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Consolidated Balance Sheet

as at 31st March, 2019

(All amounts in J crores, unless otherwise stated)
Particulars Note 31 March, 2019 31 March, 2018
Non-Current Assets
a) Property, plant and equipment 7A 1,547.97 1,552.10
b) Capital work-in-progress 7B 63.76 41.51
c) Investment property 7C 52.10 54.16
d) Goodwill 7D 336.07 411.54
e) Other intangible assets 7E 32.92 10.31
f) Financial assets
(i) Investments 8 2,633.35 3,091.78
(ii) Loans 9 17.56 18.96
(iii) Others 10 77.66 4.11
g) Non-current tax assets (net) 11 0.89 3.33
h) Other non-current assets 12 88.13 74.08
Total Non-Current Assets 4,850.41 5,261.88
Current Assets
a) Inventories 13 1,300.53 1,256.18
b) Financial assets
(i) Investments 14 725.41 713.39
(ii) Trade receivables 15 833.56 706.08
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 16 107.69 153.80
(iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above 17 220.47 152.26
(v) Loans 18 11.04 34.88
(vi) Others 19 26.47 28.27
c) Current tax assets (net) 20 1.32 1.96
d) Other current assets 21 359.50 391.01
e) Asset held for sale 63 0.24 1.92
Total Current Assets 3,586.23 3,439.75
Total Assets 8,436.64 8,701.63
a) Equity share capital 22 176.63 176.15
b) Other equity 23 5,455.05 5,530.37
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Holding Company 5,631.68 5,706.52
c) Non-controlling interest 31.38 26.53
Total Equity 5,663.06 5,733.05
Non-Current Liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 24 26.05 364.34
(ii) Other financial liabilities 25 4.56 4.25
b) Provisions 26 59.52 56.50
c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) 27 23.14 109.05
Total Non-Current Liabilities 113.27 534.14
Current Liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 28 498.23 464.49
(ii) Trade payables
Due to micro and small enterprises 29 54.61 7.37
Due to others 29 1,400.82 1,402.95
(iii) Other financial liabilities 30 327.62 238.20
b) Other current liabilities 31 198.14 173.03
c) Provisions 32 130.24 107.47
d) Current tax liabilities (net) 33 50.65 40.93
Total Current Liabilities 2,660.31 2,434.44
Total Liabilities 2,773.58 2,968.58
Total Equity And Liabilities 8,436.64 8,701.63
Summary of significant accounting policies 6
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
This is the Consolidated Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date.

For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.: 001076N/N500013

Anupam Kumar Dr. Anand Chand Burman Mohit Malhotra P.D. Narang
Partner Chairman Whole Time Director Whole Time Director
Membership No.:501531 DIN: 00056216 DIN: 08346826 DIN: 00021581

Ashok Kumar Jain Lalit Malik

Place : New Delhi EVP (Finance) and Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer
Date : May 2, 2019 M. No.: FCS 4311

234 Dabur India Limited

Deluxe AR19.indb 234 30-07-2019 16:59:05

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