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Functions in C++ 

A function is a set of statements that take inputs, do some specific computation and 

produces output. 

The idea is to put some commonly or repeatedly done task together and make a 

function so that instead of writing the same code again and again for different inputs, 

we can call the function. 

Why do we need functions? 

● Functions help us in reducing code redundancy. If functionality is performed 

at multiple places in software, then rather than writing the same code, again 

and again, we create a function and call it everywhere. This also helps in 

maintenance as we have to change at one place if we make future changes 

to the functionality. 

● Functions make code modular. Consider a big file having many lines of 

codes. It becomes really simple to read and use the code if the code is 

divided into functions. 

● Functions provide abstraction. For example, we can use library functions 

without worrying about their internal working. 

Function Declaration 

A function declaration tells the compiler about the number of parameters function 

takes, data-types of parameters and return type of function. Putting parameter names in 

function declaration is optional in the function declaration, but it is necessary to put 

them in the definition. Below are an example of function declarations. (parameter 

names are not there in below declarations) 


Why do we need functions? 

● Functions help us in reducing code redundancy:​ If functionality is performed at 

multiple places in software, then rather than writing the same code, again and 

again, we create a function and call it everywhere. This also helps in maintenance 

as we have to change at one place if we make future changes to the 


● Functions make code modular: ​Consider a big file having many lines of codes. It 

becomes really simple to read and use the code if the code is divided into 


● Functions provide abstraction:​ For example, we can use library functions without 

worrying about their internal working. 

Function Declaration 

A function declaration tells the compiler about the number of parameters function 

takes, data-types of parameters and return type of function. Putting parameter names in 

function declaration is optional in the function declaration, but it is necessary to put 

them in the definition. Below are an example of function declarations. (parameter 

names are not there in below declarations) 


// An example function that takes two parameters 'x' and 'y'  
// as input and returns max of two input numbers  
int max(int x, int y)  
if (x > y)  
return x;  
return y;  
// main function that doesn't receive any parameter and  
// returns integer.  
int main(void)  
int a = 10, b = 20;  
int m = max(a, b); // Calling above function to find max of 'a' and 'b'  
printf("m is %d", m);  
return 0;  
m is 20 

Parameter Passing to functions 

● The parameters passed to function are called ​actual parameters​. For example, in 

the above program 10 and 20 are actual parameters. 

● The parameters received by function are called f​ ormal parameters​. For example, 

in the above program x and y are formal parameters. 

There are two most popular ways to pass parameters. 

● Pass by Value:​ In this parameter passing method, values of actual parameters 

are copied to function’s formal parameters and the two types of parameters are 

stored in different memory locations. So any changes made inside functions are 

not reflected in actual parameters of caller. 

● Pass by Reference​ Both actual and formal parameters refer to same locations, so 

any changes made inside the function are actually reflected in actual parameters 

of caller. 

Inline Functions in C++ 

Inline  function  is  one  of  the  important  feature  of  C++.  So,  let’s  first  understand  why 

inline functions are used and what is the purpose of inline function? 

When  the  program  executes  the  function  call  instruction  the  CPU  stores  the  memory 

address  of  the  instruction  following  the  function  call,  copies  the  arguments  of  the 

function  on  the  stack  and  finally  transfers  control  to  the  specified  function.  The  CPU 

then  executes  the  function  code,  stores  the  function  return  value  in  a  predefined 

memory  location/register  and  returns  control  to  the  calling  function.  This  can  become 

overhead  if  the execution time of function is less than the switching time from the caller 

function  to  called  function (callee). For functions that are large and/or perform complex 

tasks,  the  overhead  of  the  function  call  is  usually insignificant compared to the amount 

of  time  the  function  takes  to  run.  However,  for  small,  commonly-used  functions,  the 

time  needed  to  make  the  function  call  is  often  a  lot  more  than  the  time  needed  to 

actually  execute  the  function’s  code.  This  overhead  occurs for small functions because 

execution time of small function is less than the switching time. 

C++  provides  an  inline  functions  to  reduce  the  function  call  overhead. ​Inline function is 

a  function  that  is  expanded  in  line  when  it  is  called.  When  the  inline  function  is  called 
whole  code  of  the  inline  function  gets  inserted  or  substituted  at  the  point  of  inline 

function  call.  This  substitution  is  performed  by  the  C++ compiler at compile time. Inline 

function may increase efficiency if it is small. 

The syntax for defining the function inline is: 

inline return-type function-name(parameters)

// function code

Remember, inlining is only a request to the compiler, not a command. Compiler can 

ignore the request for inlining. Compiler may not perform inlining in such circumstances 


1) If a function contains a loop. (for, while, do-while) 

2) If a function contains static variables. 

3) If a function is recursive. 

4) If a function return type is other than void, and the return statement doesn’t exist in 

function body. 

5) If a function contains switch or goto statement. 

Inline functions provide following advantages: 

1) Function call overhead doesn’t occur. 

2) It also saves the overhead of push/pop variables on the stack when function is 


3) It also saves overhead of a return call from a function. 

4) When you inline a function, you may enable compiler to perform context specific 

optimization on the body of function. Such optimizations are not possible for normal 
function calls. Other optimizations can be obtained by considering the flows of calling 

context and the called context. 

5) Inline function may be useful (if it is small) for embedded systems because inline can 

yield less code than the function call preamble and return. 

Inline function disadvantages: 

1) The added variables from the inlined function consumes additional registers, After 

in-lining function if variables number which are going to use register increases than they 

may create overhead on register variable resource utilization. This means that when 

inline function body is substituted at the point of function call, total number of variables 

used by the function also gets inserted. So the number of register going to be used for 

the variables will also get increased. So if after function inlining variable numbers 

increase drastically then it would surely cause an overhead on register utilization. 

2) If you use too many inline functions then the size of the binary executable file will be 

large, because of the duplication of same code. 

3) Too much inlining can also reduce your instruction cache hit rate, thus reducing the 

speed of instruction fetch from that of cache memory to that of primary memory. 

4) Inline function may increase compile time overhead if someone changes the code 

inside the inline function then all the calling location has to be recompiled because 

compiler would require to replace all the code once again to reflect the changes, 

otherwise it will continue with old functionality. 

5) Inline functions may not be useful for many embedded systems. Because in 

embedded systems code size is more important than speed. 

6) Inline functions might cause thrashing because inlining might increase size of the 

binary executable file. Thrashing in memory causes performance of computer to 


The following program demonstrates the use of use of inline function. 

#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
inline int cube(int s)  
return s*s*s;  
int main()  
cout << "The cube of 3 is: " << cube(3) << "\n";  
return 0;  
Output: The cube of 3 is: 27  

Inline function and classes: 

It is also possible to define the inline function inside the class. In fact, all the functions 
defined inside the class are implicitly inline. Thus, all the restrictions of inline functions 
are also applied here. If you need to explicitly declare inline function in the class then 
just declare the function inside the class and define it outside the class using inline 
For example: 
class S  
inline int square(int s) // redundant use of inline  
// this function is automatically inline  
// function body  
The above style is considered as a bad programming style. The best programming style 
is to just write the prototype of function inside the class and specify it as an inline in the 
function definition. 
For example: 
class S  
int square(int s); // declare the function  
inline int S::square(int s) // use inline prefix  

The following program demonstrates this concept: 
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
class operation  
int a,b,add,sub,mul;  
float div;  
void get();  
void sum();  
void difference();  
void product();  
void division();  
inline void operation :: get()  
cout << "Enter first value:";  
cin >> a;  
cout << "Enter second value:";  
cin >> b;  
inline void operation :: sum()  
add = a+b;  
cout << "Addition of two numbers: " << a+b << "\n";  
inline void operation :: difference()  
sub = a-b;  
cout << "Difference of two numbers: " << a-b << "\n";  
inline void operation :: product()  
mul = a*b;  
cout << "Product of two numbers: " << a*b << "\n";  
inline void operation ::division()  
cout<<"Division of two numbers: "<<a/b<<"\n" ;  
int main()  
cout << "Program using inline function\n";  
operation s;  
return 0;  


Enter first value: 45

Enter second value: 15
Addition of two numbers: 60
Difference of two numbers: 30
Product of two numbers: 675
Division of two numbers: 3

Friend class and function in C++ 

Friend Class​ A friend class can access private and protected members of other class in 

which it is declared as friend. It is sometimes useful to allow a particular class to 

access private members of other class. For example a LinkedList class may be allowed 

to access private members of Node. 

class Node {  

int key;  
Node* next;  
/* Other members of Node Class */ 
// Now class LinkedList can  
// access private members of Node  
friend class LinkedList;  
Friend Function​ Like friend class, a friend function can be given special grant to access 
private and protected members. A friend function can be: 
a) A method of another class 
b) A global function 
Following are some important points about friend functions and classes: 

1)​ Friends should be used only for limited purpose. too many functions or external 

classes are declared as friends of a class with protected or private data, it lessens the 

value of encapsulation of separate classes in object-oriented programming. 

2)​ Friendship is not mutual. If class A is a friend of B, then B doesn’t become a friend of 

A automatically. 

3)​ Friendship is not inherited (See t​ his ​for more details) 

4)​ The concept of friends is not there in Java. 

A simple and complete C++ program to demonstrate friend Class 

#include <iostream>  
class A {  
int a;  
A() { a = 0; }  
friend class B; // Friend Class  
class B {  
int b;  
void showA(A& x)  
// Since B is friend of A, it can access  
// private members of A  
std::cout << "A::a=" << x.a;  
int main()  
A a;  
B b;  
return 0;  


A simple and complete C++ program to demonstrate friend function of another class 

#include <iostream>  
class B;  
class A {  
void showB(B&);  
class B {  
int b;  
B() { b = 0; }  
friend void A::showB(B& x); // Friend function  
void A::showB(B& x)  
// Since showB() is friend of B, it can  
// access private members of B  
std::cout << "B::b = " << x.b;  
int main()  
A a;  
B x;  
return 0;  


B::b = 0

A simple and complete C++ program to demonstrate global friend 
#include <iostream>  
class A {  
int a;  
A() { a = 0; }  
// global friend function  
friend void showA(A&);  
void showA(A& x)  
// Since showA() is a friend, it can access  
// private members of A  
std::cout << "A::a=" << x.a;  
int main()  
A a;  
return 0;  

A::a = 0 
Program to swap two members using Friend Function 

CASE 1: 

Given two numbers a & b, swap these two numbers using friend function of C++. 


Input : a = 5, b = 9
Output : a = 9, b = 5
Input : a = 4, b = 6
Output : a= 6, b = 4

Create a class Swap, declare three variable in it, i.e., a, b, and temp and create a 
constructor for inputs. Declare a friend function in it. Define the friend function outside 
the class scope by taking arguments as call by reference to pass the copy of Swap 
Object. Perform the swap operation with Swap variables. 
// C++ Program to swap two numbers using friend function  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
class Swap {  
// Declare the variables of Swap Class  
int temp, a, b;  
// Define the parametrized constructor, for inputs  
Swap(int a, int b)  
this->a = a;  
this->b = b;  
// Declare the friend function to swap, take arguments  
// as call by reference  
friend void swap(Swap&);  
// Define the swap function outside class scope  
void swap(Swap& s1)  
// Call by reference is used to passed object copy to  
// the function  
cout << "\nBefore Swapping: " << s1.a << " " << s1.b;  
// Swap operations with Swap Class variables  
s1.temp = s1.a;  
s1.a = s1.b;  
s1.b = s1.temp;  
cout << "\nAfter Swapping: " << s1.a << " " << s1.b;  
// Driver Code  
int main()  
// Declare and Initialize the Swap object  
Swap s(4, 6);  
return 0;  
Before Swapping: 4 6
After Swapping: 6 4

CASE 2: 

Given two objects s1 & s2 of a class, swap the data members of these two objects 

using friend function of C++. 


Input : a = 6, b = 10
Output : a = 10, b = 6

Input : a = 4, b = 6
Output : a= 6, b = 4


Create a class Swap, declare one variable in it, i.e., num and create a constructor for 

inputs. Declare a friend function in it. Define the friend function outside the class scope 
by taking arguments as call by reference to pass the copy of Swap Object. Perform the 

swap operation. 

//C++ Program to swap data members of two objects of a class using friend function.  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
class Swap {  
// Declare the variable of Swap Class  
int num;  
// Define the parametrized constructor, for input.  
Swap(int num)  
this->num = num;  
// Declare the friend function to swap, take arguments  
// as call by reference  
friend void swap(Swap&, Swap&);  
// Define the swap function outside class scope  
void swap(Swap& s1, Swap& s2)  
// declare a temporary variable.  
int temp;  
// Call by reference is used to passed object copy to  
// the function  
cout << "\nBefore Swapping: " << s1.num << " " << s2.num;  
// Swap operations with objects of class Swap  
temp = s1.num;  
s1.num = s2.num;  
s2.num = temp;  
cout << "\nAfter Swapping: " << s1.num << " " << s2.num;  
int main()  
// Declare and Initialize the objects of Swap class  
Swap s1(6), s2(10);  
return 0;  
Before Swapping: 6 10
After Swapping: 10 6

Can  we  access  private  data  members  of  a  class  without 
using a member or a friend function? 
The idea of Encapsulation is to bundle data and methods (that work on the data) 

together and restrict access of private data members outside the class. In C++, a friend 

function or friend class can also access private data members. 

Is it possible to access private members outside a class without friend? 

Yes, it is possible using pointers. See the following program as an example. 

using namespace std;  
class Test  
int data;  
Test() { data = 0; }  
int getData() { return data; }  
int main()  
Test t;  
int* ptr = (int*)&t;  
*ptr = 10;  
cout << t.getData();  
return 0;  

Note  ​that  the  above  way  of  accessing  private  data  members  is  not  at  all  a 
recommended  way  of  accessing  members  and  should  never  be  used.  Also,  it  doesn’t 
mean  that  the  encapsulation  doesn’t  work  in  C++.  The  idea of making private members 
is  to  avoid  accidental  changes.  The  above  change  to  data  is  not  accidental.  It’s  an 
intentionally written code to fool the compiler. 

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