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Czech Technical University in Prague Magazine of Aviation Development

Faculty of Transportation Sciences 6(2):5-8, 2018, ISSN: 1805-7578

Department of Air Transport DOI: 10.14311/MAD.2018.02.02

Reusable Launch Space

Robert Tománek1*, Jakub Hospodka1
1 Department of Air Transport, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague,
Czech Republic
*Corresponding author: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Department of Air
Transport, Horská 3, 128 03 Prague, Czech Republic, Email: [email protected]

The paper focuses on reusable launch space systems. It aims to describe the current state of reusability in
space systems and to analyze the launch cost of current Falcon carrier rockets.
The first chapter is dedicated to general information about reusable launch space systems. This includes
definition of reusable and expendable launch systems or history of reusable launch systems. The second part is
focused on the era after STS and new the concept of RLV. The following parts of this paper aim to analyze the
launch price of current Falcon carrier rockets.
Reusable launch system; Reusable launch vehicle; Spacecraft; Spaceplane; Launch vehicle; Spaceflight;
Commercial spaceflight; Space industry

1. Introduction was intended to greatly reduce the cost of access to low Earth
orbit, but it was criticized for failing to deliver on this goal.
A reusable launch system is a launch system intended to allow
for recovery of part or all of its components for later reuse. An
expendable launch system id designed to be used only once, 2. Epoch after STS
and its components are not recovered. At present it is possible to talk about the epoch after STS
The development of reusable launch space systems began shuttles, which is characterized by the transition from state
in the first half of the twentieth century (between 1935 and agencies to private projects. Especially in the case of the devel-
1945) by the Silbervogel project[1]. In the following of the opment of space transport systems and transport to Earth’s or-
post-war epoch cosmonautics was experiencing a rapid devel- bit. Private projects often offer lower costs for the research and
opment that resulted in a piloted space flight and a landing on the space transportation than state-run organizations. State
the Moon in 1969. Reusable launch systems became a major organizations however still play an irreplaceable role, notably
subject of development in the early 1970s. This epoch also in shifting the current astronautics boundaries.
gave rise to the largest project in the field of reusable space
vehicles. It was the STS Space Shuttle program, which was 2.1 SpaceX and Blue Origin reintroduced the con-
the first reusable space vehicle to be operational. At present cept of RLV
these space shuttles have already been retired from service SpaceX since its foundation in 2002 aimed to develop a
for technical and economic reasons. Some economic and op- reusable carrier rocket system that would allow a reduction
erational objectives of the project have not been fulfilled. It launch prices and kick-start the space economy. At present it
R. Tománek, J. Hospodka Reusable Launch Space Systems

is the most important company in the field of re-use of space Table 1. Analysis of the rocket launch cost
transport systems. SpaceX has developed a reusable rocket Price category: Cost component:
launching system to successfully re-use the first stage of Fal- Cost of carrier rocket: Cost of First stage
Cost of second stage
con 9 and Falcon Heavy. First successful recovery was in Cost of aerodynamic fairing
2015 and first successful relaunch in March 2017. Launch expenses: Fuel
Control centre services
In the future the significant competition for SpaceX in the Launchpad services
field of reusable systems could represent Blue Origin com- Transport services
pany, which is also involved in the development of RLV.[2] In Testing
Costs for a reusable system: Amortisation of reuse
2015 Blue Origin successfully landed with a sub-orbital New Refurbishment costs
Shephard carrier rocket. Operational costs for landing (Launchpad /ASDS)
Transport service
2.2 High development cost
he biggest issue for a reusable space system is high develop- Table 2. Costs start at F9
ment costs and the low flight rate. This situation results in
Assumed prize:
that other companies of the carrier rocket industry are still First stage as % of total direct costs (A) (70%)
very conservative and cautious about reusability. An example Second stage as % of total direct costs (B) (15 – 20%)
of this may be United Launch Alliance (ULA), a joint ven- Aerodynamic fairing cost (C) (6*)
ture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin, which operates Atlas V, Cost of Merlin engine 1D+ (rough estimate) ∼1.5 (x 9)*
Cost of Merlin engine 1D vakuum (rough estimate) ∼1.6*
Delta II and Delta IV carrier rockets. According to published Selling price of Launch [6] (P) 62*
information about future rocket Vulcan, ULA is considering
only the reusability of rocket engines [11]. Re-usability in
this form could be introduced by 2025 at the earliest. Airbus particular by fuel costs, rocket transport, testing and others. In
(Ariane) works similarly. case of repeated use of the carrier, there is the cost of re-using
If we move from carrier rockets to space shuttles, there are and reducing the value of the rocket through wear, rebuilding
several interesting projects currently running. For example and testing of the rocket for reuse as well as the cost of running
the Boeing X-37 and Dream Chaser space shuttles. the ASDS. The cost analysis of launching rockets with cargo
under the aerodynamic cover is shown in Table 1.
3. Rocket reusability from an economic 3.1.1 Cost of the Falcon carrier rocket
point of view The price of the Falcon carrier rocket consists of first stage,
This chapter focuses on analyzing launch price of current second stage and aerodynamic fairing cost.
Falcon 9 and Falcon HT rockets. The price of the first stage consists of Merlin (9x), first
The Falcon 9 carrier rocket is a rocket used to carry a pay- stage fuselage, control, navigation and landing system, and
load from Earth’s surface into outer space. Reusable launch tanks. The price of the Merlin rocket engine has not been
carrier rockets are designed to be recovered and launched published but it is estimated at $ 1,500,000 per piece. SpaceX
again. The SpaceX Falcon 9 is the world’s first partially- manufacture most parts in-house, including engines, control
reusable launch system powered by rocket engines utilizing and navigation systems.[3]
liquid propellants. This carrier rocket has a reusable first stage The price of the second stage consists of the Merlin engine
and an expendable second stage. (1x), the second stage fuselage , the control system and the
Falcon launches have two basic modes available. Reusable tank. The costs are described in Table 2 and Table 3. Cost
and expendable. In reusable mode, there is a fuel cost to savings when it is reused the first stage is shown in Table 4.
brake the forward thrust, slow down for reentry through the
3.1.2 Costs to start, landing and preparation costs for
atmosphere, and then finally for landing. Some amount of fuel
must be reserved for stage recovery and cannot be used for
Start costs consist of fuel costs, delivery, inspection, testing,
thrust to orbit and therefore the functional payload is reduced.
flight control, start ramp and live start broadcast costs. Land-
Cost of carrier rocket launch can be mainly categorized in
ing costs and preparation for re-use consist of the costs of the
two parts:
stage refurbishment as well as the cost of the service landing
1. Direct Cost ramp or ASDS and freight costs. A separate item of the cost
of the start is insurance. Fuel and oxidiser are typically less
2. Indirect Cost than 0.3% of the launch price of the F9 carrier rocket.
Table 4 illustrates a model case of cost savings when it
3.1 Analysis of the cost of launch Falcon carrier is reused the first stage. The model is just a demonstration
rocket of savings. Because of the complexity of the problem it can
The launch price consists of cost of the carrier rocket and not display accurate values. Most of the values are based on
costs related to the start and landing, which are represented in the statements and materials released by SpaceX. Values are

R. Tománek, J. Hospodka Reusable Launch Space Systems

Table 3. Costs start at F9 Table 5. Falcon Heavy reuse model, values in millions USD
Assumed prize: Falcon Heavy FH reuse
Cost of first stage total (A) 30 – 40 (30) Cost of first stage (3 x A —— 3 x R) 90 30
Cost of second stage total (B) 7,5 – 12 (8) Cost of second stage (B) 8 8
Aerodynamic fairing cost (C) 6 6
Total cost of rocket (A+B+C) 44 Total cost of rocket (F) 104 44
Fuel costs 0,2 – 0,3 (0,2) Cost of launch operations (S) 4 4
Rescue and Prepare Costs for Start (R) 8 - 15 (10) Fuel costs (K)=(∼3xK) 0,6 0,6
Cost of launch operations (S) 4 Total cost of launch (N)=(F+S+K) 108,6 48,6
Margin (P–N) -18,6 41,4
Margin in % -21% 46%
Table 4. Savings model when reusing the first Falcon 9, the Selling price of Launch FH [6] (P) 90 90
values are in millions of USD
Falcon 9 F9 reuse
For heavy Falcon Heavy rocket launchers, table 6 shows a
Cost of first stage (A —— R) 30 10
rise in re-usability importance. There is a clear difference in
Cost of second stage (B) 8 8
Aerodynamic fairing cost (C) 6 6 start-up costs for the expendable variant versus the reusable
Total cost of rocket (F) 44 24 variant. This is not surprising, as there is a 3 stage rescue,
Cost of launch operations (S) 4 4 compared to one at F9. A expendable option has costs clearly
Fuel costs (K) 0,2 0,2 exceeding the table price for the start. In this configuration,
Total cost of launch (N)=(F+S+K) 48,2 28,2 the start would be a loss. In reality, the difference would
Margin (P–N) 13,8 33,8 probably be even greater because the model calculates with
Margin in % 22% 55% lower prices for individual items. SpaceX is now fully reliant
Selling price of Launch F9 [6] (P) 62 62 on FH for reusability.[7] Considering an impressive load of
63 800 kg to LEO, this step is understandable. It can also
be expected that in the case of demanding start run without
rescue, the starting price will probably be above the table
excluding possible discounts. The actual values will be very
price. The purpose of this analysis was to demonstrate the
individual in real cases depending on the specific conditions
importance of reusability for the Falcon Heavy carrier rocket.
of the start. The model emphasizes direct costs and only nec-
essarily essentials indirect costs are taken into account. Other
indirect costs, such as insurance, make a separate chapter for 4. Conclusion
each start. The long-term vision and goal of the space industry is to create
a launch vehicle that is capable of delivering fast, safe, reliable
3.1.3 Rescue and Prepare Costs for Start (R) and relatively inexpensive launch to the space. Reusability
According to the company representatives SpaceX, in the is a response to these requirements. I believe that reusability
case of the firsts re-use of the stages, re-use costs accounted will have a significant impact on cosmonautics over the next
less than half of the cost of production new stage[4]. The few decades, and it will become a matter of course within
following versions of F9 have improved reuse capabilities. a few decades. In my opinion, re-usable means are now the
The incoming F9 Block 5 option is supposed to be capable phenomenon of the time in cosmonautics. Just recovering only
of up to 10 starts without replacing parts. For the model, the the first stage of a Falcon 9 for reuse on multiple flights would
price (R) is set at 1/3 of the price of the new stage (A). It can allow SpaceX to significantly lower the price of launches for
be expected that there will be an expansion of reusability and satellites and supply or crewed spacecraft.
optimizations related processes that will represent a further
cost reduction.[5] References
Table 5 shows the profit growth of around 30%, which [1] Eugen Sänger. A rocket drive for long range bombers,
corresponds to the values that were mentioned in this context 1944. URL
representatives of SpaceX. Values also correspond to some data/saenger.pdf.
published discounts from the start price.
[2] 2017.
In the case of the heavy Falcon Heavy carrier rocket, even
more significant savings can be expected, as shown in Table [3] Elon Musk. Spacex hawthorne ca interview, 2017. URL
6. FH rocket builds on the standard Falcon 9 rocket, comple-
mented by two auxiliary rocket stages. The auxiliary stages
are also basically modified the first stages of the Falcon 9. [4] Henry Caleb Gwynne Shotwell. Spacex aims to
From the point of view of re-use, there are basically three first follow a banner year with an even faster 2018 launch
stages of the F9 rocket, which start together and then land cadence, 2017. URL
independently.[6] spacex-aims-to-follow-a-banner-year-with-an-eve

R. Tománek, J. Hospodka Reusable Launch Space Systems

[5] Elon Musk. Iss rd conference 2017, 2017. URL https:

[6] SpaceX. Spacex capabilities services, 2017. URL http:
[7] Elon Musk. Interview with elon musk at mit’s symposium,
2017. URL

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