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Midmark M9/M11 Tabletop Sterilizer:

Repair and PM

MD Expo Conference
April, 2019

Presented by
Neil Blagman
Product Engineer
Replacement Parts Industries, Inc.
Temperature, Pressure & Time
Saturated vs. Superheated Steam Graphic
Pressure / Temperature Chart
Steam Stratification
Different Styles of Mechanical Bellows

Understanding the function of a bellows or steam trap is important to diagnosing sterilizer

problems – a functional bellows will release a large amount of air and condensed water during
startup and should seal to the point where water is released 2-3 drops every few seconds.
Example of a Manual Sterilizer Valve System

Source: Midmark Service and Parts Manual Part No. 003-0721-00 Rev. O (6/20/06)
Example of a Manual Sterilizer Valve System

Source: Your Guide to Maintaining the Pelton & Crane OCM, OCR, & OCR+ Sterilizer, 05/07 ® Replacement Parts Industries, Inc.
Tabletop Sterilizers: Automatic vs. Manual (Similarities)

The newer automatic type sterilizers basically work on the same principle as the older
manual machines. The following are some of the similarities between the two types.

Sterilization Cycles Sterilization cycles are between 250˚ F (121˚ C) and 275˚ F (134˚ C).

Water to Steam to Water Water is stored in a reservoir and a condensation coil takes steam after each cycle
and condenses it back into water.

Use of a Triac Both types of sterilizers utilize a triac to supply the high current to the heaters.

Use of Solenoid Valves A mechanical or electrical (solenoid valve) air bellows is used to maintain the
saturated steam inside the chamber.

Output Devices Output devices such as gauges (manual) or LED displays (automatic) are
used to display temperature and pressure.

Timers Mechanical timers (manual) or programmable timers (automatic) are used to

monitor the length of the sterilization cycle.

Safety Devices Safety devices for pressure (safety relief valves) and temperature
(bi-metallic or snap action switches) are utilized.

Door Gaskets Door gaskets are used to seal the chamber of the sterilizer.

Valves Mechanical valves (manual) or solenoid valves (automatic) are used to

fill the chamber of the sterilizer.

Filters Filters are used to filter the water to the chamber from the reservoir and from
the chamber back into the reservoir.
Tabletop Sterilizers – Automatic vs. Manual (Differences)

Features of an automatic sterilizer Other features of some automatic

not found on a manual sterilizer sterilizers not found on manual sterilizers

• Self-diagnostic software. • Dams or water guards that prevent condensate from

dripping on counter tops.
• Display codes to assist you with trouble-shooting
the unit when it will not operate properly. • Additional solenoid valve ports to expedite the venting
of the sterilizer.
• Heater circuit is microprocessor controlled and
automatically changes from FILL to STERILIZE • Automatic door release feature (pulse solenoid latch)
to DRYING cycle and powers down at the end of to prevent wet packs from occurring because the door
the drying cycle. was not cracked open.

• Timing circuits that actuate solenoid valves to

allow a premeasured volume of water for each
cycle, thus eliminating operator errors in filling
the chamber.

• Additional electronic surface temperature

monitoring to prevent damage to the chamber
because of low water conditions.
Automatic Sterilizers

Sterilization Input and Output via the PCB Microprocessors

Example of an Automatic Sterilizer Valve System

Source: Midmark Service and Parts Manual Part No. 004-0453-00 Rev. E (2/17/10)
Distinguishing Old vs. New Style M9 & M11

Front Panel Front Panel

Older Style M9 & M11 Newer Style M9 & M11

Red Green
LED Display LCD Display
Sterilizer – Phase 1 (Filling)

Source: Midmark Service and Parts Manual Part No. 004-0453-00 Rev. E (2/17/10)
Sterilizer – Phase 2 (Heat-Up)

Source: Midmark Service and Parts Manual Part No. 004-0453-00 Rev. E (2/17/10)
Sterilizer – Phase 3 (Sterilizing)

Source: Midmark Service and Parts Manual Part No. 004-0453-00 Rev. E (2/17/10)
Sterilizer – Phase 4 (Vent)

Source: Midmark Service and Parts Manual Part No. 004-0453-00 Rev. E (2/17/10)
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Bottom Panel

Heating Element Connections

and Installation

Tech Tip #1
When working under the machine be sure to
check the heating element connections for
oxidation and clean or repair as needed –
oxidation on these connections can cause the
element to produce additional unwanted heat
which can lead to false failures of the over
temperature switches as well as the failure of
the connectors and wire jacketing.

Tech Tip #2
When replacing the heating element the order
of the hardware is important – the fiber washer
is always installed inside the chamber, the
metal plate and the over temperature switches
are installed next (on the outside), then the flat
washer, lock washer and nut are installed last
– there should be nothing installed between
the chamber and the metal plate.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Bottom Panel

Over Temperature Switches

Tech Tip #3
These devices are automatically resettable
thermal switches and can be trouble shot by
measuring their resistance when cold – low
resistance measurement means a functioning
part while high or infinite resistance indicates a
failed switch.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Bottom Panel

Chamber Fitting

Tech Tip #4
When working on the underside of the
machine, check this fitting for corrosion.
Rusting around this fitting could indicate the
beginnings of a chamber failure – sterilizer
chambers can not be repaired or re-welded -
they must be replaced to maintain ASME
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Side Panel

Main Circuit Board

Tech Tip #1
Verify all temperature and pressure readings
during the service and calibration procedures
with an independent gauge, thermocouple or
lag thermometer. On the Midmark M9, an
exterior gauge can be connected between the
chamber and the pressure sensor at the main
circuit board. When making these
measurements, it is important to always use tie
wraps at all connections.

Tech Tip #2
When reinstalling the rubber hose running from
the chamber to the pressure transducer be
sure to use new high temperature tie wrap and
be sure there are no leaks at either end of the
hose – a small leak at this point can make the
board impossible to properly calibrate.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Side Panel

Main Circuit Board

Tech Tip #3
Before replacing the main circuit board on the
older style M9/M11 remove the main circuit
board mounting bracket and check for rust
between the bracket and the case of the
machine – rust at this point can interfere with
the ground path leading to the board. When
reinstalling the main circuit board be sure to
install all mounting hardware including any
stainless steel screws – these screws form the
ground path to the board and without them
installed, the board can produce filling as well
as calibration errors.

Older style
Main Circuit Board
Check all board connections for oxidation – many of
these wires carry large amounts of current and can fail to
the point that the board will be damaged.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Side Panel

Main Circuit Board

Tech Tip #4
Blown fuses on this circuit board often indicate
problems with components external to the
board. Before installing a replacement board,
check the heating element, the valve coils and
the door motor or pulse solenoid for internal
shorts or shorts to ground.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Side Panel

Valve Assembly

Tech Tip #5
Failure of the fill valve can lead to water
entering the chamber when the sterilizer is
idle. Failure of the vent valve can lead to
pressure or over temperature problems.

Tech Tip #6
When working on the solenoid valves never
use a pair of pliers to open the valve body. A
spanner wrench of the correct size will avoid
crushing the valve bonnet.

Tech Tip #7
When working within any valves (manual or
electrical) ensure that all seals and seats are
clean and free of chips or cracks. Whenever
possible replace all o-rings and gaskets to
ensure a tight seal.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Side Panel

Valve Assembly

Tech Tip #8
When checking the coil in an electrical valve
be sure to read the specifications printed on
the body of the valve – if the letters “FWR”
appear as part of the voltage specification this
indicates the presence of a full wave rectifier
within the coil. A full wave rectifier within the
coil will prevent you from measuring the
resistance of the coil directly – the resistance
of a functional full wave rectified coil should be
approximately 3 to 4 Meg Ohms.

“FWR” on the label

of a coil Indicates
that a full wave
rectifier is present
within the coil.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Side Panel

Door Motor Assembly

Tech Tip #9
The presence of a door motor (or a pulse
solenoid in the older models) is the difference
between the M9, M11 and the M9D, M11D.
The D style sterilizers have manually operated

Tech Tip #10

Sold as a complete kit, the door motor has two
mounting positions for the cam based on the
size of the chamber – setting the cam to the
wrong position will damage both the cam and
the motor.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Door Panel

Door Gasket and Water Dam

Tech Tip #1
When troubleshooting a leaking door gasket -
remember that door gaskets can be reversed
and rotated 90 degrees as a possible solution
to stopping small pressure leaks.

Tech Tip #2
Part of the Planned Maintenance Kit, the door
gasket and water dam should be replaced
yearly. During the process of replacing the
door gasket, clean water and a mild soap
solution should be used with a fiber pad to
clean the face and interior of the gasket groove
or race.

Important Note:
Never use the support wire with an RPI gasket
to fit the M9/M11. The support wire is designed
only to be used with the OEM gasket.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Door Panel

Insulation Pad
(Not visible In photo)

Tech Tip #3
A leaking door that cannot be fixed by
repeatedly replacing the Door Gasket could be
caused by compression of this pad. Located
between the door pan and the door frame, the
insulation pad helps to keep steam within the
chamber from condensing on the inside of the
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Door Panel

Door Spring

Tech Tip #4
Replaced yearly as part of the Planned
Maintenance Kit these steel springs can be
doubled to increase the amount of kick they
give the opening door.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Water Fill and

Level / Drain Tube

Tech Tip #1
Water quality matters. Never use mineral,
spring or “drinking” water to fill the sterilizer –
their high mineral content will lead to deposits
in the chamber, reservoir, valves and air jets -
a good quality distilled water is ideal. Never
use deionized water either, the lack of free
ions in the water will leach metal from the
chamber, tubing, fittings and valves causing
various failures.

Also, be sure that the water level is in the

green zone and not filled to the top before
running a cycle.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Door Switch

Tech Tip #2
Door switch problems can also indicate a
broken spring arm. The spring arm, a thin steel
plate with a right-angled bend at its end may
have cracked preventing activation of the door
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Chamber Filter

Tech Tip #3
Part of the annual Planned Maintenance Kit,
the chamber filter(s) can also be cleaned with
a stiff brush or in an ultrasonic cleaner.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Chamber Face and Interior

Tech Tip #4
Never scrub the inside of a sterilizer’s chamber
with a product that smells like or contains
chlorine bleach. Chlorine will remove the
passivation layer applied to the interior of the
chamber and will lead to rusting, pitting and
eventual chamber failure.

Tech Tip #5
To remove gasket residue from the chamber
face, and any residue that a chamber cleaner
may leave behind inside the chamber, use a
fiber pad with a simple solution of clean water
and a mild soap.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Chamber Face and Interior

Tech Tip #6
Used as part of the user’s monthly
maintenance requirements, chamber cleaners
are designed specifically for each
manufactures sterilizers. They must be used
as directed by the manufacturer and should
not be interchanged.

Qualification testing (Biological Indicators or

Spore Tests) should be performed after all
service or maintenance procedures to ensure
the proper functionality of the sterilizer. Color
changing or chemical indicators do not
guarantee sterilization, they should only be
used as a visual indicator that the instruments
have been exposed to steam.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Heating Element

Tech Tip #7
When inspecting the heating element look for
small cracks, pits and burned spots – these
are indicators of heater failures.

Sterilizers do not always do well with ground

fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). Whenever
possible install sterilizers on dedicated lines
without any other large current draws (such as
a compressor). If a GFCI is unavoidable one
of the major causes of the leakage current
involves the heating element – changing the
element may lower the measured leakage
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Water Level Sensor

Tech Tip #8
Electrically isolated from the chamber the
Water Level Sensor tells the Main PC Board
when the chamber is full. Over time it can
become covered with deposits which can be
cleaned with a mild soap solution and a
cleaning pad.

Tech Tip #9
If the Water level Sensor becomes shorted to
the chamber the sterilizer will proceed directly
from the fill phase of the cycle to the sterilize
phase without any water entering the chamber
– this condition can lead to overheat errors.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Temperature Sensor

Tech Tip #10

When checking the interior of the chamber
look for deposits on the temperature probe and
clean them off if present. These deposits
could indicate the use of poor quality water.
The deposits affect the sensitivity of the probe
and can lead to overheat errors.

Tech Tip #11

The temperature sensor is a negative
coefficient resistive device – at room
temperature the probe should read
approximately 1 Meg Ohm resistance and
when warmed the resistance should drop.
Tech Tips: Midmark M9 Chamber

Chamber Temperature

Tech Tip #12

For diagnostic purposes, use a Maximum
Register Thermometer (RPI Part #RPT113) for
temperature verification. The thermometer
registers the highest temperature it has been
exposed to inside the chamber, and holds that
temperature indication until reset. Therefore,
do not forget to reset the thermometer by
shaking it down before use. Read the
thermometer in an upright position and only
after it has cooled to ambient temperature or
you may obtain a falsely high reading.

Be sure to place the thermometer on the

instrument tray during temperature verification
(do not place directly onto the chamber

RPI Part #RPT113

Maximum Register Thermometer
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