.3A7 Sonaten Opus 43 (Any mvt.) Romberg/Gr 2169 Pet
820.1C9 Six Duets (Any mvt.) Homan/Dish MMP utzmacher
inger 820.3A8 6 Duets, Vol. II (#5 or #6) Kummer 2858 Int
820.1C10 12 Duets (Play one from 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, or Bach/Dishin MMP 820.3A9 Suite for Two Cellos Bach/Varga MP020MMP
12) ger 820.3A10 Leichtes Duospiel fur 2 Violincelli, Vol. II Koch 6280 Sch
(6-7, 8-9, or 16-17)
820.3B1 Six Duos Op. 49, Vol. I (Any one duo) Offenbach STO4646-
TWO VIOLAS 820.2 820.3B2 Duets for Young Cellists (Any 2 from 4- Bach, J.S. N4099 Pet
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 14)
820.3B3 Leichte Cello Duette, Vol. II (Any 2 from Bendik/Storc 5277 Sch
Two Violas Class A-B-C 820.2 pgs. 7,10,22, or 23) h
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 820.3B4 12 Violincello Duette, Vol. 1 No. 70 (Any Schetky Magna
820.2A1 Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B Major Bach, J. S. H670 Pet 2 cont. mvts.)
(Any mvt.) 820.3B5 Nine Duets (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Handel/Dish TC06 MMP
820.2A2 3 Duets (Any mvt.) Bach, W. F. H84-Pet inger
820.2A3 Six Duos Op. 7, Vol. 1 (Any mvt.) Michel/Dishi MMP 820.3B6 Romanza from Duets for Two Cellos Mazas/Grant Lud
nger 820.3B7 Nine Duets (Any one from Nos. 4 through Hartmann/Di MMP
820.2A4 Three Duets for 2 Violas, VOL 1 (Any 2 Stamitz VAB32 Sch 9) shinger
cont. mvts.) 820.3B8 Twelve Duets KV487 (Any two from Mozart/Dish TC01 MMP
820.2A5 Concerto in G Major (2 cont. mvts.) Telemann SB 5,6,9,10, or 11) inger
(Suzuki Bk. 4) 820.3B9 18 Duos for 2 Violincelli (Any two from 3, Bartok 12850 BH
st 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16)
820.2A6 Three Duets (1 mvt. of any duet) Beck/Dishin MMP
ger 820.3B10 Violincello Duos for Beginners (Play any Pejtsik Z8158 BH
820.2A7 44 Viola Duets, Vol. II (Any 2 mvts. From Bartok/Primr 760 BH one, from pp. 17-40)
Nos. 28-44) ose 820.3C1 Nine Duets (Any one from 1,2 or 3) Hartmann/Di MMP
820.2A8 Duo Sonata in Bb (Any 1 mvt.) Mozart/Arno VWP shinger
ld 820.3C2 Hungarian Children’s Songs (no. 4, 6 or Hajdu EMB07014
820.2A9 15 Two Part Inventions (Any one() Bach/Arnold VWP 12) BH
820.2A10 Lullabies for Elizabeth (any 2 mvts.) Magnuson SP,Inc. 820.3C3 Duets and Trios (Any 2 from #1-11 or #12 Trew OX
(POP) only)
820.2B1 44 Viola Duets, Vol. I (Any 2 mvts. From Bartok/Primr BH 820.3C4 Early Pieces for 2 & 3 Cellos (Any Duet) Petjtsik Z7222-BH
1-12 or any 1 mvt. from 13-25) ose 820.3C5 Leichte Stucke, Vol. II (Any 2) Breval 6159 Sch
820.2B2 12 Duets KV 487 (Any 2) Mozart/Arno VWP 820.3C6 Violincello Duos for Beginners (Play one Pejtsik Z8158 BH
ld from pp. 3-15)
820.2B3 Six Duets (Any mvt.) Homan/Dish MMP 820.3C7 Pairs for Cellos (Play one from 1,3,5,6,7 or Nelson 2043 BH
inger 8)
820.2B4 Seven Menuets 1769 KV65A (Any two) Mozart/Dish TW02-MMP 820.3C8 Leichte Stucke, Vol. 1 (Nos. 4-19, any 2) Breval 6158 Sch
inger 820.3C9 Right from the Start Cello Duets (Any 3 Nelson 20564 BH
820.2B5 24 Duets Vol. I (Any two) Bornhardt/D MMP tunes)
ishinger 820.3C10 Technitunes for Cello (Any one) Nelson 20612 BH
820.2B6 Sechs Duette, Vol. II (Any 1 mvt.) Stamitz VAB003-
820.2B7 9 Duets (any 1) Hartman/Dis DM43-MMP
820.2B8 12 Duets (Any 1) Bach/Dishin DM55-M-
ger MP
820.2B9 24 Duets (Any 1) Mancinelli/ MMP
820.2C1 12 Duets KV487 (Play one from 1,2,4 or Mozart/Arno VWP
11) ld
820.2C2 Key Tunes #1,2,3,7,9-10 (any one) (Vol Nelson MEB 94-95
820.2C3 Beautiful Music for Two, Vol. 2 (Any Applebaum BM
from 18,23,28,34,37-40)
820.2C4 Duos, Op. 178 (Any one duo) 9082 Kalliwoda Pet
Two Basses Class A-B-C 820.4 Violin and Viola Class A-B-C 823.1
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
820.4A1 Sonata IV (Six Sonatas for Two Bassoons, Telemann M&M 823.1C3 12 Duets (Any one) (POP) Mogill HE
Cellos, Trombones) (Sonata IV) (1 fast & 1 823.1C4 28 Little Duets, Op. 191 (Any 4 from 1- Wohlfahrt 1453 Int
slow) 11, 16-19)
820.4A2 Sonata #1 in Bb minor for Two String Romberg 1295-Int. 823.1C5 5 Rounds, Canons or Catches for St. Orch Garofalo Meredith
Basses Op. 43, No. 1 (Any one mvt.) & Ensm. (Any 2 from pp. 15-22)
820.4A3 Classical and Modern Duets for 2 String Zimmerman 1725-Int.
Basses (Play any two from No. 8-24) (1 n
fast & 1 slow) VIOLIN AND CELLO 823.2
820.4A4 Basses, Basses, Basses Scott NAK Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
820.4A5 6 Canonic Sonatas (Any one) Telemann/Sa 3077-Int.
820.4A6 Gran Duetto No. 1 For Double Basses (one Bottesini Gal
Violin and Cello Class A-B-C 823.2
820.4A7 Suite for 2 Double Basses McKay/Ture M&M Sel ID Title Composer Pub
tsky 823.2A1 Six Duos Op. 19 (Any two cont. mvts.) Stamitz 5952 Pet
820.4A8 Duo for Cellos and Bass (Mvt I&II) Dragonetti/T M&M 823.2A2 Kunst Der Fugue (The Art of Fugue) (Any Bach, J.S. 218D Pet
uretsky one Canon)
820.4A9 Modern Jazz Duets, Vol. I (Any 1) (POP) Baker Col 823.2A3 Duos (Two cont. mvts.) Beethoven/H 2523 Pet
820.4A10 Sonata in F (Sonatas in Canon for Two Telemann/Sl ECS ermann
Bass Instr., Vol. I) (Play two cont. mvts.) atford 823.2A4 Duet Op. 4 No. 2 (Play Allegro & Adagio Dotzauer/Alt 1529 Int
820.4B1 Suite in Miniature (POP) Catelinet Pet or Andantino & Variations) mann
820.4B2 24 Duets for 2 Bassoons (Any 2) Satzenhofer 1078-Int 823.2A5 Duets, Vol 1 Devienne/Di MMP
820.4B3 Classical and Modern Duets for 2 String Zimmerman Int shinger
Basses (Play any two from Nos. 1-7) n 823.2A6 Duet in D Major (Any mvt.) Haydn 535 Int
820.4B4 Beautiful Music for Two String Applebaum EL02225- 823.2A7 Divertimento in D (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Lidl/Thomas CV05-MMP
Instruments, Vol. 3 (Play any two) CPP/B 823.2A8 Duet in C Major (Any 2 mvts.) Hoffmeister/ 1914 Int
820.4B5 10 Jazz Duos and Solos (Play one from 4, Hartzell LD0157- Stutch
5, 6 or 8) SP,Inc. 823.2A9 3 Duets Cannebich CV13-MMP
820.4B6 Early Pieces for 2 & 3 Cellos (Any 2 Pejtsik Z7222 BH 823.2A10 Hungarian Folk Melodies Bartok BH
duets) 823.2B1 Duet Album Classical and Baroque (Any Elkan HE
820.4C1 Beautiful Music for Two String Applebaum EL02214- one selection)
Instruments, Vol. 2 (Play any two) CPP/B 823.2B2 Sonate for Violin and Cello Legrenzi Magna
820.4C2 Beautiful Music for Two String Applebaum EL02202- 823.2B3 Six Moods (Play any three) Bielski HE
Instruments, Vol. 1 (Play any 3) CPP/B 823.2B4 Cantabile Bach/Coolid 20480-Ken
820.4C3 Duets for Strings, Book 1 (Any 2) Applebaum EL01993- ge
CPP/B 823.2B5 Album of 6 Classical Pieces (Play Hussonmore 1465 Int
Rameau-Tambour or Couperin-La l
VIOLIN AND VIOLA 823.1 823.2B6 Seven Menuets (1769 KV65A) (Any 2 Mozart//Dis CV03 MMP
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List menuets) hinger
823.2B7 12 Duets (Any 2) Mozart/Dish CV01 MMP
Violin and Viola Class A-B-C 823.1 823.2B8 Six Duets (Any duet) Braun/Dishi DS53 MMP
823.2B9 Nine Duets (Any duet-2 cont. mvts.) Handel/Dish CV16-MMP
Sel ID Title Composer Pub inger
823.1A1 Six Duos, Op. 19 (Any two cont. mvts.) Stamitz 5952 Pet
823.2B10 Sonata in C (Mvt. 1 or 3) Demachi/Th CV08 MMP
823.1A2 Duets 1-6 Hoffmeister/ VV07- omas
Sherman VV12MMP 823.2C1 Seven Duets (Any two) Stevens HS/Vln/05-
823.1A3 Four Duets (Any mvt.) Bach/Kortsc VE104688- Helios
hak EAM 823.2C2 Tetratunes (Any 4) Nelson 20517 BH
823.1A4 Duetto in C (Any mvt.) Lidl/Thomas 1972 Pet
823.1A5 Duo Concertant (Play two cont. mvts.) Rolla EM
823.1A6 Four Sonatas (Altmann, Vol. 2) (Any mvt.) Haydn EB3602-BH VIOLIN AND BASS 823.3
823.1A7 Two Duets (Any mvt. except Pastorale) Kalliwoda K04656-Kal Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
823.1A8 Two Duos KV 423-424 (Any mvt.) Mozart 604-Int.
823.1A9 Three Duets (Any one) Beethoven/H 880-Int.
erman VIOLA AND CELLO 823.4
823.1A10 Vocalise Op. 34, No. 14 Rachmanino EM Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
823.1B1 Seven Minuets, KV65A (Any 2) Mozart/Dish VV02-MMP
inger Viola and Cello Class A-B-C 823.4
823.1B2 15 Duets for Violin & Viola (Any 2 mvts. Bach/David 893-Int.
from any 2 duets) Sel ID Title Composer Pub
823.1B3 12 Duets (Any one) Couperin/Di DR55-MMP 823.4A1 Duet (1934) Hindemith ST04765-
shinger Sch
823.1B4 28 Little Duets, Op. 191 (Any three from Wohlfhart 1453 Int 823.4A2 Duet for Viola and Cello Beethoven/H 3375AB Pet
12-15, 20-28) aas
823.1B5 Chanson Triste Kalinn EM 823.4B1 Variations of the folksong “Ach Bitrer Schroeder B57 Pet
823.1B6 Czech Mates Van Slyck 11115-Wil Winter” (POP)
823.1B7 Nine Duets (Any One) Hartman/Dis DR43-MMP 823.4B2 Minuetto Beethoven/H 3375b Pet
hinger aas
823.1B8 Mandoline Debussy/For EM
823.1B9 Collection, Vol. 2 (Any one) Whistler/Hu Rub
823.1B10 24 Duets, Vol. 1 (Any two) Bornhardt/D MMP
823.1C1 String Companions, Vol. I (Collection) Whistler/Hu 04472710-
Vol. I (any one duet) mmel Rub
823.1C2 Key Tunes No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 9-10, Vol. 1 Nelson BH
(Any one)
Viola and Cello Class A-B-C 823.4 Three Violins Class A-B-C 831.1
Continued Continued

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

823.4B3 7 Minuets KV 65A (Any 2) Mozart/Dish VC02 MMP 831.1B5 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin TL07 MMP
inger Notebook ger
823.4B4 12 Duets KV487 (any 2) Mozart/Dish VC01 MMP 831.1B6 Earle of Oxford’s Marche Bryd/Dishin TL34-MMP
inger ger
823.4B5 Sonata in G (2 cont. mvts) Schmitt VC03 MMP 831.1B7 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Opus 3, #4 Handel/Dish TL10 MMP
831.1B8 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi TL04 MMP
CELLO AND BASS 823.5 nger
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 831.1B9 Gavotte from Symphony #4 Boyce/Vede TL02-MMP
831.1B10 Trio #10 (Mvt. 1 or 4) Badings Sch
STRING TRIO 830 831.1C1 Eight Canons Op. 44 No. 2 (Any two Hindemith Sch
(Violin-Viola and Cello Only) Canons)(POP)
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 831.1C2 First Trio Album (Any two mvts.) Whistler/Hu 04472750
mmel Rub
831.1C3 Deutsch Tanze und Mennette Haydn/Twar N212 Pet
String Trio Class A-B-C 830 z
831.1C4 Early Chamber Music Violin Trios (Any Hegedutriok EMB7916
Sel ID Title Composer Pub two) BH
830A1 Trio No. 1 in Bb D.471 Schubert 827 Int 831.1C5 Three for Violins (Any two) Nelson B&H
830A2 Serenade in D, Op. 8 (Any two cont. mvts.) Beethoven 629 Int 831.1C6 Minuet in G Bach/Dishin TL01 MMP
830A3 Serenade, Op.10 in C Dohnanyi 541-Int. ger
830A4 Trio in G, Op. 9, No. 1 Beethoven 742-Int. 831.1C7 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite, No. 5 Purcell/Dishi TL06 MMP
830A5 Trios Pieces en Trio Pierne (Leduc)EV/5 nger
14- 831.1C8 Rigaudon Pieces de Clavecin (1724) Rameau/Dis TL05 MMP
804000TP hinger
830A6 Little Suite for String Trio (Any 2 mvts.) Magnuson LD0210 SP, 831.1C9 Trio No. 6 (any mvt.) (POP) Badings Sch
830A7 Divertimento No. 1 in B dur Mozart KV-Anh 229 THREE VIOLAS 831.2
830A8 Praeludium & Fugue (POP) Eisler Dvfm 8334
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
830A9 Three Trios Op. 32 (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Haydn 2134 Int. Three Violas Class A-B-C 831.2
830A10 Four Preludes and Fugues K404a (Set 1) Bach/Mozart 1217 Int
(Any prelude and fugue)
830B1 Streichtrio (Any one mvt) Rubin DOB Sel ID Title Composer Pub
830B2 3 Divertimenti, K 439B (2 cont. mvts.) Mozart 1841-Int. 831.2B1 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishin VAT4
830B3 Two Trio Sonatas in D (vin,vla,cello only) Tartini EM ger MMP
(POP) 831.2B2 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishin VAT3
830B4 Sonatina in g minor Op. 49 (1 mvt.) Beethoven/J LD309 ger MMP
ames SP,Inv. 831.2B3 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishing VAT2
830B5 Sonatina in G Major, Op. 49 (1 mvt.) Beethoven/J LD317 Notebook er MMP
ames SP,Inc. 831.2B4 Rigaudon from Pieces de Clavecin (1724) Rameau/Dishi VAT1
830B6 18 Masterworks for String Trio (Any two) James J68 SP,Inc. nger MMP
830B7 Two Fantasies (Either one) Gibbons SMC 831.2C1 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishing VAT-1-
830B8 Trio in d minor (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Pezel SMC Notebook er MMP
830C1 Six Minuets (Any three mvts.) Teleman/Pol B3374-CF
nauer THREE CELLOS 831.3
830C2 “Rigaudon” from Pieces De Clavecin 1724 Rameau/Dis OV05 MMP
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
830C3 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin OV01 MMP
Notebook ger Three Cellos Class A-B-C 831.3
830C4 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi OV06 MMP
830C5 21 Traditional Melodies for String Trio James LD276 Sel ID Title Composer Pub
(Any two) SP,Inc. 831.3A1 Two Little Preludes (Play both) Bach/Varga MC39 MMP
830C6 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin OV07-MMP 831.3A2 Trio in C Major, Op. 87 (any mvt.) Beethoven/P 1161 Int.
Notebook ger rell
830C7 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi OV04-MMP 831.3A3 Grave and Fugue Handel 1401-Int.
nger 831.3A4 Andante (Notturno) Mozart/Kran JS
831.3B1 Bass Clef Sessions (pp. 24,29,35,37,39 or Gearhart et SP,Inc.
THREE VIOLINS 831.1 44)(Any two) al.
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 831.3B2 Rigaudon from Pieces de Clavecin (1724) Rameau/Dis VCT5 MMP
831.3B3 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VCT 2
Three Violins Class A-B-C 831.1 Notebook ger MMP
831.3B4 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi VCT3 MMP
Sel ID Title Composer Pub nger
831.1A1 Adagio, Menuet and Rondo (POP) Mozart 4508 Pet 831.3B5 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi VCT4 MMP
831.1A2 Trios (Any 4 mvts.) Bartok/Szerv EMB6555 nger
ansky BH
831.1A3 Trio 14 (Mvt. 1 or 3) or Trio 16 (Mvt. 1 or Badings Sch
2 & 3) (POP)
831.1A4 Trio 16 (Mvt. I and either II or III) Badings Sch
831.1A5 Canon (String Orch. Only) Pachelbel Sch
831.1B1 Canonic Trio Bach/Marx M&M
831.1B2 Kleine Suite aus der Tafel Music Telemann N3220-Pet
831.1B3 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post TL03 MMP
831.1B4 Sechs Landlerisch Tanze (All six Dances) Mozart/Beer N200-Pet

Three Cellos Class A-B-C 831.3 Two Violins and One Cello Class A-B-C 831.5
Continued Continued
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
831.3C1 20 Trios for Young Cellists (Any two from Benoy/Sutto OX 831.5B2 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin TVC7/MMP
No. 1,3,4,12, or 20) n Notebook ger
831.3C2 Park Forest Tune Klauss 20540-Ken 831.5B3 Fire Works Music Suite (Entire Handel/Elka HE
831.3C3 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VCT1 MMP Suite)(POP) n
Notebook ger 831.5B4 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post TVC3 MMP
831.3C4 Three & Fours for Cello (Any 2 from 1, 4 Nelson SCB40-BH 831.5B5 3 Easy Trios (Any one) Mozart 2165 Int.
or 5) 831.5B6 Two Trio Sonata in D Major (Either one) Tartini EM
831.3C5 Early Pieces (Any 2 pages of trios) Pajsik Z.7222 BH 831.5B7 Sechs Kammer sonaten, Op. 4 (Any 1 Corelli ST01008-
831.3C6 Music for 3 Violincelli (No. 2 or 4) (POP) Ridout Sch sonata) Sch
831.5B8 Das Streichtrio (Any 2 mvts. or pieces) Hocker Simrock
831.5B9 Little Bach Suite No. 1 or No. 2 Bach/Morsh 2114-40078
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 831.5B10 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Op. 3, No. 4 Handel/Dish TVC8 MMP
Two Violins and One Viola Class A-B-C 831.4 inger
831.5C1 Bagatelle Opus 33, No. 2 (POP) Beethoven/E HE
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 831.5C2 Les Bacchanales (POP) Couperin/El HE
831.4A1 Trio C Dur, Op. 87 (Mvt. 1, 2, or 4) Beethoven B&H kan
831.4A2 2 Trio Sonatas D Major (2 cont. mvts.) Tartini EM 831.5C3 Gavotte from Symphony No. 4 Boyce/Vede TVC2 MMP
831.4A3 Canzonetta (POP) Dussek/Elka HE ski
n 831.5C4 Trios (Any two numbers) Pejisik BH
831.4A4 Sonatina Opus 36, No. 3 (POP) Clementi/El HE 831.5C5 Three 18th Century Tunes (Play any 2 Arr.Dinn 11020 Sch
kan mvts.)
831.4A5 Divertimento No. 3 C-Dur (1 fast & 1 slow Mozart KV-ANH 831.5C6 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi TVC6 MMP
mvt) 227 B&H nger
831.4A6 12 Trios, Vol. 1 (Any trio) Haydn 1186 Int 831.5C7 Rigaudon Rameau/Dis TVC5 MMP
831.4A7 12 German Dances (Any 4 dances) Beethoven/ 1286 Int hinger
May 831.5C8 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin TVC1 MMP
831.4A8 Terzetto, Op. 74 Dvorak 520-Int. Notebook ger
831.4B1 Sueignung Strauss EM 831.5C9 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi TVC4 MMP
831.4B2 Theme and Variations (POP) Haydn/Ilkan HE nger
831.4B3 Gavotte and Gigue Corelli MMP 831.5C10 Trio Voschule, Vol. 1 & 2 (Any 2 mvts.) Schafer DOB
831.4B4 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post VS03 MMP
831.4B5 Allegro from Concerto Grosso, Opus 3 #4 Handel/Dish VS08 MMP
831.4B6 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi VS04 MMP Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
831.4B7 Five Trios (Play any 2) Druschetzky VSD03- Two Violas and One Cello Class A-B-C 831.6
/Dishinger MMP
831.4B8 Rigaudon and Novelette Chaminade/ VS39-MMP Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Dishinger 831.6A1 Trio in E-flat (Any 1 mvt.) Hummel 4862A Pet
831.4C1 Six Minuets from Sept. “Fois et us” (Any Telemann/P B3374-CF
three minuets) olnauer
831.4C2 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VS01 MMP THREE BASSES 831.7
Notebook ger Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
831.4C3 Rigaudon from Pieces de Clavecin (1724) Rameau/Dis VS05 MMP
Three Basses Class A-B-C 831.7
831.4C4 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi VS06 MMP
nger Sel ID Title Composer Pub
831.7A1 Trios & Quartets for Double Bass, Vol. IV Zimmerman UMMP SF
831.4C5 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VS07 MMP
Notebook ger (Any two)
831.4C6 Gavotte from Symphony No. 4 Boyce/Vede VS02-MMP 831.7A2 Trios & Quartets for Double Bass, Vol. II Zimmerman UMMP SF
ski (Any two)
831.4C7 The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Bryd/Dishin VS22-MMP 831.7A3 Bass Clef Session, p. 24, Marche Gearhart et LD0004-
al SP,Inc.
831.7A4 Divertimento for 3 String Basses (POP) Phillips Mourbar
831.7A5 Trio for 3 Kontra Basses Poradowski Broude
TWO VIOLINS AND ONE CELLO 831.5 831.7B1 Trios & Quartets for Double Bass, Vol. IV Zimmerman UMMP SF
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List (Any two)
831.7B2 Harlequin Dance (POP) Snavely CPP/B
Two Violins and One Cello Class A-B-C 831.5 831.7B3 Two Canons (both)(POP) Schumann/S Pet
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 831.7B4 Bass Clef Sessions (pp. 8, 29, 44 or 54) Gearhart et LD0004-
831.5A1 2 Sonatas (Either) Tartini/Pente 648-Int. (Any one) al SP,Inc.
831.5A2 Terzetto Scholastico Hofmeister/ 1649 Int 831.7B5 Two Canons (both)(POP) Schumann/S Pet
Vieland ingleton
831.5A3 6 Trios Op. 9 (any 1 mvt.) Boccherini/ 1139 Int 831.7C1 Bass Clef Sessions (p.39) Gearhart et LD0004-
Altmann al SP,Inc.
831.5A4 London Trios (Any two mvts. of one trio) Haydn 4972 Pet 831.7C2 Twenty Trios for Young Cellists (Play 2) Benoy/Sutto OX
831.5A5 Preludes (Play both I and II) Shostakovic EM n
h/Magnanini 831.7C3 Trios & Quartets for Double Bass, Vol. 1 Zimmerman SF
831.5A6 2 Suites (1 suite only) Handel/Jens 2719 Int (Any one)
831.5A7 Trio Op. 9 No. 1 (Any 2 mvts.) (POP) Gossec Kal
831.5A8 Six Trios, Op. 35 Vol. 2 (Any 2 mvts.) Boccherini Sch
831.5A9 Ten Sonatas of 4 Parts (Vol. 7) (Any Purcell/Tilm 2786 Nov
sonata) outh
831.5A10 15 Terzetti, Vols. 1 & 2 (Any 3) Bach/Hofma 2526/2527-
nn Int.
831.5B1 Festiche Suite (Overture and one other Telemann Magna

(Piano, Violin and Cello only) (Piano, and any two strings, Exception Piano, Violin and
No Exceptions Cello, see Event 332 No Exceptions
Selection is required to enter and perform. Selection is required to enter and perform.

This event is for piano and two string instruments. All This event is for piano and two string instruments. All
participants must be students and all will be judged. participants must be students and all will be judged.
Exception: String performers may enter as a duet if the pianist is Exception: String performers may enter as a duet if the pianist is
not a student. Use correct entry code for each ensemble. not a student. Use correct entry code for each ensemble.
Example: 820.1 is a Violin Duet- 820.2 is Two Violas; Example: 820.1 is a Violin Duet, - 820.2 is Two Violas;
Sel ID is the same for all. Sel ID is the same for all.
All Piano Trio entries must perform from this list to enter & All Piano Mixed Trio entries must perform from this list to enter &
perform at an OSSAA Contest. perform at an OSSAA Contest.

Piano Trio Class A-B-C 832 Piano Mixed Trio Class A-B-C 833

Violin, Viola, and Piano 833.1

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
st th
832A1 Trio in g minor, Op. 63 (1st or 4 mvt) Weber 910-Int. 833.1A2 Trio No. IV KV (Lienau) (Any 2 cont. Mozart R40 Pet
832A2 Trio Op. 17 (play either 1 or last mvt) Schumann Wollenwebe mvts.)(POP)
st r 833.1A3 Concerto (Any 2 cont. mvts.)(POP) Telemann 3875-Pet
832A3 Trio Eb Op. 1, No. 1 (1 mvt) Beethoven 50259100- 833.1A4 Fairy Tales, Op. 132 (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Schumann Pet
st GS 833.1B1 Under the Linden Tree Massenet EM
832A4 Trio for An Italian Journey (1 mvt. or Sapieyevski 454400070- 833.1B2 Vocalise Rachmanino EM
nd rd
both 2 & 3 ) TP ff
832A5 Trio D Major, Op. 70, No. 1 (1 mvt) Beethoven K09707-Kal 833.1B3 Chanson Triste Kalinnikow EM
832A6 Trio No. 2, Op. 92 in e minor (Play either Saint-Saens 9637-Kal 833.1B4 Reverie du Soir Saint-Saens EM
mvt. 1 or 4 or both 2 & 3) 833.1B5 Solicitude Borodin EM
832A7 Trio No. 5 in G Major KV564 (One Mozart K09632 833.1B6 Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Handel/Forb OX
mvt)(POP) CPP/B es
832A8 Fantastic Dance on Hebrew Themes (POP) Rosowsky CPP/B 833.1C1 Courante Loeillet EM
st nd
832A9 Trio in e minor, Opus 67 (1 or 2 mvt. Shostakovic K09600-Kal 833.1C2 Sicilian Air Pergolesi EM
only) h 833.1C3 Mandoline Debussy EM
832A10 Chamber Trio No. 23 Handel/Seiff M&M 833.1C4 Three Pieces Tschaikowsk EM
ert y
832B1 Sonata in c minor (1 mvt. or both 2 & 3) Vivaldi/Ghe 1172-Int.
dini Violin, Cello, (or Viola), and Piano 833.2
nd rd
832B2 Trio in g minor (2 or 3 mvt.) Weber 910-Int.
832B3 Solicitudest Borodin EM Sel ID Title Composer Pub
832B4 Sonata (1 mvt) Sammartini Int 833.2A5 Trio Miniaturen (Lienau) (Any 2 cont. Juon R 17 Pet
832B5 Two Sonatas (Play Adagio & Allegro Buxtehude 9612 Kal mvts.)(POP)
833.2A6 Trio No. 2 in c minor, Op. 66 Mendelssoh K09636-Kal
832B6 Poem Pastorale (Any mvt)(POP) Boisdeffre 9413 Kal n
832B7 Short Trio on French Tunes (POP) Rowley 4385b Pet
833.2A7 Duo No. 1 in C Major (POP) Beethoven CB/CF
832B8 Canonic Trio Bach/Marx M&M 833.2A8 Duo No. 2 in F Major (POP) Beethoven CB/CF
832C1 Lydian Album for String Trio (Any 2 cont. Whistler/Hu 04472740-
833.2A9 Sonata in G Major Loeillet 735-Int.
pieces) mmel Rub 833.2A10 Sonata Op. 9 No. 2 (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Leclair/Poln Chester
832C2 Dorian Album for String Trio (Any two Whistler/Hu 04472730-
cont. pieces) mmel Rub 833.2A11 Slavonic Dance No. 2 (Encore Trio Dvorak 02661-CF
832C3 To a Wild Rose (POP) MacDowell/ CF
Isaac 833.2A12 Oriental (Encore Trio Album) Cui 02661-CF
832C4 Trio in e minor Op. 66, No. 5 (Play Wolfhort CF 833.2A13 Sonata in c minor Vivaldi 1172-Int.
one)(POP) 833.2A14 Sonata in G Major Lotti 1420-Int
832C5 Eight Little Trios (Play 1) Norfleet 01322-CF 833.2B7 Sonat de camera Op. 3, No. 2 (Chester) Veracini/Pol Chester
832C6 Key Tunes (Any except #8) Nelson BH
(POP) nauer
833.2C5 Red Clouds (Any 3) Alt OX

Viola, Cello and Piano 833.4

Sel ID Title Composer Pub
833.4A15 15th Century Folk Song Tertis Bos

833.1A1 Boen-Vieland, Sonata in D Major (Any 2 Loeillet 736-Int.

cont. mvts.)

(Two Violins, Viola and Cello only) Four Violins Class A-B-C 841.1
“Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List” Continued
String Quartet Class A-B-C 840
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
840A1 Chacony in g minor Purcell/Lym 2351 Int 841.1B9 Rondo Mozart/Dish VQ201
an inger MMP
840A2 Allegro from Concerto Grosso, Op. 3 No. 2 Geminiani/D MMP 841.1B10 Sailor’s Song from Book III for Clavier Couperin/Di VQ25 MMP
ishinger shinger
840A3 16 Easy String Quartets Album, K169 or Mozart 3745-Kal 841.1C1 Folk Songs and Dances for Violin Quartet Sontag SF
168 (Any 2 contr. Mvts. of either quartet) (POP)(Any 2 pieces)
840A4 Quartet Op. 18, No. 1 (Any mvt) Beethoven 195a Pet 841.1C2 Fiesta Mejicana (Any 3 mvts.)(POP) McKay CF
840A5 Andante Amoroso or Scherzo/Trio from Nielson Mas 841.1C3 Fiddlers Four, Book II (Any 3 from Nos. arr.Wettlauf SAB82-BH
string qrt. in g minor 5-12) er
840A6 Quartet in d minor, Opus 56 (One mvt) Sibelius 513 Int 841.1C4 Violin Quartet Series, Book I (Nos. 2, 7 or Siennicki HMC
840A7 Vivace from Troisieme Quatuor, Op. 67 Gliere JTL 9)
840A8 Finale Khorovod (POP) Rimsky- CPP/B 841.1C5 Four’s for Violin (any 3) Nelson SAB 75 BH
Korsakov 841.1C6 Menuet in G Bach/Dishin VQ01 MMP
840A9 Five Songs for String Quartet (Any Gershwin/Sil WB,/GS ger
4)(POP) verman 841.1C7 Ten by Four (Any 3) Wiggins G126E-
840A10 Four Celebrated Quartets Op. 12 and Mendelssoh 788 Int NAK
Op.44, #1, 2, 3 (One mvt) n 841.1C8 Sarabande Handel/Dish VQ14 MMP
840B1 Haydn String Quartets (Any 2 mvts)(String Etling HMC inger
Quartet Series) 841.1C9 Little Purcell Suite Purcell/Dishi VQ101
840B2 Gavotte from Contrast, Op. 10, No. 3 Elgar/Dishin SR33-MMP nger MMP
ger 841.1C10 Largo from Xerxes Handel/Dish VQ15 MMP
840B3 Nursery Rhyme Suite Hounsel Hounsel inger
840B4 Quartet for Strings (Do any two from 1,2, Mozart LD0137- 841.1C11 Presto from Divertimento No. 12 Mozart/Dish VQ18 MMP
or 3) SP,Inc. inger
840B5 Rondo from K 485 Mozart/Dish SR 22-MMP
840B6 Brand ‘N’ Bach Brand AMG FOUR VIOLAS 841.2
840B7 String Masters, Book III (Any two from Goehring Lud Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
Nos. 7,8,9,10,13 or 16) Four Violas Class A-B-C 841.2
840B8 Quartetto Concertante G Major (Play one Stamitz Sch
840B9 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Beethoven/R Bock Sel ID Title Composer Pub
ead 841.2A1 Concerto No. 4 in D for 4 Violas (Any 2 Telemann/A VWP
840B10 Pastorale from the Black America Cantata Baker FFM cont. mvts.) rnold
840C1 String Quartet in D (One from Mvts. Hambourg Mills 841.2A2 Allegro from Concerto Grosso Op. 3, No. 2 Geminiani/D VTA30
1,3,or4)(POP) ishinger MMP
840C2 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi SR06 MMP 841.2A3 Allegretto Mozart/Dish VTA22
nger inger MMP
840C3 Gavotte from Symphony No. 4 Boyce/Vede SR05-MMP 841.2A4 Suite in Three Movements (Any 2) Corelli/Dishi VTA18
ski nger MMP
840C4 Trumpet Voluntary Clarke/Dishi SR12 MMP 841.2B1 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Vede VTA5 MMP
nger ski
840C5 Introduction to String Quartets, Book II Clark BM 841.2C1 Rigaudon from Pieces de Clavecin (1724) Rameau/Dis VTA3-MMP
(Play any three selections) hinger
840C6 Menuet in G Bach/Dishin SR01 MMP 841.2C2 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VTA MMP
ger Notebook ger
840C7 Two Pieces by Schumann (Play both) Schumann/A 20610 Ken 841.2C3 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VTA MMP
bbott Notebook ger
840C8 A Winters Willow Vaughn SR08-MMP 841.2C4 Gavotte from Harpsichord Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi VTA4 MMP
Williams/Di nger
shinger 841.2C5 Gavotte en Rondeau Lully/Post VTA6 MMP
840C9 Tune for My String Quartet (any two) Nelson END244 BH
840C10 Intro to String Playing (Any 4) Thomas MMP
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
FOUR VIOLINS 841.1 Four Cellos Class A-B-C 841.3
Four Violins Class A-B-C 841.1
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 841.3A1 Souvenie De Curis (Melody for 4 Cellos) Paque Sch
841.1A1 Concerto in D, No. 2 Telemann Int 841.3A2 Romance Op. 119, No. 1 (POP) Goltermann Int
841.1A2 Concerto in G, No. 1 (POP) Telemann Int 841.3A3 Quartet for 4 Violincello (2 cont. Metzler Pet
841.1A3 Sonata in C, No. 1 (POP) Telemann Sch mvts.)(POP)
841.1A4 Concerto in A (2 cont. mvts.) Telemann Sch 841.3A4 Consecration Hymn, Op. 65 Gruetzmach 2460 Int
841.1B1 Four Violins in Concert (Symphonette arr.Klotman/ SAB80-BH er
only) Walker 841.3A5 Etling Cello Quartet Series, Suite No. 2 Isaac HMC
841.1B2 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi VQ06 MMP (Any 2)
nger 841.3A6 Sonata V (Any 3 mvts.) Handel/Dish VCF23
841.1B3 Gavotte in Rondeau Lully/Post VQ07 MMP inger MMP
841.1B4 Allegro Handel/Dish VQ04 MMP
841.1B5 Musette Bach/Dishin VQ02 MMP
841.1B6 Violin Quartet Series, Book 2 (Any 2) Isaac HMC
841.1B7 Violin Quartet Series, Book 4 (Any 2-nos. Siennicki HMC
841.1B8 Violin Quartet Series, Book 3 Nos. 1,2,4 Sanfilippo HMC
(Any 1)

Four Cellos Class A-B-C 841.3 ONE VIOLIN, TWO VIOLAS, CELLO OR BASS 841.8
Continued Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
Class A-B-C 841.3
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
841.3B1 Goin’ Home Dvorak/Blah AP
841.3B2 March from Suite No. 5 Purcell/Dishi VCF19
841.3B3 Gavotte and Hornpipe Purcell/Dishi VCF5 MMP No Exceptions
841.3B4 Etling Cello Quartet Series, Suite No. 2 Isaac HMC Piano Violin-Viola-Cello only
(Any 2) All Piano Quartet entries must perform from this list to enter & perform
841.3B5 Musette from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VCF2 MMP at an OSSAA Contest.
Notebook ger
841.3C1 Ten by Four (Any 3) Wiggins G126E-
NAK This event is for piano and three string instruments. All
841.3C2 Sarabande Handel/Dish VCF12 participants must be students and all will be judged.
inger MMP
841.3C3 Little Purcell Suite Purcell/Dishi VCF33 Exception: String performers may enter as a trio if the pianist is
nger MMP not a student. Use correct entry code for each ensemble.
841.3C4 Largo from Xerxes Handel/Dish VCF13
inger MMP Example: 830.1 – String Trio; Sel ID is the same for all.
841.3C5 Three Cello Quartets (#1 or #2) Tschaikowsk Lud
841.3C6 Threes and Fours (Any 3 quartets) Nelson SCB40 BH
Piano Quartet Class A-B-C 841.7
841.3C7 Rigaudon Rameau/Dis VCF3 MMP
hinger Sel ID Title Composer Pub
841.3C8 Menuet in G from Anna Magdalena Bach Bach/Dishin VCF1 MMP 842A1 Sinfonia Concertante Mozart/Coll LP0338
Notebook ger orafi SP,Inc.
842A2 Quartet No. 2 in D Beethoven B&H
FOUR BASSES 841.4 842A3 Quartett D Major Opus 23 (play Andantino Dvorak R36 Pet
5 variations and Coda)
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List 842A4 Klavier Quartette (Two cont. mvts.) K478 Mozart 272 Pet
Four Basses Class A-B-C 841.4 or 493
842A5 Adagio and Rondo Klavier Quartett F Schubert 1347 Pet
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Major
841.4A1 Quartet for Double Bass (2 mvts) Hartmann Gal 842A6 Quartett Op. 47 (mvts. 1,2 or 4) Schumann 2380 Pet
841.4A2 Trios and Quartets for Double Basses, Vol. Zimmerman UMMP SF 842A7 Piano Quartett Op. 8 (play two cont. mvts.) Weber 2177 Pet
II (Any 2) 842A8 Huit Aspects D’un Theme Simple Vacchi (LeDuc)
841.4A3 Trios and Quartets for Double Basses, Vo. Zimmerman UMMP SF EV/514-
IV (Any 2) 009600 TP
841.4A4 Suite for 4 Basses Alt Presto 842A9 Piano Quartet No. 1, Op. 15 (Any mvt) Faure 1351-Int.
841.4A5 Bass Clef Sessions, pgs. 48-51 Gearhart et LD0004- 842A10 Klavier-Quartett No. 1 (Any mvt) Brahms AB
al SP,Inc. 842B1 Sonate A Quarte Loeillet/Beo EV/TP514-
841.4B1 Trios and Quartets for Double Basses, Vol. Zimmerman SF n 008990
I (Any 1) 842B2 Sonata Polonese Nos. 1 and 2 Telemann NAG
841.4B2 Trios and Quartets for Double Basses, Vol. Zimmerman SF
II (Any quartet)
841.4B3 Bass Clef Sessions (Pg. 6) Gearhart et LD0004- PIANO MIXED QUARTET 843
841.4B4 March, Fanfare (POP) Bach, C.P.E. Ken
(Piano, Violin, Viola and Cello only)
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List All Piano Mixed Quartet entries must perform from this list to enter &
Three Violins and one Viola Class A-B-C 841.5 perform at an OSSAA Contest.

Sel ID Title Composer Pub This event is for piano and three string instruments. All
841.5A1 Italian Quartets from the 16th Century Arx(Ed.) N3223 Pet
participants must be students and all will be judged.
THREE VIOLINS AND ONE CELLO OR BASS 841.6 Exception: String performers may enter as a trio if the pianist is
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List not a student. Use correct entry code for each ensemble.
Three Violins and one Cello or Bass Class A-B-C 841.6 Example: 830.1 is a String Trio; Sel ID is the same for all.
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
841.6A1 Overture C-Dur Kusser Pet Piano Mixed Quartet Class A-B-C 843
841.6A2 Overture and Andante: Alexander’s Feast Handel Pet
841.6A3 Quartet F Dur Scarlatti/Wo Pet
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
841.6B1 Canon and Gigue Pachelbel 97-4291- 843A1 Trio Sonata (POP) Teleman 4660 Sch
843B1 Sonata Polonese (Nagels) 50 Telemann Magna
843B2 Trio in D Major Op. 50 No. 6 (Nagels) 143 DeBoismorti For
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
Two Violins and Two Violas Class A-B-C 841.7
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
841.7A1 Suite No. 4 in d minor Fischer 454000680-

841.8B1 Fantasien fur Steichinstrumente (POP)(two Purcell For

cont. Fantasias)
Piano Mixed Quartet Class A-B-C 843 This event is for piano and four string instruments. All participants must be
Continued students and all will be judged. Exception: String performers may enter as a
Quartet if the pianist is not a student. Use correct entry code for each ensemble.
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
843B3 Sonate (Hortus Musicus 38) (POP) Vitali Magna Sel ID Title Composer Pub
843A2 Quartett in D Major (Musikverlag) (Any Telemann ZM 1096 Pet 850A1 Concertante Op. 55 (Only one mvt) Mauer/Herma 2908 Pet
two cont. mvts.) nn
843A3 Trio Sonata in G Major (POP) Bach 4203 Pet 850C1 Ensemble Time (Any 3 from Nos. Whistler/Hum Rub
843A4 Bagatelles Op. 47 Dvorak 749 Int 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,16 or 18) mel
843A5 Balletto e Sonata a tre (any 2 mvts.) Albinoni/Pol 114-40195 850B1 “Desperavi” Fancy in Five Parts (POP) East Sch
nauer TP 850C2 Suite for Five String or Wind Instruments Scheidt Magna
843A6 Sonata II and V (Any two cont. mvts) Stolzel 1982/1933 and Basso Continuo (Nagels 137)(POP)
(POP) AB 850A2 Fantasia-Three Parts Upon a Ground Purcell/Steven H220 Pet
843B4 Kleines Konzert E Major Abel/Hockn 4409 Pet (POP) s/Dart
er 850B2 Suite for String Orchestra (3 cont. mvts.) Vitali/Bacon SF
843B5 Konzert Op. VII Bach/Dobere 3873 Pet 850B3 Quintet in D Major, Op. 11 No. 6 (play one Bach,J.C. NAG
th iner mvt)
843B6 Dances and Trio Sonatas from the 17 Sandor/Nagy BH 850A3 Quintet Opus III (Play “Un poco Brahms 3905 B Pet
Century, Vol. II (Any dance or Sonata) Allegretto” only)
Vol. II 850A4 Quintet in C, Op. 60, No. 1 (Play 2 cont. Boccherini DOB
843B7 Sonata in F Major (POP) Vivaldi/Ghe 1778 Pet mvts.)
dini 850A5 Six Quintets No. 2A (any 2 cont. mvts.) Peter 6098 Pet
843B8 Sonata in Eb (POP) Handel Int 850A6 Quintet in G, Op. 60 No. 5 (Play 2 cont. Boccherini Nr. 80 AB
843B9 Trio Sonate in g minor (POP) Handel AB mvts.) st
843B10 Early Baroque Works for Strings (2 cont. Mariassy EMB7262- 850A7 Quintett C-Dur (1 mvt) Mozart DOB
pieces) BH 850A8 Quintett C-Dur (Mvt I or III)(POP) Beethoven Nr. 53 AB
843B11 Sonata of 3 Parts (Play Sonata Nos. 1 or Purcell/Davi Sch 850A9 Quintet in C Major Opus 88 (Any 2 mvts) Haydn 623 Int
2)(POP) d 850A10 Quintet in A Major K. 581 Mozart 470 Int
843C1 Concertino in C Major Haydn/Weis 4611 Pet 850B4 Altenglische Kammermusic (Hortus In Nomine Magna
th mann Musicus) 134 (Play any 4 mvts)(POP)
843C2 Dances and Trio Sonatas from the 17 Sandor/Nagy BH 850B5 Journal du Printemps (Heft 5)(Play any 4 Fischer DMS
Century, Vol. I (Any dance or sonata) mvts)
843C3 Chamber Music for Beginners, Vol. I (Any Mariassy BH 850B6 Adagio for Streicher Mozart/Beyer GM 601
1) Pet
843C4 Deutsche Tanze (Any 1) (POP) Haydn/Giesb Sch 850B7 Quintet Intermezzo Opus Postumour Bruckner 5678 Int
ert 850C3 Newe Auserlesene Leibliche Branden Brade DMS
843A7 Trio Sonata No. 2 in G (POP) Arne/Murrill H64 Pet (Heft 3)
843A8 Trio Sonata in Bb Major (Any 2 mvts.) Leclair/Moff AMP 850C4 Venuskranzlein (Heft 8) Schlein DMS
at 850C5 Armide et Renaud (Heft 9) Lully DMS
843A9 Trio Sonata in D Major Op. 5 No. 2 (Any 2 Handel/Moff AMP 850C6 Opus Newer Paduanen (Heft 4) Simpson DMS
mvts) at 850A11 Quintet (Play 2 cont. mvts.) Boccherini/La 2331 Pet
843A10 Trio Sonata in g minor (POP) Pepusch/Bir 4556 Pet uterbach
ke 850A12 Quintet “Bird Sanctuary” Boccherini 1285 Int
843A11 Trio Sonata in a minor (Play one fast and Telemann/W 4560 Pet 850A13 Rondeau in Bb Major (One fast and one Beethoven/Fei H596 Pet
one slow mvt)(POP) oehl slow mvt.)(POP) nland/Forbes
843A12 Trio Sonata in c minor (Play one fast and Telemann/W 4561 Pet 850A14 Quintet in Eb Major Op. 44 (Any one mvt.) Schumann B&H
one slow mvt)(POP) oehl 850A15 Quintet in Eb Major Op. 44 (Any one mvt.) Dvorak Int
843B12 Trio Sonata in C Major (Play 3 cont. mvts.) Pez/Woehl 4557 Pet 850A16 Piano Quintet No. 2 (Mvt III or any 2 cont. Finney Gal
843B13 Sonata Op. 1 (Play No. 2)(POP) Corelli/Woe 1291 Int mvts.)
hl 850A17 Quintet (2 cont. mvts.)(POP) Stevens GS
843B14 Trio Sonata in D Handel/Moff AMP 850B8 Canzoni per sonar a quattro (Play one Gabrieli/Einst 2306 Sch
at Canzon)(POP) ein
843B15 Sonata in C Major No. IV (POP) Rosenmuller A 3R 45 Pet 850C7 No. 1 Fantasy Chi Pue Mirarvi Coperario H578a Pet
843C5 Deutsche Tanze (any 1) (POP) Haydn/Giesb Sch 850A18 Serenade in four Movements (Eine Kleine Mozart/Stoess CF
ert Nachtmusik) (2 mvts)(POP) el
843A13 Concerto for Three Violins and String Bach/Baumg All Pet 850A19 “Emporer” Variations (POP) Haydn/Stoess CF
Orchestra in D Major (one slow and one artner el
fast mvt)(POP) 850A20 Pieces En Concert Couperin/Baz (Leduc)RK
843C6 Bon Vivante (Etude No. 24) (Violin Trio) Don’t/Barne Lud alaire
s 850A21 The Charter House Suite (Choose any 1 Vaughan Gal
843B16 Sonate (Hortus Musicus 70) (POP) Gabrieli/Dan Magna mvt. from Nos. 1, III, IV, V, VI) Williams/Bro
ckert wn
843B17 Quartett in F Major Scarlatti/Wo 4558 Pet 850A22 Sonata in G Major (2 cont. mvts.) Bach/Brown Gal
ehl 850B9 Salute to Kreutzer (POP) Chassman Rub
843B18 Quartett in G Major Telemann/W 4562 Pet 850B10 Fox Hill (POP) Forssmark HE
oehl 850B11 “Jakiana Suite” (POP) Boxxman HE
843A14 Sonaten in D Major (Hortus Musicus 117) Erlebach Magna 850B12 Suite for Strings (Play 3 mvts)(POP) Frackenpohl GS
Bk. I (POP) 850B13 Acth Stucke (Any 3 pieces)(POP) Hindemith CPP/B
843A15 Sonaten in A Major (Hortus Musicus 118) Erlebach For 850B14 3 Quartets (Any 3 pieces)(POP) Vivaldi/Ghedi Int
Bk. III ni
850B15 Rocco Suite (2 cont. mvts.)(POP) Clementi/Step CPP/B
STRING PIANO QUINTET 850 850C8 Sonatello “Prelude, Menuet, Rigaudon” Bosmans HE
(any 5 Like or Unlike Strings unaccompanied or any 4 Like or (POP)+
Unlike string plus piano) 850A23 Trout Quintet Op. 144 Schubert 169 Pet
No Exceptions
All String Piano Quintet entries must perform from this list to enter &
perform at an OSSAA Contest.

Example: 840.1 is a String Quartet; Sel ID is the same for all.

(Any 6 Like or Unlike Strings
unaccompanied or any 5 Like
or Unlike string plus piano)
No Exceptions
All String Piano Sextet entries must perform from this list to
enter & perform at an OSSAA Contest.

This event is for piano and string instruments. All participants

must be students and all will be judged.

String Choir Class A-B-C 861

String Piano Sextet Class A-B-C 850 Continued

Sel ID Title Composer Pub SelId Title Composer Pub

860A1 “Gavotte and Musette” from Third English Bach/Dasch HTF 861B5 Sinfonia in D (POP) Stamitz/Gree CF
Suite n
860A2 “Adagio” from String Quartet Opus 125 Schubert/Da HTF 861B6 Book Green Suite for String Orchestra Holst GS
sch (Any 2 mvts.)
860A3 “Minuetto” Bolzoni/Das HTF 861B7 Serenade for String Orchestra (Any 2 Leyden Ply
ch mvts)
860A4 “Lachrimae” Dowland/W OX 861B8 Ten Masterworks for String Orchestra Rubinstein J26-SP,Inc.
arlock (Any 2 selections)
860B1 Waltz from the Serenade suite Op. 63 Volkman/Da HTF 861B9 Prelude and Fugue in d minor Bach/Frost LSP
sch 861B10 Aria “Bist Du Bei Mi” from AMB Bach/Wielos Ken
860B2 Airs and Dances Lully OX Notebook znski
860C1 String Master Book 1 & 2 (Any three Goehring Lud 861C1 Vivaldi Magnificat Vivaldi/Alsh Ken
selections) in
860C2 Canonic Etudes (Any combination of 2 Racusen SP,Inc. 861C2 Fun and Games (Playstrings Series) Townsend JWC55469
constructive etudes) Chester
860A5 Sextet Op. 110 (Play any mvt.) Mendelssoh 636 Pet 861C3 Concertante for String Orchestra Hummel TRN
n 861C4 Edrick Album 8 Short Classical Pieces Arr.Brown Gal
860C3 Sonatina for Piano and Strings Camidge/Bo LD134 (Any 3)
wen SP,Inc. 861C5 Minuetto Antico Quagenti B5000045
860A6 Sextet in Eb Major Opus 81b Beethoven 2153 Int CPP/B
860A7 Souvenir De Florence Opus 70 Tchaikovsky 1900 Int 861C6 Fiddle Frolics Fordon 116-40024
860A8 Sinfonia IX in c minor Mendelssoh Kal TP
n 861C7 Danza Nehlybel ECK
861C8 Suite for Strings Washburn OX
861A9 Sheen Album, Laurel Album or Bedfont Brown Gal
Album (Play 2 from either album)
No Exceptions

All String Choir entries must perform from this list to enter &
perform at an OSSAA Contest.

Instrumentation as specified in music: 5 to 18 strings, any

No percussion allowed.

String Choir Class A-B-C 861

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

861A1 Simple Symphony (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Britten OX
861A2 Adagio for Strings Barber GS
861A3 Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 (2 contr. Mvts. from Handel Kal
any one concerto 1-12)(POP)
861A4 Serenade: Eine Kleine Nachtmusic (1 or 4) Mozart/Stoe Kal
861A5 Fugue in g minor (POP) Bach/Temia CPP/B
861A6 St. Paul’s Suite (Any 2 mvts.) Holst 50342170-
861A7 Holberg Suite, Op. 40 (2 cont. mvts.)(POP) Grieg Kal
861A8 Symphony #29-1st Mvt. (No repeats-Cut Mozart/Frost Ken
861A9 Concerto I Op. 6 No. 10 Corelli 4490 Pet
861B1 Folk Tune and Fiddle Dance (Either mvt) Fletcher BH
861B2 The White Knight and the Dragon Cameron JWC55588
(Playstrings Series) Chester
861B3 Mozart in Miniature (Playstrings Series) Forbes JWC55573
861B4 Concerto Grosso (POP) Farish MC

870.2, .3, .4
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Decimal indicates the number of members


Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Instrumentation as specified in music: 2 to 18 strings, any

combination; with or without winds.

Miscellaneous String Ensemble Class A-B-C 871

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

871A1 Octet in Eb Major Op. 20 (One mvt only) Mendelssoh 743 Int
871A2 Brandenburg Concerto III (1 mvt) Bach HE/Alf
871A3 Brandenburg Concerto IV (Any 1 Bach CPP/B
871A4 Don Quixote Suite (Any 3 mvts.) Telemann Kal
871A5 Concert Grosso XII (Largo & Allegro) Handel Broude
871A6 Irish Tune from County Derry Grainger Kal
871A7 Serenade for Strings Op. 48 (II or Tschaikovsk 1085 Kal
871A8 Concerto Ripieno-C Major (Any 2) Vivaldi CON178BS-
871A9 Roumanian Folk Dances (Any 4 dances) Bartok BH
871A10 The Charterhouse Suite (Any 2 mvts) Vaughan Gal
871B1 Sonata for Six Stringed Inst. for Basso Strungk Magna
Continuo (Hortus Musicus 103)
871B2 Rhosymedre Vaughn Gal
871B3 La Porta Rognoni/Tae Pet
871B4 Siciliano and Allegro (POP) Galliard/App CPP/B
871B5 Fantasia on Greensleeves V. OX
871B6 Dances of Transylvania Bartok EMB4929-
871B7 Tournament of Temperments (Any 3) Dittersdorf GS
871B8 Brook Green Suite (Any 2 mvts.) Holst GS
871B9 Divisions on a Ground Gibbons/My S085012-
ers LSP
871C1 Song and Dance (Rental) Washburn BH
871C2 Andante and Allegro Mozart/Isaac Etling
871C3 Air, Minuet and Rondo Purcell/Isaac Etling
871C4 Finale from “Water Music” Handel/Dou SF
871C5 Hopak Moussorgsk Etling
871C6 Ensembles for Strings (Any 2)(POP) Whistler/Hu Rub
871C7 Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 Bach/Isaac Etling
871C8 A Sea Song Suite (POP) Rosenhaus HL

A Student May Enter The Same Event Only Once

No exceptions, indicates the selection is to be selected only from the selections listed.
Transfer from another current OSSAA list, indicates a selection may be transferred from another current OSSAA list.


No Exceptions Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

Parts may be doubled in Class C only. Parts may be doubled in Class C only.

SS or SA Duet Class A-B-C 920 ST, SB, AT, AB, Duet Class A-B-C 922

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

920A1 Herbstlied (Autumn Song) Mendelssoh NMP 145 922A2 How Beautiful Upon the Mountains Harker/Flaxi 50276330
n Nat. (Sacred Duets) ngton GS
920A2 Domine Deus Bach BH6552 BH 922A3 Turn Thine Eyes (48 Duets) Purcell 00156 ECS
920A3 In Paradisum Wilcock 351133-9 922A4 O Pride Thou Art Charming (48 Duets) Legrenzi 00156 ECS
OX 922A5 Sound The Trumpet (Duet Album) Purcell VAB-7BH
920A4 Die Meere (The Seas) Op. 20, No. 3 (from Brahms WHC-57 922A6 The Heavens Declare God’s Glory Marcello DM00099
48 duets) Nat./ECS (Baroque Songbook) CPP/B
920A5 You Spotted Snakes (Duet Album) Frederick BH 922A7 Lost is My Quiet (Duet Album) Purcell VAB7BH
920A6 Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Bach ECS 2506 922A8 Spring-Wind (Duet Album) Thiman VAB-7BH
Schritten 922A9 Brother, Come and Dance with Me (from Humperdinc GS
920A7 We Wait for Thy Loving Kindness, O God Elvey/Pascal 44.427 OX Hanzel & Gretel)(Great Duets from the k
l Masters)(POP)
920A8 Laudamus Te Vivaldi/Mart W5014 922A10 Hear Me O Lord (Little Sacred Concertos) Schutz DM00119
ens Walton CPP/B
920A9 Alleluia (Sacred duet Masterpiece II) Hummel CFRB59 CF 922B1 The Lord Bless You and Keep You Rutter 1169 HMC
920A10 O Thou Good And Faithful Servant Charpentier MF805 MF 922B2 Wayfarin’ Stranger arr.Moore 2033 MF
920B1 Praise the King Handel/Kirk 02971 922B3 Gloria, Alleluia Handel/Lieb 7990 Alf
CPP/B ergen
920B2 O Death Where Is Thy Sting (Selected Handel PP327 922B4 Early One Morning (Selected Duets for arr.Kochane PP327
Duets for Contest) Lorenz Contest) k Lorenz
920B3 Shenandoah arr.Printz H5876 HMP 922B5 Ever Will I Praise (Selected Duets for Bach/Wagne PP327
920B4 River in Judea Leavitt EA-139 Contest) r Lorenz
SP,Inc. 922B6 O Lord My God, You Are My Refuge Bach/Hopso MW1239-
920B5 Praise Evermore Mozart/Ehre H5766 n Hope
t Lorenz 922B7 I Know Where I’m Goin’ Moore 111-BP
920B6 The Grass Lightfoot H5852 922B8 Lord Is My Shepherd (Selected Duets for Grier PP327
Lorenz Contest) Lorenz
920B7 So Far Away Mendelssoh JG 527 922B9 Musette (Duet Album) Couperin VAB-7 BH
n Gentry 922B10 Out of The Depths I Cry Handel/Hops EA5025
920B8 All Through The Night Kauffmann E0299 on SP,Inc.
SP,Inc. 922C1 Non Nobis Domine Byrd/Wagne BSC00122
920B9 I Walk the Unfrequented Road Kjelson 2207 CPP/B r CPP/B
920B10 Sing Ye Joyfully Besig EA 5033 922C2 Reflections of A Lad At Sea (No. 1 or 2) Besig/Price E0267
SP,Inc SP,Inc.
920C1 Glory to God Pergolesi MM 50- 922C3 Your Friend Shall be the Tall Wind Porterfield HMP-
1450 H5871-
920C2 Lovely Appear Gounod/Ed H5841 Lorenz
wards Lorenz 922C4 The Gift of Love Hopson CF148 Hope
920C3 A Gentle Alleluia Monteverdi H5743 922C5 The Coasts of High Barbary Arr.Julseth- HMP-5899
Lorenz Heinrich Lorenz
920C4 One Single Light Perry -5830 Alf 922C6 Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel Arr.Emerson 40326209-
920C5 The Water is Wide Zaninelli E-83 SP,Inc HL
920C6 Sing A Jubilant Song Perry AL007609A 922C7 Jubilate Deo Althouse EA0118
lf SP,Inc.
920C7 Come Again Sweet Love (Classics for Dowland 403-03362 922C8 Give Thanks and Praise Handel/Kihi CU177-
Two) HL ken Celebrations
920C8 A Life On The Ocean Wave Johnson 08720436 Unlimited
HL 922C9 Sunrise Sunset (Best of Broadway duets) Bock 00312032
920C9 Like the Gentle Rain Lightfoot E135 Lorenz HL
920C10 Velvet Shoes Thompson ECS 2526 922C10 Sing With Grace In Your Heart (Sacred Handel RB59 CF
Suet Masterworks II)

922A1 At God’s Right Hand He Doth Stand Bach/Best E57 SP,Inc


TT, TB, BB DUET 924 SSA TRIO 930.3, .6, OR .9
(2 VOICES) No Exceptions
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List These Are Separate Events Using The Same Music List.
Students May Enter Each Of The Three

Parts may be doubled in Class C only.

ST, SB, AT, AB, TT, TB, BB, Duet Class A-B-C 924 SSA Single Trio Class A-B-C 930.3

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

930.3A2 He Watching Over Israel Mendelssoh 50304650-
924A1 Ave Maria from “A Dozen Duets” Saint LA-128B LP n GS
Saens/Van 930.3A3 Three Mountain Ballads (#1 & #2) Nelson 362-
Camp 03075TP
924A2 Panis Angelicus from “A Dozen Duets” Franck/Van LA-128B LP 930.3A4 Laudate Pueri Dominum Mendelssoh 50500180-
Camp n HL
924A3 Now with Rejoicing and Laughter from Bach/Prahl 00156 ECS 930.3A5 Praise Ye the Lord (POP) Schute/Harri SCHCH025
“48 Duets” s 85-SHM
924A4 Der Herr Segne Euch from “A Dozen Bach/Van LA-128B LP 930.3A6 Miserere Mei (accapella) Lotti/Ehret/ 5232-BH
Duets” Camp Wilson
924A5 O Sing Unto the Lord from the “Baroque Marcello/Mu DM00099 930.3A7 The Nightingale Weelkes/Pis PCS-227 Ply
Songbook” rphy McAfee ano
Music 930.3A8 Lift Thine Eyes Mendelssoh 50292660
924A6 Evening Song from “Mendelssohn 16 Mendelssoh 50254590 n GS
Two-Part Songs” n/Baker GS 930.3A9 How Merrily We Live Este/Barrie 051839 LG
924A7 Sound the Trumpet (Duet Album) Purcell VAB7 BH 930.3A10 Tu, Mentis Delectatio Giovanelli C10-8719
924A8 I Will Sing Unto the Lord from the Green 50254590 (ed.Roff) TH
“Baroque Songbook” McAfee 930.3B1 Homeward Bound Arr.Althouse 7846-Alf
Music 930.3B2 Linden Lea Vaughn HMC 944
924A9 Autumn Song from “Mendelssohn 16 Mendelssoh 50254590 Williams/W Hinshaw
Two-Part Songs” n/Baker GS agner
924A10 The Sea from “48 Duets” Brahms 00156 ECS 930.3B3 The Lass From the Low Countree Niles/Shepp 50311600
924B1 Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel? from “A arr.Van LA-128B LP ard GS
Dozen Duets” Camp 930.3B4 See the World Through Children’s Eyes Carter SP788-Hope
924B2 God Sent His Son Into the World from the Handel/Mur DM00099 930.3B5 Farewell Lad Arr.O’Neil 5766 Alf
“Baroque Songbook” phy McAfee 930.3B6 Bright is the Ring of Words Vaughn HRD 232
Music Williams/W RD
924B3 Send Down the Rain Eilers 402-19052 agner
Jenson 930.3B7 All the Pretty Little Horses Fraekenphol 08602415
924B4 The Magic Flute Mozart/Harri K117213 HL
s Kimmel 930.3B8 The Ash Grove Smith 50311570
924B5 I Walk the Unfrequented Road arr.Kjelson OCT022027 GS
CPP/B 930.3B9 Cantate Domino Pitoni/Greys 018718-Brn
924B6 Santa Lucia from “A Dozen Duets” Cottrau/Van LA-128B LP on
Camp 930.3B10 Hush Little Baby Julseth- 430-07013-
924B7 Them Bones Gonna Rise Again Eilers 40225058 Heinrich HL
Jenson 930.3C1 Wind of the Western Sea Ellingboe 43509074
924B8 Little Lamb, Who Made Thee Kennedy/Bla 5653 BH HL
ke 930.3C2 Sing a Rainbow (POP) Hamilton/Lo 08721725
924B9 This is the Lord’s Day from “A Dozen Mendelssoh LA-128B LP jeski WB
Duets” n/Van Camp 930.3C3 Candle on the Water Kasha/Hirsc 08426-404-
924C1 Song of Peace Donnely/Stri 7909 Alf hhorn/Lojes HL
d ki
924C2 Follow Wilson/Kno V7913 SPR 930.3C4 The Lone Wild Bird Arr.Johnson 11-0516-
x Aug.
924C3 Oh, Susanna! Oh, Eliza! arr.Strid EA0074 930.3C5 I Got the Spirit (POP) Rodby WR 1015-
SP,Inc. Hope
924C4 Lovely Appear Gounod/Ed H5841 HMP 930.3C6 All Through The Night Kauffman B0497-
wards SP,Inc.
924C5 Child of the Universe Cassils SP016 Hope 930.3C7 Where Peaceful Waters Flow Strid/Donnel B0543
924C6 Brothers Lovelace/Ma Canyon ly SP,Inc.
rtin Press 930.3C8 A Night Song Christiansen SCHCH-
924C7 A Gentle Alleluia Monteverdi/ H5743 HMP 350-CPP/B
Edwards 930.3C9 Come Sing This Round With Me Martini/Grey 310768 Brn
924C8 A Life on the Ocean Wave Johnson 08720436 son
HL 930.3C10 Some Folks Foster/Stant B0545
on SP,Inc.


Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List
Transfer Music From Another Current OSSAA List

930.3A1 Three Renaissance Pieces #3 Morley B0407


No Exceptions No Exceptions
These Are Separate Events Using The Same Music List. These Are Separate Events Using The Same Music List
A Student May Enter Each Of The Two A Student May Enter Each Of the Two

The number following the decimal point should equal the The number following the decimal point should equal the number
number in the ensemble. in the ensemble.

SSAA Single Quartet Class A-B-C 940.4 or .8 TTBB Single Quartet Class A-B-C 941.4 or .8

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

940.4A1 Ain’a That Good News arr.Dawson T140 NAK 941.4A1 Shenandoah Bartholome 50297270-
940.4A2 Listen to the Lambs Dett/Harris GS w GS
940.4A3 O Music, Thou Most Lovely Art arr.Harris 02503 941.4A2 Last Words of David Thompson 2154 ECS
CPP/B 941.4A3 Gonna Sing (6 parts) Kirby Shaw 08666034
940.4A4 Ave Marie Vittoria/Cain B0501 HL
SP,Inc. 941.4A4 Vive L’Amour Arr.Shaw/Pa 51026 LG
940.4A5 A Song of Songs Goetze B6677 BH rker
940.4A6 Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Arr.Quinn NBCR 205 941.4A5 Ching-A-Ring-Chaw Copland B5518-BH
Child Ply 941.4A6 Hallelujah, Amen Handel/Due 12078 BMC
940.4A7 Three Songs by Brahms (#1 only) Brahms/Ads B0509 y
SP,Inc. 941.4A7 Ain’ a That Good News Dawson T104 A-
940.4A8 Ching-A-Ring-Chaw Copeland B5025-BH NAK
940.4A9 Sigh, No More, Ladies Boyd CM8238 CF 941.4A8 Hard Times Come Again No More Foster/Moor SV8938
940.4A10 Four Songs by Edvard Grieg Grieg/Ades B0518 e CPP/B
SP,Inc. 941.4A9 Black is the Color Arr.Churchil C-51 SP,Inc.
940.4B1 In These Delightful, Pleasant Groves Purcell/Harri 52593-LG l
s 941.4A10 Amazing Grace Arr.Lojesky 08300533
940.4B2 Precious Lord, Take My Hand Allan/Ringw B0306 HL
ald SP,Inc. 941.4B1 I Want to Die Easy arr.Sanders IC14-8402
940.4B3 I Am In Love, I Dare Not Own It arr.Parker HMC 457 TH-Antara
Hinshaw 941.4B2 Steal Away Arr.Dennard C-279
940.4B4 Flow Not So Fast, Ye Fountains arr.Thoburn M70-560- SP,Inc.
Ply. 941.4B3 Hosanna To Our God Bortniansky/ H2004 Alex
940.4B5 Kyrie (Mass in G) Schubert/He PCS246 Ply Ballenger
rrmann 941.4B4 There is Nothin’ Like a Dame Rodgers/Ha 00346949-
940.4B6 Walk With Me in the Sun Foltz/Tatgen PCS246 Ply mmerstein HL
horst arr. Stickles
940.4B7 There is Ever a Song Goetze B6676 BH 941.4B5 Gentle Annie Arr. 859 LG
940.4B8 The Straw Guy arr.Kodaly 54.916 OX Shaw/Parker
940.4B9 Two Canons for Equal Voices (1 or 2) Mozart/Sisso 954 Ply 941.4B6 The Pasture (from Frostiana) (TBB) Thompson 2181 ECS
n 941.4B7 The Navy Hymn Arr.Scott C-35 SP,Inc.
940.4B10 S’vivon arr.Bertaux B6193-BH 941.4B8 Gonna Rise Up Singin’ Besig C257
940.4C1 Now Is the Month of Maying (POP) Morley/And 2034-SHM SP,Inc.
erson 941.4B9 Climbin’ Up the Mountain arr.Smith 1101 NAK
940.4C2 Three Hungarian Folk Songs (#1) Lloyd/Seiber 50308600- 941.4B10 My Love for You Beethoven/G 08612
GS oldsmith Curtis-NAK
940.4C3 A Joyful Alleluia Young B-266, 941.4C1 We Be Three Poor Mariners (TTB) Ravenscroft/ SV8570CPP
SP,Inc. Owen /B
940.4C4 Movin’ On Hannisian B0336- 941.4C2 Praise We Sing To Thee Haydn/Luva 2505 NAK
SP,Inc. as
940.4C5 Jubilate Deo Praetorius/R 6350 BH 941.4C3 My Lord, What A Morning (TTB) Arr.Krunnfu MF1014
ao sz
940.4C6 Charm Me Asleep Brahms/Dav 1026 ECS 941.4C4 Hush! Somebody’s Callin’ My Name (5 Arr.Dennard C-278
is parts) SP,Inc.
940.4C7 Now Sing We Joyfully Unto God Young B-285 941.4C5 Bound For Jubilee Eilers SV7904
940.4C8 My Heart To Thee Now Makes Its Plea di Lasso 64355 941.4C6 Lonesome Road (POP) arr.Wilson 196 JS-Ply
(Madrigals for Treble Voices) CPP/B 941.4C7 Down in the Valley Arr.Mead 1.1716 ECS
940.4C9 I’m Goin’ Home On A Cloud Taylor/How 6389 BH 941.4C8 Let There Be Music Williams C-5001
ell SP,Inc.
940.4C10 Da Pacem Domine Goetze B6187-BH

No Exceptions No Exceptions
These Are Separate Events Using The Same Music List.
A Student May Enter Each Of The Two 4 VOICES
The number following the decimal point should equal the
number in the ensemble.

SATB Single Quartet Class A-B-C 942.4 Barbershop Quartet Class A-B-C 943
Sel ID Title Composer Pub SelID Title Composer Pub
942.4A1 Lobet den Herren alle Heiden Dressler/Malin 2490 CPP/B 943A2 Peggy O’Neil arr.Hubbard & 8348-5 Leo
942.4A2 Quaerite primum regnum Dei Mozart/Smith 157 MF Floersheimer Feist
942.4A3 The Joys of Marriage (POP) Brahms/Freed Ab202-6 943A3 By the Light of the Silvery Moon Edwards/Hicks 90
942.4A4 Exultate Justi in Domino Viadana/Marten W2153-Ply 943A4 Cecelia arr.Hicks 019707 Brn
s 943A5 When Sweet Susie Goes Steppin’ By arr.Hohl 7086
942.4A5 O Magnum Mysterium Victoria/Beebe CR30 SPEBSQSA
Broude 943A6 They Go Wild, Simply Wild Over Me McCarthy & 7253
942.4A6 Harmony in Marriage Haydn/Geiringe 352-00083 Fisher SPEBSQSA
r TP 943A7 Somebody Stole My Gal arr.Waesche 730
942.4A7 Kyrie (from Litanie de venerabili Mozart/Hines 52621 LG SPEBSQSA
altaris Sacramento) 943A8 Shine On, Harvest Moon Norwoth/Hicks 85-
942.4A8 The Nightingale Mendelssohn 407 HMC SPEBSQSA
942.4A9 Jenny Jenkins DeCormier 51612 LG 943A9 That Old Quartet of Mine arr.Perry 144
942.4A10 Gradual (8 parts) Bruckner 6315 Pet SPEBSQSA
942.4B1 O God, Who Reigns in Heaven Above Byrd/Ehret JG0439 943A10 If I Had the Last Dream arr.Liles 7193
942.4B2 Deep River arr.Frederick H2026 Alex 943B1 I Want A Girl Dillon/Von 5
942.4B3 Concord Britten B5014-BH Tilzer SPEBSQSA
942.4B4 Keep My Commandments Pfautsch 641 AMSI 943B2 Bye, Bye, Love Bryant/Bryant 8610-
942.4B5 Confitebor de Dominica V. in Brixi Editio SPEBSQSA
Quadragesima Sti.Aegidii 943B3 What a Wonderful World Arr.Foris 8611-
942.4B6 Go Gently Into the Morning Wagner HMC940 SPEBSQSA
Hinshaw 943B4 A Pitchpipe, A Song and A Smile arr.Hicks 103027 Brn
942.4B7 One May Morning Archibeque WHC012- 943B5 Mistakes Leslie-Nicholls 7219-
942.4B8 Blessed Is The Man Marshall HMC627 943B6 5’ 2” Eyes of Blue Henderson/Lile 7129
Hinshaw s SPEBSQSA
942.4B9 Adoramus Te, K. 327 (A10) Gasparini/Jones 52598 LG 943B7 Side by Side Woods 7309
942.4B10 Awake Sweet Love Dowland/Hines M70-577 Shapiro #7-
Ply. Ply
942.4C1 Simple Gifts arr.Stone 2002 CPP/B 943B8 I’ll Be a Song and Dance Man Hicks 54-
942.4C2 Praise Ye The Lord of Hosts Saint- 60597 SPEBSQSA/
Saens/Jurey CPP/B YMIH-Brn.
942.4C3 Song Of The Sea Hannisian SV7802 943B9 Mary’s A Grand Old Name arr.Szabo 51
942.4C4 Come Again, Sweet Love Dowland 1110 ECS 943B10 Yes Sir, That’s My Baby Kahn & 150617-Brn
942.4C5 To Spring Bach/Gordon SK 2092 Ply Donaldson
942.4C6 Music “Tonerna” Sjoberg/Sateren 2025 AMSI 943C1 Aura Lee (YMIH Songbook) arr.Pouton 6051
942.4C7 I’m Sad and I’m Lonely Arr.Houkom M70-519 SPEBSQSA
Ply 943C2 Put On An Old Pair of Shoes Hill & Hill 52
942.4C8 All My Trials Hunter LG SPEBSQSA/
942.4C9 Still Water Runs Deep Strommen 7704 Alf 51 Shapiro-
942.4C10 In-A-My-Soul (4 or 5 parts) Kupfer/Schmid A1939 Ply.
SP,Inc. 943C3 Give Me A Girl Liles 7651
943C4 You’re The Flower of My Heart, Sweet Gerard & SPEBSQSA(
Adeline Armstrong Barbershop
Cat Program
and Song
943C5 Good Night Ladies (YMITH Christy SPEBSQSA
Songbook) (Strictly
943C6 Let Me Call You Sweetheart Friedman- SPEBSQSA-
Whitson BCP/#6
943C7 When That Great Day Comes Hicks 6
943C8 In My Room Wilson-Usher 8602-
943C9 Heart of My Heart Mack SPEBSQSA-
sheet or BPC
943C10 Honey-Little Liza Medley arr.Connett SPEBSQSA-

943A1 I Never See Maggie Alone arr.Gray 060527 Brn

No Exceptions No Exceptions

5 to 12 VOICES: To be unaccompanied-no piano to be used

4 VOICES May be conducted by a studen-not a teacher. A student director
must be a performing member of the group and direct from within
rather than in front of the group.

Treble Barbershop Quartet Class A-B-C 944 Madrigals Class A-B-C 950
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
944A1 I’m Goin South arr.Anderson SA,Inc. 950A2 O Mistress Mine Baksa 202 Tetra-
944A2 Looking At The World Through Rose Arr.Craig SA,Inc./SAS Ply.
Colored Glasses /Ply 950A3 Construe My Meaning Farnaby/Shipp 051719 LG
944A3 When My Sugar Walks Down the Street arr.Bergman SA,Inc./#11 950A4 All At Once Well Met Fair Ladies Weelkes/Hall CMS 106-
(POP) 482- Nat.
SAMM/CPP 950A5 My Love I’ll Leave You Never Hassler/Greyson 376446-Brn.
/B 950A6 When Allen-A-Dale Went a Hunting Pearsall 332-14437-
944A4 On the Mississippi arr.Sellers SA,Inc./SAS TP
944A5 Please Don’t Talk About Me When I’m arr.Wesley SA,Inc. 950A7 Hark, The Birds Melodious Sing Linley/Young MRE 14-
Gone Broude
944A6 I’m Confessin That I Love You arr.Minihane 391298 Brn 950A8 In These Delightful, Pleasant Groves Purcell/Leighter 1106-ECS
944A7 There’ll Be No Tunes on This Old Piano arr.Berg SA,Inc. 950A9 Scaldava II Sol Marenzio/Hall CMS109
944A8 Mister Sandman Arr.Bradley SA,Inc. Nat
944A9 The Lonesomest Girl In Town arr.Bescos SA,Inc./SA 950A10 All Creatures Now Are Merry Bennett/Zanzi 332-14405
MM/CPP/B Minded TP
944A10 A Marshmallow World arr.Bescos SA,Inc./SAS 950B1 Weep O Mine Eyes Bennet/Fellowes 1.5004 ECS
-Ply. 950B2 Fair Phyllis I Saw Farmer 08679450
944B1 Dream a Little Dream of Me arr.Andersen SA,Inc./SAS HL
-Ply. 950B3 Sing We And Chant It Morley 50310800
944B2 Rock Around the Clock Arr.Andersen SA,Inc. GS
944B3 Battle Hymn of the Republic Howe/West SA,Inc. 950B4 My Bonnie Lass She Smileth Morley/Dorff 312-41575-
944B4 That’s What Friends Are For Arr.Sellers SA,Inc. 41492-TP
944B5 The Second Time Around arr.Berg SA,Inc. 950B5 En Ego Compana Handl(Gallus)/Cra HCA
944B6 Soft Shoe Song Jorden & Bass SA,Inc./#71 btree 102Lorenz
49- 950B6 Souvent Amour (Often My Love) Heurteur/Seay 2462-ECS
Shapiro/SAS 950B7 Matona, Lovely Maiden Lassus/Leighter 1187-ECS
944B7 Yesterday Arr.Craig SA,Inc. 950B8 All Ye Who Music Love Donato/Greyson 103036 Brn
944B8 Ma, He’s Making Eyes At Me arr.Stevens SA,Inc./SA 950B9 Dancing and Springing Hassler/Greyson 029866-Brn
MM-CPP/B 950B10 O Eyes Of My Beloved di Lasso 01146 ECS
944B9 That’s My Weakness Now arr.Anderson SA,Inc./SAS 950C1 She is So Dear Praetorius/Grayson 7014 NAK
-Ply. 950C2 Welcome Sweet Pleasure Weelkes/Thoburn 02560-
944B10 You Can Have Every Light On Broadway arr.Shook SA/Inc./380 CPP/B
898-Brn 950C3 The Sound of Pipe and Drum (SAB) Certon/Owen SV8935
944C1 I Don’t Know Why arr.Haeger Ply/SA,Inc. CPP/B
944C2 Shine On Harvest Moon Norworth & SA,Inc. 950C4 O My Heart (SAB) Henry VIII/Owen SV8567
Bayes CPP/B
944C3 Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie Sterling/Von SA,Inc. 950C5 How Merrily We Live (SAB) East/Moore 45812017-
Tilzer HL
944C4 Ain’t-A That Good News arr.Sellers SA,Inc. 950C6 Free I Am Once Again (SAB) Regnart/Snyder SV8615
944C5 Do Lord Arr.Short SA,Inc. CPP/B
944C6 Goodtime Barbershop and Variety Show Arr.Bergman SA,Inc. 950C7 Come Again, Sweet Love Dowland/Harris A5104
944C7 Give My Regards To Broadway arr.Owens SA,Inc. SP,Inc.
944C8 Side By Side Wood/Emily SA,Inc. 950C8 Though Philomela Lost Her Love Morley 1.5010 ECS
944C9 Seems Like Old Times Lombardo & SA,Inc. (SAT)
Loeb 950C9 Music We Recall Gastoldi/Tolmage 1189-Ply.
944C10 Let’s Sing An Old Time Song Craig SA,Inc. 950C10 Say Love If Ever Thou Didst Find Dowland/Fellowes 1.5104 ECS

950A1 Fire Fire My Heart Morley/Lincoln 50293620

For Wind or Percussion Instruments

Only Junior High and Middle School Students may enter Wind or Percussion Duets


No Exceptions “Transfer Music From Another OSSAA List”
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries

Drum Duet Class A-B-C 520 Keyboard Mallet Duet Class A-B-C 521

Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub

520A1 Twice as Much (Parade dr. duet) Hosmanek Hosmanek 521B6 14 Jazz-Rock Duets (Any LaPorta Ken
520A2 Mixtures (I & II or II & III) Glassock Lud one)(Mar./Vibes)
520A3 Rock Duo (Drum Set Duet) Houllif Ken 521B7 Twelve Duets KV487 (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Mozart/Dish MMP
520A4 Symbiosis (Parade dr.) McMahan Columbia inger
520A5 Snare Drum Duets (Any 3) Houllif SMC 521B8 Six Little Duets Op. 145 for 2 Flutes (1,2,3 Gariboldi CF
520A6 Dialogue for Snare Drum & Timpani Whaley Meredith or 4)
520A7 Four Folk Dances (Any 3) Gomez/Rife SMC 521B9 Invention No. 3 in G (2 Xyl or Mar.) Luhring Pel
520A8 Just 2 (Snare Drum Duet) Markovich Creative 521B10 Four Duets for 2 Mallet Insts. (Any one) Boo Lud
520A9 March for Two Pairs of Kettledrums Philidor M&M 521C1 A Violin Duet Book (Play any one from Herfurth Wil
520A10 Duel (Snare Drum & Tenor Trio) Haas Drumit pgs. 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13 or 14 with acc.)(2
520B1 Two of a Kind (Parade dr.) Abel Lud Orch. Bells, 2 Mar. or 2 Vibes)
520B2 Duet for Tom Toms Steele Ken 521C2 Selected Duets for Saxophone, Vol. 1 (Any Voxman Rub/HL
520B3 Tandem (Snare Drum duet) Bellson SMC 2)
520B4 Mulperette Bolinger Ken 521C3 Easy Classics for Two (Play 1,2,4,5, or 6) Stouffer Ken
520B5 Duo Sonatina (Sn.dr.and Tom Tom) Russell ECS 521C4 Jazz for Juniors (Any one)(Mar/Vibes) Poole Columbia
520B6 Scherzo a Due’ Kraft TRY 521C5 Duet Time (Any one)(Mar/Xylo/Vibe) Scarmolin Lud
520B7 Intermediate Duets for Snare Drum (Any Whaley Columbia 521C6 Duets for All (Play any one EXCEPT pgs. Stoutamire/ CPP/B
two from pgs. 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28 or 12, 13, 24) Henderson
30) 521C7 Xylofun (any 2) Evans BH
520B8 Duet for Snare Drum & Timpani Siwe Mus.Perc. 521C8 Mallet for Classic (Play pgs. 4-6 or pgs. 7- Fink TP
520B9 Double Swing (Parade dr.) Thamm Creative 9 or pgs. 10-12)(Mar/Vibe)
520B10 Drumming Together (Parade or Concert Schinstine SMC 521C9 Belwin Master Duets (Flute easy) Vol. 1 Snell CPP/B
Drums)(Any two cont. meters from pgs. (any 2)
14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 34 or 36) 521C10 Forty Short Duets for Beginner Flutists Moyse GS
520C1 12 Duets (2 Sn.drs.)(Any 2) Emilson Ken (Any 2 cont. mvts.)
520C2 Two of Us (2 Parade Drums) Buggert Robbins
520C3 The Echo Jurrens SMC
520C4 Drumming Together (Any one from pgs. 3, Schinstine SMC TRUMPET DUET 620
5, 6, 7, 11, 13 or 18)(Concert Dr.) No exceptions
520C5 Intermediate Duets for Snare Drum (Any Whaley Columbia
one from pg. 2,4,6,8,10,20 or 26)
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries
520C6 Four Hands A-Round (Book I, Easy) Any Schinstine SMC
2 cont. mvts. from No. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Trumpet Duet Class A-B-C 620
15, 16,17, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24)
520C7 Conflict Udell Udell Sel ID Title Composer Pub
520C8 Percussion Debate Snider CPP/B 620A1 Shades of Jazz Reehl Reehl
520C9 Southern Special: Play p. 12 (alone); or Schinstine SMC 620A2 10 Concert Duets (any two cont. mvts.) Plog WIM
play pgs. 18 & 23 (Parade or Concert 620A3 Concert Dialogue Cheetham SP,Inc.
Drums) 620A4 Belwin Master Duets, Advanced, Vol. 2 (8 Arr.Snell CPP/B
520C10 Contrast 1 Udell Udell or 14)
521A1 Due Miniature (Mvts. I & II)(Vibe & Mar.) Tanner Mus.Perc. 620A5 Six Canonic Sonatas (Any one) Telemann/Sc WIM
521A2 Fifteen Bach Inventions for Mallet Bach/Lang CPP/B hmidt
Instruments (Any one)(2 Mar.) 620A6 Concert (I or III) Vivaldi/Joos HE/G&M/H
521A3 Song for the New Year Molenhof Ken en L
521A4 Shadows (3 Scenes for Marimba and Fink Simrock 620A7 My Spirit Be Joyful Bach/Biggs TP
Vibes)(1 & 2 or 2 & 3) 620A8 Brass Duet Notebook (Cantabile & Allegro W.F. SMC
521A5 Selected Duets for Flute, Vol. II (Any one Voxman Rub or Larghetto & Alla Breve) Bach/Miller
from: pgs. 8, 18, 14, 24, 41, 44, 50 or 62). 620A9 Contemporary Music For Two Trumpets ed.Plog TM
(2M;M/V;X/M) (Play 1)
521A6 One Notch Higher Molonhof Ken 620A10 Selected Duets, Vol. II (Any 1) Voxman Rub
521A7 Advanced Duets (any two cont. mvts.) Nelson CC 620B1 Selected Duets, Vol. I (pgs. 34 & 35 or Voxman Rub
521A8 Diptych No. 3 (2 marimbas) Stout Lud pgs. 36 & 37)
521A9 Contemporary Mallet Duets (Any Houllif Permus 620B2 Trumpet Tones Collection (No. 2) Foster/Hum Rub
two)(Mar./Xylo; or Vibes) mel
521A10 10 Christmas Carols for Two Marimbas Schinstine Ken 620B3 Sound the Trumpets Purcell EM
(Any one from: pgs. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 620B4 Belwin Master Duets, Advanced, Vol. 2 Snell CPP/B
18 or 20) (Play pg. 3, 4, 17, 25, or 26)
521B1 A Violin Duet Book (Any one from pgs. 6, Herfurth Wil 620B5 Twelve Duets (any two cont. mvts.) Mozart/Dish MMP
8, 10 or 16 with acc.)(2 Orch Bells, 2 Mar. inger
or 2 Vibes)
521B2 Southern Special Marimba Solos (Play pg. Schinstine SMC
18 or 22)
521B3 Bach for Bars, Vol. I (Play any one: pgs, Fulmann/Wi SF
11, 12, 16, 22, 24 or26) ckstrom
521B4 Classic Duets for Marimba (Any two) Schinstine Ken
521B5 Selected Duets for Flute, Vol. II (Play any Voxman Rub
one from pgs. 3, 23, 30, 32, or
38)(Mar./Xylo.or Vibes)
No exceptions
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries

Class A-B-C 622

Sel ID Title Composer Oyb Sel ID Title Composer Pub
620B6 Twelve Duets (Any two cont. mvts.) Bach/Dishin MMP 621C7 Elena Polka Kiefer Bar
ger 621C8 Three Duets (Any one) Lester JTL
620B7 Belwin Master Duets, Vol. I-Ad. (Any 2) Snell CPP/B 621C9 Moana Waltz (Tpt. & Trb. Clef Baritone) Barnard Bar
620B8 Six Duos, Opus 74, Vol. 1 (Any one) Devienne/Di MMP 621C10 16 Duets for Tpt/Tbn (Play 1 from 4,6,7,10 Berg/Dishin MMP
shinger or 12) ger
620B9 Ragtime Frankies Low-Down Hoe-Down Machell Virgo 622A1 Eleven Mozart Duets (Any 2 cont. Mozart/Pow SP,Inc.
620B10 Nine Duets (pg. 1 or pg. 6) Handel/Dish MMP numbers) ell
inger 622A2 Six Duos, Op. 74, Vol. 1 (Play 1 from Devienne/Di MMP
620C1 Instrumental Duo Suite (Play Mvt. 1 or 3) McKay JTL II,III,IV or V) shinger
620C2 Miniature Classics (any 2) Hering CF 622A3 Selected Duets, Vol. II (Play 1, 2, 4, 11, 36 Voxman Rub
620C3 Flamingos Vander Rub or 39)
Cook 622A4 Brass Duet Notebook, Vol. II (Any 2) Bach/Miller SMC
620C4 Amazing Grace arr.Walters Rub 622A5 Diggin’ Doug’s Duos (Any 2 from Nos. 2, Hartzell SP,Inc.
620C5 Six Well-Known Classics for Two (Any Arr. Stouffer Ken 3, 5, 6 or 10)
one) 622A6 Sonata in g minor (I & III or II & IV) Corelli/Ostra EM
620C6 Learn to Play Cornet Duets (Play one from Ed.Eisenhau Alf nder
pg. 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15 or 44) er 622A7 Celebrated Duets for Trombone or Amsden Bar
620C7 Voxman Selected Duets, Vol. I (Play pgs. Korda Rub Baritone, Part II (Play one from pgs. 19-
2 & 3 or 2 & 7 (Minuet)) 58)
620C8 Easy Classics for Two (Any one) Arr.Stouffer Ken 622A8 10 Concert Duets (Play any two duets) Uber EM
620C9 16 Duets (Play any two cont. mvts.) Berg/Dishin MMP 622A9 Six Duets (Any two) Braun/Dishi MMP
ger nger
620C10 Friends Smith Rub 622A10 Six Concert Duets (Play 2 cont. mvts. from Cornette CF
III, IV, V or VI)
TRUMPET-TROMBONE OR TRUMPET-EUPHONIUM 622B1 Ten Duets for Trombone (No. 3,6,8 or 10) Pederson Ken
622B2 Belwin Master Duets, Vol. 1 Purcell/Snell CPP/B
DUET 621 (Intermediate)(Play Fanfare)
No exceptions 622B3 Nine Duets from Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 Handel/Dish MMP
(Any one) inger
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries 622B4 Trombone Duets, Vol. 1 (Any 2 cont. Tanner WIM
Trumpet-Trombone or Trumpet Euphonium Duet 622B5 Six for Two (Play either 1 or 6) Stouffer Ken
622B6 Twelve Duets (any two cont. selections) Bach/Dishin MMP
Class A-B-C 621 ger
622B7 17 Vocalises (Play 1 from nos. 2,3,4,5,7 or Bordogni/Ho SMC
Sel ID Title Composer Pub 12) (POP) ffman
621A1 9 Duets from Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 (Play Handel/Dish MMP 622B8 Twelve Duets (Play 2 from 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, Mozart/Dish DT01 MMP
2 mvts. from pgs. 8-15) inger 8 , 9, 11 or 12) inger
621A2 Duet Albums (Play Ave Verum Corpus or Mozart/Core EM 622B9 Selected Duets, Vol. 1 (pgs. 44-48 play Voxman Rub
Stravinsky Dance And Corelli Allemande) lli/Stravinsk any 2)
y 622B10 Nine Duets (Play 4,6,7,8 or 9) Hartman/Dis MMP
621A3 Massa’s in the Cold, Cold Ground, Air Holmes/Smit Bar hinger
Varie h 622C1 Easy Classics for Two (Any 2) Stouffer Ken
621A4 Prelude and Dance Marcello EM 622C2 Sailing Song Tschaikowsk Ken
621A5 French Suite (Play Courante & Sarabande) King RK y/Dedrick
621A6 Eight Short Duos (Mvts. III & V or VI & Uber SMC 622C3 33 Trombone Duets (any two cont. from Miller Lud
VII) pgs 1-16)
621A7 Sonata Da Camera (Any 2) Vivaldi/Mag EM 622C4 Twelve Duos (p. 4 or 10) Mozart/Dish MMP
anini inger
621A8 9 Fugues on the Magnificat (2 cont. mvts.) Pachelbel WIM 622C5 Two Little Stars Harris Lud
621A9 Five Bicinia (Mvts. 1,3 & 4) Burger Lud 622C6 Six for Two (Play one from No. 2,3,4, or Stouffer Ken
621A10 Smithsonian Smith Bar 5)
621B1 Ten Jazz Inventions (Any 2) Niehaus Ken 622C7 Nine Duets (Play 1 or 2) Hartmann/Di MMP
621B2 Two Part Invention No. 14 Bach/Dedric Ken shinger
k 622C8 Easy Six for Two (Play any 1) Stouffer Ken
621B3 Twelve Duets KV487 (Any 2) Mozart/Dish MMP 622C9 Celebrated Duets for Trombone or Amsden Bar
inger Baritone (Play 3 from 12, 13, 16, 17, 19,
621B4 Dixieland Duet Ellis Ken 20, 21, 30, 31 or 32)
621B5 12 Duets (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Bach/Dishin MMP 622C10 Belwin Master Duets, Vol. 1 (Easy)(Play 1 Snell CPP/B
ger from pgs. 8, 10, 14, 15, 20, 27 or 30)
621B6 Italiana Smith Bar.
621B7 16 Duets for Tpt./Tbn. (Play 2 from pgs. Berg/Dishin MMP
1,3,5,13 or 15) ger
621B8 The Trumpet shall Sound Handel/Swa EM
621B9 Call of the Sea (Tpt. Tbone duet) Smith Bar.
621B10 12 Duets II thru XI (Any 1) Couperin/Di MMP
621C1 Spring Odyssey Johnson Rub
621C2 Gandy Dance Koepke Rub
621C3 Imogene Smith Bar
621C4 Flower of the Orient Saverio/Harr Lud
621C5 Serenade Drigo Rub
621C6 Nine Duets (No. 1,2,3,6 or 8) Hartman/Dis MMP

No Exceptions
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries
French Horn Duet –Class A-B-C 623 Flute Duet 720
Sel ID Title Composer Pub Sel ID Title Composer Pub
623A1 Nine Duets from Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 Handel/Dish MMP 720A6 Three Brilliant Duets, Op. 80 (Play one Kuhlau CF
(play one from pgs. 2, 4, 8, 11 or 14) inger mvt. from one duet)
623A2 Six Duets (Play any mvt. from 3, 4 or 5) Homan/Dish MMP 720A7 Zirkelkanon Teleman WIM
inger 720A8 Album of Flute Duets (Sonata pg. 20 or Moyse GS
623A3 12 Duets for French Horns (Play one from Mozart/Mar M&M Sonata, pg. 10) (Play all of two cont.
1, 3, 6 or 11) x mvts.)
623A4 Selected Duets, Vol. II (pg. 14 No. 4 PLUS Voxman Rub 720A9 16 Flute Duets Op. 132 (any two from No. Briccialdi Int
either pgs. 18-19 No. 7, pgs. 20-21 No. 8 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10)(2 Volumes)
or pgs. 71-72 No. 9) 720A10 Music for 2 Flutes (1&2 or 5&6) Brown WIM
623A5 Seven Menuets KV65A (Play any two) Mozart/Dish MMP 720B1 2 Suites for 2 Flutes (2 cont. mvts. from dela OX
inger one suite) Barre/Solum
623A6 Twelve Duets, Op. 53 (Play any two) Nielson/Dish MMP 720B2 6 Easy Duets (any one) Berbiguer EM
inger 720B3 12 Classical Duets (any 2; 8 & 8A are Mancinelli/ Ken
623A7 Nine Duets (Play any two cont. duets) Bach/Ramm MMP considered 1) Yates
623A8 12 Duets KV487 (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Mozart/Dish MMP 720B4 Six Little Duets, Op. 145 Letter C (Play 1, Garibaldi CF
inger 2, 3 or 4)
623A9 Sonatas No. 4, 5, or 6 (Play any 1, edit for Croft/Ramm MMP 720B5 Selected Duets, Vol. II (any one) Voxman Rub
time) 720B6 Allegro from Sonata #1 for Two Flutes and Handel/Vox SMC
623A10 Six Duos, Op. 7, Vol. 1 (Play any mvt. of Michel/Dishi MMP Piano man/Hervig
any duet) nger 720B7 Allegro and Minuett Beethoven/ EM
623B1 8 Baroque Duets (Play Nos. 3 and 7) Handel/Tele MMP Maganini
mann/Ramm 720B8 Selected Duets, Vol. 1 (Any 2 cont. from Voxman Rub
623B2 Twelve Duets from Book I, II for Clavier Couperin/Di MMP pgs. 47-72)
(Any one from Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11 or 12) shinger 720B9 30 Easy Duets (Any 2) Moyse M&M
623B3 Duets for All (pgs. 16&17) Stoutamire Pro 720B10 Seven Minuets (Any 2) Mozart/Dish MMP
623B4 10 Easy Duets (any 2) C.P.E. Tezak inger
Bach/McGa 720C1 The Two Flyers Endresen Rub
ughey 720C2 Air Varie Hendel/Kile Alry
623B5 Twenty Four Duets, Vol. 1 (Any one from Mancinelli/ MMP 720C3 Prairie Warblers Endresen Rub
Nos. 1, 2, 6, 10, 11 or 12) Dishinger 720C4 Duet Time (Any one) Scarmolin Lud
623B6 Twenty Duets (without repeats)(Play any 2 Ozi/Dishing MMP 720C5 Easy Classics for Two (Any one) Stouffer Ken
from Nos. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18 er 720C6 Selected Duets for Flute, Vol. I (Any 1 Voxman Rub
or 20) duet)
623B7 Six Duos, Op. 74, Vol. 1 (Play any one) Devienne/Di MMP 720C7 Forty Short Duets for Flute (Any 2 cont. Moyse GS
shinger mvts.)
623B8 Six for Two (Play one from 1, 2, or 4) Stouffer Ken 720C8 Flutes Together(Play any 3) Schaeffer Lud
623B9 Twenty-four Duets, Vol. II (Play any one Mancinelli/ MMP 720C9 Bagatelle Schudel Ken
from Nos. 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, or 23) Dishinger 720C10 Belwin Master Duets, Flute-Easy Vol. I Snell CPP/B
623B10 Twelve Bicinia for French Horns (Play 4 Mayer SP,Inc. (Play any three duets)
or 5 or two from the following three, No. 8,
9, or 10)
623C1 60 Selected Duets (Play 2 from 15, 21, 26, LA Horn SMC Bb CLARINET DUET 721
28, or 36) Club No Exceptions
623C2 5 Little Duets (Any two cont. duets) Schubert/Go TP Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries
623C3 Spielstucke, Kanons and Duette (Play two Hoeltzel EAM
from No. 15, 21, 26, 36) Bb Clarinet Duet Class A-B-C 721
623C4 Selected Duets for French Horn, Vol. 1 Voxman Rub
(Play one pg.. 27 No. 5 & 6; pg. 24 No. 13 Sel ID Title Composer Pub
or pg. 12, No. 4 & 5) 721A1 Airs and Waltzes (Any 2 cont. mvts.) Mozart/Fuch UE
623C5 60 Horn Duets, Book One (Play two from Pottag CPP/B s
No. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 19, or 26) 721A2 Two American Fiddlin’ Tunes (Belwin Traditional/S CPP/B
623C6 Duets for All (Play one from pgs. 9, 10 or Stoutamire/ CPP/B Master Duets Vol 1 Adv.)(Play No. 1 & 2 nell
22) Henderson with repeat) (pgs. 19-21)
623C7 First Pals (Any 2 cont. from Nos. 3-26) Ostrander EM 721A3 Neopolitan Suite (Mvts. 1 & 2 or 2 & 3) Scarlatti/Sko EM
623C8 Twelve Duets from Book I, II for Clavier Couperin/Di MMP lnik
(Play one from 1, 2, 6, 10 or 11 without shinger 721A4 Duos for 2 Clarinets (Any mvt. from Nos. Pleyel EBM
repeats) 1, 2 or 3) (POP)
623C9 20 Duets for Two Horns (Play No. 1 or 2 Frehse Int 721A5 Six Duets Op. 74 (No. 1 pg. 2 or No. 6 pg. Devienne/Ki Int.
or 3 and 4) 13) rkbride
623C10 Easy Classics for Two (Play any duet) Stouffer Ken 721A6 Six Concertante Duets (any one duet) Ayres SP,Inc.
721A7 Six Duets (Duo IV or VI) Braun/Dishi MMP
FLUTE DUET 720 nger
721A8 Twelve Duets KV 487 (Play no. 1&6 Mozart/Dish MMP
No Exceptions w/repeats) inger
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries 721A9 Eight Concert Duets (Play 1,3,6 or 8) Cragun Rub
721A10 Selected Duets fro Clarinet, Vol. II, pg. 45, Quantz/Vox Rub
Flute Duet Class A-B-C 720 Duet in G Major man
No Exceptions

Sel ID Title Composer Pub

720A1 6 Duets Op. 75, Vol. I (any one duet) Mozart CB
720A2 Due Concertant in G Major IX, No. 5 Devienne Int
(Mvt. 1 or 2)
720A3 Sonata in D Major Quantz CF
720A4 Duet for Two Flutes Shostavitch GS
720A5 Duo Sonata (Any one mvt.) Bach, WF EM
Clarinet Duet 721 Saxophone Duet Class A-B-C 722
Continued Continued
SelId Title Composer Pub SelId Title Composer Pub
721B1 Selected Duets, Vol. 1 (Play any two from Voxman Rub 722C2 Selected Duets, Vol. I (Nos. 3, 4, 11, 15 or Voxman Rub
pgs. 66, 67, 68, 69 or 72) 25)
721B2 Intermediate Duos (Play one from pg. 10, Ayres SP,Inc. 722C3 12 Duets (4, 9, 10 or 11) Bach/Dishin MMP
no. 3; pg. 34, No. 2; or pg. 35, No. 3) ger
721B3 It. and Fr. Baroque Duets (Play No. 2 & Corelli/Dishi MMP 722C4 3 Duets A & T (Any 1) Lester JTL
No. 4 OR any other duet) nger 722C5 Duets for All (Play p.3, p.4 or pp. 6-7) Stoutamire/ CPP/B
721B4 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Bach/Davis WIM Henderson
721B5 Six Duets (1,2,3 or 5) Braun/Dishi MMP 722C6 Gavotte Harris Lud
nger 722C7 Images (Play 1, 3 or 4) Lester/Rubin JTL
721B6 Nine Duets (Any one except pgs. 1 or 10) Handel/Dish MMP 722C8 Easy 6 for 2 (Any 1) Stouffer Ken
inger 722C9 Simple Six for Two (Any 1) Stouffer Ken
721B7 12 Classical Duets (Any one from pgs. 1, Mancinelli/ Ken 722C10 Easy Classics for Two (Any 1) Stouffer Ken
2, 3, 4,9, 10 or 11) Yates
721B8 Little Suite (Any 2) Kraft TP
721B9 Twelve Duets (Any 2) Bach/Dishin MMP FLUTE CLARINET DUET 723
ger No Exceptions
721B10 Selected Duets for Clarinet, Vol. I pgs. 33- Viotti/Voxm Rub Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School entries
35 an
721C1 Easy Six for Two (Any one) Bach/Stouffe Ken
r Flute-Clarinet Duet Class A-B-C 723
721C2 Andante and Gavotte Harris Lud Sel ID Title Composer Pub
721C3 Duets for Clarinet Students, (Vol. I)(Play 1 Weber/Oster CPP/B 723A1 Neapolitan Suite (Any two cont. mvts.) Scarlatti/Sko EM
from pgs. 2, 4, 6 or 7) ling lnik
721C4 Duetist Folio (No. 16, 17 or 38) Voxman Rub 723A2 Three Duets (Any one) Beethoven JS
721C5 Easy Classics for Two (Any one form Nos. Stouffer Ken 723A3 Divertimento for Flute & Clarinet Danfelt SP,Inc.
1-5) 723A4 12 Duets, Op. 53 (Any 3) Nielsen/Dish MMP
721C6 Learn to Play Clarinet Duets (pg. 34 or 36) Eisenhauer Alf inger
721C7 Spanish Dancers Harris Lud 723A5 78 Duets for Flute & Clarinet, Vol. II (Play Voxman Rub
721C8 Nine Duets for 2 Clarinets (Any one from Hartman/Dis MMP one from 65,66,67,68,69,71,72,73 or 75)
Nos. 1, 2, 5 or 6) hinger 723A6 A Game that Two Can Play Clarke WIM
721C9 Supplementary Duets (Any two cont. mvts. Hovey CPP/B 723A7 Duo Concertants Series, I (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 arr.Andraud SMC
from Nos. 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, or 12)
27, 28, 35, 36, 37 or 40) 723A8 Six Duets (Any 1) Braun/Dishi MMP
721C10 Belwin Master Duets, (Vol. I Easy)(Any Snell CPP/B nger
one except pgs. 4, 6 or 28) 723A9 Three Mozart Sonatas (Any 1, Play 2 cont. Mozart/Dah CPP/B
mvts.) m
723A10 Two Duets, Op. 46 (either one) Kummer CF
SAXOPHONE DUET 722 723B1 78 Duets for Flute and Clarinet, Vol. II Voxman Rub
No Exceptions (Play one from No. 56,57,58,59,60,61,64
or 74)
Allowed only in Junior High and Middle School Entries 723B2 Duo Concertants, Series I (No. 4, 7, 8 or 9) Andraud SMC
Saxophone Duet Class A-B-C 722 723B3 12 Duets KV 487 (Any two cont. mvts.) Mozart/Dish MMP
723B4 Promenade Endresen Rub
Sel ID Title Composer Pub
723B5 Air and Dance Corelli/Mag EM
722A1 Sonate en Ut (Mvts. I & II)(2 Altos) LeClaire/Lo Leduc (RK) anini
723B6 Rigodon de Dardanus Rameau EM
722A2 Selected Duets, Vol. II (Play either No. 4, Voxman Rub 723B7 Six Duos for Flute & Clarinet (Any 1) Devienne/Di MMP
6, 10, 17 or 18) shinger
722A3 Eight Concert Duets (Play any one from 1, Cragun Rub 723B8 16 Duets (Any 2) Berg/Dishin MMP
6 or 8) ger
722A4 Concert Duets for Alto & Tenor Harvey Roncorp
723B9 Twelve Duets (Any 2) Couperin/Di MMP
Saxophone (Any two mvts) shinger
722A5 6 Canonic Sonatas (Play 1, 2 OR 5) Telemann/T Etoile
723B10 Nine Duets (Any one except Largoe Piano) Handel/Dish MMP
eal inger
722A6 Six Sonatas (Play 1, 2 or 3) Devienne EM
723C1 78 Duets, Vol. 1 (Play any 2 from 1,2,3,4 Voxman Rub
722A7 Three Duets (Two cont. mvts. from 1, 2, or Beck/Dishin MMP or 9)
3) ger
723C2 17 Short Duets from Three Centuries (Play Frank/Forbe OX
722A8 Six Duos, Op. 74, Vol. 1 (Any duet except Devienne/Di MMP two from Nos. 1,2,4,6 OR 7) s
No. 1) shinger
723C3 Intermezzo Schudel Alry
722A9 Six Duets (IV, V or VI) Braun/Dishi MMP 723C4 Nine Duets (Any one from 1-6) Hartman/Dis MMP
gner hinger
722A10 Concertpiece (I or II) Hindemith/R M&M 723C5 Duets from the Chelsea Notebook (Any Mozart/Boer SP,Inc.
asher two) lin
722B1 Allegro and Minuet (Allegro only) Beethoven/ EM
723C6 Twelve Duets (Any one) Bach/Dishin MMP
Maganini ger
722B2 12 Classical Duets (Any 2) A&A, T&T Mancinelli/ Ken
723C7 Twenty Duets (Any two cont. mvts.) Ozi/Dishing MMP
Yates er
722B3 12 Duets KV487 (Two cont. selections Mozart/Dish MMP
723C8 78 Duets, Vol. 1 (Any 1 from 6, 7, 18, 20, Voxman Rub
from #3, 4, 6, or 12) inger 22, 27, 31, 36 or 37)
722B4 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (S & T) Bach/Davis WIM
723C9 Prairie Warblers Endresen Rub
722B5 Six Petit Duos Faciles (Any 1) Berbiquier EM 723C10 The Two Flyers Endresen Rub
722B6 Zirkelkanon Telemann/D WIM
722B7 12 Light Pieces (Play one from 9, 10, 11 or Sousmann EM
722B8 Sonata (1 & 2 or 2 & 3) (T/B) Mozart/Ausl WIM
722B9 Allemanda from Duet Album (2A or A/T) Corelli EM
722B10 Polka Music for Saxophone (Bartered Smetana/Har Lud
Bride) ris
722C1 Two Buckaroos Harris Lud

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