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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 3 4 February-62 A Chartered Flight Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 5 5 February-62 Ballot Tabulation
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 6 6 February-62 A Message from the Board of Trustees Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 7 7 February-62 Why Not Panchax Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 8 10 February-62 Remarks on the Identification of Three Aphyosemions Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 11 11 February-62 Flash... Just in from New York City
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 12 12 February-62 Help for Beginning Killie fanciers
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 12 12 February-62 A few remarks on sending eggs
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 12 12 February-62 Egg listings start in March
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 13 13 February-62 Let's support the AKA
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 13 13 February-62 Our new Roster
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 13 14 February-62 Editorially speaking
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 14 15 February-62 George Maier addresses Chicago Group
Killie Notes 1 1 1962 15 15 February-62 Wamted for research Purposes -Cubanichthys cubanensis Neal R. Foster
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 3 4 March-62 Report from your Board of Trustees Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 5 7 March-62 The Egg Bank (N. rachovii ) Edward B. Seligman
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 8 11 March-62 Killifish exchanges Revolutionized Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 12 13 March-62 How Cynolebias ladigesi Got It's Name Dr. Stanley H. Weitzman
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 13 13 March-62 Neal Foster designs new AKA emblem
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 13 13 March-62 Attention photographers the AKA needs you
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 14 14 March-62 AKA interested in other killifish articles
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 16 16 March-62 EGG LISTINGS DEADLINE IS APRIL 16TH
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 16 16 March-62 RAPHAEL IS A MISTER!
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 16 17 March-62 Bew Members
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 17 17 March-62 BEGINNING MEMBERS WANT SPONSORS
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 18 18 March-62 A NOTE FROM YOUR NEW SPECIES CHAIRMEN .
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 19 19 March-62 WE GET LETTERS AND LETTERS AND LETTERS
Killie Notes 1 2 1962 19 19 March-62 Neal Foster designs new AKA emblem
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 3 7 May-62 Board of Trustees report
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 7 9 May-62 The Research and Development Committee
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 10 12 May-62 New Species Program Explained
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 12 14 May-62 Infusoria Culture George J. Maier
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 12 14 May-62 AKA Holds First Show in Chicago
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 14 15 May-62 Lone Female AKA Official sets a fast pace
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 15 17 May-62 Roster Address Changes
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 18 19 May-62 Egg Exchange
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 20 21 May-62 Oregon member seeks answer to water problem
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 21 22 May-62 R & D tests
Author: W. A. Van Doorn
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 22 22 May-62 Temperature vs. Sex Ratio Data for Epiplatys Chaperi
Abstracter: Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 22 22 May-62 Abstracted from:
Killie Notes 1 3 1962 22 22 May-62 Library of Congress wants Killie Notes

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 3 4 July-62 Board of Trustees report
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 3 4 July-62 Our Hobby 50 years Ago Richard Buttner
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 4 5 July-62 AKA UNOFFICIAL ARTIST
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 6 9 July-62 An Aphyosemion from Ghana ( A. walkeri) E. G. Edwards
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 10 11 July-62 Experiments with Eggs of Nothobranchius guentheri Bob Criger
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 12 13 July-62 Rachovia splendens Imported by the AKA Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 13 15 July-62 Natural Sources of Soft, Acid Water Neal R. Foster
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 16 18 July-62 The Meaning of pH J. N. Adams
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 18 24 July-62 A Method of .. Raising Brine Shrimp.. To Maturity Ron Gafrick
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 24 25 July-62 Status Report Egg Bank Committee Dr. Edward B. Seligman, Jr.
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 25 26 July-62 Calling All Killifish Photographers
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 26 27 July-62 Killifish Exchanges
Killie Notes 1 4 1962 28 28 July-62 Address Changes/ Roster Supplement Published
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 3 3 September-62 Report of Board of trustees
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 4 6 September-62 Sometimes Called… A Problem Fish Aphyosemion calabaricum Edward Bishoff
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 6 8 September-62 A Report Regarding the PropagatIon Committee Richard Haas
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 8 9 September-62 The International Corner
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 10 16 September-62 Killies Coast to Coast Rich Blanc
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 17 18 September-62 Observations on Aphyosemion christyi Franz Werner
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 18 20 September-62 Males vs. Females...A Test Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 20 22 September-62 AKA Approaches 250 members
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 23 23 September-62 AKA MEMBERS MOVE AROUND!
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 23 24 September-62 N.OVEMBER 1ST DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 24 26 September-62 Killifish Exchange
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 24 26 September-62 AN AKA BONUS COMING IN JANUARY
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 27 27 September-62 1963 DUES CAN BE PAID AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST
Killie Notes 1 5 1962 27 27 September-62 Flash - Convention report
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 3 4 November-62 Report of Board of trustees
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 4 6 November-62 Election Deadline is December 31st
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 6 8 November-62 A Dirge for the Passing of Panchax Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 8 9 November-62 Aphyosemion beauforti Waly Hafelin
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 10 11 November-62 Another Food for your Killies - Micro-Worms Josephine White
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 11 24 November-62 When's the next auctioe!
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 11 12 November-62 MISTER KILLIFISH-George J. Maier
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 12 14 November-62 LEE KUHN
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 14 17 November-62 And We Grow Some More!
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 17 17 November-62 Address Change for Chairman
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 18 20 November-62 Killifish Exchange
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 18 21 November-62 ATTENTION STATISTICAL BUGS!
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 21 22 November-62 THANKS FOR THE BOOST!
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 23 23 November-62 WHO'S GONNA BUY THE STEAK DINNERS?
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 23 23 November-62 HONORARY MEM,BERS DISTINGUISH AKA
Killie Notes 1 6 1962 24 24 November-62 LAST CALL FOR 1963 DUES

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 2 1 1963 3 4 Winter issue From the Editor's Desk Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 2 1 1963 5 7 Winter issue The Killie Letters of Joergen Scheel (part 1)
Killie Notes 2 1 1963 8 12 Winter issue The Christyi-Cognatum Problem Revisited Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 2 1 1963 12 14 Winter issue Book Review Department (Title: Exotic Tropical fishes, Authors: Axelrod et al)
Killie Notes 2 1 1963 15 16 Winter issue The International Corner Edited by Edward F. Duffy
Sylvan Cohen, M. D. and Richard
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 3 5 Spring issue Tuberculosis in Killifish
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 5 6 Spring issue From the Editor's desk Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 7 9 Spring issue Killifish Identification Professor George S. Myers
E. Roloff, Hon. Member, AKA
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 10 13 Spring issue Auf Fischfang in Westafrika
(translated b Franz Werner)
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 13 14 Spring issue Some Advice to Beginners Franz Werner
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 14 17 Spring issue Fundulus cingulatus - The Banded Topminnow Neal R. Foster
Killie Notes 2 2 1963 17 20 Spring issue The Must Peculiar Killie ( Pantanodon podoxys ) Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 3 3 Summer issue From the Editor's Desk
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 3 4 Summer issue Siamese Twins Found in Rachovia brevis
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 4 5 Summer issue Something For Nothing.. .A Scotsman’s Approach to Better Feeding Henry Pinda
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 5 6 Summer issue Speaking of Breeding... Franz Werner
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 6 9 Summer issue A History of Aquarium Killifishes Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 10 13 Summer issue Breeding Our AKA Emblem Fish” Bob Criger
Book Review Department (Title: Argentine Pearl Fish, Author: Dr. Enrique Boachi
Killie Notes 2 3 1963 13 16 Summer issue translated by William Vorderwinkler
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 3 4 Fall Issue From the Editor's Desk
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 5 6 Fall Issue A New Killifish from the Congo Walt Hafelin, Austria
Highlights in Spawning Two Annuals (Pterolebias longipinnis and Nothobranchius
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 6 9 Fall Issue Henry Pinda
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 9 10 Fall Issue Killie Keeping... Around the World Edward P. Duffy
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 10 10 Fall Issue I Throw in the Sponge! Ray W. Ingham
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 11 11 Fall Issue The Use of Sterile Water for Hatching Eggs Jim Walker
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 12 13 Fall Issue My Introduction to Pachypanchax playfairii C. E. Baker
Book Review Department (Title: Freshwater Fishes of the World, Author: Dr. Guenther (translated by Dr. Denys W.
Killie Notes 2 4 1963 13 15 Fall Issue
Sterba Tucker))

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 1 1 1964 3 7 Spring Nothobranchius and Barbus Species: Indigenous Anti-Malarial Fish in East Africa F. L. Vanderplank
JAKA 1 1 1964 7 9 Spring Killifish Out of Water Fraser Tulk
JAKA 1 1 1964 9 13 Spring A Killifish Novelty. Mexican Style Albert J. Klee
JAKA 1 1 1964 13 14 Spring A Turkish Killifish Ron Zipay
JAKA 1 1 1964 14 15 Spring From the Editor's Desk
JAKA 1 2 1964 3 5 Summer A New Killifish from the Congo John Pafenyk
JAKA 1 2 1964 6 11 Summer Studies on South American Fresh Water Fishes George S. Myers
JAKA 1 2 1964 11 13 Summer Hybridization in Killifishes Henry Pinda
Dr. K. H. Luling (translated by
JAKA 1 2 1964 13 16 Summer Is Pterolebias peruensis a True Annual Fish?
Edward Duffy)
JAKA 1 3 1964 3 4 Fall Variations on a Personal Theme... Aphyosemion Australe Clarence Knepper
JAKA 1 3 1964 4 7 Fall Studies on South American Fresh Water Fishes George S. Myers
JAKA 1 3 1964 7 14 Fall A Review of the Elegans Complex Albert J. Klee
JAKA 1 3 1964 14 16 Fall Fungus or Saprolegnia Infestation of Incubating Fish Eggs Ken Wolf, Bacteriologist
Johannes Franz (translated by
JAKA 2 1 1965 3 5 Spring Aphyosemion cinnamomeum - The Cinnamon Killie
George Maier)
JAKA 2 1 1965 5 5 Spring Soft - Egg Disease of Fishes Ken Wolf
JAKA 2 1 1965 6 6 Spring A Killifish Classic - Aplocheilus panchax Richard Buttner
JAKA 2 1 1965 7 8 Spring Effect of Salt on Hardness Analyses of Aquarium Water R. I. Llndberg
JAKA 2 1 1965 8 9 Spring Cures for Velvet Joanne Norton
JAKA 2 1 1965 9 15 Spring The Killifish Egg Albert J. Klee
JAKA 2 2 1965 3 5 Fall Cynolebias in the Wild Isaac Sternshein, Argentina
Two New Cyprinodontidate Forms (Aplocheilus panchax dorsomarginatus and Dr. Wolfgang Klausewitz (translated
JAKA 2 2 1965 6 8 Fall
Aplocheilichthys maculatus) by Edward Duffy)
JAKA 2 2 1965 9 9 Fall Aphyosemion calabaricum Changes its Name from J. J. Scheel
JAKA 2 2 1965 9 10 Fall Sponge Method of Incubating Killie Eggs Samuel F. Wineberg
JAKA 2 2 1965 11 16 Fall A Quick Review of Nothobranchius Albert J. Klee
JAKA 2 3 1965 3 5 Winter Cynolebias ladigesi Roy Anderson
JAKA 2 3 1965 6 8 Winter Notes on the Biology of a Salt Marsh Killifish, Cyprinodon variegatus Dean M. Fanara
JAKA 2 3 1965 8 10 Winter Observations on Cyp. variegatus, F. heteroclitus Habitat
JAKA 2 3 1965 11 12 Winter The Sheepshead Minnow Heart Fluke Robert J. Goldstein
JAKA 2 3 1965 13 15 Winter A Vapor Laden Atmosphere for Killifish Eggs Joseph Jeffers Daly
JAKA 2 3 1965 14 15 Winter Listing of African Killifish
JAKA 2 3 1965 16 19 Winter A New Aquarium Rivulid from Suriname (Rivulus agilae) Albert J. Klee

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 2 3 1965 20 20 Winter Contents
JAKA 3 1 1966 1 1 Spring Contents
JAKA 3 1 1966 3 7 Spring Annual Fishes - Promising Species as Biological Control Agents W. H. Hildemann and R. L. Walford
JAKA 3 1 1966 8 11 Spring Argulus Parasitic on Killifish Dr. Harry C. Yeatman
JAKA 3 1 1966 11 11 Spring The Oxygenator Technique for Early Incubation of Soil-Breeder Eggs Joseph J. Daly
Description of Three New Species of Aphyosemion Myers From Nigeria and Cameroun (A.
JAKA 3 1 1966 12 18 Spring H. Stenholt Clausen
nigerianum, A. cinnamomeum, and A. rubrifascium)
JAKA 3 2 1966 19 23 Summer Identification of Two Rivulus Species (R. holmiae and R. micropus) Albert J Klee
JAKA 3 2 1966 24 25 Summer Aphanius Mento Roy Anderson
Raul Vaz-Ferreira and Susana
JAKA 3 2 1966 25 29 Summer Reproductive Ecology and Behavior in Fishes of the Genus Cynolebias
Scaglia de Paulete (Uruguay)
JAKA 3 2 1966 29 30 Summer Preparation of Refrigerator Liners Ronan McDonald
A New Record and Preliminary Observations of the Teleost ( Pantanodon podoxys Myers
JAKA 3 2 1966 31 32 Summer Bruce J. Turner
(Atheriniforme a: Cyprinodontidae)
JAKA 3 2 1966 33 33 Summer “Cyprinodont Summaries” Eric Friese
JAKA 3 2 1966 33 36 Summer “A Nevada Killifish, Empetrichthys merriami ” Gene Chesley
JAKA 3 3 1966 37 39 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3 The Care and Breeding of the Golden Pheasant, Aphyosemion Sjoestedti Robert F. Yacano
JAKA 3 3 1966 40 41 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3 Mosquito Control by Species of Aphyosemion, with Notes on the Production of Live Food Col. J. J. Scheel
Raymond Head and John L.
JAKA 3 3 1966 42 46 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3 The Killifish Literature of Popular American Periodicals
JAKA 3 3 1966 46,53 47,54 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3 Name Changes Robert J. Goldstein (why and how)
JAKA 3 3 1966 48 51 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3 Rivulus Marmoratus, a Rare and Unusual Killifish From Florida Jamie E. Thomerson
Book Review (Title: Tropical Aquarium Fish - Their Habits and Breeding Behavior, Author: translated by Alfred Leutscher),
JAKA 3 3 1966 51 52 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3
A. van den Nieuwenhuizen, review by David Gomberg
JAKA 3 3 1966 52 53 Winter 1966 Volume 3, Number 3 CYPRINODONT SUMMARIES Eric Friese

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
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JAKA 4 1 1967 1 Spring 1967 Volume 4, Number 1 Epiplatys Annulatus - The Ringed Killie Walter Foersch
4 1 1967 5 5 Spring 1967 Volume 4, Number 1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
JAKA 4 1 1967 5 8 Spring 1967 Volume 4, Number 1 The Identification of Aquarium Strains of Aphyosemion: A. Striatum or A. Lujae ? J. J. Scheel
South American Cyprinodont Fishes Allied to Cynolebias with the Description of a New by Stanley H. Weitzman and John P.
JAKA 4 1 1967 6 18 Spring 1967 Volume 4, Number 1
Species of Austrofundulus From Venezuela Wourms
JAKA 4 1 1967 19 20 Spring 1967 Volume 4, Number 1 Cyprinodont Summaries Eric Friese
JAKA 4 2 1967 21 24 Summer On the Identity of the ‘Achilles’ Rivulus Alert J. Klee
JAKA 4 2 1967 25 27 Summer Incubation of Nothobranchius Eggs Joseph F. Ricco
JAKA 4 2 1967 28 30 Summer Why do the Scientific Names of Species of Fishes Become Changed? E. Roloff
JAKA 1967 30 31 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 4 2 1967 31 33 Summer Cyprinodont Summaries (Aphanius species) Eric Friese
Georgi Kovchazov and Kostadin
JAKA 4 2 1967 34 26 Summer Laboratory and Field Studies of Exotic, Larvivorous Annual Fishes at Varna, Bulgaria
Letters to the Editor in answer to the article on the “Achilles” Rivulus in the summer 1967
JAKA 4 3 1967 38 40 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3
Issue by J. J. Scheel, Albert J. Klee, and George S. Myers
JAKA 4 3 1967 41 44 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3 Aphyosemions. Their Way of Life and Their Usefulness E. Roloff
JAKA 4 3 1967 45 45 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3 Cyprinodont Summaries
Senora Guillermina L. de Macphail
JAKA 4 3 1967 46 49 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3 The Argentine Pearl Fish, Cynolebias Bellottii Steindachner, 1881
JAKA 4 3 1967 49 49 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3 Latin and Greek Words: Roots of Technical words
Johannes Franz (Germany)
JAKA 4 3 1967 50 52 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3 Aphyosemion Exiguum (Boulenger) and Aphyosemion Bualanum (Ahl)
(translated by George J. Maier)
JAKA 4 3 1967 53 54 Winter 1967 Volume 4, Number 3 Latin and Greek Words: Roots of Technical words -comtd.
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 3 4 December 1968 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 5 6 December 1968 Meet your Officers
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 6 13 December 1968 Committee Treports and Functions
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 11 11 December 1968 Another New Species— Austrofundulus U—68 Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 14 14 December 1968 The Beginning of the AKA
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 14 14 December 1968 FROM THE EDITORS
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 15 17 December 1968 Spawning Austrofundulus dolichopterus Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 1 1 1968 17 18 December 1968 Fish Keeping in Argentina Gerda Macpail

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
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Description of a new Species of Nothobranchius Peters from Malawi (Nyasaland). East
JAKA 5 1 1968 1 3 Spring 1968 Volume 5, Number 1 Robert J. Goldstein
JAKA 5 1 1968 4 7 Spring 1968 Volume 5, Number 1 New Techniques for Spawning Killifishes and Incubation Eggs August A. Anderson
Book Review (Title: Enjoy Your Killifish, Author: Bruce J. Turner (2) and John Pafenyk) B. L. Middlebrooks, Ph.D.
JAKA 5 1 1968 7 8 Spring 1968 Volume 5, Number 1
(Title: Tropical Old World Cyprinodonts. Author: H. Stenholt Clausen) Robert J. Goldstein
JAKA 5 1 1968 8 10 Spring 1968 Volume 5, Number 1 Cyprinodont Summaries
JAKA 5 1 1968 10 13 Spring 1968 Volume 5, Number 1 Latin and Greek words: Roots of Technical words (cont.)
JAKA 5 1 1968 13 13 Spring 1968 Volume 5, Number 1 Errata
A Review of Aplocheilichthys Macrophthalmus Melnken, 1932 (Teleostomi:
JAKA 5 2 1968 14 23 Fall Col. J. J. Scheel
Cyprinodontidae: Procatopodinae)
JAKA 5 2 1968 24 25 Fall Killifish Literature Supplement Joe Anascavage
JAKA 5 2 1968 25 25 Fall Cyprinodont Summaries
JAKA 5 2 1968 26 27 Fall Letters to the Editor
JAKA 5 2 1968 28 31 Fall Cynolebias viarius , the Blue Pearl Fish Robert J. Goldstein
JAKA 6 1 1969 1 4 Winter Redescription of Epiplatys chevalieri R. J. Goldstein
JAKA 6 1 1969 5 7 Winter Oryzias minutillus Smith 1945. A Little-Known Dwarf Killifish From Thailand J. J. Scheel
Notes on the Taxonomy of Austrofundulus Dolichopterus and Other ~ Annual Rivuline
JAKA 6 1 1969 8 16 Winter J.J. Scheel
Species of the New World
Field and Aquarium Observations on Chriopeoides pengelleyi Fowler.1939, the Jamaican
JAKA 6 1 1969 17 25 Winter Neal H. Foster
Spawning Behavior and Growth Rates of Two Annual Cyprinodonts, Pterolebias zonatus
JAKA 6 2 1969 26 28 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2 Joseph F. Ricco
and Cynolebias wolterstorffi
JAKA 6 2 1969 29 30 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2 A Note on Aplocheilichthys cf. macrophthalmus J.J. Scheel
JAKA 6 2 1969 30 30 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2 LETTERS
JAKA 6 2 1969 31 32 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2 Cyprinodont Summaries
JAKA 6 2 1969 33 36 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2 Photography of Small Fishes R. J Goldstein
JAKA 6 2 1969 37 39 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2 A New and Different Breeding Tank for Peat Divers Steve Sellers
The Biology of Epiplatys bifasciatus (Steindachner, 1881)) (Teleostomi: Cyprinodontidae: Paul V. Loiselle (Republique
JAKA 6 2 1969 40 63 Summer 1969 Volume 6, Number 2
Rivulinae) in Southern Toga Togolaise

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 2 1 1969 3 6 January 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 1 1969 6 8 January 1969 Meet your Officers - Pete Tirbak
Killie Notes 2 1 1969 8 16 January 1969 The Killifishes of Fernando Poo Joergen J. Scheel
Killie Notes 2 1 1969 17 19 January 1969 Committee Reports
Killie Notes 2 1 1969 18 18 January 1969 FROM THE EDITORS HOBBY OR BUSINESS????
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 3 7 February 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 8 9 February 1969 Meet Your Officers - George Maier
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 10 10 February 1969 Cynolebias wolterstorffi (AHL - 1924) David Bella
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 11 12 February 1969 A. Cinnamomeum, Some Random Thoughts Robert F. Yacano
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 13 14 February 1969 A New Aphyosemion From the Congo Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 14 15 February 1969 More Words on Walnut Shells Fran Clifford
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 16 16 February 1969 An Important Note on the Sandy Longfin, U–67 Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 17 18 February 1969 Water Incubation and Oxygen Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 18 18 February 1969 From the Editors
Killie Notes 2 2 1969 18 18 February 1969 Tape Program report
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 3 7 March 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 7 7 March 1969 Meet your Officer- Augie Braun
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 8 12 March 1969 An Old Hybrid Revisited ( A. jonklassi. A. dayi, and A. lineatus ) Thomas L, Cahalan
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 12 12 March 1969 From the Editors
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 12 13 March 1969 Comb Out Those Eggs Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 13 13 March 1969 Sick Fish Wanted
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 14 15 March 1969 Progress Report from Hawaii on Mosquito Control and N. Guentheri Glenn Takeshita
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 17 18 March 1969 Fish Rooms, Inc. Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 19 21 March 1969 A Beginnetr's Story Graham Sisson
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 22 23 March 1969 Information on Aphyosemion ‘Ruwenzori’ ( A. filamentosum ) Robert J. Goldstein
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 23 23 March 1969 Boulenger's Catalog
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 23 23 March 1969 Two Associate Edotors for JAKA Needed
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 24 24 March 1969 Tape Ptgram
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 24 24 March 1969 Publication Service Committee
Killie Notes 2 3 1969 24 24 March 1969 Pronunciation record
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 3 4 April 1969 In Memoriam - William T. Innes
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 5 9 April 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 9 10 April 1969 A New Killifish from Sierra Leone (Rol. sp. SL–29) Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 10 14 April 1969 Fish from Mud ( Cyn. nigripinnis and Cyn. adloffi ) Werner Nowak
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 15 15 April 1969 From the Editors
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 15 15 April 1969 New Mailing Date
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 16 16 April 1969 AKA Convention 1969
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 17 18 April 1969 Bacterial Disease of Killifish Surface Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 18 19 April 1969 Tape Program report
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 19 19 April 1969 Flash
Killie Notes 2 4 1969 19 19 April 1969 Information Wanted
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 3 3 May 1969 From the Editors
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 4 6 May 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 7 8 May 1969 Meet your Officers
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 9 10 May 1969 A Safe & Easy Way to Grow Mosquito Larvae Joseph Trusso
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 10 13 May 1969 More Information from Hawaii (concerning seeding sites of Noth. guentheri) James Ikeda
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 13 14 May 1969 Something on Shipping Containers Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 15 15 May 1969 New Species Committee Bulletin Roger Hoelter
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 16 17 May 1969 Another New Killifish ( Aphy. duboisi ) Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 18 19 May 1969 A New Way to Breed Blue Gularis? Bob McClew
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 19 19 May 1969 1969 Convention News
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 20 21 May 1969 Aphyosemion fallax Francis George Clifford
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 21 21 May 1969 Scheel's Book
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 22 23 May 1969 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 2 5 1969 23 23 May 1969 Pubications Service Committee
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 3 4 June 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 4 4 June 1969 Judging Standards
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 4 5 June 1969 Bew Species
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 5 5 June 1969 Publications
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 5 5 June 1969 Native American Species
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 5 6 June 1969 Species Maintenance
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 6 9 June 1969 Index III
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 9 10 June 1969 In Memoriam— Franz Warner
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 11 18 June 1969 ROLOFF AND MYERS TO HEADLINE 1969 CONVENTION!
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 13 16 June 1969 Commercial KilIies Stan Hill and Bob Yacano (part 1)
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 18 18 June 1969 ANNOUNCEMENT - PHOTO CONTEST
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 19 19 June 1969 RICKEY'S HYATT HOUSE
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 20 21 June 1969 Remarks on Breeding P. annulatus J. M. Arredondo (Spain)
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 22 23 June 1969 Testing Some insulating Materials Joan Glascock
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 24 25 June 1969 Meet Your Officers - Bob Goldstein GrahamSisson
Killie Notes 2 6 1969 26 27 June 1969 Problem Page George Maier

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 3 4 July 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 4 5 July 1969 Species Maintenance
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 5 5 July 1969 New Species Report
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 5 6 July 1969 OHIO AREA KILLIE MEETING
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 6 6 July 1969 NATIVE SPECIES REPORT
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 6 10 July 1969 1969 AKA CONVENTION
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 7 8 July 1969 Meet Your Officers - Buster Weed
Four Recently Imported Uncommon Epiplatys (Ep. chevalieri, Ep. duboisi, Ep. grahami(?), &
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 11 15 July 1969 Thomas L. Cahalan
Ep. longiventralis
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 16 17 July 1969 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 17 17 July 1969 Publication Service Committee
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 18 19 July 1969 Fish Rooms, Inc. Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 20 21 July 1969 Blue Gularis Russell Rudd
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 21 21 July 1969 Tape Program report
Killie Notes 2 7 1969 22 23 July 1969 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 3 6 August 1969 Chairman's report George Maier
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 7 9 August 1969 Convention Program
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 10 11 August 1969 Aplocheilus dayi (the Ceylon Panchax) Joseph Trusso
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 10 14 August 1969 Fishrooms. Inc. Hank Marzina
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 15 18 August 1969 Fish Safari Betty L. Sterling
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 18 18 August 1969 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 20 22 August 1969 Meet Your Officers - Leon Urbain
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 23 23 August 1969 Fry vs. Snails Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 23 23 August 1969 Boulenger Report
Killie Notes 2 8 1969 23 23 August 1969 Flash
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 3 3 September 1969 Editorial
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 4 12 September 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 13 25 September 1969 1969 Convention Report with Pictures
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 25 25 September 1969 WINNERS AT THE 1969 AKA FISH AND PHOTO CONTESTS
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 26 26 September 1969 Tape Ptgram
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 26 26 September 1969 OHIO AREA KILLIE MEETING
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 26 28 September 1969 Publication Service Committee
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 28 298 September 1969 New Paste Food for Killies Edward Warner
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 29 29 September 1969 Blood Worms for Your Killies Larry Hargeit
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 30 31 September 1969 A New Rhodesian Nothobranchius (rachovii group?) Robert Parle
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 32 33 September 1969 A Trip to Catch V. hispanica Jose Arrendondo (Spain)
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 33 29 September 1969 KILLIE TANK AT STEINHART AQUARIUM
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 34 35 September 1969 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 2 9 1969 35 35 September 1969 Scheel's Book

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 3 3 October 1969 Editorial Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 4 10 October 1969 Chairman's report Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 11 13 October 1969 Brine Shrimp Friend or Foe? James K. Langhammer
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 14 18 October 1969 Spawning and Raising annulatus Charles F. Glut
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 18 20 October 1969 Dr. Thomerson Reports on His Trip to Venezuela
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 20 21 October 1969 Make Your Fishroom Efficient Hank Marzina
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 21 21 October 1969 Tape Program report
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 21 21 October 1969 Scheel's Book
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 22 23 October 1969 Photo Contest Winners
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 24 24 October 1969 An Easy Way to Collect Blood Worms William Bright
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 24 24 October 1969 Change That Dirty Water Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 25 25 October 1969 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 26 26 October 1969 Killie Notes Adds Two New Features George Maier
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 26 26 October 1969 Northeastern Indiana Aquarium Society
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 26 27 October 1969 California Bay Area Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 27 27 October 1969 T.F.H. Features Nothobranchius Articale a la Goldstein
Killie Notes 2 10 1969 28 28 October 1969 Election and ByLaws Changes Ballot
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 3 3 November 1969 Editorial Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 4 7 November 1969 Chairman's report Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 8 9 November 1969 Wild Rivulus From Bogata Bob Parle
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 9 9 November 1969 Tape Program report
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 9 10 November 1969 Index III
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 11 13 November 1969 The Taming & Training of Nevadensis calidae Carol Haney
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 13 13 November 1969 Boulenger's Catalogue
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 14 16 November 1969 Commercial KilIies Part 2 Stan Hill
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 16 17 November 1969 The True Love Story of the Blue Panchax Graham Sisson
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 18 18 November 1969 Name Changes
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 19 20 November 1969 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 21 22 November 1969 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 23 23 November 1969 Meeting Notice - St, Louis
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 23 23 November 1969 Scheel's Book
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 23 23 November 1969 In Memoriam - Ted Seymour
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 3 3 November 1969 Editorial Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 11 1969 4 7,24 November 1969 Chairman's report Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 8 11 December 1969 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 12 13 December 1969 Progress Report on the Austrofundulus U-67 & U-68 Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 14 14 December 1969 Blue Gularis drawing Dusan L. Law
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 15 15 December 1969 Index III
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 16 21 December 1969 The Lighter Side of Killie Tanks Fred Stewart
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 22 23 December 1969 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 23 23 December 1969 Killyvs. Killie
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 24 25 December 1969 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 26 27 December 1969 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 27 27 December 1969 Tape Program report George Maier
Killie Notes 2 12 1969 27 27 December 1969 Meeting Notice - St, Louis

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 7 1 1970 1 7 Spring 1970 Volume 7. Number I The West African Genus Roloffia Peter Tirbak
Robert J. Goldstein and Joseph F.
JAKA 7 1 1970 8 11 Spring 1970 Volume 7. Number I A Description of a New Species of Aphyosemion. with Notes on Its Maintenance in Aquaria
Description of Two Subgenera and Six New Species of Procatopus., Boul., a Little-known
JAKA 7 1 1970 11 17 Spring 1970 Volume 7. Number I H. Stenholt Clausen
West African Genus of Cyprinodont Fishes AKA Reprint
JAKA 7 1 1970 17 20 Spring 1970 Volume 7. Number I Cyprinodont Summaries
JAKA 7 1 1970 21 28 Winter 1970 - 1971 Volume 7, Number 2 Distribution and Biology of the Annual Cyprinodontid, Rachovia hummelincki , in Venezuela Jamie B. Thomerson
The Biology of Epiplatys sexfasciatus Gill, 1862 (Teleostomi: Cvprinodontidae: Rivulinae) in
JAKA 7 1 1970 29 52 Winter 1970 - 1971 Volume 7, Number 2 Paul V. Loiselle
Southeastern Dahomey and the Togo Hills
JAKA 7 1 1970 53 57 Winter 1970 - 1971 Volume 7, Number 2 The Chromosomes of Aphyosemion melanopteron J.J. Scheel
JAKA 7 1 1970 58 61 Winter 1970 - 1971 Volume 7, Number 2 Cyprinodont Summaries
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 4 6 January 1970 Chairman's Report Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 7 10 January 1970 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 10 12 January 1970 Epiplatys annulatus in the Tanks of the General Aquarist Detlev Luehring
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 12 13 January 1970 Aplocheilichthys Hutereaue (Blgr.) R. J. Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 14 15 January 1970 Another New Notho (Vila Machado Nothobranchius)
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 15 17 January 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 18 20 January 1970 Aquarium Society Literature Review Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 21 22 January 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 22 24 January 1970 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 24 26 January 1970 Fish Rooms, Inc. Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 26 26 January 1970 Review of the Slicks Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 26 26 January 1970 AKA Slide Program
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 27 27 January 1970 Area Meeting Notice and other
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 28 28 January 1970 Address Changes
Killie Notes 3 1 1970 4 4 February 1970 Editorial
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 5 6 February 1970 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 7 14 February 1970 Committee Reports
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 15 19 February 1970 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 19 21 February 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 21 21 February 1970 Publication Service Committee
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 22 24 February 1970 My Favorite Native - Cyprinodon Variegatus Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 25 26 February 1970 Fish Rooms, Inc. Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 27 28 February 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 28 31 February 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 2 1970 31 31 February 1970 Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 3 3 March 1970 Editorial Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 4 7 March 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 7 8 March 1970 “A Beginner’s Annual - Cynolebias whitei Dave Bella
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 8 11 March 1970 Water, Water. Everywhere... But Not A Drop... Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 11 12 March 1970 Convention Report
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 13 13 March 1970 Native Fishes Committee report
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 14 16 March 1970 Aquarium Society Literature Review
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 16 19 March 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 20 21 March 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 21 22 March 1970 Observations on Killie Maintenance Roger Langton
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 22 22 March 1970 Species Maintenance Committee Need Help
Killie Notes 3 3 1970 23 23 March 1970 Meeting Notices

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 4 4 April 1970 Editorial Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 5 7 April 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 8 9 April 1970 Glass Balls for Bottom Spawners Chuck Glut
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 10 11 April 1970 Convention 70 Report
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 12 12 April 1970 AKA Judging Standards
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 13 17 April 1970 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 17 17 April 1970 Publications Available as of March 1, 1970
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 18 19 April 1970 Meet Richard Buttner Willy Kaspar
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 20 22 April 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 22 24 April 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 24 24 April 1970 Species Maintenance Committee Report Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 25 26 April 1970 Killie Raising in Madrid J. M. Arredondo
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 27 29 April 1970 Aquarium Society Literature Review Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 29 29 April 1970 Three New Tape Programs
Killie Notes 3 4 1970 30 30 April 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 4 6 May 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 7 7 May 1970 New Species Outlook for 1970
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 7 9 May 1970 Species Maintenance Committee Report
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 10 10 May 1970 Publications Available as of March 1, 1970
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 11 13 May 1970 Convention "70"
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 14 15 May 1970 Fishrooms Inc. Roger Langton
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 16 16 May 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 17 20 May 1970 Records for the Aquarist Thomas L. Cahalen, PhD
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 21 22 May 1970 Waste Not - Want Not Joe Trusso
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 23 24 May 1970 Bon Voyage with Killies Judy and Jon Dingler
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 25 26 May 1970 Joint Study Groups Thomas Cahalan
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 27 31 May 1970 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 32 33 May 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 5 1970 33 34 May 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 4 6 June 1970 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 7 8 June 1970 Species Maintenance Committee Report
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 8 8 June 1970 Tape Program
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 9 11 June 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 12 14 June 1970 1969 Questionnaire results
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 15 21 June 1970 Two New Nothos from Rhodesia Bob Parle
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 21 24 June 1970 Do’s and Don’ts on Tape Recordings Paul Haley
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 24 26 June 1970 Technique - Writing an Article on Fishes Robert Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 27 28 June 1970 My Favorite Killie - A. cognatum Dave Bella
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 28 28 June 1970 Publications Available as of March 1, 1970
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 28 30 June 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 6 1970 30 30 June 1970 Group Meeting Notices
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 4 6 July 1970 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 7 9 July 1970 Killie Keeping Down Under Grahame Mackay
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 9 9 July 1970 Bay Area Killifish Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 10 15 July 1970 A Case for Natives Glen Collier
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 16 16 July 1970 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 17 18 July 1970 New Species Committee report George Maier
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 19 35 July 1970 CONVENTION ' 7 0 A " MIND - BLOWING" ODYSSEY
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 35 38 July 1970 Convention 70 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 39 42 July 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 42 44 July 1970 Reviews of the Slicks
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 45 45 July 1970 Publications Available
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 46 48 July 1970 Fish Rooms, Inc.
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 49 51 July 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 51 52 July 1970 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 52 53 July 1970 A. labarrei Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 54 54 July 1970 Treating Blue Gularis Eggs - a La Arredondo Joan Glascock
Killie Notes 3 7 1970 55 55 July 1970 Species Maintenance Committee Report Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 4 6 August 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 7 7 August 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 8 10 August 1970 Aphyosemion calliurum The yellow Lyretail Joseph Trusso
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 10 10 August 1970 SMC Letter #3 Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 11 12 August 1970 Killie Primer
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 12 12 August 1970 Index Binder Available
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 13 13 August 1970 Index IV Now Available
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 14 15 August 1970 Tips on Overseas Fish and Egg Shipments Jose Arredondo
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 16 17 August 1970 New Species Committee report
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 17 17 August 1970 Publications Available
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 18 18 August 1970 Peat Moss Spawning A. australe Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 19 19 August 1970 “Save the Pupfish” Dept. of Interior Report
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 20 20 August 1970 Reviews of the Slicks
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 21 21 August 1970 Detroit Show to feature killies Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 8 1970 22 23 August 1970 Letters to the Editor

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 4 7 September 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 7 7 September 1970 Publications Available
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 8 8 September 1970 AKA Approaches the 900 mark
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 9 10 September 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 10 13 September 1970 The. Roloffia Joint Study Group
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 13 14 September 1970 SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN KILLIE SHOW
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 14 114 September 1970 BAY AREA KILLIFISH ASSOCIATION MEETING NOTICE
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 15 18 September 1970 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 19 19 September 1970 Water Quality Bester Weed
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 20 23 September 1970 Easy Tanks Jim Countryman
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 24 27 September 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 28 29 September 1970 You Say You’re Discouraged? Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 30 31 September 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 9 1970 31 31 September 1970 Index IV
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 4 5 October 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 6 7 October 1970 Roloffia geryi Roger Langton
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 8 9 October 1970 SMC Letter #4
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 9 10 October 1970 AREA GROUP MEETINGS & SHOWS
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 10 11 October 1970 The End of the Line Joe and lris Trusso
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 12 13 October 1970 More Information on the Mini-Killie
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 14 14 October 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 14-1 14-2 October 1970 NOMINEES TO THE 1971 - 1972 BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 15 18 October 1970 Building an Air Compressor Hank Marzina
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 18 18 October 1970 NDEX & KILLIE NOTES BINDERS STILL AVAILABLE
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 18 18 October 1970 INDEX IV
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 19 20 October 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 20 22 October 1970 A Report on PVP & PVP-l Hank Clemente
Killie Notes 3 10 1970 23 27 October 1970 Culture Techniques for Fruitflies, Fry Food & Bloodworms Stephen Saul
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 4 4 November 1970 Editorial Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 5 6 November 1970 Chairman's report Bob Goldstein
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 7 7 November 1970 Election Results
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 7 7 November 1970 It's That Time of The Year
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 7 7 November 1970 AKA Members Plan African Trip
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 8 10 November 1970 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 11 12 November 1970 SMC LETTER #5
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 12 12 November 1970 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 13 17-22 November 1970 The Mop Shop Pete Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 18 19 November 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 20 22 November 1970 The Plains Killifish - Fundulus kansae , Gorman
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 23 24 November 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 24 25 November 1970 What is the Index?
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 26 27 November 1970 “Killie Primer” Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 11 1970 27 27 November 1970 BAY AREA KILLIFISH ASSOCIATION MEETING NOTICE
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 4 5 December 1970 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 6 6 December 1970 New & Rare Species Committee Report Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 7 7 December 1970 K I L L I E S II A LA NATURALE"
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 7 7 December 1970 The Freeze is On
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 8 9 December 1970 Killie Primer Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 10 12-17 December 1970 Printing Your Killie Notes Dick & Susan Law
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 13 16 December 1970 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 18 19 December 1970 Raising Infusoria Steve Sellers
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 20 21 December 1970 The End of the Line (Amer. Desert Pupfish) Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 22 25 December 1970 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 3 12 1970 26 27 December 1970 The Problem Page George Maier
A New Species of Aphyosemion from Ghana, and a Reclassification of the Subgenus
JAKA 8 1 1971 1 11 Winter 1971—1972 Volume 8. # l P. Louiselle and David Blair
Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
JAKA 8 1 1971 12 19 Winter 1971—1972 Volume 8. # l A New Nothobranchius (Pisces, Cyprinidontidae) from Southeastern Rhodesia R. A. Jubb

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 4 4 January 1971 Editor's Comments
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 5 6 January 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 7 10 January 1971 Annual Committee Reports
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 11 15 January 1971 By—Laws of the AKA
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 15 15 January 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 16 17 January 1971 Killie Primer Bob Yacano & Ed Warner
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 18 21 January 1971 Fishrooms, Inc Bill Curran
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 22 28 January 1971 A History of the AKA Albert J. Klee
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 29 29 January 1971 St. Louis, MO Area
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 29 29 January 1971 Chicago Area Group Meeting
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 29 29 January 1971 Note From The Membership Chairman
Killie Notes 4 1 1971 30 31 January 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 4 4 February 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 5 5 February 1971 Treasurer's report
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 6 7 February 1971 SMC Letter #6 Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 8 9 February 1971 The Foaming Mop Method Charles Harrison
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 10 11 February 1971 Meet Your Officers - Frank Smith & Charlie Jones
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 14 14 February 1971 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 15 16 February 1971 Killie Primer
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 17 17 February 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 18 19 February 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 19 19 February 1971 Los Angeles Group Forming
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 19 19 February 1971 African Trip Taking Shape
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 20 23 February 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 24 25 February 1971 Experiences With Pt. longipinnis Dave Schleser
Killie Notes 4 2 1971 26 27 February 1971 N. guentheri - The Natural Way Harry Ransier Jr.
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 4 6 March 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 7 7 March 1971 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 8 9 March 1971 The Cinnamon Killy. A. cinnamomeum Horst Latzel
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 10 15 March 1971 Scavengers & Killies Ron Gazarek
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 13 15 March 1971 Methods of Conditioning Hard Water J. Lofstead
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 16 17 March 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 17 17 March 1971 Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 4 3 1971 18 19 March 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 4 4 April 1971 Editorial
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 5 6 April 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 7 15 April 1971 Aph. santaisabellae Dr. Walter Foersch
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 15 15 April 1971 Los Angeles Killifish meeting
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 16 16 April 1971 Library Committee
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 17 19 April 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 20 24 April 1971 We Can Save the Pupfish Rulon Hancock
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 25 27 April 1971 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 4 4 1971 27 27 April 1971 Helpful Hints
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 4 5 May 1971 Chsirmsn's Report
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 6 8 May 1971 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 8 8 May 1971 Delaware Valley Killifish Association Meeting
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 8 8 May 1971 Cartoonists Needed
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 9 9 May 1971 Convention "71" Report
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 9 9 May 1971 "Pickled" Nothos Needed
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 10 11 May 1971 One Man’s Solution on Hatching Brine Shrimp Eggs Ray Hueckstaedt
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 11 11 May 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 12 13 May 1971 Meet Your Officers
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 13 13 May 1971 New York - Jersey Meeting
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 13 13 May 1971 San Francisco Bay Area Meeting
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 14 29 May 1971 A Review of Nothobranchius Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 17 20 May 1971 The Mop Shop Pete Tirbak
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 21 24 May 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 24 24 May 1971 Put ‘Em On Peat Bob McClew
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 30 31 May 1971 Cleanliness + Patience = Nothobranchius Bob Schwiegerath
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 32 33 May 1971 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 33 33 May 1971 Chicago Area Meeting
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 34 36 May 1971 The 1970 Questionnaire Results
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 37 38 May 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 39 39 May 1971 AKA'ers Invited to Participate in DKG Show
Killie Notes 4 5 1971 39 39 May 1971 BKA-U1 Slide Needed

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 4 5 June 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 7 10 June 1971 The Hybrid Register Thomas Cahalan
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 11 12 June 1971 The Plague of Every Jr. Aquarist - a Fish Father Luke Schneider
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 13 14 June 1971 Convention '71
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 15 16 June 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 16 17 June 1971 Suggestions for Breeding & Raising A. cinnamomeum Steve Sellers
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 17 18 June 1971 Deliberate Dirt Louts Bussey
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 19 21 June 1971 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 22 23 June 1971 Project of Interest Lee Countryman
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 24 25 June 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 26 27 June 1971 Community Spawning George Maier
Killie Notes 4 6 1971 28 30 June 1971 De-ionization Conditioning of Aquarium Water Charles F. Glut
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 4 5 July 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 6 4 July 1971 Meet Your Officers -Norm Tollefson Bob Yacano
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 7 9 July 1971 A New Rivulus Species Ray Mecca
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 10 10 July 1971 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 11 11 July 1971 DKG Conveys Thanks
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 12 14 July 1971 Convention Nerws
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 15 16 July 1971 Catfish & Killies? Why Not? Gene Holman
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 17 19 July 1971 Sometimes the Simplest Things... or I Should Have Smoked a Pipe! V. Verkias
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 20 20 July 1971 How to Raise a Large Family Ray Hueckstadt
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 20 20 July 1971 Tape Program Report Dave Machell
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 21 23 July 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 24 27 July 1971 Incubation of Notho Eggs George Maier
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 28 29 July 1971 Put a Tiger in Your Tank Horst Latzel
Killie Notes 4 7 1971 30 30 July 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 4 4 August 1971 Editorial
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 5 7 August 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 8 8 August 1971 Book Review
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 9 10 August 1971 Will You Let The Spring Run Dry Dr. Robert Miller
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 11 11 August 1971 Report of a New Roloffia Species (Rol. chaytori) R. J. Goldstein
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 12 13 August 1971 August 1971 Convention Report
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 13 13 August 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 14 19 August 1971 The Mop Shop Pete Tirbak
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 20 21 August 1971 Letters to the Editor Pet
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 22 24 August 1971 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 25 29 August 1971 Experiences with Nothobranchius rachovii T. W. Doyle
Killie Notes 4 8 1971 30 30 August 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 4 5 September 1971 Chairman's report
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 6 6 September 1971 Nominating Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 6 6 September 1971 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 6 6 September 1971 New tapes Now Available
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 7 7 September 1971 Aphanius mento George Maier
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 8 9 September 1971 Report of Proposed Nomenclatural Changes R. J. Goldstein
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 10 11 September 1971 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 12 12 September 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 13 15 September 1971 Report on 2 New Products for Killie Fanciers (fruit fly medium and peat pellets) Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 16 16 September 1971 AKA member's Invited to Enter Show
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 16 16 September 1971 Los Angeles Killifish meeting
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 17 18 September 1971 The Problem Page George Maier
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 18 18 September 1971 Gulf Coast Group to Meet
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 18 18 September 1971 Michigan Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 19 20 September 1971 Care and Breeding of C. bellottii Edward Warner
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 21 21 September 1971 Library Report
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 22 22 September 1971 An interesting Oddity (Siamese twin fish) Luke Schneider
Killie Notes 4 9 1971 23 25 September 1971 A Case for hybrids Francis G. Clifford
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 4 6 October 1971 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 6 6 October 1971 New Killifish Names Published Dr. Goldstein
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 7 7 October 1971 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 8 15 October 1971 Convention '71 Report Dennis & Elizabeth Kennedy
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 16 19 October 1971 Convention Workshop Lectures Lee Harper
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 20 25 October 1971 The Mop Shop Pete Tirbak
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 25 25 October 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 26 26 October 1971 Everglades Aquarium Society
Killie Notes 4 10 1971 26 26 October 1971 Los Angeles Killifish meeting
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 4 6 November 1971 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 6 7 November 1971 Hybrid Committee Report
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 8 8 November 1971 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 9 9 November 1971 Salt vs. Velvet Bob Schwiegerath
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 10 12 November 1971 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 12 12 November 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 13 16 November 1971 Desert Pupfish Merritt S. Keasey. 111
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 16 16 November 1971 Delaware Valley Killifish Association Meeting

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 16 16 November 1971 Chicago Area Meeting
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 17 30 November 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 23 24 November 1971 A. australe... ‘Lyretails' Edward L. Warner
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 25 26 November 1971 Building a Better Brine Shrimp Hatchery B. G. Granier, Jr.
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 26 26 November 1971 Bay Area Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 27 29 November 1971 A Novice With Nothobranchius Mike Morris
Killie Notes 4 11 1971 30 30 November 1971 An Unusual Dilemma
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 4 6 December 1971 Chsirmsn's Report
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 7 7 December 1971 Index V Completed
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 7 7 December 1971 Delaware Valley Killifish Association Meeting
Dr. Walter Foersch (translated
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 8 13 December 1971 A. walkeri - Boulenger 1911
George Maier)
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 14 15 December 1971 Nothobranchius U-6 Bob Schwiegerath
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 15 15 December 1971 Publications Available
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 16 17 December 1971 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 18 20 December 1971 Desert Fishes Council Report Alan McCready
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 21 29 December 1971 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 26 28 December 1971 So You Would Like to import Your Own Fish, Huh? Dr. Dave Schleser
Killie Notes 4 12 1971 30 30 December 1971 New Slick for Aquarists

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 4 4 January 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 5 9 January 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 9 9 January 1972 Chicago Area Meeting
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 10 14 January 1972 A Quest for A. batesii, a Trip to Cameroon - Part 1 Roger Langton
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 15 16 January 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 16 16 January 1972 Los Angeles Killifish meeting
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 17 19 January 1972 The End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 19 19 January 1972 New tapes Available from Tape Program
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 20 21 January 1972 Experimental Treatment of Oodinium Infections in Nothobranchius Dr. Michael Morris
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 22 22 January 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 1 1972 23 23 January 1972 For Sale
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 4 6 February 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 6 7 February 1972 Treasurer's Annual Report
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 7 7 February 1972 Slide Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 7 7 February 1972 Los Angeles Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 8 10 February 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 10 10 February 1972 N. rachovii Edward L. Warner
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 12 17 February 1972 Killifish in Nature; a Trip to Cameroon - Part 2 Roger W. Langton
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 18 20 February 1972 Killies in Outdoor Pools Lee R. Harper
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 20 20 February 1972 Bay Area Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 21 21 February 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 21 21 February 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 21 21 February 1972 Louisiana
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 22 23 February 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 23 23 February 1972 DKG Convention Sets date
Killie Notes 5 2 1972 24 26 February 1972 Nothobranchius U-5 Bob Schwiegerath
Killie Notes 5 3 1972 4 6 March 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 3 1972 6 10 March 1972 The AKA Endangered Species Propagation Committee
Killie Notes 5 3 1972 10 10 March 1972 Convention Flash
Killie Notes 5 3 1972 11 14 March 1972 Transporting Fish From the Wild; a Trip to Cameroon - Part 3 Conclusion Roger Langton
Killie Notes 5 3 1972 15 26 March 1972 A. liberiense & Its Allies Col. Scheel
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 4 5 April 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 6 7 April 1972 Memo from the Membership Chairman
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 8 8 April 1972 Hybrid registry Report
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 9 10 April 1972 Rivulus holmiae John Miles
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 11 13 April 1972 End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 14 17 April 1972 The Sensuous Pupfishes Joe Anascavage
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 18 19 April 1972 Experiences with C. melanotaenia Dave Schleser
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 20 20 April 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 21 23 April 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 24 24 April 1972 Cooperation Needed
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 24 24 April 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 25 27 April 1972 Water V. AIan Mode
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 28 29 April 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 29 29 April 1972 Convention Report
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 30 30 April 1972 Opinion Letter
Killie Notes 5 4 1972 31 31 April 1972 For Sale
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 4 4 May 1972 Editorial
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 5 6 May 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 7 9 May 1972 The 1972 AKA Convention Report
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 10 12 May 1972 Cynolebias adloffi Dr. Dave Schleser
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 13 13 May 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 13 13 May 1972 New Species Report
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 14 14 May 1972 Sorry - Wrong Number J. Ricco
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 15 16 May 1972 Pandora's Box? ? Roger Langton
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 17 19 May 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 20 21 May 1972 Water, Part 2 - What’s in it For Me? Dr. Mode
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 22 24 May 1972 AKA Tape Programs
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 24 25 May 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 26 36 May 1972 Killioptics Robert Thomas
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 4 4 June 1972 For Sale
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 5 6 June 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 6 6 June 1972 N&RSC Report for June 1972
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 7 10 June 1972 Tabulation of Questionnaire
Killie Notes 5 5 1972 11 13 June 1972 Water. part 3 - pH... PHooey! V. Alan Mode
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 14 14 June 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 15 15 June 1972 Tape Program Report/ Index Order Blank
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 16 17 June 1972 Advice for the Neophyte, Please Robert Vance
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 17 19 June 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 20 21 June 1972 Devil’s Advocate on Killy Breeding Phillip Matyi
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 21 21 June 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 22 26 June 1972 How to Prepare a Good Infusoria Culture Edward L. Warner
Killie Notes 5 6 1972 24 26 June 1972 Aphyosemion batesii Roger Langton

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 4 4 July 1972 Convention News
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 5 5 July 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 6 6 July 1972 Nominations
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 7 7 July 1972 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 8 9 July 1972 A Glimmer of Hope for Diabolis Rulon Hancock
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 10 10 July 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 11 13 July 1972 Aphyosemion lujae Tom Wojtech
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 14 17 July 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 18 19 July 1972 Water part 4 Buffers V. Alan Mode
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 20 22 July 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 22 22 July 1972 DKG Offers Thanks to AKA
Killie Notes 5 7 1972 23 23 July 1972 For Sale
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 4 4 August 1972 Editorial
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 5 6 August 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 7 9 August 1972 Water... part 2- Hardness V. Alan Mode
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 10 11 August 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 11 11 August 1972 Shrimp Egg Storage Robert Thomas
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 12 15 August 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 16 17 August 1972 Jordanella Floridae : An American Beauty Duane Tutaj
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 18 19 August 1972 Some Thoughts in the Use of Females In a Breeding Program Philip Matyi
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 20 21 August 1972 Utilizing the Sub-Sand Filter In Conjunction with Spawning Mops Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 21 22 August 1972 Beef Heart - Friend or Curse??? Fred Dunnell
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 22 22 August 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 8 1972 23 23 August 1972 For sale
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 4 5 September 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 6 10 September 1972 The Fantastic Killifish of West Cameroon Dr. A. Radda
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 11 11 September 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 12 13 September 1972 Water - part 6, Purification - part 1 Alan Mode
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 13 13 September 1972 Tape Program Report
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 14 18 September 1972 Collecting in Mexico Roger Langton
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 18 18 September 1972 Chicago Meeting Notice
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 18 18 September 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 19 22 September 1972 Raising Killie Fry Hans Behr
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 22 24 September 1972 Importing Killie fish or Their Eggs Bob Thomas
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 25 29 September 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 30 31 September 1972 Special Order Form for back issues
Killie Notes 5 9 1972 31 31 September 1972 Louisville show Invites AKA'ers
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 4 4 October 1972 Editorial
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 5 6 October 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 6 6 October 1972 N&RSC Report for October 1972
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 7 8 October 1972 Tape Program list
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 9 11 October 1972 Meet - the Dashing Dace Tony Terceira
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 11 13 October 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 14 17 October 1972 Strains of A. gardneri Roger Langton
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 18 22 October 1972 No Mosquitoes But Fat Killies Doug Straker
Killie Notes 5 10 1972 23 23 October 1972 For Sale
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 4 4 November 1972 Editorial
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 5 5 November 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 6 6 November 1972 Index VI is just about ready
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 6 6 November 1972 Election results
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 7 8 November 1972 Identification of Strains of A. biv. J. J. Scheel
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 9 13 November 1972 On Culturing Daphnia, a Nearly Perfect Live Food Alan Fletcher
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 13 13 November 1972 1972 Convention Financial News
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 14 15 November 1972 Summary of the Study of the Rol. roloffi Complex Francis G. Clifford
Killie Notes 5 11 1972 16 18 November 1972 End of the Line Joe & Iris Trusso
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 18 18 November 1972 Publications Available
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 18 18 November 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 19 22 November 1972 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 22 22 November 1972 Colorado/Wyoming Group Starting
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 22 22 November 1972 Delaware Valley Killie Group
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 23 23 November 1972 For Sale
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 4 4 December 1972 Editorial
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 5 6 December 1972 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 7 10 December 1972 Cameroon, part 1 Walter Haefelin
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 11 14 December 1972 Killifish; A Review of Spawning Methods, part 1 Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 15 16 December 1972 Using Ultraviolet in Killie Egg Incubation Philip Grady
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 17 17 December 1972 Be a Missionary Alan M. Fletcher
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 18 19 December 1972 A New Cynolebias for the Hobby Roger Langton
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 20 21 December 1972 How to Record Tapes for the Tape Program Dave Machell
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 22 23 December 1972 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 23 23 December 1972 Long Island Killifish Association Formed
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 23 23 December 1972 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 5 12 1972 24 24 December 1972 Letters to the Editor

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 4 4 January 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 5 6 January 1973 Chairman's Report Hank Clemente
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 7 11 January 1973 Cameroon. part 2 Walter Haefelin
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 12 14 January 1973 Profundulus punctatus Roger Langton
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 15 17 January 1973 Killifish: a Review of Spawning Methods, part 2 Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 18 19 January 1973 Fundulus heteroclitus , the Common Bait Killie Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 20 21 January 1973 Some Remarks on Roloffia chaytori Paul Hoppe)
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 21 21 January 1973 AKA Membership Information
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 21 21 January 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 22 23 January 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 23 23 January 1973 1973 Convention
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 24 25 January 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 25 25 January 1973 Orange County - Los Angeles Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 25 25 January 1973 Editor Relaxing in his Fish Room
Killie Notes 6 1 1973 26 26 January 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 4 4 February 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 5 6 February 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 7 11 February 1973 A Bird in the Hand Roger Langton
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 11 11 February 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 12 16 February 1973 Cameroon, part 3 Walter Haefelin
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 16 16 February 1973 DKG Convention
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 16 16 February 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 17 17 February 1973 AKA Convention 1973
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 17 17 February 1973 Bids Now Accepted for 1974 Convention
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 17 17 February 1973 Special Charter Flight to Convention
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 18 20 February 1973 Breeding in a Permanent Set-up Judy Milgram
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 20 20 February 1973 Publications Available
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 31 23 February 1973 Riv. hartii: An Encounter in Trinidad Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 24 25 February 1973 Continuous Fresh Water for Fry Alvin Shultz
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 25 25 February 1973 AKA Membership Information
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 26 27 February 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 27 27 February 1973 Shipping Fish in Cold Weather
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 28 29 February 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 29 29 February 1973 Orange County - Los Angeles Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 2 1973 30 30 February 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 4 4 March 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 5 6 March 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 7 7 March 1973 Treasurer's Annual Report 1973
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 8 10 March 1973 A. oeseri (H. Schmidt 1922) Paul Hoppe
Dr. Radda & Otto Boehm
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 11 12 March 1973 A. pascheni
(translated Horst Latzel)
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 13 14 March 1973 No Room for Fry Steve Sellers
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 15 15 March 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 15 15 March 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 15 15 March 1973 Chicago Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 15 15 March 1973 A Special Thanks to George Maier
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 16 19 March 1973 Cameroon part 4. conclusion Walter Haefelin
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 20 20 March 1973 Index VI is Ready
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 20 20 March 1973 Slide Tape program
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 20 20 March 1973 Orange County - Los Angeles Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 21 23 March 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 23 23 March 1973 Colorado Killie Enthusiasts
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 24 25 March 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 3 1973 26 26 March 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 4 4 April 1973 Convention News
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 5 6 April 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 6 6 April 1973 No Ban on Shipments of Eggs to Arizona
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 7 10 April 1973 The Forest & Grassland of West Cameroon Dr. Radda
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 10 10 April 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 10 10 April 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish association
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 11 13 April 1973 Breeding to Improve Your Killies Al Mikkelsen
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 14 14 April 1973 Report on a Trip to Cozumel R. J. Goldstein
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 15 17 April 1973 Species Control & Maintenance Committee Al Mikkelsen
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 17 17 April 1973 Publications For Sale
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 18 19 April 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 20 20 April 1973 Orders Being Taken for Index VI
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 20 20 April 1973 The Orange County and LA County Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 20 20 April 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 20 20 April 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 21 22 April 1973 1972 Questionnaire Results
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 23 24 April 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 25 25 April 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 4 1973 26 26 April 1973 For Sale

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 4 4 May 1973 Convention news
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 5 14 May 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 6 8 May 1973 Some New Killies From Gabon E. Puerzl & A. Radda
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 9 11 May 1973 Storing & Hatching Killifish Eggs Jim Milgram
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 12 14 May 1973 Water Purification V. Alan Mode
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 15 15 May 1973 Special Convention Notice
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 15 15 May 1973 The Orange County and LA County Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 15 15 May 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 15 15 May 1973 Request Received
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 16 16 May 1973 Ep. macrostigma’?’ An Undescribed Species Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 18 19 May 1973 Incubation Time for Peat Spawners Ed Warner
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 20 21 May 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 21 21 May 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 21 21 May 1973 Chicago Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 21 21 May 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 22 25 May 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 5 1973 26 26 May 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 4 4 June 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 5 7 June 1973 Contributions to the Nothobranchius Problem Dr. R. A. Jubb
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 8 10 June 1973 Aphyosemion exiguum Roger Langton
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 11 12 June 1973 Roloffia monroviae -Roloff & Ladiges 1972 Paul Hoppe
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 13 14 June 1973 Water Test Kits V. Alan Mode
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 15 16 June 1973 For What It's Worth (shipping eggs) Jeff Wynn
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 17 18 June 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 19 19 June 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 20 20 June 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 20 20 June 1973 AKA Membership Information
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 21 21 June 1973 Nominating Committee
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 21 21 June 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 21 21 June 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 21 21 June 1973 Slide Tape Program
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 22 22 June 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 22 22 June 1973 Tape Program
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 22 22 June 1973 Killie Notes Announcements
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 23 23 June 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 23 23 June 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 23 23 June 1973 The Orange County and LA County Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 23 23 June 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 23 23 June 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 24 25 June 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 6 1973 26 26 June 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 4 4 July 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 5 8 July 1973 Spawning Mops Dr. Royal B. Ingersoll
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 9 9 July 1973 Convention 1973 Detroit
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 10 11 July 1973 Convention Chairman's report Gene Raye
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 12 15 July 1973 Convention review Mark Hlavaty
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 16 17 July 1973 Show Winners
Steve Conrad, Mark Hlavaty & Pam
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 18 21 July 1973 ‘73 Convention Report with pictures “Workshops”
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 22 22 July 1973 Hybrid Study Group Report
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 23 23 July 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 24 25 July 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 26 26 July 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 26 26 July 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 26 26 July 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 27 27 July 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 27 27 July 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 27 27 July 1973 The Orange County and LA County Killifish Club
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 27 27 July 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 27 27 July 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 27 27 July 1973 Chicago Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 28 29 July 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 29 29 July 1973 Publications for Sale
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 29 29 July 1973 Houston Show Requests entries
Killie Notes 6 7 1973 30 30 July 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 4 4 August 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 5 14 August 1973 A Review of Aphyosemion calliurum (Blgr.), Technical Paper #l J. J. Scheel
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 15 18 August 1973 Roloffia ‘Caldal' T. L. Cahalan
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 19 21 August 1973 Species Control & Maintenance Systems Compared H. B. Hulme-Vickerstaff
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 22 24 August 1973 Aquarium Observation of Pterolebias NSC- 1 Anthony Terceira
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 25 26 August 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 27 27 August 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 28 34 August 1973 Chairman's Report

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 34 34 August 1973 Best in Show
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 35 35 August 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 35 35 August 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 36 37 August 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 37 37 August 1973 Request from Membership Chairman
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 37 37 August 1973 Mid-South Killifish Association formed
Killie Notes 6 8 1973 38 38 August 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 4 4 September 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 5 9 September 1973 The PropagatIon of Our Emblem Fish - A. sjoestedti Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 10 12 September 1973 Aphanius fasciatus , a Killie Among Non-Killie Keepers Charles Zammitt
Three New Killifish” (A. striatum striatum (Boulenger), A. lujae (Boulenger)(striatum
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 13 15 September 1973 Roger Langton
ogoense ), and A. Striatum microphthalmum (Lambert & Gery)
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 16 17 September 1973 Species Maintenance for Your Local Club Allen Semeit
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 18 18 September 1973 A Spectacular New Rivulus From Surinam, So. America Bob Schwiegerath
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 19 20 September 1973 Roloffia: A Varied Group of West African Killies Bob Ellermann
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 21 22 September 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 23 23 September 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 24 25 September 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 25 25 September 1973 Photography Committee
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 25 25 September 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 26 26 September 1973 Convention 1974
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 27 28 September 1973 AKA Tape Recorder Program
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 28 28 September 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 28 28 September 1973 B.O.T. Candidates for 1974-75
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 29 29 September 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 29 29 September 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 29 29 September 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 29 29 September 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 29 29 September 1973 Long Island Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 30 31 September 1973 N&RSC Report HELP!
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 31 31 September 1973 Species Control & Maintenance Committee
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 32 33 September 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 33 33 September 1973 Central Indiana Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 9 1973 34 34 September 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 4 4 October 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 5 12 October 1973 A Review of Aphyosemion cameronense (Blgr.), Technical Paper #2 J. J. Scheel
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 13 14 October 1973 Aplocheilus jonklassi (Turner) Thomas Cahalan
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 15 17 October 1973 Killies in General: A Comment on the Changing Times Ted Dalgleish
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 18 20 October 1973 In Search of Cyprinodon macularius Allen Semeit
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 21 22 October 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 23 23 October 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 24 26 October 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 26 26 October 1973 Photography Committee
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 27 27 October 1973 AKA Patch Available
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 27 27 October 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 27 27 October 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 27 27 October 1973 AKA Membership Information
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 28 29 October 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 29 29 October 1973 AKA Tape Recorder Program
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 30 30 October 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 30 30 October 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 30 30 October 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 30 30 October 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 30 30 October 1973 The LA & Orange County Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 30 30 October 1973 Central Indiana Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 31 33 October 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 33 33 October 1973 Roloffia: A Varied Group of West African Killies Paul Hoppe
Killie Notes 6 10 1973 34 34 October 1973 For Sale

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 4 4 November 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 5 6 November 1973 South American Annual Killifish Dr. Jim Thomerson
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 7 12 November 1973 Spawning Mediums for the Annual Fishes R. S. LaCorte
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 13 22 November 1973 White’s Pearlfish with some Information on the Genus Cynolebias Heinz Berkenkamp
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 23 24 November 1973 Cynolebias antenori John Tulipano
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 25 26 November 1973 Pterolebias zonatus Joe Ricco
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 27 29 November 1973 Austro. transilis Myers Randy Keller
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 30 31 November 1973 Cynolebias nigripinnis Jim Milgram
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 33 33 November 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 34 36 November 1973 Horst Latzel,1929-1973
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 36 36 November 1973 A Note of Concern
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 36 36 November 1973 The Horst Latzel Memorial Fund
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 36 36 November 1973 Publications for Sale
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 36 36 November 1973 Library Notes
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 37 37 November 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 37 37 November 1973 AKA Patch Available
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 37 37 November 1973 AKA Membership Information
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 38 38 November 1973 Photography Committee
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 38 38 November 1973 Slide Tape Program
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 38 38 November 1973 Killie Notes Announcements
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 39 39 November 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 39 39 November 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 39 39 November 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 39 39 November 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 39 39 November 1973 The LA & Orange County Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 39 39 November 1973 Chicago Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 40 41 November 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 11 1973 42 42 November 1973 For Sale
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 4 4 December 1973 Editorial
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 5 8 December 1973 A Pupfish New to Aquarists from the State of Coahuila. Mexico Richard Hass
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 9 12 December 1973 In Search Of Simpsonichthys Boitonei Allan L. Semeit
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 13 14 December 1973 Experiences with Pseudepiplatys annulatus Duane E. Wake
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 15 15 December 1973 Species Control and Maintenance Report on Pseudepiplatys annulatus Al Mikkelsen
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 16 18 December 1973 The Problem Page
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 19 19 December 1973 Title Page
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 20 21 December 1973 Chairman's Report
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 21 21 December 1973 AKA Patch Available
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 22 23 December 1973 New & Rare Species Committee Report
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 23 23 December 1973 Delaware Valley Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 24 24 December 1973 Species Control and Maintenance Report
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 25 25 December 1973 The Horst Latzel Memorial Fund
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 25 25 December 1973 Slide Sale Program
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 25 25 December 1973 Index
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 25 25 December 1973 New Killie Club Forming
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 26 26 December 1973 Bay Area Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 26 26 December 1973 H.A.S. Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 26 26 December 1973 Upper Peninsula Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 26 26 December 1973 Michigan Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 26 26 December 1973 The LA & Orange County Killifish Association
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 27 29 December 1973 Letters to the Editor
Killie Notes 6 12 1973 30 30 December 1973 For Sale

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 7 1 1974 4 4 January 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 1 1974 5 10 January 1974 A Review of Aphyosemion striatum Technical Paper #3 J. J. Scheel
JAKA 7 1 1974 11 17 January 1974 Nothobranchius korthausae Dr. Walter Foersch
JAKA 7 1 1974 18 20 January 1974 Epiplatys Lamottei Paul J. Hoppe
JAKA 7 1 1974 21 22 January 1974 Rivulus NSC-4 Roger Langton
JAKA 7 1 1974 23 24 January 1974 Problem Page
JAKA 7 1 1974 25 25 January 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 1 1974 26 27 January 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 1 1974 27 27 January 1974 Publications for Sale
JAKA 7 1 1974 28 28 January 1974 Convention News
JAKA 7 1 1974 29 30 January 1974 New & Rare Species committee Report
JAKA 7 1 1974 30 30 January 1974 Slide Sale Program
JAKA 7 1 1974 30 30 January 1974 Index
JAKA 7 1 1974 30 30 January 1974 AKA Patch Available
JAKA 7 1 1974 31 31 January 1974 Killifish Associations
JAKA 7 1 1974 32 33 January 1974 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 7 1 1974 33 33 January 1974 Rivulus Study group
JAKA 7 1 1974 33 33 January 1974 New Killie Club Forming
JAKA 7 1 1974 33 33 January 1974 DKG-Journal translation
JAKA 7 1 1974 34 34 January 1974 For Sale
JAKA 7 1 1974 40 40 February-04 Convention News
JAKA 7 2 1974 41 46 February 1974 The Status of Aphyosemion NSC-4, Technical Paper #4 A. Ajami. T. Cahalan, & R. Hoelter
JAKA 7 2 1974 47 57 February 1974 Notes on the Aphyosemion gardneri Superspecies Roger Langton
JAKA 7 2 1974 58 59 February 1974 Gold is Sometimes Hard to Collect (Roloffia occidentalis) Tony Terceira
JAKA 7 2 1974 60 61 February 1974 Crickets: the Ideal Killie Food Charles Glut
JAKA 7 2 1974 63 64 February 1974 Problem Page
JAKA 7 2 1974 65 65 February 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 2 1974 66 67 February 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 2 1974 67 67 February 1974 DKG-Journal translation
JAKA 7 2 1974 68 69 February 1974 New Judging Classifications
JAKA 7 2 1974 69 69 February 1974 AKA Patch Available
JAKA 7 2 1974 70 70 February 1974 New & Rare Species Committee Report
JAKA 7 2 1974 71 71 February 1974 Miscellaneous announcements
JAKA 7 2 1974 72 73 February 1974 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 7 2 1974 74 74 February 1974 Advertisements
JAKA 7 3 1974 80 80 March 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 3 1974 81 87 March 1974 To the Problem of the Identification of Roloffia and Aphyosemion Helmuth Grimm
JAKA 7 3 1974 88 95 March 1974 On the Identity of Trevawas’ Aphyosemion oeseri J. J. Scheel
JAKA 7 3 1974 96 100 March 1974 Aphyosemion oeseri Schmidt. 1928 E. Roloff
JAKA 7 3 1974 101 103 March 1974 Free Containers for Mailing Fish! Dr. R. B. Ingersoll
JAKA 7 3 1974 104 105 March 1974 Chairman's Report Al Mikkelson
JAKA 7 3 1974 106 107 March 1974 Results of the 1974 Questionnaire Tony Terceira
JAKA 7 3 1974 108 108 March 1974 New and Rare Species Committee Report
JAKA 7 3 1974 109 109 March 1974 Convention News
JAKA 7 3 1974 110 110 March 1974 Publicity Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 3 1974 111 111 March 1974 AKA Tape Program
JAKA 7 3 1974 111 111 March 1974 Bay Area Killifish Association
JAKA 7 3 1974 111 111 March 1974 Pacific Northwest Killifish Association
JAKA 7 3 1974 111 111 March 1974 Michigan Killifish Association
JAKA 7 3 1974 112 114 March 1974 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 7 3 1974 114 114 March 1974 For sale

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 7 4 1974 120 120 April 1974 Editorial
Remarks on the Variability, Distribution, and Ecology of the Aphyosemion cameronense
JAKA 7 4 1974 121 130 April 1974 Alfred C. Radda
Group Technical Paper #5
JAKA 7 4 104 131 134 April 1974 Rivulus Stellifer A New Annual Killifish From Venezuela Dr. R. B. Ingersoll
JAKA 7 4 106 135 138 April 1974 The ‘Arx’ Riddle ( Roloffia roloffi) the Roloffia Study Group
JAKA 7 4 1974 139 140 April 1974 Care and Breeding of A. Mirabile Moense A. Kandrac
JAKA 7 4 1974 141 142 April 1974 Roloffia occidentalis toddi Clausen. 1965 T. Terceira
JAKA 7 4 1974 143 144 April 1974 Cynolebias whitei is Alive in the Wild A. L. Semeit
JAKA 7 4 1974 145 146 April 1974 Harvesting Aphyosemion gardneri Eggs Kit Sharp
JAKA 7 4 1974 147 148 April 1974 Problem Page
JAKA 7 4 1974 148 148 April 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 4 1974 148 148 April 1974 Month Should be Year
JAKA 7 4 1974 149 149 April 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 4 1974 150 150 April 1974 Thomas Cahalan 1909 - 1974
JAKA 7 4 1974 151 152 April 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 4 1974 152 152 April 1974 AKA; Patch Available
JAKA 7 4 1974 153 153 April 1974 Convention News
JAKA 7 4 1974 154 154 April 1974 Index Committee Report
JAKA 7 4 1974 154 154 April 1974 Horst Latzel Memorial Award and Tape
JAKA 7 4 1974 154 154 April 1974 Slide Sale Program
JAKA 7 4 1974 155 155 April 1974 New and Rare Species Committee Report
JAKA 7 4 1974 156 158 April 1974 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 7 4 1974 158 158 April 1974 Publications for Sale
JAKA 7 5 1974 164 164 May 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 5 1974 165 170 May 1974 Cyprinodon diabolls . The Hoover Dam Refugium for Rare and Endangered ~ Species Rulon I. Hancock
JAKA 7 5 1974 171 173 May 1974 Aphyosemion pascheni AhI Its Care and Breeding Fred Wright
JAKA 7 5 1974 174 176 May 1974 Subsoil of Annuals Allen Johnson
JAKA 7 5 1974 177 178 May 1974 Lucania parva, In Quest of R. P Keller
JAKA 7 5 1974 179 180 May 1974 Comments on Killie Keeping Alton II. Baldwin
JAKA 7 5 1974 181 181 May 1974 ‘Be Careful Using Rainwater Alan M . Fletcher
Have You Tried This? ‘A Trick of the Trade' (reducing problems with fish eating the eggs
JAKA 7 5 1974 182 182 May 1974 Ted Dalgleish
before you can collect them)
JAKA 7 5 1974 183 184 May 1974 The Problem Page
JAKA 7 5 1974 185 185 May 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 5 1974 186 186 May 1974 Convention News
JAKA 7 5 1974 187 188 May 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 5 1974 189 189 May 1974 New and Rare Species Committee Report
JAKA 7 5 1974 189 189 May 1974 DKG Convention and Show
JAKA 7 5 1974 190 190 May 1974 Thomas Cahalan Memorial Fund
JAKA 7 5 1974 190 190 May 1974 Slide Sale Program
JAKA 7 5 1974 190 190 May 1974 'AKA' Patch Available
JAKA 7 5 1974 190 190 May 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 5 1974 190 190 May 1974 With Apologies
JAKA 7 5 1974 191 191 May 1974 Keep Your Roster - Handbook Up to Date
JAKA 7 5 1974 191 191 May 1974 Index Committee Report
JAKA 7 5 1974 192 192 May 1974 Bay Area Killifish Association
JAKA 7 5 1974 192 192 May 1974 Chicago Killifish Association
JAKA 7 5 1974 192 192 May 1974 Pacific Northwest Killifish Association
JAKA 7 5 1974 192 192 May 1974 Metropolitan Area Killifish Association
JAKA 7 5 1974 192 192 May 1974 Southern California Killie Club
JAKA 7 5 1974 192 192 May 1974 Ohio - Indiana - Kentucky Killie Club
JAKA 7 5 1974 193 193 May 1974 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 7 5 1974 194 194 May 1974 Publications Sales
JAKA 7 6 1974 200 200 June 1974 Editorial
Aplocheilichthys schioetzi, Color Polymorphism of a Ghanaian Population Technical Paper
JAKA 7 6 1974 201 208 June 1974 Paul V. Loiselle
No. 6
JAKA 7 6 1974 209 212 June 1974 Small Red Daphnia A Form of Live Killie Food Bill Parsonson
JAKA 7 6 1974 213 215 June 1974 Sex Determination in Killifish. Notes on George Mamonov
JAKA 7 6 1974 216 218 June 1974 Nomenclature Committee, A New ‘AKA’ Committee C. D. . Baker-Carr
JAKA 7 6 1974 218 218 June 1974 Horst Latzel Memorial Award and Tape
JAKA 7 6 1974 219 220 June 1974 The Problem Page
JAKA 7 6 1974 219 220 June 1974 Cyprinodon Study group
JAKA 7 6 1974 221 221 June 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 6 1974 222 223 June 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 6 1974 223 223 June 1974 A New Killifish Book
JAKA 7 6 1974 224 225 June 1974 New & Rare Species Report
JAKA 7 6 1974 225 225 June 1974 Killie Show
JAKA 7 6 1974 225 225 June 1974 JAKA - KN Announcements
JAKA 7 6 1974 226 226 June 1974 Thomas Cahalan Memorial Fund
JAKA 7 6 1974 226 226 June 1974 Slide Sale Program
JAKA 7 6 1974 226 226 June 1974 'AKA' Patch Available
JAKA 7 6 1974 226 226 June 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 6 1974 226 226 June 1974 With Apologies

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Bay Area Killifish Association
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Chicago Killifish Association
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Pacific Northwest Killifish Association
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Metropolitan Area Killifish Association
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Southern California Killie Club
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Ohio - Indiana - Kentucky Killie Club
JAKA 7 6 1974 227 227 June 1974 Have You Ordered Tape
JAKA 7 6 1974 228 228 June 1974 Index VII Is Now Available
JAKA 7 6 1974 228 228 June 1974 DKG - Journal translation Available
JAKA 7 7 1974 236 236 July 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 7 1974 237 242 July 1974 Aphyosemion elegans . A Review of the Group Technical paper no. 7 J.J. Scheel
JAKA 7 7 1974 243 249 July 1974 Roloffia toddi Clausen 1966 E. Roloff
JAKA 7 7 1974 250 255 July 1974 Collecting Killifishes in Cameroon Heinz Feucht
JAKA 7 7 1974 256 257 July 1974 Jordanella floridae Goode & Bean 1879 A. Terceira
JAKA 7 7 1974 258 261 July 1974 Some Observations on Raising Ps. annulatus J. Milgram
JAKA 7 7 1974 260 260 July 1974 Thomas Cahalan Memorial Fund
JAKA 7 7 1974 260 260 July 1974 'AKA' Membership Information
JAKA 7 7 1974 261 261 July 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 7 1974 262 263 July 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 7 1974 263 263 July 1974 Killie Hogwash
JAKA 7 7 1974 264 264 July 1974 Nomenclature Committee report
JAKA 7 7 1974 265 265 July 1974 New & Rare Species Report
JAKA 7 7 1974 266 266 July 1974 "Killifish Their Care and Breeding" Publications Tony Terceira
JAKA 7 7 1974 267 267 July 1974 'AKA' Patch Available
JAKA 7 7 1974 267 267 July 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 7 1974 267 267 July 1974 Index VII Is Now Available
JAKA 7 7 1974 267 267 July 1974 DKG-Journal Translation Available
JAKA 7 7 1974 268 268 July 1974 Club Announcements
JAKA 7 7 1974 268 268 July 1974 JAKA - KN Announcements
JAKA 7 7 1974 270 270 July 1974 Publications Sales
JAKA 7 8 1974 276 276 August 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 8 1974 277 282 August 1974 A Review of the Aphyosemion exiguum Group Technical paper no. 8 J.J. Scheel
JAKA 7 8 1974 283 286 August 1974 Aphyosemion oeseri in Pictures E. Roloff
JAKA 7 8 1974 287 288 August 1974 Breeding Blue Gularis Bob Schwiegerath
JAKA 7 8 1974 289 290 August 1974 Blue Gularis Varieties, Small Red vs. Big Blue Al Mikkelsen
JAKA 7 8 1974 291 294 August 1974 What’s in a Name? (part 1) C. D. . Baker-Cam
JAKA 7 8 1974 295 295 August 1974 A Breeding Set-Up for Cyprinodons Joe Anascavage
JAKA 7 8 1974 296 296 August 1974 A New Forced Hatching Method for Killifish Eggs Bob Morenski
JAKA 7 8 1974 297 297 August 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 8 1974 298 298 August 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 8 1974 299 299 August 1974 New & Rare Species Report
JAKA 7 8 1974 300 301 August 1974 Hybrid Committee Report
JAKA 7 8 1974 301 301 August 1974 OINKKA Killifish Show
JAKA 7 8 1974 302 302 August 1974 Urgent Attend These meetings
JAKA 7 8 1974 302 302 August 1974 A Message from your Tape Chairman
JAKA 7 8 1974 303 303 August 1974 'AKA' Patch Available
JAKA 7 8 1974 303 303 August 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 8 1974 303 303 August 1974 Index VII Is Now Available
JAKA 7 8 1974 303 303 August 1974 DKG-Journal Translation Available
JAKA 7 8 1974 304 304 August 1974 Club Announcements
JAKA 7 8 1974 304 304 August 1974 JAKA - KN Announcements
JAKA 7 8 1974 306 306 August 1974 Publications Sales
JAKA 7 9 1974 312 312 September 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 9 1974 313 318 September 1974 A Review of Aphyosemion bivittatum Technical Paper no. 9 J. J. Scheel
JAKA 7 9 1974 319 321 September 1974 What’s in a Name? Part 2 Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 7 9 1974 322 323 September 1974 Nothobranchius U-7 Fred Behrmann
JAKA 7 9 1974 324 325 September 1974 A New Method for Spawning the Substrate Spawners Allen Johnson
JAKA 7 9 1974 326 327 September 1974 A Word About ‘Belly-Sliders' Ted Dalgleish
JAKA 7 9 1974 328 329 September 1974 Shipping Fish - and the Post Office Lou Sandberg
JAKA 7 9 1974 330 331 September 1974 The Problem Page
JAKA 7 9 1974 332 332 September 1974 'AKA' Patch Available
JAKA 7 9 1974 333 333 September 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 9 1974 334 334 September 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 9 1974 335 337 September 1974 Report of the Hobby and Environmental Preservation Committee C. Jerry Sellers & Alan M. Fletcher
JAKA 7 9 1974 338 338 September 1974 1975 AKA Convention in New York
JAKA 7 9 1974 338 338 September 1974 Another Message from your Tape Chairman
JAKA 7 9 1974 338 338 September 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 9 1974 339 339 September 1974 Club Announcements
JAKA 7 9 1974 339 339 September 1974 JAKA - KN Announcements
JAKA 7 9 1974 342 342 September 1974 Publications Sales

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 7 10 1974 348 348 October 1974 Editorial
Glen E. Collier & Lloyd Stiernberg,
JAKA 7 10 1974 349 355 October 1974 identification. Care, and Breeding of Rivulus punctatus (NSC-11)
JAKA 7 10 1974 356 360 October 1974 What's in a Name? Part 3 Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 7 10 1974 361 362 October 1974 Observations on Spawning and Rearing Simpsonichthys boitonei Alan L. Semeit
JAKA 7 10 1974 363 364 October 1974 Super Peat Moss Charles F. Glut
JAKA 7 10 1974 365 366 October 1974 Writing for Newspapers David Suffia
JAKA 7 10 1974 367 368 October 1974 The Problem Page
JAKA 7 10 1974 369 369 October 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 10 1974 370 370 October 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 10 1974 371 371 October 1974 New & Rare Species Report
JAKA 7 10 1974 371 371 October 1974 Nomenclature Committee Report
JAKA 7 10 1974 372 373 October 1974 HEP Report
JAKA 7 10 1974 374 374 October 1974 Another Message from your Tape Chairman
JAKA 7 10 1974 374 374 October 1974 DKG Translation for More Killie news
JAKA 7 10 1974 375 375 October 1974 1975 AKA Convention in New York
JAKA 7 10 1974 375 375 October 1974 One Day Batta and Killifish Show in Louisville
JAKA 7 10 1974 376 376 October 1974 Thomas Cahalan Memorial Fund
JAKA 7 10 1974 376 376 October 1974 Horst Latzel Memorial Award and Tape
JAKA 7 10 1974 376 376 October 1974 'AKA' Patch Available
JAKA 7 10 1974 376 376 October 1974 Slide Sale program
JAKA 7 10 1974 376 376 October 1974 Library Notes
JAKA 7 10 1974 377 377 October 1974 Club Announcements
JAKA 7 10 1974 377 377 October 1974 JAKA - KN Announcements
JAKA 7 10 1974 378 378 October 1974 "What Is…"
JAKA 7 11 1974 384 384 November 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 11 1974 385 390 November 1974 Pterolebias hoignei , a New but Old Favorite, with Notes on Pterolebias zonatus Randy Keller
JAKA 7 11 1974 391 394 November 1974 The Endangerment of the Ash Meadows Pupfish Alfred Castro
JAKA 7 11 1974 395 396 November 1974 Observations on Aphanius mento Charley Grimes
JAKA 7 11 1974 397 399 November 1974 Experiments with Green Water Roy H. Anderson
JAKA 7 11 1974 400 400 November 1974 A New Method for Growing Enchytraeus. White Worms Dr. F. Proewig
JAKA 7 11 1974 401 402 November 1974 Hybrid Report: A. gardneri (Akure) X A. mirabile traudeae Ted Dalgleish
JAKA 7 11 1974 403 404 November 1974 The Problem Page
JAKA 7 11 1974 405 405 November 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 11 1974 406 407 November 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 11 1974 407 407 November 1974 New & Rare Species Report
JAKA 7 11 1974 408 408 November 1974 Nomenclature Committee Report
JAKA 7 11 1974 408 408 November 1974 New Classes Considered for Convention
JAKA 7 11 1974 409 409 November 1974 Another Message from your Tape Chairman
JAKA 7 11 1974 409 409 November 1974 Results of the Louisville Show
JAKA 7 11 1974 410 410 November 1974 The National Wildlife federation
JAKA 7 11 1974 411 411 November 1974 Best wishes to Col. Scheel
JAKA 7 11 1974 411 411 November 1974 DKG Translation for more Killie News
JAKA 7 11 1974 412 412 November 1974 A New Book for Killifish Keepers reviewed by Dr. R. B. Ingersoll
JAKA 7 11 1974 413 413 November 1974 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 7 11 1974 413 413 November 1974 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 7 11 1974 414 414 November 1974 What is..
JAKA 7 12 1974 420 420 December 1974 Editorial
JAKA 7 12 1974 421 426 December 1974 Start Your Own Local Group Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 7 12 1974 427 429 December 1974 Care and Breeding of Rachovia splendens John Tulipano
JAKA 7 12 1974 430 431 December 1974 Aphyosemion bivittatum . variety 2 Ted Dalgleish
JAKA 7 12 1974 432 432 December 1974 Entering Killifish in Tropical Fish Shows Art Hayley
JAKA 7 12 1974 433 434 December 1974 Breeding and Raising A. gular e Bob Morenski
JAKA 7 12 1974 435 436 December 1974 The Problem Page
JAKA 7 12 1974 437 437 December 1974 Title Page
JAKA 7 12 1974 438 439 December 1974 Chairman's Report
JAKA 7 12 1974 439 439 December 1974 75 Convention to be Long Island, NY
JAKA 7 12 1974 440 441 December 1974 HEP Report
JAKA 7 12 1974 442 442 December 1974 Slide Sale program
JAKA 7 12 1974 443 443 December 1974 Special New Award for the '75 Convention
JAKA 7 12 1974 443 443 December 1974 Another Message from your Tape Chairman
JAKA 7 12 1974 444 444 December 1974 Publicity Committee Report
JAKA 7 12 1974 444 444 December 1974 Overseas Correspondence
JAKA 7 12 1974 444 444 December 1974 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 7 12 1974 445 445 December 1974 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 7 12 1974 445 445 December 1974 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 7 12 1974 446 446 December 1974 What is..
JAKA 7 C 1974 C-2 C-3 Convention issue 1974 Dr. Radda's Banquet Speech Tony Terceira
JAKA 7 C 1974 C-4 C-9 Convention issue 1974 Convention Chairman's Report Barry Behurst
JAKA 7 C 1974 C-10 C-15 Convention issue 1974 List of Awards Proxy Bids
JAKA 7 C 1974 C-16 C-16 Convention issue 1974 Proxy Bids
JAKA 7 C 1974 C-16 C-16 Convention issue 1974 Special Notice from the Tape Program Chairman

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 8 1 1975 2 2 January 1975 Editorial
Dr. W. Ladiges and E. Roloff
JAKA 8 1 1975 3 7 January 1975 Roloffia viridis, spec. nov ., Description of a New Species from Liberia
(translated Dr. R. B. Ingersoll)
JAKA 8 1 1975 8 9 January 1975 Aphyosemion gardneri obuduense Wright and Jeremy 1974 R. W. Langton
JAKA 8 1 1975 10 13 January 1975 How to Get the Best Out of Your Diatom C. D.. Baker-Carr
JAKA 8 1 1975 14 16 January 1975 Hobby and Vacation Otto Bohm
JAKA 8 1 1975 17 18 January 1975 Cynolebias ladigesi (Foersch 1958) John Tulipano
JAKA 8 1 1975 19 20 January 1975 Hints and Tips for Your Fishroom edited by C. D. T. Baker-Carr
JAKA 8 1 1975 21 22 January 1975 Problem Page George Maier
JAKA 8 1 1975 23 23 January 1975 Genera in Cyprinodontidae
JAKA 8 1 1975 24 24 January 1975 Photo Potpourri
JAKA 8 1 1975 25 25 January 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 1 1975 25 27 January 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 1 1975 27 27 January 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 1 1975 28 28 January 1975 Stuart Grant, Notho Collector
JAKA 8 1 1975 29 29 January 1975 How to Record Tapes for the Tape program Dave Machell
JAKA 8 1 1975 30 30 January 1975 Must you be a Convention no-no?
JAKA 8 1 1975 31 31 January 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 1 1975 31 31 January 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 1 1975 32 32 January 1975 What is…?
JAKA 8 2 1975 34 34 February 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 2 1975 35 40 February 1975 A. puerzli sp. nov . and A. robertsonl sp. nov . Two New Rivulins from Cameroon A. C Radda and J.J. Scheel
JAKA 8 2 1975 41 46 February 1975 The Collection and Aquarium Maintenance of Procatopus similis Randy Slocum and Tony Terceira
JAKA 8 2 1975 47 48 February 1975 The Perfect Cynolebias (Cyn. alexandri) Bob Cozens
JAKA 8 2 1975 49 50 February 1975 Breeding Aphyosemion gardneri Stephen W. Lloyd
JAKA 8 2 1975 51 52 February 1975 Hints and Tips for Your Fishroom edited by C. D.. Baker-Carr
JAKA 8 2 1975 53 54 February 1975 The Problem Page George Maier
JAKA 8 2 1975 55 55 February 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 2 1975 56 57 February 1975 Chairman's Report Royal Ingersoll
JAKA 8 2 1975 57 57 February 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 2 1975 58 58 February 1975 Magnetic Tape program report
JAKA 8 2 1975 59 60 February 1975 Jubb Trophy
JAKA 8 2 1975 61 61 February 1975 Slide Sale program
JAKA 8 2 1975 61 61 February 1975 The British are Coming -- in '75
JAKA 8 2 1975 62 62 February 1975 Matched Breeding Pairs
JAKA 8 2 1975 63 63 February 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 2 1975 63 63 February 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 2 1975 64 64 February 1975 What is…?
JAKA 8 3 1975 66 66 March 1975 Guest Editorial Alan M. Fletcher
Donald C. Taphorn and Jamie E.
JAKA 8 3 1975 67 73 March 1975 Annual Killifishes of the Orinoco Basin of Venezuela
JAKA 8 3 1975 71 76 March 1975 Aphyosemion filamentosum : An Historic Observation E. Roloff
JAKA 8 3 1975 77 79 March 1975 Campellolebias brucei: a New Species and Genus of Cyprinodontidae with a Modification Raul Vas-Ferreira and Blanca Sierra
JAKA 8 3 1975 80 81 March 1975 Campellolebias brucei: a Detective Story Jim Milgram
JAKA 8 3 1975 82 84 March 1975 Rivulus ‘zygonectes’ - an Enigma Alan M. Fletcher
JAKA 8 3 1975 85 85 March 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 3 1975 86 86 March 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 3 1975 87 87 March 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 3 1975 88 88 March 1975 HEP Reports
JAKA 8 3 1975 88 89 March 1975 New & Rare Species Committee Report
JAKA 8 3 1975 89 89 March 1975 Nomenclature Committee report
JAKA 8 3 1975 90 90 March 1975 Convention '75 An Interim Report
JAKA 8 3 1975 91 91 March 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 3 1975 91 91 March 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 3 1975 92 92 March 1975 What is…?
JAKA 8 4 1975 94 94 April 1975 Editorial
Some Considerations about the Morphology. Habit, and Aquarium behavior of the New H. Taberner, J. O. Fernandez
JAKA 8 4 1975 95 102 April 1975
Species Cyn. nonoiuliensis Santos, and J. O. Castelli
JAKA 8 4 1975 103 104 April 1975 Aplocheilichthys nimbaensis Daget 1948 E. Roloff
JAKA 8 4 1975 105 107 April 1975 Spawning the Colombian Variety of Pterolebias zonatus Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA 8 4 1975 108 109 April 1975 The Misaje Strain of Aphyosemion gardneri Roger W. Langton
JAKA 8 4 1975 110 112 April 1975 One of the Old-Timers Aplocheilus lineatus George Maier

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 8 5 1975 126 126 May 1975 Guest Editorial David Suffia
JAKA 8 5 1975 127 129 May 1975 Additions and Comments on the Technical Papers of the AKA J. J. Scheel
JAKA 8 5 1975 130 133 May 1975 On the Genus Aplocheilichthys (Micropanchax) Fred Wright
JAKA 8 5 1975 134 135 May 1975 Aplocheilichthys katangae E. Roloff
JAKA 8 5 1975 136 139 May 1975 Preliminary Report of the A. bivittatum Study Group A. Terceira & R. Slocum
JAKA 8 5 1975 140 141 May 1975 Aphyosemion cinnamomeum Roger Langton
JAKA 8 5 1975 142 144 May 1975 Nothobranchius U-11 Randy Keller
JAKA 8 5 1975 145 147 May 1975 Bigger Isn’t Better Mike Bartlett
JAKA 8 5 1975 148 149 May 1975 Hints and Tips for Your Fishroom
JAKA 8 5 1975 180 150 May 1975 The Problem Page
JAKA 8 5 1975 151 151 May 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 5 1975 152 152 May 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 5 1975 153 153 May 1975 Convention '75
JAKA 8 5 1975 154 155 May 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 5 1975 155 155 May 1975 New & Rare Species committee Report
JAKA 8 5 1975 156 156 May 1975 HEP Reports
JAKA 8 6 1975 158 158 June 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 6 1975 159 163 June 1975 The Identification of Nothobranchius orthonotus (Peters, 1844) R. A. . Jubb
Preliminary Note on the Identification of Nothobranchius kuhntae (Ahl, 1926) and
JAKA 8 6 1975 164 169 June 1975 R. A. . Jubb
Nothobranchius guentheri (Pfeffer. 1893)
JAKA 8 6 1975 170 172 June 1975 The Nothobranchius Species of Malawi, Africa R. A. . Jubb
JAKA 8 6 1975 173 174 June 1975 Checklist of Known Nothobranchius Species.
JAKA 8 6 1975 175 176 June 1975 A. gardneri, the Jos Plateau Population Roger Langton
JAKA 8 6 1975 177 179 June 1975 Cyn. antenori Dan Nielsen
JAKA 8 6 1975 180 181 June 1975 Apl. pumilis E. Roloff
JAKA 8 6 1975 181 181 June 1975 Kosher Salt May be Dangerous Alan M. Fletcher
JAKA 8 6 1975 182 182 June 1975 Hints and Tips for Your Fishroom
JAKA 8 6 1975 183 183 June 1975 The Problem Page
JAKA 8 6 1975 184 184 June 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 6 1975 185 185 June 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 6 1975 186 186 June 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 6 1975 187 187 June 1975 New & Rare Species committee Report
JAKA 8 6 1975 187 187 June 1975 Publications Committee Report
JAKA 8 6 1975 188 188 June 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 6 1975 188 188 June 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 7 1975 190 190 July 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 7 1975 191 193 July 1975 Karyotypic Evolution in Aphyosemion J. J. Scheel
JAKA 8 7 1975 194 199 July 1975 The Karyotypes of Some Fundulopanchax Forms J. J. Scheel
JAKA 8 7 1975 200 202 July 1975 NSC Aphyosemion - 7: Deltafish Royal B. Ingersoll
JAKA 8 7 1975 203 205 July 1975 Aphyosemion gardneri Eyoumojok pop. Roger W. Langton
Observations Concerning: 1) Spawning Behavior in A. bivittatum , 2)Delayed Incubation in
JAKA 8 7 1975 206 207 July 1975 Ted Dalgleish
A. gardneri - Kano pop.
JAKA 8 7 1975 208 209 July 1975 Hints and Tips for Your Fishroom
JAKA 8 7 1975 210 212 July 1975 The Problem Page
JAKA 8 7 1975 213 213 July 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 7 1975 214 216 July 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 7 1975 217 217 July 1975 1974 AKA Financial Report
JAKA 8 7 1975 218 219 July 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 7 1975 219 219 July 1975 Hybrid Committee report
JAKA 8 7 1975 220 220 July 1975 Tape Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 7 1975 220 220 July 1975 New & Rare Species Committee Report
JAKA 8 8 1975 222 222 August 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 8 1975 223 228 August 1975 The Red River Pupfish. Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis Keith Ford
JAKA 8 8 1975 229 234 August 1975 A History of the Genus Cyprinodon Estella Flather
JAKA 8 8 1975 235 238 August 1975 A Synopsis of the Genus Profundulus A. C Terceira
JAKA 8 8 1975 239 240 August 1975 The Swamp Killifish, Leptolucania ommata James Cokendolpher
JAKA 8 8 1975 241 244 August 1975 Fundulus of the Northern Coastal United States Robert R. Rosen
JAKA 8 8 1975 245 247 August 1975 The Cyprinodon Study Group James Cokendolpher
JAKA 8 8 1975 248 249 August 1975 The Problem Page
JAKA 8 8 1975 250 250 August 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 8 1975 251 251 August 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 8 1975 252 253 August 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 8 1975 253 253 August 1975 Tape Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 8 1975 254 254 August 1975 Chicago Killifish Association Presents
JAKA 8 8 1975 255 255 August 1975 New & Rare Species committee Report
JAKA 8 8 1975 256 256 August 1975 AKA' Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 8 1975 256 256 August 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 8 9 1975 258 258 September 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 9 1975 259 263 September 1975 Another New Species of Aphyosemion from the Cameroon J.J. Scheel
JAKA 8 9 1975 264 265 September 1975 Aquarium Observations on A. raddai Scheel 1975 Randy Keller
JAKA 8 9 1975 266 268 September 1975 Breeding and Incubation Methods A. puerzli Radda & Scheel 1974, with Notes on Rearing Charles A. Nunziata
Attempted Surgical Correction of Belly-Sliding, with Observations Concerning Random
JAKA 8 9 1975 269 274 September 1975 Ted Dalgleish
JAKA 8 9 1975 275 276 September 1975 A. bivittatum hollyi A. C Terceira
JAKA 8 9 1975 277 277 September 1975 Attending the DKG Convention in Luedenscheld George Maier
JAKA 8 9 1975 278 279 September 1975 Killifish from Outer Space Glen E. Collier
JAKA 8 9 1975 280 281 September 1975 Hints and Tips for Your Fishroom
JAKA 8 9 1975 282 284 September 1975 The Problem Page
JAKA 8 9 1975 285 285 September 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 9 1975 286 286 September 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 9 1975 287 287 September 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 9 1975 288 288 September 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 9 1975 288 288 September 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 10 1975 290 290 October 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 10 1975 291 293 October 1975 Rivuline Faunas of the Cameroons J. J. Scheel
JAKA 8 10 1975 294 296 October 1975 The Florida Goldspotted Killifish ( Floridichthys carpio carpio ) R. J. Goldstein
JAKA 8 10 1975 297 298 October 1975 A Killifish Oddity: Aphyoplatys duboisi Randy Keller
JAKA 8 10 1975 299 301 October 1975 A. marmoratum and A. oeseri Roger W. Langton
JAKA 8 10 1975 302 302 October 1975 Observing Epiplatys dorsalis Mayer 1936 C Mohrmeyer
JAKA 8 10 1975 303 304 October 1975 A. bivittatum Kumba Population A. C. Terceira
JAKA 8 10 1975 305 306 October 1975 Roloffia maeseni Poll 1974 Dave Cook
JAKA 8 10 1975 307 309 October 1975 The Problem Page George Maier
JAKA 8 10 1975 310 310 October 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 10 1975 311 313 October 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 11 1975 314 314 November 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 11 1975 315 321 November 1975 Nothobranchius furzeri Jubb 1971 Dr. Walter Foersch
JAKA 8 11 1975 322 332 November 1975 My Experiences with Nothobranchius furzeri Detlev Luehring
JAKA 8 11 1975 333 334 November 1975 Enjoying hollyi Cliff Mohrmeyer
JAKA 8 11 1975 335 336 November 1975 Aphyosemion celiae Scheel 1971 Roger W. Langton
JAKA 8 11 1975 337 337 November 1975 The Ideal Spawning Mop Float Alan M. Fletcher
JAKA 8 11 1975 338 339 November 1975 Small Egg Incubation R. B. Ingersoll
JAKA 8 11 1975 339 340 November 1975 Peat Fibers as a Spawning Medium Dave Suffia
JAKA 8 11 1975 341 341 November 1975 Title Page
JAKA 8 11 1975 342 343 November 1975 Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 11 1975 343 343 November 1975 Tape Chairman's Report
JAKA 8 11 1975 344 344 November 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 11 1975 344 344 November 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 12 1975 346 346 December 1975 Editorial
JAKA 8 12 1975 347 355 December 1975 The Killifish Egg Albert J. Klee
JAKA 8 12 1975 356 357 December 1975 A. wildekampi R. B. Ingersoll
JAKA 8 12 1975 358 359 December 1975 A. ndianum Scheel 1968 Roger Langton
JAKA 8 12 1975 360 361 December 1975 Why Not ‘Panchax' Albert J. Klee
JAKA 8 12 1975 362 363 December 1975 Convention ‘75 Reports and Happenings Chris Baker-Carr
JAKA 8 12 1975 364 364 December 1975 By-Laws Revision
JAKA 8 12 1975 365 365 December 1975 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 8 12 1975 366 366 December 1975 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 8 12 1975 366 366 December 1975 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 8 12 1975 367 393 December 1975 Comvention '75 Results
JAKA 8 12 1975 394 394 December 1975 AKA Boosters
JAKA 8 12 1975 395 395 December 1975 Sincere Thanks
JAKA 8 12 1975 396 416 December 1975 Convention Pictures

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 9 1 1976 4 4 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Editorial
JAKA 9 1 1976 5 7 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 The History of the Genus Roloffia E. Roloff
JAKA 9 1 1976 8 12 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Facts about the Nitrogen Cycle The Kordon Corp
JAKA 9 1 1976 13 17 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Aphyosemion gardneri (Makurdi) Ray Mecca
JAKA 9 1 1976 19 21 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Some Spanish Friends (Valencia hispanica/Aphanius iberus ) P. Labhart
JAKA 9 1 1976 22 22 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Raising Aphyosemion gulare Ken McKeighen, Jr.
JAKA 9 1 1976 23 24 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Title Page
JAKA 9 1 1976 26 27 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Chairman's report
JAKA 9 1 1976 27 28 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Judging Classifications for the 1976 Convention
JAKA 9 1 1976 29 29 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Tape Program
JAKA 9 1 1976 29 29 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Mini-Workshop Series Index
JAKA 9 1 1976 29 29 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 1976 Renewal Form
JAKA 9 1 1976 30 30 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 AKA Bulletin Board
JAKA 9 1 1976 30 30 January 1976 Volume 9. No. 1 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 9 1 1976 32 32 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Editorial
JAKA 9 1 1976 33 36 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Nothobranchius korthhausae Fred Stewart
JAKA 9 2 1976 37 38 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Epiplatys bifasciatus and E. macrostigma: two Ideal Killies for Beginners Tony Terceira
JAKA 9 2 1976 39 41 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Roloffia occidentalis Bob Ellerman
JAKA 9 2 1976 42 51 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Aphyoplatys duboisi Otto Bohm
JAKA 9 2 1976 52 52 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Rivulus ornatus Ray Mecca
JAKA 9 2 1976 53 54 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Cures for Velvet Joanne Norton
JAKA 9 2 1976 55 56 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 The Problem Page
JAKA 9 2 1976 57 57 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Title Page
JAKA 9 2 1976 58 58 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 2 1976 59 59 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 By-Laws Revision
JAKA 9 2 1976 58 59 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 9 2 1976 60 62 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 Tape Program
JAKA 9 2 1976 62 62 February 1976 Volume 9. No. 2 New England Killifish Association
JAKA 9 3 1976 64 64 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Editorial
JAKA 9 3 1976 65 72 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 The Seventh Annual Desert Fishes Symposium: A Meeting Worth Attending Alfred D. Castro
JAKA 9 3 1976 73 80 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Photography for Killie Nuts Tony Terceira
JAKA 9 3 1976 81 83 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Killies and the Energy Crisis Dave Miller
JAKA 9 3 1976 84 85 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Aphyosemion scheeli RADDA 1973 Roger Langton
JAKA 9 3 1976 86 87 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Raising Fry Dave Suffia
JAKA 9 3 1976 88 89 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Chairman's report
JAKA 9 3 1976 90 90 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 1975 Financial Report
JAKA 9 3 1976 90 90 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Convention Report
JAKA 9 3 1976 92 93 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 9 3 1976 93 93 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Library Program
JAKA 9 3 1976 94 94 March 1976 Volume 9. No. 3 Have You Seen This Fish -An Open Letter
JAKA 9 4 1976 96 96 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Editorial
JAKA 9 4 1976 97 109 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 The Aphyosemion striatum Complex: A Case Report J. G. Lambert
JAKA 9 4 1976 110 126 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 The Nothobranchius of East Africa: Maintenance and Breeding M. Chan
JAKA 9 4 1976 127 128 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Lucania parva(Girard): The Rainwater Killifish Dr. R. J. Goldstein
JAKA 9 4 1976 129 131 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Cynolebias whitei : The Killie Fancier’s Betta Lou Sandberg
JAKA 9 4 1976 132 133 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Blue Gularis Anthony ‘Terceira
JAKA 9 4 1976 134 135 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Breeding Experiences With Rivulus NSC-7 Dan Nielsen
JAKA 9 4 1976 136 137 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Guidelines for Humane Killiekeeping Darrell Romine
JAKA 9 4 1976 140 141 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 The AKA Special Publications Committee Report
JAKA 9 4 1976 141 141 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 Campellolebias brucei report
JAKA 9 4 1976 142 142 April 1976 Volume 9. No. 4 In Memoriam -Johannes Franz
JAKA 9 5 1976 144 144 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Editorial
JAKA 9 5 1976 145 151 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Roloffia vs. Callopanchax George S. Myers
JAKA 9 5 1976 152 153 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Roloffia Becomes Callopanchax C.D.T. Baker-Carr
JAKA 9 5 1976 154 155 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Aphyosemion cyanostictum (Lambert & Gery, 1967) Randy Keller
JAKA 9 5 1976 156 158 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Killies Can Be For Everyone Alfred Castro
JAKA 9 5 1976 159 160 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Mini New Species Committee Leonard Mackowiak
JAKA 9 5 1976 161 162 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Some Salts of the Earth (Salt and Shrimp Eggs) Ray Hueckstaedt
JAKA 9 5 1976 163 164 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Problem Page
JAKA 9 5 1976 165 165 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Title Page
JAKA 9 5 1976 166 167 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 5 1976 168 168 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Instructions for Group Shipments to DKG
JAKA 9 5 1976 169 169 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 9 5 1976 170 170 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 9 5 1976 171 171 May 1978 Volume 9. No. 5 New & Rare Species Committee Report

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 9 6 1976 172 172 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Editorial
JAKA 9 6 1976 173 176 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 The Killie hobby In the USSR George Mamanov
JAKA 9 6 1976 177 181 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Check Those Eggs Fred Kraus
JAKA 9 6 1976 182 183 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Aphyosemion gabunense RADDA, 1975 Roger Langton
JAKA 9 6 1976 184 186 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Acidosis and Aquarium Pollution Marshall E. Ostrow
JAKA 9 6 1976 187 189 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Live Foods for Your Killifish-All Home Grown Jacob Scheidnass
JAKA 9 6 1976 190 191 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 A Gabon Jewel: A. georgiae georgiae Leonard Mackowiak
JAKA 9 6 1976 192 193 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 A Cure for Velvet Bill Gilson
JAKA 9 6 1976 194 197 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 6 1976 197 197 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 An Invitation
JAKA 9 6 1976 198 198 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 9 6 1976 199 199 June 1976 VoIume (9) No. 6 Publications Committee
JAKA 9 7 1976 200 200 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Editorial
JAKA 9 7 1976 201 204 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Pupfish for Mosquito Control Kaären J. Hiscox
JAKA 9 7 1976 205 207 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 A. ndianum and A. puerzli Their Care and Egg Development Otto Bohm
JAKA 9 7 1976 208 210 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Fundulus notatus and F. olivaceus: Two American Topminnows Michael Patterson
JAKA 9 7 1976 211 214 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Killies. at Random Ted Dalgleish
JAKA 9 7 1976 215 215 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Background on Killie Behavior R. Allan Winstel
JAKA 9 7 1976 216 216 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Roloffia ‘muelleri’ Dave Cook
JAKA 9 7 1976 217 217 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Title Page
JAKA 9 7 1976 218 220 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Chairman's Report Fred Stewart
JAKA 9 7 1976 221 223 July 1976 Volume 9, No. 7 Open Letter to the members of the AKA Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 9 8 1976 224 224 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Editorial
JAKA 9 8 1976 225 230 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Killies of the Southwestern United States - Cyprinodon nevadensis Al Castro
JAKA 9 8 1976 231 235 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Various Populations of the Gardneri Group - TheIr Keeping and PropagatIon Otto Bohm
JAKA 9 8 1976 236 237 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Roloffia calabarica David Suffia
JAKA 9 8 1976 238 239 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Having Problems Hatching Brine Shrimp? Fred Stewart
JAKA 9 8 1976 240 240 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Snails in the Breeding Tanks Jacob Scheidnass
JAKA 9 8 1976 241 241 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Title Page
JAKA 9 8 1976 242 243 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 8 1976 243 243 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Killie Revue '76
JAKA 9 8 1976 244 245 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Hybrid Registry Report Fran Clifford
JAKA 9 8 1976 245 245 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 New JAKA - KN Binders
JAKA 9 8 1976 246 246 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 9 8 1976 247 247 August 1976 Volume 9. Number 8 Publications Committee
JAKA 9 9 1976 248 248 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Editorial
JAKA 9 9 1976 249 261 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 From the Complete Field Notes of the Jan/Feb 1976 Collecting Trip to Sierra Leone Fred Wright
JAKA 9 9 1976 262 265 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 A Beautiful Little Jewel from Ikeja (A. filamentosum ) Mark Chan
JAKA 9 9 1976 266 268 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 The Forgotten Genus (Rivulus) Jeff McKee
JAKA 9 9 1976 268 271 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Breeding A. australe Joe Komarek
JAKA 9 9 1976 270 270 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Another Food for your Killies—Microworms Josephine White
JAKA 9 9 1976 271 271 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Title Page
JAKA 9 9 1976 272 273 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 9 1976 273 274 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 9 9 1976 275 275 September 1976 Volume 9, Number 9 Publications Committee

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 9 10 1976 276 276 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Editorial
JAKA 9 10 1976 277 281 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Aquatic Botany in an Artificial Environment Robert Holland
JAKA 9 10 1976 282 287 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Let’s Spawn the Blue Gularis Together Mark A. Chan
JAKA 9 10 1976 288 289 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Aphyosemion gardneri obuduense Wright & Jeremy, 1975 Otto Bohm
JAKA 9 10 1976 290 290 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 The Value of Behaviorial Studies Dean Robinson
JAKA 9 10 1976 291 291 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Paramecium Culture Ed Skowronski
JAKA 9 10 1976 292 293 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 The Oxygenator Technique for Early Incubation of Soil-Breeder Eggs Joseph J. Daly
JAKA 9 10 1976 294 295 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 10 1976 295 297 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 AKA Awards '76
JAKA 9 10 1976 298 298 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 9 10 1976 299 299 October 1976 Volume 9. Number 10 Publications Committee
JAKA 9 11 1976 300 300 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11
JAKA 9 11 1976 301 305 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Description of Aphyosemion litoriseboris spec. nov. Dr. A. C. Radda
JAKA 9 11 1976 306 309 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Fundulus diaphanus Hans Behr
JAKA 9 11 1976 310 313 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 A Rare Encounter with Cynolebias Woltorstorffi Mark Chan
JAKA 9 11 1976 314 315 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Aphyosemion arnoldi (Boulenger 1908) Otto Bohm
JAKA 9 11 1976 316 317 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 A Handy Tool for Harvesting the Eggs of Soilbreeders Jacob Scheidness
JAKA 9 11 1976 318 319 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 11 1976 319 320 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 9 11 1976 320 320 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Moving?
JAKA 9 11 1976 320 320 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Obituary Keith Ford
JAKA 9 11 1976 321 321 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Area Killiclub Announcements
JAKA 9 11 1976 322 322 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Chicago Weekend
JAKA 9 11 1976 323 323 November 1976 Volume 9. Number 11 Publications Committee
JAKA 9 12 1976 324 324 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Editorial
JAKA 9 12 1976 325 330 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 An Old Favorite from Mozambique Nothobranchius Rachovii Mark Chan
JAKA 9 12 1976 331 332 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Aphyosemion seymouri Walter Kessel
JAKA 9 12 1976 333 334 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Aphyosemion schoutedeni Jim Candelaria
JAKA 9 12 1976 335 335 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 A Killi What? Joseph Ferdenzi
JAKA 9 12 1976 336 336 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Indoor Water Hose Roger Willcox
JAKA 9 12 1976 337 338 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Problem Page
JAKA 9 12 1976 339 339 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Title Page
JAKA 9 12 1976 340 341 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Chairman's Report
JAKA 9 12 1976 342 343 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 9 12 1976 343 343 December 1976 Volume 9. Number 12 Cartoon Roger Willcox

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 10 1 1977 2 2 January 1977 Volume 10, Number 1 Editorial
JAKA 10 1 1977 3 6 January 1977 Volume 10, Number 1 Aphyosemion bivittatum Population Fred Kraus
JAKA 10 1 1977 7 9 January 1977 Volume 10, Number 1 New Way to Keep Killies, Using No Water ! Alfred Castro
JAKA 10 1 1977 10 12 January 1977 Volume 10, Number 1 Another Spawning Medium Green Sand Dale Weber
JAKA 10 1 1977 13 14 January 1977 Volume 10, Number 1 Collecting Killifish Food Ken McKeighen Jr.
JAKA 10 1 1977 15 16 January 1977 Volume 10, Number 1 Chairman's report
JAKA 10 2 1977 18 18 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Editorial
JAKA 10 2 1977 19 26 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Killifish Annualism: The Old World Annuals Wayne Leibel
JAKA 10 2 1977 27 28 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 A Lesser Known Species. A. melanopteron Frans Vermuelen
JAKA 10 2 1977 29 30 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Spawning Fundulus notatus (Rafinesque) With Observations in the Wild Ken McKeighen Jr.
JAKA 10 2 1977 31 32 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Rachovia splendens Dahl a Synonym of the Annual Killifish Rachovia brevis (Regan) edited by R.B. Ingersoll
JAKA 10 2 1977 33 34 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Rivulus NSC-l5 Jeff McKee
JAKA 10 2 1977 35 35 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 A Turkish Killifish ( Aphanius mento) Ron Zipay
JAKA 10 2 1977 36 37 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Problem Page George Maier
JAKA 10 2 1977 38 39 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 A Cool Way to Feed Killies Tom Marshall
JAKA 10 2 1977 40 41 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Chairman's report
JAKA 10 2 1977 42 42 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 10 2 1977 42 42 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 New & Rare Species Report Len Mackowiak
JAKA 10 2 1977 43 43 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Convention news Mollison Ott
JAKA 10 2 1977 44 44 February 1977 Volume 10. Number 2 Area Killiefish Announcements
JAKA 10 3 1977 46 46 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Editorial
JAKA 10 3 1977 47 56 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 The A. cameronense Complex A.C. Radda & E. Purzl
JAKA 10 3 1977 57 59 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Moving Your Fishroom Darrell Romine
JAKA 10 3 1977 60 62 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 A Method of Heating Fish Tanks Duane Wake
JAKA 10 3 1977 63 64 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Killi-People: Around the World R. B. Ingersoll
JAKA 10 3 1977 65 66 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Group Sex for Killies Bob Cozens
JAKA 10 3 1977 67 67 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Title Page
JAKA 10 3 1977 68 69 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Chairman's Report
JAKA 10 3 1977 70 70 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 New & Rare Species Report Len Mackowiak
JAKA 10 3 1977 70 70 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 North American Native Fishes Association
JAKA 10 3 1977 71 71 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 10 3 1977 72 72 March 1977 Volume 10. Number 3 Area Killiefish Announcements
JAKA 10 4 1977 74 74 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Editorial Roger Langton
About F. walkeri Boulenger. 1911; F. spurrelli Boulenger. 1913; and Aphyosemion
JAKA 10 4 1977 75 80 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Heinz O. Berkenkamp
litoriseboris RADDA, l976
JAKA 10 4 1977 81 85 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Contribution to the Study of the Aphyosemion walkeri (Boulenger. 1911) Superspecies Maurice Kottelat
JAKA 10 4 1977 86 87 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Aplocheilichthys Bleeker, 1863: The Lost Genus A. Terceira
JAKA 10 4 1977 88 89 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 A Tray Method for Hatching Brine Shrimp Oliver Pattee
JAKA 10 4 1977 90 91 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Culturing Wingless Fruit Flies Jim Hirsch
JAKA 10 4 1977 92 92 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Rain Water and Peat Bill Gilson
JAKA 10 4 1977 93 93 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Title Page
JAKA 10 4 1977 94 96 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Chairman's Report
JAKA 10 4 1977 97 100 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Message from DKG
JAKA 10 4 1977 98 98 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 New & Rare Species Report Len Mackowiak
JAKA 10 4 1977 99 99 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 Photography Committee
JAKA 10 4 1977 99 99 April 1977 Volume 10. Number 4 1977 CAOCAC Convention
JAKA 10 5 1977 102 102 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Editorial
JAKA 10 5 1977 103 108 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Cyprinodontidae Studies In South Eastern Nigeria: I.. The Coastal Plain Dr. Alfred C. Radda
JAKA 10 5 1977 109 112 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Vermiculture (Live Foods) Wayne Lewis
JAKA 10 5 1977 113 114 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 How Dark is Chocolate? (Chocolate Australe) Al Winstel
JAKA 10 5 1977 115 116 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 The Diamond Killifish: Adenia xenica L. Mackowiak
JAKA 10 5 1977 117 118 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 The Bluefin Dace Harry 0. Specht
JAKA 10 5 1977 119 119 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Title Page
JAKA 10 5 1977 120 121 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Chairman's report
JAKA 10 5 1977 122 122 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Method of Judging
JAKA 10 5 1977 122 122 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Approved Point System
JAKA 10 5 1977 122 122 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Delaware Valley Killifish Association
JAKA 10 5 1977 123 122 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Killifish Show in Holland
JAKA 10 5 1977 123 123 May 1977 Volume 10. Number 5 Publications Committee

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 10 6 1977 126 135 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Editorial
Cyprinodontidae Studies in South Eastern Nigeria II. The Relic Species of the Subgenus
JAKA 10 6 1977 127 131 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Dr. A. C. Radda
JAKA 10 6 1977 132 135 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Filtering your 100 Gallon Killie Tank Bob Cozens
JAKA 10 6 1977 136 138 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Rearing Killifish Fry Royal Ingersoll
JAKA 10 6 1977 139 140 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Blue Fin Killie Dale Weber
JAKA 10 6 1977 141 142 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Aphyosemion elegans (Boulenger 1899) Joe Komarek
JAKA 10 6 1977 143 143 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Beef Heart, but in a new Form George Mater
JAKA 10 6 1977 144 146 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Convention 1976 Tom Grady
JAKA 10 6 1977 147 147 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Title Page
JAKA 10 6 1977 148 148 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Chairman's report
JAKA 10 6 1977 149 149 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 A Report to the membership
JAKA 10 6 1977 150 150 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 New & Rare Species Report Len Mackowiak
JAKA 10 6 1977 151 151 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Area Killiefish Announcements
JAKA 10 6 1977 152 152 June 1977 Volume 10. Number 6 Publications Committee
JAKA 10 7 1977 155 155 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Editorial
Cyprinodontidae Studies in South Eastern Nigeria Ill. The Aphyosemion gardneri Group with
JAKA 10 7 1977 155 164 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Dr. A. C Radda
the Description of A. scheeli akamkpaensis nov. subspec.
JAKA 10 7 1977 165 167 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Etzel’s toddi Ted Klotz
JAKA 10 7 1977 168 169 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Fundulus cingulatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846) Joe Davis
JAKA 10 7 1977 170 171 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Pterolebias NSC-1 Over Peat Allan Winstel
JAKA 10 7 1977 171 171 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Title Page
JAKA 10 7 1977 172 174 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Chairman's report
JAKA 10 7 1977 175 175 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 New & Rare Species Report Len Mackowiak
JAKA 10 7 1977 173 176 July 1977 Volume 10. Number 7 Area Killiefish Announcements
JAKA 10 8 1977 178 178 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 Editorial
JAKA 10 8 1977 179 182 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 Gene Pools in Aquaria Warren Hubbard
JAKA 10 8 1977 183 183 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 Aphyosemion robertsoni Fred Wright
JAKA 10 8 1977 184 185 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 What Should I Send to the Convention Steve Sellers
JAKA 10 8 1977 186 186 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 Chairman's Report
JAKA 10 8 1977 187 203 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 Convention 1977 Roger Langton
JAKA 10 8 1977 204 204 August 1977 Volume 10 Number 8 Publications Committee

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 206 207 Editorial
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 208 213 The Subgenus Chromaphyosemion RADDA (1971) Dr. Radda
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 214 217 A New Place of the Medakas Bruce J. Turner
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number Otto Bohm(translated by R. B.
JAKA 10 9 1977 218 222 Aphyosemion batesi - a Little Known Species
8(9) Ingersoll
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 223 224 Never a Dull Moment with Simpsonichthys boitonei de Carvalho 1959 Tom Grady
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 225 226 Survival (cold water temperature tolerances of diff. fish) Fred Kraus
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 227 229 My First Killie - Fundulus chrysotus Charley Grimes
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number L. Seegers (translated by George
JAKA 10 9 1977 230 232 New Fish - New Names (seven new species)
8(9) Maier)
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 233 234 The Killifish Data Sheet Frank Marotta
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 235 236 Tubifex Will Turn Your Killies Into Egg Machines Charley Grimes
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 237 237 Nothobranchius U-13 - ‘Olago’
September/October 1977 Volume 10 Number
JAKA 10 9 1977 237 240 Problem Page
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number Comparative Observations on the Early Embryology of Nothobranchius korthausae and
JAKA 10 10 1977 242 251 Anthony C. Terceira
10 Epiplatys sheljuzhkoi. With Special Reference to Prediction the Onset of Diapause 1.
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 252 252 Roloff’s Rivulus - Who will be the First to Keep it? Alan M. Fletcher
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 253 254 A Colorful Rivulus (R. roloffi ) Jeff McKee
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 255 257 The Care and Breeding of Rivulus marmoratus Roscoe 0. Whiddon
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 258 263 Some Newly Described Species of the Genus Aphyosemion Myers 1928 A. C Radda
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 264 270 Rivulus: An introduction to the Genus Ray Mecca
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 270 271 One Way of Doing It! (ways to maintain your fish) Hans Behr
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 272 273 Rivulus harti Rediscovered Alan M. Fletcher
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 274 275 Rivulus cylindraceus, a Different Shape Jeff McKee
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 275 278 Rivulus isthmensis Garman. 1895 Mark Master
November/December 1977 Volume 10, Number
JAKA 10 10 1977 278 281 Insights into Fish and Egg Listings 1973—1976

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 11 1 1978 2 2 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 Editorial
JAKA 11 1 1978 3 12 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 Cyprinodontidae Around Abidjan (Ivory Coast) with Special Reference to Their Biotypes H. Romand (part I)
JAKA 11 1 1978 13 25 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 Communications on the Superspecies Aphyosemion gardneri (Boulenger. 1911) Rudolf H. Wildekamp
JAKA 11 1 1978 26 28 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 Polluted Peat - a Natural Condition Doug Straker
JAKA 11 1 1978 29 31 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 Aphyosemion mirabile moense Plant Spawner or Soil Spawner? Richard Cunningham
L. Seegers (translated by
JAKA 11 1 1978 32 33 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 New Fish - New Names (four new species)
Freidham Peters
JAKA 11 1 1978 34 34 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 A. gardneri (Albino) Gary Hass
JAKA 11 1 1978 34 34 January/February 1978 Volume 11. Number 1 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 11 2 1978 38 38 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 Editorial
Cyprinodontidae Around Abidjan (Ivory Coast) with Special Reference to Their Biotypes,
JAKA 11 2 1978 39 46 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 R. Romand
part 2
JAKA 11 2 1978 47 48 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 The ‘Vivoplani’ Mystery (Nothobranchius palmqvisti) Th. Steinfort and R. H. Wildekamp
JAKA 11 2 1978 49 50 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 My Experiences with ‘Nothobranchius vibiplanni ’ Jack Carr
JAKA 11 2 1978 51 56 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 In Search of South American Fishes Rosario LaCorte
JAKA 11 2 1978 57 57 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 Breeding Pterolebias longipinnis Ken McKeighen Jr.
JAKA 11 2 1978 59 60 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 Aplocheilus lineatus - a Prolific Fish Barb & Lonny Langione
JAKA 11 2 1978 61 62 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 My Experience with the Lyre-tail (Aphyosemion australe ) George J. Maier
JAKA 11 2 1978 61 62 March/April 1978 Volume 11, Number 2 The Problem Page
JAKA 11 3 1978 69 69 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 Editorial
Two New Species of Nothobranchius - Nothobranchius Janpapi and Nothobranchius
JAKA 11 3 1978 70 75 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 Ruud Wildekamp
Otto Boehm (Aplocheilichthys
JAKA 11 3 1978 76 83 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 The Lamp Eyes
Aphaniinae (Aphanius mento, iberus, apodus. fasciatus, dispar, cypris, chantrei, anatoliae.
JAKA 11 3 1978 84 86 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 Alex Thiermann
Kosswigichthys asquamatus. and Valencia hispanica)
JAKA 11 3 1978 87 88 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 A Lampeye Challenge - Aplocheilichthys (sic) flavipinnis Ches Schart
JAKA 11 3 1978 89 91 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 Cyprinodon nevadensis amargosae Miller, 1948 Dr. Dan Nielsen
JAKA 11 3 1978 92 93 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 Observations of Fundulus Notti and Other North American Killifish Ross Brock
JAKA 11 3 1978 94 95 May/June 1978 Volume 11. Number 3 Letters to the Editor

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Page Page
JAKA 11 3 1978 96 96 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Editorial
Cyprinodontidae Around Abidjan (Ivory Coast) with Special Reference to Their Biotypes,
JAKA 11 3 1978 97 103 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Raymond Romand
part 3
JAKA 11 3 1978 104 109 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Three Oldies But Goodies ( A. scheeli, marmoratum, and santaisabellae ( or oeseri)) Scott Davis
JAKA 11 3 1978 110 110 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Additional Notes on Rivulus harti Alan M. Fletcher
JAKA 11 3 1978 111 112 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Aphyosemion georgiae Bruce Jolly
JAKA 11 3 1978 113 113 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Epiplatys dageti Arley Cirtz
JAKA 11 3 1978 114 114 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Water Changes Tim Bias
JAKA 11 3 1978 115 115 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Aphyosemion celiae Jack Carr
JAKA 11 3 1978 115 116 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 11 3 1978 117 134 July/August 1978 Volume 11, Number 4 The Sixteenth Annual Convention in Review
JAKA 11 5 1978 135 135 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Editorial
Redescription of Nothobranchius brieni Poll 1938, and the Description of Three New
JAKA 11 5 1978 136 144 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 R. H. Wildekamp
Nothobranchius Species (Pisces. Cyprinodontidae) from the Province of Shaba, Zaire
JAKA 11 5 1978 145 156 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Three Species of Nothobranchius from Beira (rachovii, kuntae and mayeri) E. Roloff
Literature Review A review of the Fish Communities in Tropical Freshwaters by R. H.
JAKA 11 5 1978 157 158 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Richard E, Berg
JAKA 11 5 1978 159 159 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Express Mail - A Not So New Way To Ship Killies Jack Carr
JAKA 11 5 1978 159 159 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Feeding Brine Shrimp
JAKA 11 5 1978 160 160 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 The sub-genus Kathetys
JAKA 11 5 1978 162 162 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Aphyosemion boehmi and A. christyi Lou Hersh
JAKA 11 5 1978 162 162 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 Pupfish Presumed Extinct
JAKA 11 5 1978 163 165 September/October 1978 Volume 11, Number 5 George Maier's Problem Page
JAKA 11 6 1978 167 167 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Editorial
A New Killifish From North-Eastern Gabon - Aphyosemion abacinum Nov. Spec. J. H. Huber (translated by Gari H.
JAKA 11 6 1978 168 173 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6
(Atherinidae Cyprinodontidae. Rivulinae Miller
JAKA 11 6 1978 174 177 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Jordanella Floridae John S. Brill Jr.
New Killies from Gabon (A. lamberti, ocellatum, coeleste. punctatum. maculatum. and
JAKA 11 6 1978 178 186 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 A. C. Radda
JAKA 11 6 1978 184 185 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 The Medaka (Oryzias latipes ) Paul-Emil Messier
JAKA 11 6 1978 186 187 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Cynolebias alexanderi Barb Langione
JAKA 11 6 1978 188 189 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Changing Water in the Aquarium George J. Maier
JAKA 11 6 1978 190 190 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 My First Experience with Killies Michael Harrington
JAKA 11 6 1978 191 191 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Tables for cameronense
JAKA 11 6 1978 192 192 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Observing the Hatching Artemia Jimel Ferguson
JAKA 11 6 1978 193 193 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 A Solution to Fungused Eggs Jeff McKee
JAKA 11 6 1978 194 194 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Covers, Sponges, Dividers, etc. Tim Bias
JAKA 11 6 1978 195 195 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Statement of Ownership
JAKA 11 6 1978 196 197 November/December 1978 Volume 11. Number 6 Annual Index Volume11

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JAKA 12 1 1979 ` 1 January/February 1979 Volume 12, Number 1 Editorial
JAKA 12 1 1979 2 14 January/February 1979 Volume 12, Number 1 A Synopsis of the Genus Fundulus (Cyprinodontidae: Pisces) Glen Collier
JAKA 12 1 1979 15 18 January/February 1979 Volume 12, Number 1 Collecting Southern Natives Charles Grimes
JAKA 12 1 1979 19 23 January/February 1979 Volume 12, Number 1 Experiences with Simpsonichthys boitonei Dan Katz
JAKA 12 1 1979 24 26 January/February 1979 Volume 12, Number 1 Some Personal Observations on Killifish Behavior Darrell Romie
JAKA 12 1 1979 27 31 January/February 1979 Volume 12, Number 1 The Problem Page
JAKA 12 2 1979 32 32 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Editorial
The South American Annual Fish- Neofundulus Paraguayensis (Eigenman and Kennedy.
JAKA 12 2 1979 33 40 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Persio de Souza Santos Filho
JAKA 12 2 1979 41 42 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 An Exciting Addition- - Aphyosemion ocellatum (Huber & Radda, 1977) Tom Hannink
JAKA 12 2 1979 43 45 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Roloffia melantereon (Fowler. 1950) E. Roloff
A review of four New Pupfish of the Genus Cyprinodon from Mexico (C. meeki, nazas.
JAKA 12 2 1979 46 47 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Dr. A. C. Terceira
alvarezi, and macrolepis)
JAKA 12 2 1979 48 49 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Water, Make Your Own Richard Cunningham
JAKA 12 2 1979 19 50 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 A. marmoratum Duane Wake
JAKA 12 2 1979 50 50 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 An Inexpensive Method of Heating aquariums George Haycraft
JAKA 12 2 1979 51 52 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Rol. roloffi Frank Marotta
JAKA 12 2 1979 53 54 March/April 1979 Volume 12. Number 2 Faux Pas Jack Carr
JAKA 12 3 1979 55 55 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Editorial Tony Terceira
JAKA 12 3 1979 56 59 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Current Nomenclature of South American Annuals Jim Thomerson
JAKA 12 3 1979 60 61 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Killifish Eggs - Masters of Survival Otto Boehm
JAKA 12 3 1979 62 63 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Aphyosemion scheeli - an Ideal Killie Felix DeTrolio
JAKA 12 3 1979 64 65 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 The Subgenus Mesoaphyosemion Radda, 1977 A. C Terceira
L. Seegers & R. Wildekamp
JAKA 12 3 1979 66 73 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 New Fish - New Names (translated by A. Wolf & Dr. K.
Lazara) (three new species)
JAKA 12 3 1979 74 75 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Aphyosemion bivittatum bitaeniatum Ken McKeighen, Jr.
JAKA 12 3 1979 75 76 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Epiplatys lamottei Daget, 1954 Harry Specht, M.D.
JAKA 12 3 1979 77 78 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Enough White Worms for All Your Fish Charley Grimes
JAKA 12 3 1979 79 80 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 For Those Who Enjoy ‘Big’ - Aphyosemion deltaense JAKA/Staff
JAKA 12 3 1979 80 81 May/June 1979 Volume 12, Number 3 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 12 4 1979 82 82 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Editorial Tony Terceira
JAKA 12 4 1979 83 86 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Profundulus - a Forgotten Genus Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA 12 4 1979 87 92 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 A Twenty Year Dream Comes True (a collecting trip) Rosario S. LaCorte
JAKA 12 4 1979 93 94 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Cynolebias nigripinnis - a Delightful South American Annual Harry Faustmann
JAKA 12 4 1979 95 96 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Aphyosemion labarrei Poll, 1952 Jim Candelaria
JAKA 12 4 1979 97 98 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Experiences with A. Sjoestedti (The Blue Gularis) Barb Langione
JAKA 12 4 1979 99 102 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 You Never Had It So Good Wa1ter Indell
JAKA 12 4 1979 103 103 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Super-Convention ‘79 Duane Wake
JAKA 12 4 1979 104 104 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 A Review of Convention '79
JAKA 12 4 1979 105 107 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 The Cincinnati 400 Klaus Schoening
JAKA 12 4 1979 107 117 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Convention Results
JAKA 12 4 1979 118 124 July/August 1979 Volume 12. Number 4 Convention Pictures
JAKA 12 4 1979 125 162 September/October 1979 Volume 12. Number 5 Guest Editorial Darrell Romaine
JAKA 12 5 1979 126 13 September/October 1979 Volume 12. Number 5 Interim Checklist of Nothobranchius Species of East and Central Africa R. A. Jubb
JAKA 12 5 1979 134 151 September/October 1979 Volume 12. Number 5 A Hobbyist View of the Genus Nothobranchius Tom Grady
John Buytaert(translated by Klaus
JAKA 12 5 1979 152 157 September/October 1979 Volume 12. Number 5 In Search of New Species in Congo Brazzaville
JAKA 12 5 1979 158 162 September/October 1979 Volume 12. Number 5 Problem Page George Maier
JAKA 12 6 1979 164 164 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Editorial
J. H. Huber (translated by George
JAKA 12 6 1979 165 174 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Cyprinodonts of the Congo Basin
Lothar Seegers (translated by
JAKA 12 6 1979 175 179 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Cynolebias bellottii
George Maier
JAKA 12 6 1979 180 180 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 A Proposal Concerning Nothobranchius Rachovii Robert P. Vance
JAKA 12 6 1979 181 182 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Fundulus kansae - a Native Gem Al Morales
JAKA 12 6 1979 183 183 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Culturing Turbatrix aceti Michael Barrington
JAKA 12 6 1979 184 184 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Let Fish ‘Do Their Own Thing’ David Suffia
JAKA 12 6 1979 185 185 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Aphyosemion ndianus Mark Kemper
JAKA 12 6 1979 186 186 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 In the Beginning- Aphanius Mento Jim Kostich
JAKA 12 6 1979 187 188 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 A Numbering System to Indicate Peat Wetness Roger Langton
JAKA 12 6 1979 189 190 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Status at the Pupfish Jim Forshey
JAKA 12 6 1979 191 192 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Nothobranchius korthausae Duane Wake
JAKA 12 6 1979 192 192 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 How I Use Canned Cat Food to Feed My Fish W. Wylde
JAKA 12 6 1979 193 197 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Annual Index Volume 12
JAKA 12 6 1979 198 198 November/December 1979 Volume 12. Number 6 Letters to the Editor

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JAKA 13 1 1980 1 1 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Editorial
Provisional Description of Roloffia etzelli sp. nov. A new Cyprinodontidae form. Sierra
JAKA 13 1 1980 2 10 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 H. O. Berkenkamp
JAKA 13 1 1980 11 12 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Tropical Deforestation: Getting the Green Out B. Keenan
JAKA 13 1 1980 13 14 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Epiplatys chevalieri (Pellegrin 1904) A Common Killie We Seldom See A. Terceira
JAKA 13 1 1980 15 16 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 The Identification of the Aquarium Strain of Epiplatys ansorgei Tom Grady
JAKA 13 1 1980 17 20 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Epiplatys dageti: A beginner’s dream Come True Hans Behr
Book Reviews: The Natural History of Native Fish in the Death Valley System David L.
JAKA 13 1 1980 21 22 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Reviewed by John Brill
Soltz and N.J. Naiman
JAKA 13 1 1980 23 25 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 The Cyprinodontids of Cameroon - A.C. Radda, ed. Terceira reviewed by Al Winstel
JAKA 13 1 1980 26 26 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Super Fine Peat Al Anderson
JAKA 13 1 1980 27 27 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Feed Only Young Worms to your Baby Fish George Maier
13 1 1980 28 31 January/February 1980 Volume 13. #1 Problem Page
JAKA 13 2 1980 32 32 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Map of Rift Valley
Investigations into the Identification of N. taeniopygus Hilgendorf with a Reclassification of
JAKA 13 2 1980 33 46 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 R. H. Wildekamp
the Subgenus Zonothobranchius Radda 1969
JAKA 13 2 1980 47 51 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Synopsis of Notes of the program given by R. Wildekamp at the 1979 convention Charles Nunziata
JAKA 13 2 1980 52 52 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Nomenclature’ Notes on Nothobranchius Ken Lazara
JAKA 13 2 1980 53 54 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 New Fish-New Names ( A. caudiofasciatum, A. pyrophore ) J.H. Huber and A.C. Radda
JAKA 13 2 1980 55 58 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 My Experience with the Rare Pachypanchax homolonotus Randy Keller
JAKA 13 2 1980 59 59 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 What’s Your Bag (Peat Storage) R. Felmey
JAKA 13 2 1980 60 62 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Wingless Fruit Flies Rick Smith
JAKA 13 2 1980 63 63 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Fishroom ‘management- A Few Things to Think About (filtration) W.F. Wylde
JAKA 13 2 1980 64 64 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Go Preaching George Maier
JAKA 13 2 1980 65 66 March/April 1980 Volume 13. #2 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 13 3 1980 67 67 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 Editorial
JAKA 13 3 1980 68 73 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 Territorial Behavior in Captive Cyprinodon variegatus W. R. Kenney
JAKA 13 3 1980 74 77 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 Tropical Deforestation: Getting the Green Out (Part 2) Bill Keenan
Breeding Experiments with Several New Species ( A. wachtersi, buytaerti, schluppi, thysi,
JAKA 13 3 1980 78 85 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 Ton Hannik
pyrophore, caudofasciatus, louessense)
JAKA 13 3 1980 86 89 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 The Sophism of Environmentalism Ted Held
JAKA 13 3 1980 90 92 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 Moving with your Fish Estella Flather
JAKA 13 3 1980 92 93 May/June 1980 Volume 13. #3 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 13 4 1980 94 94 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 Mr. Erhard Roloff In Memoriam
JAKA 13 4 1980 95 95 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 Editorial
JAKA 13 4 1980 96 100 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 Effects of Rapid pH Change on Survival of Banded Killifish Fundulus diaphanus (LeSueur) W. R. Kenney
Jaroslav Kadlec translated by
JAKA 13 4 1980 101 103 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 My Experience with A. walkeri (Boulenger 1911)
George Maier
JAKA 13 4 1980 104 104 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 Spawning A. exiguum Chris Adamson
JAKA 13 4 1980 105 110 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 Nothobranchius guentheri Hans Behr
JAKA 13 4 1980 111 120 July/August 1980 Volume 13, #4 Convention 1980 Results
JAKA 13 5 1980 122 122 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Editorial
Introduction to Killifish Native to Northeastern United States (F. diaphanus, notti,
JAKA 13 5 1980 123 128 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 confluentus, luciae, Cyprinodon variegatus, Jordanella floridae, Lucania parva, Fundulus W .R. Kenney
heteroclitus, majalis )
JAKA 13 5 1980 129 129 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Nomenclature Notes: Epiplatys sexfasciatus, A. santaisabellae, oeseri Ken Lazara
Jarlslav Kadlec translated by
JAKA 13 5 1980 130 132 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Aphyosmion gabunense (Radda & Huber, 1977)
George Maier
JAKA 13 5 1980 133 136 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Aphyosemion mirabile intermittens David Suffia
JAKA 13 5 1980 137 141 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Benign Neglect and the A. bivittatum Group N.J. Wilson
JAKA 13 5 1980 142 142 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Culturing Daphnia Dennis Heist
JAKA 13 5 1980 143 143 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 A Community Breeding Tank for Blue Gularis K.K. Quinn
JAKA 13 5 1980 144 144 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 An Alternate Hatching Method Ed Reed
JAKA 13 5 1980 145 146 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 Sponge Filters George J. Maycraft
JAKA 13 5 1980 147 148 September/October 1980 Volume 13. #5 A Brine Shrimp Hatcher Kerry Teats
JAKA 13 6 1980 154 154 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Editorial
J.C. Cokendolpher reprinted from
JAKA 13 6 1980 155 157 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Hybridization Experiments with the Genus Cyprinodon
JAKA 13 6 1980 158 162 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Tips on Maintaining Western Pupflsh Al Castro
JAKA 13 6 1980 163 169 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 The Concept of Species A.C. Terceira
JAKA 13 6 1980 170 173 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Pterolebias zonatus , A South American Gem Bryan Nelson
New Rivulus Species- Described and Undescribed ( R. xiphidius, amphoreus and several
JAKA 13 6 1980 174 176 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Anders Caseel
undescribed species
JAKA 13 6 1980 177 179 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 The Problem Page
JAKA 13 6 1980 180 181 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Procatopus lafia Hans Behr
JAKA 13 6 1980 182 183 November/December 1980 Volume 13. #6 Annual Index to Volume 16

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JAKA 14 1 1981 1 1 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Editorial
JAKA 14 1 1981 2 5 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Observations on Procatopus and Plataplochilus 0. Boehm
JAKA 14 1 1981 6 7 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Recent Developments in the Genus Fundulus W. Kenney
JAKA 14 1 1981 8 10 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Observation of the Popular and Ever Sought A. cyanostictum Harold Corrigan
JAKA 14 1 1981 11 13 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Two interesting New Nothobranchius ( N. kayunl, N. patrizii) Ian Sainthouse
JAKA 14 1 1981 14 19 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Automatic Water Change System Wayland Lee
JAKA 14 1 1981 20 22 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Dwarf Red Gularis, Some lmportant Differences J. Sutton
JAKA 14 1 1981 23 23 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Microworms, An alternate fry food Dr. Dan Nielsen
JAKA 14 1 1981 24 27 January/February 1981 Volume 14, #1 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 14 2 1981 28 28 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Editorial
Length-Frequency Analysis and Standard Length-Total Length relationship for the Eastern
JAKA 14 2 1981 29 37 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 William R. Kenney
Banded Killifish, F. diaphanus diaphanus (Lesueur)
JAKA 14 2 1981 38 38 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Nomenclature Notes Ken Lazara
JAKA 14 2 1981 39 42 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Swordtails in a Transvaal River: Some Distribution Problems R.A. Jubb
JAKA 14 2 1981 43 44 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Aphyosemion herzogi, Radda.19?5 A. Terceira
JAKA 14 2 1981 45 46 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Aphyosemion louessense NPC—33 An Ideal Species D. Suffia
JAKA 14 2 1981 47 53 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Field Observations of Native KIllies in Central Indiana and the Southeast Charley Grimes
JAKA 14 2 1981 54 54 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Aplochilus lineatus- A Glittering Jewel Norb Wiesnet
JAKA 14 2 1981 55 56 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 The First Live Food that can be Collected in Spring (Eubranchipus gigas, Fairy shrimp) George Maler
JAKA 14 2 1981 57 57 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 Myths about Killifish and Killikeepers 0. Paimeter
JAKA 14 2 1981 58 58 March/April 1981 Volume 14, #2 You Know it is Going to be One of those Days When: Dr. Dan Nielsen
JAKA 14 3 1981 59 59 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Editorial
Notes on Certain Groups of Killifish (A. from Gabon and Congo, Cameroonian, Western
JAKA 14 3 1981 60 63 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 J.J. Scheel
Species,and the Genus Aplochilus )
JAKA 14 3 1981 64 66 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Experimental Design and Technical Writings How to, How not to John A. Wass
JAKA 14 3 1981 67 71 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Developments. Problems and Synonymy in the Genus Cynolebias Kenneth Lasara
JAKA 14 3 1981 72 72 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 The Variable Pearl Fish A New Killifish from Uruguay” ( C. viarius ) Lothar Seegers
JAKA 14 3 1981 73 76 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Aquaria for Breeding Killifish Louis B. Hersh
JAKA 14 3 1981 77 78 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Nothobranchius steinforti Lou Sandberg
JAKA 14 3 1981 79 80 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 In Search of Peat Paul Skofield
JAKA 14 3 1981 81 83 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 New Fish, New Names ( Roloffia schmitti, Roloffia jeanpoli, A. seegersi )~ Rudd Wildekamp
JAKA 14 3 1981 84 84 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 14 3 1981 85 87 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Journal of the American Killifish Association Alphabetical Index Volume 12
JAKA 14 3 1981 88 May/June 1981 Volume 14, #3 Journal of the American Killifish Association Alphabetical Index Volume 13

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Page Page
JAKA 14 4 1981 90 90 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Editorial
Notes on Three Somali Nothobranchius New to Aquarists (N. patrizii, N. microlepis, N.
JAKA 14 4 1981 91 95 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Richard Haas
“Warfa blue”)
JAKA 14 4 1981 96 102 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Maintaining And Breeding Cynolebias Dan Katz
JAKA 14 4 1981 103 104 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Experiences with A. gardneri William Kenney
JAKA 14 4 1981 105 105 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 The Incubator Richard D. Antanavich
JAKA 14 4 1981 106 106 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Grindal Worms George Maier
JAKA 14 4 1981 107 109 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 14 4 1981 110 113 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Convention 1981 Jack Carr
JAKA 14 4 1981 114 125 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 AKA Convention Show Results
JAKA 14 4 1981 125 128 July/August 1981 Volume 14. #4 Another Gathering of the AKA
JAKA 14 5 1981 129 129 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Editorial
A Remarkable Species Flock of Pupfish, Genus Cyprinodon. from Yucatan, Mexico Julian N. Humphries, Robert N.
JAKA 14 5 1981 130 141 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5
(Cyprinodon beltrani, maya, labiosus, simus) Miller
JAKA 14 5 1981 142 156 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 The Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Northern American Killifish Kenneth J. Lazara
JAKA 14 5 1981 157 159 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Pupfish on Grand Cayman Al Morales
Natural History Observations on Two Fluviatile Texan Pupfish ( Cyp. elegans, macularius
JAKA 14 5 1981 160 166 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Paul V. Loiselle
JAKA 14 5 1981 167 168 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Garmanella pulchra, a Fascinating Killifish from Mexico Anders Cassel
JAKA 14 5 1981 170 171 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Apparent Cleaning Behavior of Two Killifish (Adinia xenica, F. chrysotus ) Thomas M. Baugh
JAKA 14 5 1981 172 184 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Crenichthys baileyi (Gilbert, 1893) John Brill
JAKA 14 5 1981 185 188 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Case Report: Gutter in a Pupfish Dan Nielsen
JAKA 14 5 1981 189 195 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 The Lined Topminnow, Fundulus lineolatus Ed C. Taylor
JAKA 14 5 1981 196 196 September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 You Qualify as a Native Fish Nut when... W. B. Kenney
JAKA 14 5 1981 196B 196B September/October 1981 Volume 14. #5 Statement of Ownership
JAKA 14 6 1981 197 197 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Editorial
Additional notes on Certain Groups of Killifish Discussion on some Notho’s, A. striatum
JAKA 14 6 1981 198 200 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 J.J. Scheel
group, A. georgiae group
Nomenclature Notes Nomenclatural Problems in the Killifish genera Aphyosemion and
JAKA 14 6 1981 201 203 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 K. J. Lazara
JAKA 14 6 1981 204 208 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Maintaining and Breeding a Rare Epiplatys E. “kassiapluensis” C. Nunziata
JAKA 14 6 1981 209 210 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Water Sprite Scott Davis
JAKA 14 6 1981 211 212 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Note on Mate Recognition R. A. Jubb
New Fish-New Names ( R. amphoreus, R. xiphidius, A. kunzi = splendidum, N. jubbi jubbi, N.
JAKA 14 6 1981 213 217 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Rudd Wildekamp
jubbi interruptus. N. foerschi, Adamas formosus, E. nigricans = chevalieri )
JAKA 14 6 1981 218 219 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 A Method of Water Incubating Nothobranchius Embryos Using Peat Extract Solution Jerry Shapiro
JAKA 14 6 1981 220 221 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 My Experiences with A. fulgens Jack Carr
JAKA 14 6 1981 222 225 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Culturing Grindal Worms John Sutton
JAKA 14 6 1981 226 227 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Letters to the Editor
JAKA 14 6 1981 228 229 November/December 1981 Volume 14 #6 Annual Index Volume 14

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 15 1 1982 1 1 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 In Memoriam-George Maier Scott Davis
15 1 1982 2 2 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 802 W. belmomt Scott Davis
15 1 1982 3 3 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Editorial
A literature review of “ A Phylogenetic and Biogeograhic Analysis of Cyprinodontiform
JAKA 15 1 1982 4 9 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Reviewed by Neal R. Foster
Fishes” L.R. Parenti
JAKA 15 1 1982 10 11 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Nomenclature Notes (R. cryptocallus, R. peruensis and R. pearsoni nomina nuda?) K.J. Lazara
JAKA 15 1 1982 12 12 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 New Fish-New Names ( A. chauchei,A. schiotzi ) Trans. by Kevin Sharpe
JAKA 15 1 1982 13 15 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Consider the Polytypic Species W.R. Kenney
JAKA 15 1 1982 16 18 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 A Look at spawning the blue and golden Pheasant (R. o. toddi, R. o. occidentale) Ray Hueckstaedt
JAKA 15 1 1982 19 15 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Keeping and Bredding Whatever They Are Alfred D. Castro
JAKA 15 1 1982 16 28 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Aquarium Filters Louis B. Hersh
JAKA 15 1 1982 29 29 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Taking Advantage of Available Space D. Suffia
JAKA 15 1 1982 30 31 January/February 1982 Volume 15. #1 Breeding Killies, Newfane Style Stephen E. Butcher
JAKA 15 2 1982 32 32 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Editorial
JAKA 15 2 1982 33 34 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Nomenclature Notes” (Aphyosemion and Cynolebias Revisited K.J. Lazara
Status of the Cyprinodontid Fish Genus Rivulus in Costa Rica With Description of Nov
JAKA 15 2 1982 35 48 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 W.A. Bussing
Endemic Species
JAKA 15 2 1982 49 55 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Getting Started with Killies Joan B. Glascock
JAKA 15 2 1982 56 58 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Remarks on the Collecting and Rearing of Costa Rican Rivulus Dan Fromm
JAKA 15 2 1982 59 60 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Personal Experiences with Nothobranchius furzeri N. Morenski
JAKA 15 2 1982 61 63 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Invasion of the Blue Gularis Jeff McKee
JAKA 15 2 1982 64 69 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Hints and Tips on Shipping Killies Jack Carr
JAKA 15 2 1982 70 70 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Killifish vs. Community Tanks William Kenney
JAKA 15 2 1982 71 72 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 A Backyard Killie Pond David Suffia
JAKA 15 2 1982 73 73 March/April i982 Volume 15. #2 Alphabetical Index, Volume 14 JAKA/KN
JAKA 15 3 1982 75 75 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Editorial
JAKA 15 3 1982 76 79 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Comments of the Genus Rivulus Albert J. Klee
JAKA 15 3 1982 80 82 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Nomenclature Notes-A Summary of New Names (59 names) K. Lazara
JAKA 15 3 1982 83 100 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 A Review of Recent Observations on the Phenomenon of Annual Egg Diapause Wayne S. Leibel
JAKA 15 3 1982 101 101 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 New Fish-New Names ( E. huberi. N. cyaneus) trans. by Bryan Nelson
JAKA 15 3 1982 102 104 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Aphyosesion amieti Jack Carr
JAKA 15 3 1982 105 105 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Before you Change Your Mind-Be Sure David Suffia
JAKA 15 3 1982 106 109 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Round Robin Reports Coordinator: Joan Glascock
JAKA 15 3 1982 110 111 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Alternate Methods for Water Incubating Aphyosemions Robert Morenski
JAKA 15 3 1982 112 113 May/June 1982 Volume 15. #3 Overcoming the Shyness of Killies David Suffia

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 15 4 1982 114 114 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Editorial
JAKA 15 4 1982 115 122 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Nothobranchius guentheri and Nothobranchius melanospilus Ruod H. Wildekamp
JAKA 15 4 1982 123 128 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Here Today. Gone Tomorrow Alfred D. Castro
JAKA 15 4 1982 129 131 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Aphanius mento Charles A. Lutman
JAKA 15 4 1982 132 134 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Some Thoughts About Space David Suffia
JAKA 15 4 1982 135 140 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Moena macrocopa- The Japanese Daphnia Hans van Es
JAKA 15 4 1982 141 143 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Letters to the Editor Theodore D. held
JAKA 15 4 1982 147 150 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 A Desire: Detroit Convention Report Arch Martin
JAKA 15 4 1982 151 160 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Show results, Convention '82
JAKA 15 4 1982 161 164 July/August 1982 Volume 15. #4 Convention '82 in Pictures
September/October 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 165 165 Editorial
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
September/October 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 166 184 The Taxonomy and Nomenclature of South and Central American Killifishes K.J. Lazara
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 185 189 Killies of the Andes: the Genus Orestias L.R. Parenti
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 190 200 Fluviphylax pygmaeus, A Miniature Killifish from Tropical South American Freshwaters S.H. Weitzman
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 201 210 Tne White Eye, Oxyzygonectes dovii
Issue: South and Central American Killifish Dan Fromm
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special Wild Rachovia I Have Known (and a few domestic ones, too)-An Informal History of One
JAKA 15 5 1982 211 214 Roger Hoelter
Issue: South and Central American Killifish Man’s Encounter with the Genus Rachovia
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 215 227 Natural History Notes on Some Cynolebias Species Rosario LaCorte
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 228 236 Pteroleblas peruensis Myers, 1954 Dave Franco
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 237 241 Notes on Cynolebias adloffi Ahl Dan Katz
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
SeptemberlOctober 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 242 244 Notes on the Culture of Cynolebias alexandri Castello & Lopez Brian Perkins
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
September/October 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 245 246 A Hermaphrodite Rivulus from Brazil
Issue: South and Central American Killifish Anders Cassel
September/October 1982 Volume 15. #5 Special
JAKA 15 5 1982 245 246 Errata, September/October 1981
Issue: South and Central American Killifish
JAKA 15 6 1982 249 249 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Editorial
JAKA 15 6 1982 250 257 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Problems Surrounding Aphyosemion deltaense Ton Hannink
JAKA 15 6 1982 258 261 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Getting Started With Nothos Robert Morenski
JAKA 15 6 1982 262 268 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Nothobranchius kirki Lou Sandberg
JAKA 15 6 1982 269 271 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Nothobranchius foerschi and Others of the N. palmquisti Group Dave Astbury
Compiled and annotated by C.
JAKA 15 6 1982 272 273 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Nothobranchius Study Group Report:Survey of Peat Storage Time and Temperature
JAKA 15 6 1982 274 280 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Problem Page George Maier
JAKA 15 6 1982 281 283 November/December 1982 Volume 15. #6 Annual Index Volume 15

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Journal of
the AKA 16 1 1983 1 1 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Editorial A.C. Terceira
Journal of
the AKA 16 1 1983 2 12 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Meaning of “Killifish” Part I Albert J. Klee, Ph. D
Journal of
the AKA 16 1 1983 13 14 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 New Fish - New Names (reprinted rom Killi-Revue, 1982) Russel Miller (Translation)
KN Features 16 1 1983 15 20 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Success with Aphyosemion bivittatum Funge Population Liz Hutchings
KN Features 16 1 1983 21 23 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Nothobranchius rachovii Lou Sandberg
KN Features 16 1 1983 24 26 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Aphanius dispar, A Brackish Water Killie Dan A. Andrews, M.D
KN Features 16 1 1983 27 29 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Ramblings on Annual Fish Dr. Dan Nielsen
KN Features 16 1 1983 30 31 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 A Few Ideas for Your Fishroom Jack Carr
KN Features 16 1 1983 32 33 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Epiplatys chevalieri David Suffia
KN Features 16 1 1983 34 35 Jan./Feb. 1983 Vol. 16 No. 1 Alphabetical Index, Volume 15
Journal of
the AKA 16 2 1983 36 36 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 Editorial
Journal of
the AKA 16 2 1983 37 55 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 What’s In A Name? The Meaning of “Killifish” Part II Albert J. Klee, Ph.D
KN Features 16 2 1983 56 28 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 A New (?) Rivulus From Panama Dan Fromm
KN Features 16 2 1983 59 61 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 Sundry Comments of the Genus Epiplatys William R. Kenney
KN Features 16 2 1983 62 62 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 The Genus Epiplatys Illustrated Rudd Wildekamp
KN Features 16 2 1983 63 65 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 Cynolebias constanciae Dr. Dan Nielsen
KN Features 16 2 1983 66 67 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 Breeding of Pterolebias longipinnis (Garman 1895) Mike Komiensky
KN Features 16 2 1983 68 70 March/April 1983 Vol. 16 No.2 Round Robin Report Compiled by: Joan Glascock
Journal of
the AKA 16 3 1983 71 71 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Editorial
Journal of
the AKA 16 3 1983 72 74 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 An Introduction to Problems in Taxonomy George Plotkin. Ph.D.
Journal of
the AKA 16 3 1983 75 82 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Notes (in the Ecology of the Cyprinodontidae Fauna of the Ivindo Basin in Gabon David Astbury
KN Features 16 3 1983 83 84 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 “Ruby Red Lips” Jack Carr
KN Features 16 3 1983 85 92 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Collecting Fever Jeff McKee
KN Features 16 3 1983 93 95 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Cynolebias whitei — The Killie Fanciers Betta Lou Sandberg
KN Features 16 3 1983 96 96 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 New Species Translation by Brian Nelson
KN Features 16 3 1983 97 97 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Epipatys dageti Brian Ziulkowski
KN Features 16 3 1983 98 101 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Round Robin Report Compiled by Joan Glascock
KN Features 16 3 1983 102 105 May/June 1983 Vol. 16 No. 3 Computers in the Fishroom Tony Benages
Journal of
the AKA 16 4 1983 106 106 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Editorial
Journal of
the AKA 16 4 1983 107 110 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 An Introduction to Problems in Taxonomy.. Part II George Plotkin, Ph. D
KN Features 16 4 1983 111 114 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Nothobranchius elongatus Wildekamp, 1982 David Astbury
KN Features 16 4 1983 115 117 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 A Few Words About Shipping Fish Dr. Dan Nielsen
KN Features 16 4 1983 118 119 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Community Killies Susan D. Oglebay, MD
KN Features 16 4 1983 120 126 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Experiences with Rivulus holmiae Ken Stoops
KN Features 16 4 1983 127 131 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Convention ‘83 — A Review Alan Chesterman
KN Features 16 4 1983 132 140 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Convention Results
KN Features 16 4 1983 141 142 July/August 1983 Vol. 16 No. 4 Special Awards
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 145 175 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 Editorial, SPECIAL ISSUE Lampeyes of the Old World, the subfamily Aplocheilichthyinae.
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 146 158 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 A Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Overview of the subfamily Aplocheilichthyinae Kenneth J. Lazara, Ph.D
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 159 164 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 The Genus Procatopus (Boulenger) Monty Lehman
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 165 175 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 The Tanganyikan Lampeye, Lamprichthys tanganicanus (Boulenger) Neal R. Foster, Ph.D
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 176 184 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 The Genus Aplocheilichthys Bleeker: A Hobbyist’s Introduction Steven White

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 185 187 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 Some Notes on maintaining and breeding Procatopus aberrans (Ahl, 1927) Joe Komarek
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 188 193 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 Pantanodon: A Personal Memoir Bruce J. Turner, Ph.D
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 194 198 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 Aplocheilichthys normani Ahl, 1928 Buzz Allen
Journal of
the AKA 16 5 1983 199 201 Sept./Oct. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 5 Errata, September/October, 1982.. 199
Journal of
the AKA 16 6 1983 202 202 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Editorial
Journal of
the AKA 16 6 1983 203 206 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Aphyosemion aureum, a New Killie Ton Hannik, KFN
KN Features 16 6 1983 207 211 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Killifish from Cameroon, Aphyosemion amieti Radda 1976 Jaroslav Kadlec
KN Features 16 6 1983 212 217 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Pseudepiplatys annulatus Fred Stewart
KN Features 16 6 1983 218 219 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Hatching Annual Fish, Nothobranchius and Cynolebias John Vermaak
KN Features 16 6 1983 220 221 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Spread the Word Dick Van Hyfte
KN Features 16 6 1983 222 222 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Fishroom Management, a Key to Success Hans Behr
KN Features 16 6 1983 223 224 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 New Fish. New Names David Astbury
KN Features 16 6 1983 225 228 Nov./Dec. 1983 Vol. 16, No. 6 Round Robin Report Compiled by: Joan Glascock

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Journal of
the AKA 17 1 1984 1 1 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Editorial
Journal of
Notes on Rivulus chucunaque Breder, A Panamanian Rivulus with Remarkable Sexual
the AKA 17 1 1984 2 4 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Daniel Fromm
KN Features 17 1 1984 5 9 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 A Journey to Peru Hermann Jesef Wischmann
KN Features 17 1 1984 10 12 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Taking the “Bugs” out of Killies Robert Morenski
KN Features 17 1 1984 13 13 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 In Praise of Japanese Daphnia Tony Rowley
KN Features 17 1 1984 14 16 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Nothobranchius Made Simple Andy Thornhill
KN Features 17 1 1984 17 21 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Some Cynolebias in Cold Water Andre Remeur
KN Features 17 1 1984 22 26 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Beginner’s Committee Jack Carr, Joan Glascock
KN Features 17 1 1984 27 27 Jan./Feb. 1984 Vol. 17 No. 1 Killies are Beautiful — A Photo Gallery Anthony C. Terceira, Ph.D.
Journal of
the AKA 17 2 1984 28 28 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 EDITORIAL
Journal of
the AKA 17 2 1984 29 33 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 An Introduction to the Physiology of Fishes John A. Wass, Ph. D
KN Features 17 2 1984 34 38 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 A Report About Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) Hal Fairfield
Field Notes on Pupfish Habitats in Death Valley, Ash Meadows Southern Amargosa River
KN Features 17 2 1984 39 50 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 Arch C. Martin
Basin, May 31 thru June 2,1983
KN Features 17 2 1984 51 53 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 Fundulopanchax gardneri Roger W. Langton
KN Features 17 2 1984 54 57 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 The Most Colorful Rivulus Seen In The Hobby Ian Sainthouse
KN Features 17 2 1984 58 58 Mar/Apr 1984 Vol. 17 No. 2 Roloffia monroviae Bob Morenski
Journal of
the AKA 17 3 1984 59 72 May/June 1984 Vol. l7 No.3 Limnology of Orinoco Basin Annual Killifish Pools. Technical Paper No. 24. Leo G. Nico and Donald C. Taphorn
KN Features 17 3 1984 73 74 May/June 1984 Vol. l7 No.3 Killifish Literature Review Tom Grady
KN Features 17 3 1984 75 75 May/June 1984 Vol. l7 No.3 In Praise of Earthworms Katharina L. Geise
KN Features 17 3 1984 76 79 May/June 1984 Vol. l7 No.3 Zambia -- Once More John Rosenstock
KN Features 17 3 1984 80 81 May/June 1984 Vol. l7 No.3 Fundulosoma thierryi Mali Anthony Pinto
KN Features 17 3 1984 82 85 May/June 1984 Vol. l7 No.3 Nothobranchius melanospilus Lou Sandberg

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Journal of
the AKA 17 4 1984 86 91 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 Collecting Nothobranchius in Malawi John Vermaak
KN Features 17 4 1984 92 95 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 Working with Peat Moss Robert Morenski
KN Features 17 4 1984 96 97 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 Breeding Aphyosemion pyrophore RPC 19 Jim Gasior
KN Features 17 4 1984 98 98 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 A New Paste Food For Killies Edward Warner
KN Features 17 4 1984 99 102 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 Convention 1984, In Review Leonard Mackowiak
KN Features 17 4 1984 103 110 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 Convention Results
KN Features 17 4 1984 111 116 July/Aug. 1984 Volume 17, No. 4 Convention in Photos
Special Issue 17 5 1984 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Special Issue Aplocheilus. Epiplatys, and Pachypanchax
Special Issue 17 5 1984 117 117 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Editorial
A short Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Account of the Genera Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax,
Special Issue 17 5 1984 118 130 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Kenneth J. Lazara, Ph.D.
and Epiplatys, With a Tentative List of Valid Species and Principal Synonyms.
Special Issue 17 5 1984 131 131 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 ERRATA, September/October 1983
Special Issue 17 5 1984 132 133 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Aplocheilus, Epiplatys, and Pachypanchax One genus or three genera? Col. Jorgen J. Scheel
Special Issue 17 5 1984 134 142 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Aplocheilus — The Perfect Killifishes Edward C. Taylor
The Genus Pachypanchax Myers, 1933 with a breeding Report on Pachypanchax playfairii
Special Issue 17 5 1984 143 145 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Steve White & John Geleas
(Gunther, 1866).
Special Issue 17 5 1984 146 149 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Epiplatys spilargyreius (Dumeril, 1861). Alfred D. Castro
Special Issue 17 5 1984 150 185 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Overview of the Genus Epiplatys Charles A. Nunziata
Special Issue 17 5 1984 186 191 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Epiplatys sexfasciatus, New England Style (I can’t stand tomatoes in my chowder, either). William R. Kenney
Special Issue 17 5 1984 192 199 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Epiplatys ansorgii (Boulenger, 1911). Scott Davis
Special Issue 17 5 1984 200 202 Sept./Oct. 1984 Volume 17, No.5 Epiplatys lamottei Dageti, 1954 Jerry Shapiro
Journal of
the AKA 17 6 1984 203 203 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 Editorial
Journal of
the AKA 17 6 1984 204 205 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 Rivulichthys luilingi, A Junior synonym of Pterolebias longipinnis Pisces: Rivulidae). Jamie E. Thomerson
Journal of
the AKA 17 6 1984 206 214 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 An Introduction to The Physiology of Fishes John A. Wass
KN Features 17 6 1984 215 219 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 Lamprichthys tanganicanus Maintenance and Breeding David Schleser
KN Features 17 6 1984 220 220 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 Killie Fry Baby Sitters Liz Hutchings
KN Features 17 6 1984 221 222 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 Notes On Live Food Cultivation John Vickers
KN Features 17 6 1984 223 225 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 A Novelty from Zambia —Nothobranchius spec. “Nega Nega” Jaroslav Kadlec
KN Features 17 6 1984 226 228 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 “Ruby Red Lips” Jack Carr
KN Features 17 6 1984 229 231 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 One Fish Makes An Odd Couple Harry 0. Specht
KN Features 17 6 1984 232 233 Nov./Dec. 1984 Volume 17, No.6 Round Robin Report Compiled by Joan Glascock

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Journal of
the AKA 18 1 1985 1 1 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Editorial
Journal of
the AKA 18 1 1985 2 7 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 A Synopsis of Experiment MA-161 from: “Biology in Zero-G” Hal Fairfield
KN Features 18 1 1985 8 10 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Breeding and Raising Aphyosemion raddai Jim Gasior
KN Features 18 1 1985 11 19 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Notes on Geography, Climate, and Egg Incubation in South American Annual Killifishes Dave Koran
KN Features 18 1 1985 20 20 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Biotope Your Killies Brian Perkins
KN Features 18 1 1985 21 22 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Something For The Small Fry Scott Davis
KN Features 18 1 1985 23 26 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Roloffia guineensis (Daget, 1954) Killifish from Guinea Jaroslav Kadlec
KN Features 18 1 1985 27 30 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 A Few “Tricks of the Trade” or How to Survive Killikeeping Tom Grady
KN Features 18 1 1985 31 39 Jan./Feb. 1985 Volume 18, No. 1 Round Robin Report Compiled by Joan Glascock
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 40 40 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 41 43 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 The Life Colors of Rivulus frenatus Eigenmann Jamie E. Thomerson
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 44 45 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Aphyosemion kribianum , A Giant from the Aphyosemion Genus Karl-Keinz Luke
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 46 51 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Rivulus hartii in Trinidad Al Winstel
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 52 52 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 My Experience with Aphanius mento Thurman Phillips
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 53 53 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Mark Kemper’s Fish Room Mark Kemper
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 54 55 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Cameroon 1981 Translated by Klaus Schoening
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 56 57 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Aphyosemion pyrophore Tom Isgro
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 58 65 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 Death and Duckweed Ken Harsh
JAKA/KN 18 2 1985 66 66 Mar./Apr. 1985 Volume 18, No.2 A Hobbyists Hints on Maintaining Annual Roloffia Dave Cook
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 67 67 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 68 70 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Pachypanchax playfairi The Saw-Backed Killie Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 71 72 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Tall Tales Dale Weber
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 73 73 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Spawning Cynolebias whitei Vicci & Gary Weeks
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 74 74 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Pterolebias zonatus —The Ultimate Killie! Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 75 76 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Breeding Nothobranchius rachovii Carolyn Hanlon
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 77 78 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 A Banner Killifish, Blue Gularis Jim Hutchings
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 79 84 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Convention ‘85 Scott Davis
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 85 86 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Convention ‘85 Photo’s Lenny Mackowiak
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 87 91 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 DKG Convention ‘85 and Impressions of Germany Bill Fackert
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 92 92 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Roloffia (Aphyosemion) brueningi Paul Brew
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 93 94 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Aphyosemion australe Greg Chang
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 95 96 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Experiences with Aphyosemion marmoratum Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 18 3 1985 97 97 May/June 1985 Volume 18, No.3 Statement of ownership
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 98 99 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Aphyosemion ogoense pyrophore RPC-19 Gary Selfert
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 99 100 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Rivulus cylindraceus An Unknown Beauty Jim Hutchings
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 101 102 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Microworms the British Way Alan Schusler
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 102 104 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Ways with Whitei Tom Isgro
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 104 106 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Species and Subspecies not included in the third edition of KMI Dr. Kenneth Lazara
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 107 112 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 My Experiences with the Subgenus Diapteron Tom Hannink
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 113 120 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Judging Fish Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 121 123 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Fruit Flies for Every Day Dr. Alvin Shulz
JAKA/KN 18 4 1985 124 124 July/August 1985(6*) Volume 18, No. 4 Foiling Egg Eaters Bob Schraedley
An Introduction to the Physiology of Fishes. Part IV. Excretory and OsmoreguIatory
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 125 134 Sept./Oct.1985 Volume 18, No.5 John Wass, Ph.D.
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 135 137 Sept./Oct.1985 Volume 18, No.5 Daphnia, More Than A Live Food Charlie Grimes
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 138 140 Sept./Oct.1985 Volume 18, No.5 Ramblings on Annuals, Part II Dr. Dan Nielsen
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 141 155 Sept./Oct.1985 Volume 18, No.5 A Climatological Approach: An Intro. Mark Delraso
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 156 159 Sept./Oct.1985 Volume 18, No.5 Aph. bivittatum Harry Specht, M.D
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 160 160 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 18 5 1985 161 164 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 Long Ago Harry Specht, M.D.
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 165 169 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 Aphyosemion ogoense RPC-206 What Do Wife’s Know? Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 170 173 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 in Search of Killie Trivia Kurt Bihimayer
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 174 175 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 O.K. — Let’s Talk Worms Paul Brew
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 176 180 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 Breeding Killies: No Guarantees Implied or Given Martin Hoffman
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 181 182 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 An Elegant Addition to a Fish Room — Pterolebias wischmanni Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 183 189 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 Automatic Water Circulation Albert Bossum
JAKA/KN 18 6 1985 190 190 Nov./Dec.1985 Volume 18, No.6 Rules For Appreciating Rivulus Scott Davis

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JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 1 1 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Special Issue: The Genus Rivulus
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 2 3 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 4 53 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Rivulus as Live Animals Dan Fromm
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 54 65 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 A Review of Rivulus Poey. 1860 Ken Lazara
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 66 69 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Some Notes on Keeping and Breeding Species of the Rivulus breviceps Complex Dave Turner
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 70 80 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 The Role of Rivulus marmoratus in Research on Aquatic Pollutants William P Davis
A Short Note on a Recent Collection of Rivulus Species (Cyprinodontidae, Pisces) from the
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 81 86 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Dr. J H. Huber
Brazilian Coastal Plain
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 87 90 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Rivulus roloffi Trewavas in Roloff. 1938 Jeff McKee
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 91 96 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 In Search of Rivulus hartii -. In Southern California Monty Lehman
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 97 102 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Rivulus stellifer Thomerson and Turner, 1973; the Annual Rivulus Dave Koran
Evidence for Embryonic Diapause in Rivulus marmoratus: Laboratory and Field
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 103 108 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Scott A Ritchie and William P Davis
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 109 111 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Breeding and Raising Rivulus tenuis Meek. 19041 Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 19 1 1986 112 112 January/February 1986 Vol. 19, No. 1 Errata, September/October 1984
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 113 113 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 114 119 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Strategies For Managing And Propagating Killifish Dr. Dave Koran
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 120 124 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Aphyosemion bochtlerl -Win Some, Lose Some- Mike Stoecker
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 125 127 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Beginning With Killies Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 128 130 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 The Care and Breeding of Aphyosemion primigenlum Gabon 80 Martin Hoffman
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 131 132 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Killifish Keeping In The Future Roger Langton
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 133 135 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Let’s Try To Build An Incubator Karl Doering
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 136 138 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Aphyosemion celia celia : Notes On Their Location, Description and Breeding Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 139 140 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Killifish And Peanut Butter Tony Kline
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 141 142 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Annual Index For 1985
JAKA/KN 19 2 1986 143 143 Mar./April 1986 Volume 19, No.2 Statement Of Ownership
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 145 145 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 146 152 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 “A Rose By Any Other Name . .“Taxonomy Bob Fargher
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 153 157 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 Fundulopanchax puerzli Beginning with Semi—Annuals Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 158 159 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 Culturing White Worms (Enchytraeids) Ronald Lewis
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 160 162 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 Back From The Brink Aphyosemion ahli kribi Jim Hutchings
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 163 165 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 The Top-Bottom Mop Charles McLamb
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 166 168 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 “Truth In Advertising” Dr. David Koran
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 169 173 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 Some Problems With A. australe or (What Am I Doing Wrong) Martin Hoffman
JAKA/KN 19 3 1986 174 175 May/June 1986 Volume 19, No.3 Space — The Final Front Tier or a Trek Through my Fishroom Stars Bob Schraedley

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JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 176 177 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 178 183 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 A Review of Aphyosemlon elegans Group J.J. Scheel
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 184 196 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 The Aphyosemlon striatum -Complex A Case Report J.G. Lambert
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 197 212 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 The Nothobranchius of East Africa — Maintenance and Breeding Mark Chan
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 213 222 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 White’s Pearlfish, With Some Information on the Genus Cynolebias Heinz 0. Berkenkamp
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 223 225 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 The Forest And Grassland of West Cameroon Dr. Alfred Radda
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 226 228 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 Live Foods for Your Fishes — All Home Grown Jacob Scheidnass
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 229 230 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 Methods of Conditioning Hard Water Jerry Lof stead
JAKA/KN 19 4 1986 231 234 July/ August 1986 Volume 19, No. 4 Aquatic Botany in an Artificial Environment Robert Holland
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 235 235 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 1986 CONVENTION ISSUE
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 237 237 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Convention Report By Charles Nunziata
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 237 238 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Introduction
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 239 239 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Speaker Presentations
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 240 241 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Workshops
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 241 244 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Odd Happenings and Unique Events
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 243 244 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Affiliate Club Award
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 244 246 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Entries and Judging
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 246 246 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Financial Report
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 246 247 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Statistics on the Auction
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 248 248 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Show Results
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 248 249 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Class Winners
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 252 263 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Detailed Judging results
JAKA/KN 19 5 1986 250 266 Sept/ October 1986 Volume 19, No. 5 Convention Photographs By Karl Doering .
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 268 238 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 269 270 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Hard Water and the Killifish Aquarium By Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 271 273 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 General Review
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 274 275 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 pH
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 276 276 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Hardness
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 277 279 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 pH/Hardness Relationship
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 280 281 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Buffers
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 282 283 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Fish Diseases
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 284 287 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Hardening Water
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 288 293 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Collecting Killifish in Haiti By W. C. MoNiff
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 294 296 Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 Epiplatys chaperi chaperi By Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 19 6 1986 297 ` Nov/ Dec 1986 Volume 19, No. 6 The Blue Gularis: Experience and Literature By Joseph Ferdenzi

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Page Page
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 2 15 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 African Killifish Habitats Part 1 Mark DeiRaso
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 16 19 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 Aphyosemion lefiniense WoeItjes, 1984 J.P. Vandersmissen
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 20 24 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 Handling Peat Spawners And Their Eggs Fred Stewart
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 25 27 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 Breeding Aphyosemion Iouessense Malinga Ron Smeland
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 28 32 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 Cover Plants And Killies Scott Davis
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 33 34 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 Misadventures With Fundulopanchax amieti Edward Reed
JAKA/KN 20 1 1987 25 36 Jan/Feb !987 Volume 20, No. 1 Two, Or More, For The Price Of One Greg Schoenberg
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 38 38 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 39 53 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 A Nothobranchius Study in Southern Somalia R. H. Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 54 60 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 Some Observations On Orinoco Basin Annual Killifish J. Thomerson and D. Taphorn
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 61 62 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 A Fabulous Fundulopanchax: filamentosus Orange M. Hoffman
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 63 66 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 Breeding Techniques —Non-Annual Killifish K. Stoops
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 67 72 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 Water Hardness — Most Of What You Ever Wanted To Know About It G, Slusarczuk
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 73 74 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 Nomenclatural Matters K. J. Lazara
JAKA/KN 20 2 1987 75 76 March/April !987 Volume 20, No. 2 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 78 78 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 79 94 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 Fundulus luciae (Baird, 1855) A not-so-rare Killifish J. Brill
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 95 100 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 Aquarium Observations on the Tanganyican Pearl Killifish, Lamprichthys tanganicanus J. Ferdenzi
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 101 107 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 The Basic Killikeeper, Part I: The Perfect Brine Shrimp Hatcher C. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 108 109 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 Sponge Filters for Shoe Boxes J.Ferdenzi
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 110 112 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 A Public Apology to Aphyosemion maeseni H. Henglein
JAKA/KN 20 3 1987 112 115 May/June !987 Volume 20, No. 3 Fishnet K. Bennight
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 116 116 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 118 118 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 119 122 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 Cyprinodon nevadensis In Your Home A. Morales
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 123 130 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 The A.K.A. Judging System C. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 131 137 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 What’s New With the N&RSC Committee L. Mackowiak
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 138 140 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 The Great Trophy caper S. Davis
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 141 144 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 Convention ‘87 J. & L. Hutchings
JAKA/KN 20 4 1987 145 160 July/Aug !987 Volume 20, No. 4 The 1987 A.K.A Convention -Statistics
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 162 162 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 163 177 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 Diapteron, Genus Or Subgenus? K. Lazara
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 178 179 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 The Name Changes, The Face Remains the Same A. Malinak
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 180 186 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 Raising Rotifers J. Gunderson
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 187 194 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 Systems Approach to Breeding Killifish D. Koran
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 195 199 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 Exploring Cottonball Marsh H. Fairfield
JAKA/KN 20 5 1987 200 200 Sept/Oct !987 Volume 20, No. 5 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 20 6 1987 202 202 Nov/Dec !987 Volume 20, No. 6 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 20 6 1987 203 219 Nov/Dec !987 Volume 20, No. 6 Six New Species of Cynolebias From Uruguay and Paraguay Luis H. Ainato
JAKA/KN 20 6 1987 220 222 Nov/Dec !987 Volume 20, No. 6 Information for Aquarists on Austrofundulus limnaeus Jim Thomerson
JAKA/KN 20 6 1987 223 227 Nov/Dec !987 Volume 20, No. 6 Round Robin Report Joan B. Glascock
JAKA/KN 20 6 1987 228 229 Nov/Dec !987 Volume 20, No. 6 How to Collect Wild Fish (While Sipping Cool Drinks Under a Lazy Palm Tree) Theodore D. Held
JAKA/KN 20 6 1987 230 232 Nov/Dec !987 Volume 20, No. 6 Killie Abstracts

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JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 2 4 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Editorial

JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 5 15 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the genera Aphanius, Kosswigichthys, and Valencia Kenneth Lazara
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 16 25 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Notes on the “Old World’ Killifish Valencia lozanol J. R. van der Zee
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 26 38 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Valencia letourneuxi and Aphanius fasciatus from Corfu and Greece Tonnie Woeltjes
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 39 50 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Notes on the Ecology of Aphanius dispar in the Sultanate of Oman Richard Haas
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 51 53 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Aphanius dispar —A Middle Eastern favorite Leonard Mackowiak
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 54 66 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Killifishes from Anatolia - A Fish Safari to Central Turkey Ruud H. Wildekamp
Three Endangered Killifish Species in the Western Mediterranean Area JR. van der Zee &
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 67 74 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2
CM. van Kessel
JAKA/KN 21 1,2 1988 75 76 Jan/Apr 1988 Volume 21, No. 1-2 Aphanius mento: A Mediterranean Jewel Buz Allen
JAKA/KN 21 3 1988 78 108 May/Jun 1988 Volume 21, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 21 3 1988 79 90 May/Jun 1988 Volume 21, No. 3 Where Do Those Brine Shrimp Eggs Come From? Or A Visit to the Great Salt Lake Charley Grimes
JAKA/KN 21 3 1988 91 97 May/Jun 1988 Volume 21, No. 3 Aphyosemion ogoense pyrophore RPC-l8: An Unfair Reputation Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 21 3 1988 98 100 May/Jun 1988 Volume 21, No. 3 Neon Natives Tom Isgro
JAKA/KN 21 3 1988 101 104 May/Jun 1988 Volume 21, No. 3 Reasonably Controlled Culturing of Inexpensive Live Foods Scott Davis
JAKA/KN 21 3 1988 105 107 May/Jun 1988 Volume 21, No. 3 Send in the Clowns Bob Schraedley
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 110 110 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 111 113 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 Why Killies? Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 114 116 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 Fundulus diaphanus menona Dave Henuserlein
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 117 120 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 An Old Dog Learns a New Trick With Jordanella pulchra Charley Grimes
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 121 124 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 An Interview With Jim Frank1in Bill Fackert
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 125 127 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 Cynolebias minimus. ..A ‘Switch’ Spawner? Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 128 130 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 Roundhouse Raising Bernie Halverson
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 131 133 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 The British Are Coming: Tho British Are Coming: Ronald Coleman
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 134 143 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 An Alternative Method of Killifish Maintenance — Part One Jeff Kukelhan
JAKA/KN 21 4 1988 144 144 Jul/Aug 1988 Volume 21, No. 4 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 146 146 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 Acknowledgements
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 147 150 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 AKA Convention 1988 The Chairman’s Report Mike Mills
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 151 154 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 AKA Convention 1988 Los Angeles, California Roger Brousseau
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 155 158 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 AKA Convention 1988 The Convention Fish-Room Jeff Chambers
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 159 176 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 AKA Convention 1988 Show Results
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 177 179 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 Death Valley -Convention Field Trip 1988 Roger Brousseau
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 180 18 Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 Talking About Killies…
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 Centerfold Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 Nothobranchius foerschi Wayland Lee Centerfold
JAKA/KN 21 5 1988 Centerfold Sep/Oct 1988 Volume 21, No. 5 Aphyosemion georgiae Leonard Mackowiak . . . . Centerfold
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 182 182 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Addendum to the Convention Issue
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 183 187 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Small Food for Small Fry Nancy Garcia
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 188 190 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Spawning Annuals (Spawning Nothos) Jim Reed
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 191 192 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Experiences with Diapteron Brad Higgins
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 193 197 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Writing a JAKA Article Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 198 200 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Breeding and Raising Cynolebias adloffi Ed Marcisz
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 201 204 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 How to Kill Fish Scott Davis
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 205 205 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 206 206 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Reverse Trios Phil Schneidewind
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 207 216 Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 An Alternative Method of Killifish Maintenance - Part Two Jeff Kukelhan
Alfred D. Castro and Liz Hutchings-
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 Centerfold Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Fundulus notatus
Bob Schraedley and Leonard
JAKA/KN 21 6 1988 Centerfold Nov/Dec 1988 Volume 21, No. 6 Aphyosemion zygaima
Mackowiak . . . . Centerfold

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 2 2 Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 3 22 Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Water Incubating Nothobranchius eggs Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 23 25 Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Notes on the Rare Epiplatys berkenkampi Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 26 27 Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Breeding Killifish in Natural vs. Artificial Conditions Joseph Ferdenzi
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 28 30 Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Paste Food for Killies Dan Katz
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 31 36 Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 An Alternative Method of Killifish Maintenance — Part Three Jeff Kukelhan
Joseph Ferdenzi and Wayland Lee
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 Centerfold Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Aphyosemion nigrifluvi
Leonard Mackowiak and Wayland
JAKA/KN 22 1 1989 Centerfold Jan/Feb 1989 Volume 22, No.1 Aphyosemion cyanostictum
Lee Centerfold
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 38 38 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 39 48 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Texas Pupfish: A Hobbyists’ Overview Kenneth L. Bennight, Jr
Wilson J. E. M. Costa and Marco
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 49 53 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Description of a New Fish Cynolebias glaucopterus sp. nov.
Ttilio C. Lacerda
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 54 55 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 New & Rare Species Committee 1988 Review Leonard Mackowiak
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 56 60 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Fundulus sciadicus The Plains Topminnow Edd Kray
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 61 65 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Episemion callipteron A.C.Radda and E.PurzI
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 66 67 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Simple Brine Shrimp Hatcher Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 68 76 Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 An Alternative Method of Killifish Maintenance - Part Four Jeff Kukelhan
Donald Dickason, Albert J. Klee and
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 Centerfold Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Fundulus sciadicus
Alfred D. Castro Centerfold
Peter Tirbak and Anthony C.
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 Centerfold Mar/Apr 1989 Volume 22, No.2 Fundulopanchax filamentosus
JAKA/KN 22 2 1989 78 78 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 79 84 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Why Ricefish are not Killifish Lynne R. Parenti
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 85 92 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Nothos I Have Known John Rosenstock
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 93 95 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Kind Words for an Old Friend: Epiplatys fasciolatus Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 96 102 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Observations on Rivulus xiphidius Friedrich Bitter
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 103 104 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Killies Over Gravel David Suffia
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 105 109 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Wingless Fruit Flies A Simple Method RobertC.Fargher
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 110 112 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 The Albino Fundulopanchax amieti Al Morales
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 113 116 May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 A Collecting Trip to Venezuela Roger Brousseau
Edd Kray and Friedrich Bitter
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 Centerfold May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Rivulus xiphidius
Edd Kray and Wayland Lee
JAKA/KN 22 3 1989 Centerfold May/June 1989 Volume 22, No. 3 Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi

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Page Page
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 118 118 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 118 118 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Notho News
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 119 123 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 The 1989 AKA Convention Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 124 124 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Convention 89 - Photos
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 125 136 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Class Winners
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 127 127 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Special Awards
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 128 139 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Class Rankings
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 130 144 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Convention Show Results
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 145 145 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Convention ‘89 - Photos
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 146 152 Jul/Aug 1989 Volume 22, No.4 Native Killies of Wisconsin Pat Cannon
JAKA/KN 22 4 1989 154 154 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 In Memoriam Jorgen Jacob Scheel
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 155 164 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Collecting Cubanichthys pengelleyi Dale Weber
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 165 167 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Aquarium Maintenance of Cubanichthy pengelleyi Dan Katz
Habitat Description of One Collection Site of Cubanichthys cubensis and Rivulus
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 168 169 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Jaap-Jan de Greef
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 170 172 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Initial Experience with Cubanichthys cubensis DanKatz
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 173 175 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Brackish Water Native Killies Rodney Harper
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 176 179 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Rivulus marmoratus Harry O.Specht
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 180 181 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Cynolebias nigripinnis: If at first you don’t succeed... David Suffia
Confirmation of Rachovia hummelincki on the Paraguana Peninsula, Falcon, Venezuela Donald Taphorn and Jamie E.
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 182 184 Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5
(Rivulidae, Cyprinidontiformes) Thomerson
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 Centerfold Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Cubanichthys cubensis Dan Katz and John Brill Centerfold
JAKA/KN 22 5 1989 Centerfold Sep/Oct 1989 Volume 22, No.5 Cubanichthys pengelleyi Dan Katz and John Brill Centerfold
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 186 186 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 187 190 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Raising Cynolebias nigripinnis and Going to the Los Angeles AKA Convention Karl Walter
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 191 192 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Annuals! Who, me? Dennis Oakley
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 193 194 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 A Numbering System to Indicate Peat Moss Wetness Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 195 197 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Beef heart Recipe Bill Stone
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 198 199 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Spawning of Killies Harry J. Woodsford
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 200 201 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Rivulus punctatus Jack Phillips
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 202 205 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 The Frustrations of a Beginner Russ McCabe
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 206 207 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Procatopus gracilis Ron Smeland
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 208 211 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Incubating Soil Breeding Fundulopanchax in Water Ted Dalgleish
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 212 213 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Aphyosemion bivittatum riggenbachi Don Derby
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 214 215 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Bagging and Shipping Killies Harry J. Woodsford
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 207, Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 216 216 Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 To the Editor
Ken Stoops, Alfred D. Castro and
JAKA/KN 22 6 1989 Centerfold Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Rivulus punctatus
Ronald de Boor ---Centerfold
JAKA/KN 22 1989 Centerfold Nov/Dec 1989 Volume 22, No. 6 Epiplatys singa Alfred D. Castro ---Centerfold

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 2 2 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 From the Editor
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 3 10 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Breeding Nothobranchius Karl Doering
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 11 14 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Viability in the Breeding of Killies Robert Long
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 15 19 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Breeding Fundulus and Related Species (Some Guidelines Toward Success) Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 20 24 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 The Cultivation of Cryptocoryne Robert Clark
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 25 27 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Working with Killies Al Kroening
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 28 32 Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Breeding Topspawners Jack DeWaele
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 Centerfold Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Rivulus magdalenae Ray Mecca ---Centerfold
Joseph Ricco and Alfred D. Castro
JAKA/KN 23 1 1990 Centerfold Jan/Feb 1990 Volume 23, No. 1 Cynolebias woltersorffi
... Centerfold
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 34 34 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 35 42 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 A Constant Flow-Through System For Killie Fry George F. Meravi
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 43 47 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 Rivulus bondi a New Import From Venezuela Glen E. Collier
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 48 48 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 No Guarantees Ed Miller
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 49 52 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 Cynolebias dolichopierus the Sensational “Blast from the Past” Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 53 60 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 A History of the American Killifish Association Albert J. Klee
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 61 62 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 The Letter that Started it All... Bob Criger
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 63 64 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 AKA Charter Members
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 65 68 Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 Collecting Southern Style: An Interview with Rodney Harper Bill Fackert
Alfred D. Castro and John Brill ---
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 Centerfold Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 Jordanella pulchra
JAKA/KN 23 2 1990 Centerfold Mar/Apr 1990 Volume 23, No. 2 Pterolebias wischmanni Liz and Jim Hutchings --- Centerfold
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 70 104 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Editorial George Slusarczuk
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 71 75 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Notes on the Distribution of the Genus Adamas Jouke R. van der Zee
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 76 79 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. The Graceful Epiplatys barmojensis Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 80 81 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Cynolebias constanciae Jim Reed
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 82 83 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Aphyosemion coeleste Charles McLamb
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 84 91 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Killie Ponds in Illinois Richard Griffith
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 92 100 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. An Alternative Method of Killifish Maintenance - Part Five Jeff Kukelhan
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 101 103 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Microworms — Godsend or Curse?. Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Fundulus diaphanus John Brill ---Centerfold
Centerfo Liz and Jim Hutchings arid Wayland
JAKA/KN 23 3 1990 May/Jun 1990 Volume 23, No. 3. Plataplochilus ngaensis
ld Lee Centerfold
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 106 106 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 Editorial George Slusarczuk
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 107 111 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 1990 AKA Convention: An Outsider’s View Bill Fackert
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 112 114 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 1990 AKA Convention: Class Winners
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 114 114 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 1990 AKA Convention: Special Award Winners
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 115 128 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 1990 AKA Convention: Show Results
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 129 130 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 1990 AKA Convention: N&RSC Fish
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 131 132 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 My Secret Life as an Epiplatys Freak Darrell E. Romine
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 133 134 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 Moving Water Bob Thomas
JAKA/KN 23 4 1990 135 136 Jul/Aug 1990 Volume 23, No. 4 Spawning Epiplatys lamottei Ronald Smeland
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 138 138 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Editorial George Slusarczuk
Cynolebias lacortei, Cynolebias costai, and Cynolebias aruana —Three New Species of
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 139 152 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Kenneth J. Lazara
Cloud Fish from Brazil
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 153 154 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Rivulus xiphidius, a Jewel Jaap-Jan de Greef
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 155 157 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Rivulus agilae Ronald de Boer
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 158 164 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Culling Killies Lou Sandberg
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 165 166 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Aphyosemion “nogoense” Bob Schraedley
JAKA/KN 23 5 1990 167 168 Sep/Oct 1990 Volume 23, No. 5 Toss the Turkey Baster Jennifer C. Weaver
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 170 170 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Editorial George Slusarczuk
Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Neofundulus, Trigonectes and Pterolebias. Moema as a
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 171 178 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Kenneth J. Lazara
synonym of Trigonectes and Pituna as a synonym of Pterolebias.
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 179 182 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Some Observations on Cyprinodon macularius Allan L. Semeit
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 183 184 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. A Diamond in the Rough Spawning Procatopus aberrans Bob McDonnell
Dave Koran, D. A. Koran, & Steve
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 185 188 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Convention 1990 — Photographs
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 189 191 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Killie Hospital Kurt Bihlmayer
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 192 194 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Mosquito Larvae are the Greatest Tony A. Fitz
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 195 203 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. How to Build a Low Maintenance Multi-Tank System Romeo Mura
JAKA/KN 23 6 1990 204 204 Nov/Dec 1990 Volume 23, No. 6. Killie Abstracts

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 2 2 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 Editorial George Slusarczuk
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 2 5 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 Experiences with Aphyosemion fulgens James J. Gasior
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 6 12 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 A Systems Approach to Fishkeeping Mike Stoecker
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 13 15 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 Long Incubation Times for Nothobranchius Eggs Tony A. Fitz
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 16 20 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 New Names, New Species Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 21 33 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 Breeding and Preparing Killies for Show Competition Jeff Kukelhan
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 34 25 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 An All—Disposable Fruit Fly Culture Method Tim Ness
JAKA/KN 24 1 1991 36 36 Jan/Feb 1991 Volume 24, No. 1 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 38 38 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 39 45 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Cameroon 89 — Part 1: Lacustre and Back Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 46 48 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Scared to Death — Experiences with Aphyosemion primigenium G88/8 Lonnie R. Carroll
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 49 50 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Fun with Fundulus similis Jaap-Jan de Greef
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 21 52 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 In search of Cynolebias myersi Jim Hutchings
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 48 48 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 53 54 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Jordanella pulchra in Sea Water Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 55 61 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 New Names, New Species Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 62 63 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Fundulus Cingulatus The Red Fin Golden Ear Rodney Harper
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 64 69 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Brief Review of Killifish Books Oleg Kiselev and Thuan Nguyen
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 70 71 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 A Book Review Scott Davis
JAKA/KN 24 2 1991 71 72 Mar/Apr 1991 Volume 24, No. 2 Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 74 74 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 78 80 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 How I Spent My Summer Vacation —Convention ‘91 in Review Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 81 83 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 Summary of Talks Presented at Convention ‘91 Bob Schraedley
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 84 84 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 The New & Rare Species Display AKA Convention 1991 Leonard Mackowiak
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 85 85 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 Special Awards Convention 1991
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 86 96 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 AKA Convention 1991 Show Results
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 97 99 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 The N&RSC Fish Listing
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 100 104 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 AKA Convention 1991 Photo Show
JAKA/KN 24 3 1991 105 112 May/Jun 1991 Volume 24, No. 3 Killifish Habitats of the New York Metropolitan Area John Brill
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 114 114 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 115 117 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 In memoriam to Reginald (Rex) Arthur Jubb Brian R. Watters
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 118 125 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Some Notes About the Early History of the Genus Nothobranchius Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 126 137 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 The Nothobranchius of Malawi. Part I — Collections prior to 1988 Brian R. Watters
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 138 185 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 The Nothobranchius of Malawi. Part II — Collections during 1988 Brian R. Watters
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 186 193 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 The Nothobranchius of Malawi. Part III — Distribution and Classification Brian R. Watters
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 194 201 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Noihobranchius Habitats in Malawi. Brian R. Watters
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 202 212 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Noihobranchius in Sukumaland Kaj Ostergaard
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 213 220 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Zambia 1989 John Rosenstock
The effect of Certain Behavioral and Environmental Factors on the Art of Nothobranchius
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 221 244 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 24 4 -- 6 1991 245 248 Jul/Dec 1991 Volume 24, No. 4—6 Nothobranchius species/populations in the hobby — past and present Brian R. Watters

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 2 2 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Editorial
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 3 7 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Experiences with Fp. kribianus Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 8 10 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Let's Fry Up” a Mess of Daphnia ... Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 11 13 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Bring on the Albinos Darrell E. Romine
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 14 16 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Breeding for Improvement: Blue Gularis Al Mikkelsen
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 17 18 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. My Method of Keeping and Breeding Fundulopanchax sjoestedti Lee Simunovic
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 19 20 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Breeding and Rearing Fundulopanchax David and Tina Mikkelsen
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 21 21 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Killie Quiz
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 22 23 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Rivulus xiphidius Ron Smeland
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 24 25 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Mop Spawning Annuals Jack Phillips
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 26 28 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Epiplatys with an Attitude. Darrell E. Romine
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 29 30 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Help Pet Stores Sell Your Fish David Suffia
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 31 31 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Water Levels David Suffia
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 32 33 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Hints on Hatching Brine Shrimp Eggs Ron Smeland
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 34 35 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. A New Killifish Disease Karl Doering
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 36 36 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Killie Abstract
JAKA/KN 25 1 1992 36 36 Jan/Feb 1992 Volume 25, No. 1. Errata
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 38 38 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 39 42 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 The Lyretail Rivulus Eric Beger
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 43 49 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 Cameroon 89 — Part II: The Killies Around Edéa Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 50 50 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 My Killifish Have Whiskers! Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 51 55 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 Epiplatys huberi Edd Kray
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 56 56 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 How to Ship Killifish Eggs Jim Thomerson
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 57 62 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 New Species, New Names Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 63 65 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 The Active Wet Incubation of Killifish Eggs Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 66 68 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 Foam Reserve Cultures for White Worms Tim Ness
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 69 71 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 Breeding Techniques —Non-Annual Killifish Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 72 72 Mar/Apr 1992 Volume 25, No. 2 Breeding Leptolucania ommata Rodney Harper
JAKA/KN 25 2 1992 74 74 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Editorial
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 75 78 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Is there a Need for Species Maintenance? Dale Weber
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 79 82 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Species Maintenance and the Survival of the Species Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 83 85 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Small-scale Ideas for Species Maintenance Thuan Nguyen
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 86 87 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. A Simple and Sensible Breeder’s Award Program Allan L. Semeit
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 88 92 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Managing Inbreeding in Captive Killifish Populations Thuan Nguyen
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 93 101 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Preserving Genetic Diversity in Killifish Species Maintenance Gary C. Sutcliffe
JAKA/KN 25 3 1992 102 108 May/June 1992 Volume 25, No. 3. Cyprinodon and Related Genera Study and Maintenance Group Al Morales

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 110 110 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. Editorial
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 111 114 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. A Pilgrimage to MECCA (NOKA?) or Adventures at the 1992 AKA Convention in Cleveland Ronald Coleman
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 115 115 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. 1992 AKA Convention Special Award Winners
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 116 128 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. 1992 AKA Convention Show Results
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 129 130 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. 1992 AKA Convention The N&RSC Fish Listing
Scott Needham and Ronald
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 131 132 1992 AKA Convention Photo Show
July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. Coleman
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 133 135 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. Breeding and Maintaining the Genus Epiplatys Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 136 136 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. Aphyosemion bivittatum from Lykoko Al Malinak
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 137 139 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. Large Lampeyes — with Notes on Plataplochilus ngaensis Jim Hutchings
JAKA/KN 25 4 1992 140 140 July/August 1992 Volume 25, No. 4. Finale Collette Malinak
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 142 142 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Editorial
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 143 146 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. The Sky Blue Annual Cynolebias cyaneus Thomas R. Grady
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 147 150 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. New Varieties of Fundulopanchax sjoestedti Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 151 153 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Aphyosemion coeleste lo c. Malinga Sven Stau
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 154 155 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Easy Daphnia pulex Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 156 158 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Effects of Incubation Temperature on Sex Ratio (A preliminary report) Carl Peterson
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 159 160 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Hybrids, Hybrids Sven Stau
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 161 162 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Do It Your Way Dave Graley
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 163 164 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Breeding the Feather-Fin Pearl Fish Cynolebias constanciae Bill Dozen
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 165 167 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Fundulopanchax deltaensis Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 168 168 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 169 171 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. Aphyosemion rectogoense Anthony P. Pinto
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 172 175 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. New Names, New Species Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 25 5 1992 176 176 Sept/Oct. 1992 Volume 25, No. 5. A Book Review: The Genus Aphyosemion Myers
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 178 178 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 179 193 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 The Killies of the A. cameronense Group in Cameroon Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 194 194 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 So what do I do with this Killifish Egg? Jim Thomerson
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 195 198 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 Collecting Killies in West—Central Florida Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 199 201 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 New Names, New Species Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 202 202 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 Cubanichithys pengelleyi Ron Smeland
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 203 208 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 Opportunity Knocks ... and Knocks My latest Cynolebias “Frenzy” Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 209 210 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 Blue Gularis — The Big Easy David Suffia
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 211 212 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 A Supermarket for Killie Supplies Darrell Romine
JAKA/KN 25 6 1992 212 212 Nov/Dec. 1992 Volume 25, No. 6 Killie Abstracts

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 2 2 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. Editorial
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 3 3 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. Why Not “Panchax’? Albert I. Klee
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 4 7 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. The Propagation of Our Emblem Fish Fundulopanchax sjoestedti Ted Dalgleish
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 8 15 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. Notes on the Fundulopanchax gardneri Superspecies Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 16 17 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. Aphyosemion exiguum Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 18 20 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. The Sensuous Pupfishes Joseph P. Anascavage
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 21 23 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. My experiences with Nothobranchius furzeri Detlef Luhring
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 24 31 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. Maintaining and Breeding Cynolebias Dan Katz
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 32 38 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. The Killifish Egg Albert J. Klee
JAKA/KN 26 1 1993 39 40 Jan./Feb. 1993 Volume 26, No. 1. Storing & Hatching Killifish Eggs Jim Milgram
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 42 42 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. Editorial
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 42 48 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. Breeding Aphyosemion amoenum Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 49 53 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. Nothos from Uganda Ian Sainthouse
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 54 56 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. Rivulus xiphidius Tough to Pronounce, Tough to Raise David Suffia
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 57 59 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. The Hardware Store for Killie Supplies Darrell Romine
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 60 63 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Alfred D. Castro
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 64 67 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. How to Construct an Automatic Water Changer for Fry Tanks Derek U’ren
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 68 69 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. Hatching Brine Shrimp Eggs Edward. L. Warner
JAKA/KN 26 2 1993 70 76 Mar./Apr. 1993 Volume 26, No. 2. New Species, New Names Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 78 78 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Editorial
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 79 82 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. I Love Iuciae Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 83 85 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Some Thoughts about Keeping Killies Ron Taylor
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 86 87 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. A Beautiful Color Variety of Aphyosemion australe Mike & Zina Rodriguez
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 88 91 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Aphyosemion scheeli A Beauty for Every Occasion Rod Smith
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 92 93 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Aplocheilichthys pumilus Karl R. Doering
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 94 95 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Cynolebias constanciae Ronald L. Jackson
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 96 97 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Plancterus zebrinus zebrinus Kenneth L. McKeighen, Jr.
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 98 101 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. The Ultimate Brine Shrimp Hatchery Romeo Mura
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 102 102 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Nothobranchius sp. bc. KTZ 85/20 Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 103 108 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. New Species, New Names Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 109 111 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. Aphyosemion bivittatum loc. Mile 29 Lonnie Carroll
JAKA/KN 26 3 1993 112 112 May/Jun 1993 Volume 26, No. 3.. The Question & Answer Page Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 114 114 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Editorial
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 115 119 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Roloffia... To be or not to he? Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 120 120 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Small Roloffia Guide Chart
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 121 126 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. The Small Roloffia (Callopanchax) Species Anthony P. Pinto
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 127 128 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Aphyosemion (Roloffia) guignardi Give Em Time and They Shine’ Darrell E. Romine
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 129 130 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Berthold’s Killie Aphyosemion (Roloffia) bertholdi Ed A. Light
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 131 134 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Aphyosemion (Roloffia) bertholdi Anthony P. Pinto
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 135 138 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. An Extensive Article on My not so Extensive Success with Aphyosemion (Roloffia) schmitti Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 139 140 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Aphyosemion (Roloffia) brueningi A Gem from Sierra Leone Darrell E. Romine
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 141 144 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Aphyosemion (Roloffia) geryi loc. Battabut Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 26 4 1993 145 152 July/Aug. 1993 Volume 26, No. 4. Raising Roloffia Thuan ND. Nguyen
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 154 154 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 Editorial
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 155 157 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 The Convention Chairman’s Message Russ Feilzer
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 158 159 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 The 1993 AKA Convention Photographs Ray Van Veen
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 159 159 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 The 1993 AKA Convention —Special Awards Winners
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 160 172 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 The 1993 AKA Convention —Show Results
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 173 174 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 The 1993 AKA Convention —New & Rare Species
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 175 177 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 Convention Observations Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 178 182 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 Killifish Meet the Encino Man (A Visitor’s View of the 1993 AKA Convention) Edd Kray
JAKA/KN 26 5 1993 183 184 Sep/Oct. 1993 Volume 26, No. 5 Desert Trip Michael G. Florez
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 190 190 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Editorial
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 181 193 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Breeding Members of the Diapteron Complex — A Diary of Experiences Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 194 196 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Killies in Outdoor Pools Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 197 198 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Using Methylene Blue Solution for Killifish Egg Incubation John Clairmont
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 199 209 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Hydrology of Annual Killifish Ponds Allen H. Johnson
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 210 211 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Techniques for Picking Eggs and Feeding Fry Anthony F. Kline
Aphyosemion and Related Genera —A Table of Aphyosemion, Subspecies. Roloffia, and
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 212 217 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 218 219 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. An Old Favorite with Two New Names Rodney W. Harper
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 220 220 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Killie Abstracts
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 221 222 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. Fundulopanchax cinnamomeum loc. Supe GPE 90 Shelby Numrych
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 223 223 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. The Question & Answer Page Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 26 6 1993 224 224 Nov/Dec. 1993 Volume 26, No. 6. From the Executive Editor

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 2 2 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 3 5 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 My Experience with Rachovia pyropunctata Roger Brousseau
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 6 8 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Group Breeding of Killifish Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 9 12 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Another Breeding Method Mike Florez
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 13 14 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Members Today, Gone Tomorrow David Suffia
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 15 17 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Computing Killies Thomas R. Grady
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 18 22 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 A Scientific Approach to Collecting Rodney W. Harper
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 23 24 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Aphyosemion ogoense pyrophore A Big Name for a Beautiful Little Fish Darrell Romaine
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 25 27 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 New Species, New Names Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 28 29 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Continuous Production of Rivulus holmiae Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 30 30 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 The Killies Favorite Crustacean Rodney Harper
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 31 31 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Conservation Notes
JAKA/KN 27 1 1994 32 32 January/February 1994 Volume 27, No. 1 Question & Answer Page Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 34 34 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 35 40 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Notes on the Biology and Aquarium Spawning of Rivulus marmoratus Ron Burch
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 41 43 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Aphyosemion coeleste Huber and Radda, 1977: My Favorite Killie Russ Feilzer
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 44 47 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Profundulus punctatus : Twenty-one Years of Inbreedmg Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 48 51 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Fish Food Without Fuss Lloyd Savoy
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 52 54 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Aphyosemion citrineipinnis Jim Gasior
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 55 58 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 The Secrets of Rivulus xiphidius Mike Mills
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 59 60 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Two Hints for Killie Keepers Howard W. Gibbs
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 61 63 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Two Station-Keeping Rivulus: ornatus and punctatus Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 27 2 1994 64 64 March/April 1994 Volume 27, No. 2 Conservation Notes
JAKA/KN 27 3 1994 66 66 May/June 1994 Volume 27, No 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 27 3 1994 67 94 May/June 1994 Volume 27, No 3 Killifishing in Cameroon Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 27 3 1994 95 95 May/June 1994 Volume 27, No 3 Conservation Notes
JAKA/KN 27 3 1994 96 96 May/June 1994 Volume 27, No 3 Book Review
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 98 98 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 99 118 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 Looking Backward: A Personal Reflection on the AKA- 1967-1977 Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 119 120 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 Species Maintenance of Killifish Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 121 124 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 Working with South American Annual Fish Cal Him
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 125 136 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 The Rotifer Philodinia: A Live Food for Small Fry Jim Long
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 127 127 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 A New Aphyosemion Described .
JAKA/KN 27 4 1994 128 128 July/August 1994 Volume 27, No. 4 Question & Answer Page
JAKA/KN 27 5 1994 160 130 September/October 1994 Volume 27, No. 5 Editorial Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 27 5 1994 131 133 September/October 1994 Volume 27, No. 5 Convention 1994- Inside and Out, Outside Looking In Jim Hutchings
JAKA/KN 27 5 1994 134 137 September/October 1994 Volume 27, No. 5 Convention 1994 Inside Looking Out Joseph Ferdenzi
JAKA/KN 27 5 1994 138 142 September/October 1994 Volume 27, No. 5 Convention 1994 Workshops Bob Schraedley
JAKA/KN 27 5 1994 143 145 September/October 1994 Volume 27, No. 5 Convention 1994 Photo Gallery Bob Schraedley
JAKA/KN 27 5 1994 146 164 September/October 1994 Volume 27, No. 5 Show Results
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 166 166 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 167 169 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 A bitaeniatum ‘Ijebu-Ode’ Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 170 172 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Three Interesting Killies Gregory Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 173 176 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Fruit Fly Husbandry Matt Lindenfelser
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 177 184 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Roloffia checklist Ted Klotz & Carl Peterson
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 185 186 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Acclimating Nothobranchius Vern Treat
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 187 189 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Platoplochilus miltotaenia Edward Purzl
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 190 191 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Doctoring Wild killifish Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 192 193 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Re -dry that Peat Lloyd Savoy
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 194 195 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 New Species, New Names Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 27 6 1994 196 196 Nov/Dec 1994 Volume 27, No. 6 Questions & Answers Harry 0. Specht

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Page Page
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 2 2 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Editorial .
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 3 6 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Collecting Fish for the First Time Cal Him
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 7 9 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Collecting in Brazil Cal Him
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 10 16 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Mutants in Your Tanks Eric Lund
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 17 18 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Aplocheilus panchax Dan Hodnett
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 19 21 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Aphyosemion australe David Suffia
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 22 24 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Nothobranchius(sic -index)(Actually title is Cynolebias) whitei Jorgen Scheel
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 25 27 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Aphyosemion gabunense marginatum Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 28 30 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 New Species. New Names Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 28 1 1995 31 32 Jan-Feb 1995 Volume 28. No. 1 Questions & Answers Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 34 34 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 35 38 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Pachypanchax omalonotus Roger W Langton
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 39 44 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Nothobranchius “Chinganji” Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 45 48 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 A few easy killifish Cal Him
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 49 52 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Make your own aquariums Lloyd Savoy
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 53 55 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 No-mess mini-mealworms Michael Szesze
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 56 57 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Rivulus magdalenae Ken Stoops
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 58 59 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Epiplatys annulatus James K. Langhammer
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 60 61 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Raising Nothos from the dead” Vern Treat
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 62 62 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 “Steam” those annual eggs Darrell Romine
JAKA/KN 28 2 1995 63 64 March-April 1995 Volume 28 No. 2 Questions & Answers Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 66 66 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 67 72 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Midwestern native killifish Kenneth L. McKeighen, Jr.
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 73 79 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Aphanius iberus H. De Bruyn, J. Van Der Zee
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 80 85 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Nothobranchius rachovii Vern Treat
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 86 87 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Nothobranchius eggersi Darrell Romine
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 88 91 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Working with annuals Cal Him
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 92 94 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Harvesting white worms Tony Fitz
JAKA/KN 28 3 1995 95 96 May-June 1995 Volume 28, No. 3 Questions & Answers Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 28 4 1995 98 98 July-August 1995 Volume 28, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 28 4 1995 99 102 July-August 1995 Volume 28, No. 4 Shuffle off to Buffalo Stephanie Taylor
JAKA/KN 28 4 1995 103 106 July-August 1995 Volume 28, No. 4 The 1995 AKA Convention Gregory I. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 28 4 1995 107 124 July-August 1995 Volume 28, No. 4 Show Results
JAKA/KN 28 4 1995 125 128 July-August 1995 Volume 28, No. 4 Cyprinodon alvarezi Harry 0. Specht
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 130 130 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Editorial
Gregory J. Niedzielski and David A.
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 131 146 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Fundulopanchax overview
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 147 151 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 A Fundulopanchax timeline Compiled by Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 152 154 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Not your average sjoe Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 155 161 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Live foods will keep your killies at the peak of health Bill Duzen
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 162 164 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 My Experience with Fundulopanchax ndianus Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 165 166 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 A dry incubation system: Keeping track of all those bags of eggs Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 167 170 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Fundulopanchax gulare Haydn Pounder
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 171 172 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Fp. mirabilis traudae Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 173 174 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 A beginner again Mark Baumgart
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 175 175 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Culturing infusoria Aaron Kaminski
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 176 177 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Fundulopanchax filamentosus John Bialy
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 178 179 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Walker’s killifish Bill Duzen
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 180 181 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Fp. gardneri Misaje Sven Stau
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 182 182 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Blue Gularis: Third try is a charm Mark Berger
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 183 187 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Breeding schemes for Fundulopanchax species Brian G. Ziolkowski
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 188 189 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Culturing vinegar eels Aaron Kaminski
JAKA/KN 28 5 1995 190 192 Sept-Dec 1995 Volume 28, No. 5 Questions and Answers

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Page Page
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 2 2 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 3 12 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Jordanella floridae Wright Huntley
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 13 14 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Nothobranchius thierryi Dale Deck
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 15 17 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Aphyosemion louessense RPC 33 David Suffia
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 18 19 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 An air pump for everyone Mike Bartlett
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 20 23 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Disaster in the fish room Daniel Nielsen
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 24 27 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Live foods Cal Him
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 28 29 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 A ‘mitey’ little discovery David Suffia
JAKA/KN 29 1 1996 30 32 Jan-Feb 1996 Volume 29, No. 1 Terranatos dolichopterus Cal Him
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 34 34 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 35 39 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Aphanius anatoliae anatoliae Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 40 43 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Aquarium Gravel for Spawning Ronald M. Burch
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 44 49 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Annual Fish Eggs Cal Him
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 50 53 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Incubating Solution Jeff Kukelhan
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 54 67 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Rosario LaCorte Roger W. Langton
JAKA/KN 29 2 1996 68 68 March/April 1996 Volume 29, No. 2 Controlled Breeding Vern Treat
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 70 70 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 71 81 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Search for Nothobranchius Dr. Brian Watters & Trevor Wood
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 82 84 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 A New Beginning Vitaly Charny
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 85 88 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Unconventional food sources John Newton
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 89 92 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Location is Everything Tony Fitz
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 93 98 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Cross-breeding Experiments Carl Peterson
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 99 199 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Microworm Culture John Favorito
JAKA/KN 29 3 1996 100 100 May /June 1996 Volume 29, No. 3 Q&A
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 102 102 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 103 110 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Photographing Killies Vern Treat
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 111 112 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Worm Thoughts Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 113 114 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Cynolebias myersi Greg Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 115 118 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Pearl Killifishes- Book Reviews Cal Him
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 119 121 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Pearl Killifishes- Book Reviews Franco & Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 122 125 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Tubifex Worms Joel Swecker
Dr. Brian Watters and Roger
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 126 129 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Aplocheilichthys maculatus Zinga” TAN 95/12
JAKA/KN 29 4 1996 130 132 July /August 1996 Volume 29, No. 4 Q&A
JAKA/KN 29 5 1996 134 134 Sept/Oct 1996 Volume 29, No. 5 Editorial
JAKA/KN 29 5 1996 135 147 Sept/Oct 1996 Volume 29, No. 5 Aphyosemion joergenscheeli Dadaniak, Lütje and Eberl
JAKA/KN 29 5 1996 148 150 Sept/Oct 1996 Volume 29, No. 5 Cynolebias luteoflammulatus Brent Kelley
JAKA/KN 29 5 1996 151 152 Sept/Oct 1996 Volume 29, No. 5 Putting the heat on Cynolebias magnificus Fred Behrmann
JAKA/KN 29 5 1996 153 160 Sept/Oct 1996 Volume 29, No. 5 Old Favorite. Aplocheilus panchax Gregory Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 29 5 1996 161 169 Sept/Oct 1996 Volume 29, No. 5 Results of Collecting in Guinea. November1993 Christian Cauvet
JAKA/KN 29 6 1996 171 208 Nov/Dec 1996 Volume 29, No. 6 Collecting Killies in the Rainforests of Africa- Theoretical and Practical Principles Guido Passaro and Wolfgang Eberl

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 3 4 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Preface Hal Henglein
Epiplatys Gill, Aplocheilus McClelland and Pachypanchax Myers, Systematics and
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 5 17 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Kenneth J. Lazara
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 18 25 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Conservation Committee Efforts on Behalf of the Genus Epiplatys Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 26 28 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Aplocheilus dayi werneri Dr. Harry Specht
The Natural history and Aquarium husbandry of Pachypanchax sakaramyi (Holly, 1928). Dr. Paul F. Loiselle and Joseph
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 29 41 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2
the lost Killifish of Madagascar Ferdenzi
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 42 45 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Pachypanchax omalonotus -- A Special Killie Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 46 48 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys annulatus John Favorito
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 49 50 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys azureus(Berkenkamp and Etzel, 1983) Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 51 52 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys bifasciatus( Steindachner, 1881 ) Liz Hutchings
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 53 55 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys boulengeri Jack Heller
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 56 59 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys chaperi Angona Rich Levy
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 60 61 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys dageti monroviae Jack Guida
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 62 66 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys huberi: A Killie from Gabon Dr. Charles W. McNett, Jr.
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 67 73 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 My Favorite Killifish is Epiplatys lamottei Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 74 76 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys roloffi Romand. 1978 Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 77 89 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Taxonomic Stability Restored in Three Former Subspecies of Epiplatys sexfasciatus Rudolph H. Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 30 1--2 1997 90 92 Jan/April 1997 Volume 30, No. 1-2 Epiplatys spilargyreius ( Dumeril,1861) Winfried Stenglein
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 94 94 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Editorial Stephen Nyman
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 95 97 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Status of Killifish Habitats. Part 1 Stephen Nyman
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 98 99 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Killifish in Anatolia. Turkey Rudolph H. Wildekamp
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 100 103 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Conservation of Aphanius iberus Francisco Gomez Caruana
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 104 105 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 A Report from Cameroon Daniel Poliak
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 106 109 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Species Replacement in Eastern Cameroon Jaap Vlaming
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 110 113 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Introduction to Killie Conservation Stephen Nyman
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 114 117 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Cyprinodon Maintenance Darrel Clendennen
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 118 123 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Aphyosemion Core Species Stephen Nyman
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 124 126 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 The South American Annual Core Species Program Cal Him
JAKA/KN 30 3 1997 127 127 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Notes and Clarification from previous issues of JAKA
JAKA/KN 30 1997 128 128 May/June 1997 Volume 30, No. 3 Dale Weber
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 130 130 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 131 140 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Aphyosemion bualanum Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 141 143 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Collecting in Dominican Republic Henri de Bruyn
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 144 148 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Aphyosemion chaytori Ngabu Donna M. Recktenwalt
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 149 150 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Another Ugly Brown Fish Bill Duzen
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 151 153 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Beginner’s Breeding Experiences Ralph W. Taylor
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 154 155 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Toxic Water (“Fright”) Syndrome Ted Dalgleish
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 156 156 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Thermal Shock John Favorito
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 157 157 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 A Problem Solved Fred Behrmann
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 158 161 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Group Spawning, Two Methods Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 162 163 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Preservation of Another Species Paul Hathaway
JAKA/KN 30 4 1997 164 164 July/August 1997 Volume 30, No. 4 Question & Answer Page Dr. Harry O. Specht
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 166 166 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 Editorial
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 167 168 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 Meet Us in St. Louis Garry Wiley
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 169 181 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 Show Results Convention Committee
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 182 184 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 Program Report Jack Heller
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 185 189 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 Cyprinodontiform Systematics Tomas Hrbek
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 190 193 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 Ozark Collecting Trip Nevin Aspinwall
JAKA/KN 30 5 1997 194 196 Sept/Oct 1997 Volume 30, No. 5 New and Rare Auction Items Convention Committee
Dale Weber, William Weber, Oscar
JAKA/KN 30 6 1997 198 205 Nov/Dec 1997 Volume 30, No. 6 Venezuelan Killifish Collecting Trip August 10-17, 1996
Mata and Arch Martin
JAKA/KN 30 6 1997 206 213 Nov/Dec 1997 Volume 30, No. 6 Aphyosemion halleri Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 30 6 1997 214 219 Nov/Dec 1997 Volume 30, No. 6 Live Fry Foods Ray Mitchell
JAKA/KN 30 6 1997 220 223 Nov/Dec 1997 Volume 30, No. 6 Killifish of Nantucket Bruce Stallsmith
JAKA/KN 30 6 1997 224 225 Nov/Dec 1997 Volume 30, No. 6 Doing What Comes Naturally Fred Behrmann
Henri de Bruyn (edited by Harry O.
JAKA/KN 30 6 1997 226 228 Nov/Dec 1997 Volume 30, No. 6 Biological Filtration

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 31 1 1998 2 2 Jan/Feb 1998 Volume 31, No. 1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 31 1 1998 3 17 Jan/Feb 1998 Volume 31, No. 1 Miscellaneous Notes of Some Systematic Difficulties, Old World Cyprinodonts Dr. Jean Huber
JAKA/KN 31 1 1998 18 32 Jan/Feb 1998 Volume 31, No. 1 Choosing Your First killifish Ken L. McKeighen, Jr.
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 34 34 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 Editorial
Glen E. Collier, Mike Espinoza and
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 35 41 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 Forensic Phylogenetics of Rivulus
William J. Murphy
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 42 44 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 Breeding Aphyosemion Herzogi Aaron Kaminski
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 45 49 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 Plancterus zebrinus, Sitting Bull Falls, New Mexico Location Ken McKeighen
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 50 54 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 Epiplatys infrafasciatus rathkei and the ‘Natural’ Way Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 55 56 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 The Silent Hatchery Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 57 62 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 A Treatment for Camallanus Charles H. Harrison
JAKA/KN 31 2 1998 63 64 Mar/April 1998 Volume 31, No. 2 Killifish in the Community Tank, Some Observations Jim Warner
JAKA/KN 31 3 1998 66 66 May/June 1998 Volume 31, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 31 3 1998 67 80 May/June 1998 Volume 31, No. 3 Biogeography of Caribbean Rivulus Glen E. Collier and William E. Murphy
JAKA/KN 31 3 1998 81 82 May/June 1998 Volume 31, No. 3 Aplocheilus lineatus gold David Suffia
JAKA/KN 31 3 1998 83 85 May/June 1998 Volume 31, No. 3 Incubation or Killie Omelets. Dan Johnson and Michelle Cady
JAKA/KN 31 3 1998 86 88 May/June 1998 Volume 31, No. 3 Rivulus marmoratus in Florida Henri de Bruyn
JAKA/KN 31 3 1998 89 100 May/June 1998 Volume 31, No. 3 Epiplatys huberi Radda & Pürzl, 1981 Guido Passaro and Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 102 102 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 103 117 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 Some New and Interesting Facts About Aphyosemion aureum Radda, 1980 Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 118 120 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 Cultures of Collembola Carlos Cabrera Rodriguez
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 121 124 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 Say It! Understand It’ Donna M. Recktenwalt
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 125 128 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 Rivulus hartii “San Augustin Andreas Lettner
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 129 131 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 What’s New Dr. Jean Huber
JAKA/KN 31 4 1998 132 132 July/Aug 1998 Volume 31, No.4 Q&A Dr. Harry Specht
JAKA/KN 31 5 1998 134 135 Sept/Oct 1998 Volume 31, No. 5 1998 Convention Issue Introduction Dan Nielsen
JAKA/KN 31 5 1998 136 150 Sept/Oct 1998 Volume 31, No. 5 1998 American Killifish Association Convention Show Results
JAKA/KN 31 5 1998 151 154 Sept/Oct 1998 Volume 31, No. 5 Convention 1998- Planning and Execution Jeff Bilbrough
JAKA/KN 31 5 1998 155 156 Sept/Oct 1998 Volume 31, No. 5 Fish Room Follies Ted Klotz
JAKA/KN 31 5 1998 157 162 Sept/Oct 1998 Volume 31, No. 5 The Essence of AKACON ~98 Tom Grady
JAKA/KN 31 5 1998 163 164 Sept/Oct 1998 Volume 31, No. 5 Epilogue Dan Nielsen
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 166 166 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 167 170 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 Aphyosemion hanneloreae , Radda & Pürzl, 1985 Angel Cabrera Rodriguez
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 171 173 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 An Easier Way of Collecting Eggs Hans Behr
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 174 180 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 Some Arguments for Pure Killifish Populations Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 181 187 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 Supplementing Newly Hatched Artemia William Vannerson
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 188 191 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 Epiplatys annulatus CI 92/1 (Not From the Ivory Coast) Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 192 195 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 A Few Words About Culling (A Necessary Evil?) Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 31 6 1998 196 196 Nov/Dec 1998 Volume 31, No. 6 Question and Answer Page Harry Specht

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 2 2 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 3 8 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 Aphyosemion obscurum KEK 98. A Report about Capture, Maintenance and Breeding Uwe Kaempf
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 9 12 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 A New Method for Culturing Drosophila Carlos Cabrera Rodriguez
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 13 22 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 Ivory Coast, 1980 Henri de Bruyn
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 23 25 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 Cynolebias zonatus , Jewel in the Mud Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 26 31 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 Aphyosemion joergenscheeli , The Easy Way Mogens Juhl
JAKA/KN 32 1 1999 32 32 Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 32, No. 1 Q&A Harry Specht
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 34 34 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 Editorial
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 35 42 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 Episemion spec. GEB 94/25 Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 43 44 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 A Few Words about Epiplatys dageti Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 45 58 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 The Aphyosemion cameronense Group Some Experiences Angel Cabrera Rodriguez
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 59 60 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 New Species, New Names Cynolebias gilbertoi Richard Sprosson
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 61 66 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 Factors Influencing Hatch Rate in Annual Killifish Jim Robinson
JAKA/KN 32 2 1999 67 68 Mar/Apr 1999 Volume 32, No. 2 Keeping Daphnia pulex as a main Food Source for Killifish Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 32 3 1999 70 70 May/June 1999 Volume 32, No. 3 Editorial
JAKA/KN 32 3 1999 71 78 May/June 1999 Volume 32, No. 3 The Annual Fish Genus Simpsonichthys De Carvalho. 1959 (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) Anthony Conrad
Aphyosemion alpha, a New Species of the Subgenus Chromaphyosemion with a Distinctive
JAKA/KN 32 3 1999 79 88 May/June 1999 Volume 32, No. 3 J. H. Huber
Color Pattern and a Dead End Southern Distribution
JAKA/KN 32 3 1999 89 90 May/June 1999 Volume 32, No. 3 Chromaphyosemion No. 2= Aphyosemion alpha Bill Drake
JAKA/KN 32 3 1999 91 100 May/June 1999 Volume 32, No. 3 Florida Killifish, Their Natural Environment, Behavior and Breeding Henri de Bruyn
JAKA/KN 32 3 1999 102 102 July/Aug 1999 Volume 32, No. 4 Editorial
JAKA/KN 32 4 1999 103 113 July/Aug 1999 Volume 32, No. 4 A Collecting Trip to Cameroon. November- December. 1998 Jack Heller
JAKA/KN 32 4 1999 114 115 July/Aug 1999 Volume 32, No. 4 Rivulus xiphidius Huber, 1979 Angel Cabrera Rodriguez
JAKA/KN 32 4 1999 116 128 July/Aug 1999 Volume 32, No. 4 Florida Killifish. Their Natural Environment. Behavior and Breeding (Part II) Henri de Bruyn
JAKA/KN 32 4 1999 129 131 July/Aug 1999 Volume 32, No. 4 A Report from the 1999 DKG Convention Royal Ingersoll
JAKA/KN 32 4 1999 132 132 July/Aug 1999 Volume 32, No. 4 JAKA Communications
JAKA/KN 32 4 1999 134 134 Sept/Oct 1999 Volume 32, No. 5 Editorial
JAKA/KN 32 5 1999 135 136 Sept/Oct 1999 Volume 32, No. 5 It’s Over Bill Vannerson
JAKA/KN 32 5 1999 137 164 Sept/Oct 1999 Volume 32, No. 5 Convention Show Results Convention Committee
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 166 166 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 Editorial
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 167 169 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 A Fish Called “EIon” Hal Henglein
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 170 181 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 Biogeography of the Aplocheilidae Glen E. Collier and William J. Murphy
Notes on Aphyosemion elegans (Boulenger, 1899) (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae)
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 182 185 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 Anthony Conrad
and Especially on an Aquarium Strain Called “Madimba”
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 186 192 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 Nothobranchius ocellatus (Seegers. 1985) Finn Larsen
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 193 195 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 Kindercare in a Screwbox Jack Heller
JAKA/KN 32 6 1999 196 200 Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 32, No. 6 New Species, New Names Aphyosemion cauveti Richard Sprosson

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Page Page
JAKA/KN 33 1 2000 2 2 Jan/Feb 2000 Volume 33, No. 1 Editorial
JAKA/KN 33 1 2000 3 10 Jan/Feb 2000 Volume 33, No. 1 Nothobranchius thierryi (Ahl, 1924) Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 33 1 2000 11 12 Jan/Feb 2000 Volume 33, No. 1 New Species, New Names Cyprinodon bobmilleri Richard Sproson
JAKA/KN 33 1 2000 13 24 Jan/Feb 2000 Volume 33, No. 1 Tanzania, 1998 Finn Larsen
Collecting and Separating the Eggs of substrate Spawning Killifish with Data Added on
JAKA/KN 33 1 2000 25 34 Jan/Feb 2000 Volume 33, No. 1 Lee Harper
Killifish Eggs Sizes in General
JAKA/KN 33 1 2000 35 36 Jan/Feb 2000 Volume 33, No. 1 Replacing Baby Brine Shrimp with Cyclop-eeze Bill Vannerson
New Killifish Nomenclature: The West African Genera Callopanchax, Archiaphyosemion and
JAKA/KN 33 2 2000 38 42 March/April 2000 Volume 33, No. 2 Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 33 2 2000 43 51 March/April 2000 Volume 33, No. 2 On Nomina Oblita Among Cyprinodont Species Dr. Jean Huber
JAKA/KN 33 2 2000 52 55 March/April 2000 Volume 33, No. 2 New Species, New Names - Fluviphylax Richard Sproson
Christopher Baker-Carr & Kenneth
JAKA/KN 33 2 2000 56 56 March/April 2000 Volume 33, No. 2 Introduction to the Ready Reference Guide to Names
JAKA/KN 33 2 2000 57 72 March/April 2000 Volume 33, No. 2 Ready Reference Guide to Names Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 74 74 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 Editorial Brent Kelley
Aphyosemion melanopteron Goldstein & Ricco 1979 is a Synonym of Aphyosemion
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 75 81 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 Wolfgang Eberl
congicum Ahl 1924
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 82 83 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 New Species. New Names Rivulus monticola Richard Sproson
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 84 87 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 On Diapterons and other Pickle Jar Delights Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 88 100 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 Diapteron : Their Maintenance and Breeding Angel Cabrera
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 101 101 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 Nomenclature Update Dr. Kenneth Lazara
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 102 102 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 Erratum
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 103 103 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 William Jacobs, 1903-1999 Rosario LaCorte
JAKA/KN 33 3 2000 104 104 May/June 2000 Volume 33, No. 3 Another Killifish Pioneer has left us.. Edward Warner, 1930-1999 Gerhard Kallus
JAKA/KN 33 4 2000 106 111 July/August - Volume 33, No. 4 Convention 2000 Overview Charles A. Nunziata
Harry Specht, Bill Shields & Brian
JAKA/KN 33 4 2000 112 113 July/August - Volume 33, No. 4 AKA Convention 2000 Collecting Trip to Avon Park
JAKA/KN 33 4 2000 114 131 July/August - Volume 33, No. 4 Convention 2000 Data and Statistics Convention Committee
JAKA/KN 33 4 2000 132 140 July/August - Volume 33, No. 4 Lucania goodei, A Summary review Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA/KN 33 5 2000 143 152 September/October - Volume 33, No. 5 Trends of the 90's… A Closer Look at Entries in National Killie Shows Hans Martin Hanslin
Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 5 2000 153 161 September/October - Volume 33, No. 5 Review: Comparison of Old World and New World Tropical Cyprinodonts by Jean Huber
JAKA/KN 33 5 2000 162 164 September/October - Volume 33, No. 5 A Diamond in Rough Surroundings Adinia xenica Arthur J.J. Leuterman, Ph.D.
JAKA/KN 33 5 2000 165 167 September/October - Volume 33, No. 5 Quinine as a Treatment for Killifish Infected with Velvet Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 33 5 2000 168 172 September/October - Volume 33, No. 5 The Scientific feeding of Young fish John Gonzales
New killifish Nomenclature: The South African Annual Genus Pterolebias and Related Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 6 2000 174 182 November/December Volume 33, No.6
Species Franco
New killifish Nomenclature: The South African Annual Genus Pterolebias and Related Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 6 2000 174 182 November/December Volume 33, No.6
Species Franco
New killifish Nomenclature: The South African Annual Genus Pterolebias and Related Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 6 2000 174 182 November/December Volume 33, No.6
Species Franco
New killifish Nomenclature: The South African Annual Genus Pterolebias and Related Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 6 2000 174 182 November/December Volume 33, No.6
Species Franco
New killifish Nomenclature: The South African Annual Genus Pterolebias and Related Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 6 2000 174 182 November/December Volume 33, No.6
Species Franco
New killifish Nomenclature: The South African Annual Genus Pterolebias and Related Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 33 6 2000 174 182 November/December Volume 33, No.6
Species Franco

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 2 2 January/February Volume 34, No.1 Editorial Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 3 7 January/February Volume 34, No.1 Some Plants for the Killiquarium Joel Antkowiak
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 8 15 January/February Volume 34, No.1 The Trials of an English Killie-Keeper (now living in France) Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 16 20 January/February Volume 34, No.1 Killifish Keeping for Beginners - Annual Killifish Mark Staiger
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 21 22 January/February Volume 34, No.1 New Species, new Names Fluviphylax palikur Richard Sproson
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 23 24 January/February Volume 34, No.1 New Species: Simpsonichthys auratus (Costa & Nielsen, 2000) Anthony Conrad
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 25 26 January/February Volume 34, No.1 New Species: Austrolebias periodicus (Costa, 1999) Anthony Conrad
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 27 31 January/February Volume 34, No.1 An Open Letter… from jean H. Huber Jean H. Huber
JAKA/KN 34 1 2001 32 36 January/February Volume 34, No.1 John in Uganda John Rosenstock
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 38 38 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Editorial Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 39 51 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Trip to Mozambique, 1999 Trevor Wood
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 52 52 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Internet Guide to International Killifish Organizations
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 53 55 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Hanging with Old-Timers Gary Elson
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 56 61 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Epiplatys huberi, Maintenance and Breeding Darrell Clendinnen and Edd Kray
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 62 63 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Now We're Getting Somewhere! Curt Smith
JAKA/KN 34 2 2001 64 68 March/April Volume 34, No. 2 Cynolebias whitei is Alive in the Wild! Or Brazil 1973 -Part II Allen Semeit
JAKA/KN 34 3 2001 70 70 May/June Volume 34, No. 3 Editorial Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 34 3 2001 71 79 May/June Volume 34, No. 3 Filtration for Small tanks Henri de Bruyn
Oliver Buisson, translated by George
JAKA/KN 34 3 2001 80 91 May/June Volume 34, No. 3 A Trip To Cameroon. 1999
Trumbull IV
JAKA/KN 34 3 2001 92 96 May/June Volume 34, No. 3 Pituna, Bright as a Starry Night Hans M. Hanslin & Gary L. Bartell
JAKA/KN 34 3 2001 97 100 May/June Volume 34, No. 3 Pachypanchax sakaramyi My Third Malagasy Bob McDonnell
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 102 103 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 AKA Convention 2001 Buffalo, NY Dick Martino
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 104 109 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention 2001 Peter Tirbak
Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 110 110 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention Killifish Photos
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 111 112 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention 2001 Special Awards
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 113 114 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 The Robert Felmey Award Jeff Kilker
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 115 117 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Jorgen Jacob Scheeel 1916 - 1989 Roger Langton
Gregory J. Niedzielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 118 119 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention Killifish Photos
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 120 121 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention Time in the AKA Harry Specht
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 122 136 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention 2001 Show and Auction results
JAKA/KN 34 4 2001 132 132 July/August Volume 34, No. 4 Convention Killifish Photos Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 138 138 September/December 2001 Dedication Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 139 139 September/December 2001 Special Kathetys Issue Table of Contents
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 140 140 September/December 2001 Preface The Kathetys Complex in Cameroon Monty Lehmann
Taxonomic and Nomenclatural History of the Sub-genus Kathetys Huber, 1977.
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 141 149 September/December 2001 Ken Lazara
Background on the Species in Kathetys
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 150 152 September/December 2001 Current List of Known Collection Locations of the Kathetys Group Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 153 162 September/December 2001 Distribution of the Kathetys Complex in Cameroon and the Central African Republic Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 163 166 September/December 2001 Routine Breeding of Aphyosemion elberti 90/27 Milo Squires
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 137 173 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Ndop Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 174 176 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Bafole Roger Langton
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 177 179 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Foumban Bob Kaiser
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 180 184 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, N'dokayo Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 185 186 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Diang Gary Elson
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 187 188 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Ntui Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 189 191 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Ibaikak Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 192 192 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti, Diang Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 193 196 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion exiguum, GKCAR 90-4 A Tough Nut to Crack Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 197 197 September/December 2001 Aphyosemion elberti kekemense Monty Lehmann
JAKA/KN 34 5,6 2001 198 200 September/December 2001 Working with Aphyosemion dargei, M'bam Jim Gasior

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 35 1 2002 2 2 January/February Volume 35, No.1 Editorial Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 35 1 2002 3 17 January/February Volume 35, No.1 Searching for Killifish in Zambia Otto Schmidt
JAKA/KN 35 1 2002 18 32 January/February Volume 35, No.1 First South American Annual Killifish Roundtable March5, 2000 (Part 1 of 3) Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 35 2 2002 34 34 March/April 2002 Volume 35, No. 2 Editorial Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 35 2 2002 35 38 March/April 2002 Volume 35, No. 2 Aphyosemion rectogoense (Radda & Huber 1977) Gerard Couture
JAKA/KN 35 2 2002 39 42 March/April 2002 Volume 35, No. 2 Rivulus rectocaudatus An Unusual Semi-annual Killifish? Tony Pinto
JAKA/KN 35 2 2002 43 50 March/April 2002 Volume 35, No. 2 Growing Greenwater
JAKA/KN 35 2 2002 51 62 March/April 2002 Volume 35, No. 2 Second South American Annual Roundtable April 30, 2000 (part 2 of 3) Lee Harper
JAKA/KN 35 2 2002 63 64 March/April 2002 Volume 35, No. 2 New Species, New Names Cynolebias ibicuiensis Richard Sproson
JAKA/KN 35 3 2002 66 71 May/June 2002 Volume 35, No. 3 Fitness and Inbreeding Les McCathie
JAKA/KN 35 3 2002 72 90 May/June 2002 Volume 35, No. 3 Third South American Annual Roundtable Lee Harper
JAKA/KN 35 3 2002 91 96 May/June 2002 Volume 35, No. 3 Captive Maintenance of Two Pupfish Ken McKeighen, Jr.
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 98 98 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 Editorial Brent D. Kelley
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 99 101 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 Fundulopanchax oeseri David Suffia
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 102 104 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 You Can't Beat Peat Mounir Gemayel
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 105 106 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 New Species, New Names Lebias stiassnyae Richard Sproson
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 107 107 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 Daphnia Recipe Tom Sand
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 108 110 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 Study of the Current Population of Cyprinodontids in Hondo Reservoir. 1977 Jose Lopez Perez
Pascal Ribaud Translated by Ben
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 111 111 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 Raising Pachypanchax sakaramyi Outdoors
Description of a New Species Belonging to the Genus Fundulopanchax Myers 1924
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 112 115 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 F. Malumbres and R. Castelo
(Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae) of the Continental Ichthofauna of Equatorial Guinea
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 116 122 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 It's All a Matter of Keeping Track Donna M. Recktenwalt
JAKA/KN 35 4 2002 123 128 July/August - Volume 35, No. 4 Taxonomic Implications of the Desert Pupfish Complex Richard Sproson
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 130 131 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 Editorial
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 132 132 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 A Short Note on the Meaning of Panchax Albert J. Klee, Ph.D.
Alexandre Arenzon, Alberto
Culture Parameters of the Annual Killifish, Cynopoecilus melanotaenia (Regan, 1912)
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 133 136 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 Carvallio Peret and Maria Beatriz
Based on a Temporary Water Body Characteristics
Camino Bohrer
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 137 145 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 Water Incubation of South American Annual Killifish Eggs Dan Katz
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 146 150 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 The Accidental Collector Joe Scanlan, MD
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 151 155 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 More Trials and Tribulations from France Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 156 158 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 Cyprinodon meeki Jose Blanco
JAKA/KN 35 5 2002 159 160 September/October - Volume 35, No. 5 First Killiflash of Killi-Data Online Dr. Jean H. Huber
JAKA/KN 35 6 2002 162 163 November/December Volume 35, No.6 Confessions of a Content Convention Cowboy Greg A. Simpson
JAKA/KN 35 6 2002 164 166 November/December Volume 35, No.6 Convention Special Awards Convention Committee
JAKA/KN 35 6 2002 167 190 November/December Volume 35, No.6 Convention Show Results Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 35 6 2002 191 192 November/December Volume 35, No.6 Missouri Ozarks Collecting Trip 2002 Jack Heller

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 2 2 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Editorial Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 3 8 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Principles of Water Changes Lee R. Harper
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 9 12 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Conductivity- Another Way of Evaluating Water Peter Rollo
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 13 20 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Managing Water Conditions with a Recirculating System- a Case Study Barry J. Cooper
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 21 24 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Water, Water Everywhere Wright Huntley
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 25 30 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Aquarium Water Basic Principles Joseph J. Semeister
JAKA/KN 36 1 2003 31 37 January/February Volume 36, No. 1 Water Chemistry David Koran, PhD
Gregory J. Niezielski and David L.
JAKA/KN 36 2 2003 38 52 March/April Volue 36, No. 2 New Killifish Nomenclature: The West African Subgenus Chromaphyosemion
JAKA/KN 36 2 2003 53 60 March/April Volue 36, No. 2 Collecting Chromaphyosemions in Cameroon Jack Heller
JAKA/KN 36 2 2003 61 63 March/April Volue 36, No. 2 Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) poliaki David L. Franco
JAKA/KN 36 2 2003 64 66 March/April Volue 36, No. 2 The Island Chromaphyosemion - Aphyosemion sp. "Bioko" Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 36 2 2003 67 28 March/April Volume 36, No. 2 Aphyosemion sp. "Likado" Gregory J. Niedzielski
JAKA/KN 36 2 2003 69 76 March/April Volume 36, No. 2 The Genus Chromaphyosemion - Well Known facts and news Rudolph Pohlmann
JAKA 36 3 2003 77 78 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Editorial -- As I See It Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 36 3 2003 79 84 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Conservation: Killifish Conservation … An Introduction Wright Huntley
JAKA 36 3 2003 85 86 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Legislation & Regulation
JAKA 36 3 2003 87 89 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Foods and Feeding: Crash Resistant Grindal Worm Cultures Bob Morenski
JAKA 36 3 2003 90 93 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Feature species: Aphyosemion sp. affinis primigenium GBN 88/10 Gary Elson
JAKA 36 3 2003 94 99 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Collecting and Breeding Fundulus bifax Dr. Joe Scanlan
JAKA 36 3 2003 100 104 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Husbandry: Getting Good Sex Ratios in South American Annuals Curt Smith
JAKA 36 3 2003 105 106 May/June Volume 36, No.3 Don't Throw Away that "Peat Tea" Curt Smith
JAKA 36 3 2003 107 108 May/June Volume 36, No.3 The Internet Connection: Around the Net with Bob Morenski Bob Morenski
JAKA 36 3 2003 inside back cover May/June Volume 36, No.3 Available AKA Publications
JAKA 36 4 2003 109 110 July/August Volume 36, No.4 As I See It Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 36 4 2003 111 114 July/August Volume 36, No.4 The 2003 AKA Convention Joe Ferdenzi
JAKA 36 4 2003 115 129 July/August Volume 36, No.4 AKA Convention 2003 Show and Auction results
JAKA 36 4 2003 124 125 July/August Volume 36, No.4 Centerfold Pictures Tony Terceira
JAKA 36 4 2003 130 131 July/August Volume 36, No.4 Special Awards
JAKA 36 4 2003 132 134 July/August Volume 36, No.4 The Convention Seminars Dan Katz
JAKA 36 4 2003 135 139 July/August Volume 36, No.4 Monty Lehmann: Hobbyist of the Year 2003 Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 36 4 2003 140 140 July/August Volume 36, No.4 AKA Convention 2004 Colorado Killie Club
JAKA 36 4 2003 Inside Back Cover July/August Volume 36, No.4 Jehmco Ad
JAKA 36 4 2003 Outside cover July/August Volume 36, No.4 Convention pictures
JAKA 36 5 2003 141 142 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 As I See It.. Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 36 5 2003 143 144 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 AKA Convention 2003 Additional Information
JAKA 36 5 2003 144 144 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 AKA Exhibitor of the Year 2003
JAKA 36 5 2003 145 150 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 36 5 2003 151 152 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 Peat Wetness Guidelines Roger Langton
JAKA 36 5 2003 153 161 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 Breeding Nothobranchius kafuensis Bob Morenski
JAKA 36 5 2003 162 163 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 Killy Notes: Hatching Glands Edd Kray
JAKA 36 5 2003 164 171 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 On Wild Collection Codes Mounir Gemayel
JAKA 36 5 2003 172 172 September/October Volume 36, No. 5 Around the Net Bob Morenski
JAKA 36 5 2003 Inside Back Cover September/October Volume 36, No. 5 Jehmco Ad
JAKA 36 5 2003 Outside cover September/October Volume 36, No. 5 Wild Habitat of Aphyosemion lamberti TDK 18
JAKA 36 6 2003 173 174 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 Editorial: A Salute to the AKA Edd Kray
JAKA 36 6 2003 175 177 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 Fish health: Eradicating Hydra and other pests with Flubendazole Charles Harrison, Ph D
JAKA 36 6 2003 178 184 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 Conservation: the Role of the killifish Conservation Committee Charlie Nunziata
JAKA 36 6 2003 185 185 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 Killy Notes: New Species described: Moema quii…The Hummingbird Killifish Tony Terceira
JAKA 36 6 2003 186 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 Breeding and Husbandry: Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi (Berkenkamp 1976) Greg Niedzielski
JAKA 36 6 2003 191 195 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 Killy Notes: How to Photograph Your fishes - An Introduction David ramsey
JAKA 36 6 2003 196 200 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 36 6 2003 203 204 November/December Volume 36, No. 6 AKA Affiliate Club Profiles: PAKA Bill Shenefelt
JAKA 36 6 2003 Inside Back Cover November/December Volume 36, No. 6 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 36 6 2003 Outside cover November/December Volume 36, No. 6

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 37 1 2004 Outside cover January/February Volume 37, No.1 australe
JAKA 37 1 2004 1 1 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Contents
JAKA 37 1 2004 2 4 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Editiorial: Communication Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 1 2004 5 8 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Breeding and Maintenance: Epiplatys annulatus David Suffia
JAKA 37 1 2004 9 13 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Killlifish Biology: Fundulopanchax gardneri …The First Three Days Edd Kray
JAKA 37 1 2004 14 20 January/February Volume 37, No.1 The Mop Shop: The elegans group continured Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 1 2004 21 26 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Breeding and Maintenance: Breeding the Water Wolf Bob Morenski
JAKA 37 1 2004 27 28 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Foods and Feeding: Blackworms David Ramsey
JAKA 37 1 2004 29 31 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Procatopus sp. CGE 91/20 A Lampeye from the Edea Area of Cameroon Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA 37 1 2004 32 33 January/February Volume 37, No.1 AKA Affiliate Club Profiles: Colorado Killie Club Darrel Clendinnen
JAKA 37 1 2004 34 35 January/February Volume 37, No.1 Around the Net with Bob Morenski
JAKA 37 1 2004 36 36 January/February Volume 37, No.1 JAKA Articles Index -2003 Volume 36
JAKA 37 1 2004 Inside Back Cover January/February Volume 37, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 37 2 2004 Outside cover March/April Volume 37, No.2 Lake Egagham in Cameroon Nevin Aspinwall
JAKA 37 2 2004 Inside front cover March/April Volume 37, No.2 TFH Ad
JAKA 37 2 2004 37 37 March/April Volume 37, No.2 Contents
JAKA 37 2 2004 38 39 March/April Volume 37, No.2 As I See It: Anyone for a Convention? Marshall Ostrow
44, 48-
JAKA 37 2 2004 40 March/April Volume 37, No.2 Collecting: Collecting Fundulopanchax gardneri in Cameroon Jack Heller and Dr. Nevin Aspinwall
JAKA 37 2 2004 45 47 March/April Volume 37, No.2 Aquarium Maintenance: Linear Piston Pumps - The Next Generation of Air Supply Mike Hellweg
JAKA 37 2 2004 51 53 March/April Volume 37, No.2 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 2 2004 54 62 March/April Volume 37, No.2 A Proposal for Photography Judging Standards John Brill
JAKA 37 2 2004 63 69 March/April Volume 37, No.2 Conservation: Habitat Destruction…Its Impact on Killifish Roger Langton
JAKA 37 2 2004 70 72 March/April Volume 37, No.2 A Little Bit of AKA Histort Albert J. Klee
JAKA 37 2 2004 72 72 March/April Volume 37, No.2 Errata
JAKA 37 2 2004 Inside Back Cover March/April Volume 37, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 37 3 2004 Outside cover May/June Volume 37, No.3 Aphyosemion (Diapteron) abacinum (Front and rear bottom), cyanostictum (Rear top)
JAKA 37 3 2004 Inside Front Cover May/June Volume 37, No.3 Contents
JAKA 37 3 2004 73 74 May/June Volume 37, No.3 As I See It: JAKA Backstage Marshall E. Ostrow
JAKA 37 3 2004 75 83 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Fishroom Maintenance: An Automated Water Change System Barry J. Cooper
JAKA 37 3 2004 83 83 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Erratum
JAKA 37 3 2004 84 89 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Breeding and Husbandry: A Special Method for Breeding Diapterons Mark Delraso
JAKA 37 3 2004 90 97 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Conservation: Killifish Conservation in the Field Doug Habersaat
JAKA 37 3 2004 97,99 97,99 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Fishroom Observations of Christopher Baker-Carr Christopher Baker-Carr
Catherine Carney and Donna
JAKA 37 3 2004 98 99 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Affiliate Club Profiles: The Greater Cincinnati Killifish Association
JAKA 37 3 2004 100 103 May/June Volume 37, No.3 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 3 2004 104 105 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Species Profile: Scriptaphyosemion schmitti Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 37 3 2004 106 108 May/June Volume 37, No.3 Foods & Feeding: Cultivating Grindal Worms David Ramsey
JAKA 37 3 2004 Inside Back Cover May/June Volume 37, No.3 JEHM Co Ad

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 37 4 2004 Outside cover July/August Volume 37, No.4 Aphyosemion ocellatum
JAKA 37 4 2004 Inside Front Cover July/August Volume 37, No.4 Contents
JAKA 37 4 2004 109 109 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Convention 2005 Marshall E. Ostrow
JAKA 37 4 2004 110 117 July/August Volume 37, No.4 AKA Convention 2004, Breckinridge, Colorado Edd Kray
JAKA 37 4 2004 118 120 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Killie Trax, A Data Tracking System for AKA Conventions Janiece Kray
JAKA 37 4 2004 121 123 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Convention 2004 Workshops Barry J. Cooper
JAKA 37 4 2004 124 126 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Cheeseheads in Colorado Jim Gasior
JAKA 37 4 2004 127 132 July/August Volume 37, No.4 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 4 2004 133 135 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Aquarium Maintenance: Fry Rearing Solutions Bob Morenski
JAKA 37 4 2004 135 135 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Fishroom Observations of Christopher Baker-Carr Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 37 4 2004 136 137 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Species Profiles: Leptolebias minimus Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 37 4 2004 138 142 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Trials and Tribulations with Aphyosemion ocellatum Mounir Gemayel
JAKA 37 4 2004 143 144 July/August Volume 37, No.4 Prisons and Parallel Bars Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 37 4 2004 Inside Back Cover July/August Volume 37, No.4 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 37 5 2004 Outside cover September/October Volume 37, No.5 Austrolebias alexandri
JAKA 37 5 2004 Inside Front Cover September/October Volume 37, No.5 Contents
JAKA 37 5 2004 145 146 September/October Volume 37, No.5 As I See It: JAKA Backstage, Part II Marshall E. Ostrow
JAKA 37 5 2004 147 147 September/October Volume 37, No.5 JAKA Guidelines for Photo Submissions Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 37 5 2004 148 149 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Species Profiles: PlesiolebiasGlaucopterus Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 37 5 2004 150 152 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Breeding and Husbandry: Fundulopanchax puerzli David Suffia
JAKA 37 5 2004 153 154 September/October Volume 37, No.5 To Count or Not To Count - Eggs- that is Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 37 5 2004 154 154 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Fish in the Flowerpots Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 37 5 2004 156 161 September/October Volume 37, No.5 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 5 2004 162 169 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Nothobranchius orthonotus A Bull in a China Shop Bob Morenski
JAKA 37 5 2004 170 171 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Club Profiles: The Suncoast Killifish Society Charlie Nunziata
JAKA 37 5 2004 172 172 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Foods and Feeding: Food for Thought Marshall E. Ostrow
JAKA 37 5 2004 173 176 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Peat Moss Potpourri : Peat Moss Wright Huntley
Fred C. Rohde and Dario
JAKA 37 5 2004 177 180 September/October Volume 37, No.5 Collecting:Rivulus from Quepos, Cost Rica
JAKA 37 5 2004 Inside Back Cover September/October Volume 37, No.5 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 37 6 2004 Outside cover November/December Volume 37, No.6 Locations of Aph. Tirbaki Photo by Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 6 2004 Inside Front Cover November/December Volume 37, No.6 Index
JAKA 37 6 2004 181 182 November/December Volume 37, No.6 A Message from our Chairman Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 6 2004 183 191 November/December Volume 37, No.6 Semi-Continuous Water Replacement System for Small Aquaria Lee Harper
JAKA 37 6 2004 191 191 November/December Volume 37, No.6 AKA Convention 2005 Mike Brem
JAKA 37 6 2004 192 194 November/December Volume 37, No.6 Species Profile: Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1846) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 37 6 2004 195 201 November/December Volume 37, No.6 The Mop Shop: Collecting in Gabon, Part 3. Peter Tirbak
JAKA 37 6 2004 202 207 November/December Volume 37, No.6 Lebias or Aphanius -- that was the Question Ruud Wildekamp
JAKA 37 6 2004 208 212 November/December Volume 37, No.6 Peat Moss Potpourri : Show More Nothos Dan Nielsen
JAKA 37 6 2004 213 216 November/December Volume 37, No.6 Foods & Feeding: Soil-less Grindal Worms Barry Cooper
JAKA 37 6 2004 216 214 November/December Volume 37, No.6 Erratum - KHY
JAKA 37 6 2004 215 216 November/December Volume 37, No.6 2004 Article Index
JAKA 37 6 2004 Inside Back Cover November/December Volume 37, No.6 JEHM Co Ad

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
JAKA 38 1 2005 Outside cover January/February Volume 38, No.1 Pterolebias longipinnis in position to dive into the peat moss to spawn Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 38 1 2005 Inside Front Cover January/February Volume 38, No.1 Convention Notice
JAKA 38 1 2005 1 1 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Contents
JAKA 38 1 2005 2 3 January/February Volume 38, No.1 As I See It Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 38 1 2005 4 6 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Breeding and husbandry: Breeding Megalebias wolterstorffi Bob Morenski
JAKA 38 1 2005 7 10 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus (Steinholt Clausen, 1963) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 38 1 2005 11 13 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Club Profiles: Northwest Killies Brian perkins
JAKA 38 1 2005 14 22 January/February Volume 38, No.1 The Mop Shop: Collecting in Gabon IV Peter Tirbak
Identification of Micropanchax scheeli (Cyprinodontiformes:Poeciliae:Aplocheilichthyinae)
JAKA 38 1 2005 23 33 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Rudolf H. Wildekamp
with the Description of a New Species of the Genus Poropanchax
JAKA 38 1 2005 34 35 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Solving Part of the Belly-Slider Riddle Bob Morenski
JAKA 38 1 2005 36 36 January/February Volume 38, No.1 Killietalk Snippets
JAKA 38 1 2005 Inside Back Cover January/February Volume 38, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 38 2 2005 Outside cover March/April Volume 38, No.2 Procatopus similis Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 38 2 2005 Inside Front Cover March/April Volume 38, No.2 Contents
JAKA 38 2 2005 37 37 March/April Volume 38, No.2 As I See It: What's Your Passion? Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 38 2 2005 38 49 March/April Volume 38, No.2 Updated Overview of the Genus Epiplatys : Part 1 Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA 38 2 2005 50 58 March/April Volume 38, No.2 The Mop Shop: Gabon Wrap Up Peter Tirbak
JAKA 38 2 2005 59 61 March/April Volume 38, No.2 Procatopus nototaenia Boulenger, 1904 Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 38 2 2005 62 62 March/April Volume 38, No.2 Killietalk Snippets
JAKA 38 2 2005 63 65 March/April Volume 38, No.2 For Beginners: Where To Get Killies Monty Lehmann
JAKA 38 2 2005 66 66 March/April Volume 38, No.2 AKA Logo Pin
JAKA 38 2 2005 67 70 March/April Volume 38, No.2 Foods and Feeding: Culturing Fruitflies George Caruso
JAKA 38 2 2005 71 72 March/April Volume 38, No.2 Peat Moss Potpourri: Preparing Peat Moss Bob Morenski
JAKA 38 2 2005 Inside Back Cover March/April Volume 38, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 38 3 2005 May/June Volume 38, No.3 Epiplatys lamottei
JAKA 38 3 2005 Inside Front Cover May/June Volume 38, No.3 Contents
JAKA 38 3 2005 73 73 May/June Volume 38, No.3 As I See it: Fish Shipping Solutions Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 38 3 2005 74 74 May/June Volume 38, No.3 USPS Publication 52
Updated Overview of the genus Epiplatys: Part 2 Epiplatys of the Western Forest and Charles A, Nunziata, Photos by
JAKA 38 3 2005 75 (contd May/June Volume 38, No.3
Savannah and Dahomey Gap Tony Terceira
JAKA 38 3 2005 85 95 May/June Volume 38, No.3 American Killifish association. 2005 Annual Convention Lee Harper
JAKA 38 3 2005 96 96 May/June Volume 38, No.3 For Beginners: Equipping Killy Tanks Monty Lehmann
Updated Overview of the genus Epiplatys: Part 2 Epiplatys of the Western Forest and Charles A. Nunziata, Photos by
JAKA 38 3 2005 97 98 May/June Volume 38, No.3
Savannah and Dahomey Gap Tony Terceira
JAKA 38 3 2005 99 101 May/June Volume 38, No.3 Fundulopanchax cinnamomeus (Stenholt Clausen, 1963) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 38 3 2005 102 105 May/June Volume 38, No.3 Safely Shipping Fish Mike Hellweg
JAKA 38 3 2005 106 108 May/June Volume 38, No.3 AKA's George Maier Fund Edd Kray
JAKA 38 3 2005 Inside Back Cover May/June Volume 38, No.3 JEHM Co Ad

JAKA 38 3 2005 Outside back cover May/June Volume 38, No.3 AKA 2005 Convention

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Outside front
JAKA 38 4 2005 July/August Volume 38, No.4 Fundulopanchax (Pauciradius) scheeli ; rear- Fp. Puerzli Photo by A. Terceira
JAKA 38 4 2005 Inside Front Cover July/August Volume 38, No.4 Contents
JAKA 38 4 2005 109 110 July/August Volume 38, No.4 As I See it: A Letter from Christopher Baker-Carr Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 38 4 2005 111 126 July/August Volume 38, No.4 Updated Overview of the Genus Epiplatys : Part 3 Epiplatys of the Eastern Forest Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA 38 4 2005 127 128 July/August Volume 38, No.4 The Mop Shop Peter Tirbak
JAKA 38 4 2005 129 130 July/August Volume 38, No.4 Archiaphyosemion guineense (Daget, 1954) Anthony C. Terceira
Description of a New Subgenus of Fundulopanchax, Pauciradius Wildekamp and Van der Rudolf H. Wildekamp and Jouke R.
JAKA 38 4 2005 131 133 July/August Volume 38, No.4
Zee, 2003 (Cyprinodontiformes:Nothobranchiidae: Fundulopanchax ) Van der Zee
JAKA 38 4 2005 134 135 July/August Volume 38, No.4 Tips and Tricks from the Fishroom of Christopher Baker-Carr The Quick and the Dead Christopher Baker-Carr
JAKA 38 4 2005 136 138 July/August Volume 38, No.4 In Memorium "Mr. Fish" Rivulus Hartii x Rivulus amphoreus Dr. Glen Collier
JAKA 38 4 2005 139 141 July/August Volume 38, No.4 Cool Killies Robert Morenski
JAKA 38 4 2005 142 144 July/August Volume 38, No.4 For Beginners: Feeding Killies Monty Lehmann
JAKA 38 4 2005 Inside Back Cover July/August Volume 38, No.4 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 38 4 2005 Outside back cover July/August Volume 38, No.4 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 38 5 2005 September/October Volume 38, No.5 Aphyosemion australe photo by A.C. Terceira
JAKA 38 5 2005 Inside Front Cover September/October Volume 38, No.5 Contents
JAKA 38 5 2005 145 146 September/October Volume 38, No.5 As I See It… Inside JAKA Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 38 5 2005 147 154 September/October Volume 38, No.5 Capture and Breeding of Fundulus bifax Dr. Joseph Scanlon
JAKA 38 5 2005 155 160 September/October Volume 38, No.5 Mop Shop…Memories Are Made of This Peter Tirbak
JAKA 38 5 2005 161 169 September/October Volume 38, No.5 The Lyretail Killy, Aphyosemion australe Dr. Harry O. Specht
JAKA 38 5 2005 170 172 September/October Volume 38, No.5 For Beginners: A Fry for All Seasons Greg A. Simpson
JAKA 38 5 2005 173 175 September/October Volume 38, No.5 Species Profile: Fundulopanchax rubrolabialus (Radda 1973) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 38 5 2005 176 180 September/October Volume 38, No.5 Peat Moss Potpourri: The Annual Egg (and I) Dr. Dan Nielsen
JAKA 38 5 2005 Inside Back Cover September/October Volume 38, No.5 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 38 5 2005 Outside back cover September/October Volume 38, No.5 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 38 6 2005 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Fundulopanchax avichang Photo by Francisco Malumbres
JAKA 38 6 2005 Inside Front Cover November/December Volume 38, No.6 Contents
JAKA 38 6 2005 181 182 November/December Volume 38, No.6 AKA Past. Present and Future Peter Tirbak
JAKA 38 6 2005 183 184 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Foods & feeding: Brine Shrimp, Myths & Facts David Koran
JAKA 38 6 2005 185 187 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Keeping and Breeding Larger Epiplatys Liz Hutchings
JAKA 38 6 2005 188 190 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Species Profile: Nothobranchius eggersi Brian Watters
JAKA 38 6 2005 191 192 November/December Volume 38, No.6 The Beginners Page: Harvesting Eggs from Spawning Mops Greg Simpson
JAKA 38 6 2005 193 200 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Breeding Fundulopanchax avichang Charles Harrison
JAKA 38 6 2005 201 202 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Fundulopanchax avichang: Addendum Francisco Malumbres & R. Castelo
JAKA 38 6 2005 203 203 November/December Volume 38, No.6 The 2006 American Killifish Association Annual Convention
Fabio Ariguela (translated by Andre
JAKA 38 6 2005 204 205/209 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Notes About Leptolebias marmoratus
JAKA 38 6 2005 205 210 November/December Volume 38, No.6 Peat Moss Potpourri: Nothobranchius rubroreticulatus Brian Watters
JAKA 38 6 2005 211 212 November/December Volume 38, No.6 2005 Article Index - Volume 38
JAKA 38 6 2005 Inside Back Cover November/December Volume 38, No.6 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 38 6 2005 Outside back cover November/December Volume 38, No.6 JEHM Co Ad

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Outside front
JAKA 39 1 2006 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Pumbe Picket Nothobranchius locality in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
JAKA 39 1 2006 Inside Front Cover January/February Volume 39, No.1 Contents
JAKA 39 1 2006 1 2 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Changes in AKA Peter Tirbak
JAKA 39 1 2006 3 5 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Peat Moss Potpourri: Nurturing the Skills of a Succesful Nothobranchius Breeder Bob Morenski
Rachel Martinez, Minh Nguyen and
JAKA 39 1 2006 6 11 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Two Killifish Fry in a Tank = Sexed Pair -- Does it really Work?
Justin Stoney
Richard W, pierce and Anthony C.
JAKA 39 1 2006 12 13 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Plataplochilus cabindae (Boulenger, 1911)
JAKA 39 1 2006 14 25 January/February Volume 39, No.1 A Study of Nothobranchius Habitats in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park Dr. Brian R. Wattters
JAKA 39 1 2006 26 29 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Breeding Aphyosemion rectogoense Jim Gasior
JAKA 39 1 2006 30 35 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Aphyosemions of the Peoples Republic of Congo Peter Tirbak
JAKA 39 1 2006 35 35 January/February Volume 39, No.1 2006 George Maier Fund Award
JAKA 39 1 2006 36 36 January/February Volume 39, No.1 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 39 1 2006 Inside Back Cover January/February Volume 39, No.1 JEHM Co Ad

JAKA 39 1 2006 Outside back cover January/February Volume 39, No.1 Pumbe Picket Nothobranchius locality in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Outside front
JAKA 39 2 2006 March/April Volume 39, No.2 AKA Convention 2006 photo collage by A. Terceira
JAKA 39 2 2006 Inside Front Cover March/April Volume 39, No.2 Contents
JAKA 39 2 2006 37 38 March/April Volume 39, No.2 Editorial: As I See It Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 39 2 2006 39 46 March/April Volume 39, No.2 The AKA 2006 National Convention, Tampa, Florida Charles Nunziata
JAKA 39 2 2006 47 53 March/April Volume 39, No.2 An Attendee's Impression of the AKA Convention 2006 - Tampa Arch martin
JAKA 39 2 2006 54 57 March/April Volume 39, No.2 AKA Convention 2006 Collecting Adventures Brian Skidmore
JAKA 39 2 2006 58 59 March/April Volume 39, No.2 AKA 2006 Annual Convention Show Class First Place Winners
JAKA 39 2 2006 60 69 March/April Volume 39, No.2 Convention Workshops
JAKA 39 2 2006 60 61 March/April Volume 39, No.2 A Water Replacement System Using Gravity Overflows Lee Harper
JAKA 39 2 2006 61 61 March/April Volume 39, No.2 Breedong Kathetys Monty Lehmann
JAKA 39 2 2006 62 63 March/April Volume 39, No.2 A Review of the Genus Nothobranchius Brian Watters
JAKA 39 2 2006 64 65 March/April Volume 39, No.2 Breeding and raising Epiplatys and Lampeyes Liz and Jim Hutchings
JAKA 39 2 2006 65 67 March/April Volume 39, No.2 Building a New Fishroom Jack Heller
JAKA 39 2 2006 68 69 March/April Volume 39, No.2 The Aphyosemion bivittatum species group Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 39 2 2006 70 80 March/April Volume 39, No.2 AKA Convention 2006 Competition and Auction Results
JAKA 39 2 2006 Inside Back Cover March/April Volume 39, No.2 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 39 2 2006 Outside back cover March/April Volume 39, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front Fundulopanchax gardneri mamfense Ossing (front)
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4
cover and Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus Makurdi (rear)
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 Inside Front Cover May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Contents Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 81 82 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Editorial: As I See It
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 83 97 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 What's in a Name Dr. Brian R. Watters
AKA Fellows: Al Klee, First Fellow of The American Killifish Association - and Still a Good
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 98 99 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Harry Specht & Joe Scanlan
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 100 102 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Species Profile: Floridichthys carpio (Günther, 1866) Anthony C. Terceira
A Review of Callopanchax monroviae (Roloff & Ladiges, 1973) - with notes on the type
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 103 113 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Karsten Dinesen
locality, distribution, natural life cycle, and phenotypes
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 114 119 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 The Mop Shop: Aphyosemions of the People's Republic of Congo - Part II Peter Tirbak
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 120 124 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Breeding Fundulopanchax gardneri mamfense Ossing Monty Lehmann
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 125 129 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Maintaining Blackworms Without a Refrigerator David Snell
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 130 132 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Northeast Weekend Show 2006 Dan Nielsen
Killies in the News (killies Thrive in Polluted Waters, The Killie from Chile, New Fundulus
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 133 134 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Found in Venezuela, USF&W Provides Funds to Landowners to Protect Endangered Tom Grady
Species, Costa Describes Three New Annual Killifish
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 135 136 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 For Beginners: Small Filters for Small Tanks Greg A, Simpson
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 137 144 May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Dispersal of Nothobranchius - Fact and Fiction Brian R. Watters
JAKA 39 3&4 2006 Inside Back Cover May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 39 3&4 2006 Outside back cover May/June/July/August Volume 39, No.3&4 JEHM Co Ad

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First Last
Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Outside front
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 A Special Killifish Model DNA Molecule Photos in the Model by A. Terceira
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 Inside Front Cover Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Contents
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 145 146 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 A Message From 2006 BOT Chairman Peter Tirbak
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 147 168 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 The Genus Aphyosemion: Taxonomic History and Molecular Phylogeny Glen E. Collier
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 169 172 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Foods and Feeding÷Microworms for the Long Hail David Ramsey
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 173 174 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Foods and Feeding: Culturing Microworms Eric Bodrock
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 174 175 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Assorted Killietalk Posts n Microworms Various
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 176 178 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Lacustricola omoculatus (Wildekamp, 1977) Brian R. Watters
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 179 180 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 WAKO for 2007 Jim Gasior
Killies in the News (Costa Locates a New Population of Simpsonichthys boitonei ; Second
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 181 181 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Tom Grady
Episemion species Discovered; Dr. Paul Loiselle Describes Four New PachypanchaxSpecies)
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 182 188 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Raising Nothobranchius palmqvisti for an AKA Show Scott Garner
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 189 190 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 AKA Fellows: Robert Criger Harry Specht & Joe Scanlan
Hans-Joachim Paepke (translated by
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 191 207 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 The Life and Work of Ernest Ahl
Kenneth J. Lazara)
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 208 208 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Celebrate 45thAnniversary AKA Convention
JAKA 39 5&6 2006 Inside Back Cover Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 39 5&6 2006 Outside back cover Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 39, No.5&6 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front Epiplatys annulatus, Archiaphyosemion petersi, Aphyosemion buyterti, & Nothobranchius Photos by Terceiro, Manura and
JAKA 40 1 2007 January/February Volume 40, No.1
cover jampapi Watters
JAKA 40 1 2007 Inside Front Cover January/February Volume 40, No.1 Contents
by Ian Sainthouse, photos by Brian
JAKA 40 1 2007 1 9 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Notes on the Nothobranchius Species of the Subgenus Aphyobranchius
JAKA 40 1 2007 10 11 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Species Profile: Epipatys annulatus (Boulenger, 1950) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 40 1 2007 12 14 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Foods & Feeding: Ostracods - An Alternate Food for Killifish Henri De Bruyn
JAKA 40 1 2007 15 16 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Keeping and Breeding Aphyosemion buytaerti Monty Lehmann
JAKA 40 1 2007 17 19 January/February Volume 40, No.1 AKA Fellows: Charles Nunziata Harry Specht
JAKA 40 1 2007 20 22 January/February Volume 40, No.1 For Beginners: What I have Learned So Far Greg A. Simpson
JAKA 40 1 2007 23 25 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Archiaphyosemion petersi David Suffia
JAKA 40 1 2007 26 27 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Fishroom Notes: The Next Generation of Air Supply Mike Hellweg
JAKA 40 1 2007 28 30 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Fishroom Notes: Color Code Your Fishroom Operation Davird hardenbrook
JAKA 40 1 2007 31 31 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Article Index 2006 - Volume 39
JAKA 40 1 2007 32 32 January/February Volume 40, No.1 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 40 1 2007 Inside Back Cover January/February Volume 40, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
JAKA 40 1 2007 Outside back cover January/February Volume 40, No.1 Aphyosemion striatum Aquarium strain Anthony C. Terceira

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JAKA 40 2 2007 March/April Volume 40, No.2 Honduras Habitat photo
JAKA 40 2 2007 Inside Front Cover March/April Volume 40, No.2 Contents

JAKA 40 2 2007 33 40 March/April Volume 40, No.2 The Subgenus Chromaphyosemion Stefano Valdesalici

JAKA 40 2 2007 41 42 March/April Volume 40, No.2 AKA Fellows: Jerry Sellers Harry Specht
JAKA 40 2 2007 43 45 March/April Volume 40, No.2 Adamans formosa (Huber, 1979) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 40 2 2007 46 52 March/April Volume 40, No.2 Collecting and breeding Rivulus tenuis Ken Davis & David Ramsey
JAKA 40 2 2007 52 52 March/April Volume 40, No.2 George Maier Fund
JAKA 40 2 2007 53 58 March/April Volume 40, No.2 The Basics of Live Foods Shannon Fought
JAKA 40 2 2007 59 62 March/April Volume 40, No.2 Aphyosemion thysi - An Unappreciated Rarity James C, Gasior
JAKA 40 2 2007 63 63 March/April Volume 40, No.2 Killifish in the News Tom Grady
JAKA 40 2 2007 64 64 March/April Volume 40, No.2 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 40 2 2007 Inside Back Cover March/April Volume 40, No.2 JEHM Co Ad

JAKA 40 2 2007 Outside back cover March/April Volume 40, No.2 Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Lagos Anthony C. Terceira
Outside front
JAKA 40 3 2007 May/June Volume 40, No.3 Assortment of photos from the 2007 Convention
JAKA 40 3 2007 Inside Front Cover May/June Volume 40, No.3 Contents
JAKA 40 3 2007 65 77 May/June Volume 40, No.3 The 2007 AKA Convention - Cheesehead Style Jim Gasior
JAKA 40 3 2007 78 82 May/June Volume 40, No.3 Killifish and Beer. The 2007 AKA Convention Edd Kray
JAKA 40 3 2007 83 95 May/June Volume 40, No.3 AKA Convention 2007 Competition and Auction results
JAKA 40 3 2007 96 96 May/June Volume 40, No.3 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 40 3 2007 Inside Back Cover May/June Volume 40, No.3 JEHM Co Ad

JAKA 40 3 2007 Outside back cover May/June Volume 40, No.3 Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Lagos
Outside front
JAKA 40 4 2007 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Location "kikambala" KEN 07-2
JAKA 40 4 2007 Inside Front Cover July/August Volume 40, No.4 Contents
JAKA 40 4 2007 97 113 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Collecting Nothobranchius - My Special Souvenir from Kenya 2007 Bela Nagy
JAKA 40 4 2007 113 113 July/August Volume 40, No.4 On the Origin of Scientific names Dr. Ken Lazara
JAKA 40 4 2007 114 115 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Roger Langton, Fellow of the American Killifish Association Harry Specht and David Suffia
JAKA 40 4 2007 116 120 July/August Volume 40, No.4 The Blue Gularis - One Man's Odyssey Bob Wolter
JAKA 40 4 2007 121 123 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Species Profile - Lamprichthys tanganicanus Arthur J. J. Leuterman
JAKA 40 4 2007 124 127 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Aphyosemion decorsei - An Introduction to the Elegans group Jim Gasior
JAKA 40 4 2007 127 127 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Erratum
JAKA 40 4 2007 July/August Volume 40, No.4 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 40 4 2007 Inside Back Cover July/August Volume 40, No.4 JEHM Co Ad

JAKA 40 4 2007 Outside back cover July/August Volume 40, No.4 Nothobranchius patrizii KE-01-6 Photo by Brian R. Watters © 2007
Outside front
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Lamprichthys tanganicanus © Photo Ad Konings
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 Inside Front Cover Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Contents
Description of Nothobranchius cardinalis spec. nov. (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae) an
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 129 145 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6
annual fish from the Mbwemkuri River basin, Tanzania
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 146 152 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Two Decades of Lamprichthys tanganicanus (Boulenger, 1898) Arther J. J. Leuterman
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 153 164 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Breeding and Maintaining Cubanichthys pengelleyi (Fowler,1939) the Jamaican killifish Charles Nunziata
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 164 164 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 The George Maier Fund
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 165 166 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 AKA Fellows: Liz and Jim Hutchings, Fellows of the American Killifish Association Harry Specht
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 167 169 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 On the Origin of Scientific Names. Subgenera Fontinus and Galasaccus Ken Lazara
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 170 172 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Species Profile. Aphyosemion poliaki Amiet, 1991 Richard W. Pierce
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 173 175 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Aphyosemion hera David Suffia
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 176 186 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 A Review of Fundulopanchax gardneri David Ramsey
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 187 189 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Some Things are Worth Waiting For - Aphyosemion lugens Amiet, 1991 Liz Hutchings
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 190 191 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 2007 JAKA Article Index - Volume 40
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 192 192 Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 40 5&6 2007 Inside Back Cover Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 JEHM Co Ad

JAKA 40 5&6 2007 Outside back cover Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec Volume 40, No.5&6 Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus Innidere A. Terceira

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JAKA 41 1 2008 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 A Section of the Chisimba Falls Zambia Otto Schmidt
JAKA 41 1 2008 Inside Front Cover Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 Contents
JAKA 41 1 2008 1 2 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 Editorial: AKA Communication in the 21st Century Barry Cooper
JAKA 41 1 2008 3 18 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 Zambia Revisited, 2007 Otto Schmidt
JAKA 41 1 2008 19 24 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 The Role of the Killifish Conservation Committee Charles Nunziata
JAKA 41 1 2008 25 27 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 Species profile: Fundulus chrysotus (Gunther, 1866) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 41 1 2008 28 29 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 AKA Fellows: Dr. Robert Goldstein. Fellow of the American Killifish Association Dr. Harry Specht
On the Origin of Scientific Names: Adamas, Huber1979 replaced by Fenerbarhce
JAKA 41 1 2008 30 32 Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 Dr. Ken Lazara
Özdikimern et al, 2006
JAKA 41 1 2008 Inside Back Cover Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 41 1 2008 Outside back cover Jan/Feb Volume 41, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 41 2 2008 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Maratecoara lacortei (Lazara, 1991) photo by A. Terceira
JAKA 41 2 2008 Inside Front Cover Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Contents
JAKA 41 2 2008 33 47 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Collecting Killifish in Ghana, 2006 John Rosenstock & Joseph Enemark
JAKA 41 2 2008 48 49 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 How Fish Are Judged at Shows Charles Nunziata
JAKA 41 2 2008 50 52 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Fundulopanchax walkeri Kutunse GH 2-74 Roger Langton
JAKA 41 2 2008 53 55 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Species Profile: Maratecoara lacortei (Lazara, 1991) Lee Harper
JAKA 41 2 2008 56 57 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 AKA Fellowsd: Arch Martin, Fellow of the American Killifish Association Dr. Harry Specht
JAKA 41 2 2008 58 61 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Killie Notes: Solving Hard Water Problems George Caruso
JAKA 41 2 2008 62 63 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 The Origin andMeaning of Scientific Names: The Genus, Maratecoara Dr. Ken Lazara
JAKA 41 2 2008 64 64 Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 41 2 2008 Inside Back Cover Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 Syracuse Convention Ad

JAKA 41 2 2008 Outside back cover Mar/April Volume 41, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 41 3 2008 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Nothobranchius cardinalis (Watters, Cooper and Wildekamp, 2008) photo by Brian Watters © 2008
JAKA 41 3 2008 Inside Front Cover May/June Volume 41, No.3 Contents
JAKA 41 3 2008 65 68 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Diapterons - My Way Tom Kean
The Origin andMeaning of Scientific Names: Adinia xenica (Jordan & Gilbert. 1882) versus
JAKA 41 3 2008 69 71 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Dr. Ken Lazara
Adinia multifasciata Girard, 1859
JAKA 41 3 2008 72 76 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Fishing for Killies in Florida and Nearby Areas Using the Right Nets for Killie Collecting Dr. Dave Koran
JAKA 41 3 2008 77 78 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Literature Alert - Desert Pupfish Kenneth Lazara
JAKA 41 3 2008 79 81 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Killifish Conservatin: Exploring for Killies in the Back Yard David Suffia
JAKA 41 3 2008 82 84 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Species Profile: Nothobranchius cardinalis Wtters, Cooper and Wildekamp 2008 Brian R. Watters
JAKA 41 3 2008 85 86 May/June Volume 41, No.3 ALA Fellows: Dr. Harry Specht, Fellow of the American Killifish Association David Suffia
JAKA 41 3 2008 87 88 May/June Volume 41, No.3 West Coast Weekend XVII Barry Cooper
JAKA 41 3 2008 89 93 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Killie Notes: Fish Room Efficiency Jack Heller
JAKA 41 3 2008 94 96 May/June Volume 41, No.3 Epiplatys dageti Poll, 1953 Liz Hutchings
JAKA 41 3 2008 Inside Back Cover May/June Volume 41, No.3 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 41 3 2008 Outside back cover May/June Volume 41, No.3 JEHM Co Ad

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JAKA 41 4 2008 July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 Fundulopanchax fallax CI98 photo by Hristo Hristov
JAKA 41 4 2008 Inside Front Cover July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 Contents
JAKA 41 4 2008 97 107 July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 Convention 2008 in Syracuse, NY Tom Grady
JAKA 41 4 2008 108 109 July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 First Place Winners in Live Fish Classes at the AKA 2009Convention Show photos by Diane Brown
JAKA 41 4 2008 110 116 July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 AKA Convention 2008 - A Memorable Weekend in Syracuse Jack Heller
JAKA 41 4 2008 117 127 July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 AKA Competition anf Auction Results
JAKA 41 4 2008 128 128 July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 Special recognition Awards
JAKA 41 4 2008 Inside Back Cover July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 41 4 2008 Outside back cover July/Aug Volume 41, No.4 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 41 5 2008 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 Aphyosemion cameronense CI-08 Photo by A. Terceira
JAKA 41 5 2008 Inside Front Cover Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 Contents
JAKA 41 5 2008 129 145 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 Mafia Island - Notes on the Distribution of Nothobranchius Bela Nagy
JAKA 41 5 2008 145 149 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 The Origin of Scientific Names - Fundulus zebrinus Jordan & Gilbert 1883 Ken Lazara
JAKA 41 5 2008 150 152 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 Species Profile - Aohyosemion cameronense cameronense (Boulenger 1903) AnthonyC. Terceira
JAKA 41 5 2008 153 155 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 In Defense of a Small Collection of Killies David Suffia
JAKA 41 5 2008 156 157 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 AKA Felows - Dr. Ken Lazara David Suffia
JAKA 41 5 2008 158 160 Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 Some Tips on Breeding Aphyosemion australe Liz Hutchings
JAKA 41 5 2008 Inside Back Cover Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 41 5 2008 Outside back cover Sept/Oct Volume 41, No.5 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 41 6 2008 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Male Cyprinodon variegatus Collected in the Rhode Island Area photo by A. C. Terceira
JAKA 41 6 2008 Inside Front Cover Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Contents
JAKA 41 6 2008 161 171 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Pupfishes of the Gahamas Michael Barton and Christine Barton
JAKA 41 6 2008 172 176 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Killifish Conservation: Scriptaphyosemion etzeli Yak Bir Endangered in the Hobby Ray Wolff
JAKA 41 6 2008 177 182 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Breeding the Nothpobranchius of Western Tanzania Bob Moenski
JAKA 41 6 2008 183 184 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 AKA Fellows: Leonard Mackowiak, Fellow of the American Killifish Association Harry Specht
JAKA 41 6 2008 185 187 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Species profile: Panatanodon stuhlmsnni (Ahl, 1924)Brian Watters
JAKA 41 6 2008 188 189 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Northeast Weekend 2008 Tom Grady
JAKA 41 6 2008 190 191 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 What is Happening to my Killifish Eggs Lee R. Harper
JAKA 41 6 2008 192 192 Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 2008 JAKA Articles Index
JAKA 41 6 2008 Inside Back Cover Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 41 6 2008 Outside back cover Nov/Dec Volume 41, No.6 JEHM Co Ad

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Outside front
JAKA 41 6 2008 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Nothobranchius eggersi location in Tanzania Photo by Brian Watters © 2008
JAKA 42 1 2009 Inside Front Cover Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 AKA Convention 2009 Ad
JAKA 42 1 2009 1 1 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Contents
JAKA 42 1 2009 2 2 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Guest Editorial - Benefits of AKA Membership Barry Cooper
JAKA 42 1 2009 3 5 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Controlled Spawning George Caruso
JAKA 42 1 2009 6 11 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 The Origin and Meaning of Scientific Names: Whatever happened to Panchax? Ken Lazara
JAKA 42 1 2009 12 16 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Shipping Killies in Breathable Bags Wright Huntley
JAKA 42 1 2009 17 21 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Nothobranchius eggersi - The Perfect Beginners' Nothobranchius Darrell Romine
JAKA 42 1 2009 22 24 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Sp[ecies P{rofile: Aplocheilus blockii (Arnold. 1911) Anthony C. Terceira
JAKA 42 1 2009 25 26 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 AKA Fellows: Barry Cooper, Fellow of the American Killifish Association David Suffua
JAKA 42 1 2009 27 29 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Aquarium Maintenance: Acidosis and Aquarium Pollution Marsgall Ostrow
JAKA 42 1 2009 30 32 Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 KAP - The AKA Killifish Breeding Award Program Bill "Shene" Shenefelt
JAKA 42 1 2009 Inside Back Cover Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 42 1 2009 Outside back cover Jan/Feb Volume 42, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 42 2 2009 March/April Volume 42, No.2 Nothobranchius igandensis Photo by Brian R. Watters
JAKA 42 2 2009 Inside Front Cover March/April Volume 42, No.2 AKA Cnvention 2009, Portland, Oregon
JAKA 42 2 2009 34 34 March/April Volume 42, No.2 Foreword
JAKA 42 2 2009 35 36 March/April Volume 42, No.2 About the Authors
JAKA 42 2 2009 37 76 March/April Volume 42, No.2 The Ecolgy and Distribution of Nothobranchius fishes Brian R, Watters
JAKA 42 2 2009 77 93 March/April Volume 42, No.2 The Anthropologist's Annuals - A Personal Memoir of Dr.Louis leakey and Nothobranchius Bruce J. Turner
JAKA 42 2 2009 94 104 March/April Volume 42, No.2 Raising Nothobrnchous fry Charle Nunziata
Brian R. Watters, Rudolf H.
JAKA 42 2 2009 105 127 March/April Volume 42, No.2 Nothobranchius rachovii Ahl. 1926 - a Historical review
Wildekamp and Barry J. Cooper
JAKA 42 2 2009 128 128 March/April Volume 42, No.2 Henry "Hank" Marzina III 1942-5009
JAKA 42 2 2009 Inside Back Cover March/April Volume 42, No.2 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 42 2 2009 Outside back cover March/April Volume 42, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 42 3 2009 May/June Volume 42, No.3 Affiate members at the National Convntion photo by Marshall Ostrow
JAKA 42 3 2009 Inside Front Cover May/June Volume 42, No.3 Contents
JAKA 42 3 2009 129 147 May/June Volume 42, No.3 AKA Convention 2009 -An Unforgettable Weekend in Portland, Oregon Jack Heller
JAKA 42 3 2009 148 153 May/June Volume 42, No.3 Post - Convention Activitues Barry Cooper
JAKA 42 3 2009 154 157 May/June Volume 42, No.3 Summary of Show results JAKA Staff
JAKA 42 3 2009 158 158 May/June Volume 42, No.3 Sp[ecial Awards JAKA Staff
JAKA 42 3 2009 159 160 May/June Volume 42, No.3 AKA Felows: Dan Nielsen. DVM, Fellow of the Aerican Killifish Association David Suffia
JAKA 42 3 2009 Inside Back Cover May/June Volume 42, No.3 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 42 3 2009 Outside back cover May/June Volume 42, No.3 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 42 4 2009 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Male Nothobranchius virgatus photo by Brian Watters © 2008
JAKA 42 4 2009 Inside Front Cover July/August Volume 42, No.4 Contents
JAKA 42 4 2009 161 161 July/August Volume 42, No.4 About the authors
JAKA 42 4 2009 162 169 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Killifish Conservation: Plataplochilus ngaensis Thuan Nguyen
JAKA 42 4 2009 169 169 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Killifish Conservation
JAKA 42 4 2009 169 169 July/August Volume 42, No.4 The George Maier Fund
JAKA 42 4 2009 170 178 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Distribution of Pachypanchax playfairii (Günther, 1866) on the Island of Zanzibar Bela Nagy
JAKA 42 4 2009 178 178 July/August Volume 42, No.4 The AKA Bookstore
JAKA 42 4 2009 179 185 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Collecting Kryptolebias marmoratus in Puerto Rico Pablo L. Robles
JAKA 42 4 2009 186 188 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Wha is pH? Why is it Important? Marshall E. Ostrow
JAKA 42 4 2009 189 190 July/August Volume 42, No.4 Species profile: Rivulus tenuis (Meek, 1904) Anthony Terceira
JAKA 42 4 2009 191 192 July/August Volume 42, No.4 AKA Fellows: Brian Watters: Fellow of the American Killifish Association David Suffia
JAKA 42 4 2009 Inside Back Cover July/August Volume 42, No.4 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 42 4 2009 Outside back cover July/August Volume 42, No.4 JEHM Co Ad

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Outside front
JAKA 42 5 2009 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Fundulopanchax gardneri Misaje Photo by Alf Peterson
JAKA 42 5 2009 Inside Front Cover Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Contents
JAKA 42 5 2009 193 193 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 About the authors
JAKA 42 5 2009 194 214 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Distribution of Nothobranchius species in the costal part of Kenya Bela Nagy
JAKA 42 5 2009 215 218 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Fundulopanchax gardneri Misaje A beauty not to be overlooked David Ramsey
JAKA 42 5 2009 218 218 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Killifish Conservation Committee
JAKA 42 5 2009 219 221 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 What? You Want Me to write an Article for JAKA? Marchall Ostrow
JAKA 42 5 2009 222 224 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Dale Weber - Fellow of The American Killifish Association John Brill
224 Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 The Killifish that Ate the Catskills
JAKA 42 5 2009 Inside Back Cover Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 42 5 2009 Outside back cover Sept/October Volume 42, No.5 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 42 6 2009 November/December Volume 42, No.6 A Pair of Rachovia hummelencki spawning Frans Vermuelen
JAKA 42 6 2009 Inside Front Cover November/December Volume 42, No.6 Contents
JAKA 42 6 2009 225 225 November/December Volume 42, No.6 About the authors
JAKA 42 6 2009 226 239 November/December Volume 42, No.6 The Search for a "Phantom" Fish in Northern Colombia Frans Vermuelen
JAKA 42 6 2009 240 241 November/December Volume 42, No.6 Epiplatys sexfasciatus Bibou - Patence Pays Off Liz Hutchings
JAKA 42 6 2009 241 241 November/December Volume 42, No.6 Killifish Conservation Committee
JAKA 42 6 2009 242 245 November/December Volume 42, No.6 Nematolebias whitei (Myers, 1942) A. Terceira
JAKA 42 6 2009 246 252 November/December Volume 42, No.6 Rachovia splendens - An Important New South Amrican Killie John L. Gonzales
JAKA 42 6 2009 253 256 November/December Volume 42, No.6 Vancccouver Area Killie Club - 25 Great Years Russ McCabe
JAKA 42 6 2009 Inside Back Cover November/December Volume 42, No.6 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 42 6 2009 Outside back cover November/December Volume 42, No.6 JEHM Co Ad

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
Page Page
Outside front
JAKA 43 1 2010 Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 Fundulopanchax sjoestedti
JAKA 43 1 2010 Inside Front Cover Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 Contents
JAKA 43 1 2010 1 1 Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 Guest Editorial Jack Heller
JAKA 43 1 2010 2 2 Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 About the authors
JAKA 43 1 2010 3 26 Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 The Genus Fundulopanchax Taxonomic History and Molecular Phylogeny Glenn Collier
JAKA 43 1 2010 27 32 Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 Fundulopanchax deltaensis (Radda, 1976) Gregory Niedzielski
JAKA 43 1 2010 33 36 Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 Species Profile: Fundulopanchax filamentosus Amthony C. Terceira
JAKA 43 1 2010 Inside Back Cover Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 43 1 2010 Outside back cover Jan/Feb Volume 43, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 43 2 2010 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2
JAKA 43 2 2010 Inside Front Cover Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 Contents
JAKA 43 2 2010 33 33 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 Be Kind, Be Brief, Be Gone Marshall ostrow
JAKA 43 2 2010 34 34 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 About the Authors
JAKA 43 2 2010 35 47 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 North American Salt Water Killifish Part 1 of 2 Charles Nunziata
JAKA 43 2 2010 47 47 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 George Maier Fund
JAKA 43 2 2010 47 47 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 Errata
JAKA 43 2 2010 48 59 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 Collecting and Breeding Lampeyes from East Africa Bela Nagy
JAKA 43 2 2010 59 59 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 AKA Membership Reminder
JAKA 43 2 2010 60 64 Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 The Nevada Desert Fishes and Ash Neadows Peter Unmack
JAKA 43 2 2010 Inside Back Cover Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 43 2 2010 Outside back cover Mar/April Volume 43, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 43 3 2010 May/June Volume 43, No.3 Adinia xenica Clarlie Grimes
JAKA 43 3 2010 Inside Front Cover May/June Volume 43, No.3 Contents
JAKA 43 3 2010 65 65 May/June Volume 43, No.3 About the Authors
JAKA 43 3 2010 66 74 May/June Volume 43, No.3 Collecting Nothobranchius in Zambia Jørn Boklund
JAKA 43 3 2010 75 84 May/June Volume 43, No.3 North American Salt Water Killifish, Part 2 of 2 Charles A. Nunziata
JAKA 43 3 2010 85 87 May/June Volume 43, No.3 Instant Infusoria From Soil-Free Grindal Cultures Barry J. Cooper
JAKA 43 3 2010 88 89 May/June Volume 43, No.3 Bill McNiff, Fellow of the American Killifish Association Harry Faustmanm
JAKA 43 3 2010 90 96 May/June Volume 43, No.3 Convention 2010 Tom Grady
JAKA 43 3 2010 96 96 May/June Volume 43, No.3 Wild Collections Lee Harper
JAKA 43 3 2010 Inside Back Cover May/June Volume 43, No.3 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 43 3 2010 Outside back cover May/June Volume 43, No.3 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 43 4 2010 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Epiplatys chevalieri A. Terceira
JAKA 43 4 2010 Inside Front Cover July/August Volume 43, No.4 Contents
JAKA 43 4 2010 97 97 July/August Volume 43, No.4 About the Authors
JAKA 43 4 2010 98 98 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Editorual Robert Goldstein
JAKA 43 4 2010 98 98 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Editorual Richard Pierce
JAKA 43 4 2010 98 98 July/August Volume 43, No.4 George Maier Fund
JAKA 43 4 2010 99 106 July/August Volume 43, No.4 New Species if Rivulus from the Amazon Tomas Hrbek & Donald C. Taphorn
JAKA 43 4 2010 107 109 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Aphyosemion campomaanense Agnése et al. 2009 Tony Pinto
JAKA 43 4 2010 109 109 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Wild Collections Lee Harper
JAKA 43 4 2010 110 112 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Jamie E. Thomerson, PhD Fellow of the American Killifish Association Harry W. Faustmann
JAKA 43 4 2010 113 125 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Great Escapes Glen E. Collier, PhD
JAKA 43 4 2010 125 125 July/August Volume 43, No.4 AKA Membership Reminder Jim Randall
JAKA 43 4 2010 126 128 July/August Volume 43, No.4 Profiles in Killifish Breeders of the World - S.A.(Sam) Zaharia Harry W. Faustmann
JAKA 43 4 2010 Inside Back Cover July/August Volume 43, No.4 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 43 4 2010 Outside back cover July/August Volume 43, No.4 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 43 5 2010 September/October Volume 43, No.5 Bonaficio on Corsica Béla Negy
JAKA 43 5 2010 Inside Front Cover September/October Volume 43, No.5 Contents
JAKA 43 5 2010 129 129 September/October Volume 43, No.5 About the authors
JAKA 43 5 2010 129 129 September/October Volume 43, No.5 The AKA Bookstore
Variations in Habitat Characteristics and the Occurrence of Nothobranchius Species in
JAKA 43 5 2010 130 144 September/October Volume 43, No.5 Béla Negy and András Horvath Kis
Seasinal Biotypes of Tanzania
JAKA 43 5 2010 144 144 September/October Volume 43, No.5 The George Maier Fund
JAKA 43 5 2010 144 144 September/October Volume 43, No.5 Errata
Harry W. Faustmann and Donna
JAKA 43 5 2010 145 146 September/October Volume 43, No.5 Ron Coleman Fellow of the American Killifish Association
JAKA 43 5 2010 152 152 September/October Volume 43, No.5 AKA Membership Reminder Jim Randall
JAKA 43 5 2010 147 160 September/October Volume 43, No.5 Notes on the Distribution and Ecology of Aphanius fasciatus in Corsica Béla Negy
JAKA 43 5 2010 159 159 September/October Volume 43, No.5 Wild Collections Lee Harper
JAKA 43 5 2010 Inside Back Cover September/October Volume 43, No.5 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 43 5 2010 Outside back cover September/October Volume 43, No.5 JEHM Co Ad

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JAKA 43 6 2010 November/December Volume 43, No.6 Epilpatys infrafasciatus aff. Zenkeri Olivier Buisson
JAKA 43 6 2010 Inside Front Cover November/December Volume 43, No.6 Contents
JAKA 43 6 2010 161 180 November/December Volume 43, No.6 Epiplatys species of the sexfasciatus Group Olivier Buisson
by Heinz Ott, as relayed by
JAKA 43 6 2010 180 182 November/December Volume 43, No.6 Comments on the Epiplatys sexfasciatus Group by Olivier Buisson
Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA 43 6 2010 183 183 November/December Volume 43, No.6 Addditonal Notes on Epiplatys species in the Popular Literature Robert Goldstein
JAKA 43 6 2010 184 185 November/December Volume 43, No.6 AKA Fellows: Lee Harper, Ph.D, Fellow of the American Killifish Association Harry B, Faustmann
JAKA 43 6 2010 186 191 November/December Volume 43, No.6 An Overview of the Genus Scriptaphyosemion Ian Glaubes
JAKA 43 6 2010 192 192 November/December Volume 43, No.6 2010 Articles Ondex
JAKA 43 6 2010 Inside Back Cover November/December Volume 43, No.6 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 43 6 2010 Outside back cover November/December Volume 43, No.6 JEHM Co Ad

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JAKA 44 1 2011 January/February Volume 44, No.1 Austrolebias wolterstorffi Phoito by Dieter Oberle
JAKA 44 1 2011 Inside Front Cover January/February Volume 44, No.1 Contents
JAKA 44 1 2011 1 2 January/February Volume 44, No.1 About the authors
JAKA 44 1 2011 2 2 January/February Volume 44, No.1 Errata
JAKA 44 1 2011 3 6 January/February Volume 44, No.1 KFN Convention 2010 An Attendees report Barry J. Cooper
Photos and Text by Dieter Oberle,
JAKA 44 1 2011 7 10 January/February Volume 44, No.1 Maintenance and Breeding of Austrolebias wolterstorffi (Ahl, 1922) "Porto Alegre"
JAKA 44 1 2011 10 10 January/February Volume 44, No.1 Wild Collections Dave Mikkelson
Discovery of the Critically Endangered Annual Killifish Austrolebias wolterstorffi (Ahl,
JAKA 44 1 2011 11 16 January/February Volume 44, No.1 1924) (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in Lagoa Do Perke National Park, Rio Grande Do Sul, L. E. K. Lanes & L. Maltchik
Southeren Brazil
JAKA 44 1 2011 17 24 January/February Volume 44, No.1 A Very Strange New Aphyosemion from Remote Locality in Congo DRC Joeke Van Der Zee
JAKA 44 1 2011 24 24 January/February Volume 44, No.1 AKA Membership Reminder Jim Randall
JAKA 44 1 2011 25 29 January/February Volume 44, No.1 The Origin of Aphyosemiojn punctatum Buong Bai Monty Lehmann
JAKA 44 1 2011 30 32 January/February Volume 44, No.1 Ythe Beneficial Use ofDwarf Freshwater Shrimp in Killifish Rearing Tanks Duane Cagle
JAKA 44 1 2011 Inside Back Cover January/February Volume 44, No.1 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 44 1 2011 Outside back cover January/February Volume 44, No.1 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 44 2 2011 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Camping in Sudan Photo by Thomas Popp
JAKA 44 2 2011 Inside Front Cover Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Contents
JAKA 44 2 2011 33 33 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 About the authors
JAKA 44 2 2011 34 36 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Breeding Fundulopanchax avichang MY WAY Chris Weatherford
JAKA 44 2 2011 37 57 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Nothobranchius Explorations in the Nuba Mountains Bela Nagy
JAKA 44 2 2011 58 59 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Profiles in Killifish Breeders of the World - Gerhad Schreiber Harry W. Faustmann
JAKA 44 2 2011 60 63 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Aphanius in Malta Ch arles Zammit
JAKA 44 2 2011 63 64 Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Edd Kray Fellow of the American Killifish association Harry W. Faustmann
JAKA 44 2 2011 Inside Back Cover Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 44 2 2011 Outside back cover Marh/April Volume 44, No.2 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 44 3 2011 May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 Fighting juveniles of Rachovia species "Plato" COL 2009-09 Frans Vermuelen
JAKA 44 3 2011 Inside Front Cover May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 Contents
JAKA 44 3 2011 65 65 May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 About the authors
JAKA 44 3 2011 69 71 May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 The 2011 AKA Convention, Baltimore, MD
JAKA 44 3 2011 72 89 May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 Treatments for Fish diseases- 2011 AKA Convention Charles Harrison, Ph.D.
JAKA 44 3 2011 90 96 May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 The Killies of Venezuela Frans Vermuelen
JAKA 44 3 2011 96 96 May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 John Brill's Presentation on Collecting Temperate Zone Killifishes John Brill
JAKA 44 3 2011 Inside Back Cover May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 44 3 2011 Outside back cover May/Junel Volume 44, No.3 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 44 4 2011 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Rivulus agilae Remire/Montjouly, First in class. Richard Pierce
JAKA 44 4 2011 Inside Front Cover July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Contents
JAKA 44 4 2011 97 97 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 About the authors
JAKA 44 4 2011 98 105 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 2011 AKA Convention. Baltimore, Maryland
JAKA 44 4 2011 106 109 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Collecting Rivulus simpicis in Brazil. The Thrill of a Lifetime Dan Katz
JAKA 44 4 2011 110 111 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Rivulus simplicis in the Aquarium Dan Katz
JAKA 44 4 2011 114 123 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Notes on the Distribution and Ecology of Valencia letourneuxi in the Ionion Island Corf Bela Nagy
JAKA 44 4 2011 124 127 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Notes on Nothobranchius Mick Agnew
JAKA 44 4 2011 128 128 July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 The George Maier Fund
JAKA 44 4 2011 Inside Back Cover July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 44 4 2011 Outside back cover July/Augustl Volume 44, No.4 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 44 5 2011 September/October Volume 44, No.5 Fenerbahce devosi Amand van Deun
JAKA 44 5 2011 Inside Front Cover September/October Volume 44, No.5 Contents
JAKA 44 5 2011 139 129 September/October Volume 44, No.5 About the authors
JAKA 44 5 2011 130 142 September/October Volume 44, No.5 COPE 2010 Collecting Aphyosemion in the Republic of Congo Wolfgang Eberl
JAKA 44 5 2011 143 160 September/October Volume 44, No.5 An introduction to the Killifish of the Congo Basin Jouke van der Zee
JAKA 44 5 2011 Inside Back Cover September/October Volume 44, No.5 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 44 5 2011 Outside back cover September/October Volume 44, No.5 JEHM Co Ad
Outside front
JAKA 44 6 2011 November/December Volume 434 No.6 0photo by Stefano Valdesalci
JAKA 44 6 2011 Inside Front Cover November/December Volume 434 No.6 Contents
JAKA 44 6 2011 161 162 November/December Volume 434 No.6 About the authors
JAKA 44 6 2011 163 169 November/December Volume 434 No.6 Breeding Killies with Sphagnum Moss - Part 1 Gary greenwood
JAKA 44 6 2011 163 169 November/December Volume 434 No.6 Breeding Killies with Sphagnum Moss - Part 2 John Metzgar
JAKA 44 6 2011 170 177 November/December Volume 434 No.6 A Killifish Egg Incubator Brian Watters
JAKA 44 6 2011 178 179 November/December Volume 434 No.6 Souped UP Siphons David Hardenbrook
JAKA 44 6 2011 180 192 November/December Volume 434 No.6 Brazil 2011 - Visit to the Pantanal Stefano Valdesalci

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JAKA 44 6 2011 Inside Back Cover November/December Volume 434 No.6 Instructions for Article Submission

JAKA 44 6 2011 Outside back cover November/December Volume 434 No.6 JEHM Co Ad

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Document Volume Issue Year Date Title Author
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Outside front
JAKA 45 1 2012 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Anerican Killifish association Celebrates 50th Anniversary Anthony Terceira & Richard Pierce
JAKA 45 1 2012 Inside Front Cover January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Contents

JAKA 45 1 2012 1 1 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 About the authors Stefano Valdesalici & Roger Langton
JAKA 45 1 2012 2 17 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Zambia 2010 - Discovery of a New Species Stefano Valdesalci
JAKA 45 1 2012 18 20 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Aphyosemion celiae Scheel, 1971 Roger Langton
JAKA 45 1 2012 21 23 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Marshall Ostrow Fellow of the American Killifish Association Harry Faustman
JAKA 45 1 2012 24 26 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Breeding Nematolebias papilliferrus Tim Stanton
JAKA 45 1 2012 27 32 January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Austrolebias, An Under Appreciated Genus Ricardo Antonio(APK 209)
JAKA 45 1 2012 Inside Back Cover January/February Volume 44 No, 1 Instructions for Article Submission
JAKA 45 1 2012 Outside back cover January/February Volume 44 No, 1 JEHM Co Ad

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