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HUFELAND'S matter, their application, and many other external as well

ART OF PROLONG LIFE. as internal circumstances ; but, like every other physical
EDITED BY operation, it can be promoted or impeded, accelerated or re-
ERASMUS WILSON, F.R.S. tarded. By laying down just principles respecting its essence
BOSTON: and wants, and by attending to observations made from
TICKNOR, REED, AND FIELDS. experience, the circumstances under which this process may
MDCCCLIV. be hastened and shortened, or retarded and prolonged, can
CAMBRIDGE : be discovered. Upon this may be founded dietetic rules and a
ALLEN AND FAENHAM, PRINTERS, medical mode of treatment for preserving life ; and hence
arises a particular science, the MACROBIOTIC, or the art of
EDITOR'S PEEFACE. prolonging it, which forms the subject of the present work.

THE " Art of Prolonging Life," by Christopher William This art, however, must not be confounded with the com-
Hufeland, a philosophic physician and professor of medicine mon art of medicine or medical regimen : its object, means,
in the University of Jena, is a work enjoying a deserved and boundaries are different. The object of the medical art
popularity in Germany ,'where it has gone through several is health; that of the macrobiotic, long life. The means
editions. Though translated into English, in 1797, it is employed in the medical art are regulated according to the
but little known in this country, less indeed, as it appeared present state of the body and its variations ; those of the
to the Editor, than its merits deserve ; and it is under the macrobiotic, by general principles. In the first it is suffi-
hope of being able to fill a vacant niche in popular litera- cient if one is able to restore that health which has been
ture, and restoring to his proper sphere of usefulness an able lost; but no person thinks of inquiring whether, by the
and accomplished instructor, that the Editor has now un- means used for that purpose, life, upon the whole, will be
dertaken the present edition of his book. In its English lengthened or shortened ; and the latter is often the case in
costume, and bearing a dedication to George Christopher many methods employed in medicine. The medical art must
Lichtenberg, Counsellor of State to his Britannic Majesty, consider every disease as an evil which cannot be too soon
and one of the Professors in the University of Gbttingen, expelled ; the macrobiotic, on the other hand, shows that
the work was published in two octavo volumes, with respect- many diseases may be the means of prolonging life. The
able and roomy type, short lines, shorter pages, and broad medical art endeavors, by corroborative and other remedies,
margins, an effectual prohibition to its wide diffusion. The to elevate mankind to the highest degree of strength and
translation bears the impress of a master's hand ; it is ele- physical perfection ; while the macrobiotic proves that here
gant and exact, and in the Editor's judgment, is the pro- even there is a maximum, and that strengthening, carried
duction of the learned author's own pen. Under this belief, too far, may tend to accelerate life, and consequently, to
the Editor has selected the translation of 1794, with its pure shorten its duration. The practical part of medicine, there-
and classic language, for the present volume, in preference fore, in regard to the macrobiotic art, is to be considered
to a new translation from a later German edition. only as an auxiliary science which teaches us how to know
diseases, the enemies of life, and how to prevent and expel
The Reader will probably be struck, as was the Editor, them ; but which, however, must itself be subordinate to the
with the little real progress which has been made in the higher laws of the latter.
science of living during the more than half a century since
the original work was first written ; and the feeling of a ne- Long life has at all times been the chief wish, the principal
cessity for bringing the matter up to the present line of object of mankind ; but how confused and contradictory are
march will be dissipated by its perusal. Indeed it seemed all the plans ever proposed for obtaining it! The stern
to the Editor more fitting as a ground of wholesome reflec- theologist derides such attempts ; and asks, if the period of
tion, that we should have placed before our eyes the philos- existence is not determined to every being and who is
ophy of half a century back, that we might thereby learn able to add a hair-breadth to his stature, or a minute to the
how much still remained to be done, before our knowledge duration of his existence ? The practical physician exclaims,
of the subject could be regarded as complete. why do you search for the particular means of prolonging
life ? Employ my art ; take care of your health, guard
With an elegant translation, then, done to his hand, all against diseases, and cure those which have appeared. This
that remained to the Editor was a labor of taste ; to adapt is the only way to promote longevity. The adept shows his
the work to the modes of thinking and feeling of the present vital elixir, and boldly asserts that those who will persevere
day, certain truths, too true to be allowed to stand forth in to take that incorporated spirit of life may hope to become
all their naked proportions, required a veil to be thrown old. The philosopher endeavors to resolve the problem, by
around the.m ; words that betrayed the foreign source of teaching men to despise death, and to double life by enjoy-
the translation, and bore a meaning different to that which ment. The innumerable legion of quacks and empirics, on
would have been deduced from their construction, required the other hand, who have gained the confidence of the mul-
to be exchanged for terms of more obvious nationality ; and, titude, inspire them with a belief that there are no surer
in a few instances, certain elaborate disquisitions, bordering means of becoming old, than to let blood at proper times, and
on absolute prose, needed to be expunged altogether. The to use cupping, purgatives, etc.
temple of knowledge, at the present day, is called on to put
forth all its allurements to invite mankind to enter its portals, It appeared to me, therefore, useful and necessary to
while with equal care its harsher features must be thrown rectify the ideas of the public on a matter of so much impor-
into the shade. The art of the arrangement consists in tance ; and to bring this science back to solid and simple
softening the rude by its combination with the refined ; in principles, by which it might acquire that connection and
accustoming the senses to the subdued tints before the more systematic order of which it hath hitherto been destitute.
sombre shadows are developed. In this, and a few necessary
notes, the whole of the Editor's labor is embraced. For eight years this subject has been the favorite employ-
ment of my leisure hours ; and it will give me great happi-
PREFACE. ness if it be to others only half as serviceable as it has been
to me. The present melancholy age, so destructive to man-
THE life of man, physically considered, is a peculiar chem- kind, induced me to engage in this undertaking ; and the
ico-animal operation ; a phenomenon effected by a concur- idea of its being useful, while it afforded me the highest con-
rence of the united powers of Nature with matter in a con- solation, encouraged me to pursue my researches.
tinual state of change. This, like every other physical ope-
ration, must have its defined laws, boundaries, and duration, My chief aim was to establish the Art of prolonging Life
so far as they depend on the sum of the given powers and on systematic grounds, and to make known the means for
accomplishing that object ; but, to convey a proper idea of hension of swelling the work too much, and of rendering it
the whole, it was necessary to comprehend some concomitant too expensive. I must, however, remark, that the instances
circumstances which gradually presented themselves to my given of the age of man are taken chiefly from Bacon's His-
notice. This, in the first place, appeared to be the best way
of giving a higher interest and more general value to many To conclude, I will readily allow, that many parts of this
dietetic rules ; because I have always found that much less work might have been written in a better and fuller manner;
impression is made when one says, this or that substance, this but I console myself with the agreeable persuasion, which no
or that mode of living, is healthful or unhealthful, (since this one can deprive me of, that what I have said may be use-
is relative, and depends on the strength or weakness of the ful, and that its utility will recommend it, and procure it
constitution as well as on other points, and has a reference support.
to the immediate consequences, which are often impercep- JENA, July, 1796.
tible, and therefore make those who are not physicians dis-
believe the whole,) than when the proposition is thus ex- CONTENTS.
pressed these things, these modes of living, prolong or PART THE FIRST.
shorten life; for this depends less on circumstances, and CHAPTER I. State of this Science among the Egyptians and the
cannot be judged of from the immediate consequences. And, Greeks ; Gymnastic : Gerocomic ; Hermippus. State of it in the
secondly, this work insensibly became a repository to which middle ages; Theophrastus Paracelsus. Astrological method.
I committed many of my favorite ideas ; where I indulged Talismans. Thurneiser. Cornaro, and his severe regimen.
in many digressions suited to a citizen of the world, and was Method by transfusion. Lord Bacon. St. Germain. Mesmer
happy to have it in my power to connect these ideas by a
thread so beautiful and so extensive in joining every thing CHAPTER II. Inquiry into the nature of the vital power, and the
as the thread of life. duration of life in general. Properties and laws of the vital
power. Definition of life. Vital consumption inseparable conse-
According to the point of view under which I necessarily quence of vital operation. Term of life. Causes of the duration
considered my subject, it was natural that I should treat it, of life. Retardation of vital consumption. Possibility of pro-
not only medically, but also morally ; for, how is it possible longing life. Intensive and extensive life. Sleep .
to write on human life, without taking into consideration its
connection with the moral world, to which it so peculiarly CHAPTER III. Duration of the life of plants ; diversity of it.
belongs ? On the contrary, I have found more than once, Annual, biennial, perennial. Experiments respecting circum-
in the course of my labor, that the physical man cannot be stances by which this is determined ; result of them. Applica-
separated from his higher moral object : and I may, per- tion of the fundamental principles of the duration of life. Great
haps, reckon it a small merit in the present performance, influence of attention and culture on the duration of the life of
that it will not only establish the truth and heighten the plants -. . 4566
value of the moral laws, in the eyes of many, by showing
that they are indispensably necessary for the physical sup- CHAPTER IV. Duration of life in the animal world. Observations
port and prolongation of life but that it demonstrates, that on plant-animals. Worms. Insects. Metamorphosis an impor-
the physical nature of man has been suited to his higher tant mean of prolonging life. Amphibia. Fish. Birds. Ani-
moral destination ; that this makes an essential difference be- mals which suckle. Result. Influence of maturity and growth
tween the nature of man and the nature of animals ; that with- on the duration of life. Perfection or imperfection of organiza
out moral cultivation man is in continual contradiction with tion of life. Rapid or slow vital consumption. Restoration
his own nature ; and that, by culture alone, he becomes even
physically perfect. May I be so fortunate, by these means, CHAPTER V. Duration of the life of man. Apparently incredible
as to accomplish two objects : not only to render the life of age of the patriarchs explained. Age of the world has no influ-
man more healthful and longer; but also, by exciting his ence on the duration of human life. Instances of great age
exertions for that purpose, to make him better and more among the Jews, Greeks, and Eomans. Tables of the census
virtuous ! I can at any rate assert, that man will in vain under Vespasian. Instances of great age among kings, emperors,
seek for the one without the other, and that physical and and popes. Frederick II. Among hermits and monks. Philoso-
moral health are as nearly related as the body and the soul. phers and men of letters. Poets and artists. Instances of the
They flow from the same sources ; become blended together ; greatest age to be found only among country people, hunters, gar-
and when united, the result is, HUMAN NATURE ENNOBLED deners, soldiers, and sailors. Few to be found among physicians.
Shortest life. Difference of age according to the climate
AND RAISED TO PERFECTION. CHAPTER VI. Eesult of the above observations. Age of the world
has no influence on that of its inhabitants. Influence of climate
I must here observe, that as this work is not designed and of the atmosphere. Islands and peninsulas. Countries in
merely for physicians, but for the public in general, I was Europe most favorable to longevity. Advantages of temperance.
obliged in some points to be more diffuse, and in others The two most dreadful extremes of mortality in modern times.
shorter, than if I had written for the former alone. I had, Moderation in all things has great effect in prolonging life. State
in particular, a regard to young people ; because I am con- of marriage. Female sex. Industry. Frugality. Civilization.
vinced that the grounds of a long or a short life can be most Rural life. Renovation possible. Extent of human life deter-
effectually laid at an early period ; and that, through unpar- mined. Absolute and relative duration of it. Tables respecting
donable negligence in the education of youth, information on the latter 95109
this subject, so important to their physical happiness, is
entirely forgotten. I have, therefore, placed in the clearest CHAPTER VII. More particular examination of human life. Es-
light those points most necessary to be known at an early sential definition of it. Principal operations on which it depends.
age ; and, in general, have treated my subject so that the Accession from without. Assimilation and animalization. Nutri-
book may be put into the hands of young persons without tion and preparation of the organized matter. Power and organs
any danger : and it will afford me inexpressible joy if it consumed by life itself. Separation and destruction of exhausted
be not only recommended to them, but employed also in parts. Organs necessary for life. History of life. Causes of the
schools, to convey instruction respecting their physical well- long duration of the life of man. Influence of reason and the
being which must indeed be given in such seminaries, as higher powers of thought. Answer to the question, " Why,
I unfortunately know, by long experience, that in colleges among men, who are more fitted for long life than animals, mor-
it will be for the most part too late. tality, however, should be greater ? " . . . 110 129

My readers, I hope, will forgive me for not supporting CHAPTER VIII. Signs of long life in individuals. Sound stomach
with quotations every instance I have adduced, and every and organs of digestion. Good teeth. Well-organized chest.
fact related. My motive for omitting them was an appre- Heart not too irritable. Strong natural power of restoration and
healing. Sufficient quantity and diffusion of the vital power. pervades all nature. We everywhere behold phenom-
Good temperament. Faultless and well-proportioned make of ena and effects which evidently announce its presence,
body. No particular weakness of any part. Portrait of a man though under an infinite variety of modifications and
destined to long life 130 138 forms ; and the existence of life is proclaimed by the
whole universe around us. Life is that by which plants
CHAPTER IX. Examination of various new methods for prolonging vegetate, by which animals feel and are actuated ; but
life. By vital elixirs. Gold tinctures, and wonder-working es- in the highest degree of perfection, sensation, and form,
sences. By hardening the organs. By rest, and suspending for a it appears, in man, the supreme link of the visible crea-
time vital activity. By guarding against consumption, and the tion. If we survey the whole chain of being, we shall
external causes of disease. By fast living. Account of the only nowhere find so complete a combination of almost all
methods possible by which life can be prolonged. Proper union the vivifying powers of nature ; nowhere so much vital
of the four principal indications : Increasing of the vital power, 1
Strengthening the organs, Moderating vital consumption, Fa-
voring restoration. Modification of these methods, according to
difference of constitution, temperament, age, and climate
energy, united with so long duration as here. It needs
CHAPTER I. Delicate nursing and treatment in infancy . 167 excite no surprise, therefore, that the most perfect pos-
CHAPTER II. Physical excess in youth .... 169 sessor of this benefit should value it so highly ; and
CHAPTER III. Over-strained exertion of the mental faculties 171 that the bare idea of living and existing should be
CHAPTER IV. Diseases. Injudicious manner of treating attended with so much pleasure. All bodies become
them. Sudden kinds of death. Propensity to self-murder 177 the more interesting to us, the more we can ascribe to
CHAPTER V. Impure air. Men living together in large cities 183 them a kind of life and vital sensation. Nothing can
CHAPTER VI. Intemperance in eating and drinking. Re- engage our attention so much; nothing induce us to
fined cookery. Spirituous liquors 185 make so great sacrifices, and to call forth the most
CHAPTER VII. Passions and dispositions of mind which extraordinary display and exertion of our most secret
shorten life. Peevishness. Too much occupation and business 190 powers, as the desire of preserving life, and of saving
CHAPTER VHL The fear of death 193 it in the moment of danger. To those, even, -who are
CHAPTER IX. Idleness. Inactivity. Languor . . . 198 deprived of its comforts and enjoyments ; to those who
CHAPTER X. Overstrained power of the imagination. Im- suffer under the pain of incurable disease, or who be-
aginary diseases. Sensibility 201 wail the loss of freedom in the gloom of a dungeon, the
CHAPTER XL Poisons physical as well as infectious . . 204 idea of living and existing presents some charms ; and
CHAPTER XII. Old age. Premature ingrafting of it on youth 216 it certainly requires a derangement of the finest organs
of sensation, a circumstance possible only in man ; a
MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE . . 219 total darkening and deadening of the mental faculties,
to render life to us either disgusting or indifferent. In
CHAPTER I. Good physical descent 219 so wise and intimate a manner is the love of life, that
CHAPTER II. Prudent physical education .... 225 desire so worthy of a thinking being, that grand pillar
CHAPTER IH. Active and laborious youth .... 240 of individual and public felicity interwoven with our
CHAPTER IV. Abstinence from physical love in youth, and frame. It was very natural for men, therefore, to con-
a too early assumption of the married state . . . 242 ceive the idea whether it might not be possible to pro-
CHAPTER V. Happy married state 246 long our existence, and to give more extent to the too
CHAPTER VI. Sleep 250 fleeting enjoyment of so valuable a blessing. This
CHAPTER VII. Bodily exercise 257 question, indeed, has, at all times, engaged the atten-
CHAPTER VHL The enjoyment of free air. Moderate tem- tion of mankind, and in different ways. It has been a
perature of warmth 259 favorite object of the deepest thinking minds ; it has
CHAPTER IX. Rural and country life . 261 afforded a fine field for visionaries ; and has been the
principal allurement employed by quacks and impos-
CHAPTER X. Travelling ....... 267
CHAPTER XL Cleanliness, and care of the skin . . . 272
CHAPTER XH. Proper food. Moderation in eating and drink-
ing. Preservation of the teeth 280 MEANS ADOPTED BY THE ANCIENTS. 3
CHAPTER XHI. Mental tranquillity. Contentment. Dispo-
sitions of mind and employments which tend to prolong life 288 tors : for we shall find that intercourse with spirits, the
CHAPTER XIV. Reality of character 293 secret of making gold, or the art of prolonging life,
CHAPTER XV. Agreeable stimulants of the senses and of were the pretences by which they deluded the multi-
sensation moderately used ... ..... 295 tude, and imposed on the credulity of the public. It is
CHAPTER XVI. Preventing diseases. Judicious treatment of interesting, and may contribute something towards the
them. Proper use of medicine and physicians . . 297 history of the human mind, to see by what various, and
CHAPTER XVH. Relief in cases where one is exposed to often contrary, means people hoped to obtain that
the danger of sudden death 314 benefit ; and, as in latter times, a Cagliostro and a Mes-
CHAPTER XVIII. Old age. Proper treatment of it . . 321 mer have supplied considerable materials for this sub-
CHAPTER XIX. Cultivation of the mental and bodily powers 326 ject, I hope I shall be forgiven if 'I here take a short
view, before I proceed to my main purpose, of the
ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. principal methods that have been employed to lengthen
CHAPTER I. the duration of life.

State of this Science among the Egyptians and the Greeks ; Gym- An idea of this kind prevailed, even in the earliest
nastic : Gerocomic ; Hermippus. State of it in the middle :i; \s ; ages, among the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Ro-
Theophrastus Paracelsus. Astrological method. Talismans. mans. In Egypt, a country which gave birth to si
Thurneiser. Cornaro, and his severe regimen. Method by trans- many romantic notions, means were devised for the
fusion. Lord Bacon. S. Germain. Mesmer. attainment of this object ; and it is not improbable that
such researches may have been occasioned by the un-
THAT incomprehensible power, that immediate influ- healthfulness of the climate, owing to its great heat, and
ence of the Deity which we call the vital principle, the inundations of the Nile. It was believed there,
that life could be prolonged by the continued use of and activity. When one, indeed, reflects what change
emetics and sudorifics. It was, therefore, a general may be produced on diseased limbs by the vital evapo-
custom to take, at least, two emetics every month ; and ration of animals newly killed, and what may be the
instead of saying, How do you find yourself? one asked consequence of applying living animals to parts affected
another, How do you perspire ? This passion among with pain, this method will appear not to be altogether
the Greeks, under the influence of a pure and serene despicable.
atmosphere, assumed a different direction. These peo-
ple were persuaded that a rational enjoyment of nature, It is highly probable that the great value which the
and the continual exercise of their powers, were the Greeks and the Romans set upon inspiring pure sound
surest means of strengthening the vital principle, arid of breath may have been founded on these ideas ; and the
following ancient inscription, discovered at Rome in the
last century, seems to allude to this subject :


4: ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. JEsculapio et Sanitati.

prolonging life. Hippocrates, and all the physicians L. Clodius Hermippus,

and philosophers of that period, knew no other method Qui vixit annos cxv. dies v.
of accomplishing this end than by moderation ; the use
of free and pure air ; bathing ; and, above all, by daily Puellarum anhelitu.
friction of the body and exercise. Particular directions Quod etiam post mortem ejus
and rules were laid down for giving violent and gentle Non parum mirantur physici,
motion to the body in a variety of ways : a particular Jam poster!, sic vitam ducite.
art, called the Gymnastic, hence arose ; and the great-
est philosophers and men of learning never forgot that To ^Esculapius and Health
the body and the soul ought to be exercised in the
same proportion. This art, to us almost unknown, of Dedicated
suiting exercise to the different constitutions, situations,
and wants of man ; of employing it, above all, as the By L. Clodius Hermippus,
means of keeping his internal nature in proper activity, Who lived cxv years v days
and thereby not only rendering the causes of disease By the breath of young maids.
ineffectual, but also curing diseases which have already
appeared, they, indeed, brought to an extraordinary Whether this inscription be authentic or not, it gave
degree of perfection. One Herodicus, we are told, occasion, in the beginning of the present century, to a
carried these ideas so far that he compelled his patients work in which one Dr. Cohausen endeavors, with much
to walk ; to suffer their bodies to be rubbed ; and, the learning, to prove that Hermippus was the master of a training school,
more the disease weakened them, to endeavor to over- or teacher of female children, at Rome,
come that weakness by strengthening the muscular who, by living continually amidst a circle of young maids,
powers : and he had the good fortune to lengthen seve- had been enabled to prolong his life to so great an age.
ral years, by this method, the lives of so many enfeebled He advises people, therefore, with much benevolence, to
patients, that Plato reproached him with having acted expose themselves, every evening and morning, to the
very unjustly towards these unfortunate people, in pro- breath of young innocent maidens ; and asserts, that they
longing, by artificial means, that existence of which they will thereby contribute in an incredible degree, to the
would always have less and less enjoyment. The clear- strengthening and preserving the vital power ; as, accord-
est ideas and most agreeable to nature on preserving and ing to the saying of the adepts, the first matter is con-
lengthening life may be found in Plutarch, who, by the tained purest in the breath of innocence.
happiest old age, confirmed the truth of his prescrip-
But that long period of darkness during the middle
ages, when all clear and natural conceptions were ban-
ished by fanaticism and superstition ; when the specula-
MEANS ADOPTED BY THE ANCIENTS. 5 tive indolence of the cloister gave rise to some chemical
and physical discoveries, which served rather to bewil-
tions. His information on this subject, he concludes der than enlighten the understanding, and tended more
with the following rules, which may suit also the present to promote credulity than enlarge knowledge, was the
age : " Keep your head cool, and your feet warm ; in-
stead of employing medicine for every indisposition,
rather fast a day ; and while you attend to the body,
never neglect the mind." <THE CHEMICAL METHOD. 7

A singular method of prolonging life, ascribed also to most fertile in romantic notions on this subject. It was
the earliest ages, was the Gerocomic ; or the custom of during this night of ignorance that the most monstrous
inspiring new strength and vigor into a body enfeebled chimeras of the human mind were produced ; and that
under a load of years, by exposing it to the effluvia of those absurd ideas of witchcraft, sympathy, the philoso-
fresh and blooming youth. A well-known instance of pher's stone, occult qualities, chiromancy, cabala, uni-
this practice may be found in the history of King David ; versal remedies, were established, or at least propaga-
and we learn from several passages in the writings of ted in the world ; and which unfortunately yet prevail,
the ancient physicians, that it was formerly much used, and, though in a changed and modernized form, are
and considered as of great efficacy in relieving the in- still employed to mislead mankind. Amidst that men-
firmities of age. Even in modern times this prescription tal darkness an opinion arose, that the preservation and
has been followed with advantage. The great Boer- prolongation of life, which, as the gift of nature, had
haave caused an old burgomaster of Amsterdam to sleep been hitherto sought for by the most natural means,
between'two young persons ; and he assures us that the old could be obtained by chemical transmutations, by the
man acquired by these means a visible increase of vigor help of the first matter which men thought they had
caught in retorts, by guarding against the influence of people of the age ; and it is astonishing how long and how
malignant constellations, and by other ridiculous con- firmly they relied on these ideas, though instances could
ceits of the like kind. I hope I shall, therefore, be not be wanting of such predictions proving altogether
here permitted to mention a few of the plans then pro- false. Bishops, dignified clergymen, celebrated philos-
posed to mankind, which, notwithstanding their absurd- ophers and physicians, gave themselves up to the cast-
ity, were nevertheless credited. ing of nativities ; and lectures were read in colleges on
that subject, as well as upon cabala and the art of divi-
One of the most impudent quacks and greatest boast- nation by punctures and circles. As a proof of what I
ers among the prolongers of life was Theophrastus Par- have advanced, let me here be permitted to say a few
acelsus, or, as he is better characterized by his whole words respecting the celebrated Thurneiser, the most
name, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus brilliant phenomenon of this kind ; a man truly singu-
Bombastus ab Hohenheim. He had travelled over half lar. He resided in the last century at the electoral
the world ; had collected receipts and wonder-working court of Berlin, and was physician in ordinary, chemist,
medicines from all quarters and corners ; and, in partic- nativity-caster, almanac-maker, printer, and booksel-
ular, which was very uncommon, had studied in mines ler, all in one person. His reputation in astrology was
the nature and management of metals. He began his so great, that scarcely was there a child born in any re-
career by depreciating every thing before taught ; by spectable family in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Den-
treating all the great public seminaries with the utmost
contempt ; by giving himself out as the first physician


8 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. mark, and even England, whose parents did not imme-
diately despatch a messenger to him with an exact ac-
and philosopher in the world ; and by solemnly assert- count of the moment of its birth. Eight, ten, and twelve
ing that there was no disease which he could not cure, such nativities came to him often at one time ; and he
no life which he could not prolong. As a proof of his was at last so oppressed with them, that he was obliged
insolence and of the high tone in which the quacks of to engage an assistant in his business. Several vol-
the fifteenth century addressed the public, I shall here umes of such questions are still preserved in the library
quote the beginning of his principal work : " Ye must at Berlin, among which there appear some letters from
give way to me, and not I to you ; ye must give way to Queen Elizabeth. Besides, he composed annually an
me, Avicenna, Rhases, Galen, Mesue; ye must give astrological calendar, in which was described not only
way to me, ye of Paris, ye of Montpellier, ye of Swabia, the nature of the year in general, but also the principal
ye of Misnia, ye of Cologne, ye of Vienna, and what- events of it ; and the days on which they would take
ever places lie on the Danube and the Rhine: ye place were distinguished by abbreviations or signs. He,
islands in the sea ; thou Italian, thou Dalmatian, thou indeed, for the most part, did not give the explanation
Athenian, thou Greek, thou Arabian, thou Israelite; of them till the year following; but we find -instances of
you must give way to me, and not I to you. The mon- his having been prevailed upon by money and fair words
archy is mine ! " One may readily perceive that this au- to explain them before. It is astonishing what the art
thor was not in the wrong when he said, " I am not fine- of indefinite prophetic diction and the favor of accident
spun by nature ; " but he had the art of clothing his ab- can effect. This calendar supported itself above twenty
surdities in so dark and mysterious language, that people years ; had a rapid and extensive sale ; and, with other
imagined they contained the deepest secrets which they quackeries, procured to the author an estate of 100,000
here and there sought to discover; and that, at any florins.
rate, it was impossible to contradict him. By these
means, and by the new and accidental effects of some But in an art which prescribed such certain and un-
chemical preparations which he first introduced into passable boundaries to the life of man, how was it pos-
medicine, he attracted great notice ; and his fame was sible to find the means of prolonging it ? This was
so far extended, that pupils and patients flocked to him -done in the following simple manner : it was supposed
from every part of Europe ; and that even an Erasmus that, as every man lay under the influence of a certain
did not disdain to consult him. He died, however, in star, every other body, plants, animals, and even whole
the fiftieth year of his age, though he possessed the districts and single houses had each its own star, by
stone of immortality ; and when this vegetable sulphur which it was ruled ; and that, besides, there was an in-
is closely examined, it is found to be nothing else than timate connection and sympathy between the planets
a hot substance much like the liquor of Hoffmann. .and the metals. As soon as it was known from what
But it was not enough that recourse should be had to


constellation or planet a man's misfortune or sickness
chemistry and the world of spirits in order to prolong proceeded, nothing more was necessary than that he
our days ; the stars also must be employed for that pur- should use such food, drink, and place of residence as
pose. It was at the above period commonly believed, were under the government of an opposite planet. This
that the influence of the stars, which people could not produced a new regimen, but totally different from that
allow themselves to suppose idle, ruled over the lives of the Greeks already mentioned. If a day occurred
and fortunes of men ; that every planet or constellation which, on account of its unfavorable constellation, gave
could give to the whole frame of the being born under reason to apprehend severe sickness or other evils,
it, a certain disposition to good or evil ; and that, conse- people retired to a spot which lay under the disposition
quently, it was necessary only for an astrologer to know of a friendly star, or they took such nourishment and
the hour and minute of a person's birth to discover his medicine as, under the protection of a beneficent star,
temperament, capacity, and fate ; to foretell the diseases would annihilate the influence of the malignant one.*
to which he would be subject, the death he would die, On the same grounds people hoped for a prolongation of
and even the last day of his existence. This opinion life by talismans and amulets. Because the metals
prevailed not only among the ignorant multitude, but were in intimate connection with the planets, to wear a
among the greatest, the wisest, and the most judicious talisman of the proper metal, which had been melted,
cast, and stamped under certain constellations, was suf- but he became sounder than ever he had been befcre.
ficient to appropriate to oneself the whole power and He resolved, therefore, to restrain himself more and
protection of the planets with which it was connected. more, and to use nothing except what was absolutely
People had not only talismans which averted the dis- necessary for his subsistence. For sixty whole years
eases of one planet, but talismans for all astral diseases ; he took no more than twelve ounces of food, every thing
included, and thirteen ounces of drink daily. He
* About that period, Marsilius Ficinus, in his Treatise on the avoided also violent heat and cold, as well as passion ;
Prolongation of Life, advised all prudent people to consult an and by this uniform regimen he kept not only his body
astrologer every seven years, in order that they should be ap- but also his mind in such a state of equality that noth-
prised of the dangers which might threaten them during the fol- ing was able to derange them. When at a great age,
lowing seven ; and in particular to respect and to use properly he lost an important lawsuit ; and though this disap-
the means of the three holy kings, Gold, Frankincense, and pointment hurried two of his brothers to the grave, he
Myrrh. M. Pansa, in the year 1470, dedicated to the Council at remained perfectly sound and resigned. He was once
Leipsic, a book De propaganda vita ; Aureus libellus : in which he thrown from a carriage and trod under the feet of the
strongly advised these gentlemen, above all things, to make horses, so that an arm and one of his feet were dislocated ;
known their favorable and unfavorable aspects, and to be on their
guard every seven years, because Saturn, a hostile, malignant
planet, ruled at those periods.

but he caused them to be reduced, and, without the use

12 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. of any medicine, was soon restored to his former condi-
tion. But what is most worthy of remark, and what
and some even which, by a particular mixture of dif- proves how dangerous the smallest deviation from long
ferent metals, and the peculiar art employed in melting custom may be, is what follows. When he was eighty
them, acquired the wonderful power of destroying the years of age, his friends prevailed upon him, as his body
whole influence of an unlucky nativity ; of advancing now required more nourishment, to make a little ad- dition to his food.
to offices of dignity, and of rendering the most essential Though well aware that with the
service in regard to commerce or marriage. Was Mars general decay of strength the powers of digestion de-
imprinted on a talisman in the sign Scorpio, and had it crease also, and that in old age one Ought rather to les-
been cast under that constellation, it rendered the per- sen than increase the quantity of nourishment, he gave
son who wore it invincible and invulnerable ; and the way to their request, and raised his food to fourteen
German soldiers were so prepossessed with this idea, and his drink to sixteen ounces. " Scarcely," says he,
that, as a French writer informs us, after a defeat which " had I continued this mode of living ten days, when I
they sustained in France,, amulets were found hanging began, instead of being cheerful and lively as before, to
from the necks of all the killed and prisoners. The become uneasy and dejected, a burden to myself and to
image of the planet-deity must not, however, for the others. On the twelfth day, I was seized with a pain
above purpose, have an antique, but a mystic and ro- in my side, which lasted twenty-four hours ; and this
mantic figure and dress. For jovial diseases one had was followed by a fever, which continued with so much
a talisman with the figure of Jupiter, which bore a per- violence for thirty-five days, that my life was despaired
fect resemblance to an old professor of Wittenberg or of. But, by the blessing of God, and my former regi-
Basle. He was represented like a man with a beard, men, I recovered ; and now, in my eighty-third year, I
in a wide gown lined with fur, holding in the one hand enjoy a happy state both of body and mind. I can
an open book, and demonstrating with the right. I mount my horse without assistance; I climb steep hills ;
should not have dwelt so long on the present subject, and I have lately written a play abounding in innocent
had not this conceit of the last century been again wit and humor. When I return home from a private
revived a few years ago by Cagliostro, and found par- comp'any, or the senate, I find eleven grandchildren,
tisans here and there towards the end of the eighteenth. whose education, amusements, and songs are the delight
The more ridiculous and abstruse these conceptions of my old age. I often sing myself along with them,
were, the more respectable must be the memory of a for my voice is now clearer and stronger than ever it was
man who could fortunately rise superior to them, and in my youth ; and I am a stranger to those peevish and
discover the art of prolonging life by pursuing the path
of temperance and of nature. Cornaro, who by the
simplest and strictest regimen, and an unexampled per-
severance in his plan, attained happily to a great age, METHOD BY TRANSFUSION. 15

morose humors which fall so often to the lot of old age."

In this happy disposition he attained to his hundredth
THE DIETETIC METHOD. 13 year ; but his example has never been imitated.*

which rewarded him richly for his self-denial, and gave There was a period when people in France seemed
an instructive lesson to posterity, was an Italian. One to be so little acquainted with the value of blood, that
cannot read the history of the life and abstinence of this Louis XIII., in the last ten months of his life, was bled
veteran of eighty-three, and hear how he praises that forty-seven times ; and besides, he was made to take
serenity and contentment for which he was indebted to two hundred and fifteen purgatives, and to use a glyster
his mode of living, without participating in his happi- two hundred and ten times. Soon after, attempts were
ness and his cheerful sensations. Till the fortieth year made, by a process directly contrary, that of filling the
of his age he had led a life of dissipation ; had been veins with fresh youthful blood, to invigorate and pro-
always subject to colics, pains in his limbs, and a long the life of man, and to remove incurable disorders-
fever ; and was so far reduced by the last, that his phy- This method was called transfusion : and the operation
sicians assured him he could not live above two months ; was performed by opening two veins, and, by means of
that all medicine would be useless ; and that the only a small pipe, conveying blood from the artery of an-
thing which could be recommended for him was a spare other living creature into the one vein, whilst the blood
diet. Having followed this advice, he found, after some was suffered to flow off through the other. Some success-
days, that he was much better ; and at the end of a few ful experiments of this kind had been made in England
years his health was not only perfectly reestablished, upon animals ; and it is certain that some old, lame
beasts, sheep, calves, and horses, by filling their bodies He thence concludes, that, by guarding against th's
with the blood of a young animal, had acquired, at consumption, and by renewing our juices from time to
least, after some time, sufficient activity and vigor ; nay,, time, life may be prolonged. For preventing external
attempts were even made to inspire courage into tim- consumption, he recommends in particular the cold
orous animals by the blood of some wild and ferocious- bath, and after bathing, that friction with oil and oint-
one. Encouraged by these experiments, people did not ments which was so much practised by the ancients.
hesitate to try if they could not restore men by the same To lessen internal consumption, he prescribes tranquil-
means. Dr. Denys and M. Emerez, at Paris, were in- lity of mind, cooling food, with the use of opium and
deed so fortunate as to cure a young man who labored opiates,* by which the too great vivacity of the internal
under a lethargy which had resisted all the power of emotions will be moderated, and the wasting connected

* I would earnestly advise people, before they begin this regi- * I trust that none of the readers of this book will be tempted
men in the strictest sense, to consult their physican ; for abstinence to make vise of opium or opiates, upon this prescription of
carried so far will not be salutary to every one. Bacon. That philosopher must have reasoned upon the theo-
retical properties of opiates as sedatives ; but practical observa-
tion proves them to be stimulants, and consequently means
which tend to increase " internal consumption " very powerfully.
16 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. The habitual use of opium and opiates would certainly have the
effect of shortening rather than of lengthening life. EDITOR.
medicine, and during which he had been blooded twenty 2
times, by filling his veins with the blood of a lamb ; and
likewise a lunatic, by exchanging his blood for that of
a calf. But as only the most incurable and wretched
of mankind were chosen for these experiments, it soon 18 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
happened that some of them died during the operation ;
and since that time no one has ventured to try it.* It with them will be retarded. But, to remedy the una-
has, however, been practised on animals here, at Jena, voidable desiccation and corruption of the juices, the
with great success : and indeed it ought not to be en- attendant of increasing years, he considers the best
lirely rejected ; for, though the strange blood introduced method to be to undergo every two or three years a
into our bodies must be soon converted into our own, renovating process, which consists in first freeing the
and much, consequently, cannot be hoped from it in re- body from all the old and corrupted juices, by spare
diet and cathartics ; and then again filling the dry ves-
* Transfusion has now become a standard and most important sels with new juices, by means of choice refreshing
(Operation, and has been the means of saving many lives. It is and nourishing food ; and thus, in the properest sense,
applied in cases of extreme loss of blood, wherein every other to renew and invigorate one's self periodically. The
proceeding but that of the restoration of the lost blood must truth contained in these ideas cannot be denied ; and,
necessarily fail. The first idea of transfusion dates back to the with some modification, these precepts might at all
early part of the seventeenth century, and is mentioned in 1615, times be employed.
by Andreas Libavius, in a work on the Transmutation of Metals.
In England, the operation was performed on animals, by Dr. At present, men have made more progress in the
Lower and Mr. Edmund King, in the year 1666, and later in the arts that shorten life than in that of prolonging it.
same year, after the news of Denys's success on the human sub- Abundance of quacks have appeared, and still appear,
ject. * Dr. Denys and M. Emerez were the first to apply transfu- who with astralish salts, gold tinctures, ethereal essences,
sion to man, and their first success was very wonderful; the celestial beds, and the magic of magnetism, promise
results, however, proved unsatisfactory, and the operation was to arrest the course of nature. It was, however, soon
prohibited by parliament. Dr. Riva met with a like want of suc- found that the celebrated tea of long life, of the Count
cess in Italy, and the operation was prohibited by an edict of the de St. Germain, was only a very vulgar mixture of
Pope. It WAS reserved for Dr. Blundell to discover the secret of sandal-wood, senna leaves, and fennel ; that the elixir
its failure, and revive transfusion in this country; he pointed out of life, so much boasted of by Cagliostro, was merely a
the impropriety of conveying the blood of animals into the human simple but very hot stomachic ; that the wonderful vir-
system, and was the first to employ human blood for the purpose. tue of magnetism depended on the combined effects of
By paying attention to this rule, and the invention of suitable imagination, nervous irritation, and sensibility; and
apparatus, the operation may now be deemed perfectly safe ; a that the vaunted ethereal salts and gold tinctures con-
result for which we are indebted to Dr. James Blundell, Dr. tributed more to benefit their inventor, than to prolong
Charles Waller, and Mr. Doubleday. EDITOR. the lives of those who employed them.

The phenomenon of magnetism deserves in a par-

ticular manner not to be omitted in this catalogue.
METHOD OF LORD BACON. 17 Mesmer, an enthusiastic physician, who becoming a

gard to renewing and prolonging life, the sudden and

unaccustomed impression made by new blood upon the
noblest of the vital organs, may still, in certain disor- METHOD BY MAGNETISM. 19
ders, particularly of the mind and nervous system, pro-
duce a great and salutary revolution. bankrupt had fallen into contempt, and who, in all
probability, was not so much assisted by invisible pow-
The great Bacon, whose genius embraced every ers as encouraged by negligent magistrates, at length
branch of science, and who first pointed out to the hu- conceived the idea of making artificial magnets, which
man mind, which had long wandered amidst error, the he sold as a sovereign remedy for many diseases, such
path to conduct it back to truth, this great man himself as lameness, the gout, toothache, headache, etc. As he
thought the question respecting the prolongation of life found that this plan succeeded, he advanced a step
worthy of his attention and researches. His ideas on further, and asserted that he had no more occasion for
this subject are bold and new. He considers life as a artificial magnets, but that he himself was the grand
flame, which is continually consumed by the surround- magnet which should magnetize the world. His own
ing atmosphere. Every body, even^the hardest, is by person, he pretended, was so filled with magnetic vir-
this incessant evaporation decomposed and destroyed. tue, that he could communicate it to another by the
touch, by stretching out his finger, and even by a single in examining a matter of so much importance, and to
look. He, indeed, produced instances of people, who, establish the method of prolonging life in such a manner,
being touched by him, or even looked at, declared they on the principles of physics and animal economy, that
had experienced sensations as if they had been struck not only a more definite rule of life may be thence de-
with a stick, or a piece of iron. This singular virtue duced, but also that this object in future may be ren-
he called animal magnetism ; and he connected with dered of no use to quacks and impostors, who, as is well
that strange appellation whatever is dearest to man, known, can carry on their deceptions within the pre-
life, wisdom, and health; which by these means he cincts of science only so long as they are not enlightened
could dispense and diffuse at his pleasure. by the torch of accurate investigation.

As he was not long permitted to propagate his en-

thusiasm at Vienna, he removed to Paris ; and it was
there that he first properly began to exhibit. He had CHAPTER II.
astonishing success ; every one wished to be cured by
him ; and all were desirous of participating in his virtue, Inquiry into the nature of the vital power and the duration of life in
and of being able to perform miracles also. He estab- general. Properties and laws of the vital power. Definition of
lished a secret society, every member of which was life. Vital consumption inseparable consequence of vital opera-
obliged to subscribe 100 louis d'ors ; and he at length tion. Term of life. Causes of the duration of life. Eetardation
boldly declared that he was the man whom Providence of vital consumption. Possibility of prolonging life. Intensive and
had chosen for the grand business of renovating human extensive life. Sleep.
nature, so visibly decayed. As a proof of what has
THE first thing necessary in regard to the prolonga-
tion of life must undoubtedly be a more intimate ac-
quaintance with the nature of life, and in particular with
20 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. the vital power, the grand cause of all life.

been here said, I shall lay before the reader only the May it not be possible, therefore, to investigate more
following address, which he caused to be made to the accurately the internal nature of that sacred flame, and
public by one of his apostles : " Behold a discovery thence to discover by what it can be nourished, and by
which will bring invaluable advantages to mankind, what it is weakened ? I am perfectly sensible of the
and eternal fame to its author ! Behold a general boldness of this undertaking. I approach the sanctum
revolution ! Other men will inhabit the- earth ; they sanctorum of Nature ; and we have too many instances
will be checked in their career of life by no weakness ; of daring adventurers, who, blinded in such attempts,
and will be acquainted with our evils only by tradition ! were obliged to turn back with confusion ; and Hallcr
Mothers will suffer less from the dangers of pregnancy himself, her most intimate confidant, was forced to ex-
and the pains of childbirth ; and they will bring forth claim :
stronger children, who will possess the activity, energy,
and courage of the old world. Animals and plants, No mortal being, howe'er keen his eye,
alike susceptible of . the magnetic virtue, will be free Can into Nature's deepest secrets pry.
from diseases ; flocks will more easily increase ; the
productions in our gardens will have more vigor ; the This, however, ought not* to deter us. Nature is, at
trees will produce more beautiful fruit ; and the human all times, a kind mother ; she loves and rewards those
mind, in possession of this agent, will perhaps present who seek for her ; and though it may not always be
to Nature effects still more wonderful. Who can know
how far its influence may extend?"

One might imagine that one here read some of those NATURE OF THE VITAL POWER. 23
dreams of the middle ages ; but all these pompous
promises, and the prospects which they gave rise to, possible for us to reach the perhaps too exalted object
instantly vanished, when a commission, at the head of of our aim, we may, nevertheless, be certain to find, by
which was Dr. Franklin, had closely examined the the way, so much new and interesting matter as will
agency of this magnetism. The veil was withdrawn, amply reward us for attempting to approach nearer to
and nothing has remained of the whole deception ex- her. Let us only beware of forcing ourselves upon her
cept animal electricity, and the conviction that it can with too rash and precipitate steps; let our minds be
be put in activity by handling and stroking the body unprejudiced and open to conviction ; let our progress
various ways ; but it is certain that, without the help of be cautious ; let us ever be attentive to guard against
nervous weakness and enthusiasm, it will never produce deception and phantoms of the mind ; and let our path,
these wonderful phenomena, and that it is still less able if not the most convenient, be the certain path of expe-
to prolong the life of man. rience and of regular proof; and let us shun the bolder
flights of hypothesis, which, in the end, generally prove
to the world that the wings which supported them were
cemented with wax. In this path we shall, with the
ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 21 greatest certainty, avoid the fate of those philosophers
of whom Bacon says, with much justice, " They a.'e
It almost appears that mankind wish now to abandon night-owls, who see their visions in darkness, but be-
these ideas entirely to quacks, especially as the more come blind in tlie light of experience ; and who per-
enlightened part make amends for the failure of this in- ceive least that which is clearest." By this path, and
vention, by having found that length of life does not with such a disposition of mind, the friends of Nature,
consist in number of days, but in the use and enjoyment since the time of that great man, have approached
of it. nearer to her than any one ever did before ; discoveries
have been made respecting her most hidden secrets ;
But as it is impossible that the one can make up for and her most concealed powers have been applied to
the other, and as at present our acquaintance with the purposes which astonish the present age, and which will
nature of organized life, and the laws to which it is sub- still excite the wonder of posterity. By these means it
jected, has been enlarged and carried to greater perfec- has been possible, through indefatigable research, even
tion, it is worth while to employ this improved knowledge without knowing the internal nature of things, to de-
termine and estimate her powers and properties so ac- enjoyment of it. For I have remarked, that the sensa-
curately that we at least have a practical knowledge of tion of the value and felicity of life is always very near-
them, and can employ them for the uses of life. The ly proportioned to the greater or less abundance of the
mind of man has thus been able to subdue even un- vital power ; and that, as a certain overflow of it makes
one more capable of action and exertion, and of relish-


known agents ; to direct them according to pleasure,
and render them of utility. The magnetic and the ing life, nothing is so capable as a want of it to produce
electric power are agents which both elude our senses, that misery and dejection which unfortunately distin-
and whose nature will, perhaps, remain eternally un- guish the present age so much.
searchable ; yet we have rendered them so serviceable
to us, that by the one we can direct our course through By accurate observation of its phenomena in the or-
the ocean, and with the other kindle our night-lamp ganized world, the following properties and laws of it
while in bed. may be established :

I also, perhaps, shall be able to approach nearer to 1st. The vital power is the most subtle, the most pen-
Nature in the present research ; and I flatter myself etrating, and the most invisible agent of Nature, with
that the following method of treating my subject will be which we are as yet acquainted. In these respects it
the most proper to enable me to attain the object I have exceeds light, electricity, and magnetism, to which, how-
in view : first, to define more accurately what is meant ever, it seems to have the closest affinity.
by life and the vital power, and also to establish their
properties : next, to consult Nature respecting the dura- 2nd. Though it pervades every thing, there are cer-
tion of life in general, and that of different organized tain modifications of matter to which it appears to have
bodies in particular ; to collect and compare examples ; greater relationship than to others. It unites, therefore,
and, from the circumstances and situations in which the with these in greater abundance, as well as in a more
life of a created being has a longer or shorter duration, intimate manner, and becomes, as it were, peculiar to
to draw a general conclusion in regard to the most prob- them. This modification of matter we call organic com-
able causes of the shortness or long duration of exist- bination, and structure of component parts ; and the
ence. After these premises, a more rational and satis- bodies which possess them we call organized bodies,
factory answer may be given to the question, Whether plants and animals. This organic structure seems to
and in what manner the life of man can be prolonged ? consist in a certain disposition of the finest particles, and
we here find a remarkable similarity of the vital power
What is life ? and what is the vital power ? These to that of magnetism ; as the latter, by a stroke given to
questions may be classed among many of the like kind a piece of iron, in a certain direction, and which alters
which occur to us during our researches into Nature.. the internal disposition of the finest component parts, is
They appear simple ; relate to the most common phe- immediately excited, and may be again destroyed by a
nomena; and are, however, difficult to be answered. contrary derangement. That, at any rate, the organic
Wherever the philosopher uses the word Power, one structure does not lie in the visible tissue or web, may
may always be assured that he labors under a difficulty, be seen in an egg, in which no traces of organized life
since he explains a thing by a word which is itself a can be found, though it is certain that it there exists.

3rd. It can exist both in a free and a fixed state ; and

in this it has a great resemblance to fire and electricity.

problem ; for, who has ever yet combined a clear idea

with the word Power ? In this manner has been intro- NATURE OF THE VITAL POWER. 27
duced into physics an infinite variety of powers: the
power of gravity, the power of attraction, the electric As these may reside in a body without manifesting them-
power, the magnetic power, which, at bottom, signify selves externally until they are called forth by a suita-
nothing more than the letter that expresses the unknown ble stimulus, the vital power, in like manner, may long
quantity in algebra. We must, however, have expres- reside in a fixed state, in an organized body, without in-
sions for things whose existence is undeniable, though dicating itself in any other way than by supporting and
their agency be incomprehensible ; and I hope I shall preserving itself from dissolution. Of this we have
be here permitted to use them, though it is not yet de- some astonishing instances. A grain of corn can retain
termined whether what I treat of be really matter, or life in a fixed state for years, and an egg several months :
only a property of it. it neither evaporates nor corrupts ; and the stimulus of
heat alone can disengage the confined power, and call
The vital power is, without dispute, one of the most forth the expansive principle of life. Nay, the already
general, the most incomprehensible, and the most pow- expanding organic life can in this manner be again
erful of all the powers of Nature. It fills and gives mo- checked and confined, yet exist some time in that state,
tion to every thing ; and, in all probability, is the graid and preserve the organization intrusted to it, of which
source from which all the other powers of the physical, the polypes and animal plants in particular afford us
or at least the organized world proceed. It is that the most remarkable instances.
which produces, supports, and renews every thing ; by it
the creation, after so many thousands of years, revives 4th. As it seems to have a different affinity to differ-
every spring with the same freshness and beauty as ent organized bodies, and abound more in some and less
when it first came from the hand of its Maker. It is in others, its union with some is likewise stronger, and
inexhaustible and infinite, a real eternal emanation of with others weaker. And it is worthy of remark, that,
the Deity. In short, it is this which, purified and where it abounds in the greatest quantity and perfection,
exalted by a more perfect organization, kindles up the it seems there to be more loosely combined. To the
powers of thought and of the soul ; and which gives to imperfect, weak-lived polype, for example, it adheres
rational beings, together with life, the sensation and with more force than to a more perfect animal in a
higher degree of existence. For the present inquiry winter half torpid, among the snow; the apparently
this observation is of the utmost importance. dead swallow and the pupa? of insects continue under
the ice without being frozen. When the frost increases
5th. It gives to every body which it pervades an en-, * The galantlms nivalis, snowdrop, pushes itself from the frozen
tirely new character, a specific superiority to other parts earth through the snow, and its flower remains unhurt, notwith-
of the corporeal world. In the first ' place, it renders standing the severe night frosts. Mr. Hunter caused fish to be
them susceptible of impressions as a stimulus, and frozen into water. As long as they lived, the water, though
makes them capable of reaction ; and, secondly, it frees congealed everywhere else, remained around them fluid, and
them from the general physical and chemical laws of formed a real hole ; but as soon as they died, that part froze up


inanimate nature : so that one may with propriety say,
by the assistance of the vital power a body is trans- so much as to weaken or oppress the vital power, it can
ferred from the mechanical and chemical world to a then, only, overcome it, and penetrate a living body.
new one, the organic or living world. Here the gen- This phenomenon depends in particular on that prop-
eral physical laws of Nature have place only in part, erty which the vital power possesses, of exciting warmth ;
and with certain limitations. All impressions in a liv- as we shall see hereafter.
ing body are modified and counteracted in a manner dif-
ferent from what they are in an inanimate body. In a 7th. A total loss of the vital power is attended with
living body, therefore, no process merely mechanical or a dissolution of the organized structure of the body
chemical is possible ; and every thing assumes the char- which it before filled. The matter of the body obeys
acter of life. A blow, or any stimulus, cold and heat, the laws and affinities of inanimate chemical nature, to
act in a living body according to laws altogether pecu- which it now belongs; its first principles are divided
liar ; and in every effect thence produced must be consid- and separated ; and corruption, under the usual circum-
ered as compounded of the external impression and the stances, follows; which can alone convince us that a
reaction of the vital power. body has been totally deprived of the vital power. But
it is a great and striking observation that corruption
In this lie the grounds of the peculiarity of different itself, which seems to annihilate all life, must be the
species, and even of different individuals. We observe means of calling forth new life again ; and that it is
daily that plants which grow near each other in the properly nothing else than a highly important process
same soil, and which receive the very same nour- to disengage in the speediest manner the component
ishment, are widely different in their form, sap, and parts, no longer susceptible of life under that form, and
properties. This is the case also in the animal king- to make them fit for new organic combination and life.
dom ; and hence the common expression, " every one No sooner is a body thus decomposed than its fine par-
has his own peculiar nature." ticles begin to be again animated in a thousand small
worms, or to display their revival under the figure of
6th. The vital power is the principal support of the beautiful grass : the most vivid flowers recommence, in
body in which it resides. It not only binds and keeps this manner, the great circle of organic life ; and, by a
together the whole organization, but it counteracts also, few changes, become a year after component parts per-
very strongly, the destructive influence of the other haps of as perfect a human being as that with which
powers of Nature, so far as they depend on chemical they appeared to corrupt. Their apparent death was
laws, which it is able to annihilate, or at least to mod- only a transition to a new life ; and the vital power
ify. Among these, I reckon, in particular, the effects leaves a body only that it may unite itself again with
of putrefaction, of the atmosphere, and of frost. No it in a more perfect manner.
living being putrefies ; a previous weakening or annihi-
8th. The vital power may be weakened, and even


lation of the vital power is always necessary in order
to render corruption possible. Even in a fixed and totally destroyed, by certain causes ; and by others can
inactive state, it is able to keep off corruption. No- be excited, strengthened, and nourished. Among those
egg, so long as it contains the vital power ; no grain of which destroy it may be reckoned in particular cold, the
corn, no silk worm inclosed in its cocoon, no insect ap- great enemy of all life. A moderate degree of cold,
parently dead, corrupts ; and it is truly astonishing how however, can be so far strengthening, as it concentrates
it can preserve bodies which have such a strong ten- the vital power and prevents its consumption : but this
dency to putrefaction as that of man has,, for sixty,, strengthening is negative, not positive ; and a higher de-
eighty, or a hundred years. By its binding property it gree of cold banishes it entirely. In cold, no vital
withstands the power of the atmosphere, the second expansion can take place ; no egg can be hatched ; no
cause of destruction, which, in the end, dissolves the- grain of corn shoot forth.
hardest bodies, and makes them fall to pieces. In like
manner, the dangerous excitation of the particles of fire To these also belong certain derangements which
keeps off frost. No living body freezes ; that is to say, seem to have effect partly by annihilating the vital
so long as its vital power is in activity, frost cannot power, and partly by a destructive alteration of the in-
destroy it. Amidst the ice mountains of the South and ternal organized disposition of the particles. Thus a
North pole, where all Nature appears to be in a state violent electric shock, or lightning, deprives -plants and
of torpor, one sees living creatures, and even men, who animals of life, instantaneously, without leaving the
are not affected by the general congelation.* This least trace of their having injured the organs ; and thus
property of the vital power seems not confined merely among more perfect beings in particular, may the vital
to its active, but belong also to its fixed state. An power be destroyed, in a moment, by violent agitations
egg, or a grain of corn, possessed of life, freezes much of the mind, such as sudden fear or joy.
later than one that is dead. The bear passes the whole
Lastly, there are certain physical powers which are It was placed in a bed thoroughly warmed, with the
highly capable of weakening and even of annihilating head raised up, the arms stretched out close to it on
it ; and these, therefore, we commonly call poisons : as, each side, and the legs laid together. No other process
for example, the smallpox infection, laurel water, the was employed than the application of warm cloths to
essential oil of bitter almonds, etc. the stomach and legs. Warm stones, also, wrapped up
in cloth, were placed in different parts of the bed. In
But there are agents also of a contrary kind, which the course of seven or eight minutes a small motion was
have a friendship for, and an affinity to, the vital power ; observed in the eyelids. A little while after, the under
and which are capable of exciting, invigorating, and, in jaw, which had been fast locked to the. upper one, be-
great probability, of affording it a subtle nourishment. came loose ; the patient foamed at the mouth, and he
These, in particular, are, light, heat, and air, or rather was able to swallow a few spoonfuls of wine. His pulse
oxygen, three celestial gifts, which, with great pro- now returned, #nd at the end of an hour he was able to
priety, may be called the friends and guardian spirits speak. Warmth, in cases of apparent death, acts evi-
of life. dently with as much power as on the first expansion of


LIGHT, the first of these, is, without doubt, the most
intimate friend and relation of life ; and, in this respect, life : it nourishes the smallest sparks of the vital princi-
has certainly a much more essential effect than is com- ple still remaining; fans them, and gradually rouses
monly believed. The life of every created being is the them into a flame.
more perfect the more it enjoys the influence of light.
Let a plant or an animal be deprived of light, notwith- The third important nourisher of life is AIR. We find
standing every nourishment, care, and cultivation, it will no being that can live entirely without air ; and sud-
first lose its color, then its strength, and at last entirely den, sometimes instantaneous, death is to most of them
decay. Even man, who passes his life in darkness, be- the consequence of its being withdrawn. What makes
comes pale, relaxed, and heavy, and at length loses the its influence highly visible is, that those animals which
whole energy of life ; as is proved by the many melan- breathe are more abundant in the vital power, and pos-
choly instances of persons shut up in gloomy dungeons. sess it in greater perfection, than those which do not
Nay, I do not think I say too much when I assert, that breathe. Dephlogisticated or empyreal air appears,
organized life is possible only under the influence of principally, to be that component part of our atmos-
light, and in all probability through it ; for in the bowels phere which affords the strongest and best nourishment
of the earth, in the deepest caverns, where eternal night to the vital power ; and in the present age, since the
prevails, nothing is seen but what we call unorganized wonder-working art of chemistry has taught us to pro-
life. There nothing breathes, there nothing feels ; and duce it pure, people, on inspiring it, have experienced a
the only productions which one finds are a few kinds of general sensation of strengthening and invigoration.
mould and stone moss, the first most imperfect degree The grand principle of this empyreal or vital air is by
of vegetation. For that reason, this vegetation, for the chemists called oxygen ; and this component part is that
most part, shows itself only on old or rotten wood. The properly which in the air which contains life, and passes
expansion of organized life must, therefore, be here ex- into the blood by breathing. Water, also, belongs to
cited by wood and water, or by that putrefaction which the agents friendly to life, so far as it contains oxygen ;
generates life, and which in those abysses does not exist. and |t certainly promotes life, for without fluidity no ex-
pansion of life is possible.
The second, no less beneficent friend of the vital
power, is HEAT, which is alone able to call forth the I think I may with justice, therefore, assert, that
first movements of life. When winter has reduced all light, heat, and oxygen are the real proper nourishment
nature to a deathlike condition, let the genial warmth and sustenance .of the vital power. Grosser kinds of
of the spring atmosphere only breathe upon it, and all nourishment, setting aside the quantity of oxygen and
its dormant powers are awakened to activity. The empyreal matter which they contain, seem to serve
nearer we approach the poles, every thing becomes rather for supporting the organs and rep.airing the con-
sumption. Were not this the case, one could not ex-
plain how created beings can maintain life so long with-


deader, and we at length find districts where absolutely PROLONGED ABSTINENCE. 35

no plant, insect, or small animal can exist, and where
only large masses of being, such as whales, bears, and out nourishment. Let us only consider the chicken in
the like, can retain that warmth necessary for life. In an egg. It lives without the smallest external support ;
a word, where there is life there is heat, in a greater or expands itself, and becomes a perfect animal. A hya-
less degree ; and between both there is a very impor- cinth, or any other bulbous plant, can, without the least
tant and inseparable connection. Warmth gives life, nourishment except the evaporation of water ex-
and life again excites warmth ; and it seems difficult to pand and shoot forth a stem crowned with beautiful
determine which is the cause, and which the effect. leaves and flowers. Even among more perfect animals
we observe phenomena which would otherwise be inex-
Of the extraordinary power which heat has to nour- plicable. Dr. George Fordyce, for example, inclosed
ish and awaken life, the following entirely new and de- gold fish in vessels filled with well-water ; gave them at
cisive instance deserves to be mentioned. On the 2nd first fresh water every twenty-four hours, but afterwards
of August, 1790, a carabinier, named Petit, threw him- only every three days ; and yet they lived fifteen months
self, entirely naked, into the Rhine, from a window of without any nourishment, and, what is more wonderful,
the military hospital at Strasburg. This circumstance became twice as big. But, as it might have been be-
was observed about three o'clock in the afternoon ; and lieved that the water contained a multitude of invisible
the body remained above half an hour in the water be- nutritive particles, he distilled it ; added air to it again ;
fore it was drawn out, to all appearance perfectly dead. and, to prevent the introduction of insects, closed up
the vessels with great care. Notwithstanding all this, organized nature the component parts which are added
the fish lived a long time, increased in size, and had ex- to the body ; that is, to unite them according to the laws
cretions. How is it possible that man himself could of organization, and also to give them that structure and
endure hunger so long and yet retain life, if the nutri- form which the end of organization requires.
ment of the vital power were necessarily derived from
the substances by which he is nourished ? A French llth. The vital power pervades all the parts of an
officer, after a tedious and severe illness, was seized organized living body, whether fluids or solids ; but it
with a mental disorder, during which he resolved to manifests itself in different ways, according to the differ-
starve himself to death ; and he continued so firm to his ence of the organs ; in the nerves, by sensibility ; in the
purpose that, for the space of forty-six days he did not muscles, by irritability, etc. This it does for some time
take the smallest grain of food. On the fifth day he visibly and without interruption, and is what we name
asked only for some distilled water ; and as half a pint generation or growth, until the organized body has at-
of anise-seed water was given to him, he used the whole tained to its destined degree of perfection. This plas-
of it in three days. His friends, however, having rep- tic, creative power, does not, however, cease to act ; but
resented to him that this quantity was too much, he put what was before growth, becomes now constant renova-
tion ; and this incessant regeneration is- one of the most
important means which support the being.


into each glass of water that he drank no more than 38 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
three drops ; and in this manner his half-pint lasted till
the thirty -ninth day. He then gave over drinking, and These observations on the nature of this wonderful
for the last eight days took nothing at all. After the power are sufficient. It will now be easier for us to
thirty-sixth day he was obliged to lie in bed ; and it is speak in a more precise manner on the influence
remarkable that this man, extremely clean in other re- which this power has on life ; to explain what life
spects, exhaled during the whole time of his fasting, a properly is ; and to say something decisive concerning
very offensive smell, in consequence of the interrupted its duration.
renovation of his juices, and the corruption attending
it ; and that his eyes became weak. All advice proved LIFE, in an organized being, means the free active
ineffectual, and his friends gave him up as lost, when state of the before-mentioned power, and the activity
the voice of Nature was suddenly awakened within him and efficiency of the organs inseparably connected with
by an accident. He saw a child with a piece of bread it. The vital power, therefore, is only capacity ; life
and butter enter the apartment where he was. This itself, action. Every life, consequently, is a continued
sight excited his appetite so much at once that he begged operation of the efficiency of the power and of organic
for some soup. A few spoonfuls of rice broth were now exertion. A continual consumption of the power and
given him every two hours ; some stronger food was of the organs is necessarily the immediate consequence
gradually added ; and his health, though slowly, was in of this process ; and, on that account, an incessant reno-
this manner again wholly restored. But it is very sin- vation of both is requisite in order that life may be
gular that while he fasted and was weak, his phrensy supported. The process of life may then be considered
and wild imaginations forsook him, and that he answered as a continued process of consumption ; and its essence
when addressed by his usual name ; but as soon as he may be defined an uninterrupted wasting and repara-
had acquired strength by eating, his whole train of in- tion of ourselves. Life has been already often com-
coherent ideas again returned.* pared to a flame ; and indeed the operation in both is the
same. Destructive and creative powers are engaged,
9th. There is still a cause which tends to weaken and with never-ceasing activity, in a continual struggle
diminish the vital power, and which lies in itself, namely, within us ; and every moment of our existence is a sin-
the loss it sustains by exerting its strength. By every gular mixture of annihilation and new creation. As
exertion it loses some of its force ; and when these ex- long as the vital power retains its freshness and energy,
ertions are too violent, or continued without intermis- the living plastic powers will have the superiority, aj?d
sion, the consequence is that it may be completely ex- afford it protection in this contest : the body will also
hausted. This is proved by common experience, as we increase and approach nearer to perfection. By
little and little they will balance each other, and,
* See Hist, de 1'Acade'mie Royale des Sciences. 'An. 1769. the consumption becoming equal to the renovation, the
body will at length decrease. At last, the vital power


find that, after great exertion in walking, thinking, etc.,
we become fatigued. It is shown still more clearly by being lessened, and the organs worn out, the consump-
the experiments of Galvani, in which, after death, a tion will begin to exceed the renovation ; and decay,
muscle and nerves, still alive, may be irritated by the degradation, and, in the end, a total dissolution will un-
application of metal. If this irritation be often and avoidably follow. This is universally the case. Every
strongly repeated, the power will be sooner exhausted ; created being passes through three periods: that of
but if slowly, it will be exhausted later : and even when it appears to be its growth, that of its being stationary, and that of its
totally exhausted, one, by intermitting decline.
the irritation for some time, can occasion a new accu-
mulation of it, and produce fresh exertions. Hence The duration of life, in general, depends on the fol-
arises a new means of strengthening, namely, rest, or a lowing points :
suspension of exertion, by which indeed the power can
be accumulated and increased. 1. On the quantity of the vital power which resides
in the being. A greater supply of the vital power will
10th. The most immediate functions of the vital naturally last much longer, and be later consumed, than
power are not only to receive impressions, such as irri- a smaller. Now we know, from what has been before
tation, and to react upon them, but also to change into said, that the vital power has a greater affinity to some
bodies, and to others a less ; that it abounds much more tive or beneficial circumstances may have an influence
in some than in others ; and that many external causes upon it ; and it thence follows that, notwithstanding the
tend to weaken it, and many to nourish it. This, there- before-mentioned natural determination, the limits of it
fore, gives us the first and most important ground of the may be altered.
difference in the duration of life.
A general answer may now be given also to the fcl-
2. But, besides the vital power, the organs also are lowing question : Is it possible to prolong life ? Un-
consumed and wasted by living ; and, consequently, a doubtedly it is ; but not by magical cures or gold tinc-
total consumption must take place later in a body the tures ; nor can we hope to increase the quantity and
organs of which are strong, than in one of a delicate efficacy of the vital power which has been dispensed to
structure more liable to dissolution. Besides, the ope- us, or to alter the whole determination of Nature.
ration of life itself requires the continual agency of cer- Whatever is done must be effected by proper attention
tain organs, which we therefore call the vital organs. to the above four points, on which the duration of life
If these be diseased, or unfit for use, life cannot continue. properly depends ; by strengthening the vital power
A certain firmness of organization, and a proper con- and the organs ; by retarding consumption, and by pro-
dition of the vital organs, form the second ground on moting or facilitating renovation or regeneration. The
which the duration of life depends. more food, clothing, manner of living, climate, and even
artificial means are favorable to these requisites, the
3. The process of consumption may be carried on more influence they will have in the prolongation of
more slowly, or more rapidly ; and, consequently, the life ; the more they counteract these, the more will they
shorten the duration of existence.

What I call retardation of vital consumption, as being,


duration of it, or what we call life, even when the pow-

ers and organs are perfectly alike, will be longer or 42 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
shorter in proportion to the quickness or slowness of the
operation; just as a candle lighted at both ends at the in my opinion, the most important means of prolonging
same time burns twice as fast as one lighted in the life, deserves here, in a particular manner, to be con-
usual manner, or as a light in oxygen gas is consumed sidered. If we suppose that each body is possessed of
ten times faster than one of the same kind in common a certain quantity of vital power, and certain organs
air, because by that medium the process of consumption which make as it were our stock of life, and that life
is increased and accelerated in a tenfold proportion. consists in a consumption of them, it must be allowed
This affords the third ground of difference in the dura- that this stock may be naturally consumed by a stronger
tion of life. exertion of the organs, and by the speedier wasting
which is connected with it. He who in a day consumes
4. As renovation of what is lost and continual regen- twice as much of the vital power as another, will ex-
eration are the principal means of counteracting the haust his stock sooner ; and organs used with double
consumption, those bodies which internally and exter- force will in half the time be worn out and become
nally have the best means of regenerating themselves useless. The energy of life, therefore, will be in an in-
with most ease, and in the greatest perfection, will natu- verse ratio with its duration ; or the more intensively a
rally be of longer duration than those which are desti- being lives, the more will its life lose in extension. The
tute of that advantage. expression, fast living, which, as well as the thing itself,
is at present so common, is not then altogether improper.
In short, the duration of life in a being will be pro- One may certainly make the process of vital consump-
portioned to the innate quantity of vital power, the tion, whether it consists in labor or enjoyment, more or
greater or less firmness of its organs, the speedier or less rapid, and thus live either fast or slowly. In fu-
slower consumption, and perfect or imperfect restoration. ture I shall distinguish the one by the expression inten-
All ideas on the prolongation of life, as well as all the sive life, and the other by that of extensive life. This
means which have been or may be proposed on that truth is confirmed, not only among men, but also through-
subject, can be brought under these- four classes, and be out all nature. The less intensive the life of a being is,
examined upon these principles. the longer will be its duration. If the intensive life of
a plant be increased by heat, manure, and artificial
From these, several important deductions may be means, it will expand itself to perfection more rapidly,
made, and several obscure questions may be answered, but it will also soon decay. Even a being which natu-
of which I shall only mention a few. rally possesses an abundant stock of vital power will,
when its life is intensively active, be of shorter duration
Is the extent of life determined or not ? This question than another less abundant in vital power, but which
has oft given rise to disputes in which divines and phi- has by nature a life less intensive. Thus it is certain,


losophers have been divided, and which have several for example, that the higher classes of animals have the
times brought the medical art into great difficulties. On vital power in far greater quantity and perfection than
the above principles, however, it may be easily resolved. vegetables ; yet a tree lives a hundred times as long as
Each raqe of beings, as well as each individual, has its the spirited horse, because the life of the tree is inten-
term of life as certainly fixed as it has its defined size, sively weaker. In this manner, weakening circum-
and its proper quantity of vital power, strength of stances, when they only lessen the intensive activity of
organs, and means of consumption or regeneration ; for life, may be the means of prolonging it ; and, on the
the duration of life is a consequence of that consump- other hand, influences which strengthen and excite life,
tion, and can continue no longer than power and organs when they increase the internal activity too much, may
are able to support it. But this consumption may be be prejudicial to its duration. Hence it is evident how
hastened or retarded : favorable or unfavorable, destruc- very sound health may shorten the duration of life, and
a certain kind of weakness be the best means of pro- of hours, and the cedar, which can attain to the age of a
longing it ; and that the diet and means used for length- thousand years, what a difference ; how numberless the
ening life, cannot be altogether those which are com- intermediate degrees ; what a variety of life ! The
monly called corroborative. In this respect, Nature grounds, however, of this longer or shorter duration
herself gives us the best lesson, as she has connected must lie in the structure of each being. This is an im-
with the existence of every more perfect being, a cer- portant and interesting circumstance, but at the same
tain regulation which is able to check the stream of its time of the utmost extent. I must, therefore, content
vital consumption, and thereby prevent too rapid myself with deducing from it the principal data, and
wasting. I here allude to sleep, a condition which exhibiting them in our present point of view.
takes place in every animal of a perfect kind : a dispo-
sition of the utmost wisdom, which, in directing and In this respect, plants, that immense world of crea-
retarding the vital consumption, acts in the same man- tion, that first degree of organized beings which nourish
ner as the pendulum of a clock. The time of sleep themselves by internal appropriation, form an indi-
is nothing else than a suspension of intensive life, or an
apparent loss of it ; but even in this suspension, this
interruption of its activity, lies one of the greatest
means of preserving it. A twelve or sixteen hours' 46 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
uninterrupted continuation of intensive life, causes such
an impetuous stream of consumption as produces a more vicinal and propagate their race, first present them-
violent pulse, a kind of general fever, the so-called daily selves to our view. What infinite variety of shape,
evening fever. Sleep then comes to the relief of the organization, size, and duration ! According to the latest
discoveries and calculations, they amount to forty thou-
sand genera and species at least !

44 ART OP PROLONGING LIFE. They may all, however, be reduced, according to their
duration of life, into three principal classes : annual, or
body ; reduces it to a more passive condition ; and after properly only semi-annual, which grow up in spring, and
a seven or eight hours' pause of this kind, the destruc- die in autumn ; biennial, which die at the end of the
tive stream of vital consumption is so much checked ; second year; and, lastly, perennial, the duration of
what has been lost is so fully renewed, that pulsation which extends from four to a thousand years.
and all its other movements are again performed slowly
and regularly, and every thing proceeds with a peace- All plants of a soft watery constitution, and which
ful course as before.* Nothing, therefore, is able to have fine tender organs, have a short life, and last only
waste and destroy us so speedily as long continued one or at most two years: those alone which have
want of sleep. Trees even, those Nestors of the vege- stronger organs and tougher juices exist longer; but
table kingdom, without the annual sleep of winter, wood is absolutely necessary in order to attain to the
would not be able to preserve their lives so long.f highest degree of vegetable existence.

* Old people, therefore, sleep less, because their intensive life, Even among those which live only one or two years
or vital consumption, is weaker, and requires less restoration. a remarkable difference may be observed. Those which
are of a cold insipid nature, and destitute of smell, live,
t In many plants we even find something which may with under like circumstances, not so long as the strong-
great propriety be compared to the daily sleep of man. Their scented, balsamic plants, which contain more essential
leaves every evening are contracted, or droop ; their flowers shut oil and spirits. Lettuce, wheat, oats, barley, and all
themselves up, and their whole external appearance displays a kinds of corn, live no more than 'a year ; but, on the
state of rest and repose. Some have ascribed this to the coolness other hand, thyme, mint, hyssop, balm, wormwood, mar-
and moisture of the evening ; but the same thing takes place also joram, sage, etc., can live two years, and even longer.
in the greenhouse. Others have considered it as a consequence
of darkness ; but many shut themselves up in summer at six Shrubs and small trees can live sixty years, and some
o'clock in the afternoon. Nay, the tragopogon luteiim shuts itself even twice that number. The vine attains to sixty or
up so early as nine in the morning ; and this plant, therefore, a hundred years, and continues fruitful at the greatest
gives us reason to compare it to certain night birds and beasts of age. This is the case also with rosemary. The acan-
the animal world, which are active only during the night, and thus and ivy, however, can exceed the age of a hundred.
sleep in the daytime. Every hour of the day, even, has some plant whichAmong many, such, for example, as the different kinds
then shuts itself up, and on this is founded what is
called a, plant-dial.


CHAPTER III. of rubus,* it is difficult to determine the age, as the

branches creep along the ground, and always form new
Duration of the life of plants ; diversity of it. Annual, biennial, plants, so that it is almost impossible to distinguish the
perennial. Experiments respecting circumstances by which this new from the old ; and by these means they make their
is determined; result of them. Application of the fundamental existence as it were perennial.
principles of the duration of life. Great influence of attention and
culture on the duration of the life of plants. Those which attain to the highest age are the great-
est, strongest, and hardest trees ; such as the oak, the
IN order to prove and confirm what has been before lime-tree, the beech, the chestnut, the elm, the plane-
said, let me now be permitted to take a view of all the tree, the cedar, the olive, the palm, the mulberry-tree,
classes of the organized world, and endeavor to estab- and the baobab.f We may with certainty affirm, that
lish on solid principles what I have asserted. This will some of the cedars of Lebanon, the celebrated chestnut-
give us an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the tree di centi cavalli in Sicily, and several of the sacred
most important collateral circumstances which have an oaks under which the ancient Germans performed their
influence in prolonging or shortening life. How infi- religious ceremonies, may have attained to the age of a
nitely various is the duration of the different organized thousand years and more. These are the most venera-
beings ! Between the mould, which lives only a couple ble, the only now existing testimonies of the ancient
world, and inspire us with reverence and awe when the
rustling wind plays through their silvery locks, which It is also to be remarked, that when one turns up the
once served to overshade the Druids and our wild an- earth, which has remained long untouched and un-
cestors clothed in their bearskins. changed, around the roots of old trees, and makes it
softer and looser, they will produce fresher and more
All trees of a rapid growth, such as the fir, the birch, vigorous leaves, and become, as it were, again young.
the horse-chestnut, and the like, yield always less solid
and durable wood, and the period of their existence is When we consider with attention these observations,
shorter. The oak, which is the slowest in growing of derived from experience, it is perfectly evident how much
they confirm the above established principles of life and
* Common bramble, blackberry, raspberry. vital duration, and that they coincide perfectly with
these ideas.
t This newly discovered tree (Adansonia digitata) seems to be
one of those which live to the greatest age. Its trunk acquires Our first grand principle was : the greater the quantity
the thickness of twenty-five feet in diameter ; and Adanson, in of vital power, and the solidity of the organs, the longer
the middle of the present century, found trees only six feet in di- will be the duration of life ; and we now find in Nature
ameter, which had cut on them the names of seafaring people that the greatest, the most perfect, and the best-formed
who had visited them in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, yet productions, in which, also, we must allow the greatest
these incisions had become very little extended. abundance of the vital power, and those which have the
strongest and most durable organs, are precisely those
which enjoy the longest life ; as, for example, the oak
and the cedar.
The bulk of the corporeal mass evidently appears here
all, has the hardest wood, and its life is of the longest to contribute to the duration of life, and on the three fol-
duration. lowing grounds :

Smaller vegetables have, in general, a shorter life 4

than those which are large, tall, and spreading.

Those trees which have the hardest and most durable

wood are, however, not always those which live longest. 50 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
The beech, for example, the cypress, the juniper, the
walnut, and the pear-tree, do not live so long as the I. Bulk shows a greater provision of the vital or plas-
lime-tree, though its wood be softer. tic power.

Those which produce juicy, tender, and delicate fruit, II. Bulk gives more vital capacity, more surface,
are, in general, shorter-lived than those which are bar- more external access.
ren, or which bear fruit entirely useless. And among
the former, those which bear nuts or acorns become III. The greater mass a body has, the more time is
older than those which produce berries and fruit with required before it can be wasted by its external and in-
stones. ternal consumptive and destructive powers.

Even these short-lived trees, the apple, the pear, the We, however, find that a plant may have very strong
apricot, the peach, the cherry, etc., can, under very fa- and durable organs, and yet not live so long as one the
vorable circumstances, prolong their life to sixty years ; organs of which are of less solidity. Of this we have an
especially when they are freed from the moss which instance in the lime-tree, which lives much longer than
grows upon them. the beech or the cypress.

We may establish it as a general rule, that those trees This now leads to a law of the utmost importance for
which are long in producing leaves and fruit, and which organized life and our future research ; which is, that,
also do not soon lose them, become older than those in in the organic world, a certain degree only of solidity
which both these changes take place speedily. Those, promotes the duration of life, and that too high a degree
likewise, which are cultivate'd, have, in general, a shorter of tenacity shortens it. In general, however, and among
existence than those which grow wild ; and those which unorganized beings, it is undoubtedly certain, that the
produce sour, harsh fruit, live longer than those which more solid a body is, the greater will be its duration ;
produce sweet. but in organized beings, where the" duration of existence
consists in continual activity of the organs and circula-
It is highly worthy of remark, that when the earth is tion of the juices, this observation is limited, and too
dug up every year around the roots of a tree, it becomes great a degree of solidity in the organs, and toughness
more vigorous and fruitful ; but the duration of its life in the juices, makes them sooner immovable and unfit
for discharging their functions, produces obstructions,
and brings on premature old age, and even death.

LIFE IN THE YEGETABLE KINGDOM. 49 It is not, however, merely on the quantity of the
power and the organs that the vital power depends.
is shortened. On the other hand, if this be done only We have already seen that a great deal, in particular,
every five or ten years, it will live the longer. In the depends on the speedier or slower consumption, and on
like manner, frequent watering and manuring promotes
fruitfulness, but it injures the duration of life.

One, also, by frequently lopping off the branches and LIFE IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 51
buds, may contribute very much to the duration of the
life of a shrub ; so that small, shortlived plants, such as perfect or more imperfect restoration. Is this, there-
lavender, hyssop, and the like, if annually pruned, may fore, confirmed in the vegetable kingdom ?
prolong their life to the age of forty years.
It is, in the fullest manner ; and we here find this EFFECTS OF CULTIVATION. 53
general law : the more intensive life a plant has, the
stronger and speedier is its internal consumption, the may be preserved much longer : and this is a very re-
sooner it decays, and the shorter is its duration : on the markable proof, that, even in the vegetable kingdom, it
other hand, the more capacity a plant has, either inter- is possible to prolong life by a certain kind of treatment.
nally or externally, to, regenerate itself, the longer it But the question now is, In what consists the difference
will preserve its existence. of that culture which prolongs life, and that which short-
ens it ? This may be of importance to us in the follow-
I shall now proceed to treat, in the first place, on the ing research, and may be referred to our first fundamen-
law of consumption. Plants in general have a very tal principle. The more cultivation strengthens intensive
weak intensive life, which consists only in the functions life and internal consumption, and at the same time
of growth, propagation, and receiving nourishment. makes the organization more delicate, the more is it pre-
They are subject to no arbitrary changing of place, no judicial to the duration of life. This we observe to be
regular circulation, no muscular or nervous motion. the case in all hothouse plants, which, by warmth, ma-
The function of generation is, beyond dispute, the high- nure, and other arts, are forced to a continual internal
est degree of their internal consumption, the utmost activity ; so that they produce earlier, oftener, and more
stretch of their intensive life. But how speedily is it exquisite fruit than is natural for them. The case is
followed by decomposition and annihilation! Nature the same, when, without forcing, by external causes, a
appears here to make, as it were, the greatest exertion higher degree of perfection and delicacy than belonged
of her plastic power, and to show the ne plus ultra of the to its nature is communicated to the internal organiza-
highest finishing and of bringing to perfection. tion of a plant, merely by certain operations and arts,
such, for example, as ingrafting, propping, and the art
What tenderness and delicacy in the structure of the used in regard to full flowers. This kind of culture
flower ; what elegance and splendor of colors astonish shortens the duration also.
us often in the most inconsiderable plant, to which we
never could have ascribed such expansion. These are, Cultivation, on the other hand, may be the greatest
as it were, the dress of ceremony, with which the plant means of prolonging life, if it do not strengthen the in-
celebrates its greatest festival, but with which it also tensive life of a plant, or if it retard and moderate in
often exhausts its whole stock of vital power, either for any manner its internal consumption ; if it lessen the
ever, or at least for a long time. too great natural toughness or hardness of the organs or
matter to such a degree that they continue longer plia-
All plants, without exception, lose, immediately after ble and proper for their functions ; and if it keep off
this catastrophe, the vigor of vegetation ; and begin to destructive influences, and supply it with better means
of regeneration. Thus, by the help of culture, a being


be stationary, which is the commencement of their dis-
solution. In all annual plants complete death follows ; may attain to a greater extent of life than it could have
among the larger plants and trees, a temporal death at acquired according to its natural state and destination.
least, or a torpor of half a year, until, by the great strength of their
regenerating power, they are again put The duration of the life of plants may be prolonged,
in a condition to shoot forth new leaves and flowers. therefore, in the three following ways :

On the same principles it may be explained, how all 1st. If, by often pruning the branches, we guard
plants which acquire early the power of generation die against too rapid consumption. By these means we de-
also soonest ; and it is an invariable law for the dura- prive the plant of a part of those organs by which it
tion of life in the vegetable kingdom, that the earlier would exhaust too speedily its vital power, and we con-
and speedier a plant comes to flower, the shorter time centrate the power as it were within it.
will its life continue ; but the later it flowers, its exist-
ence will be of the longer duration. All those which 2nd. If we thereby check, or at least retard its flower-
flower immediately, the first year, die also the same ing, and prevent a waste of the power of generation.
year; and those which flower for the first time the This, we know, is the highest degree of vital consump-
second year, die also the second. Those trees only, and tion among plants ; and we thus doubly contribute to
woody shrubs, which first begin to generate in the sixth, the prolongation of life first, by preventing this power
ninth, or twelfth year, become old ; and among these, from being exhausted; and, secondly, by obliging it to
those genera which arrive latest at the period of propa- return back and to act as a means of support or nourish-
gation become likewise the oldest. A highly important ment.
observation, which, in part, fully confirms my ideas of
consumption, and gives an instructive hint in regard to 3rd. If we keep off the destructive influence of frost,
our future research. the want of nourishment, and an irregular atmosphere,
and preserve it by art, in an uniform, moderate, mean
An answer may now be given to that important ques- condition. Though we hereby somewhat increase the
tion, What influence has cultivation on the longer or intensive life, we nevertheless create a richer source of
shorter duration of the life of plants ? regeneration.

Culture and art, upon the whole, shorten life ; and it Lastly, the fourth grand point on which the duration
may be admitted as a fundamental principle, that in gen- of every being, and also of a plant, depends, is its greater
eral all wild plants, left to themselves, live longer than or less capacity to restore itself and to renew its parts.
those which are cultivated. Every kind of culture, how-
ever, does not shorten life ; for, by careful attention, a In this respect, the vegetable world may be divided
plant which lives only one or two years in the open air, into two grand classes. The first do not possess this
capacity; and these are the annual plants, or those
which live only a year, and which die immediately aft/er
they have performed the function of generation.
Duration of life in the animal world. Observations on plant-animals.
Worms. Insects. Metamorphosis an important means of prolong-
EXTENSION OF LIFE IN PLANTS. 55 ing life. Amphibia. Fish. Birds. Animals which suckle. Re-
sult. Influence of maturity and growth on the duration of life.
The second class, on the other hand, which possess Perfection or imperfection of organization. Rapid or slow vital
this great faculty of regenerating themselves annually ; consumption. Restoration.
of producing new leaves, branches, and flowers, can at-
tain to the astonishing age of a thousand years and THE animal kingdom, or second grand class of the
upwards. Such plants may be considered as organized more perfect part of the organized world, is immensely
masses of earth, from which an immense number of rich in being, and in variety and diversity of duration.
plants, but perfectly analogous to each mass, spring out Between the elephant, which attains to the age of a hun-
every year. And in this regulation the wisdom of Na- dred years, and the ephemeron, that small perishable
ture appears great and divine. insect, which exists scarcely a day, and which in the
twentieth hour of its life is an experienced veteran
When we reflect that, as experience teaches us, a among its numerous posterity, there are innumerable
period of eight or ten years is required in order to pro- intermediate degrees of vital capacity and duration ; but
duce that degree of perfection in the organs and in the amidst this vast abundance I shall content myself with
purification of the juices necessary in a tree before it can collecting only such data as may serve to illustrate our
bring forth flowers and fruit, if it were subjected to the principal question, On what does the duration of life de-
same laws of decay as other vegetable productions, and pend?
if a tree died immediately after it had generated, ho^v
ill-rewarded would the culture of it be ; and how little To begin with worms, the most imperfect class of all,
proportion would the expense of preparation and time which approach very near to plants ; these, on account
bear to the result ! In such a case, fruit indeed would of their tender, soft nature, can be injured and destroyed
be uncommon. with remarkable ease ; but, like plants, they have the
best support in their extraordinary power of reproduc-
To guard against this, Nature has wisely established, tion, by which they can renew whole parts. Nay, when
that the first plant acquires gradually such a consistence
and solidity that, at last the place of the earth is sup-
plied by the trunk, from which an abundance of new
plants spring out every year under the form of buds and 58 / ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
divided into two or three pieces they can still live, and
By this a double advantage is obtained. First, be- it is consequently difficult to determine their duration.
cause these plants spring from a mass of earth already
organized, they immediately receive juices assimilated In this class 'there are some animals which almost
and prepared, and can therefore employ them in the appear to be indestructible, and with which Fontana
production of flowers and fruit, which with sap derived and Gotze made so many important experiments. The
immediately from the earth would be impossible. former caused wheel-insects and hair-worms to be dried
in the hot scorching sun, and to be parched in an oven ;
and at the end of half a year he was able to revive
these dried animals by pouring over them a little luke-
56 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. warm water.

Secondly, these delicate plants, which in reality we These experiments confirm our position that the more
may consider as so many annuals, die again after the imperfect the organization, the stronger is the life. The
process of fructification is completed, and yet the vege- case here is the same as in the seeds of plants ; and one
table itself, or the stem, continues perennial. Nature, may say that these first points of the animal creation
therefore, remains here true to her fundamental law, are, in a certain measure, only the first shoots or seeds
that the function of generation exhausts the vital power for the more perfect animal world.
of single individuals, and yet the whole is perennial.
Among those insects which have more of the animal,
In a word, the result of all these observations is, that and a more finished organization, the power pf repro-
the great age of a plant depends on the following duction cannot perform such wonders. But Nature
points : here has fallen upon another wise establishment, which
evidently prolongs their existence ; I mean that of meta-
I. It must grow slowly. morphosis or transformation. The insect exists, per-
haps two, three, or four years, as a larva or worm ; it
II. It must propagate itself slowly, and late. then becomes a pupa or nymph, and exists again in that
deathlike state a considerable time, at the end of which
III. It must have a certain degree of solidity and it appears a completely finished being. It now first has
duration in its organs, a sufficiency of wood, and the sap eyes, a winged, often an elegant body ; and what stamps
must not be too watery. it principally with the mark of perfection, it is now first
rendered fit for generation. This state, which may be
IV. It must be large, and have considerable exten- called the time of its bloom, is, however, the shortest ;
sion. it soon dies ; for it has attained to the end of its desti-
V. It must rise into the atmosphere.

By the contrary of all these the duration of life is


I cannot here omit to remark, how much these phe-

nomena coincide with the principles I laid down as the
CHAPTER IV. grounds on which the duration of life depends. In its
first state as a worm, how imperfect its existence, and find among most animals of this class. Snakes, frogs,
how little its motion ! It is impossible for it to gene- lizards, etc., cast their skin every year ; and it appears
rate, and its whole faculties seem to consist in those of that this method of becoming again young, contributes
eating and digesting ; for some caterpillars have so very much to their support and duration. Something
monstrous an appetite, that, in the course of twenty- of the like kind seems to prevail throughout the whole
four hours, they devour more than three times the animal world : birds change their feathers as well as
weight of their bodies. Their self-consumption, then, their bills, which is called moulting ; insects transform
must be exceedingly small, and their restoration prodi- themselves, and most quadrupeds change their hair and
gious. It need excite no surprise, therefore, that, in their claws.
this condition, notwithstanding their diminutive size and
imperfection, they can live so long. The case is the The tortoise and crocodile attain to the highest age,
same in regard to their intermediate state as a chrysa- as far as we have yet been able to learn from ob-
lis, when the animal lives without nourishment, and it servation.
consumed neither externally nor internally. But in the
last period of its existence, of its completely formed state The tortoise, an indolent, slow in all its motions, and
as a winged ethereal being, its whole life seems to consist phlegmatic animal, and which is so long in growing
in continual motion and removal from one place to that in twenty years one can scarcely observe an in-
another; yet, though its self-consumption is incessant, crease of a few inches, lives to the age of a hundred
we cannot think of nourishment or restoration, for many years and more.
butterflies in this condition have no mouth. With such
a refinement of organization, such a disproportion be- The crocodile, a large, strong, vigorous animal, in-
tween what is added and what is taken away, no dura- closed in a hard coat of mail, incredibly voracious, and
tion is possible ; and it is confirmed by experience that endowed with extraordinary powers of digestion, lives
the animal soon dies. Here, therefore, the same being also very long ; and, according to the affirmation of
exhibits to us, in a very evident manner, a picture of several travellers, is the only animal which grows as
the most perfect as well as most imperfect life, and of long as it exists.
the longer or shorter duration connected with them.
It is astonishing what instances of great age may be
Amphibia, those cold transition beings, can prolong found among fishes, the cold-blooded inhabitants of the
waters. We know from the ancient Roman history,
that in the imperial fishponds there were several lam-
60 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. preys (murcence) which had attained to their sixtieth
year ; and which had, at length, become so well ac
their existence to an extraordinary length ; an advan-
tage for which they are principally indebted to the tena-
city of their life, that is, to the very intimate and diffi-
cult to be dissolved connection of the vital power with 62 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
the material part, and the weakness of their intensive
life. quainted and familiar with man that Crassus orator
unam ex illis defleverit*
Of the tenacity of life we have instances truly aston-
ishing. Tortoises have been seen to live a considerable The pike, a dry, exceedingly voracious animal, and
time without the head ; and frogs, when their hearts carp also, according to undeniable testimony, prolong
were torn out, have still continued to leap about. A their life to a hundred and fifty years. The salmon
tortoise has existed six whole weeks without any food ; grows rapidly, *and dies soon. On the other hand, the
and this sufficiently shows how small its intensive life perch, the growth of which is slower, preserves its ex-
is, and how little need it has of restoration. Nay, it is istence longer.
proved that toads have been found alive inclosed in
stones and blocks of marble-* Whether they were It appears here worthy of being remarked, that nat-
shut up there in the egg, or as perfect beings, both ural death occurs more rarely among fishes than in any
cases are equally astonishing ; for what a number of other part of the animal kingdom. The law of the
years must have been necessary for the marble to gene- transition of one into another, according to the right of
rate, and before it could acquire its solidity ! the strongest, prevails here far more generally. One
devours another, the stronger the weaker; and one may
This shows how much influence the power of regene- assert that death exists less in the water, as the dying
ration has in prolonging life. A great many dangers pass immediately into the substance of another living
being, and consequently the intermediate state of death
* In the year 1733, a toad was found in Sweden, seven ells is less common than on land. Putrefaction takes place
deep, in a quarry, in the middle of a block of the hardest stone, in the stomach of the stronger. This regulation is a
to which people were obliged to force their way, with much labor, proof of exalted and divine wisdom. If the innume-
by means of chisels and the hammer. It was still alive, but ex- rable millions of the inhabitants of the waters which die
ceedingly weak. Its skin was shrivelled, and covered here and daily, remained only one day unentombed, or, what is
therewith a stony crust. See Transactions of the Swedish Academy, the same thing, not devoured, they would speedily dif-
vol. iii. p. 285. It is most probable that the toad, when very fuse abroad the most dreadful pestilential evaporation*
young, had got into a small cleft of the stone, where it nourished In water, where vegetation, that great means of correct-
itself with moisture and the insects which crept into it ; that the ing animal putrefaction, exists in less extent, every
cleft was at length closed up by sparry matter, and that the ani- cause of corruption must be guarded against ; and on
mal, by the time it grew. up, was thus completely incrusted. - this account continual life must prevail.

Among birds, also, there are several species which

live a long time ; and to this, without doubt, the follow-
DURATION OF LIFE IN FISHES. 61 ing circumstances contribute :

and causes of death are thereby rendered harmless ; * That Crassus the orator shed tears for one of them when it
and whole parts which have been lost are again renewed. died.
To this belongs that phenomenon of the skin which we
The age of the lion cannot be accurately determined;
DURATION OF LIFE IN BIRDS. 63 but we have reason to think that it is of considera-
ble extent ; because some have been found without any
Irst. Birds are remarkably well clothed ; for no cov- teeth.
ering can be more perfect or better calculated to pre-
serve warmth than feathers. The bear, though a great sleeper, and remarkably
phlegmatic when awake, has, however, no great dura-
2nd. They have, every year, a kind of reproduction,
or renovation, which is called moulting. During that
period, the bird appears to be somewhat sick ; casts, at
length, its old feathers, and acquires new ones. Many DURATION OF LIFE IN QUADRUPEDS. 65
cast their bills also ; an important part of renovation,
as they are thereby put in a condition to feed them- tion of existence. A poor comfort for those who im-
selves much better. agine that they have found in indolence the secret for
prolonging life.
3rd. Birds enjoy the purest air, and in the greatest
quantity. The camel, on the other hand, a meagre, dry, active,
exceedingly hardy animal, becomes old. It generally
4th. They are exposed to much motion ; but their attains to the age of fifty, and sometimes of a hundred
motion is the most healthful of all, as it consists of years.
both active and passive, that is to say, they are sus-
pended, and exert themselves only in moving forwards. The horse does not live more than about forty years^
lie is a large, strong animal, but not well covered with
The golden eagle, a large strong animal with solid hair ; he is therefore of greater sensibility. He may,
vessels, attains to a very great age. There have been however, ascribe his short life, in some measure, to
instances of many living in menageries above a hundred the severity of man ; for we do not yet know, by ex-
years. perience, how long he can live in a state of nature.
The life of the ass has about the same duration. The
The same is the case with the vulture and falcon, mule, a production of both, is stronger lived, and be-
both carnivorous animals. A gentleman at London, a comes older.
few years ago, received from the Cape of Good Hope
one that had been caught with a golden collar, on which What has been said respecting the great age of the
was inscribed in English, " His Majesty K. James of stag is a fable. It lives thirty years, and perhaps a lit-
England, An. 1610." It had, therefore, been at liberty tle over.
one hundred and eighty-two years from the time of its
escape. How old was it when it escaped ? It was of The bull, large and strong as he is, lives only a short
the largest species of these birds, and possessed still no period about fifteen years, or at most twenty. Most
little strength and spirit ; but it was remarked that its of the smaller animals, such as sheep, goats, the fox, the
eyes were blind and dim, and that the feathers of its hare, etc., live no more than seven or ten years ; except
neck had become white. dogs and swine, which can reach the age of fifteen or

From this variety of observations the following result

64 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. may be drawn :

The crow, a carnivorous bird with hard black flesh, The animal world have far more external and inter-
can extend its life also to a hundred years ; as can nal movement, a more perfect and a more compounded
likewise the swan, an animal exceedingly well feath- intensive life, and, without doubt, more self-consumption
ered, which feeds upon fish, and is fond of running than the vegetable. Besides, the organs of this king-
water. 5

The parrot, in this respect, distinguishes itself in a

particular manner. One has had instances of its liv-
ing sixty years a prisoner with man ; and how old 66 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
may it not have been when it was caught ? It is an
animal which eats and' digests almost all kinds of food, dom are much tenderer, more complex, and more highly
which changes its bill, and which has hard, dark-colored finished. Animals, therefore, must have a shorter life
flesh. than plants. But for this reason they possess a greater
abundance of the vital power ; have more points of con-
The peacock lives to the twentieth year. On the tact with the whole of Nature that surrounds them, and
other hand, the cock, a hot, quarrelsome animal, does consequently more accession and restoration from with-
not exist nearly so long. Of a still shorter life is the out. It must nevertheless be difficult, in this class, to
sparrow. Small birds also live in general shorter. The attain to a remarkably great age ; but a short life, also,
blackbird and goldfinch live, at most, only to the twen- will occur very rarely. And this is what we find from
tieth year. observation ; a mean age of between five and forty
years is the most common.
If we now turn our view towards the most perfect
animals, the mammalia, those which approach nearest to The sooner an animal is formed, the more rapidly it
man, we shall find amongst these also a very striking arrives at perfection ; but the sooner it will decline and
difference of age. lose its existence. This seems to be one of the most
general laws of Nature, and is confirmed throughout all
That which attains to the greatest is perhaps the classes. Only one must not confound expansion with
elephant ; which, by its size, slow growth (for it grows growth, and reckon by the latter ; for there are animals
to the thirtieth year), exceedingly hard skin and teeth, which grow as long as they live, and to which growth
has the justest claim to longevity. forms part of their nourishment : but this law must be
referred, in particular, to the two following periods : being is, it will be so much the more lasting. On the
other hand, the tenderer, finer, and more complex the
1. To the time of the first expansion in the egg, organization, and the more perfect the life is, it will be
either in or out of the body. of so much the less duration.

2. To the period of maturity, which one may consider This is shown in the clearest manner, by the follow-
as the utmost boundary of physical conformation, and ing observations :
as a proof that the being has now attained the highest
degree of finishing which it was physically capable of 1st. Zoophytes, or plant animals, whose whole organ-
receiving. ization consists in a mouth, a stomach, and a straight
gut, have a life exceedingly tenacious and difficult to be
The rule, therefore, must be thus expressed : the less destroyed.
time an animal requires for its formation in th e mother's
womb, or the egg, the sooner it will perish. The ele- 2nd. All cold-blooded animals have, in general, a
phant, which goes with young till the third year, live] stronger and longer life than the warm-blooded ; or,
what amounts to the same thing, those which do not
breathe have in this an advantage over those which
MATURITY OF ANIMALS. 67 breathe. And for what reason ? Breathing is the
source of internal heat, and accelerates consumption.
also longest ; but the hind, the cow, the dog, which go An animal which breathes has, as it were, a double cir-
with young only from two to nine months, have a much culation, the common and the less through the lungs ;
shorter existence. Quod cito fit, cito peril.* besides a double surface, which comes into continual
contact with the atmosphere, the skin, and the superfices
Another law of great importance must also not be
omitted ; the sooner a being attains maturity, the sooner
it propagates ; but "the shorter will be the time of its
duration. This law, which we find so perfectly con- RESTORATIVE POWERS OF ANIMALS. 69
firmed in the vegetable kingdom, prevails likewise,
without exception, in the animal. The greatest in- of the lungs ; lastly, a far stronger irritability, and con-
stance of it is afforded by insects. Their first period sequently a much greater self-consumption both inter-
towards maturity, that is, their state as larva?, may con- nally and externally.
tinue very long, even several years ; but as soon as they
have undergone their grand transformation, that is, have 3rd. Animals which inhabit the water live longer, in
attained maturity, their existence is completely ended. general, than those that reside in the air ; and for this
And among quadrupeds, it is certain that we may de- reason, because an animal in water evaporates very
termine the life of an animal with considerable pre- little, and because water does not consume nearly so
cision, if we consider the epoch of maturity as the fifth much as the atmosphere.
part of the whole duration of its existence.
4th. Lastly, the strongest proof what an astonishing
The horse, ass, and bull, are at maturity in the third effect lessening the external consumption has in the
or fourth year, and live from fifteen years to twenty. prolongation of life, is afforded by instances where that
Sheep come to maturity the second year, and live from consumption has been rendered totally impossible. I
eight to ten years. mean those of toads inclosed in blocks of stone, where,
by the external consumption being suspended, they pre-
All horned animals, in general, live shorter than served their life so much the longer. In that s'ate
those which have not horns. nothing could evaporate, nothing could be dissolved ;
for the small quantity of air which was perhaps shut
Animals with dark-colored black flesh, are, on the up with them, must have soon become so much satu-
whole, longer-lived than those which have white flesh. rated as to be incapable of receiving any thing more.
On this account the animal could exist so long without
And all quiet, timid animals, have a shorter existence nourishment ; for the need of nourishment arises from
than those of a contrary temperament. the loss which we sustain by evaporation and consump-
tion. In such a state, where every thing remains as it
A certain covering of the body seems, in a particular was, no reparation is required. By such means the
manner, to have a great influence on the duration of vital power and organization might be retained per-
life. Thus birds, which undoubtedly have the best and haps a hundred times longer than in the natural con-
* That which is quickly formed, quickly perishes. dition.

The last principle on which the duration of life is

founded, more perfect restoration, is fully confirmed
68 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. likewise in this kingdom of Nature.

most durable covering, live exceedingly long ; as do also The highest degree of restoration is the reproduction
the elephant, the rhinoceros, and the crocodile, which of entirely new organs.
have the strongest skin.

The nature of their motion has its influence also.

Running seems to be the least favorable to duration of 70 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
life; while, on the other hand, swimming, flying, and,
in short, that motion which is compounded of the active This power is found, in a wonderful degree, in the
and the passive, seems to be the most favorable. class of plant-animals, worms, and amphibia, in short
of those animals which have cold blood and no bones,
This principle, therefore, is confirmed : the more in- or only such as are cartilaginous. And amongst all
tensive the life of a being is, and the less its internal these animals there exists a most remarkable duration
consumption, that is to say, according to the common of life.
mode of expression, the more imperfect the life of a
Somewhat of the same nature is the casting of scales history of the world, the history of the age of man, and
among fishes; of the skin among snakes, crocodiles, the venerable gallery of the Nestors of ancient periods
frogs, etc. : of the feathers and bill among birds : and and nations. I shall occasionally add a few short char-
we always observe, that the more perfect this renova- acteristics, to give at the same time a hint how far
tion is, the duration of life is proportionably longer. character and temperament have an influence on the
duration of life.
A highly important circumstance, however, in regard
to restoration, is nourishment ; and here a most essen-
tial difference is manifested between the vegetable and
animal world. All plants derive their nourishment DURATION OF HUMAN LIFE. 73
from without : on the other hand, it is an invariable law
of Nature, among animals, that the nourishment must It is commonly believed that, during the early peri-
first pass into a cavity or bag, commonly called the ods of the world, the lives of its inhabitants were more
stomach, destined for that purpose, before it can be re- youthful and more perfect ; that these primitive men
ceived into the mass of the juices and become a part of had a gigantic size, incredible strength, and a most
the animal ; and the imperfect polype, as well as the astonishing duration of life. A variety of such notions
elephant, has these characteristics of the animal, a were long prevalent among mankind ; and to these we
mouth, and a stomach. are indebted for the origin of many romantic tales.
Some have not hesitated seriously to ascribe to our
It is this which forms the grand basis of the animal forefather Adam, the height of nine hundred yards, and
world ; the characterizing difference between animals the age of almost a thousand years. But the accurate
and plants ; and upon which is originally grounded the and rational investigation of modern philosophy has
superior advantage of individuality ; of internal, more converted the supposed bones of giants, found in differ-
perfect, and more expanded life. Among animals, the ent parts of the earth, into those of the elephant and
substance which is received may obtain a far higher rhinoceros; and acute theologists have shown that the
degree of preparation than among plants ; the roots chronology of the early ages was not the same as that
(the lacteal vessels) are, as it were, within ; and receive used at present. Some, particularly Hensler, have
the nourishing juices, already assimilated and purified, proved, with the highest probability, that the year till
the time of Abraham consisted only of three months ;
that it was afterwards extended to eight ; and that it
was not till the time of Joseph that it was made to con-
RESTORATIVE POWERS OF ANIMALS. 71 sist of twelve. These assertions are, in a certain de-
gree, confirmed by some of the eastern nations, who still
through the intestines. Animals, therefore, are subject reckon only three months to the year ; and besides, it
to more secretions and excretions than plants ; and, for would be altogether inexplicable why the life of man
the same reason, the course of the nourishing juices should have been shortened one half immediately after
and of all movements proceeds, among animals, from the flood. It would be equally inexplicable why the
the internal to the external part, and among plants from patriarchs did not marry till their sixtieth, seventieth,
the external to the internal. For this reason, also, the and even hundredth year; but this difficulty vanishes
progress of death, in an animal, is from the external to when we reckon these ages according to the before-
the internal parts : in a plant the case is reversed ; and mentioned standard, which will give the twentieth or
one may often see trees without pith or internal sub- thirtieth year ; and consequently, the same periods at
stance, of which nothing exists but the bark, and which, which people marry at present. The whole, therefore,
however, still continue to live. For the above reason,
likewise, animals can receive nourishment far more
various, and restore themselves in a much more perfect
manner, and, by these means, counterbalance the 74 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
stronger self-consumption.
according to this explanation, assumes a different ap-
pearance. The sixteen hundred years before the flood
will become four hundred and fourteen ; and the nine
CHAPTER V. hundred years (the highest recorded) which Methuselah
lived, will be reduced to two hundred, an age which
Duration of the life of man. Apparently inci'edible age of the patri- is not impossible, and to which some men in modern
archs explained. Age of the world has no influence on the duration times have nearly approached.
of human life. Instances of great age among the Jews, Greeks,
and Romans. Tables of the Census under Vespasian. Instances In profane history, also, we have an account of many
of great age among kings, emperors, and popes. Frederick II. heroes and Arcadian kings of those periods who attained
Among hermits and monks; philosophers and men of letters; poets to the age of several hundred years ; but these pre-
and artists. Instances of the greatest age to be found only among tended instances of longevity can be explained in the
country people, hunters, gardeners, soldiers, and sailors. Few to same manner.
be found among physicians. Shortest life. Difference of age
according to the climate. With the period of Abraham, a period when history
seems first to be established on more certain grounds,
LET us now proceed to the grand source of our we find mention of a duration of life which can be still
information, the history of man ; and let me there col- attained, and which no longer appears extraordinary,
lect examples which will be of utility in the present especially when we consider the temperate manner in
research. which the patriarchs lived; and that, as they were
nomades, or a wandering people, they were much ex-
I shall, therefore, lay before my readers the most posed to the free open air.
remarkable instances of the greatest age among man-
kind ; and we shall thence see in what climate, under From the history of the Jews we are enabled to col-
what favorable circumstances, in what condition, and lect the following facts. Abraham, a man of great and
what state both of mind and body man has attained to resolute mind, who was fortunate in all his undertakings,
the highest degree of longevity : an agreeable review, attained to the age of 175 years ; his son Isaac, a chaste,
which will make known to us a peculiar part of the peaceable man, and fond of tranquillity, to 180 ; Jacob,
who was also a lover of peace, but crafty and cunning, tieth, a man ; from the sixtieth to the eightieth, an old
lived only 147; Ishmael, a warrior, 137; Sarah, the or declining man ; and after this period he reckoned
only female of the ancient world with whose duration of him no more among the living, let him live to whatever
life we are acquainted, lived 127 years; Joseph, a man of great age he might.
prudence and political talents, much afflicted in
his youth, but greatly honored in his latter days, lived Among the Romans the following instances deserve
to the age of 110. to be remarked :

M. Valerius Corvinus, a man of great boldness and

courage, extremely popular, and always fortunate, was
EXAMPLES OF GREAT AGE. 75 above the age of 100. Orbilius, the celebrated Orbil-

Moses, a man of extraordinary strength and spirit,

rich in deeds but weak in words, carried his life, during
which he was exposed to great care and fatigue, to the EXAMPLES OF GREAT AGE. 77
age of 120. But he even complains that the life of man
endures only threescore and ten, or at most fourscore ius, first a soldier and then a pedagogue, but who always
years ; and we hence find that, in regard to age, the exercised military severity, attained, in this kind of life,
case was exactly the same three thousand years ago as to the age of above 100 years. How far Hermippus,
it is at present. the instructor of young maids, carried his life, we have
seen before. Fabius, well known on account of his de-
The warlike and ever active Joshua lived to the age lay, showed, by an age of 90 years, that something may
of 110. Eli, the high-priest, a corpulent, phlegmatic be gained even from death by the same means. And
man, of a resigned disposition, lived to be only 90 ; but Cato, that man with an iron body and iron mind, fond
Elisha, severe towards others and towards himself, who of a country life, and an enemy to physicians, lived to
despised convenience and riches, lived far above 100. the age of above 90.
In the latter period of the Jewish State, the prophet
Simeon, a man full of hope and confidence in God, was We have likewise remarkable instances of the lon-
distinguished by a li e of 90 years. gevity of Roman ladies. Terentia, the wife of Cicero,
notwithstanding her many misfortunes, cares, and the
However replete with fables the history of the Egyp- gout, with which she was tormented, lived to the age of
tians may be, the age of their kings, recorded from the 103. And Livia, the wife of Augustus, an imperious,
earliest periods, presents nothing remarkable. The passionate, but fortunate woman, attained to that of 90.
longest reign is somewhat above fifty years.
It is particularly worthy of remark, that several in-
If we judge according to the account of Lucian, we stances occur of Roman actresses who became old ; an
must form a very high idea of the great age of the advantage which they have now unfortunately lost, and
Seres, or the ancient Chinese. They are expressly call- which seems to show that more vital consumption is
ed Macrobii ; and Lucian ascribes their longevity to their connected with their occupation at present than former-
drinking water in great abundance. Is it not probable ly. One Luceja, who came on the stage very young,
that they may, even then, have been acquainted with performed a whole century, and even made her appear-
tea? ance publicly when in her 112th year. Galeria Copi-
ola, an actress, and dancer also, w r as 90 years old when
Among the Greeks we find several instances of great she first performed in the theatre ; and she was again
age. The wise Solon, a man of much magnanimity, brought forward as a wonder, in order to compliment
depth of thought and ardent patriotism, though not in- Pompey. But this even was not the last time of her
different in regard to the enjoyments of life, attained acting ; for she appeared once more, to show her re-
the age of 80. spect for Augustus.

A very valuable collection in regard to the duration

of life in the time of the emperor Vespasian, has been

Epiraenides of Crete is said to have lived 157 years.

The poet Anacreon, so fond of mirth and jollity, lived 78 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
to the age of 80 ; as did also Sophocles and Pindar.
Georgias of Leontium, a great orator, a man who had preserved to us by Pliny, from the records of the Cen-
travelled much, and who spent a great deal of his time sus, a source perfectly sure and worthy of credit. It
in the company of young people and in giving them in- there appears, that in the year when that numbering of
.struction, prolonged his life to the age of 108 years. the people took place, the seventy-sixth of our era,
Protagoras of Abdera, an orator and traveller also, there were living in that part of Italy which lies be-
lived 90 ; and Isocrates, a man of great temperance and tween the Apennines and the Po, only 124 men who
modesty, lived 98. Democritus, the friend and searcher had attained the age of 100 years and upwards, name-
of Nature, a man also of a good temper and serene ly, fifty-four of 100, fifty-seven of 110, two of 125, four
mind, lived 109 years ; and the frugal, but slovenly of 130, four of from 135 to 137, and three of 140. Be-
Diogenes, 90. Zeno, the founder of the Stoical sect, sides these, there were in Parma five men, three of
and a master in the art of self-denial, attained nearly whom were 120, and two 130 ; in Placentia, one of 130 ;
to the age of 100 years ; and Plato, one of the most di- at Faventia, a woman of 132 ; and in Vellejacium, a
vine geniuses that ever existed, and a friend to rest and small town near Placentia, there lived ten persons, six
calm meditation, to that of 81. Pythagoras, who in of whom had attained to the age of 110, and four to
his doctrine recommended good regimen, moderation of that of 120.
the passions, and the gymnastic exercises, became also
very old. He used to divide the life of man into four The bills of mortality also of the celebrated Ulpian
equal parts. From the first to the twentieth year he agree in a most striking manner with ours, and in par-
called him a child, a man begun ; from the twentieth to ticular with those of great cities. From these it appears
the fortieth, a young man ; from the fortieth to the six- that one might with great propriety compare Rome to
London, in regard to the probability of the duration of by the warmth and hot baths recommended to him by
life. his ordinary physicians, must have been rendered still
worse. Antonius Musa resolved to treat his case in a
We have sufficient reason, therefore, to believe that manner totally different. He obliged him to keep him-
the duration of life in the time of Moses, the Greeks, self perfectly cool, and to use the cold bath ; and by
and the Romans, was invariably the same as at present ; these 1 means his health was again soon restored. This
and that the age of the earth has no influence on the disorder, as well as the useful change which it effected
longevity of its inhabitants, that difference excepted in his mode of living, contributed very much, in all pro-
which may be produced by the cultivation of its sur- bability, to the prolongation of his life.
face, and the difference of climate that may thence
arise. From this account we learn also, that the method by
the cold bath is improperly called the English method,
Thus, for example, it is certain that in Italy, at pre- since it appears to be of so great antiquity.
sent, neither so many nor so old people are to be found
as in the time of Vespasian ; but the reason is, that the The emperor Tiberius lived two years longer. He
was of a violent temper, but vir lentis maxillis,* as Au-
gustus called him ; a friend to voluptuousness, though

LONGEVITY OF SOVEREIGNS. 79 * Literally : "A man of slow jaws," which may mean that he
masticated slowly, as well as that he was moderate in the quan-
climate then, on account of the woods and forests, was tity of his food. EDITOR.
much colder,* and rendered the men more robust. It
is also not improbable that the natural warmth of the
earth itself may alter, and be accumulated sometimes in
one region and diminished in another. LONGEVITY OF SOVEREIGNS. 81

The result of this research will therefore be, that man still attached to regimen, and, even amidst enjoyment,
can still attain to the same age as ever. The difference not inattentive to his health ; so that he used to say he
only is, that more attained to old age formerly than at considered a man as a fool, who, after the thirtieth year
present. of his age, consulted physicians respecting diet ; because
every one, with the least attention, must before that pe-
Let us now take a view of the different states and riod have discovered what was useful and what preju-
conditions of men, ^n4, in this respect, turn our eyes in dicial to him.
particular to modern times.
Aurengzeb, that celebrated conqueror, attained to the
To begin with emperors, kings, and, in short, the age of 100 ; but he is not to be considered so much a*
great ones of the earth : has Nature, which has con- king as a nomade or wanderer.
ferred upon them, in the highest degree, all the advan-
tages and enjoyments of this world, bestowed upon them Great age is equally uncommon in the royal and]
also her best gift, a longer duration of life ? Unfortu- princely families of modern times. We must, however,
nately not. Neither ancient nor modern history informs except the kings of France, of the house of Bourbon,
us that this prerogative belongs exclusively to them. two of whom, who succeeded each other, attained the
In ancient history we find only a few kings w r ho attained age of 70.
to their eightieth year ; and this is equally the case in
the modern. In the whole catalogue of Roman and Frederic IL, that great prince, one of the most im-
German emperors, reckoning from Augustus to the pres- portant instances in modern times, must not be here
ent time, which includes altogether above two hundred, omitted. He was great in every thing, even in what
we find, (the two first, Augustus and Tiberius, except- related to his medicine. Pie not only attained to an age
ed) only four who arrived at the age of 80 ; namely, very rare among kings that of 7C, but, what is still
Gordian, Valerian, Anastasius, and Justinian. of greater weight, attained to it amidst a life more ex-
posed to care, labor, and fatigue, than that perhaps of
Augustus, a man of a peaceful, moderate disposition, any other man who ever existed, as he spent twenty
though quick and lively in action, temperate in the en- years of it in active war, during which he submitted to
all the toils of a common soldier ; but with this differ-
* Of this we have several instances. Pliny, for example, ence, that, as commander-in-chief he thought for all, and
speaks of winters when the wine was congealed in the cellars, frequently passed the night, while others were enjoying
and the Tyber frozen to the bottom. repose, in the deepest meditation, and in forming new
plans for his future operations.

The ecclesiastical princes, in this respect, -have not

80 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. been more fortunate. Of three hundred popes, who
may be reckoned up, no more than five attained to or
joyments of the table, but more susceptible therefore of 6
the pleasure arising from the arts and the sciences, at-
tained to the age of seventy-six. He used none but the
simplest food ; ate only when he had an appetite ; never
drank above a pint of wine ; and considered mirth and 82 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
good company as the best seasoning of his meals. He exceeded the age of eighty, though they possessed the
possessed a serene mind, was a great favorite of fortune, advantage of obtaining the pontifical chair at a late pe-
and entertained such ideas respecting the term of life, riod, and had therefore a greater probability of enjoy-
that he said to his friends a little before his death, Plau- ing longevity.
dite, amid ! " Applaud, my friends ; the farce is ended ! "
a disposition of mind exceedingly favorable to longev- An extraordinary number of instances, however, may
ity. In the thirtieth year of his age he was attacked be found among the hermits and monks, who, with the
by so severe and dangerous a disease that his life was strictest regimen, self-denial, and abstraction, while they
despaired of. It was a sort of nervous disorder, which, divested themselves of all human passions, and avoided
such intercourse as might tend to excite them, led a life distinguished. I need mention only the venerable Fon-
of contemplation, but united with bodily exercise and the tenelle, who wanted but one year of a hundred, and that
enjoyment of free air. Thus the apostle John attained Nestor, Formey, both perpetual secretaries, the former
to the age of 93 ; Paul the hermit, by means of an al- of the French, and the latter of the Berlin Academy.
most incredibly severe regimen in a grotto, to that of
113 ; and St. Anthony to that of 105. Athanasius and We find, also, many instances of long life among
Jerome also exceeded the age of 80.* In modern times, schoolmasters; so that one might almost believe that
since mental abstraction, self-denial, and temperance continual intercourse with youth may contribute some-
have undergone some variations, instances of this kind thing towards our renovation and support.
are become more uncommon.
But poets and artists, in short all those fortunate mor-
Deep-thinking philosophers have at alj times been tals whose principal occupation leads them to be con-
distinguished by their great age, especially when their versant with the sports of fancy and self-created worlds,
philosophy was occupied in the study of Nature, and and whose whole life, in the properest sense, is an
afforded them the divine pleasure of discovering new agreeable dream, have a particular claim to a place in
and important truths : the purest enjoyment, a benefi- the history of longevity. We have already seen to
cial exaltation of ourselves, and a kind of restoration what a great age Anacreon, Sophocles, and Pindar at-
which may be ranked among the principal means of tained. Young, Voltaire, Bodmer, Haller, Metastasio,
prolonging the life of a perfect being. The most an- Gleim, Utz, and Oeser, all lived to be very old ;f and
cient instances are to be found among the Stoics and
the Pythagoreans, according to whose ideas subduing the * Kant died in 1804, having lived to the age of 80. EDITOR.
passions and sensibility, with the observation of strict
t The following short list of the ages of distinguished men
* St. David lived to the age of 146 ; Theodore, Archbishop of may be interesting to the reader in this place ; for a more com-
Canterbury, to that of 88 ; and Wilfred, Bishop of Hexham, plete catalogue, arranged according to the classes of science and
through a turbulent career, to 76. EDITOR. literature upon which they shed their light, he is referred to Mad-
den's " Infirmities of Genius."

Tasso 61
regimen, were the most essential duties of a philosopher.
We have already considered the example of a Plato and Virgil .... 62
an Isocrates. Apollonius of Tyana, an accomplished Shakspeare . . . .62
man, endowed with extraordinary powers both of body Moliere .... 63
and mind, who, by the Christians, was considered as a Dante 56
magician, and by the Greeks and Romans as a messen-
ger of the gods, in his regimen a follower of Pythago-
ras, and a friend to travelling, was above 100 years of
age. Xenophilus, a Pythagorean also, lived 106 years. Pope 56
The philosopher Demonax, a man of the most severe
manners and uncommon stoical apathy, lived likewise Ovid 57
100. Being asked, a little before his death, how he
wished to be buried, he replied, " Give yourself no con- Horace .... 57
cern on that point ; the smell will soon bury the car-
cass." " But," returned his friends, " do you wish, then, Kacine 59
to become food to the dogs and the birds?" '"Why
not ? " replied he ; " during my whole life I have en- Demosthenes ... 59
deavored as much as I could to be serviceable to man,
why should I not, after my death, be of some use also
to animals?"
Even in modern times philosophers seem to have ob-
tained this preeminence, and the deepest thinkers
appear in that respect to have enjoyed, in a higher de-
gree, the fruits of their mental tranquillity. Kepler 85
and Bacon both attained to a great age ; and Newton,
who found all his happiness and pleasure in the higher
spheres, attained to the age of 84.* Euler, a man of in-
credible industry, whose works on the most abstruse I here flatter myself with the hope, and I shall no
subjects amount to above three hundred, approached doubt be joined in my wish by every one of my readers,
that Wieland, the prince of the German poets, may af-
* Kepler only reached the age of 59 ; Bacon attained that of ford the newest confirmation of this position.*
78; and Euler, 77. EDITOR,
The most extraordinary instances of longevity are to
be found, however, only among those classes of .man-
kind who, amidst bodily labor, and in the open air, lead
84 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. a simple life agreeable to nature, such as farmers, gar-
deners, hunters, soldiers, and sailors. In these situa-
near to the same age ; and Kant, the first philosopher tions man still attains to the age of 140, and even 150.
now alive, still shows that philosophy not only can pre- I cannot here deny myself the pleasure of giving a
serve life, but that it is the most faithful companion of more particular account of some of these instances ; for,
the greatest age, and an inexhaustible source of happi- in cases of this kind, the most trifling circumstance is
ness to one's self and to others.* often interesting, and may be of importance.

Academicians, in this respect, have been particularly * Wialand died insane at the age of eighty, in January, 1813.
EDITOR. soldier and corporal ; and had been present at the bat<~


In the year 1670 died Henry Jenkins, of Yorkshire. 88 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
He remembered the battle of Floddenfield in 1513, and
at that time he was twelve years of age. It was tie of Hochstedt. He at length returned to the place
proved, from the registers of the Chancery and other of his nativity, and worked as a day-laborer till his
Courts, that he had appeared, 140 years before his death. It is to be remarked, that in his youth he never
death, as an evidence, and had an oath administered to drank strong, heating liquors ; that he always lived re-
him. At the time of his death, he was, therefore, 169 markable temperately, and seldom ate flesh. Till his
years old. His last occupation was fishing; and when 100th year he scarcely knew what sickness was ; and
above the age of 100, he was able to swim across rapid eight days before his end, he had walked three miles.
In the year 1792, died, in the Duchy of Holstein, an
Next to him, in point of age, is another Englishman, industrious day-laborer, named Stender, in the 103rd
Thomas Parr, of Shropshire. He was a poor farmer's year of his age. His food, for the most part, was noth-
servant, and obliged to maintain himself by daily labor. ing but oatmeal and buttermilk. He rarely ate flesh ;
When above 120 years of age, he married a widow for and what he used was always much salted. He scarcely
his second wife, who lived with him twelve years, and ever had thirst, and therefore drank very seldom. He
who asserted that during that time he never betrayed was fond of smoking tobacco. In his old age he first
any signs of infirmity or age. Till his 130th year he began to drink tea, and sometimes coffee. He lost his
performed all his usual work, and was accustomed even teeth early. He was never sick ; and could not be out
to thresh. Some years before his death, his eyes and of humor ; that is to say, it was physically impossible
memory began to fail ; but his hearing and senses con- that his bile should ever overflow. He avoided with
tinued sound to the last. In his 152nd year his fame great care every cause of strife or contention. He
had reached London ; and as the king was desirous of had the greatest trust in Providence ; and this was his
seeing so great a rarity, he was induced to undertake a consolation and support in all his misfortunes and
journey thither. This, in all probability, shortened his troubles. His chief dependence always was in the
existence, which he otherwise might have preserved goodness of God.
some years longer ; for he was treated at Court in so
royal a manner, and his mode of living was so totally One of the most singular instances that, amidst the
changed, that he died soon after, at London, in 1635. ficklest sports of fortune, continual danger, and the
He was 152 years and nine months old, and had lived most destructive influences, the life of man may be pre-
under nine kings of England. What was most remark- served to an incredible length, is the following : An
able in regard to this man is, that when his body was old soldier, named Mittelstedt, died in Prussia, in the
opened by Dr. Harvey, his internal organs were found year 1792, in the 112th year of his age. This man
was born at Fissahn, in that country, in the month of
June, 1681 ; and was lost at the gaming-table by his
master, who in one evening staked his whole equipage

to be in the most perfect state, nor was the least symp-

tom of decay to be discovered in them. His cartilages INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. 89
even were not ossified, as is the case in all old people.
The smallest cause of death had not yet settled in his and six more servants. He then entered into the army,
body ; and he died merely of a plethora, because he had and served as a soldier sixty-seven years. He was
been too well treated. present in all the campaigns under Frederick I., Fred-
erick William L, and Frederick II., and, in particular,
This Parr is a proof that, in many families, a consti- in those of the seven years' war ; and had been engaged
tution so favorable to longevity may transmit a remark- in seventeen general actions, in which he braved num-
ably good stamen vitce. His great grandson died at berless dangers and received many wounds. In the
Cork, a few years ago, at the age of 103. seven years' war his horse was shot under him, and he
was then taken prisoner by the Russians. After sup-
The following instance is almost of the same kind : porting all these difficulties, he married ; and having lost two wives
A Dane, named Draakenberg, born in 1626, served as a successively, he married a third, in
seaman in the Royal Navy till the ninety -first year of 1790, when he w r as in the 110th year of his age. A
his age, and spent fifteen years of his life as a slave in little before his death he was still able to walk two
Turkey, and in the greatest misery. When he was 111, miles, every month, in order to receive his small pension.
and had settled to enjoy tranquillity, he resolved to
marry, and united himself to a woman of threescore. The same year died at Neus, in the Archbishopric
He, however, outlived her a long time ; and in his of Cologne, H. Kauper, a veteran of 112. He wns
130th year, fell in love with a young country girl, who, a man of a strong make; had been accustomed to
as may be well supposed, rejected his proposal. He walk a little every day ; could read till his death with-
then tried his fortune with several others, but as he had out spectacles, and retained the use of his senses to the
no better success, he at length resolved to continue last.
single, and in that condition lived sixteen years. He
died in the year 1772, in the 146th year of his age. Helen Gray died a few years ago, in the 105th year
He was a man of a rather violent temper, and exhibited of her age. She was of small stature, exceedingly
frequent proofs of his strength during the last years of lively, peaceable, and good-tempered, and a few years
his life. before her death acquired new teeth.

In the year 1757, J. Emngham died in Cornwall, in Thomas Garrick was alive last year, (1795,) in the
the 144th year of his age. He was born of poor pa- county of Fife, in the 108th year of his age. He still
rents in the reign of James I., and had been brought up possessed great vigor ; and was celebrated, as he always
to labor from his infancy. He had served long as a had been, on account of his extraordinary appetite. For
twenty years he had never been confined to his bed by and the causes of disease ; by custom, noxious effluvia
sickness. and the poison of infectious disorders becomes less pre-
judicial; and he acquires more indifference for the
Not long ago there was still alive at Tacony, near heart-melting scenes of woe, and the numberless mise-
Philadelphia, a shoemaker named R. Glen, in the 114th ries, the consequences of vice and moral evil, which his
business condemns him to be a daily spectator of: and

* In serving others they are consumed ; in healing others they


year of his age. He was by birth a Scotchman, had

seen King William III., enjoyed the perfect use of his
sight and memory, ate and drank with a keen appetite, 92 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
had a good digestion, labored the whole week, and on
Sunday walked to hear divine service in the church thus a physician who has luckily passed his time of
at Philadelphia. His third wife was still alive ; she probation, may become an old man ;
was thirty years of age, and lived happily with her
husband. A striking instance of this is afforded by our prede-
cessor, Hippocrates, who lived to the age of 109. His
A certain baron, Baravicino de Capellis, died in 1770, whole life was employed in the study of Nature, in
at Meran, in Tyrol, at the age of 104. He had been travelling, and in visiting the sick ; but he passed more
married to four wives : the first he married in his four- of his time in small villages and in the country than in
teenth, and the last in his eighty-fourth year. By his great cities. Galen, Crato, Forestus, Plater, Hoffman,
fourth wife he had seven children, and when he died Haller, Van Swieten, and Boerhaave all attained to a
she was pregnant with the eighth. The vigor of his considerable age.*
body and mind did not forsake him till the last months
of his life. He never used spectacles, and when at a In regard to shortness of life, miners, and those em-
great age would frequently walk a couple of miles. ployed in melting-houses, are particularly distinguished,
His usual food was eggs ; he never tasted boiled flesh; as well as those who live under the earth, or are con-
sometimes he ate a little roasted, but always in very tinually exposed to poisonous effluvia. In some mines,
small quantity : and he drank abundance of tea with which contain much arsenic and cobalt, the workmen
rosa-solis* and sugar-candy. do not live to be older than thirty.

Anthony Senish, a farmer of the village of Puy, in I shall now take a short view of the difference of
Limoges, died in 1770, in the lllth year of his age. age, as arising from climate, or rather the nature of the
He labored till within fourteen days of his death; soil.
had still his teeth and his hair; and his sight had
not failed him. His usual food was chestnuts and Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and England have, in
Turkish corn. He had never been bled, nor used any

These are all the instances of great age in modern * The following list embraces a few distinguished names of
times with which I am 'acquainted. Persons of 100 medical philosophers who have attained an advanced age :
years I omit, for these are more common. A carpenter
* A plant having the character of being a "cordial." EDITOR.
modern times, without doubt, produced the oldest men.*
Instances of some who attained to the age of 130, 140,
150, have occurred in these countries.
However favorable a northern climate may be to
died a few years ago at Btirgel, near this place, in his longevity, too great a degree of cold is, on the other
104th year. He worked daily till his death ; and his hand, prejudicial to it. In Iceland, and the northern
favorite employment, at last, was spinning yarn. One parts of Asia, such as Siberia, men attain at most to the
day, as he was sitting at his wheel, his daughter ob- age of sixty or seventy.
served it motionless ; she immediately went up to him,
and found him dead. Besides England and Scotland, Ireland is celebrated
for the longevity of its inhabitants. In Dunsford, a
Physicians, who so abundantly dispense to others the small place in that country, there were living, at one
means of health and life, ought to claim here a distin- time, eighty persons above the age of fourscore. And
guished place. But unfortunately this is not the case. Lord Bacon says there was not a village in the whole
It may be said of them, in general : Aliis inserviendo island, as he believed, in which there was not one man
consumuntur; aliis medendo moriuntur.* upwards of eighty.

At any rate, mortality is greater among practical In France, instances of longevity are not so abun-
physicians than perhaps among men of any other pro- dant ; though a man died there, in the year 1757, at the
fession. They have the least opportunity of observing age of 121.
those prudential rules and precautions, for preserving
health, which they lay down to others ; and there are The case is the same in Italy ; yet in the northern
few employments in which the powers both of the body province of Lombardy there have been some instances
and mind are exposed to so much consumption as in of great age.
this. Head and feet must be always exercised in com-
mon. But the greatest mortality prevails during the In Spain, also, there have been some instances, though
first ten years of their practice. A physician who has seldom, of men who lived to the age of 110.
fortunately withstood that period, attains to a certain
strength of constitution, a kind of insensibility to fatigue That healthy and beautiful country, Greece, is still
as celebrated as it was formerly in regard to longevity. tion of their life became shorter. The same people,
Tournefort found, at Athens, an old consul who was however, restored by a revolution to their former rude
state, and to manners more agreeable to Nature, can
* In England, during the seven years 1838-44, there died at again attain to their ancient longevity. These, conse-
the age of 100 and upwards, 788 persons ; namely, 256 males, and quently, are unsettled periods, which only pass away
532 females : giving an average of 112 1-2 annually. Of this and return. Mankind, in general, do not suffer by them,
number a very small proportion, namely 72 (27 males, 45 females), and retain that duration of life which is appointed for
were returned from London; while 137 (43 males, 94 females), them.
were inhabitants of Wales. EDITOR.
II. Man, as we have above seen, can, in almost all
climates, in the frigid or torrid zone, attain to a great
age. The only difference seems to be, that this is the
94 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. case in some much more than in others ; and that though
man can attain to a great age, people in general do not
118 years of age. The island Naxos is particularly attain to the greatest.
celebrated on this account.
III. Even in districts where mortality in general is
Even in Egypt and India there are instances of very great, individuals may attain to a greater age than
long life, particularly among the Bramins, Anchorites, in places where general mortality is less. I shall, by
and Hermits, who detest the indolence and intemperance way of example, mention the warm countries of the
of the other inhabitants of these countries. East. There, mortality, upon the whole, is very small :
hence their extraordinary population ; and infancy, in
Ethiopia formerly was much celebrated for its lon- particular, suffers there much less on account of the con-
gevity ; but a contrary account is given of it by Bruce. tinually uniform and pure temperature of the atmos-
phere. Yet a much smaller proportion of old people
Some districts of Hungary are particularly distin- are found in these countries than in the northern, where
guished by the great age of the people who reside in mortality in general is greater.
IV. Places, the situation of which is high, have, in
Germany contains abundance of old persons ; but general, more and purer air than those which stand
it affords few instances of very long life. low ; though here, also, there is a certain limitation, and
the rule cannot be thus laid down : the higher the better.
Even in Holland people may become old ; but this is The greatest degree of height, the glaciers, is, on the
not often the case, and few live there to the age of a


CHAPTER VI. contrary, prejudicial to health ; and Switzerland, with-

out doubt the highest land in Europe, has produced
Eesult of the above observations. Age of the world has no influence- fewer instances of longevity than Scotland. For this
on that of its inhabitants. -Influence of climate and of the atmos- there are two reasons : First, the atmosphere at a great
phere. Islands and peninsulas. Countries in Europe most favor- height is too dry, ethereal, and pure, and consumes, therefore, speedier.
able to longevity. Advantages of temperance. The two most Secondly, the temperature of it is
dreadful extremes of mortality in modern times. Moderation in too variable ; heat and cold succeed each other too rap-
all things has great effect in prolonging life. State of marriage. idly ; and nothing is more unfavorable to duration of
Female sex. Industry. Frugality. Civilization. Rural life. life than very sudden changes.
Renovation possible. Extent of human life determined. Absolute
and relative duration of it. Tables respecting the latter. V. In cold climates, men in general become older
than in warm ; and for two reasons : First, because, in.
THAT 1 may not tire the patience of my readers by warm countries vital consumption is greater ; and se-
too great a multitude of examples, I shall here stop, and, condly, because, in cold countries, the climate, being
in future, introduce them only occasionally, as the sub- more temperate, checks vital consumption. This, how-
ject may require. ever, is the case only in a certain degree. By the high-
est cold, such as that of Greenland, Nova Zembla, etc.,
Let me be permitted, therefore, to collect the general the duration of life is shortened.
result of the observations above made, and to draw from
them the following important conclusions : YI. Uniformity in the state of the atmosphere, parti-
cularly in regard to heat, cold, gravity, and lightness,
I. The age of the world hitherto has had no percep- contributes, in a very considerable degree, to the dura-
tible influence on that of man ; and people may still tion of life. Countries, therefore, where sudden and
become as old as in the time of Abraham, and even of great variations in the barometer and thermometer are
earlier epochs. There certainly have been periods usual, cannot be favorable to longevity. Such countries
when men lived sometimes longer and sometimes short- may be healthy, and many men may become old i
er ; but this evidently did not arise from the world, but them ; but they will not attain to a great age, for all
from man himself. When men were in a savage state, rapid variations are so many internal revolutions ; and
simple, laborious children of Nature, and much exposed these occasion an astonishing consumption, both of the
to the open air, as shepherds, hunters, and farmers, powers and the organs. In this respect Germany is
great age was very common among them ; but when particularly distinguished; for its situation renders it
subject to a continual mixture of heat and cold, of
northern and southern climate, where one often experi-
ences, in the course of the same day, both frost and the

they began gradually to despise the dictates of Nature,

to study refinement, and to indulge in luxury, the dura-
98 ART OP PROLONGING LIFE. XI. The most dreadful degree of human mortality,
occasioned by two inventions of modern times, is to be
utmost heat ; and where the month of March may be
extremely warm, and that of May accompanied with
snow. This uncertainty of the climate of Germany is
undoubtedly the principal cause that, notwithstanding 100 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
the healthfulness of its situation in other points of view,
and though in general people attain there to a consider- found among the slaves in the West Indies, and in
able age, instances of very great age occur much more hospitals for foundlings. Of the negro slaves, one in
rarely than in neighboring countries lying almost under five or six dies annually ; a proportion equal to that
the same degree of latitude. which takes place during the ravages of the most in-
veterate pestilence. And of 7000 children who are
VII. Too high a degree of dryness, as well as too every year brought into the foundling hospital at Paris,
great moisture, are unfavorable to duration of life. Air, 180 only are alive at the end of ten years ; so that 6820
therefore, which contains a mixture of fine moisture, is perish, and no more than one in forty escapes from that
the best for attaining to great age. The reasons are as sepulchre. Is it not highly worthy of remark, and a
follow : Moist air, being in part already saturated, has new proof of our former position, that mortality prevails
less attractive power over bodies ; that is to say, con- in the greatest degree where men deviate farthest from
sumes them less. Besides, in a moist atmosphere there Nature ; where her most sacred laws are despised ; and
is always more uniformity of temperature ; and fewer where her first and strongest bonds are torn asunder ?
rapid revolutions of heat and cold are possible. Lastly, Where man, in the most evident manner, sinks below
.an atmosphere somewhat moist keeps the organs longer the brute, there the child is dragged from its mother's
pliable and youthful ; whereas that which is too dry breast, and consigned helpless to the care of hirelings ;
brings on much sooner aridity of the vessels, and all the there one brother is separated from another, from his
characteristics of old age. home, from his native soil, and transferred to a strange
and unhealthy climate, where, without hope, without
A most striking proof of this is afforded by islands ; comfort, and without enjoyment, while his heart con-
for we find that these, as well as peninsulas, have at all tinually sighs after those he left behind, he pines to
times been, and still are, the cradles of old age. In death, oppressed with severity and labor. I am ac-
islands mankind always become older than in continents quainted with no contagion, no plague, no state of man-
lying under the same degree of latitude. Thus men kind, either in ancient or modern times, during which
live longer in the islands of the Archipelago than in the mortality prevailed to the degree which it does in or-
neighbouring countries of Asia; in Cyprus, than in phan-houses. To produce this evil required an excess
Syria ; in Formosa and Japan, than in China ; and in of refinement reserved only for the most modern times.
England and Denmark, than in Germany. It required the aid of those wretched political calcula-
tors who can assert that the State is the best motheiy
Salt water also is more favourable to longevity than and that nothing more is necessary to increase popula-
tion than to declare children to be its property, to place
them under its protection, and to establish a public abyss,


fresh ; and for that reason seafaring people can become INFLUENCE OF MARRIAGE. 101
so old. Stagnated fresh water, on the other hand, is
hurtful, by its mephitic evaporation. which may swallow them up. People now see, when it
is too late, the horrid consequences of this unnatural
VIII. A great deal seems to depend likewise on the maternity; this contempt of the first grand pillar of
ground and soil, in a word, on the whole genius loci ; human society, marriage and parental duty. In so
and in this respect a cold soil appears to be the least dreadful a manner does Nature avenge every trans-
calculated to promote longevity. gression of her most sacred commands.

IX. According to experience, England, Denmark, XII. The result of all experience, and a principal
Sweden, and Norway, are the countries where men at- ground of longevity, is, omnia mediocria ad vitam pro-
tain to the greatest age ; and we find by accurate obser- longandam sunt utilia. Moderation in very thing, the
vation, that all the before-mentioned properties are in aurea mediocritas, so much extolled by Horace, and
these united. On the other hand, Abyssinia, some parts which Plume calls the best thing on earth, is indeed of
of the West Indies, and Surinam, are countries where the utmost efficacy in prolonging life. In a certain
the life of man is shortest. mediocrity of condition, climate, health, temperament,
constitution, employment, spirits, diet, etc., lies the
X. The more a man follows Nature, and is obedient greatest secret for becoming old. By all extremes,
to her laws, the longer he will live; the further he either too much or too little, too high or too low, pro-
deviates from these, the shorter will be his existence. longation of life is impeded.
This is one of the most general of laws. In the same
districts, therefore, as long as the inhabitants lead a XIII. The following circumstance also is worthy of
temperate life, as shepherds or hunters, they will attain remark. All those people who have become very old,
to old age ; but as soon as they become civilized, and were married more than once, and generally at a very
by these means sink into luxury, dissipation, and cor- late period of life. There is not one instance of a bach-
ruption, their duration of life will be shortened. It is, elor having attained to a great age. This observation
therefore, not the rich and great, not those who take is as applicable to the female as to the male sex ; and
gold tinctures and wonder-working medicines, who be- hence it would appear that a certain abundance in the
come old ; but country labourers, farmers, mariners, and power of generation is favorable to longevity. It forms
such men as perhaps never in their lives employed their an addition to the vital power ; and this power of pro-
thoughts on the means which must be used to promote creation seems to be in the most intimate proportion to
longevity. It is among these people only that the most that of regenerating and restoring one's self; but a cer-
astonishing instances of it are to be observed. tain regularity and moderation are requisite in the em-
ployment of it ; and marriage is the only means by
which these can be preserved.

1 in 47 1-2
The greatest example of this is a Frenchman, named
De Longueville, who lived to the age of 110. He had
been married to ten wives ; his last wife he married
when in his ninety-ninth year, and she bore him a son Liverpool 1 " 28 . . 1 " 32
when he was in his hundred-and-first.
London 1 " 37 . . "43
XIV. More women than men become old ; but men
only attain to the utmost extent of longevity. The Kent " 48 . . "54
equilibrium and pliability of the female body seem, for
a certain time, to give it more durability, and to render Surrey (rural) " 54 . . "57
it less susceptible of injury from destructive influences.
But male strength is, without doubt, necessary to arrive Thanct and Eastry ... " 54 . . "64
at a very great age. More women, therefore, become Hendon and Barnet ... " 61 . . "63
old ; but fewer very old. Bideford and Holsworthy . " 61 . . " 65
Godstone, Reigate, Dorking "65 . . 1 " 62
XV. In the first half of man's age, an active, even a Northumberland (3 districts) "71 . . 1 " 72
fatiguing life, is conducive to longevity ; but in the last
half, a life that is peaceful and uniform. No instance EDITOR.
can be found of an idler having attained to a remarka-
bly great age. t According to the Registrar-General's report on the mortality
of children, nearly one half of all that are born alive die before
XVI. Rich and nourishing food, and an immoderate the end of the fifth year in Liverpool ; while the same number in
use of flesh, do not prolong life. Instances of the great- London live to the age of 33 ; and in the county of Surrey to 50.
est age are to be found among men who from their In 1845 nearly one half of all the children born in Birmingham
youth have lived principally on vegetables, and who died under five years of age ; the entire half in Manchester died
perhaps never tasted flesh. in the same period ; and more than one half in Liverpool. In
London the proportion was between one half and one third ; and
XVII. A certain degree of cultivation is physically in Wales less than one third. EDITOR.
necessary for man, and promotes duration of life. The
wild savage does not live so long as man in a state of
civilization. ,
XVIII. To live in the country and in small towns, is
favorable to longevity : to live in great towns is unfa- est degree of human mortality is one in sixty annually;
vorable. In great cities, from one in twenty-five to one and this proportion is found only here and there among
in thirty die every year ; in the country, from one in country people.*

XIX. Among some men a kind of renovation seems

to be really possible. In several instances of great age
RENOVATION IN OLD AGE. it has been remarked that persons in their sixtieth or
seventieth year, when others cease to live, acquired
new teeth and new hair, and commenced as it were a
new period of life, which continued twenty or thirty
103 years longer : a kind of self-reproduction which is to be
observed only among the more imperfect part of the
creation, t

forty to one in fifty.* Mortality among children is in The most remarkable instance of this kind with which
particular much increased by living in great cities, so I am acquainted, is an old magistrate named Bamberg,
that one half of those who are born die generally before who lived at Rechingen in the Palatinate, and who died,
the third year; whereas, in the country, the half are not in 1791, in the 120th year of his age. In 1787, long
carried off until the twentieth or thirtieth.f The small- after he had lost all his teeth, eight new ones grew up.
At the end of six months they again dropped out, but
* The data upon which Hufeland founded these statements their place was supplied by other new ones, both in the
were of a very inefficient character, as compared with those which upper and lower jaw ; and Nature, unwearied, continued
we possess at the present day, in the labors of the Registrar-Gen- this labor four years, and even till within a month of
eral. Thus, instead of the mortality of large cities ranging from his death. After he had employed his new teeth for
1 in 25 to 1 in 30, the highest known rate of mortality, namely some time with great convenience in chewing his food,
that of Liverpool, is 1 in 30 ; while in the metropolis of London
it is only 1 in 40. In the country, taking as examples, Kent, * In Northumberland, as is shown in the above table, it is 1 in
Surrey, and Northumberland, it ranges between one in 51, and 1 71 1-2. EDITOR.
in 71 1-2. In further illustration of this subject, I have selected
the following examples from the Registrar-General's Report on t In my work on " Healthy Skin " I have mentioned several in-
the Mortality of England during the Seven Years 1838-44 : stances of very old persons in whom the natural color of the hair
returned after they had been for years before grey. This was the
case with John Weeks, who lived to the age of 114. Sir John
Sinclair reports a similar occurrence in an old Scotchman, who
MALES. lived to be 110; and Susan Edmonds, when in her 95th year,
Tecovered her black hair, but became again grey previously to her
All England 1 in 44 death, at the age of 105. EDITOR.
lute duration of life, and the case must be the same
with man.


they took their leave, and new ones immediately sprang NATURAL DURATION OF LIFE. 107
up in some of the sockets. All these teeth he acquired
and lost without any pain ; and the whole number of 2. How long can man live as an individual; and
them amounted at least to fifty. what is the relative duration of his life ?

By the observations already made, we are now ena- With regard to the first question, the research re-
bled to come to a conclusion respecting the important specting the absolute duration of human life, there is
question : What is the proper term or 'boundary of nothing to prevent us from giving it the utmost extent
human life ? One might believe that some degree of to which, according to experience, it is possible for it to
certainty could be acquired on this point; but it is in- attain. It is here sufficient to know what man's nature
credible what difference in opinion respecting it prevails is capable of; and a man who has attained to the far-
among philosophers. Some allow man a very long, and thest .boundary of mortal existence, may be considered
others a very short duration of life. Some are of as a pattern of human nature in its utmost perfection,
opinion that, to determine it, nothing is necessary but and as an instance of what is possible for it under favor-
to examine to what extent it is carried among savages, able circumstances. Now, experience incontestably
because in that state of Nature the utmost period of tells us, that a man still may attain to the age of 150
life must be discovered with the greatest precision. or 1 60 years, ; and what is of the greatest importance
This, however, is false. It ought to be considered that is, that the instance of Thomas Parr, whose body was
this state of Nature is likewise, for the most part, a opened in his 152nd year, proves that, even at this ajc,
state of misery, where the want of society and civiliza- the state of the internal organs may be so perfect and
tion obliges men to waste themselves, and to undergo sound that one might certainly live some time longer ;
fatigue superior to their strength ; and where, in conse- and that no doubt would have been the case with him,
quence of their situation, they are exposed to more had not the manner in which he lived, by his not being
destructive influences, and enjoy much fewer means of accustomed to it, brought on a plethora which proved
restoration. We must not take our examples from the mortal. We may, therefore, with the greatest proba-
class of savages ; for these, in their properties, partici- bility, assert, that the organization and vital power of
pate with the inferior animals : but from that class man are able to support a duration and activity of 200
where man, by culture and civilization, has really be- years.
come a rational being ; for he has then in a physical
sense first attained to his destination and preeminence, This assertion Acquires some weight by our finding
and, by the help of reason, has procured those means that it agrees with the proportion between the time of
of restoration from without, and that happiness of situ- growth and the duration of life. One may lay it down
ation, which it is possible for him to acquire. It is then as a rule, that an animal lives eight times as long as it
grows. Now, man in a natural state, where the period
of maturity is not hastened by art, requires full twenty-


only that we can consider him as a man, and collect 108 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
examples from his condition.
five years to attain his complete growth and conforma-
One might also believe that death by marasmus, that tion ; and this proportion also will give him an absolute
is to say, by old age, is the true boundary of human age of 200 years.
life. But this reasoning, in the present times, is at-
tended with great deception ; for, as Lichtenburg says, It needs not be objected that great age is the unnatu-
men have found out the art to ingraft old age upon ral state, or an exception from the rule ; and that a
themselves before the time ; and one may see very old shorter life is properly the natural condition. We shall
people of thirty or forty, who have every symptom of see hereafter, that almost all those kinds of death which
extreme age, such as stiffness and aridity, weakness, take place before the hundredth year are brought on arti-
grey hair, ossified cartilages, etc., which are observed ficially, that is to say, by disease or accident ; and it
very rarely but among persons who have attained to is certain that the far greater part of men die an unna-
the age of eighty or ninety. This, however, is an arti- tural death, and that not above one in a thousand attains
ficial relative old age ; and such a standard cannot be to the age of a hundred years.
employed in a calculation which has for its object the
duration of the life of man in general. But with regard to the relative duration of human
life : that, indeed, is extremely variable, and as differ-
Some, therefore, have invented the most singular ent as each individual. It is regulated according to the
hypotheses to answer this question. The ancient Egyp- goodness or badness of the mass of which the person is
tians, for example, believe that the heart increased two formed ; his manner of living ; speedier or slower con-
drachms annually in weight for fifty years, and de- sumption ; and a thousand internal and external cir-
creased again fifty years in the same proportion. In cumstances which may have an influence on the contin-
the hundredth year, according to this supposition, no uance of his existence. We must not imagine that every
more heart remained ; and, consequently, the hun- man, at present, brings with him into the world a vital
dredth year was the term or boundary of human life. stock capable of lasting 150 or 200 years. It is unfor-
To answer this question in a satisfactory manner, one tunately the fate of our generation, that the sins of the
must, in my opinion, make the following essential dis- father often communicate to the embryo a far shorter
tinction : stamen vitce.* Let us only reflect on the innumerable
host of diseases and accidents which openly and secretly
1. How long can man exist, in general, considered prey upon our lives, and we sjiall clearly see that it is
as a race ; and what is the absolute duration of his life ? now far more difficult than ever to attain to thaU term
We know that each class of animals has a certain abso- which human nature is really capable of reaching.
That term, however, we must make our foundation ; ture ; the highest degree of its self-representation which
our eyes are capable of seeing, or our senses of com-
* Thread of life. EDITOR. prehending. With him our sublunary prospect is closed ;
he is the extreme point with which and in which the
sensible world borders on a higher spiritual world.


and we shall afterwards examine how far it may be in ESSENTIAL DEFINITION OF LIFE. Ill
our power to remove those obstacles which prevent us
at present from arriving at it. The organization of man is, as it were, a magic band,
by which two worlds of a totally different nature are
The following table, founded on experience, may connected and conjoined ; an eternally incomprehensi-
serve as a proof of the relative duration of human life ble wonder, by which he becomes, at the same time, an
at present. inhabitant of these two worlds, the material and the in-
Of a hundred men who are born,
One may, with propriety, consider man as a compen-
50 die before the 10th year, dium of Nature ; as a masterpiece of conformation, in which all the
active powers scattered throughout the
20 between 10 and 20 rest of Nature, all kinds of organs and forms of life, are
united in one whole, act in concert, and, by these means,
10 20 " 30 make him, in the strictest sense, a little world ; a copy
and epitome of the greater, as he was so often called by
6 " 30 " 40 the ancient philosophers.

5 " 40 " 50 His life is the most expanded ; his organization the
most delicate and best finished; his juices and compo-
3 " 50 " 60 nent parts the most ennobled and best prepared ; and
his intensive life and self-consumption are, therefore, the
Therefore, 6 only live to be above the age of 60. strongest. He has, consequently, more points of con-
Haller, who collected the greatest number of instances tact with the whole of Nature by which he is sur-
respecting the age of man, found the relative duration rounded, and likewise more wants ; but he has, also, a
of life to be in the following proportion : richer and more perfect restoration than any other being.

Of men who lived from 100 to 110 years the in- The inanimate mechanical and chemical powers of
stances have been 1000 Nature ; the organic or living powers ; and that spark
of divine power, the power of thought, are here
110 to 120 60 united and blended together, in the most wonderful
manner, to form that godlike phenomenon which we call
120 "130 29 the life of man.

130 "140 15 Let us now take a short view of the essence and me-
chanism of this operation, as far as they can be dis-
140 " 150 6 covered.

169 1 The life of man, considered in a physical view, is


More particular examination of human life. Essential definition of nothing else than an incessant ceasing and being ; a
it. Principal operations on which it depends. Accession from continual change of destruction and restoration ; an
without. Assimilation and Animalization. Nutrition and prepa- everlasting contest of chemical, decomposing powers,
ration of the organized matter. Power and organs consumed by with all the combining and creative vital powers. New
life itself. Separation and destruction of exhausted parts. Organs component parts are every moment collected from the
necessary for life. History of life. Causes of the long duration whole of nature that surrounds us ; called to life from
of the life of man. Influence of reason and the higher powers of an inanimate state, and transferred from the chemical
thought. Answer to the question, Why, among men who are more to the organic living world ; and from these heteroge-
fitted for long life than animals, mortality, however, should be neous particles the plastic vital power produces a new
greater ? uniform mass, which, in every point, is stamped with
the character of life. But, in the same unceasing man-
WE now come to our principal object, the application ner, the exhausted, worn-out, and corrupted component
of the foregoing premises to the prolongation of human parts, when their combination is dissolved, become sub-
life. But before we can be able to accomplish this ject again to the mechanical and chemical powers,
point, we must first thoroughly examine the following which are in continual contest with the living powers ;
questions : In what does the life of man properly con- return from the organic to the chemical world ; and
sist ? On what organs, powers, and disposition of parts again become a part of inanimate nature in general,
does this important operation, and the duration of it, from which they had been separated for a short time.
depend ? In what does it essentially differ from the This uninterrupted business is the work of the vital
life of other creatures and beings ? power ever active within us ; and is, consequently, at-
tended with an incessant exertion of that power, which
Man, without doubt, is the highest link, the crown of is an important part of vital operation. Life, there-
the visible creation ; the last, the most complete, and fore, is a continual receiving, appropriation, and giv-
the best finished production of the plastic power of Na- ing back ; an incessant mixture of death and new cre-
ation. chemical discoveries. But we must beware of ascrib-
ing to them the same effects in the vital combination of
What then, in a common sense, we call the life of a our bodies, as those which we perceive them to have in
creature, considered as a representation, is nothing else the atmosphere ; for they act according to different and
than a mere phenomenon, which has nothing peculiar specific laws. This observation, in my opinion, cannot
or self-sub^istent but the active spiritual power which be too often repeated ; and it alone may guard us from
forms the ground of it, and which binds and regulates error in the highly important application of the princi-
the whole. All the rest is only appearance ; a grand ples of chemistry to organic life. We, without doubt,
spectacle continued, where the thing represented does have these chemical powers and agencies within us, and
a knowledge of them is indispensably necessary ; but
their method of operating in our bodies is modified in
another manner, as they find themselves in a woild
ESSENTIAL OPERATIONS OF LIFE. 113 altogether different.

not remain the same a moment, but is incessantly

changing ; where the whole duration, form, and figure
of the representation depend, in a particular manner, on ESSENTIAL OPERATIONS OF LIFE. 115
the matter employed, which is always varying, and on
the manner in which it is used ; and the whole phenom- This important business of assimilation and animali-
enon can exist no longer than the continued influx from zation is the employment, first of the absorbing and
without, which supplies nourishment for the process. glandular system, in its widest latitude ; not merely of
Its analogy with a flame is, therefore, very great ; only the lacteal vessels, but also of the absorbing vessels of
that the latter is merely a chemical, and life a chemico- the skin and the lungs, which may be called the vesti-
animal process, a chemico-animal flame. bule, through which every thing that is to form a part
of us must pass ; and, secondly, of the system of circu-
The life of man then, according to its nature, depends lation, by which the component parts are prepared and
on the following grand operations : brought to organic perfection.

I. Accession and reception of vital nourishment from III. Nutrition ; configuration of the animalized
without. component parts ; farther ennobling of them.

By nourishment is here meant not merely what we The component parts, fully animalized, are now in-
call food and drink, but much rather that influx, from corporated and changed into organs ; and this opera-
the atmosphere, of subtle, spiritual, vital nourishment, tion is the business of the plastic power. By the pre-
which seems in a particular manner to contribute to- paration of the finer and more perfect secreting vessels,
wards the support of the vital power, especially as the these organized component parts are brought to their
former coarse nourishing substances serve more for highest degree of purification and refinement ; through
supporting and repairing the matter of the body and of the brain as nervous fluid, and through the organic sys-
its organs ; in a word, not that alone which passes tem as organic juices, both of which are a combination
through the mouth and the stomach, since our lungs and of the purest organic matter, with a rich abundance of
skin receive an abundance of vital nourishment, and, vital power.
for spiritual support, are of much greater importance
than the stomach. IV. Self-consumption of the organs and poioers by
vital exertion.
II. Appropriation, assimilation^ and animalization ;
transition from the chemical to the organic world, Active life itself is an incessant exertion of agency
through the influence of the vital power. and power ; and, consequently, attended with a contin-
ual waste of power and consumption of the organs.
Every thing that enters our bodies must first obtain Every thing in which the power shows itself as an
the character of life before it can be called ours. All agent, and active, is exertion ; for no vital exertion, not
component parts, nay, the most subtle agents of Nature, even the smallest, can be made without excitation and
8 reaction of the power. This is a law of organic nature.
The voluntary and insensible internal movements, there-
fore, of circulation, chylification, assimilation, and secre-


which flow into us, must be animalized ; that : is to say, 116 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
be so modified and combined, in a totally new manner,
by the help of the vital power, that they no longer act tion, as well as voluntary movements, and those pro-
according to the laws of inanimate and chemical nature, duced by the operations of the mind, are continual
but according to the peculiar laws of organic life, and exertions of power, and are incessantly consuming both
support themselves in opposition to others. In short, the powers and the organs.
as component parts of a living body, they cannot be
considered singly, but always as compounded according This part of life is of the utmost importance in re-
to their proper nature and the laws of the vital power. gard to its duration and condition. The stronger vital
Every thing in us, even chemical and mechanical pow- consumption is, the speedier life will be wasted, and the
ers, is, therefore, animalized ; and this, for example, is shorter must be its duration ; but if it be too weak, the
the case with electricity, and oxygen or vital air. As consequence then is too seldom a change of component
goon as they are made component parts of a living parts, imperfect restoration, and a bad habit of body.
body, they become compounded nature (animalized
electricity, animalized oxygen,) and cannot be consid- V. Separation and new acquisition of component
ered merely according to the laws and influence which parts ; transition of them from the organic to the chemi-
they had in common nature, but as subject to, and act- cal world, and their union again ivith inanimate nature
ing under specific organic laws. These observations in general.
are applicable not only to oxygen, but also to other new
The component parts which have been used, and consist more of tender gelatinous particles, we may then
which can no longer be retained in this combination, have a pretty just conception with what loss of sub-
again separate themselves from it. They lose the in- stance a walk, for example of ten miles, or a rapid
fluence of the vital power, and begin to be decomposed, journey of thirty, must be attended. And not only
to fly off, and to be once more united according to the soft and fluid parts, but even the hardest, are gradually
pure chemical laws of Nature. All our excretions, worn out by continual use. This may be clearly per-
therefore, carry with them the most evident traces of ceived in the teeth, which are evidently destroyed by long use, and
decomposition, a process merely chemical, which, as which, on the other hand, by being not
such, is never possible, in a state of real life. The used, that is, not exposed to antagonists, become exceed-
function of discharging these parts from the body is ingly long. It is proved that, in this manner, we should
committed to the organs of secretion and excretion, be very soon destroyed were there no reparation ; and
which operate with continual activity ; the intestines, it has been estimated, with great probability, that every
kidneys, liver, and, in particular, the whole surface of three months our bodies are no longer the same, but
the skin and lungs. These perform real chemico-ani- consist of entirely new particles.
mal operations ; the removal of the parts is effected by
the vital power, but the productions are entirely chem- But equally wonderful and extraordinary is the con-
ical. tinual reparation of those parts which have been lost.
This may be readily comprehended ; because, notwith-
These grand operations constitute life in general, and


standing the incessant loss which we sustain, our mass
at every moment ; for they are continually united, con- still continues the same. The fluid parts, however,
tinually present, and < inseparable from the vital opera- regenerate themselves soonest; and experience has
tion. taught us, that the greatest loss of blood may be again
repaired in fourteen days. The solid parts reproduce
The organs which belong to life have in part been themselves by the same power and mechanism as are
already mentioned. In the present point of view they employed in their first creation ; the gelatinous nourish-
may be most conveniently divided into three classes : ing principle is conveyed by circulation to every part
Those which receive and prepare ; those which evacuate ; of the body, and is organized according to the plastic
and those which keep these contrary movements, as well laws of the different parts. The bones even which are
as the whole internal economy, in equipoise and order. the hardest become regenerated, as is proved in the
Many thousands of greater or smaller organs are con- experiment with madder, by the use of which the bones
tinually employed in separating and throwing off the in a short time become red. Whole bones lost or
particles which have been exhausted and corrupted by decayed can renew themselves also; and one finds
the internal consumption. Besides the evacuating ducts, sometimes with astonishment, in pieces of ivory, the
properly so-called, the whole surface of the skin and hardest animal body, leaden bullets, which must have
lungs is covered with myriads of secreting organs in been lodged in them by a shot, and which are entirely
continual activity. Equally numerous and various are surrounded with solid bone.*
the passages of the second class, those of restoration.
It is not sufficient that the decrease of the coarser parts * The fact is true, but the explanation removes the wonder.
should be repaired from the nourishment by means of That a bullet should perforate solid ivory, and that the vacuity
the organs of digestion ; the lungs, the organs of respi- caused by its passage should close up and become firm and solid
ration, are also continually employed to draw in, from is, of course, impossible. The explanation of the phenomenon
the atmosphere, nourishment, vital heat, and vital power. is as follows : The tusk of the elephant continues to grow as
The heart, and the circulation of the blood, which is de- long as the animal lives ; for this purpose it is furnished with a
pendent on it, serve to regulate their movements ; to permanent producing organ, or pulp, which occupies the root of
diffuse to all points the received heat and nourishment ; the tusk. The pulp is conical in shape, and, as it is constantly
and to drive off, through these passages of excretion, engaged in forming successive layers of ivory, the tooth is grad-
those particles which have been used and exhausted. ually pushed forwards, in other words, it grows. Now, if a bullet
All these operations are assisted by the influence of the enter the substance of this pulp it will, in time, by a common
mental powers and their organs, which are the most process of expulsion of foreign bodies, reach the surface of the
perfect in man. This, indeed, increases intensive life pulp ; and, when that is effected, the next layer of ivory formed
and self-consumption, but at the same time it is a highly by the pulp will be deposited between the pulp and the bullet ;
so that now the bullet is not only excluded from the pulp, but


important means of restoration, of which more imper-
fect beings are destitute. The usual progress or history of human life is, in a
few words, as follows :
One may form some idea of the extraordinary self-
consumption of the human body, when one reflects that The heart, the grand source of all vital motion as
the pulsation of the heart, and the motion of the blood well as vital diffusion, and the grand principle of the
connected with it, take place 100,000 times every day ; excreting as well as renovating operations, becomes
that is to say, the heart and all the arteries are con- always smaller in proportion to the increase of age ; so
tracted 100,000 times daily, with such force as is able that, at length, it occupies an eighth part of the space
to keep a resistance of from fifty to sixty pounds of which it did in the beginning of life.* Its substance
blood in continual movement. What clock, what ma- also becomes always thicker and harder ; and its irrita-
chine of the hardest iron, would not by such use be in bility becomes in the same proportion less. The active
a short time worn out ? If we add to this the almost powers then decrease more and more every year ; and
equally incessant muscular motion of our bodies, which the retarding powers, on the other hand, increase. The
must occasion a much greater wasting, as these parts same thing takes place in the whole vascular system,
and the organs of motion. All the vessels become The powers subject to the will first decrease, and
gradually harder, narrower, more shrivelled, and unfit then the spontaneous and proper vital movements. The
heart can no longer force the blood to the extremities ;
the pulp has covered it over with a layer of ivory, and as layer pulsation and heat leave the feet and hands ; but the
after layer of new ivory is formed, the bullet becomes more and blood is still kept in motion from the heart and larger
more deeply buried, more and more removed from the pulp, and vessels, and thus the vital flame, though weak, is for
eventually may be found in the solid substance of the ivory some time preserved. At length, the heart has not
several inches, or even feet, distant from its original bed. strength to press the blood through the lungs. Nature
EDITOR. now employs all her power to invigorate respiration,
and by these means to give some passage to the blood.
* Hufeland must have meant " an eighth less space ; " he This power, at last, is exhausted ; the left ventricle of
could hardly have intended to make a statement so perfectly the heart, consequently, receives no more blood, and is
erroneous as the above, upon a point so easily put to the proof. no longer irritated, and continues at rest. The right
The heart, undoubtedly, diminishes a little in size in healthy old still receives a little transmitted to it from parts already
age ; becomes firmer in texture, and less frequent in its pulsa- half dead ; but these parts soon become perfectly cold ;
tions ; adapting itself in fact to the smaller volume of blood con- the juices* curdle ; the heart receives heat no more, all
tained within the body; but the amount of diminution is very its motion ceases, and death is complete.
trifling. In a preceding page (106), the author ridicules, very
justly, the hypothesis of the ancient Egyptians concerning the Before I proceed further I must examine some prob-
decrease of the heart ; and in the examination of Thomas Parr, lematical circumstances, which present themselves in
to which lie also refers (p. 87), the heart, so far from being the course of every research into the duration of human
diminished in size, was found to be "great, thick, fibrous, and life, and which are deserving of particular attention.
fat." EDITOR.
The first problem is : How is it possible that man,
whose organization is the most delicate and most com-
plex, whose self-consumption is the most rapid, and
CESSATION OF LIFE. 121 whose duration of life ought consequently to be the
shortest, should, however, exceed so evidently, in duration
for use ; the arteries are ossified and a great many of of life, all classes of the more perfect animals, which
the finer vessels are entirely closed up.

The following, therefore, are the unavoidable conse-


1st. By this closing up and becoming shrivelled, the have the same size, the same organization) and the same
most important and finest organs of vital regeneration, place in the scale of creation ?
the passages for assimilation and external accession, the
lungs, skin, absorbing and lacteal vessels become de- It is well known that the more imperfect the organi-
ranged ; and, consequently, the addition of nourishing zation, the greater is the duration of life, or at least the
and enlivening component parts from without is ren- vital tenacity. Man, as the most perfect of all
dered weaker. Nourishment can neither be received creatures, ought consequently, in this respect, to be far
in such quantity, nor be prepared and diffused so well inferior to others. Besides, it appears from the forego-
as before. ing research, that the duration of life of an animal will
be shorter the more numerous its wants are for support-
2nd. By this increasing hardness and aridity of the ing that life. Of these, man without doubt has the
vessels they lose more and more their power of move- greatest number, and this is a new ground for a shorter
ment and sensation. Irritability and sensibility decrease duration. It has been likewise shown already that,
always in the same proportion as the former increase ; among animals, the highest degree of self-consumption
and the active and spontaneous powers within us always is the process of generation, and that it shortens in a
give more place to the destructive, mechanical, and very sensible manner their duration of life. In this
chemical powers. the perfection of man is remarkably apparent ; and ii
him there is also a new kind of generation, the spiritual,
3rd. By the decrease of the motive power, and the or the business of thinking; and his duration must
closing up of innumerable vessels, excretion, the most thereby suffer still more.
indispensable cause of our continual purification, and of
the removal of corrupt particles, principally suffers. It may be asked, then, by what means has man such
The skin, its most important organ, becomes with a superiority in regard to the duration of life ?
years always closer, more impenetrable, and less useful.
This is the case also with the kidneys, the pores of the In my opinion, the question may be answered from
intestines, and the lungs. The juices, therefore, in old the following grounds :
age, must be always more impure, more acrid, tougher,
and more impregnated with earthy particles. Earth, I. The texture of the whole cellular membrane is
the great enemy of vital motion, acquires in our bodies, much softer and tenderer in man than in animals of the
by these means, a preponderance; and thus, with a same class. Even the so-called nervous coat of an
intestine is, in a dog, much harder, and cannot be
so inflated as that of a man. The veins also, the bones,
and the brain, are, in animals, much more solid, and
122 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. abound with a greater quantity of earth. Now, I have
before shown that too great a degree of hardness or
living body, we insensibly approach our final destina- brittleness in the organs is prejudicial to duration of
tion : " Return to the earth from which thou wast
taken ! "

In this manner does life bring on a cessation of life, 124 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
that is, natural death ; and its progress is as follows :
life, because the organs thereby lose sooner their plia-
bility and fitness for use ; and because that stiffness and comfort, what unshaken firmness may we not acquire
aridity which bring on old age, and at length a com-
plete stoppage of the whole machinery, are thus
hastened ; man, consequently, must have old age later,
and a more extensive period of life. 126 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.

II. Man grows more slowly ; attains later to matu- from the single idea and belief of immortality. In short,
rity ; all his powers are longer in expanding ; and I the circle of human life is hereby extended in an aston-
have before shown, that the existence of a creature is ishing manner ; and man actually derives his vital sub-
lengthened in proportion to the time required for its sistence from two worlds at the same time, the material
expansion. and the immaterial, the present and the future. His
duration of life must, therefore, necessarily be a gainer.
III. Sleep, the greatest means of vital retardation
and support, is in man more peculiarly regular and 4th. The more perfect powers of the soul contribute
constant. also so far to the support and prolongation of life, that
man thereby is made a partaker of reason, which enables
IV. The perfect organization of the soul,* the fac- him to regulate his conduct in all things ; which mode-
ulty of thinking, that is, reason, makes in man a very rates instinct, a faculty merely animal, as well as the
great difference. furious passions, and the rapid consumption connected
with them ; and which, by these means, is able to pre-
This higher and divine power, which exists in man serve him in that middle state which we have already
alone, has the most visible influence, not only on his shown to be so necessary for long life.
character in general, but also on the perfection and
duration of his life ; and in the following manner : In short, man evidently has more spiritual part than
was requisite for him in the present world; and this
1st. It is perfectly natural that the sum of the active superabundance of spiritual power carries with it, as it
were, the bodily. It is the bodily only, which is sub-
* I hope my readers will not here misunderstand my mean- ject to wasting, and to death.
ing, and imagine that I reckon the soul to be a part, a produc-
tion, or property of the body. This is by no means the case. I cannot here omit to remark, how apparently the
The soul, in my opinion, is something distinct from the body ; a moral object, the higher destination of man, is interwo-
being of a totally different, more exalted, intellectual world ; but ven with his physical existence : and how reason and
in this sublunary combination, and to be a human soul, it must the t higher powers of thought, which properly render
have organs to fit it not only for action, but also for sensation, him a man, display not only his moral, but his physical
and even for the higher functions of thinking and combining perfection ; consequently, a proper cultivation of his
ideas. The first cause of thought is, therefore, spiritual ; but the spiritual powers, particularly the moral, makes him,
business of thinking itself, as carried on in this mortal machine, is beyond all dispute, more perfect, not only morally, but
organic. also physically ; and, as we shall have occasion to see
hereafter, increases his vital capacity and vital dura-
tion. The man merely savage sinks, in regard to
duration of life, to the level of the inferior animals,

vital powers within us should be increased by the

assistance of this most pure and divine power. SPIRITUALITY OF HUMAN LIFE. 127

2d. Man, by the most refined and most perfect with which he is on an equality as to size and strength ;
organization of the brain, acquires an entirely new while, on the other hand, the weakest man, by this
organ of restoration peculiar to himself; or rather, his spiritual subsistence, can often prolong his life far
whole vital capacity is thereby increased. beyond that of the strongest animal.

3d. By this highly perfect power of the soul, man From the same principles we can resolve also the
enters into connection with an entirely new world second problem : How comes it that among men, whose
the spiritual ; which is concealed from the rest of the duration of life so far exceeds that of animals, and
creation. It gives him points of contact altogether who, as experience shows, can live to an extraordinary
new new influences, and a new element. Might not age, so few attain to their real term of existence, and
one in this respect call man an amphibious being (par- that the greater part of them die before the time ; or, in
don the expression) of a higher kind, for he is a being other words, that where the longest duration is possible,
who lives at the same time in two worlds, the material there mortality is the greatest.
and the intellectual; and apply to him what I have
shown from experience, respecting amphibious animals, The great softness and tenderness of the organs,
that existence in two worlds at the same time prolongs which render man more capable of long duration,
life ? What an immense ocean of spiritual nourishment expose his life also to more dangers, to more interrup-
and spiritual influences is opened to us by this higher tions, to more derangements, and to more injuries.
and more perfect organization. An entirely new class
of means to nourish and excite the vital power, pecu- Besides, the more points of contact he has with the
liar to man alone, here presents itself. I mean the whole of surrounding Nature, he is rendered the more
more refined mental and more exalted moral sensations susceptible of a multitude of prejudicial influences
and affections. I shall, on this occasion, mention .only which a coarser organization does not feel. The grati-
the enjoyment and comfort which lie in music ; the art fication of his multiplied wants multiplies his dangers.
of painting, and the enchantments of poetry, and the imagination ; the
pleasure which attends the investiga- Even the spiritual life is attended with its peculiar
tion of truth or a new discovery ; the rich source of poisons and dangers. What knows an animal of de-
happiness that may be found in the idea of futurity ; in luded hope, disappointed ambition, slighted love, care,
the power of anticipating it, and of living, through hope, repentance, or despair? And how destructive and
when the scenes now present shall be no more. What pernicious to the life of man are these poisons of the
Lastly, one main point is, that man, though organ-
ized for a reasonable being, is, however, at liberty to use
his reason or not; animals, instead of reason, have
instinct ; and, at the same time, are far more insensible CHAPTER VIII.
and callous in regard to destructive impressions.
Signs of long life in individuals. Sound stomach and organs of
digestion. Good teeth. Well-organized breast. Heart not too
irritable. Strong natural power of restoration and healing. Suffi-
128 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. cient quantity and diffusion of the vital power. Good tempera-
ment. Faultless and well-proportioned make of body. No partic-
Instinct teaches them to use that which is good for ular weakness of any part. Portrait of a man destined to long
them, and to shun that which hurts them. It tells them, life.
when they have enough, when they require rest, when
they are indisposed. Instinct, without the help of regi- AFTER explaining these general principles, I can
men, secures them from intemperance and dissipation. now proceed to lay down the special and individual
Among men, on the other hand, every thing, even what grounds of long life, which must exist in the man him-
concerns medicine, is referred to reason. Man has self. I shall here, therefore, describe those grand pro-
neither instinct to guard against error, nor resolution perties, and that frame, which, according to experience
enough to withstand it. All this ought to be supplied and the foregoing observations, must be possessed by
by reason. If that be wanting, or if he neglect to every man before he can lay claim to a long existence.
listen to its admonition, he loses his only guide, his This sketch may, in some measure, serve as a register
greatest means of support ; and sinks, physically, not of the signs of longevity.
only to the level of the brute, but even below it,
because brutes are indemnified by Nature for the want The properties, which may be called the foundations
of reason in regard to their vital support. Man, on of long life in man, are the following :
the contrary, without reason, is a prey to every noxious
influence, and becomes the most perishable and corrup- I. Above all things, the stomach, and the whole sys-
tible being under the sun. The natural want of reason tem of digestion, must be sound and well formed. It is
is far less prejudicial to the support and duration of life incredible of what importance this most powerful of all
than the interrupted exercise of it, where it has been the rulers in the animal kingdom is, in the above
bestowed by Nature. But, as Haller, with so much respect ; and one may justly affirm, that, without a good
truth, says, stomach, it is impossible to attain to a great age.*

O wretched being, to thy interest blind, * In a good stomach we have the secret of Thomas Parr's
.In whom the angel and the brute are join'd ! great age ; in the report of his examination after death, it is
God gave thee reason to direct thy choice ;
Yet thou thy ear turn'st from its friendly voice.

In this lies the principal cause why among men, who in SIGNS OF LONG LIFE. 131
every respect are best fitted for long life, mortality is
greatest. The stomach, in two respects, is the foundation of
long life. First, as it is the principal and most impor-
One need not object that this assertion is contradicted tant organ of the restoration of our nature ; the door
by many madmen who live to a great age. The first through which every thing that is to form a part of us
must enter ; and the first vessel on the good or bad con-
dition of which, not only the quantity, but also the qual-
ity of the addition made to our bodies must depend.
MORTALITY OF MAN. 129 Secondly, because by the state of the stomach, the effect
even which the passions, the causes of disease, and other
thing to be considered here is the species of insanity. destructive influences, have over our bodies, is modified.
If it be attended with rage and fury, these certainly " He has a good stomach," says the proverb, when one
shorten life very much ; because they are accompanied, wishes to characterize a person to whom neither grief,
in the highest degree, with exertion of the powers and care, nor sorrow, is prejudicial; and certainly in that
vital consumption. And the case is the same with the expression there is a great deal of truth. All these
deepest melancholy and distress of mind, as these injure passions must, in a particular manner, affect the stomach,
the noblest organs, and destroy the powers. But in a and must be felt by it before they can pass into, or in-
mean state, where reason is not entirely gone, where jure, our physical constitution. A strong robust stomach
the disorder displays itself by incoherent ideas, and is not susceptible of any impression from them : on the
false but often very agreeable sports of the imagina- other hand, a weak sensible stomach is every moment
tion, there the physical use of reason may continue, subject to some derangement in its whole frame ; and,
while the moral is lost. Nay, a man in this state is to consequently, the important business of restoration is
be considered as one under the influence of a pleasant continually interrupted, and carried on in an imperfect
dream, on whom a multitude of wants, cares, disagree- manner. The case is the same with most of the physi-
able and life-shortening impressions, and even physical cal causes of disease. The greater part of them make
causes of disease, as experience shows, produce no their first impression on the stomach : and, therefore, a
effect ; who lives happy in his self-created world ; and want of digestion is the earliest symptom of illness. It
is far less exposed to destruction and vital consumption. is thus the first vessel by which they insinuate them-
It is to be observed, in the last place, that when a luna-
tic is totally deprived of reason, those by whom he is stated that "his viscera were sound and strong, especially his
attended and taken care of, think for him, and as it were stomach ; and it was observed of him that he used to eat often,
lend him their reason. He is therefore supported by both by night and by day, taking up with old cheese, milk, coarse
reason, whether it be his own or that of another. bread, small beer, and whey ; and what is most remarkable, he
ate at midnight, a little before he died." EDITOR.
* Entrance halls of death. EDITOR.


selves into our bodies, and disturb the whole economy. 134 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
Besides, it is a principal organ, on which the equilib-
rium of the nervous motions, and in particular their into the substance of our bodies. Such people, also,
tendency to the periphery, depends. If it be power- will never become corpulent.
ful and active, morbid irritations cannot so easily fix
themselves : they are removed and driven off' through A slow, uniform pulse is, therefore, a strong sign of
the skin, before they effect a real derangement of the Jong life, arid a great means to promote it.
whole system ; that is to say, before they bring on
disease. IV. A sufficient quantity and diffusion of the vital
power. A good temperament. Calmness, order, and
A good stomach may be known two ways ; not merely harmony in all the internal operations and movements,
by an excellent appetite, for that may be the conse- are of the utmost importance for supporting and pro-
quence of any stimulus ; but, in particular, by an easy longing life ; but these, in a particular manner, depend
and perfect digestion. Whoever feels that he has a on a proper state of the general irritability and sensi-
stomach, cannot have a good one. One must not be sen- bility of the body ; and the latter qualities must be
sible that one has eaten ; must not be drowsy, dejected, neither too strong nor too weak, and be uniformly dif-
or uneasy after meals ; must have no phlegm in the fused, so that no part may have too great or too small
throat in the morning ; and the evacuations must be a proportion. A certain degree of insensibility, a small
regular and well concocted. mixture of phlegm, are also ingredients highly neces-
sary for prolonging the duration of life ; as they lessen,
We are taught, by experience, that all those who at- at the same time, self-consumption, favor a far more
tained to a very great age had a good appetite, which perfect restoration, and contribute most effectually to
they retained to the last. preserve our existence. A good temperament, there-
fore, may so far be the foundation of a long life. The
For good digestion, good teeth are extremely neces- best is the sanguine, tempered with a little of the
sary ; and one, therefore, may consider them among the phlegmatic. This produces a serene, cheerful mind,
essential properties requisite for long life, and in two moderate passions, undaunted courage, and, in short,
points of view. First, good and strong teeth are al- that state of soul which is most fitted for longevity.
ways a sign of a sound, strong constitution, and good The cause of this disposition is generally an abundance
juices. Those who lose their teeth early, have, in a of the vital power. And as Kant has already proved
certain measure, taken possession of the other world that such a mixture of temperament is the properest
with a part of their bodies. Secondly, the teeth are for attaining to moral perfection, I am of opinion that
a great help to digestion, and consequently to resto- one may reckon it among the best gifts of heaven.
V. A strong natural power of restoration and healing
II. A well-organized breast and organs of respira- by which all those losses which we daily sustain are not
only repaired, but repaired well. This depends, ac-


tion. These may be known by a broad, full chest ; the
power of keeping in one's breath for a long time ; ;i cording to the above principles, on a good digestion,
strong voice, and by being seldom subject to a cough. and a calm, uniform circulation of the blood. To these
Breathing is one of the most incessant and necessary may be also added a perfect and vigorous activity of
of the vital operations, the means of the most indis- the absorbing vessels (the lymphatic system), and the
pensable, spiritual restoration ; and, at the same time, good condition and regular operation of the organs of
the cause by which the blood is continually freed from secretion. The effect of the former is, that the nour-
a multitude of corrupted particles. Those in whom ishing substances pass easily into our bodies, and are
these organs are well formed, possess the greatest enabled to reach the places of their destination ; by the
assurance of longevity ; arid for this reason, because latter, they are completely freed from all extraneous
an important passage, by which death and the causes and pernicious mixture, and enter us perfectly pure.
of destruction might insinuate themselves, is fully se- And this properly gives an idea of the most complete
cured. The breast is among the principal atria restoration.
mortis,* one of those parts of which death first lays hold.
It is incredible how much this quality contributes
I If. A heart not too irritable. We have alrea<! to the support of life. In a man who possesses it,
that a principal cause of our internal consumption, or consumption may be exceedingly strong without his
spontaneous wasting, lies in the continual circulation of sustaining much loss, as it is again repaired with the
the blood. He who has a hundred pulsations in a utmost speed. We have, therefore, instances of men
minute, must be wasted far more speedily than he who who, even amidst a life of debauchery and fatigue, be-
has only fifty. Those, therefore, whose pulse is always came very old : and thus, for example, could a Duke de
quick, and in whom every trifling agitation of the mind, Richelieu and a Louis XV. attain to a great age.
Or every additional drop of wine?, increases the motion
of the heart, are unfortunate candidates for longevity, A- strong natural power of healing must also be united
since their whole life is a continual fever; and the pro- with that of restoration ; or, in oilier words, that fac-
longation of it is thereby counteracted in a double ulty of Nature by which it assists itself easily in cases
manner, partly by the speedier waiting connected with of derangement and interruption, keeps back and re-
it, and partly because restoration is impeded by nothing moves the causes of disease, and favors the healing of
go much as by an inee.s.-.'intly accelerated circulation. wounds. There is an astonishing power of this kind
A certain decree of rest is absolutely necessary, that in our bodies, as is shown by the example of savages,
the nourishing particles may settle, and be converted who are scarcely subject to any diseases, and among
whom the most dreadful wounds heal up entirely of He does not eat merely for the sake of eating ; but each
themselves. meal is an hour of daily festivity ; a kind of delight
attended with this advantage, in regard to others, that
VI. An uniform and faultless conformation of the it does not make him poorer, but richer. He eats
ivhole body. Without uniformity of structure there can slowly, and has not too much thirst. Too great thirst
is always a sign of rapid self-consumption.

In general, he is serene, loquacious, active, suscepti-


be no uniformity of powers and motion, and without

these it is impossible to become old. Besides, an im- 138 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
perfect structure gives an easy opportunity for the rise
of local diseases which may bring on death. One will ble of joy, love, and hope ; but insensible to the impres-
not, therefore, find that an overgrown person ever at- sions of hatred, anger, and avarice. His passions never
tained to a very great age. become too violent or destructive. If he ever gives
way to anger, he experiences rather an useful glow of
VII. No part, no intestine must have a great degree warmth, an artificial and gentle fever, without an over-
of weakness, otherwise such a part may serve to give a flowing of the bile. He is fond also of employment,
ready admission to the causes of disease, to the first particularly calm meditation and agreeable speculations ;
seeds of some disorder or derangement, and become, as is an optimist, a friend to nature and domestic felicity,
it were,- the atrium mortis. Even where the organiza- has no thirst after honors or riches, and banishes all
tion is very good and perfect, this may be a secret thoughts of to-morrow.
enemy, from which destruction may be afterwards con-
veyed to the whole body.

VIII. The texture of the organization must be of a CHAPTER IX.

mean quality ; strong and durable, but not too dry or
rigid. We have already seen, that, through all the Examinations of various new methods for prolonging life. By vital
classes of organized beings, too great aridity or hard- elixirs. Gold tinctures and wonder-working essences. By harden-
ness is prejudicial to the duration of life. Among men ing the organs. By rest and suspending for a time vital activity.
it must be so in the highest degree ; because their By guarding against consumption, and the external causes of
organization, according to their destination, is the ten- disease. By fast living. Account of the only methods possible
derest of all, and, by a superfluity of earthy particles, by which life can be prolonged. Proper union of the four princi-
may be soonest rendered useless. These are injurious pal indications. Increasing the vital power. Strengthening the
two ways, partly by bringing on much sooner old age, organs. Moderating vital consumption. Favouring restoration.
the grand enemy of life ; and partly by making the Modification of these methods, according to difference of constitu-
finest organs of restoration much sooner unfit for dis- tion, temperament, age, and climate.
charging their functions. Hardness of organization, in
order to favor long life, must not consist so much in VARIOUS are the methods and plans which have been
mechanical toughness as in hardness of sensation ; and proposed for the prolongation of life. The old super-
must not be the property so much of a coarser texture stitious, astrological, and fantastic methods we have
as of the powers. The quantity of earth must be ex- already examined and appreciated ; but there are
actly so great as to give sufficient elasticity and tone ; others, more modern, which appear to be founded on
juster principles of life and viial duration, and which
still deserve some inquiry before we proceed to estab-
lish that which alone is possible.
I think I have sufficiently proved, that the prolonga-
but neither so large as to prove inflexibility, nor so tion of life is possible, four different ways :
small as to occasion too much facility of movement ; for 1st. By increasing the vital power itself.
both these are hurtful to duration of life. 2nd. By hardening the organs.
3rd. By retarding vital consumption.
Let me now be permitted to delineate the portrait of 4th. By facilitating and assisting restoration.
a man destined to long life. He has a proper and well- On each of these ideas have been founded plans and
proportioned stature, without, however, being too tall. methods, which in part are very plausible, and which
He is rather of the middle size, and somewhat thick-set.
His complexion is not too florid : at any rate, too much
ruddiness in youth is seldom a sign of longevity. His
hair approaches rather to the fair than the black ; his 140 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
skin is strong, but not rough. His head is not too big ;
he has large veins at the extremities, and his shoulders have been much commended ; but they are all deficient,
are rather round than flat. His neck is not too long ; chiefly in this, that they regard only one object, and
his abdomen does not project ; and his hands are large, neglect the rest.
but not too deeply cleft. His foot is rather thick than
long ; and his legs are firm and round. He has also a Let us, therefore, examine and appreciate some of the
broad arched chest ; a strong voice, and the faculty of principal.
retaining his breath for a long time without difficulty.
In general, there is a complete harmony in all his parts. On the first idea, that of increasing the quantity of
His senses are good, but not too delicate; his pulse is the vital power, has been, in particular, founded, the
slow and regular. method of those who prepare and who use gold tinctures,
astralish salts, the philosopher's stone, and elixirs of
His stomach is excellent, his appetite good, and his life. Electricity even, and animal magnetism, belong
digestion easy. The joys of the table are to him of in part to this class. All the Adepts, Rosicrucians, and
importance ; they tune his mind to serenity, and his Consorts, and a multitude of people sensible in other
soul partakes in the pleasure which they communicate. respects, are fully convinced that their first matter can
not only convert the rest of the metals into gold, but not begin to revive, because it has no longer organs
continually supply the lamp of life with new oil. A to appropriate them. It is not the want of vital ac-
man, therefore, needs only take daily a small quantity cession, but of vital capacity, which in the end makes
of such tinctures to recruit the vital power ; and thus, men unfit to live longer. But here Nature herself is
according to their theory, we can never be exposed our guardian ; and, in this respect, all vital drops are
to a want or a total loss of it. On this is founded the unnecessary.
history of the celebrated Gualdus, who by these helps
lived 300 years, and, as some firmly believe, is alive On the second idea, strengthening the organs, a very
still. favorite system, that of hardening, \\&s also been founded.
It is therefore believed that the more the organs are
Those, however, who place confidence in these helps hardened, the longer they must naturally withstand
are miserably deceived. The use of such medicines, consumption and destruction.
which are all hot and stimulating, increases naturally
vital sensation; and such people consider increase of But we have already seen what a great difference
vital sensation as a real increase of the vital power, there is between the mechanism of a thing and its vital
without reflecting that a continual increase of the former duration ; and that a certain degree only of solidity is
is, by irritation, the surest means of shortening life, and favorable to the latter, and that too much is highly
in the following manner : prejudicial. The essential character of life consists in
the Uninterrupted and free activity of all the organs,
1st. These, in part, spirituous medicines act as strong and of the circulation of the juices ; and what can be
stimulants, increase the internal motion and intensive more destructive to these, and consequently to the dura-
tion of life, than too great hardness and rigidity ? Fish
certainly have the softest and most watery flesh ; yet
they far exceed, in vital duration, stronger and more

life, consequently the self-consumption, and occasion a

more rapid wasting of the organs. Such is the case not
only with the coarser, but also with the more refined HARDENING THE ORGANS. 143
substances of this kind. Even electricity, magnetism,
and the inspiring dephlogisticated air (oxygen gas), The favorite method of hardening, which consists in
which one certainly might believe to be the gentlest endeavoring, by the continued use of the cold bath ; keep-
method of instilling vital power, increase self-consump- ing the body exposed, almost naked, to the keenest air,
tion in a high degree. This may be very clearly per- and the most fatiguing exercise, to make one's self strong
ceived in asthmatics, who are made to inspire such air. and indestructible, produces no other effect than that our
Their vital sensation is thereby much exalted, but they organs become drier, tougher, and more rigid, conse-
die sooner. quently much sooner unfit for use; and therefore, instead
of prolonging life, we bring on premature old age and
2d. These stimulating medicines, as they exalt vital speedier dissolution.
sensation and also sensibility, expose one more to exer-
tion of the powers ; to enjoyment, and to sensual gratifi- There is, however, some truth, upon the whole, in this
cations, which some, however, particularly recommend ; method ; and it has proved unsuccessful, because people
and by these means increase self-consumption. united with it false ideas, and carried it too far. It is
not so much a hardening of the vessels as of the feel-
3rd. They contract and desiccate, consequently make ing, that can contribute to the prolongation of life.
the finer organs much sooner unfit for use, and bring on premature old When one, therefore, employs the hardening method
age, which they ought rather to so far as to make the vessels strong, but not hard or
keep off. stiff, so that their too great irritability, a principal
cause of speedy wasting, is blunted or removed, and
And even supposing that our vital sensations required the body rendered thereby, at the same time, less sus-
to be so much exalted, neither alembics nor crucibles ceptible of destructive influences, it may certainly, in
are necessary for that purpose. Nature herself has that case, be of some service in lengthening our exis-
provided for us that most excellent spirit, wine, which tence.
excels all those prepared by the art of man. If there
be anything in the world which one may call the prima The third idea, that of retarding vital consumption, is
materia, that contains the spirit of the earth in an incor- highly captivating ; and has been adopted, in particular,
porated form, it is certainly this noble production ; and with great satisfaction, but very improperly employed,,
yet we find that too liberal a use of it occasions a by those who are naturally much inclined to indolence
speedier consumption, brings on old age, and evidently and ease. To waste the body by labor and exertion is,
shortens the duration of life. to such people, unpleasant in itself; they are rejoiced,
therefore, to find it not only disagreeable, but also pre-
But it is, indeed, foolish to endeavor to accumulate judicial, and to have, in indolence, a grand secret for
prolonging life, superior to all the arcana of Cagliostro
and St. Germain.


the vital power in a concentrated form within the body, 141 , ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
and then to imagine that one has accomplished some-
thing great. Are opportunities of doing this, want- Some have even gone still further, and in particular
ing ? It abounds in every thing near and around us. Maupertuis, who conceived it might be possible, by a
All the nourishment we take, each mouthful of air complete suspension of vital activity, or an artificial
that we breathe, is filled with it. The principal point apparent death, to check self-consumption entirely, and
is to preserve our organs in a state capable of absorb- by such pauses, to preserve life for perhaps several
ing, receiving, and appropriating it. Let a lifeless centuries. He supported his proposition on the life of
body be filled ever so much with vital drops, it will a chicken in the egg, and of insects in their state of
nymph and chrysalis, which, by the help of cold and place without proper activity and motion. What would
other means, whereby the animal is kept longer in its be the consequence of a prolongation of life by means
deathlike sleep, can actually be prolonged. According of rest and indolence ? The body would be consumed
then to these principles, nothing is necessary but to ac- very little or not at all, and yet restoration would be
quire the art of half-killing one. The same idea carried on. A most destructive plethora must thence
occurred even to the great Franklin. While in France, arise, because the body always receives and never
he received from America a quantity of Madeira wine, throws off. And, what is still worse, universal corrup-
which had been bottled in Virginia. In some of the tion, with its train of evils, acrid humors, disease, etc.,
bottles he found a few dead flies, which he exposed to must gain the upper hand, as the secretion of what is
the warm sun, in the month of July ; and in less than prejudicial has been stopped. It is very natural, there-
three hours these apparently dead animals recovered fore, to suppose that such a body would be much sooner
life, which had been so long suspended. At first they destroyed, as experience teaches us.
appeared as if convulsed ; they then raised themselves
on their legs, washed their eyes with their fore feet, 3d. With regard to the prolongation of life by a sus-
dressed their wings with those behind, and began in a pension of the vital activity, during a temporal state of
little time to fly about. This acute philosopher pro- apparent death, I shall, in the last place, observe, that
posed, therefore, the following question : " Since, by this idea has been founded on the example of insects,
such a complete suspension of all internal as well as tortoises, and other animals, which, as we have before
external consumption, it is possible to produce a pause seen, can, by such a deathlike sleep, be preserved a
of life, and at the same time to preserve the vital prin- hundred years and more, and, consequently, far beyond
ciple, might not such a process be employed in regard the natural term of their existence.
to man ? And if that be the case," adds he, like a true
patriot, "I can imagine no greater pleasure than to But, in making such proposals, people do not reflect
cause myself to be immersed, along with a few good that all those experiments were tried upon very imper-
iriends, in Madeira wine, and to be again called to life fect animals, among which the transition from their
natural half-animated state to actual torpor is much less
abrupt than it would be among men, who possess the
highest degree of vital perfection. And one, in particu-
PERIODICAL SUSPENSION OF LIFE. 145 lar, must here observe the important difference made

at the end of fifty or more years, by the genial solar

rays of my native country, only that I may see what
improvement the State has made, and what changes PERIODICAL SUSPENSION OP LIFE. 147
time has brought along with it."
by the business of respiration. All these animals have
This proposal, however, vanishes again into nothing naturally less need of breathing ; and warmth is less
when we consider the real essence and object of human necessary to them in order to retain life. Man, on the
life. What is meant by the life of man ? Not, indeed, other hand, requires, for the preservation of his life, a
mere eating drinking, and sleeping, else it would agree continual accession of heat and spiritual powers ; in
perfectly with the life of a swine, to which Cicero could short, of the pabulum vitce* which exists in the atmos-
give no other name than a preventive of corruption. phere. Such a total suspension of breathing would, by
The life of man has a higher destination action, an entire loss of internal heat, soon become mortal.
business, and enjoyment. It is not enough that it be The more perfect agency of the soul is so interwoven
present, it must expand, and bring to perfection those with the organization of man, that its influence could
divine seeds which exist within him ; it must give hap- not be stopped so long without causing the death and
piness to himself and to others. Man must not merely destruction of the more delicate organs which belong
fill up a gap in the creation, he must be the lord, the to it.
ruler, and the benefactor of it. Can one say of a man.
that he lives, when he spins out life amidst sleep, indo- Others have attempted to prolong life by endeavoring
lence, or apparent death ? But what is still more, we to avoid or remove the causes of disease, such as heat
find here also a new proof in how inseparable a manner and cold, certain kinds of food and drink, etc. But this
the moral object is interwoven with his physical appoint- method is attended with one disadvantage, which is,
rnent arid destination, and how promoting the one con- that we are not able to guard against all these evils ;
duces to improve the other. Such an unmanly life, as and that we are, therefore, rendered much more sensi-
it may be properly called, would contribute directly not ble of those which affect us. The preventing of con-
to prolong, but to shorten human existence, and in two sumption externally may also be here included. In
ways : warm countries, where the heat of the atmosphere
keeps the skin always open, and makes the evaporation
1st. Human life is composed of so tender and delicate of the component parts of our bodies far more constant,
organs that they very readily become unfit for use by people find some benefit from rubbing the skin continu-
rest and inactivity. It is only action and exercise ally with ointments and oil, which stop up the pores,
which make them useful and durable. Rest and want and prevent the more watery and volatile particles
of exercise are their most deadly poison. from flying off in perspiration. By this process one
experiences a real sensation of strengthening ; and, in
2nd. We have already seen that not merely lessening such climates, it appears to be necessary to check too
* Food of life. EDITOR.


consumption, but promoting restoration also, in a suf-
ficient degree, is necessary for the prolongation of life. speedy consumption by profuse evaporation. But it is
But two operations are here requisite : first, perfect certain that it is in warm climates only that it can be
assimilation of what is useful; and, secondly, excre- employed. In our climate, where the atmosphere it-
tion of what is hurtful. The latter can never take self acts as a medium to shut up the pores of the skin,
we have more need of promoting perspiration than of method.
preventing it.
I. The sum or fund of the vital power must he suffi-
I must now say a few words respecting an entirely ciently supplied and nourished ; yet never to such a
new experiment for prolonging vital existence, which degree as to occasion too violent exertion of it, but
consists merely in increasing intensive life. On this only so far as may be necessary for it to perform the
principle the duration of life is determined, not by num- external and internal functions with proper ease, strength,
ber of days, but by the sum of its use or enjoyment ; and duration, and to give the component parts and
and it is believed that if one, within a certain period, juices that organic character which is requisite for
has had twice as much action and enjoyment as another, their destination, and for guarding against chemical cor-
he has lived as much as the other in double the time. ruption. This may be done with the greatest cer-
However much I respect this method in itself, if it con- tainty,
sist in laudable exertion, and be the consequence of a
mind fertile in action ; and though I am fully convinced 1st. By sound and powerful generation.
that, considering the uncertainty of our life, it presents
an idea highly captivating ; I must confess, that it will 2d. By pure and wholesome vital nourishment or
never obtain its object, and that the principle of it accession from without ; also pure atmospheric air ;
appears to be altogether false. As this opinion has and good, fresh, well-digested food and drink.
found so many advocates, I hope I shall be permitted
to analyze it a little more accurately, and to explain 3d. By a sound and useful state of those organs by
the grounds of my assertion. which every thing added to us from without must be
assimilated before it can do us good. These essential
All the operations of nature require not only energy organs are the lungs, stomach, and skin ; on the pre-
or intensive life, but also extension or time. Let fruit serving of which in a sound state, vital nourishment
receive twice as much heat and nourishment as it has depends in a very particular manner.
in its natural state, and in half the time it will attain to
apparent ripeness ; but certainly not to that degree of 4th. By an uniform diffusion of the power throughout
perfection which the same fruit acquires in its natural the whole body. Every part, every intestine, every
state, with half the intensive activity, in double the time. point of our bodies, must obtain such a quantity of the
vital power as may be necessary to enable it to dis-
The case is the same with the life of man. We must charge its functions properly. Does any part acquire
too little, a weakness of it is the consequence ; if it ac-
quire too much, the consequences are too violent motion,
INCREASED INTENSIVE LIFE. 149 irritation, accumulations of it ; and then that harmony,
the grand pillar of sound life, is, at any rate, always
consider it as a whole compounded of various effects ;
as a grand ripening process, the object of which is to
give the utmost expansion and perfection possible to
human nature, and to make it fill up that point which TONE AND STRENGTH OF ORGANS. 151
it holds in the creation. Now ripening and maturity
are the produce only of time and experience ; and it is, destroyed. This uniform distribution of the power may
therefore, impossible that a man who has lived thirty be promoted, in particular, by the uniform use and ex-
years, though in that time his action and labour may ercise of each part and each organ of the body ; by
have been doubled, should have attained to the same bodily motion ; proper gymnastic exercises ; the tepid
perfection and maturity that are acquired in a period bath, and friction.
of sixty years. Besides, he was perhaps destined to
be useful in the course of his life to two or three gen- II. A sufficient degree of solidity or hardness must be
erations ; but his prematurity hurries him off before given to the organs or corporeal matter ; but not such as
he has seen the end of the first. He accomplishes, to render them actually stiff and rigid, which, instead of
then, neither in regard to himself nor to others, Jie being beneficial to the body, would be hurtful to it.
object and destination of complete life ; interrupts the
course of his days ; and remains a more refined suicide. The hardness to which I here allude is of two kinds :
increased binding and cohesion of the component parts,
In a still worse point of view appear those who en- as well as physical solidity of the vessels ; and next,
deavour to prolong life by concentrating its enjoyments. hardening the sensation against noxious and morbid
By these means they may be wasted much sooner ; and impressions.
what is worst of all, they are often punished for their
folly, because they must lead a life merely intensive Sufficient solidity or cohesion of the vessels, which
without any extension ; that is, they must become a physicians call tone, acts in the following manner, in
burden to themselves and to others, or rather they exist regard to the prolongation of life :
longer than they live.
First, as the cohesion of our component parts is
The true art of prolonging human life consists in thereby increased, they cannot be so speedily wasted,
uniting properly, and employing, the before-mentioned destroyed, and separated by the vital process ; conse-
four principles, or indications, as they are termed by quently the change of the component parts is not so
physicians ; but in such a manner that none of them be rapid : it is not necessary that they should be so often
sacrificed to the rest, and that one never forget that the renewed ; and the whole intensive life is more slow,
question is concerning the life of man, which, to deserve which is always an advantage in regard to its extension
that name, must consist not merely in existing, but in and duration. For the better illustration of this sub-
ject, I shall here only compare the life of a child with
that of a man. In the former, the power of cohesion,
the solidity of the vessels are much less ; the connection
150 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. of the component parts is weaker and more lax, it
wastes away therefore much speedier ; the change of
business and enjoyment, and in fulfilling the end of his its component parts is more rapid ; it must eat more,
destination. I shall here take a short view of the whole and much oftener ; it must sleep longer, and more fre-
and, in this manner, can be a negative strengthener of
the vital power itself. Warmth, on the other hand,
weakens, partly by relaxing the cohesion, and partly
152 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE. by exhausting the vital power.

quently, to renew what has been lost ; and the blood 1 must, however, repeat, in regard to all these means,
must circulate with far greater velocity ; in a word, its cold, strong substantial nourishment, motion, etc., that
intensive life and self-consumption are much stronger
than in a man who has vessels more solid.

Secondly, as the organs are thereby, in reality, first 154 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
strengthened. The vital power alone supplies no
strength. To produce what we call strength of the one must not carry them too far, lest, instead of the
organs, and also of the whole system, a sufficient degree requisite solidity, too great stiffness or rigidity of the
of the simple power of cohesion must be combined with vessels should be produced.
the vital power. This likewise will appear in the
clearest manner, from the comparison of a child with a The sensation will be best hardened against the
man. A child is far more abundant in vital power, causes of disease, if one accustoms oneself to such im-
irritability, tendency to growth, and the power of repro- pressions, and to sudden changes.
duction, than a man ; yet this body, so rich in life, has
less strength than that of a man, merely because the III. The vital consumption must be so lessened, or
cohesion of the vessels in the child is weaker and more moderated, that it may not be attended with too speedy
loose. wasting of the powers and the organs.

Lastly, because the too great morbific or irregular The whole vital operation, as has been already shown,
irritability, sensibility, and general delicacy of the ves- consists in action, exertion of the vital power ; and is
sels, are regulated, moderaied, kept wiihin proper consequently connected, in an inseparable manner, with
bounds, and preserved in good order, by a sufficient consumption and wasting of that power. This is the
mixture- of the power of cohesion ; and by these means case, not only in regard to the voluntary, but also the
the too strong irritation and consumption of the powi r involuntary, functions ; not only in the external, but
by life is lessened ; the extension and duration of life also the internal, vital operations ; for they are sup-
are, consequently, increased ; and this advantage also ported by continual irritation and reaction. Neither of
is gained, that external noxious causes of irritation act these, therefore, must be overstrained, if we are desir-
less rapidly, and with less violence. ous of preventing consumption.

By a stronger cohesion, the capacity of the matter Among these I reckon, in a particular manner, the
for receiving vital power seems also to be heightened; following irritations and exertions of power :
at any rate, a stronger connection of the vital pow( r
with the matter is effected. 1st. Straining the system of the heart and blood,
with too great quickening of the circulation ; that is, by
The means by which this increased solidity and co- too stimulating, hot nourishment, affections, and feverish
disorders. Great wine and brandy drinkers, as well as
passionate people, have a quick accelerated pulse, and
keep themselves in an incessant artificial fever, by which
TONE AND STRENGTH OF ORGANS. 153 they are as much wasted and consumed as they would
be by a real fever.
Lesion of the vessels can be produced, are as fol-
lows : 2d. Too strong or continued straining of the powers
of thought ; by which, not only the vital power is ex-
1st. Exercise, and the use of the muscular powers hausted, but the stomach and system of digestion are
and vessels, both voluntary, by voluntary muscular mo-
tion, as well as involuntary, for example, of the stomach
and intestines by suitable stimulants, such as food some-
what solid or hard ; and of the bloodvessels, by some- RESTRICTED VITAL CONSUMPTION. 155
what stimulating medicines. On each movement of a
vessel, it contracts ; that is to say, its component parts injured, and, consequently, the most important means
approach each other; and if this be done often, its of restoration are weakened.
cohesion or tone will be increased. One only must be
extremely cautious not to occasion too strong an irrita- 3d. Too abundant and too strong irritation and grat-
tion, else consumption might be too much increased, ification of the animal passions. These tend as much
and the consequences become dangerous. to hasten vital consumption, as straining the powers of
2nd. The use of gelatinous, corroborating nourish-
ment, impregnated with ferruginous particles, wh'ch 4th. Too violent and too long continued muscular
increase this power ; and to avoid too many watery motion. Very great excess, however, is necessary
substances, which might lessen it. before this can be hurtful.

3rd. To promote moderate perspiration by friction, 5th. All strong or long continued excretions, such as
motion, etc. perspiration, diarrhoea, catarrh, cough, loss of blood,
etc. These exhaust not only the power, but also the
4th. A cool temperature of the atmosphere, and of matter, and tend to corrupt the quality of the latter.
the whole system, a point of the utmost importance.
Though cold is not a positive strengthener of the vital 6th. All too violent or too long continued causes of
power, yet it increases and strengthens the weak cohe- irritation acting upon us, by which the power is always
sive power or tone ; corrects too strong exertion of the exhausted. The more irritable a life is, the quicker it
vital power, as well as prevents it from being exhausted ; will pass away. To these belong too strong or too
incessant irritation of the organs of the mind and sensa- dant in nutritive principles ; stimulating in a certain
tion ; passions, excess in wine, brandy, spiceries, and degree, for that quality is necessary to promote proper
seasoning of food. Frequent overloading the stomach digestion and the whole vital operation, but combined,
may be included in the same class ; especially as it for at the same time, with a sufficient quantity of water or
the most part renders necessary the use of evacuants of fluids. The last is ah important circumstance, but
and purgatives, which, as they weaken, are also preju- often neglected. Water, if it be not nourishment of
dicial. itself, (though this, by the instance of fishes, worms,
etc., who may be fed for a long time with water alone,
7th. Diseases with highly increased irritation, parti- seems highly probable,) is at any rate indispensably
cularly such as are feverish. necessary for the business of restoration and nourish-
ment ; first, because it must be the vehicle for the
8th. Heat, when it acts upon us too incessantly and proper nutritive substances, in order that they may be
with too much strength. Keeping the body too warm, sufficiently diifused from the intestines to every point
therefore, from infancy, is one of the greatest means to of the body ; and, secondly, because this vehicle is abso-
hasten consumption, and to shorten the duration of lutely necessary to produce sufficient secretion and
life. evacuation of what is corrupted, and consequently for
the purification of the body.
9th. In the last place, too great a degree of irrita-
4th. A healthful and proper state of the atmosphere

bility and sensibility in the vessels deserves also to be

inserted in this rubric. The greater these are, the easier 158 ART 9F PROLONGING LIFE.
can any stimulus, even the smallest, excite violent irrita-
tion, exertion of power, and consequently occasion a waste in which and on which we live. The air is our pecu-
of that power. A man with this faulty constitution is liar element ; and, in two points of view, an important
sensible of a great many impressions which have no medium of restoration. First, because it communicates
effect on common men, and is doubly affected even by to us two of the most spiritual and most necessary com-
the most usual accidents of life. His intensive life, of ponent parts of life, oxygen and heat ; and, secondly,
course, is infinitely stronger ; but his vital consumption because it is the most important vehicle for attracting
must be greatly accelerated. Every thing, therefore, from us and absorbing our component particles which
which can increase irritability, either moral or physical, have become corrupted. It is the principal medium for
may be reckoned to belong to those means which hasten this continual exchange of the finer component parts.
consumption. The far most considerable and important of our excre-
tions are gaseous ; that is to say, the matter must be
IV. Restoration of the lost powers and matter must converted into vapour in order to be expelled. To
be effected easily and completely. For this purpose the these belong all excretions of the superficies of our
following things are necessary : bodies, the skin, and the lungs. This evaporation de-
pends not merely on the power and activity of the
1st. Soundness, vigor, and activity of those organs vessels of respiration, but on the quality of the air
by which the restorative particles must pass into our which they draw in. The more it is already loaded
bodies. This process is, in part, continual and perma- with component parts, the less new substance can it re-
nent, as through the lungs ; and partly periodical, as ceive ; and, therefore, moist air checks perspiration.
through the stomach. To these organs belong the From these principles we may deduce the following
lungs, the skin, the stomach, and the intestines. That conclusions : The atmosphere in which we live must
restoration may be performed well, these parts must be contain a sufficient quantity of vital air, but not too
thoroughly sound, fit for use, and active. They are much, else it might stimulate too violently and hasten
consequently of the utmost importance in prolonging vital consumption. It must likewise contain as few
life foreign component parts dissolved in it as possible : it
must also be neither moist, nor rendered impure by
2d. Soundness, activity, and vigor of the innumera- earthy, .vegetable, or animal particles :* its temperature
ble vessels, by which the component parts received
into our bodies must be assimilated, rendered homoge- * In defining corrupted air an accurate distinction should be
neous, be brought to perfection, and ennobled. This is made between impure air and saturated air, which in general are
first, and in a particular manner the function of the confounded. Corruption of the air may consist either in too small
absorbing or lacteal system, with its multitude of a quantity of oxygen gas, or in the chemical mixture ; and air so
corrupted may be called impure air, in opposition to pure vital


glands ; and, secondly, of circulation, or the system of
the blood, by which organic ennobling is completed. I must be neither too warm nor too cold ; for, in the
consider the absorbing system, therefore, as one of the former case, it exhausts and weakens the power, in the
grand means of restoration. In this respect we must, latter makes the vessels too stiff and rigid : and it must
above all things, direct our attention to infancy ; for the neither in its temperature, mixture, nor pressure, be
first nourishment in the tenderest state of childhood, subject to too rapid changes ; for it is a law, fully con-
the treatment, during the first year of life, determine, firmed by experience, that uniformity in the atmosphere
for the most part, the condition of this system, as it too and climate is uncommonly favourable to long life.
often happens that it is destroyed in the beginning, by
weak, corrupted, viscid nourishment, and impurities ; 5th. A free passage and active organs to promote
and an essential foundation is thus laid for a short life. secretion and evacuation of the corrupted component
particles. Our life consists of a continual change of
3d. A sound state of the nourishment and matter component parts. Were not those which have been
from which we are restored. Our food and drink must Exhausted and rendered useless continually separated
be pure, that is, free from corrupted particles ; abun- and expelled, it would be impossible that we could ap-
propriate new ones in sufficient quantity ; and, what is the contrary must be the case.
still worse, the new addition, by being mixed with those
particles kept back, would itself acquire the character Further, the different innate temperaments, under
of corruption. Hence, the so-called acridity, viscosity, which I comprehend the different degrees of irritability,
impurity, and putrefaction of the juices, or rather of the and their relation to the powers of the soul. The more
whole matter of the body. Restoration, therefore, is by a subject inclines to the phlegmatic temperament, the
bad secretion prevented two ways ; partly in the quan- more and the stronger irritants may be employed. A
tity and partly in the quality. The organs on which degree of irritation, which in a sanguine temperament
this secretion and purifying of the body principally de- would waste and exhaust, is here beneficial ; necessary
pend are the skin, the kidneys, the liver, the intestines, to promote a sufficient degree of vital operation, and a
and the lungs. Of these the first is the most important, means of restoration. The case is the same with the
as it is calculated that two thirds of the component parts melancholic temperament: it requires more irritation,
which have been used, evaporate by the insensible per- but variegated, of a pleasant nature, and not too vio-
spiration of the skin. lent. The more the sanguine temperament prevails,
the more cautiously and moderately must all stimulants
6th. To stimulate the senses in an agreeable manner, as well physical as moral be employed ; and in this
and with moderation. Man, in consequence of the su- respect, the choleric, where the smallest stimulus may
often produce the most violent exertion arid rapid
air ; or it may be corrupted by foreign component parts received wasting, requires the greatest attention.
into it, and then it is called saturated.
The periods of life. Children and young people
have far more vital power and irritability ; their struc-
ture is less solid and the change of their component

periority of his organization, as has been already shown,

and of his higher physical perfection, is susceptible of
more refined as well as more exalted impressions ; and, 162 ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
consequently, they must have a greater influence on the
physical state of his life than on animals. By these parts is more rapid. Much less irritation must, there-
means there is opened for him a new source of restora- fore, be here given, because a small irritation excites
tion, which is denied to animals ; the enjoyment and strong reaction. More regard must be proportionally
stimulus of sensual pleasure, when not carried to too paid to restoration and hardening. In old age, on the
great a length. other hand, every thing called irritation may be em-
ployed in a stronger degree. What in infancy would
7th. Putting the mind in an agreeable frame ; joyful be consumption, is here restoration. Milk is wine for
and moderate affections ; a succession of new, grand children; wine is milk for old people. Old age requires,
ideas ; creating, combining, and varying them. These therefore, on account of the great rigidity connected
more exalted pleasures, exclusively peculiar to man, with it, not an increase of that quality by the second
belong to this catalogue of the means which contribute indication, but a lessening of it by means of emollients
to prolong his existence. Hope, love, and joy are there- and moistening things, meat-broths, strong soups, and
fore happy affections ; and there is nothing which tends the tepid bath.
with so much certainty and so generally to preserve
life and health as cheerfulness and serenity of mind. Lastly, Climate, also, makes some difference. The
Such a disposition keeps the vital power in a proper more southern it is, the greater is the irritability ; the
uniform state, promotes circulation and digestion, and stronger continual irritation is, the more rapid will the
assists, in a very powerful manner, the function of in- stream of life flow, and the shorter will be its duration.
sensible perspiration. Happy, therefore, even in a Great attention is here necessary that this exhausting
physical point of view, is that man on whom Heaven of the power by too strong irritation, may not be accele-
has bestowed a contented and serene mind, or who, by rated. In a northern climate, on the other hand, where
improving and cultivating his moral faculties, has been the temperature being cooler concentrates the power
able to procure that blessing. He has within himself more, and keeps it together, this is much less to be ap-
the noblest and purest balsam of life. prehended.

The principles here laid down contain the funda-

mental rules on which every rational general plan for
prolonging life must be founded. But what is necessary ART OF PROLONGING LIFE.
in regard to every dietetic and medicinal precept is



necessary here, that, in applying them, regard must be

had to special cases ; and that, therefore, they must be I NOW proceed to the most important part of this
more accurately modified and determined. Treatise, the Practical Art of Prolonging Life ; and I
can now make known with confidence, and on good
The following circumstances, in particular, are to be grounds, those means by which alone prolongation of it
attended to in the application of them : is possible. If they are not so specious, so boasting,
and so mysterious as those commonly recommended,
Difference of constitution, in the subjects, in regard to they have this advantage, that they may be everywhere
their simple component parts and vessels. The drier, found without expense, nay, that they in part lie within
the harder, and more rigid the state of the body natu- ourselves ; that they are perfectly consistent with reason,
rally is, the less need there will be for employing the as well as experience ; and that they prolong, not
means of the second indication, that is, a proper hard- merely life, but also the enjoyment of it. In a word,
ening ; but the more relaxed .the vessels are by nature, according to my idea, they deserve the name of univer-
sal remedies, much more than all the panaceas of be rather named the destroyers of life. To these belong
quackery and imposture. certain diseases, and the various kinds of violent death,
as they are properly called. The latter, in general,
We are continually surrounded by the friends and are much more dreaded than the former, because their
the enemies of life. He who keeps company with its effects are more perceptible and more terrible : but I
friends, will become old ; but he who prefers its ene- can assure my readers, that they are at bottom much
mies, will shorten his existence. It might be expected less dangerous than these secret enemies; for they are
of every prudent man, that he would prefer the former, so open that people can be much sooner on their guard
and be always on his guard against the latter ; but it is against them than against the former, which carry on
their destructive approaches in private, and daily steal
from us some part of life without our perceiving it,
though the loss in the end may amount to a sum truly

an unfortunate circumstance that these enemies of life

are not all public and known. They, in part, carry on
their attacks secretly and imperceptibly; so that some 166 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
of them assume the mask of life's best friends. It is,
therefore, difficult to discover them ; and some we even I must here make one melancholy remark, which is,
harbor within our own bosoms. that the enemies of our life have, in modern times,
dreadfully increased ; and that the degree of civilization,
The principal part of this Art, then, will consist in luxury, refinement, and deviation from nature, in which
being able to distinguish our friends from our enemies, we at present live, by so highly exalting our intensive
and in learning to guard against the latter. In other life, tends also to shorten, in the same proportion, our
words, the Art of prolonging Life may be divided into existence. We shall find, on close examination, that
two parts : men appear, as it were, to have anxiously studied how
they might deprive each other of life secretly and im-
I. Guarding against the enemies of life, and those perceptibly, and often in the most ingenious manner
possible. Much more precaution and attention are,
means which shorten it. therefore, now necessary in order to secure ourselves
from danger.
II. The knowledge and use of those means which
tend to prolong it.



ACCORDING to the principles before laid down, the Delicate nursing and treatment in infancy.
Only grounds on which the duration of life depends, it
will not be difficult to determine in how many different THERE is no surer method of rendering the vital
ways it may be shortened. thread of a being from its origin short and perishable,
than by giving it, during the first years of life, which
I 1st. Every thing must shorten it which lessens the may be considered as a continued generation and ex-
pansion, a very warm, tender, and delicate education ;
sum of the vital powers ; that is, by guarding it from every breath of cool air ;
burying it for at least a year among pillows and blankets,
2nd. Every thing that takes from the organs of life and keeping it like a chicken in a real state of hatching;
their duration and renders them unfit for use ; not omitting, at the same time, to stuff it immoderately
3rd. Every thing that hastens vital consumption ; with food ; and, by coffee, chocolate, wine, spice, and
4th. And every thing that prevents restoration. such like things, (which for children are nothing else
than poison,) to irritate it beyond measure, and to ren-
der its whole vital activity too strong and violent.
By these means its internal consumption is from its
MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. 165 birth so accelerated, its intensive life is so early exalted,
and its organs are rendered so weak, tender, and sensi-
Every thing that shortens life may be comprehended ble, that one may assert that, through two years' treat-
in these four classes; and we have now a standard by ment of this kind, an innate vital capacity of sixty
which the greater or less mischief, occasioned by their years may be reduced one half; nay, as experience un-
influence, can be determined and appreciated. The fortunately shows, to much less, without reckoning those
more these four properties are in any thing united, the evil accidents and diseases which may besides be the
more dangerous and hostile will it be to our vital dura- consequence. The premature expansion of our organs
tion ; and the fewer it contains, it will be less so. Nay, and powers is by nothing so much hastened as by
there are mixed substances which present as it were such a forced education ; and we have before proved
two sides, one friendly, and another hostile ; that is to
say, which possess one of the above properties, but at
the same time are more favorable and beneficial to us
than hurtful. These may form one peculiar class, but 168 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
we shall here, according to their prevailing quality,
assign them a place, either among those things which what an intimate connection there is between rapid or
are friendly, or those which are hostile. slow expansion, and a longer and shorter duration of
life in general. Speedy ripening carries always along
Between those things which shorten life, there is a with it* speedy destruction. This, certainly, is one
difference still more important. Some act slowly, suc- great cause of the dreadful mortality which prevails
cessively, and often very imperceptibly. Others, on the among children. But men overlook those causes which
contrary, violently as well as suddenly ; and these may lie nearest to them, and assume rather the most absurd,
in order that their minds may be at rest, and that they without pleasure in the object of it, will hence weaken
may have as little to do as possible. us most.

# One of the most remarkable instances of the prematurity of But it may here be asked, What is meant by excess
nature was Louis II., King of Hungary. He was born so long in mental exertion ? This, in general, is as difficult to
before the time that he had no skin. In his second year he was be defined as excess in eating and drinking ; because
crowned ; in his tenth he succeeded ; in his fourteenth he had a the whole depends on the difference in the capacity and
complete beard ; in his fifteenth he married ; in his eighteenth he state of the mental powers, and these are as different
had gray hair, and in his twentieth he died.


as the powers of digestion. That may be excess of
Physical excess in youth. mental exertion for one, which is not so for another,
endowed with stronger faculties. The circumstances,
"As youth is the period of growth, of forming and also, under which that function is exercised, make a
collecting the powers of the future man, every kind of very essential difference. I shall, therefore, define
excess calculated to weaken or exhaust the vital powers more accurately what is to be understood by excess in
should be carefully guarded against. There are certain the function of thinking.
active properties which belong to this period, such as
muscular motion, which can hardly be carried beyond 1st. When one, while employed in abstruse thought,
the bounds of health. But the excesses most to be neglects too much the body. Every irregular exertion
dreaded are those which spring from a too early antici- of our powers is hurtful ; and as a man is infinitely
pation of the future man, in which the imagination and more weakened when he exercises his thought without
the feelings play a conspicuous part. Youth, it cannot attending to bodily exercise, it is equally certain that
be too often repeated, is the time for storing strength, those can undergo more mental labor, and with much
both physical and moral ; and every act which can in less injury to their health, who, in the mean time, give
any way impede or frustrate this all-wise intention of to the body suitable and periodical exercise.
Nature, will tend to lay the foundation of a weak and
imperfect body, and shorten the days of its possessor. 2d. When one thinks too incessantly on the same
Among the passions of the future man, which at this subject. The same law prevails here as in regard to
period should be strictly restrained, is that of physical muscular motion. When one moves the arm continu-
love; for none wars so completely against the princi- ally in the same direction, one, in a quarter of an hour,
ples which have been already laid down as the most will become more fatigued than if the limb had been
conducive to long life ; no excess so thoroughly lessens moved two hours in various directions. Nothing ex-
the sum of the vital power; none so much weakens and hausts so much as uniformity in the pursuit and em-
softens the organs of life ; none is more active in hasten- ployment of the mental powers ; and Boerhaave tells
ing vital consumption; and none so totally prohibits us that after having bestowed intense study, for a few
restoration. days and nights, on the same object, he fell suddenly
into such a state of lassitude and relaxation, that he lay
some time in an insensible and deathlike condition. A
proper change of objects is, therefore, the first rule in
170 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. order to study without injury to the health, and even
to accomplish more work upon the whole. I am ac-
I might, if it were necessary, draw a painful, nay, a quainted with great and intense thinkers, mathemati-
frightful picture, of the results of these melancholy ex- cians, and philosophers, who, at an advanced period of
cesses ; but I refrain, in the hope that this simple
caution will be sufficient. To my youthful readers I
will simply say, Be wise in time. Experience may
appear a harsh, but, nevertheless, she is a just mon- OVERSTRAINED MENTAL EXERTION. 173
itor." EDITOR.
life, are still happy and contented; but I know also
that they have made this variety a law, and that they
always divide their time between these abstract studies
CHAPTER III. and reading history, agreeable poetry, travels, and
works of natural history. It is of great benefit, in this
Overstrained exertion of the mental faculties. respect, to unite always a practical with a speculative
MENTAL as well as bodily excess, is attended with
destructive consequences ; and it is worthy of remark, 3d. When one employs the mind on too abstract or
that too great exertion of the mental faculties, and the difficult subjects ; as for example, problems of the
waste of the vital power connected with it, produce on higher mathematics and metaphysics. The object
the health and vital duration almost the same effects makes a very essential difference. The more abstract
as a waste of the physical powers loss of the power it is, and the more it obliges one to disengage one's self
of digestion, depression, dejection, weakness of the from the sensual world, and, as it were, to insulate the
nerves, consumption, and premature death. mind separated from the body, the most unnatural state,
without doubt, that can possibly be, the more weaken-
Much, however, depends here on the difference of ing and overstraining is its effect. Half an hour of
structure and constitution ; and those who have natu- such abstraction exhausts more than a whole day em-
rally a stronger and more active organization of soul, ployed in translation. But here, also, a great deal is
must suffer less from such exertion than those who are relative. Many are born for such labor, and have
destitute of that advantage. Those, therefore, are most those powers and that frame of mind which it requires ;
affected by it, who, with a moderate structure of mind, while on the other hand, many are destitute of both,
attempt to force it beyond its powers ; and that exces- and yet endeavor to force them. It appears to me very
sive mental exertion which we make involuntarily, and singular that, when it is requisite to raise up a corpo-
real burden, people always first try it by their strength, 10th. When one unites study with hurtful external
to discover whether it be not too heavy for them ; but circumstances ; and of these there are two in particu-
in regard to a mental burden, never consult their powers lar, sitting in a bent posture, and confined air ; which
to know whether they are sufficient to sustain it. How are often more destructive in their consequences than
many have I seen miserable and enervated, merely intense thinking itself. People, therefore, ought to
because they attempted to dive to the depths of philoso- accustom themselves to study lying, standing, walking,
phy without having philosophical heads ! Must every or riding on a hobby ; not always in the closet, but
man, then, be a philosopher by profession, as seems to sometimes in the open air ; and they will then suffer
much less from those diseases which are so incident
to men of letters. The ancient philosophers undoubt-
edly studied as much as the modern literati ; and yet

be the mode at present ? In my opinion, a particular

organization is necessary for that purpose ; and it may 176 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
be left to the chosen few to investigate and unfold the
secrets of philosophy ; as to others, let them be contented never suffered from bodily disease induced by such
with acting and living like philosophers. study. The sole cause of this was, that they medi-
tated more, lying or walking, and in the open air ; be-
4th. I consider it also as excess, when one labors cause they never drank coffee, or used tobacco ; and
always in creating and never in enjoying what has because at the same time that they exercised the mind,
been created by others. The labor of the mind may they never neglected the care and the exercise of the
be divided into two parts : the creative, which produces body.
of itself and gives birth to new ideas ; and the recipient,
or passive, which merely receives and enjoys foreign
ideas, as, for example, by reading or hearing others.
The former is by far the most exhausting ; and one CHAPTER IV.
ought, therefore, to vary them, and to enjoy them in
turns. Diseases. Injudicious manner of treating them. Sudden kinds of
death. Propensity to self-murder.
oth. When one begins to overstrain the mind too
early in infancy. At this period a small exertion is DREADFULLY, has this host of the secret and open
highly prejudicial. Before the age of seven, all men- enemies of life increased in modern times. When one
tal labor is an unnatural state, and attended with con- reflects how little a savage of the South Sea Islands
sequences as fatal to the body as the most exhausting knows of diseases, and then takes a view of an Euro-
excess. pean compendium of pathology, where they are mar-
shalled by regiments and companies, and where their
Gth. When one studies invita Minerva, that is ap- number amounts to several thousands, one cannot help
plies to subjects on which one labors involuntarily, and being alarmed to find that so much is possible for lux-
not con amore. The more inclination one has for any ury, corruption of morals, unnatural modes of living,
kind of mental enjoyment, exertion will be the less and excesses. Many, nay, the greater part of these
hurtful. More caution, therefore, is necessary in the diseases, are occasioned by our own fault ; and it is
choice of studies ; and wretched must those be who equally certain that new ones may be created by the
neglect an object of so much importance. like conduct. Others came into the world no one
knows when or how, and were altogether strangers to
7th. When one stimulates, strengthens, or prolongs the ancients. These are the most inveterate and de-
mental exertion by artificial means. People employ structive ; the smallpox, the measles, and scarlet fever :
commonly, for this purpose, wine, coffee, or snuff; and and these even are so far owing to ourselves, that we
suffer them to spread and exercise their ravages, with-
out forming any regulations to check them ; though it is
proved that, by a proper exercise of reason, with the
OVERSTRAINED MENTAL EXERTION. 175 help of those observations that have been collected, we
might banish them from our boundaries, in the same
though these artificial helps of thought are in general manner as they were introduced.
not to be approved, because they always exhaust 12
doubly, it must, however, be confessed, that, at those
times when the labor of the mind does not depend upon
the will, but on periods and hours, they cannot alto-
gether be dispensed with ; and on such occasions, a 178 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
dish of coffee, a pipe of tobacco, or a pinch of snuff,
may be the most sufferable. But let people be on their The greater part of diseases act either as violent
guard against excess ; because an abuse of them must kinds of death ; the means of suddenly stopping vital
increase, in an incredible degree, the mischiefs of men- operation, like the apoplexy ; or as the means of short-
tal exertion. ening it gradually, by being either totally incurable, or,
even when they are cured, by leaving behind them such
8th. When one overstrains the mind during the time a loss of the vital power, or such weakness and derange-
of digestion. This occasions double injury : one weak- ment of the nobler organs, that a body so affected can
ens one's self more, as more exertion is then necessary no longer attain to that term of life to which it was
for thinking, and interrupts at the same time the impor- originally destined.
tant function of digestion.
The following short view, collected from different
9th. When one employs, in mental labor, that time bills of mortality, will show, in the clearest manner,
which ought to be devoted to sleep ; a custom highly how monstrous that los is which mankind sustain at
prejudicial to life, and of which I shall speak more ex- present by disease. Of a thousand persons who are
pressly when I come to treat on sleep. born, 24 die at their very birth ; teething carries off
50 ; convulsions and other diseases during the two first
years, 277; the smallpox, which, as is well known, I assert, that one-half of all the asthmas arise from ca-
destroys one in ten, carries off 80 or 90 ; and the mea- tarrhs which have been thus neglected. Such mischief
sles 10. If they are females, 8 die in childbed. The follows when they continue too long, or have been im-
asthma, consumption, and disorders of the chest, at least properly treated ; and I therefore recommend the two
in England, destroy 190 ; violent fevers, 150 ; apo- following rules, which ought to be sacredly observed by
plexy, 12, and the dropsy, 41. Of a thousand persons every one who is attacked by a catarrh of the chest.
also, we can allow only 78 who die of old age, or rather One must not overlook a catarrh cough more than a
at an advanced period of life ; for the greater part of fortnight ; if it continue longer, it must be considered as
these will fall a sacrifice to accidental affections. In a disease, and be treated by a physician. Secondly,
short, it hence appears, that nine-tenths of mankind during the time every catarrh lasts, one must guard
die always prematurely, and by the effects of disease. against violent heating of the body, cold, and the use of
spices, wine, and other spirituous liquors.
I must here mention also a new and detestable dis-
order, which tends to the immediate destruction of life, It is also a too common mode of improperly treating
I mean a propensity to self-murder. This unnatural diseases, that people often, partly from ignorance or
passion, which prevailed formerly through direful ne- prejudice, and partly through mistaken tenderness, do
cessity and heroic resolution, has now become a disease, exactly the contrary of what ought properly to be done.
which, in the bloom of youth, amidst the most favorable Of this kind are, when people oblige the patient to eat,


circumstances, merely by disgust and satiety of life, can though he has no appetite ; when, during feverish dis-
excite the most horrid and irresistible desire to deprive orders he is suffered to use beer, wine, coffee, meat-
one's self of existence.* There are, indeed, men in soups, and other rich and nourishing things, by which
whom every source of vital sensation and vital enjoy- the slightest degree of fever may be changed into the
ment is so exhausted, in whom every germ of activity most violent ; when people, on the patient's complaining
and happiness is so deadened, that they find nothing so of a fever, and that cold which is connected with it,
insipid, so disagreeable, and so disgustful as life ; that bury him immediately under bed-clothes, shut up the
they have no longer any points of contact with the doors and the windows, and heat the air of the apart-
world which surrounds them ; and that life, at last, ment as much as possible ; and when they do not pay
becomes to them such an oppressive burden, that they sufficient attention to cleanliness and ventilation. This
cannot withstand the desire of getting rid of it. And injudicious treatment destroys more of mankind than
these men, for the most part, are such as, by youthful disease itself; and is principally the cause why, in the
dissipation, and too early a wasting of the powers and country, so many strong sound men fall a sacrifice to
vigor which ought to be the seasoning of life, have death ; why diseases there so readily assume a malig-
exhausted themselves, and become incapable of relish- nant quality ; why, for example, the smallpox is more
ing its enjoyments. Is it not natural that such unfor- destructive there in winter than in summer, because
tunate beings should prefer death without all sensation, people shut the doors and windows, and, by artificial
to a living death which their life may undoubtedly be means, keep up in the patient's bed-chamber a heat
called ? equally great perhaps as that which prevails during the
But the mischiefs of these already too numerous and
dangerous enemies are infinitely increased, because And lastly, I reckon among these improprieties, when
people in part treat them very improperly, and in gen- one consults no physician, or consults one that is unskil-
eral abuse medicine too much. ful, uses medicine injudiciously, has recourse to quacks,
and employs secret means, universal remedies, etc., of
Among those improprieties which regard the treat- which I shall treat more at length when I come to the
ment of diseases, I reckon the following : "When peo- rational use of medicine.
ple, notwithstanding every proof of their mischief, suffer
the causes of disease to remain in activity : when one, The violent kinds of death also sweep off an immense
for example, evidently observes, that drinking wine, the number of mankind ; and these, in modern times, have
use of too light clothing, or sitting up late at night, unfortunately made great progress. Not only have a
more enlarged spirit of enterprise, the greater frequency
* In seventy-five years, twice as many people in London fall of sea-voyages, and more extensive trade, multiplied
a sacrifice to suicide as to the ple'urisy. such accidents ; but people have fallen upon inventions


brings on disease, and yet continues these practices ; for accomplishing the object of shortening life in an
also, when one totally mistakes the disease, or will not incredibly quick and refined manner. I shall here
allow that any exists, by which means a very trifling mention only gunpowder, and several new sorts of poison,
indisposition may be converted into a serious malady. such as Aqua Toffana, Succession Powder, etc. Nay,
And here I cannot help particularly mentioning a neg- the art of killing has now become a peculiar and ex-
ligence to which the lives of thousands are undoubtedly alted science.
sacrificed ; I mean neglecting a catarrh or cough.
People in general consider this as a necessary, and, in
part, useful evil ; and in that respect they are right, if
the catarrh be moderate, and do not continue too long. CHAPTER V.
But one ought never to forget that every catarrh is a
disease, and may readily end in an inflammation of the Impure air. Men living together in large cities.
lungs, or, what is more frequently the case, in an
asthma or consumption ; and I do not say too much when ONE of the greatest means of shortening human life
is, men living together in great cities. Dreadful is the 186 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
preponderance which the ravage thence occasioned has
in the bills of mortality. In Vienna, Berlin, Paris, 1st. It is well known that the principal part of this
and London, the twentieth or twenty-third person dies art consists in making every thing piquant and stimula-
annually ; while in the country around them, the pro- ting. Every article of food, therefore, is half com-
portion is only one in thirty or forty. Rousseau is per- posed, according to this preparation, of hot, stimulating
fectly right when he says that men, of all animals, are substances; and instead of accomplishing, by eating,
the least formed for living together in great multitudes. what is the natural object of it, nourishment and resto-
The breath of a man is deadly for his fellow-creature ; ration, we increase rather, by irritation, internal con-
and this is the case both in a proper as well as a figu- sumption, and actually produce the contrary. After a
rative sense. The moisture, or, as it is commonly meal of this kind one has always an artificial fever; and
called, the thickness of the air, is not what alone makes those who use such food may justly say, consumendo
it prejudicial, but the animalization which it acquires consumimur.*
by so many people being crowded together. We can
at most breathe the same air only four times ; for it is 2nd. The worst is, that people, by this cookery, are
then, from the finest support of life, converted by our- always induced to eat too much. They become such
selves into the most deadly poison. Let one now only friends to their palate, that every remonstrance of the
reflect on the atmosphere of such monstrous places, stomach is ineffectual; and as the palate is always
where it is impossible for an inhabitant to inspire a tickled in a new and agreeable manner, the stomach
mouthful of air that has not been for some time already has thrice or four times as much labor as it is capable
in the lungs of another. This produces a general secret of performing. For it is a very common fault, that one
poisoning, which, upon the whole, must necessarily does not make a distinction between the appetite of the
shorten the duration of life. Those men who are able, palate and that of the stomach ; but considers that as a
real, which is only a false, appetite ; and this error is
by nothing favored so much as refined cookery. Man
thereby loses, at length, one of the greatest supports
184 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. of life, the property of knowing when he has had
ought to avoid living in great cities : they are open
sepulchres for mankind ; and not only in a physical, but 3rd. One grand maxim in this cookery is, by the
in a moral point of view. Even in cities of moderate most unnatural and most variegated compositions, to
size, where perhaps the streets are somewhat narrow, produce new stimulants, and new dishes. And hence
people should prefer a residence in the suburbs ; and it it happens that things which singly and alone were per-
is at least their duty to quit the city atmosphere for an fectly harmless and innocent, acquire, by combination,
hour or half an hour every day, merely in order that properties altogether new and destructive. Acids and
they may inspire a little fresh air.
* In consuming we are ourselves consumed. EDITOR.


CHAPTER VI. sweet substances, for example, do not hurt when used
separately ; but when used together, they may become
Intemperance in eating and drinking. Refined Cookery. Spirituous prejudicial. Eggs, milk, butter, and flour, are each,
liquors. used by itself, very easy of digestion ; but when joined
together, and formed into a fat solid pudding, the produce
THE first thing which, in regard to diet, can act will be extremely heavy and indigestible. It may,
as a shortener of life, is immoderation. Eating and therefore, be laid down as a fundamental principle, that
drinking too much is prejudicial to life two ways. It the more compounded any kind of food is, the more
overstrains the powers of digestion, and thereby difficult it will be of digestion ; and what is still worse,
weakens them. It prevents digestion, because with the more corrupt will be the juices which are prepared
such a quantity the whole cannot be properly prepared; from it.
arid crudities*in the intestines, and bad juices are tle
consequence. It increases also proportionably the 4th. A grand acquisition in the newest mode of
quantity of the blood, and thereby accelerates circula- cookery is the art of bringing nourishing juices into
tion and life ; and besides, it gives rise to indigestion, the body in the most concentrated form. Hence we
and the necessity of using evucuants, which always have consommes jus, coulus, and many other things of
weaken. the like kind. By expression and boiling, people have
found means to concentrate the substance of several
To eat too much, means when people eat till they pounds of beef, capon, and marrow-bones, into the small
can eat no longer; and the following are the signs: size of a jelly or soup; and they imagine they have
When one experiences a heaviness and fulness of the accomplished something great when they send such an
stomach, yawning, eructation, drowsiness, and confusion essence of nourishment immediately, and at once, into
in the head. The old rule, which contains much truth, the blood, without exposing the teeth to the trouble of
ought therefore to be always observed : Give over eat- chewing, or the stomach to the labor of digesting. That
ing while you have still some appetite left. is to say, people imagine they can restore themselves
full gallop ; and this is the favorite system of those who
Too refined cookery belongs to the same class. Un- consume themselves in that manner. But these people
fortunately I must here exclaim against this friend of are miserably deceived ; for,
our palate, as one of the greatest enemies of life; as
one of the most destructive inventions for shortening it, In the first place, one can never deviate from the
and in the following mariner: regulations of Nature without injury. Not without
reason has it been made a law, that the stomach can
receive only a certain quantity ; a degree more would
be too much for the whole. Everybody can admit only
have, as it were, a positive property of bringing on
death. They not only deprive the body of its vital
powers, but, as they incessantly sharpen the bile, they
188 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. are continually preparing a secret poison ; and by the
general irritation of the bile, increase, in an extraordi-
a proportionable quantity of nourishment; and this nary degree, self-consumption. That motto, therefore,
capacity of the whole is always in direct ratio with the is highly proper : Avarice consumes itself.
stomach. Man here defrauds Nature : he goes beyond
the first principle, if! may say so; and smuggles, as it To these belongs that malignant disposition of mind
were, into the body, thrice or four times as much nour- known by the name of peevishness. Nothing can so
ishment as it is capable of receiving. The consequence much blast the bloom of life, shut up every access to
is, a continual plethora of all the vessels ; and this pleasure and enjoyment, and change the beautiful stream
always destroys the equilibrium as well as the health, of life into a stagnated puddle, as this disagreeable habit.
and, in the end, life itself.

Secondly, it has been established by Nature, on

grounds equally good, that our nourishment should be PEEVISHNESS. FEAK. 191
used in a form rather coarse. The advantage of this
law is, that our food is first chewed in the mouth, I advise every one who regards his life to fly from this
macerated, and mixed with saliva: in the next place, deadly poison, and never to suffer it even to approach.
that it is longer retained in the. stomach, in order, by its
stimulating quality, to incite the stomach to more reac- Fear, also, deserves here a particular place. It be-
tion : consequently it is much better assimilated and longs, in like manner, to those bad habits of mind which
changed into the nature of our substance. On this one can harbor or banish at pleasure.
properly depends real restoration; for nourishment can
pass into our bodies, and become truly useful to us, only Walter, an Englishman, who sailed round the world
after it has been, by the powers of the stomach, ren- with Anson, was conversing one day with young Berk-
dered homogeneous and similar to our substance. enhout ; and as the latter happened to mention the
word Fear, Walter, with some emotion, replied, Fear is
By trangressing this first principle, one creates in the a base passion, beneath the dignity of man. And, with-
body juices, which, because they have not been suf- out doubt, it is one of the most absurd : a passion which
ficiently assimilated, are unable to effect proper restora- debases and degrades man, as much as its opposite
tion; which, as foreign particles, tend rather to irritate; passion, courage, can exalt and elevate him above
and thus promote consumption, much more than resto- human nature. Fear robs him of power, reflection,
ration. judgment, resolution ; in a word, of all that preemi-
nence which the human mind enjoys ; and, to accustom
In my opinion, therefore, it is highly proper that an children not to fear, ought to be one of the first prin-
art which prevents restoration, which fills us with raw ciples of education. But, unfortunately, the direct con-
undigested juices, and which increases internal con- trary is the case. I shall here enlarge on two only of
sumption, should be considered, not as a friend of our the most usual kinds of fear : fear of thunder, and fear
of apparitions or spirits. Now he who is subject to
both these may bid farewell to happiness and tranquil-
lity. The period of night, which by its obscurity is so
SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. 189 wisely destined for sweet repose, is to him the signal
of the most painful uneasiness. While others enjoy
life, but as one of its most essential enemies. One might peaceful sleep, he listens with trembling and dismay to
almost imagine that it was invented to convert one of the smallest sound ; the sweat of horror bursts forth
the noblest gifts of God into a secret poison. from every pore of his body ; and he is more fatigued
in the morning, than at the moment when he lay down.
Lastly, we may place in this class, of things that tend
in a particular manner to shorten life, all preparations The joyful season of summer is to him also a period
of spirituous liquors, which, under whatever name of terror and dread ; and every fine day brings with it
known, are, in that respect, highly prejudicial. "When the idea of thunder, and the apprehension of danger.
people drink these, they drink liquid fire. They accele-
rate vital consumption in a dreadful manner ; and make One may easily comprehend what destructive influ-
life, in the properest sense, a process of burning.


ence such continual misery must have on the duration
Passions and dispositions of mind which shorten life. Peevishness. of life. Fear is an incessant cramp ; it contracts all
Too much occupation and business. the smaller vessels ; the whole skin grows cold, and
perspiration is completely checked. The blood is col-
CERTAIN habits and dispositions of mind, such as lected in the interior large vessels ; pulsation becomes
melancholy, care, dejection, fear, anxiety, faint-hearted- irregular ; the heart is overcharged, and cannot move
ness, and, in particular, avarice and hatred, which are with freedom. The important business of circulation is
hostile to life, claim a distinguished rank among those therefore deranged. Digestion is also interrupted, and
means which tend to shorten it. crampish affections take place. All the muscular power
is palsied ; the sufferer attempts to run, but is not able ;
All these exhaust the finest of the vital powers ; de- he is seized with a general shivering ; he breathes short,
stroy, in particular, digestion and assimilation ; weaken and with difficulty ; in a word, fear has all those effects
the vigor of the heart ; and, by these means, impede which are produced by a mortal secret poison, and its
the important business of restoration. The first or mel- consequences are equally pernicious in shortening life.
ancholy affections act, however, negatively in shorten-
ing life. On the other hand, those of avarice and hatred It is impossible for me to omit here a characteristic
of modern times, which certainly deprives us of a valu- And for what reason ? Because, by their continual
able part of our life : namely, that unfortunate spirit of approach to death, they have learned to despise it. He
restless enterprise (polypraymosine), which at present who no longer fears death is alone free ; there is no-
subdues a great part of the human race ; an incessant thing else that can fetter his senses, disturb him, or
fickleness, and propensity to new undertakings, new render him unhappy. His soul is filled with exalted
labors, and new plans. The genius of our age seems and undaunted courage, which strengthens the vital
to incline men, much more than is natural for them, to power, and which is therefore a positive means of re-
reflection, activity, speculations, and reformation of moving this fear.
every kind ; and to exercise with more vigor all the
powers which they possess : for the great increase of This custom is attended also with some concomitant
luxury, by still multiplying its wants, makes new schemes 'circumstances which are undoubtedly of no little im-
and new exertions of the faculties always more neces- portance. It is an excellent help to enable one to
sary. Hence arises that endless uneasiness which de- ^continue honest and virtuous. On every occasion of
stroys all sensation of internal tranquillity and con- -doubt, when the question arises whether an action be
tentment ; which never suffers men to enjoy that degree
of peace and relaxation indispensably requisite for re-
storing them ; and which, consequently, in an alarming
manner, accelerates consumption. FEAR OP DEATH. 195

right or wrong, let a man think only on the last hour

of his life, and ask himself, Wouldst thou then do so ;
CHAPTEE VIII. wilt thou then wish to have acted so ? Innocence is
certainly that happy state, that enjoyment of life, which
The fear of death. can enable a man to think on death without terror. If
a man harbor enmity or revenge against another, if he
No kind of fear is attended with more unhappiness" entertain a wish of avenging an injury done to him, let
than the fear of death. He who is subject to it dreads him only reflect on that hour, and on the state in which
something which is totally unavoidable, and against hfs thoughts will then be, and I engage that his ideas
which we can never be a moment secure. He enjoys of enmity and revenge will immediately forsake him.
pleasure with trembling and anxiety ; he denies himself The reason is, that, by thus changing the theatre of ac-
every thing, because every thing may be the vehicle of tion, all those little selfish objects by which we are usu-
death ; and by this everlasting apprehension of losing ally gaided are removed ; every thing at once appears
life, he loses it in reality. No one who feared death in its proper point of view, under its just proportion ;
ever attained to a great age. the deception vanishes, and nothing remains but what
is real.*
Love life, and fear not death ! is a command and a
prophecy, the only true frame of mind to become happy * Allied with the fear of death is the foolish objection which
and old ; for, whoever fears death may bid farewell to 1 some people have to making their wills, and doing that which
happiness. To him no enjoyment is pure ; every plea- none others can do so well as themselves, namely, arranging
sure is poisoned with the idea of death ; he is always their affairs. Indeed I have known some so irrational as to en-
like a malefactor pursued ; the enemy is continually at tertain alarm at the insurance of their lives ; as though the
his heels ; and yet there are an immense number of thought on death could hasten its approach. The duty of mak-
people who are not able to banish from them this ing a will is one which ought to be performed by every person,
disease of the mind. For the benefit of these I shall the moment he arrives at man's or woman's estate, and the neg-
here lay down some rules, which, though they may not lect of that duty I regard as a dangerous sin. The great Locke,
display much metaphysical acuteness, I can recom- in a letter to Lord King, has these memorable reflections on
mend as good preservatives against the fear of death ; making his will : "I shall not die the sooner for having cast
and which I know by experience, to have been effec- up my reckoning, and, judging as impartially of my state as I
tual : can, I hope I shall not live one jot the less cheerfully the time
that I am here, nor neglect any of the offices of life whilst I
1st. Let a man make himself very familiar with the have it ; for whether it be a month, or a year, or seven years
13 longer the longest any one out of kindness or compliment can
propose to me is so near nothing when considered and in re-
spect of eternity, that if the sight of death can put an end to


idea of death. He alone, in my opinion, is happy, who 196 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
has so often, and in so undaunted a manner, looked this
unavoidable enemy in the face, that by long custom, it 2d. Many fear death much less than the operation
has at length become to him a matter of indifference. of dying. People here form the most singular concep-
How much do those deceive themselves who imagine tion of the last struggle, the separation of the soul from
they have found, in banishing the thoughts of death, the body ?> and the like. But this is all void of founda-
the best remedy for the fear of it. Before they are tion. No man certainly ever felt what death is ; and
aware, amidst the most lively enjoyment will the idea as insensibly as we enter into life, equally insensibly
rush upon them, and derange them the more, the less do we leave it. The beginning and the end are here
they are acquainted with it. In a word, I can call united. My proofs are as follows : First, man can
those alone fortunate who have carried this custom so have no sensation of dying ; for to die, means nothiiTg
far, that in the moment of joy they can think of death more that to lose the vital power ; and it is the vital
-without being depressed ; and my readers may believe power by which the soul communicates sensation to the
me, for 1 assert it on my own experience, that, by often body. In proportion as the vital power decreases, we
dwelling upon this idea, and moderating its appearances, lose the power of sensation, and of consciousness*; and
we shall at length acquire a wonderful indifference re- we cannot lose life, without at the same time, or rather
specting it. Let us only turn our attention to soldiers, before, losing our vital sensation, which requires the
sailors, and miners. Where shall we find men more assistance of the tenderest organs. We are taught also
contented and happy, more susceptible of every joy ? by experience, that all those who ever passed through
the first stage of death, and were again brought to
life, unanimously asserted that they felt nothing of dy- IDLENESS. INACTIVITY. LANGUOR. 199
ing, but sunk at once into a state of insensibility. Let
us not be led into a mistake by the convulsive throbs, the condition of our bodies. What do we remark in a
the rattling in the throat, and the apparent pangs of man who is subject to languor ? He begins to yawn ;
death, which are observed in many persons when in a this already betrays that the passage of the blood
dying state. These symptoms are painful only to the through the lungs is interrupted. The power of the
spectators, and not to the dying, who are not sensible of heart and vessels suffers of course, and becomes too tor-
them. The case here is the same as if one, from the pid. If the evil continue longer, accumulations and
dreadful contortions of a person in an epileptic fit, stoppages of the blood take place. The organs of di-
should form a conclusion respecting his internal feelings. gestion acquire a tendency to weakness ; and inactivity
From what affects us so much, he suffers nothing. and debility, melancholy, flatulency, and hypochondriac
affections ensue : in a word, all the functions are thereby
the comforts of life, it is always near enough, especially to one weakened and deranged ; and I think I may with truth
of my age, to have no satisfaction in living." Lord King's Life affirm, that a state which disturbs the most important
of Locke, 2d edit. p. 40. EDITOR. operations of the body, and which enfeebles the noblest
powers, is a shortener of life also.

Languor, in a physical as well as a moral view, is a

FEAR OF DEATH. 197 state of danger. Weikard mentions the instance of a
child born of poor parents, who were obliged to earn
3d. Let one always consider life, as it really is, a their bread by their daily labor. The state of this
mean state, which is not an object itself, but a medium child, from its birth, was therefore languor. At first
for obtaining an object, as the multifarious imperfec- the parents suffered it to lie alone in its cradle, where
tions of it sufficiently prove ; as a period of expansion it spent its time in looking at its hands and feet. When
and preparation, a fragment of our existence, through it became bigger, it was always shut up in a hen-house,
which we are to be fitted for and transmitted to other where it could see only through a small hole. What
periods. Can the idea, then, of really making this was the consequence? The child, when it grew up,
transition ; of ascending to another from this mean remained heavy and stupid ; showed no signs of reason,
state, this doubtful problematical existence, which never and could scarcely speak.
affords complete satisfaction, ever excite terror ? With
courage and confidence we may, therefore, resign our- Nay, it is attended with effects still more destructive.
selves to the will of that Supreme Being, who, without With a melancholy temperament, languor may at length
our consent, placed us upon this sublunary theatre ; and conduct one to self-rnurder. A dull English author,
give up to his management the future direction of our who has written a voluminous work on suicide, relates,
fate. that he one day met one of his countrymen who exhibit-
ed every appearance of deep thought. " Whither art
4th. Remembrance of the past, of that circle of
friends who were nearest and always will be dearest to
our hearts, and who, as it were, now smile to us with a
friendly look of invitation from that country of dark- 200 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
ness, will tend also very much to allay the fear of death.
thou going, my friend ? " said the author. " To the
Thames, to drown myself." " I beg of yon," replied
the author, " to return home for this time, and to read
CHAPTER IX. over my work on suicide." " God forbid ! " answered
the other. " It was reading that cursed, tedious book,
Idleness. Inactivity. Languor. which excited in me such a dreadful disgust of life that
I am now firmly resolved to drown myself."
BUT an opposite conduct, that of neglecting to exer-
cise our powers, may tend also to shorten life; because, But I think I hear every one ask, What in the world
by these means, the organs will soon become unfit for is the best remedy for languor ? It accompanies us to
use ; and derangement of them, interrupted purification the ball, to the play-house, to the tea-table, in our walks ;
of the juices, and bad restoration must be the conse- in short, it is impossible for us to get rid of it! What
quence. It was the first and unalterable destination of you say is perfectly true, but it does not relieve us.
man, that he should earn his bread by the sweat of his There is only one, but not a very agreeable remedy for
brow. And this principle is fully confirmed, in a physi- it, and that is regular employment.
cal sense, by experience : he who eats without labor
will never thrive. If the necessary proportion be not
preserved between restoration and self-consumption, it
is impossible to retain health or prolong life. If we CHAPTER X.
consult observation, we shall find that no idler ever at-
tained to a great age, and that those who have been dis- Overstrained power of the imagination. Imaginary diseases.
tinguished by their longevity were all men whose lives Sensibility.
had been extremely active and laborious.
IMAGINATION was given us as the seasoning of life ;
But mental idleness is hurtful, as well as bodily; and but as physical seasoning must not be made our daily
I now come to a means of shortening life, which per- nourishment, our mental life, in the like manner, must
haps my readers did not expect, because it apparently not abuse this seasoning of the soul. Too much of it
makes the time appear to us so long : I here allude to will, indeed, exalt vital sensation ; but one thereby in-
languor. Let us examine the physical effects of it a creases intensive life together with consumption, and
little closer, and we shall see that this unpleasant state prevents restoration, as is proved by the meagreness of*
of mind is by no means a matter of indifference, but such people as have fervid imaginations. Besides one,
that it is attended with very important consequences to by these means, disposes the body to sudden as well as
violent revolutions, which may become dangerous to
life, because, with an overstretched imagination, it is
possible for a small spark to produce a most dreadful one really suffers under distressful events, or, by read-
explosion. He, therefore, who wishes to live long, ing romances and indulging sensibility too much, has
must never suffer this power of the soul to assume a made oneself so feelingly alive to every impression
superiority, or to occasion a continued state of exalta- as to be overcome by the sensation it occasions.
tion ; he will apply it to that purpose for which it was Nay, the latter case is the more prejudicial ; as the one
bestowed upon us, to give a higher lustre to the agree- is the natural state, but the other artificial ; and its
able moments of life, to season the unfortunate or insipid, affections are, therefore, more violent and stronger!
and to enliven the melancholy. We have already seen how highly destructive melan-
choly is to the vital power and to every vital movement.
This faculty may be highly prejudicial to life, when One may easily comprehend, then, how baneful such a
it acquires certain tendencies, which, by their collateral state must be, which subjects the mind to continual
effects, produce double mischief; and of these, two ap- affliction at the hazard of life, and which cannot par-
take in refined pleasures without tears and heart-break-
ing sensations. What extinction of all energy, of all
cheerfulness and courage ! Two years spent in such a
202 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. state of ahguish, would undoubtedly shorten life in a
considerable degree.
pear to me to be particularly dangerous, a propensity
to imagine diseases and too great sensibility.

The first disease of the imagination is principally pe- CHAPTER XI.

culiar to hypochondriacs ; but may be excited in those
who are not physicians, if they read works on medicine, Poisons physical as well as infectious.
which they do not, like professional men, apply to the
art, but to their own persons ; and who, for want of BY these I understand all those substances which,
sufficient knowledge, conjecture often very erroneously. even in small quantity, are capable of producing very
Of this I have seen astonishing instances. Not only prejudicial or destructive effects on the human body.
people who, with features perfectly regular, supposed Of these there is a great abundance in nature, and of
that their noses stood awry ; and who, though slender various kinds. Some act violently, others secretly ;
and sound in every respect, could not get rid of the idea some suddenly, others slowly ; some externally, others
that they were in the last stage of the dropsy, but I internally ; some visibly, others invisibly ; and it can-
have seen a lady who, if asked whether she had not not be denied that they may be classed among the most
this or the other local disorder, felt in a mom'ent every general and the most dangerous enemies of life.
'symptom of it. Having asked her if she had not the
headache, she was instantly seized with it; and on I consider it, therefore, very necessary, as an essen-
asking, in the like manner, respecting the cramp in the tial part of that universal knowledge which ought to be
arm, and the hiccup, both these affections immediately cultivated among mankind, that every one should learn
took place. to know and to guard against these poisons ; because
people otherwise may, through mere ignorance and
Tulpius mentions the instance of a man who, by read- inattention, be liable to be poisoned a thousand ways.
ing a great number of medical and chirurgical books, Animals have instinct to enable them to distinguish and
became quite frantic. to avoid poisons ; man has reason and experience ; but
these, in this respect, are far from being sufficiently
Monro saw a man, who, by studying medicine under employed. My object, therefore, here, is to give man-
Boerhaave, had become hypochondriacs!. Whenever kind such a comprehensive knowledge and conception
he attended any of Boerhaave's lectures, he always of their danger as may induce them to guard against
imagined that he was affected with the disease which these enemies of life.
had been the subject of it. By these means he was a
continual living commentary on the science of physic ; It is a very hurtful prejudice that people, in common,
but he had scarcely gone half through this destructive
course of medicine, when he found himself so wretched
and exhausted that he was obliged to give up the study
altogether. Nay, we have had the instance of a per- POISONOUS METALLIC SALTS. 205

consider nothing as poisonous but what can be received

through the mouth. On the contrary, we may be poi-
EXTREME SENSIBILITY. 203 soned externally, as well as internally, through every
part of our bodies, so far as they have absorbing ves-
son who imagined himself to be actually dead, and sels ; through the mouth and stomach, through the
who, therefore, would have been starved, had not a whole superficies of the skin, the nostrils, the ears, and
friend, who pretended to be dead also, persuaded him the lungs, by means of bad air. The only difference is,
that it was customary in the other world to eat a suffi- that the effects, in many parts, take place slowly ; in
cient quantity daily. others, rapidly ; and that many kinds of poison have an
effect, in particular, upon one part, and some upon
The misfortune attending this weakness not only is another.
that it occasions constant fear and dread, and that many
diseases are actually excited because people suppose I divLle poisons in general into two classes, physical
they are afflicted with them, but it induces patients to and contagious ; the latter of which are distinguished
have recourse to useless and preposterous medicines, by their being generated in a living body, and possess-
and to quackery without end, which often consume the ing the power of communicating themselves to another.
body much more rapidly than the disease itself would,
did it really exist. Among physical poisons, a knowledge of the follow-
ing is particularly necessary :
No less dangerous is the second disease of the imagi-
nation, sensibility ; a romantic turn of mind, melan- Arsenic, better known under the name of rat-poison,
choly enthusaism. It is altogether the same whether is the most violent of all. The smallest dose (five or
six grains) is sufficient to destroy a person with the most ever inhabits these too soon, may, in particular, receive
excruciating torture. Numberless are the instances of the poison into their lungs, and become hectic and asth-
people having suffered a severe death from it, but matic.
rather through ignorance and carelessness than through
intention. I am of opinion, therefore, that it would be To the same class belong, also, quicksilver, antimony,
much better if this horrid poison were entirely banished ; and preparations of copper ; which ought all to be con-
especially as it is of so little use, and is employed sidered as noxious poisons, and which should be guard-
almost for nothing else than to kill rats and mice. At ed against, particularly the last, in regard to cooking
any rate, it ought not to be kept by grocers and apothe- victuals in copper vessels. Even the greater part of
caries, near drawers where there is coffee, sugar, or any neutral salts, when used in too great quantity at once,
article used as food. In the mean time, I consider it and not sufficiently dissolved in water, may be attended
as my duty to call the public attention to a few ways in with poisonous effects. I have met with some instances
which poisoning by arsenic may very easily be possible ; where an ounce, or an ounce-and-a-half of alum or salt-


in which it often happens ; and to warn mankind petre, taken at once, instead of Glauber's salts, excited
against them. One of the most frequent is, when it every symptom of the most violent poison, and which
is used to destroy vermin. If one reflects how many could not be removed but with difficulty.
people have been deprived of existence by poison des-
tined for mice, this practice ought to be altogether The vegetable kingdom contains a multitude of poi-
abandoned. Let not any one imagine that all danger sons, which partly occasion death by torpor, such as
may be prevented by great caution. I know an in- opium and deadly nightshade ; and partly by burning
stance where some sweet milk, standing in a cellar, and inflammation, as mezereon and euphorbium. Great
was poisoned by mice who had used some of it after mistakes are committed here, also, through inattention.
eating rat-poison. It is much safer to employ for the Numberless are the instances where people, instead of
same purpose poison-nuts, (Nux vomica) ; which are chervil (chcenopodium) for salad, have used hemlock ;
far less hurtful to man, but at the same time are a instead of parsnips, have eaten the roots of henbane ;
strong poison for animals. Another kind of poisoning instead of common mushrooms, poisonous fungi ; or used
with arsenic, less observed, is that by means of arsen- the berries of the nightshade, mezereon, etc., by which
ical colors. Painters by profession know how to secure they brought on death. In every seminary of learn-
themselves against it ; but amateurs and children should ing, therefore, a sufficient knowledge of all the poi-
be very cautious in using such colors, and at any rate sonous plants growing in the neighborhood should be
.avoid that bad practice of drawing the brush through taught.
their mouth. Equally dangerous are toys painted with
these colors, which ought never to be allowed. Lastly, The poisonous plants most pernicious, and which it
I advise every one to guard against a method of poison- is most necessary to know and guard against, are the
ing with arsenic which is practised by quacks and belladonna ; hemlock (cicuta) ; henbane (hyosciamm) ;
mountebanks. These impostors sell abundance of wolfsbane (aconitum) ; foxglove (digitalis) ; nightshade
drops, as a cure for the cold fever, which contain (solanum) ; darnel (lolium temulentum) ; mezereon
nothing but arsenic. They indeed often cure the (Daphne) ; several sorts of the ranunculus ; poisonous
disease immediately ; but they occasion consumption lettuce (lactuca virosa) ; and the laurel-cherry (lauroce-
afterwards, and other fatal consequences. Let people, rasus). To these belong also bitter almonds, which, ac-
for Heaven's sake, avoid all such arcana. cording to the latest experiments, contain a deadly poi-
son, not inferior to that of the laurel.
A poison no less dreadful is lead. It is, perhaps, so
far more terrible, as it acts more secretly as well as The air even, in which we live, can be poisoned so
more slowly ; does not discover itself immediately, by as to destroy us either suddenly or secretly. I shall
such violent effects ; and because people may be com- here speak, in the first place, of that poison which we
ourselves communicate to the atmosphere by living and
breathing. Living beings consume, in a certain quan-


plctely ruined by it, before it is known that they are POISONOUS PLANTS AND AIR. 209
poisoned. With this substance, in particular, poisoning
is possible several ways, which the greater part of the tity of air, pure substance which we call vital air (oxy-
public have never remarked, and against which I must gen) ; and, in place of it, give back an impure substance
here put them on their guard. In the first place, when (carbonic acid gas) not fit for breathing. If a great
people daily swallow with their food and drink some multitude of people are shut up in a small space, death
portion of lead, the most dreadful symptoms, impossible may soon be the consequence.* If the space be larger,
to be cured, may at length break out, often, even at the and the number less, though death may not ensue, the
end of some years. This happens when victuals are effects may be still prejudicial. All places, therefore,
dressed in vessels made of tin, which contains much where numerous bodies of people are crowded together,
lead, or in such as are badly glazed ; or when one ought to be avoided ; particularly when they have not
drinks wine adulterated with lead. Another very usual a sufficient height or free passage for the air. This is
method of poisoning is by painting the face with white most frequently the case in play-houses. One of the
lead, using washes made from lead, etc. All paints are surest signs of the air being poisoned, is when the
prejudicial, but chiefly the white, because the whole of lights will no longer burn clear and readily, or here
them almost contain white lead ; and the leaden par- and there go out of themselves. In an equal degree
ticles may be conveyed into our bodies, as well through is it then unfit for life, because fire and life require the
the skin as through the stomach. Lastly, poisoning same part of the air for their support. Those who
by means of apartments newly painted with Avhite keep their sitting apartments or bed-chambers always
lead, or oil-varnish, ought not to be forgotten. Who- closely shut, expose themselves to a slow poisoning of
the like kind. In the same manner may the air be Infectious poisons are such as can be no otherwise
poisoned when a great many lights are kept burning generated than in a living body ; and which possess the
in a close room. And the case is the same when one power of reproducing themselves when communicated
sleeps in a close bed-chamber where coals are burning, to another, and of giving rise to the same corruption
by which death is often the consequence. When one and disease which prevailed in the former. Each class
keeps in a close bed-chamber, during night, a great of animals has one peculiar to itself, and which does not
many plants and shrubs, the air experiences a similar take any effect upon another. Thus mankind have
kind of poisoning ; while, on the other hand, the same some which do not attack animals : for example, the
plants, in the daytime, and exposed to the sun, render smallpox. * Animals, on the other hand, are suscepti-
the air more pure and wholesome. Evaporation from ble of some which do not affect men ; as, the disease
among horned cattle, and the glanders among horses.f
* This is sufficiently proved by the dreadful instance which I am acquainted with only one peculiar to men as well
happened in the black hole at Calcutta, where, of 146 English- as animals, and that is the poison of canine madness.
men, confined scarcely twelve hours, 123 were destroyed by the
air being thus poisoned. * The smallpox is met with in sheep ; and the cowpox is now
recognized as the smallpox of the cow. In my work on " Dis-
14 eases of the Skin, " I have recorded examples of human small-
pox being communicated to cows. EDITOR.

t Glanders is now too well known to be communicable to man

210 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. and to give rise in him to a virulent and fatal disorder. EDITOR.

putrid substances is capable of producing the like effect.

The strong smelling effluvia of flowers can communi-
cate to the air, in close apartments, a pernicious, and 212 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE.
even , a deadly quality also ; and therefore it is not
proper to keep in one's bed-chamber strong scented A very remarkable difference between these poisons
flowers, such as the narcissus, roses, etc. is, that some of them never appear again without fresh
external infection; as, the smallpox, measles, and
But far more important and dangerous appear to me plague : while others may be again produced, without
the class of infectious poisons, to which I now proceed ; infection, merely by corruption, and certain changes
and I earnestly request that my readers will pay the which take place in animal bodies ; and among the
utmost attention to the observations I shall make re- latter class are the putrid fevers. It has, therefore,
specting them. Concerning physical poisons, people been often asked, Whence did the poisons of the first
may always procure information : there are works class arise ? And, indeed, it is difficult to answer this
which treat of them ; they are known, and conse- question. The analogy of the latter class, however,
quently can be avoided. With infectious poisons the allows us to suppose that they were first generated in
case is quite different. They have been overlooked, as the human body, but through so rare a concurrence of
unavoidable and necessary evils; they have not been external as well as internal circumstances that thou-
much considered as poisons, but in regard to the dis- sands of years, perhaps, must be necessary before the
eases which they occasion ; people poison, and are same thing can again happen. It hence follows, that
poisoned; and this dreadful secret trade is carried on these poisons, as they must always, in order to continue,
daily and hourly, without men knowing or reflecting be produced in a human body, may again cease, as soon
what they are about. Physical poisons, as is proper, as they have been deprived, either by accident or pre-
have been subjected to police laws : the State takes care cautionary regulations, of an opportunity to regenerate.
that they shall be carefully kept, and that the use of A consoling reflection, on which the extirpation, or at
them be limited ; and those who wilfully administer least banishment of them from certain districts depends ;
them to others, are treated as criminals, and punished. and of the truth of which we may be convinced by
The infectious poisons, on the other hand, are restrained finding that some of these poisons, such as those of
by no laws, by no police ordinances: they exercise the pla"gue and leprosy, have, by wise establishments,
their ravages among us without interruption ; the hus- been driven from among civilized nations. But this
band poisons the wife, the son the father ; and no one consequence is also equally well founded, that, by a
takes any trouble to remedy this evil. Lastly, physical new concurrence of uncommon circumstances and cor-
poisons hurt only the individual ; whereas the infectious ruption in the bodies of animals, an entirely new poison
possess the peculiar power of reproducing themselves of the like kind, hitherto unknown in the world, may
be again created.

Before all these kinds of poison, however, can have

INFECTIOUS TOISONS. 211 effect, there is necessary, not only a communication or

in every living being, and of multiplying without end ;

they injure, therefore, not only those poisoned, but ren-
der them new sources by which whole neighborhoods INFECTIOUS POISONS. 213
and districts may be infected.
infection from without, but also a certain disposition or
I could here produce the most melancholy instances sensibility of the body. Hence that remarkable pheno-
of men who merely through ignorance were poisoned menon, that many can be poisoned very easily, some
in this manner ; and of some who infected others, even with difficulty, and many not at all : nay that many of
their nearest friends, because they were unacquainted these poisons can affect us only once, because, by being
with these poisons, and the way in which they are pro- once poisoned, the whole sensibility of the body, in
pagated. I, therefore, consider a knowledge on this sub- regard to the infection, is destroyed ; as we find to be
ject so necessary, and so defective among the public, the case in the smallpox and measles.
that I with pleasure embrace the present opportunity
of saying something upon it, which may be of general Infection may apparently be communicated in a great
utility. variety of ways ; but it is always confined to this simple
principle, that immediate contact with the poison is
necessary before it can be conveyed to another. This,
however, must be properly understood. One may come 5th. When infectious diseases are prevalent in any
into immediate contact with the poison, either by touch- district, I would strongly advise people not to go abroad
ing the body of a diseased person, or any other body at night, because one imbibes infection much more
with which the poison is united, or to which it has at- readily in the night than the daytime.
tached itself; as, for example, clothes, fwrniture, etc.
A few poisons of this kind have the property of diffus-
ing themselves through the atmosphere, as those of the
smallpox, measles, and putrid fevers ; but this con- CHAPTER XII.
taminated air remains poisonous only in the neighbor-
hood of the diseased, or, in other words, the atmos- Old age. Premature ingrafting of it on youth.
phere only around the diseased person is poisonous. If
it be, however, mixed with and thinned by purer air, Tins is the most unavoidable of all those means that
like every other poisonous solution, it ceases at length tend to shorten life. It is a secret thief, as Shakspeare
to have a poisonous effect ; that is to say, the poison calls it, the necessary consequence of life itself : for, by
cannot be conveyed by the atmosphere to any great the vital process, our vessels must become gradually
distance. more desiccated and unfit for use, our juices more acrid
and less, the smaller vessels shrivelled, the organs in-
My principal view here is to enable that part of the capable of performing their functions ; and the earthy
public unacquainted with physic to guard against these part, the surest means of our destruction, must gain a
poisons ; or, what cannot be a matter of indifference to superiority.
any person of benevolence, to avoid communicating the
It cannot, therefore, be altogether prevented. The
question only will be : Is it in our power to bring it on
sooner or later? And, unfortunately, this question
214 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. must be answered in the affirmative. Modern times
afford us astonishing instances of the possibility of
poison to others when one is infected. I shall, there- bringing on premature old age, and of causing the pe-
fore, first, give a few rules how people may secure riods of life to follow each other much more rapidly.
themselves from infection in general ; and then treat We may see at present, particularly in great cities, men
singly of those kinds of poison which appear most com- come to maturity in their eighth year ; in their six-
monly among us, and show how they may be dis- teenth, attain to the highest point possible of their
tinguished and avoided. perfection ; in their twentieth, struggling with every
infirmity, a proof that they are already on the decline ;
The best means by which people, in general, may and in their thirtieth, have every appearance of ex-
secure themselves from infection of every kind, consist hausted age, such as wrinkles, dryness and stiffness of
in the following rules : the joints, a crooked spine, loss of sight and memory,

1st. Pay the utmost attention to cleanliness ; for the

greater part of the poisons of this kind are conveyed to
us through the external surface of our bodies : and it is PREMATURE OLD AGE. 217
fully proved, that poison, already communicated, has
been by cleanliness removed before it could actually grey hair, and a tremulous voice. I once dissected the
produce any bad effect. I here allude, in particular, to body of such an artificial old man, who had scarcely
frequent washing, bathing, rinsing the mouth, combing attained the age of forty ; and found not only his hair
the hair, andoften changing the linen, clothes, and bed. grey, but the cartilages of the ribs, which do not be-
come bones until the greatest age, totally ossified.
2nd. Be careful to admit pure air into your apart-
ments, to enjoy the free air often, and to give the body One, therefore, can imitate by art, in our climates,
proper exercise. By these means, one will preserve that hastening of the periods of expansion as well as of
the perspiration and vital power of the skin ; and the old age, which, in warm countries, takes place naturally.
more active these are, the less danger is to be appre-
hended from external infection. I must now say a few words on the art of ingrafting
old age on youth. This is done by weakening very
3rd. Let people endeavor to keep themselves in early the vital power as well as the juices, and giving
good spirits, and preserve serenity of mind. Such a to the vessels the highest possible degree of hardness,
disposition is best calculated to support the counteract- stiffness, and want of pliability, which characterizes old
ing power of the body, free perspiration, and the out- age.
ward tendency of the juices, by which the catching of
infection is much prevented. This rule is particularly I shall here lay before my readers the surest means
to be recommended where putrid fevers prevail ; and to accomplish this, as it is of importance to know sucii
there also a glass of good wine may be serviceable. prescriptions, in order that people may be better
enabled to counteract them. If one, therefore, will only
4th. Avoid coming into close contact with people, live altogether contrary to the following rules, one may
be enabled to preserve one's self in a state of youth to
an advanced period of life.

RULES FOR AVOIDING INFECTION. 215 1st. Endeavor, by every art physical and moral, to
attain to maturity as speedily as possible, and waste the
the physical state of whose bodies you do not perfectly vital power with as much profusion as possible.
know ; and, in particular, beware of touching them with
parts which have no skin, or one exceedingly delicate 2nd. Begin very early to expose yourself to the
and tender ; such as wounds, the lips ; as, by these, in- utmost fatigue. Forced journeys of several days, con-
fection is soonest imbibed. Of the like nature is the tinual dancing, sitting up all night, and shortening every
touching of substances which a little before may have period of rest, will, in this respect, be of most service.
been used by others. By these means you will accomplish two objects, that
of speedily exhausting the vital power, and that of
making the vessels soon hard and brittle.

3rd. Drink abundance of wine and strong liquors. 220 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.

218 MEANS WHICH SHORTEN LIFE. 1st. The state of health, or the vital stock of the pa-
rents. How important this is may be seen by the
This is an excellent prescription to desiccate the body, instance of whole families in which longevity has been
and to make it become shrivelled. as it were a privilege ; like the family of the before-
mentioned Parr, who not only attained to a great age
4th. Care, fear, and sorrow, are extraordinarily well himself, but also his father and children. In the lon-
calculated to bring on, very early, every characteristic gevity of parents lies a great ground for enabling their
of old age. We have instances of persons acquiring children to attain to the same. This, therefore, ought
grey hair in the course of one night spent under the to be a powerful motive to induce those who intend to
highest degree of grief and terror. Now, one might have children to spare and preserve their vital power
believe, that certain causes are absolutely necessary to as much as possible. We are a copy of our parents,
produce these affections: but there are people who not merely in regard to the common form and texture,
understand, in. a masterly manner, the art of seeing but in respect to particular weaknesses and faults of
everything in a melancholy light, of dreading some evil single parts. A foundation even for diseases, which
from every man, and pf finding in the most common have their root in our structure and constitution, may
circumstances abundant matter to excite wretchedness be thus communicated. I am convinced, above all,
and misery. bv repeated experience, that great weakening of the
constitution by early excesses, communicates to children
5th. That system, carried too far, or at least badly a peculiar weakness of the glandular and lymphatic
understood, of hardening the organs by the means of system, which ends in the scrofula, as it is called ; and
cold, bathing frequently and for a long time in cold occasions this disease to appear in the first months of
water ; nothing can be more proper to produce every life, or even at the very birth. The too youthful or too
symptom of age. great age of the parents is likewise prejudicial to the
strength and vital duration of the children.
But it is not enough that people now attain old age,
in a period during which our ancestors were still young : 2nd. The moment of generation. This is of much
they unfortunately go further. They have found out more importance than commonly believed, and has
the art of bringing into the world children with old age great influence, both in a moral and physical view, on
upon them. Such phenomena I have sometimes seen. the life of the future being. The first germ of a new
These shrivelled beings enter upon the stage of life with creature is here quickened ; the first vital power is
the strongest features of age; and, after two weeks communicated to it. How much must the perfection or
spent amidst misery and crying, they close their aged imperfection of the produce be determined by a perfect
life, or rather begin existence by ending it. But I or imperfect, sound or a diseased condition of the active
shall draw a veil over these horrid productions of
parental dissipation, which appear to me like the em-
bodied sins of the parents.

causes ? Is it not to be wished that parents would pay

PART III. some attention to this remark, and never forget that the
MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. above moment is of the utmost importance ; that it is
the moment of creation ; and that Nature, not without
reason, has connected with it the highest exaltation of
our existence ? However difficult it may be to collect
CHAPTER I. observations from experience on this subject, I have
known some undeniable instances where children,
Good physical descent. begotten in the moment of intoxication, remained stupid
and idiots during their whole life. Now, what can be
IF we take a retrospective view of the principles on effected by the highest extremity, may be done, on a
which longevity depends, and the properties necessary small scale, by a mean degree , and why should it not
for promoting it, we shall readily perceive that much in be admitted, that a being procreated at the period of
particular will depend on the mass from which we are ill-humour, bodily indisposition, or nervous debility, may
formed ; what quantity of vital power is communicated carry with it, during its whole existence, some- small
to us at our creation ; and whether a foundation be particles of these evils ? Hence the evident preference
then laid for a strong or a weak constitution, a sound of the child of love to the children of duty. In my
or a diseased structure of the vital organs. All this is opinion, therefore, it is of the utmost importance, even
intimately connected with the healthful state of our in the married state, that this moment should be con-
parents, and the important point of our first existence ; fined to a period when the sensation of collected powers,
and in that sense, to be of good birth is what ought to ardent passion, and a mind cheerful and free from care,
be wished in regard to every man. It commonly be- invites to it on both sides ; and this forms a new ground
longs to those unknown yet important benefits which against the too frequent, forced, or mechanical enjoy-
we receive ; and is a means of prolonging life. This ment of wedded love.
advantage, however, we are not able to procure to our-
selves ; but we have it in our power, and it is our duty 3rd. The period of pregnancy. Though the father,
to communicate it to others. without doubt, is the original source from which the
future being acquires its first quickening, its earliest
Three points are here to be considered: the state of breath of life, the general mass and most material part
health in which the parents are ; the moment of genera- proceeds entirely from the mother. The latter is the
tion ; and the period of pregnancy. soil from which the seed derives its juices ; and the
future constitution, the proper substance of the child,


222 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. care of this condition which it deserves ! and how few
are able to deny themselves that pleasure and those
must principally assume the character of that being of gratifications which may be attended with mischief!
whom it makes so long a part, and of whose flesh and
blood it is actually composed. Besides, not only the* In my opinion, therefore, the following rules may,
constitution of the mother, but also other favorable or with great propriety, be founded on these observations :
unfavorable causes, during the time of pregnancy, must
have a great influence on the whole formation and life 1st. Such highly weak nerved and sensible people
of the being. This is confirmed by experience. The ought never to marry ; if not through a regard for them-
child's state of health, and the greater or less strength selves, and on account of the sufferings which they may
of its constitution are determined, in a particular man- thereby avoid, at any rate out of compassion for the
ner, much more according to the condition of the mother, miserable race of which they would be authors. In the
than that of the father. By a weakly father a robust education of daughters, people above all things should
child can always be produced, provided the mother be attentive to guard against this unfortunate sensi-
have a sound and vigorous body. The substance of bility ; because, from a regard for the complection, for
the father is, as it were, in her ennobled. On the other appearance, and a multitude of other points which be-
hand, the strongest man will never obtain a lively, long merely to etiquette, a contrary conduct is observed.
healthy child from a mother who is weak and sickly. And lastly, it is the duty of every man, when he chooses
"With regard to the protection of the child during a wife, to be particularly careful that her nervous sys-
pregnancy against all dangers and hurtful effects, we tem be not too irritable. Should this be the case, the
find a regulation which displays the provident care of principal object of marriage, to produce sound and
Divine Wisdom. Though the most intimate connection robust children, is entirely lost.
subsists between it and the mother, and though for
nearly a year it forms a part of her, and partakes of 2nd. Women ought to pay more attention to this
her nourishment and juices, it is secured not only period, and to observe a good moral as well as physical
against accidental injuries by its situation and floating regimen ; for they have then in their power the degree
in a watery element, but also against moral and ner- of perfection or imperfection, of the good or bad struc-
vous impressions by there being no nervous connection ture of the mind and body of their child.
between it and the mother. We have, therefore, nu-
merous instances of the mother dying, while the child 3rd. Men in general should have respect for a preg-
continued alive. Nature has even conjoined with this nant woman in this point of view ; and, as the deposi-
state a certain immunity from sickness ; and it is a tary of a human being during its state of formation,
principle established by experience, that a pregnant treat her with every care, tenderness, and attention.
Every husband, in particular, ought to make this a
duty ; and to reflect that he thereby watches over the
life and health of his offspring, and deserves, in the
GOOD PHYSICAL DESCENT. 223 fullest sense, the title of father.

woman suffers much less from infectious and otjier

causes of disease ; and that a female has never a greater
probability of living than while in that condition.

So much have mankind been, at all times, impressed

with the importance of this period, that, among ancient CHAPTER II.
nations, a pregnant woman was considered as a person
sacred and secure from injury, and that every one who Prudent physical education.
hurt or ill-treated her was thought deserving of double
punishment. Our age, unfortunately, has here made a THE physical treatment during the two first years of
difference, both in a physical and a political view. The existence is, in particular, a very important circum-
weak nerved, sensible, and delicate constitution of the stance in regard to the prolongation of life. That
female sex, at present, renders the preservation of the period ought properly to be considered as a continued
fruit in the mother's womb much more uncertain and generation. The first part only of formation and ex-
dangerous. The womb of the mother is no longer a pansion takes place in the mother's womb ; the second,
place of safety, the undisturbed atelier of Nature. which is no less important, takes place externally dur-
Through that unnatural sensibility which is now so pe- ing the two first years of life. A child comes into the
culiar to a great part of our women, they have become world as a being only half finished. The most im-
far more susceptible of a thousand prejudicial effects, a portant and delicate expansion, that of the nerves and
multitude of passions ; and the fruit suffers by every organs of the soul, the organs of respiration, the mus-
mental affection, every alarm, every cause of disease, cular system, the teeth, the bones, the organs of speech,
and even by the most trifling accident. It is, therefore, and all the other parts, both in regard to form and
impossible that a child, in a place where its formation structure, now follows. One may readily comprehend,
and expansion are every moment interrupted and dis- therefore, what influence the different circumstances,
turbed, should acquire that degree of perfection and under which this continued process of formation and
strength to which it was destined. And yet little expansion is carried on, whether they act so as to im-
attention do mankind pay, either in a civil or political pede, derange, and weaken, or to accelerate, must have
point of view, to the importance of this condition. on the perfection and duration of life. A foundation:
Who thinks, at present, on the sacredness of a pregnant may certainly be here laid for slow or rapid consump-
woman ; or, who regulate their behavior to her, by re- tion ; for a body exposed to more or to fewer dangers.
flecting that the life, or at any rate the physical and
moral formation, of a future being may thereby be en- All the precepts and rules respecting this period may
dangered ? Nay, how few pregnant women take that be reduced to the following principles :
1st. All the organs, but in particular those on which The first period is from birth to the end of the
15 second year ; and the chief points to be observed are as
follow :

I. The nourishment must be good, but suited to that

226 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. tender age ; easy of digestion, rather fluid than solid ;
fresh and sound ; nutritive, but not too strong, stimulat-
health and the duration of physical as well as spiritual ing, or heating.
life chiefly depend, must be completely formed, exer-
cised, and brought to the highest degree of perfection.
Among these I reckon the stomach, the lungs, the skin,
the heart, the vascular system, and the organs of thought. 228 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
A foundation may be laid for good lungs, by pure open
air ; and afterwards, by speaking, singing, running ; Nature, here, is our best guide ; as she has destined
for a sound stomach by wholesome food, easy of di- milk to be the earliest food of man. Milk possesses
gestion ; but neither too strong and stimulating, nor all the above qualities, in the most perfect degree : it
too highly seasoned : for a sound skin, by cleanliness, is full of nutritive substance, but mild and nourishing,
washing, bathing, pure air, a temperature, neither too without heating or stimulating : it holds a mean rank
hot nor too cold, and, afterwards, by exercise : and for between animal and vegetable food ; unites the advan-
a strong heart and vessels, by all the above means ; in tage of the latter, that of being less stimulating than
particular, by wholesome nourishment, and afterwards flesh, with all the advantages of flesh : that is to say,
by bodily motion. its being already assimilated to us by preparation in a
living animal body, which makes it more easily assume
2nd. The successive expansion of the physical and the character of our substance ; and, in a word, it is
spiritual powers must be properly supported; and be altogether suited to the nature of an infant.
neither impeded, nor too much promoted. Attention
must be always paid to an uniform distribution of the The body of a child lives quicker than that of a full-
vital power ; for harmony and equality in the motions grown man, and changes oftener its component parts.
are the foundation of health and life. Bathing and free Besides, it requires nourishment, not merely for its sup-
air will contribute to this in the beginning, and after- port, but for its continual growth, which is never so
wards bodily exercise. rapid during the whole course of life as the first year.
It is evident, therefore, that it has occasion for abun-
3rd. The sensation of the body in regard to disease, dance of concentrated nourishment ; but as its powers of
that is to say, its susceptibility of the causes of disease, digestion are weak, it is not able to prepare and assimi-
must be hardened and blunted ; as also its sensation late food that is solid or heterogeneous to its nature ;
of cold and heat, and afterwards that of small irregu- such, for example, as vegetables. Its nourishment must
larities and fatigue. By these means two advantages then be fluid, and already animalized ; that is, be prepared
will be gained ; vital consumption, by the sensibility and rendered like its nature in another animal body.
being moderated, will be lessened ; and the derange- It has, however, a great degree of irritability and sensi-
ment of it by diseases will be guarded against. bility ; so that a small irritation, which a grown-up
person would scarcely feel, may in it produce an artifi-
4th. Every cause and germ of disease in the body cial fever, or the cramp and convulsions. The nourish-
ment of a child must on this account be mild, and ex-
actly suited to its irritability.

PRUDENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION. 227 I consider it, therefore, as one of the first laws of
Nature, and a principal ground for a long and healthy
must be removed and banished ; such as accumulations
of phlegm, obstructions of the mesentery, and sharp
acrid humors ; faults which may arise from external
hurts and impressions, too confined bandages, want of PRUDENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION. 229
strict cleanliness, etc.
life, that a child should be nourished, during the whole of
5th. The vital power itself must be always sufficiently the first year, by the milk of its mother, or of a sound
nourished and strengthened, particularly by means of nurse.
fresh air ; and the healing power of nature must, above
all things, be supported from the beginning, because it From this law of Nature people in modern times
is the principal means which lies in ourselves for render- make many deviations, which undoubtedly have the
ing the causes of disease ineffectual. This may be done most prejudicial influence on the duration of life and
chiefly by not accustoming the body at first too much health, and which I must therefore here mention.
to artificial assistance ; otherwise Nature will be so
used that she will depend on foreign aid, and at length Some have attempted to nourish and educate chil-
lose altogether the power of assisting herself. dren by slimy vegetable substances. These sometimes,
and in particular cases, may be useful, but, without
6th. The whole operation of life and vital consumption any other food, are certainly hurtful ; for they do not
must not at first be put into too great activity but be afford sufficient nourishment, and, what is worse, do
preserved in a moderate state ; by which means its tone not become properly animalized, and retain still a part
may be regulated for the whole life, and also for a slow of their sour vegetable nature in the body of the child.
and a long life. Such food, therefore, produces weak meagre childien,
continually tormented with acidities at the stomach,
The following simple means, which, in my opinion, sour eructations, phlegm, obstructions in the glands, and
form the principal part of physical education, may the scrofula.
serve for accomplishing what is contained in the above
precepts. Still worse is the custom of nourishing children with
flour-pap ; for this food, besides the disadvantage of its
We must here, however, distinguish two periods. acid nature, as being a vegetable aliment, obstructs the
tender lacteal vessels, and those of the mesentery ; and There are certainly cases in which the early use of
lays a certain foundation for the scrofula and consump- flesh nourishment may be useful, particularly for weak
tion of the lungs. children, educated without the mother's milk, and who
suffer from acidities ; but it is then to be considered
Others, to avoid these evils, and partly through an- as a medicine, and must be regulated and the quantity
glomania, make choice of flesh nutriment for their determined by a physician. What I have said respect-
children, and give them wine, beer, and other things ing flesh is applicable still more to wine, coffee, choco-
of the like kind. This prejudice deserves in particular late, spiceries, and the like. It is, therefore, a very
to be reprobated, because it seems daily to gain more important rule, in regard to the physical education of
advocates, because it agrees with the exciting method children, that a child, during the first half-year, should
so much approved at present, and because the mischief
it occasions is not always sufficiently attended to by


230 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. taste no flesh, no flesh soups, no beer, and no coffee ;
but be nourished merely by the milk of its mother. In
physicians. People say, in common, flesh is strength- the second half-year, light soups may be admitted ; but
ening; and that is precisely what a child requires. flesh itself ought never to be given till the teeth have
But the grounds on which I found a contrary opinion appeared, that is, till the end of the second year.
are as follows : There must always be a certain rela-
tion between the nourishment and the body to be nour- But as many insuperable circumstances may occur to
ished, between the irritation and the irritability. The prevent a child from being educated in the natural
greater the irritability, the stronger is the effect which manner in which it ought ; such, for example, as the
may be produced by a small irritation ; the smaller the nervous weakness of the mother, or her sickly asthmatic
former, the effect of the latter will be so much weaker. state, by which the child would lose more than it could
Now, this irritability in human life is always in an in- gain in regard to its vital duration ; and if a sound
verse ratio to the age. In the first period of life it is nurse cannot be procured, the melancholy necessity then
strongest ; and it every year becomes weaker, till it is arises of educating the child artificially ; and though this
entirely extinguished by old age. We may therefore method is always injurious, in some measure, to the
say that milk, in regard to its irritating and strengthen- health as well as duration of life, it may be rendered
ing power, is as exactly proportioned to a child, as flesh less prejudicial by observing the following precepts:
to an adult, or wine to an old man. But if one give Let the child, at least, where it is possible, derive its
flesh nourishment to a child too soon, one gives it an nourishment from its mother for the first fortnight, or
irritation like that occasioned by wine to grown-up per- month. One cannot imagine of how much benefit this is
sons, which is much too strong, and not destined for it in the first period. As the best substitute for the moth-
by Nature. The consequences are, that a kind of arti- er's milk, sheep or ass's milk may then be given ; but
ficial fever is produced and kept up in the child, that always immediately after it has been milked, and while
the circulation of the blood is accelerated, its warmth it yet retains its natural warmth. It would be still bet-
increased, and that a habit with a tendency to violent ter to let the child suck the animal. Should this be
inflammatory disorders is created. Such a child has a impracticable, let the child have a mixture of cow's milk
full blooming look ; but the slightest cause may occasion and water, always lukewarm ; and fresh milk, at least
a violent commotion in the blood ; and when it arrives once every day. A remark of some importance here
at the period of teething, or if attacked by the small- is, that one must not warm the milk, (otherwise it as-
pox, or any other kind of fever, when the tendency of sumes a certain character of acidity,) but only the
the blood to the head is so strong, one may rest assured water which is added to it. With this artificial nourish-
that some inflammatory disorder, convulsions, or apo- ment it is necessary to give, somewhat sooner, pap
plexy will ensue. People in general believe that one made of biscuit, pounded very fine, barley, sago, or
can die only through weakness ; but one may die also


saloop, boiled with half milk and water ; also light, but
through too much strength and irritation ; and this may not fat, bouillis and egg-water ; that is, the yolk of an
take place by the injudicious use of irritating things. egg beat up in a pint of water and mixed with a little
Besides, by giving such strong nourishment to children, sugar. Potatoes during the first two years are preju-
one accelerates, from the beginning, their vital opera- dicial. However little I consider them unhealthful in
tion and consumption ; the whole system and organs general, they are certainly too hard of digestion for so
are put into too great activity ; a foundation is origi- tender a stomach, as they are of a clammy viscid nature.
nally laid for a more vigorous but a quicker life ; and,
under the idea of strengthening, one really establishes II. Let the child, after the third week, (earlier in
the principal cause of a short life. One also ought not summer, but later in winter,) enjoy the free air every
to forget that, by this early use of flesh nourishment, day, and continue this practice without any interruption
the expansive process of teething, and afterwards that on account of the weather.
of manhood, are hastened too much, a great means of
shortening life ; and that it has a bad influence on the A perfect similarity prevails here between children
whole character. All carnivorous men and animals and plants. Give the latter the richest nourishment
are violent, cruel, and passionate ; while, on the o*her and warmth, but deprive them of air and light, they will
hand, the use of vegetable food inclines men more to become pale, withered, and stunted, and at length die.
mildness and humanity. This I have often found con- The use of pure free air, and of the vital component
firmed by experience. Children who had used flesh too parts which it contains, is a nourishment as indispensa-
early, and in too great quantity, became always strong bly necessary for the support of life as eating and
men, but passionate, violent, and brutal ; and I very drinking. I have known people who remained weak
much doubt whether such a disposition be fortunate, and pale-colored throughout their whole lives, because
either for the individuals, or for mankind in general. they were nurtured during their first years like plants
in a hothouse ; whereas, on the other hand, the daily liable to injury from cold. I consider it of great im-
use of light and free air is the only means to produce a portance to accustom children to sleep from their in-
blooming complexion, and to communicate strength and fancy on mattresses made of horsehair, chaff, or moss.
energy sufficient to last one's whole life. This advan- These never acquire too much heat ; have more elas-
tage also is of great importance, that a person is there- ticity, and prevent too great tenderness. They oblige
by enabled afterwards to bear, without injury, varia- the child also, as they do not yield to pressure, to lie
tions of heat and cold. straight and extended ; by which means they guard
against overgrowth, and the premature excitement of
It is most beneficial when the child enjoys the free their organic system.
air in a place covered with grass and trees, at a little
distance from one's habitation. The enjoyment of air VI. Let the clothing be wide, in no manner confined ;
in the streets of a city is far less wholesome. and made of some substance not too warm to check per-
spiration, such as fur, but of stuff that can be often
renewed or washed. Cotton is the best ; and during
the severity of winter, light woollen stuffs. Avoid all

III. Let the body of the child be washed daily with

fresh cold water: a rule indispensably necessary for 236 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
cleansing and invigorating the skin ; for strengthening
the whole nervous system ; and for laying the founda- .
tion of a sound and long life.
close bandages, stiff stays, small shoes ; for these may
This practice of washing ought to commence at the give occasion to diseases which will afterwards shorten
birth ; but during the first week lukewarm water must life. The head, from the fourth to the eighth week,
be used ; cold water ought to be employed afterwards, must be kept quite bare ; but this ought to be deter-
and it is of great importance that it be fresh drawn from mined by the season of the year.
a spring or running stream ; for water contains fixed
air which evaporates when it has stood any time, and VII. Pay the utmost attention to cleanliness ; that is,
which communicates to it a very strengthening quality. change the shirt daily ; the clothing every week : the
The child, however, must be washed speedily ; and its bed-clothes every month ; and remove every cause of
body ought to be immediately rubbed and dried : for noxious evaporation ; in particular do not suffer too
slow bathing cools, but speedy friction warms. Lastly, many people to be in the nursery ; and allow no clothes
it should not be washed when it just comes from bed, to be dried, or any foul linen to remain in it. Cleanli-
nor, in general, while it perspires. ness for children is one-half of their life : the cleaner
they are kept the more will they prosper and thrive.
IV. Every week it ought to be bathed once or twice By cleanliness alone, with very moderate nourishment,
in tepid water, warmed to the temperature of new milk, they may in a short time be rendered strong, vigorous,
or from 86 to 91 of Fahrenheit's thermometer. and lively ; whereas, without cleanliness, even with the
richest nourishment, they will continue sickly and weak.
This excellent practice unites in it such an extraor- Want of attention to this precept is the cause why so
dinary number of virtues, and is at the same time so many children pine away and are consumed without
suited to the age of infancy, that I may call it a real any visible reason. Ignorant people imagine that they
arcanum for bringing to perfection and forming the must be bewitched, or under the influence of some evil
future man. Cleansing and invigorating the skin, free spirit ; but dirt alone is the demon by which they are
but not accelerated expansion of the powers and organs, tormented, and which in the end will undoubtedly
uniform circulation, harmonious acting in concert of the destroy them.
whole (the foundation of health), strengthening the
nervous system, moderating the too great irritability of The second period is from the end of the second to
the vessels and too rapid vital consumption, purifying the twelfth or fourteenth year ; and I here recommend
the juices, are all its effects ; and I can, with confidence, the following precepts ;
assert that I am acquainted with no assistant means of
I. Let the rules respecting cleanliness, washing with
cold water, bathing, light clothing, and living in free air
be observed according to the foregoing directions.
II. The food must not be too delicate and artificial,
physical education which possess in so high a degree, or too coarse. It will be best in this period to allow
every requisite for laying the foundation of a long and
healthful life. The bath must not consist entirely of
boiled water, but of water fresh drawn from a well, to
which some hot water, sufficient to bring it to a luke- PRUDENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION. 237
warm temperature, has been added. In summer that
water is best which has been warmed by the rays of children a sufficient mixture of flesh and vegetables ;
the sun. The bathing should be continued, at this and to accustom them to every thing, but neither to eat
period of age, a quarter of an hour each time, and after- too much nor too often. People may rest assured that,
wards longer. It ought never to be used during the if they put in practice all the other rules respecting
first hour after eating. physical education, bodily exercise, and cleanliness,
neither delicate nor coarse food will be requisite to
V. Be careful not to keep a child too warm : that is, make a child healthy. For the truth of this observa-
avoid warm rooms, warm beds, and clothing. Keeping tion we need only look at the children of rustics, who,
too warm increases irritability in a great degree, and without being fed according to medical precepts, are
gives occasion also to speedier vital consumption ; it perfectly strong and sound. But one, indeed, ought
debilitates and relaxes the vessels, accelerates expan- not here, as is too often the case, to give a child rustic
sion, weakens and deadens the skin, disposes the body fare, and at the same time to indulge it with a soft
to continual perspiration, and thus renders it always feather bed, to confine it to the house, and accustom it
to idleness ; nor to employ the cold bath, while a child, be much less injurious if children were made to perform
in other respects, is enervated by most delicate treat- their school business in the open air during the fine
ment. I cannot repeat too often what I have before seasons ; and here, at the same time, would they have
said, that a principal point of education is to preserve before them the book of Nature, which, supposing that
an uniform tone, and not to unite two opposite methods the pupils are capable of reading and understanding it,
of management. It will be quite sufficient if a child, is much more fit and proper for their first instruction
during this period, is allowed four meals every day. than all the books that ever were written or printed.
The only things which it ought not to touch are spi-
ceries, coffee, chocolate, seasoning, confections, fat heavy
puddings, and cheese.* For drink nothing is better
than water. In such places only where Nature has CHAPTER III.
denied pure spring water, I allow children to be accus-
tomed to beer. Active and laborious youth.

III. As bodily exercise now becomes an important IT appears that all those who attained to a great age
were men who, in their youth, had been much ac-
* I cannot conceive ITufeland's reasons for objecting to cheese, customed to labor and fatigue ; such as soldiers,
unless, perchance, it were less well made in the eighteenth than in sailors, and day laborers. I shall here mention only
the nineteenth century. I regard it as a wholesome article of Mittelstadt, that veteran of 112, who in his fifteenth
diet for children, and a good compromise between meat and vege- year was a servant, and in his eighteenth a soldier ;
table diet. EDITOR. and who was present in all the Prussian wars, from the
commencement of the monarchy.

A youth spent in that manner, becomes the founda-

238 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. tion of a long and a strong life, two ways : partly by
giving the body that degree of strength and solidity
part of physical education, let a child spend the greater which is necessary for its duration ; and partly by mak-
part of the day in gymnastic sports of every kind, and ing that possible which principally contributes to pro-
in the open air, where they are always most service- mote happiness and longevity, advancement to a better
able. This strengthens in an incredible degree ; gives and more agreeable situation. He who in his youth
peculiar activity to the body, uniform diffusion to the has every convenience and enjoyment in abundance
powers and juices ; and guards, in the surest manner, hath nothing more to expect ; he is deprived of ttye best
against faults in the growth and formation. means of exciting and preserving the vital power, hope,
and the prospect of a better condition. If he be con-
IV. The powers of the mind must not be exerted too demned then with increasing years to poverty and diffi-
early. It is a great prejudice, that people imagine culties, he finds himself doubly oppressed ; and the du-
they cannot make a child begin to learn too soon. But ration of his life must be necessarily shortened. But
it is certain that a child may begin too soon, when that in the transition from a state of misery to one more
period is chosen during which Nature is still employed fortunate, lies a continual source of new joy, new vigor,
in forming the bodily powers and organs, and has need
of all their strength for that purpose. This period
extends to the seventh year ; and if a child be obliged
at an earlier age to apply to learning, and be confined ACTIVE AND LABORIOUS YOUTH. 241
in a sitting posture, its body will be deprived of the
noblest part of its powers, which must be now wasted and new life. In the like manner, the passage, with
by the business of thinking ; and the consequences will increasing years, from a raw cold climate, to one more
be, a checking of the growth, imperfect formation of the mild, contributes much to prolong life ; as also the
limbs, muscular weakness, bad digestion, corrupt juices, change from a state of labor to one more convenient
the scrofula, and a preponderance of the nervous system and agreeable.
in the whole machine, which will become burdensome
during life, by nervous affections, the hypochondriasis,
and evils of the like kind. Much, however, will here
depend on the difference of constitution, and the greater 16
or less vigor of mind ; but I earnestly request that
parents and others will in this respect pursue a method
directly contrary to that usually followed. If a child
show an early disposition for thinking and learning, one CHAPTER IV.
ought, instead of straining its powers the more, as is
commonly the case, to prevent it from application till a

Abstinence from physical love in youth, and a too early assumption

of the married state.

later period ; for such premature ripeness is generally

a disease, at any rate an unnatural state, which ought He who in Pleasure's downy arms
rather to be checked than promoted, unless one wishes Ne'er lost his health or yonthfal charms,
to breed up a monster of erudition rather than a sound
healthful man. A hero lives ; and justly can

I must here remark, that a great many of the evils Exclaim, " In me behold a man! "
which attend too early study, may not arise so much
from exerting the powers of the mind, as from confine- He prospers like the slender reed
ment and sitting, and from the corrupted air of schools
in which children are taught. At any rate, the weaken- Whose top waves gently o'er the mead ;
ing is thus doubled. I am fully persuaded that it would
And moves, such blessings virtue follow, desire to imitate their conduct. But what a happiness
In health and beauty an Apollo. would it be if we did not think merely of the object,
but of the means to obtain it. That by which these
That power divine, which him inspires, people acquired so much courage, so great powers both
His breast with noblest passions fires ; of body and mind, their bold, firm, and resolute char-
acter, which made them real men in the utmost sense of
These heavenwards soar with eagle-flight, the word, was, in particular, their strict continence.
And $purn the cold, dark realms of night. The youth of these men was destined to great exploits
and undertakings, not to voluptuousness and dissipa-
So full of majesty, a god, tion ; the physical propensity to love did not among
them sink into mere animal enjoyment, but was exalted
Shall earth alone be his abode ? to a moral incitement to noble and heroic actions. Each
With dignity he steps, he stands, bore in his heart the image of his beloved object,
whether real or imaginary ; and this romantic love, this
And nothing fears ; for he commands. indissoluble attachment, was the shield of his continence
and virtue, strengthened the powers of his body, and
Like drops drawn from the crystal stream, communicated to his mind courage and unalterable
His eyes with pearly brilliance beam ; resolution, by continually directing its attention to his
fair one smiling to him at a distance, and whose favor
With blushing signs of health o'erspread, could be gained only by glorious achievements. How-
His cheeks surpass the morning's red. ever romantic these notions may be, I find, on closer
examination, great wisdom in this use of physical love,
The fairest of the female train one of the strongest motives by which human nature is
actuated. How widely different has the case become
For him shall bloom, nor bloom in vain : among us ! This propensity, which by prudent man-
O happy she whose lips he presses ! agement may be made the germ of the most exalted
virtue, of the greatest heroism, has degenerated into
happy she whom he caresses ! BUEGEB. whining sensibility, or mere sensual gratification, which
people enjoy prematurely, and even to satiety; the


THERE was a time when the German youth never
thought of intimacy with the other sex till their twenty- passion of love, which in those periods was a security
fourth or twenty-fifth year ; and yet nothing was then against dissipation, is at present the source of the great-
known of the pernicious consequences of this chastity, est; the virtue of chastity, the principal foundation
nor of many other imaginary evils of which people now without doubt of moral firmness and manliness of char-
dream : but these youths, increasing in strength as well acter, has become a subject of ridicule, and is decried
as growth, became men who, by their size, excited the as old-fashioned pedantry ; and what ought to be the
astonishment even of the Romans. last and sweetest reward of toil, labor, and danger, has
become a flower which every stripling crops by the
People now leave off at the period when these began. way. Why does Nature excite in our bosom this sigh-
They imagine they can never soon enough throw off ing after union, this all-powerful, irresistible propensity
their chastity ; and young persons, long before their to love ? Not, truly, to afford subjects for romance, or
bodies are completely finished, begin to waste those to make a figure in the ecstatic raptures of poetry ; but
powers which are destined for a higher use. The con- that it may serve as an indissoluble band to unite two
sequences are evident. These men become incomplete, hearts : to lay the grounds for a ha*ppy generation ;
half-formed beings ; and at the period when our ances- and that, by this magic tie, our existence may be con-
tors began to employ those powers, they, in them, are nected with the first and the most sacred of all duties.
generally exhausted: they feel nothing but dejection How fortunate would it be were we here to imitate the
and misery in their weakness; and a stimulus of the ancient method, and never to pull the fruit till we had
utmost importance for seasoning life is to them for ever planted !
At present, we hear a great deal of strength and
It is incredible how far prejudice in this respect may strong men : but I will believe nothing of it as long as
be carried, especially when it flatters our inclination. I I see that they have not strength enough to subdue
once knew a man who seriously believed that there was their passions ; for, that is the only cause of triumph,
no poison more prejudicial to the human body than as well as the only sign of mental strength : and chas-
continence, and the consequence was, that he was an tity is the school in which youth ought to be exercised,
old man in his twentieth year, and in his twenty-fifth and to form themselves for becoming strong men.
died of old age.
We in general find, in the old world, that all those
The present age has fallen so much into the taste of from whom any thing great or glorious was expected,
the times of chivalry, that all romances must now as- were obliged to restrain physical love. So much were
sume that form in order to please; and one, indeed, people then convinced that Venus absorbs the whole
cannot help admiring the great, noble, and resolute powers of man, and that those given up to dissipation
manner of thinking and acting of these old Germans. could never attain an exalted position.


It appears that the more sensible we are how far we Happy married state.
have degenerated from them, the more we are excited
by their example, and the more we are inflamed with a IT is one of the falsest and most pernicious of preju-
dices, that marriage is an invention merely political and prolong life ; and my reasons are as follow :
conventional. It is much rather one of the most essen-
tial parts of the destination of man, both for the individ- 1st. Marriage is the only means to regulate love, and
ual and the whole ; and an establishment absolutely to direct it to its proper object. It equally prevents
necessary for the* education of mankind. By marriage dissipation, and cold and unnatural indifference. How-
I understand, a firm, sacred union of two persons, for ever much I have recommended continence in youth,
the purpose of mutual support, and for giving origin to convinced that it is indispensably necessary to promote
and educating children. And, in this intimate union, long life, I am convinced also that there are certain years
founded on so important an object, lies, in my opinion, of manhood when it is as prejudicial to suppress by vio-
the principal grounds of domestic as well as public lence the propensities of nature, as it is to yield to them
felicity; since, in the first place, it is indispensably before the proper period. It is required by the general
requisite for the moral perfection of mankind. By this law of harmony. No power in us must remain totally
close connection of two beings, this association of one's unexpanded ; each must be exercised in moderation.
interest with that of another, is selfishness, the most
dangerous enemy of all virtue, best subdued ; and man 2nd. We are told by experience, that all those who
always more inclined to humanity and compassion for attained to a very remarkable age were married.
his fellow-creatures, and still brought nearer to his true
state of moral exaltation. His wife and his children 3rd. The married state promotes domestic joy, which
form an indissoluble bond, which unites him to the rest is the purest, the most uniform, and the least wasting of
of mankind, and to the good of the whole : his heart is all. It is undoubtedly that which is best suited to
always warmed by the sweet sensation of matrimonial physical as well as moral health, and which can, with
and parental tenderness, and defended from that dead- the greatest certainty, preserve the mind in that happy
ening coldness which so easily overcomes the man who mean state most favorable to longevity. It tends to
moderate overstrained hope and enthusiastic speculation,
as well as excessive care. Every thing, by the par-


leads a solitary life ; and the endearing cares of a father HAPPY MARRIED STATE. 249
impose on him duties which accustom him to order,
industry, and habits of prudence. His passion for the ticipation of another being, by the intimate connection
sex is thereby ennobled, and, from a mere animal in- of our existence with that of another, is rendered milder
stinct, converted into one of the highest moral motives and more supportable. To this may be added, that
of action, and violent passions, ill-humor, and bad cus- tender charge, that heaven on earth, secured by nothing
toms, are thus best eradicated. Hence arises a very so much as wedded love, which lies in the possession of
fortunate influence over the whole and the general good ; healthful and well-educated children ; that actual reno-
so that I can, with perfect confidence, affirm, that happy vation, reserved for us by their company, of which
marriages are the most important supports of a State, Cornaro, at the age of eighty, has given so affecting a
and of public peace and felicity. A bachelor always picture.
remains a mere egotist ; restless and unsteady, a prey
to selfish humors and passions ; less interested for We go out of the world by the same changes almost
mankind, for his country, and the State, than for himself. as those by which we enter it. We begin as children ;
He is overcome by a false sentiment of liberty, which as children we leave off. We return, at last, to the
prevents him from entering into wedlock ; and this same weak and helpless condition as our first. We
sentiment is still nourished and strengthened by the must have people to lift us, to carry us, to provide us
condition in which he lives. What can tend more to nourishment, and even to feed us. We again have need
produce a fondness for change, sedition, and revolutions, of parents. And how wise the establishment ! We
than an increase of unmarried citizens ? How different find them again in our children, who now take delight
is the case with the married ! That dependence on the in repaying a part of that kindness which we showed to
other half, necessary in marriage, accustoms one con- them. Children now step, as it were, into the place of
tinually to a dependence on the laws ; regard for one's parents, while our weakness transposes us into the
wife and children obliges one to be regular and indus- place of children. The venerable oak, on the other
trious : by his children, a man is attached closely to the hand, does not enjoy the benefit of such a wise regula-
State ; its interest and prosperity by these means be- tion. The old decayed trunk stands alone and for-
come his own; or, as Bacon expresses it, he who is gotten, and in vain endeavors to procure from foreign
married and has children, has given pledges to the State : aid that support and assistance which can be the work
he is a bondsman, a true citizen, and a real patriot. only of natural affection and the bonds of nature.
But, what is still more, a foundation is here laid, not
only for the happiness of the present generation, but Do what thou canst, exert thy utmost power ;
for that of the future also ; as it is the matrimonial Yet still alone thou'lt stand till thy last hour,
When Nature's hand, almighty and divine,
To the grand whole thy lifeless mass shall join.


union only that produces to the State good moral citi-

zens, accustomed from their youth to regularity and an
observance of their duty. One must not imagine that CHAPTER VI.
the State itself can supply this formation of the manners,
this education which all- wise Nature hath connected with Sleep.
the hearts of a father and a mother.
I HAVE already shown that sleep is one of the wisest
I shall now return to my principal object, to point regulations of Nature, to check and moderate, at fixed
out the beneficial influence which marriage has on the periods, the incessant and impetuous stream of vital
physical good of mankind. With the utmost propriety consumption. It forms, as it were, stations for our
may it be classed among those means which tend to physical and moral existence ; and we thereby obtain
the happiness of being daily reborn, and of passing be roomy and high ; neither inhabited nor heated dur-
every morning, through a state of annihilation, into a ing the day ; and the windows ought always to be kept
new and refreshed life. Without this continual change, open, except in the night time.
this incessant renovation, how wretched and insipid
would not life be; and how depressed our mental as 3d. One should eat little, and only cold food for sup-
well as physical sensation ! The greatest philosopher per, and always some hours before going to bed.
of the present age says, therefore, with justice : Take
from man hope and sleep and he will be the most 4th. When abed, one should lie not in a forced or
wretched being on earth. constrained posture, but almost horizontal; the head
excepted, which ought to be a little raised. Nothing is
How unwisely then do those act who imagine that by more prejudicial than to lie in bed half-sitting. The
taking as little sleep as possible they prolong their ex- body then forms an angle ; circulation in the stomach
istence. They obtain their end neither in intensive nor is checked, and the spine is always very much com-
extensive life. They will, indeed, spend more hours pressed. By this custom one of the principal ends
with their eyes open ; but they will never enjoy life in of sleep, a free and uninterrupted circulation of the
the proper sense of the word, nor that freshness and blood, is defeated ; and, in infancy and youth, deform-
energy of mind which are the certain consequences of ity and crookedness are often its consequences.
sound and sufficient sleep, and which stamp a like char-
acter on all our undertakings and actions. 5th. All the cares and burden of the day must be
laid aside with one's clothes ; none of them must be car-
But sufficient sleep is necessary, not only for inten- ried to bed with us ; and, in this respect, one by custom
may obtain very great power over the thoughts. I am
acquainted with no practice more destructive than that
of studying in bed, and of reading till one falls asleep.
RESTORATIVE POWER OF SLEEP. 251 By these means the soul is put into too great activity,
at a period when every thing conspires to allow it per-
sive life, but also for extensive, in regard to its support
and duration. Nothing accelerates consumption so
much, nothing wastes us so much before the time, and
renders us old, as a want of it. The physical effects of RESTORATIVE POWER OF SLEEP. 253
sleep are, that it retards all the vital movements, col-
lects the vital power, and restores what has been lost feet rest ; and it is natural that the ideas, thus excited,
in the course of the day ; and that it separates from us should wander and float through the brain during the
what is useless and pernicious. It is, as it were, a whole night. It is not enough to sleep physically;
daily crisis, during which all secretions are performed man must sleep also spiritually. Such a disturbed
in the greatest tranquillity, and with the utmost per- sleep is as insufficient as its opposite, that is, when
fection. our spiritual part sleeps, but not our corporeal : such,
for example, as sleep in a jolting carriage on a journey.
Continued watching unites all the properties destruc- 6th. One circumstance, in particular, I must not here
tive of life ; incessant wasting of the vital power and of omit to mention. Many believe that it is entirely the
the organs, acceleration of consumption, and prevention same if one sleeps these seven hours either in the day
of restoration. or the night time. People give themselves up, there-
fore, at night, as long as they think proper, either to
We must not, however, on this account, believe that study or pleasure ; and imagine that they make every
too long continued sleep is one of the best means for thing even when they sleep in the forenoon those hours
preserving life. Long sleep accumulates too great an which they sat up after midnight. But I must reqaest
abundance of pernicious juices, makes the organs too every one, who regards his health, to beware of so se-
flaccid and unfit for use, and in this manner can shorten ducing an error. It is certainly not the same, whether
life also. one sleeps seven hours by day or by night ; and two
hours sound sleep before midnight are of more benefit
In a word, no one should sleep less than six, nor to the body than four hours in the day. My reasons
more than eight hours. This may be established as a are as follow :
general rule.
KThat period of twenty-four hours, formed by the
To those who wish to enjoy sound and peaceful re- regular revolution of our earth, in which all its inhabi-
pose, and to obtain the whole end of sleep, I recom- tants partake, is particularly distinguished in the physi-
mend the following observations : cal economy of man. This regular period is apparent
in all diseases ; and all the other small periods, so won-
1st. The place where one sleeps must be quiet and derful in our physical history, are by it in reality deter-
obscure. The less our senses are acted upon by exter- mined. It is as it were, the unity of our natural
nal impressions, the more perfectly can the soul rest. chronologyj Now, it is observed, that the more the
One may from this see how improper the custom is of end of these periods coincides with the conclusion of
the day, the more is the pulsation accelerated : and a
feverish state is produced, or the so called evening


having a candle burning in one's bed-chamber during 254 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
the night.
fever, to which every man is subject. The accession
2nd. People ought always to Deflect, that their bed- of new chyle to the blood, may, in all probability, con-
chamber is a place in which they pass a great part of tribute something towards this fever, though it is not
their lives ; at least they do not remain in any place so the only cause ; for we find it in sick people who have
long in the same situation. It is of the utmost impor- neither eat nor drunk. It is more owing, without
tance, therefore, that this place should contain pure doubt, to the absence of the sun, and to that revolution
sound air. A sleeping apartment must, consequently, in the atmosphere which is connected with it. This
evening fever is the reason why nervous people find All those who attained to a great age were fond of
themselves more fit for labour at night than during the early rising ; and John Wesley, the founder of the
day. To become active, they must first have an arti- Methodists, an original and singular man, was so
ficial stimulus ; and the evening fever supplies the place convinced of the necessity of this custom, that he
of wine. But one may easily perceive that this is an made it a point of religion to get up early, and by
unnatural state ; and the consequences are the same as these means lived to the age of eighty-eight. His
those of every simple fever: lassitude, sleep, and a motto, which as a true maxim of life I shall here re-
crisis, by the perspiration which takes place during that commend, was :
sleep. It may with propriety therefore be said, that all
men every night have a critical perspiration, more per- To go early to bed, and early to rise,
ceptible in some, and less so in others, by which what-
ever useless or pernicious particles have been imbibed Will make a maa healthy, wealthy, and wise.
by our bodies, or created in them, during the day, are
secreted and removed. This daily crisis, necessary to
every man, is particularly requisite for his support;
and the proper period of it is when the fever has at- CHAPTER VII.
tained to its highest degree, that is, the period when
the sun is in the nadir, consequently midnight. What Bodily exercise.
do those, then, who disobey this voice of Nature which
calls for rest at the above period, and who employ this " WHEN I consider the physical structure of man,"
fever, which should be the means of secreting and puri- said the great Frederick, " it appears to me as if Nature
fying our juices to enable them to increase their had formed us rather to be postillions than sedentary
activity and exertion? By neglecting the critical men of letters." And, without doubt, though this ex-
period, they destroy the whole crisis of so much im- pression be strong, it contains a great deal of truth.
portance ; and, though they go to bed towards morning, Man is, and always remains, a middle being, that
incessantly fluctuates between the brute and the angel ;
and as much as he would deviate from his higher des-
tination, did he continue the mere animal, as much
PROPER PERIOD OF SLEEP. 255 does he offend against his present destination when he
wishes to be merely spirit to think only and to per-
cannot certainly obtain, on that account, the full benefit ceive. He must exercise his animal and spiritual
of sleep, as the critical period is past. They will never powers in the like degree, if he be desirous to accom-
have a perfect, but an imperfect crisis ; and what that plish perfectly the object for which he was created ;
means is well known to physicans. Their bodies also and this, in regard to the duration of life, is of the
will never be completely purified. How clearly is this utmost importance. Harmony in the movements is
proved by the infirmities, rheumatic pains, and swollen the grand foundation on which health, uniformity of
feet, the unavoidable consequences of such lucubration. restoration, and the duration of the body, depend ; and
these certainly cannot take place if we merely sit and
Besides, the eyes suffer more by this custom; for think. The propensity to bodily movement is, in man,
one labors then the whole summer through with candle- as great as the propensity to eating and drinking. Let
light, which is not necessary for those who employ us only look at a child. Sitting still is to it the great-
the morning. est punishment. And the faculty of sitting the whole
day, and not feeling the least desire for moving, is cer-
And, lastly, those who spend the night in labor, and 17
the morning in sleep, lose that time which is the most
beautiful and the best fitted for labor. After every
sleep we are renovated in the properest sense of the
word ; we are, in the morning, always taller than at 258 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
night ; we have then more pliability, powers, and
juices ; in a word, more of the characteristics of youth ; tainly an unnatural and diseased state. We are taught
while, at night, our bodies are drier and more ex- by experience, that those men attained to the greatest
hausted, and the properties of old age then prevail. age, who accustomed themselves to strong and inces-
One, therefore, may consider each day as a sketch, sant exercise in the open air.
in miniature, of human We, in which the morning
represents youth ; noon, manhood ; and evening, old I consider it, therefore, as an indispensable law of
age. Who would not then employ the youthful part longevity, that one should exercise, at least, an hour
of each day for labor, rather than begin his work in every day, in the open air. The most healthful time
the evening, the period of old age and debility ? In is before meals, or from three to four hours after.
the morning, all nature appears freshest and most en-
gaging ; the mind at that period is also clearest, and In this respect, besides small journeys, and excur-
possesses most strength and energy. It is not, as at sions on horseback, moderate dancing, and other gym-
night, worn out, and rendered unequal, by the multi- nastic exercises are of great service : and it is much to
farious impressions of the day, by business and fatigue : be wished that we here paid more attention to imitate
it is then more original, and possesses its natural the ancients, who managed scientifically this promoter
of health, and suffered no external circumstances to
prevent them from using it. It is of most benefit when
not merely the body, but the soul also, is exercised and
256 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. kept awake at the same time. A walk, therefore, to
answer fully its object, must be directed to a quarter
powers. This is the period of new mental creation, where the prospects are always agreeable, and to a
of clear conceptions and exalted ideas. Never does certain term or spot.
man enjoy the sensation of his own existence so purely
and in so great perfection as in a beautiful morning.
He who neglects this period, neglects the youth of his
The enjoyment of free air. Moderate temperature of warmth. and soul enjoy there the utmost harmony and well-
being. Simplicity, cheerfulness, innocence, and con-
THE enjoyment of free air may be considered as a tentment, accompany them through life; and they
nourishment equally necessary for our existence as attain to the utmost term which it is capable of reach-
eating and drinking. Pure air is certainly the great- ing with its present organization. I cannot refrain,
est means of strengthening and supporting life ; while therefore, from inserting here what Herder has said on
confined and corrupted air is its most subtle and deadly this subject :
The resolution of my friend to change
From this may be deduced the following practical His walled prison for a rural seat
rules : I much applaud why should we foolishly
Pile up in lofty towers the hard hewn rock ?
1st. Suffer no day to pass without enjoying the pure To fright us with their sudden fall, or hide
open air beyond the boundaries of a town or city From our dark eyes e cheering face of heaven !
Consider your walk not merely as the means of ex- Not so in former days lived the young world,
ercise, but, in a particular manner, as the enjoyment In innocence and peace ; free from such folly,
of the purest vital nourishment, which is indispensably 'Midst rural scenes there harmless mirth prevails,
necessary above all to those who are much confined And fills the breast with never-ceasing joy :
to their apartments. Besides this advantage, one ob- There we behold the wide-expanded heaven ;
tains that also of making one's self, by such daily en- No neighbor robs us of the light of day ;
joyment of air, acquainted and familiar with a free
atmosphere ; and people are thus secured against one
of the greatest evils that usually afflict mankind, I
mean too much sensibility in regard to all impressions 262 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
and variations of the weather. This is one of the
most abundant sources of disease ; and there is no And from the clear fresh spring Apollo bids ua
other method of counteracting it, but to harden one's
self by daily exposure to the open air. Assuage our thirst with his own liquor.

O did but men know what is happiness !

260 MEANS WHICH PROLONG- LIFE. Our mother Nature ne'er within dark cities,

Lastly. By this custom one will obtain infinite ad- Or gloomy walls and castles, it confined.
vantage in regard to the eyes ; for it is certain that a
great cause of weak eyes and short-sightedness are It on the plain blooms equally for all.
the four walls within which we are accustomed to live
from our infancy, and by which the eyes at length Those find it oft who seek it not ; and he
lose their whole power of seeing remote objects dis-
tinctly. The best proof of this is, that such weakness Who spurns base ore will it enjoy his treasure
of the eyes is to be found only in cities, and not in the
country. Is what the earth presents in the bright stream

2nd. One should endeavor, wherever it is possible, He sees his silver ; and his gold shoots up
to live high. Those who have a regard for their health,
at least in cities, ought not to inhabit the ground-floor. In yellow corn, or smiles from fruitful trees.
Let the windows be opened daily. Ventilators, or
chimneys, are the best means for purifying the foul He hears his concert in the shady grove ;
atmosphere of confined apartments. People ought
not to sleep in rooms which have been inhabited the And there his chorus, free at will to range,
whole day ; and the windows of bed-chambers should
be always kept open in the daytime. Joins in the mirthful or the pensive strain.

I must here add one remark of the utmost impor- Far otherwise within the town confined :
tance for the prolongation of life. The air in which
one lives should be kept in a moderate degree of tem- The captive songster in its cage complains !
perature. It is much better to live in air too cool
than too hot ; for heat accelerates, in an extraordinary The slave who feeds it thinks it sings alone
degree, the stream of vital consumption, as is proved
by the shorter lives of those who inhabit warm coun- To please its master ; but with every note
tries ; and many people create artificially such a cli-
mate by means of their hot apartments. The tempe- It bids its tyrant give it liberty
rature of the air in an apartment should never exceed
66 of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Nature delights in rural scenes : and Art,

Her imitator, there must follow her

CHAPTER IX. With timid steps. Of foliage ever green

Rural and country life. Behold yon palace, arched with thick woven boughs !

FORTUNATE are they to whose lot it has fallen to Where thou mayst sit, like Persia's boasted lord
remain near and true to their parent Earth ; and to
find their happiness, labor, and destination in immedi- In halls of cedar and 'midst peace enjoy,
ate intercourse with Nature. They reside at the real
source of eternal youth, health, and felicit ; both body What he ne'er knows, sound, sweet, refreshing sleep.
even quits it till his son becomes a studious rake ; and
Great cities are great plagues ! There native joy the proportion between countrymen and citizens seems
daily to be diminished. It certainly would be much
Flies from man's breast, and makes him pleasure seek better for the happiness of individuals, as well as of the
whole, if the greater part of the penknives and scissors
In Art alone there every thing by paint now in use were converted into ploughshares, and that
those hands occupied in scribbling were employed with
Is seen disguised the countenance and walls the plough and the spade. The former, to many, is
indeed only labor of the hands ; but the latter is the
Each action, word, and even the very heart most useful, and, if I am not much mistaken, we shall
be at length obliged, from political considerations, to
All there consists of costly wood or stone ; recur to it once more. Man must again approach
nearer to his parent Earth, from which he has so far
And even the owners seem as hard as these. removed in every point of view.

O rural life, 'midst poverty how rich ! All, indeed, cannot be farmers by profession ; but
how beneficial would it be, if men of letters, people of
When hunger bids, there thou mayst nobly feast business, and those who labor with their heads, would
divide their time between both kinds of employment;
On what each season for thy use brings forth, and imitate the ancients, who, notwithstanding their
philosophical or political engagements, did not think it
In rich variety. The plough thy table ; beneath their dignity to devote their spare hours to
agriculture, and to rusticate in the proper sense of the
And a green leaf, by way of dish, supports word ! All the melancholy consequences of a seden-
tary life, and overstraining the mental faculties, would
disappear, if people, some hours every day, or a few
mouths in the year, would take hold of a spade or a

Thy meal of fruit. A homely wooden jug

Draws up refreshing drink from the pure stream, RUR\L AND COUNTRY LIFE. 265
Which, free from poison, pours out health alone,
And with soft murmur thee to sleep invites : mattock and cultivate their field or their garden ; for
"While, in the air, the lark high-soaring sings the usual method of living in the country, (which in
Now mounting up, again descending low general means nothing else than to carry along with
Until, at length, it drops into its nest, one care and books, and to read, think, or write in the
Just at thy foot, between two furrows placed. open air, instead of a chamber,) cannot accomplish that
object. Such rustication will again restore the equi-
librium between the mind and the body, which the
writing-desk so often destroys. By an union of these
If one, indeed, be desirous of sketching out, accord- three grand panaceas, exercise, free air, and exhilarat-
ing to theoretical principles, the idea of a life condu- ing the spirits, a renovation and restoration may be
cive to health and longevity, one must recur to that annually effected, which will be of incredible service to
presented to us by a country life. Nowhere are all the vital duration and happiness. Nay I do not think I say
requisites for that purpose so perfectly united as here ; too much when I promise, from this practice, besides
and nowhere does every thing in and around mankind physical advantages, many of a spiritual and moral
labor so powerfully to promote health and longe/ity. nature also. Cobwebs of the brain and hypotheses of
The enjoyment of pure, sound air ; simple and frugal the closet will certainly be less abundant ; people will
food ; daily and strong exercise without doors ; estab- not so often imagine the whole world to be contained
lished regularity in all the vital operations ; the beauti- in their persons, or within the four walls of their studies,
ful prospect of simple Nature ; and a frame of internal and treat it in that point of view ; and the mind will
peace, cheerfulness, and serenity, which by these means acquire a greater propensity to truth, more soundness,
are diffused throughout the mind what sources of more warmth, and a more natural manner of thinking,
vital restoration ! Besides, a country life is, in a par- properties which distinguish the Greek and Roman
ticular manner, capable of giving that disposition which philosophers so much, and for which, in my opinion,
is contrary to the passionate, overstrained, and eccen- they were indebted principally to their continual inter-
tric ; and the more so as it removes us from the dissipa- course with Nature. One ought therefore to be exceed-
tion, corruption, and worthlessness of the town, which ingly careful never to suffer a taste for Nature to be
tend always to nourish the passions. It consequently extinguished in the mind. This taste may be easily
preserves, both internally and externally, peace of destroyed, by always living recluse, by incessant appli-
mind and equanimity, which are such great supports to cation to business, and by abstract speculations in the
life. It inspires us with cheerfulness and hope, and closet ; and when it is once lost, the most beautiful
increases our enjoyments in general, but without vio- rural scenes will have no effect upon us ; and one, in
lence or passion, and moderated by the softest tone of the most delightful districts, and under the serenest


Nature. It needs excite no wonder, then, that, accord- sky, may remain in a state of living death. This may
ing to experience, instances of the greatest age are to be best guarded against by not removing too long or
be found in rural life only. too far from Nature ; by quitting, as often as one can,
the artificial and abstract world ; by opening all the
It is a melancholy reflection, that this kind of life, senses to the beneficent influences of Nature ; and if
the earliest and most natural state of man, should at one from the earliest youth endeavors to acquire a
present be so little esteemed that the fortunate farmer taste for the study of Natural History (a point which
ought to be attended to in education), and to warm the a little more in intemperance when on a journey. One,
imagination for it by the beautiful imitations of paint- however, needs not to be too nice in the choice of food
ing, and the heart-exalting descriptions of the poets of
Nature, such as a Zachariii, Thomson, Gesner, Mat-
thison, etc.

and drink ; and it is always best to use the common

CHAPTER X. fare of each country. But at any rate the stomach
ought not to be overloaded. By the motion of travel-
Travelling. ling, the power of the body is too much divided for the
stomach to admit of a large quantity of food ; and the
I CANNOT possibly omit to devote here a particular motion itself, by these means, will become more fatigu-
place to this enjoyment, and to recommend it as a ing. People, in particular, should not indulge too
means of prolonging life. The continual motion, vari- much in heating food and liquors, as is often the case
ety of scene, exhilaration of the mind, and the use of on journeys; for travelling alone acts as a stimulus,
free and changed air, have a magical effect upon man- and less stimulating nourishment is then required than
kind, and contribute in an incredible degree to renovate in a state of rest. A want of attention to this rule may
and revive the whole frame. Vital consumption may occasion too violent irritation, inflammation, accumula-
indeed be thereby somewhat increased; but this is tions of the blood, etc. It is most proper, on journeys,
amply counterbalanced by the increased restoration too eat rather little at a time, but often ; to drink more
which is effected, partly in regard to the body, by than one eats ; and to choose food easy of digesiion,
digestion being strengthened and invigorated, and yet strongly nutritive, not of a heating nature, and such
partly in regard to the mind, by a succession of agree- as cannot be readily adulterated. It is safest, therefore,
able impressions, and the forgetfulness of one's self. in the country, and in small inns, to use milk, eggs,
This help, therefore, I recommend to those whose well-baked bread, boiled or roasted meat, and fruit. I
employment condemns them to a sedentary life, who advise travellers, above all, to be on their guard against
are continually engaged in abstract studies or oppres- the wine kept in such houses. It will be much better
sive labor, whose minds have sunk into a state of insen- to drink water with the addition of a little lemon-juice,
sibility, melancholy or hypochondriasis, or, what is or of some good liquor which they may carry along
worst of all, are strangers to domestic felicity. with them. If the water be impure, it may be ren-
dered sweet by charcoal powder.*
But as many employ it in such a manner that it pro-
duces no effect, it perhaps may be of some service to * This is one of the greatest and beneficial discoveries of
communicate here a few of the most important rules modern times, for which we are indebted to Mr. Lowiz of Peters-
how people must travel in order to benefit their health burg. Water which has a disagreeable odor, or has become
and their life. putrid, may almost immediately be freed from its nauseous taste,
as well as its bad smell, and be converted into good drinkable
liquor, by the following process : Take some burnt charcoal,
and reduce it to a fine powder. Mix about a tablespoonful of

1st. Travelling on foot, or rather on horseback, is

the most healthful, and best calculated to answer the 270 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
end proposed ; but when one is weakly, or undertakes
long excursions, it is more advisable to travel in a car- 6th. Avoid immoderate exertion and wasting of the
riage. powers. It is, however, as difficult in general to lay
down a proper standard of motion, as of eating and
2nd. When one travels in a carriage, it is very bene- drinking. But Nature, in this, has given us a very ex-
ficial always to change the posture ; that is, to sit some- cellent guide, a sense of lassitude, which is here of as
times, and sometimes to recline. By these means one much importance as the sense of satiety in eating or
can best prevent the evils attending continued riding in drinking. Weariness is nothing else than the voice of
this manner, which are occasioned principally by the Nature, which tells us that our stock of powers is ex-
jolting being in one direction. hausted, and that he who is tired should enjoy repose.
But Nature may, indeed, become lost in habit ; and we
3rd. Nature will not suffer any sudden transitions. may be as insensible of lassitude as the continual glut-
It is therefore improper for people accustomed to a ton is of fulness, especially when the nerves are over-
sedentary life to undertake suddenly a journey during strained by stimulating and heating food and drink.
which they will be exposed to violent jolting. The There are then, however, other signs to tell us that we
case here is the same as if one accustomed to drink have exceeded the proper measure ; and I request that
water should all at once begin to drink wine. Let the to these the strictest attention may be paid. When one
transition be slow, and begin with moderate motion. begins to be low-spirited or dejected ; to yawn often,
and be drowsy, yet at the same time to be incapable of
4th. Excursions, the object of which is health and sleeping though one enjoys rest ; when the appetite is
the prolongation of life, must not be fatiguing ; but this lost ; when the smallest movement occasions a fluttering
can be determined only by difference of temperament of the pulse, heat, and even trembling ; when the mouth
and constitution. Ten or twelve miles daily, with a becomes dry, and is sensible of a bitter taste, it is high
rest every three or four days, may perhaps be the best time to seek refreshment and repose, if one wishes to
standard. One ought, above all things, to avoid travel- prevent illness already beginning to take place.
ling in the night time; which, by interrupting the
necessary refreshment, checking perspiration, and ex- 7th. While one is travelling, insensible perspiration
posing the body to unhealthful air, is always preju- may easily be checked ; and cold is the principal
dicial. By respecting nocturnal rest, one may accom-
plish twice as much in the day. this powder in a pint of water, stir it well round, and suffer it to
stand for a few minutes. Let it then run slowly through filter-
5th. People must not imagine that they may indulge ing paper into a glass, and it will be found quite transparent,
without any bad taste or smell, and perfectly pure for drinking.
People may preserve the charcoal powder a long time in a small Besides, the skin is the seat of feeling, the most
bottle well corked, and carry it with them when they travel. general of all our senses, or that which in an essential
manner connects us with surrounding Nature, and in
particular with the atmosphere ; and by the state of
which, in a great measure, the sensation of our own
USES OF TRAVELLING. 271 existence, and the relation which we bear to every
thing around us, is determined. Hence a greater or
source of those diseases which thence arise. It is less sensibility, in regard to disease, depends very
advisable, therefore, to guard against all sudden transi- much on the skin ; and those whose skin is weak or
tions from heat to cold, or the contrary ; and those who relaxed have generally a sensation too delicate and
have great sensibility in the skin, will do well, when unnatural, by which means it happens that they are
they go on a journey, to carry a thin flannel shirt along internally affected in a manner highly disagreeable,
with them. by every small variation in the weather, every change
of the atmosphere, and at length become real baro-
8th. Cleanliness, when one travels, is doubly neces- meters. Such a constitution is called the rheumatic,
sary ; and, therefore, to wash the body frequently with and arises chiefly from a want of strength in the skin.
cold water is much to be recommended.^ This will con- It occasions a tendency to perspiration, which is also
tribute also, in a great degree, to remove lassitude. an unnatural state, and which exposes us continually
to colds and other disorders.
9th. During winter, or in a cold climate, one may
'always submit to greater exercise than during summer, It is, likewise, a grand means for preserving an equi-
or in warm climates, where perspiration exhausts one librium in the powers and motion of our bodies. The
half of the strength. One, also, can undergo more more active and open the skin is, the more secure will
fatigue early in the morning than in the afternoon. people be against obstructions, and diseases of the
lungs, intestines, and lower stomach ; and the less ten-
10th. Full-blooded persons, or those who are subject 18
to a spitting of blood, or other serious disease, must
consult their physician before they undertake a journey.


CHAPTER XI. dency will they have to gastric (bilious) fevers, hypo-
chondriasis, gout, asthma, catarrh, and varicose veins.
Cleanliness, and care of the skin. One great cause of these disorders being at present so
common amongst us, is, that we no longer endeavor
BOTH these I consider as important means for the to cleanse and strengthen the skin by bathing and other
prolongation of life. Cleanliness removes every thing means.
that Nature has secreted from us, as useless or cor-
rupted ; as well as every thing prejudicial, that might . The skin, moreover, is one of the most important
be conveyed to us, from without, through the super- means of restoration of our bodies, by which a multi-
ficies of our bodies. tude of fine spiritual component parts are conveyed to
us from the atmosphere. Without a sound skin there
Care of the skin is an essential part of cleanliness, can be no complete restoration, which is one of the
and consists in paying such attention to it from infancy, chief principles of long life.
that it may be kept in a lively, active, and useful con-
dition. It ought also not to be forgotten, that the skin is the
grand organ of crises, that is to say, the assistant of
The skin, indeed, must not be considered merely as Nature in disease ; and that a man with open pores,
a common covering to defend us from the sun and the and a skin sufficiently vigorous, may depend on being
rain, but as one of the most important organs of our cured much more easily and with more certainty, and
body, without the incessant activity and agency of often even without the use of medicine.
which there can be neither health nor long life ; and
in the neglect of which, in modern times, lies the secret That such an organ must be a great support of
source of numberless diseases and evils that tend to health and life, no one will deny ; and it is therefore
shorten our existence. May the following observa- incomprehensible how people in modern times, since
tions, therefore, make more impression on my readers, mankind have become more enlightened, should neg-
and excite more attention to this organ and the man- lect it so much. Nay, we in general find, that, instead
agement of it ! of paying the least attention to it, they from their in-
fancy do every thing in their power, as it were, to re-
The skin is the greatest medium for purifying our lax and to weaken it, and to stop up its pores. The
bodies; and every moment a multitude of useless, most of mankind, except at baptism, never experience
corrupted, and worn-out particles evaporate through the benefit of bathing during their whole lives ; the skin
by dirt and daily perspiration is more and more stopped
up ; weakened and relaxed by warm clothing, furs,
feather-beds, etc. ; rendered inactive by confined air,
CARE OF THE SKIN. 273 and a sedentary life j and I think I may, without ex-

its numberless small vessels, in an insensible manner.

This secretion is inseparably connected with life, and
the circulation of our blood ; and by it the greater CARE OF THE SKIN. 275
part of all the impurity of our bodies is removed. If
the skin, therefore, be flabby or inactive, and if its aggeration, assert, that, among the greater part of
pores be stopped up, an acridity and corruption of men, the pores of the skin are half-closed and unfit
our juices will be the unavoidable consequence, and for use.
the most dangerous diseases may ensue.
Let me here be permitted to call the attention of my
readers to an incongruity, which is not the only one of bathing, which, on account of its stimulative and pene-
the kind in human life. The most ignorant person is trating power, may be placed at the head of those
convinced that proper care of the skin is indispensably means that regard the care of the skin ; and which
necessary for the existence and well-being of horses certainly supplies one of the first wants of the present
and various animals. The groom often denies himself generation, by opening the pores, and thereby reinvig-
sleep, and other gratifications, that he may curry and orating the whole nervous system. This bathing is
dress his horses sufficiently. If they become meagre attended with two important advantages. The first
and weak, the first reflection is, whether there may not is, that besides its great healing power, in cases of
have been some neglect or want of care in regard to disease, it may be employed by those who are perfectly
combing them. Such a simple idea, however, never well, as the means most agreeable to Nature for strength-
occurs to him in respect to his child. If it grow feeble ening and preserving health ; which is not the case
and sickly ; if it pine away and is afflicted with disease, with a great many other kinds of bathing, that are in-
the consequence of dirt, he thinks rather of witchcraft jurious to a healthy person. In this respect it may
and other absurdities than of the real cause, neglecting be compared to bodily exercise, which can remove dis-
to keep the skin pure and clean. Since we show so eases otherwise incurable, and which may be used
much prudence and intelligence in regard to animals, also by those who are sound, in order to preserve them-
why not in regard to men ? selves in that state. The other advantage is the noble,
grand, and indescribable prospect of the sea connected
The rules which I have to propose for preserving with it ; and which, on those not acquainted with it,
cleanliness and a sound state of the skin, are remark- has an effect capable of bracing up the nervous system,
ably easy and simple ; and, if observed from youth, and producing a beneficial exaltation of the whole
may be considered as very powerful means for the frame. I am fully convinced that the physical effects
prolongation of life. of sea-bathing must be greatly increased by this impres-
sion on the mind ; and that a hypochondriac or nervous
1st. Remove carefully every thing that the body person may be half cured by residing on the sea-coast,
has secreted as corrupted or prejudicial. This may and enjoying a view of the grand scenes ,of Nature
be done by changing the linen often, daily if it be which will there present themselves : such as the rising
possible, and also the bed-clothes, or at least the sheets ; and setting of the sun over the blue expanse of the
by using, instead of a feather-bed, a mattress, which waters, the awful majesty of the waves during a storm,
etc. For the like purpose, therefore, I would advise
an inhabitant of the inland parts to take a journey to


attracts less dirt ; and by continually renewing the air 278 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
in apartments, and particularly in one's bed-chamber.
the sea ; and an inhabitant of the coast to make an ex-
2nd. Let the whole body be washed daily with cold cursion to the Alps ; for both, in my opinion, are the
water, and rub the skin strongly at the same time, sublimest productions of Nature. The thanks of the
by which means it will acquire a great deal of life and public are undoubtedly due to that exalted prince, so
vigor. much a friend to mankind, who erected the first sea-
bath in Germany, at Dobrahn, near Rostock ; and to
3rd. One ought to bathe once a week, the whole that worthy physician Vogel, who formed the plan of
year through, in tepid water; and it will be of con- it in a manner so excellent and so likely to make it
siderable service to add to it three or four ounces of answer the intended purpose, and who assists its salu-
soap. It is much to be wished that public baths were tary effects by his presence and advice.
again erected, that poor people might enjoy this benefit,
and thereby be rendered strong and sound, as was the 4th. People should wear warm clothing that does
case some centuries ago.* not tend to weaken the skin, and which may readily
suffer the perspiring matter to pass through it. In
I cannot quit this subject without mentioning sea- this respect, I know nothing more prejudicial than to
wear fur, which, by its great warmth, weakens the
* Traces of this laudable practice may still everywhere be skin very much; does not promote evaporation, but
seen in the remains of baths and bathing-houses ; but the use of sweat ; and, on account of the thickness of the leather,
it has been abandoned through the inconceivable indolence of does not suffer the perspiring particles to fly off. The
mankind. Every Sunday evening, people formerly went in pro- consequence is, that a continual vapor-bath is formed
cession through the streets, beating on basins, to remind the between the fur and the skin, and that a great part of
lower classes of bathing; and the tradesman, who labored at the impure matter is again thrown back on the body,
dirty work, washed off, in the bath, that dirt which now adheres and imbibed by it Far better is flannel, which has
to him perhaps during his whole life. In every place of any the advantage of fur, without the disadvantage of at-
consequence there should be a bathing-house, or a floating bath tracting dirt and occasioning too much heat. But all
on some river for the summer, and another for the winter. In these warm coverings on the bare skin are to be recom-
bathing it ought to be a rule never to enter the water with a full mended only during intense cold or for weakly people
stomach, but either fasting or four hours after eating ; never to subject to rheumatism. In infancy and youth, and
bathe when the body is hot ; to remain in cold water not more for those whose bodies are sound, it is far preferable
than a quarter of an hour, and in warm water never more than to wear next the skin either linen or cotton, with" a
three quarters ; to be cautious of catching cold when one comes vest of the same in summer, and in winter one of wool-
out, which may be best done by putting on a flannel gown ; and len.
during dry warm weather, to take moderate exercise afterwards ;
but in cold, inoist weather, to remain for an hour in a warm

5th. One should use much bodily exercise ; for this them. But no tooth-powder can be more efficacious
is a great promoter of insensible perspiration. than a piece of dry burnt bread ; and it is a custom
very salutary for the teeth, to chew slowly a crust of
6th. Avoid all food unfavorable to perspiration. bread after every meal.
Of this nature is fat of every kind, pork, goose,
cheese, etc. Avoid exposing the teeth to a sudden transition from
heat to cold, or the contrary ; for the teeth are covered


with a glassy kind of enamel, which may be easily

Proper food. Moderation in eating and drinking. Preservation of cracked by such sudden changes ; so that corrupted par-
the teeth. ticles can insinuate themselves into the rents, and lay the
first foundation of decay within them. It will be best,
therefore, never to take too hot or too cold things into
the mouth ; and be careful, above all, not to drink cold
THE idea of proper regimen is somewhat relative. liquor while you are eating warm food, such as hot
In general, we find that those men who were not too soup, etc.
nice or particular in regard to their food, but who lived
sparingly, attained to the greatest age ; and it is an Never eat sugar, and avoid confections, which are
advantage peculiar to man, that he can digest and mixed with a great deal of tough calcareous particles.
assimilate the most heterogeneous kinds of nourish-
ment, and is not, like other animals, confined to one As soon as you observe that a tooth is decayed, have
certain class. It is proved that people in a natural it immediately pulled out, otherwise it will infect the
state, who are much exposed to the free open air and rest.*
to exercise, require few rules respecting their diet. It
was our artificial manner of living that first rendered Wash your teeth with water every morning, and in
regimen necessary. particular after each meal. This will remove any re-
mains of food adhering to them, which commonly fix
It is at any rate certain, that the prolongation of life themselves between the teeth, and lay the first ground
does not so much depend on the quality, as on the for decay.
quantity, of our nourishment ; and the instance of
Cornaro affords an astonishing proof how far a man of Those who observe these rules will seldom have oc-
weakly constitution may thereby prolong his existence.
* It is an error to suppose that a decayed tooth has the power
It may with truth be asserted, that the greater part of infecting its neighbor, and it is bad advice to suggest its ex-
of mankind eat more than is necessary ; and by being traction. One of the chief agents of destruction of the teeth is
crammed and over-fed in infancy, we are deprived of pressure, therefore a tooth usually decays on the side which is
that natural sensation which ought to tell us when we contiguous to another, and as in all probability both teeth are
have enough. sufferers from the pressure, both are liable to decay : because one
precedes the other in this action, it has been inferred that the de-
cayed tooth has contaminated its fellow, but this is not the fact.
Then as to the advice. When a tooth has decayed, the patient
CAKE OF THE TEETH. 281 should seek the dentist, who will probably clear out the dead
part, and stop the cavity with gold. When this operation is well
I shall here only give such common rules in regard and judiciously performed^ the tooth will last as long as if it
to eating and drinking as will suit the generality of man- were perfectly sound. Hence, the chief art of the dentist of the
kind ; and which, I am convinced, will have an essen- present day is to save the teeth and not waste them, as was the
tial influence in prolonging life. case when our author nourished. EDITOR.

1st. It is not what we eat, but what we digest, that

does us good, and serves to nourish our bodies. He
who wishes to live long ought, therefore, to eat slowly; CARE OF THE TEETH. 283
as our food must obtain in the mouth the first degree of
preparation and assimilation. This is effected by its casion for tooth-powder. But if th^ teeth have a ten-
being sufficiently chewed and mixed with saliva ; botli dency, as is the case naturally in some men, to become
which I consider as a principal part of the business of foul, or to acquire what is called tartar, I recommend
restoration, and consequently set great value upon them the following harmless prescription : Take half an
in regard to the prolongation of life, especially as it ap- ounce of red sandal-wood, with a quarter of an ounce of
pears by my researches that all those who were accus- China-root (similax aspera Ghinensis) ; reduce them to
tomed to eat slowly attained to a great age. a fine powder, and sift it through a hair-sieve.* Then
add to it six drops of the oil of cloves, and the same
2nd. A great deal depends on good teeth ; and, there- quantity of bergamot oil ; and rub the teeth with it in
fore, I can with propriety reckon preservation of the the morning.
teeth among those means that tend to prolong life. By
the following rules, if observed from infancy, the teeth 3rd. Beware of studying, reading, or straining the
may be preserved fast and sound to the greatest age. head while at table. That period must certainly be
consecrated to the stomach. It is the time of its gov-
One must always join with the flesh used for food a ernment ; and the mind must no further interfere with
sufficient quantity of vegetables and bread; for flesh it than may be. necessary to assist its operations.
adheres more readily between the teeth, and tends to Laughter is one of the greatest helps to digestion with
injure them. It will be found, therefore, that those which I am acquainted ; and the custom, prevalent
who use little or no flesh, boors and country people, among our forefathers, of exciting it at table by jesters
have always the best teeth, though they never clean and buffoons, was founded on true medical principles.
In a word, endeavor to have cheerful and merry com- men of letters, and females, who lead a sedentary life.
panions at your meals. What nourishment one re- But it is to be observed, that the best time for drinking
ceives amidst mirth and jollity, will certainly produce is not while one is eating, as the gastric juices are there-
good and light blood. by rendered too thin, and the stomach weakened, but
about an hour after meals.
4th. Do not expose yourself to violent motion after
meals; for this will disturb, in an astonishing degree, The best drink is water, a liquor commonly despised,
and even considered as prejudicial. I will not hesitate,
* This tooth-powder, composed of materials no longer in use,, however, to declare it to be one of the greatest means
is very inferior to the tooth-powders of the present day ; the best for prolonging life. Read what is said of it by
of which are those made either of simple precipitated chalk : of that respectable veteran, Theden, surgeon-general, who
precipitated chalk with one eighth part of orris-root; or of pre- ascribes his long life of more than 80 years chiefly to
cipitated chalk with one eighth part of camphor. Camphor has the daily use of seven or eight quarts (from twenty to
of late been accused of doing injury to the teeth, by rendering twenty-four pounds) of fresh water, which he drank for
them brittle ; whether such be really the case I am unable to de- upwards of forty years. Between his thirtieth and for-
cide. EDITOR. tieth year he was a most miserable hypochondriac, op-
pressed with the deepest melancholy ; tormented with
a palpitation of the heart, indigestion, etc. ; and im-
agined that he could not live six months. But from the

the digestion and assimilation of your nourishment. It

will be best to stand, or to walk about slowly. The 286 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
properest time for exercise is before meals, or three
hours after. time that he began this water regimen, all these symp-
toms disappeared ; and in the latter half of his life, he
5th. Never eat so much that you feel you have a enjoyed better health than before, and was perfectly
stomach. It will be best to give over before you are free from the hypochondriac affection. One great
completely sated. The quantity of food must be always point, however, is, that the water must be fresh, that is,
proportioned to one's bodily labor : the less the labor, recently drawn from a spring or running stream, and
the less ought to be the nourishment. be put into a vessel well stopped ; for all spring water,
like the mineral, contains fixed air, which renders it
6th. In the choice of food one should incline more to .strengthening and favorable to digestion. Pure, fresh
vegetables. Flesh has always a greater tendency to water has the following advantages, which certainly
putrefaction ; and vegetables, on the other hand, to aci- must inspire us with respect for it.
dity, which corrects putrefaction, our continual and great-
est enemy. Besides, animal food is always of a more The element of water is the greatest and only pro-
heating and stimulating nature ; whereas vegetables pro- moter of digestion, by its coldness and fixed air it is
duce cool, mild blood ; lessen the internal motion, men- an excellent strengthener and reviver of the stomach
tal as well as bodily irritability ; and powerfully retard and nerves. On account of its abundance of fixed air,
vital consumption. Lastly, animal food yields more and the saline particles it contains, it is a powerful pre-
blood and nourishment ; and requires, in order to be ventative of bile and putrefaction. It assists all the
beneficial to us, much more labor and bodily motion ; secretions of the body. Without water there could be
and, by the use of it, one also is liable to become ple- no excretion ; as, according to the latest experiments,
thoric. On this account it is not proper for men of let- oxygen is a component part of it, by drinking water we
ters, and those who sit a great deal ; as such people do actually imbibe a new stimulus of life.
not require so strong restoration, or so much addition
of substance, but only of those fine nourishing juices I cannot here omit to say something in favor of
that are necessary for the spiritual functions. One, soups, (liquid nourishment,) since it has been lately
above all, ought to avoid flesh in summer, and when fashionable to decry them as prejudicial.
putrid fevers are prevalent. We find that it is not
those who lived on flesh, but on vegetables, pulse, fruit, The moderate use of soups is certainly not hurtful ;
and milk, who attained to the greatest age ; Lord and it is singular that people should imagine that it
Bacon mentions a man of 120, who, during his whole tends too much to relax the stomach. Does not all our
life, never used any other food than milk. The Brah- drink, even though cold, become in a few minutes a
kind of warm soup in the stomach ; and does not the
stomach retain the same temperature during the whole
day ? Be careful only not to use it hot, in too great
MODERATION IN FOOD. 285 quantity at one time, or too watery. It is attended

mins, by their religion, are confined merely to vegeta-

bles, and, for the most part, live to the age of 100.
John Wesley, in the middle of his life, gave over the MODERATION IN FOOD. 287
use of flesh ; lived upon vegetables alone, and attained
the age of 88. even with great advantages. It supplies the place of
drink, particularly to men of letters, women, and all
7th. At night, one ought to eat sparingly, and use those who do not drink, or drink very little except at
little or no flesh, if cold it will be best ; and to sup a table, and who, when they give over soup, receive into
few hours before bed-time. their blood too little moisture. And it is here to be
remarked, that fluids used in % the form of soup unite
8th. Never neglect to use a sufficient quantity of much better and sooner with our juices than when
drink. It too often happens that people, by inatten- drunk cold and raw. On this account soup is a great
tion to the calls of Nature, forget drinking altogether, preventative of dryness and rigidity in the body, and
and are no longer reminded of it ; which is the grand therefore the best nourishment for old people, and those
cause of aridity, obstructions in the lower stomach, and who are of an arid temperament. It even supplies
a multitude of diseases to be found so frequently among the place of medicine. After catching cold, in ner-
vous headaches, colics, and different kinds of cramp your plans and projects for the future, lose the enjoy-
in the stomach, warm soup is of excellent service. It ment of the present ! The present is the parent of the
may serve as a proof of the utility, or at least ham- future ; and he who fully employs each day and each
lessness, of soup, when I remark that our forefathers, hour according to its destination, can in the evening lie
who certainly had more strength than we have, used down to repose with the agreeable satisfaction of hav-
soup ; that it is used by rustics, who are stronger than ing not only lived that day and fulfilled its object, but
those in refined life ; and that all the old people with of having also laid the best foundation for the enjoy-
whom I ever was acquainted were great friends to it. ment of the future.
Wine rejoices the heart of man, but it is by no means
necessary for long life, since those who never drank 4th. Endeavor to form as just conceptions as possible
it seem to have become oldest. Nay, as a stimulant, of every event, and you will find that the greater part
which accelerates vital consumption, it may tend very of the evils in the world arise from mistakes, false in-
much to shorten life, when used too frequently, or in terest, or precipitation; and that the principal point
too great abundance. To render it friendly and not is not so much what is done to us, as how we take it.
prejudicial to life, it must be drunk daily, but always He who possesses this happy talent is independent of
in moderation : the younger a man is in less, and the external circumstances. As Weishaupt has said, " It is
older in the greater quantity. It is best when one certain that wisdom alone is the source of pleasure,
considers and uses wine as the seasoning of life, and 19
reserves it for days of mirth and recreation to enliven
the friendly circle.


CHAPTER XIII. and that folly is the source of misery. Without a total
resignation in the will of providence, a conviction that
Mental tranquillity. Contentment. Dispositions of mind, and all events are ordered for x>ur good, and that content-
employments which tend to prolong life. ment with the world which thence arises, every thing
is folly, and will lead to dissatisfaction."
PEACE of mind, cheerfulness, and contentment, are
the foundation of all happiness, all health, and long 5th. One should always strengthen and confirm more
life. Some may here say, these are means which we and more one's trust and confidence in mankind, and in
have not in our power ; they depend upon external all the noble virtues, benevolence, friendship, affection,
circumstances. But to me it appears that the case is and humanity which thence arise. Consider every
not so : for, otherwise, the great and rich would be the man as good, till you are convinced of the contrary
most contented and happy, and the poor the most by incontestable proofs ; and even then man ought to
miserable. Experience, however, shows the contrary ; be looked upon as a being misled by error, who de-
and more contentment, without doubt, is to be found serves our compassion much rather than our hatred.
amidst poverty, than among the class of the rich and Man indeed would be good, were he not seduced by
wealthy. ignorance, misconception, and false interest. "Woe to
those whose philosophy consists in trusting no one !
There are sources then of contentment and happiness Their life is a continual state of defensive and offensive
which lie in ourselves, and which we ought carefully to war ; and they must bid farewell to cheerfulness and
search out and to use. Let me here be permitted to contentment. The more a man entertains good wishes
mention a few of these helps, recommended by the to all around him, the more will he render others
simplest philosophy, and which I offer merely as rules happy, and the more happiness will he himself enjoy.
of regimen, the good advice of a physician how to pro-
long life. 6th. To promote contentment and peace of mind,
Hope is indispensably necessary. He who can hope
1st. Endeavor above all things to subdue your pas- prolongs his existence, not merely in idea, but physi-
sions. A man who is continually subject to the im- cally, by the peace and equanimity which he thus
pulse of his passions, is always in an extreme and ex- secures. I do not allude here to hope within the
alted state, and can never attain that peaceful frame so narrow boundaries of our present existence, but to
necessary for the support of life. His internal vital hope beyond the grave ! In my opinion, hope in im-
mortality is the only hope that can make life of any
value, and render the burdens of it easy and support-
able. Hope and Faith, ye great and divine virtues !
MENTAL TRANQUILLITY. 289 who, without you, is able to wander through a life so

consumption is thereby dreadfully increased, and he

must soon be destroyed.
2nd. People should accustom themselves to consider
life not as an object, but the means of attaining to full of error and deceit, whose beginning, as well as
higher perfection : and our existence and fate as always end, is involved in thick darkness ; the duration of
directed to a higher aim, and subjected to a more ex- which is a moment, and in which we scarcely begin to
alted power. They should never lose sight of that look forwards to futurity when we are swallowed up
point of view which the ancients named trust in provi- by destruction. Ye are the only supports of the waver-
dence. They will thus have the best clue to direct ing ; the greatest revivers of the weary traveller.
their way through the labyrinth of life, and the great- Those who do not honor you as exalted virtues, must em-
est security against all attacks by which their peace of brace you as indispensable assistants in this terrestrial
mind might be disturbed. life, and endeavor to be strong in you through a love
for themselves, if not through a love for the things that
3rd. Live always, but in the proper sense, for the are invisible. In this respect one can say that re-
day ; that is, employ every day as if it were your last, ligion itself may be a means for prolonging life. The
without taking any thought for to-morrow. Unhappy more it subdues the passions, promotes self-denial, pro-
men who still think of what is to come, and, amidst duces internal tranquillity, and enlivens the above con-
soling truths, the more will it serve to extend the
period of mortal existence.

Joy, also, is one of the greatest panaceas of life. 294 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
One must not, however, believe that it is always ne-
cessary to excite it by sought-for events and fortunate state is nothing else than a continual cramp ; and this
incidents. By that frame of mind which I have al- is proved by the consequences. An incessant restless-
ready delineated, people may be rendered susceptible ness and anxiety, deranged circulation and digestion,
of it ; and those who have attained to that happy dis- continued contradiction both physical and moral, are
position will never want opportunities of rejoicing. its unavoidable effects. In the end, it becomes impossi-
But one should never neglect to seek and employ ble for these unfortunate men to lay aside this assumed
every occasion of indulging in joy that is pure aifd not character ; so that it becomes a second nature. They
too violent. No joy is more healthful, or better calcu- are at length lost, and cannot again find themselves.
lated to prolong life, than that which is to be found in In a word, this false state keeps up continually a secret
domestic happiness, in the company of cheerful and nervous fever. Internal irritation, and external cramp,
good men, and in contemplating with delight the beau- are, both, parts of it ; and it must lead to destruction
ties of Nature. A day spent in the country, under and the grave, the only place where such wretched be-
a serene sky, amidst a circle of agreeable friends, is ings can hope ever to lay aside the mask.
certainly a more positive means of prolonging life than

Agreeable stimulants of the senses and of sensation
all the vital elixirs in the world. Laughter, that ex- moderately used.
ternal expression of joy, must not here be omitted,
It is the most salutary of all the bodily movements ; THESE have a double effect in the prolongation of
for it agitates both the body and the soul at the same life. In the first place, by their immediate influence
time ; promotes digestion, circulation, and respiration ; on the vital power, they enliven, strengthen, and exalt
and enlivens the vital power in every organ. it ; and, secondly, by increasing the activity of the
whole machine, they put into much greater activity the
The higher pursuits and employment of the mind organs of digestion, circulation, and secretion, which
deserve here a place also ; but I must remark, that it \ perform the most important functions of restoration.
will be necessary to observe those prudential rules, A certain cultivation and refinement of our sensibility
which I have already laid down, to prevent an abuse is therefore healthful and necessary ; because it renders
of them. These higher enjoyments and pleasures are us more susceptible of these enjoyments ; only it must
entirely peculiar to man, and an important source of not be carried too far, else it may become a disease.
vital restoration. Among these I reckon, above all, In stimulating the senses also great care must be taken
the reading of agreeable and instructive books; the not to exceed the proper measure ; for the same enjoy-
study of interesting sciences ; contemplating Nature, ment which, when used in a moderate degree, is capa-
and examining her secrets ; the discovering of new ble of restoring, may, if used too much, consume and
truths, by the combination of ideas, improving con- exhaust.
versation, etc.
All agreeable stimulants, which can affect us through
the sight, hearing, smell, taste, and feeling, may be in-
cluded under this head ; and therefore the pleasures of
CHAPTER XIV. music, painting, and the other imitative arts, poetry,
etc., as they can exalt and renew these enjoyments.
Reality of character. In the present view, however, it appears to me that
Music deserves the preference, because no mental im-
IT is well known how extremely prejudicial to life is
that occupation which renders it necessary for a man to
exist some hours daily in an assumed state, not natural
to him, I mean the employment of a player. 296 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.

What then must the case be with those people who pression can have so speedy and immediate an effect in
always carry on a like occupation, who are continually tuning, enlivening, and regulating the vital operations.
acting this or the other feigned part on the grand thea- Our whole frame assumes spontaneously the tone and
tre of the world, and who never really are what they character of the music; the pulse becomes either
appear to be? Those indeed who are deceitful, live quicker, or more calm ; the passions are roused, or soft-
always under disguise, restraint, and a false character. ened, according to the will of this language of the soul,
They may be found, above all, among the over refined which, without words, merely through the power of
and too highly cultivated classes of mankind : but I am melody and harmony, acts immediately upon our most
acquainted with no condition more unnatural. internal organs, and by these means enchants us often
more irresistibly than eloquence itself. It is much to
It is bad enough to be obliged to wear clothes not be wished that the study of music in this view were
made for us, which everywhere pinch and confine us, more common, and that it were more employed for
and which render every movement painful. But what such a noble purpose.
is this to wearing a false character; to a moral
restraint, where our words, conduct, gestures, and ac-
tions, are in continual opposition to our internal feel-
ings and wishes ; where we violently suppress our CHAPTER XVI.
strongest natural propensities, and assume foreign ones ;
and where we are obliged to keep continually strained, Preventing diseases. Judicious treatment of them. Proper use of
every nerve and every vessel, in order to carry on that medicine and physicians.
deception which is our whole existence ? Such a false
DISEASES, as has been already shown, belong for ing one ; or that the means may promote and increase
the most part, to those causes which shorten life, and the diseased state already existing. In cases of disease
are even capable of breaking the vital thread abruptly. it will be far better to use no medicine at all, than to
The business of medicine is to guard against these, as employ that which is not proper.
well as to cure them : and so far medicine may be
considered and employed as a mean for prolonging life. As none, therefore, but people regularly bred, ought
to be allowed to practise medicine, this important ques-
But error, here, is too common. Sometimes it is be- tion arises : How must medicine be used when we wish
lieved that this beneficial art can never be sufficiently to employ it as the means of prolonging life ? In order
employed, and that people can never take too many to answer the above question, I shall here give some
medicines. Sometimes it is so much abhorred, as some- general rules and definitions.
thing unnatural, that too few are used ; and sometimes
the falsest conceptions are formed of medicine, as well But, first, let me be permitted to say a few words on
as of physicians ; and both are employed in an impro- a part of this research, which, though most interesting
per manner. To this may be added, in modern times, to the physician, is of too much importance even to
a multitude of popular books, by which a great deal of others to be passed over in silence. I mean, How does
crude, undigested information on medical subjects has the practice of physic, in general, contribute to the pro-
been diffused among the public ; and hence a greater longation of life ? Can one consider it absolutely as a
misapplication of medicine has been occasioned, and the means for prolonging our existence ? Without doubt
utmost injury to the health of mankind in general. we can, so far as it cures disorders that might destroy
us, but not always in other respects: and I shall
It is impossible for every one to be a physician. here add, for the consideration of my medical brethren,
Physic is a science so extensive and difficult, that it re- a few observations which may show that to restore
quires close and long-continued study, and even a pecu- health and prolong life are not the same ; and that the
liar formation of mind and of the higher powers of the point is not merely to cure a disease, but how it is cured.
First, it is certain, from what has been said, that medi-


soul. An acquaintance with the rules and means for
curing diseases does not form a physician, as some im- cine operates by occasioning an artificial illness. Every
agine. These rules and means are the result of medi- disease is attended with irritation and a loss of power*
cal experience ; and he only who can perceive the con- If the medicine, therefore, be more powerful than the
nection of them with the causes of disease, and the disease, the patient will be cured ; but he will be more
whole chain of grounds and inferences from which they weakened by the process of the cure, and more will be
are deduced, in a word, who can himself discover these deducted from the duration of his life than would have
means, deserves to be called a physician. From this been taken from it by the disease. This is the case
it appears that the art of medicine never can be known when people, on trifling occasions, employ immediately
by the generality of the public. the most powerful. and the most violent medicines. Se-
condly, a disease may be cured by various ways and
That branch of the medical art only which teaches methods. The difference is, that one leads the crisis
an acquaintance with the human body, so far as it sometimes to one part, and sometimes to another ; or
may be useful for every man to know, and the method that the disorder is removed sooner by one method, and
and manner of guarding against diseases and preserv- more slowly by another. These different modes of
ing health, both individually and generally, can, or cure may all, however, lead to a restoration of health,
ought to, form a part of that instruction and informa- but be of very different effect in regard to the prolon-
tion which should be communicated to the public. gation of life. The more a cure allows the disease to
This is evident from the simple idea of disease, and the continue, and to weaken the powers and the organs ;
helps to be applied. What is meant by administering or the more it affects the organs necessary for life, or
medicines and curing diseases ? Nothing else than by conducts the disease thither, and consequently impedes
an unusual impression to produce an unusual change afterwards vital restoration (as for example, when the
in the human body, by which an unnatural state named important system of digestion is made the seat of the
disease may be removed. Disease and the operation disease, and weakened by powerful remedies) ; or lastly,
of medicines are each an unnatural state ; and the ap- the more a cure wastes unnecessarily the vital power in
plication of medicine is nothing else than exciting an general, as by too profusely bleeding, withdrawing
artificial disease, in order to expel one that is natu- the usual nourishment too incessantly, etc., the more
ral. This may be seen when a man in good health will it weaken the grounds of longevity, even though it
takes physic, which will always render him ill in a may remove the disease. Thirdly, one must never for-
greater or less degree. The use of medicine is, there- get that disease itself may be useful and necessary for
fore, of itself prejudicial ; and can be excused and ren- prolonging life. There are many diseases which are
dered healthful only when a more diseased state of the nothing else than an exertion of Nature to restore equili-
body is thereby removed. This right of making one's brium that has been destroyed, to evacuate corrupted


self or others sick artificially, ought never to be exer- matter, or to dissipate obstructions. If a physician,
cised but by those who are sufficiently able to discover therefore, (according to the true Brownonian method,)
what proportion the disease may bear to the means ; does nothing more than check the disease from showing
consequently, by physicians ; otherwise it may happen itself outwardly, without paying attention to remote
that, when the means perhaps are altogether unneces- causes and consequences, he only destroys the active
sary, one may be rendered ill ; or that the means will counteraction of Nature, by which it endeavors to re-
not be suited to the disease, and therefore the poor move the real disease : he quenches the fire outwardly,
patient must suffer under two maladies instead of hav- but suffers it to burn more violently within. He nour-
ishes the germ, the material cause of the evil, which sink into too passive a state, but endeavor, by muscular
perhaps would have been banished by this process of motion, friction, and gymnastic exercises, to keep up in
Nature had it been suffered to be completed, and ren- it a kind of counteraction. The more passive the
ders it stronger and more incurable. We have too body is, the more susceptible will it be of disease.
many instances of patients who believed themselves Lastly, a certain freedom and immunity from restraint
perfectly cured of a fever or the dysentery, and who in your way of life ; that is to say, do not bind your-
afterwards became hectic, or fell into the hypochon- self too rigidly to certain rules and habits, but allow
driasis, nervous weakness and the like. No one will yourself a moderate indulgence. Those who confine
deny that such a cure, though it seems for the present themselves with too much severity to order and r ^gi-
to restore the patient to health, may nevertheless men, be they ever so good, make themselves thereby
shorten the duration of his life. more susceptible of disease ; for if they deviate in the
least from what is now become to them a second nature,
I shall now proceed to answer a question which con- some kind of indisposition will be the consequence. A
cerns those only who are not physicians : By what means little irregularity, by the gentle revolutions which it
can diseases be prevented; how ought those which have effects in the body, may be of great use in purifying,
already appeared to be treated; and, in particular, how opening, and dissipating; and even pernicious things
ought physicians and the medical art to be employed in' lose a great deal of their noxious quality when one is
order to contribute in the highest degree possible to the accustomed to them. A little less sleep than usual ;
support and prolongation of 'life ? to drink sometimes a glass more than common; to
eat a little more food, or substances harder of digestion ;
But let me first speak of the means to be used for to expose oneself to cold or heat by riding, dancing,
preventing diseases. As there are two things which and the like ; to take exercise till one is tired, and
belong to the origin of every disease, the cause that sometimes to fast a day, are all means, therefore, that
excites it, and the capacity of the body for being contribute to harden the body, and which give more
affected by this cause, there are two ways by which latitude to the health, as they free it from too slavish a
disease may be prevented, either to remove that cause,


dependence on the uniformity of habit, to which it is
or to destroy the sensibility of the body in regard to it ; not always possible for us to be confined.
and upon this is founded the whole medical dietetic, and
all the preventative methods. The first method which A grand point in guarding against disease is, that
has been most commonly pursued, is the most uncer- every one should try to discover to what malady he
tain ; for, as long as we are not able to alter our mode is constitutionally most disposed, in order that this
of living, it will be impossible to guard against every tendency may be destroyed, or at least that all oppor-
cause of disease; and the more we deviate from it, tunity of its being converted into disease may be re-
the more we shall be affected by them when they moved. On this is grounded individual regimen ; and
attack us. For instance, cold never hurts any one so every man ought to observe that which is proper for
much as those who, in general, keep themselves ex- him, so far as to counteract his particular morbific dis-
ceedingly warm. Far better is the second method, position. To inquire into and determine this point is
to endeavor to guard against hose causes of disease indeed the business principally of the medical practi-
which can be avoided; and to accustom one's self to tioner ; and I am therefore of opinion, that people, on
the rest, in order that the body may be rendered insen- a subject of so much moment, should consult an intelli-
sible to them. gent physician, and allow him to judge what diseases
they have the greatest disposition to, and what regi-
The principal causes of disease, which can, -in a great men may be best suited for them. In this respect the
measure, be guarded against, are, intemperance in eat- ancients were more prudent than we. They employed
ing and drinking, immoderate enjoyment of physical the medical art and physicians chiefly for determining
love, great heat and cold, or a sudden transition from their dietetic mode of life ; and even their astrological,
the one to the other; passions, violent exertion of chi romantic, and other researches of the like kind,
the mind, too much or too little sleep, checked evacua- tended, at bottom, to define the moral and physical
tions, and poisons. character of man, and to prescribe for him accordingly
a proper mode of living and regimen. They undoubt-
One ought, however, to render the body less sus- edly did much better in thus employing their physi-
ceptible of these causes, or to harden it pathologically ; cians than if they had run to them every week to make
and for that purpose I recommend the following them prescribe for them purgatives or emetics. But
means : First, the daily enjoyment of free air. In for this purpose a judicious, prudent, and acute physi-
good or bad weather, during rain, wind or snow, the cian is necessary ; while, on the other hand, any em*
excellent practice of walking or riding for a few hours piric is capable of writing a prescription. These people,
in the open air, must be continued every day without at any rate, had a surer means of distinguishing a false
exception. This will contribute in an incredible degree from a true prophet.
to harden the constitution, and to promote longevity;
and, when done daily, the body will soon become so


PREVENTION OF DISEASES. 303 That those unacquainted with the medical art may
be enabled, as much as possible, to determine the na-
strong as to be affected by no kind of weather. It is ture of their constitution, and what tendency it has to
to be recommended, therefore, in particular, to those disease, I shall here give the following rules :
who are subject to the gout and the rheumatism.
Secondly, to wash daily the whole body with cold 1st. Examine what disposition to disease you inherit
water ; not to keep one's self too warm ; and to pre- from your parents. There are certain morbific ten-
serve the activity of the body. Never let the body dencies which may be communicated by generation,
such as to the gout, indigestion, nervous weakness, and flatulency, and the like, one may be assured that the
consumption. If these evils have taken root in the weak part is the stomach. Observe also where the
parents, there is great reason to suspect a disposition effects of other morbific influences are reflected; as,
to them in the children. By a proper regimen they for example, the effects of a surfeit, a cold, overheating,
can, however, be prevented from attaining to a great violent exercise, etc. If the chest be attacked, that
height. may be considered as the weakest part. It is of equal
importance to observe which way the blood and juices
2nd. A disposition to some disorders may be created have the greatest tendency ; what parts are usually the
by the first treatment in infancy ; especially if a child reddest and the hottest, and where perspiration appears
be kept too warm, which excites a tendency to perspi- in the greatest abundance ; for, there, if the rest of the
ration, renders the skin flaccid, and, by these means, body do not perspire, will disease most readily fix itself.
disposes the body to rheumatic disorders. Too early One may also, in general, conclude that any part wnich
application to learning, gives a tendency to nervous one uses violently and immoderately, or which one
weakness, and diseases of the nerves. overstrains, will become weaker : for example, the
brain among studious people ; the chest among singers ;
3rd. A tendency to certain diseases is connected the stomach among gluttons, etc.
with some forms and kinds of bodily structure. Those
who are tall and thin, who have a long slender neck y I shall now proceed to answer the question, In what
a flat breast, projecting shoulders, and who have grown- manner should a disease which has already taken place
up suddenly to a great height, must be on their guard be treated, and ivhat use ought to be made of physicians
chiefly against consumptions, and in particular as long and of the medical art ? The most important part of
as they are under the age of thirty. Those who have the answer may be reduced to the following rules :
a short thickset body, a large thick head, with a short
neck, so that the head seems to be stuck between the 1st. Never use medicine without a sufficient cause ;
shoulders, show a disposition to apoplexy; and must for, who wish to make themselves sick unnecessarily ?
beware of every thing that may give occasion to that The custom, therefore, of purging, bleeding, and the
disease. In general, all overgrown people have a ten- like, at stated periods, merely for the purpose of guard-
20 ing against a possible evil, is highly prejudicial. This
practice often gives rise to those disorders which one
endeavors to avoid.

306 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. 2d. It is much better to prevent diseases than to cure

deney more or less to consumption and disorders of the

4th. Every man ought carefully to examine his tem-
perament. If it be sanguine or choleric, it gives a them ; for the latter is always connected with a greater
tendency to inflammation ; but if phlegmatic or melan- loss of the powers, and consequently of vital duration.
cholic, to chronic diseases and weakness of the nerves. Let the above means, therefore, for guarding against
them be carefully observed.
5th. The climate also, and the spot in which one
lives, may create a tendency to disease. If they are 3d. As soon, however, as disease makes its appear-
cold and damp, one may rest assured that they will ance, the greatest attention ought to be paid to it ; for
produce a disposition to nervous and bilious fevers, the most trifling indisposition may conceal under it a
ague, gout, and rheumatism. very serious malady. This is the case, in particular,
with feverish disorders. The commencement of them
6th. To pay attention, in particular, to one's weakest is shown by the following symptoms : One experi-
part is of importance. Every man, in a physical sense, ences an uncommon lassitude ; the appetite fails, and
has his weak side ; and all causes of disease are ac- one has a much greater desire for drinking ; the sleep
customed, in general, to fix themselves in those parts is interrupted or disturbed by dreams ; the usual ex-
which are by nature weakest. Those, for example, cretions are checked, or increased in an unnatural
who have weak lungs, will be affected chiefly in that manner ; one has no inclination for labor, and is af-
part ; and every thing almost will give rise to a catarrh fected by headache, and a greater or less degree of
or disorder of the chest. If the stomach be weak, it coldness, which is followed by heat.
will be acted upon by every slight cause ; and indiges-
tion, crudity, and foulness of it will be the consequence. 4th. As soon as one perceives these symptoms,
If one is acquainted with these parts, one may contrib- nothing is so necessary as to lessen one's nourishment,
ute very much to the prevention of disease, and the which strengthens the disease, and to follow the benefi-
prolongation of life ; partly by guarding them against cent instinct of Nature, which every animal, to its great
morbific causes, and partly by strengthening them, and advantage, obeys on such occasions. Let the patient
depriving them of their too great sensibility. As much abstain from eating ; for Nature, by rejecting food,
depends, therefore, on acquiring the art how to dis- shows that she is incapable of digesting it ; and let him
cover the weakest parts of one's body, I shall give the drink a little more than usual, but only water, or some
following signs, which may be understood by those other light beverage. One ought also to be kept
even who are not physicians : Observe on what quiet ; to lie in the best position, for the lassitude suffi-
parts any mental shock, or violent affection, produces ciently shows that Nature requires her strength for
the greatest effect; for these are the weakest. If modifying the disease ; and one ought to avoid both
heat and cold, consequently should neither go out into
the open air, nor be shut up in a warm apartment.
These simple means, prescribed to us so clearly by

these causes immediately excite a cough or uneasy

sensation in the chest, the lungs are the part pointed QUALITIES OF A PHYSICIAN. 309
out ; if they occasion a compression of the stomach,
Nature herself, are capable, would we only listen to
her voice, of checking an infinite number of diseases in SELECTION OF A PHYSICIAN. 311
their very birth. Old Macklin, that veteran of the
London stage, who died in his 99th year, used to say, time a friend. One may be open-hearted with such a
that, when he found himself ill, during the long course man, and place confidence in him. He is acquainted
of his life, he always went to bed took nothing but with his patients, and observes them when in a state of
bread and water and that by this regimen he was health, which is of the utmost importance to enable him
generally relieved from every slight indisposition. I to treat them in a proper manner when attacked by
knew a respectable magistrate of fourscore, who, when disease. In short, he is strongly interested in their
indisposed, did nothing else than fast, smoke tobacco, condition, and will exert himself with more activity and
and observe the above rules ; by which means he had attention to restore their health, than the physician who
never occasion for medicine. acts merely in that capacity. People, therefore, ought
to do every thing in their power to unite themselves in
5th. If one has an opportunity of conversing with a the tenderest bonds of friendship with their physician ;
physician, he ought to be consulted, not so much and never to dissolve their intimacy by want of confi-
respecting prescriptions, as the state of one's body. dence, peevishness, pride, or any other impropriety of
Should such an opportunity be wanting, it is much bet- behavior, which is so often shown towards physicians,
ter to prevent by the negative method an increase of but always with more injury to the patient.
the disease, than to employ any thing positive, which
may perhaps do hurt. No medicine, indeed, ought to 10th. Be greatly on your gaurd against any physi-
be considered as a matter of indifference. Purgatives cian who prepares and employs secret medicines ; for
even, if used at an improper time, may be highly pre- he is either an interested man, who values his own
judicial. If my readers be desirous of knowing the advantage far above the lives and health of his patients,
most harmless, it is a teaspoonful of cream of tartar or an ignorant impostor ; and no impostor is more
stirred round in a glass of water; or the following destructive than he who deprives you, not only of your
draught, which certainly is one of the most general money, but also of your health. If a secret be of any
remedies for feverish disorders : Take half an ounce value, and useful to mankind, it should be the property
of cream of tartar, and boil it with six pounds of water, of the public, and ought to be made known for the gen-
in a new earihen pot, until the powder is wholly dis- eral benefit ; and he who discloses it is entitled without
solved. After it is taken from the fire, add to it an doubt to immortal honor. Those also who conceal
orange cut into slices, with from an ounce and a half to such remedies do injury to thousands ; because people
three ounces of sugar, according to taste, and then put cannot use them properly, not being well enough
it into bottles for use. This may serve as one's com- acquainted with them ; or because they cannot be pro-
mon beverage. cured in common, and be employed by a judicious phy-

llth. Nowhere, in general, ought one to be more


6th. Be ingenuous with your physician, and give

him a true account of your past life, so far as it may 312 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
relate to the disease ; and forget no unfavorable cir-
cumstance, especially when the case is stated in writ- attentive to morality of character than in the choice of
ing. Avoid, in particular, all reasoning on it, which is a physician ; for where is it more necessary ? If he to
a common fault, or of giving any representation accord- whom you blindly intrust your life, who is subject to
ing to a preconceived opinion, but relate merely what no tribunal but that of his conscience, and who, to dis-
you have observed in as unprejudiced a manner as charge in a complete manner the duty of his calling,
possible. must sacrifice all rest and pleasure, nay his own health
and life, if this man do not act according to the pure
7th. Make choice of a physician in whom you can principles of morality, but makes policy, as it is called,
place confidence, but none of those who deal in arcana, his motive, he is a detestable and dangerous character,
who are too talkative or inquisitive, who value them- and ought to be avoided with greater care than the
selves above others, or who endeavor to make the con- most destructive disease. A physician without morals
duct of others appear in a dubious light; for this is not a nonentity he is a monster.
always betrays ignorance, a bad head, or a bad heart ;
in short, none of those who are fond of prescribing 12th. If people, however, meet with an able and
strong powerful medicines, or who, according to the honest physician, they ought to intrust themselves to
common saying, will either cure or kill. him with full confidence. This will tend to make the
minds of the patients quiet, and be of great service to
8th. Avoid in particular a physician whose princi- assist the physician in effecting a cure. Many believe,
pal object in his practice is avarice or ambition. A that the more physicians they collect around them, the
real physician ought to have no objects but the health more certain they must be of relief ; but this is a gross
and preservation of his patients ; any others mislead error. I here speak from experience. One physician
him from the true path, and may be attended with the is better than two two than three and so on in
most prejudicial consequences to those who employ proportion. In the same ratio as physicians are
him. If he happen to be so situated with a case, that increased will the probability of cure decrease ; and
either his reputation or his pocket will suffer, if he in my opinion, there is a certain point of medical over-
venture any thing for the relief of his patient, he will loading, in which a cure is physically impossible.
certainly rather allow the patient to die than lose his Some cases, indeed, may occur, but very seldom, in
reputation. He will also be interested in the fate of which a disorder, by being secret or complex, may
his patients, in proportion to their rank and their require a consultation of several. One, however,
riches. ought to call in only those who are known to be
judicious men, and who will act in concert ; and to
9th. The best physician is he who is at the same employ such consultations for discovering and defining
the disease, and to form a plan of the method to be fol-
that one must resign life itself in order to avoid them.
We can, however, procure to our bodies a great degree
SELECTION OF A PHYSICIAN. 313 of immunity from them, and give it some properties by
which it will be put in such a condition as to sustain
lowed in the cure. The application of it should always little or no hurt from them when they approach it.
be permitted to one, and to that practitioner in whom There is, therefore, an objective and a subjective art of
people have the greatest confidence. guarding against the dangers of death ; and the latter is
that in which every one should endeavor to acquire a
13th. One ought carefully to observe the crises, or certain degree of perfection. In my opinion, it is neces-
helps and means of which Nature seems to be fondest, sary for the formation and education of man. The
and which she perhaps may have employed on former means are exceedingly simple.
occasions, and whether she is accustomed to assist her-
self by perspiration, diarrhoea, bleeding at the nose, or 1st. Endeavor to give to the body the utmost possible
otherwise. The same means one must endeavor to agility and readiness in all bodily exercises. A suffi-
promote in every disease of the like kind ; and such cient cultivation of the corporeal powers, by running,
information is of great importance to the physician. climbing, tumbling, swimming, walking on any narrow
ridge, etc. will be a great means of securing one from
14th. To pay attention to cleanliness is a precept dangerous accidents ; and were such a part of education
indispensably necessary to be observed in regard to more common, fewer people would lose their lives by
every disease ; for, by means of dirt, any disorder may drowning, falls, and other misfortunes of the like kind.
be converted into one putrid, and far more dangerous.
By neglecting this point, therefore, people injure not 2d. The judgment should be formed, and one's
only their friends and relations, but also the physician, knowledge rectified, by the study of natural philosophy,
who may thus be deprived of his own health. The and natural history, in regard to every pernicious pow-
patient's linen, on this account, ought to be changed er. To this belongs an acquaintance with the nature of
daily, but at the same time with some caution ; the air poisons ; the properties of lightning, and the means of
ought to be renewed in his apartment, and all offensive avoiding it ; the noxious quality and effects of mephitic
matters should be speedily conveyed from it. As few air, frost, etc. To give sufficient cautions on this sub-
people as possible should bfe suffered to continue in it ; ject, it would be necessary for me to write a whole
and all animals, flowers, remains of food, old clothes, treatise ; and I sincerely wish that some one would
and in short every thing that may produce evaporation, undertake such a work, and that it may be introduced
ought to be removed from it. into schools.

3d. Endeavor to render the mind intrepid ; to give it



Relief in cases where one is exposed to the danger of sudden strength and philosophical equanimity ; and accustom it
death. to sudden and unexpected events. This will be doubly
beneficial. One will thereby guard against the physical
injury of sudden and alarming impressions, and will
have more presence of mind to pursue the means proper
THERE are certain causes which, where the health is to be used in cases of sudden danger.
perfectly sound, and where one has the best capacity for
long life, may suddenly interrupt and destroy the vital 4th. Give to the body a sufficient degree of harden-
operation. I here allude to the violent causes of sudden ing against cold and heat, or any changes of the like
death ; and as to lessen these, or to render them harm- kind. Those who possess this property will be able to
less, is an important part of the art of preserving and brave death on many occasions, when others will be
prolonging life, I shall lay before my readers what in- obliged to submit to it.
formation may be necessary on the subject.
But, in regard to the danger of death actually existing :
To this head belong all violent kinds of death, which What is to be done in cases of drowning, hanging, suffo-
may be effected either by mechanical injuries, or organic cation, poisoning, or being struck with lightning, etc. ?
derangement ; and they may all be reduced to three Even here there are means by which persons appar-
classes. They either render the vital organs unfit for ently dead have been happily brought again to life ;
performing their functions ; destroy suddenly the vital and this is a part of medicine which every man should
power, as lightning, violent passion, and the greater part understand, for such accidents may occur to every one,
of poisons ; or they suddenly destroy vital irritability, and every thing depends on assistance being given
without the continual agency of which there could be no speedily. In cases of so much danger, each moment is
vital exertion. precious ; and the simplest means employed imme-
diately, may effect more than the whole wisdom of an
The method of counteracting these is twofold. One JEsculapius could half an hour later. He who first
can either guard against them or destroy their effect arrives when an accident has taken place should con-
after they have already begun to act. sider it as his duty to apply help instantaneously, and
carefully reflect that the life of an unfortunate being
I shall first speak of the means by which one can may depend on a minute sooner or later.
guard against them. It is impossible to keep at a dis-
tance all these causes ; for they are so connected with The violent kinds of death, in regard to their treat-
ment, may be divided into three classes.

The first class comprehends suffocation by hanging,

RELIEF IN CASES OP VIOLENT DEATH. 315 drowning, or foul air, and death, or the being struck by
lightning, with the mode of treatment. The first and
our life, and in particular with the employment of many,
5th. Rub with a cloth or flesh-brush the hands and
BELIEF IN CASES OF VIOLENT DEATH. 317 soles of the feet, the belly and the back : irritate the
sensible parts of the body, such as the soles of the feet
most effectual means in such cases are the follow-
ing :

1st. Be as expeditious as you can to draw the body SUSPENDED ANIMATION. 319
from the water, or to cut the rope, in a word, to remove
the cause of death. This alone is sufficient to save the and hollow of the hands, by friction with stimulating
unfortunate person, if it be done speedily ; but attention oils ; the nose and throat, by means of a feather, or by
to that point is too much neglected. In most places, holding to the nostrils, and dropping on the tongue,
apparatus is kept for giving relief in such cases ; but volatile spirit of ammonia, etc.
people in general are so slow in applying it, that one
might believe it intended rather for the funeral cere- 6th. Ad soon as signs of life begin to appear, pour a
mony, than for saving the life of a fellow-creature. I spoonful of good wine into the mouth ; and when the
am, therefore, fully convinced, that better machinery patient swallows it, repeat the same thing often. In
for dragging up the bodies of drowned persons would cases of necessity brandy may be used, but mixed with
be far more valuable than all the apparatus for restoring two-thirds of water.
suspended animation; and when one sees how unwil-
lingly and in how awkward a manner people undertake 7th. For those who have been struck by lightning,
this business, how averse they are to it, and what pre- the earth bath is to be recommended. The body may
judice prevails against it, one will not wonder that so be either laid, with the mouth open, against a spot of
few unfortunate persons should be saved in Germany. earth newly dug up, or fresh earth may be scraped
I must therefore entreat all governments to endeavor round it up to the neck.
to bring this part of the establishment for restoring life
to greater perfection ; and here I include rooting out If these simple means, which every one can anl
prejudice,* disputes respecting jurisdiction, the payment ought to use in regard to his fellow-citizens, when ex-
of the reward, and the punishment of voluntary delay. posed to the danger of sudden death, be speedily em-
ployed, they will be of more service than the most com-
2d. The body should be immediately stripped, and plete apparatus applied half an hour later ; and at any
rate the intermediate time will not be entirely lost, and
* Of this kind is the shameful dread of the dishonor and dis- the feeble vital spark may be prevented from being
grace which attend the touching of such unfortunate people ; tho totally extinguished.
diabolical superstition of many fishermen, that one must not draw
the body of a drowned person from the water before sunset, in In the second class is comprehended those who have
order that the fish may not be frightened away ; or that some been frozen. These require a mode of treatment
rivers must have an annual offering ; and other ideas of the like entirely different ; for by warmth they would be des-
kind, which prevail among the vulgar much more than one might troyed altogether. Nothing further is to be done than
imagine. to immerse them in snow up to the head ; or to place
them in a bath of the coldest water that can be pro-
cured without being frozen. Here life will return of
itself; and as soon as any signs of it appear, give the
318 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. patients a little warm tea with wine, and put them to
every endeavor should be made, as speedily as possible,
to excite in it a general warmth. Heat is the first and
most general stimulus of life. The same means which
Nature employs to quicken life in the beginning, are 320 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
also the most powerful to produce life a second time.
The best thing for that purpose is the tepid bath ; but The third class contains those who have been poi-
if this cannot be had, the patient may be covered with soned. It is here to be observed, that we are in pos-
warm sand, ashes, or thick blankets in a bed ; and hot session of two invaluable remedies, proper for any
stones should be applied to various parts of the body. poison, which may be everywhere found, and which
Without these means, all others will be of little avail ; require no previous acquaintance with medicine I
and it is much better to warm thoroughly persons ap- mean milk and oil. By the help of these only, the most
parently dead, than to use cupping, friction, or the like, dreadful of all the kinds of poisoning, that by arsenic,
and at the same time to suffer them to become stiff with has been cured. Both of them answer the principal
cold. object, which is to expel the poison, or to destroy its
power. Let persons therefore, who have been poi-
3d. To convey air into the lungs is the next process soned, drink as much milk as they can (if it in part
in point of importance, and may be connected with the comes up again, so much the better) ; and let them,
excitation of heat. It is, indeed, most beneficial when every quarter of an hour, take a cupful of oil of any
it is done with oxygen gas by means of a pipe and a sort ; for it is all the same whether it be oil of linseed,
pair of bellows. But in urgent cases, and to save pre- almonds, poppies, or common oil. If it be known with
cious time, it will be sufficient if one presses on the chest certainty that the poison is arsenic, corrosive sublimate,
so as to expel the air which it contains, and then, by or any other metallic salt, dissolve soap in water, and
withdrawing the pressure, allows it to expand by its let the patient swallow it. This will be sufficient till a
own elasticity, and thus fill the lungs with air. This physician arrive, and will often render his assistance
should be done with regularity, so as to imitate ordinary unnecessary.

4th. Let fall now and then, from a certain height,

drops of frigid water or wine on the pit of the stomach. CHAPTER XVIII.
This sometimes has given the first stimulus to restore
the motion of the heart. Old age. Proper treatment of it.
old age is so imperfect, and which therefore produces
OLD age, though the natural consequence of living,, an impurity of the juices, that accelerates death. Upon
and the commencement of death, can itself, on the these are grounded the following rules :
other hand, be a means for prolonging our existence.
It does not, however, increase the power to live, but it 1st. As the natural heat of the body decreases in old
retards its being exhausted ; and one may thus affirm, age, one must endeavor to support and increase it ex-
that a man in the last period of life, at the time when ternally as much as possible. Warm clothing, warm
his powers are lessened, would, were he not old, finish apartments and beds, heating nourishment, and, when
his career sooner. it can be done, removal to a warmer climate, are all
means, therefore, that contribute greatly to the prolon-
This position, which appears to be somewhat para- gation of life.
doxical, is confirmed by the following explanation :
Man, during the period of old age, has a much smaller 2nd. The food must be easy of digestion, rather
provision of vital power, and much less capacity for fluid than solid ; abundant in concentrated nourish-
restoration. If he lived with the same activity and ment ; and at the same time much more stimulating
vigor as before, this provision would be much sooner than would be advisable at an earlier period. Warm,
exh^isted, and death would soon be the consequence. strong, and well-seasoned soups, are, therefore, bene-
Now the character of age lessens the natural irritability ficial to old age ; and also tender roast meat, nutritive
and sensibility of the body, by which the effects of in- vegetables, good nourishing beer, and, above all, oily
ternal as well as external irritation, and consequently generous wine, free from acid, earthy and watery par-
the exertion and wasting of the powers, are also les- ticles, etc., such as Tokay, Spanish, Cyprus, and Cape
sened ; and, on this account, as consumption is less, he wines. Wine of this kind is one of the most excellent
can with such a stock of powers hold out much longer. stimulants of life, and that best suited to old age. It
The decrease of the intensity of the vital processes, as does not inflame, but nourishes and strengthens : it is
age increases, prolongs therefore vital duration. milk for old people.

Irritability being thus lessened, lessens also the effect 3d. The tepid bath is exceedingly well calculated to
21 increase the natural heat, to promote excretion, partic-
ularly of the skin, and to lessen the aridity and stiffness
of the whole frame.

322 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE. 4th. Guard against all violent evacuations, such as
letting blood, unless when required by particular cir-
of pernicious impressions and morbid causes, such as
the passions, overheating, etc.; it preserves likewise
much greater quietness and uniformity in the internal
economy, and in that manner secures the body from 324 MEANS WHICH PROLONG LIFE.
many diseases. It is observed that, for this reason
also, old people are much less attacked by infectious cumstances; strong purging, exciting perspiration by
disorders than those who are young. too much heat, indulging in excesses of any kind.
These exhaust the few powers still remaining, and
To this may be added the habit of living, which, increase aridity.
without doubt, in the latter period of one's days, con-
tributes to the support of life. An animal operation, People, with increasing years, should accustom them-
which one has carried on so long, always in the same selves more and more to a certain order in all the vital
order and succession, becomes at last so customary that operations. Eating, drinking, motion, and rest, the
it continues through habit when the action of other evacuations, and employment, must have their deter-
causes ceases. It is often astonishing how the greatest mined periods and succession. Such mechanical order
debility of age will hold out, provided every thing and regularity, at this season of life, may contribute
remain in its usual order and succession. The spirit- greatly to the prolongation of it.
ual man is sometimes actually dead; and yet the
vegetative, the man-plant, still continues to live; but 6th. The body, however, must have exercise, but not
for the latter, indeed, much less is necessary. To this violent or exhausting. That which is rather passive
habit of life it is owing also that a man, the older he will be the best, such as riding in a carriage, and fre-
grows, becomes still fonder of existence. quent friction of the whole skin, for which sweet-scent-
ed and strong ointments may be employed with great
If old age, therefore, be properly treated and sup- advantage, in order to lessen the rigidity of the skin, and
ported, it can be employed, in some measure, . as a to preserve it in a state of softness. Violent bodily
means of prolonging life ; but as this requires devia- shocks must in particular be avoided. These, in gene-
tions from the general laws, I consider it necessary to ral, lay a foundation for the first cause of death.
give the rules proper to be observed.
7th. A pleasant frame of mind, and agreeable em-
The principal points in this treatment are, that one ployment for it, are here of uncommon utility ; but vio-
must always endeavor to lessen and soften the increas- lent passions, which might derange it, and which in old
ing dryness and rigidity of the vessels, which at length age may occasion instant death, ought to be avoided.
occasion a complete stoppage- of the whole machine; That serenity and contentment which are excited by
that nourishment and restoration of what has been lost domestic felicity, by the pleasant review of a life
must be facilitated as much as possible ; that stronger spent not in vain, and by a consoling prospect of the
future even on this side the grave, are the most salu-
tary. The frame of mind best fitted and most bene-
.ficial to old age, is that produced by intercourse with
TREATMENT OF OLD AGE. 323 -children and young people. Their innocent pastime
and youthful frolics have something which tend, as it
irritation must be given to the body, because the natu-
ral irritability is so much weakened ; and that one must
promote excretion of the corrupted particles, which in
It secures us against those destructive and life-short-
were, to renovate and revive. Hope, and extending ening causes which deprive many savages of their ex-
our views of life, are in particular noble assistants for istence ; such as cold, heat, the influence of the weather,
this purpose. New proposals, new plans and under- hunger, poisonous and pernicious substances, etc.
takings, which, however, must be attended witn noth-
ing dangerous, or that can create uneasiness, in a By reason and moral formation, it moderates and
word the means of continuing life longer in idea, may regulates the passionate and merely animal part within
even contribute something towards the physical pro- us ; teaches us to support misfortunes, injuries, and the
longation of it. We find, therefore, that old people are like ; and, by these means, moderates the too violent
impelled to this as if by internal instinct. They begin and active vital consumption, which would soon destroy
to build houses, to lay out gardens, etc. ; and seem, us.
in this little self-deception, by which they imagine they
secure life, to find an uncommon degree of pleasure.


CHAPTER XIX. It is the foundation of social and political connections,

by which mutual aid laws and police establishments*'
Cultivation of the mental and bodily powers. become possible ; and these have a mediate effect in
prolonging life.
IT is only by culture that man acquires perfection.
If he is desirous of enjoying the preeminence of human Lastly, it makes us acquainted with a multitude of
nature, his spiritual as well as his physical powers must convenience and means for rendering life more agree-
obtain a certain degree of expansion, refinement, and able ; which are, indeed, less necessary in youth, but
exaltation. In a rude and uncultivated state he is not a which are of the utmost importance in old age. Nour-
man : he is only a savage animal, who has certain dispo- ishment refined by the art of cookery, exercise made
sitions which fit him for becoming a man ; but as long as easier by artificial helps, more perfect refreshment and
these dispositions are not expanded by culture, he is rest, are all advantages by which man in a cultivated
raised, neither physically nor morally, above the other state can support life much longer in old age, than man
classes of animals in the like situation. The essential in the rude state of nature.
part of man which he possesses is his susceptibility of
perfection ; and his whole organization is so ordered From this it already appears what degree and what
that he may either become nothing or every thing. kind of culture are necessary in order to prolong life
those which physically, as well as morally, have for
The influence, therefore, which culture has in bring- their object the highest possible formation of our powers,
ing to perfection the physical man, as well as in pro- but which are always regulated by that supreme moral
longing life, is highly worthy of attention. It is gen- law, to which every thing, to be good, suited to its end,
erally believed that all cultivation tends to weaken and and really beneficial, must have a relation.
to shorten physical existence ; but this is the case only
in regard to the extreme, for hyperculture, which makes
man too delicate and refined, is as pernicious and un-
natural as the other extreme, want of cultivation, when THE END.
the faculties are not, or have been too little, expanded.
33 y both these, the duration of life is shortened. Nei-
ther the man, therefore, who by culture has become too


tender, or who leads too sensual or too spiritual a life,

nor the rude savage, ever attains to that term of life
which man is actually capable of reaching. On the
other hand, a proper and suitable degree of mental and
bodily culture, and, in particular, a harmonic formation
of all the powers, is, as has been already shown, abso-
lutely requisite, before man can attain to that preemi-
nence over animals, in his physical state and vital dura-
tion, of which he is really susceptible.

It is well worth the trouble to examine and explain

more accurately the influence which real culture has in
prolonging life, and to establish how far it differs from
that which is false. In lengthening our existence it acts
in the following manner :

It expands the organs to perfection, and consequently

renders life richer as well as fuller of enjoyment ; and
occasions more abundant restoration. How many means
of restoration, unknown to the savage, has the man who
possesses a cultivated mind !

It renders the whole texture of the body somewhat

softer and tenderer ; consequently lessens that too great
hardness which impedes duration of life.

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