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Marketing Project Synopsis


B. Mohan Kumar

Faculty, Marketing

NMIMS Hyderabad.


Gayathri Praharshitha K

B.B.A. LL.B.


Consumer behavior towards selected green brands in
Due to the rise of environmental consciousness, consumers
tend to pay more attention to the safety of personal care items
and the products with an environmental benefit. Over the past
years, both consumer awareness and consumer attitudes
toward sustainable, or "green," brands have increased
Over the past few years, the demand for green products in
Indian has been growing significantly due to the increased
interest in the environment. Consumers today are increasingly
" thinking green " and are willing to pay more for
environmentally friendly products. The increasing numbers of
consumers who prefer and are willing to buy these products
are subjected to the buying process. Consumers have different
buying behaviours and these behaviours are constantly
changing as a result of the availability of best alternatives to
choose from. Products are chosen for numerous reasons.
Overall, the buying process is extremely fast-paced today.
Hence, the present study is conducted to explore the extent of
the impact of consumers' buying behaviour towards green
products in Hyderabad. The study investigates the relationship
between variables, like psychology, affecting consumers'
buying behaviour for green products and identifies the price
levels consumers prefer to pay for green products in the City.
An attempt has been made to examine the factors that affect
the green products' buying behaviours of the consumers. This
study has been conducted through questionnaire using simple
random sampling method.

Consumer behavior, Green brands, consciousness towards
environment, awareness towards environment.

Businesses and consumers today confront one of the biggest
challenges – to protect and preserve the earth’s resources and
the environment. They have become more concerned with the
natural environment and are realizing that their production
and consumption purchasing behavior will have direct impact
on the environment.
At present, however, the role of eco-labelled products has
been viewed as modest and is seen simply as a part of a
broader environmental agenda.
Since the importance of green marketing and green products,
and consumers are also tilted towards buying of eco-friendly
products and services. Environmentally preferable products
are sometimes more expensive to purchase than other
alternative products. Green consumers have been shown to be
willing to pay a higher price for environmentally friendly
There are various factors that affect the buying-decision
process of consumers. A number of Researchers have
identified many factors as influencing this process including;
environmental knowledge, perceived product price and
quality, company’s environmental reputation, environmental
concerns and credibility of environmental advertising.
The present study contributes to the field by investigating and
exploring consumers’ buying behaviour towards green brand.
Review of Literature
Yogita Sharma, (2011) focused on the changing consumer
behaviour towards the usage of green products. Air pollution,
greenhouse effects and ecological unbalances, were the main
environmental problems that had occurred till now along with
the activities of human being. As natural concerns had
expanded, lion's share of clients liked to purchase greener
items. Natural and financial concerns were changing the
commercial center, clients' needs were developing and brand
steadfastness was being re-imagined. Organizations that
coordinated green systems into their item advancement,
operational procedures and advertising exercises were finding
new open doors for upper hand. Green had turned into a
standard issue driving a great many buyers to discover how
they could carry on a more eco-accommodating presence. At
long last, customers, modern purchasers and providers need to
underline the limit of negative consequences for nature
Neha Sharm, (2013) focused on the changing consumer
behaviour towards the usage of green products. The study had
been chosen to spot and ascertain the extent of issues of client
behaviour on the promotion of durable goods within Jaipur
city. The researcher discussed about the six factors like
television, refrigerators, air conditioners, mobile phones,
home appliances like DVD players, microwaves etc. and
computers. Because of consumerism and increasing spending
power, various factors were impacting the Indian consumers.
Consumer awareness must be created by corporate by
transmitting the message among consumers about the benefits
of environmental-friendly products and services. In green
marketing, consumers were even willing to pay more to
maintain a cleaner and greener environment. It was concluded
that the consumers, industrial buyers and suppliers need to
emphasise on minimizing the negative effects and become
Ghose and Chandra, (2015) focused in their study to identify
the building blocks of consumer perception towards green
durable products. The data had been collected from 60
respondents during 17th September to 28th November 2014.
A Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software
(CAQDAS) package called Atlas.ti 7 was used to perform
content analysis, to find out the how they perceived green
consumer durable products. The results unfolded the factors
that constituted perception on sustainable consumption
behaviour on green durable products including nature linkage,
better product, ecological concern, sustainable environment,
safe to use, product longevity, energy issues and good
manufacturing practices. The findings of the research study,
supported a generally prevailing notion that consumers hold
positive attitudes towards green durable products and hence,
warranted a comprehensive study proposed to be conducted
on a randomly selected representative sample using
quantitative research techniques to corroborate the findings of
the qualitative research.

1.To explore the extent of the impact of consumers buying
behavior towards green products in Hyderabad.
2.To investigate the relationship between variables that affect
consumer buying behavior for green products.
3.Identify the price levels consumers prefer to pay for the
green products.

Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this research is to analyses consumer
behavior towards selected green brands in Hyderabad, in
terms of psychology, in the current context where green
products are increasingly available.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study is limited to consumers of Hyderabad
only. The study helps us to know the behavior of consumers
towards green brands.

Hypothesis of the study

1. There is a positive relationship between green brands and
consumer attitude towards green brands
2. There is a positive relationship between environmental
behaviour of consumers and environmental concerns and

Methodology of the study

This research reviews the green brands to identify how
customers are persuaded to purchase. A basic secondary study
has been done on the green brands, through various articles
published on the internet. The research also reports the
empirical results of a consumer survey on green brands by the
questionnaire method. A survey questionnaire will be
administered to respondents visiting various hypermarkets and
supermarkets. Simple random sampling method will be used.

By conducting this study, we will understand consumer
behavior towards green brands/products. A lot of consumers
are showing a positive attitude towards green brands due to a
raise in the concern towards environment, making the firms
shift their products to green products. By exploring the
consumer behavior, it would be possible for the firms to build
their marketing strategies.

1. ITC
2. HCL

1. Yogita Sharma, (2011). Changing consumer behaviour
with respect to green marketing – A case study of
consumer durables and Retailing. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research, 1(4), 152-162
2. Neha Sharm, (2013). A empirical study of Consumer
Buying Behaviour regarding Home Appliances with
special reference to Jaipur City. International Journal of
Combined Research & Development, 1(4), 42-56.
3. Ghose, A., & Chandra, B. (2015). Identification of the
factors building consumers‟ perception on green durable
products: A short communication. Indian Journal of
Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5 (S3), 1589-

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