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Advance Excel with Formulas

Topic Covered Course Duration & Fees
1. Workbooks (File) & Worksheet Handling 100 Hours ( Mon to Fri - 1 Hours Class 5:00AM to 11:00PM)
Excel Limitation One to One Live Online Class
Excel Shortcut use and benefits Fees : - 15000/-
Excel Setting and Custom List Creation Class Videos, Notes, PDF Books, Articles and Free Re-Joining
Excel Tamplate and File Location System `
Advanced Paste Special
Calulation with Paste Special
Link Data range as Picture Link
Loopkup Picture in Excel Worksheet
2. Advanced Formating for Reports and Dashboard
Formatting Triks
Date & Time For Trinks
Advanced Custom Formating (Number Format using Code)
Condtional Formatting
Advanced Conditional Formatting using Formulas
File,Sheets or Cells Protection Method
Benefits of Data Table or Cells Style
3. Data Handle and Data Analysis
Data Fill and Selection Method
Advanced Sorting and Filter Trinks
Data Summerization with Pivot Table
Calculation with Pivot table
Extranal Data Pivot Table
Relationship and Slicer in Pivot Table
Power Pivot in Excel 2016
Use SQL Query in Pivot Table
4. Page Setting and Form Creation
Drow Form in Excel Sheet
Hyperlink in Excel
Text and Symbol
Page Setup
Manage View
Sheets Option and Arrange
5. Calculation (more then 200 Formulas)
Mathameticals Calculation in Excel
Logical Formulas (IF, and, Or, Xor, IfError Formulas)
Nested If Formulas ( Multi Condition in If,and,or )
Text and Advanced Text Formulas
Date and Time Calculation using Data Time Formulas
Ref# Formulas and VLookup
Lookup Method(VLookup,HLookup,Match,Index,Offset)
Advanced VLookup and VLookup Listing
Math & trico. Formulas
Database and list managment Formulas
Information Formulass
Financial Formulas
6. Advanced Formulas
Advanced Array Formulas
Complicated Large Formulas Creation
Advanced Naming Method with Formulas
Report Automation with Formulas
Live Automation Projeact
Use Formulas in Conditional Formatting
New Formulas Creation with VBA Programming
7. Databse and Other Application Conectvity
MS Access Database Conectvity
Notepad and Webdata Connectvity
Embed Other Application
SQL or Oracle Connectvity
SQL Query in MS Excel 2016
File & Folder Directory Access
8. Dashboard Report Automation
Chart Creation
Chart Triks
use Button on chart
Dynamic Chart with Offset Formulas
Dashboard Example
Live Project
8. Update on New MS Excel 2019
New Formulas
New Option


Part of IPT (Institute of Professional of Training)
This is Group of Working Professianal Do Frelance with Us you can join our Class from your Computer using Gotomeeting
Operational Office : - Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110062
E-Mail - [email protected], [email protected], Skype ID - AdvExcel1
Mobile - +91 8802579388, +91 8826828093, +91 9968811487
L-2. VBA Macros Programming
Topic Covered Course Duration & Fees
1. Basic Macros Programming 45 Hours ( Mon to Fri 1 Hours (5:00 AM to 11:00 PM)
Concept of VBA Programming Language One to One Live Online Class
Type of VBA Macros Fees : - 10000/-
Recording Macros with Editions Class Videos , Notes, PDF Books, Articles and Free Re-Joining
how can write Macros and Algorithm `
Workbooks,Sheets and Range Object with member
File and Folder Handling with VBA
Formating,Style and Report Format Creation
Report Format Projeact
2. Apply Conditions in VBA
Formatting Triks
Data Type Decleation ( Varaibles)
Simple IF Condition in VBA
And,OR and XOR with if Condition
Nested if or Complicate Condition with IF
Select Case ans Switch Case
Create Formulas for IF
Live Project with VBA Macros for Report Automation
3.Loops with VBA
For Loop
Nested Loop
For Each Loop
Do While Loop
Do Until Loop
Show File - Folder List with Directory Function
Loop with If Condition
Live Project with Loop and Condition
4. Event Macros Programming
Fundamental for Event Macros Programming
WorkSheet and Range Event Macros Programming
Workbooks Event Macros Programming
Button and Object Macros Programming
Add ActiveX Control in Sheets
Live Project with Event Macros Programming
5. Excel VBA Macros Function(Formulas ) Creation
Formulas / Function Creation with VBA Programming
Advanced Formulas Method with VBA Programming
String Function
Number Function
Date and Time Calculation using Data Time Formulas
Information Formulass
Lookup Method(VLookup,HLookup,Match,Index,Offset) with VBA
Advanced VLookup and VLookup Listing with VBA
File and Directory Function
Database and list managment Formulas with VBA
File, Folder Copy - Rename , Delete and Hide -unhide formulas
Financial Formulas
Live Project with VBA Function
6. Advanced Formulas/Function
Advanced Array Formulas with VBA
Complicated Large Formulas Creation with VBA
Advanced Naming Method with Formulas
Report Automation with Formulas
Live Automation Projeact
New Formulas Creation with VBA Programming
7. Charting and Dashboard Report Automation with VBA
Chart Creation
Chart Triks
use Button on chart
Dynamic Chart with Offset Formulas
Dashboard Example
Live Project
8. Pivot Automation with VBA
Create Pivot with VBA
Links One more Data in VBA Macros
Report Automation with VBA Macros
SQL in Pivot with VBA Macros
Dashboard Example with Pivot with VBA
Live Project
9. UserForm in Excel
Concept of Userform in VBA
TextBox , Lable, and Combo Box in VBA
List Box Automation
Filter Duplicate and Multi-Connection Listbox
Multi Page, PDF and FLV , MediaPlayer and Other type of Emmbed Application
Live Project
10. Picture / Image Automation with VBA Macros
Show Picure in Userform
Chart Triks as image on Userform
Show Google Image on Userform
Dynamic Picture Automation
Live Project with Picture Automation
11. Database Conectvity and Other Application with VBA
E-Mail Automation with Outlook ( Send Mail Excel to Outlook ) ADVANCED EXCEL & MIS TRAINING INSTITUTE
E-Mail Automation with Gmail/ Yahoo / AOL Mail/ Other POP 3 Mail Part of IPT (Institute of Professional of Training)
PDF Mail Automation
MS Word Handling - Create Letter accessing from Excel Data Sheet Operational Office : - Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110062
MS Access Database Conectvity E-Mail - [email protected], [email protected], Skype ID - AdvExcel1
Notepad and Webdata Connectvity Mobile - +91 8802579388, +91 8826828093, +91 9968811487
Embed Other Application Like Webpage Data
SQL or Oracle Connectvity
SQL Query in MS Excel 2016
File & Folder Directory Access
Live Project For Final Certification
L-3. MS Access Databse with VBA or SQL
Topic Covered Course Duration & Fees
30 Hours ( Mon to Fri 1 Hours (5:00 AM to 11:00 PM)

1. Basic MS Access 2016 Database ( Table Creation) One to One Live Online Class
1. Introduction of MS Access 2016 Fees : - 6000- with VBA 10000/-
2.How Can Create and Set Data Type in Table Class Videos , Notes, PDF Books, Articles and Free Re-Joining
3.Copy Data From Excel Sheet and Apply Filter Sort and Foumulas in Table `
4. Use Macros in Data Table
5.SubDataSheet in Table
6.OLE Object for Show Pivot Chart on Table Form
7. Import Data From Excel,Access,Ocale or Outlook Inbox
8.Export MS Access Data to XL,XLM,PDF,Work
2.Query in MS Access 2016
1. Simpal Query form Query wizard
2.Cross Tab,Find Duplicat and Unmatch Query from Query Wizard
3.Designe Query and Apply Condition and or like
4.Designe Query - Apply Mathematics Calculation in Query
5.Desine Query In-Build Math formulas in Query
6.Inspection Formulas in Desine Query
7.PMT Formulas in Query In-BildFunction
8.PV,FV,IPMT,PPMT and more Financial Formulas in Query
9.Make a Table,Append,Update,Delete Query
10. Relationship One table to Another Table using Query
3.Query with SQL Statment
1. Simple Select Query in MS Access 2016 SQL Query in Hindi
2.use And,OR,Between,NOT in MS Acces SQL Query in Hindi
3.Group by with SQL Function (Sum,Count,Max,Min,avg) in MS Access SQL Query in Hindi
4.DISTINCT Function in SQL in MS Access 2016 in Hindi
5.LIKE,IN,Exists and NOT Condtiontion in MS Access SQL Query
6. Having Command in SQl MS Access 2016 in hindi
7.UNION ,UNION ALL in SQL in MS ACCESS 2016 in hindi
8.INNER Join in MS Acess SQl in Hindi
9.Insert Command in MS Access SQL in Hindi
10.Update Comand in Access SQL in Hindi
11.DELETE Command in MS Access SQL 2016 in Hindi
12.Create Table,Drop Table and Alter Table in MS Access SQL in Hindi
4.Form with MS Access 2016
1. Create a Simple From with Botton in Ms Access 2016 in Hindi
2.Modify and Choose Field in Simple Form in MS Access 2016 in Hindi
3.Format ur Form in MS Access 2016 in Hindi
4.From with 3 and more table in MS Access 2016 in Hindi
5.Form Wizard in MS Access 2016 in Hindi
Live Project with MS Access 2016
1.Form Connect Query in Ms Access 2016
2.use INSERT SQL Query in Form Button
3.Show Data on Combo Box relavent State
Live Project with Form
6. VBA Macros Programming
1. Introduction of VBA Macros in MS Access
2. Data Type in MS Access VBA Macros
3. Calculation with MS Access VBA Macros
4.Functiona and Formulas in MS Access 2016
Other Application Connectvity via VBA Macros
New Formulas Creation with VBA Programming in Ms Access 2016
5.Form_with_VBA in MS Access 2016
1. Apply VBA Code in Form in MS Access 2016 in Hindi
Event Handle in Form
Picture and Object In Form
Show Data on Form using Listbox
Combo Box Automation
Live Project
6. Advanced Form in MS Access
Concept of Userform in VBA
TextBox , Lable, and Combo Box in VBA
List Box Automation
Filter Duplicate and Multi-Connection Listbox
Multi Page, PDF and FLV , MediaPlayer and Other type of Emmbed Application
Live Project
7. Picture / Image Automation with VBA Macros
Show Picure in Userform
Chart Triks as image on Userform
Show Google Image on Userform
Dynamic Picture Automation
Live Project with Picture Automation
8. Database Conectvity and Other Application with VBA
MS Excel Connectvity
Notepad and Webdata Connectvity
Embed Other Application
SQL or Oracle Connectvity
SQL Query in MS Excel 2016
File & Folder Directory Access
Live Project For Final Certification
9. Report Creation
Report with PDF
Report With MS Word
Live Project For Final Certification Part of IPT (Institute of Professional of Training)
PDF Mail Automation
MS Word Handling - Create Letter accessing from Excel Data Sheet Operational Office : - Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110062
MS Access Database Conectvity E-Mail - [email protected], [email protected], Skype ID - AdvExcel1
Notepad and Webdata Connectvity Mobile - +91 8802579388, +91 8826828093, +91 9968811487
Embed Other Application Like Webpage Data
SQL or Oracle Connectvity
SQL Query in MS Excel 2016
File & Folder Directory Access
Live Project For Final Certification
Excel Dashboard Report Automation
Topic Covered Course Duration & Fees
30 Hours ( Mon to Fri 1 Hours (5:00 AM to 11:00 PM)

1. Dashboard with Pivot Table One to One Live Online Class

Data summarization with Pivot Table Charts Fees : - 10000/- with VBA 10000/-
Extranal Pivot Class Videos , Notes, PDF Books, Articles and Free Re-Joining
Power Pivot `
SQL in Pivot Table
Pivot Table whith 2 Data Sheet
Dashboard with Slicer
Dashboard with Data Table
2. Formulas for Dashboard
Logical Formulas
Data Summerization Formulas
Array Formulas
Dashboard Formulas Triks
3. Dashboard Report Automation
Chart Creation
Chart Triks
use Button on chart
Dynamic Chart with Offset Formulas
Dashboard Example
Live Project
4. VBA Macros Method for Dashboard
Macros Creation
Function Creationn
UserForm Methos
Event Handling
Format Handling with VBA
File & Folder Handling with VBA for Dashboard
5. Formatting for Dashboard Automation
Freming for Dashboard Formate
Color Triks for Dashboard
Image and Object
Picture Linking For Dashboard
Border and Outline
Live Project
6. Dashboard Example
Manufacturing Dashboard
Human Resource Dashboard
Financial Dashboard
Performance Dashboard Customer Care Center
Dashboard - Sales Performance
Sales Analysis-region-product-wise
Geographical Sales Report
Project Status Report
Team Performance Dashboard
5 Dashboard as per Your Requirement


Part of IPT (Institute of Professional of Training)

Operational Office : - Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110062

E-Mail - [email protected], [email protected], Skype ID - AdvExcel1
Mobile - +91 8802579388, +91 8826828093, +91 9968811487

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