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The Association for Music in International Schools

Audition Instructions for International Honor Orchestras

In order to encourage students who may not feel as though their skills reach the AMIS pre-pandemic
standard, this year’s auditions have been adjusted. All auditions will consist of one scale and one excerpt.

All tempo markings for this season are recommendations. Although performing at the recommended tempo is
optimal, students who play with accuracy and musicality at slower tempos will be considered.

AMIS Festivals support the music programs in schools that were created to serve expatriate children in various
world locales. Applications are not accepted from students whose schools are outside of this international
school community.

Applicants must submit their auditions through a music teacher from their school, and must be active
members of the school orchestra if there is one. Any exceptions to the above must have prior approval from
the Executive Director in order to audition.

Students may submit only one audition for orchestra, for example, students who play both violin and
String players
viola may in grades
audition 6, 7violin
only for and 8orare invited
only to audition
for viola, not for for the Middle School Honor Orchestras.
Although AMIS ordinarily uses different auditions for middle school string musicians in Europe and
Asia, all MS string players will use the same audition for 2021-2022.

String players in grades 9 through 13 are invited to audition for the High School Honor Orchestra. This is
ordinarily a singular ensemble that is global in membership, however high school string players will audition
for geographic regions in 2022, dependent upon travel restrictions. Some regions will not have AMIS high
school string events, as regional ensemble festivals already exist in those places.

Audition Materials
It is crucial that you use only this year’s materials downloaded from this site, and not those from previous
years. The auditions for 2022-2023 are Set 1.

Excerpts are from standard repertoire, identified by name and composer. Students are encouraged to listen
to recordings of the works to aid audition preparation.
Auditions for this festival will be submitted digitally by uploading files to the AMIS website.

File Format: Files should be in mp3 format only.

Separate Files: Record each item for each student as a separate mp3 file: 1 file for the scale, 1 file for the

Naming Sound Files: Each file of the audition should be clearly labeled as Scale or Excerpt, followed by the
student’s name.

Example: Scale Joe Bloggs. Use letters and numbers only-no accents or symbols.

LISTEN! Listen to all recordings all the way through before uploading them. Pay attention to the quality of
the finished recording for audio level and the balance with the metronome.

Submitting Your Recordings

Screen Your Auditions: If the standard of the audition is obviously not sufficient for an advanced
orchestra, do not send the recording.

Register and Upload your entries on the online registration part of the AMIS website. Follow all the step-
by-step instructions on the site.

Confirm: After uploading, listen once more to be sure the upload has been successful.

Deadline: Submissions must be uploaded by midnight GMT the night of 23 October 2023. Late auditions
will not be considered.
Detailed Guidelines for Making Your Audition Recordings

The Room
Choose a room far from street noise that is not too live. An echo camouflages articulation and nuance.
Record auditions in a room with acoustics as dry as possible. Above all, do not add reverberation. Please
ensure there are no background noises from fans, air conditioners, computers, etc, that may detract from
the instrument’s sound.

Recording Equipment
Set the level during a trial recording. Do not change the level during the recording. If your recorder adjusts
volume automatically while the student is playing, use an alternative machine.

Microphone Placement
The performer and metronome should be approximately 1 meter (3 feet) away from the microphone. The
microphone should be directed toward the performer. Experiment with a few different placements. This takes
only a short time with each pupil. Listen and trust your ears. If the result is too soft, move closer to the
microphone; if distorted, move away.

Lower pitched metronomes are easier to record. The metronome tone should be the same throughout the
audition. Please turn off the multi pitch function (bell, click) so that each click sounds the same. Listen to
make sure that the metronome is clearly audible. Follow the instructions on the audition music concerning
starting and stopping the metronome. Metronome markings must be followed.

When uploading auditions, the teacher will be asked to attest to the integrity of the audition,
ensuring that the sound file has not been edited in any way. Any evidence of cutting/splicing or
other editing will result in immediate disqualification.

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