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Subject :- Principles of Management

Subject Code: HU601

Semester - 6th

PART-A (Each question carry one mark)

. 1. What is central focus of all marketing activities? a. Supplier b. Money lender c. Seller d.

2. Communication begins with a. Encoding b. Decoding c. Idea origination d. Channel selection..

3. Who professed X and Y theory of motivation? a. Abraham Maslow b. Henry Fayol c. F.W.Taylor
d. Mc. Gregor.

4. How many function of of management described under the catch word “PODSCORB”?
a. 8 b. 7 c. 5 d. 6.

5. MBO is known as a. Management by objective b. Management buy-out c. Marketing

buy-out d. Marketing by objectives.

6. Minimum number of members required for the registration of Trade Union a. 7 b. 5

c. 3 d. 9

7. Who is the profounder of Hawthorne experiment? a. Abraham Maslow b. Henry Fayol

c. F.W.Taylor d. Elton Mayo
8. Scalar chain of management proposed by a. F.W. Taylor b. Henri Fayol c. Elton
Mayo d. P.F Drucker.

9. Which of the following functions of an organization consists of all activities directly related
to production of a good or service? a.Operations b. Marketing c. Accounting d.

10. The first function of management is a. Co-ordination b. Planning c. Staffing d. Directing..

11. Management is a. An art b. Science c. Commerce d. Arts and science both.

12. A. Maslow”s hierarchy theory was ______ steps. a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7.

13. One of the earliest and most enduring descriptions of managerial roles comes from ?
a. Henry Mintberg b. P.F. Drucker c. Adam smith d. Jack welsh.

14. Which one of the following is not the main concern of production management? a.
Mechanistic tools b. Production c. Efficiency d. Rationality.

15. Scientific management theory was proposed by a. Elton Mayo b. P.F.Drucker c. F.W.
Taylor d. E.W. Taylor.

16. Management is the art of a. Profit making b. Getting things done by people
c. Influencing the supplier d. influencing the competitors.

17. TQM stands for a. Total Quantity Management b. Total Quantity of Material
c. Total Quality Management d. Total Quality of Maintenance.
18. Division of work promotes a. Customers satisfaction b. Employees satisfaction c.
Employees dissatisfaction d. Specialisation.

19. When authority flows from top executive to lower level employees, is known as
a. Staff organization b. Line organisation c. Matrix organisation d. Project organisation.

20. Which one of the following correctly explains the qualitative forecasting technique?

a.It consists mainly of numerical descriptions and defies subjective inputs of

b. It consists mainly of subjective inputs and defies particular numerical
c.It consists mainly of subjective inputs and defies human factor, personal opinions.
d.It consists mainly of analyzing objective and hard data and defies
human factor, opinion

21. Which one of the following refers to the volume of output at which total cost equals total
a. Optimal operating rate b. Break even point c. Feasible volume d. Utilization

22. Which one of the following techniques uses historical data to predict future value of a
variable of interest?
a. Time series method b. Causal forecasting method c. Qualitative forecasting method
d. Intuitive forecasting method

23. Which of the following refers to the essential elements of operations strategy?
a. Policies, tactics and objectives b. Plans, strategies and vision c. Mission, goals and
plans d. Mission, policies and distinctive competencies

24. Which one of the following formulae can be used to compute break even point?
a. Q = VC / (R - VC) b. Q = FC / (R - VC) c. Q = VC / (R + FC) d. Q = FC / (R + VC)

25. Which of the following is not true for forecasting?

a. Forecasts are rarely perfect b. The underlying casual system will remain same in the
future c. Forecast for group of items is accurate than individual item d. Short range
forecasts are less accurate than long range forecasts.
26. A linear trend equation has the form
a. F=a-bt b.F=a+bt c. F=2a-bt d. F=2a+bt

27. Which of the following statements is not correct

a.PERT is probabilistic in nature. b. CPM is probabilistic in nature c. CPM and PERT use
similar terminology but were developed independently d.) .All of these statements are

28. Which among the following is not a tool for demand forecasting ?
a. Regression analysis b. Moving average method c.Simplex method d. Exponential
smoothing method.

29. Which one is not the elements of marketing mix? a. Packing b. Price c. Place d. Product.

30. Goodwill is a a. Fixed assets b. Current assets c. Fictitious assets d.Wasting assets.

31. Excess of current assets over current liabilities is termed a. Total capital b. Floating capital
c. Working capital d. Debt capital.

32. The Trade Union Act passed in the year a) 1926 b. 1956 c. 1896 d) 1930.

33. Many organization fail because of a. Poor planning b. Poor SWOT analysis c. Unavailable
skilled employee d. Systems approach to management.

34. EOQ stands for a. Economic Order Quantity b. Excess Order Quantity c. Exempted order
Quantity d. None of these.

35. Fayol concentrated on a. Top level b) Shop level c) Middle level d) Lower level

36. Who described the function of management under a catchword PODSCORB. a. Mc.
Gregor b. Luther Gullick c. Elton Mayo d. P.F Drucker

37. What would be the productivity if a machine produced 50 units in 3 hours?

a. 0.066 units per hr b. 16.66 units per hr c. 6.766 units per hr d. 60.66 units
per hr

38. An event at which an activity terminates is called a. End event b. Succeeding event
c. Critical event d. none of these.

39. CPM networks are –---- oriented a. Event b. Activity c. Time d. None of these.

40. If input decrease while output remains constant, what will happen to productivity?.
a. Increase b. Decrease c. remain constant d. Whatever may be.

41. Which among the following is a type of control chart variables? a. C-chart b. P-chart
c. X Bar- chart d. U – chart.

42. In a PERT/CPM network, computing the critical path requires

a. determining the total project duration
b. assigning the earliest finish time for an activity as the earliest start time for the next
c. that the latest finishing time for an activity not delay the overall project beyond initial
d. a sophisticated and complex computer program

45. The brand choice is heavily influenced by reference group in which stage of Product life
a. Introduction b.Growth c. Maturity d.Decline

46. What type of control chart is used to monitor the number of defects per unit?
a. p-chart
b. R-chart
c. c-chart
d. x-bar chart

47. A project has three paths: A—B—C has a length of 25 days. A—D—C has a length of 15
days. A—E—C has a length of 20 days. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. A—D—C is the critical path.
b. A—B—C has the most slack.
c. The expected duration of the project is 25 days.
d. The expected duration of this project is 60 days.
48. The major components of marketing mix are
a. Product b. Price c. Place d. All of the above

49. How long Elton Mayo did conduct his experiment?

a. 12 b.17 c.8 d.10

50. Which of the following statements is true of Lean-Six Sigma?

a. Lean principles focus on advanced statistical methods.
b. Lean principles and Six-Sigma are separate bodies of knowledge
c. Lean principles have been developed over a lengthy period of time.
d. Lean principles include the 5Ss framework and practices.

Part – B(Each Question carry 1 mark.)

1-In management process, the most misinterpreted word is
(A) Organizing
(B) Delegating
(C) Controlling
(D) Planning

2-The department(s) that an event management company will have is (are)

(A) Creative
(B) Production
(C) Client servicing
(D) All of the above

3- Who said, “Management is a multiple purpose organ that manages a business, manages a
manager and manages workers and work”?
(A) Harold Konntz
(B) Peter Drucker
(C) Kenneth O ‘Donell
(D) Anonymous

4- Under mechanism of scientific management, scientific task setting includes:

(A) Time study
(B) Motion study
(C) Method study
(D) All of the above

5- Management as a discipline is the function of________.

(A) Science
(B) Art
(C) Creativity
(D) All of the above
6- Which theory assumes that people are naturally lazy and will avoid work and responsibilities if
(A) Theory X
(B) Theory Y
(C) Theory Z
(D) None of the above

7- Who is the person you have to give importance under the company’s checklist before making
call to the consultant.
(A) Managers
(B) Employees
(C) Customer
(D) All of the above

8- What is one of the most significant inhibitors in customer preference while purchasing
perishable items in retail?
(A) Proximity of markets
(B) Customer preference to brands
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
9- The objectives in corporate governance are
(A) Growth
(B) Stability
(C) Shareholders value maximization
(D) All of the above

10- The word________denotes a function, a task, a discipline.

(A) Management
(B) Leadership
(C) Motivation
(D) None of the above

11. Which of the following management functions are closely related?

(a) Planning and Organizing
(b) Staffing and Control
(c) Planning and Control
(d) Planning and Staffing
12. Planning function of management is performed by________________________.
(a) Top Management
(b) Middle Management
(c) Lower Management
(d) All of the above
13. The famous book ‘The Philosophy of Management is written by________________.
(a) Oliver Sheldon
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) F.W. Taylor
(d) Urwick
14. Management is_________________.
(a) An art
(b) A science
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither art nor science
15. To manage “is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control”.
These are the words of______________________.
(a) Koontz and O’Donnel
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) F.W. Taylor
(d) Peter F. Drucker
16. The control function of management embraces:
(a) Cost Control
(b) Financial Control
(c) Budgetary Control
(d) All of the above
17. The span of management means____________________.
(a) A good organisation should consist of departments
(b) Authority of each person must be clearly defined
(c) Each Subordinate should have one superior
(d) A manager can supervise a limited number of executives
18. Functional type of organisation was first developed by______________________.
(a) Military
(b) F.W. Taylor
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) Elton Mayo
19. Staffing function of management needs to be performed________________________.
(a) Only in new enterprises
(b) Only in going enterprises
(c) Both in new and going enterprises
(d) None of the above
20. Delegation of authority results in_________________.
(a) Avoiding responsibility
(b) Centralization of power at the top level
(c) Costliness of decision
(d) Enabling the managers to distribute their workload.
21. Communication can be_________________.
(a) Upward
(b) Downwards
(c) Sideward
(d) All of the above
22. What is the main objective of the budgeting?
(a) Planning
(b) Co-Ordination
(c) Control
(d) All of the above
23. In the Herzberg’s Hygiene theory of motivation, the hygiene factors cause________________.
(a) Satisfaction of Employees
(b) Dissatisfaction of Employees
(c) No effect on the satisfaction of Employees
(d) All of the above
24. Who gave the need hierarchy theory of motivation?
(a) Maslow
(b) Herzberg
(c) Vroom
(d) McGregor
25. Delegation is more often________________.
(a) Upward
(b) Downward
(c) Sideward
(d) All of the Above
26. In the process of delegating authority, the manager’s responsibility will_______________.
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) No effect on his responsibility
27. Marketing manager may be classified in the category of____________________.
(a) Top-level management
(b) Middle-level management
(c) Lower-level management
(d) All of the Above
28. Effective supervision is an activity of__________________.
(a) Organising Function
(b) Planning Function
(c) Control Function
(d) Direction of Function
29. Which principle of management lays stress on teamwork and unity among personnel?
(a) Equity
(b) Order
(c) Esprit de corps
(d) Unity of direction
30. A leader uses the following methods:
(a) Uses criticism
(b) Encourages growth
(c) Sets objectives
(d) Gives orders and directions
31-The culture of a company is conveyed through
(a) Rites
(d)All of the above

32-A specialty product is ________ intensively distributed than a shopping product

(c)Both of the above

33-The demand for a product is ________ when price cut causes revenue to increase.
(a)Income elastic
(b)Price elastic
(c)Cross elastic
(d)None of the above

34-Contact awarded to lowest bidder is known as

(a)Negotiated contract
(b)Open bid
(c)Closed bid
(d)Open contract

35-Carrying the line of only one manufacturer is known as

(a)Exclusive assortment
(b)Open bid
(c)Negotiated contract
(d)Deep assortment

36-“Image building” objectives are common in _____ type of market structure?


37-When the market is run by a small number of firms that together control the majority of market
share is known as
(d)Perfect competition

38-Which of the following is (are) important consideration(s) concerning activity times?

(a) Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity
(b) Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity
may have on it.
(c) Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the
activity are available.
(d) All of the above

39-Which of the following are assignable cause?

(a) Large variations in hardness of material
(b) Tool wear
(c) Errors in setting
(d) All of the above

40-What is the reason of excessive friction between parts?

(a) Improper or lack of lubrication
(b) Material of parts
(c) both (A) and (B)
(d) None of above

41-Which kind of labour force is required in case of Jobbing Production?

(a) Highly Skilled
(b) Semi skilled
(c) Unskilled
(d) Any of the above

42-What is the location of lower control limit in the X bar-R control chart?
(a) 3 standard deviations below central line
(b) 2 standard deviations below central line
(c) 1 standard deviations below central line
(d) Any of the above

43-Which photographic technique is used to record path of motions of the members of the body
during method study?
(a) Acrograph
(b) Cyclograph
(c) Cyclogram
(d) Cycloscope

44-The term ________ implies the foregone profit due to inability of company to produce.
(a) Opportunity cost
(b) Marginal cost
(c) Overhead cost
(d) All of the above

45-In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________.
(a) 0.01 to 5%
(b) 0.01 to 10%
(c) 0.01 to 15%
(d) 0.01 to 20%

46-Objective of Work Study is to improve _______

(a) Cycle time
(b) Productivity
(c) Production
(d) All of the above

47-Which of the following are activities of corrective maintenance?

(a) Overhauling
(b) Emergency repairs
(c) Modifications and improvements
(d) All of the above

48-Limitations of Traditional cost accounting are

(a) Assumes factory as an isolated entity
(b) It measures only the cost of producing
(c) both (A) and (B)
(d) none of the above

49-Business is rated on which dimensions

(a) Market attractiveness
(b) Business strength
(c) both (A) and (B)
(d) none of the above

50-Inadequate production capacity ultimately leads to

(a) Poor quality
(b) Poor Customer Service
(c) Poor inventory control
(d) All of the above

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