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Second Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020



1. Choose one from the five (5) areas or branches of art. (Please kindly check. Choose only

A. Visual Arts (Look for no. 2)

B. Literature (Look for no. 3)
C. Music (Look for no. 4)
D. Drama (Look for no. 5)
E. Dance (Look for no. 6)

2. VISUAL ART, there are 4 choices.

___ Painting. Use 14x16 canvas size. Use acrylic paint with only 12 colors or the water
colors with only 6 colors. You may use other original paintings as your model. But
don’t forget to write the title, date and the name of the original paint at the back of
your artwork. You may write also your name or signature below your artwork. Buy your
materials at the Pandayan Bookshop or National Bookstore.

___ Drawing (Sketch Pad, 5 Images or Pictures). Please prepare different

images/pictures of designs in your sketch pad using five materials such as pencil or
charcoal, pastel, water color, coloring pen and crayon/crayola. Submit with brown
long envelope.

___ Architecture. Please choose your architectural designs in your masterpiece. Either
house, buildings, room, park/plaza, church, mall, seashore or any place that you like.
Use foam, styrofoam or plastic materials. The base should be firm and strong enough
as the foundation of your artwork. Use rugby, glue gun or any glue that joints firmly or
connects your material firmly.

___ Sculpture. You may use clay or any materials to support your work. Choose the best
materials in order for your sculpture stand long and firm. Don’t use illustration board
but rather plywood. Try to design your work such as figurine, mask, beads, beans,
eggshells, or recycled materials.

3. LITERATURE, there are 4 choices.

___ Essay (Descriptive or Explanatory). Write at least 5 pages of essay. You may write
your own topics or subjects for essay. Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, double line
spacing, 216x330 bond paper. Submit with brown long envelope.

___ Prose Fiction (Novel, Short-story). Write at least 10-15 pages of novel or short-
story. At least 5-8 chapters. Please include introduction, table of contents, characters,
etc. Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, double line spacing, 216x330 bond paper.
Submit with brown long envelope.

___ Poetry (Narrative or Storytelling, Lyric form or Song). Make at least 5 different
poems. Write 5 stanzas with 4 lines. Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, single line
spacing, 216x330 bond paper. Submit with brown long envelope.

___ Miscellaneous (History, Biography, Letters, Journals, Diaries). Write at least 10-15
pages. Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, single line spacing, 216x330 bond paper.
Submit with brown long envelope.

4. MUSIC, there are 2 choices.

___ Vocal Music. Write your own poem and applied notation on your work. Sing and
record your work. Write the title, lyrics and use Times New Roman, 12 font size, single
line spacing, 216x330 bond paper. Submit with brown long envelope. Save your
music in a flash drive.

___ Instrumental Music. Write your own poem and applied notation on your work with a
background instrumental music such as guitar, drumset, acapella, violin, organ or
piano, etc. Record your work. Write the title, lyrics and use Times New Roman, 12 font
size, single line spacing, 216x330 bond paper. Submit with brown long envelope.
Save your music in a flash drive.

5. DRAMA/THEATER, there are 4 choices. This would be a drama or play, re-created by

actors or actresses on a stage in front of an audience. Each group composed of 5-8
members with necessary costumes. Choose one of the literary works or make your own
story and use the following types of drama. Write the title, the casts, the setting and the
members. Submit with brown long envelope. Each group will perform inside the classroom
for your final performance.

___ Tragedy
___ Melodrama
___ Comedy (Romantic, Farce)
___ Miscellaneous (Tragicomedy, Miracle & Mystery Plays, Morality, Closet Drama)

6. DANCE, there are 2 choices. It involves your body and feet movement in rhythm. Each
group composed of 6 members with necessary costumes. Choose one of the folk dance
with music or modern dance or make your own steps in folk dance or in modern
dance. If not, choose one of our countries’ folk dances or modern dance’s steps. Each
group will perform inside the classroom for your final performance.

___ Ethnologic Dance (Folk Dance - National group, Cultural group)

___ Modern Dance


For Visual Art

Painting Design - 30%
Drawing Materials - 30%
Architecture Creativity - 40%
Sculpture 100%

For Literature
Essay Creativity - 40%
Prose Fiction Writing Skills - 30%
Poetry Technicalities - 30%
Miscellaneous 100%

For Music Tone - 30%

Vocal Music Mastery - 40%
Instrumental Music Interpretation - 30%
For Drama/Theater
Tragedy Oral/Voice - 40%
Melodrama Projection - 30%
Comedy Costumes - 30%
Miscellaneous 100%

For Dance Technical Skills- 40%

Ethnologic Costumes - 30%
Modern Dance Musicality - 30%

Submission: May 6, 2020 / Monday at 5pm in Museum 2.

Instructor, Social Science Department

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