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Linda J.

City CIO | Executive Director
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-0948


To: Ben Rosenfield, Controller

From: Linda J. Gerull, City CIO, DT Executive Director
Date: February 6, 2020

Re: Notice of Request for Offset, San Francisco Administrative Code § 10.27

Notice of Request for Offset

Since September 2011, under various contracts with the City, Accela, Inc. (“Accela”) has attempted to

develop a permitting system for the Department of Building Inspection (“DBI”). The latest implementation

contract is dated May 15, 2017 (Exh. 1-Implementation Agreement). Unfortunately, Accela’s efforts failed. On

June 24, 2019, the City provided Accela 30 days to cure its default (Exh. 2-Cure Notice.). Accela failed to effect a

cure. On July 24, 2019, the City directed Accela to stop work and issued a formal notice of default (Exh. 3-Default

Notice). On October 4, 2019, the City terminated Accela for cause (Exh. 4-Termination Notice). Accela owes the

City restitution, damages, and/or the cost to complete the project. This Memorandum constitutes formal request

to the Controller by the San Francisco Department of Technology (“DT”) to offset monies invoiced by Accela (Exh.

5-November 27, 2019 Invoice) under a separate Hosting and Maintenance Agreement (Exh. 6-May 31, 2018

Hosting and Maintenance Agreement), against damages sustained by the City as the result of Accela’s default

under the Implementation Agreement.


1. Original Failed Project: The City initially contracted with Accela in 2011 to implement a

permitting system for the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection (“DBI”) and the San Francisco Planning

Department (“Planning”). Accela succeeded in finishing the Planning component of the Project. Accela failed,

however, to complete the DBI portion of the project.

2. Project Problems. From the start, the original project experienced Accela staff turnover, missed

schedule milestones and costly change orders resulting in payments to Accela totaling $5,944,913, with less than

50% of the DBI project complete, as documented in Accela’s 2017 Fit Gap Analysis. In October 2015, the City
halted the project and contracted with Gartner Consulting to assess project readiness, determine whether to

continue with Accela, and develop a go-forward plan. The City implemented Gartner’s go-forward plan

recommendations including documenting the business requirements and use cases needed for the system user

acceptance testing (“UAT”) and go-live, establishing a single integrated team accountable to a single project

manager or executive, and continuing with Accela. To be certain Accela would accurately estimate the project

restart, the City paid Accela $442,550 to compare the previous system configuration to the City’s documented

requirements, participate in requirement review sessions to clarify the requirements, and prepare a gap analysis

to assess which requirements Accela could or could not meet. Accela’s cost estimate for the completion project

was based on a 15-month schedule with a go-live date of September 5, 2018. Based on Accela’s estimate, the

May 15, 2017 Agreement included a deliverable based fixed fee of $3,802,000 with a 70-milestone payment

schedule. A contingency for change orders increased the fixed contract fee to $4,200,000.

3. Second Failed Project: The restarted project appeared to stay on schedule through the end of

December 2017 (7 months). Then, during preparation for UAT 1, Accela disclosed that it was behind schedule and

the system build would not be complete for UAT 1. As a result, Accela reduced the scope of UAT1 and added

UAT4, as documented in Accela’s May 23, 2018 and June 6, 2018 Status Reports. Accela committed to complete

the build before UAT 2. On June 19, 2018, during the Quality Gate 4 review meeting, Accela represented that

build was done. Accela’s representation was false.

4. Go-Live Delays: On July 18, 2018, at the completion of UAT 2, Accela reported 288 severity 1 and

2 defects. Accela then admitted that the DBI go-live date was at risk due to the high number defects being worked

through and retested. On August 1, 2018, Accela postponed the DBI go-live date and began developing a new

schedule. At this point Accela reported 363 open severity 1 and 2 defects. As a result of the high defect count

that continued over the following test and fix cycles, Accela re-scheduled the DBI system go-live multiple times

from the original September 5, 2018 date to November 25, 2018, January 14, 2019, May 28, 2019, and November

12, 2019.

5. Severity 1 and 2 Defects: On September 12, 2018, one week after the originally scheduled go-live

date, Accela reported 441 open severity 1 and 2 defects. At that point, Accela committed to fixing the severity 1

and 2 defects by May 31, 2019, and achieve go-live on November 12, 2019 (14 months beyond the original

schedule of September 5, 2018). The City agreed to the November 12, 2019 completion schedule. Accela,
however, failed to achieve the May 31, 2019 defect correction date. On April 10, 2019, ten days after the

required defect completion date, Accela reported 281 open severity 1 and 2 defects. Accela then proposed a later

defect completion milestone of June 10, 2019, and a new go-live date of December 2, 2019 (the City never

approved that later go-live date). Accela also missed the June 10, 2019 defect correction milestone. On June 12,

2019, two days after the required defect completion date, Accela reported 43 open severity 1 and 2 defects.

Accela then proposed another new schedule with defect correction completed on June 21, 2019, and go-live on

January 27, 2020 (the City also never approved that go-live schedule). Accela again missed the required defect

correction date. On June 26, 2019, five days after the required defect completion date, Accela reported 46 open

severity 1 and 2 defects. That open defect number increased to 76 by July 10, 2019, 127 by July 17, 2019, and 178

by July 24, 2019.

6. City Contract Compliance: The City complied with all of its contract obligations and proactively

partnered with Accela. Despite Accela’s development delays and high defect counts, the City agreed to extend

the DBI go-live date by more than a year to November 12, 2019. To help Accela be successful, the City maintained

tight compliance with the project requirements, assisted Accela in maintaining the requirements traceability

matrix, and performed daily defect triage with Accela to ensure mutually agreed upon and consistent defect

categorization. The City logged any reported defect not within scope or “nice to have” in a separate “Idea

Factory” list to be considered after system go-live. As of July 2019, the Idea Factory has 97 items.

7. Change Order Request: The Implementation Agreement was fixed price and deliverable based.

On April 21, 2019, despite the fixed fee deliverable based contract sum, and just days after Accela reported 281

open severity 1 and 2 defects, Accela submitted Change Order No. 10 to the City seeking $1,800,000 in “delay”

costs. As a fixed fee engagement with fixed requirements, fixed deliverables, a fixed price and an agreed upon

project schedule and methodology, nothing in the Agreement established a basis for Accela to seek additional

costs for “delay.” To the contrary, the change management provisions of the Agreement expressly exclude delays

by Accela, such as occurred here, as a basis for a change order. Rather, the Agreement, at section 4.2, states that

time is of the essence and Accela’s failure to achieve timely project completion provides grounds for the City to

terminate the Agreement and recover damages from Accela.

8. Delay Causation: Accela’s own status reports reflect month after month of no forward progress

toward completion due to the discovery of an excessive number of severity 1 and 2 defects. Once UAT testing
started in May 2018, and defects began to surface, Accela recognized that the project was in trouble. On July 18,

2018, Accela stated, “The go-live date is at risk due to the high number of issues that are being worked through

and retested.” On August 1, 2018, Accela reported that, “The go-live date has been pushed out. A new date is

pending the completion of an analysis of the data.” On August 29, 2018, less than a month before the original

September 5, 2018 go-live date, Accela describes the project as being only 74% complete. At that point, the

project stalled. For nearly a year, from September 12, 2018, through July 2019, the project barely inched forward.

Accela reported only a 13% achievement over that eleven-month period. And, during that time period, Accela

repeatedly asked for more time based on the high defect count.

9. Default: On June 24, 2019, after Accela again failed to achieve correction of all severity 1 and 2

defects as required, the City provided Accela notice of default and a 30-day cure period (June 24, 2019 through

July 24, 2019). Accela’s default included, but was not limited to, the following:

a. Failure to perform adequate project quality control, estimating and management and adhere

to the latest project completion schedule to correct all severity 1 and 2 defects by June 7,


b. Failure to correct severity 1 and 2 defects to enable end-to-end testing to start by June 10,

2019, with a required completion date of June 28, 2019;

c. Inability to deliver the knowledge and methods including but not limited to the processes

needed to implement the business rules and logic for DBI and to configure a production

ready, severity 1 and 2 defect free Accela permitting system in accordance with City

requirements in the manner specified in the Agreement within the time specified in the


10. Thirty-Day Cure Period: Pursuant to Section 8.2 of the Implementation Agreement, the City

provided Accela 30 days to cure these instances of default and bring the project back on schedule so that Accela

could deliver a production-ready system by the required November 12, 2019 go-live date. To effect a cure, the

City required that Accela achieve the following:

a. Fix all severity 1 and 2 defects assigned to Accela (as of 6/24/2018) by July 1, 2019, so that

End to End testing could begin on July 8, 2019;

b. Support and jointly conduct End to End testing from July 8 to July 24, 2019, with 80 or fewer

severity 1 and 2 defects logged during End-to-End testing;

c. Provide the City with an achievable and mutually agreeable completion schedule (including

regression testing and City testing/acceptance) on or before July 24, 2019, reflecting the

agreed upon extended November 12, 2019 go-live date.

11. Cure Failure/Formal Notice of Default: Accela failed to achieve a cure of any of the default items

within the 30-day cure period. Accela failed to cure all severity 1 and 2 defects by July 1, 2019. The City logged

more than 120 severity 1 and 2 defects through End-to-End testing. Accela failed to provide the City with any

completion schedule at all. As a result, on July 24, 2019, at the end of the cure period, the City issued a formal

notice of default.

12. Default Suspension/Termination: On August 14, 2019, at Accela’s request, the City suspended

the default for 45 days in order to facilitate informal dispute resolution attempts by the City and Accela. During

the course of that extended informal negotiation period, the parties met in person three times, including a two-

day session, on September 26 – 27, 2019, at Accela’s offices. At the conclusion of the two-day session, the City

believed that the parties had agreed at least in principle upon a resolution. Accela, however, never confirmed the

deal. As a result, and despite the City’s good faith efforts, all attempts at informal dispute resolution failed. On

October 4, 2019, following the conclusion of the default suspension period, the City terminated the

Implementation Agreement for cause.

13. Accela’s Material Breach: The mutually agreed upon schedule obligated Accela to finish the

project by September 5, 2018. But, in September 2018, the project was not done. In early 2019, after more than

three rounds of UAT, Accela recorded a running total of more than 1,300 severity 1 and 2 defects, including 281

open defects in April 2019, after UAT 3.1. In July 2019, through End-to-End testing, the Accela logged another 178

severity 1 and 2 defects. These are critical software errors that prevented users from operating the software

application and prevented the permitting system from going live.

14. The City is not at Fault. Any argument that the City was at fault for the defects and Accela’s

failure to complete the Project or cure the default fails. The City did not add requirements. Week after week, for

25 months, Accela’s Project status report stated, “No scope changes this reporting period.” The City paid for all

requirements that the Parties agreed were added. Nor did the City cause delay. Again, week after week, since
the start of UAT in 2018, Accela’s Project status reports reflected soaring rates of severity 1 and 2 defects that

pushed out the schedule and prevented go-live. Any argument that the City’s cure items were unachievable

would also be wrong. The City made every effort to ensure that the default cure items were reasonable. The City

asked only that Accela cure all severity 1 and 2 defects before the start of end-to-end testing, emerge with fewer

than 80 defects after testing, and provide the City with a completion schedule. These were items that should

have been finished by September 2018. All were achievable. Yet Accela achieved none.

15. Actual Percent Complete: After noticing Accela’s default, the City retained an independent third-

party software developer, TruePoint, an Accela certified “Partner,” to evaluate Accela’s work to determine what it

would take to complete the project. TruePoint’s assessment reflected that the project is only 70% complete,

completion even with Accela’s help would cost between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000, and completion would take a

minimum of 10 months (Exh. 7-TruePoint Assessment and Estimated Schedule). The cost to complete is nearly

the same as the original contract price and the completion schedule is two-thirds of the original 15-month

schedule. The only explanation for the low percent complete, excessive completion cost and extended duration

for completion is that Accela failed in its professional capacity and breached the Implementation Agreement.

16. Damages and Offset: As a result, the City incurred damages. The City paid Accela $2,536,928

under the Implementation Agreement and is entitled to restitution of that full amount. Alternatively, under San

Francisco Administrative Code § 21.33, the City is entitled to the cost to complete the project. And, the City is

entitled to recover damages (additional staff and project costs), estimated at $4,900,000, resulting from Accela’s

default. As a result, under San Francisco Administrative Code § 10.27-7 and Section 8.2.2 of the Implementation

Agreement, the City is entitled to offset amounts invoiced by Accela under the Hosting and Maintenance

Agreement against damages amounts due the City under the terminated Implementation Agreement. Accela’s

November 27, 2019 Invoice is for $900,000. Although the City would be entitled to offset that full invoice given

the amount of the City’s Implementation Agreement damages, the City requests that the Controller offset only

half of that amount ($450,000). The City’s rationale is that Planning will use services under the Hosting and

Maintenance Agreement for the next year. Although the Hosting and Maintenance Agreement would not permit

Accela to stop work during a dispute, the City does not want to risk Accela harming Planning by breaching that

agreement also. The City would agree to pay what amounts to the Planning “portion” of the Invoice ($450,000).

17. Notice to Accela. Under Administrative Code Section 10.27-7, the City requests that the

Controller inform Accela as follows:

a. That DT notified the Controller that Accela owes the City money;

b. That the amount owed by Accela to the City exceeds the amount of the November 27,

2019 Hosting and Maintenance Agreement invoice;

c. The reason for the offset are damages suffered by the City as the result of Accela’s default

under the Implementation Agreement and failure to complete DBI’s permitting system;

d. That Accela is entitled to a hearing by the Controller; and

e. That, if requested by Accela, the Controller will fix a time and place for said hearing and

cause all parties to be notified not less than 15 days before the date of such hearing. Each

party will have the right to be represented by counsel, or other person of their choosing,

to call and examine witnesses, to impeach any witness regardless of who called said

witness to testify, and to rebut adverse evidence. The department will have the burden of

proving by a preponderance of the evidence that money is owed to the City.

cc: Dennis Michalis, Chief Revenue Officer, Accela

Jonathan Knight, Chief Customer Officer, Accela
Naomi Kelly, City Administrator, CCSF
Tom Hui, Director, Department of Building Inspection, CCSF
Louise S. Simpson, Deputy City Attorney, CCSF

Exhibit 1- Implementation Agreement


Statement of Work

City and County of San Francisco

PPTS Phase I

May 9, 2017

Version 2.4

Accela, Inc.
2633 Camino Ramon
Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583
Tel: 925-659-3200
Fax: 925-659-3201

Proprietary and Confidential Page 1


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TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

SCOPE OF SERVICES/ACTIVITES ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

ACCELA RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
SHARED ACCELA AND AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................. 11
SOW START AND END DATE ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
PROJECT TIMELINE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13

PAYMENT TERMS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14

PAYMENT SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14

EXPENSES INCLUDED IN MILESTONE PAYMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 18
PROJECT COMPLETION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18

APPENDIX A: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 20

APPENDIX B: DELIVERABLES ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

STAGE 1 – INITIATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 24

STAGE 2 – TO-BE ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
STAGE 3 – SOLUTION FOUNDATION ............................................................................................................................................ 49
STAGE 4 – BUILD ............................................................................................................................................................................. 51
STAGE 5 – READINESS .................................................................................................................................................................. 75
STAGE 6 – DEPLOY ......................................................................................................................................................................... 79

APPENDIX C: PROJECT RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................... 83

AGENCY RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 83

ACCELA RESOURCES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 84
KEY RESOURCE AVAILABILITY AND SUBSTITUTION ............................................................................................................................... 88
SUBCONTRACTOR RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 89
ESCALATION PLAN .............................................................................................................................................................................. 89

APPENDIX D - PPTS PHASE I PROPOSED PROJECT TIMELINE ............................................................................................... 90

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APPENDIX E – DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE FORM ................................................................................................................. 91

APPENDIX F – TESTING STRATEGY AND ACCEPTANCE ......................................................................................................... 92

SYSTEM TESTING ................................................................................................................................................................................ 92

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
TEST ENVIRONMENT(S) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 94
ENTRANCE AND EXIT CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................................ 94
USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................................. 95
TEST ENVIRONMENT(S) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 95
ENTRANCE AND EXIT CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
REGRESSION TESTING ........................................................................................................................................................................ 96
DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCESS ................................................................................................................................................ 96

APPENDIX G – ACCELA PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 100

APPENDIX H – ACCELA PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 101

STAGE 1: INITIATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 102

STAGE 2: TO-BE ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................................................ 104
STAGE 3: SOLUTION FOUNDATION...................................................................................................................................................... 107
STAGE 4: BUILD ................................................................................................................................................................................ 108
STAGE 5: READINESS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 110
STAGE 6: DEPLOY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 112

APPENDIX I – CHANGE MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 114

APPENDIX J – GO-LIVE CRITERIA .............................................................................................................................................. 115

APPENDIX K - PPTS PHASE I FIT/GAP ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................... 117

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This Statement of Work (“SOW”) dated May 9, 2017 sets forth the professional services (collectively, the “Services”) to
be provided by Accela, Inc. to the City and County of San Francisco (“Agency”) to complete Phase I of the PPTS
project and bring the Department of Building Inspection (“DBI”) live on the new Civic Platform based system. This
SOW is a fixed price arrangement for Accela to complete the Phase 1 scope and deliverables defined herein after
which Accela believes DBI can confidently perform its business activities in the new system without further delay or
costs to DBI.

This fixed price SOW (e.g., this document and all its associated documents) is to implement a solution which will fully
meet or exceed all of the requirements contained in the PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis, dated January 18, 2017
which is incorporated into this SOW as Appendix K - PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis. The only exceptions are for
requirements which are clearly marked Solution Gaps or Partial Solution Gaps. Solution Gaps will not be met by the
configured solution. Partial Solution Gaps will be met only as described in APPENDIX K: PPTS Phase Fit/Gap
Analysis and related documents. Of the 2,076 Phase I requirements, 2,007 are identified as to be fully supported
while 28 are identified as Solution Gaps and 41 are identified as Partial Solution Gaps. This SOW will not be
considered complete until DBI has certified that the requirements from APPENDIX K: PPTS Phase Fit/Gap Analysis,
with the above noted exceptions have been fully met by a working system that has been fully tested or DBI and Accela
have executed an amendment to this agreement identifying specific requirements which Accela no longer needs to
meet and granting Accela relief from meeting them.


The project scope is defined by the Agency’s Phase 1 requirements and the Accela and 3rd Party products that will be
implemented to meet these requirements. The scope of work for this project is to implement the requirements
documented in APPENDIX K: PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis.

The scope is further limited to the following Agency organizations, technical environments and products.

 Agency Departments
o Department of Building Inspection (DBI), including the following DBI Divisions:
 Code Enforcement Section (CES)
 Central Permit Bureau (CPB)
 Finance (FIN)
 Housing Inspection Services (HIS)
 Info Desk
 Inspection Services (INSP), including Disabled Access Division (DAD)
 Initial Plan Review (IPR)
 Management Information Systems (MIS)

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 Plan Review Services (PRS)
 Records Management Division (RMD)

o Planning Department (PLN)

 Accela Environment
o The Project will leverage the four (4) Accela-Hosted environments already established and in use for
the CCSF PPTS project. These environments include:
 Support
 Test
 Pre-Production
 Production
o These four (4) environments will be maintained under Accela’s hosting agreement during the project
and going forward.

o For new software release or patches Pre-Production is upgraded first with each new release,
followed by Test, Support and Production within 30 days following the upgrade of Pre-Production.

o The project will be implemented using the latest version of the Accela Civic Platform Hosted
environment, which is currently at version 9.0. During the project, interim Accela Civic Platform
releases to the Accela Cloud environment will be tested by Accela to ensure that they have no
adverse impact on the PPTS configuration. Any features automatically available via updates without
significant additional configuration will be available to the PPTS project. Any new features requiring
significant additional configuration are not included in the work of this SOW, and would need to be
considered on a case by case basis, potentially necessitating a change order.

 Accela Products
o Accela Civic Platform – Land Management
o Accela Citizen Access
o Accela GIS
o Accela Mobile/Inspector App

 Third Party Products

o Click Software – to be implemented and integrated by Accela in conjunction with resources from
Click Software to provide Inspections Workload Management functionality as demonstrated in the
Inspections Proof of Concept (POC).


1. Dedicated Accela Participation – Accela recognizes the importance of consistent and dedicated staffing in
support of the PPTS project to ensure project success. Accela will provide staff knowledgeable in all aspects

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of the Accela Civic Platform solution as well as relevant best practices and domain knowledge that will be
actively involved in support of all deliverables throughout the entire duration of Services as defined in the
Project Plan. Where possible and prudent, Accela will provide key staffing resources that have ongoing, prior
knowledge of the PPTS project and its implementation. Accela will provide on-site and, where possible, local
resources to engage with Agency staff to support their involvement in the PPTS project.

2. Requirements Traceability and Delivery – Accela has participated in the review and approval process for
the 2,076 requirements for PPTS Phase I, and has provided a Fit/Gap Analysis to determine any gaps that
exist between these requirements and the off-the-shelf Accela Civic Platform solution and the approved
requirements. Accela will provide bi-directional traceability between each of these requirements and the
Accela Civic Platform solution described in this SOW. Requirements traceability will track each requirement
through implementation, verifying that each requirement has been addressed and realized as a part of the
design, successfully configured, and fully tested.

3. Accela Implementation Methodology – This implementation has been scoped and planned around a
modified Accela Implementation Methodology that has been scaled to support the needs of CCSF. Accela
will follow the Implementation Methodology as defined in Appendix H.

4. Legislative Constraints - The following legislative compliance requirements need to be addressed by

Accela in undertaking this engagement and managed by the Change Management process:
a. California Building Standards Code - The 2016 California Building Standards Code (Cal. Code
Regs., Tit. 24) was published as of July 1, 2016. The effective date of the 2016 Code is January 1,

b. San Francisco Building Codes - Codes include Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical Green
Building Codes and others

c. San Francisco Planning Codes

5. On-site Activities - Key interviews and meetings, such as design sessions and other project management
meetings, need to be conducted face-to-face for PPTS project team members with oversight from the quality
assurance team.

6. Agency Vetting of Accela Resources - Agency requires that any Accela resource assigned to this project
must first be vetted and approved by the Agency Project Manager. Agency also reserves the right to request
the removal of any resource- for a state cause- at any time during the project. Accela warrants that it will
replace the removed resource with a resource with equivalent or greater skills within 10 business days of the
last working day of the removed resource. Accela further warrants that resource removal request will not
affect Accela ’s other commitment under this agreement, including requirements for key resources to be
working on-site at Agency locations.

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7. Project Processes - All project work must be executed in accordance with the PMBOK project management
frameworks and the Accela Project Management Methodology defined in Appendix G. All work products must
be documented in accordance with ITIL Quality Management guidelines and documentation will be made
available to the Agency upon request, as necessary. Project is to be governed in compliance with the Project
Governance Plan drafted and approved for the PPTS project.

8. Consolidated Environment - Planning and DBI solutions must co-exist in a consolidated environment
throughout Phase I. Accela will have primary responsibility for upgrading and merging the two environments.

9. Existing Configuration Analysis - A detailed analysis of the existing PPTS configuration must be
undertaken by Accela to create a baseline before “To-Be” analysis can commence.

10. Technology Constraints

a. All project deliverables — including (but not limited to) designs, architectures, data models,
information flows, workflows, processes, procedures, guidelines, operating manuals, work
instructions and plans — will be made available in formats that are accessible by the Agency and
stored at facilities and in technology that is directly accessible by DBI staff.

b. Accela warrants that the solution will “go live” using Version 9.0 of the Accela Civic Platform in the
Accela Hosting Environment. If Accela requires that a different or later version be used, prior to “Go
Live” either to meet the requirements in APPENDIX K: PPTS Phase Fit/Gap Analysis or to meet
operational or release requirements driven by the Accela Hosting Environment, then Accela shall be
responsible for any additional design, configuration, data conversion or testing activities resulting.

c. Functionality available in Accela Civic Platform v.9.0 off-the-shelf must support the Phase I solution
without enhancements or modification. There will be no enhancements to the Accela Civic Platform
code as deployed by Accela.

d. Accela acknowledges that the existing Planning solution already in Production cannot be adversely
impacted by the Phase I implementation and that it will actively lead planning, execution and support
activities to ensure that this is the case. Agency warrants that it will support these efforts.

11. Deliverables Language - All services will be delivered with U.S. English as the communication language.

12. Accela Software Version - Accela will implement the feature set available in the current Production release
at the time of contract signing. New releases and patch upgrades will be deployed to the Accela Cloud
Production environment throughout this implementation. Leveraging new features may affect the scope and
timeline for this project and are considered out of scope, unless they can be implemented without substantial
configuration and testing effort, and would be considered on a case by case basis to be managed by the
Change Management Process.

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13. Third Party Resources - For purposes of this SOW, all 3rd party resources engaged by Accela to work on
this project are considered to be Accela resources and will be managed by Accela

14. Accela Resourcing

a. Accela will appoint a Project Manager throughout the project to plan and monitor execution of the
project in accordance with deliverables outlined in the Statement of Work.

b. Key Accela resources are planned to be onsite for project activities involving direct engagement with
business and technical users. The percentage of onsite project time by resource is as follows:
i. Engagement Manager – 75%
ii. Configuration Lead – 75%
iii. Technical Lead / Solution Architect – 50%
iv. Testing Lead – 50%
v. Training Lead – 80%

c. Other Accela resources will be committed to the project as defined in the Project Plan and will work
remotely except when onsite presence is required to complete the Deliverables. The general roles
and responsibilities of these resources is described in APPENDIX C: Project Resources.

d. The Accela Director of Project Management NW will participate on the PPTS Project Review Board
which meets weekly and participate in the PPTS Executive Steering Committee as needed. This
participation will generally be by telephone with at least one onsite visit every three months.

e. Accela will plan appropriate resourcing to facilitate the success of the deployment for the scope
outlined in this SOW. Accela warrants that it has sufficient knowledge of PPTS and DBI and has
performed sufficient detailed and profession analysis of past work and current requirements to
determine the level of effort required to deliver the fixed scope defined in this SOW for the fixed
price. Accela understands and accepts that they are committing to a fixed price for a fixed scope
engagement. Both parties acknowledge that the Accela resourcing levels required successfully
complete this engagement may be different from estimates. However, these differences will not be
grounds for invoking the Change Management process by either party. Changes will only be
submitted and considered in accordance with criteria documented in the Change Management
section of this SOW. Accela has no responsibility for the performance of other contractors or
vendors engaged by the Agency, or delays caused by them, about the project even if Accela has
been involved in recommending or selecting such other contractors or vendors, or in the monitoring
of their work, except in the case of Click Software, where Accela will be fully accountable for the
installation, integration and testing of the Click Software.


1. Dedicated Agency Participation – Agency acknowledges that its staff has the appropriate skills and subject
matter expertise and that they will be actively involved throughout the entire duration of Services as defined
in the Project Plan. Accela will communicate insufficient participation of Agency resources through project
status reports, and by other means, with real and potential impacts to the project. Accela will work with the

Proprietary and Confidential Page 9

project sponsors to determine appropriate team member involvement. This could range for example from
full-time, during early analysis meetings, to part-time during the technical implementation stage.

2. Clear Business Objectives – Agency warrants that it has clearly documented its business objectives before
the commencement of the project, and shared those objectives with Accela. Accela acknowledges that it has
a detailed understanding of these objectives and that the planned system will meet them

3. Business Process Definition and Understanding – Agency warrants that it can articulate current business
processes and is willing to share that information with Accela during the To-Be Analysis stage of the project.
If there is an expectation that the Agency’s business processes might be modified during the project, the
Agency and Accela must discuss this topic to determine what, if any, risks such an endeavor might introduce
to the project or to ongoing DBI business operations.

4. Knowledge Transfer – Agency acknowledges that it is critical that its personnel participate in the analysis,
configuration and deployment of the software solution being delivered by Accela to ensure that required
knowledge transfer to the Agency personnel occurs. Once Post Production assistance tasks are completed
by Accela, the Agency acknowledges that it must assume responsibility for day-to-day operations of the
Accela Civic Platform solution outside of the Accela Support and Maintenance Agreement and the Hosting
Agreement. Key knowledge transfer areas are:

a. Record Type Configuration

b. Fees Configuration
c. Users/User Groups/Role Based Security Configuration
d. Interfaces
e. Data Conversion
f. Business Rules Configuration
g. Batch Processes
h. Renewal Processes
i. Reports and Forms
j. Accela Civic Platform Release ManagementOthers as defined by DBI during the Planning phase

5. Application Governance Agreement between DBI and Planning in place.

6. Third-party Products - Agency is responsible for the installation and maintenance of all third-party products.
In the case of Click Software, Agency is responsible for all subscription fees to acquire Click Software, but
Accela will be responsible for the configuration and integration of this product.

7. Merchant Accounts - Agency will provide an online merchant accounts for DBI and Planning and all related
hardware required by the merchant account provider for the handling of credit cards and / or checks for
usage on Accela Citizen Access.

8. System Access - Agency will provide Accela resources access to a Development or Test version of 3rd
party systems as required for interface development. All interfaces will be developed against one (1), agreed

Proprietary and Confidential Page 10

upon version of the 3rd party system. If local development of interfaces is required, Agency will provide a
workstation with required IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio).

9. Agency Resourcing
a. Agency will provide a dedicated Project Manager throughout the course of the project.

b. Agency Project Manager has primary responsibility for the scheduling of Agency employees and
facilities in support of project activities.

c. Agency has committed to the involvement of key resources and subject matter experts for ongoing
participation in all project activities as defined in the Project Plan. The general roles and
responsibilities of these resources is described in APPENDIX C: Project Resources.

d. Agency agrees during the Initiation Stage of the project to assign a single designated approver for
each major project deliverable. The designated approver will be responsible for overseeing and / or
directly participating in the design and development, as well as the approval, of the deliverable. If
the Agency desires that more than one (1) Agency resource be involved in the deliverable review
and approval process, the Agency’s single designated approver is responsible for coordinating with
those resources.

e. Agency will identify project sponsors and all necessary stakeholder’s prior the project kickoff, and
will commit these personnel for the duration of the project. The identity and expected time
commitments from these resources will be defined in the Project Charter or the Project Management

f. Project timeline delays caused by Agency employees or third party team members that result in a
change in the project schedule may require a change order if they materially affect Accela ’s ability
to complete their tasks in accordance with the Project Schedule.

g. Agency will be responsible for the contractual relationship with third parties that are not contracted
through Accela and will pro-actively work with these organizations to ensure that they cooperate
with Accela. Escalation of issues within these 3rd party organizations will be an Agency
responsibility. For purposes of this SOW, Click Software will not be considered to be a 3rd Party
organization and Accela will have responsibility for managing the performance of Click Software
resources and assets.


1. Requirements Identified and Documented – Agency and Accela have identified, documented, prioritized
technical, functional, data, and other requirements that must be satisfied for the project to be considered
successful by the Agency and Accela. The current requirements to be met are documented in Appendix K
(and associated documents). Both parties further warrant that they will continually manage and track these
requirements over the course of the Services, making such adjustments to them as may be mutually agreed
upon and memorialized in an amendment to this SOW.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 11


2. Working Relationships - Good working relationships and respect between Accela and Agency personnel is
required at all time. Both parties acknowledge this and commit to proactively addressing any issue through
the project governance mechanisms and channel established by this SOW.

3. Additions to Scope - The configured solution must meet all the requirements documented in Appendix K -
PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis, except for specific exceptions noted in Appendix K as Solution Gaps (not
met) or Partial Solution Gaps (met as described in Appendix K - PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis.) The sole
method for adding additional requirements or for excusing Accela from the obligation to meet the agreed
requirements is through the Change Management process defined in Appendix I.

4. Configuration Lock Down - Phase I configuration must be locked down by Accela and agreed in writing
between the parties prior to beginning work on the following activities:
a. Data conversion mapping activities
b. Report development activities

5. Deliverable Acceptance - All work products will meet the acceptance criteria as defined by the Agency
within Appendix B: Deliverables of this SOW. The Agency and Accela will use the testing and acceptance
processes defined in Appendix F – Testing Strategy and Acceptance as the sole method for deliverable

6. Paper-based Deliverable Handling - All “paper based” deliverable documentation reviews during the
implementation will be conducted electronically, whereby both Accela and City staff will utilize document
review tools such as track changes and comments to markup draft deliverables posted to the Project
SharePoint site. Creation of deliverables in tools which do not support “Track Changes” or similar functions
will only be done by mutual consent.

7. Agency Shared Implementation Tasks

a. Agency Project Manager will report weekly status on Agency-assigned tasks to Accela Project

b. A unified project schedule will be jointly managed, with a critical path, for both Agency and Accela
tasks. The primary owner of this schedule will be owned by the Agency Project Manager.

c. Any delays on Agency owned tasks which both parties agree have a material impact on the project
schedule or on the ability of Accela to execute their work tasks as defined in the project plan may
necessitate use of the Change Management process.

i. Delays to Agency tasks which are the direct or indirect result of delay to predecessor
Accela owned tasks will not trigger a Change Management activity.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 12

ii. This includes the requirement that Accela freeze the design and then the configuration
before the Agency can begin work on conversion/report design & configuration tasks.

8. Scope and Timeline

a. The Project Plan will be mutually agreed to by Agency and Accela Project Managers during the
Initiation stage. Any material changes to the Project Plan after this will be reviewed and mutually
agreed to by the Agency and Accela Project Managers.

b. Agency will commit the necessary resources and management involvement to support the project
and to perform the agreed upon tasks in the Project Plan. Accela and DBI will agree on a joint
staffing plan as part of the Initiation Stage. This will include agreeing on specific DBI stakeholders
and subject matter experts who will participate in the project, their participation levels by State and
their specific roles in the deliverables signoff process. Both parties will track compliance with these
staffing plans.

c. Accela will provide the Agency with a Weekly Status Report that outlines the tasks completed during
the prior week, the upcoming tasks that need to be completed during the following week, the
resources needed to complete the tasks, a current version of the Project Plan, and a listing of any
issues that may be placing the project at risk (e.g., issues that may delay the project or jeopardize
one or more of the production dates). Accela and Agency Project Managers will agree on the format
of the status report (i.e., the status report template) prior to the status report being produced.

d. The project schedule is managed using Microsoft Project. Should any tasks slip behind schedule ten
(10) business days, Accela and Agency will escalate per the Escalation Plan and may if necessary
invoke the change management process. Deliverables will be documented using Accela
methodology and associated templates or as defined in this SOW with this SOW taking precedence.
Any additional changes to the templates must be agreed to by Accela Project Manager as part of
the DED process defined in this SOW.


The Start and End dates below represent the estimated dates for execution of the scope and implementation services
defined within this Statement of Work. These dates may change to reflect the actual start date of the project or any
adjustments to the Statement of Work.

SOW Start Date: May 15, 2017

SOW End Date: December 31, 2018


The term of this project is seventeen (17) months (15 months to go-live + 2 months’ post go-live).

Accela and Agency will jointly commit to a start date when resources are confirmed. Any Agency-requested delays in
starting the project after the start date is mutually confirmed may require up to a forty-five (45) business day lead time
for Accela to resource the project again.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 13


The Parties agree that the 17-month project schedule presented in APPENDIX D will be the starting point for the
development of a detailed project implementation plan which is part of Deliverable 1.


Accela will perform the Services on a Deliverable payment basis. Accela’s total price to perform the Services and
provide the Deliverables described in APPENDIX B: Deliverables is $3,802,848.00 including expenses (the “Fixed-
Fee”). The Fixed-Fee price is based on the assumptions, dependencies and constraints, and roles and responsibilities
of the Parties, as stated in this SOW.

Invoices will be sent as soon as the Deliverable Acceptance Form is signed by the Agency. Please note, the
deliverable amount is not a one to one indication of the level of effort (LOE) required to complete each deliverable as
Accela will expend whatever effort is required to complete the deliverable and achieve acceptance. Project
Management time, out of pocket expenses and other costs are also included in each deliverable milestone payment.

The breakdown of the total SOW amount by department is as follows:

• Department of Building Inspection: $3,694,348.00

• Planning Department: $108,500.00

The City shall withhold an amount equal to 5% of the total PPTS Phase project price, or $180,569.50, which will be
retained until the successful completion of the Stability Period as described in this SOW in Appendix B.

Table 1: Payment Milestones

Stage Quality Gates Deliverables Amount
Upon Contract Signing N/A N/A $372,027.50

1. Initiation 1. Project Planning 1. Project Initiation and $50,000.00

Ongoing Project
1. Initiation 1. Project Planning 2. Requirements $60,000.00
Traceability Matrix
1. Initiation 1. Project Planning 3. Analysis of Existing $80,000.00
Baseline Configuration
Quality Gate 1 1. Project Planning Completion of Entrance 50,000.00
and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 1
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4A. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - CES

Proprietary and Confidential Page 14

2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4B. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - CPB
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4C. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - FIN
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4D. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - HIS
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4E. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document – Info Desk
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4F. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document – INSP, DAD
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4G. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - IPR
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4H. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - MIS
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4I. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - PRS
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4J. Solution Foundation $40,000.00
Review Document - RMD
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4K. Solution Foundation $30,000.00
Review Document - PLN
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4L. Solution Foundation $25,000.00
Review Document – Enterprise
Security Audit
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4M. Solution Foundation $25,000.00
Review Document – Global
Configuration Standards
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 4N. Solution Foundation $25,000.00
Review Document – Usability and
Usability Standards
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 6. Civic Platform Release $20,000.00
Review Validation
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 7. MasterScripts 3.0 $20,000.00
Review Upgrade
2. To Be Analysis 2. Preliminary Design 8. Merge of Planning and $25,000.00
Review DBI
Quality Gate 2 2. Preliminary Design Completion of Entrance $100,000.00
Review and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 2
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5A. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review CES

Proprietary and Confidential Page 15

3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5B. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review CPB
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5C. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review FIN
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5D. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review HIS
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5E. Solution Foundation – $25,000.00
Review Info Desk
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5F. Solution Foundation – $25,000.00
Review INSP, DAD
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5G. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review IPR
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5H. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review MIS
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5I. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review PRS
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5J. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review RMD
3. Solution Foundation 3. System Configuration 5K. Solution Foundation - $25,000.00
Review PLN
Quality Gate 3 3. System Configuration Completion of Entrance $100,000.00
Review and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 3
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 9. Historical Data $45,000.00
Review Conversion Analysis
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 10. Historical Data $45,000.00
Review Conversion Development
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11A. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00
Review Business Tax System
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11B. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00
Review Data SF
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11C. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00
Review Link2Gov
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11D. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00

Proprietary and Confidential Page 16

4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11E. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00
Review Selectron IVR
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11F. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00
Review CSLB
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11G. Interface Analysis – $20,000.00
Review Building Eye
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 11H. Interface Analysis – $75,000.00
Review Click Software
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12A. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – Business
Tax System
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12B. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – Data SF
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12C. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – Link2Gov
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12D. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – GIS/XAPO
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12E. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – Selectron
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12F. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – CSLB
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12G. Interface $20,000.00
Review Development – Building
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 12H. Interface $75,000.00
Review Development – Click
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 13. Business Rules $40,000.00
Review Specifications
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 14. Report Specifications $25,000.00
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 15. Report Development $25,000.00
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 16. Accela GIS $10,000.00
Review Deployment
4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 17. Accela Citizen Access $10,000.00
Review Deployment

Proprietary and Confidential Page 17

4. Build 4. Testing Readiness 18. Accela Inspector $10,000.00
Review Deployment
Quality Gate 4 4. Testing Readiness Completion of Entrance $100,000.00
Review and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 4
5. Readiness 5. Operational Readiness 19. Custom Training $20,000.00
Review Materials
5. Readiness 6. Pre-Deployment 20. Administrator Training $15,000.00
Readiness Review
5. Readiness 6. Pre-Deployment 21. End User Training $30,000.00
Readiness Review
5. Readiness 5. Operational Readiness 22. User Acceptance $418,251.00
Review Testing (UAT)
5. Readiness 6. Pre-Deployment 23. Go-Live $300,000.00
Readiness Review Plan/Production Support
Quality Gate 5 5. Operational Readiness Completion of Entrance 100,000.00
Review and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 5
Quality Gate 6 6. Pre-Deployment Completion of Entrance 50,000.00
Readiness Review and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 6
6. Deploy 7. Post Implementation 24. Post Deployment $242,000.00
Review Support and Transition to
Customer Support
Quality Gate 7 7. Post Implementation Completion of Entrance 50,000.00
Review and Exit Criteria for
Quality Gate 7
IT Service Management 25. Production Operation $180,569.50
Stability (5% Retainage)

Total $3,802,848.00


Payment is deliverable based. Expenses are included in each milestone payment and shall not be billed or payed
separately. The guaranteed not-to-exceed contract price ($3,802,848.00) is inclusive of expenses.


The project is complete once all deliverable signoffs are complete, the post go-live stability period has been
completed, and the transition to Accela’s Customer Support organization (i.e., the CSC) has been completed.

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Definitions of significant terms (including those are Capitalized in the SOW but aren’t defined in the Services
agreement) that are used throughout the SOW (e.g., Project Plan, Acceptance, Defect, Services, Change Order, etc.)
can be found in this Appendix. Additionally, this Appendix will provide structure for terms or subjects that can be
construed differently, such as what characteristics constitute a “low” complexity record type vs. a “high” complexity
record type. The same applies to interfaces, reports, and other build objects.

Table 2: Business Rules Definition

Type Definition
Validation Scripts Script that validates data and prevents submission of a
form when the business rule fails.
Fee Automation When fees need to be assessed and updated via
scripting. Common for customers using legacy products
where fees are already auto-assessing based on user
defined fields and other criteria.
Record Creation Records are created via scripting, pre-populated and
linked to a record hierarchy.
General Automation General automation, such as creating and inspection,
updating ASI, updating workflow, etc.
Renewals Scripts that automates the renewal processing for
record types that are renewable.
Amendments Scripts that update a master records based on an
amendment record.
ACA Page Flow Scripts that dynamically calculates or populates data
during the Accela Citizen Access intake process.
Expression Builder Validation Script that validates data in a form and prevents

Expression Builder Automation Script that updates user defined field, required settings,
hidden fields, etc., on a form.
Batch Script Script that runs on a schedule or manually that bulk
updates data.

Table 3: Report Complexity Examples

Complexity Examples
Low Letter, Certificate of Occupancy, Notice, Mailing Label, Simple Listing / Transaction reports
Medium Permit, Receipt, Inspection Ticket, Batch Letters, Grouped Listing / Transaction reports,
High Activity Summary, Management Report, Statistical/Analytical Report, Financial Summary,
Schedule, Agenda

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The following section describes the specific deliverables that will be executed to meet the business objectives and
business requirements of the Agency. In support of the implementation effort as described above, Accela will provide
the following detailed implementation services. For each deliverable, a description is provided as well as criteria for
acceptance of the deliverable.
Table 4: Deliverable Development and Acceptance Process
Deliverable Step DED Process Non-DED Process
Deliverable Definition  Accela will meet with the  Acceptance criteria for each
Agency PM to refine the deliverable is defined within
acceptance criteria for each Appendix B.
deliverable beyond what is
included in Appendix B.
 Accela will subsequently
develop a DED for each
 The Agency PM will provide
input as required and/or
requested by Accela within five
business days of the request by

Deliverable Development and Accela will then develop and submit Accela will then develop and submit
Submittal each deliverable following the each deliverable following the
criteria and standards defined in the criteria and standards defined in
respective DED. Appendix B.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 22

Deliverable Step DED Process Non-DED Process
Deliverable Review  The Agency PM will  The Agency PM will
subsequently facilitate a subsequently facilitate a
detailed walk-through review of detailed walk-through review of
each deliverable with assigned each deliverable with assigned
project team resources. project team resources.
 After reviewing each  After reviewing each
deliverable, the Agency PM will deliverable, the Agency PM will
then prepare a written then prepare a written
Deliverable Review Report, Deliverable Review Report,
communicating to Accela any communicating to Accela any
issues and items to be resolved issues and items to be resolved
with the deliverable that does with the deliverable that does
not meet the criteria established not meet the criteria established
in the DED prior to formal in the Appendix B prior to
acceptance. formal acceptance.
 The time frame for the Agency  The time frame for the Agency
PM to review a deliverable will PM to review a deliverable is
be defined in the DED, based based on what is defined in
on what is defined in Appendix Appendix B.
Deliverable Revision  Unless a change is disputed,  Unless a change is disputed,
Accela will address feedback Accela will address feedback
received in the Deliverable received in the Deliverable
Review Report, updating the Review Report, updating the
deliverable for final review and deliverable for final review and
acceptance by the Agency. acceptance by the Agency.
 This time frame will generally  This time frame will generally
be two business days. be two business days.
Review Period/Timeline The default review period/timeline is The default review period/timeline is
described in Appendix B: described in Appendix B:
Deliverables, however the DED form Deliverables, however the DED form
can supersede the default review can supersede the default review
period/timeline based on mutual period/timeline based on mutual
agreement between the Parties. agreement between the Parties

Deliverables requiring a DED are identified below in Figure 1: Deliverable Summary by Project Stage and APPENDIX
B: Deliverables.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 23

Figure 1: Deliverable Summary by Project Stage

Project Initiation is an opportunity to ensure the project starts in a well-organized, structured fashion while re-
confirming the Agency and Accela expectations regarding the implementation. This Deliverable is comprised of
ongoing project planning activities, core project management documents and templates and the first on-site meeting
conducted between the Agency and Accela after the signing of the Statement of Work.

Key Activities:
In conjunction with the Agency representatives, Accela will perform the following tasks:

1) Finalize staffing for the project teams.

2) Conduct a formal onsite Kickoff meeting. The objective of this meeting is to review the purpose of the project
and discuss the project scope, roles and responsibilities, deliverables, and timeline.
3) Ongoing management of the project following an agreed upon Project Management Plan (PMP), including
the following subsidiary plans and associated tools and templates:
a. Resource Management (Staffing)
b. Schedule Management
c. Communications Management (Status Reporting)

Proprietary and Confidential Page 24

d. Quality Assurance
e. Risk and Issue Management and Escalation
f. Scope and Requirements Management
g. Cost Management
h. Change Request Management
i. Performance Monitoring
4) Finalize and document formal deliverable signoff procedures, identify team members that will be responsible
for signoff from the Agency and Accela.
5) Ongoing management of the implementation following a mutually agreed upon Implementation Plan.
6) Create the project SharePoint site and load all standard, current documentation.
7) Document the entrance and exit criteria for the Quality Gate Management Plan.

In terms of specific output, this deliverable is comprised of the following sub-deliverables:

 1A - Project Kickoff Presentation

 1B - Project Management Plan
 1C - Baseline Project Schedule (including mutally-agreed target Go-Live Date)
 1D - Implementation Plan
 1E - Project Status Report Template
 1F - Project SharePoint Site (leverage existing SharePoint site)
 1G - Quality Gate Framework

The table below provides a detailed description of each sub-deliverable, including identification of the deliverable type
(e.g., software, written, other) and DED (e.g., Yes, No).

Table 5: Deliverable 1 - Project Initiation and Ongoing Project Management Sub-Deliverable Descriptions
Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
1A - Project Kickoff 1) Conduct a formal onsite Kickoff meeting. The objective of this
Presentation meeting is to review the purpose of the project and discuss the project
Type: Written, Presentation scope, roles and responsibilities, deliverables, and timeline, including but
DED: No not limited to the following:
a) The overall project objectives, project plan, management of project
schedule, risks, change, quality, communication, resources, and the
various deliverables associated with the complete System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the PPTS Project.
b) The key stakeholders to be contacted to review and validate
information relative to all steps of the project throughout the SDLC.
c) The process to provide input to the strategic and tactical reports on a
regular basis.
d) Project performance measurements and critical success factors.
2) Accela will create, collaborate, and review the Project Initiation
presentation content with the Agency’s Key Project Stakeholders as
directed by the Agency PM. The presentation must be reviewed by the

Proprietary and Confidential Page 25

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
Agency prior to presenting it and will include, at minimum, the following
a) Project Overview
b) Project Schedule (high level).
c) Objectives and Definitions.
d) Process.
e) Artifacts.
f) Roles and Responsibilities.
g) Keys to Success.
h) Next Steps.
i) Questions and Answers (Q&A).
j) Resources.
3) Accela will capture any decisions or agreements from the kickoff
meeting and submit the documentation to the Agency PM for review and
4) Agency Responsibilities
a) PPTS Program Management, Agency Executive leadership, and key
Agency staff co-present on the objectives, values, expectations of
the project, Agency Staff, and importance to the project to the
Agency’s overall vision.
b) Ensure participation in the project planning activities as this will be a
pre-requisite to the development of the kick-off presentation.
c) Ensure participation in the Project Kickoff Meeting.
1B - Project Management Plan Accela will develop and continuously update as needed, but no less than
Type: Written every three months, a Project Management Plan that includes the following
DED: Yes plans:
1) Staffing Plan – The Staffing Plan for this initiative will be tied to the
proposed project timeline and implementation Quality Gates.
a) Accela will be responsible for creating the Staffing Plan within 15
business days after the effective date of the Amendment. It will
provide a dynamic capability to anticipate resource requirements,
changes in those requirements and availability over time, and
provide the Agency and Accela team with maximum flexibility in
project staffing.
b) Accela will draft the initial definition of roles and responsibilities for
staffing the different activities, articulating what Accela will provide
and what the Agency should provide in terms of skill sets/expertise,
level of activity required, and duration of their activity.
c) The Staffing Plan will include specific job responsibility statements
for all project personnel, including subcontractors. As part of the
Staffing Plan, Accela will maintain complete and up-to-date team
organization charts as well as contact lists that provide names, titles,
phone/pager/cell phone numbers, and email information for all
personnel assigned to the project. A copy of all Staffing Plan
components, job responsibilities, organization charts, and current,

Proprietary and Confidential Page 26

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
up-to-date contact information will be maintained by Accela PM,
reviewed and approved by the Agency PM, and made available on
the secure PPTS site designated by the Agency.
2) Quality Management Plan – Accela’s Quality Management Plan will
meet the requirements developed by the Agency. Accela’s Quality
Management Plan will contain the Agency’s Exit Gate Quality Assurance
Process and Deliverables Review and Acceptance Process (see Section
4) and will include the following elements.
a) Defined quality assurance responsibilities
b) Detailed definition of all deliverables by phase and associated
acceptance criteria
c) Defined deliverable review process
d) Disciplined deliverable review process
e) Regularly scheduled reviews of key project phases and milestones
3) Risk Management Plan – Accela will develop a Risk Management Plan
which will be used on an ongoing basis to do the following:
a) Create and update the Risk Assessment Log.
b) Anticipate and identify risks.
c) Identify the severity and quantify the potential impact of each
identified risk.
d) Quantify the probability of each identified risk.
e) Support the development of risk mitigation plans for each identified
f) Provide guidance for assessing the efficacy of risk mitigation actions.
g) Describe work products and processes for assessing and managing
h) Detail the escalation and remediation mechanisms for risks.
i) Detail how risks and issues will be tracked and reported and the
format of risk and issues reports (depth, detail and content).
4) Scope and Requirements Management Plan – This plan describes the
scope of the overall project and for each specific Quality Gate. Accela will
work with the Agency to define the scope management approach and
develop scope management procedures. These procedures may include
reference to the Project Control Document regarding specific activities
(e.g., relating scope change request processes to the Change
Management Plan). The Scope and Requirements Management Plan will
include the following elements:
a) Define the work breakdown structure (WBS) as defined in
Deliverable 1B: Baseline Project Schedule.
b) Define of how project requirements will be addressed in the WBS.
c) Identify the integration points and how requirements and scope
validation will take place.
d) Define requirements management planning activities such as:
i) Collecting
ii) Analyzing

Proprietary and Confidential Page 27

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
iii) Categorizing
iv) Documenting
v) Determining metrics
vi) Defining the Requirements Traceability Matrix
e) Define requirements Traceability management activities such as:
i) Tracking
ii) Reporting
iii) Tracing
iv) Validating
v) Performing configuration management
5) Cost Management Plan – This plan aligns the project budget with the
WBS to track progress and financial performance. The Budget
Management Plan will be used on an ongoing basis to do the following:
a) Define standard thresholds and criteria for escalation
b) Continually monitor and analyze project financial performance for
risk, negative trends, or early indicators of unfavorable performance
c) Provide performance reports based on Agency and Accela’s
developed criteria
6) Change Management Plan – This plan covers both technical and non-
technical changes and will be jointly developed by Accela and Agency.
The Change Management Plan will be used on an ongoing basis to do
the following:
a) Track all Change Requests, including providing a current status. It
will contain at a minimum the following:
i) Tracking Number and date of the request.
ii) Priority Rating of the request.
iii) Category of the Request (Technical or Non-Technical), as long
as the Non-Technical changes do not include Organizational
Change Management (OCM) changes.
iv) Scope Determination (In Scope or Out of Scope).
v) Requestor Information (name, title, department, contact
vi) Impact of Requested Change (budget, schedule, staffing, etc.).
vii) Benefit of the Requested Change.
viii) Urgency of the Requested Change (e.g., routine, urgent,
immediate, critical).
ix) Authorization or Denial of the Change Request.
x) Status of the Change (in work, not started, on hold).
xi) Required Completion Date.
xii) Point of Contact for follow-on action(s) required.
xiii) Due date for next action.
b) Analyze the impact of Change Requests. The impact of the
proposed Change Request will be documented in the Change
Request Form (Exhibit 11).

Proprietary and Confidential Page 28

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
c) Authorize or Deny the Request. The authorization or denial will be in
writing using the Change Request Form.
7) Project Performance Management Plan - A Project Performance
Management Plan is a tool to assess program performance by monitoring
the status of results indicators and program assumptions by carrying out
evaluations that focus on specific key metrics. In collaboration with the
Agency, Accela will identify target performance areas for PPTS and
propose methods of measurement for the two phases of “pre-production”
and “post-production” system deployment; establish specific system
baseline (business and technical performance) metrics for the agreed
upon goal areas; and assist the Agency in determining the level of
achievement of the performance goals once the PPTS solution has been
8) System Performance Management Plan - A System Performance
Management Plan is a tool to assess system and application
performance and identify any areas of the application that are not
performing to key performance metrics. Accela Cloud Operations uses
several tools and technologies to monitor the overall health of Accela
Civic Platform. Tools are in place to ensure systems are performing at
optimal levels and alert Site Reliability Engineers of deviations in normal
operating processes. The following are key representative of key
monitoring points:
a) Server
i) CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, other system resources
ii) Civic Platform processes
b) Network
i) Analyzes Traffic, Latency, Bandwidth, Packet Loss
ii) Monitors Firewalls, Load Balancers, and other network
c) Database
i) SQL Statement Execution Time
ii) Response Times
iii) Locks and Blocks
iv) Context Specific Queries
d) Application
i) External synthetic monitoring testing page load times and
ii) AppDynamics monitoring and alerting
When a system or application performance issue is identified at the
Agency level, Accela Site Reliability Engineers will use similar tools and
processes to assess the performance issue at the Server, Network, and
Database level, and provide baseline analysis results. Remediation
recommendations will be reviewed as a part of the plan to address
performance issues in both the application and the operating
environment, and subsequently remediation actions will be undertaken.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 29

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
A similar assessment will be made post-remediation to review baseline
analysis results against post-remediation results.

Performance of the Civic Platform is monitored continually to ensure

transactions are being processed as quickly and efficiently as possible
and the overall system is operating at optimal levels. Performance
monitors are in place to track response times and set to alert the Site
Reliability Engineers when response times fall out of normal deviations.
8) Test Plan – The Test Plan will provide a comprehensive description of the
Accela Team’s approach and strategy for developing and delivering the
testing needed to validate the system and prepare the City staff for using
the new system. It will establish a test schedule for the performance of
the unit, system, and user acceptance testing, identification of test cases
to be used as a part of testing, responsible parties for the various testing
efforts, and the means by which testing exceptions are to be recorded
and managed.
9) Meeting Minutes - Accela will be responsible for creating meeting
minutes for all Accela lead meetings in which it participates (leads or
initiates) unless specified otherwise by the Agency. The meeting minutes
will include an attendance record, issues, actions items and assignments
(this includes the name of the responsible party and expected due date).
The minutes will be submitted by Accela to the PPTS PM within two
business days following the meeting being documented.
Accela Responsibilities
a) Shall facilitate and lead the discussions to finalize the various sub-
plans within the Project Control document.
b) Shall incorporate related decisions made during the project planning
and kickoff meetings into the plan.
c) Shall create, in conjunction with the Agency, project performance
Agency Responsibilities
a) Ensure participation in meetings and activities.
b) Create, in conjunction with Accela, project performance metrics.
1C - Baseline Project Schedule Accela will provide a work plan, including Gantt charts and a project calendar
Type: Written in Microsoft Project and developed and maintained in accordance with the
DED: Yes best practices outlined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK). The work plan will reflect any changes from the baseline plan
originally agreed to during the project initiation.

The Project Work Plan will include a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that
defines the project’s overall objectives by describing the project tasks and
1) The WBS will include:
a) A consolidated view of the activities, activity descriptions, and activity
durations assigned to the Agency and Accela.

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Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
b) Resources (Agency, Accela and third party vendors) assigned to
each activity and their required level of effort.
c) A list of all required project deliverables tied to the appropriate
project milestones.
d) Identification of all key Project Milestones, including the
mutually=agreed, target Go-Live Date.
e) Deliverable approval periods in concert with the Agency’s DED
process as described in Section 4. Quality Phase (and Waves) Gates
and Deliverables Expectation Document (DED), and Section 6.
Deliverables Review and Acceptance Procedures.
f) A critical path analysis and reporting process.
2) Accela Responsibilities
a) Shall develop the Project Work Plan with input from the Agency PM
and others designated by the Agency PM
b) Shall maintain the Project Work Plan on an on-going basis
throughout the life of the project and update it, in collaboration with
the Agency’s PM as necessary, but no less than weekly to reflect the
accurate status of the project.
c) Shall ensure the availability of the Project Work Plan in a central
3) Agency Responsibilities
a) Provide input in to the Project Work Plan.
1D - Implementation Plan The purpose of this document is to gain a common understanding of the
Type: Written process that will be used to manage the implementation and deployment of
DED: Yes the System. Accela will create, in collaboration with the Agency PM, and
maintain this document. It will cover the solution deployment and
implementation activities as well as, training and Knowledge Transfer
activities, and should incorporate timing and steps in any Organizational
Change Management Plans developed by the Agency.

Subjects that will be addressed in detail include the following:

1. Overall implementation plan such as an up-to-date implementation
schedule, scope, schedule, major activities and key project
milestones, deliverables, specific requirements for Agency support
(personnel, facilities, equipment, etc.) and phasing. The plan will
cover the following:
a. Summary description and approach of the implementation
(Reference To-Be Analysis and Solution Foundation
b. Points-of-contact (Reference the Project Management Plan)
c. Summary of major tasks (Reference the Project Work Plan)
d. Implementation schedule (Reference the Project Work Plan)
e. Security and privacy (Reference to the Enterprise Security
Audit document)

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Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
f. Summary of Implementation support (Reference the Project
Work Plan)
g. Documentation (Reference the Project Library)
h. Personnel and staffing requirements (Reference the Project
Work Plan)
i. Training of implementation staff (Reference the Training
j. Outstanding issues (Reference to the Project Status
Reports and Log)
k. Implementation impact
l. Application and implementation Performance monitoring
m. Configuration management interface
n. Risks and contingencies (Reference the Risk Management
o. Implementation verification and validation (Reference User
Acceptance Testing Plan and Master Test Plan)
p. Acceptance criteria will include how the system will meet
the business and technical objectives and supporting
metrics for the new system (Reference the Performance
Management Plan)
2. Transition of functional support (by business unit) and technical
operational support (help desk, system user administration) and
maintenance (patch management, release management, system
turning, etc.) support from legacy systems to the new PPTS solution.
3. Training Program. Accela will provide the activities and tasks that
will be needed to manage, develop and execute the following
activities and associated project deliverables (See Master Training
Plan deliverable):
a. Knowledge Transfer
b. Targeted Role-based Classroom Training
c. End User Training
4. Solution Deployment. Accela will provide the activities and tasks
that will be required to successfully execute and manage the
following activities and associated project deliverables:
a. Pre-Production activities
b. Move to production activities
c. Post-Production activities
5. System Post Implementation Assessment and Remediation
Plan. This plan will include the following information (see
Infrastructure Services Deployment Report, System Incident Reports
— Warranty, Corrective Maintenance Reports, and Configuration
Management Plan, Infrastructure, System Source Code and

Proprietary and Confidential Page 32

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
a. Detailed step-by-step processes and responsibilities for
issues mitigation during the post implementation period,
including escalation process.
b. The overall schedule of activities to address and resolve
c. The resources and tools that will be used to address and
resolve issues.
d. The regression testing and system validation processes to
be used to ensure all issues have been resolved to the
satisfaction of the Agency and that no other system issues
have been created.
e. The turnover to production processes and timeframe for the
updated code set to be deployed into production.
f. Creation of the Post Implementation Assessment and
Remediation Report 120 days after deployment to allow the
Agency to have Accela fix any items or issues that were not
delivered as described in this SOW and were not
discovered during the UAT. For example, system
performance issues or reports that are not providing
consistent data and not because of the Agency’s hosting

Accela Responsibilities
a) Shall facilitate and lead the discussions and reviews to finalize the
content of the Implementation and Deployment Plans.
b) Shall incorporate related decisions made during the project planning
and kickoff meetings into the plans.
c) Shall maintain and update the plans as required through the life of
the project.
Agency Responsibilities
a) Ensure participation in meetings and activities.
1E - Project Status Report Project status will be tracked, managed and reported by Accela on an ongoing
Template basis. Regularly scheduled status meetings between the Agency PM and
Type: Written Accela PM will be held as needed, but no less than weekly, to review and
DED: No assess the project’s status, progress, issues, risks, current and planned
mitigation actions and next steps.

Standard Report Mechanisms

1) The following standard reporting mechanisms will be used:
a) Status reports.
b) Issues/Risks register.
c) Risk management updates.

To maintain control of the project schedule and issues, weekly status report
documents will be created by Accela PM and delivered to the Agency PM.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 33

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
Status reports will be delivered on a mutually agreed day and time covering
the end of the weekly period. These documents will be used as a guideline
for the discussion to occur in the required weekly status meetings. Project
Status Reports will be distributed as directed by the Agency PM and stored
and made available in the Project Library.

2) The Project Status Report will include at minimum the following

a) Status of work completed against the Project Work Plan.
b) Objectives for the next reporting period.
c) Agency responsibilities for the next reporting period.
d) Recovery plan for all work activities not tracking to the approved
e) Team resource utilization/impacts (Agency and Accela) including
status of upcoming staffing requirements within the next 90 days
(Agency and Accela).
f) Projected completion dates compared to the approved baseline key
g) Escalated risks, issues (including schedule and budget), and Action
h) 90 Day Look Ahead to assess review and highlight any issues that
could impact project activities and deliverables 90 days out.
i) Disposition of logged issues and risks.
j) Important decisions.
k) Actual/projected Project Work Plan dates versus baseline Project
Work Plan milestone dates with impact to the project documented in
l) One-page graphical summary of the Project Work Plan status of all
major tasks and subtasks for each Phase in a Desktop Project Plan.
Accela Responsibilities
a) Shall provide the status reports based on a schedule mutually
agreed upon by the Agency and Accela project managers.
b) Shall ensure that activities are being addressed as indicated in the
approved Recovery Plan.
c) Shall provide appropriate responses to Agency’s request for
information within 3 business days of receiving the request unless
mutually agreed upon another response period.
d) Shall address any escalations collaboratively with the Agency’s
Project Management Team.
Agency Responsibilities
a) Ensure that activities are being addressed in a manner that allows
the project to progress as indicated in the approved Project Plan.
b) Provide Accela with Agency Team resource utilization/impacts status
reporting and 90-Day Look ahead data points with enough time for
Accela to include this information in the Status Report.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 34

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
c) Provide appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information
within 3 business days of receiving the request unless mutually
agreed upon another response period.
d) Address any escalations collaboratively with Accela.
e) Report feedback or inaccuracies in the Status report within 2
business days.
1F - Project SharePoint Site A Project Library (PL) will be developed and maintained, by Accela and
Type: Software overseen by the Agency PM in a single repository used to store, organize,
DED: No track, control and disseminate all information and items produced by, and
delivered to, the project. The PL will include a file structure with defined
access and permissions. It will also include an interface, such as a Web page
or portal, where individuals can obtain project information, the latest
documentation, and input issues or comments to the Agency Project Team.

The Agency will be the owner of all the documents placed in the PL. PL
content will be handed over to the Agency prior to final payment and project

Accela Responsibilities
a) Make available the Project SharePoint site and provide access to key
project participants
b) Manage the file structure available to the project to ensure that
project information and deliverables can be stored and retrieved in a
logical manner
c) Manage users and their access rights to ensure that only authorized
users have access to the SharePoint site
Agency Responsibilities
a) Provide names of key project participants to have access to the
Project SharePoint site
b) Reinforce with Agency SharePoint users their responsibilities for
filing, updating, and disseminating project-related information and
c) Assist Accela in managing users to ensure that only current,
authorized users have access to the Project SharePoint site
1G - Quality Gate Framework Accela will prepare Quality Gate Entrance / Exit documentation that
Type: Written includes the details below to ensure all entrance and exit criteria defined in
DED: Yes Appendix B have been met:

1) Summary of Quality Gate objectives

2) Status of activities planned for the Quality Gate (completed, in work, not
3) Open Items and Issues
4) Approved Deliverables
5) Summary of Project Budget Financial Status and Issues
6) Work Plan and Schedule Status and Issues

Proprietary and Confidential Page 35

Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
7) Exit Criteria Met (or status) for the approved exit from the current Quality
8) Entrance Criteria Met for the approved entrance into the next Quality
9) Lessons Learned

Accela Responsibilities
a) Prepare Quality Gate Entry/Exit documentation
b) Manage the status of each quality gate and make this information
available as a part of the overall project status
Agency Responsibilities
a) Review Quality Gate Entry/Exit documentation
b) Participate in meetings and provide input on Quality Gate criteria in
support of the entrance/exit activities

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Coordinate project planning activities.
• Communicate Accela Implementation Methodology that will be used by Accela to deliver Services.
• Complete Baseline Project Plan, Project Status Report Template, and Project Kickoff Presentation
deliverables with input from appropriate Agency resources.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Identify and set expectations with key resources and subject matter experts for ongoing participation in the
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s requests for project planning input and meeting
logistics requests.
• Provide meeting facilities for Project Kickoff and other onsite activities.
• Include Project Sponsor in Project Kickoff Meeting.
• Provide suitable Agency facilities to accommodate training.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Completion of the Project Kickoff Meeting
• Review and acceptance of the following:
o Project Management Plan
o Baseline Project Schedule
o Implementation Plan
o Project Status Report Template
o Project SharePoint Site
o Quality Gate Framework

Proprietary and Confidential Page 36

In preparation for the process of tracking and determining completeness of the PPTS Phase I requirements, Accela
will develop a document containing a table that will facilitate the correlation and mapping of the requirements to the
PPTS Phase I solution configuration elements. This matrix will also be used by the design, configuration and testing
Teams to verify the coverage of test cases to be used to verify requirements against the delivered PPTS solution. The
Requirements Traceability Matrix will be used throughout the project lifecycle.

Key Activities:
In conjunction with the Agency representatives, Accela will perform the following tasks:
1. Develop the Requirements Traceability Matrix document
2. Populate the Requirements Traceability Matrix with the PPTS Phase I requirements as presented in the
PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 2 is a written deliverable that creates the Requirements Traceability Matrix in
table form.

Accela Responsibilities:
• Develop and deliver the Requirements Traceability Matrix template document.
• Manage the Requirements Traceability Matrix throughout the project life cycle.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Make available the appropriate Agency resources to review and verify the suitability of the Requirements
Traceability Matrix for its stated purpose.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Review and acceptance of the Requirements Traceability Matrix template document.


In preparation for Stage 2 – To-Be Analysis, Accela will undertake a comprehensive analysis of the existing
configuration in support of the PPTS Phase I project to document all configuration elements with the express purpose
of creating a baseline for all remaining configuration work to be completed in Stage 4 – Build.

Key Activities:
In conjunction with the Agency representatives, Accela will perform the following tasks:
1. Generate the Accela Baseline System Configuration Report which will serve as the initial baseline to
document the system inventory of system configuration.
2. Review the baseline configuration against the approved requirements documents resulting from the Fit/Gap
Analysis as outlined in the table below. Accela will consider how to approach each session and document by
division based on information gathered during the Fit/Gap analysis. The Fit/Gap information included in the
table below represent an itemized summary of the solution gaps and configuration by division.
3. Coordinate and schedule the Analysis Sessions in conjunction with the Agency Project Manager and per the
agreed upon Project Plan.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 37

4. To support design decisions during To-Be Analysis Sessions, Accela will review approved Phase I
requirements per the Fit/Gap Analysis and identify any additional Record Types required to meet the Phase I
requirements. Any additional Record Types and associated configuration will be agreed upon with the
Agency to be prototyped during Stage 2: To-Be Analysis.
5. Identify and document known issues in the existing defect logs that may need to be remedied in support of
the ongoing PPTS Phase I implementation.
6. Identify and document any data conversion issues that need to be resolved from previously converted and
any defect logs.
7. Document differences between system inventory data and Project Scope (e.g., fit/gap requirements).

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 3 is a written deliverable that builds from the Accela Baseline System
Configuration Report, which is a standard Accela report that exports system configuration. The final deliverable output
will be the Baseline Implementation Analysis Findings Report, which is comprised of the following key elements:

 Accela Baseline System Configuration Report, which includes the following information:
o Record Types
o Fees
o Workflows
o Conditions
o Inspections
o User Groups/Users
o Portlets/User-Defined Data Fields
o Scripts
o Reports
o Interfaces/Integrations
 Additional Baseline System Configuration documentation to tie the configuration elements to additional
components related to the existing Record Types, including:
o Report List – identify and document all reports currently a part of the Baseline Configuration and
their relationship to individual Record Types
o Global Configuration – identify and document global configuration elements, including:
 Security
 Conditions
 Citizen Access
 Consoles
 Search
o Strategic Topics – cross-reference key Strategic Topics findings and document these in relation to
the existing configuration elements, including:
 Data Standards
 Security
 Conditions
 Payments
 Data Conversions

Proprietary and Confidential Page 38

 Usability
 Contact Management
 Scheduling
 Search
o Automation – cross reference and document configured automation elements and their relationships
to existing Record Types, including:
 Scripts/ Business Rules
 Expressions
 Interfaces
 Documented configuration elements that may already be fully or partially configured but are not a part of
PPTS Phase I
 Defect log that need to be remedied in support of the ongoing PPTS Phase I implementation.
 Data conversion issues that need to be resolved from previously converted and any defect logs.
 Differences between system inventory data and Project Scope (e.g., fit/gap requirements).

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Conduct as-is analysis sessions to capture the existing configuration elements within Accela Civic Platform.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s requests for information.
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to verify the accuracy of the
documented existing configuration elements.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Review and acceptance of the Baseline Implementation Analysis Findings Report for all existing configuration
elements with Accela Civic Platform.


To-Be Analysis is comprised of the activities required to define the Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation for the
Agency. The analysis approach includes a series of system design workshops (“To-Be Analysis Sessions”) between
Accela and the Agency to agree on the ‘blueprint’ for future state (“To-Be”) design and baseline configuration that will
be implemented throughout the project to deliver PPTS Phase 1 requirements. To-Be Analysis also establishes
benchmarks for testing and final acceptance of the Project.

Accela will develop prototypes for agreed upon business processes iteratively and collaboratively with the Agency.
The goal of prototyping is to facilitate a mutual understanding of the System and design considerations for PPTS.


Deliverable 4 is a written deliverable that includes detailed information and design decisions for the Agency’s business
processes to be configured in the Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation. The information is captured in Solution
Foundation Document(s) per Agency division and includes the following topics at a minimum:

Proprietary and Confidential Page 39

1. Process Overview
2. Intake Process, user defined and required fields
3. Required/Optional Review Tasks
4. Issuance process
5. Inspection processes – inspection types, scheduling and checklists
6. Workflow processes
7. Fee’s – types, processing and schedules
8. Accela GIS/XAPO needs
9. Accela Citizen Access - specific to online submittal, inquiry, inspection scheduling and fee payments
10. Accela Mobile/Inspector – mobile needs of inspectors
11. Prototype design decisions
12. Reporting needs
13. Interfacing needs
14. Business rule automation needs
15. Data conversion impacts and/or needs
16. Traceability to PPTS Phase 1 requirements
17. Global configuration standards
18. Usability and usability standards

The To-Be Analysis Sessions and Solution Foundation Document(s) will consider and capture information regarding
how configuration impacts other System elements for the deliverables listed below. However, the specifics for those
deliverables will be discovered and documented later in the project as they are dependent on the completion of the
Solution Foundation milestone. For example, discovery of agency requirements for a Receipt Report is documented
in the Solution Foundation Document(s), however specific report specification and requirements are completed in the
Report Specification deliverable.

• Deliverable 9: Historical Data Conversion Analysis

• Deliverable 10: Historical Data Conversion Development
• Deliverable 11: Interface Analysis Documents
• Deliverable 12: Interface Development
• Deliverable 13: Business Rules
• Deliverable 14: Report Specifications
• Deliverable 15: Report Development

Key Activities:
In conjunction with the Agency representatives, Accela will perform the following tasks:

Proprietary and Confidential Page 40

1. Conduct analysis sessions, document to-be definition, and configure and/or update the configuration with
Agency Divisions. 43 Phase I record types currently exist in the baseline configuration based on the Fit/Gap
Analysis completed by Accela.
2. The 43 existing record types are as follows:

1. 3R Report of Residential Building Record

2. New or Change of Address
3. Boiler Operation Permit
4. Site Addendum – New Construction
5. Site Addendum – Alterations
6. Additions Alterations Repairs Permit
7. DBI Misc Project
8. Demolition Permit
9. Excavating Permit
10. Grading Permit
11. Building Sign Permit
12. New Construction Permit
13. Vacant Building Complaint
14. Vacant Building Registration
15. Seismic Complaint
16. Building Complaint
17. Electrical Complaint
18. Plumbing Complaint
19. Accessibility Complaint
20. Street Space Permit
21. Solar Permit – Electrical
22. Web Additional Inspections Request
23. Web Off Hours Inspection Request
24. Electrical Counter Permit
25. Electrical Web Permit
26. Housing/Rental Complaint
27. Routine Housing Inspection
28. Physical Building Inspection
29. Mechanical
30. Miscellaneous Services
31. Night Noise Permit
32. Plumbing Counter

Proprietary and Confidential Page 41

33. Plumbing Web
34. Pre-Application Plan Review
35. Request for Duplication of Plans
36. Request for Records
37. Subpoena Processing
38. Energy-Water Conservation Inspections
39. Condos
40. Party Wall
41. Apartments
42. Hotels
43. Online Complaint
3. To support design decisions during To-Be Analysis Sessions, Accela will prototype any additional record
types and associated configuration required to meet the requirements as identified in Stage 1: Initiation.
4. Accela will consider how to approach each session and document by division based on information gathered
during the Fit/Gap analysis. The Fit/Gap information included in the table below represent an itemized
summary of the solution gaps and configuration by division.

Table 6: Fit Gap Summary by Division

Fit Gap Total # of
Solution Gap Configuration
Details Requirements
% Not
Division Yes Partial No Yes No Partial
CES 171 1 1 169 131 22 18 23%
CPB 228 5 1 222 161 31 36 29%
FIN 78 0 1 77 45 25 8 42%
HIS 162 0 0 162 81 30 51 50%
Info Desk 34 0 0 34 24 1 9 29%
INSP, DAD 714 5 11 698 272 232 210 62%
IPR 271 4 3 264 172 56 43 37%
MIS 211 11 17 183 83 50 78 61%
PRS 101 0 1 100 57 21 23 44%
RMD 70 2 6 62 32 17 21 54%
Planning 36 0 0 36 13 13 10 64%
Totals 2,076 28 41 2,007 1,069 501 507 48.5%

Proprietary and Confidential Page 42


5. Review and understand existing business processes intended for migration into Accela Civic Platform.
6. Review the developed business process as a basis for configuration in Accela Civic Platform’s workflow tool.
7. Assist the Agency in streamlining existing business processes for fit into Accela Civic Platform.
8. Collect employee names and associated roles and identify user group setups.
9. Review the collected document intake requirements, forms, and data fields for each process.
10. Review the collected document output requirements (documents/letters/reports).
11. Review the collected document fees, fee schedules, and collection procedures for each process.
12. Review the collected document all required inspections and inspection result options for each type.
13. Prototype, or modify the configuration in the case of the 43 existing Record Types, all identified Record
Types per the requirements in the PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis. Interactively review the configured or
prototyped Record Types with applicable Core Team members from each Division. The review and
subsequent approval by the applicable Core Team members is intended to show all configuration
components related to the Record Type and associated process (including, but not limited to, workflow, fees,
user-defined fields and tables, conditions, inspections, etc.), but is not intended to show reports, business
rule automation, or data conversion which are to be completed during Stage 4: Build. Once each of the
Record Types has been accepted by the applicable Core Team members, a configuration report will be run to
memorialize all aspects of the Record Type configuration or prototype. In addition, each approved Record
Type configuration will be copied and saved using Data Manager to further memorialize the Record Type
configuration and to provide a backup should any portion of the configuration be inadvertently altered post-
approval. Core Team members will be asked to sign off on the approved configurations as demonstrated.
Any decisions, future actions, acknowledgement of work to be completed in subsequent stages, etc. will be
documented as a part of the Deliverable Acceptance Form provided for each Record Type for signoff.
14. Document all future state business process to be implemented in the Accela Civic Platform. The collection of
all Configuration Reports supporting the applicable Record Types for an Agency Division will comprise the
Solution Foundation Document for that Division.
15. Ensure requirement traceability between Solution Foundation Documents and PPTS Phase 1 requirements,
including how requirements will be managed and prioritized.
16. The Project Team, consisting of representatives from both Accela and the Agency, will conduct a formal
review of the Solution Foundation Documents for approval and sign-off on the deliverable.

Output: The written component of this deliverable requires a DED for the Solution Foundation Document. Additionally,
the software-based component of this deliverable is comprised of prototypes. Prototypes will be memorialized within
each of the separate Solution Foundation Document for each area listed below- and as described elsewhere in this
SOW (e.g. they will be recorded via audio/video system). At a minimum, the following foundation documents will be
produced. Others will be produced as required.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 43

 4A: Solution Foundation Document (CES)
 4B: Solution Foundation Document (CPB)
 4C: Solution Foundation Document (FIN
 4D: Solution Foundation Document (HIS)
 4E: Solution Foundation Document (Info Desk)
 4F: Solution Foundation Document (INSP, DAD)
 4G: Solution Foundation Document (IPR)
 4H: Solution Foundation Document (MIS)
 4I: Solution Foundation Document (PRS)
 4J: Solution Foundation Document (RMD)
 4K: Solution Foundation Document (PLN)
 4L: Solution Foundation Document (Enterprise Security Audit)
 4M: Solution Foundation Document (Global Configuration Standards)
 4N: Solution Foundation Document (Usability and Usability Standards)
 Requirements Traceability Matrix updated to reflect how the proposed solution maps back to each

Drafts of the following document deliverables that will be finalized in future stages:
 8: Draft Planning and DBI Merge Plan
 9: Draft Historical Data Conversion Analysis
 11: Draft Interface Analysis
 13: Draft Business Rules Specifications
 14: Draft Report Specifications

Final Design Plans of the following software deliverables that will be developed in future stages:
 16: Accela GIS/XAPO Design
 17: Accela Citizen Access
 18: Accela Inspector Design

Accela Responsibilities:
• Accela’s Project Manager will coordinate and schedule the Analysis Sessions in conjunction with the Agency
Project Manager and per the agreed upon Project Plan.
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Interview staff to understand existing business processes.
• Conduct to-be analysis sessions to capture the required business processes to be automated within the
system via email, web conference, phone, and in person to gather and validate analysis input.
• Together with the Agency, identify which business processes will be prototyped.
• Configure prototypes for business processes agreed upon with the Agency.
• Trace requirements to Solution Foundation Document(s)

Proprietary and Confidential Page 44

• Prepare and complete Solution Foundation Document(s) capturing the Agency’s business processes to be
included in the Solution Foundation.
• Update Requirements Traceability Matrix to demonstrate that all requirements are covered, noting and
escalating any exceptions

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s requests for information.
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to provide required information,
participate in the configuration analysis and verify the accuracy of the documented workflows, input/output
formats, and data elements.
• Provide any existing business process documentation, including process flows; fee schedules; commonly
used applications, reports and forms; and other relevant information.
• Together with Accela, identify which business processes will be prototyped.
• Schedule participants and meeting locations for analysis activities.
• Participate in prototype workshops.
• Validate requirement traceability between Solution Foundation Document(s) and PPTS Phase 1 Fit/Gap
requirements to ensure requirements have been satisfied.
• Review and provide feedback on Solution Foundation Document(s).

Acceptance Criteria:
• Review and acceptance of agreed upon prototypes.
• Solution Foundation Documents document PPTS design decisions in support of PPTS Phase 1
• Solution Foundation Documents cross referenced to Requirements using the Requirements Traceability

Acceptance Review Period:

• Agency will have five (5) business days’ total for deliverable review. The second and final review will have
three (3) business days for acceptance.


Accela will provide professional services to upgrade the existing Civic Platform PPTS configuration to the latest Civic
Platform release.

Key Activities:
1. Test the current Accela Civic Platform release to the Accela Cloud environment to establish a baseline and
ensure that the current release has no adverse impact on the existing PPTS configuration.
2. Subsequent interim upgrades will be validated via regression testing as a part of the overall regression
testing to be completed as a part of the implementation for PPTS Phase I.
3. Ensure any features automatically available via updates that do not require configuration are available to the
PPTS project.
4. Any new features requiring additional configuration are not included in the work of this SOW, and would need
to be considered on a case by case basis.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 45

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 6 is a software-based deliverable that requires a DED. The following will be
executed for this deliverable:

 Upgraded Civic Platform software.

 Identification of any new release features to that might be beneficial in support of the Phase I PPTS
 Civic Platform upgrade test results.

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Complete configuration as required to leverage new Civic Platform 9.0 features in accordance with the
statement surrounding new features above.
• Initiate testing to ensure no unintended impacts to the existing PPTS configuration.

Agency Responsibilities
Provide timely and appropriate responses to the responsible party’s request for information.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Completion of Civic Platform upgrade activities.
• Completion of testing of configuration elements.
• Provision of testing results identifying any configuration elements requiring modifications as a result of the
Civic Platform upgrade. These modifications will be documented as a part of the overall configuration efforts
required to complete PPTS Phase I.

Acceptance Review Period:

• Five (5) business days total.


Accela will provide professional services to develop the Solution Foundation of the Accela Civic Platform in
accordance with requirements established and documented in Deliverable 26: To-Be Analysis Document(s).

Key Activities:
Analyze and deliver updated scripts to Support MasterScripts 3.0, including:
• Analysis and conversion of existing EMSE Event scripts
• Unit testing of each script for proper JavaScript syntax prior to installation in Agency’s development
• Delivery of a customized MasterScripts 3.0 deployment package/repository
o The script package will be compressed file and/or online SVN or Git repository containing all scripts
for the Agency (Standard Choices) converted to JavaScript files and functions. The conversion
process will consist of optimizing and formatting the code properly, as well as converting redundant
code into functions as deemed necessary.
o The script package will also contain a suggested folder structure for a source code repository.
o The script package will include custom/modified functions to be used to create the

Proprietary and Confidential Page 46

• Delivery of an analysis document that describes modifications and suggestions for script improvement to be
incorporated into the PPTS Phase I
• Installation of the deployment package
• Knowledge transfer session with key System Admin stakeholders to convey best practices for script
maintenance and future script development
• Defect resolution and unit testing of each existing script
• Prepare a Regression Testing Plan to test the converted scripts
• Implement and test the deployment package
• Maintain the repository to include any script changes in order to keep environments synchronized prior to go-

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 7 is a software-based deliverable that does not require a DED. The following
will be executed for this deliverable:

 Leverage new MasterScripts 3.0 features to support the Phase I PPTS requirements.
 Perform unit and regression testing and provide test results to Agency
 Create and maintain the upgraded script repository

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Complete upgrade as required to leverage MasterScripts 3.0.
• Conduct unit and regression testing to ensure no unintended impacts to the existing PPTS configuration.
• Include script testing as a part of overall system testing to ensure no additional defects for the project

Agency Responsibilities
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to the responsible party’s request for information.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Completion of the MasterScripts 3.0 upgrade activities.
• Completion of unit and regression testing of configured Business Rules.
• Provide testing results per the Regression Testing Plan to ensure a successful upgrade to MasterScripts 3.0
without defects

Acceptance Review Period:

• Five (5) business days total.


Accela will provide professional services to plan for and complete the merge of the Production Environment currently
supporting Planning with the Phase I DBI PPTS configuration in the Test Environment in support of the DBI go-live.

Key Activities:
• Document a merge plan utilizing Accela Civic Platform Data Manager functionality to successfully merge
Planning and DBI in Test.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 47

• Export data from DBI and Planning using Accela’s Data Manager 9.0 functionality
• Complete the merge of all configuration elements for Planning and DBI in Test using Accela’s Data Manager
9.0 functionality
• Complete testing activities to ensure that the configuration elements have been successfully merged into the
Test environment.
• Document and create a repeatable process supported by Data Manager to be run as a part of Go-Live.

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 8 is both a written and software-based deliverable that requires a DED.
Deliverable 8 includes the following components:

 Planning and DBI Merge Plan

 Merge of all Planning and DBI configuration elements in Test
 Test results from merge into the Test environment

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Document the merge plan detailing configuration elements to be merged and the test plan to ensure the
successful merge
• Complete the merge of Planning and DBI into Test.
• Complete testing to ensure the successful merge of Planning and DBI into Test.
• Document and create a repeatable process supported by Data Manager to be run as a part of Go-Live.
• Review of exceptions log generated by Data Manager indicating any failures or issues with the Merge.
• Conduct unit and regression testing to ensure no unintended impacts to the existing PPTS configuration.

Agency Responsibilities
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to the responsible party’s request for information.
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to participate in the planning and
testing of the merged environments as necessary.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Completion of the merge plan.
• Completion of the merge of Planning and DBI into Test and testing to ensure the successful merge.
• Completion of the repeatable Merge process to support final Merge into Production at Go-Live
• Provide testing results per the Regression Testing Plan to ensure a successful merge without defects

Acceptance Review Period:

• Agency will have five (5) business days’ total for the deliverable review. The second and final review will
have 3 business days for acceptance.

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Accela will provide professional services to develop the Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation in accordance with
requirements established and agreed upon during the execution of the tasks that comprise Stage 2 – To-Be Analysis.
Accela will produce a detailed, technical Baseline System Configuration Report(s) that represent the entire foundation
of the system, for each module. This document will be delivered for review with the completed solution.


Accela will provide professional services to develop the Solution Foundation of the Accela Civic Platform in
accordance with requirements established and documented in Deliverable4: Solution Foundation(s).

Key Activities:
In conjunction with the Agency representatives, Accela will perform the following tasks:

1. Develop the Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation in accordance with requirements established and
agreed upon during the execution of the tasks that comprise Stage 2 – To-Be Analysis.
2. Conduct unit testing of Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation development.
3. Produce a detailed, technical Baseline System Configuration Report(s) that represents the entire foundation
of the system, for each module.
4. Update Requirements Traceability Matrix to demonstrate that all requirements are covered, noting and
escalating any exceptions

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 5: Solution Foundation is a software-based deliverable that also includes
written documentation to memorialize the baseline configuration before moving into Stage 4: Build. Deliverable 5:
Solution Foundation requires a DED. Once each of the Record Types has been accepted by the applicable Core
Team members, a configuration report will be run to memorialize all aspects of each Record Type configuration or
prototype. In addition, each approved Record Type configuration will be copied and saved using Data Manager to
further memorialize the Record Type configuration and to provide a backup should any portion of the configuration be
inadvertently altered post-approval. The collection of configuration reports that document the Record Types relative to
each Division will represent the Deliverable 5: Solution Foundation for each DBI Division and Planning.

Accela will deliver the Accela Platform Solution Foundation and unit test results per configuration to support the design
decisions in Deliverable 4: Solution Foundation Documents. The written form of this deliverable consists of Baseline
System Configuration Reports for each Agency Division listed below.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 49

 5A: Baseline System Configuration Report (CES)
 5B: Baseline System Configuration Report (CPB)
 5C: Baseline System Configuration Report (FIN)
 5E: Baseline System Configuration Report (HIS)
 5F: Baseline System Configuration Report (Info Desk)
 5G: Baseline System Configuration Report (INSP, DAD)
 5H: Baseline System Configuration Report (IPR)
 5I: Baseline System Configuration Report (MIS)
 5J: Baseline System Configuration Report (PRS)
 5K: Baseline System Configuration Report (RMD)
 5L: Baseline System Configuration Report (PLN)
 5M: Baseline System Configuration Report (Enterprise Security Audit)
 Requirements Traceability Matrix updated to reflect how the proposed configuration maps back to each

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Configure the foundational components as defined in the Deliverable 3: Solution Foundation Document(s).
• Update Requirements Traceability Matrix to demonstrate that all requirements are covered, noting and
escalating any exceptions
• Conduct unit testing and provide test results to the Agency.
• Generate Baseline System Configuration Reports.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information.
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to participate in solution configuration
of the system to learn about the system and facilitate in knowledge transfer.
• Work with Accela to verify that the system meets the foundational requirements documented in the Solution
Foundation Document(s).
• The Agency will test the system for purposes of validating the configuration.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Completed Accela Civic Platform Solution foundation configuration that supports the To-Be business
processes as documented in the Solution Foundation Documents for Deliverable 3.
• Accela Civic Platform Baseline System Configuration Reports, as described in the table above.
• Review and approve that the Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation meets the requirements documented
in the approved Solution Foundation Document(s).
• Validate requirement traceability between Configuration Reports(s) and PPTS Phase 1 Fit/Gap requirements
to ensure requirements have been satisfied.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 50

Acceptance Review Period:
• Agency will have five (5) business days’ total for deliverable reviews.

The Build stage includes data conversions, development of interfaces, development of all Business Process Validation
and Automation (Event Manager Scripts and Expressions) configuration of add-on products and custom report
development. It comprises all the additional activities outside of solution foundation that are required to complete the
total solution for the Agency. Like the Configuration Stage, it is critical that appropriate agency representatives are
involved in each step of the process to ensure success.

Data conversion of historic/legacy data from Agency systems is a critical activity for the success of this project. Accela
team is highly experienced in planning for, and executing these activities and will work closely with Agency staff to
ensure a successful transition of data. Specifically, Accela team will work with Agency to understand the data
sources, how they are used, where their data will be stored in Accela Civic Platform and the quality of that data. Often
multiple sources store and manage similar information and decisions need to be made about the authoritative source.
It is also common to find that data sources have not had strong controls and the accuracy is questionable or there is
missing data. There are techniques and tools that Accela may recommend to understand the current state of Agency
data so that decisions can be made about data quality and what to convert. Upon completion of the data analysis,
mapping of historical/legacy data sources may begin with Accela’s mapping tool and conversion iterations performed
as outlined in the Project Plan. Accela provides release notes during these conversion tests to verify data is being
transferred correctly (e.g., number of records and expected values in fields).

Accela will lead the conversion effort and specifically assist in the following areas: data mapping, script development
for conversion, assistance in data testing and validation, and with the planning and execution of the final data
conversion. For conversions, it is expected and anticipated that the Agency will provide resources knowledgeable
with the historical data to assist in the data migration/conversion effort.

The required data mapping effort will be a conducted by Accela personnel with assistance from the Agency. Once the
data mapping has been defined, Accela will ask that a representative of the Agency sign off on the data maps.
Accela will be responsible for the data conversion programs to load data from the staging tables to the Accela Civic
Platform database.

The following information provides detail related to the scope of Accela’s data conversion activities and assumptions.
Due to the inherent complexity of data conversion, it is critical to address and understand common questions and
General Information and Requirements for Historical Conversions
 Data conversion includes the conversion of transactional data to the Accela Civic Platform database upon
completion of the Solution Foundation Stage. In the event there is no destination for legacy transactional
data then it will be required to be converted as best fits into another area of the configuration or excluded
from the conversion effort.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 51

 Accela will perform unit testing of the conversion program including spot checks of the data within Accela
Civic Platform to identify if data quality issues exist. Extensive quality assurance of legacy / historical data by
the Agency is required to allow accurate transfer of data.
 A completed, signed off, Solution Foundation is required before approving and finalizing the data conversion
 A completed, signed off, data conversion map is required prior to beginning the data conversion
Data Conversion Assumptions
 “As-Is” Approach: Conversion of transactional tables, Address/Parcel/Owner (APO) data, Professional
License data, and other data sources as identified elsewhere in this SOW, will be executed “As-is” into
Accela Civic Platform. “As-is” means that the data will be transformed as mapped to existing, modified, or
new configuration elements in Accela Civic Platform. The conversion process will not create configuration
data, which means if invalid, inaccurate, or incomplete data is provided, it will be loaded into Accela Civic
Platform “As-Is”. All data cleanup must occur prior to execution into Accela Civic Platform.

 Accela will leverage the data conversion work that has already been completed in support of PPTS Phase I.
Once the approved and signed off PPTS Phase I configuration is locked down, Accela will review the
baseline data conversion mapping and scripts against new and modified configuration elements to determine
the extent of modifications to the existing data conversion mapping and supporting scripts. This will reference
the existing data conversion assessment completed as a part of the Baseline Configuration Analysis,
including reviewing reported data conversion defects and issues.

 Accela Data Conversion Tools: Data will be mapped and converted utilizing Accela’s conversion tools and
methodologies. Accela tools consist of Accela data mapping tool and Accela conversion tool.

 Acceptable Data Formats for Historical Conversion: It is expected that the Conversion Source Data be
provided in an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database format that is currently supported by Accela Civic
Platform Application product.

 Acceptable Data Formats for Reference Conversion: It is expected that the Conversion Source Data be
provided in Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server database format that is currently supported by Accela Civic
Platform Application product, or a pipe-delimited flat file format.

 Documents: Historical / Legacy data conversion includes the conversion of attached documents into Accela
Document Services (“ADS”) in Accela Civic Platform, provided that the Agency provides the documents in the
structure Accela requires. The documents will be converted to the configured primary electronic document
management system (EDMS). See Standard Document Migration for additional details.
Standard Document Migration
 The standard document conversion is utilized to convert record / permit level attached electronic documents
into the configured Accela Civic Platform EDMS systems. In the event a 3rd party EDMS is used by Accela
Civic Platform, it is still possible to convert documents if the 3rd party interface supports the create method.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 52

 At a minimum the electronic document(s) to be converted must exist in a Microsoft Windows accessible file
system (ex. NTFS, FAT32) and can identify the associated Record ID to be converted. If the files exist in a
database, the Agency must extract documents into a Windows file system prior to being evaluated for

Accela will leverage existing Analysis/Mapping and Data Conversion Development in support of Deliverables 9 and 10
for each Legacy system that will be have data converted to Accela within the scope of this implementation. These
deliverables will be updated to reflect changes in mapping and development of conversion scripts required to meet the
approved and established PPTS Phase I requirements.

Table 7: Deliverables 9 & 10 – Historical Data Conversion

Deliverable System Name Description
9A and 10A Division Apps Includes the following Division Apps schemas:
• ADMIN (Fees, Inspectors, Violations, Users, Conditions,
Notifications, Employees)
• DBI (Fees, Lookups, Addresses, Owners, Divisions,
Sections, Vacant Buildings, Payments, Fees, Director
Hearing Data)
• EID (Electrical Permits, Fees)
• CTS (Complaints – all Divisions, NOVs, CES, Fees)
• PID (Plumbing Reference Information)
• PTS (Building Permits, LPs, Contacts, Plan Checks,
Permit Routing, Fees)
• BBIMAN (3Rs, DAD, PID, HIS, Reco, Boilers, Boiler
Permits, Non-conforming Use, Franchise tax Board,
Fees, PID, Violations, Hotels, Partywall, Condo,
Apartments, Multi-Unit, License Fees, Document Index)
• ISS (Inspections – all Divisions, Scheduling, Calendars,
Time Accounting)
• ATC20 (Districts)
• LPP (LPs)
• RMD (RMD Reference Info, Fees)
9B and 10B Vacant Building Register Spreadsheet for Vacant Buildings & Commercial Vacant Buildings
9C and 10C Hotel Vacancy Info Access DB or HIS tables (we need to research which is cleaner &
decide which to use)
9D and 10D Contractor Web Login SQL Server DB for Contractors/Contacts ID & credentials, Permit
Online Accela Accts Types Allowed, Boiler History, Online Order History Batch Load of
Online Accela Accounts

Proprietary and Confidential Page 53

Upon receipt of Agency’s Legacy data, Accela will create a Data Conversion Mapping Document detailing the data
conversion process, mutually agreed upon requirements and mapping of Agency’s historical data into Accela Civic

Key Activities:
• Accela to assess existing data conversion mapping and scripts already completed in support of PPTS Phase
I, including the review of identified defects and issues
• Accela will update data mapping based on approved PPTS Phase I requirements and related modifications to
system configuration elements, and create new data mapping to ensure that all data conversion sources as
identified in this SOW have been mapped
• Accela will update existing data conversion scripts based on approved PPTS Phase I requirements and
changes to data mapping, and create new data conversion scripts if necessary to ensure that all mapped
data is successfully converted to the PPTS Phase I solution
• Accela will work with the Agency to test and validate data conversions
• Accela will refresh the test data prior to and in support of each test cycle
• Accela will work with the Agency to plan and execute the final data conversion

In terms of specific output, the following will be executed for this deliverable:

 Historical Data Conversion Mapping Document

Accela Responsibilities:
• Work with the Agency to define and document historical data elements that are required for the conversion.
• Proactively define which information is needed for the application to work as intended, and ensure there is a
plan for migrating that data.
• Facilitate the data analysis and mapping process
• Complete the Data Conversion Specifications Document.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide historical data in acceptable formats.
• Provide subject matter experts on the data source to aid Accela in identifying key components of the
historical data
• Provide subject matter experts on the historical configuration to aid in the data mapping process
• Review and sign-off on completed Data Conversion Specifications document.

Acceptance Criteria:
• The Historical Data Conversion Specifications document identifies historical data elements that will be
converted into Accela Civic Platform as well as document special consideration (ex. merging data sources,
phasing, etc.)

Acceptance Review Period:

• Agency will have ten (10) business days’ total for deliverable review.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 54

Upon Agency approval of the Historical Data Conversion Specifications document, (Deliverable 39), Accela will
provide a program(s) to migrate appropriate historical data into Accela Civic Platform. Upon receipt of the conversion
from Accela, the Accela Data Conversion Lead, and Accela Data Conversion Lead will load the data into the Test
environment for validation.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 55


Key Activities:
• Accela to provide final data map(s)
• Accela to work with Agency to obtain final signoff on data map(s)
• Accela to build and unit test final data conversion scripts and overall program
• Accela to execute data conversion cycle 1 (refresh source data and execute into test environment)
• Accela to validate converted data (cycle 1)
• Accela to resolve data conversion defects (cycle 1)
• Accela to execute data conversion cycle 2 (refresh source data and execute into test environment)
• Accela to validate converted data (cycle 2)
• Accela to resolve data conversion defects (cycle 2)
• Accela to execute data conversion cycle 3 (refresh source data and execute into test environment)
• Accela to validate converted data
• Accela to resolve data conversion defects
• Accela will perform additional loads as required to support testing, converted data validation, and error
resolution, and will work with the Agency to minimize the number of additional loads required beyond the
three cycles stipulated above.
• Accela to package completed data conversion program

In terms of specific output, the following will be executed for this deliverable:

 Completion of migrated data into Accela Civic Platform development or test environment.

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide a program to migrate historical data into the Agency’s AA test database environment.
• Accela has assumed that each data conversion will include up to three (3) conversion loads for client testing.
Note: a data load will not be considered complete until DBI has certified that it is free of Severity 1 and 2
conversion programming errors and has no significant Severity 3 conversion errors which would have a
significant impact on user perception of the stability of the system or on required testing and training activities
which are dependent on the converted data. Accela will be required to perform as many “loads” as is
required until these conditions have been met.
• Validate the successful completion of the migration of historical data into the Agency’s test environment.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Providing the legacy data source in an accepted format
• Assist in the execution of the data conversion program and provide access to environments as needed
• Provide resources to validate the conversion statistics and the quality of the data converted into Accela Civic

Acceptance Criteria:
• Historical data has been converted to Accela Civic Platform testing environment per the Data Conversion
Mapping document.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 56

• Historical data migrated from PTS to Accela has completed QA and satisfies the following four (4)
o No Severity 1 issues (defined below)
o No Severity 2 issues
o All Severity 3 issues have workarounds identified, agreed with the Agency, and communicated to
o All Severity 4 issues identified, agreed, and documented

Acceptance Review Period:

• Ten (10) business days total.

For each interface, Accela technical lead will work together with Agency’s technical lead and business leads to
document functional and technical requirements of the interface in an Interface Specifications Document. Interface
development begins upon written approval of the specifications. It is expected all interfaces will use Accela’s
GovXML, web services or batch engine. No custom or third party integration tool will be used to accomplish input or
output of data to/from the Accela system. In other words, data coming into Accela and data coming from Accela will
use the existing integration technology. Agency responsibility includes obtaining permission for level/type of
integration from appropriate application owners (including on premises or cloud/hosted, etc.). Further, Agency will
ensure that Accela resources have access to a Dev or Test version of the 3rd party system for interface development.
All interfaces will be developed against one (1), agreed upon version of the 3rd party system.

Accela will perform analysis and develop each system that will be interfaced with Accela within the scope of this
implementation. A DED is required for system interfaces at the highest level (i.e., not per the sub-deliverables listed in
the table below). Deliverable 11 is a written deliverable documenting the analysis and development design for
interfaces. Deliverable 12 is a software-based deliverable demonstrating the interface is working as designed.

Table 8: Deliverables 11 & 12 - Interfaces

Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
11A and 12A Business Tax Accela SF Business Tax Data
System  Daily inbound batch interface
 Interface has not yet been started
 Accela will complete Interface Analysis
and Design to ensure a viable interface
 Accela will review existing
implementation and modify as required
to provide target fields for the inbound
Business Tax data
 Accela will develop and unit test the

Proprietary and Confidential Page 57

Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
11B and 12B Data SF Accela SF Open Data Source
 Outbound push of data from PPTS in
support of Mayor’s Open Data Initiative
 Accela will leverage Accela’s Civic Data
publishing standards to publish key
datasets that can be consumed by Data
 Accela will develop and unit test the
Agency Deliverable DPW Agency Permit & Payment & Address Information
 Outbound extract of Permit and Payment
& Address Information
 Interface is in test
 Agency will validate the DPW interface
against current requirements and
complete unit testing efforts
Agency Deliverable Assessor Agency Data sent to Assessor System
 Outbound extract of Inspection Activity
and Permits issued within the last 1825
 Interface has been started but is not
 Agency will review the status of the DPW
interface, validate the interface against
current requirements, complete the
development of the DPW interface to
ensure a viable interface
 Agency will develop and unit test the
11C and 12C Link2Gov Accela Payment Processing for ACA
 Bi-directional interface to external POS
processor for Citizen Access
 Requires configuration to support two
different merchant accounts for DBI and
 Current interface is complete but needs
to be updated to support two merchant
accounts as well as to address known
interface issues
 Accela will develop and unit test the

Proprietary and Confidential Page 58

Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
3rd Part Deliverable iPayment Core/Wausau POS for Back Office Payment Processing
 Bi-directional interface to external POS
processor for Civic Platform
 Interface is part of Proofs of Concept
 Known interface issues need to be
addressed in conjunction with Core and
Wausau and possible updates made to
the interface
 Original interface development work
completed by Core and any changes to
the interface assumed to be by Core.
 Core/Wausau will develop and unit test
the interface
Agency Deliverable SFFD Agency FTP of Data to SFFD
 Outbound extract of all permits issued
since 1/1/2009 that route through SFFD
routing station
 Extract to be sent to SFFD via FTP
 Interfacing to FTP was successfully
demonstrated during Proofs of Concept
and will be used for this interface
 Agency will develop and unit test the
11D and 12D GIS/XAPO Accela SF GIS and EAS Data
 The Agency’s GIS system is used to
store data from various sources in
support of XAPO.
 Accela GIS has been deployed and the
XAPO interface developed to support
this inbound interface
 The Agency needs to confirm all data
sources feeding GIS and its support of
 Accela will review the status of the GIS
interface, validate the interface against
current requirements, address known
issues with the interface, and make
necessary modifications to ensure a
viable interface
 Accela will develop and unit test the

Proprietary and Confidential Page 59

Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
Agency Deliverable HIS Special Agency License Fees
Assessment  Periodic extract of information on
License Fees passed to the Assessor
 Interface has not yet been started
 Agency will complete Interface Analysis
and Design to ensure a viable interface
 Agency will develop and unit test the
 Dependency on HIS Inputs, with some
data being directed to GIS/XAPO by
Agency and the balance of data being
mapped into PPTS
11E and 12E Selectron IVR Accela IVR
 Bi-directional interface to third-party IVR
 Interface is developed
 Accela will review the status of the
Selectron IVR interface, validate the
interface against current requirements,
address minor reported issues with the
interface, and make necessary
modifications as required to ensure a
viable interface
 Accela will develop and unit test the

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Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
Agency Deliverable PaperVision Agency Scanned Document Repository
 Outbound interface in support of third-
party system that scans documents and
makes them available to CCSF staff
 Interface has not been started
 Previous real-time interface was deemed
not appropriate and was abandoned
 Interface strategy is to create a periodic
extract of data to PaperVision to allow
PaperVision to link scanned documents
to records in PPTS and allow users to
locate these documents
 Agency will complete Interface Analysis
and Design to ensure a viable interface
 Agency will review existing
implementation and identify fields of data
to be extracted and sent to PaperVision
 Agency will develop and unit test the
11F and 12F CSLB Accela Contractor Lookup
 Licensed Professional check against CA
State Licensing Board data
 Accela will leverage Accela’s standard
inbound interface to CSLB to query
Licensing data and return relevant data
to be stored in PPTS
 Accela will review the status of the CSLB
interface, validate the interface against
current requirements, address minor
reported issues with the interface, and
make necessary modifications as
required to ensure a viable interface
 Accela will develop and unit test the

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Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
11G and 12G Building Eye Accela Outbound Feed of Permit and Complaint Info
 Outbound feed of Permit and Complaint
 Interface has been developed with no
known issues
 Accela will review the status of the
Building Eye interface, validate the
interface against current requirements,
and make necessary modifications as
required to ensure a viable interface
 Accela will develop and unit test the
Agency Deliverable Lien Cycle Agency Lien Cycle for CES and HIS
 Annual outbound interface to support the
export of HIS and CES outstanding fees
to the CCSF tax collector
 Extract to be sent to FTP where it can be
reviewed and manipulated before
passing to the CCSF tax collector
 Interfacing to FTP was successfully
demonstrated during Proofs of Concept
and will be used for this interface
 Agency will develop and unit test the
Agency Deliverable Deferred Credit Agency Deferred Credit Report
Report  Annual outbound interface to support
interest charged on deferred fees
(current and two prior years)
 This interface has not been started
 Agency will complete Interface Analysis
and Design to ensure a viable interface
 Agency will review existing
implementation and identify fields of data
to be extracted and summarized to
assess the full picture of deferred fees
 Agency will develop and unit test the

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Deliverable System Name Responsible Party Description
11H and 12H Click Software Click Software Inspection Workload Management
 Accela introduced this interface to third-
party product Click Software to support
Inspections workload management
 Agency will subcontract with Click
Software to assist in the definition and
design of this bi-directional interface to
fully leverage Click Software’s features
and functionality
 Click Software will base the interface
design on the Proof of Concept
presented for this integration
 Click Software will develop and unit test
the interface in coordination with Accela


To determine the Agency requirements for these interfaces, analysis sessions will be conducted as a portion of this
deliverable. The findings will then be documented in the Interface Specifications Document(s) for use by Accela in
building the interface code. The implementation of these interfaces is dependent on the assistance of the Agency’s
staff, specifically, interface analysis, data mapping, and data manipulation as required in the source system. Accela
will provide a program to integrate 3rd Party data to/from Accela Civic Platform.

Where indicated that responsible parties other than Accela will be responsible for the specific analysis and
development of an interface(s), Accela will provide published APIs and Web Services as required to integrate 3rd party
systems or facilitate the extraction of data to be used in 3rd party systems. Accela will review all interface
specifications to ensure that the interfaces are compatible with the proposed PPTS Phase I solution and fully leverage
published APIs and Web Services as well as available and applicable Accela Civic Platform features and functionality.

Key Activities:
• Review of current interfaces already developed or under development as a part of PPTS Phase I
• Completion of analysis of requirements for interfaces identified for Accela completion
• Completion of interface specifications for interfaces identified for Accela completion
• Review of interface specifications for interfaces identified for completion by Agency or other 3rd parties

In terms of specific output, the following will be executed for this deliverable:

• Interface Specifications Documents

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 63

• Conduct Interface Analysis sessions.
• Work with Agency staff to develop interface specifications document.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information.
• Provide system and access to individuals to provide required details of system interface.
• Allocate the time for qualified business and technical experts for the testing sessions that are critical to the
project success.
• Identify and coordinate any related tools used to implement the interface (3rd party or in-house
• Assist in the interface specification development and data mapping process.
• Review and approve the interface specification documents.
• Work with Third Party Data Sources to determine best methods of interfacing to Accela system.
• Validate interface through testing.
• Work with 3rd party to ensure data from Accela is in correct format.
• Updates to interface, post go-live, due to changes in 3rd party system or Agency business processes.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Review and approve the Interface Specifications document.
• Demonstration and approval of the completed interface as per the requirements detailed in the interface
specifications document.

Acceptance Review Period:

• Ten (10) business days total.


Based on the Specifications Documents developed as a part of Deliverable 11, Accela will develop or modify the
interfaces for which Accela has principal responsibility. Interface development will leverage Civic Platform published
APIs and Web Services to provide one-way or two-way interface communication and transfer of data as required.

Key Activities:
• Development of operational interfaces identified for completion by Accela

In terms of specific output, the following will be executed for this deliverable:

• Operational Interface in the Development or Test environment

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information.
• Use an Accela published API or Web Service to implement the interface functionality based on the
• Build all aspects of the interface that interact directly with the Accela Civic Platform.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 64

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information.
• Provide system and access to individuals to provide required details of system interface.
• Allocate the time for qualified business and technical experts for the testing sessions that are critical to the
project success.
• Identify and coordinate any related tools used to implement the interface (3rd party or in-house
• Assist in the interface specification development and data mapping process.
• Review and approve the interface specification documents.
• Work with Third Party Data Sources to determine best methods of interfacing to Accela system.
• Validate interface through testing.
• Work with 3rd party to ensure data from Accela is in correct format.
• Updates to interface, post go-live, due to changes in 3rd party system or Agency business processes.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Review and approve the Interface Specifications document.
• Demonstration and approval of the completed interface as per the requirements detailed in the interface
specifications document.
• Test results that meet the following criteria:
o No Severity 1 issues (defined below)
o No Severity 2 issues
o All Severity 3 issues have workarounds identified, agreed with the Agency, and communicated to
o All Severity 4 issues identified, agreed, and documented

Acceptance Review Period:

• Ten (10) business days total.


During the configuration Analysis stage of the implementation project, Accela will identify opportunities to supplement
the Accela Civic Platform base functionality via Event Manager Script Engine (EMSE) scripts and Expression Builder
to validate and automate business processes. Accela will work with Agency to identify desired functionality, and
subsequently will assist with prioritizing the needs to determine that will be modified or developed by Accela within the
scope of this implementation. The Business Process Validation and Automation developed by Accela can be used as
models whereby agency staff can develop and modify additional functionality as needed.

Business Rules are broken out into two areas as defined below:
• EMSE (Event Manager Scripting Engine) – used to script based on system activities, such as a before or
after event, that allow the system to automate activities (example: do not allow an inspection to be scheduled
prior to a specific workflow task, or, auto-calculate and invoice a fee upon application submittal)
• Expression Builder – used to script form based interactions that occur prior to triggering and event or
master script activity (example: auto-population form based data fields based on user-selected values)

Proprietary and Confidential Page 65

Prior to the development, the Agency will approve a design specification document that will be created jointly by the
Agency and Accela. The approved document will be used as a basis for determining completion and approval of the

Key Activities:
• Support edits to scripts and expressions already written and deployed within the existing PPTS configuration
in support of Business Rules and requirements. These scripts and expressions support a broad range of
business rules that are associated to the approved requirements. These will require validation against the
requirements and unit testing of the scripts and expressions themselves.
• Identify new scripts and expressions required to support business rules associated to the approved
requirements and not already addressed with existing scripts and expressions. New requirements for
automating business rules and processes not already supported in the legacy PTS system, existing PPTS
Phase I solution, or specifically stated in the Appendix D – PPTS Phase 1 Fit/Gap approved requirements will
be managed through the established Change Management process.
• Conduct analysis sessions, document specifications and develop / unit test Business Rules in support in
scope requirements including but not limited to the following areas:
o Populate APO fields from GIS as needed
o Generate letters, notices, expirations, fees, NOVs. (Batch)
o Enforce security, such as locking a record 72 hours after issuance. (Batch)
o Automatically add conditions based on business rules
o Set Task/Record assignment based on business rules
o Create parent/child relationships based on business rules
o Create child records based on business rules
o Creating calendar events
o Clone records
o Update expiration data
o Support fee waivers
o Support special inspections
o Support generic data validation scripts/expressions
o Block record creation due to penalties
o Support divisional blocks requirements
o Support condition override requirements
o Support lien cycle requirements
o Support time tracking and time-based fees
o Support “reclassifying” inspections requirements
o Support fee estimation

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 13 is both a written and software-based deliverable requiring a DED that is
comprised of the following:

 Prioritized list of requirements that require Automation

 Specification documents for each required Automation
 Demonstration of completed Automations in development or test environments per the specifications

Proprietary and Confidential Page 66


Accela Responsibilities:
• Facilitate workshops with the Agency to identify business rule needs per the scope of this SOW.
• Document or update the documentation of specifications for existing or additional scripts or expressions
• Develop or modify scripts and expressions based on the specifications
• Provide unit testing of all developed scripts and expressions
• Demonstrate functionality of scripts and expressions per specifications

Agency Responsibilities:
• Allocate the time for qualified business and technical experts for the script requirements sessions that are
critical to the project success
• Identify resources that will learn scripting tools and approaches for ongoing maintenance
• Prioritize desired functionality to determine which scripts Accela will develop
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information
• Verify the Script Specification meets the intended business requirement
• Allocate the time for qualified personnel to test the script for acceptance

Acceptance Criteria:
• Review and acceptance of design document with written sign-off from the Agency
• Successful unit testing of all modified and newly developed scripts
• Demonstration of all developed scripts within the system to the Agency

Acceptance Review Period:

• Ten (10) business days total.

Reports are defined as anything that can be printed from the system, including but not limited to, reports, forms,
documents, notices, and letters that the Agency wishes to print as identified during configuration analysis. The
Configuration Document will define the reports and documents that are required by the Agency to effectively use
Accela Civic Platform. These reports will be broken down by level of effort and identified in the configuration
document. It is expected that, after the appropriate training on the database and the selected report writing tool is
completed, Agency personnel will be able to handle additional and future report requirements. Reports are classified
by level of effort: high, medium, and low.

High is defined as a report containing significant calculation and/or extensive detail and number of fields – for example
a financial statistical report or complex permit. Most reports require a ‘medium’ level of effort, which is defined as a
report displaying non-calculated and minimal calculated data fields. Reports with a low level of effort are typically
letters or notices that contain contact information and basic application data.

These reports can be developed using the integral Accela Report Writer included with Accela Civic Platform, Microsoft
Report Service (SRS) or Crystal Reports XI Server at the Agency’s discretion. These custom reports, whether
developed with Accela Report Writer, SRS or Crystal Reports, will be deployed in the Report Manager for use within
Accela Civic Platform.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 67


Accela will conduct analysis sessions, document report specifications and develop / unit test up to 55 of the following
reports or other reports requested by DBI.

1. Electrical Permit (BR005)

2. Inspector’s Daily Activity Report
3. DBI NOV (BR007)
4. EID Performance Measures (BR009)
5. Declaration of Inspection (BR010)
6. NOV – Housing (BR019)
7. NOV Final Warning (BR020)
8. Order of Abatement (BR023)
9. Failure to Comply with Order of Abatement – 15 Day Warning (BR024)
10. Case Summary (Director’s Hearing) (BR025)
11. Agenda (Director’s Hearing) (BR026)
12. Notice of Director’s Hearing (BR029)
13. Assessment of Costs (BR030)
14. Staff Report for Litigation Committee (BR031)
15. Complaint Data Sheet (BR033)
16. Annual Unit Usage Report (BR034)
17. Fees Past Due Report (BR035)
18. Notice of Revocation (BR036)
19. Notice of Cancellation (BR037)
20. CES Complaints (BR038)
21. Receipt (BR039)
22. Inspection Schedule Details and Activity (BR044)
23. Initial Bill (BR059)
24. Residential Building Record (BR073a)
25. Residential Building Record – Unknown Occupancy (BR073b)
26. 3R Report (BR073c)
27. FIN Performance Measures (BR075)
28. Building Permit (BR093)
29. Noticing – PTS Demolition Filing 1 (BR094a)
30. Cancellation/Extension of Approved Permit Application (BR094b)
31. PTS Structural Notice (BR094d)
32. PTS Demolition Issue (BR094e)
33. Certificate of Final Completion (BR100)
34. Customer Job Card (BR101)
35. Inspector Job Card (BR102)
36. Inspection Management Report (Inspection by District) (BR105a)

Proprietary and Confidential Page 68

37. Inspections by Type (BR105b)
38. Inspection Time by Inspector (BR105c)
39. Turnaround Time by District (BR105d)
40. Impact Fees Preliminary and Final Report (BR109)
41. PID Penalty Payments (BR116)
42. Additional Inspections Report (BR118)
43. Off Hours Inspectors Reports (BR119)
44. Scheduled Inspections (BR123)
45. PID Performance Measures (BR127)
46. Report of Physical Inspection BR155)
47. Plumbing and Mechanical Permit (BR157)
48. Boiler Permit (BR158)
49. BID Performance Measures (BR159)
50. Warning Letter (BR162)
51. First Notice Letter (BR163)
52. Final Warning Letter (BR164)
53. Inspector’s Daily Schedule Report (BR177)
54. Night Noise Permit (BR181)
55. Investigative Record for Customer (BR182)

The breakdown of report complexity of reports is as follows (refer to Appendix A for examples by complexity):
 9 high complexity reports
 13 medium complexity reports
 36 low complexity reports


Accela will develop documents/letters/reports from those identified by the Agency as required for the new system.
Accela and Agency have agreed that Accela will develop up to 55 reports based on the following breakdown:
• 9 High Complexity
• 13 Medium Complexity
• 36 Low Complexity

The majority of these reports have been specified and are in some stage of completion. Prior to the completion of the
development of a report the Agency will approve any modifications to report design specification documents that will
be created jointly by the Agency and Accela. The approved documents will be used as a basis for determining
completion and approval of the reports. Development of each report cannot begin until agreement on each
specification is complete.

The balance of reports, including report design specifications and subsequent report development, are the
responsibility of the Agency. This includes any new reports identified as a part of the approved requirements on which
this SOW is based.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 69


A proven strategy that combines the use of the Accela Civic Platform Quick Queries, Accela Ad-Hoc reports and
custom reports developed by Accela, or Agency, can ensure that all required reporting requirements are met.

Key Activities:
• Identify the reports to be developed.
• Identify responsibility for specification and development.
• Develop report specifications

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 14 is a written deliverable requiring a DED. The following will be executed for
this deliverable:

 List of identified reports with assigned responsibility for specification and development
 Completed Report Specification Documents for each report assigned to Accela

Accela Responsibilities:
• Assist in determining level of effort for reports to assist with prioritization
• Review existing report specifications to ensure that they are complete and capture all relevant business
process requirements
• Update report specifications as required to include all relevant business process requirements

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information
• Make available the appropriate key users and content experts to participate in the report specification
• Provide information and data in the formats specified by Accela that will be needed for agreement on the
• Allocate time for qualified personnel to review report specifications for acceptance

Acceptance Criteria:
• Agreement on prioritized list of reports that will be developed by Accela
• Review and approval of individual Report Specifications documents. The Agency will not unreasonably
withhold acceptance if the Agency requests changes to the reports specifications after the initial signoff of the
specification by the Agency

Acceptance Review Period:

Five (5) business days total.


Accela will develop or complete the development of custom documents/letters/reports per the specifications
developed and approved in Deliverable 14, Report Specifications. Changes to the report specifications after approval
can negatively impact project progress and the overall schedule. Therefore, changes to the report specifications that
after approval requires an analysis by Accela to determine the level of effort required, and if a Change Request would
be required to complete the work. The proceeding need for a change request shall not apply if the change is the
result of a change to either the configuration or the data conversion after Accela has certified that the configuration

Proprietary and Confidential Page 70

and/or data conversion have been frozen. In these cases, Accela shall simply make the changes within the scope of
the fixed fee arrangement.

Key Activities:
• Develop or complete the development of custom documents/letters/reports per the specifications developed
and approved in Deliverable 14.
• Report testing to ensure accuracy of report information.

In terms of specific output, the following will be executed for this deliverable:

• Up to 55 documents/letters/custom reports per the Report Specification Documents. These are

documents/letters/custom reports that Accela had already undertaken as a part of PPTS Phase I and do not
represent any new or additional documents/letters/custom reports.

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Agency’s request for information
• Update the report specifications as required to capture all relevant business process requirements
• Develop or complete the development of reports per specifications
• Unit testing of reports
• Assist in the validation of the reports in test environment

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information
• Make available the appropriate key users and content experts to provide input and participate in validation
activities during the report development activities responsible by Accela
• Request Change Request if changes to specifications are required
• Allocate time for qualified personnel to test developed reports per specifications for acceptance

Acceptance Criteria:
• Confirmation of report accuracy in the development or test environment per Report Specifications.

Acceptance Review Period:

• Ten (10) business days total.


Accela will confirm that Accela GIS is operational and working as intended based on the original deployment design.
During the Accela GIS confirmation process, Accela’s technical staff will work with Agency IT staff to ensure that
Accela GIS is correctly deployed and operational in both test and production environments. Accela technical staff will
validate that map services and associated data are being successfully retrieved from the Accela GIS environment.

Key Activities:
• Confirm that map services are correctly working and displaying the intended GIS information.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 71

• Confirm that data intended to be passed to Accela Civic Platform via Accela GIS is being passed and
consumed correctly.
• Confirm that XAPO is correctly addressing the Agency’s external source of Address/Parcel/Owner data being
made available via Accela GIS, and that the APO data is being passed and populated correctly within the
PPTS solution.
• Make any required changes to ensure that all GIS components are successfully working in conjunction with
the overall PPTS solution.

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 16 is both a written and software-based deliverable that requires a DED. The
following will be executed for this deliverable:

• Accela GIS installed on Agency server(s)

• GIS Admin Training

Accela Responsibilities:
• Configure AGIS
• Configure XAPO
• Lead system testing effort in conjunction with Agency to validate that Accela GIS is working correctly with the
Agency’s GIS system and that APO information is being passed to PPTS as expected

Agency Responsibilities:
• Arrange for the availability of appropriate staff to assist with system testing and quality assurance throughout
the validation process
• Provide Accela with access to the Agency’s GIS system for testing and validation purposes in conjunction
with Accela GIS.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Demonstrate that the Accela GIS applications are operational in the Agency computing environment thus
communicating with the Accela Civic Platform system

Acceptance Review Period:

• Five (5) business days total.


This deliverable includes setup and configuration of Accela Citizen Access (ACA) on the Agency Dev or Test site per
the Requirements gathered in the To-Be Analysis Stage. Accela will work with the Agency representatives validate

Proprietary and Confidential Page 72

and implement Accela Citizen Access to extend certain aspects of the internal Accela Civic Platform configuration for
use by the general public. Specifically, the following items will be configured:

 Integration into existing Agency website

 Text Settings, including disclaimers, help text and watermarks
 Security Settings
 Form Layout
 User registration settings
 User rights and permissions

Key Activities:
• Conduct Accela Citizen Access Admin Training
• Confirm that the existing Accela Citizen Access deployment and configuration is working as designed and
that it is meeting all relevant requirements documented in APPENDIX K: PPTS Phase Fit/Gap Analysis. This
will require Accela to update the Requirement Traceability Matrix.
• Review current and new record types to determine which services to expose to the public via Accela Citizen
• Review configuration elements, including but not limited to:
o Text settings, including disclaimers, help text and watermarks
o Security settings
o Form layout and page flow
o User registration settings
o User rights and permissions
o Enforcement of business rules
• Modify the configuration of identified online record types defined in the Solution Foundation Documents.

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 17 is a software based deliverable that requires a DED. The following will be
executed for this deliverable:

 Accela Citizen Access Admin Training

 Configuration of Accela Citizen Access

Accela Responsibilities:
• Validate Accela Citizen Access installs in the existing Agency environments
• Assist agency in set up and validation of merchant account integration
• Work with the Agency to determine which services to expose to the public via Accela Citizen Access
• Configure the Online Record types defined in the Solution Foundation Documents
• Validate that the configuration specification for Accela Citizen Access meets Agency requirements based on
details from the Solution Foundation stage of the project
• Perform unit and system testing to validate successful merchant account integration and to validate Online
Record Types exposed to Citizen Access

Proprietary and Confidential Page 73


Agency Responsibilities:
• Obtain a merchant account, and deploy an internet-enabled payment engine
• Assist Accela in system testing Online Record Types exposed to Citizen Access

Acceptance Criteria:
• The base configuration of Accela Citizen Access is configured as documented in the Solution Foundation
• Demonstration of the operational Accela Citizen Access functionality

Acceptance Review Period:

• Ten (10) business days total.


Accela will configure the Accela Civic Platform to leverage Accela Inspector in support of mobile field inspections. As
part of this deliverable, Accela will perform the configuration tasks required to ensure Accela Inspector interfaces with
the Accela Civic Platform in the Dev or Test environment. Using Accela Inspector, an Agency inspector can perform
activities such as:

• Result inspections/investigations in either store/forward or wireless mode

• Schedule or cancel inspections/investigations
• View assigned inspections/investigations
• Research permit history and inspection/investigation history
• Print reports in the field

Key Activities:
• Conduct Accela Inspector Admin Training
• Confirm that the existing Accela Inspector deployment and configuration is working as originally designed.
• Review configuration elements, including but not limited to:
o Reports to be made available to field users for printing in the field
o Inspection types
o Guidesheets/checklists
o Record-specific data to be made available to inspectors in the field
• Confirm that functionality currently planned to be used via Accela Mobile Office is available and supported in
Accela Inspector, and that the configuration supports this usage in Accela Inspector.

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 18 is a software-based deliverable requiring a DED. The following will be
executed for this deliverable:

 Accela Inspector Admin Training

 Demonstration of operation system per Solution Foundation Document

Accela Responsibilities:

Proprietary and Confidential Page 74

• Configure Accela Inspector based on approved specifications document

Acceptance Criteria:
• The base configuration of Accela Inspector in the Development or Test environment as documented in the
Solution Foundation Document

Acceptance Review Period:

• Five (5) business days total.

Accela will provide up to 240 hours of effort to develop custom training materials in support of PPTS Phase I. These
materials will be custom modifications to Accela’s standard training materials to reflect configuration-specific and
business-specific information pertinent to end user’s use of Accela Civic Platform. The scope of these materials will
be defined as a part of the scope of the Phase I project in conjunction with Agency stakeholders and the Agency
Project Manager.

Key Activities:
• Develop Custom Training Materials (up to 240 hours of development)

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 19 is a written deliverable requiring a DED. The following will be executed for
this deliverable:

• Custom Training Materials (up to 240 hours of development)

Accela Responsibilities:
• Coordinate with the Agency to define requirements for custom training materials
• Deliver custom training materials as mutually agreed upon within the 240 hours allocated for this effort
• Custom training materials will be created using Accela’s core training materials, and will be modified to reflect
aspects of the PPTS solution and its use. These custom training materials will focus on Daily or End Users
and their role-based use of the PPTS solution.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide suitable Agency SMEs to assist in the definition of and required content for the custom training
• Assist in the review of custom training materials as developed.
• Develop any additional “cheat sheets” or quick reference materials to assist users in the role-based adoption
and use of PPTS

Acceptance Criteria:
• Acceptance of identified custom training materials.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 75

Acceptance Review Period:
• Ten (10) business days total.


Accela will provide technical training for Agency MIS staff that focuses on the administration, maintenance, and
augmentation of its Accela Civic Platform configuration. Our aim at Accela is to educate Agency resources on all
aspects of Accela Civic Platform to ensure the Agency is self-sufficient. This allows the Agency to best react to
changing requirements and ongoing maintenance, which can allow the Agency to be reactive and significantly reduce
system maintenance costs over time.

Key Activities:
• Conduct Civic Platform Admin Usage – up to 3.5 days, 15 max attendees.

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 20 is a workshop/presentation-based deliverable requiring a DED. The
following will be executed for this deliverable:

• Civic Platform Admin Usage – up to 3.5 days, 15 max attendees.

Accela Responsibilities:
• Coordinate with the Agency to define training schedule and logistics.
• Deliver training per the specific requirements listed above.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Select and prepare key MIS staff who will be participating in the training and subsequently training and
supporting end users.
• Arrange the time and qualified people for the training who are critical to the project success.
• Provide suitable Agency facilities to accommodate various training classes.
• Ensure that users are proficient in using PC’s in a Windows environment as a prerequisite for the course.
• Ensure that users are familiar with use of standard Internet browsers as a prerequisite for the course.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Execution of listed training courses.


End User Training is full, end to end training that covers all aspects of the PPTS Phase I solution. End User Training
should be coupled with the Agency delivering supplementary user training to its staff using the core Use Cases
documented in each System Configuration Document. Accela recommends that Agency adopt the “80/20 rule” for
training, focusing most their training on the 80% of what the Agency normally does operationally. The recommended
supplementary training conducted by the Agency can utilize business experts from each area to assist users with
business and business process-related aspects of their configuration.

Key Activities:
• Conduct targeted, end-user role-based Accela Civic Platform End User Training – 15 total days

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• Conduct training on the full PPTS Phase I solution, including Accela Civic Platform, Accela GIS/XAPO,
Accela Citizen Access, Accela Mobile/Inspector, and Interfaces (including third party integrations and Click

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 21 is a workshop/presentation-based deliverable requiring a DED. The
following will be executed for this deliverable:

 15 days of targeted end-user role-based Accela Civic Platform End User Training

Accela Responsibilities:
• Coordinate with the Agency to define training schedule and logistics.
• Provide 15 days of End User Training.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Select and prepare the power-users who will be participating in the training and subsequently assisting end
users in understanding specific business processes supported in Accela Civic Platform.
• Arrange the time and qualified people for the training who are critical to the project success.
• Provide suitable Agency facilities to accommodate various training classes.
• Ensure that users are proficient in using PC’s in a Windows environment as a prerequisite for the course.
• Ensure that users are familiar with use of standard Internet browsers as a prerequisite for the course.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Completion of 15 days of End User Training


This deliverable is comprised of the assistance Accela will provide to allow the Agency to accept that the solution
meets the requirements as documented in all the deliverables. Accela will assist the Agency in the testing and
validation of the solution and its readiness to be migrated to production for active use and will assist in transferring the
solution and any required data from Support to Production.

Accela will provide support for training, oversight, answering questions and addressing issues discovered in User
Acceptance Testing. It should be noted that it is critical that the Agency devote ample time and resources to his effort
to ensure that the system is operating per signed specifications and ready for the move to production. The testing
effort will require a significant time investment by the Agency, and coordination of resources is critical. At this point in
the implementation process, the Agency should test individual components of functionality of the solution (i.e.,
functional and/or unit testing), and test to ensure that the interrelated parts of the Accela Civic Platform solution are
operating properly (i.e., integration testing).

Accela will aid the Agency as needed by providing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) support and a defined testing
process. For UAT, Accela will provide baseline user test cases/conditions and DBI will review and supplement the
user test cases/conditions, undertake user execution (e.g., on line functions) and perform the validation in accordance
with the Accela Test Strategy and the relevant Detailed Test Plans. Accela will manage the User Acceptance Test by
providing test environment support and batch execution, as well as an issue log to track the progress of testing.

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Accela will address and rectify issues discovered during the UAT process as Agency staff executes testing activities.
It should be noted that Accela will plan for a total of six (6) weeks to complete this deliverable.

If the Agency does not devote adequate time and staffing to UAT to completely test the solution, Accela may opt to
postpone go-live at the Agency’s expense. Accela will work diligently with Agency to ensure this does not occur and
provide several opportunities for the Agency to add additional staff and time to this effort before recommending a
postponement or delay.

Key Activities:
• Develop UAT Test Plan
• Leverage existing UAT Issue Log
• Develop UAT Test Scripts
• Execute UAT Test Scripts
• Resolve UAT issues

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 22 is both a written and software-based deliverable that requires a DED.
Accela is responsible for delivering the following:

 UAT Test Plan

 Baseline User Test Cases/Conditions
 UAT issue resolution
o No Severity 1 issues (defined below)
o No Severity 2 issues
o All Severity 3 issues have workarounds identified, agreed with the Agency, and communicated to
o All Severity 4 issues identified, agreed, and documented

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide recommendations on testing strategy and best practices.
• Provide a fresh reload of data prior to each UAT cycle.
• Lead the Agency in up to six (6) weeks of User Acceptance testing effort and the validation of the system
configuration and its readiness to be migrated to production for active use.
• Resolution of issues because of User Acceptance Testing activities.

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information.
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to participate in user acceptance
testing as defined and managed by Agency.
• Develop the User Acceptance baseline User Test Case/Conditions.
• Utilize the use cases documented in each Configuration Document Deliverable as the basis for the
acceptance of this Deliverable.

Acceptance Criteria:
• Delivery of:

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o UAT Test Plan
o UAT Issue Log
o Baseline User Test Cases/Conditions
• Resolution of issues resulting from Agency User Acceptance Testing
• Fully tested system that is ready to move to production for go-live
• Completion of up to six (6) weeks of UAT

Production date is defined as the official date in which Accela Civic Platform moves from the test environment to
production for daily Agency usage. The target date will be mutually agreed to by Accela and the Agency during Stage
1. The final date will be agreed by the Parties at the conclusion of the first round of User Acceptance Testing. Once
the final date has been selected, it may be altered +/- 15 days to align with Agency operational readiness.

In the weeks prior to moving to Production, three (3) full time Accela staff (in addition to the Accela Project Manager)
will be onsite for week one of go-live for a period of five (5) days to assist in final data conversions, system validation,
staff preparation assistance and training, and coordination of deployment.

Key Activities:
• Develop the Go Live Criteria
• Obtain approval through Project Governance to set a Go Live date and deploy the system
• Develop a Go Live Plan.
• Migrate final version of System from Test to Production environment.
• Final Production run of Data Conversions.
• Setup of Integration points in Production.
• Unit testing of Production environment.
• Complete final Merge of DBI and Planning into Production

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 23 is both a written and software-based deliverable that requires a DED. The
following will be executed for this deliverable:

 Go Live Plan
 Deployment support prior to moving to Production
 Accela Civic Platform used in Production environment for Agency daily use

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide three (3) on-site resources to support the move to Production effort for five (5) days.
• Lead the effort to transfer the system configuration and any required data from Test to Production.
• Develop the Go Live Plan, which includes a pre-Production checklist that details the critical tasks that must
be accomplished prior to moving to Production and associated roles and responsibilities.
• Manage the final production run of Data Conversions
• Setup Integration points in Production

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• Lead the unit testing of Production effort and provide unit test results
• Run the final Merge process to merge DBI and Planning into Production

Agency Responsibilities:
• Lead the Go-Live review and decision making process through Project Governance to obtain approval to Go
Live and to establish the production Go Live date
• Provide technical and functional user support for pre-and post-Production Planning, execution, and
• Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s request for information
• Assist in the development of a Pre-Production checklist that details the critical tasks that must be
accomplished prior to moving to Production
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to participate in user acceptance
testing as defined and managed by Agency

Acceptance Criteria:
• Acceptance of the Go Live Plan
• Deployment support prior to moving to Production
• Accela Civic Platform used in Production environment for Agency daily use


This deliverable is comprised of the post go-live support assistance that Accela will provide to address issues and
provide consultative advice immediately following the move to Production for daily use. Accela will provide support for
two (2) months immediately following deployment (go-live).

Key Activities:
• Accela will work with the Agency to identify and address issues identified during this period using a Post Go-
Live Issues List.
o Issues will be tracked according to Severity Level per the table below. This list will be comprised of
issues related to the defined deliverables listed in this SOW, which will be addressed by Accela, as
well as any other issues that the Agency wishes to track (outside of scope, stage 2, etc.).
o Examples of issues the Agency is responsible for include: training issues, functional changes
beyond the scope of this Statement of Work, cosmetic changes, and procedures related to the use
of Accela Civic Platform.
o Specifically, Accela will not be developing or creating additional reports, conversions, interfaces,
records types and workflow processes that were not included in the scope of this project during post
go-live support.
• Accela resources will work with the Agency to resolve issues identified during Post Go-Live Support
according to and in order of severity. While we do not anticipate any high-severity issues post go live, should
a Severity 1 or Severity 2 issue arise, Accela will take all necessary steps to remedy these high-severity
issues within 72 hours.

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Table 9: Production Support Severity Levels

Severity Description
1 This is a “must fix” problem, a “showstopper.” The problem is
causing a major system error, fatal error, serious database
corruption, serious degradation in performance, major feature
malfunction, or is preventing a major business goal from being
realized. The problem does not have a workaround that is
reasonably acceptable to the corresponding end-users.
2 This is a problem that is causing significant loss of feature
functionality but the system can recover from the problem and it
does not cause total collapse of the system. The system does not
meet a business goal or a portion of a business goal; performance
degradation is minor, but not within established exit criteria; or minor
database issues may exist (e.g., single rows or fields may be
locked). The problem does not have a workaround that is reasonably
acceptable to the corresponding end-users.
3 This is a problem that is causing minor loss of feature functionality.
Optional workarounds reasonably acceptable to the corresponding
end-users are available.
4 These are minor issues, misspellings, cosmetic changes, etc.

• At the end of the support period, Accela will provide a final a final copy of the issue tracker to the customer
and disable the list. Additionally, a formal meeting will be scheduled with the Agency, Accela Services Team,
and Accela Customer Support. The purpose it to transition support of future issues and questions from the
Agency to Accela Customer Support.

In terms of specific output, Deliverable 24 is a software-based deliverable that does not require a DED. The following
will be executed for this deliverable:

 Three (3) staff, in addition to Project Manager, onsite for week one of go-live (5 days), three (3) staff, in
addition to Project manager, onsite for week two (4 days) and remote support thereafter for a total of 2
months of support. Project Manager will be available onsite throughout the post-deployment period as
needed, and will arrange for onsite support beyond Week 2 to support any onsite needs.
 Transition of Agency from Services team to Customer Support for ongoing support

Accela Responsibilities:
• Provide post-production support for Accela developed configuration and components
• Assist with the identification of issues for the Post Production Issues List
• Prioritize issues by severity (Severity 1 – 4) and work to resolve Severity 1 and 2 issues within 72 hours of

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• Address Severity 3 and 4 issues as time permits once Severity 1 and 2 issues have been resolved
• Assist with issues that may arise related to the deliverables in this SOW
• Transfer ongoing support of the client and to the Customer Support to address any post Production issues
that require remediation

Agency Responsibilities:
• Provide technical and functional user support for post-production support and monitoring
• Develop and maintain a Post Production Issues List
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content experts to participate in user acceptance
testing as defined and managed by Agency

Acceptance Criteria:
• Execution of two (2) months of post go-live support
• Official transfer from Accela Services project team to Customer Support
• Resolution of identified Severity 1 and Severity 2 issues and prepared to enter Stability Period as defined
elsewhere in this SOW


The Production Operations Stability Period (the “Stability Period”) is a ninety (90) calendar day period that starts the
day after Post Deployment Support and Transition to Customer Support ends. The Stability Period is meant to confirm
that the Accela software and configurations remain free of Severity One and Severity Two Errors.

If any Severity One or Severity Two Errors are discovered during the Stability Period, the DBI Project Manager shall
provide Accela with an Error Description, and, if Accela can reproduce such Error(s) in the DBI system, Accela shall
have a period of fifteen (15) days to remedy them and the Stability Period shall be extended accordingly. Upon
resolution of the Errors the Stability Period will recommence for a period equal to the unexpired portion of the sixty
(60) day period, unless such period is less than thirty (30) days in which case the Production Operation Stability
Period shall automatically recommence for a thirty (30) day period.

Upon completion of the Stability period, DBI shall be obligated to make the final milestone payment to Accela as
shown in Table 1 – Payment Milestones.

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The table below lists the primary roles for the Agency and the high-level responsibilities of each. Additional Agency
roles may be added as the project progresses. In some cases, more than one Agency role can be filled by the same
person. As well, some roles may require more than one resource at various times. The specific personnel assigned
for each role and the expected time commitment for each can be found in the Project Charter.

Table 10: Agency Resources - Roles and Responsibilities

Agency Roles Responsibilities
• Ensure project aligns with Agency strategy and goals
• Provide high-level oversight throughout the duration of the project
• Create an environment that promotes team work and user adoption
• Garner support from all Agency stakeholders
Project Sponsor
• Assist in removing execution obstacles
• Resolve issues and risks escalated by the Project Manager
• Act as vocal and visible Project champion

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Agency Roles Responsibilities
• Plan, schedule, coordinate and track the implementation with Accela and
across departments within the Agency
• Ensure that the project team stays focused, tasks are completed on schedule
• Identify and mitigate issues and risks, and escalate as needed in a timely
• Collaborate closely with Accela Project Manager
• Enforce project governance and structure in regards to change control,
communication and escalation management
• Establishes project priorities

• Fully engaged in the business analysis and system configuration activities

• Gather data as necessary for the project and make decisions about business
• Assist in the creation of to-be analysis documents, specifications for reports,
Division / Departmental automation, interfaces & conversions
Subject Matter Expert (SME) • Review and test the system configuration
• Participates in test planning, test script development and user acceptance
• Attend product training

• Manages integration and interfaces with other systems and serves as primary
point of contact for all Agency interfaces
Technical Lead • Work with Accela technical personnel during implementation
• Act as the primary technical resource for troubleshooting problems

• Understand the reporting needs of Agency

• Build or amend reports as needed
Report Developer
• Attend product training


The table below describes the primary roles, and the high-level responsibilities of each, that Accela will fill. Additional
Accela roles may be added as the project progresses. In some cases, more than one Accela role can be filled by the
same person. As well, some roles may require more than one resource at various times. The specific personnel
assigned for each role and the expected time commitment for each can be found in the Project Charter.

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Table 11: Accela Resources - Roles and Responsibilities
Accela Roles Responsibilities
• Act as vocal and visible Project champion
• Provide high-level oversight throughout the duration of the project
• Create an environment that promotes team work and user adoption
• Garner support from all Accela stakeholders
Project Sponsor • Assist in removing execution obstacles
• Support staffing commitments and requirements for the project
• Resolve issues and risks escalated by the Project Executive

• Partner closely with the Agency Sponsor

Project Executive • Provide high-level oversight throughout the duration of the project
• Assist in removing Project execution obstacles
• Resolve issues and risks escalated by the Project Manager
• Plan, schedule, coordinate and track the implementation with Agency
• Ensure that the project team stays focused, tasks are completed on schedule
• Identify and mitigate issues and risks, and escalate as needed in a timely
Project Manager • Collaborate closely with Agency Project Manager
• Enforce project governance and structure in regards to change control,
communication and escalation management
• Maintain project workspace and create weekly status reports

• Lead/participate in configuration analysis

• Develop report specifications
• Develop business automation/validation specifications
• Aid in UAT issue resolution
• Support Go-Live activities
• Provide support to the Technical Consultant
• Provide support to the Training Consultant
• Configure the solution

Data Conversion Consultant

• Review data conversion approach and deliverable expectations
• Develop data conversion data map
Solution/Technical • Build and Unit Test data conversion program
Consultant • Execute and support data conversion for testing and go-live

Interface Consultant
• Conduct Interface analysis sessions

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Accela Roles Responsibilities
• Develop data integration specifications for importing or exporting data from
Accela Civic Platform
• Build and Unit Test data integration programs

Report Consultant
• Manage and assist in the development of report specifications
• Manage and assist in the development of reports
• Manage and assist in Unit Testing reports
• Manage report deployment

Business Rules
• Manage and assist in the development of Business Rules specifications
• Manage and assist in the development of Business Rules
• Manage and assist in Unit Testing Business Rules
• Manage Business Rules deployment

Accela Mobile
• Manage and assist in the development of Mobile configuration
• Manage and assist in Unit Testing Mobile configuration
• Manage Mobile deployment

• Manage and assist in the development of GIS specifications
• Manage and assist in the development of GIS configuration
• Manage and assist in Unit Testing GIS configuration
• Manage GIS deployment

Training Consultant • Deliver Accela Training classes

The following table describes the key resources and primary roles proposed to be engaged in support of the PPTS
Phase I project. These resources have been selected based on their extensive Accela Civic Platform knowledge and
experience as well as knowledge of Accela Best Practices and domain expertise.

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Accela’s Project Manager will refine and deliver a project staffing plan that identifies Accela team resources assigned
to each of the project activities. The Project Manager will manage resources, making sure that the right players are
brought to bear at the right time, and are provided with the knowledge and tools necessary to be productive from the
start. The Staffing Plan will include specific job responsibility statements for all project personnel, including
subcontractors. As part of the Staffing Plan, Accela will also maintain complete and up-to-date team organization
charts as well as contact lists that provide names, titles, phone/cell phone numbers, and email information for all
personnel assigned to the project.

Based on our labor estimates for each task and the schedule for the project, Accela will define the number and type of
personnel required for the project. As new staffing will be needed, we will manage this process through an
established staffing process to be mutually adopted during Project Initiation. This Staffing Plan will govern the
expectations and processes for our team, as well as for the Agency’s resources.

Accela believes that the foundation of a successful project is an excellent working relationship between Accela team
and the Agency team. We will establish these relationships on Day 1 of the project, and we will lay a foundation for
project communication and processes for every level of the respective project teams to work together.

Our implementation approach is a hybrid of on-site and off-site work. We will be on-site supporting the initial kick-off
meeting and analysis and design sessions working alongside their agency counterparts. This approach will enhance
the agency’s understanding and knowledge of Accela’s platform and capabilities. This knowledge will help support the
Agency’s maintenance of the PPTS solution once we have completed the project.

During Accela’s on-site visits, our team expects Agency staff to be available to support analysis and design sessions
where the agency will provide an understanding of the agency’s workflow selection process so our team can

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determine how these processes and workflows will be configured to support the project. When we are not onsite, our
team will continue to support the agency’s implementation by drafting design documentation and configuring the
system. We make use of WebEx sessions on an as-needed basis to conduct meetings, thus allowing Agency staff to
visually understand a question or capability of the Accela solution.

Our team will support training onsite. Development of training materials will be done off-site where the training
resource along with Accela’s implementation team will support the development of these training materials. We will
evaluate the level of on-site support for testing activities. We recommend having Accela resources on-site every other
week where there is a joint meeting to identify any system defects. These defects will be logged into the Accela-
hosted SharePoint site where our team will review and fix the defects.

This approach has been successful for Accela on many of our implementation projects where resources support
onsite work when conducting formal meeting with the agency and offsite when the actual work needs to be completed.
The offsite work allows us to have reduced average hourly rates while maintaining the same standards and work
activities as if the team was onsite full time.


The key personnel listed in the table below are considered essential to the work being performed under this SOW.
Key personnel will remain on the project and dedicated to their assigned tasks as long as they remain in the employ of

If a project team member identified as key personnel terminates employment with Accela or takes a leave of absence,
Accela shall submit to the Agency fifteen (15) working days in advance of staff departure from the project a written
request for replacement. The request must include justification, proposed replacement staff and provide sufficient
detail to permit Agency evaluation of the impact on the project. Staff proposed as replacements must meet or exceed
the education, experience, and other technical requirements of the key personnel being replaced.

The Agency will communicate a decision on the proposed replacement to Accela in writing within ten (10) working
days after receipt of all required information. No change in key personnel shall be made by Accela without the prior
consent of the Agency. In urgent situations where the required advance notice is not possible, as determined by or
agreed to by the Agency, a verbal request by Accela to replace key personnel may be approved by the Agency.
Within five (5) working days of this approval, Accela will submit the written request and justification. The Agency will
communicate a decision on the replacement to Accela in writing within ten (10) working days of receipt of all required

In the event resources proposed as replacements for key personnel do not meet or exceed the education, experience,
and other technical requirements of key personnel being replaced, the Agency reserves the right to require that
alternative replacement resources be proposed.

Key Personnel Name Project Role

Darrell Lewis Engagement Manager
Anthony Duarte Solution Architect
Steve Tomilloso Implementation Lead

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Accela reserves the right to supplement Accela staffing resources with additional partner resources to be selected
from Accela’s certified and approved partners. Any subcontractors will be identified in the Staffing Plan and will be
managed in the same manner as other Accela resources. The same Agency requirements for vetting and
accepting/rejecting Accela resources prior to assignment will apply to subcontractor resources. Agency also reserves
the right to request the removal of any subcontractor resource in the same manner it would request the removal of an
Accela Resource. Subcontractor resources will be paid by Accela and will be part of the Fixed Price arrangement
unless Agency has agreed to a valid Change Request through the Change Management process.

Agency requires that Accela disclose the fact that a resource is a sub-contractor along with the nature of the sub
contractor’s relationship with Accela prior to assignment.

Scheduling of subcontractors will occur per the project plan as particular skillset is required. At such time, Accela
Project Manager and the Agency Project Manager will coordinate and schedule the respective subcontractor and
direct them to begin their work.


In the event that established project controls fail to resolve project issues, it is important to establish a reasonable
escalation path that can be followed to help in issue mitigation. The PPTS Phase I Escalation Plan is as follows:
Figure 2: Project Escalation Plan

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The following timeline shows the fixed 18-month time project timeline. The production Go-Live will occur in the 15th month of the project followed by the post-
production support period. The duration of the project is fixed at 18 months but the actual start date will be adjusted as necessary once the contract is approved by
the Agency.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 90


Please acknowledge acceptance by:

Sign and fax this document to: Email this document as an
attachment to:
Accela/, Inc.


Agency Name:

Approving Agency Manager:

Accela Manager:

Project Name / Code:

Contract / Agreement #:

Agency agrees that Accela has successfully completed the following Deliverables:

Source /
Deliverable # Reference

Agency agrees that Accela has successfully completed the Deliverables described above in accordance with the terms of the related

Agency Name




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This section summarizes the overall test approach to be used to validate the end-to-end solution for PPTS Phase I.
There are multiple test types defined for the project – each focusing on testing specific solution components. These
test types are listed below in the order of their execution.
• Unit Testing - Each solution component is first tested by its respective Accela design and development
teams in isolation to ensure all the detailed requirements are met. The scope of this Unit Testing will include
Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation configuration, scripts, expression builder, reports, and online portal
configuration. The overall duration of Unit Testing is two (2) months, with testing for the various components
to begin as the components are completed.
• System Testing - This is the functional testing conducted by the Accela test team, with active participation
by the DBI PMO. Accela and the DBI PMO will test the business processes, including components related to
the process such as configuration, business rules, interfaces, reports and converted data. System Testing will
be executed against the Use/Test Cases already developed by the Agency. These Use/Test Cases may
need to be modified based on process decisions made during the course of the project, and additional Test
Cases may be required to provide complete solution coverage. Accela will work with the Agency to review
and identify any Test Cases that require modification or development by the Agency. The overall duration of
System Testing is approximately 30 days, and is expected to include two rounds of testing. Successful
completion of System Testing must be completed prior to the start of UAT.
• User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - Once the end-to-end solution is validated by the Accela test team, the
system will be handed over to Agency end user representatives for a formal acceptance test phase. These
representatives will attend a formal five (5)-day tester training before the start of this execution. UAT will be
tested against the same Use/Test Cases already developed by the Agency and used in the System Testing.
The overall duration of the User Acceptance Testing is expected to include ten (10) weeks of testing
encompassing two to three rounds of testing as required. Testing rounds will be two weeks long with one (1)
week of issue resolution and re-testing of identified issues following each round of testing.
In addition to these test types, Accela will perform regression testing to ensure functionality has not been negatively
impacted by integration with other systems, changes to configuration, or updates to Accela Civic Platform in the
Accela Cloud environment. Regression Testing will occur during Stage 4: Build to verify that functionality has not been
affected by new code development.

The Accela team, in conjunction with the DBI PMO, will perform system testing to ensure complete business
processes are met. This test phase will validate if solution components, when coupled together, function as expected,
including the configuration, business rules, interfaces, reports and converted data. The goal of this test phase is to
minimize the number of issues identified during the User Acceptance Testing test phase. This testing will not
eliminate issues from being identified during User Acceptance Testing, but should improve the experience for Users
testing the system's functionality.
The Accela team will leverage Use/Test Cases already developed by the Agency. These Use/Test Cases may need
to be modified based on process decisions made during the course of the project, and additional Test Cases may be
required to provide complete solution coverage. Accela will work with the Agency to review and identify any Test

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Cases that require modification or development by the Agency. The Accela team will address any major issues
identified that would impede the user from processing an application or completing a business process. The following
approach will be taken in regards to system testing:
1. System Testing will be performed iteratively based on the established Use/Test Cases. It is assumed that
these Use/Test Cases are mapped to the approved requirements and will form the basis of all System
2. Use/Test Cases already developed by the Agency will be used to support System Testing. These Use/Test
Cases may need to be modified based on process decisions made during the course of the project, and
additional Test Cases may be required to provide complete solution coverage. Accela will work with the
Agency to review and identify any Test Cases that require modification or development by the Agency. These
test scenarios are intended to cover all of the processes supporting the Phase 1 relevant record types and
3. Add-on functionality will be covered in System Testing. This includes GIS, Citizen Access, Accela Mobile,
and User Experience.
4. The merge of Planning and DBI will be completed prior to System Testing, and the fully merged configuration
will be resident in the Test environment prior to the start of System Testing.
5. System Testing will be performed against a solid set of migrated data, and system testing issues related to
the migrated data will be corrected and a fresh load of data made available in the Test environment to
support an additional round of testing. The Test environment will also be updated with a copy of Planning’s
Production data to support System Testing.
6. Once the test cases are complete and agreed upon, Accela will create the detailed test cases, which form the
System Testing deliverable.
7. Once each record type is configured and delivered into the test environment, the corresponding test cases
will be executed, and the results will be captured in the testing issues log.
8. Critical issues will be resolved and retested. Upon completion of retest, final results will be incorporated into
the System Testing deliverable, which will be submitted for final acceptance.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
Accela Implementation Team • Identifying System Test Scenarios/Cases from the existing Agency
Use/Test Cases and assisting in the identification of any
modifications or development of new Test Cases to be completed
by the Agency.
• Execution of System Testing, and retesting of critical issues.
• Refreshing of migrated data between test cycles
• Providing a copy of Planning’s Production data in the Test
• Writing System Testing deliverable

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Role Responsibility
Agency Implementation Team • Providing existing Use/Test Cases and making modifications or
developing new Test Cases as required to support System
• Assisting Accela in System Testing activities to ensure that the
system is ready for UAT.
• Review of Accela’s system test results that are submitted as part of
the System Testing deliverable.

Test Environment(s)
System testing will occur in the test environment for Accela Civic Platform and Accela Citizen Access.

Entrance and Exit Criteria

The following conditions are required for entrance into System Testing:
1. Availability of the below completed documentation:
a. Deliverable 4 - To-Be Analysis Design Documents
2. Configured records delivered into the test environment
3. Acceptance of Unit Test exit criteria
The following conditions are necessary for exiting System Testing:
1. All Critical and High defects must be closed.
2. Medium and Low defects can be open as long as there is no impact to the subsequent test phase. This
needs to be agreed on a case-by-case basis with the Accela Implementation Lead, and Accela Project


In this test phase, Agency representatives will validate the solution, testing key elements such as Record types and
end-to-end solution components, as well as all interfaces for migrated data from Agency legacy data sources. The
following approach will be taken with regard to User Acceptance Testing (UAT):
1. Accela will leverage the Use/Test Cases as modified and developed for System Testing. Accela will not
create additional test cases, but will work with the city to ensure that all scenarios are covered and steps are
2. The detailed test cases will be shared with Agency user acceptance testers during their test training.
3. Agency user acceptance testers will execute all test cases in the test environment.

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4. The Accela Implementation team will support UAT by resolving test issues logged by the Agency during this
5. UAT will consist of one primary test execution cycle followed by a defect fix verification cycle.
6. UAT test results will be incorporated into the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Logs.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
Accela Implementation Team • Support the Agency in up to six (6) weeks of User Acceptance
Testing effort and the validation of the system configuration and its
readiness to be migrated to production for active use.
• Resolution of critical and high issues as a result of User
Acceptance Testing activities.
Agency Implementation Team • Provide timely and appropriate responses to Accela’s requests for
• Modify existing or develop new User Acceptance Test cases to
support UAT activities.
• Make available the appropriate Agency key users and content
experts to participate in user acceptance testing as defined and
managed by Agency. Accela recommends these Agency users
should be users who participated in To-Be Analysis, Solution
Foundation, and Build Stages.
• Lead UAT activities.
• Report defects in UAT logs in SharePoint.

Test Environment(s)
User Acceptance Testing will occur in the test environment for Accela Civic Platform and Accela Citizen Access.

Entrance and Exit Criteria

The following conditions are required for entrance into UAT:
1. List of all Agency User Acceptance Testers shared with Accela Test Lead.
2. Test training for all User Acceptance Testers must be completed.
3. Completion of UAT test cases by the Agency, and made available to all User Acceptance Testers.

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4. Access will be provided to SharePoint for all User Acceptance Testers by the Accela test team.
5. Acceptance of System Test exit criteria.
The following conditions are necessary for exiting UAT:
1. All Critical and High defects must be closed. It is anticipated that this will result in several rounds of UAT.
2. Medium and Low defects can be open, and the Agency and Accela will work together for a resolution
schedule for these lower priority issues.

During the Build stage, the Test team will perform regression testing activities. Accela proposes a sub-set of
processes for regression testing to ensure the new development work is not impacting or degrading the performance
of existing configuration already in place in the system. If issues are identified where functionality of previously
completed configuration is impacted, then these issues will be managed in the issue tracker and resolved prior to
advancing to system testing.


Project deliverables are generally either Document Deliverables or Software-based Deliverables. These two types of
deliverables follow unique acceptance and approval processes as follows:

1. Document Deliverables
a. Accela will deliver all Document Deliverables to the Agency accompanied by a Deliverables
Acceptance Form by the delivery date as established in the PPTS Detailed Project Plan. If Accela is
unable to meet the established delivery date, it must provide the Agency with written notice at least
two (2) weeks prior to the delivery date. Such notice must specify the proposed new delivery date.
b. Unless otherwise noted, the Agency will review the Document Deliverable within five (5) Business
Days of receipt of the Document Deliverable and deliver to Accela a Review Record which either:
i. Indicates that the Agency has signed off on the Document Deliverable; or
ii. Documents its comments on where and how the Document Deliverable fails to conform to
the relevant Specifications.
Should the Agency not provide acceptance sign-off, or if no changes or comments are requested
within the specified acceptance review period, the Accela Project Manager will escalate the delay in
sign-off to the Agency’s Project Manager for follow-up and action. Delays in sign-off can delay the
overall timeline for the PPTS project, and the Accela Project Manager will assess any potential
delays and provide this information as a part of the escalation process.
In the event that Accela does not deliver the Document Deliverable by the established delivery date,
the five (5) Business Day period (unless otherwise noted) will be extended by the period of time
reasonably required by the Agency to reallocate resources to perform the review.
c. If the Review Record indicates that the Agency has not signed-off the Document Deliverable, Accela
must, within three (3) Business Days from the time the Agency delivers the Review Record, respond
in writing addressing the points raised by the Agency in the Review Record and, as appropriate,
amend the Document Deliverable.

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d. The Agency will, within three (3) Business Days of receiving written response to the points raised in
the Review Record and/or the amended Document Deliverable, notify Accela in writing that the
Agency considers that:
i. All of the points raised in the Review Record have been addressed and/or amendments
have been incorporated into the Document Deliverable and that the Agency signs off the
Document Deliverable; or
ii. Not all of the points raised in the Review Record have been addressed and/or not all of the
amendments have been incorporated into the Document Deliverable, in which case the
Agency will provide a revised Review Record documenting its further comments on the
Document Deliverable.
e. The parties will repeat the above processes until the agency signs off the Document Deliverable per
the acceptance process for Document Deliverables. Should the Agency not provide acceptance
sign-off within the specified acceptance review period, the Accela Project Manager will escalate the
delay in sign-off to the Agency’s Project Manager for follow-up and action. Delays in sign-off can
delay the overall timeline for the PPTS project, and the Accela Project Manager will assess any
potential delays and provide this information as a part of the escalation process.
2. Software-based Deliverables
a. Each Software-based Deliverable will progress through the established test phases in accordance
with the PPTS Testing Plan.
b. The Agency must sign off on Test Plan developed by Accela in conjunction with Agency
representatives. Test Cases for User Acceptance Testing will be provided by the Agency.
c. Accela will execute each Test Phase in accordance with the Testing Strategy and Approach
included as a part of this SOW, and as further defined in the Detailed Test Plan. Test Phases
include the following activities:
i. Environment Setup Verification
ii. Unit Test
iii. System Test
iv. User Acceptance Test
d. Accela may only allow a Software-based Deliverable to enter a Test Phase if the entry criteria for
the applicable Test Phase, as set out in the Detailed Test Plan, have been met or if otherwise
agreed by both parties in writing or as further defined in the Detailed Test Plan.
e. A Software-based Deliverable may only exit a Test Phase if Accela has demonstrated to the Agency
in a Test Summary Report that the exit criteria for the Test Phase, as set out in the Detailed Test
Plan, have been met and the Agency has signed off the Test Summary Report in accordance with
the established sign-off process.
3. User Acceptance Testing
a. For User Acceptance Testing (UAT), the Agency will leverage the Agency-provided Use/Test Cases
as modified or developed for System Testing. UAT will be performed by the Agency in accordance
with the Accela Test Strategy and the relevant Detailed Test Plans. The Agency will manage UAT
and provide testers to complete UAT. Accela will support UAT by providing test environment
support and batch execution.
b. The purpose of the User Acceptance Test is to determine whether the tested System Deliverables
conform to the Requirements documented in Appendix K (as they may have been amended by the
parties, in writing, during the design and configuration process).
c. Accela will provide an updated requirements traceability matrix to the UAT team which maps each
Requirement to the functionality or system component which fulfills that requirement.

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4. Agency Notice of Acceptance
a. The Agency will issue a Notice of Acceptance within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the Test
Summary Report from Accela (unless otherwise noted), if it is determined that:
i. all Test Cases within the applicable Detailed Test Plan have been executed successfully
and signed off by the Agency
ii. all Defects have been reported by Accela using the defect tracking method set out in the
Accela Test Strategy and the relevant Detailed Test Plan
iii. Accela has fixed and retested all Severity Level 1 (Critical) Defects, and fixed and retested,
or implemented a workaround and tested for all Severity Level 2 (Major) Defects and
Severity Level 3 (Minor) Defects
iv. there are no outstanding Severity Level 1 or Severity Level 2 Defects and Severity Level 3
Defects, unless the Agency agrees to have Severity Level 3 Defects fixed by Accela at a
later time; and
v. Accela has agreed that any Severity Level 4 (Cosmetic) Defects may or may not be fixed
or the fix may be deferred per an agreed timeline at Accela’s option.
vi. The Agency will not accept any Test Results until it has issued a Notice of Acceptance for
the relevant Test.
Should the Agency not provide acceptance sign-off, or if no changes or comments are requested
within the specified acceptance review period, the Accela Project Manager will escalate the delay in
sign-off to the Agency’s Project Manager for follow-up and action. Delays in sign-off can delay the
overall timeline for the PPTS project, and the Accela Project Manager will assess any potential
delays and provide this information as a part of the escalation process.
5. Failure to Pass
a. If Accela has completed a Test but has not satisfied the established exit criteria, Accela, in
consultation with the Agency, will determine the reason for the failure and the Parties will agree on a
new Test date upon which date a further Test will be carried out on the same terms as the initial
Test, except as otherwise agreed by the Parties. Prior to the date for the further Test, Accela will
use all reasonable efforts to remedy all failures specified in the notice.
b. If, after the further Test has been carried out, the Agency determines that the Software-based
Deliverable does not satisfy all of the established exit criteria, the Agency will notify Accela of this in
c. Upon receipt of a notice as indicated above, Accela will use all reasonable endeavors to remedy the
failure specified in the notice within an agreed period, at which time a third round of Tests will be
d. If, after three rounds of testing, all failures have not been addressed in accordance with the
established exit criteria and in compliance with the established requirements, the Software-based
Deliverable in question will be escalated via the established Escalation Plan, noted in this SOW and
further delineated in the Governance Plan, for resolution.

The acceptance process will follow one of the following process flows per deliverable:

1. Deliverable Expectation Document (DED)

a. Additional clarification and description of the deliverable beyond what is described in APPENDIX B:
Deliverables to gain agreement on the format, methodology, scope, artifacts, timing for
completion/approval, and acceptance criteria.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 98

b. Deliverables requiring a DED have been identified in Error! Reference source not found. and in
APPENDIX B: Deliverables. Each deliverable marked with one or two asterisks requires completion
of the DED process.
2. Non-Deliverable Expectation Document (DED)
a. Requires successful completion of acceptance criteria defined in APPENDIX B: Deliverables.

Accela will also follow the Quality Gate process when it comes to the commencement of work and final acceptance of
deliverables and exit of a quality gate. The purpose of the Quality Gate process is to assist in monitoring the progress
of the project and schedule compliance. However, the primary project monitoring documents will be the Project
Management Plan (PMP) and the Project Schedule.

Both the Agency and Accela recognize that there will be instances requiring changes to the deliverable acceptances
flow outlined in in here. When these instances occur, the Agency and Accela PMs will discuss them in advance to
reach mutual agreement and will communicate the proposed change to the appropriate stakeholders from both
Parties, seeking their assent where necessary. A mutually agreed-to change to the flow of the Quality Gate process
with no impact to project scope and schedule will not require a change request, but will be documented in the PMP
and WBS.

Accela will meet with the Agency PM to develop the acceptance criteria for each deliverable. Accela will subsequently
develop a DED for each deliverable. The Agency PM will provide input as required and/or requested by Accela within
five business days of the request by Accela.

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Accela will follow project management methodologies consistent with the Agency’s standards and guidelines and the
Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Methodologies stated in the Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK). For details regarding the PMI, please refer to

Accela PM will lead their project team and work closely with the Agency’s PM to ensure all tasks are progressing per
schedule and Project Management Plan (PMP).

Accela will develop several project artifacts and formal deliverables, such as a roles and responsibilities chart, task-
oriented project plan, communication management plan, risk management plan, as well as providing regular status
reports that detail the status of the project and Accela’s efforts. When producing deliverables, Accela will use the
Agency’s project management standards and templates where available.

Project management services to be provided by Accela are defined as the following activities:
• Development and Management of a Project Management Plan
• Project Document Management
• Resource Management (Agency and Accela Staffing)
• Schedule Management
• Communications Management (Status Reporting/Stakeholder Communications)
• Quality Assurance Review of Accela Deliverables before they are turned over to the Agency stakeholder for
review or signoff
• Risk and Issue Management and Escalation
• Scope and Requirements Management including Requirements Traceability Management
• Cost Management
• Change Request Management
• Project Performance Monitoring
• Application Performance Monitoring (via Accela Hosting Service)
• Quality Gate Review – Supporting Materials (Prepare Quality Gate entrance / exit documentation)

Detailed descriptions of the project management activities and deliverables can be found in Appendix B: Deliverables,
Deliverable 1: Project Initiation and Ongoing Project Management.

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Accela will deliver its Services to the Agency by employing a methodology illustrated in Figure 1, below, and further
described in this SOW. Both parties acknowledge that this is a customized version of the Accela methodology which
will be used for this project. The implementation methodology establishes a project management and accountability
framework which allows Accela to deliver high-quality services throughout the project. The framework links project
stages to defined quality gates and deliverables which are in turn linked to payment milestones. Associated
deliverables are described in detail in Appendix B: Deliverables.

The implementation methodology organizes project activities and deliverables into six project life cycle stages. The
project stages generally flow in a linear, waterfall direction. Each stage has pre-defined objectives, tasks and
deliverables that must be complete before progressing to the next stage. This ensures all analysis and design
activities are completed before configuration and development activities begin. Employing this deliverables-based
approach allows Accela and the Agency to understand the composition and ‘downstream’ impact of each deliverable
to complete the project with quality and in a timely manner.

Quality Gates have been established to facilitate schedule compliance and delivery quality in all aspects of the project.
Quality Gate reviews are required during or at the end of a project stage to independently review and approve key
activities of the project before progressing further. Each PPTS quality gate has a defined set of entrance and exit
criteria that both Accela and the Agency must meet to verify that all parties have completed their assigned tasks and
activities and are ready to move on to the next stage. Accela is responsible for producing Quality Gate documentation,
as part of Deliverable 1, to prove all criteria have been met, or that Accela and Agency have mutually agreed that
sufficient progress has been made to move to the next stage. Accela and Agency agree that portions of Stages will
need to overlap to meet the overall project deadline. Accela acknowledges that the Agency may engage an
independent third party to conduct quality assurance activities to formally assess if the entrance and exit criteria have
been met and will cooperate and participate fully in this process.
Figure 1, below, illustrates the project implementation methodology.

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Figure 3: Implementation Methodology


Initiation is the first stage in the lifecycle, during which the project is formally kicked off and project management
activities begin. Accela will finalize project planning activities, project scope and objectives in collaboration with the
Agency to document assumptions and decisions for how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled.

Additionally, Accela will undertake a comprehensive analysis of the existing baseline configuration to document all
configuration elements with the express purpose of creating a baseline for all remaining configuration work to be
completed during PPTS Phase I. Accela will review the existing baseline configuration against the approved
requirements documents resulting from the Fit/Gap Analysis. The requirements will be further refined by Accela in
collaboration with the Agency to further understand the Agency’s “To-Be” vision that can be executed with the aid of
Accela Civic Platform. As part of this process, Accela will establish the Requirements Traceability Matrix to start
documenting and tracking requirements throughout the implementation.

During Stage 1: Initiation, a Solution Implementation Plan will be developed. The purpose of this document is to gain
common understanding of the implementation process, how it will be managed, and how the System will be deployed.
Accela will create and maintain this document in collaboration with the Agency PM. It will cover the implementation

Proprietary and Confidential Page 102

activities and solution deployment, training and knowledge transfer activities, and should incorporate timing and steps
in any Organizational Change Management Plans developed by the Agency.
The Solution Implementation Plan will cover the following components:
1. Summary description and approach of the implementation (Reference To-Be Analysis and Solution
Foundation Documents)
2. Points-of-contact (Reference the Project Management Plan)
3. Summary of major tasks (Reference the Project Work Plan)
4. Implementation schedule (Reference the Project Work Plan)
5. Security and privacy (Reference to the Enterprise Security Audit document)
6. Summary of Implementation support (Reference the Project Work Plan)
7. Documentation (Reference the Project Library)
8. Personnel and staffing requirements (Reference the Project Work Plan)
9. Training of implementation staff (Reference the Training Plan)
10. Outstanding issues (Reference to the Project Status Reports and Log)
11. Implementation impact
12. Application and implementation Performance monitoring
13. Requirement traceability (Reference the PPTS Phase 1 Fit/Gap requirements)
14. Configuration management
15. Risks and contingencies (Reference the Risk Management Log)
16. Implementation verification and validation (Reference User Acceptance Testing Plan and Master Test Plan)
17. Acceptance criteria will include how the system will meet the business and technical objectives and
supporting metrics for the new system (Reference the Performance Management Plan)

Quality Gate 1: Project Planning Design

Before completing to Stage 1: Initiation, the project must clear Quality Gate 1: Project Planning Review. The purpose
of this quality gate is to validate that project initiation and planning activities are complete and adequately support the
budget, scope and timeline of the project life cycle. In addition, it ensures the methodology to analyze and design
PPTS Phase 1 is sufficient.
Table 12: Quality Gate 1 - Project Planning Review
Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: The project is kicked off and work is broken down into specific tasks and sub-tasks,
Criteria including clarifying project deliverables and assigning all allocated resources to each task. Control
documents are produced.

1. The PPTS Phase 1 contract has been executed.

2. All Stage 1: Initiation Deliverables have been approved per DED’s and/or project

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Criteria Description
3. The Agency’s organizational structure is scaled to support the project and the Accela
project manager and the project team are qualified.
4. The PPTS Project Charter has been approved.
5. Prototypes to be configured iteratively by Accela in collaboration with the Agency have
been identified and agreed to.
Exit Criteria Objective: To determine if the project has finalized project planning, defined initial baselines and
requirements are a suitable basis for subsequent design activities; to ensure traceability within the
requirements and between the design documents; and to affirm final agreement regarding the
content of the Requirements Traceability Matrix.

1. The Project Management Plan is fully scaled and details all the appropriate components
that address the needs of the project. This includes the definition of appropriately scaled
reviews and deliverables.
2. The PPTS Executive Committee has approved that the Project Management Plan and
design approach adequately supports the established project scope, cost and schedule to
move the project forward in the life cycle.
3. The Project Management Plan has been baselined.
4. All Deliverables have been defined.
5. The Requirements Traceability matrix has been developed, outlining the functional and
technical requirements for PPTS Phase 1.
6. The Baseline Implementation Review is complete and a plan is in place to analyze and
design the system to meet PPTS Phase 1 requirements.
7. The Agency Executive Committee has approved all Stage 1: Initiation Deliverables


During the To-Be Analysis Stage, the in-scope project requirements are validated and further analyzed to define the
needs for PPTS Phase 1. Accela will validate its understanding of Agency inputs, processes, outputs, and business
rules to be implemented in the Accela Civic Platform against the approved requirements, the baseline analysis of the
existing configuration components, and the existing logged defects for PPTS Phase I. The future, “to-be”, state of
each business process will be configured or prototyped and then demonstrated interactively in the Accela Civic
Platform solution for PPTS Phase I with key Core Team users associated with each business process to gain approval
of the “to-be” business processes.

• Existing Record Types

o For the 43 existing Record Types already configured for PPTS Phase I, Accela will review the
baseline analysis completed in Stage 1: Initiation for each Record Type, and then modify the
configuration as required to meet the approved requirements and address outstanding logged
defects. The review and subsequent approval by the applicable Core Team members is
intended to show all configuration components related to the Record Type and associated
process (including, but not limited to, workflow, fees, user-defined fields and tables, conditions,

Proprietary and Confidential Page 104

inspections, etc.), but is not intended to show reports, business rule automation, or data
conversion which are to be completed during Stage 4: Build. Once each of the 43 Record
Types has been accepted by the applicable Core Team members, a configuration report will be
run to memorialize all aspects of the Record Type configuration. In addition, the approved
Record Type configuration will be copied and saved using Data Manager to further memorialize
the Record Type configuration and to provide a backup should any portion of the configuration
be inadvertently altered post-approval.
o Core Team members will be asked to sign off on the approved configurations as demonstrated.
Any decisions, future actions, acknowledgement of work to be completed in subsequent stages,
etc. will be documented as a part of the Deliverable Acceptance Form provided for each Record
Type for signoff.

• Additional Record Types

o For any additional Record Types identified to meet the approved requirements, Accela will
prototype each additional Record Type within the PPTS Phase I solution. The review and
subsequent approval by the applicable Core Team members is intended to show all
configuration components related to the Record Type and associated process (including, but
not limited to, workflow, fees, user-defined fields and tables, conditions, inspections, etc.), but is
not intended to show reports, business rule automation, or data conversion which are to be
completed during Stage 4: Build. Once each additional Record Type has been accepted by the
applicable Core Team members, a configuration report will be run to memorialize all aspects of
the Record Type configuration. In addition, the approved Record Type configuration will be
copied and saved using Data Manager to further memorialize the Record Type configuration
and to provide a backup should any portion of the configuration be inadvertently altered post-
o Core Team members will be asked to sign off on the approved configurations as demonstrated.
Any decisions, future actions, acknowledgement of work to be completed in subsequent stages,
etc. will be documented as a part of the Deliverable Acceptance Form provided for each Record
Type for signoff.

The key outputs of this stage are the following implementation design documents to support the future state needs of
the Agency:
• The collection of all Configuration Reports supporting the applicable Record Types for an Agency Division will
comprise the Solution Foundation Document for that Division. Solution Foundation Document(s) define the
‘foundation’ for configuration of Accela Civic Platform to support the Agency’s “To-Be” vision to ensure
analysis and design activities consider the end-to-end solution needs. A series of documents will capture the
o Core business process needs of the Agency (grouped by Division)
o Global configuration standards
o Usability and usability standards
o Accela GIS
o Accela Citizen Access
o Accela Inspector
• Draft design plans to identify the needs for data conversion, interfaces, business rules, reports, and the
merge of Planning and DBI. These drafts will be updated during Stage 3: Solution Foundation, as necessary,

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and finalized in Stage 4: Build. This ensures that baseline solution foundation design decision implications on
future solution components are considered.

System design and development efforts will be guided by the PPTS Phase 1 Fit/Gap requirements, approved detailed
functional and technical design documents and related project work products. These requirements are documented in
Appendix K and related documents which are incorporated in to this SOW. This ensures that the application is
constructed consistently and completely.

Quality Gate 2: Preliminary System Design

Before completing Stage 2: To-Be Analysis, the project must clear Quality Gate 2: Preliminary System Design Review.
The purpose of this quality gate is to validate all PPTS Phase 1 requirements have been sufficiently analyzed.
Likewise, to ensure the prototype process was collaborative and iterative. Accela will not initiate the system
development activity until the Agency has formally accepted the functional and technical design documents and the
exit criteria for the associated Quality Gate has been met. Design decisions satisfy the baseline system foundation
components and consider the overall functional and technical PPTS solution, end-to-end.

Overall project status, proposed solutions, associated documentation, and capacity estimates are reviewed to
determine completeness and consistency with design standards, to raise and resolve any technical and/or project-
related issues, and to identify and mitigate project, technical, and/or business risks affecting continued detailed design
and subsequent configuration, testing, training and ongoing support activities. Finally, traceability analysis is
completed to ensure that all requirements documented in Appendix K will be met by the design and/or that gaps are
clearly identified and escalated to Project Stakeholders for review and any required action.

Table 13: Quality Gate 1 - Preliminary Design Review

Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: PPTS Phase 1 requirements are validated, further analyzed and decomposed into
Criteria business processes that define the Accela Civic Platform solution in more detail about inputs,
processes, outputs, and interfaces.

1. Stage 2: To-Be Analysis deliverables (Solution Foundation Documents) have been

approved per DED’s and/or project governance.
2. No significant outstanding concerns among stakeholders regarding design adequacy or
3. Prototypes have been configured iteratively by Accela in collaboration with the Agency
have been identified and agreed to.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 106

Criteria Description
Exit Criteria Objective: To determine if the project requirements and design process have been defined
sufficiently to be translated into the Accela Civic Platform solution within the project budget and
schedule; to initially develop the strategy for testing and implementation.

1. Design is adequately documented to allow effective and efficient configuration.

2. Confidence that the design satisfies PPTS Phase 1 functional and technical requirements
of individual design components and documented in sufficient detail such that the design
of the fully built Accela Civic Platform solution.
3. Requirements are traceable to design documents so they can be tested once the Accela
Civic Platform solution foundation is configured.
4. The Project Management Plan has been reviewed and updated as appropriate.
5. Stage 2: To-Be Analysis deliverables (Solution Foundation Documents) have been
approved per DED’s and/or project governance.


During the Solution Foundation Stage, Accela will configure the following based on approved deliverables from the To-
Be Analysis Stage:
• Configuration of the Accela Civic Platform Solution Foundation
• Initially develop Accela Add-On Products: Accela Citizen Access, Accela Mobile/Inspector, and Accela

Accela will unit test the solution foundation and Accela Add-On Products and conduct review sessions with the
Agency to ensure expectations are met.

Quality Gate 3: System Configuration Review

Before completing Stage 3: Solution Foundation, the project must clear Quality Gate 3: System Configuration Review.
The purpose of this quality gate is to validate PPTS Phase 1 requirements have been sufficiently configured, function
correctly and will integrate properly with other components within the Accela Civic Platform solution. Requirements
traceability analysis will be updated and reviewed as part of this process.

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Table 14: Quality Gate 3 - System Configuration Review
Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: Baseline Accela Civic Platform solution components have been configured as designed
Criteria in the Stage 2: To-Be Analysis.

1. Stage 3: Solution Foundation deliverables (Accela Civic Platform Baseline System

Configuration Reports) have been approved per DED’s and/or project governance.
2. Unit testing results performed by Accela appropriately documented and provided to the
3. The Requirements Traceability Matrix has been updated by Accela, as necessary.

Exit Criteria Objective: To verify that the baselined requirements for the Accela Civic Platform solution
configuration have been completed within cost, schedule and scope.

1. Unit test results have been validated by the Agency and no significant outstanding
concerns among stakeholders regarding design adequacy or feasibility.
2. PPTS satisfies the requirements established and refined during Stage 2: To-Be Analysis
and Stage 3: Solution Foundation.
3. The following plans have been defined by Accela:
 Data conversion
 Interfaces
 Business rules
 Reports
 Accela GIS
 Accela XAPO
 Accela Citizen Access
 Accela Inspector
 Test Plans
4. End User procedures are documented.
5. The Requirements Traceability Matrix has been updated, as necessary.
6. Configuration management controls are in place.
7. Preliminary plans (listed in the Entrance Criteria above) have been approved by the
Steering Committee.
8. The Project Management Plan has been reviewed and updated as appropriate.
9. Stage 3: Solution Foundation deliverables (Accela Civic Platform Baseline System
Configuration Reports) have been approved by the Agency Steering Committee and
Executive Committee.


During the Build Stage, Accela will develop and validate all remaining Accela Civic Platform components, namely:
• Validate the Accela Civic Platform release
• Validate Accela Master Scripts 3.0

Proprietary and Confidential Page 108

• Merge Planning and DBI into the same environment
• Develop and unit test the data conversion, interfaces, business rules, and reports
• Finalize development and unit test the Accela Add-On Products: Accela Citizen Access, Accela
Mobile/Inspector, and Accela GIS/XAPO
• Detailed Plan for User Acceptance Testing

In preparation for Stage 5: Readiness, Accela will unit test the solution. Additionally, Accela will develop the User
Acceptance Test (UAT) Plan.

Quality Gate 4: Testing Readiness Review

Before completing Stage 4: Build, the project must clear Quality Gate 4: Testing Readiness Review. The purpose of
this quality gate is to assess whether the project should proceed to user acceptance testing.

Table 15: Quality Gate 4 - Testing Readiness Review

Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: To validate that the Accela Civic Platform solution that is about to enter user
Criteria acceptance has completed thorough unit/module/software integration testing during Stage 4: Build
and is ready for turnover to the formal, controlled test environment where validation testing will be

1. The Agency and Accela jointly agree that the Accela Civic Platform is fully defined and
ready for testing.
2. Stage 4: Build deliverables have been approved per DED’s and/or project governance.
3. Accela has defined the User Acceptance Test Plan that has been approved by the
Agency Steering Committee.
4. Unit test results obtained during build testing for completeness and accuracy, and to
verify that test planning, test cases, scenarios, and scripts provide adequate coverage of
documented system requirements.
5. System Testing is complete as defined in Section: System Testing, below.
6. The test environment, test setup, and test data is reviewed to ensure they are adequately
prepared for user acceptance testing.
7. User acceptance testing schedules, locations, and equipment have been coordinated.
Exit Criteria Objective: To determine if the deliverables needed to build the Accela Civic Platform have been
completed within cost, schedule, and scope guidelines.

1. Accela Civic Platform solution satisfies the requirements established and refined during
Stage 2: To-Be Analysis and Stage 3: Solution Foundation.
2. Data conversion and synchronization have been completed, validated and approved.
3. Interfaces, reports, business rules, and add on products have been developed.
4. Test data and test case specifications are finalized, and include traceability to the
Requirements Traceability Matrix.
5. The User Acceptance Test Plan ensures that all test cases will be adequately evaluated
and executed, and system tested to ensure requirements are met.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 109

Criteria Description
6. Configuration is frozen and configuration management controls are in place.
7. Project baselines variances have been identified and mitigated.
8. The Project Management Plan has been reviewed and updated as appropriate.
9. The Agency Executive Committee has approved all Stage 4: Build deliverables and the
User Acceptance Plan.


During the Readiness Stage, the Civic Platform is tested, users are trained, and the Accela team prepares for Civic
Platform deployment. When this Stage is complete, the Agency must confirm all Civic Platform requirements have
successfully been met prior to moving to Production and Civic Platform live status. There are two key components of
the Readiness stage: User Acceptance Testing and Training.

User Acceptance Testing

During this stage, Accela will develop the finalized UAT Plan, work with the Agency to identify and verify UAT Test
Cases, and leverage the existing UAT Issue Log. The Agency identifies and documents UAT issues for Accela to
correct. Accela then will resolve UAT issues by severity as defined in APPENDIX B: Deliverables. Resolved UAT
issues will remain in a status of ‘Awaiting Test’ and will only be closed at the end of regression test cycles.


Once UAT is complete, Accela will finalize the Training Plan initially developed as a subsidiary plan in Deliverable 1:
Project Initiation and Ongoing Project Management. Additionally, Accela will develop the custom materials to prepare
for system administrators and end users training as defined in Deliverable 19: Custom Training Materials.

Quality Gate 5: Operational Readiness Review

Before Training can begin, the project must clear Quality Gate 5: Operational Readiness Review. The purpose of this
quality gate is to assess whether the project should proceed to training.

After UAT and Training are complete, Accela will prepare for Accela Civic Platform deployment into production.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 110

Table 16: Quality Gate 5 - Operational Readiness Review
Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: To validate that the Accela Civic Platform solution is ready for administrator end user
Criteria training.

1. The Agency and Accela jointly agree that user acceptance testing is complete and the
Accela Civic Platform delivers PPTS Phase 1 requirements.
2. No significant outstanding concerns among stakeholders regarding implementation.
3. Accela has defined the Training Plan, including the overall goals, learning objectives, and
activities that are to be performed for administrators and end users of the Accela Civic
4. Accela has developed all in-scope custom training materials.
5. The Training Plan and Custom Training Materials have been approved by the Agency
Core Team and Steering Committee.

Exit Criteria Objective: To determine if the deliverables and facilities needed to train Agency users and
administrators are complete and training can begin.

1. Training facilities, schedules and activities have been coordinated and communicated to
all training participants.
2. Project baselines variances have been identified and mitigated.
3. The Project Management Plan has been reviewed and updated as appropriate.
4. The Agency Executive Committee has approved the Training Plan

Quality Gate 6: Pre-Deployment Readiness Review

Before completing Stage 5: Readiness, the project must clear Quality Gate 6: Pre-Deployment Readiness Review.
The purpose of this quality gate is to verify if the final Accela Civic Platform solution is ready for release into the
production environment and sustained support by Accela during the Production Support period. Final, traceability
analysis is completed to ensure that all requirements documented in Appendix K are met by the system and have
been tested/accepted by the Users.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 111

Table 17: Quality Gate 6 - Pre-Deployment Readiness Review
Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: To determine the readiness of the Accela Civic Platform for release into the production
Criteria environment.

1. The Agency agrees that all training has been provided to end users, operators,
administrators, and support staff who will use, operate, and/or otherwise support the
2. All in-scope PPTS Phase 1 Requirements are verified to be complete and documented in
the Requirements Traceability Matrix.
3. Accela have defined the Go-Live Plan, which has been approved by the Agency Core
Team and Steering Committee.
4. Production support controls are in place with roles and responsibilities defined.

Exit Criteria Objective: To verify if the deliverables needed to support a successful production go-live have
been completed.

1. The Accela Civic Platform solution is ready for production and notification of the new
solution is provided to all end users and staff who are affected.
2. Go-Live schedule, activities and resources are coordinated and the plan is communicated
to project stakeholders.
3. Quality Assurance activities have been completed to provide the Agency with an
independent perspective on the full scope of project activities, from planning through
4. The Agency Executive Committee has approved the Go-Live Plan and authorizes release
to production.


During the Deploy Stage, Accela will deploy the solution into the live production environment. All requisite pre-
production activities are identified, tracked and completed, and post-production analysis and review is completed.
Upon moving to production, Accela will provide go-live support as defined in the ‘Go Live and Go Live Support’ section

Quality Gate 7: Post Implementation Review

Before Stage 6: Deploy is considered complete Accela Civic Platform applications are transitioned to the Accela
Customer Support Center (“CSC”) for ongoing support, the project must clear Quality Gate 7: Post Implementation
Review. The purpose of this quality gate is to validate the stability of the Accela Civic Platform solution.

After Quality Gate 7: Post-Implementation Review is complete, a formal transition occurs between Accela Professional
Services team and the CSC. The CSC instructs the Agency on available communication channels (e.g., telephone,

Proprietary and Confidential Page 112

email, online tracking system) and usage of Accela knowledge base. Lastly, all documented issues or enhancement
requests will be transitioned from Accela Professional Services team to the CSC.

Table 18: Quality Gate 7 - Post Implementation Review

Criteria Description
Entrance Objective: To determine if it is operating as expected to progress into the Production Stability
Criteria period.

1. Accela has supported two months of post go-live support.

2. The Agency Core Team agrees that all Go-Live issues have been identified and
3. The Agency Core Team agrees that all Go-Live Severity 1 and 2 issues have been
4. Accela has defined a Production Stability Period communication plan, which has been
approved by the Agency Steering Committee.

Exit Criteria Objective: To determine if the Accela Civic Platform is operating as expected.

1. The Agency Steering Committee approves that all Go-Live Severity 1 and 2 issues have
been resolved.
2. The Agency Executive Committee has approved the Production Stability Period
communication plan and transition of Accela Services to Accela Customer Support.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 113

This is a fixed fee engagement with fixed requirements, fixed deliverables a fixed price and an agreed upon project
schedule and methodology. Absent changes to requirement, needed deliverables, project schedule/methodology,
roles and responsibilities of Accela, change orders for additional funding for Phase 1 are not anticipated by the

Change order requests for additional funding will only be submitted/considered under the following circumstances:

1. DBI requests changes to the functional requirements included in APPENDIX K: PPTS Phase Fit/Gap
Analysis or adds additional requirements and DBI and Accela determine that these requirements will require
substantial additional work or rework to accomplish.

2. The project schedule is materially lengthened due to a specific request by DBI or due to specific actions or
inactions by DBI. Delays caused by Accela or by the failure of Accela to achieve signoff using the agreed
signoff process will not be causes for change orders unless Accela can show that DBI is unreasonably
withholding approval or is not working in good faith to resolve any issues.

3. Work that this SOW indicates is to be performed by the Agency or 3rd Parties is shifted to Accela

4. DBI requests changes to deliverables which are materially different from what is described in this SOW or
agreed upon through the DED process defined in this agreement

5. DBI requests changes to systems or deliverables which have been signed off in accordance with this SOW

6. DBI requests additional deliverables or additional work or support that is clearly and reasonably outside of the
work that is required to complete the deliverables defined in this SOW.

If a change is identified that meets the above criteria, the Agency Project Manager and Accela Project Manager will
invoke the Change Management process. The process will determine the impact to project budget and a Change
Request will be created for mutual review and approval.

All Change Orders will be signed by Accela and Agency prior to commencing any activities defined in the Change

Proprietary and Confidential Page 114

What follows is a preliminary list of go-live criteria for assessing the system and Agency readiness for Go Live. It
is a task within the Deploy stage to finalize these criteria.:

 System Functionality – The Accela solution configured in support of PPTS Phase I meets the
functional and operational requirements as specified in the Fit/Gap Analysis and as evidenced by
the Agency’s acceptance of UAT. Additionally, the system will be accepted for operation use when
it satisfies the following four (4) requirements:
 No Severity 1 issues (defined below)
 No Severity 2 issues
 All Severity 3 issues have workarounds identified, agreed with the Agency, and
communicated to users
 All Severity 4 issues identified, agreed, and documented
 Data Readiness – Data migrated from PTS to Accela has completed QA and satisfies the following
four (4) requirements:
 No Severity 1 issues (defined below)
 No Severity 2 issues
 All Severity 3 issues have workarounds identified, agreed with the Agency, and
communicated to users
 All Severity 4 issues identified, agreed, and documented
 Reporting – All reports identified elsewhere in the SOW to be completed by Accela have been
tested and accepted by the Agency. Acceptance criteria are:
 No Severity 1 issues (defined below)
 No Severity 2 issues
 All Severity 3 issues have workarounds identified, agreed with the Agency, and
communicated to users
 All Severity 4 issues identified, agreed, and documented
 User Readiness – All affected Agency departments/divisions have completed the training according
to the Training Plan in order to prepare them to use the PPTS solution on Day 1, including:
 All classroom training completed per the Training Plan
 Agency department/division personnel have received soft copies of all finalized training
 User Support – User support requirements defined and accepted by the Agency for the two (2)
month post go-live support period. All post go-live support staff are named and identified two (2)
weeks prior to go-live.
 Go-live plan is documented and accepted and includes the specific duties and expectations
of the on-site support staff
 Process for capturing, logging, and resolving operational issues during the post go-live
support period is documented and agreed upon
 Support escalation process documented and agreed upon
 Operational Readiness – Support infrastructure, equipment, tools and procedures are in place and
ready for use. Operational staff are trained (user and system administration). Technical support
staff are in place and prepared to handle reporting, prioritizing and fixing problems.
 Planning, Help Desk, and Change Control processes in place
 User and System Administration training completed per Training Plan

Proprietary and Confidential Page 115

 Knowledge Transfer post go-live to System Admins
 External Factors – Interfacing Organizations/Departments, stakeholders, and affected staff have
been communicated with, and the Agency is ready for launch
 Go Live Plan – The Go Live Plan is developed and accepted by business owners, and has been
vetted via a dry run so that any potential gaps are identified and resolved prior to go-live

Severity Description
1 This is a “must fix” problem, a “showstopper.” The problem is
causing a major system error, fatal error, serious database
corruption, serious degradation in performance, major feature
malfunction, or is preventing a major business goal from being
realized. The problem does not have a workaround that is
reasonably acceptable to the corresponding end-users.
2 This is a problem that is causing significant loss of feature
functionality but the system can recover from the problem and it
does not cause total collapse of the system. The system does not
meet a business goal or a portion of a business goal; performance
degradation is minor, but not within established exit criteria; or minor
database issues may exist (e.g., single rows or fields may be
locked). The problem does not have a workaround that is reasonably
acceptable to the corresponding end-users.
3 This is a problem that is causing minor loss of feature functionality.
Optional workarounds reasonably acceptable to the corresponding
end-users are available.
4 These are minor issues, misspellings, cosmetic changes, etc.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 116



A copy of the PPTS Phase I Fit/Gap Analysis completed by Accela in support of the Department of Building Inspection
(DBI) Restart Analysis effort for the City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) is provided for reference as Appendix K
of this SOW.

Proprietary and Confidential Page 117

Exhibit 2 – Cure Notice

Linda J. Gerull
City CIO | Executive Director
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-0948

By Registered Mail and Email

June 24, 2019

Jonathan Knight
Vice President, Customer Services
2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583

VP Customer Care and Delivery and Office of the General Counsel

2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583

Re: Notice of Termination for Default and 30-Day Cure Period (June 24 – July 24, 2019)

Dear All,

A. Notice of Termination for Default: Pursuant to Section 8.2 (Termination for

Default; Remedies) of the Professional Services Implementation Agreement, dated May 15,
2017, between the City and County of San Francisco and Accela, this constitutes the City’s
formal notice of the termination for default of Accela for Accela’s failure to deliver a permitting
system for the Department of Building Inspection (DBI) in the manner specified in the
Agreement within the time specified in the Agreement.
B. Background: The City initially contracted with Accela in 2011 to implement the
Accela permitting system. Despite payment of $4,200,000, Accela withdrew project resources
and failed to deliver a production ready working system. The City halted the project. The Go-
Forward plan was for the City to continue with Accela. To be certain Accela would accurately
estimate the project, the City paid Accela $455,000 to compare the previous system
configuration to the City requirements, participate in requirement review sessions to clarify the
requirements and prepare a gap analysis to assess unknowns in order to estimate the cost to
complete the system by September 5, 2018. The City signed the Implementation Agreement
with Accela on May 15, 2017, for Professional Services to complete the Accela permitting
systems for a fixed fee of $3,802,000 with a 70 milestone payment schedule.
The restarted project experienced significant delay in the Build phase and very high
defect counts during testing, which showed that the system development was not on schedule.
Accela re-scheduled Go-Live multiple times to 11/2018, 1/2019, 5/2019 and 6/2019. During the
last round of user testing in March 2019, there were over 300 severity 1 and 2 defects logged,
which brought the total defect count for this project to over 2,900. Accela committed to fixing
the severity 1 and 2 defects by 5/31/2019 and achieve a Go-Live on 11/12/2019 (14 months
beyond the original schedule of 9/5/2018). This is the last City-approved completion schedule.
Accela failed to meet the defect completion date and proposed another defect completion
schedule of 6/10/19, and a new Go-Live date of 12/2/2019 (the City has not approved that
schedule). Accela missed that defect milestone. On 6/10/2019, Accela proposed the seventh
Jonathan Knight
Notice of Termination for Default
Page 2

new schedule with defect completion on 6/21/2019 and Go-Live on 1/27/2020 (the City has not
approved this schedule). The 6/24/2019 defect log attached shows that 37 defects assigned to
Accela remain.
The City has provided Accela with a project restart, patience in completing the Build
phase despite incomplete and poor-quality software and over 5 project re-schedules. To help
Accela be successful, the City has tight compliance with the project requirements, assists Accela
in maintaining the requirements traceability matrix, and performs daily defect triage with Accela
staff to ensure there is a consistent interpretation. Any defect not within scope or “nice to haves”
have been logged in a separate Idea Factory list and are not part of this project completion. The
City cannot continue to invest City staff time and suffer impact costs for a project that has so
grossly exceeded the contract schedule for Go-Live. The City does not have confidence that
Accela can begin testing as scheduled and correct the severity 1 and 2 defects that will be found
during the next rounds of testing to reach Go-Live without significant additional impact costs
and delay to the City.
With disappointment, this constitutes the City’s notice of default and provides Accela
with thirty (30) days from the date of this notice to effect a cure (June 24, 2019 through July 24,
C. Default: Accela’s default includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Failure to perform adequate project quality control, estimating and management
and adhere to the project completion schedule to correct all severity 1 and 2 defects
by June 7, 2019;
2. Failure to correct severity 1 and 2 defects to enable end-to-end testing to start by
June 10, 2019, with a required completion date of June 28, 2019; and
3. Inability to deliver the knowledge and methods including but not limited to the
processes needed to implement the business rules and logic for DBI permitting and to
configure a production ready, severity 1 and 2 defect free Accela permitting system
in accordance with City requirements in the manner specified in the Agreement
within the time specified in the Agreement.
The Agreement originally required Accela to configure the software system to meet the
requirements and correct all severity 1 and 2 defects for production use of the system by a
September 5, 2018 Go-Live date. Accela failed to achieve the deadline.
The current schedule obligated Accela to correct all severity 1 and 2 defects on or before
June 7, 2019, to meet the current Go-Live date of November 12, 2019. Accela missed that
The current schedule also obligated Accela to correct all severity 1 and 2 defects and start
end-to-end sessions by June 10, 2019. The City has not been able to start testing due to the
incomplete defect fixes. Accela continues to experience quality control problems and continues
to introduce additional errors into the software system.
On June 10, 2019, Accela stated that it cannot achieve the November 12, 2019 Go-Live
date and proposed a further delayed Go-Live date of January 27, 2020. This proposed new
schedule (which has not been accepted by the City), showed Accela scheduled to correct all
severity 1 and 2 defects by June 21, 2019. The defect log, dated June 24, 2019, reflects that there
are still 37 Accela assigned severity 1 and 2 defects remaining to correct.
D. Thirty-Day Cure Period: Pursuant to Section 8.2 of the Agreement, Accela has
thirty (30) days to cure these instances of default and bring the project back on schedule so that
Accela can deliver a production-ready system by the required November 12, 2019 Go-Live date.
The City reminds Accela that the Agreement otherwise expires on December 31, 2019. Should
Accela achieve the November 12, 2019 Go-Live date, the City will require that the contract be
amended to accommodate the post-Go-Live 90-day warranty period.
Jonathan Knight
Notice of Termination for Default
Page 3

Accela’s thirty-day cure period expires on July 24, 2019. To effect a cure, Accela must
achieve the following:
Cure Items
1. Fix all severity 1 and 2 defects assigned to Accela (as of 6/24/2019) by July 1, 2019,
8:00 am so that End2End testing can begin on July 8, 2019 at 8:00 am. The City will
maintain the parties’ joint Open Issue list during the Cure Period.
2. Support and jointly conduct End2End testing from July 8 to July 24, 2019. After 15
weeks of defect fixes from UAT3.1, and with only 3 months remaining before Go-
Live on November 12, 2019, there must not be more than 80 severity 1 and 2 issues
logged during the End2End testing;
3. Provide the City with an achievable and mutually agreeable completion schedule
(including regression testing and City testing/acceptance and training) on or before
July 24, 2019, reflecting the November 12, 2019 Go-Live date.
The City will continue testing and daily triage of severity 1 and 2 defects with Accela
through the 30-day cure period.
E. Immediate Termination: Should Accela fail to correct the Cure Items (1-3) by on or
before July 24, 2019, this Agreement will immediately terminate and the City may seek
restitution of some or all of the amounts paid to Accela under the Agreement.
In that event, the City may also deem Accela in default of the Hosting component of the
Hosting and Maintenance Agreement, dated May 9, 2018, and/or would have the right to
terminate for convenience on 90-days’ notice. The Hosting and Maintenance Agreement was
predicated on the concept that the City’s DBI production data and transactional volume from
operations would be hosted in the private cloud, along with Planning, as of September 5, 2018.
The City would never have agreed to the exorbitant private cloud hosting cost ($900K/year 1;
$550K/year 2) for the Planning data alone. Given that no DBI production data or transactional
volume is yet to be hosted by Accela, nor could it be until sometime in or after 2020 should
Accela fail to cure the default of the DBI Implementation Agreement, the City would be entitled
to reimbursement of a prorated hosting fee. The City would continue to purchase maintenance
and support from Accela but would also be entitled to a significantly reduced cost for the
Planning instance alone.
F. Recovery of Completion Contractor Costs: Upon termination of the
implementation Agreement, the City may exercise its rights under San Francisco Administrative
Code Section 21.33 (Procedure Upon Contractor’s Failure to Deliver), to retain a completion
contractor of the City’s choice. If the completion price is greater than the price named in this
Agreement, the City will collect such excess price from Accela.

Thank you for your attention.

Very truly yours,

Executive Director, San Francisco Department of Technology

Naomi Kelly, City Administrator, City of San Francisco

Tom Hui, Department of Building Inspection, City of San Francisco
Louise Simpson, Deputy City Attorney, City of San Francisco
Brian Weber, Vice President of Professional Services, Accela
VP Customer Care and Delivery and Office of the General Counsel
Attachment: Open Severity 1 and 2 Issues as of June 24, 2019 at 10:20 AM

Open Severity 1 & 2 Open Severity 1 & 2

Assigned to Accela Assigned to CCSF
(as of 6/24/19 @ 10:20 am) (as of 6/24/19 @ 10:20 am)
1 2050 1 1522
2 2067 2 2089
3 2106 3 2818
4 2121 4 3401
5 2182 5 3451
6 2193 6 3485
7 2307 7 3493
8 2363 8 3495
9 2406 9 3517
10 3247 10 3522
11 3260 11 3539
12 3435 12 3556
13 3486 13 3559
14 3488 14 3562
15 3489 15 3582
16 3491 16 3586
17 3492
18 3494
19 3516
20 3517
21 3523
22 3524
23 3532
24 3534
25 3555
26 3559
27 3563
28 3568
29 3570
30 3571
31 3573
32 3574
33 3580
34 3581
35 3584
36 3587
37 3588
Exhibit 3 – Default Notice

Linda J. Gerull
City CIO | Executive Director
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 2PndP Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-0948

By Email and Registered Mail

July 24, 2019

Jonathan Knight
Vice President, Customer Services
2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583

Office of the General Counsel

2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583

Re: Formal Notice of Default, Stop Work Order, and Election to Proceed to Formal
Dispute Resolution

Dear All,

A. Default: The City’s June 24th Notice of Termination for Default defined three
Cure Items and associated milestones that Accela was required to meet to avoid termination of
the May 15, 2017 professional services Agreement for cause. End2End testing ended at 11:30
am today. Accela failed to achieve the Cure. Accordingly, please take formal notice that Accela
is in default of its schedule and application readiness obligations under the Agreement. The City
will determine whether to terminate the Agreement for cause following the conclusion of formal
Dispute Resolution, per section C, below.

B. Stop Work Order: Notwithstanding Section 11.6.1 of the Agreement, the City
directs Accela immediately to stop all project work. The City is in the process of obtaining an
independent third-party assessment of the current state of the Accela implementation. Accela
may be required to cooperate with the assessment vendor as directed by the City, including
performing a design walk through with the vendor at no cost to the City. Other than providing
no-cost third-party support as needed, the City does not expect Accela to hold and/or make
project resources available to the City. The City will provide Accela with reasonable advance
notice should the City require any resources but is not requesting that Accela resources remain
on standby.
C. Formal Dispute Resolution: The City proposes that the parties mutually agree
under Section 11.6 of the Agreement to proceed directly to formal dispute resolution. The City
believes that mediation will be the most effective means of resolving the parties’ outstanding
issues. The City proposes JAMS and will communicate with counsel for Accela regarding this

Very truly yours,

Linda J. Gerull
Executive Director, San Francisco Department of Technology

cc: Naomi Kelly, City Administrator

Tom Hui, Department of Building Inspection
Louise S. Simpson, Deputy City Attorney
Aaron Haggarty, Chief Legal Officer, Accela
Exhibit 4 – Termination Notice

Linda J. Gerull
City CIO | Executive Director
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 2PndP Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-0948
By Email and Registered Mail
October 4, 2019

Jonathan Knight
Vice President, Customer Services
2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583

Office of the General Counsel

2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583

Re: Formal Notice of Termination Effective Immediately

Dear All,
A. Default: On August 14, 2019, the City suspended Accela’s contract default,
noticed on June 24, 2019, under the Professional Services Agreement, dated May 15, 2017. The
suspension period was 45 days. The purpose of the suspension was to facilitate further informal
dispute resolution attempts by the City and Accela pursuant to Article 11.6 of the Agreement.
Despite the City’s good faith efforts, all attempts at informal dispute resolution have failed.
On August 22, 2019, the City delivered a dispute resolution proposal to Accela, providing
two settlement options: (1) if the cost and time of the completion meant that the project is
salvageable, the City would complete the project using a third-party vendor and Accela would
pay all costs to complete; or (2) if the project is not salvageable, the City would abandon the
project, terminate for convenience, and Accela would refund all amounts paid.
Accela waited nearly 30 days to respond to the City’s proposal. At 5:30 pm on Friday,
September 20, 2019, five business days before expiration of the 45-day suspension period,
Accela rejected the City’s offer and instead demanded that the City pay all completion costs,
release $571,000 in contract monies for work Accela claims it has performed, and pay Accela
$1,890,000 above the fixed price contract sum as a “performance award.” The “performance
award” amount is the same as a pending Accela change order request for alleged delay. The
dollar component of Accela’s proposal placed the City at risk for completion cost overruns and
paid Accela more than its fixed contract price. Although that aspect of the offer was
unworkable, Accela also proposed to make “a material investment in resources and expense” to
assist the completion contractor’s work. On September 22, in response, the City offered to meet
with Accela in an effort to come to terms. On September 24, Accela accepted the City’s offer to
On September 26 and 27, the City and Accela met at Accela’s offices to discuss
settlement options and the project completion. During those discussions, the City shared with
Accela the findings from the independent third-party assessment completed by TruePoint. Per
the assessment, the project is at best 70% complete, will cost approximately $4,000,000 to
complete and the duration will be a minimum ten months.
Accela emphasized that it wanted to finish the job and represented that it would do
whatever it takes to make that happen (including providing engineering, architecture,
configuration, and scripting expertise, training and data migration). The City proposed that upon
successful project completion, it would release $1,700,000 to Accela in remaining project funds.
Additionally, Accela agreed to move the City’s version upgrade to October in order to restart the
project mid-November.
At the conclusion of the two-day meeting, the City believed that the parties had reached
mutual agreement that Accela would pay all project completion costs, would contribute Accela
resources to assist with the completion work, and would conduct a facilitated “success
workshop” to ensure a successful project restart.
During that two-day meeting, the City notified Accela that the project Executive
Committee was meeting on October 1 at which time a decision would be made to complete or
halt the project. The City requested that Accela confirm in writing, by Monday, September 30,
2019, that Accela would in fact fund project completion and reminded Accela of the anticipated
October 1 Executive Committee decision. In an apparent reversal, much to the City’s surprise,
Accela failed to provide the required funding confirmation and instead on September 30, 2019,
asked to continue negotiations through October 4.
B. October 4 Letter: Despite repeated efforts by the City to reconnect between
September 27 and today, Accela ignored all City communication requests. At noon today,
Accela’s lawyers wrote a letter that inaccurately describes the significant settlement negotiations
efforts in which the parties have been engaged. The letter’s statement that the City cancelled an
August 14, 2019 meeting is wrong. The August 14, 2019 meeting took place. On that date the
City met with Accela informally outside of City offices. The City left that meeting very
optimistic about settlement prospects. The letter’s statement that the City cancelled a September
13, 2019 meeting is also wrong. The City met with Accela on September 11, 2019, with no
significant progress, but no September 13 meeting was scheduled. Not only is the letter
inaccurate, it also provides no settlement offer or funding commitment. Nothing in the legal
letter furthers the resolution of this matter.
The letter’s suggestion that either the Agreement or the San Francisco Administrative
Code contains some mandatory informal dispute resolution process is also wrong. Section 11.6.2
of the Agreement states that “if the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute, then, pursuant to
Administrative Code Section 21.36, Contractor may submit to the Contracting Officer a written
request for administrative review and documentation of the Contractor’s claim(s).” San
Francisco Administrative Code Section 21.36 likewise states that the Contractor “may” submit to
the Contracting Officer a written request for administrative review and documentation of
contractor’s claims. Neither the Agreement, nor the Code makes administrative review
mandatory. If Accela elects to pursue this remedy it may submit a written request for
administrative review to the Contracting Officer, along with documentation for its claim(s). The
Contracting Officer is Alaric Degrafinried, Director of the Office of Contract Administration and
Purchaser, and can be reached at [email protected].
C. Executive Committee Decision: The City has in good faith engaged in informal
dispute resolution. As a result, under section 11.6.2 the City may pursue any remedy available
under California law. The 45-day default suspension period expired on September 28, 2019,
with no resolution in place. The project Executive Committee has elected to terminate the
Agreement for cause given Accela’s default, failure to cure and failure to a reach resolution on a
D. Termination for Cause: Pursuant to Section 8.2 (Termination for Default;
Remedies) of the Agreement, the City hereby terminates the Agreement for cause effective
E. Remedies upon Termination: Pursuant to Sections 8.2.2 and 11.6.2 of the
Agreement, the City is in the process of determining what remedy or remedies it will pursue
against Accela for default. The City reserves all rights to pursue any remedy under the
Agreement or otherwise available under California law. Due to the nature of the default, we ask
that you notify all appropriate insurance carriers, including those required under Section 5.1.1(d)
and (e), and provide copies of all potentially applicable insurance policies, including umbrellas
and all endorsements. We would also request that Accela place a hold on all electronic and hard-
copy project records, including those created, maintained, or controlled by project
subcontractors. This includes preservation of all email, network data, and data maintained on
hard-drives, including portable electronic devices, in active and archived format.
Very truly yours,

Linda J. Gerull
Executive Director, San Francisco Department of Technology

cc: Naomi Kelly, City Administrator

Alaric Degrafinried, Director of the Office of Contract Administration and Purchaser
Tom Hui, Department of Building Inspection
Louise S. Simpson, Deputy City Attorney
Aaron Haggarty, Chief Legal Officer, Accela, Inc.
Exhibit 5 – November 27, 2019 Invoice

Invoice # INV-ACC49371
2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 500 Invoice Date 11/27/2019
San Ramon CA 94583 Invoice Due Date 12/27/2019
Invoice Currency USD
Term Start Date 12/1/2019
Term End Date 11/30/2020
Open Air #
Page 1 of 1
Bill To: Ship To:
Henry Bartley Henry Bartley
City and County of San Francisco - Public San Francisco, CA - City and County of
Works 1660 Mission, 6th Floor
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco CA 94103
San Francisco CA 94102

Q-14558; Renewal Period: 12/1/2019 - 11/30/2020

Purchase Order No. Customer ID Sales Order Payment Terms

1981 San Francisco, CA - City of SO-ACC16018 Net 30

Item Number Description Quantity Ext. Price

SU00 Accela Citizen Access Annual Maintenance and Supp -Platinum 1 $19,520.00

SU00 Accela GIS Site License Annual Maintenance and Supp -Platinum 1 $46,406.00

SU00 Accela Mobile Site Lic Annual Maintenance and Supp - Platinum 1 $113,017.00

SU00 Accela Land Mgt Site Lic Annual Maintenance and Supp - Platinum 1 $232,027.00

AH00 Private Cloud Hosting Fees (Private Tenant Commerical Phase) 1 $550,000.00

Subtotal $960,970.00
Trade Discount
Tax $0.00
Total Invoice Amount USD $960,970.00
Balance Due USD $960,970.00

Card Payment Link: Please Click here

Please direct inquiries to: Remit To: Wiring Instructions

Accounts Receivable Dept. at (925) 659-3275 Accela Inc. Wells Fargo Bank
Send an email to: [email protected] # 774375 For credit to: Accela Inc.
4375 Solutions Center Account: 412-1765507
Accela TAX ID: 94-276-7678 Chicago, IL 60677-4003 ABA: 121000248
Exhibit 6 – Hosting and Maintenance Agreement May 31, 2018

Exhibit 7 – TruePoint Assessment, Workplan and Cost

Readout Topics 1
Data Migration
• How complete is the data migration? (description and
• Assessment:
• Is it an effective design that meets performance and maintainability
goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide LOE)
• Is it an ineffective design and needs to be re-written (if yes, provide LOE)
TOPIC 1: Data Migration Date: 8/28/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Question: How complete is the data migration? Meet Business Need 5
- Not being closely involved with a complete run and testing cycle makes this almost
Completeness 3
impossible to accurately assess at this point.
- Conversion programming and methodology appear to be complete for PTS and DBI Design Efficiency 4
- Converted Permits perform well in Accela
Maintainability 4
Reliability 3
Performance 3
Assessment: The process is using Accela standard conversion techniques and tools. LOE to Repair 4
- Random tests on converted records show a lot of effort has gone into this conversion
- Planning being LIVE adds a layer of complexity with configuration migration User Acceptance 4
- Planning being LIVE adds additional complexity to transactional data migration
- TruePoint does not use the Accela data mapping tool to create staging tables but the
approach used for CCSF is typical.
LOE Estimate: 8 person/weeks


20+ Active defects Work thru each defect

Conversion program changes while fixing defects Adhere to strict change control processes

Conversion to LIVE environment Continue to follow complete testing path as if it were the go-live

Lack of step by step documentation and check points Require detailed documentation with more progress checks

All possible conversion scenarios and data integrity Provide post UAT and post Go-Live resources to address issues
possibilities cannot be tested
Readout Topics 2
Configuration Migration
• How complete is the configuration migration? (Planning is
already live and the database is merged, so need to migrate to
• Assessment:
• Is it an effective design that meets performance and maintainability
goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide LOE)
• Is it an ineffective design and needs to be re-written (if yes, provide LOE)
TOPIC 2: Configuration Migration Date: 8/28/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Question: How stable is the configuration migration? Meet Business Need 5
Completeness 3
The Accela Data migration tool has been evolving for years and has become stable over the
last few years starting with the versions of 9.X. There are approaches to using the tool that raise Design Efficiency 3
the success rate that can be explored:
- Be cautious moving all configuration by record type Maintainability 4
- Be cautious when moving security components Reliability 3
- Wherever possible move specific components individually
- Create a clear step by step list that can be reusable once proven Performance 4
LOE to Repair 4
User Acceptance 4
Assessment: Data Manager is the tool that should be used going forward for
configuration. More time and testing should go into the current steps and techniques used.
19.1.5 should provide a more stable environment.

LOE Estimate: 1 person/weeks

Version Upgrade to 19.1.5 Perform 19.1.5 regression testing
Is there a comprehensive go-live path/checklist? Establish and create a comprehensive go-live checklist.
Moving configuration components without known Create Data Manager migration plan
documented/consistent process
Readout Topics 3
Is the configuration and scripting suitable, useable,
maintainable and complete?
• Assessment:
• Is it an effective design that meets performance and maintainability
goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide LOE)
• Is it an ineffective design and needs to be re-written (if yes, provide LOE)

TOPIC 3: Configuration (Suitable, Useable, Maintainable, Complete) Date: 8/28/2019
TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)
Question: How complete is configuration? Meet Business Need 3.5
Configuration appears to be complete but continually being assessed and corrected.
Biggest area of concern is the ability to fix/adjust configuration without creating new defects. Completeness 4.5
Design Efficiency 3
Maintainability 4.5
Assessment: The overall approach seems to be to in-line with Accela best practices with Reliability 4
adjustments where needed.
- Naming conventions look good across Accela components Performance 3
- Mostly easy to follow which supports maintainability
- Overall look of screens can be improved for a more user-friendly user experience LOE to Repair 4
- Performance issues create negative impression of system in general User Acceptance 4
- Concerns about seldom used features like Time Accounting and complexity of 3 rd party

LOE Estimate: 8 person/weeks

Open Issues (180 1’s and 2’s, 589 3’s and 4’s) Adopt strict change control processes
Making Configuration Changes Continue to be diligent about minimizing config changes
Version Upgrade Additional regression testing (pre UAT 4)
Starting UAT4 before issues are resolved Resolve all 1’s and 2’s and a majority of 3‘s and 4’s

In some areas scripts are used instead of standard Use standard configuration whenever possible (i.e. – Default
configuration Record Status)

Script approach, style and preference Adopt standards for scripting and expression approach
Readout Topics 4
Comment on the system implementation - what is useable and
• Assessment:
• Is it an effective design that meets performance and maintainability
goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide LOE)
• Is it an ineffective design and needs to be re-written (if yes, provide
• What resources (type of skill, type of work) will be needed to maintain
the environment?
• How should new complex work be completed?
• How should routine support be provided?
TOPIC 4: System Implementation Date: 9/4/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Question: System Implementation - What is useable and maintainable? Meet Business Need 3
- Most design components are effective. Performance seems to change by the day. What is
Completeness 3
configured is usable and maintainable. Some components need work to get to a higher
level of user friendliness and performance. Design Efficiency 3.5
- Need resources that can access and fine tune components of the configuration beyond
meeting the basic needs of the RFP. Maintainability 5
- The City has qualified staff for routine maintenance if the proper level of Knowledge Reliability 3
Transfer is given.
Performance 3
LOE to Repair 4
Assessment: The configuration is complete in most areas but when watching users perform
daily tasks opportunities for fine tuning and improvements are identified. Focus on resolving User Acceptance 3
open issues first so focus can be changed toward fine-tuning system usage.
Where time constraints a factor in improving underlying design from round one or attention
to detail?
LOE Estimate: TBD

Load speed on Intake Form 19.1.5 upgrade

Floor Search and Usage not acceptable to end users Consider different approaches. Possibly use “Short Notes”

Screen Layouts not user friendly. Causing scrolling frustration. Schedule sessions to update forms to be in-line with usage
ASI Table Spacing 19.1.5 upgrade

Training/Audit of usage – (i.e. adding multiple addresses to a Watch the way users use the system, note opportunities for
record). Approach for Boiler Renewals? Time Accounting? improvements. Reaccess approach for Boiler renewals.
Readout Topics 5

Fee Engine - is the design solid?

• Assessment:
• Is it an effective design that meets performance and maintainability
goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide LOE)
• Is it an ineffective design and needs to be re-written (if yes, provide
• Fees based on Job Value and are Grandfathered for the time the permit
• They keep talking about the “FEE ENGINE” – what is that?? Ability to
figure fee based on date of permit?
TOPIC 5: Fee Engine Date: 9/4/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Question: Fee Engine – is the design solid? What is it? Meet Business Need 4
- The fee engine is a full set of business rules that determines required fees and amounts based
Completeness 5
on the record type and many custom data attributes.
- The ideas/approach/design used for the fee engine is solid. Design Efficiency 3
- Uses latest scripting methodology
- Provides for a higher level of supportability and maintainability Maintainability 5
- There are currently well over 8,000 lines of code. Reliability 5
- Organized by Recorded Type and section for each possible fee
Performance 3
LOE to Repair 4
Assessment: This approach is the right approach with the complex fee rules in place in CCSF and User Acceptance 4
the requirement that Accela should automatically Add or Adjust fess based on the information
entered on the permit.
- Need complete documentation on scripting rules

LOE Estimate: TBD


Fee History Entries Update fee engine to not Delete/Update/Re-Add Fees if they
Errors in Debug Trace Minimize warning messages
Performance of Fee History/Record Detail Eliminate duplication with deleting and re-adding fees
Complexity of Fee Engine Provide effective training and knowledge transfer
Readout Topics 6

• How complete are the reports?
• Assessment:
• Are reports designed effectively to meet performance and
maintainability goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide
• Are reports an ineffective design and need to be re-written (if yes,
provide LOE)
TOPIC 6: Reports Date: 9/4/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Question: How complete are reports? Meet Business Need 2
0 level 1 - critical issues
37 level 2 - major issues (10 assigned - mainly data discrepancy issues, 27 - ready for UAT) Completeness 2
169 level 3 - minor issues Design Efficiency 5
11 level 4 - cosmetic issues
Maintainability 5
Reliability 4
Assessment: The look and overall quality of reports is good.
- Consistent look and theme Performance 4
- Auto generate form Workflow
- Seeing some frustration on lack of attention to detail Config 3
- City staff will be able to handle reporting needs going forward with the ability to “call a Organization/Usability
friend” for basic support on Accela schema questions User Acceptance 2
Note: When hosted environment eventually moves to Azure/SQL make sure that Accela is
committed to converting all reports to SSRS
LOE Estimate: TBD


Record Summary List shows too many reports and is confusing Limit reports that display in summary by module and type
Lack of attention and detail at times by report writer, “nagging Follow documented standards and provide proper QA
issues” (i.e. Phone formats)
Crystal - vs- Ad-Hoc Look to Ad-Hoc to satisfy more reporting needs
Some reports cannot be validated because of data issues Address data issues
Update on Reports Accela is Responsible for
Patrick and Shawn performed a complete review.
• 62 reports were reviewed
• Review went well as far as being able to find and run reports.
• Still final minor updates need on most reports

• 6 are complete
• 22 are close but need final testing
• 24 have minor issues
• 9 have significant issues

Report work LOE

• Report corrections (220 hours LOE effort)
Readout Topic - 7
• Why is there slowness in the UI and query
• Is this the result of scripting logic?
• Assessment:
• Is it an effective design that meets performance and maintainability
goals and just need to fix the bugs (if yes, provide LOE)
• Is it an ineffective design and needs to be re-written (if yes, provide LOE)
TOPIC 7: System Performance Date: 9/18/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Why is there slowness in the UI? Meet Business Need 3
In general Web based applications are going to perform slower than client server-based
Completeness NA
- Intake Screen - 15 to 30 second load time (Not Acceptable) Design Efficiency 3.5
- Address Lookup - 1 second response, standard search screen is fast (Very Good)
- Workflow update 8 to 15 seconds (Needs to be looked at) Maintainability NA
- Fee engine, concerned about constantly deleting and re-adding fees slows down Custom Reliability 3
Field and Workflow updates
Performance 3
LOE to Repair 3
Assessment: Performance is an issue during testing but there are several things that can be
done to increase system performance/usability. User Acceptance 2
- Upgrade to the 19.1.5 (Accela focus has been on performance issues and new oxygen UI)
- Optimize forms and evaluate if there are un-needed features being used (I.E. Time
- PRE Prod Environment should be equal to PROD environment wise during UAT
LOE Estimate: TBD


Intake Form Load/Pause/Load Upgrade to 19.1.5
Av-ccsf-pre-Virtual Memory - PreProd Biz 36.75 -vs- PROD Biz 65.23 Request that Accela make environments equal
PreProd AA xx -vs- PROD AA 62.2.
Screen Layouts Schedule Time to optimize configuration
Design Enhancement Opportunities Schedule Time to optimize configuration
Training and usage tips and tricks (Chrome -vs- IE) Shadow and provide recommendations to users
Readout Topic - 8

Defect Review
• Comment on the project’s defect history
• Comment on the cause of the re-occurrence of defects over
• As compared to other Accela projects with similar scope and
complexity, what number of additional rounds of UAT should be
completed and what defect thresholds be established.
TOPIC 8: Defect Review Date: 9/18/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response SCORECARD (1=low, 5=high)

Question: Why so many defects? Defect history? Meet Business Need 2
- The system was NOT ready for UAT when UAT1 and UAT2 occurred.
Completeness 4
- Turnover with members of implementation team
- Vendor was not held to proper levels of change control for configuration changes related to Design Efficiency 4
- UAT4 should not start until all defects have been accepted in Unit Testing Maintainability 4
- Large scale projects typically go through 3 cycles of UAT Reliability 4
Performance 3
LOE to Repair 3
Assessment: User Acceptance 3
- UAT test scripts and documentation are very detailed and effective for UAT testing
- 600 hours of configuration related defect work (Config, Scripts, Batch, Interfaces, IVR)
- 120 hours of Conversion Related defect work
- Add LOE for Severity 3 and 4
LOE Estimate: TBD


19.1.5 Perform upgrade cycle testing process
Updating Fee Engine to check if fee exists first Developer unit testing and system testing standard
Issues created by changes to design Developer unit testing and system testing standard
Some items noted as defects may NOT be possible with Accela Research possible workarounds
Creating new errors while fixing defects Developer unit testing and system testing standard
Readout Topic - 9

Comment on best-practice strategy to get support from

Accela customer support:
• How to increase responsiveness to City requests for service?
• How to manage Accela to trouble shoot and solve problems
within the SLA?
• How to get Accela to respond to Accela Partner (e.g. TruePoint)
requests for critical software fixes or provide useable
TOPIC 9: Best-practice strategy for support Date: 9/18/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Question and Response

Question: What is the Best-practice strategy to get support from Accela?

Accela Standard Support
- Software upgrades, bug fixes and simple questions answered
- Access to Community and Community Best Practices
- Account Manager

Accela GOLD Support

- Dedicated Accela experienced resource
- Have not heard positive feedback form any clients that have made this investment.
- Examples: City of Berkeley, Kansas City

Accela Implementation Partner

- Experience with many jurisdictions, leverage knowledge form multiple staff
- On-call as need support agreement

Internal Experts
- Need knowledge of all aspects of configuration and business side activities

Examples of long-term successful support strategies:

City of Sacramento (Hosted)
County of Sacramento (Self Hosted)
- Internal support team with 3.5 dedicated resources
- Internal steering committee
- Internal issue reporting and tracking systems
- As needed support contract
- Monthly review/learning and planning sessions
- Strategic use of Accela Community
- Sacramento County (stay a full release behind Accela)
Readout Topic - 10
• Comment on infrastructure platform:
• Is the cloud platform 99.995% reliable? (Compare and contrast
multi-tenant and private cloud hosted.)
• What is the experience of current Accela cloud customers?
• What is the degree of difficulty and level of effort to move the
CCSF Accela project on premise? How difficult is it to maintain
the system on premise.
• Are there any reasons why CCSF should not move the system
TOPIC 9: Best-practice strategy for support Date: 9/25/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Infrastructure Platform

Question: Is the cloud platform 99.995%?

- For the standard Accela Cloud (East and West) users it does not seem this number is being met. It is probably not fare to make a
statement without validated statistics from Accela.
- There was a period early in the year where there were many outages. Witnessed one outage while onsite at the City of
Sacramento that was about 30 minutes.
- I am not aware of any statistics on “private cloud” implementations
- Current direction of Accela to move to Azure is single tenant based

Question: What is the experience of current Accela cloud customers?

- Biggest complaint is errors introduced during upgrades.

- Time frame to test upgrades in SUPP is now one to two weeks from introduction in SUPP to move to PROD
- SUPP and PROD should stay at the same version while TEST is used to test upgrades. Current methodology leaves hosted
agencies without an environment equal to PROD
- Lack of access to a database to develop and test Crystal reports is a big concern (this is being mitigated with Azure rollout and
private cloud)
- Performance in general is slower with SaaS than on-prem
TOPIC 9: Best-practice strategy for support Date: 9/25/2019

TOPIC ASSESSMENT – Infrastructure Platform

Question: What is the degree of difficulty and level of effort to move the CCSF Accela project on premise?
- Configuring the virtual servers is a standard process today
- Typically budget 40 hours for each environment for initial install
- Typically budget 20 hours for each environment for upgrades
- TruePoint supports 20+ on-prem Agencies with installs and upgrades
- Moving form SaaS to on-prem has a low degree of difficulty if Data Base platforms stay the same
- Higher degree of difficulty if switching from Oracle to MS SQL
- Moving documents from SaaS servers to On-Prem servers need to be scoped out

How difficult is it to maintain the system on premise.

- Time for testing updates will decrease if you don’t upgrade on each minor version
- Most use a strategy on staying one major version behind to avoid issue volumes
- Virtual environments are probably already being maintained by the City

Question: Are there any reasons why CCSF should not move the system on-premise?
- Not in line with the SaaS direction of Accela. They have made some statements about eventually eliminating the on-prem option.
- Infrastructure Cost, need a full cost analysis for infrastructure and IT staff
- Licensing Cost, need quotes from Accela on upfront costs for purchasing licensing.

Migration from Oracle to MS SQL – Do we consider that now with the 19.1.5 upgrade?
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors
Mode 19
1 SFPermit Completion 260 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 11/13/20
2 Fix and Test Cycle - pre UAT 4 66 days Mon 11/18/19 Mon 2/17/20
3 Defect fix and retest 60 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 2/7/20
4 UI & Process fix and retest 60 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 2/7/20
5 Interfaces (new pymt vendor) 40 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 1/10/20
6 New ACA landing page 40 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 1/10/20
7 Accela Moble app (new) 20 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 12/13/19
8 Document Config Migration process 10 days Mon 11/18/19 Fri 11/29/19
9 Contingency 6 days Mon 2/10/20 Mon 2/17/20 3,4,8,5,6,7
10 Code Freeze 0 days Mon 2/17/20 Mon 2/17/20 9
12 UAT 4 34 days Tue 2/18/20 Fri 4/3/20
13 UAT Environment Prep 11 days Tue 2/18/20 Tue 3/3/20
14 PRE-PROD refresh 3 days Tue 2/18/20 Thu 2/20/20 10
15 Data conversion 5 days Fri 2/21/20 Thu 2/27/20 14
16 Environment validation 3 days Fri 2/28/20 Tue 3/3/20 14,15
17 UAT Environment Ready 0 days Tue 3/3/20 Tue 3/3/20 16
18 UAT Test Round 18 days Wed 3/11/20 Fri 4/3/20
19 Execute UAT Tests 15 days Wed 3/11/20 Tue 3/31/20 17FS+5 days
20 Contingency 3 days Wed 4/1/20 Fri 4/3/20 19
21 UAT 4 Complete 0 days Fri 4/3/20 Fri 4/3/20 20
23 Fix and Test Cycle - pre UAT 5 30 days Mon 4/6/20 Fri 5/15/20
24 Defect fix and retest 30 days Mon 4/6/20 Fri 5/15/20 21
25 Code Freeze 0 days Fri 5/15/20 Fri 5/15/20 24
27 UAT 5 29 days Mon 5/18/20 Thu 6/25/20
28 UAT Environment Prep 11 days Mon 5/18/20 Mon 6/1/20
29 Pre-prod refresh 3 days Mon 5/18/20 Wed 5/20/20 25
30 Data conversion 5 days Thu 5/21/20 Wed 5/27/20 29

Page 1
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors
Mode 19
31 Environment validation 3 days Thu 5/28/20 Mon 6/1/20 29,30
32 UAT Environment Ready 0 days Mon 6/1/20 Mon 6/1/20 31
33 UAT Test Round 18 days Tue 6/2/20 Thu 6/25/20
34 Execute UAT Tests 15 days Tue 6/2/20 Mon 6/22/20 32
35 Contingency 3 days Tue 6/23/20 Thu 6/25/20 34
36 UAT 5 Complete 0 days Thu 6/25/20 Thu 6/25/20 35
38 Fix and Test Cycle - post UAT 5 15 days Fri 6/26/20 Thu 7/16/20
39 Defect fix and retest 15 days Fri 6/26/20 Thu 7/16/20 36
40 Code Freeze 0 days Thu 7/16/20 Thu 7/16/20 39
42 Training 64 days Mon 5/18/20 Thu 8/13/20
43 Refresh training materials 20 days Mon 5/18/20 Fri 6/12/20 25
44 User Training 20 days Fri 7/17/20 Thu 8/13/20 40
46 Go Live Prep 79 days Mon 4/6/20 Thu 7/23/20
47 Complete go-live checklist 10 days Mon 5/18/20 Fri 5/29/20 25
48 Finalize staff ops plans 10 days Mon 5/18/20 Fri 5/29/20 25
49 Finalize customer communications plans 10 days Mon 4/6/20 Fri 4/17/20 21
50 Finalize post go live support plan 10 days Mon 4/6/20 Fri 4/17/20 21
51 Data conversion trial run 5 days Fri 7/17/20 Thu 7/23/20 40
52 Go Live prep complete 0 days Thu 7/23/20 Thu 7/23/20 47,48,49,50,51
54 Go Live 6 days Fri 8/14/20 Fri 8/21/20
55 Final Data Conversion 5 days Fri 8/14/20 Thu 8/20/20 52,44
56 Prod System Validation 1 day Fri 8/21/20 Fri 8/21/20 55
57 Go live complete 0 days Fri 8/21/20 Fri 8/21/20 56
58 Post go live support 60 days Mon 8/24/20 Fri 11/13/20
59 Stability period 60 days Mon 8/24/20 Fri 11/13/20 57
60 Targeted User Training 10 days Mon 8/24/20 Fri 9/4/20 57

Page 2
Rate/hr Phase Fix & Test UAT 4 Fix & Test UAT 5 Fix & Test Training Go live prep Go Live Post Go live
130 Days 66 34 30 29 15 64 30 6 60

FTEs Role
PM 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 2
Dev/Config 8 8 8 8 8 2 8 4
Training 2

Labor Cost Role Totals

PM 274,560 141,440 124,800 120,640 62,400 133,120 124,800 24,960 124,800 1,131,520
Dev/Config 549,120 282,880 249,600 241,280 124,800 0 62,400 49,920 249,600 1,809,600
Training 0 0 0 0 0 133,120 0 0 0 133,120
Totals 823,680 424,320 374,400 361,920 187,200 266,240 187,200 74,880 374,400 3,074,240

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