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The Moon Landing is Real

51 years later and people are still talking about the first moon landing according to 10% of people think the moon landing was staged. wrote, “The

crew traveled 240,000 miles from the earth to the moon in 76 hours”.

These are some reasons the moon landing was real. The cameras weren't good enough to

pick up the stars. But there were many outside distractions for the camera to pick up everything.

The flag looks as if it was waving in the picture how could it wave with no wind. Well NASA

made special flags for the astronauts to make the picture look better. The shadows don't look

right, well the lunar ground reflected the sunlight making the shadows look awkward.

Some say it's fake because you can't see the stars in the background. Even the most

advanced Cameras don’t always pick everything up in the picture so the fact that it didn't get the

stars especially with the camera being 50 years old is not surprising. Also, the sun had lit up the

surface making it hard to see the stars through a picture. In “The Wildest Moon Landing

Conspiracy Theories, Debunked” it states “the astronauts were wearing bright white suits that

were very reflective which made it very hard to pick up the stars in the background”.

A popular thing people say is the moon landing is fake because the shadows aren't right.

They say that the sun would be the only source of light but that isn't true. Another source is the

lunar ground which reflects the sun's light. When they took the pictures the sun was illuminating

their surroundings make the shadows look weird.

This is one reason why the moon landing wasn't fake. Some people say the flag they

placed looked like it was waving, how could a flag wave if there's no weather? But actually the
scientists at NASA thought that if the flag just fell down it would be a bad picture to bring back

and show people. So NASA designed special flags for astronauts to take with them so they could

get a good picture. That's one reason why the moon landing wasn't fake.

“The moon landings fake because you can’t see Armstrong’s camera.” Well, Armstrong

can't just walk around with a handheld camera they needed something that was mounted to their

suit. So the camera was mounted to the suit making it very hard if not impossible through the

reflection in the reflection.

These are the reasons why the moon landing was real. The cameras weren't good enough

to pick up the stars. NASA made special flags for the astronauts to make the picture look better.

The lunar ground reflected the sunlight making the shadows look awkward. This is why the

moon landing was 100% real and was not staged.

Works Cited

Armstrong, Rebecca Lee. “New Survey Suggests 10% of Americans Believe the Moon Landing

Was Fake.” ​​,, 15 Oct. 2019,

“First Moon Landing Fast Facts.” ​CNN​, Cable News Network, 8 Aug. 2019,

Howell, Elizabeth. “Moon-Landing Hoax Still Lives On, 50 Years After Apollo 11. But Why?”,​ Space, 19 July 2019,

Little, Becky. “The Wildest Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories, Debunked.” ​,​ A&E

Television Networks, 10 June 2019,

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