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Application & Technical Manual:

Structural Steel Fire Protection

For Promat Asia Pacific Organisation • May 2015

Structural Steel Fire Protection
General Information i

PROMATECT®-H structural steel colum and beam cladding

at the One Shelley Street office building (above) in Sydney,
Australia and Tatan Power Point, Taiwan (left).

umerous research programmes show that some types begin to lose their design margin of safety at temperatures around
of fully stressed steel sections can achieve a 30 minute 550°C.
fire resistance without any additional protection materials
being applied. However, these apply to a limited number The table below shows how the strength of steel reduces as
of steel sections only, based on the allowable Section temperatures rise, i.e. variation of effective yield strength factor of
Factor Hp/A. Section Factor is a common term used in fire normal structural steels with temperature.
protection for steelwork and is discussed in detail below. Temperature
20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Typical building regulations usually require certain elements of
structure to be fire resistant for more than 30 minutes and up to a
Effective yield
specified minimum period of time. The thickness of any fire protection 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.78 0.47 0.23 0.11
strength factor
material depends on a number of factors, such as:
 Duration of fire resistance specified For example, at 700°C, the effective yield strength of Grade 43 (S275)
 Type of protection used, e.g. board, paint, spray etc steel is 0.23 x 275 = 63.25N/mm2.
 Perimeter of the part of steel section exposed to fire A range of unloaded sections are also tested to obtain data for
 Shape and dimensions of the steel section analytical calculation, to measure exactly how much protection is
needed for the most common steel sections and for providing fire
To determine how these various factors affect the fire resistance, resistance for different time periods.
all Promat products and systems have been tested at nationally
accredited laboratories around the world to a variety of standards, IMPORTANT: When using Promat protection systems for structural
e.g. BS 476: Part 21, AS 1530: Part 4, ASTM E119 and BS EN 13381. steelwork, conservative limiting temperatures of 550°C and 620°C
are referred to for columns and beams respectively and are in general
Tests carried out in accordance with the above standards are use throughout this brochure. Apart from temperature data, the fire
performed on both loaded and unloaded beams and columns which tests also need to demonstrate the ability of cladding to remain in
are clad with fire protection material. Steel surface temperatures are place, usually described as the “stickability” of the material, for the
monitored with thermocouples to assess the performance of the maximum duration for which the protection may be required. The
cladding. Steel that is fully stressed in accordance with the design availability of thin materials and the low weight of Promat systems,
guides BS 449 or BS 5950: Part 1 (Australian equivalent AS 4100), plus the possibility of prefabrication, ensure maximum cost efficiency.

Structural Steel Fire Protection
General Information i

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 structural steel coating at west side entrance of the
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and PROMATECT® 250 structural
steel column claddings at the corridor of the Mallet Street residence apartments
in Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia (right).

Section Factor (Hp/A)

The degree of fire protection provided depends on the Hp/A Section Following is an example of a calculation for a steel beam section of
Factor for the steel section. The Hp/A factor is a function of the area 406mm x 178mm x 54kg/m serial size to be encased on 3 sides using
of the steel exposed to the fire and the mass of the steel section. box protection method:
The higher the Hp/A, the faster the steel section heats up and so the
Serial size = 406mm x 178mm
greater the thickness of fire protection material required.
Actual size = 402.6mm x 177.6mm
It should be noted that in European design standards, the section
factor is presented as A/V which has the same numerical value as Hp = B + 2D
Hp/A. A/V measures the rate of temperature increase of a steel cross = 177.6 + 2 x 402.6
section by the ratio of the heated surface area to the volume. It is likely = 982.8mm (0.9828m)
to gradually replace the use of Hp/A. A = 68.4cm2 (0.00684m2)

Depending on type of material used for protection, the calculation Hp/A = 0.9828 ÷ 0.00684
method for Hp/A value may differ. Generally there are two methods = 144.7m-1
of construction for the protection materials: box protection and profile ≈ 144m-1
The value of A, the cross sectional area, can be obtained either from
steelwork tables or by accurate measurement. However, if the mass
Box Protection Using Board Materials per metre is known then the Hp/A value can be calculated as follows:
Hp = 7850 x Hp
For box protection, Hp is the sum of the inside dimensions of the
smallest possible rectangular or square encasement of the steel
section. One exception is circular hollow sections. See page 4. Where W = Mass of per metre (kg/m)

Where a steel section abuts or is built into a fire resisting wall or floor, Where 7850 = Nominal density of steel
the surface in contact with or the surface within the wall or floor is Sample calculation using the previous example:
ignored when calculating Hp.
Hp = 7850 x 0.9828
However, the value A is always the total cross sectional area of the A 54
whole steel section.
= 142.87m-1
≈ 143m-1
Profile Protection Using Spray/Paint Materials
The shape of the steel section can also play an important role when
Encasements following the profile of the steel section will generally determining the required thickness of a protection material. Following
have a higher Hp/A section factor than a box encasement. One are some notes for reference. For details on steel profiles not outlined
exception is circular hollow sections. See page 5. here, please consult Promat.
The serial size and mass per metre of most steel sections are available
in tables from steel manufacturers. Sometimes such tables also
provide Hp/A values calculated for three or four sided box protection.

Structural Steel Fire Protection
General Information i
Castellated Sections / Cellform Beams Note that separating elements are generally required to offer a
performance including the insulation criteria of 140°C or 180°C.
These steel members heat up more quickly than the original section Therefore, where a steel section passes through a separating element
from which they were produced. Common practice is that protection and is exposed on both sides, consideration must also be given to
thickness should therefore be 20% greater than those calculated providing sufficient protection not only to maintain the temperature
from the Hp/A value of the original section from which the castellated of the steel section below 550°C but also to ensure the surface
section is formed. temperature on the unexposed face does not exceed the 140°C or
180°C insulation criteria of the separating element. Due allowance for
However, it should be noted that the above information is now any expected building movement should also be considered.
superseded by a new, more scientific approach for the protection of
castellated sections. The following is taken from “Fire Protection for
Structural Steel in Buildings”, 4th Edition, published by the ASFP (see External Lightweight Walls
Where the structural elements form portal legs supporting a lightweight
The recently amended method of obtaining the section factor (Hp/A) external wall, the insulation performance required of the wall may
for castellated sections is now specific. In fact, the recommendation contribute to the protection of any column flange falling within the
from the Steel Construction Institute, published as RT 1085, for thickness of the wall. In such cases, please consult Promat to confirm
castellated sections and cellular beams manufactured from all rolled the board thickness and which areas of such columns should be
steel sections and from welded plate, the Section Factor for passive protected.
protection system is calculated as:
Section factor (m-1) = 1400/t Internal Lightweight Partitions/Walls
Where t = the thickness (mm) of the lower steel web
and applies for beams made from all steel Where a column or beam is built into a fire resistant lightweight wall
rolled sections and from welded steel plate. or partition, the protection to the steelwork can generally be designed
on the assumption that only one side of the wall or partition will
It should be noted that there are a number of conditions attached to be exposed to fire at any one time. The wall or partition should be
the use of this calculation method, which are detailed in the ASFP adequately secured to the column in such a way as to ensure the wall
“Yellow Book” publication. or partition will not apply stress on the protection encasement. Due
allowance for any expected building movement should be considered.
Individual protection products, normally quite similar in performance
when compared on the basis of rolled steel sections, may require
radically different thicknesses for the same cellular beam. Floors
Where beams are wholly within the cavity of a timber floor protected
Structural Hollow Section by a PROMATECT®-H ceiling, test evidence shows that the cavity
air temperature of the floor is such that the beam will be adequately
The same thickness of board materials can be used on square, protected to the same fire resistance by the ceiling that protects
rectangular and circular hollow sections as on ‘I’ sections of the same the floor. Where the beam is wholly or partly below the line of the
Hp/A value. PROMATECT®-H ceiling then Hp should be based upon the portion of
the steel beam that is below ceiling level.
Beams Supporting Composite Floors With
Bracing is included in a structure to give resistance to wind forces and
provide overall stiffness. Masonry walls and steel cladding contribute Profiled Metal Decking
to a structure’s rigidity but these are rarely taken into account in
A series of fire resistance tests has demonstrated that it is not always
design. Also, the probability of a major fire occurrence concurrent
necessary to fill the void formed between the top flange of a beam
with maximum wind load is remote (see BS 5950: Part 8). It seems
and the underside of a profiled steel deck. Recommendations based
unreasonable therefore to apply the 550°C steel temperature criteria
on the research have been published by the Steel Construction
to bracing. While each case must be judged on individual merits,
Institute (UK) and for decks running perpendicular to the beams, are
protection to bracing is generally not necessary, but where it is
as follows:
required the Hp/A value of the bracing section or 200m-1 should be
used, whichever is the lesser.

Lattice Members Voids may be left unfilled for all fire resistance period, unless a fire
resisting wall or partition is located beneath the beam.
As the determination of the protection necessary to protect lattice
members requires broad consideration of the lattice design, please TRAPEZOIDAL DECKS
consult Promat concerning such steel sections.
Generally, voids may be left unfilled for up to 60 minutes fire resistance.
Also, for 90 minutes if the board thickness used is appropriate for the
Partially Exposed Members Hp/A + 15%. Care should be taken to ensure that if the voids are
unfilled, the main encasement will need to be adequately secured. For
Where columns or beams are partly built into or are in close contact periods over 90 minutes the voids should be filled.
with walls or floors, the protection afforded to the steelwork by
the wall or floor should be taken into account. In those instances In all instances, voids should also be filled if a fire wall is located beneath
where the steel section sits within or against masonry or concrete the beam, for all fire resistance periods. These recommendations
constructions, this will give protection to the adjacent surface of the apply to board encasements. The trapezoidal steel deck slab should
steelwork. Thus, for the purpose of determining the heated perimeter be designed to act structurally with the beam. If this is not the case,
(Hp), this should be taken as only that part of the steel section which the voids should be filled for all fire resistance periods.
is exposed. It should be noted that where the steelwork penetrates
both sides of a fire resisting construction, e.g. a wall protruding into a
space which has an open end, simultaneous attack from fire on both
sides may occur on columns partially exposed within the wall. In such
an instance, the section factor should be calculated based upon the
sum of the areas exposed to fire on either side of the wall and the total
volume of the steel section.

Calculation of Section Factor (Hp/A) 0123BOX789

Various Box Protection

Protection configurations with values of perimeter Hp for use in the calculation of section factor Hp/A (A/V)

Steel section Box protection

Universal beams, Four sides Three sides Three sides Two sides One side
universal columns (partially exposed) (partially exposed)
and joists (plain and

D d

Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D B + 2d B+D B

Structural and Four sides Three sides Three sides

rolled tees (flange to soffit) (toe of web to soffit)

Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D B + 2D

Angles Four sides Three sides Three sides

(flange to soffit) (toe of flange soffit)

Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D B + 2D

Channels Four sides Three sides Three sides

(web to soffit) (flange to soffit)

Hp 2B + 2D 2B + D B + 2D

Square or rectangular Four sides Three sides

hollow sections

Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D

Circular Four sides

hollow sections

NOTE: The air space created in boxing a circular section improves the insulation and the
value of Hp/A. Therefore, Hp higher than profile protection (p) would be anomalous. Hence,
Hp D Hp is taken as the circumference of the circular section and not 4D.

Following is an example of calculation for a universal beam section using box protection of 305mm x 305mm x 240kg/m serial size to be
encased on three or four sides when A = 305.6cm2, B = 317.9mm, D = 352.6mm, t = 23mm.

Four sided box protection: Hp = 2B + 2D Three sided box protection: Hp = B + 2D

= (2 x 317.9) + (2 x 352.6) = 317.9 + (2 x 352.6)
= 1341mm (1.341m) = 1023.1mm (1.023m)
Hp/A = 1.341 ÷ 0.03056 Hp/A = 1.023 ÷ 0.03056
= 43.9m-1 = 33.5m-1

The above calculated values are approximate in that radii at corners and roots of all sections are ignored. In these figures, Hp/A = A/V.

Calculation of Section Factor (Hp/A) 0123FILE789

Various Profile Protection

Protection configurations with values of perimeter Hp for use in the calculation of section factor Hp/A (A/V)

Steel section Profile protection

Universal beams, Four sides Three sides Three sides Two sides One side
universal columns (partially exposed) (partially exposed)
and joists (plain and

D t
2B + 2D + 2(B - t) B + 2D + 2(B - t) B + 2d + (B - t) B + D + 2(B - t)/2
Hp = 4B + 2D - 2t = 3B + 2D - 2t = 2B + 2d - t = 2B + D - t B

Structural and Four sides Three sides Three sides

rolled tees (flange to soffit) (toe of web to soffit)

D t

B + 2D + (B - t)
Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D = 2B + 2D -t

Angles Four sides Three sides Three sides

(flange to soffit) (toe of flange soffit)

B + 2D + (B - t)
Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D = 2B + 2D - t

Channels Four sides Three sides Three sides

(web to soffit) (flange to soffit)

D t

2B + 2D + 2(B - t) 2B + D + 2(B - t) B + 2D + 2(B - t)

Hp = 4B + 2D - 2t = 4B + D - 2t = 3B + 2D - 2t

Square or rectangular Four sides Three sides

hollow sections

Hp 2B + 2D B + 2D

Circular Four sides

hollow sections

Hp D

Following is an example of calculation for a universal beam section using profile protection of 305mm x 305mm x 240kg/m serial size to be
encased on three or four sides when A = 305.6cm2, B = 317.9mm, D = 352.6mm, t = 23mm.

Four sided profile protection: Hp = 4B + 2D - 2t Three sided profile protection: Hp = 3B + 2D - 2t

= (4 x 317.9) + (2 x 352.6) - (2 x 23) = (3 x 317.9) + (2 x 352.6) -
= 1930.8mm (1.931m) (2 x 23)
= 1612.9mm (1.613m)
Hp/A = 1.931 ÷ 0.03056 Hp/A = 1.613 ÷ 0.03056
= 63.1m-1 = 52.8m-1

The above calculated values are approximate in that radii at corners and roots of all sections are ignored. In these figures, Hp/A = A/V.

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 0123VER789

Universal Columns

D t

Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Thickness Profile protection Box protection
section section section

Serial size Mass Web Flange Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) T (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)

634 474.7 424.1 47.6 77.0 808.1 25 30 15 20

551 455.7 418.5 42.0 67.5 701.8 30 35 20 25
467 436.6 412.4 35.9 58.0 595.5 35 40 20 30
356 x 406 393 419.1 407.0 30.6 49.2 500.9 40 45 25 35
340 406.4 403.0 26.5 42.9 432.7 45 55 30 35
287 363.7 399.0 22.6 36.5 366.0 50 65 30 45
235 381.0 395.0 18.5 30.2 299.8 65 75 40 50
202 374.7 374.4 16.8 27.0 257.9 70 85 45 60
177 368.3 372.1 14.5 23.8 255.7 80 95 50 65
356 x 368
153 362.0 370.2 12.6 20.7 195.2 90 110 55 75
129 355.6 368.3 10.7 17.5 164.9 105 130 65 90
283 365.3 321.8 26.9 44.1 360.4 45 55 30 40
240 352.6 317.9 23.0 37.7 305.6 50 60 35 45
198 339.9 314.1 19.2 31.4 252.3 60 75 40 50
305 x 305 158 327.6 310.6 15.7 25.0 201.2 75 90 50 65
137 320.5 308.7 13.8 21.7 174.6 85 105 55 70
118 314.5 306.8 11.9 18.7 149.8 100 120 60 85
97 307.8 304.8 9.9 15.4 123.3 120 145 75 100
167 289.1 264.5 19.2 31.7 212.4 60 75 40 50
132 276.4 261.0 15.6 25.3 167.7 75 90 50 65
254 x 254 107 266.7 258.3 13.0 20.5 136.6 90 110 60 75
89 260.4 255.9 10.5 17.3 114.0 110 130 70 90
73 254.0 254.0 8.6 14.2 92.9 130 160 80 110
127 241.4 213.9 18.1 30.1 162.0 65 80 45 55
113 235.0 212.1 16.3 26.9 145.0 75 90 45 60
100 228.6 210.3 14.5 23.7 127.0 80 100 55 70
86 222.3 208.8 13.0 20.5 110.1 95 115 60 80
203 x 203
71 215.9 206.2 10.3 17.3 91.1 110 135 70 95
60 209.6 205.2 9.3 14.2 75.8 130 160 80 110
52 206.2 203.9 8.0 12.5 66.4 150 180 95 125
46 203.2 203.2 7.3 11.0 58.8 170 200 105 140
51 170.2 157.4 11.0 15.7 65.2 120 145 75 100
44 166.0 155.9 9.5 13.6 56.1 132 165 85 115
152 x 152 37 161.8 154.4 8.1 11.5 47.4 160 195 100 135
30 157.5 152.9 6.6 9.4 38.2 195 235 120 160
23 152.4 152.4 6.1 6.8 29.8 245 305 155 205

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 0123VER789

Universal Beams

D t

T Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides

Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Thickness Profile protection Box protection
section section section

Serial size Mass Web Flange Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) T (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
487 1036.1 308.5 30.0 54.1 619.9 45 50 40 45
438 1025.9 305.4 26.9 49.0 556.6 50 55 40 50
393 1016.0 303.0 24.4 43.9 500.2 55 65 45 55
349 1008.1 302.0 21.1 40.0 445.2 65 70 50 60
1016 x 305
314 1000.0 300.0 19.1 35.9 400.4 70 80 55 65
272 990.1 300.0 16.5 31.0 346.9 80 90 65 75
249 980.2 300.0 16.5 26.0 316.9 90 95 70 80
222 970.3 300.0 16.0 21.1 282.8 95 110 80 90
388 920.5 420.5 21.5 36.6 494.5 60 70 45 55
914 x 419
343 911.4 418.5 19.4 32.0 437.5 70 80 50 60
289 926.6 307.8 19.6 32.0 368.8 75 80 60 65
253 918.5 305.5 17.3 27.9 322.8 85 95 65 75
914 x 305
224 910.3 304.1 15.9 23.9 285.3 95 105 75 85
201 903.0 303.4 15.2 20.2 256.4 105 115 80 95
226 850.9 293.8 16.1 26.8 288.7 85 95 70 80
838 x 292 194 840.7 292.4 14.7 21.7 247.2 100 115 80 90
176 834.9 291.6 14.0 18.8 224.1 110 125 90 100
197 769.6 268.0 15.6 25.4 250.8 90 100 70 85
173 762.0 266.7 14.3 21.6 220.5 105 115 80 95
762 x 267
147 753.9 265.3 12.9 17.5 188.1 120 135 95 110
134 750.0 264.4 12.0 15.5 170.6 130 145 105 120
170 692.9 255.8 14.5 23.7 216.6 95 110 75 90
152 687.6 254.5 13.2 21.0 193.8 105 120 85 95
686 x 254
140 683.5 253.7 12.4 19.0 178.6 115 130 90 105
125 677.9 253.0 11.7 16.2 159.6 130 145 100 115
238 633.0 311.5 18.6 31.4 303.8 70 80 50 60
610 x 305 179 617.5 307.0 14.1 23.6 227.9 90 105 70 80
149 609.6 304.8 11.9 19.7 190.1 110 125 80 95
140 617.0 230.1 13.1 22.1 178.4 105 120 80 95
125 611.9 229.0 11.9 19.6 159.6 115 130 90 105
610 x 229
113 607.3 228.2 11.2 17.3 144.5 130 145 100 115
101 602.2 227.6 10.6 14.8 129.2 140 160 110 130
100 607.4 179.2 11.3 17.2 128.0 135 150 110 125
610 x 178 92 603.0 178.8 10.9 15.0 117.0 145 160 120 135
82 598.6 177.9 10.0 12.8 104.0 160 180 130 150
273 577.1 320.2 21.1 37.6 348.0 60 70 40 50
219 560.3 317.4 18.3 29.2 279.0 70 85 50 65
533 x 312
182 550.7 314.5 15.2 24.4 231.0 85 100 60 75
151 542.5 312.0 12.7 20.3 192.0 105 120 75 90
138 549.1 213.9 14.7 23.6 176.0 95 110 75 85
122 544.6 211.9 12.8 21.3 155.8 110 120 85 95
109 539.5 210.7 11.6 18.8 138.6 120 135 95 110
533 x 210
101 536.7 210.1 10.9 17.4 129.3 130 145 100 115
92 533.1 209.3 10.2 15.6 117.8 140 160 110 125
82 528.3 208.7 9.6 13.2 104.4 155 175 120 140
85 534.9 166.5 10.3 16.5 108.0 140 155 115 130
533 x 165 75 529.1 165.9 9.7 13.6 95.2 160 175 130 145
66 524.7 165.1 8.9 11.4 83.7 180 200 145 165
Continued on next page

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 0123VER789

Universal Beams Continued from previous page

D t

T Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides

Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Thickness Profile protection Box protection
section section section

Serial size Mass Web Flange Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) T (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
161 492.0 199.4 18.0 32.0 206.0 75 85 60 65
133 480.6 196.7 15.3 26.3 170.0 90 100 70 80
106 469.2 194.0 12.6 20.6 135.0 110 125 85 100
98 467.4 192.8 11.4 19.6 125.3 120 135 90 105
457 x 191
89 463.6 192.0 10.6 17.7 113.9 130 145 100 115
82 460.2 191.3 9.9 16.0 104.5 140 160 105 125
74 457.2 190.5 9.1 14.5 95.0 150 175 115 135
67 453.6 189.9 8.5 12.7 85.4 170 190 130 150
82 465.1 153.5 10.7 18.9 104.5 130 145 105 120
74 461.3 152.7 9.9 17.0 95.0 140 155 115 130
475 x 152 67 457.2 151.9 9.1 15.0 85.4 155 175 125 145
60 454.7 152.9 8.0 13.3 75.9 175 195 140 160
52 449.8 152.4 7.6 10.9 66.5 200 220 160 180
85 417.2 181.9 10.9 18.2 109.0 125 140 95 110
74 412.8 179.7 9.7 16.0 95.0 140 160 105 125
406 x 178 67 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 85.5 155 175 115 140
60 406.4 177.8 7.8 12.8 76.0 175 195 130 155
54 402.6 177.6 7.6 10.9 68.4 190 215 145 170
53 406.6 143.3 7.9 12.9 67.9 180 200 140 160
406 x 140 46 402.3 142.4 6.9 11.2 59.0 205 230 160 185
39 397.3 141.8 6.3 8.6 49.4 240 270 190 220
67 364.0 173.2 9.1 15.7 85.4 140 160 105 125
57 358.6 172.1 8.0 13.0 72.2 165 190 125 145
356 x 171
51 355.6 171.5 7.3 11.5 64.6 185 210 135 165
45 352.0 171.0 6.9 9.7 57.0 210 240 155 185
39 352.8 126.0 6.5 10.7 49.4 215 240 170 195
356 x 127
33 348.5 125.4 5.9 8.5 41.8 250 280 195 225
54 310.9 166.8 7.7 13.7 68.4 160 185 115 140
305 x 165 46 307.1 165.7 6.7 11.8 58.9 185 210 130 160
40 303.8 165.1 6.1 10.2 51.5 210 240 150 180
48 310.4 125.2 8.9 14.0 60.8 160 180 125 145
305 x 127 42 306.6 124.3 8.0 12.1 53.2 180 200 140 160
37 303.8 123.5 7.2 10.7 47.5 200 225 155 180
33 312.7 102.4 6.6 10.8 41.8 215 240 175 200
305 x 102 28 308.9 101.9 6.1 8.9 36.3 245 275 200 225
25 304.8 101.6 5.8 6.8 31.4 285 315 255 260
43 259.6 147.3 7.3 12.7 55.1 170 195 120 150
254 x 146 37 256.0 146.4 6.4 10.9 47.5 195 225 140 170
31 251.5 146.1 6.1 8.6 40.0 230 265 160 200
28 260.4 102.1 6.4 10.0 36.2 220 250 170 200
254 x 102 25 257.0 101.9 6.1 8.4 32.2 245 280 190 220
22 254.0 101.6 5.8 6.8 28.4 275 315 215 250
30 206.8 133.8 6.3 9.6 38.0 210 245 143 180
203 x 133
25 203.2 133.4 5.8 7.8 32.3 240 285 165 210
203 x 102 23 203.2 101.8 5.4 9.3 29.4 235 270 175 205
178 x 102 19 177.8 101.2 4.8 7.9 24.3 260 305 190 230
152 x 89 16 152.4 88.7 4.5 7.7 20.3 270 315 195 235
127 x 76 13 127.0 76.0 4.0 7.6 16.5 280 326 200 245

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 012JOIST678


D t

Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides

Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Thickness Profile protection Box protection
section section section

Serial size Mass Web Flange Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) T (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
254 x 203 81.9 254.0 203.2 10.2 19.9 104.4 95 115 70 90
254 x 114 37.2 254.0 114.3 7.6 12.8 47.4 165 190 130 155
203 x 152 52.1 203.2 152.4 8.9 16.5 66.4 115 140 85 105
203 x 102 25.3 203.2 101.6 5.8 10.4 32.3 205 235 155 190
178 x 102 21.5 177.8 101.6 5.3 9.0 27.4 225 260 165 205
152 x 127 37.2 152.4 127.0 10.4 13.2 47.5 130 155 90 120
152 x 89 17.1 152.4 88.9 4.9 8.3 21.8 245 285 180 220
152 x 768 17.9 152.4 76.2 5.8 9.6 22.8 215 245 165 200
127 x 114 29.8 127.0 114.3 10.2 11.5 37.3 140 175 100 130
127 x 114 26.8 127.0 114.3 7.4 11.4 34.1 155 190 110 140
127 x 76 16.4 127.0 76.2 5.6 9.6 21.0 205 245 155 195
127 x 76 13.4 127.0 76.2 4.5 7.6 17.0 265 310 195 240
114 x 114 26.8 114.3 114.3 9.5 10.7 34.4 145 180 100 135
102 x 102 23.1 101.6 101.6 9.5 10.3 29.4 150 185 105 140
102 x 64 9.7 101.6 63.5 4.1 6.6 12.3 295 345 215 270
102 x 44 7.4 101.6 44.4 4.3 6.1 9.5 320 365 260 305
89 x 89 19.4 88.9 88.6 9.5 9.9 24.9 155 190 105 145
76 x 76 14.7 76.2 80.0 8.9 8.4 19.1 175 220 120 165
76 x 76 12.7 76.2 76.2 5.1 8.4 16.3 205 250 140 185


D t
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Examples of three sides Four sides Examples of three sides Four sides
T Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Thickness Profile protection Box protection
section section section
(a) (b) (c) Four (d) (e) (f) Four
Serial size Mass Web Flange Three Three Three Three Three Three
sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) T (mm) (cm²) sides sides sides (m-1) sides sides sides (m-1)
(m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
430 x 100 64.4 430 100 11.0 19.0 82.1 135 95 75 150 115 75 75 130
380 x 100 54.0 380 100 9.5 17.5 68.7 150 110 85 165 125 85 85 140
300 x 100 45.5 300 100 9.0 16.5 58.0 150 115 85 165 120 85 85 140
300 x 90 41.4 300 90 9.0 15.5 52.8 160 120 90 175 130 90 90 150
260 x 90 34.8 260 90 8.0 14.0 44.4 170 135 100 190 135 100 100 160
260 x 75 27.6 260 75 7.0 12.0 35.1 205 150 115 225 170 115 115 190
230 x 90 32.2 230 90 7.5 14.0 41.0 170 140 100 195 135 100 100 155
230 x 75 25.7 230 75 6.5 12.5 32.7 200 155 115 225 165 115 115 185
200 x 90 29.7 200 90 7.0 14.0 37.9 170 140 100 195 130 100 100 155
200 x 75 23.4 200 75 6.0 12.5 29.9 200 160 115 225 160 115 115 185
180 x 90 26.1 180 90 6.5 12.5 33.2 185 155 110 210 135 110 110 165
180 x 75 20.3 180 75 6.0 10.5 25.9 215 175 125 245 170 125 125 195
150 x 90 23.9 150 90 6.5 12.0 30.4 180 160 110 210 130 110 110 160
150 x 75 17.9 150 75 5.5 10.0 22.8 220 190 130 255 165 130 130 200
125 x 65 14.8 125 65 5.5 9.5 18.8 225 195 135 260 170 135 135 200
100 x 50 10.2 100 50 5.0 8.5 13.0 225 215 155 295 190 155 155 230

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 012EQUAL78

Equal Angles

(a) (b)

D Examples of three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides

Profile protection Box protection

Area of
Designation Profile protection Box protection
Thickness section

Size D x D Mass (a) Three sides (b) Three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
71.1 24 90.6 65 85 85 65 90
59.9 20 76.3 75 100 105 80 105
200 x 200
54.2 18 69.1 85 110 115 85 115
48.5 16 61.8 95 125 125 95 130
40.1 18 51.0 85 110 115 90 115
33.8 15 43.0 100 135 135 105 140
150 x 150
27.3 12 34.8 125 165 170 130 170
23.0 10 29.3 150 200 200 155 205
26.6 15 33.9 105 135 140 105 140
21.6 12 27.5 125 170 170 130 175
120 x 120
18.2 10 23.2 150 200 200 155 205
14.7 8 18.7 185 250 250 190 255
21.9 15 27.9 105 135 140 105 145
17.8 12 22.7 130 170 170 130 175
100 x 100
15.0 10 19.2 150 200 205 155 210
12.2 8 15.5 185 250 250 195 260
15.9 12 20.3 130 170 175 135 175
13.4 10 17.1 150 200 205 155 210
90 x 90
10.9 8 13.9 190 245 250 195 260
9.6 7 12.2 215 280 285 220 295
11.9 10 15.1 155 205 205 160 210
80 x 80 9.6 8 12.3 190 250 255 195 260
7.3 6 9.4 250 330 335 255 340
10.3 10 13.1 155 205 210 160 215
70 x 70 8.4 8 10.6 190 250 255 195 260
6.4 6 8.1 250 330 335 255 340
8.7 10 11.1 155 205 210 160 215
7.1 8 9.0 190 250 260 200 265
60 x 60
5.4 6 6.9 250 330 335 260 345
4.6 5 5.8 300 395 400 305 410
5.8 8 7.4 195 255 260 200 270
50 x 50 4.5 6 5.7 255 335 340 260 350
3.8 5 4.8 300 400 405 310 415
4.0 6 5.1 255 335 340 265 350
45 x 45 3.4 5 4.3 300 400 405 310 415
2.7 4 3.5 370 490 495 385 510
3.5 6 4.5 255 340 345 265 355
40 x 40 3.0 5 3.8 305 400 410 315 420
2.4 4 3.1 375 495 500 390 515
1.8 5 2.3 315 415 430 335 445
25 x 25 1.5 4 1.9 390 515 525 405 545
1.1 3 1.4 505 680 685 530 710

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 01UNEQUAL0

Unequal Angles

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

B Examples of three sides Four sides Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Area of
Designation Profile protection Box protection
Thickness section

Size D x B Mass (a) (b) (c) (d) Four (e) (f) (g) (f) Four
Three sides Three sides Three sides Three sides sides Three sides Three sides Three sides Three sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)

47.1 18 60.0 110 110 90 80 115 90 85 90 85 115

200 x 150 39.6 15 50.5 135 135 105 95 135 110 100 110 100 140
32.0 12 40.8 165 165 130 120 170 135 120 135 120 170
33.7 15 43.0 135 135 115 90 135 115 95 115 95 140
200 x 100 27.3 12 34.8 165 165 140 110 170 145 115 145 115 170
23.0 10 29.2 195 195 165 135 200 170 135 170 135 205
26.6 15 33.9 135 135 110 95 140 115 95 115 95 140
150 x 90 21.6 12 27.5 165 165 140 115 170 140 120 140 120 175
18.2 10 23.2 200 200 165 140 205 170 140 170 140 205
24.8 15 31.6 135 135 115 90 140 120 95 120 95 140
150 x 75 20.2 12 25.7 165 165 140 115 170 145 115 145 115 175
17.0 10 21.6 200 200 170 135 205 175 140 175 140 210
17.8 12 22.7 165 165 140 115 170 145 120 145 120 175
125 x 75 15.0 10 19.1 200 200 165 140 205 170 145 170 145 210
12.2 8 15.5 245 245 205 170 250 210 175 210 175 260
15.4 12 19.7 170 170 135 125 175 140 125 140 125 180
100 x 75 13.0 10 16.6 200 200 160 145 205 165 150 165 150 210
10.6 8 13.5 250 250 200 180 255 205 185 205 185 260
12.3 10 15.6 200 200 165 140 205 170 145 170 145 210
100 x 65 9.9 8 12.7 245 245 200 175 255 210 180 210 180 260
8.8 7 11.2 280 280 230 200 290 235 205 235 205 295
8.3 8 10.6 250 250 200 180 255 210 190 210 190 265
80 x 60 7.4 7 9.4 285 285 225 205 290 235 215 235 215 300
6.4 6 8.1 330 330 265 240 335 270 250 270 250 345
7.4 8 9.4 250 250 205 180 260 210 185 210 185 265
75 x 50
5.7 6 7.2 330 330 270 235 340 275 240 275 240 345
6.8 8 8.6 250 250 205 185 260 210 190 210 190 265
65 x 50 5.2 6 6.6 335 335 265 245 340 275 250 275 250 350
4.4 5 5.5 395 395 315 290 405 325 295 325 295 415

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 0123VER789

Structural Tees of Universal Columns

(a) (b) (c) (d)
D t
Examples of three sides Four sides Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Profile protection Box protection
section section Thickness section
(a) Three (b) Three Four (c) Three (d) Three Four
Serial size Mass
sides sides sides sides sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) (cm²)
(m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
406 x 178 118 190.5 395.0 18.5 149.9 50 75 75 50 50 80
101 187.3 374.4 16.8 129.0 55 85 85 60 60 85
89 184.2 372.1 14.5 112.9 65 95 95 65 65 100
368 x 178
77 181.0 370.2 12.6 97.6 75 110 110 75 75 115
65 177.8 368.3 10.7 82.5 85 130 130 90 90 130
79 163.6 310.6 15.7 100.6 60 90 95 65 65 95
69 160.3 308.7 13.8 87.3 70 105 105 70 70 110
305 x 152
59 157.2 306.8 11.9 74.9 80 120 120 85 85 125
49 153.9 304.8 9.9 61.6 95 145 145 100 100 150
84 144.5 265.2 19.2 106.0 50 75 75 50 50 75
66 138.2 261.0 15.6 84.5 65 90 95 65 65 95
254 x 127 54 133.4 258.3 13.0 68.3 75 110 115 75 75 115
45 130.2 255.9 10.5 57.0 90 130 135 90 90 135
37 127.0 254.0 8.6 46.4 105 160 160 110 110 165
64 120.7 213.9 18.1 81.2 55 80 80 55 55 80
57 117.5 212.1 16.3 72.3 60 90 90 60 60 90
50 114.3 210.3 14.5 63.4 70 100 100 70 70 100
43 111.1 208.8 13.0 55.0 75 110 115 80 80 115
203 x 102
36 108.0 206.2 10.3 45.5 90 135 135 95 95 140
30 104.8 205.2 9.3 37.9 105 160 160 110 110 165
26 103.1 203.9 8.0 33.2 120 180 180 125 125 185
23 101.6 203.2 7.3 29.4 135 200 205 140 140 205
26 85.1 157.4 11.0 32.6 100 145 145 100 100 150
22 83.0 155.9 9.5 28.0 110 165 170 115 115 170
152 x 76 19 80.9 154.4 8.1 23.7 130 195 195 135 135 200
15 78.7 152.9 6.6 19.1 160 235 240 160 160 240
12 76.2 152.4 6.1 14.9 200 300 305 205 205 310

Structural Tees of Universal Beams

D t (a) (b) (c) (d)

Examples of three sides Four sides Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Web Area of

Designation Profile protection Box protection
section section thickness section
(a) Three (b) Three Four (c) Three (d) Three Four
Serial size Mass
sides sides sides sides sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) (cm²)
(m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
127 459.2 305.5 17.3 161.4 75 95 95 75 75 95
305 x 457 112 455.2 304.1 15.9 142.6 85 105 105 85 85 105
101 451.5 303.4 15.2 128.2 95 115 115 95 95 120
113 425.5 293.8 16.1 144.4 80 100 100 80 80 100
292 x 419 97 420.4 292.4 14.7 123.6 90 115 115 90 90 115
88 417.4 291.6 14.0 112.1 100 125 125 100 100 125
Continued on next page

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 0123VER789

Structural Tees of Universal Beams Continued from previous page

D t (a) (b) (c) (d)

Examples of three sides Four sides Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Web Area of

Designation Profile protection Box protection
section section thickness section
(a) Three (b) Three Four (c) Three (d) Three Four
Serial size Mass
sides sides sides sides sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) (cm²)
(m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
99 384.8 268.0 15.6 125.4 80 100 105 85 85 105
267 x 381 87 381.0 266.7 14.3 110.2 90 115 115 90 90 120
74 376.9 265.3 12.9 94.0 105 135 135 110 110 135
85 346.5 255.8 14.5 108.3 85 10 110 90 90 110
76 343.8 254.5 13.2 96.9 95 120 120 95 95 125
254 x 343
70 341.8 253.7 12.4 89.3 105 130 130 105 105 135
63 339.0 253.0 11.7 79.8 115 145 145 115 115 150
119 316.5 311.8 18.6 151.9 60 80 80 60 60 85
305 x 305 90 308.7 307.0 14.1 114.0 80 105 102 80 80 110
75 304.8 304.8 11.9 95.1 95 125 125 95 95 130
70 308.5 230.1 13.1 89.2 95 120 120 95 95 120
63 305.9 229.0 11.9 79.8 105 130 135 105 105 135
229 x 305
57 303.7 228.2 11.2 72.2 115 145 145 115 115 145
51 301.1 227.6 10.6 64.6 125 160 160 130 130 165
61 272.3 211.9 12.8 77.9 95 120 125 95 95 125
55 269.7 210.7 11.6 69.3 105 135 135 110 110 140
210 x 267 51 268.4 210.1 10.9 64.6 115 145 145 115 115 150
46 266.6 209.3 10.2 58.9 125 160 160 125 125 160
41 264.2 208.7 9.6 52.2 140 175 180 140 140 180
42 267.1 166.5 10.3 54.0 130 155 160 130 130 160
165 x 267 37 264.5 165.9 9.7 47.6 145 175 180 145 145 180
33 262.4 165.1 8.9 41.9 160 200 200 165 165 205
81 246.0 199.4 18.0 103.0 65 85 85 65 65 85
67 240.3 196.7 15.3 84.9 80 100 100 80 80 105
53 234.6 194.0 12.6 67.4 95 125 125 100 100 125
49 233.7 192.8 11.4 62.6 105 135 135 105 105 135
191 x 229
45 231.8 192.0 10.6 57.0 115 145 145 115 115 150
41 230.1 191.3 9.9 52.3 125 160 160 125 125 160
37 228.6 190.5 9.1 47.5 135 175 180 135 135 175
34 226.8 189.9 8.5 42.7 150 135 135 150 150 195
41 232.5 153.5 10.7 52.2 115 145 145 120 120 150
37 230.6 152.7 9.9 47.5 125 155 160 130 130 160
152 x 229 34 228.6 151.9 9.1 42.7 140 175 175 145 145 180
30 227.3 152.9 8.0 38.0 150 190 195 160 160 200
26 224.9 152.4 7.6 33.2 180 220 225 180 180 225
43 208.6 181.9 10.9 54.3 110 140 140 110 110 145
37 206.4 179.7 9.7 47.5 120 160 160 125 125 160
178 x 203 34 204.7 178.8 8.8 42.7 135 175 175 140 140 180
30 203.2 177.8 7.8 38.0 150 195 200 155 155 200
27 201.3 177.6 7.6 34.2 165 215 220 170 170 220
27 203.3 143.3 7.9 34.0 160 200 200 160 160 205
140 x 203 23 201.2 142.4 6.9 29.5 180 230 230 185 185 235
20 198.6 141.8 6.3 24.7 215 270 275 220 220 275
Continued on next page

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 0123VER789

Structural Tees of Universal Beams Continued from previous page

D t (a) (b) (c) (d)

Examples of three sides Four sides Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Web Area of

Designation Profile protection Box protection
section section thickness section
(a) Three (b) Three Four (c) Three (d) Three Four
Serial size Mass
sides sides sides sides sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) (cm²)
(m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
34 182.0 173.2 9.1 42.7 125 160 165 125 125 165
29 179.3 172.1 8.0 36.1 145 190 190 145 145 195
171 x 178
26 177.8 171.5 7.3 32.3 160 210 215 165 165 215
23 176.0 171.0 6.9 28.5 180 240 240 185 185 245
20 176.4 126.0 6.5 24.7 190 240 240 195 195 245
127 x 178
17 174.2 125.4 5.9 20.9 225 280 285 225 225 285
27 155.4 166.8 7.7 34.2 140 185 185 140 140 190
165 x 152 23 153.5 165.7 6.7 29.5 160 210 215 160 160 215
20 151.9 165.1 6.1 25.8 180 240 245 180 180 245
24 155.2 125.2 8.9 30.4 140 180 180 145 145 185
127 x 152 21 153.3 124.3 8.0 26.6 160 200 205 160 160 210
19 151.9 123.5 7.2 23.7 175 225 230 180 180 230
17 156.3 102.4 6.6 20.9 195 240 245 200 200 245
102 x 152 14 154.5 101.9 6.1 18.2 220 275 280 225 225 280
13 152.4 101.6 5.8 15.7 255 320 320 260 260 325
22 129.8 147.3 7.3 27.6 145 195 200 150 150 200
146 x 127 19 128.0 146.4 6.4 23.7 165 225 230 170 170 230
16 125.7 146.1 6.1 20.0 195 265 270 200 200 270
14 130.2 102.1 6.4 18.1 195 250 250 200 200 255
102 x 127 13 128.5 101.9 6.1 16.1 220 280 280 220 220 285
11 127.0 101.6 5.8 14.2 245 315 320 250 250 325
15 103.4 133.8 6.3 19.0 175 245 245 180 180 250
133 x 102
13 101.6 133.4 5.8 16.1 205 285 290 210 210 290

Rolled Tees

D (a) (b)
Examples of three sides Four sides Three sides Four sides
Profile protection Box protection

Depth of Width of Area of

Designation Profile protection Box protection
section section Thickness section
(a) Three (b) Three
Serial size Mass Four sides Three sides Four sides
sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) D (mm) B (mm) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
(m-1) (m-1)
6.9 50.8 50.8 9.5 8.8 175 220 230 175 230
51 x 51
4.8 50.8 50.8 6.4 6.1 250 325 335 250 335
4.1 44.4 44.4 6.4 5.2 255 325 340 255 340
44 x 44
3.1 44.4 44.4 4.8 4.0 335 430 445 335 445

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 01SQUARE89

Square Hollow Sections


D t

Three sides Four sides

Profile or box protection

Area of Profile or box Area of Profile or box

Designation Designation
Thickness section protection Thickness section protection
Three Four Three Four
Size D x D Mass Size D x D Mass
sides sides sides sides
(mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²)
(m-1) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
1.1 2.0 1.4 425 565 21.1 5.0 26.9 155 210
20 x 20
1.4 2.5 1.7 350 465 26.3 6.3 33.5 125 165
1.4 2.0 1.8 410 550 140 x 140 32.9 8.0 41.9 100 135
1.7 2.5 2.2 340 450 40.4 10.0 51.5 80 110
25 x 25
2.0 3.0 2.6 290 385 49.5 12.5 63.0 65 90
2.2 3.2 2.7 275 365 22.7 5.0 28.9 155 210
2.1 2.5 2.7 330 440 28.3 6.3 36.0 125 165
30 x 30 2.5 3.0 3.2 280 375 35.4 8.0 45.1 100 135
150 x 150
2.6 3.2 3.4 265 355 43.6 10.0 55.5 80 110
2.9 2.5 3.7 325 430 53.4 12.5 68.0 65 90
3.5 3.0 4.4 275 365 66.4 16.0 84.5 55 70
3.7 3.2 4.7 260 345 24.1 5.0 30.7 160 210
40 x 40
4.0 3.6 5.1 235 315 30.1 6.3 38.3 125 170
4.5 4.0 5.7 210 280 37.6 8.0 48.0 100 135
5.4 5.0 6.9 175 235 160 x 160 46.3 10.0 58.9 85 110
3.7 2.5 4.7 320 425 56.6 12.5 72.1 70 90
4.4 3.0 5.6 270 355 63.3 14.2 80.7 60 80
4.7 3.2 5.9 255 335 70.2 16.0 89.4 55 75
50 x 50 5.1 3.6 6.5 230 305 27.3 5.0 34.7 155 210
5.7 4.0 7.3 205 275 34.2 6.3 43.6 125 165
7.0 5.0 8.9 170 225 43.0 8.0 54.7 100 130
8.5 6.3 10.8 140 185 180 x 180 53.0 10.0 67.5 80 105
5.4 3.0 6.8 265 355 65.2 12.5 83.0 65 85
5.7 3.2 7.2 250 330 72.2 14.2 92.0 60 80
6.3 3.6 8.0 225 300 81.4 16.0 104.0 50 70
60 x 60 7.0 4.0 8.9 205 270 30.4 5.0 38.7 155 210
8.5 5.0 10.9 165 220 38.2 6.3 48.6 125 165
10.5 6.3 13.3 135 180 48.0 8.0 61.1 100 130
12.8 8.0 16.3 110 145 200 x 200 59.3 10.0 75.5 80 105
6.3 3.0 8.0 260 350 73.0 12.5 93.0 65 85
6.6 3.2 8.4 250 335 81.1 14.2 103.0 60 80
7.5 3.6 9.5 220 295 91.5 16.0 117.0 50 70
70 x 70 8.2 4.0 10.4 205 270 48.1 6.3 61.2 125 165
10.1 5.0 12.9 165 215 60.5 8.0 77.1 95 130
12.5 6.3 15.9 130 175 250 x 250 75.0 10.0 95.5 80 105
15.3 8.0 19.5 110 145 92.6 12.5 118.0 65 85
7.2 3.0 9.2 260 350 117.0 16.0 149.0 50 65
7.6 3.2 9.7 250 330 49.9 6.3 63.5 125 165
8.6 3.6 10.9 220 295 62.8 8.0 80.0 100 130
80 x 80 9.4 4.0 12.0 200 270 77.7 10.0 98.9 80 105
260 x 260
11.7 5.0 14.9 160 215 95.8 12.5 122.0 65 85
14.4 6.3 18.4 130 175 108.0 14.2 137.0 60 75
17.8 8.0 22.7 105 140 120.0 16.0 153.0 55 70
9.7 3.6 12.4 220 290 57.8 6.3 73.6 125 165
10.7 4.0 13.6 200 265 72.8 8.0 92.8 100 130
90 x 90 13.3 5.0 16.9 160 215 90.7 10.0 116.0 80 105
300 x 300
16.4 6.3 20.9 130 170 112.0 12.5 143.0 65 85
20.4 8.0 25.9 105 140 126.0 14.2 160.0 60 75
10.8 3.6 13.7 220 295 142.0 16.0 181.0 50 65
12.0 4.0 15.3 195 260 85.4 8.0 109.0 100 130
14.8 5.0 18.9 160 210 106.0 10.0 135.0 75 105
100 x 100
18.4 6.3 23.4 130 170 350 x 350 132.0 12.5 168.0 60 85
22.9 8.0 29.1 105 135 148.0 14.2 189.0 55 75
27.9 10.0 35.5 85 115 167.0 16.0 213.0 50 65
14.4 4.0 18.4 195 260 97.9 8.0 125.0 100 130
18.0 5.0 22.9 155 210 122.0 10.0 156.0 75 105
22.3 6.3 28.5 125 170 152.0 12.5 193.0 60 85
120 x 120 400 x 400
27.9 8.0 35.5 100 135 170.0 14.2 217.0 55 75
34.2 10.0 43.5 85 110 192.0 16.0 245.0 50 65
41.6 12.5 53.0 70 90 235.0 20.0 300.0 40 55

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 012TANGU90

Rectangular Hollow Sections


D t
(a) (b)
Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile or box protection

Area of
Designation Profile or box protection
Thickness section

Size D x B Mass (a) Three sides (b) Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
2.7 2.5 3.5 360 290 430
50 x 50 3.2 3.0 4.1 305 245 365
3.4 3.2 4.3 290 230 345
2.9 2.5 3.7 350 295 430
3.5 3.0 4.4 290 250 365
3.7 3.2 4.7 280 235 345
50 x 30
4.0 3.6 5.1 255 215 315
4.5 4.0 5.7 230 195 280
5.4 5.0 6.9 190 160 235
3.7 2.5 4.7 340 295 425
4.4 3.0 5.6 285 250 355
4.7 3.2 5.9 270 235 335
60 x 40 5.1 3.6 6.5 245 215 305
5.7 4.0 7.3 220 190 275
7.0 5.0 8.9 180 160 225
8.5 6.3 10.8 150 130 185
5.3 3.0 6.8 295 235 355
5.7 3.2 7.2 275 220 330
6.3 3.6 8.0 250 200 300
80 x 40 7.0 4.0 8.9 225 180 270
8.5 5.0 10.9 185 145 220
10.5 6.3 13.3 150 120 180
12.8 8.0 16.3 125 100 145
6.3 3.0 8.0 290 240 350
6.6 3.2 8.4 275 225 335
7.5 3.6 9.5 240 200 295
90 x 50 8.2 4.0 10.4 225 185 270
10.1 5.0 12.9 180 145 215
12.5 6.3 15.9 145 120 175
15.3 8.0 19.5 120 95 145
6.8 3.0 8.6 290 235 350
7.2 3.2 9.1 275 220 330
8.0 3.6 10.1 250 200 300
100 x 50 8.9 4.0 11.3 220 175 265
10.9 5.0 13.9 180 145 215
13.4 6.3 17.1 145 115 175
16.6 8.0 21.1 120 95 145
7.2 3.0 9.2 285 240 350
7.6 3.2 9.7 270 230 330
8.6 3.6 10.9 240 200 295
100 x 60 9.4 4.0 12.0 220 185 270
11.7 5.0 14.9 175 150 215
14.4 6.3 18.4 140 120 175
17.8 8.0 22.7 115 95 140
9.7 3.6 12.4 240 195 290
10.7 4.0 13.6 220 180 265
13.3 5.0 16.9 180 140 215
120 x 60
16.4 6.3 20.9 145 115 170
20.4 8.0 25.9 115 95 140
24.3 10.0 30.9 100 80 120
10.8 3.6 13.7 235 205 295
11.9 4.0 15.2 210 185 265
14.8 5.0 18.9 170 150 210
120 x 80
18.4 6.3 23.4 135 120 170
22.9 8.0 29.1 110 95 135
27.9 10.0 35.5 90 80 115
15.1 4.0 19.2 210 185 260
18.7 5.0 23.9 165 145 210
23.3 6.3 29.7 135 120 170
150 x 100
29.1 8.0 37.1 110 95 135
35.7 10.0 45.5 90 75 110
43.6 12.5 55.5 70 65 90
16.6 4.0 21.2 200 190 260
20.6 5.0 26.2 165 155 210
25.6 6.3 32.6 130 125 170
150 x 125
32.0 8.0 40.8 105 100 135
39.2 10.0 49.9 85 80 110
47.7 12.5 60.8 70 70 90

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 012TANGU90

Rectangular Hollow Sections


D t
(a) (b)
Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile or box protection

Area of
Designation Profile or box protection
Thickness section

Size D x B Mass (a) Three sides (b) Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
14.4 4.0 18.4 220 175 260
18.0 5.0 22.9 175 140 210
22.3 6.3 28.5 140 110 170
160 x 80
27.9 8.0 35.5 115 90 135
34.2 10.0 43.5 90 75 110
41.6 12.5 53.0 75 60 90
22.6 5.0 28.7 175 140 210
28.1 6.3 35.8 140 115 170
35.1 8.0 44.8 110 90 135
200 x 100
43.1 10.0 54.9 95 75 110
52.7 12.5 67.1 75 60 90
65.2 16.0 83.0 60 50 75
24.1 5.0 30.7 170 145 210
30.1 6.3 38.3 140 115 170
37.6 8.0 48.0 110 95 135
200 x 120 46.3 10.0 58.9 90 75 110
56.6 12.5 72.1 75 65 90
63.3 14.2 80.7 65 55 80
70.2 16.0 89.4 60 50 75
26.5 5.0 33.7 165 150 210
33.0 6.3 42.1 135 120 170
41.4 8.0 52.8 105 95 135
200 x 150 41.0 10.0 64.9 80 80 110
62.5 12.5 79.6 70 65 90
70.0 14.2 89.2 65 60 80
77.7 16.0 99.0 55 55 70
26.5 5.0 33.7 180 135 210
33.0 6.3 42.1 145 110 170
41.4 8.0 52.8 115 85 135
250 x 100 51.0 10.0 64.9 95 70 110
62.5 12.5 79.6 75 60 90
70.0 14.2 89.2 70 50 80
77.7 16.0 99.0 65 45 70
30.4 5.0 38.7 170 145 210
38.0 6.3 48.4 135 115 165
47.7 8.0 60.8 110 90 135
250 x 150 58.8 10.0 74.9 90 75 110
72.3 12.5 92.1 75 60 90
81.1 14.2 103.0 65 55 80
90.3 16.0 115.0 60 50 70
66.7 10.0 84.9 85 80 110
250 x 200 82.1 12.5 105.0 70 65 90
92.3 14.2 118.0 60 55 80
30.4 5.0 38.7 170 140 210
38.0 6.3 48.4 140 115 165
47.7 8.0 60.8 110 90 135
260 x 140 58.8 10.0 74.9 90 75 110
72.3 12.5 92.1 75 60 90
81.1 14.2 103.0 65 55 80
90.3 16.0 115.0 60 50 70
30.4 5.0 38.7 180 130 210
38.0 6.3 48.4 145 105 156
47.7 8.0 60.8 115 85 135
300 x 100 58.8 10.0 74.9 95 70 110
72.3 12.5 92.1 80 55 90
81.1 14.2 103.0 70 50 80
90.3 16.0 115.0 65 45 70
54.0 8.0 68.8 110 90 130
66.7 10.0 84.9 90 70 110
300 x 150 82.1 12.5 105.0 75 60 90
92.3 14.2 118.0 65 55 80
103.0 16.0 131.0 60 50 70

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 012TANGU90

Rectangular Hollow Sections


D t
(a) (b)
Examples of three sides Four sides
Profile or box protection

Area of
Designation Profile or box protection
Thickness section

Size D x B Mass (a) Three sides (b) Three sides Four sides
(mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) (m-1) (m-1)
38.3 5.0 48.7 165 145 205
47.9 6.3 61.0 135 115 165
60.3 8.0 76.8 105 95 130
300 x 200 74.5 10.0 94.9 85 75 105
91.9 12.5 117.0 70 60 85
103.0 14.2 132.0 60 55 75
115.0 16.0 147.0 55 50 70
52.8 6.3 67.3 130 120 165
66.5 8.0 84.8 100 95 130
82.4 10.0 105.0 85 80 105
300 x 250
102.0 12.5 130.0 65 65 85
115.0 14.2 146.0 60 55 75
128.0 16.0 163.0 55 50 70
47.9 6.3 61.0 140 110 165
60.3 8.0 76.8 110 85 130
74.5 10.0 94.9 90 70 105
350 x 150
91.9 12.5 117.0 75 55 85
103.0 14.2 132.0 65 50 75
115.0 16.0 147.0 60 45 70
57.8 6.3 73.6 130 115 165
72.8 8.0 92.8 105 95 130
90.2 10.0 115.0 85 75 105
350 x 250
112.0 12.5 142.0 70 60 85
126.0 14.2 160.0 60 55 75
141.0 16.0 179.0 55 50 70
49.9 6.3 63.5 145 100 165
62.8 8.0 80.0 115 80 130
77.7 10.0 98.9 95 65 105
400 x 120
95.8 12.5 122.0 75 55 85
108.0 14.2 137.0 70 50 80
120.0 16.0 153.0 65 45 70
52.8 6.3 67.3 145 105 165
66.5 8.0 84.8 115 85 130
82.4 10.0 105.0 90 70 105
400 x 150
102.0 12.5 130.0 75 55 85
115.0 14.2 146.0 65 50 75
128.0 16.0 163.0 60 45 70
57.8 6.3 73.6 140 110 165
72.8 8.0 92.8 110 90 130
90.2 10.0 115.0 90 70 105
400 x 200
112.0 12.5 142.0 70 60 85
126.0 14.2 160.0 65 50 75
141.0 16.0 179.0 60 45 70
85.4 8.0 109.0 105 95 130
106.0 10.0 135.0 85 75 105
400 x 300 131.0 12.5 167.0 70 60 85
148.0 14.2 189.0 60 55 75
166.0 16.0 211.0 55 50 70
85.4 8.0 109.0 105 90 130
106.0 10.0 135.0 85 70 105
450 x 250 131.0 12.5 167.0 70 60 85
148.0 14.2 189.0 65 50 75
166.0 16.0 211.0 55 45 70
85.4 8.0 109.0 110 85 130
106.0 10.0 135.0 90 70 105
500 x 200 131.0 12.5 167.0 75 55 85
148.0 14.2 189.0 65 50 75
166.0 16.0 211.0 60 45 70
97.9 8.0 125.0 105 90 130
122.0 10.0 155.0 85 75 105
151.0 12.5 192.0 70 60 85
500 x 300
170.0 14.2 217.0 60 50 75
191.0 16.0 249.0 55 45 70
235.0 20.0 300.0 45 40 55

Guide of Section Factor (Hp/A) For Encasement 01CIRCULAR8

Circular Hollow Sections

D t

Profile protection Box protection

Area of Profile Area of Profile

Designation Designation
Thickness section or box Thickness section or box
protection protection
Outside diameter Mass Outside diameter Mass
D (mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1) D (mm) (kg/m) t (mm) (cm²) (m-1)
1.2 2.6 1.5 440 26.4 5.0 33.6 205
21.3 1.3 2.9 1.7 400 33.1 6.3 42.1 165
1.4 3.2 1.8 370 41.6 8.0 53.1 130
1.6 2.9 2.0 425 51.6 10.0 65.7 105
26.9 1.7 2.9 2.2 385 63.7 12.5 81.1 85
1.9 3.2 2.4 355 71.8 14.2 91.4 75
2.0 2.6 2.5 415 80.1 16.0 102.0 65
2.2 2.9 2.8 375 98.2 20.0 125.0 55
33.7 2.4 3.2 3.1 345 29.5 5.0 37.6 205
2.7 3.6 3.4 310 37.0 6.3 47.1 165
2.9 4.0 3.7 285 46.7 8.0 59.4 130
2.6 2.6 3.3 410 57.8 10.0 73.7 105
2.8 2.9 3.6 370 71.5 12.5 91.1 85
3.1 3.2 3.9 340 80.6 14.2 103.0 75
3.4 3.6 4.4 305 90.2 16.0 115.0 65
3.8 4.0 4.8 275 111.0 20.0 141.0 55
4.6 5.0 5.9 230 33.0 5.0 42.1 205
3.3 2.9 4.1 365 41.4 6.3 52.8 160
3.6 3.2 4.5 355 52.3 8.0 66.6 130
48.3 4.0 3.6 5.1 300 64.9 10.0 82.6 105
4.4 4.0 5.6 275 273 80.3 12.5 102.0 85
5.3 5.0 6.8 225 90.6 14.2 115.0 75
4.1 2.9 5.2 360 101.0 16.0 129.0 65
4.5 3.2 5.7 330 125.0 20.0 159.0 55
60.3 5.0 3.6 6.4 295 153.0 25.0 195.0 45
5.6 4.0 7.1 270 39.3 5.0 50.1 205
6.8 5.0 8.7 220 49.3 6.3 62.9 160
5.2 2.9 6.7 358 62.3 8.0 79.4 130
5.8 3.2 7.3 325 77.4 10.0 98.6 105
6.4 3.6 8.2 290 323.9 96.0 12.5 122.0 85
7.1 4.0 9.1 265 108.0 14.2 138.0 75
8.8 5.0 11.2 215 121.0 16.0 155.0 65
10.8 6.3 13.8 175 150.0 20.0 191.0 55
6.2 2.9 7.8 355 184.0 25.0 235.0 45
6.8 3.2 8.6 325 54.3 6.3 69.1 160
7.6 3.6 9.7 290 68.6 8.0 87.4 130
8.4 4.0 10.7 260 85.2 10.0 109.0 100
10.3 5.0 13.2 210 106.0 12.5 135.0 85
12.8 6.3 16.3 170 120.0 14.2 152.0 75
8.8 3.2 11.2 320 134.0 16.0 171.0 65
9.8 3.6 12.5 285 166.0 20.0 211.0 55
114.3 10.9 4.0 13.9 260 204.0 25.0 260.0 45
13.5 5.0 17.2 210 62.2 6.3 79.2 160
16.6 6.3 21.4 170 78.6 8.0 100.0 130
10.8 3.2 13.7 320 97.8 10.0 125.0 100
12.1 3.6 15.4 285 121.0 12.5 155.0 80
13.4 4.0 17.1 255 406.4 137.0 14.2 175.0 75
139.7 16.6 5.0 21.2 205 154.0 16.0 196.0 65
20.7 6.3 26.4 165 191.0 20.0 243.0 55
26.0 8.0 33.1 135 235.0 25.0 300.0 45
32.0 10.0 40.7 110 295.0 32.0 376.0 35
20.1 5.0 25.7 205 70.0 6.3 89.2 160
25.2 6.3 32.1 165 88.6 8.0 113.0 130
168.3 31.6 8.0 40.3 130 110.0 10.0 140.0 105
39.0 10.0 49.7 105 137.0 12.5 175.0 80
48.0 12.5 61.2 85 155.0 14.2 198.0 75
23.3 5.0 29.6 205 174.0 16.0 222.0 65
25.1 5.4 31.9 190 216.0 20.0 275.0 50
29.1 6.3 37.1 165 266.0 25.0 339.0 40
193.7 36.6 8.0 46.7 130 335.0 32.0 427.0 35
45.3 10.0 57.7 105 411.0 40.0 524.0 25
55.9 12.5 71.2 85 77.9 6.3 99.3 160
70.1 16.0 89.3 70 98.6 8.0 126.0 125
123.0 10.0 156.0 100
153.0 12.5 195.0 80
173.0 14.2 220.0 75
194.0 16.0 247.0 65

Structural Steel Column Cladding 01.18

7 6b

Minimum 300mm

Minimum 300mm
5 1a


1a 1b 1b

Four sided channel fixing Four sided edge fixing

Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS
1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM
8 E119: 2007

3 1a PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 25

1b PROMATECT®-H board, ≥15mm of thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio

4a tables on page 25
7 2 PROMATECT®-H soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to
the board thickness of 1b
3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x
4b 1.6mm thick or similar, leg of each channel is located against inner
surface of flange
5 4a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm
1a x 0.9mm thick or similar fixed to the wall using non combustible
proprietary anchors at nominal 500mm centres
Option 4b Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x
Three sided channel fixing 0.9mm thick or similar fixed to the flange using Teks screws, shot fired
nails or welding. Secure edges of side boards at 200mm centres

5 Horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

For wide columns, it is advisable to include a PROMATECT®-H cover strip behind the joints within the web of the steel column to provide
additional impact resistance
6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at nominal 200mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the
board thickness
6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board
6c Fixings in accordance with table below. Care should be taken not to overtighten the screws. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill pilot holes,
particularly with 15mm thick boards

Deep threaded drywall screws Steel wire staples

PROMATECT®-H board thickness
preferably with ribbed heads at 200mm centres at 100mm centres

15mm No. 6 x 40mm 44/10/1mm

20mm No. 10 x 55mm 50/10/1mm
25mm No. 10 x 60mm 50/10/1mm
NOTE: <15mm thick boards cannot be edge fixed. Please consult Promat for further guidance on steel wire staple fixing
7 Structural steel column 8 Concrete wall substrate

Structural Steel Column Cladding 01.18

1a or 1b 4a

2 5

1a 6

One sided fixing (front) One sided fixing (back)

Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire resistance in
accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007

1a PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 25

1b PROMATECT®-H board, ≥15mm of thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 25

2 PROMATECT®-H spacer strips, fixed to substrate using non combustible proprietary anchors at 300mm centres with minimum 50mm overlap to
either side of steel section

3 Horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

For wide columns, it is advisable to include a PROMATECT®-H cover strip behind the joints within the web of the steel column to provide
additional impact resistance

4a Self-drilling or self-tapping screws at 200mm centres or steel wire staples at 100mm centres, fixed the main PROMATECT®-H board onto the
spacer strips

4b Two rows of self-drilling, self-tapping Teks screws fixed to steel column at nominal 300mm staggered centres

5 Structural steel column

6 Concrete wall substrate

Structural Steel Beam Cladding 02.18

4 8


Three sided channel fixing

1b 9



Three sided edge fixing

Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of 5 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered
BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire at minimum 300mm
resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007
1a PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A 6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at
ratio tables on page 25 nominal 200mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
the board thickness
1b PROMATECT®-H board, ≥15mm of thickness in accordance with
the Hp/A ratio tables on page 25 6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at
2 PROMATECT®-H soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
similar to the board thickness of 1b, fixed within the web of the the board thickness
steel beam at maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints
using screws at 100mm centres or staples at 50mm centres 6c Fixings in accordance with the table on page 20. Care should be taken
For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire not to overtighten the screws. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill
resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm pilot holes, particularly with 15mm thick boards
centres in order to reduce the load on the soldiers. For steel NOTE: <15mm thick boards cannot be edge fixed
beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be
used to provide a stronger support 7 Structural steel beam
3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x
1.6mm thick or similar located at the bottom flange, leg of each 8 Floor slab
channel is facing inner surface of the flange
9 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with
4 Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x
PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the
0.9mm thick or similar beneath the upper flange OR fixed to the
required board thickness
floor slab using non combustible proprietary anchors at nominal
500mm centres

Structural Steel Beam Cladding 02.18


2 Bottom flange
3 1a
2 7
6a 5 3
6b 2 6a
Optional three sided channel fixing

Bottom flange
1 5
3 4b
2 6a 2

4b 1a

1 6a 6b
Two sided channel fixing

Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of 4b Continuous galvanised steel Z-section fixed to the bottom flange using
BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire non combustible proprietary anchors at nominal 200mm centres AND
resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007 on the PROMATECT®-H soldier/soffit board without mechanical fixing
for differential movement allowance. Caulk all edges between the
1 PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A
board and the substrate with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant
ratio tables on page 25

2 PROMATECT®-H soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness 5 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered
similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of the at minimum 300mm
steel beam at maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints
using screws at 100mm centres or staples at 50mm centres
6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at
nominal 200mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire the board thickness
resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm
centres in order to reduce the load on the soldiers. For steel 6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at
beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
used to provide a stronger support the board thickness

3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 7 Structural steel beam
1.6mm thick or similar located at the bottom flange, leg of each
channel is facing inner surface of the flange 8 Floor slab

4a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 9 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with
0.9mm thick or similar beneath the upper flange OR fixed to the PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the
floor slab using non combustible proprietary anchors at nominal required board thickness
500mm centres

PROMATECT®-H Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.12/02.12
Architectural Specification PH 01.18/02.18

The following is a standard Architectural Specification for structural steel column and beam protection using PROMATECT®-H. Please note
that PROMATECT®-H can be installed by being fixed to a steel frame or, for board thicknesses > 25mm, being fixed with the board face to the
board edge. The end user must determine the suitability of any particular design to meet the performance requirements of any application before
undertaking any work. If in doubt, please first obtain the advice from a suitably qualified engineer.

The installation methods described herein are suitable for steel sections up to 686mm deep and 325mm wide. For larger section or when
protecting multiple sections within a single encasement, please consult Promat.

Where a column box encasement abuts a beam protected with a profiled fire protection system, e.g. intumescent paint, the column webs should
be sealed at their tops using PROMATECT®-H.

Fire Exposure & Area of Application

Exposed faces of steelwork internal to building, for up to 180 minute fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987,
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 or ASTM E119: 2007.(1)



Type of Construction

____________ minute(3) fire resistance to PROMATECT®-H one sided, two sided, three sided or four sided encasement of structural steel columns
and beams.

Lining Boards

____________(4) thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd, in size
____________mm x ____________mm(5), cut to size on-site/pre cut in accordance with the schedule of sizes(6) and fixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended details and fixing instructions.

Fixing To Steel Frame Fixing Board Face To Board Edge


PROMATECT®-H boards to be fixed to 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 1.6mm PROMATECT®-H boards to be fixed by board face to board edge
continuous pressed steel channels or similar using ____________mm(7a) using ____________mm(7b) deep threaded screws at nominal 200mm
self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres. centres. Allow minimum 25mm penetration.


PROMATECT®-H boards to be fixed using ____________mm(7a) self- PROMATECT®-H side boards to be fixed to 100mm x 25mm thick
tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres to nominal 19mm x 38mm PROMATECT®-H soldiers wedged between flanges at nominal
x 19mm x 1.6mm continuous pressed steel channels or similar at 1220mm centres using ____________mm(7b) deep threaded screws at
bottom steel flange AND to 32mm x 19mm x 0.9mm continuous nominal 100mm centres.
pressed steel angles secured to soffit of floor/roof slab or top steel
flange. The angles should be fixed at nominal 500mm centres. PROMATECT®-H side boards to be fixed to PROMATECT®-H soffit
boards using ____________mm(7b) deep threaded screws at 200mm

Continued on next page

PROMATECT®-H Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.12/02.12
Architectural Specification PH 01.18/02.18

Continued from previous page

Butt Jointing For Fixing To Steel Frame Butt Jointing For Fixing Board Face To Board Edge

For beam casings only, PROMATECT®-H board joints in the soffit to For beam casings only, PROMATECT®-H board joints in the soffit to
be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(4) thick be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(4) thick
PROMATECT®-H internal cover strips secured with ____________mm(8) PROMATECT®-H internal cover strips secured with ___________mm(8)
self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres. deep threaded screws to one side of board joint only.

Follow-on Trades

Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(9) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• (1), (6), (9) delete as appropriate.
• (2) insert location, e.g. “beams and columns to offices interior”, or provide steelwork drawing reference.
• (3) insert required fire resistance level (not exceeding 120 minutes for BS or AS and not exceeding 180 minutes for ASTM).
• (4) insert required thickness by reference to section factor (Hp/A) and fire resistance level.
• (5) select board size on basis of economy in cutting. Standard board size is 2440mm x 1220mm.
• (7a) insert screw length which is minimum 20mm longer than the encasement thickness.
• (7b) insert screw length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (8) insert screw length which is minimum 5mm longer than twice the encasement thickness.

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4:
2005 (reports no. BRE CC 84889A and BRE CC 84975) for structural steel column and beam protection at critical
temperature of 550°C

PROMATECT®-H board thickness (mm)

Fire resistance
6 9 12 15 18 20 21 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

60 minutes 47 88 156 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

90 minutes — 37 56 79 110 136 151 212 238 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

120 minutes — — 34 46 59 70 76 95 103 111 119 139 150 161 174 188 204 221 241 260

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 180/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007 (report no. iBMB 851106) for
structural steel column and beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C

PROMATECT®-H board thickness (mm)

Fire resistance
8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40

30 minutes 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

60 minutes 89 139 179 239 300 300 300 300 300

90 minutes 60 79 89 139 239 300 300 300 300

120 minutes — — 60 79 139 219 300 300 300

180 minutes — — — — 60 79 119 159 300

The thicknesses in above tables can be made up from a single layer or no more than two layers of PROMATECT®-H board. For two layer
application, secure the thinner layer first and stagger all joints between layers at minimum 300mm centres. For four sided encasement of column,
install the second layer separately from the first layer and no gap is required between layers. For encasements of beam, screw the second layer
to the first layer.

Structural Steel Column Cladding 01.24

6 6

4b 5

Minimum 300mm

1 3 1

3 4a

Four sided edge fixing Three sided edge fixing

Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire resistance in
accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007

1 PROMATECT®-L board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 31

2 PROMATECT®-L soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of the steel column at
maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints using screws at 100mm centres or staples at 50mm centres

3 Horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

For wide columns, it is advisable to include a PROMATECT®-L cover strip behind the joints within the web of the steel column to provide
additional impact resistance

4a Fixings in accordance with table below. Care should be taken not to overtighten the screws. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill pilot holes,
particularly with 20mm thick boards

Deep threaded drywall screws Steel wire staples

PROMATECT®-L board thickness
preferably with ribbed heads at 200mm centres at 100mm centres

20mm No. 6 x 38mm 50/11/1.5mm

25mm No. 6 x 50mm 63/11/1.5mm
30mm No. 8 x 63mm 63/11/1.5mm
35mm No. 8 x 63mm 70/12/2mm
40mm No. 8 x 75mm 70/12/2mm
50mm No. 10 x 100mm 90/12/2mm
60mm No. 10 x 100mm 90/12/2mm
Please consult Promat for further guidance on steel wire staple fixing

4b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board

5 Structural steel column

6 Concrete wall substrate

Structural Steel Column Cladding 01.24

Minimum 300mm



Three sided angle fixing

Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of

BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire
resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007
1 ®
PROMATECT -L board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A
Ratio tables on page 31

2a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.9mm thick or similar fixed to the wall using non combustible proprietary
anchors at nominal 500mm centres

2b Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.9mm thick or similar fixed to the flange using Teks screws, shot fired nails or
welding. Secure edges of side boards at 200mm centres

3 Horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

For wide columns, it is advisable to include a PROMATECT®-L cover strip behind the joints within the web of the steel column to provide
additional impact resistance

4a Fixings in accordance with table below. Care should be taken not to overtighten the screws. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill pilot holes,
particularly with 20mm thick boards

Deep threaded drywall screws Steel wire staples

PROMATECT®-L board thickness
preferably with ribbed heads at 200mm centres at 100mm centres

20mm No. 6 x 38mm 50/11/1.5mm

25mm No. 6 x 50mm 63/11/1.5mm
30mm No. 8 x 63mm 63/11/1.5mm
35mm No. 8 x 63mm 70/12/2mm
40mm No. 8 x 75mm 70/12/2mm
50mm No. 10 x 100mm 90/12/2mm
60mm No. 10 x 100mm 90/12/2mm
Please consult Promat for further guidance on steel wire staple fixing

4b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at nominal 200mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the
board thickness

5 Structural steel column

6 Concrete wall substrate

Structural Steel Beam Cladding 02.24

3 7
1 4b

4b 2

Three sided edge fixing

Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire resistance in
accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007

1 PROMATECT®-L board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 31

2 PROMATECT®-L soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of the steel beam at
maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints using screws at 100mm centres or staples at 50mm centres
For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm centres in order to reduce
the load on the soldiers. For steel beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be used to provide a stronger support

3 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

4a Fixings in accordance with table below. Care should be taken not to overtighten the screws. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill pilot holes,
particularly with 25mm thick boards

PROMATECT®-L board Deep threaded drywall screws Steel wire staples

thickness preferably with ribbed heads at 200mm centres at 100mm centres

20mm No. 6 x 38mm 50/11/1.5mm

25mm No. 6 x 50mm 63/11/1.5mm
30mm No. 8 x 63mm 63/11/1.5mm
35mm No. 8 x 63mm 70/12/2mm
40mm No. 8 x 75mm 70/12/2mm
50mm No. 10 x 100mm 90/12/2mm
60mm No. 10 x 100mm 90/12/2mm
Please consult Promat for further guidance on steel wire staple fixing

4b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at nominal 200mm centres and to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres. Screw
length should be additional 20mm of the board thickness

5 Structural steel beam

6 Floor slab

7 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the required board

Structural Steel Beam Cladding 02.24



2 4

Three sided angle fixing


5b 8

5b 4

Optional three sided angle fixing

Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of 5a Fixings in accordance with the table on page 28. Care should be taken
BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, and up to 180/-/- fire not to overtighten the screws. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill
resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007 pilot holes, particularly with 25mm thick boards
1 PROMATECT®-L board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A
Ratio tables on page 31 5b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at
nominal 200mm centres and to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres.
2 PROMATECT®-L soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board thickness
similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of the
steel beam at maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints
using screws at 100mm centres or staples at 50mm centres 6 Structural steel beam
For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire
resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm 7 Floor slab
centres in order to reduce the load on the soldiers. For steel
beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be
used to provide a stronger support 8 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with
PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the
3 Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x required board thickness
0.9mm thick or similar beneath the upper flange OR fixed to the
floor slab using non combustible proprietary anchors at nominal
500mm centres

4 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be

staggered at minimum 300mm

PROMATECT®-L Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.18/02.18
Architectural Specification PL 01.24/02.24

The following is a standard Architectural Specification for structural steel column and beam protection using PROMATECT®-L. Please note that
PROMATECT®-L can be installed by using either screw or staple type of edge fixing. The end user must determine the suitability of any particular
design to meet the performance requirements of any application before undertaking any work. If in doubt, please first obtain the advice from a
suitably qualified engineer.

The installation methods described herein are suitable for steel sections up to 686mm deep and 325mm wide. For larger section or when
protecting multiple sections within a single encasement, please consult Promat.

Where a column box encasement abuts a beam protected with a profiled fire protection system, e.g. intumescent paint, the column webs should
be sealed at their tops using PROMATECT®-L.

Fire Exposure & Area of Application

Exposed faces of steelwork internal to building, for up to 240 minute fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987,
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 or ASTM E119: 2007.(1)



Type of Construction

____________ minute(3) fire resistance to PROMATECT®-L one sided, two sided, three sided or four sided encasement of structural steel columns
and beams.

Lining Boards

____________mm(4) thick PROMATECT®-L matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd, in size
____________mm x ____________mm(5), cut to size on-site/pre cut in accordance with the schedule of sizes(6) and fixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended details and fixing instructions.

Screw Fixing Staple Fixing


PROMATECT®-L boards to be fixed by board face-to-board edge PROMATECT®-L boards to be fixed by board face to board edge using
using ____________mm(7a) self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal ____________mm(7b) staples at nominal 100mm centres.
200mm centres.
Vertical PROMATECT®-L boards to be screwed to 100mm wide x
Vertical PROMATECT -L boards to be screwed to 100mm wide x ____________mm(4) thick PROMATECT®-L soldiers wedged between
____________mm(4) thick PROMATECT®-L soldiers wedged between flanges at 600~1200mm centres using ____________mm(7b) staples at
flanges at 600~1200mm centres using ____________mm(7a) self- nominal 50mm centres.
drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres.
Where mechanical fixing is required for columns or beams,
Where mechanical fixing is required for columns or beams, PROMATECT®-L boards to be fixed by board face to board edge
PROMATECT®-L boards to be fixed by board face-to-board edge using ____________mm(7b) staples at nominal 100mm centres to 32mm
using ____________mm(7a) self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal x 19mm x 0.9mm continuous pressed steel angles secured to soffit
200mm centres to 32mm x 19mm x 0.9mm continuous pressed steel of floor/roof slab or top steel flange. The angles should be fixed at
angles secured to soffit of floor/roof slab or top steel flange. The nominal 500mm centres.
angles should be fixed at nominal 500mm centres.
Continued on next page

PROMATECT®-L Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.18/02.18
Architectural Specification PL 01.24/02.24

Continued from previous page

Butt Jointing For Screw Fixing Butt Jointing For Staple Fixing

For beam casings only, PROMATECT®-L board joints in the soffit to For beam casings only, PROMATECT®-L board joints in the soffit to
be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(4) thick be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(4) thick
PROMATECT®-L internal cover strips secured with ____________mm(8) PROMATECT®-L internal cover strips secured with ____________mm(8)
self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres. staples to one side of board joint only.

Follow-on Trades

Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(9) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• (1), (6), (9) delete as appropriate.
• (2) insert location, e.g. “beams and columns to offices interior”, or provide steelwork drawing reference.
• (3) insert required fire resistance level (not exceeding 240 minutes for BS or AS and not exceeding 180 minutes for ASTM).
• (4) insert required thickness by reference to section factor (Hp/A) and fire resistance level.
• (5) select board size on basis of economy in cutting. Standard board size is 2500mm x 1200mm.
• (7a) insert screw length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (7b) insert staple length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (8) insert screw length which is minimum 5mm longer than twice the encasement thickness.

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4:
2005 (reports no. BRE CC 84976 and BRE CC 84889B) for structural steel column and beam protection at critical
temperature of 550°C
PROMATECT®-L board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

90 minutes 157 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

120 minutes — 127 216 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

180 minutes — — 76 104 143 205 260 260 260 260

240 minutes — — — 59 74 94 119 153 199 260

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 180/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007 (report no. iBMB 851106) for
structural steel column and beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C
PROMATECT®-L board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
20 25 30 35 40

30 minutes 300 300 300 300 300

60 minutes 300 300 300 300 300

90 minutes 219 300 300 300 300

120 minutes 139 159 239 270 300

180 minutes 79 99 109 119 300

The thicknesses in above tables can be made up from a single layer or no more than two layers of PROMATECT®-L board. For two layer
application, secure the thinner layer first and stagger all joints between layers at minimum 300mm centres. For four sided encasement of column,
install the second layer separately from the first layer and no gap is required between layers. For encasements of beam, screw the second layer
to the first layer.

P100 01.15
Structural Steel Column Cladding

7 6b


Minimum 300mm
5 1
Minimum 300mm

6a 1

Four sided channel fixing Four sided edge fixing

Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
8 1 PROMATECT® 100 board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 46
2 PROMATECT® 100 soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to the board thickness
4b of 1
7 3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 0.8mm thick or similar, leg
of each channel is located against inner surface of flange

4a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.8mm thick or similar
1 fixed to the wall using non combustible proprietary anchors at nominal 500mm centres

4b Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.8mm thick or similar
6a fixed to the flange using Teks screws, shot fired nails or welding. Secure edges of side
5 boards at 200mm centres

5 Horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

For wide columns, it is advisable to include a PROMATECT® 100 cover strip behind the
Three sided channel fixing joints within the web of the steel column to provide additional impact resistance

6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at nominal 200mm

centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board thickness
8 6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres.
Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board thickness

7 6c Steel wire staple fixing in accordance with table below. When edge fixing it is advisable
to drill pilot holes, particularly with 15mm thick boards. Please consult Promat for further
PROMATECT® 100 board thickness Steel wire staples at 100mm centres
2 6b
1 15mm 44/10/1mm
20mm 44/10/1mm
25mm 50/10/1mm
30mm 60/10/1mm

7 Structural steel column

Three sided edge fixing 8 Concrete wall substrate

P100 02.15
Structural Steel Beam Cladding

4a 8

3 1
2 6a

6b 5

Three sided channel fixing



2 3

6a 5

Optional three sided channel fixing 1

Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 4b Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.8mm
1530: Part 4: 2005 thick or similar beneath the upper flange
1 PROMATECT® 100 board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A 5 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered
Ratio tables on page 46 at minimum 300mm
2 PROMATECT® 100 soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness
6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at
similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of
nominal 200mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
the steel beam at maximum 1220mm centres behind the board
the board thickness
joints using screws at 100mm centres or using staples at 50mm
6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at
For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm the board thickness
centres in order to reduce the load on the soldiers. For steel
beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be 7 Structural steel beam
used to provide a stronger support
8 Floor slab
3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x
0.8mm thick or similar located at the bottom flange, leg of each 9 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with
channel is facing inner surface of the flange PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the
required board thickness
4a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm
x 0.8mm thick or similar fixed to the floor slab using non
combustible proprietary anchors at nominal 500mm centres

P100 02.15
Structural Steel Beam Cladding



1 2

Three sided edge fixing

Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005

1 PROMATECT® 100 board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 46

2 PROMATECT® 100 soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of the steel beam at
maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints using screws at 100mm centres or using staples at 50mm centres

For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm centres in order to reduce
the load on the soldiers. For steel beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be used to provide a stronger support

3 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

4a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board

4b Steel wire staple fixing in accordance with table below. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill pilot holes, particularly with 15mm thick boards.
Please consult Promat for further guidance
PROMATECT® 100 board thickness Steel wire staples at 100mm centres
15mm 44/10/1mm
20mm 44/10/1mm
25mm 50/10/1mm
30mm 60/10/1mm

5 Structural steel beam

6 Floor slab

7 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the required board

PROMATECT® 100 Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.15/
Architectural Specification P100

The following is a standard Architectural Specification for structural steel column and beam protection using PROMATECT® 100. Please note
that PROMATECT® 100 can be installed by using either screw or staple type of edge fixing. The end user must determine the suitability of any
particular design to meet the performance requirements of any application before undertaking any work. If in doubt, please first obtain the advice
from a suitably qualified engineer.

The installation methods described herein are suitable for steel sections up to 686mm deep and 325mm wide. For larger section or when
protecting multiple sections within a single encasement, please consult Promat.

Where a column box encasement abuts a beam protected with a profiled fire protection system, e.g. intumescent paint, the column webs should
be sealed at their tops using PROMATECT® 100.

Fire Exposure & Area of Application

Exposed faces of steelwork internal to building, for up to 150 minute fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005.



Type of Construction

____________ minute(2) fire resistance to PROMATECT® 100 one sided, two sided, three sided or four sided encasement of structural steel
columns and beams.

Lining Boards

____________mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 100 PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd, in size
____________mm x ____________mm(4), cut to size on-site/pre cut in accordance with the schedule of sizes(5) and fixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended details and fixing instructions.

Screw Fixing Staple Fixing


PROMATECT® 100 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge PROMATECT® 100 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge
using ____________mm(6a) self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal using ____________mm(6b) staples at nominal 100mm centres.
200mm centres.
Vertical PROMATECT® 100 boards to be screwed to 100mm wide x
Vertical PROMATECT 100 boards to be screwed to 100mm wide x ____________mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 100 soldiers wedged between
____________mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 100 soldiers wedged between flanges at 1200mm centres using ____________mm(6b) staples at
flanges at 1200mm centres using ____________mm(6a) self-drilling, nominal 50mm centres.
self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres.

Where mechanical fixing is required for columns or beams,

PROMATECT® 100 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge
using ____________mm(6a) self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal
200mm centres to nominal 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 0.8mm continuous
pressed steel channels or similar at bottom steel flange AND to 32mm
x 19mm x 0.8mm continuous pressed steel angles secured to soffit
of floor/roof slab or top steel flange. The angles should be fixed at
nominal 500mm centres.
Continued on next page

PROMATECT® 100 Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.15/
Architectural Specification P100

Continued from previous page

Butt Jointing For Screw Fixing Butt Jointing For Staple Fixing

For beam casings only, PROMATECT® 100 board joints in the soffit For beam casings only, PROMATECT® 100 board joints in the soffit
to be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(3) thick to be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(3) thick
PROMATECT® 100 internal cover strips secured with __________mm(7) PROMATECT® 100 internal cover strips secured with __________mm(7)
self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres. staples to one side of board joint only.

Follow-on Trades

Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• (1) insert location, e.g. “beams and columns to offices interior”, or provide steelwork drawing reference.
• (2) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 150 minutes.
• (3) insert required thickness by reference to section factor (Hp/A) and fire resistance level.
• (4) select board size on basis of economy in cutting. Standard board size is 2500mm x 1200mm.
• (5), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (6a) insert screw length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (6b) insert staple length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (7) insert screw length which is minimum 5mm longer than twice the encasement thickness.

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. BRANZ FAR
3015) for structural steel column protection at critical temperature of 550°C
PROMATECT® 100 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 20 25 30 (15 x 2 layers) 35 (20 + 15, 1 layer each) 40 (20 x 2 layers)
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 114 185 260 260 260 260
120 minutes 68 102 145 201 260 260
150 minutes — 70 96 126 163 190

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. BRANZ FAR
3015) for structural steel beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C
PROMATECT® 100 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 20 25 30 (15 x 2 layers) 35 (20 + 15, 1 layer each) 40 (20 x 2 layers)
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 102 162 249 260 260 260
120 minutes — 92 129 176 238 260
150 minutes — — 87 114 146 168

Hp/A Ratio Table 3 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. BRANZ FAR
3015) for structural steel beam protection at critical temperature of 620°C
PROMATECT® 100 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 20 25 30 (15 x 2 layers) 35 (20 + 15, 1 layer each) 40 (20 x 2 layers)
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 115 232 249 260 260 260
120 minutes — 94 149 243 260 260
150 minutes — — 85 120 171 213

For single layer application of ≥30mm thick PROMATECT® 100 board, please consult Promat.

P250 01.15
Structural Steel Column Cladding

7 6b


Minimum 300mm
5 1
Minimum 300mm

6a 1

Four sided channel fixing Four sided edge fixing

Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987
8 1 PROMATECT® 250 board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 51
2 PROMATECT® 250 soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to the board thickness
4b of 1
7 3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 0.8mm thick or similar, leg
of each channel is located against inner surface of flange

4a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.8mm thick or similar
1 fixed to the wall using non combustible proprietary anchors at nominal 500mm centres

4b Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.8mm thick or similar
6a fixed to the flange using Teks screws, shot fired nails or welding. Secure edges of side
5 boards at 200mm centres

5 Horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

For wide columns, it is advisable to include a PROMATECT® 250 cover strip behind the
Three sided channel fixing joints within the web of the steel column to provide additional impact resistance

6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at nominal 200mm

centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board thickness
8 6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres.
Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board thickness

7 6c Steel wire staple fixing in accordance with table below. When edge fixing it is advisable
to drill pilot holes, particularly with 15mm thick boards. Please consult Promat for further
PROMATECT® 250 board thickness Steel wire staples at 100mm centres
2 6b
1 15mm 44/10/1mm
20mm 44/10/1mm
25mm 50/10/1mm
30mm 60/10/1mm

7 Structural steel column

Three sided edge fixing 8 Concrete wall substrate

P250 01.15
Structural Steel Beam Cladding

4a 8

3 1
2 6a

6b 5

Three sided channel fixing



2 3

6a 5

Optional three sided channel fixing 1

Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 4b Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm x 0.8mm
1530: Part 4: 2005 thick or similar beneath the upper flange
1 PROMATECT® 250 board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A 5 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered
Ratio tables on page 51 at minimum 300mm
2 PROMATECT® 250 soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness
6a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to channel/angle at
similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of
nominal 200mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
the steel beam at maximum 1220mm centres behind the board
the board thickness
joints using screws at 100mm centres or using staples at 50mm
6b Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at
For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of
resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm the board thickness
centres in order to reduce the load on the soldiers. For steel
beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be 7 Structural steel beam
used to provide a stronger support
8 Floor slab
3 Continuous galvanised steel channel 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x
0.8mm thick or similar located at the bottom flange, leg of each 9 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with
channel is facing inner surface of the flange PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the
required board thickness
4a Continuous galvanised steel angles minimum 32mm x 19mm
x 0.8mm thick or similar fixed to the floor slab using non
combustible proprietary anchors at nominal 500mm centres

P250 02.15
Structural Steel Beam Cladding



1 2

Three sided edge fixing

Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005

1 PROMATECT® 250 board, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on page 51

2 PROMATECT® 250 soldiers 100mm wide, minimum thickness similar to the board thickness of 1, fixed within the web of the steel beam at
maximum 1220mm centres behind the board joints using screws at 100mm centres or using staples at 50mm centres

For deep beams clad with thicker boards for greater fire resistance, it is advisable to fix the soldiers at nominal 600mm centres in order to reduce
the load on the soldiers. For steel beams greater than 600mm deep, a T-section soldier should be used to provide a stronger support

3 Vertical and horizontal joints in adjacent board sides to be staggered at minimum 300mm

4a Self-drilling or self-tapping drywall screws fixed to soldiers at nominal 100mm centres. Screw length should be additional 20mm of the board

4b Steel wire staple fixing in accordance with table below. When edge fixing it is advisable to drill pilot holes, particularly with 15mm thick boards.
Please consult Promat for further guidance
PROMATECT® 250 board thickness Steel wire staples at 100mm centres
15mm 44/10/1mm
20mm 44/10/1mm
25mm 50/10/1mm
30mm 60/10/1mm

5 Structural steel beam

6 Floor slab

7 Caulk all edges between the board and the floor slab with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant, depth in accordance with the required board

PROMATECT® 250 Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.15/
Architectural Specification P250

The following is a standard Architectural Specification for structural steel column and beam protection using PROMATECT® 250. Please note
that PROMATECT® 250 can be installed by using either screw or staple type of edge fixing. The end user must determine the suitability of any
particular design to meet the performance requirements of any application before undertaking any work. If in doubt, please first obtain the advice
from a suitably qualified engineer.

The installation methods described herein are suitable for steel sections up to 686mm deep and 325mm wide. For larger section or when
protecting multiple sections within a single encasement, please consult Promat.

Where a column box encasement abuts a beam protected with a profiled fire protection system, e.g. intumescent paint, the column webs should
be sealed at their tops using PROMATECT® 250.

Fire Exposure & Area of Application

Exposed faces of steelwork internal to building, for up to 150 minute fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987.



Type of Construction

____________ minute(2) fire resistance to PROMATECT® 250 one sided, two sided, three sided or four sided encasement of structural steel
columns and beams.

Lining Boards

____________mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 250 PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd, in size
____________mm x ____________mm(4), cut to size on-site/pre cut in accordance with the schedule of sizes(5) and fixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended details and fixing instructions.

Screw Fixing Staple Fixing


PROMATECT® 250 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge PROMATECT® 250 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge
using ____________mm(6a) self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal using ____________mm(6b) staples at nominal 100mm centres.
200mm centres.
Vertical PROMATECT® 250 boards to be screwed to 100mm wide x
Vertical PROMATECT 250 boards to be screwed to 100mm wide x ____________mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 250 soldiers wedged between
____________mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 250 soldiers wedged between flanges at 1200mm centres using ____________mm(6b) staples at
flanges at 1200mm centres using ____________mm(6a) self-drilling, nominal 50mm centres.
self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres.
Where mechanical fixing is required for columns or beams,
Where mechanical fixing is required for columns or beams, PROMATECT® 250 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge
PROMATECT® 250 boards to be fixed by board face to board edge using ____________mm(6b) staples at nominal 100mm centres to
using ____________mm(6a) self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal nominal 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 0.8mm continuous pressed steel
200mm centres to nominal 19mm x 38mm x 19mm x 0.8mm continuous channels or similar at bottom steel flange AND to 32mm x 19mm x
pressed steel channels or similar at bottom steel flange AND to 32mm 0.8mm continuous pressed steel angles secured to soffit of floor/roof
x 19mm x 0.8mm continuous pressed steel angles secured to soffit slab or top steel flange. The angles should be fixed at nominal 500mm
of floor/roof slab or top steel flange. The angles should be fixed at centres.
nominal 500mm centres.
Continued on next page

PROMATECT® 250 Structural Steel Column & Beam Cladding 01.15/
Architectural Specification P250

Continued from previous page

Butt Jointing For Screw Fixing Butt Jointing For Staple Fixing

For beam casings only, PROMATECT® 250 board joints in the soffit For beam casings only, PROMATECT® 250 board joints in the soffit
to be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(3) thick to be backed with 100mm wide x minimum ____________mm(3) thick
PROMATECT® 250 internal cover strips secured with __________mm(7) PROMATECT® 250 internal cover strips secured with __________mm(7)
self-drilling, self-tapping screws at nominal 100mm centres. staples to one side of board joint only.

Follow-on Trades

Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• (1) insert location, e.g. “beams and columns to offices interior”, or provide steelwork drawing reference.
• (2) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 150 minutes.
• (3) insert required thickness by reference to section factor (Hp/A) and fire resistance level.
• (4) select board size on basis of economy in cutting. Standard board size is 2500mm x 1200mm.
• (5), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (6a) insert screw length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (6b) insert staple length which gives minimum 25mm penetration having regard to encasement thickness.
• (7) insert screw length which is minimum 5mm longer than twice the encasement thickness.

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC 94174)
for structural steel column protection at critical temperature of 550°C
PROMATECT® 250 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 18 20 22 25 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 114 153 185 223 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
120 minutes 68 87 102 118 145 165 176 201 228 243 260 260 260 260 260
150 minutes — 61 70 80 96 107 113 126 140 147 155 163 172 180 190

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC 94174)
for structural steel column protection at critical temperature of 620°C
PROMATECT® 250 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 18 20 22 25 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 142 227 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
120 minutes 67 92 112 137 186 231 259 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
150 minutes — 57 68 79 99 115 124 144 168 182 197 214 232 253 260

Hp/A Ratio Table 3 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC 94174)
for structural steel beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C
PROMATECT® 250 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 18 20 22 25 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 102 135 162 192 249 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
120 minutes — — 92 106 129 146 156 176 199 211 224 238 256 260 260
150 minutes — — — — 87 97 102 114 126 132 139 145 153 160 168

Hp/A Ratio Table 4 Up to 150/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC 94174)
for structural steel beam protection at critical temperature of 620°C
PROMATECT® 250 board thickness (mm)
Fire resistance
15 18 20 22 25 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
30 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
60 minutes 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
90 minutes 115 173 232 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
120 minutes — — 94 113 149 180 198 243 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
150 minutes — — — — 85 98 105 120 138 148 159 171 183 197 213

For single layer application of ≥30mm thick PROMATECT® 250 board, please consult Promat.
Structural Concrete/Timber Column Cladding 05.12

3 5

1a 1b

2 4

1a 1b

Up to 120/-/- fire resistance upgrading to concrete and timber structures

1a PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the required fire resistance level and determined by a number of factors of the concrete
column section required for cladding, e.g. the concrete density, type of aggregate, cover to reinforcement, type of fire curve etc

1b PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the required fire resistance level and determined by a number of factors of the timber
column section required for cladding, e.g. dimension, species, the required residual dimension and strength etc

Note that defining timber simply as a hard or softwood is inadequate when attempting to discern its charring rate. Different species of wood will
behave differently under fire conditions, not only in their rate of charring but also in their behaviour to bow and twist severely

2 Minimum 25mm penetration of fixings by board face to board edge for >15mm thick board cladding. Avoid fixing to the concrete

3 Structural concrete column

4 Fixings using nails or screws, length in accordance with the required fire resistance level and determined by the type of timber

5 Structural timber column minimum 120mm x 120mm

Please consult Promat for details of structural concrete and timber column claddings using PROMATECT®-H board

CAFCO® 300 01.24/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.24


Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987, AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 and ASTM E119: 2007*

1 Spray or trowel applied CAFCO® 300 vermiculite and gypsum based wet mix, thickness in accordance with Hp/A Ratio tables on pages 54 to 57

2 Application to unprimed or compatible primed surfaces. Substrate to be clean, dry and free from dust, loose mill scale, loose rust, oil and any
other condition preventing good adhesion
For non compatible primers, spray or brush apply Cafco BONDSEAL® styrene acrylic copolymer as keycoat prior to the application of CAFCO® 300

Mesh reinforcement may be required in the following conditions:

 There is no re-entrant detail on the structural steel substrate
 The structural steel substrate is subject to vibration
 Dimension of an ‘I’ or ‘H’ structural steel section exceeds 650mm between flanges and/or exceeds 325mm across flanges
 Diameter of a circular structural steel section exceeds 325mm
 Diameter of a single face hollow structural steel section exceeds 325mm

* Please consult Promat for application in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007

CAFCO® 300 01.24/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC250717
Issue 2) for universal column and four sided beam sections of structural steel protection at critical temperature
of 550°C
CAFCO® 300 coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
40 10 10 12 15 21 28
50 10 10 13 17 24 32
60 10 10 15 19 27 35
70 10 11 16 20 29 38
80 10 12 17 22 31 41
90 10 13 18 23 33 43
100 10 13 18 24 34 45
110 10 14 19 25 36 47
120 10 14 20 25 37 48
130 10 15 20 26 38 49
140 10 15 21 27 39 51
150 10 15 21 27 40 52
160 10 16 22 28 40 53
170 10 16 22 29 41 54
180 10 16 23 29 42 55
190 10 16 23 29 43 56
200 10 17 23 30 43 56
210 10 17 23 30 44 57
220 10 17 24 31 44 58
230 10 17 24 31 45 58
240 10 17 24 31 45 59
250 10 17 24 31 45 59
260 10 18 25 32 46 60
270 11 18 25 32 46 60
280 11 18 25 32 47 61
290 11 18 25 32 47 61
300 11 18 25 33 47 62
310 11 18 25 33 47 62
320 11 18 26 33 48 62
330 11 18 26 33 48 63

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

CAFCO® 300 01.24/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC250717
Issue 2) for three sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection (where the beam forms part of a composite
action concrete of the floor slab) at critical temperature of 620°C
CAFCO® 300 coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
30 10 10 10 11 16 21
40 10 10 10 13 19 25
50 10 10 12 15 22 28
60 10 10 13 17 24 32
70 10 10 14 18 26 34
80 10 10 15 19 28 36
90 10 11 16 20 29 38
100 10 11 16 21 31 40
110 10 12 17 22 32 42
120 10 12 17 23 33 43
130 10 12 18 23 34 44
140 10 13 18 24 35 46
150 10 13 19 24 36 47
160 10 14 19 25 36 48
170 10 14 20 25 37 49
180 10 14 20 26 38 49
190 10 14 20 26 38 50
200 10 14 20 27 39 51
210 10 15 21 27 39 51
220 10 15 21 27 40 52
230 10 15 21 27 40 53
240 10 15 21 28 40 53
250 10 15 22 28 41 54
260 10 15 22 28 41 54
270 10 15 22 28 41 54
280 10 16 22 29 42 55
290 10 16 22 29 42 55
300 10 16 22 29 42 56
310 10 16 23 29 43 56

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

CAFCO® 300 01.24/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 3 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. BRANZ FAR
3317) for four sided ‘H’ section of structural steel column protection at critical temperature of 550°C
CAFCO® 300 coating thickness when cured (mm)
E (m²/t) Hp/A
60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
10 75 14 19 24 37 52
10 80 14 19 24 37 52
11 85 14 19 24 37 52
12 90 14 19 24 37 52
12 95 14 19 24 37 52
13 100 14 19 24 37 52
13 105 14 19 24 37 52
14 110 14 19 24 37 52
15 115 14 19 24 37 52
15 120 14 19 24 37 52
16 125 14 19 24 37 52
17 130 14 19 25 37 52
17 135 14 19 25 38 52
18 140 14 19 25 38 52
19 145 14 19 26 39 52
19 150 14 20 26 39 52
20 155 14 20 26 40 53
20 160 14 20 27 40 53
21 165 14 20 27 41 54
22 170 14 21 27 41 54
22 175 14 21 28 41 54
23 180 14 21 28 41 55
24 185 14 21 28 42 55
24 190 15 21 28 42 55
25 195 15 22 28 42 56
26 200 15 22 29 42 56
26 205 15 22 29 43 56
27 210 15 22 29 43 57
28 215 15 22 29 43 57
29 220 16 23 30 44 57
29 225 16 23 30 44 58
30 230 16 23 30 44 58
31 235 16 23 30 44 58
31 240 16 23 30 44 58
32 245 16 23 30 44 59
33 250 16 23 30 45 59
33 255 16 23 31 45 59
34 260 16 24 31 45 59
34 265 17 24 31 45 —
35 270 17 24 31 45 —
36 275 17 24 31 45 —
36 280 17 24 31 46 —
37 285 17 24 31 46 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

CAFCO® 300 01.24/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 4 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. BRANZ FAR
3317) for three sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection (where the beam forms part of a composite
action concrete of the floor slab) at critical temperature of 620°C
CAFCO® 300 coating thickness when cured (mm)
E (m²/t) Hp/A
60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
9 70 14 17 17 31 46
10 75 14 17 17 31 46
10 80 14 17 17 31 46
11 85 14 17 17 31 46
12 90 14 17 17 31 46
12 95 14 17 17 31 46
13 100 14 17 17 31 46
13 105 14 17 17 31 46
14 110 14 17 17 31 46
15 115 14 17 17 32 46
15 120 14 17 21 32 46
16 125 14 17 21 33 46
17 130 14 17 22 33 46
17 135 14 17 22 34 46
18 140 14 17 22 34 46
19 145 14 17 23 35 47
19 150 14 17 23 35 47
20 155 14 17 23 36 48
20 160 14 18 24 36 48
21 165 14 18 24 36 48
22 170 14 18 24 37 49
22 175 14 18 25 37 49
23 180 14 19 25 37 50
24 185 14 19 25 37 50
24 190 14 19 25 38 50
25 195 14 19 25 38 51
26 200 14 19 26 38 51
26 205 14 19 26 39 51
27 210 14 20 26 39 52
28 215 14 20 26 39 52
29 220 14 20 26 39 52
29 225 14 20 27 40 53
30 230 14 20 27 40 53
31 235 14 20 27 40 53
31 240 14 21 27 40 53
32 245 14 21 27 40 53
33 250 14 21 27 40 54
33 255 14 21 27 41 54
34 260 14 21 28 41 54
34 265 15 21 28 41 54
35 270 15 21 28 41 54
36 275 — 21 28 41 54
36 280 — 21 28 41 55
37 285 — 22 28 41 55

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

For thickness calculations on hollow sections, cellular beams, castellated sections, composite floors, upgrading of concrete slabs and more
complex structural situations, please consult Promat.

Cafco FENDOLITE® MII 01.24/
Structural Steelwork & Vessels Coating 02.24


Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and/or UL 1709

1 Spray, float or roller applied Cafco FENDOLITE® MII vermiculite and Portland cement based wet mix, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio
tables on pages 59 to 61

For finishing, trowel applied with Cafco FENDOLITE® TG vermiculite and Portland cement based wet mix

Where necessary, spray, brush or roller applied CAFCO® TOPCOAT 200 acrylic polymer coating as a top coat sealer for external applications and
use in moisture laden conditions or wet areas

2 All structural steel surfaces to receive Cafco FENDOLITE® MII to be primed with compatible primer

All primed surfaces to be coated with CAFCO® PSK 101 sealer as keycoat prior to the application of Cafco FENDOLITE® MII

Cafco FENDOLITE® MII 01.24/
Structural Steelwork & Vessels Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. SAS F010001)
for Vessels protection tested to Hydrocarbon curve at critical temperature of 427°C
Cafco FENDOLITE® MII coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
30 14 15 18 22 30 38
40 14 17 21 26 35 44
50 14 18 23 28 38 48
60 14 19 25 30 40 51
70 15 20 26 31 43 54
80 15 21 27 33 44 56
90 16 22 28 34 46 58
100 16 22 28 35 47 59
110 17 23 29 35 48 60
120 17 23 30 36 49 —
130 17 24 30 37 49 —
140 17 24 30 37 50 —
150 18 24 31 37 51 —
160 18 24 31 38 51 —
170 18 25 31 38 52 —
180 18 25 32 39 52 —
190 18 25 32 39 53 —
200 18 25 32 39 53 —
210 18 25 32 39 53 —
220 19 26 33 40 54 —
230 19 26 33 40 54 —
240 19 26 33 40 54 —
250 19 26 33 40 54 —
260 19 26 33 40 55 —
270 19 26 33 41 55 —
280 19 26 33 41 55 —
290 19 26 34 41 55 —
300 19 26 34 41 56 —
310 19 26 34 41 56 —
320 19 27 34 41 56 —
330 19 27 34 41 56 —

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. SAS F010001)
for ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection tested to Hydrocarbon curve at critical temperature of 550°C
Cafco FENDOLITE® MII coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
30 14 14 14 17 22 28
40 14 14 16 20 26 33
50 14 15 18 22 29 36
60 14 16 20 24 31 39
70 14 17 21 25 33 42
80 14 17 22 26 35 44
90 14 18 23 27 36 45
100 14 19 23 28 38 47
110 14 19 24 29 39 48
120 15 20 25 30 40 49
130 15 20 25 30 40 50
140 15 20 26 31 41 51
150 15 21 26 31 42 52
160 16 21 26 32 42 53
170 16 21 27 32 43 54
180 16 21 27 32 43 54
Continued on next page

Cafco FENDOLITE® MII 01.24/
Structural Steelwork & Vessels Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. SAS F010001)
for ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection tested to Hydrocarbon curve at critical temperature of 550°C
Continued from previous page

Cafco FENDOLITE® MII coating thickness when cured (mm)

30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
190 16 22 27 33 44 55
200 16 22 27 33 44 55
210 17 22 28 33 44 56
220 17 22 28 34 45 56
230 17 22 28 34 45 56
240 17 23 28 34 45 57
250 17 23 28 34 46 57
260 17 23 29 34 46 57
270 17 23 29 35 46 58
280 17 23 29 35 46 58
290 17 23 29 35 47 58
300 17 23 29 35 47 59
310 17 23 29 35 47 59
320 17 23 29 35 47 59
330 18 24 29 35 47 59

Hp/A Ratio Table 3 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC 270878)
for four sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection tested to Standard ISO Cellulosic curve at critical
temperature of 550°C
Cafco FENDOLITE® MII coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
40 8 8 10 14 21 28
50 8 8 12 16 24 32
60 8 9 13 18 27 36
70 8 9 14 19 29 39
80 8 10 15 21 31 42
90 8 11 16 22 33 45
100 8 11 17 23 35 47
110 8 12 18 24 36 49
120 8 12 18 25 38 51
130 8 12 19 26 39 52
140 8 13 20 26 40 54
150 8 13 20 27 41 55
160 8 13 20 28 42 56
170 8 14 21 28 43 58
180 8 14 21 29 44 —
190 8 14 22 29 44 —
200 8 14 22 30 45 —
210 8 14 22 30 46 —
220 8 15 22 30 46 —
230 8 15 23 31 47 —
240 8 15 23 31 47 —
250 8 15 23 31 48 —
260 8 15 23 32 48 —
270 8 15 24 32 49 —
280 8 15 24 32 49 —
290 8 16 24 33 49 —
300 8 16 24 33 50 —
310 8 16 24 33 50 —
320 8 16 25 33 51 —
330 8 16 25 33 51 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.
Cafco FENDOLITE® MII 01.24/
Structural Steelwork & Vessels Coating 02.24

Hp/A Ratio Table 4 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. BRE CC 270878)
for three sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection (where the beam forms part of a composite action
concrete of the floor slab) tested to Standard ISO Cellulosic curve at critical temperature of 620°C
Cafco FENDOLITE® MII coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
30 8 8 8 9 14 19
40 8 8 8 11 17 23
50 8 8 9 13 20 27
60 8 8 11 14 22 30
70 8 8 12 16 25 33
80 8 8 12 17 27 36
90 8 8 13 18 28 39
100 8 9 14 19 30 41
110 8 9 15 20 32 43
120 8 9 15 21 33 45
130 8 10 16 22 34 46
140 8 10 16 23 35 48
150 8 10 17 23 36 49
160 8 11 17 24 37 51
170 8 11 18 25 38 52
180 8 11 18 25 39 53
190 8 11 18 26 40 54
200 8 12 19 26 40 55
210 8 12 19 26 41 56
220 8 12 19 27 42 57
230 8 12 20 27 42 58
240 8 12 20 28 43 58
250 8 12 20 28 43 —
260 8 13 20 28 44 —
270 8 13 21 29 44 —
280 8 13 21 29 45 —
290 8 13 21 29 45 —
300 8 13 21 29 46 —
310 8 13 21 30 46 —
320 8 13 22 30 46 —
330 8 13 22 30 47 —

Hp/A Ratio Table 5 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of UL 1709 (Design No. XR719) for ‘I’ section of
structural steel beam protection tested to Hydrocarbon curve
Cafco FENDOLITE® MII coating thickness when cured (mm)
60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
Profile protection 21 27 34 46 59
Box protection 21 24 24 37 58

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

For thickness calculations on hollow sections, cellular beams, castellated sections, composite floors, upgrading of concrete slabs and more
complex structural situations, please consult Promat.

Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2 01.24/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.24


Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987, AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 and ASTM E119: 2007*

1 Spray applied Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2 vermiculite and Portland cement based wet mix, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on
page 63
Where necessary, spray, brush or roller applied CAFCO® TOPCOAT 200 acrylic polymer coating as a top coat sealer for internal or sheltered
external applications and use in moisture laden conditions or wet areas

2 Application to unprimed and incompatible primed surfaces. All incompatible primers to be coated with CAFCO® PSK 101 sealer prior to the
application of Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2
Spray, brush or roller applied with CAFCO® SC125 water based synthetic latex OR spray applied with CAFCO® SBR Bonding Latex (styrene
butadiene latex adhesive) as a keycoat prior to applying the Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2

Mesh reinforcement may be required on the following conditions:

 There is no re-entrant detail on the structural steel substrate
 The structural steel substrate is subject to vibration
 Dimension of an ‘I’ or ‘H’ structural steel section exceeds 650mm between flanges and/or exceeds 325mm across flanges
 Diameter of a circular structural steel section exceeds 325mm
 Diameter of a single face hollow structural steel section exceeds 325mm

* Please consult Promat for application in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E119: 2007

PROMATECT -H ® CP2 01.24/
Structural Steel Beam
& Beam Coating 02.18

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. WF 198046) for
four sided universal structural steel column and beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C
Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2 coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
30 8 8 10 13 18 24
40 8 9 12 15 22 29
50 8 10 14 17 25 32
60 8 11 15 19 27 36
70 8 11 16 20 29 38
80 8 12 17 21 31 40
90 8 13 18 23 32 42
100 8 13 18 23 34 44
110 8 14 19 24 35 45
120 9 14 19 25 36 47
130 9 14 20 25 37 48
140 9 15 20 26 37 49
150 9 15 21 26 38 50
160 9 15 21 27 39 51
170 9 15 21 27 39 51
180 10 16 22 28 40 52
190 10 16 22 28 40 53
200 10 16 22 28 41 53
210 10 16 22 29 41 54
220 10 16 23 29 42 54
230 10 16 23 29 42 55
240 10 17 23 29 42 55
250 10 17 23 30 43 56
260 10 17 23 30 43 56
270 10 17 23 30 43 56
280 10 17 24 30 43 57
290 10 17 24 30 44 57
300 10 17 24 31 44 57
310 11 17 24 31 44 58

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 240/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. WF 198046) for
three sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection (where the beam forms part of a composite action
concrete of the floor slab) at critical temperature of 620°C
Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2 coating thickness when cured (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes
40 8 8 10 13 19 24
50 8 8 11 15 21 28
60 8 9 12 16 23 31
70 8 10 13 17 25 33
80 8 10 14 19 27 35
90 8 11 15 20 28 37
100 8 11 16 20 30 39
110 8 12 16 21 31 40
120 8 12 17 22 32 42
130 8 12 17 22 33 43
140 8 13 18 23 33 44
150 8 13 18 24 34 45
160 8 13 19 24 35 46
170 8 13 19 24 35 46
180 8 14 19 25 36 47
190 8 14 19 25 37 48
200 8 14 20 25 37 49
210 8 14 20 26 37 49
220 8 14 20 26 38 50
230 8 14 20 26 38 50
240 8 14 21 27 39 51
250 9 15 21 27 39 51
260 9 15 21 27 39 51
270 9 15 21 27 40 52
280 9 15 21 27 40 52
290 9 15 21 28 40 53
300 9 15 21 28 40 53
310 9 15 22 28 41 53

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

For thickness calculations on hollow sections, cellular beams, castellated sections, composite floors, upgrading of concrete slabs and more
complex structural situations, please consult Promat.

CAFCO® 300 / Cafco FENDOLITE® MII / Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2 C-300
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating FL-MII
Architectural Specification 01.24/02.24

The following is a standard Architectural Specification for structural steel column and beam protection using CAFCO® 300, Cafco FENDOLITE®
MII or Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2(1). Please note that CAFCO® 300, Cafco FENDOLITE® MII or Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2(1) should be installed by
a trained or approved applicator using appropriate and recommended equipment. The end user must determine the suitability of any particular
design to meet the performance requirements of any application before undertaking any work. If in doubt, please first obtain advice from Promat.

The installation methods described herein are suitable for steel sections up to 686mm deep and 325mm wide. For larger section, please consult

Fire Exposure & Area of Application

Exposed faces of steelwork internal to building, for up to 180 or 240 (2) minute fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part
21: 1987, AS 1530: Part 4: 2005, ASTM E119: 2007 and/or UL 1709.(3)



Type of Construction

____________ minute(5) fire resistance to CAFCO® 300, Cafco FENDOLITE® MII or Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2(1) one sided, two sided, three sided
or four sided coating of structural steel columns and beams and/or sphere vessels.(3)

Spray Materials

CAFCO® 300 in 20kg bags, Cafco FENDOLITE® MII in 20kg bags or Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2 in 12.5kg/15kg bags(6) as supplied by licensed
manufacturers of Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.

Surface Preparation

The substrate to be coated should be clean, dry and free from dust, or any other condition preventing good adhesion.

Method of Application

Pre mix CAFCO® 300, Cafco FENDOLITE® MII or Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2(1) with water in suitable type of mixer and apply onto the surface of
substrate by direct spraying. Material-water mixing ratio should be applied strictly in accordance with Promat’s recommendations by a trained
and approved applicator.

The application of CAFCO® 300, Cafco FENDOLITE® MII or Cafco MANDOLITE® CP2(1) is recommended by using a suitable spray head with
adequate capacity of air compressor.

Follow-on Trades

Surface of coating materials to be finished off smoothly or with suitable top coat(7) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• (1), (2), (3), (6), (7) delete as appropriate.
• (4) insert location, e.g. “sphere vessels to structural steel exterior”, “beams and columns to offices interior”, or provide steelwork drawing
• (5) insert required fire resistance level (not exceeding 240 minutes for BS, AS or UL and not exceeding 180 minutes for ASTM).

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12



Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 and/or AS 1530: Part 4: 2005

1 Spray, brush or roller applied Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 water based intumescent coating, thickness in accordance with the Hp/A Ratio tables on
pages 66 to 72

2 Spray, brush or roller applied CAFCO® TOPCOAT 200 acrylic polymer coating as a top coat sealer for humid or external applications and use in
moisture laden conditions or wet areas

3 Primer approved by Promat

Please consult Promat and refer to application documents for the approved range of primers and top seals.

4 Structural steel column and beam. Clean, dry and free from dust, oil, loose mill scale or rust and any other condition preventing good adhesion
AND blast cleaned in accordance with the requirements of AS 1627: Part 4 and SA 2.5 (ISO 8501-1: 1998) prior to applying the primer

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 1 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. WF 176738A) for
four sided ‘H’ section of structural steel column protection at critical temperature of 550°C
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
Up to 45 0.23 0.60 1.00 1.50
46-50 0.23 0.60 1.00 1.50
51-55 0.23 0.60 1.00 1.50
56-60 0.23 0.60 1.00 1.50
61-65 0.23 0.60 1.00 1.50
66-70 0.23 0.60 1.00 1.75
71-75 0.23 0.60 1.00 2.00
76-80 0.23 0.60 1.00 2.07
81-85 0.23 0.60 1.00 2.14
86-90 0.23 0.60 1.01 2.21
91-95 0.23 0.60 1.10 2.29
96-100 0.23 0.60 1.19 2.36
101-105 0.23 0.60 1.28 2.43
106-110 0.23 0.60 1.36 2.50
111-115 0.23 0.60 1.45 2.57
116-120 0.23 0.60 1.53 2.64
121-125 0.23 0.66 1.61 2.71
126-130 0.23 0.71 1.69 2.79
131-135 0.23 0.75 1.77 2.86
136-140 0.23 0.80 1.85 2.93
141-145 0.23 0.85 1.94 3.00
146-150 0.23 0.87 2.02 3.19
151-155 0.23 0.88 2.05 3.37
156-160 0.24 0.89 2.10 3.56
161-165 0.24 0.90 2.14 3.74
166-170 0.24 0.90 2.18 3.93
171-175 0.24 0.91 2.23 4.13
176-180 0.24 0.92 2.27 4.36
181-185 0.25 0.92 2.32 4.58
186-190 0.25 0.93 2.36 4.80
191-195 0.25 0.94 2.40 5.02
196-200 0.25 0.95 2.45 5.24
201-205 0.25 0.95 2.49 5.47
206-210 0.26 0.96 2.54 5.69
211-215 0.26 0.97 2.58 5.91
216-220 0.27 0.97 2.62 6.13
221-225 0.27 0.98 2.67 6.36
226-230 0.28 0.99 2.71 6.58
231-235 0.28 1.00 2.75 —
236-240 0.29 1.00 2.80 —
241-245 0.29 1.04 2.84 —
246-250 0.30 1.06 2.89 —
251-255 0.30 1.09 2.93 —
256-260 0.31 1.12 2.97 —
261-265 0.31 1.14 3.02 —
266-270 0.32 1.17 3.14 —
271-275 0.32 1.19 3.24 —
276-280 0.33 1.22 3.34 —
281-285 0.33 1.25 3.44 —
286-290 0.34 1.27 3.54 —
291-295 0.34 1.30 3.64 —
296-300 0.35 1.33 3.74 —
301-305 0.35 1.35 3.84 —
306-310 0.36 1.38 3.94 —
311-315 0.36 1.41 4.04 —
316-320 0.37 1.43 4.32 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 2 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. WF 176738A) for
four sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
Up to 45 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.20
46-50 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.20
51-55 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.22
56-60 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.33
61-65 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.44
66-70 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.53
71-75 0.23 0.57 1.20 1.82
76-80 0.23 0.57 1.20 2.05
81-85 0.23 0.57 1.20 2.09
86-90 0.23 0.57 1.20 2.17
91-95 0.23 0.57 1.20 2.25
96-100 0.23 0.57 1.20 2.33
101-105 0.23 0.57 1.21 2.41
106-110 0.23 0.57 1.27 2.48
111-115 0.23 0.57 1.33 2.56
116-120 0.23 0.57 1.38 2.64
121-125 0.23 0.57 1.44 2.72
126-130 0.23 0.63 1.50 2.80
131-135 0.23 0.68 1.63 2.88
136-140 0.23 0.74 1.76 2.95
141-145 0.23 0.79 1.89 3.03
146-150 0.23 0.85 2.03 3.24
151-155 0.23 0.88 2.06 3.41
156-160 0.23 0.90 2.12 3.59
161-165 0.23 0.91 2.17 3.76
166-170 0.23 0.93 2.22 3.93
171-175 0.24 0.95 2.27 4.13
176-180 0.24 0.96 2.33 4.36
181-185 0.24 0.98 2.38 4.58
186-190 0.24 1.00 2.43 4.80
191-195 0.24 1.01 2.48 5.02
196-200 0.25 1.03 2.54 5.24
201-205 0.25 1.05 2.59 5.47
206-210 0.25 1.07 2.64 5.69
211-215 0.25 1.08 2.69 5.91
216-220 0.26 1.10 2.75 6.13
221-225 0.27 1.12 2.80 6.36
226-230 0.27 1.13 2.85 6.58
231-235 0.28 1.15 2.91 —
236-240 0.29 1.17 2.96 —
241-245 0.30 1.18 3.01 —
246-250 0.30 1.20 3.18 —
251-255 0.31 1.22 3.32 —
256-260 0.32 1.25 3.42 —
261-265 0.32 1.27 3.62 —
266-270 0.33 1.30 3.76 —
271-275 0.34 1.32 3.91 —
276-280 0.35 1.34 4.06 —
281-285 0.35 1.37 4.18 —
286-290 0.36 1.39 4.30 —
291-295 0.37 1.41 4.43 —
296-300 0.38 1.44 4.56 —
301-305 0.38 1.46 4.68 —
306-310 0.39 1.49 4.81 —
311-315 0.40 1.51 4.94 —
316-320 0.40 1.54 5.06 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 3 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 (report no. WF 176738A)
for three sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection (where the beam forms part of a composite action
concrete of the floor slab) at critical temperature of 620°C
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
46-50 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
51-55 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
56-60 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
61-65 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
66-70 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
71-75 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
76-80 0.23 0.27 1.20 1.23
81-85 0.23 0.28 1.20 1.32
86-90 0.23 0.30 1.20 1.40
91-95 0.23 0.32 1.20 1.48
96-100 0.23 0.34 1.20 1.70
101-105 0.23 0.36 1.20 1.95
106-110 0.23 0.38 1.20 2.05
111-115 0.23 0.40 1.20 2.11
116-120 0.23 0.42 1.20 2.17
121-125 0.23 0.44 1.20 2.23
126-130 0.23 0.46 1.20 2.29
131-135 0.23 0.48 1.20 2.35
136-140 0.23 0.50 1.20 2.41
141-145 0.23 0.52 1.20 2.47
146-150 0.23 0.54 1.26 2.53
151-155 0.23 0.56 1.31 2.59
156-160 0.23 0.57 1.37 2.65
161-165 0.23 0.57 1.42 2.71
166-170 0.23 0.57 1.48 2.77
171-175 0.23 0.61 1.58 2.83
176-180 0.23 0.64 1.70 2.89
181-185 0.23 0.67 1.83 2.95
186-190 0.23 0.70 1.95 3.01
191-195 0.23 0.73 2.02 3.40
196-200 0.23 0.76 2.07 3.73
201-205 0.23 0.8 2.11 4.07
206-210 0.23 0.83 2.15 4.26
211-215 0.24 0.86 2.19 4.28
216-220 0.24 0.88 2.23 4.70
221-225 0.24 0.89 2.27 4.91
226-230 0.24 0.91 2.31 5.13
231-235 0.24 0.93 2.36 5.35
236-240 0.25 0.94 2.40 5.57
241-245 0.25 0.96 2.44 5.78
246-250 0.25 0.97 2.48 6.00
251-255 0.25 0.99 2.52 6.22
256-260 0.25 1.00 2.56 6.43
261-265 0.26 1.02 2.60 —
266-270 0.26 1.04 2.64 —
271-275 0.27 1.05 2.69 —
276-280 0.28 1.07 2.73 —
281-285 0.28 1.08 2.77 —
286-290 0.29 1.10 2.81 —
291-295 0.29 1.11 2.85 —
296-300 0.30 1.13 2.89 —
301-305 0.30 1.14 2.93 —
306-310 0.31 1.16 2.98 —
311-315 0.31 1.18 3.02 —
316-320 0.32 1.19 3.22 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 4 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987 for four sided structural
steel hollow section protection at critical temperature of 550°C*
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
46-50 0.23 0.40 1.80 3.50
51-55 0.23 0.42 1.80 3.50
56-60 0.23 0.44 1.80 3.50
61-65 0.23 0.47 1.80 3.50
66-70 0.23 0.49 1.80 3.50
71-75 0.24 0.51 1.92 3.50
76-80 0.24 0.53 2.07 3.50
81-85 0.25 0.56 2.20 3.50
86-90 0.25 0.58 2.34 3.50
91-95 0.25 0.60 2.47 3.50
96-100 0.26 0.66 2.54 3.50
101-105 0.27 0.72 2.59 3.67
106-110 0.28 0.78 2.65 3.94
111-115 0.28 0.84 2.70 4.22
116-120 0.29 0.90 2.75 4.50
121-125 0.30 0.96 2.80 4.78
126-130 0.31 1.02 2.85 5.06
131-135 0.32 1.03 2.91 5.33
136-140 0.33 1.06 2.96 5.61
141-145 0.34 1.08 3.01 5.89
146-150 0.35 1.11 3.06 6.17
151-155 0.36 1.13 3.11 6.44
156-160 0.37 1.15 3.17 —
161-165 0.38 1.18 3.22 —
166-170 0.39 1.20 3.27 —
171-175 0.40 1.23 3.32 —
176-180 0.40 1.25 3.38 —
181-185 0.41 1.27 3.43 —
186-190 0.41 1.30 3.48 —
191-195 0.42 1.32 3.57 —
196-200 0.42 1.35 3.70 —
201-205 0.43 1.37 3.82 —
206-210 0.43 1.40 3.94 —
211-215 0.44 1.42 4.06 —
216-220 0.44 1.44 4.19 —
221-225 0.45 1.47 4.31 —
226-230 0.45 1.49 4.43 —
231-235 0.46 1.52 4.55 —
236-240 0.46 1.54 4.68 —
241-245 0.47 1.56 4.80 —
246-250 0.47 1.59 4.92 —
251-255 0.48 1.61 5.04 —
256-260 0.48 1.64 5.17 —
261-265 0.49 1.66 5.29 —
266-270 0.49 1.68 5.41 —
271-275 0.50 1.71 5.53 —
276-280 0.50 1.73 5.66 —
281-285 0.50 1.76 5.78 —
286-290 0.51 1.78 5.90 —
291-295 0.51 1.80 6.02 —
296-300 0.52 1.86 6.15 —
301-305 0.52 1.90 6.27 —
306-310 0.53 1.95 6.39 —
311-315 0.53 1.99 6.51 —
316-320 0.54 2.04 — —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally
accepted at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

* Please consult Promat for the type of the structural steel hollow section protected and approvals.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 5 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. FAR2751) for
four sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection at critical temperature of 550°C
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
E (m²/t) Hp/A
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
6 47 0.23 0.60 1.50 1.50
7 55 0.23 0.60 1.50 1.50
8 63 0.23 0.60 1.50 1.50
9 71 0.23 0.60 1.50 1.83
10 79 0.23 0.60 1.50 2.00
11 86 0.23 0.60 1.50 2.15
12 94 0.23 0.60 1.50 2.23
13 102 0.23 0.60 1.50 2.38
14 110 0.23 0.60 1.50 2.46
15 118 0.23 0.60 1.50 2.62
16 126 0.23 0.71 1.62 2.77
17 133 0.23 0.75 1.67 2.85
18 141 0.23 0.85 1.78 3.00
19 149 0.23 0.87 1.83 3.11
20 157 0.23 0.89 1.93 3.34
21 165 0.24 0.90 1.98 3.45
22 173 0.24 0.91 2.08 3.68
23 181 0.24 0.92 2.19 3.91
24 188 0.25 0.93 2.24 4.02
25 196 0.25 0.95 2.29 4.79
26 204 0.25 0.95 2.40 5.14
27 212 0.26 0.97 2.50 5.86
28 220 0.27 0.97 2.55 6.21
29 228 0.28 0.99 2.66 —
30 236 0.29 1.00 2.76 —
31 243 0.29 1.04 2.81 —
32 251 0.30 1.09 2.92 —
33 259 0.31 1.12 2.97 —
34 267 0.32 1.17 3.14 —
35 275 0.32 1.19 3.24 —
36 283 0.33 1.25 3.44 —
37 290 0.34 1.27 3.54 —
38 298 0.35 1.33 3.74 —
39 306 0.36 1.38 3.94 —
40 314 0.36 1.41 4.04 —
41 320 0.37 1.43 4.32 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 6 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. FAR2751) for
three sided ‘I’ section of structural steel beam protection (where the beam forms part of a composite action
concrete of the floor slab) at critical temperature of 620°C
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
E (m²/t) Hp/A
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
6 47 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
7 55 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
8 63 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.20
9 71 0.23 0.25 1.20 1.28
10 79 0.23 0.27 1.20 1.33
11 86 0.23 0.30 1.20 1.44
12 94 0.23 0.32 1.20 1.49
13 102 0.23 0.36 1.20 1.78
14 110 0.23 0.38 1.20 1.94
15 118 0.23 0.42 1.20 2.10
16 126 0.23 0.46 1.25 2.23
17 133 0.23 0.48 1.28 2.30
18 141 0.23 0.52 1.34 2.43
19 149 0.23 0.54 1.37 2.49
20 157 0.23 0.57 1.43 2.62
21 165 0.23 0.57 1.46 2.69
22 173 0.23 0.61 1.54 2.82
23 181 0.23 0.67 1.66 2.95
24 188 0.23 0.70 1.72 3.01
25 196 0.23 0.76 1.84 3.33
26 204 0.23 0.80 1.90 3.48
27 212 0.24 0.86 2.02 3.79
28 220 0.24 0.88 2.07 3.94
29 228 0.24 0.91 2.17 4.57
30 236 0.25 0.94 2.27 5.29
31 243 0.25 0.96 2.32 5.64
32 251 0.25 0.99 2.42 —
33 259 0.25 1.00 2.47 —
34 267 0.26 1.04 2.57 —
35 275 0.27 1.05 2.62 —
36 283 0.28 1.08 2.72 —
37 291 0.29 1.11 2.82 —
38 299 0.30 1.13 2.87 —
39 307 0.31 1.16 2.97 —
40 315 0.31 1.18 3.02 —
41 320 0.32 1.19 3.22 —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Structural Steel Column & Beam Coating 02.12

Hp/A Ratio Table 7 Up to 120/-/- fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 (report no. FAR977) for four
sided SHS, RHS and CHS structural steel sections protection at critical temperature of 550°C
Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 coating thickness when cured / dry film thickness (mm)
E (m²/t) Hp/A
30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
6 47 0.23 0.40 1.80 3.50
7 55 0.23 0.42 1.80 3.50
8 63 0.23 0.47 1.80 3.50
9 71 0.24 0.51 1.92 3.50
10 79 0.24 0.53 2.07 3.50
11 86 0.25 0.58 2.34 3.50
12 94 0.25 0.60 2.47 3.50
13 102 0.27 0.72 2.59 3.50
14 110 0.28 0.78 2.65 3.94
15 118 0.29 0.90 2.75 4.50
16 126 0.31 1.02 2.85 5.06
17 133 0.32 1.03 2.91 5.33
18 141 0.34 1.08 3.01 5.89
19 149 0.35 1.11 3.06 6.17
20 157 0.37 1.15 3.17 6.44
21 165 0.38 1.18 3.22 —
22 173 0.40 1.23 3.32 —
23 181 0.41 1.27 3.43 —
24 188 0.41 1.30 3.48 —
25 196 0.42 1.35 3.70 —
26 204 0.43 1.37 3.82 —
27 212 0.44 1.42 4.06 —
28 220 0.44 1.44 4.19 —
29 228 0.45 1.49 4.43 —
30 236 0.46 1.54 4.68 —
31 243 0.47 1.56 4.80 —
32 251 0.48 1.61 5.04 —
33 259 0.48 1.64 5.17 —
34 267 0.49 1.68 5.41 —
35 275 0.50 1.71 5.53 —
36 283 0.50 1.76 5.78 —
37 291 0.51 1.80 6.02 —
38 299 0.52 1.86 6.15 —
39 307 0.53 1.95 6.39 —
40 315 0.53 1.99 6.51 —
41 320 0.54 2.04 — —

NOTE: Figures are accurate at time of publication. Maximum critical temperatures for fully loaded structural steel members are normally accepted
at 550ºC for four sided column protection and at 620ºC for three sided beam protection as a support to composite concrete floors.

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 01.12/
Architectural Specification 02.12

The following is a standard Architectural Specification for structural steel column and beam protection using Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3. Please
note that Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 should be installed by a trained or approved applicator using appropriate and recommended equipment. The
end user must determine the suitability of any particular design to meet the performance requirements of any application before undertaking any
work. If in doubt, please first obtain advice from Promat.

The installation methods described herein are suitable for steel sections up to 686mm deep and 325mm wide. For larger section, please consult

Fire Exposure & Area of Application

Exposed faces of steelwork internal to building, for up to 120 minute fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987
or AS 1530: Part 4: 2005.(1)



Type of Construction

____________ minute(3) fire resistance to Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 one sided, two sided, three sided or four sided coating of structural steel
columns and beams.

Spray Materials

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 in 25kg pail containers as supplied by licensed manufacturers of Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.

Surface Preparation

The substrate to be coated should be clean, dry and free from dust, or any other condition preventing good adhesion. When applied over a
primer, please consult Promat for compatibility.

The substrate to be coated should be clean, dry and free from dust, or any other condition preventing good adhesion, as such priming is highly
recommended. Please consult Promat and refer to application documents for the approved range of primers and top seals.

Method of Application

Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 is supplied ready for use in sealed containers and generally does not need to be diluted. The material should be
thoroughly stirred with a rotar type mixer prior to application.

The application of Cafco SPRAYFILM® WB3 is recommended by using an airless spray pump.

Follow-on Trades

Surface of coating materials to be finished off smoothly or with suitable top coat(4) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• (1), (4) delete as appropriate.
• (2) insert location, e.g. “beams and columns to offices interior”, or provide steelwork drawing reference.
• (3) insert required fire resistance level (not exceeding 120 minutes).

For latest information of the Promat Asia Pacific organisation,
please refer to


Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Unit 19-02-01, Level 2 PNB Damansara Room 1010, C.C. Wu Building
No.19 Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 302-308 Hennessy Road
50490 Kuala Lumpur Wanchai
MALAYSIA Tel: +852 2836 3692
Tel: +60 (3) 2095 5111 Fax: +852 2834 4313
Fax: +60 (3) 2095 6111 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
AUSTRALIA Promat (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
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