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Session C8

Paper #8226

Disclaimer—This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University
of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly
available information and may not provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other
than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University
of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk.


Henry Adrian, [email protected], Mandala 10:00, William Hyman, [email protected], Mandala 10:00

Abstract—In the past, nearly every part of a rocket used to can take place. Elon Musk’s space transportation company,
propel shuttles and satellites into orbit has been designed for SpaceX, aims to satisfy both of these issues so that space
one time usage. Generally, after the first stage rocket (which exploration can be done more efficiently and quickly with the
amounts to 70% of the total cost of a rocket) is used, the rocket innovation of reusable rockets, specifically, the Falcon 9
falls back to the Earth’s surface, burning up in the atmosphere rocket.
and being destroyed. The reusable rocket is an attempt to
resolve this dilemma. SpaceX, the leading company pursuing
the technology of reusable rockets, has successfully developed
rockets capable of multiple launches. Being able to reuse a
rocket is a daunting task that requires multiple processes. The
following processes have been used by SpaceX to land its
relaunched rockets: stage separation, boost-back burn,
supersonic retropropulsion burn, landing burn, touchdown
and recovery. After landing, the rockets undergo an inspection
and then are ready for relaunch. While this is still a relatively
new technology and process, the benefits of reusable rockets
are apparent: time, money, and materials are dramatically
conserved. By conserving these valuable resources, reusable
rockets prove to be a sustainable option for space exploration.
This sustainable technology will facilitate greater space
access, allowing a deeper understanding of the universe. There
is much to be gained from increased space exploration Figure 1 [2]
including the obtainment of materials, the development of new Space X’s Falcon 9 Rocket
technologies and possible colonization of other celestial
bodies such as Mars The key to this reusable launch system is the ability for
the first stage rockets to land themselves at a target
Key Words—Elon Musk, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, Reusable location. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, pictured above in Figure
Rockets, SpaceX 1 has been tested with a multitude of successful launch and
landing attempts after engineers at Space X learned and
developed new ideas through past failures. The successful
landing process for Falcon 9 is achieved by following a series
of intricate processes that allow the vessel to properly land
With good reason, the human race has always been
itself on target. The chronological order of descent processes
fascinated by space [1]. We long to seek out what space has
is: stage separation, boost-back burn, supersonic
to offer and what can be gained from traversing the
retropropulsion burn, landing burn, touchdown, and recovery.
universe. Space exploration leads to the development and use
By following these steps, the Falcon 9 is able to be recovered
of new ideas, materials, and future possibilities. The
and reused for future missions.
knowledge gained through space exploration and research can
This new mode of space transport takes advantage of
be integrated into many industries and areas of study, leaving
technology that enables the recovery and relaunch of the first
many experts agreeing that it is worth both the money and the
stage rocket boosters. With only the costs of inspection and
risk [1].
refueling, these rockets can save up to 70% of the total launch
In order to benefit from all space has to offer, one idea is
cost as compared to traditional, one-time-use rockets [3]. The
key: we must first be able to get to space. Furthermore, we
benefits to using these rockets allow for a higher launch
need to minimize the cost of entering and exiting the
frequency and a dramatically reduced cost of money,
atmosphere while increasing the frequency at which launches
University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1
Henry Adrian
William Hyman

resources, and energy This will allow the rate at which we can the rocket moving skyward from launch. As P. Timm, in the
access and discover space to be dramatically accelerated. article “Stages of a Rocket Launch” explains, once the rocket
A key aspect to this innovation is its sustainable nature. has reached a specific height, generally somewhere between
Sustainability can be thought of as a multi-pillar ideology that 40 and 80 miles above the surface, the first stage runs out of
considers environmental, economic, and social concerns. fuel and is jettisoned from the rest of the rocket which
“Creating and nurturing innovations that benefit the continues soaring upward under the power of the second stage
environment, positively impact the community and improve engines. After separation, the first stage falls back down to
quality of life” is crucial for sustainable technological Earth [6]. The concept of multistage rockets was separately
advancement [4]. The Falcon 9 rocket aims to satisfy all three worked on simultaneously in the early 20th century by three
pillars of this definition of sustainability. Environmentally, the scientists, American Robert Goddard, German Hermann
Falcon 9 saves crucial materials for the construction of first Oberth, and Russian Konstantin Tsoilkovski [7]. Engineers
stage rockets [3]. Economically, the Falcon 9 save millions of designed rockets with multiple stages so that when the fuel on
dollars in just a single rocket launch compared to traditional one stage is depleted, that rocket can detach itself to prevent
rockets [3]. When looking at the societal impact, this the rest of the rocket from having to waste energy carrying
technology allows for increased space access. This will result unnecessary weight [6]. This process is very efficient as it
in having a better understanding of our universe and for a more greatly conserves fuel, which saves both resources and money.
secure and prosperous future for the human race [5]. Despite the success and practicality of using multistage
There are many benefits to be gained through increased rockets, there is one very critical issue to this practice
space exploration. One of these benefits includes the regarding what happens to the first stage after it separates.
multitude of resources waiting to be discovered and Traditionally, first stage rockets are designed to either burn up
utilized. For example, the moon is rich in helium-3 which is a upon entry to the Earth’s atmosphere or plummet into the
rare isotope found on Earth but can be used for nuclear fusion ocean at thousands of miles an hour [8]. Either way, the rocket
research [1]. In addition to materials, increased access to space is rendered useless, never to fly again. This creates a serious
can provide us with a better understanding of the workings of problem because, as reported by distinguished international
the universe. With that, we will have a better chance for business magazine, Fortune, “the first stage of any space
solving currently unknown questions regarding how the rocket is far and away the most expensive piece of the space
universe and its components function. Given that the universe launch enterprise, containing the bulk of the rocket’s engines”
is infinite, it means that there can literally no end to space [9]. On average, of the estimated $100 to $150 million required
exploration. to build a rocket and launch it, around $60 million (if not,
Perhaps the most significant reason for space exploration more) of that price goes to building the first stage as reported
is to rescue life on Earth from extinction. Many scientists, by Loren Grush of the technology news site, The Verge [3].
including Stephen Hawking [5], agree that at some point the Having to continually rebuild first stages accounts for
Earth will not be able to support human life. Even if there are anywhere between 40%-70% of the entire launch process
no asteroid collisions or life-ending nuclear wars, it is only a alone [3]. Additionally, having to rebuild these rockets means
matter of time before Earth becomes uninhabitable due to our a huge cost to time and resource. According to NASA, a first
expanding sun and limited natural resources. We have a very stage rocket requires hundreds of thousands of pounds of
limited future as a species if we do not become multi- aluminum and titanium and potentially several years to build
planetary. It truly is a race against time to develop the [10].
technologies that will allow for the colonization of other These setbacks illustrate the non-sustainable economic
celestial bodies. and environmental issues that traditional rockets have by
All of the benefits of more space travel and exploration constantly needing to be rebuilt. Due to the costs of money,
can be achieved through the use of reusable rockets which time, and resources, launching rockets has become a very
allow for cheaper, more frequent, and more sustainable access limited practice leading to repressed space exploration which
to space. proves them to also not be socially beneficial. This is a very
unfortunate case because there’s still so much to learn about
HOW TRADITIONAL ROCKETS ARE USED and gain from space exploration. However, due to recent
innovations from space travel companies such as
Since the dawn of space travel with the launch of the SpaceX, rocket travel will become much more practical. This
Soviet satellite, Sputnik 1 in 1954, payloads have only been is thanks to the development of reusable rockets.
able to overcome gravity and break away from the Earth’s
atmosphere through the use of multi-stage rockets. “Multi- THE PROCESS OF LANDING FALCON 9
staged” means that a rocket is separated into sections (usually ROCKETS
a primary and secondary stage and the payload), that detach
after using up their fuel. The first stage, for instance, is the Although several companies have made advances in the
largest stage and provides the initial and largest thrust to get development of relaunchable rockets, SpaceX, under the

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

leadership of CEO Elon Musk, is regarded as the most Launch and Stage Separation
successful company in perfecting this technology [9]. On
December 22, 2015, the SpaceX rocket Falcon 9 became the From launch until the first stage separation, Falcon 9
first rocket to recover its first stage after launching a payload rockets launch the same as any other rocket would. SpaceX
into space. On April 8, 2016, SpaceX launched another Falcon reports that it launches its rockets from one of its three launch
9 rocket which successfully landed its first stage on a drone pads in Cape Canaveral, Vandenberg or at the Kennedy Space
ship located off the coast of Florida. That same rocket was Center [13]. The Falcon 9 rocket measures 230 feet tall and
again launched and landed on March 30, 2017, marking it the weighs 1.2 million pounds before fuel is added. At launch, nine
first launch of a reused first stage rocket [11]. Merlin engines arranged around the base of the vessel in an
Through years of testing and continuous development, octaweb formation, ignite to provide 1.7 million pounds of
SpaceX has been able to perfect the technique of landing their thrust upon lift-off at sea level. These rockets burn for 162
Falcon 9 rockets. However, it isn’t just a simple matter of seconds, getting the rocket an altitude of about 50 miles
slowing the rocket down before it hits the surface in order to reaching a velocity of up to 5,369 mph. At this point, the
salvage the first stage. All Falcon 9 rockets go through a engines are gradually throttled to limit the launch vehicle’s
complex procedure in order to properly land. This intricate acceleration as the rocket’s mass decreases with the burning of
procedure is made up of the following individual processes: fuel [11]. Finally, once it has used up a certain amount of fuel,
stage separation, boost-back burn, supersonic retropropulsion the first stage separates, leaving the payload to continue its
burn, landing burn, touchdown, and recovery. journey under the power of the second stage.
The first stage, according to Popular Mechanics’ author,
Joe Pappalardo, then continues to coast upward for several
miles before beginning to descend [14]. At this point, the first
stage of a traditional rocket would just free fall to the ocean
getting destroyed or rendered unusable again in the process.
However, for the Falcon 9, at this point the boost-back burn
stage commences, beginning the first step of the landing

Boost-Back Burn

As the Falcon 9 begins its first stage of descent, three of

the nine Merlin engines at the base of the rocket reignite. These
engines, shown below in figure 3, are developed and
manufactured in-house by SpaceX and are designed for high
reliability and low cost.

Figure 2 [12]
The Falcon 9’s Controlled Landing

The above infographic shows the path and steps the

Falcon 9 rocket takes in its flight which details the controlled
landing of the first stage [12]. The listed processes are
implemented in order to slow the rocket’s descent to a near halt
before landing,
position it above its landing pad, orient it vertically and Figure 3 [15]
secure a soft yet secure landing to allow the rocket to be Merlin Engines Used on a Falcon 9 Rocket
recovered and use again later. Each step is its own intricate
process that requires its own special equipment and The propellant is fed from the fuel tanks to the engine
technology. through a dual impeller turbopump. This pump is also
responsible for carrying kerosene to the hydraulic thrust vector

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

control steering system. The kerosene acts as the hydraulic itself down to a near halt as it enters the last stage before
fluid and is used to affect the pitch and yaw (terms used to making a triumphant landing.
describe the orientation) of the first stage. Additionally, the
kerosene propellant is used as coolant as it flows through Landing Burn
hundreds of channels and tubes to, as described by SpaceX’s
Space Exploration Technologies head Brian Bjelde, “provide A few moments away from touchdown, the last stage of
cooling to the hot wall before being injected into the thruster the Falcon 9 descent, known as the landing burn, is underway.
chamber for combustion” [15]. This system provides increased In this stage, the engines reignite for one last burn to bring to
performance and efficiency. The fuel is stored in tanks made rocket to a near halt at five miles per hour. At this time, no
of an aluminum-lithium alloy; these tanks are both lighter and more than 20 seconds before touchdown, the rocket’s landing
stiffer than traditional aluminum tanks and are pressurized to legs deploy to secure and stabilize the landing [14]. Each
withstand the maximum flight loads. The collective power rocket is equipped with four of these legs placed symmetrically
these engines can provide for the rocket is so great that any two around the base of the stage that are stowed along the side of
of the engines could shut down, and the rocket would still be the vessel and extend when it is time for landing. The
able to complete its mission. legs, made of state-of-the-art carbon fiber with aluminum
During the first stage of descent, as the three engines honeycomb, unfold by using compressed helium as described
reignite, a guidance control software inside the rocket gimbals by SpaceX’s webpage about the Falcon 9 landing legs [18].
(orients) the engines to aim the rocket towards its landing Now that the rocket has achieved the amazing feat of
destination (either an onshore landing pad or an offshore drone positioning itself precisely over its landing pad and has slowed
ship). SpaceX’s Falcon 9 user guide states that the orientation itself down from over 3,000 miles per hours to a near stop
of the engines can rotate the rocket between 120 and 180 within about five and a half minutes, the Falcon 9 rocket is
degrees in order to position the vessel above its landing target ready to land.
[14] [16]. At this point, the rocket is travelling downward over
its target at 3,000 miles per hour and is gaining speed. Next, Landing and Recovery
the supersonic retropropulsion burn begins.
The rocket stage lands on its landing legs on either an
Supersonic Retropropulsion Burn onshore landing pad or on a pad located on a drone ship located
a few hundred miles off the coast of Florida. For a rocket
As the first stage of the rocket begins to fall downwards landing on the drone ship, technicians arrive from a different
towards its landing pad, it commences its next stage known as ship that was located several miles away. They board the drone
the supersonic retropropulsion burn. The main goal of this and secure the rocket with metal shoes to make sure the rocket
stage is to get the rocket oriented into a vertical position and to is stabilized as it is carried back to shore. After landing, any
slow down its descent dramatically. Joe Pappalardo describes leftover gases are vented from the rocket, which is then taken
that during this process, the center Merlin engines reignite, away to be processed, cleaned, and reused [14]. The entire
delivering 205,500 pounds of thrust to slow the falling vessel process of launching and landing the rocket takes only about
from 3,000 miles per hour downward to about 560 miles per nine minutes total. The picture below shows the first stage
hour [14]. This engine also works with cold-gas thrusters rocket on its drone immediately after securing a successful
located at the top of the stage to gimbal the rocket into a landing [14].
vertical position [10]. The rocket needs to be oriented in
exactly the right position to have a soft touchdown on its
landing pad so that it can be used again.
As an additional measure to help decelerate and stabilize
the rocket, the Falcon 9 first stage is equipped with four
hypersonic grid fins located near the top of the cylinder. These
four foot by five foot titanium (as opposed to traditional
aluminum which is less durable and flimsier than titanium) fins
are placed in an X-wing formation to allow the fins to
withstand the extreme heat experienced during the descent
[17]. Despite the small size of these fins, they are able to
independently move, allowing them to roll, pitch, and yaw the
14-story stage up to 20 degrees in order to achieve a precision
landing according to SpaceX’s webpage dedicated to the Figure 4 [14]
specifications of the grid fins used on Falcon 9 rockets [17]. Falcon 9 Rocket on Its Landing Pad After a Successful
Now that the rocket is successfully positioned over the landing Landing
pad and is oriented vertically, it is able to continue slowing

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

Ideally, the rocket will have such a secure and stable Figure 5 [19]
landing that it will be ready for another launch immediately SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Rocket
after being refueled. However, according to MIT Technology
Review author Will Knight, during the rocket’s flight, it is For the historic maiden voyage of the Falcon Heavy,
exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations, pressure SpaceX decided to send Elon Musk’s very own Tesla Roadster
changes, and vibrations [19] which can cause damage to the into space as the payload to orbit the sun with a dummy aptly
aluminum-lithium alloy walls of the rocket, the engines, tanks named “Starman” behind the wheel. This voyage was
or grid fins. The damage caused is usually enough to call for accomplished through the technology of Falcon 9 rockets
the rockets to be refurbished before they’re able to be reused providing the thrust for the first stage. At liftoff, all three
later on. Once the rocket is repaired, vigorously inspected, and Falcon 9 rockets that make up the first stage ignited and
has met the standards needed for another launch, SpaceX is boosted the rocket at full thrust. Shortly after liftoff, the center
able to send the first stage on another mission. The hope is that, core engine throttled down, allowing the two other side rockets
according to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, nearly every part of the to carry the vessel upwards. Once the rocket reached an
Falcon 9 rocket should be able to be reused up to one hundred altitude of about 40 miles, the side cores throttled down and
times with certain parts such as heat shields needing to be separated to land themselves back to the surface. The center
replaced after about ten uses [9]. Because the Space X core continued to an altitude of nearly sixty miles before it
engineers follow these intricate procedures in order to attain a separated from the second stage that continued to carry the
successful landing, the Falcon 9 rockets will be able to be payload, the Tesla, into space [20]. For the maiden voyage, in
reused time and time again, dramatically cutting costs. This is addition to successfully launching the payload into space, both
a revolutionary practice for space travel that proves to be side rockets achieved successful, simultaneous landings on
economically and environmentally sustainable and will forever their respective landing pads at Cape Canaveral, Florida
change the world’s exploration of the universe. making reusability a reality for the world’s most powerful
The most recent launch of a SpaceX reusable rocket
occurred on February 6, 2018 with the debut of the Falcon When working with technology as expensive as rockets,
Heavy rocket. This rocket, as calculated by SpaceX on the failures are obviously something to try to avoid at all costs.
company’s webpage, is “the most powerful operational rocket However, when they happen, it’s important to use them as
in the world,” [20]. This rocket is more than two times as learning opportunities, taking measures to avoid the cause of
powerful as the second most powerful rocket in use (the Space failure in a next attempt. Luckily for SpaceX, the technology
Shuttle). of launching rockets has been continuously worked on and
This rocket has a first stage consisting of three Falcon 9 improved upon through numerous launches by several
rockets connected in a row as depicted in Figure 5 below [20]. companies since the 1960s. That is why, as of March of this
With its collective 27 engines, it provides over five million year, the company has had a 96% success rate for its 49 Falcon
pounds of thrust at liftoff. At a cost of $90 million, this massive 9 launches as reported by its launch manifest [13]. There have
vessel stands at 230 feet tall and 40 feet wide, weighs 3.1 only been two failed SpaceX launches, as reported by the
million pounds and can carry a payload of over 140,000 technology news website Recode. One occurred in June 2015
pounds to low Earth orbit [20]. Because the first stage is just when the second stage disintegrated from a helium tank failure.
made of three Falcon 9 rockets, it features all the properties of The other occurred in September 2017 when the rocket
ordinary Falcon 9 rockets including the ability to withstand up exploded on the launchpad while fueling [21]. SpaceX has
to six total engine failures, an octaweb engine layout for each since learned from these failures and has enforced precautions
of the three bases and, of course, the ability to land in order to in fueling and reinsuring the tanks to keep these outcomes from
be reused [20]. happening again.
However, for Falcon 9 rockets, their ability to land is
what sets them apart from all other rockets. Since this practice
is still new, SpaceX is pioneering the technology needed for
successful landings. That being said, SpaceX has unfortunately
seen a fair share of failures when it comes to rocket landings.
It took six failed attempts for a Falcon 9 to successfully land
on its landing pad in December 2015. However, since then,
there have been only three landing failures and one partial
failure (the center core of the Falcon Heavy crashed while the
two side cores landed successfully) as opposed to 20 successes
[22] according to Popular Mechanics author, Jay Bennett. The

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

center core of the Falcon Heavy was unable to land due to [25]. The time intensive act of producing traditional rockets
engine failure causing the rocket to miss its drone by about 328 has been one of the outstanding restrictions on space
feet, hitting the water at 300 miles per hour. According to Elon access. SpaceX provides the solution to this problem through
Musk, the problem was that there was “not enough ignition the Falcon 9 as the time taken to refurbish a landed first stage
fluid to light the outer two engines after several three engine rocket, according to the company, is only a matter of one to
relights... [the] fix is pretty obvious” [23]. So even though two weeks [11].
there were some failures in landing rockets at first, SpaceX was With monetary, material, and time costs of space travel
able to learn from these mistakes and improve upon the substantially reduced due to the implementation of reusable
technology and coordination of the Falcon 9 rockets to achieve rockets, the frequency of launches will increase. An increased
a much higher success rate which is particularly good rate of space travel at a significant cost reduction means more
considering that SpaceX has nearly 50 future missions already possibilities for exploration, discovery, and multiplanetary
in the works. human colonization in the future which makes reusable rockets
socially sustainable.
The goal of the reusable rocket is to make space more THE FUTURE
accessible by drastically lowering monetary costs while also
saving time, resources, and increasing launch frequency, Taking advantage of reusable rocket technology will lead
making the technology sustainable. The average traditional to great opportunities in the very near future for space
rocket costs upwards of $150 million for the entire production exploration. With the ability to increase launch frequency,
and launch process. Anywhere between 40%-70% of this cost more can be done in space on a larger scale. The progress that
is used directly to produce the first stage rocket booster will be made from increased space travel shows that reusable
[3]. After the Falcon 9’s first stage rocket successfully lands, rockets are socially sustainable. This sustainability is shown in
it will require inspection and refurbishment before another the form of increasing knowledge about the universe,
launch. These costs could reach as much as $500,000. improving the quality of life using new technology and
However, this price is miniscule when compared with the cost allowing for eventually multi-planetary colonization.
of rebuilding a new first stage engine from scratch which can One such advancement that is made possible due to this
easily amount to $60 million [3]. With this dramatic cost increased launch frequency is the increased placement of
reduction, the Falcon 9’s cost of launch is only a mere $6 to 8 satellites. These satellites, both around Earth and those
million which proves that this is an economically sustainable traversing deeper space, are major components in the
technology [8]. communication and broadcasting fields. They provide signals
In addition to reusable rockets saving time from not for televisions, beaming for phone calls around the world and
having to be rebuilt, they also save material resources. navigation through GPS. They can also be used in surveillance,
Building a first stage rocket, according to NASA, requires as well as for detecting potential Earth-asteroid collisions.
hundreds of thousands of pounds of aluminum and titanium Satellites, according to NASA can receive, interpret, and send
[10]. These resources are limited and costly and often not out information nearly instantaneously and are an essential part
found freely in nature. For instance, titanium, used for its high of present-day life [26]. The ability to place many satellites
strength to weight ratio, costs about $3000 dollars per pound cheaply into orbit allows for the implementation of new
[24] which adds up quickly when building an entire 14-story technologies that weren't possible prior to the reusable
tall rocket. The benefit of reusable rocket technology is that rocket. For example, SpaceX has revealed that the company is
these nonrenewable resources aren’t required for each currently taking on the project of sending over 10,000 tiny
successive launch; the rocket can just be used again with minor satellites into orbit that will provide "broadband services
adjustments. Since Elon Musk predicts that these rockets will directly to [people] anywhere in the United States or around
be reusable up to 100 times [10], reusable rockets can save the world" at speeds similar to the quickest ground-based
billions in a relatively short time span. By conserving natural internet connections [27]. This benefits the billions of people
resources, reusable rockets attest to being environmentally in the world who are still without the internet. More
sustainable. information and the ability to communicate without bounds
The benefits of the reusable rockets are abundant and can will be provided to everyone by allowing internet usage across
be seen in aspects beyond just monetary costs. By eliminating the world using these satellites [27]. This is an example of the
the need to continuously rebuild first stages, this allows societal benefit made possible by this sustainability of this
SpaceX to cut back on the costs of time, energy, and resources technology.
as well. Simple rockets that only fly to suborbital levels, as Another impact reusable rockets can have on the future
reported by the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space, can is the ability to obtain materials from other celestial bodies. For
take up to 18 months to build, while more complex rockets, example, helium-3 which is a rare isotope found on Earth used
like the space shuttle, require up to five whole years to produce for nuclear fusion research, is found in high quantities on the

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

moon [1]. By utilizing materials like helium-3, the possibilities to launching rockets. Due to these reduced costs, reusable
of producing long-term, efficient energy by way of nuclear rockets attest to the definition of sustainability by benefitting
power become more realistic. This paves the way for more the environment, the economy and, society. These reduced
environmentally safe and sustainable sources of power. costs facilitate the increase of launch frequencies which leads
Looking into the future of reusable rocket technology, to opportunities not possible with traditional rockets.
SpaceX is pursuing a mass transport rocket called the BFR that The opportunities presented through this technology
can hold 240 passengers. This vehicle aims to facilitate ultra- include: the discovery and obtainment of useful materials, the
fast travel between major international cities. According to ability to launch satellites into space cheaply and quickly, and
SpaceX’s webpage dedicated to the capabilities of the BFR, the eventual colonization of other celestial bodies, specifically
the flight time to any point on Earth will take approximately Mars. Given what they have to offer and what possibilities
30 minutes. For example, the flight time from New York to they hold, reusable rockets will play a crucial role not only in
LA is 25 minutes using the BFR [28]. While this is still a the future of space travel but also the future of humanity.
developing idea, this technology could connect the world like “You want to wake up in the morning and think the future
never before all while being able to efficiently reuse the is going to be great - and that's what being a spacefaring
rocket’s major components. This idea is a great display of the civilization is all about. It's about believing in the future and
reusable rockets’ sustainable economic, environment, and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can't
social qualities. think of anything more exciting than going out there and being
Arguably, the most important reason for developing the among the stars.”
technology that facilitates increased space travel frequency is — Elon Musk, CEO and Lead Designer, SpaceX [28].
to prevent the extinction of the human race. World renowned
physicist Stephen Hawking makes the claim that eventually the SOURCES
Earth will no longer be able to support the ever-growing
human race. Sooner or later, there will no longer be enough
resources or space on Earth to meet the demands of human life. [1] E. Intini. “10 Reasons We Should Be Exploring Space.”
Unless humans become multiplanetary, there is most certainly Spiked. 06.22.2015. Accessed 10.13.2017.
a finite amount of time before we face the threat of extinction
[5]. With this limited time line in mind, Elon Musk and his should-be-exploring-space/17101#.WffdTGiPLIU
company SpaceX already have a plan in mind. By using the [2] “Upgraded Falcon 9 Mission Overview.” SpaceX.
BFR rocket, which can carry a load of 100 passengers for long 10.14.2013. Accessed 3.1.2018.
space voyages, Musk plans that by the 2020s, humans will be
able to walk on Mars [29]. From that, it’s only a matter of time, mission-overview
Musk reports, before human colonization of the Red Planet [3] L. Grush. “SpaceX’s Reusable Rockets Will Make Space
commences through the use of reusable rockets, effectively Cheaper – But How Much?” The Verge. 12.24.2015. Accessed
sustaining human life. 1.11.2018.
SPACE TRAVEL WILL BE FOREVER [4] “Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation.” University
CHANGED of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering.\MCSI\
Advances in space travel have been pursued ever since [5] T. Malik. “Stephen Hawking: Humanity Must Colonize
the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1945. Over the course of the 20th Space to Survive.” 04.13.2013. Accessed
and 21st century, we have been able to launch satellites that 10.20.2017.
have granted us a deeper understanding of the universe around humanity-survival-space.html
us. As time and our knowledge of physics and space [6] P. Timm. “Stages of a Rocket Launch.” Sciencing.
technology advanced, we then sent people into space and 4.24.2017. Accessed 2.12.2018.
eventually to the moon. Even though tremendous progress has rocket-launch-6922973.html
been made in space travel, the same restrictions of high cost [7] “A Brief History of Space Exploration.” Aerospace.
and low launch frequency due to the non-reusability nature of Accessed 2.12.2018.
traditional rockets remained. Within the past decade, SpaceX
has been the leading space travel company attempting to primer/a-brief-history-of-space-exploration/
overcome these restrictions by developing reusable first stage [8] “Reusability: The Key To Making Human Life Multi-
rocket boosters with the development of the Falcon 9 Planetary.” SpaceX. 6.10.2015. Accessed 1.11.2018.
rocket. This is all made possible through the use of the
rockets’ intricate landing procedure, allowing the first stage to making-human-life-multi-planetary
be refueled and reused readily. This cutting-edge technology [9] C. Dillow “What It Means To Live In The Era Of Reusable
dramatically saves money, materials and time when it comes

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

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[19] W. Knight “Landing Rockets is Awesome, but How Much international-space-station-into-space-1
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[20] “Falcon Heavy.” SpaceX. Accessed 2.10.2018. Accessed 1.11.2018.
[21] A. Glaser. “94 percent of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket landing-rockets
Launches Have Been Successful.” Recode. 5.28.2017.
Accessed 2.25.2018. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
[22] J. Bennett “Incredible SpaceX Fail Compilation Shows We would like to thank Elon Musk and the entire SpaceX
All the Best Falcon 9 Crashes.” Popular Mechanics. 9.14.2017. organization for providing us a topic of interest and importance
Accessed 2.25.2018. for us to research. Their contribution to the world of space travel has helped greatly with the research of this paper.
01/falcon-9-crash-burn-spacex-fail-compilation/ We would also like to thank Janet Zellmann for her
[23] T. Malik. “Elon Musk Explains Why SpaceX’s Falcon support, critique and feedback in the process of writing this
Heavy Core Booster Crashed.” 2.14.2018. paper.
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[24] “Titanium Element Facts.” Chemicool. Accessed

Henry Adrian
William Hyman

Henry Adrian
William Hyman


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