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Sponsor: Hon. Elmer S. Baldemoro

Explanatory Note

WHEREAS, the Philippines is a signatory in the United Nations Convention on the

Rights of the Child, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Geneva Declaration of
the Rights of the Child;

WHEREAS, it is the declared policy of the State and of the City Government of Naga
to protect and promote the rights and welfare of children;

WHEREAS, children, being the next leaders and stewards of our society, should be
afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its
responsibilities within the community;

WHEREAS, to attain the aforementioned goal, the City Government of Naga has
mandated each barangay to organize their respective Barangay Council for the Protection of

WHEREAS, the City Government of Naga will boost the performance of all BCPCs in
the city by encouraging them to exert their best efforts in doing their tasks through giving
them additional incentives;

WHEREAS, advancing the efficacy and responsiveness of all BCPCs by giving the,
ample means of motivation to excel further in performing their duties and responsibilities
will propel the city towards inclusive, robust and comprehensive socio-economic

BE IT ORDAINED, therefore, by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Naga


SECTION 1.–TITLE. - For brevity, this ordinance shall be known as the “Most Child-
Friendly Barangay Award Ordinance.”

SECTION 2. – PURPOSE. – This ordinance is promulgated in order to:

a. Protect and promote the rights and welfare of children;

b. Enhance the efficiency, competence and responsiveness of barangay
governments in Naga City; and
c. Establish a sustainable mechanism that will continually drive the barangays
to effectively and sustainably implement innovative programs for protecting
and promoting children.

SECTION 3. – COVERAGE. – This ordinance shall cover all barangay governments of

Naga City and shall focus on the effectiveness and innovativeness of their respective
programs on the protection and promotion of children rights and welfare.

Friendly Barangay Award is hereby established to be conferred to barangays of the City of
Naga which have met the criteria and conditions prescribed in this Ordinance, as confirmed
and validated by the Awards Committee comprised herein.
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SECTION 5. –CRITERIA. – The Most Child-Friendly Barangay Award shall be

conferred to outstanding barangays which have gained the highest points in the following

I. Functionality of Barangay Council for Protection of Children (BCPC) - 30pts.

This refers to the effectiveness and efficiency of operation of the BCPC. This criteria
is divided into the following:

i. Organization - 3 pts.

a. LCPC organized through a Sangguniang - 1.5 pts.

Barangay resolution/ordinance or
executive order of the Punong Barangay
b. Composition of BCPC is in accordance with - 1.5 pts.
DILG MC No. 2002-121

ii. Meetings - 3 pts.

Conduct of regular quarterly meetings which - 0.75 pt.for every are

supported by minutes of meetings duly quarterly meeting
signed by the BCPC secretary

iii. Policies, Plans and Budget - 9 pts.

a. Policies/Programs/Projects/Activities -3 pts.
of the BCPC provided funding in the
barangay annual budget
b. Crafting of Annual Work and Financial Plan - 2 pts.
c. Inclusion of the Annual Work and Financial - 2 pts.
Plan of the BCPC are included in the
Barangay Development Plan and Barangay
Investment Plan
d. At least two policies for each major child - 1 pt.
right have been developed and
recommended through a resolution
 2 policies on child survival – 0.25 pt.
 2 policies on child development – 0.25 pt.
 2 policies on child protection – 0.25 pt.
 2 policies on child participation – 0.25 pt.

e. Developed policies approved by the - 1 pt.
Sangguniang Barangay (at least two policies
for each major child right)
 2 policies on child survival – 0.25 pt.
 2 policies on child development – 0.25 pt.
 2 policies on child protection – 0.25 pt.
 2 policies on child participation – 0.25 pt.

iv. Accomplishments - 15 pts.

Pro-rated as follows:

 PPAs undertaken based on the - 6 pts.

approved work and financial plan
 State of Children’s Report - 3 pts.
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 Accomplishments reflected in - 2 pts.

the LGU Annual Report
 Accomplishments documented - 2 pts.
 Accomplishment included in the SOBA - 2 pts.

II. Standards of Child-Friendly Barangay - 30pts.

a. Child Health - 5 pts.

1. All children are registered at birth - 1 pt.
2. All infants are exclusively breastfed - 1 pt.
up to about 6 months
3. All children are fully immunized against - 1 pt.
tuberculosis, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus,
measles and polio
4. All children 0-2 years old are weighed - 1 pt.
monthly and quarterly for children
overone year
5. All children are nourished well and, hence,- 0.5 pt.
are not underweight or overweight
6. All children are given one dose of Vitamin A - 0.5 pt.
starting at 6-11 months; 1-5 years old are given
Vitamin A capsules twice a year

b. Maternal Health - 5 pts.

1. All births are attended to by trained - 1 pt.
2. All pregnant women get at least 4 complete - 1 pt.
pre-natal check-ups
3. All mothers are fully immunized against - 1 pt.
4. All pregnant/lactating mothers are given - 1 pt.
Sufficient dose of Vitamin A and iron
5. All pregnant women who are at risk get - 0.5 pt.
Emergency obstetrical care
6. All pregnancies are spaced at least - 0.5 pt.
2 years apart

c. Child Development - 5 pts.

1. All children 3-5 years old attend early - 2 pts.

education program or center-based
day care services
2. All children 6-17 years old are completing - 2 pts.
basic education programs (both elementary
and high school) through regular or
alternative delivery modes
3. All children graduating in elementary and - 1 pt.
high school attain mastery level of nationally
defined competencies (can pass the required
achievement test)

d. Protection from risk - 5 pts.

1. All illiterate parents/caregivers are - 1 pt.
enrolled in functional literacy program
2. All children are removed from exploitative - 1 pt.
and hazardous labor, prostitution and
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3. All children in conflict with the law are - 1 pt.

separated from adult detainees
4. All cases of physical and sexual abuse and - 2 pts.
violence are eliminated in the home and

e. Promotion of safe and liveable homes - 5 pts.

1. All families have safe drinking water - 2 pts.
2. All families use only iodized salt - 1 pt.
3. All families use sanitary latrines/toilets - 1 pt.
4. All fathers and mothers share in the care- 1 pt.
and rearing of children

f. Children Participation - 5 pts.

1. All children participate in socio-cultural and community

development activities and the views of children
aged 12-17 are sought and duly considered in
local government decisions that affect them. - 3 pts.
2. Organized Barangay Children Organization - 2 pts.

III. Presence of Four (4) Gifts - 20pts.

The following tools should be available in the barangay:

 Local Development Plan for Children - 5 pts.

 Local Annual Investment Plan for Children - 5 pts.
 State of the Children’s Report - 5 pts.
 Local Code for Children - 5 pts.

IV. Innovations - 10pts.

a. Expanded Membership - 2 pts.

If BCPC has expended membership in addition to the members prescribed under

DILG MC No. 2002-121, points shall be given as follows:
i. 1-2 additional members - 0.5 pt.
ii. 3-4 additional members - 1.5 pts.
iii. More than 5 additional members - 2 pts.

b. More meetings - 2 pts.

If BCPC conducts more meetings than the required four quarterly meetings, points
shall be given as follows:
i. 3 or more special meetings - 2 pts.
ii. 2 special meetings - 1 pt.

c. More crafted policies - 2 pts.

If BCPC crafted more than two policies for each major child right, points shall be
given as follows:

i. 10 or more additional policies - 2 pts.

ii. 7-9 additional policies - 1.5 pts.
iii. 4-6 additional policies - 1 pt.
iv. 1-3 additional policies - 0.5 pt.
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d. More policies adopted and legislated - 2 pts.

If more than two policies for each major child right were adopted and legislated by
the Sangguniang Barangay, points shall be given as follows:
i. 10 or more additional policies - 2 pts.
ii. 7-9 additional policies - 1.5 pts.
iii. 4-6 additional policies - 1 pt.
iv. 1-3 additional policies - 0.5 pt.

e. More activities - 2 pts.

If BCPC conducts more activities than those reflected in the work and financial plan,
points shall be given as follows:
i. 3 or more additional activities – 2 pts.
ii. 2 additional activities – 1 pt.
iii. 1 additional activity – 0.5 pt.

V. Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit Criteria - 10pts.

Per Memorandum Circular No. 2014-80 of the Department of the Interior and Local
Government, the following criteria shall be noted:

a. Reduction in under-five mortality rate - 2 pt.

(Note: If under-five mortality increased, no point shall be awarded)
b. Completion rate for elementary schooling - 3 pts.
(Note: Computation of point is equivalent to the barangay’s
Elementary completion rate multiplied by 3, i.e., if a barangay
Has an elementary completion rate of only 60%, then its score in
this criteria is 1.8 pts.)

c. Existence of an ordinance establishing Barangay Violence - 3pts.

Against Women and their Children (VAWC)Desks and Case
Disposal Rate of VAWC Desks
(Note: Existence of an ordinance shall be given 1 point, while
Computation of the other 2points is equivalent to the case disposal
rate of VAWC Desks multiplied by 2, i.e., if a barangay has a disposal
rate of only 60%, then it will be given another 1.2 pt. In total,
the barangay will be accorded 2.2 pts. )

d. PhilHealth accreditation for Maternal Care Services and Primary - 2 pt.

Care of health facilities within the jurisdiction of the barangay
(Note: Computation of point is equivalent to the percentage of
health facilities accredited by PhilHealth for Maternal Care Services
and Primary Care over the total number of health facilities in the
barangay, i.e. if there are ten health facilities in the barangay and
only eight are PhilHealth accredited for Maternal Care Services
and Primary Care, then the barangay will only gain 0.8 points.
If a particular barangay, however, has no health facility within its
jurisdiction, it will be accorded 1 point.)


COMMITTEE. – The Most Child-Friendly Awards Committee is hereby constituted and shall
be composed of the heads, or his/her assigned representatives, of the following offices:

Chairman – DILG-Naga City

Co-Chairman – Naga City People’s Council
Members – City Social Welfare and Development Office
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City Health Office

Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP)
NGO member of the Naga City Council for the Welfare and Protection
of Children (NCCWPC)
Representative from the academe


BARANGAY AWARDS COMMITTEE.– In order to efficiently and effectively implement the
Most Child-Friendly Barangay Awards, the Committee composed in the preceding section

(1) Craft and implement guidelines on the efficient implementation of the Most Child-
Friendly Barangay Award;
(2) Review and suggest amendments, if necessary, in the criteria provided in this
(3) Search, validate, review, evaluate and select the Most Child-Friendly Barangay
Awardees following the established guidelines, rules and criteria of the awards; and,
(4) Submit to the City Mayor, Vice Mayor and the members of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod on or before September 30 of every year the list of the Most Child-
Friendly Barangay Awardees for approval and conferment in October of every year;

SECTION 8.–THE SECRETARIAT.– The Children Affairs Office (CAO) shall provide
the secretariat functions of the Most Child-Friendly Barangay Awards Committee.

SECTION 9.– FUNCTIONS OF THE SECRETARIAT. – The secretariat shall have the
following functions and duties:

1. Serve as repository of all documents, memorabilia, pictures and other related

information on the Most Child-Friendly Barangay Awards;
2. Provide the Most Child-Friendly Barangay Awards Committee with the various
forms, guidelines and criteria of the awards;
3. Assist in the search of the Most Child-Friendly Barangay Awardees;
4. Plan and conduct a Most Child-Friendly Barangay Awards Presentation in October of
every year during the celebration of the Children’s Month.


evaluation period shall cover the months of September of the preceding year to August of
the current year. The evaluation and assessment shall be conducted in the month of
September of the current year.


FRIENDLY BARANGAY AWARDEES. – Awarding and presentation of the Most Child-
Friendly Barangay Awardees shall be in October of every year. The event shall be one of the
highlights of the celebration of the Children’s Month.

SECTION 12. – THE AWARDS. – Recipient of the Most Child-Friendly Barangay

Awards shall be given the following prizes:

1st Place - One Million Pesos (P1,000,000) worth of projects and Trophy
2nd Place - Seven Hundred Thousand Pesos (P700,000) worth of projects and Trophy
3rd Place - Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000) worth of projects and Trophy
4th Place - Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (P300,000) worth of projects and Trophy
5th Place - Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000) worth of projects and Trophy
6th – 10th Place - One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000) worth of projects and Trophy

Provided, that the 1st to 5th Place must have a rating of not less than 85% and the 6th to 10th
place must have a rating of not less than 80% to qualify for cash award. In the event that the
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first five (5) highest ranks scored less than 85% but not less than 80%, the cash award shall
be 50% of what is provided in this ordinance. This same rule shall apply for the 6 th to 10th
place, i.e., when the score is less than 80% but not less than 75%. Provided further, that the
winners having a rating of less than 75% shall not be entitled to the cash award. Provided
finally, that entries having a rating of 75% but not included in the Top Ten (10) shall receive
a consolation price of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000) worth of projects and a plaque.

SECTION 13. – UTILIZATION OF CASH AWARD. – The cash prize awarded under
this ordinance shall be utilized solely on projects directly addressing the child welfare,
protection and development.

SECTION 14. – FUNDING. – The City Government of Naga shall appropriate an

annual budget for the purposes of the successful and efficient implementation of the Most
Child-Friendly Barangay Awards. The said amount shall be included in the Naga City
Council for the Welfare and Protection of Children (NCCWPC)/Children Affairs Office of the
Naga City Children’s Fund (Kaakian Fund) of at least one percent of the city’s total Internal
Revenue Allotment (IRA) under the Special Purpose Appropriation of the current year.

SECTION 15.– SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. – Any provision or portion of this

ordinance found to be unconstitutional or invalid shall not impair the other provisions or
parts thereof which shall continue to be in full force and effect.

SECTION 16. – REPEALING CLAUSE. – Any or all ordinances, rules and regulations
which are inconsistent or in conflict with the provision of this ordinance are hereby
repealed and modified accordingly.

SECTION 17. – EFFECTIVITY. – This ordinance shall take effect upon its approval
and after publication in a newspaper of local circulation.

ENACTED: November 18, 2014

xxx xxx xxx

WE HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing ordinance.

Secretary to the
City Vice Mayor &
Presiding Officer
City Mayor

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